Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUTS DATIYY : TllTT > AV SRPrPTli\r TT1R 19.
Poormjvster Mabonoy Reject * the Ooanly
Bicad for Ilia Wards.
Tlio County lln > Denied the
nil Haj-H tlio
from Dttici * llitlccr * .
The county pharmacy , In the hnscmenlor
tlio con it house , wus llio bittlo ( jrouiiii o ( a
vtty lively imtl nt tlinoa ft very hot set-to
yciLcrilay Ijctwccn Poormastoc Mnhonoy and
the cotiiit > Ii iko ros.
fixccKllucly f < .vf Bfcctiilorsltncwecltlio \
c cnt , vhlfh wmonoof tlio most IntercstliiB
In choMi-Lcr that IIM occurred in
county for many a moon.
Kncliof tbo prlncipils tlpt > cd thoboainnt
-moufhinpotho contract forsnpply-
Inj thc ) iinty poor house nith breudxvsia lot
toft Mrs. Sdiwnl ) , who runs wlat i known
ris tlio Xcbroska bakcrj , at 1109 'Douglas '
ronomotUnopasttho InmatM of the poor
bouse luivc , It acems , bucnllliti ) ! very viifor-
ous protost-ito 1'oor ' iliist
- < r MiinoneyrcKJid-
Inif thcqunllty otho"9tull" ( furnlslicd them.
Indeed , Mr. Mnhoney ldni < ( cl ( had
Ixcn iloii'U ' consldcnillo IcicWiiR on
lih oivn liook about the snmo matorhl.
It satin , nlHo , that , accord I i ? to Mr , Mil
lion cy , thrs more ho licked thu erse bccamo
llio brciuJ. Tljo viituo of hll foibeuranco
liarlnghcoonio wchaustod heave ( Instruc
tions toth ) itovnrd not to accept any' tuoro
of tho"r.iiilt stulf. " as lo .cttii9 It. Hut
vvboii the bread waijon came outnndtho
1rlvervos In formed ol tlio edict
tliat liad goiio foith the latter
tied I nod to obey and "sho\ed \
oil" tlio usual dally supply of sevcnty-llvo
pounds of lik bread onto Iho steward vlio ,
bcltif ? t woman , found ItcnclC unaUo tore-
sM t ho " .4liovlti ( ! ofE" procoss.
When Mr. Malionoy went homo to dinner
and round llio "brand there bo Instantly be
came , 'hotter ' than "
- in hu cxpicsscd it.
ftcrdlntiir ho tumbled the louvcs into a
lg \ collca sick and slralf'lit\vny caitcil them
bwk to thu county bikorcm.
"Tjiklnptlio sick into the store , " said lie in
dcscrlUnytho Incident , "I caught It by the
Iwttoin , , uid with oiti Jerk rolled Mr.
loaves of lircad tlio Avorst-looldiiR stult I
cur ; saw ilghtout on thclloor be/oro Jlrs.
"Justintly slio hcin npoloyUinR. making
cscusei siiiil nil Unit , serb of thlnij but they
uouldh'l < iilovn n. bit , I mean the apologies.
Then Ilottlier shop. "
A-ftcr thUiK-ifornnuco Mrs. Schvab's man
did not venture to leave any morn bread at
the poorhouio and has not left uny for three
tto vs.
'rhlibcfu-s rwthoproloiTUo tothosct-to.
Vcstcru.iy nioruin g ivhilo M r. Malionoy wa *
sitting at : iJusli In tbo now dust-drifted and
wholly unused county plintrnuc.v , In catncs
Jlrs. Schnnb. Slio is largo , swnrlny
\\oniun and worn n Maclvsilk urapnucJ n\tlg \
lab whcieoa vavcd many feathers.
3Icr introductoijr remarks \vcrototlioellect
that shu liml dcildodto hnvo her intm rosumu
leaving hroid at the county poor house.
"Will , I guess you'd bettor not } " cxclu-lmecl
"O.joa , I will T InowfniakD Rood bread ,
Ireuiltliat'ipood ' enough for tlio poor house , "
said the bnkerc 9.
Now , I don't want tiny trouble vlth you ,
T\onian \ , " jMahonoy said , "but I tell you we
ain't goitiKto put uTwithany more of tbat
clil stulT tlmt you mako.
"I don't , make 'old ' stuff.1"
"You aeml ua'oldstuflr,1 ' , wlalcli Is just the
eame tliinsl"
"No , I cloii't t" oxclalraod tlio c.illor , shak-
Inp her paiasolat tlio poor master.
"Scohow , MH. fcichwab , " ooiitlnuod Ma-
lionej , JLimplriK to his feet and the libod
jumping tobis face , "I can brinp good , nlin-
Wo bakers who will s\vearthutyou \ bavosent
out and boiijrlitold , liard , stale bread to send
cut totlie jioor house , ami tluitas jou illd so
jou liavo said that that was good enouphlor
Mrs Siliu-nb's licad begun to shako
Tclicincutly , words scoiaoil to bo choking her.
Thmlly slieliuilod thlt rejoin or :
"Why why Mr. Mnlionoy , you can't do
any such thliig'-tio , sir jou lict you can't !
You you-you-htiow bettor 1"
"What's the use to try to bluff mo ! "
ihoutwl JvMioiifj' . intonca tKaUvonteclioinp :
far out turoiiBhtbo corridors.lti'm iiokiil
and don't you tliinldt Corn minute , Tlicro 1
1 won't ' tsilk with , you nnj morel"
'Vci , you will \vuutyou \ to understand
t'lttt. ' jou will , cl courses 3011 vill. I'm ' jjotiiff
to commcnco leaving brcml at the ix > r liouso
qrultuiccoruing to my ccntrriUl"
"VVcll , let tno toll you ttuit If you do , your
filrodnmnwillhavoto bo a bolter Tcllow than
lam I"
" ' "
"Aln'tlrcspnsiblo ?
nyci for Iciviiig that old stuff thatyou
call Tiruad Instead of wholesnino food in tlio
Irondlluo. "
"No E mean ain't I rcspousiUo ilnan-
"I pic s perhapsthough , I don't knownny-
"HavoiVt Tgot onoof ttioso bond things up
with the unmibsioncrs ! "
"Don't know nnrtliliiu n"bout It ; but you liable for its beiiii , ' forfeited , be-
MUBO you have missed tkeo days no\v and
, jou have just about missed It , bo-
. turned yourold stufl back on you.
