TL-1J3 OltfAHA DAILY J3KK : FRIDAY. SEPTEjUBEK J2. 1800 , DAILY 3HBB. E , H08EWATEB , Editor , I'fBLTrilinD KVKHY MOUNIXO. TrUMHOP MMM'It.ll'TION. Hilly nml "nnilfty , Ono Vi ir . . .til M Hit months ri 00 Throi iiionllit 2 ! > ) Hiiii'lny Hi'p.Ono - " 0 Vcckly lloi' . oiiuVonr. 1 'M OITtC'r.S : Oinfihn. The HOP Iliilliltn , SintliOiiuiliM. < 'inner.N unit i'.tli Street * . ( ( HliK.ll IMulTs. I. ' I'cnrl Htroot. riilciuo Ollleo , III' Chamber nf C'otnuiPrcp , MiiHlilngtoii , M.llomlciiitli.Sliee't. All eoriiintinlc'itloin rolutliu to now * nml rilllniliil initttor Hlioiilit lie lulilrussul to tlio Jdltorlul Hop irlinciil. All liiiHtiioss lilt em anil rrniltt mci'i should IP lulilruvtKlto'lliulli'u 1'iiblNhltiR I'otniiiny , Oinulii. IlinftH , olurks mid niHtollloo iiiilon \ be Hindu 1) ) IA ililo to tlio ( irtlir of tlio 00111- ] iativ. The Dec Publishing Company , Proprietors , llin Her ll'ld'ir. Tnriiim und f-cxcnli'i-ntli Sis FWOIIN bTATHMCM Of OIKC1J1.AT1ON fclati'iif NVliiimk.i. I _ County of IMuiclai. f " ( lee II. T/sclinc'h , forrntanr of Tlio tloo I'ulilUlilnsioiiiDinv.dooinolomiilvittPiirtnat Ilin iicttiiilelifulnUnn of I'll * IMlirllM. for tliouok cndltijt Hupt. 0 , leOO. mis as follo'vs : Siiwlnv. Aiuiml.ll . ' 'MOO Jlondnv Npt I . JMI ) 'Iiic . ' - | ) . . ' . aVilS \\iiltusiitiv. \ \ ' out. . i . . . . WIIT niinr ilu\ nit I . "I'MiJ ' Irldnv s. . pt. r. . . 2ii.WI , hituriluy.oit | 0 . . . -0 - Avcruco 21,07.- ( Iro. II. T/M iiu K. Fwnrri in liofnrn 1110 nnd subse'rlbed In inv rrnsinro llilnlitli ilnv -cptuiiihe'r. . \ . I ) .IS'H ' ) IfiMt. | N i' . PMU ltH ) y 1'ubllo Slutnnf Nibr.-ixltn. ( "t'diuity of DmiRlim. f „ noorKn II. T4cliul > . biliiR duly sworn , dp- OIOM .UK ! n ij s Hint ho Is see-ret iry of Tlio Itcii j'ill > llsliln/ ( ojip.inv , ( lint tlioiic'tinil , ' ! ' dnllvelt ) ul itliin of Tut tAin llnfortho liKiiith of S'pli'inlHl , IBifl , 1S7IO ( dplfsi for Oclolioi. IhS1) ) , iSg'cCtuplcsi ' forNoVdiibci , lix'l , 111 , IIIHonln ; fnl Di'ii'inlli r. 18'JO.IIH ) ( oplt's , fiir.riiiiiiiirv , IS1) ) ) . 1'1'kV , copies ; foi robriiur > , 1MH ) . jn.Tiliopls ( : for Mun h. 1K ) 'Jiisricoplct ! fni April. IVKI. ai , ' > ii4 loplts ; forMi } lsrM ) , Jl.l'-O ( oplis ; for June , Ifi'K ' ) , L 0 XII eipli ) > s , foi Inly , lt > U ) , JJUI > Jeoplcsj foi AiU'ilst , 1"D.- " " > ' toplm U Hi no i II. ' 1/M ill IK. SUDMI to lidfeiro tun. mill Hiiliicrllieil In inv , tills lUlh il.iy of bi'ptoniliur , A. I ) JblKJ. A. I' I'l II. . No\V that Allan Uoot , IB nnniintitud for congress , llio cimp.iign.vill proccud without further ft lotion. Tin : vigorous opjioiitlon of shippers to the uniform bill of lading \\hich \ the r.iil- roads iittemiit'-d to put in foico , buccoss- fullj ytraturlid the seheino. thoryclono of the Papplo In tlio l rsico , ! Mr. Bryan will hiu o consido ublo expotibo nnd mental exer tion by promptly retiring from the field , Tin : Minnesota democratic platform outuiiuls the famous Indiana pioduc- thin The MinnosoU ooiitlngont work on the theory that the slimmer the chuneos of SUCO033 the longer the plat form. A republican rally , with R ] ocuhos that will pivo the key note to the campaign , la the proper tiling. The time is uhotit ripe , and the republicans of the stuto are awaiting to fall Into lino. IN rcspoiiio to local pressure the Canadian authoiitius dccldojl to reduce the tiii'lll on pork fiom three to half a cent a pound.ri'no porsuaslvo inlluonto of the American hog continues footing its way Into popular favor at homo and abroad. Mil. McKmoiiAN's attempt to adjust thoallalrs of the government goes mer rily along. Hid own business jilTairs , lio\\ovor , grow more sadly inixeil as the dajs longthon. It was his misfortune , in his congressional race , that ho over county judge of Webster county. PORTLAND , the queen of Iho Colum bia , IB