0 THE OMAHA DAJLJjY BJ Ji1 , JbUlDA\r , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1890. TILE QMLAHA. BIEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PKA.RL ST. liy Otitrlcr In liny partcf tlicClty , II.V , riLTUN. - JIA.NAIIKH. e , N'o.U N If H Kdltur , Jfo. 83. JUTA ff j/gAT/oAi N.Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal , Pound social nt Trinity Methodist church Friday evening , September 11 ! . Como und lip thoncalcs with your bestRlrl. Secure your tickets enrly for the Hess grand opera couipuny's opening performance at Dohauy's tonight. Thcro Is a prospect o ( a rush. 'J'ldtets can ho had at the opera house drug store. Among the latest candidates fcrinatrlmony according to the innrrlatfo license record , uro Ilotncr Ucurdsley and Stella J , Townsend , both of Streator , III. ; Xi'l.s I Ian sen and Anna C. 1'aulscn ' , both of Onmhu , The Method 1st conference convenes In In- dianola next week , and allot tlio Methodist ministerso ( tlioclty arc preparing to attend , It is generally understood that e.ich ol them will bo returned for anothiryenr. The September term of the Iowa Institu tion/or / tncdoiifnndduml ) commences with over two hundred pupils in attendance. The prospects are good for the largest itttciiduiice ever known during the coining year. The motor company lusalnrgo force o ( mount worlc ixtondlng their Si.xteonthstrcct line from Avoiiuo A to tbo driving' park. It will bo completed unit In operation In tlmo for tlio accommodation uf the public during the October racing meeting- . 'Jho revival of the real estate exchange meetings for the winter is being tnlkod of. Itcal estate men hcrouro anticipating an In creased activity In dirt within n few weeks , nnd It Is preparatory to this that the ex change is to bo commenced again , .An Information was filed In JustlcoSehura' court yesterday charging Wlllluin Liiwrcnro with tbolarceny or a saw from the premises of 1'urly ' Morris , Liuvrenco served n thirty- davtortn recently for petty larceny , inul ho will proli.ibly bo given a doublodoso this time. 1'onttruitoi. * Troyjipr , with the assistance of his letter carriers , Is compiling a now city directory. Hois conlictent that ho can com pile 11 mow reliable directory than the city hascvorhiid , and ono that will contain the names of all persons old enough to receive mail. mail..An .An execution was levied yesterday upon nil the goods remaining of the old 1'rled man stock of millinery to satisfy a Judgment for $ (518 ( obtained by James U. Johnson , one of Fried man's ' enslerii creditors. The I'oods am boxed mill locked up in tha old store and Sheriff O'Neilnas ' the key , Last evening , .Albert I * . Seofleld , the Junior member of the grocery firm of SUcln- kcipf & , Kcolleld. of this city , nnd Miss Kitto M , Cioodyciu of Omaha were married by Rev. IDo\\'itt \ 0. I'Yiinlclin ' of the Ilroiulway Methodist Episcopal church. The ceremony was performed In Omaha at the residence of the bride's mother In tlio presence of rela tives and friends. OftlcrrMiullii ruresteda young man nnmcd Frank Drown yesterday morning upon the Btrciuithof a telegram received from the clilcf o I poll cent Hittlo CreekMlch. Brown , % vhose alias Is Frank Miller , is wanted thcro forhorso stealing , Ho wns taken to the county J.itl anil will 1" ) held until uMlchlg.m ofllccr arrives with the necessary papers. Drown Is a ijnlut nppoarinp yoaiif ? man and takes his ill-rest coolly , almost Indifferently. The cases of the Tilnhor brothers , John SchcfTcrly and William Walters lor assault Ti.ou Offleor Noycs with Intent to kill him wcro called Injustice Kchui-z's court vestor- day nf ternoon. Llko the case of thouofcnd- nnts npilnsttho oOlcer , they wcro continued for one week upon motion of the attorneys. Tlio continuance makes It certain that the Justice will not hear the cases but that they will goto the Brand Jury , where they shnnld lave gone at the beginning , nnd saved the county a great deal of expeiiso. . Governor Doles has commissioned H. H. Wright of Ccntcrvillo brig-iidlor general of the Kirst brigade \ . II. Evuns of Montgom- rv county lirst lieutenant , nnd Joseph 13. Whcelaii of Montgoim'rv county second llou- ttnnnt of company 1C , Filth wgimcnt ; Alex ander M. Linn of I'ollccounty , assistant sur- ( tcon Third ifBlmentwith rank of captain ; John T. Moftltt captain , Walter Jcffors first lieutenant , and " \Vlllium F. ( lllmonVlutoii , second nontenant of company B. First regi ment ; JohnT. Boston , Montiromcry county , first lieutenant company B , Fifth regiment. The committee of this council that has charge of tliopollco business has been inves tigating the "kiiiiiuroo'1 court in the city Jail In compllanco with instructions of the coun cil at the last meetlnpf , It Is quito certain that thuir report will exonerate MnrahulTom- ploton from all blame for the peculiar orxani- ration. It Is asserted that such proceedings are had In every city and county jail In the country , and that there Is no discipline short of solitary confinement that will prevent the Inmates from carrying on the practice. The whip and the section of hose , whoso \iso has been abused in the city jail , have been re moved , and the prisoners will have to resort to some- other means to "kangaroo" the now- comers. DlHHdlitt.iim Notice , Tno partnership heretofore existing be tween L. I' , Jensen mill H. Atkins , miller the firm niuiio of Jensen & Atkins , Is this day dissolved ly mutual consent , L. I1 , Jensen re tiring. The business will ho conducted In the future by H. Atkins , who will settle all ac counts dueto orby Iho llrm. L , P. Jensen will remain In the employ of II. Atkins and will ho plowed to meet his old friends and customers as heretofore. L. P. Jesanx , K. ATKINS. Council Bluffs , fa. , September 10 , 1S90. Buy vour lumber of The Judd & Wells Co , , 81U llroadway. BO dozen ladles' ' Jersey ribbed vests at the Boston store forl-lrfc , wortli lUc , this week. Council Uluffs , In. TO the Udies-MisiMnry Glcasonhns re turned from her eastern trip nnd Is better prepared thuu ever to satisfy all who want firstdtissdro.ssmnkiiijf. Rooms in the old