BOO ncru , nirst. aotniiiu , "ana mo f uaruiaii 01
DOURIOS cou nt ) 'a p < wr scaled himself , -pulled
downhN tosb and adjusted his collar , "it's
ell plain cnovith to mowhyyou have been
londlnK suoh awful stuff ; tbo prlco
of brc.ul li s none up slnco you took that
comity contract , mid you \vaiit to bvro some
excuse foruottliiff out of It. It's plain us the
nosoon your .fiicc. Hut Jon nark my vords ,
jou'llhiocto pay llio county the dlftercneo
Unit 1 mil huviiip to pay anoiliur baker fur
iloecnt biviul. Vou\vill \ flinl tlmt out unions
jou can onx the coiuini loticis into letting
jou out odil"
> "J 'ot so , not so nt nil , " nns\\ore \ \ l the
woman , mid then vltli hur voice seeking to
rlvul Muhouoy's ' iva'iit exhibition otvocallsm ,
she aJded
"U'ho tlilnjj lathiswnythatyou , cot good ,
ou iwt soiuotliliiR ior your ovn self by buy-
\xwr-lions ubruad from otlier baker shops ,
and \ou gut tiothiiigfroinme I"
Mahouey was on his feet ngain llkoa flash ,
Dtid hit voiua troiuMed i\itli \ r.igoa3 , Lo 010
clntined :
"JSIrs. Schvab , tlmt Is a Hot Allol A
Hot Never Hiiico I have boon connected with
the conntypoor farm bare irocclcod atont
or a cent's worth ot food from anybody \vlio
has been sollliij the
county itiwU ions or any-
Sirs. Kdiwnb diJn't reiterate tlio state-
nio tl ntslinily balled .
out. of tlio room , ojc-
clalwliipitU \ \ blthigoniihius.isi [
" I'll ' st.-iiil bread '
sjalu. iniiJ I'll sco tlio com-
ntsslonoH. "
Mahoricy throw up n vlndoivnnjproceadoil
to cool off ,
Tlio poor-houso eonsimios abouttr or $ . " 0
worth of breal n month , or , us previously
notoJ , ahout sovcnty-llvo pounds per day ,
SlmvMn. Schwab took the contract broad
biisgauuup about Iccutper i > ouiid.
Sallow and lendcn-hucj comploslona soon
pivo plnm to the loveliest plnk-and--\iUito ,
when tliousoof j\yor'sSurdamirill.i Is per-
slstnl iuand costiiotlcacntiroly nbatidnncd ,
Nothing can coantcrfvittho my plow ofper-
foot health , which blesses tUow vlio use this
medlcino ,
_ _ _ _
Soottlsli I'lculo.
Clan Cordon , No , 03 , 0. S. 0. , % MI1 hold tU
aniiu.d picnic and Held sports nt riusor'ipark
tomorrv , j\lilotlo ( tports , games am
contests as follow a have been arranpedi
Throwing the hnnnncr , putting the stone
ruultlnp-IoO-jard mce 'irls'raco ' under Ut
tocnyeuii oC JRO , tun o [ wnr bctvcca teams
of married iwd sln 'lo men , married lailies
n\c , fee uallumuh JUe incmbcn to n tea in
liop , sti > i ) mid lenji , bostScoUh rwl dnncing
bcstlady wulttor , best dressed Highlander.
Handsoino prizes and medals will bo
awarded to the winners.
Hlglilnnil dimcliiff and bnjplpo Ihuslo wil
add Rivatly tothulutorost uud uiiloymcnt o
the Jay.
Trains will loavothoN'ebstor street dope
lit 5:30 : la tlio moralnfi and will return at '
tJclenlls H ,
The Union 1'aeWo overland llyor yesterday
carriiHl two cam loaded u'ltb. studonti o
the fatuous Cutbollo tniversltj at Notie
puna , I ud. 'TUo jiirt/ was In cliargo o ( HOT
Kntlicr ihn ol thut Institution. They r n )
on their vny liiltnc ( rotna tvo month's VHCM-
lion ivtilch MM djietit In tlio YcllowUotio
park Thoy-MMit cast on tljo Northwestern.
An 11 on n cent cut.
C. II. Moon ) .t Co. liavo boon appointed
for thocolobrated wulcrs ct
BxcelstorSprlnjfs , Missouri.
" " \Vatcr \ Lily beep 5 cents a cake , "
Atf II4111 t list Vll'S. .
Hoard of ICiliionlloii Meet I u K.
In the absence ot I'rcsldont I'cHoni Vice
President C. T. Van Jken. prcaMod at tlio
tnecthiK of thoboarJ of educitloti Wednesday
nigW. MMSW VunAkcnSlntcI < oblnsonniid
Funston nnsncrralto Hecrctary Funston's '
cut I of tlio roll ,
Superintendent Mini wo reported flint , tlio
schools Ind boon opened with sixteen teach
ers and tlmt sk tnoro More requited at once. "
ItHontil IO nocwnry to oiicn two tnoro
rooms in the high ichoul biilluiu and sell oul
snniilles trould be neceiiury ,
Six tcflchers wore elected M follows ! Ml
Mury Scykon. MM. J. S. .TelTmoa , M
Cairaliun , MUs Suli Shlclils , Miss U
U.iulclson mi d Ml si Mnuii Winder ,
Mess. Van. Akrn and lioblnsoii will con for
\vl th Su pcrinlendcnt \ , A. Jiunroo to select
a b < iard ot examiners.
\V , J. Slntowas appointed n commlttco to
soc to the i-omovul of seats to the Third xvasil ,
Mtiisra. llobimon , Swllt niul Slitu were un
pointed acorinnifU'O ' on supplies.