ono of the few cities piofitlng by n census recount. Tito first enumeration ga\o a population of sixtono thousand. A recount by competent men brought the population up to bovontHvo thou- Band , again of llftj-oight thousand In ten joins. Yonic is soon to have a monument ment oroctoil to HOIMCO Greoly. It is to consist of nst'ituo which is about to bo erected in the front doom ay of the Now York Tribune , the piper he founQcd. The nionumout is the result of public entorpiiso , and will bo sacred to the inumor ) of the greatest American jour nalist. Tliu Lincoln newspaper \\hichcould \ not Boll itself for fifteen hun dred dollars still Insists that faomo ot tlio democratic boodle edit ors should have "blood money. " If they fail to boodle Iloggon and Rum It will bo eminently proper for thorn to come out for homo and natho land with n string tied to their proposition. the us ortions of rhronin croakois , tlo ) country is getting along pretty well. During thopistdo- cndo national nnd state debts to tlio mnountof ono hillion dollars worn wiped out , while the wealth of the country iu- ureascd foity per cent , re idling the Bpltmdld totul of sovonty-ono and a half billion dollar * , or an averajjo of ono lutn- died and oKnonund n half dollars for o\ory man , wonmn and child in the eountty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TllJJ find footing of the election In Maine nhotts n republican plurality of nearly nineteen thousand , the largobt in any uolT year" since 1879. The total vote Is twenty thousand short of that cast In 18SS. Computed wllh the vote of 1SSO , the republicans show a loss of ilvo thou- Mind , \ \ hlle the deinocrnticoto fell away twelve thousand. Evidently the demo crats of Maine were not 8-Ulsflod with Lho iccord of the national party nnd olthorbttiAod tit homo oroted the re publican ticket ns n means of the obstructionists. IT WAS a sublime plcco of erjstall/ed pall for Cluilloo and Diivis , the two loadots of the council combine to uslc TioasurorUush for un ondor&cmunt of Vnndorvoort ns postmaster of Omaha in vlow of the notorious fact that both of thorn ns wall us Ynndorvoort had sup- jiortocl the democratic opponent of Hush ut the lust city election , It would BOOIU thnt the comblno wants to control not only the city patronage , but the postof- Jlco , the custom house , the school board , the uuporlntondency and uilnor appolnt- inonts on the now fcdornl building , and everything oho in und out of sight. U'horo is nothing small about the council Combine. ? LKSIOX or rtro KM.TT/O.VS. / doellm * in tlio republican vote of Vermont nt the rccont olootlon was a greater encouragement to tlio democracy thnn It li us tlorhotl lioru niiy other political ovvnl of the your. Tire ( loinoc'iutlc vote in the Htulo VVIIH also reduced , but this fnctviis not iillovvod to mltigatd the enthusiasm of tlu p irty organs ever what tlioy rimcl calved to bo substantial ovldoni'o tlrtit ono lilthorto impregnable ntroti < ; lioll oJ republicanism was weakening , nntl upon this nppnront fuel these organs harped for days In merry choi'tH. The truth is the vote liiVormont shown simply that the republicans ot that alnto were loss Interested In political afT.ilrr in tlrholT joir thantisurl , nntl tha pirty mntmjrors hud inadocompu-atlvoly llltlo ollort to arousonir interest. I'lio ' c imp palgn was ono of the quietest in the history of the liit" , and the eonlldenco of the lopublieans In tholr ability to win conduced to widespread apathy in tlio pirty ranks. This hort of thin" ; always to bo loprohqndcd , because the duly of a mm to lila jitrty dotnandH th'it ho Hluill nt all tlmcn hoti called upon give It the supiiort of his vote , but it Is n common o\pni'ion o in years immediately following u ptosl- dontUil election , In the ease of Vermont it furnishes no good roison for