llbrury building , Pearl street. PA Mrs. N.S. Smith of Cory , Pa , is visiting her sister , Mrs. Mueller. J.II. Vcsoy and wlfa start today fora trip to St , Joseph , Mo. , for a visit of a month or so. "Walter Dunn , who has heen ill for the past five weeks with mularlnl fever , Is slowly Im proving and will be ahlo to got around again In ttfow days. airs. Ocorso F. Doulton , wlfo of Judge Boulton , Mrs. Nortli and Mrs. C'ruvcr , all of Charles City , la. , uro in the metropolis , the guests of the judge. Charles Bccrworth , Avlfo nnil daughter , mother , Mrs. Duvlson , and sister , J Irs. Boy- BCII , returned from Long Pine , Kcb , , last ovenlupwliero they express tbonisclves as having bud a delightful tlmo. First-class dressmaking by Miss Wallico , over Cattlemen's bank , cor. Main st. and 6th ave. lloso at cost. Wo uro pomg to quit handling garden how , nnd have doubly the largest stock In the city , To dose out wo will soil all Kr.ulcs anil llxture.sat dead coL for cosh. C. 11. Paint & Oil company , KOJ. 1 and U , Musonlo templo. Antl-Prohibition Convention. The coloredantl-prohihltloti leutruoof Iowa will meet In convention at Dubuque on the Kith of this mouth. Delegates have promised to bo present from every congressional dis trict in the state. Charles I ) . Jones of this city , who is secretary of the league , will rep resent this district , .A. grand banquet will bo held ou Tuesday evening , September 10. l''or Hfilc. Our retail furniture , buslucsi , ivtth good established trudo. Stock Is llrst class and well selected , licason Tor selling , are go\ae \ into tlio exclusive jobbing trade. Any ouo vvlshluiito Koi'ito business should Invc'.ttlgato this , us It Is ono of the fowKOldon opportunities of u IKo tlmo. O , A. list : 11 a it Co. Money ut ro.luco.lr.itoi loiuo I on ehatto and ronlotuto security liyE. H , Shnfo A Uo The Manhatuui iporthf -H roadway. THE SEWS IS THE BLUFFS , The 'Whlttlesoy Divorce Case Attracting Interest in the District Court , MRS , HEN DRY'S FRIENDS IN NEED. Xho Ivvlotcd AVotiian IteliiHlntcd In Her Cuttaite Tha Motor InJ a no tion Argued Minor Mention and I'crsonnl Notes. The nttontlon oftho district court ycstor- dny was taken up with the Hearing of testi mony In the \Vhlttlesey divorce case , It vvas expected the C.IUSQ would bo reached at the norulng session and there wta a great crowd of men on hand to hoar the sensa tional evidence Hint was promised , At the nftcrnoon session the attendunco w.w not so largo. rilckliiKer Brothers nro the attorney * for the plaintiff and. Sapp ft I'usoy for tlio do. fcmlant , The plaintiff , It. N. AVhlttlescy , ww the first witness put on the stand , nnd wis compelled to occupy It during the greater jiart of the nftornoon. Ho testllled that his uifo hod confessed to him thatshe had broken licr marrliiKO vow , and that the confession VM volunttiry , and not forced from her under throats or promises. The only other witness examined was O , h. Fisher , a former oniployo of the Globe onico. Several depositions of a very racy nature were Introduced Ono was a letter from Mrs. Whlttlesoy toJ. L , Cnlioon , rcgrettltiK tliat she was unable to keen her cimagemunt with him. Both \Vhlltlcscy \ and Fisher testified that Whlttlcioy's ' employers and fellow workmen at the ( Hobo ofllco frequently called his at tention to MtorioH they had heard concerning the infidelity of liliwifo. 'J'hcro arc a laru ( ( number of witnesses to ho examined nnd the GISU will pmbubly re quire all duy today. .Mrs. AVhittlesuy sits In the court room a deeply interested spectator , occasionally pulling thu sleeve ot Colonel S.ip [ > nnd surnc ( llnir a question to a witness , lly hersldoU the littloL'lrl , the fruit of the unhappy union , who smiles und prattles un conscious of the serious clmrgei that arc licini ; made against her parents ny each other and the witnesses they have secured to show that both uro bud. New fall goods Just recclveaat Hdtcr's , mer chant tailor , 310 Uroudtvay , J. 0. Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadw.iy. .f. C. Bisby , steam noatinif , sanitary en- clnecr , J Ufo bjlldluif , O.uxhiJOJ ; Mer rluni block , Council Bluffs. 0 MI-H. Ilniidry I'ounil Prlnncls A little par.xgwph In Tin : BIK yesterday mondnj ; announced the eviction of Mrs. AirncsMerrltt ilendry from the little cot- UBO which she had tarn ocoupylni ? at Oil Kost Broadway. The eviction attracted u great deal of attention nnd created some genuine sympathy for thu woman nnd her little brood of children. Slu had biion living in the little oattigo for the put year , but for six months past had p.dd no runt at all and had nude no effort to p.iy , and she wns set out. on a wit of ujectuii'iit issued from Jus tice Heiitlileks' court and during the remain der of the day she sat on the sidewalk sur rounded by her little furniture und her brood of poorly-clad children. Her children were cry injf and sohbintr and her own eyes wore rod and swollen from weeping , and she told the story of her life tu nil who would listen. ' .The. cottage nnd the woman's furni ture were not worth tuo amount of the fur nishings of tin oivllnary room , but the uiea- preucss of everything and the wretched i > - poanncoof the little shat.ty rnado people think of the agrarian troubles of the old world , and It Old not require much of an ef fort for the Imaginations of sotno of the od ! Irishmen who stopped to sympathize -with her to fuiiey that they were again In Ireland talking to sotno hapless tenant whoso shanty had boon torn do\vr by the ovictors. So much Interest and sympathy wcro created by the woman's ' story that when night came an organized band of men , wtio were strangers to her , appeared , forced the locks 011 the shanty doors and in a very few mo ments piled her goods back Into the two little rooms from which thov had been thrown by an oftlcera few hours before. 