Paul S McAulayvai re-elected janitor of
thohlKM school building ut u uiurjrof SJO
per month.
AV , C. U. Oiiivriition Closed.
Tlio VV , C. T. U. contention closed " \Vednc3-
dny , Ifjither committees vcre appointed as
allows :
ITMtichlso Mrs .Tolin Csirriffan , of Blair ;
iterature , Mr ? . E.M. Covcllof Omnlin.
An invitation was gl\en to iiold tlio next
oiiventloii hero but it was dually loft to the
xccutivofoiniiiltto toselcct the plnco.
Tlio rt'iwrt of thoconimltUe on resolution ?
9 ftllow , vt-aj udopUiil !
\Miereas , NYc as inoiiiliors of tlio Tlilrd dls-
.rlct In con u'nt Ion u otnbluO , ( 'r < : itly nc-
noulotljlns ( Joel's Biildatni ) In all ilcpirt-
ii'iits otour iriikil ) lieroby
Ucsolvo. Tint warn ureutly eiiconra ed by
liuadilltlon lo our nnnilxT , ten nuxv unlom
ooimrgmlzc'il In. Hits ilUtrtit Uulln the pbt
Heiol\eii , Tliat no s c tin evil In obsocno
x cjks unil ptilnios so freely dlitributcd by
Olicconlit4 ) nut tliosocnynjod In tlio l
> < islni > t > siiiKlurrfiipoiiiursl.stors , ) rctt
iiiuo In Hi olr suppression.
KtsoUed. Tliuc wo s\va \ MM. 0. W , Plnclc ,
u inrliitonilcut nrilio Opju llDor.otir praycM
in < l < .Tic'iurjiiMiii'iit ) In hur KOOork | , and
i Ho mo ro HII listiinllal sissls t nice.
HnotMil , 111 atno < nt ml to llio lidlcs of
Snilh Oniiili i our ln-irl fi-ll tlinnks fur tlio
onllul ii.amier In wlilcli they luivo ontcr-
ulneil HID < klo : ili\s. and tn tlio truslecs of
licclmrch fur tlio nseuf tlic'lr Ijiilkllnk' . and
o all win ) lunu MI kindly hilpeil lo make tills
conientlon JISIIUC-MS.
Mu < l Dot ; .
tol'icdeilok Km , residing
nt Thirtieth and T streets , shoved signs of
a.Ues and IVM shot by Officer Fallen ,
'Wednesday evening- the cnnlno bit little
Meitlo UioHinbiMX' , a stepJ.uiKliter of ISlr.
Dili's ' , on the left theelt. The. tloj also bit a
ittlosonof Jlr. IJotig- , residing near T nnd
Twenty ninth streets , lacerating the child's
ircist. In ih raclnp round the animal at-
nckcd 311st Mary Shlmo , tearing her dress
in d snapped at John Sbiuio , atchlnjr his
of Seliool Tcncliers.
SuporintonJcnt.Munroo hiis made assign
ment of tentlicrsln the city schools as fol-
High School Principal , w. II Tovnsend ;
evcnth gi-ailo , Miss Allco 0)ivls ) ; fifth
nnd sixtli fji.ides , Miss Agues C. Hoffman ;
ourth grarlo , Mss Elsj Boivden ; tblrd
jrsido , Wlsa Mabel L. . Silver ; second grade ,
Miss Grace K. Itiuhardson ; third jirimnry ,
Mi's , ti AV , I laid ; secoud ptlmaiy , Miss
Sadie E. Acker ; llrst primary , Miss Jenulo
'Jhlrd AVard School-Miss Minnlo
Jyan , iwlncipil ; second Rrado , Bliss Augusta
J , Jlahus ; llrst Kiado , Miss Luv-cna .Tones.
.Albright Mrt. Eva Daiilclson , principil ;
irat uud second grades , liss Sadie Spell-
J'ourth Wnrd Jliss Anna Dillon.
"West Albrlfcht-Mlss Maiy Scvkora.
31ro wnPuric Sllss Jlanmli Ciiiiclt ,
Missouri Avenue ISIIss t > 'ellloHudies.
To bonssiincdMtasGuiwtiiin ; : , Mrs. J. S.
Jofferies nnd Mis ? Swili Shields. Substi
tute , Mls-j Alaud U'imler.
The genial homo of Jlr. nnd. Mrs. Lvrnan
Cnrpcnter , Tn-enty-thiril and H streets , vas
lllcd Wednesday night -with ivell-wislilng
friends to congrratulato tliom ori the Twenty-
Ifth anniversary of tlioir innrriago. Mr.
ind Mrs. Carpenter , neo illss Jenkins , were
ninrrlcd in Davenport , la. , Sep
tember 7 , 1SS ) , and had with them
nt tlio nnnlvcrsnrj their etpht children , 1C. A.
nrpenter , Wary B.vlfo of James Phillips ,
Ifjrry L , Docitv 1C. , Fred ( I. . JttithL. , and
The Ilov. Robert L. Wheeler , in the pros
etico of tlireo scoreo of friends ropeateil the
ceremony of twcnty-tbo years ago.
A table laden -with sllvcrtvara told of the
appreciation of friends ,
Kpfrcshnicnts i\ero \ servo ] and a plcTsantcr
gathering is not nnionf the * family rerneni-
Uranccln South Oinuha.
Division N"o. : t , , V. O. II.
Division Ts'o. 3 , A. O. H. , will hold a special
meeting In St. Agnes * hall tlils ovcnliif ? to
complete nrratitroincnts for tlio Uyinif oC the
corner stonoitt Vincent place Sunday after
noon ut2 o'tloclc.
County rinil Mni-slnl.PatrlekJ. McMuhan
lun apKlnt-nl ] ) John Gallon nnslstanb ra.irt > hal.
All person ! wishing to pirtldn.ito are 10-
fiucstedto meet at St. Agnes' hall at 1 o'clock
Sunday afternoon ,
N"otf ( * About clio City.