msumlng tint the ropubliean vote is ro illy any less in thnt state now than It was two ago , Hut the happiness of the democracy ever the rosiilt In the Croon Mountain "Into u as of brief ciijojmcMit. The ver dict of Mtrlno swept it uvv.iy coinplotoly , nnd now ( lie odoinoci'ttttc organs are en- ( Ir.ivoriny ; to explain thoHplondld repub lican ticlnry in tlm Bay state by clurff- ing that it wan the work of money. Yet it is tinqucstioiuiblo that for every dollar Hpi'irt there by the ropubllc.iiis the dunrourats put out one hundred cents , and especially this the ease In the Fit it dibit-lot , represented by Speaker Heed. Never was there a more vigor ous und determined otToit to dofo-it a candidate thnn was made by tbo domociatic maiiapets to defotit Mr. Icod. { Tiio chairman of the natiotml cotmnlttoc , Senator Gormin of Mary 1 mil , sent thousands of dollar : , into thnt district , n single millionniio democratic senator being credited with having1 given o\or twenty thousind dollars to bousoJ entirely against Raod. There is reason to believe that bo far as the First district of Miiino is concerned the domoarats npont more money tbcio than the republicans. But the republicans wore well org'ant/.od nnd their dis- tiiiK'tilshed le.uiori did not permit their inlotvst in the eaniii.iign to t\ug. \ The ic'hitlt attests the valuoof their olTorts. There is an obvious los&on in these re cent political events which appeals to the consideration of lepubliuans every- vvhoro. The chief danger to the pirty in the republican states is from either ap itlry or ovcr-confldcnco. So far as the principles to ha contended for are con cernedthe claim of the republic in party to confidence nnd support is as strong1 as It his ever bjen , nnd thoio is lib- holutoly nothing in the rcuont conduct of the leaders of the domocUMcy , or in the promises to bo inferred , from the course of the loprosontnllvos of that party in congiess , to warrant any change of opinion rojrardlnr its ability or its willingness to cotisorvo and prornoto tire Interests of the people and the welfare of the country. The courio of tlio party in congress lias shown that it has no sincere - core concern for the general good , and especially Unit its professions of icgaid for the gioat fiii-ininy chuss are inoinlng- los-j mid dishonest. The duty of repub lican loaders lb so plain as not to rrquiio particular elucidation , and if faithfully performed the column of republican state- * will remain inttrct. 1'itJMAnr E It goes without sajiug that the present - ont primary election law is dofcctivo in many points. Wo doubt , however , whether the regulations uroposod by the Seventh ward republican club can bo legally enforced befoio the piosont law is amended so as to ncuord with the pio- posed reform It Is doubtful whether any republic in em ba logallV dlsfi-m- chlsod at a prhmry olocllon because ho is not a member of a lopubllcan cluh , un- lest Indeed that should bo made a pio- loquibito qualillcition by the republican state and county central committees. For Instance , the republican state central coinmittoo issues a call for u btato convention to bo composed of a given numborof delegates in the respective conation. All republi c-ins , Iriobpectivo of faction , are invited to send representation , and it Is OK- pected tliat free access will bo ghcn to all lopublicans to paitielpato In the primaries. If the county or wnrd coinmittoo should take upgn Itself to o\eludo 10- publicans who tire not members of clubs , they would do so \lolnlionof thoHtitto committee's call and lay u foundation for n contest In the courts and in the convention. 