'Ilio story that Mrs. Hendry tolls Is a very sad one. When she was a little girl she was taken Into the family of Colonel \V. F1. Sapp , and was raised and educated by them. When she was eighteen years of ago she married Mcrritt Hendry , a young blaelmnith. For a number of years they lived very happily to gether , and Hendry became the proprietor of a shop of his own. Four or llvo children wcro born to them and Hendry seemed to bo deeply attached to his family. Two years ago ho besuti to neglect them and was fre quently found by the wife In company with lewd women. A year ago ho sold his black smith 8hop and loft town , and the wife and mother was lo t to provide for her little brood the best way she could. She rented thu little house nt ( lit und made a bravo effort to support Herself and family by washing and scwiiiK , but was unable to do nny more than provide food and clothing. The rent could not ho paid. The house was owned by the heirs of Henry Wonts , none of whom llvo in this country , nnd the eviction was caused by Henry Weiss , administrator of the "Wents estite. The woman's husband was seen yesterday at a saloon on Middle Broadway , where ho Is engaged as u bartender. lie claimed that his \vlfo had made It too uncomfortable to llvo with herand rofusca to do anything to help her In her present extremity. Ttio woman was still In iwssesslon of the shanty last evening but It was intimated In Justice Hendrlcks1 court that there was uioro sorrow In store for her und thut she would probably bo prosecuted for breaking into the house utter the oftlcor had put her out. 35 dozen ladles , swiss ribbed Jcnoy vests IV , or three for tl.oo , former price 50c each , llostou store , Council DHifls , la. A good hose reel free with every 103 foot of lese purchased ut Blxby's. ' Tlie iMotnr Injunotion. The time of tlio superior court was largely taken up yesterday by hearing the arguments In the Madison street motor injunction case. A few days ago the residents of the street secured a temporary injunction upon the petition of Mrs. J. C. lilxby restraining the motor company from taking up Its old rails and replacing them with rails of a now and heavier pattern. Yesterday the case caino up for argument upon the application for n permanent injunction. A good deal ot testi mony was also taken nnd six or eight of the heaviest property owners on the street were placed upon the stand to testify to the amount of damage the motor track has already caused by obstructing the street. Superintendent Reynolds was also on the stand to explain thu diffcrcnca between tlio present rails and these desired to bo used. The only difference alleged Is the height of the iLingoou the new rait * which will bo one-half inch higher , throwing the largest lurfnro of the rail that much lower than at present. Ho contended that this will not malco any more of an obstruction than the prosit rulU causi\ The case was argued nt length but not completed. In the meantime the temporary Injunction will restrain the motor ncoplo from going ahead with their work. Special prices on fifl-lnoh bleached Gorman damask Uiblo liueu at the Boston storeut 4ac , We , Mound ftSo. Council Bluffs , la. Onocoso gents' outing flannel shirts , itto and .Ho this week at the Boiton ctoro. Coun cil IJlutTs , la. The Xiv HIIBC lltinso. Thcro Is considerable dissatisfaction over the action of the city council in purchasing the Lucy building on South Muln street for flro purposes. Last night the transaction was condemned very strongly by a largo number of business meu and heavy taxpay ers who were discussing the matter after the clone of business. 'Jho purchase of the bulld- a east of $7,500 U considered a pretty largo Item for the retrenchment und reform administration , and when the additional ex penditures that the purchase Involve * nro taken Into consldur.itlon It become ) a very heavy Item In what la charged as unneces sary oxtr.ivnguuco. Until yesterday after noon there was a question of the legality of the action of the council In authorizing the purchase. The matter had bMti referred at n previous meeting to n special committed composed of Aldermen ICnopher , Lacy nnd Wood , and they icportcd In favor of the purchase of the building , When n vote was taUcn upon approving their report thcro wcro but four votes for approval , Uvo against nnd two of the aldermen refusing to voto. The two who were excused were Lacy and Everett , Lacy for the reason that he was an Interested party and Kverett because ho did not pet In in time to hear the previous discussion. Aldi-nnnn Wood , from the special committee , and Aldermun Uasiwr , chairman of the tire committee , voted against It. The mayor declared the report concurred In , notwithstanding the fact that the rules call for the votes of n majority of all the council to carry through any appropriation exceeding $ . )0. Yesterday afternoon the council met as a committee of the wliolo nnd the mutter was brought up ngaln , nnd Alderman Lacy overcame his delicacy nnd had his vote recorded In favor of the purchase , The deal was then closed nnd ho gave thu city a deed und a contract. There Is n f. " > .000 mortgage on the building which the city assumes , nud which must bo paid In three years. It Is estimated that the build ing will cost $10,500 when ready for use. If you wish to sell your property call on the Iiidd & Wells Co. , 0. B. Judd , president , WU ) Broadway. _ _ Dr. C. U. llowcr , 20 N. Main sU Destroyed. At alarm of flro came In from box forty- one nt 0:30 : last evening , nnd the uptown de partment made the long run to Twenty- third street. They found the rojldonco of Aid. IMikcsell at 'JUOO Avenue A wrapped in flumes from top to bottom. No. 2 hose company were on the ground and had a line of hose laid nnd were throwing water when the uptown department arrived , but tha Uro had obtained such headway that the building was almost completely destroyed before the llaincs were subdued. The alderman was at his store on lower Broadway several blocks distant from his residence when the flro broke out. His wife was also absent visiting sotns of the neigh bors , and the flro got n good start before It was discovered. The neighbors turned out In largo numbers , and before ttio department ttrrived had succeeded in getting out some of the household goods , but the mo.