Mr. P , O'Djtinell lias eonniciiced n resi
dence en luslot , Tivoiity-sceonctand 1 streets.
Iho persons interested In the Ctijunctlon
proceedings to tx-jtrain the city council from
puyiiiKtho Ice a consulta
tion Wednesday and tlecldcdtowithdraw their
A demooratlo inecLins vlll bo hclil Tuesday
e ellingne tby the Boyd-Drynn club.
The friondi of Chnrlos Akofor Avlll regret
toleai-nthathia sickness lias boeomo serious.
Mr. William 0. Meuleus nnd Miss Edith ,
dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus , M.
Birgo , will bo married Saturday , the llitti , at
: t : J ( ) o'clock , at the residence of the brido's
parents , Tvtenty-fourth and Vinton streets ,
Messrs. Willing SuhiiQllns , si- . , Joseph
Toner and Iliulfl Knllortj have been drawn
as jurors from tuis city for the September
tonn of couit.
Vhilo dflvlncr'from Dunlap , 3a , to this city
Wednesday MrVlllUni 0. Green and illsa
.lessio Carpenter had a runnwiiyand both
were sllghily injured.
A sonhaa been born to Mr , and Mrs , George
\Vednesdar \ , nt midday , the Itov. ItobertL.
\Vlioolcf , eOlcinted at the marriuifo of two
mutes , Air , James Ciln and Miss Etta Pres
ton were the contr.ictlnn p.irtlos. The ser
vices nero all iri writlnpr and wcra performed
nt the resilience ofVlllluia Stowart. south-
vest ofthocity. _
M. I. Blair , alderman , 5th ward , Seranton ,
Pa. , Hated Nov. ft 'JWi IIoliadusodDr.
Thomas' KlCc-trlo oil for sprains , bums , cuts ,
UruiiCS and rheumatism. Cured every tlmo.
to the Siignr I'aluco.
Ttiore was an. Informal ineetini ; oltho jiras-
idont , vice president , secretory , executive
nnd call committees of
tha real cstuto exchange -
change inits room yesterday momtfljf.
Dutouo question \vn-t discussed. Itvos
proposotl topet up a big excursion tovisittho
boot sutrar palace at Urund Island botw eon
September 17 and 'Jt ! . Most of these present
awUo | In f uvor of the Idea but thought , that
.no decisive action ought to bo taken until
The excursion , it is thought , willl bo a largo
one. _
IGOi Sixteenth and Pnrnam streets IB
the now Itoejc Island ticket olllco. Tick-
eta to nil point * east ut lowest rutoa.
A. Miss I iigVfo | aiul Jlorlior.
William 1'ulrieapiwaroOat police headquar
ters la search of bli > vlfe , Js'ot'.loC. Paine ,
who left her booo on Garfleld ur eaue Wcd-
nesdnj nttcrnoon to vlult the Cliild'it
vhoru tholrllltli ) dnu htcr luu bocrt uudcr
tntHlical treatment forioinotlnio ,
The woman went to the lie pital where she
rcmnitied n ihorttlm nfU'r which she took
lior departure nnd hat not si tire been wwn
iiorhoird fwni. The missing wo-iiin is do-
Nirllxd ui till , nltU light cu-iil"KlOir | ) ( blue
and dm I ; hnlr.
3fvo [
rui-jjiA iritij uuiuAfj nuainuos.
3fcliciil'Moii 1)3 ) Nut IvnowuC
The subject of prematurebuilnl hag
Ijcou of Into rorivcd in this country by
the appearance of n , sensiitloiuil pani-
'rapli In the dally pros * , Hiijs the Lon
don I/meet. Xot lonjjiif o the public
ofo horrified liy n story from Leeds of
upravodijjuoL-having hoard sounds uro-
ccodinif from acollln recently burled. It
luqitirud n coroner' ! inquest and the evIdence -
Idonco of Mf. Suattcrgood , the lecturer
on forensic medicine to leas-wro the pub
lic that the tumor win fiilbo , tlio ilo-
censed woman httvlny died a perfectly
lutuul ( l < 5ith-\vhilc , tulthough its uauso
\ms \ typhoid favor , tlio had boon
oy nomosms histoned , mid It was clear
that ( loath hud occuriod at the tlmo
stated by the o around hor.
Moro rct'ontly thei'oMIS a sensational
story from Southampton of a clergyman
who stopped tlio inturrmontof 11 friend
whoso funeral ho had coino ndisUiicoto
attotid , on tha if round that ho saw some
slfjnsof life , whichoroMul to bosimply
his own Imagination , So far as this
country Is uoncornod , thcro has not
been a tlnplo autliojillcatcd c.iso re
corded of pfcinatura burial , though
there have undoubtedly boon cases
where poisons liavo revived after appar
ent death , and many alleged cases of
premature burial In addition to these
previously alluded to. But nil these
linvo the appearance of boiwational
stories , manufactured for the "penny
dreadfuls , " and these newspapers which
tlirL-\o otisonsition.
Even on the continent , in America and
In other countries where in consequence
of the intense hoiit burial must take
place within twenty-four houis after
death , the authenticity of Llio storied oE
allowed uromaturo burial luiineior been
proved and it may bo bafoly asseitod tliat
ono Ronulno case would have led toau
alto ration In the lav und the postponement -
mont of burial until after a longer
In En gland on the contrary , there fs
less rcabon to coinplnln of too speedy
burial as of too piolongod an Interval
between death and burial. ! Mr. Soy-
mourlinden'ssuirgostion ofburhl with
in tlilrty-slx liours
nrus not favorably ro-
coivcd , and is indeed for this country too
short an interval. A universally exact
Intoirnl cannot TJO laid down ; it must
vary according to the time of the year ,
the weatlior imd other oircunistaTicos.
In these dajs of cheap disinfectants a
body can bo kept without -piejudico
to the liUtifr for four or uV\o days alter
death , \vlilch interval is long eiiouprh to
satisfy the wishes of the most timid.