'Jho object of all primary elections Is to gho fieo Bcopo to members of the party for tin untrum- mclcd choice of candidates , nnd nfter a free ballot anil a fair count Is had to proclaim the choice of the majority , and exact ndhoslon to this choice at the election. Tlio only conditions that can bo prescribed under our primary law must relate to the political standing of the voter and his past and future bup- port of part } * candidates. Years ago before any primary law was enacted , TUB 13uu advocated a radical reform of primaries by registration of the members of each piuty. When this reform was adopted by the republican county central committee , It pro voked the opposition of what was then known as the railroad gang that had controlled and debauched our primaries by promiscuous voting and orgnnbod repeaters. The result was that tbo rlrst primary under regis tration was a .series of rowdy raids nnd riots. Judges of olootioti were \loiontly assiultod , ballot boxes were smashed and peaceable voters were drhon frpm the polls by rowdies. Finally a suniolont number of conrmlttcomon were bought outright with corporation boodle aud tire registration system was overthrown and revoked. Such outrages can no longer bo per petrated now that primaries are under legislative control , but the reulstrnllon of voters would inotii'opln- ' Ion effect tlio reforms nought to bo no oompllHhcd by the fjjvonlh ward ropiib * Hums , It Is within the power ot tlio county < committed to appoint n rrglHtubti tlon board nnd require- till roptiblicins to enroll Ihomsolvos bjforo I hey ncquiio thu right to vote nb a prim try election , The board of registration could bo clothed with power to examine into tlio political at unling nnd qii'illtlcatloiiH of each votor. MombjiMlrlpln u republic m club would boprhmi fucio nroofof liU right to ( participate in the putty'ti primaries , itut ! thu failure to join n club would not deprive him of his frjinohiso if ho can cstibllsh , his ropublicanl-iin. Tlio Htimo rules would of ujiifdo tipply to membersj of other parties. Such a ( system would effectually wtop promiscuous voting and repeating ut primaries. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o un. oovw : snwJum in ins. The sonnto hns passed two bills pio- viillng for nlrip iiuljsldleri , Ono of those proposes a tonnage bounty itnJ the oLhor unices provision for subsidies In the form of rntill contracts. Tire llr t applies to all classes ofossoln \ ubovo a ( ortaln tonnage , while the other meismo wills for thoconstrucllon of fitoainships of a specified clurjictor , whith could bo niailo a\alhillo ) in an emergency as war \osaels. Both of these bills touched a good ma jority In the semite , mrd their stii- poitors woto sanguine that they would pass tlio house , where they have now bten for nearly or qulto two months. Thoie has boon no Inthnition , hoiv- o\er , that they are llkoly to got through Htthopicsont hoislon , and tlio liullcu- tions are tliat they will bo ullowod to go o\or. It Is iiccodsiry that sornothlng sh ill be saerilitod if the nntl.iial trots- uiy . in not to experience a deficit , and it isquito prob iblo thnt the loulors of the majority in the house hive docidcd that it Is the most oxpoliont tiling to dote to postpone tlio subsidy bills. They \\ouldrotinlrobomorthoiofroni three to iho nilllion dollars nlthln thonott yoir , und iiftorn arils a considerably larger amount , nnd o\on socomp.iralivcly srndl a sum as this niiy just sive thu tovcnuos of the governnront from falling below the oxponillturod. It is oviihmb that Iho treasury is going to have a very close shave as His , unless the president should as a matter of sifety vote the twonty- IHo million dollar river and hnrbor bill , and under suoh oiicuiiBtiineos the adoption of a ship subsidy pol'cy 1 ' would bo mtlior hazardous from a party 1 point of view , Besides , man } of the J mombsrs of the majority in the house in \ hesitate , and vorj reasonably bO , about giving their approval to a sys tem which the ) would Hnd no llttlo