-.tof the con tents of the homo wore destroyed. When the flro was quenched there was little of the building left hut the side walls. The roof nnd nearly all of the Interior were burned away. The house was a story-and-a- half cottage. The lire Is supposed to have caught from a defective chimney in the kitchen. The loss will bo about * SOO on the buildIng - Ing and about half that amount on the furni ture and contents. Both losses are covered by insurance. Fashionable wool suits made by Mrs. L. Simmons , $3 to $7 ; silks , § 7 to § 10. Shorthand. Miss llliodes , Browa building , Flomlw nt Hnmcllsvlllc Subsiding. Bouxii.i.9viii.E , N.Y. , Sept. 11. Tnolloods about here are subsiding und the railroads uro reopening. Similar reports come from other points east and south. - * DIDN'T OKI' A IS 12All. Judge Diuuly Tells of Ills ttccent Hunting Trip. Judge Duudy of the federal court Is homo from his annual boar hunt in the llocky mountains. The Judge returned yesterday afternoon , and whan , soon nthis Leavonworth stroct homo last night ho said : "You may talk all you have a mind to about bear hunting , but from a hunter's standpoint my trip this season wa ! a dismal failure. It was a hollow mockery , u delusion and n snare. Did I kill a bear ? 1 should say not. I hardly saw n boar track , though I would have brought down a fo\v cllc and deer , but It was out of season , and the flno for killing gnmo out of season up in that country Is pretty heavy. "Tho good old hunting days In the Hookies are over. " said the Judge with n sigh. "Tho Indians have played havou and have driven everything out of the country. "No. as I said before , I did not kill a bear. No doubt but when Dr. Qulbralth returned ho told the boys great stories about his ex ploits , but nil of these stories should have boon taken with a good deal of allowance. "In regard to the trip. Wo loft Omaha on the lost day of July. Wo went to Casper. Wyo. , on the Elkhorn , and from there staged over the mountains ! BO miles , to where wo made our camp , which was at the head , waters of the Wind river , on the Continental divide , vvbcro the waters start for the two oceans. The camp was up ut the timber line , on the edge of the Yellowstone park , nnd a great place it was. Two hu.drcd yards from our door there was a drift of snow that Is probably as ugcilas thu earth. It is almost solid ice , and no doubt It , will always remain so , as up there it never warms up , and if it does , the nights are freezing cold and they make more , ice than the sun can thaw out during the day. "Wo had line flsblng. us all the streams are full of trout , great speckled fellows weighing from one to two pounds. "Yes , it was a great trip , and I feel as though it has added several years to my life. " The Judge's appearance Is ovideuco'of the fact that the trip has done him good. While ho Is sunburned nnd browned , his complexion is as clear and fresh as that of a school girl. "Can't say as I am posted on the postofllco fight. " said the Judge , when u question re garding the possible claims of thu numerous candidates was put at him , "for 1 am way be hind the times. From the tlmo I left Casper until I returned , live weeks , I did not see a newspaper , so you can see that I am not posted. " In regard to court matters , the judge sail ho was of the opinion that ho would summon a special Jury for October iiO , at which tlmo the Ilclfcnstcin cases will bo put on. "Ue- gurdlng these cases , " said he , "thero are 109 of thorn , and It is agreed that wo shall try them all at ono time. The questions of fact are the same in each cose , und the verdict In ono ought to settle all. This was tbo under standing I hud with the lawyers when I wont away. " Beware of frauds He sure you get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. It cures colds , croup , asthma , deafness und rheuma tism. DlHtriet Court , In her petition for a divorce , filed In the district court yesterday , Ellen Whitlow al leges that bur husband , Charles , wh' Is a porter In n saloon at Tenth and Purnntn streets , Is a bad man. She also alleges thai during the month of February , 1885 , Charles gave her a terrible beating ; that hi May , ISS'J ' , ho attempted to cut her throat with n razor , and in July of the same year ho at tempted to kill her with a bread knlfo vvhllo she was engaged In her housework. In addi tion to the divorce , Ellen wants the custody of Walter , a son wtio Is eight years of ago. Alice 1 > . Mills 1ms brought suit against J. Howard Miller et ul to gain possession of lol U , block „ ' , of S , E. Rogers' addition to Oinah , The plnlntlff alleges that the value of the lot Is fcJO.OOO ; tliut last October hoi husband , Juntos .Mills , In company with U , M. Stuart , a notary public , visited her homo nnd there spread bcforo her u paper which they asked to sign , representing that It was n mortgage and was holng executed for the pur pose of securing u loan of # 111.000. She after wards learned tlmtU wns a deed , and that it convoyed the property to J. Howard Miller , ono of the defendants. Charles A , Slpp has brought suit against Alex II. Manon to recover $100 which ho ill- logos Is duo and unpaid on a promissory note. Fits , spasms , St. Vltus' dance , n ervousnos and hysteria uro soon cured by Dr. Mil us Nervine. Free sampled at Kuhu & Co.'s. ' 15th and Douglas. AVIIlorl'ord Wlllbu ProNruntcd. Dr. lUcltetts nnd Mr. Ilarnett , chairman and secretary of the Afro-American league , wont to Lincoln yesterday to hold a meeting of the state executive committee. Owing to the crowded condition of the city tuey did uot succeulv In getting the committee together , but ft meeting will bo hehl very soon-'M' ' Omaha nnd steps will at once be tnken1'fdtirosccuto ' ( Mr. Wilier- ford of Tobias , who Is holding a poor , Ignornnt negro boy as a sbvo. i < Mr. Jordan , the loctufer , who first brought this matter to public notice' ' , went to Lincoln with Lr. Kluketts. Thil colored people nro greatly Incensed over 'Iho ' matter , und the ease will bo pushed .vlybroiisly until the poor man U liberated froinuu illegal und unmerci ful slavery , A Notable Hoport. "Kor disordered mehsturatloti , nnnrtnU and sterility , It m.iy properly bo