There is a circumstance well known to
the ( profession \vlilch , If itxvoro better
knovn to the public , would go far to reassure -
assure these -whoso minds may liavo Iwen ,
disturbed by these sonsiitloiinl pira-
craphs. Every day bodies apparently
lifeless are i-oceivod at motropolltan and
provincial hospitals , having bcsen fountl
in o oI y urioty of posture , clothed , half
dotlied , or naked , and undot ? vailing-
circuiustancos , At the hospital the resi-
uonc surgeon must give a prompt ana
decisive iinswcr to the quebtion , "Ja hoer
( or she ) alive or"ro sondn corpse
to the ward or to keep it unduly long in
the reception room would bo a very stu
pid blunder ; to send a living iiorson to
the dead house would 1 a crime. Thobo
cases amountIn tlio apgrcgato to thous
ands annually , and yotwa ha\o never
heard oE n inlstaka belntr made. It is
probable this circumstance which makes
members of the vrofemon skeptical of Btories of so-cillod , piomaturo
burial , and causes them to reject with
an incredulous smllo tlio suggestion that
so horrible a fate might occur to any
of us.
Mr. G. IV. Sutherland , a druggist In the
town of Celfnx , state of Washington , lieeps
In stock nil of tlio leading medicines Jor
throat nnd hintf diseases butsnys lie sells
more of Cbamlwrlain's ' cough rorocily tban
any other and has never hcurd n com plaint
from anyone. 'Jills remedy Kl\cz entire satis
faction , because it can always bo dope-tided
upon. It Is popular because It never dis
appoints nnd because it Is pleasant andsafo
to take , lot
iinyono nflllctod with a severe
cold or otlicr tlirout or lunff trouble , fjlvo it
a trial ami lie -will rcnllzo for himself wlmt n
valuable niediciuo ills , and learn why It is
so popular , Per sale at 50 cents per bottle by
Bear in mind that St. I'utrick's pills not
only physic , but clejuso tlio whole system
and rejjulato the liver and bowels. A dose
taken at Icd-timo is sufficient.
Farmers Would I'incl It a Profitable
Croi lo Itnlsc.
As an assistant cabinet officer the Hon. .
Ed-win "Willetts has views on politics
and public alliirs. lie was a republican
congressman from Michigan , nnd hits
yob a li\oly \ interest In affaira
ut liome. "Tho farmers'tvllianeo is not
a strong-factor in Michigan , " 1m bald tea
a CJhicapo T-tinos lopoitor. "It is now
thoio , but the 'Patrons of Iluslnndry' is
nn organized party , differing from "tho
griinfrorji , and Lt for a time expected to
put up a , state tlckot , This idea was
| jiveii up , and the momborawill vobo
tholr individual profoicnces , The dota-
ourats will probably noininato some
farmer. "
Prof. Willetts spokoat length and in-
torcstiugly about the recent notion of the
United istates senate In removing the
tarlrt on binder , so stionuoutily
doniandcd by the farniurs of the nortli-
west , IIo doubted if it was awiso not
and thought that In tlia end thofarmora
would be not bcnolltted. In. ( act Prof ,
Willotts thinks it wus unfortunate for
the senate to pass the bill at this time ,
as the fico Importation of Yucatan hemp
as law material or manufactured will
seriously cripple ororush out the culture
of liomp Hax and other llbrous products
in this country.
"Our department , " said ho , "has boon
gottlng" ready to encourage tlio produc
tion of the "Yucatan hemp ofwhich that
country now has a monopoly and can pro
duce without co&t , ns It grows wild. It
is o ( superior quality for tuinoandcord
agoandls called'honnoqiiom'or ' S > isal. !
Foity 3oars ag-o Dr , P jriin , who was
consul at Yucatan , secured se oral government -
ornmont tracts of land In Florida , to ex
periment niUner the hoinp in this conn
try , \Vhilolntlio midst of aeuccossful
cultivation ho died and the hemp Is
growing wild all through the stato. The
future of Florida will bo greater when
the hemp industry is developed than
with allliororangoprodu-'tion. TUoBer
muda Islands lutvo passed a law prevent
ing tao exportiijlou of the sisal-hemp
plants nnd yet ara taking away Bhii )
loads of the plants from Florida intono-
ing to "build up an industry , and all over
the country there is groa-t Interest In tlio
cultivation ol fibrous plants. I got thou
sands ol letters inclosing plants asking
an opinion of them , ( 'armors ara anx
ious to begin raising 'ramlo.'u Chlneso
plant which will grow hero and which
has a wonderfully Una ilbor llko bilk.
Manilla is grown only in the Philippine
and jot wa could grow it lioro ,
It isvory much used In twlno mnnulae-
turoandl have secured sc-oils irom ono
uoniul there for cxytfrlniont. The on-
courageinoiitof tlio iiior | ludu'try will
greatly bonellt botli Tanner and manu
facturer , The farms "whlt'liaronot good
for \vlipnt \ production can bo tne l for
prowlngllaxnnd hemp , so that anew ar-
tleloof ,1'omtnerco , trtl ! bo of flnanclaL
value to the fiirmor < "
Thp pleasant elTtJitan.'i ' the perfect safety
with which Isillcuny mo tlio Hiuld fruit
laxative j , Syrup of Fl \ uiulurall loinlltlona
innln it tholr f.ivorlto ivmedy. It It pleailnir
J to the cyciuidto theta ti1 , Rentlo , jet citect-
uul In acting oit the kidneys , li\er \ ajdbo vls.
The only railroad train out ol Omaha
J runoxpiossly for the accommodation oE
. Onuha , Council IHuITs. Dos Molnos ami
thlcajro ! businofj la the Rock Island
vostlbulod limited , leaving1 Omaha at
4lop. : in , dally. Tlckot olllco 100 , Six
teenth nnd Itornnm sts , Omaha
Atlvoj tiirer lliul a Plrnto
, but tlio Wealth Is Gone.