dllli- culty In justifying to their constituents , pirticulatly those of the west and noith- west , who would not be easily coiivincocl that it would bj in the goncral iutciest to UBO the public nnnoy In this n ay. It is quite likely , thetofoio , that the sulvo- crtes of ship sulmdics have boon in duced to nbito the pressure for this leg islation und jvwait a rnoro auspicious time for renewing it. The longer the subsidy schemes are dolajod tlio loss chance they should hive of succeeding , but It must bo confessed that their promoters have secured n , very decided advantage in getting them through the bonato. If the house docs not act upon them at tlio piosont session , which scorns probable , it Is very likely to do so ut the next. Sloantinio thobo who are opposad to the policy , as wrong rn principal and coi-tain to place a large and growing buidon on the nntloniil treasury , bhould not bo inactive. TUB September crop report of the do p irtuietit of agriculture does not show any improvement In the ciop conditions in the country. The belief that rocotit favorable weather had in it orially im proved maturing grain and mitigated the effect of diought , is notsustiincd by the loport. On the contrary , a decline of two points Is noted in the condition of corn , The average is now placed at bovonty per cmt , tire lowest MIICO 1881. Fuvouiblo r.iins during A ugust t-amo too Into to do any great good , and the bulk of the crop needs fiostloss vveuthor during the present month to fully ma ture. This is lurdly piobablo , and n further loduction In the average is ex pected , livery corn growing stnto is moro or less nITectcd , with Kansas nt the front of the list. The ayoncios a'lect- ' ing corn caiisod like damage to all coreils and root crops , particular ! } po- titocs , the average Ihis year being tlio lowest in cnty-lhroo yours. Increased prices for all grain will , however , moro than rntiko up tire deficit in quantity. In actual value the reduced ciop of 18'JO ' exceeds - coeds the enormous crop of 18SJ. Tine latest order ot business upon by the lopublicans of the sonnto in- eludes u bill for the relief of thosupiomo court of the Unite 1 States. This nutter has Occupied the attention of congrasi from time to time for a number of } oars , and the urgency for some legislation bus steadily grown. Tire rtitoof this growth is Hlrown by the fact that between Goto- her , 1881 , and tlio wuiro month inlSSl ) , the cases on the docket increased from nine hundred and four to eleven hundred and eighty. The clour remedy for this practical denial of justice Is toorgani/o a now Intermediate appellate court , or to dollno rigidly and restrict the class of casas In which appeal may bo made. A bill deslgnudto rflvo the iiotxlod relief has passed the house and n mibstituto for It has been reported inthoBenirte. Thoio ought to bo a prautlcibloviy \ found to sottla the long-pending question bofoio theproiont suasion of congress tornrl- nates. TUB offer of Secretary AVindorn to prepay - pay ono year's Interest on four per cunt bonds lesuttod In tlio tllsbjrs-jumt of nearly a half million dollars In onu day by the Bub-troaMiry at Now York , The government would oortnlnly ho in haul lines if It uorounablo to find u number of solf-sierlfloln ! * individuals willing to relluvo it of a pot tlon of the .surplus. TUB com/nrutlvo Imlns-n activity In municipalities of Nebraska nnd Kniisis is well Illustrated by the prospoctlvo building of publlo works. According to the rnnnuul of American \ Vntor"otKs for 1BS9-90 , water works are projected In eleven Nebraska towns with a fair out look for their construction Alnsworth , Aropahoo , Atkinson , Cozud , Crawford , Harrison , ITfijjf-Jprlngi , Hooper , Iluni- holtlt , Wlndon nnd Symcuio. In ICairHtii * , on the other JtiiAUl , In only Ilvo towns Ilaxtnr MprlllLM