termed u specific. " ' ICxtract from Dr. W , P. Mason's report oa the waters of Excelsior Springs , Missouri. LnIX the Hey Ilolilnd. Tjlttlo Clnudofun Oeinnn of Greenwood , Mob , , titU'itded Iho slate fair at Lincoln yes terday with ills father and brother. They came homo together on the late train nnd Claude wns asleep when the hnikomnn yelled "Greenwood. " Claude's father did tot notlco that the boy was sound asleep , nnd no and Tils older sou got olT the train , thinking that Claude would get oft too. But the boy slept nnd slept , and lit duo course of time tha train rolled into Omaha and then the lad was iwnkened. Ho was very much excited when ho llrst learned that no wa.tso fur from tome , but the depot policeman and thu Janitor took him In chnrgo nnd provided him with n vorv comfortable bed mid they will send him jack home today. Bad drainage causes much sickness , nnd bad blood and Improper action of the liver and kidneys Is bad drainage to the human system , which liurdoulc Blood Hitters remedy. Tickets at lowest rates and superior accommodations via the great Rock [ sliuul route. Ticket olllco , 1C02 Slx- .eenth and l-'urnuni streets , Omaha. Mrw. HolVnum'H Address , Mrs. Clara Hoffman ot Kansas City talked : o the ladles of the Women's Christian Tem perance union yesterday afternoon at the Young Men's Christian association hull. The address was upon general Christian worlc nnd the ladles enjoyed it greatly. Her text was Lakcn from that passage In the bible where : ho landlord was going away and ho divided ills mouey among his servants , expecting that they would ni.iko good use of the amounts bestowed - stowed upon them until ho would return. The talk was very earnest and eloquent. The now offices of the great Rock Island route , 10012 , Six teen tH tind Pumam streets , Oinuhrt , uro the lincat in the city. Cull und see them. Tickets to all points east at lowest nitos. .l rt.l jt'//S. J. M. Dexter of Boston Is nt the Mlllard. C. P. Hraslau of Minneapolis ,1s at the Mil. lard. lard.William William Turner of Nebraska City Is at the Casey. L. E. Fay of New York Is in the city , at the Mlllard. 0. E. Meyers of Chadron is a guest ut the Merchants. E. M. Chugmnn of Cincinnati Is at the Merchants. J. II. Barrow of Wyoming Is stopping at the Paxton. P. V. Baker of Newark , N. J. , is a guest at the Murray. II. F. Corbln of Cincinnati Is registered at the Millard. W. il. SwanofLusk , Wyo. , is in the city , at the Casey. J. G. White of Now York was at the Paxton - ton last night. J. B. Butler of Cciar.'lUptd . ' } Is in the city , nt the Murray. , Judge J. 11. Cessna of Hastings was in tun city yesterday. A. II. Gault of Milwaukro Is lu the city , at the Merchants. P. M. Mikosell of Chicago was at the Mll lard last night. ' II. H. Tcnnant of Dps Molncs was at the Casey last night. 0. P. Merrymun of Baltimore Is In the city , at the Paxton. William T. Forbes of Crawford was at the Merchants last night. Charles A. Bard , Crelghton , was reglstero at the Casey last night. E. A. Crawford of Pawtucket , R. I , , wns at the Murray lust night. Mrs. J. Traynor and Miss Lulu Garry have returned from their extended trip In Colorado and Mexico. Charles Wehrcr departed for WIsner last night , where ho will remain several days looking after business matters. Miss Bessie Anderson , late principal of College Springs , Iowa , schouls.is visiting her cousin , Mra , J. B. Black , at 547 South Twen- ty-ilfth avenue and Miss Annie Phoenix of 0 ma tin View school. 1. II. Nail , formerly a lumberman of Wis- nor , Neb. , arrived yesterday morning from a prolonged tour of the west. Ho reports an activity In the mercantile trade and a firm feeling In real estate through all the Pu get Sound cities. ! J HARVEST EXCURSIONS SOUTH 3 Via tlio W abash Route. On September 0 , li'J and October 14 the gia and Florida tit Half Fare , peed for aO days. Remember the Wubash is the quickest route South and Southeast. Kocllning Chair nnd Pullman Buflot Sleeping Cars on till trains. Only 15 hours to St. Louis , L'l " " Chiittnnooffn , 40 " " Now Orleans , 40 } " u Now York , with corresponding fast tlmo to all points South und oust. For tickets and full information in rogurd to routes , also fein copy of the Southern Homeseokora' Guide , call at the Wnbash Ticket Olllco , 1502 Farnum street , Omaha , or write G. N. Clayton , Northwestern Pussen''or Agent , Omaha , Nob. TIIK coin sK AROSE : . < V Singular Scene in the Onico of the Denver Coroner. Denver News : A friend of John Boc- gan , who recently foil dead near Twen ty-first and Larimer streets , had a thrilling experience in Coroner AValloy's olllco which may turn his hair gray. Burgun was to bo hurled and had been laid out preparatory to being dressed in hlf $ burial robes. Ho was covered with a white shoot. Early in Iho evening "Boh" Roberts , ono of the undertaker's assistants who hud been working hard all day , laid down on a long bunch near the corpse , and draw ing a nhuot over hi til to keen tlio Dies from bothering him , wont to sloop. Tlio dead and slbobing men wcro In the above positions when ono of Morgan's friends came In tq pay the last tributes to his friend. Tlio follow was a little the worse ot several good-sliced glasses of whisky , and. on entering the morgue asked to see the rohtalns of his friend. The muu employed there wcro busy at the time , and ono of them , pointing over to where two folms were lying , said : "Thoro ho is. " The visitor went over to the bench whero'KobortH was sleeping , and giving him ti hearty slap on the stomach , said : "Poor Jack , it wns only day botoro yesterday I was after asking him to have u drink with me. " The blow awoke Kobarta and ho hastily sat upright , The inun'a liaii Htood on end UH ho was faced by his nup- ] K > sed dead friend and with a howl ol terror which stopped the clock , he rushed through the building und down Fourteenth street at a gait which would boat , the best professional sririutor in the country. Ho guvo a yell every fo\\ jumps and tlio hint seen of him he was nearly to tlio Platte river and was still going , Friendti were trying to Und him mid it is presumed ho