Some olglit months ngo there started
from Southampton a pirtyof adventur
ers In so'iri liof tv rabttreajuro supposed
to bo hidden In ono of the dcsort islands
of the South Atlantic ocean , says
Gallgnant's , . .Mossonper. The destina
tion of this band of treasure seekers
wtvs the Island of Trinidad not ou r fer
tile Trinidad in the West Indies , but
tliolargest of a tunallolcaino proun of
rocks blttiated about tlireo hutidrod
miles of the tropic of Cap
ricorn , uud home one thousand mlleseast
of llio Jnnolro.
AVhcn it is stated tliat the expedition
'wrmlirouted by the iotc ran yachtsman
E. P. Knight , wliobo "Cruise of the fal
con" mndo such an linpiesston a few
years ngo , it may bo imagined that , Dee
favcnte , all would go well , nnd that the
wanderers miglit return laden with
booty and covered with glory. One mil
lion pounds sterling Is a nice little sum
to risk something for , and this was the
amoti nt , roii < rhl\ ' speaking , at vhlclitho
"wicked pirates' treasure" was valued
by these who , under .Mr. Knight's com
mand , wt out in tlio good ship Alorte.
The little island , vlth Its satellites ,
thoMnituaVas rocl < s , presents a most
inhospitable appearance , andthodlill-
culty of lauding is vciy on account
of the heavy surf nnd the abrupt , jngged
nature of the difls , IJut to return to
the treasure , It was supposed that some
seventy yours ngo ft band of nir.itcs
landed on the island and concealed their
ill-gotten gain inn c.ivo , the entrance
to which had since been fcncred up by a
landslide. Mr. Ivaiprht's pirty projioscd
to dig away the landslide and vent from.
these shores fully equipped for almost
any emergency in this direction. On the
way out the Httlo yacht stho was only
lif ty tons got cauglit in the doldrums
and there was a. gooddeal of squabuliner
onboard , but oientiually , after landing
at Uahia , tlio island , vob , reached aiiddig- ;
ging comtncnced. {
Alas , for the uncertainly of all luiman
alTairsI Four months of incessant toil
sulilcedto iomo\o \ thotlandslide , but did
it make the toilers 'millionnlrea ? No ;
the find was absolutely nothing ljut a
few nieces ' of cluna-rjufat enough to show
that'pcoplo had beenljin that cave ; just
enough to indicate lai ] > roballllty that
these -worthies had tQtnoiod whatever
valuables there wyro on the spot
pi-cvious to the occ-urreneo of tlio land
slide. All ynchtmen will wish Mr.
Knight a b'afo return to his country ,
and sympathize witli Ills disappoint-
niout. c
Krpulillcan County ( /ontrnl Commltto
There will will bo ameotinsof tlio re
publican central committee Saturday
nftornoon , 2p. in. sharp , Millard liotol ,
JI. P. O'BuinN , Chairman.
M. L BOEDKII , Socvotaiy.
Through coaches Pullman palace
slcepora , dining' cars , free icclinlng-chair
cars to Chicago and intervening point
via the grout Rock Island route. Ticko
olllco 1602 , Sixteenth and Parnain.
AVivos' KcsioiiHlliilltr. ]
Gatli in the Enquirer : These wives
who go to Europe for the summer for
two or three mouths , learner their hus
bands at homo , must remember tlio adage -
ago , when the cat's away the mice \yill
play. In almost o ory other family ,
shipping 0110 and taking ono , vo see the
wife and perhaps her daughters sent to
Europe , and often the vifo goes alone
with a quasi-friend. "What wonder if
the husband , dopriiod of society and
finding his homo dull , indulges in o
lark , and knowing that the neighbor
ing resorts , like Long Branch and Long
Boaoh , and Manhattan IBcacli , nro par
ticular about the coupling- their
g-ucstd , difecovois that half way down
the Jcrsov coast and liardly farther
from Now" York than Philadelphia is ,
that tlioy have some hundreds of hotels
which novel- apply tlio microscope to the
liotol register.
Do not bo Imposed on ty an ; of the rmmcrom
Imitations , suWllnlw , etc. , which an flooding
the -world. There IB only ono Swirt't Spctlflc ,
ind .hero Ii nothing llko It. Oar remedy con
tains no Mercury , Pete b , Arsenic , or any pois-
ononnnbetsnco vhatcvcr. IttullJa cp the gen
eral health from the flist dose , and baa never
foiled to eradicate conta ona Hood , poison uid
ila cflcctaf torn the eysttra. Do Buro to get ttic
genuine. Send year adAf i for oar TrcatliO oa
Blood and kln XUcaseiyblch will Sc mic : ! l
free. 8-WTIT
If a corset Is perfect in
other respects and has the
usual metal eyfilets , the laces
ivill break at theixnostannoy-
ing times ; for tlie eyelets cut
them. ' ' '
. ;
There is a 'better ' eyelet ;
made of loops of corset lace ;
soft eyelet we fell it. It costs
no more , is neater , more sucn
as a woman would make for
herself , besides tlie conveni
ence of not wearing out or
cutting the laces.
The Ball and Kabo corsets
are eyeleted with it.
Tou can get these corsets
and wear thern t\vo > or three
weeks ; and , if you do netlike
like them , return them. The
makers pay the merchants to
sell them so.
Ciiiaoo COKsrrCo. , Chicago and New
Have you
Even the little pig In the picture is a more
agreeable companion than a man with a dirty
collar or a woman who presides over a tawdry
house , But nobody \vants the reputation of being
a pig under any circumstances.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Sovcnloon yoirn * ciporlrnco. A rrculnr crmliintolii .
thotrcatcit . clliilomnnliow Is MIIIonllrliiK " 1th
RitrcooH all Nc-rtotis.dironli'iiiiu '
Hpi'rmntorrliunh stM.inli i > < l , Semliml I'rlrntoitlwnw . ApoimiuiDittcnronimriintocil ( orCntnrrli
Wciknesfi. Miilit Loiso , , , ,
. Iinpoioncj H > plillls Stricture nnilnl
( Hstn.ius of tliulllood Skin nnd " . .
Urlnnry Ortriini N" II. 1
ninruntio fOOJfor
. ovcrr OMO 1 umlartaki ) iiniKal
to dire. CoiiMiktttlonfroo. Hook ( Mjr slorlua of Iir . . . .