OsajfQ City , I'lillllps- burg , llic'hlh'p 'iJLjiil Wallnco luivo simi lar cxpondltuiivf , for public works boon proposed , Tin : legislature thh wlirtor will bo cilled upon to 'pns ? some laws on usury. Tlio callow-fucetl young m-ui who bus boon in tire habit of holding up the sturdy farmer for sixty per cent will bo culled down. A.ud It Is eminently proper that bo should bo. Wiru Van Wjclc out of the race for congress , tbo proper thing for the demo cratic nominee to do Is to retire and maKu tbooloctlonof Council unanimous. Voting hopes nnd ambitions should not bo blasted in a fruitless clmso. TUB appoitlonmontblll lutioduccd in the house gives Nebraska and Mlnnosot'i an increase of Unco congressmen inch , bcirg tbo onlj stales In the union whoso growth In population justified the In crease. ii : u majority of fotty-flvo thous and ngulnst the amendment , the prohibi tionists of Massachusetts plucked up sutllclont vital'ty to nominate a state ticket. Tin : police foico is sadly In need of n vigorous overhauling. The number of burglaries committed within the past ten dnjs clearly show n lack of vig- Ihuico and olllcloncy. Till ! plclcle packets mo getting to gether toorgani/o a trust. AVhutofoio conbutnots blrould bo prepared to sour on the product. Jiot to tlio Point. Mour Cltti Journal. The talk about an extra session of consrcss Isvhat tholanyewchaMctcilzuailrrelovant , Incompetent und immaterial A AVninlnj ; to the Octopus ( It team 'irttiiinr. Before It has iono too far the Standard oil company should bo liiformoil that "the [ ilplnff times of peace" frequently piuceJo an un- plcisaiit season of war. TlicOiil ) l.lTL-etho I'ronlliitlon. / oiiNrHli * ( 'onrl < J-/it' ) u t/ / There was a time vhen piohlbitlou was complete In Kentucky. It was la tbo very oaily < l jsvliei tlio entire stuto was D.OOO feet under water. Needs a Iti-st. Hunt Inns j\cbMiAtn. ( JIcKelglmn's lUt ! speech is becoming so much of a ehcMnut that ho fulls to attract an audience. Iloshould take ti week oft ami learn a new one. | i Without a He mud y. S\i > rfnlh Neui. Mr. Kern's spcwh icmlndcd ono forcibly of a phjslcinn who , when called to see u sick person , would talk dolefully of tlio dangerous nature of thorn ilaly , assign a cause for Its cxUteiico in the pttiont and then go away without sufjjjestiil a wuiody. Oiitniul Ho Ililiiuatocl. Ktamcy IIuli When the cannnign opens every voter sbould turn out and hear tbo lejpccttvo platforms discusscif. It is ttuout'li ojien , lair discussion that { lie inerlts oC parties arc biougbtout. Wllon 'tho uniiounccinents are made , tuui out aud hoar all phases of tbo great political Issues. Wlint CiooU Can It Do ? Vliiltthlplita Jiitrtli .Imcrltan. It Is fir fiom ilenr what good the pan- republican congress proposed by some en thusiasts would do. 'llieiovvus dclinlto work for n Pan-Amcric-an coiiLjrajs , but the plans for this coagros of the vvorld's icpu biles arc too vague to seem practical.Vliut good it will do to "discuss the varied problems which confront republics" Is hard to sec. Sueh problems are discussed very freely as it Is , and just about as effectively nnd to as much puiposoua LV a congress. Tlio Surplus Couldn't Stand It. I'litlaiMiMn Rccitnl. Amoral phguospot has been discovered within a stone's throw of tlio cnnltol nt Washiticton , and congress has heon peti tioned to buy the properties and destroy them. If tlio government should go Into the business , of buying up such plague spots tbo chances uro that the supply of spots would so tax the resources of the suipitis thut the Xilairuo would assume epidemic form Tlioro ought to be sutlk lent criminal law in tlio Ulstrictof Columbia to do all the wiping out that such spots Nebraska , IO\MI anil Dakota I'cnalons. WASHINGTONSept. . 