will bo hoard from after ho recovers from hla fright , Kob ertn indignantly demanded to know whj lie was thiiH rudely disturbed , but every cue was so convulsed with laughter thai they could not answer him , SARATOGA IN BID-SOMER [ lorao Racing as Practiced at the Fnmous Watering Pluco , TVPES OF PEOPLE YOU MEET THERE. I'rlvollties Participated , lit by Men nnd Wonion at. ( ho SprlngH llnrdl < Kauliifc a Popular I'astltnc. Kale Fluid's Washington : In varlnty of mineral springs , Saratoga has not a rival , and for this reason it will hold its own , regardless o ( the evolution ot xnmtlosH summer resorts. For scenery , t is excelled by many a Now England villngo. For dust , it stands without a user. IIoiico the tone of Saratoga in not vhatit was before nature had been ox- iloitcd and RichfloUl Springs , Newport , Jar Harbor , Lake George , tlio Adrion- laoks , California , Colorado and Alaska llscovorcd in all their beauty. But as eng as the springs endure , Saratoga vlll bo an immense power , and during aco-wcok it will bo hurly-burly , slam- bang , topsy-turvy , hurrah , hl-lil and chaos. Natives call this small section of iho year "burglar week , " and lock up .holr . spoons. Ilackmeii in suoh satur nalia as the Golden Ago never know. 3vory train from every point of lie compass brings myriads ot luirwn beings who , when rooms give out , are packed away on lloora md tables and charged just as much as f they enjoyed tliomselvos. After all , they must bollovo the game worth the candle , or they would not remain. Fashion takes its races as regularly as .t imbibes its congress water , but is adul terated with an infusion of betting men who live nobody knows whore , and who , [ ike comets , revolve in eccentric orbits ; unlike comets , they always turn up on i-aco-coursos. Tlioy nro not lovely to look upon , nor are they lovely to think about , but I assuuiD that , like mosqultos and lleas , they have tltoir mission. Crowded as the grand stand may bo , I doubt whether ono person in twenty is Interested in racing per so. It is opera over again ninety-nine out of ono hun dred for display or excitement , and ono for sport. Consequently himllo-nicos are eminently popular. Women shriek , men shout and cry "Hoop-la ! " as if La , Belle Louise wcro jumping through a paper balloon in a circus. All hold their breath , ex pecting to see a rider land on hla head and bo carried off on a shutter. When somebody isn't killed , somebody else rather feels as if ho had not had the worth of his money. Technicalities are beautifully defied. To call a race "a trot , " and a trotting match "a race , " is most common , while to combine both and dwell upon the ex citement ot n "trotting race ' is not un usual. Ah , and the snatches of conver sation unwittingly overheardl Young Velveteen comes up with a blue veil tied around his hat buci > use this is a fashion at the Derbyaml throws light on racing in general. "W-a-s-n't th-a-t 1-a-s-t r-a-c-o ex- c-i-t-i-ii-g ? " ho inquires of Miss Blue Jav , with a drawl that would do credit to Lord Dundreary. Kxcltingl What does this perambul ating Velveteen know about excitement ? A tidul wave would not produce an emotion - tion within his torpid breast. Miss Blue Jay tries tsbocomo animated. "Oh , yes , it was splendid ! " and then she begins - gins to talk about some woman. "On , she is very talented ; that is , she is sweet. " Ono must como to Saratoga to learn that "talented" and "sweoV are synony mous. And the bottingl A woman near by becomes quite wild. Having won sev eral pairs of twenty-button gloves , she beams as if she had been left a largo for tune by a distant and disagreeable rela tive. tive."Now "Now I'll bet on the next race , " she exclaims. "Don't you think you'd ' better wait until you'vo seen the horses ? " responds her more eircumspoot daughter. "I'vo just dropped a llvo , " says a young gentleman of fourteen who car ries a cane , and is therefore every inch a man. Ono ot the struggles of the grand stand is to make people realize that the world is made up not of one unit , but many. "Take yor seats , everybody , " cries ono policeman. "All please to sot , " cries nnotho'r. Then the irrepressible conllict begins. There are always ono man and ono woman who will not sit down , "Sit down ! " scolds a voice. Slander gazes in all directions as though ho owned every horsoand vote in the United States. "Sit down I" mutters another dis gruntled being , nccompanving his com mand with the poke of an umbrella. Thatstandor no moro heeds umbrellas than a loon heeds bullets. "Ho can't sit down [ "exclaims a low comedy man. Whereupon everybody laughs. Even ridicule avails naught. Finally a policeman walks up , administers a small piece of advice , and the slander fools BO complimented as xo stand some what longer. When ho obeys the law , it is with an air as if to say , "I sit down to please myself only. " "Though this condescension bo received with an ironi cal round of applause , what matters it to an egotist who revolves around him self ? The woman who stand invariably car ries a largo open parasol. There is no need of this parasol ; the stand Is cov ered ; but seine never can breathe until they are done up in two veils and one parasol. "Down parasol ! " shouts tlio Irate crowd. Nine times out of ton it remains open during the entire sport , and the owner has tlio tmUbfaction of lollcctlng if she over docs rollcct on her truly Christian attitude toward her neigh bors. bors.Until the arrival of the millennium , hoi-Bo racing will bo foremost among manly sports. Human nature invariably - variably repeats itself. Eng land's thousand yours of culture have but strengthened her passion for the turf. Love of thoroughbreds Is only eclipsed by love of country , and the Derby is as dear to England's soul as Fourth of July is to ours. Faster than Lexington or Mnud S is the eager , will ing Puck of today that ( labhes the triumphs of the turf around thu earth in forty minuted , while art and science de mand no speedier reporter than Ktctun. OlI what significance nxo the. o facts , If not to prove what pagan Greece so finely illustrated In her myth