10 a m. to 12 ui ( roo. Olllco hour ) U 11 m. to 8 p. iu. 81111 Jar
-.AS THE.-
8uV > inltsvris ovot- made laofoco bu u no\vapnror.
Call at the BBB Counting Room. .
THE OMAHA IEE offers ayeat's subscription to the paper , Including
the Sunday issues delivered on payment of $2.50 per month. The flrs 6
volumes to be delivered on payment of $2.50 and tha balance payable
$2.50 per month. The other i volumes to be delivered within four moiilhs
All our present subscribers are ontitlad to all the advantages of thl
greatofler , People living ouUlde of Omaha can avail thotimlvosof tha
abovellberal offer byhaving the monthly yaymeats guaranteed by some ro-
cponslblo tanker or merehant in their town.
1302 Parnam Stroot.
City Pnesoncfor and Ticket .Agont.
o ; ; ! ! :
VOUSDRIitMTr.Vcaknna < il Itodunil
Jlliul ; Ktl'oilH of Krrors or ( ixoomos liiultl or
YOUIIK. Hobust. Noble M.ANMOOJJ fullv re-
slnreu We Kiiumntvo every case or motiiiy
rt funded , ftunplo tvourso , llvo days' trout.
men t. II : full COHNO , iji Soourulysuulcd from
bbtirvatloii , Cook UoinotlyUo. . Omulia. Neb
OIUceSt.Cla , r Hotel , for. Itth and DoiUo tin.
X.IHUZ ) CollarH niid C'uUs.
Comet stjiit.
Oesl Quality. Perfect Fitting.
" " .SANATIVO , " the
"tVomlcrCiiI fannnlsh
Kiraedy , It solan I th
Written CSiiiiruri-
U > oto euro nllNerv.
ouj UlB < iicc , iuchai
Weak Mimorj , LOBI
! of Drain l'o\virileucl- ,
. . - , . . . , , „ , _ „ . _ ' aclje , Wakefulnera ,
Upforo & . After Uso. Loat Manhood. Ncrv-
riioiogru.lwl | Jiomrite , omuccH , I.nsBUudo ,
ellUraluD Biiai.BM . ofpouer of tha Oi'ucrntlve Or
cans , ID iiittierBuxcau udliy ovcr-cxcitldii , joutli'
fill iucllicrutlan * , or the cicfexlvo line ol tooacco ,
opium , nr ntlmnlonts , volcli ultimately lend to
Kflrmlljr , Conmimptlon > ncl Infinity , Putiip in
coiivfiilcnt form tocarrylu tlie\c > t pocket , 1'rlco
(1 ( n pickncc , or O fir 5. With every J5 ordrr wo
five nirrtfrtit uuantntit to ri < ro or rrfnml
tha > ioHRbunlby mill to any aildruai. Clr-
culur Irto. Mentlou tlili Addruna
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Ilramh Ofllcc fc' U. 8. A
IT | - 'l ' > . .rn Mr.- t. CIllCAfJO , ILL.
" * -
Kului ACo.Cor. 1 h anil noiiKlinStrooti.
J , A. I'ullcr > tCo.'or. ( lltli nnu OoiiRlnsSta
A , I ) . I'oitcrA : Co.C'outicll lllulls , liivvu. ,
" " " ' '
: u , MOau
mUTnUT-lhullli I. . d
tun HDIE O.Mi.r-Dr. I * < mo'i Perlodlcll I'l romccljr , tct on Ilia tncnitrual nynloiu and
euro Bupprexilim liouivrhiituvcr crtuio. 1'foiiuilo
cici ] tru tluii. Tlit > aiillliiiiuiiM ) | ! not. 1)3 taken ilur
mrproiinnncy. Am. Till Co , RnjaUjr l'roi , 8pon
ctr , ClarCo. . In ( Jonuluobf HliornmnA McCoiinull
l , nonrl' . O,0iimha , ! C. A. Mulclior , Houlli
OmitliaiM. L' . hill * , Council IHuJj la.or.t torj.
. . . .
DufTrrlner from UietUucUnr youlhrulrrroo , farl
rtecajr , wiulln > r vrrnktieu , | OA ( inauhoott , i't& , I wi
annd ft valuablu trratlu ( iti-al l > cimtalnlnK fu
particular ! ( or home cure , FIIKK of chant" .
pUiodlil inMllealwork nhouiJ l rtad br e rrT
uikQ ire U iierroiia anil itemlltatfd. iretti ,
iff of. I'.C. I'OWJLItK.tlloodm.Couu.
The G rand Ton iqfht ,
IS' Li\VTON Blil L'll-t9
Popular ill-Icon , liciorvcd scuK 2.V. Ko an4
M cinls ,
Boyd's ' Spccid.
Friday ami Satttnlay , & jikmbcr 12-JS ,
KiiKUCnicnt of llio H0 | > ro pnlMlvo Drnraitla Or-
ifnnlrntlunnf Amrrlci
"MR. A , M ,
Kronilho 3hilionSintnroThcntf > r. X \ ' .
Tour utiilor tlio OlrtHJIInn of Mil. Ah II. U.MAN ,
7fH > .l V fMV.'AKVtt ( tloulilo WID "A Munof
tin1 World. " mill "Aunt .lucU. "
A'll"lin.\r \ M.lTl.M'.H. "Iliu the Pt'inniin" '
S < "it nro now on union ! rniiiltr v >
Matlnro | > rlr < < * * amu
Grand-ElBht Mights. .
Commencing iundo-y , Sept. 14.
ri Opera Company
In the ' CltlMKS Of N011M.VM1V.
SO 1'KflPI ' l 1 SO :
L.'o'imiii's ou * u i"ui vv hi'unrr/
Cumin onopii ut popuitir prices Itcscitcd
oaH"K * , i'C a nil Me.