11. | Sneehl Telegram toTiiuBi'.K ] Pensions were giantce ! today sis follows to NoUraskaiis : Original invallc IsiuicIIujck , Llburty. Kcntoritioa aiidla croaso-Ch.trles ftmor , lieel Cloud. Original widows , etc. Minors of Sumiel S Corby , Clciirvvatcrj Julii A , McColo , foi mor widow of Henry li Llaucinnlt ! | Salem , isbuo of Au gust 111 , 18'H ) Io\va , > Original Gcorjro W. Lleldeclc , IteJ Oik ; Martin 1C. WhiUott , Muicdonluj Charles II. ICnipp , Hiilnoy. lueroaso Joshua F. Bishop , DCS Mollies ; Kli A Korsclmor , Celitiovillo. Helssuo-Uzchle : faankoy , Leon ; Tlicoeloi'O Hcibert , Stllos- illo ; Clmrles Johnson , Villlsca Covoit Schoffeis , Koblcton. Original vvlu o\\s \ \ , etc. MiiryA. , vvlilovv of Unoi U. Hoh son , liiclihinel ; minors of Moses Loekliart , Marlon ; Mary Jl. lese , former -\vlilow ol Moses Loilihait , JVIarlon ; I'lUnbotli M Smith , mother of John AV. Tlmutoii. Cedni ItapUls ; Mary U. widow of Gcorco H. Mil lei , Muson Clt > \ South Dakota ; Original .Tuii'Ps Thomas , Chrlc , David H nieckliorn. Lohuiioa. In tro.iso CJooigoi ; . 'I'nnnuo , T , ' " Huimlo OriYrr ol' WAIIIINOTOV , SopB 11 , The lopubllc-anson ntorlal caucus to itLe'Mo on the onloi of busl ness concluilcd to limit the puvrniniiio for tha runuilnder of tjio session to the following bills , to uocousldUK'd In Uiu eider i.inmc : iiftur the report ol [ the conference ) committee on the luiul grant fpifoituro bill sliall have been disposed ofpTho anti-lottery mull bill the bill to repeal tlu ) limber onlturo net ; U oil iblUh prlv.ito Und claim courts ; for tin relief of tnustipninMi uouit ; for tlio adjust- nuuitof claims of lalniiors , to , under th eight-hour luxv ; unking eight lionH a Oav' work ; to trmsfeij'in1) roveinio inarliw soivie to the nmy ileiurUncnt , the Piiildock jiurt food bill ; for the il'ttlotnc'ut of claims nrrlv Ing fiom IiicllijJ'ptcilitions | ( | ; tlio 'J'oro Iniiltruptcy bill ; IWbill to plaeo telograpl ( oinpiiilcH u'jilur tlit uimrationot the inter htuto coin ini'i-cu law" , tlio Dial rlc-t of Coin in bin Dill. Tlio question of uiljojrnineat vvu dUoiisjod only IncldunUlly , Outsldo o the ciucua the opinion win tiiely ixproisoi thut after thu tuiifl bill wn dibioseil | of ; ijuorum could bo Kitd only for a short tliiui. This Is ah It Slionlil lie. WjtauiMiro.v , Sept , 11 , Soimtor Plum today rnportoil fuvorulily fiom the publi lauds uoinmltteo the billilocliuIiiK that rail ID ul hml gnniU shall not bo hiild to iiuliid liuil contulnliig valualilo dvpo iti of golc silver , loul , Iron or other moUU unlos spucllled In thu gi nut , T\vi > Klllod wltliOiiulliilli't. O MNKSV n r.K , Tex , , Sopt. 1 J. Lmt night it asuioou a ( pium. ! occurred botwoeu Hear. Nortl and four youni ? men. NoB'el drew revolver und ilrod u bullet which Lllled bet Leo lloshum und John WlUoy , flip PTfpi1 \IIIT it THE STATE CAPITAL , Fhrou Highwayman Hold Up n Stranger at tlio Muzzloof nRiQj , THE POLICE CAPTURE TWO OF THEM. Several Ontnlilttig KiiniiliiL ; VlilcOpt'ii atnl Ioln > c * a iMUl OMU'o IlimlnesH ( Jitj N Neb , Sept U.-fSpa-ltxl lo Tin : I3n-As : ] a itriiiior wlio claims to IK ) a nstleoof the pcieo , but u'fuse * to 11 vo lit * * iiiino VMS puslnifup IMKhlli street botuccn V und ( J shortly after U oMoolc last cvenlnff , 10 win sruldc'iily eonfioiitcl l > y three high- \vaynun , 0110 ot whom halti rlllo runt thiunt tin tilt face with the conimum ! to tliio\\np ils hands. Ho hid ijuito a roll of nnnoj on ils pewou sincl cbjeotccl to patting with It. A llorco struggle ensued but thoiliHinmser of usttco was tin illy and thrown down. Ho jelled "Murder , imndor , pjlicol" Ofllcer Harry lioanl Ills ciiosimd rushed to .lie stone. At the approach of the policeman .lie robhcis Jumped tin and lied , two tunning eist through the alley just south of the Opelt and tlio ether d n ting UnuiiKli tne tillov opening on the wut.sido of the strajt. Olleor lurry