of the Centaur tlio mysterious union of man and horno. Of little avail to shako a respectable head and point a rigid linger at the epidemic of racing spreading rapidly in America. Its progress Is duo far more to increase of leisure than to Increase of vice. Na tional pastimes rlpun with national prosperity , and that the dawn of ease in this country should witness the birth of jockey clubs Is a logical sequence. The ultn of thebo clubs should bo to make the turf respectable. Uoforo their ad vent , it was nlmost entirely controlled by profefslontil gaiublors who hnvc pros tituted the noblest of animals to tlio worst ot ends. With Iho Introduction of thoroughbreds on four .logs let us have thoroughbreds on two of thoni. No gamblers should enjoy the privilege of entering horses for races that are supposed to bo controlled by inon loving racing for Its own sake. Hobnobbing with "blacklegs" in the ex pectation of touching pitch ami not being dollied , Is tin association that docs not uucelve the people. Long ago Iho sense of the world declared Unit "birds of a feather Hock together. " Why should there bo that disparity between the appearance of jookoy and horse which is so ignominious to the former , and so olTonslvo to good taste ? Ono ot the most picturesque opportuni ties of racing lies in the colors of the stables. With three or lour honorable exceptions , these appointments are dis graceful ; nor Is any hesitation toll in changing a dress to suit the convenience of the moment. A noble horse should bo ridden by n well-dressed jockey. In default ut v general artistic sense , it would bo well for jockey clubs to form committees on colors , to decide on the appointments of every stable , and to allow no dross to ap pear in public that is not in good taste. This may bo tooimu'h to ox pout of a na tion whoso .senate persists in taxing iirtlH ) percent. PoHmpsMr. August Holniont , who loves both mi and turf , will lead a imiuh-ncocod reform. What do people talk about at Sara toga ? First , horses ; then , hotting ; then , men and woman. It may bo a good place for match-making , but I doubt it ; for thcro are a few eligible men here , and these few nro averse to matrimony. What young women do , I can't imagine , but should think they would enter for ' 'con ' solation stakes. " To got up a ward robe , array yourself in fourdresses daily , pay big hotel bills , and then not trap vour game must bo a bad investment. The other day a mother so-called com plained of Saratoga as a terrible trial. She had brought three daughters hero three seasons and they are still "on her hands. " Ay , madam , and likely to re main there. Men who seek wives at Saratoga are fortune-hunters ! Go homo and sot your daughters to Work. Then , perhaps , they'll llnd honest husbands. At all events they will have attained what is oven hotter self-respect. The butterIIiod llap their wings and dance and Hit in spite of the odds against them. And they dress , for what ? To attract the attention of vulgor men , who study them as they would prize cattle , utiing no choice language in discussing "points. " For women to dress to gratify these who know and appreciate them is not only a. pleasure but a duty. To exhibit themselves for the benefit of the public , is suoh debase ment of womanhood as no ono who re spects the sex cares to seo. After all , what is gained by this exhi bition ? Men make no such fools of them selves. Nothing can bo prettier than the present style of walking-gowns , n few o" which would sulllco for ordinary hotel life. A pretty facn is pretty , and an ugly face is ugly , despite clothes. A good lilting gown , a tastefully dressed head , a decent boot and glove , are tlio requisites of a woman's toilet. With them a beauty Is always a beauty , and a lady is always a lady. To try to bo either when neither. Is a poor farce , played to the satisfaction of no one , and the dis gust of many. There is the young lady who sings in 'the public parlor ; there is the young gentleman who plays waltzes on the piano to admiring women ; there is music by the band ; there is Jllrtution galore , and plaving with lire. Tlio end of _ it all is that If you are a man you despise the women , and if you are a woman you do- splso the men. You begin to agree with Solomon that "all is vanity. " If you could see your own sculp through an orulntiry magnifying gins * , you would bo amn/eil at the amount of dust , duudrnIT , und dead skin thereon aeeutnulatcu. The best nnd most popular preparation for cleansing tbo scalp is Ayor's ' Hitir Vigor. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. F Oil exeliiiiBo--QOO ! acres , Montsomcry Co. , Kiinsas , well Itnprovtx ! , im ucres , Uhaiitiiuqua Co. , Knn. , well Im proved. 240 acres. Troyo Co. , Kansas well Improved. -10 acres , ( y'oiutmchut'o. , Knn.voll linpiov- cd. 120 ucres , Morris Co. , ICnnsi ; , well Improved. IPJO acres , Logan Co. . Knn. , well improved , 1(10 ( acres. Fm-nis ; Co. , Nebraska : c.'Qicres ; , HoltCo. , Nebraska. iEiTticri'H , Mnlilciiberg Co. , Kentucky : well hnpiovcil ; cli.'ur. 10'J acres , well Improved ; Alcona Co. , Mldil- pm ; clear. 4il uurcs. Keas Co. , Ohio ; clear.VI11 trade cither or nil for merchandise or city properly In Council llhill'H or Oiimlia. Cluurluml In Stonoultd ItmryCo. , Mo , Crt'iunury In Chapman , Dickinson Co. , Knn. t I,8u0 , 1st inortKiiKO iiotos , Gut to thu front. I will trade. J. L. i'rlco , Kiel's hiiUtl. LAND lfK ( ) IlENT-Enolnsecl truets of hind botwucn Council Illnlls and Onmha sult- nblofor KurtlanhiK or dairy purpose * . Apply to N. 1' . Dodge & Uo.3'J.S llroitdway. FOIt chiittRO In business will sell stock of ( Irupti and fixtures , nil now und first class at u discount , K sold wll liln next. : iO iluyw. I n- volco about $ ! ,500. Address S. , llco ofllce , CounI'll lllnlTri. FOR SALE Flno standard Invd train , bays. Turn ! S years old , inatclu'il. Ludy can drive them ; ulty broke : will not sliv. Call at 111) ) S. Main St. , Council IllnlN. J. L. I'rlco. nf iillfntlmo. Nuwf-room hoimc. GlIiYNOR Imlli ; hot nnd cold water all through : fiimueo. K S nnd uluetrli' llvliU For saloon easy terms. Uit I'ourtli nvo..onii liloulc fiom motor. l.x from postollleo. W , W. 1111- gor , ! M I'uarl Ht. T7IOK KENT Hotel Junipson , all furnished. JU i'lMsusslon alron October I , For Informa tion address \Viii. bloilentopf , or Chris Slraub , Council llhiir.s , FUUVISHKI ) rooms , wltn board , Jl to $ ' > per weult. 