Momlixy , "Tlio Slusoot ; " Ttiisilnv , " ( Iliollo
ilvolliiVp ! < ! m > stliy , Ollvollt' ! " Tliiir'itliiv ,
ClilniL1 of Noiiiiuml ) ; "I'rMuy"l'ru liiuvnl i.
iifinliivMutlniM' . "I'lio .MIUsulo : " S.ituiihy
IlKlil. " 1'liu Miisuoti" Suinliiy , h
Uox slu't't ojicn yutiuilny , Pojit tltlh
uiida y , Septernjber 14
OlTNj Ml Piil''OliMAXt'K ; ! OP
mil coiillmili ) ? on Mouiluy , Tiusilay nnil
Wednesday litoiilnifs.
The sale of scats will coiiiinunco SitunUy
iornln ,
Dime E den JVupee [ ,
, 1.AWI.KU. MA. NAO Ell.
IiTiy. Albopt uiul .Tnliii.
I.ooiiliimlXolson. Unrlnii null Collins.
L'lio ItctliDvan Qunrtolto , DH.uio. Lorraine
ii ml a Oiiiiilnt toof urllst .
ONK PUlR Annill H TO A. 1,1 *
er TMB
In tionUu rnntltrlril ullli any oilier
Ctmipuii } mliiK tlio nuiue iiuiui.
3 ? .A. VIljX OST
MONDAY , SEPT. 15TH , 189D ,
WlllCh l llio ( iHANII HEW-ANNITAt. HXTll Oimr-
N.dlV JJllA\VIMI , tlio CAI'ITAIj I'llIXK bolll | OU
UunJrcilntul Twenty 'lliongaiiil IMIIiirs ,
Bj tormi of contract tlio compiny mint < lc | > oMt
tlio mini of alt prl/o liiclmlril Inilio H < lipiii(9 hcforo
rcllliiK niliiKlo ticket , unit icoelvulho Jvlluwlnnulll-
clal ponnlt :
CtitTifu-ATr-I licreby certify ( lint tlio Hank of
r.ondoii ' ami Mexico IIIIH mi iliioilt | tliolirct'ixnry
1'uniH to uiuirnntco Iho | > iymrnt f > f nil prlzoa
diawn bj tlio Ijotcrltidolii nrnoilclenLlnl'iilillcn
ATOMNAIl OAHTII.I.O , lnturu'iior.
Further , the roiniinu/ I ) rcqnlrc'it to illKlrlliuUi
nilylxpor iTiit. of tliu viluu u ( all ilm tu-ktta In
Lotlory. pilzcsnhrtor porlloii tlian In nlvoa bj uuy atlior
1'rlce of Tickets , Arooricnn Mnnoy :
\vnor : s , sa. HALVR-MI. QUAKTKHS.W
KKIlITIb , 91
ClubllntCf SMwoithuf Tkkotsfor | 5tt
ICBpltslI'rlronf JISDIKIO . In | | JO,000
Ifnliltnl I'rlzoof W.UIIU. . Is CI.UOO
1 Cnpltnl IVI70 of alUOU . It 10.000
irirnndl'rl/oof 5AKJ ( . t fXHJ (
ZlVl ciof S..WUO . nro < , ( XJO
ftl'rl ci < ) fft \ ) . „ . . . . . nro 5IOO
SOI'rl/mof NO . nru lll.OiX )
HUl'ilrtuof ' XO . , . , nro aiU ) ( ) )
KHl'rlECiof ) ' 1W ) . are , W.O-O )
Kfil'rlteinl 40 . nro 2I,1U )
IMPrlicsof flWiiiroxliuntln | | t.H2J,000
prlro . 113,000
IMI'rlrcsor $ l'JOiiiinnliil ' | lln to MO.UJO
prl/o . 15.00J
1M I'riyuof lU ! npproxllintlnK ID tL'U.VX )
prl/o . 9,030
VWJ'Brinlnnla of FID ducldod liy II-'O.IM )
prUo .
3,28) Prltci nmoinillnu lo ( .117,1'J )
All 1'rlii'i 8oM Iu tlii ) Uiiltoil Btutoi fullr puld In U
B. Purrcncy.
Tlio mimlHjr of tickets Ii llnilli'il ' to M.XX-20,000 (
IOM than are aolil byulhur IxjttorlcJ u ! nx tlimaiua
Ifrilomlt hj orrtlnnrr lollor , fontnlnlnsr nionoy
nrilorM uiuud by all ciprois cDinpanloi , ur N'uvr Vurk
> p uurrL-ni-y iiu : t InvurhMjr
City ut IVlrxIco , Mexico.
1O1 .Nu-\v 1'ork
Omali a , Noli.
National of Coiunioroo , Om.ilia , Nob. ,
. \lllpayull jirl/-x on ili > niiiiiil drawn In thl *
lottury. W. H. KKUroiLAHst. " " -
AVeOffer for Sale ,
I'our tlioiisnnil Ions olmluii Itnlcd IIiiViI'-O ,
II.earn , htrunicu'o SUIliiit. T uloii nr liiiiuluk
al.itlom , on U. M. .VHU I1 , K. It. , In lots to uU
IHirulinser ; prices loxul'itoJ by the inirkut
Cull unil HCO us.
It CUB bn jrlu-n Iu a tup f wfft * ur ! rii or tu * r.
} 1tl tifruiMJ , without tlsa tcnowledjfo ol the pitlent ,
fnooouary. It U abioluteImrmlcua ) tndwituneot
a porinanoikdad pptedy cure , whether tb * patient t
tnoderttodrtakororaaalooUallowrivck. IT SKV IIIi
KAlI * t. It opgrat'M o quittiy ted -wllh micb oer-
Umtjrtbat thi patient undorcocino Inoonventcnoc ,
md . art ' h li aware * titi oompletn reorm [ tloa n
ISrage boo/orptnicuhriifro To batiHdof
KU11N If UO.'iettl It DoiljUft Irtn ACumlng Bta ,
Cr'l'ricle . : Huimllad by UIVAKK.OUUCE K CU , and
UlOIiAllUUON PltUU C'U.Oni li < \
Great Western Type Foundry ,
1114 Howard St. OMAHA.