14JI Vine SU 71UK SAfjE The Homo Restaurant for sale F on easy terms. The must popular plucu In the city. S.V. . Scott. : 7 llroailwny. Orwlll tr.ulo for a iroo'l reid FOU8AM3 No. ( WO. n < ; l-it < ! rul In Wal lace. By Dr. Arolilbild , darn by Kentucky Clay.Syu.irsold. Apply to Dr. Mucnio. SiVMi nr limit Garden land , with FOR , by J. U. Klcc. 10J Main at. , Council muirs. IjWK KENT Two now imiilornT-roimi houses , JU ( iood locution. Apply Oi3 Flftn uvenuo. J , It. Davidson. WHY piy ; rent wnon you can buy a homo on the anne terms , and In casu of your death at any tlnia luivu your family the [ 10:110 : clour oa the following torins : A homo worth * ! , ( ) at 112 pur montli. A homo world * ! , . ' > ) ) at ild per nmatlL A homo worth t..OJ ) at i.'l | > ur month. Almniu worlh M.UJO at tl ) pur montli. A homo worth f 1,01) ) at ! H r-er mouth. Other prlcoil liomoi on the H'liuo forms. Tlio nbovo monthly inymonN Imtlndo principal nndlntorti.st. For fn'll particulars nail on or address HID .In Id A WolU Co , . l J HroaJway , Council lllulrs , la. F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Building Superintendents. Itooiiis4n : nnd 4uiltiu : llulldlnR.Oiniihii.Nul ) , . uml ICooiiiHSII und " 40 Miirrlam Illouk , Cuuucll UlutTs , la. Corruipoudenuu lollclted. OPENING OFTHESEASON. TWO NIGHTS. Friday and Saturday , Sept , 12 and 13 , Mummer Dolmny bcjjsto IUIIHIIHIOC i\s the upoiilnnuvriit uf thnilriktiiatlv oasun nTwo Nl lil ' G. D. HELSS KKA This < oiiiiiiiiy | N this j-ciir liii-ccr utiil KtrotiKt'r than ovvr and presents The Finest English Opera Traveling , ( ! . ' . LVdpIo ! Full ClioriMt Sliiutlnrd Opcrns ! ADHAUnit. MtiMcnl nirootor. J. U , I'miKUM , SttiRo Mnnn KCt FRIDAY , SEPT. 12 , LA TRAVIATA , OAST : VloU'tta Miss rnincrica Gntlirl * Flora Miss Knilly .Mlrun Annotti : Miss Kininii Ksi > otk UlTIIKUIt Will. Ml-ltuil * Alfietlo \ . ] , . ( liulln liiiion Duopliol. . . . . Kinilt-riiRcr Huston id ! Torpl lir. Oronvlllu John Koiid Aliirquls Mr. IVi-iou I'rlcc.s-.lOo , ? ' > f , fl.CO nnd < l.)0. Hiihsrrlhcr * . sale ( if tli'Ucls oHMis Tlinrwlay nuirnlnt ? atli o'vlook. Itogulursulo Thur ( lny at J p , in. DRIVING PARK. Fall Meeting , October 7to 10 , 1890 © 4,000 IM PROGRAMME : MONDAY , OOTUUKU7. 5'M : I'aro-l'iirso . fTOO Si'.vriiiithi ! : Purse . see U-yeur-old Ttottlns Slake . 100 TUKSDAV , OUT01I12U8. 2:50TrottliiK-l'iirso : . SCO JsS.1 . Trot t In * I'ur-o . 4K ( ) : i-yuar-uld Trotting Sttika . W \VKDN \ KHDAV , OC'TOllRItO. SiSSTrnttliiff-Piirso . 400 I'roo-Kor-Ail Trotting -I'nrso . MX ) Yearling Tioltliij Knee Stake . 60 TIlUUBDAIt , UCT01IKU 10. Si.TO Trot tins PUI-MJ . 400 I'leo-Por-All I'nclng I'nr-o . MM I'lce-For-AII , Siiilllon 1'nrso . MJO Niitlonnl Trotting association rtilos to iov- crn. I'lilrlts clo t Oclo'i'r4. > . HtaUoiai'o frco. Jlllo track. J.V. \ . I'lIKKODV , I'ruHlilcnt , . Cotiiii'll llluim , Iowa. A ( Id i oss all commuulcattoiH to A. II. OIIIIIP. Hcerrtiiry , 215 South 14th St. . Omaha. .Nub. DR. Surgical Institute AND Prh/atB / Hospital. Cor. B'-ondwny and 26th Sts. , COUNCIL Ilr.UKM , IOWA. For the treatment of nil surgical und cliionld diseases nnd diseases of thn blood. 1'rlvtitu diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , assyplillls , as stricture , cystitis , sper- nmtorrolKi ; ! ' . lost niauliouil , so\unl Impotence und weakness trca'cil successfully. I'artleulur attention puld todlsuatcs of tha lungs , us Asthma , C'onsumptlon. UronuhltlB , Catarrh. Eto. Paralysis , Kidney Diseases a Dlnuctcs.llrlRlit'8 Disease. Kliumimttwm. I'llos ' , Cancer , Vnrlorulu. llydiocclu. Dropsy.Tumor , Diseases of thu Eye und Kar. Club I'eofc Spinal Ourvnturo and sill ( llscasosof the lmntS. \Vo liuvc a depart men t. devoted oxeliHvoljf to the treatment of Utorluo I ) senses. Mcillclnusuntsocurely packed and fruofroia observation. Coirespondenco confident lu ! . Address ! DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute and Private Hospital , Cor. liroadwur ami Mtli Sti , . Council Hluim , lu. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dy In' ' , ' and Clciniln done In tha HlKliL'.st , Style of thu Art , Failed mid Stained 1-alirles iniiilu to lookim uuod us now. Work promptly donit nnd delivered In all parts ol tlio country. Send fur nrleo lltt. 0. A. MAOIIAN , I'ron. , 10U Hruadwny , Nuur Northwestern llepot , COITNCUj IJt.tlf KB , lA. _ SI'KGlAti UA.UGA1NS. IOTon H road way In Central Hill ) , for I77X JJoliM-4cm & Van 1'atlt'ii , Kverolt hlock. "ITlOKMAIfK A sutot aljstriicl Ijooks and an -L cstalilliilicd ronl estate , loan and Insuruncd l > uslnthH. A splendid oiiunlntr for KOIIIO ono. liKinlrnof Johnston Vim I'atten. . Alt land In M Indian In uxclui'igu fet OI.IO Council lilufTs property. Johnston & Van. I'atten. , lots In Oamhii to tradd for : i KO < M driving tunin. Oivneror tlio lots will Klv * nn extra irood trade. Johnson A : Van I'ntton , Kvi > rutt block. HOUSK and two lots on North Tth hi reel tot sale at a bargain. Juliasluu & , Van I'.iUon , Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc , / * AGENTS WANTED. DR. C , C. JIM GOO Broadway , Council Bluira , la J , l ) . HDUUNIKOV. rru . K. it. HIIWIAIIT , Vku 111. ClUlCI.Edlt. 1UX.NAN , riislllor. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL , . . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,00q , DiitHiTOiis I. A. Mlllitr. I' , U , Ohiuson , 1C. fj. Sliiiunrt , K. M. Hurl , J. I ) . K < liiinixlM > n'liii.rlei ( O. llaiiiiiui. TnniHiiot gonoriil bunklnx lHil- in si. | , iirui > st uHpltnl anil Hiirilua | of uuj bunk hi rioiitliwusturn Uwu , INTEREST ON TlM DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Toriiur MuIn mid llroadwuy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dcalcrx 111 forulKii mill ( liiine tlo uxohanita Oolluctloiia mudtt utid lutoruut putU oil HUM