tlui-sed thu two tip thoallej toward the Opolt and seized the fellow with tlio riilo. Iho otlnjr tliuj eieaiwd. The polueiiian sent u olllcer after the folio v , wlio ( led Lovviiiil the It. iSi M. depot , and afo\v niinutos liter lobboi was CM ptu rod The tclloxv vvlth the rillo piivo thouiiino of lid Wiltnms , whllo the otliorvvus ugistcieilas James Mc- Caun. A MltlOW 1 1C VIM. Ivoeliler Milford nniroxvly oicipcd ho ur lulled shortly before So'cloilc this morn ing. IIo f ot on an o.utbouiul cir at Twelfth stic'Otaiiiisuilclenly iciiiombcred Unthohnd forgotten vine pitveU in astoio ho hill just left. Hovii on the fiontonil of and In attempting topot oft iolldiroctly in fiont of thecir , with his neck on the track. Iho diivei , withgroit preienco of mind , .veiled " \Vhoil" \ tluo\\ his weight luc-kwarels on the lilies nnd gave the bicikhcmi a toirltli ; tvvibt KVutuiutoly the ear was stopped last in time tosivo Milford'a life , as the wheel loft Its dmty Immlnt on hh thiont. Hnd the eirgoiio six inches iurtherlt would h.i\o hilled him Tllll ( HMIIIHIS' IIVUMST. All the jumbling cstahli'htnents were run ning In full blast last evening ! ll roiwrt u iiiolltablo business with moneyed suukcis. iho gicatcst eiovvd seuiiioel natheied inUt- dreclgo & Webb's ostiiblUlnnciit , oa thoseo- oiul lloor of Iho Quick bloek , on Tent a and P streets , Amonsj tlio otlier nlnccs rcpoitei ) as beinp run in full bla-it in deilaneo of the ordinances Hero : Againlilliifj catutjlishineat ever the Ivy Leal said to bo run by ono Bradccn. Another at 1-J.J South Tenth. Another over the touefh joint urn by Tom Is'oonan Another over Hood's ' tippling plaoo on SonthElo\inth street Ncirlyovoij gnmbloi from Omihn is in the city tijlin ? to got a vvhac't ' nt the suckers. Why in tlio woilct the police should be so vigilant in arresting some two or three negroes shooting craps and close their ejos to the wholesale robberv of the uitj's guests has been a matter of considerable ! comment. Till ! lUSTtMIS Alll.U'MCAtll , Your corrobponclent Inquired of Oov- crnoi Thaycr as to the alloired conIIlet of authotity between him and the boa id of public lands mid building : , The Kovcrnor roiilied : "rheio his been no conflict whatever be tween us , and I am grently suipri&ed at the appcinline of such a statement , as well as at the action tnken bv _ the board. There has been an unfortunate state of ntTnlis in the Hastings asylum , and I v is tuklns men5ures to remove the causes Tluco meinbci-s oftho board were lOfnii/imt of im notion in the matter. Kspod illy was this true of Mr. btcc-ii , the piosidciit of the bo nil , vvho had expussedhis viewsto moas fully in accord with mine touching the case of Mr Ucattyl Ho and tvvo other members oftho board as sented to the date named by niowhcm his pay should eeisovvithoutanj objection vvhntevur. I did not remove any one , but required Dr. Stone , thesupeimtciideiit , to do so This is all there is in the inittci " TJNVIS TOUllNAMENT. The annual tournament of the Nebraska Lawn Tennis association -will bo held at Hastings , September 10,1 and IS. The con tents will bo us follows : 1. Men's doubles , championship class. 2. Men's ' double , second olais. 3. Ladles' doubles. 4. Mixed doubles , Tournament opoii to members o [ any club In Nebraska. Prices will bo given iu each event. L.liiclscj'3 ' restaurant was the scene this otuluB1 , between 3 aact4 o'clock , of avorj H\clj llKlit , which came ncaroiiolng ( lisas- trouslv foi ono o tlio combatants. Itwus ilifllcult to ascertain the tiuo facts in tliecoso owiui : to the retlccnco of those who knew of It. It is learned , boivover , that sooa nfter II o'clock Charles fthCiugor , a v\cll Ituovvn traveling man , camu into the restaurant , consider.ibly undortho influciico of liquor , nnd called a eolorod waiter , -who is known b the nnmoof 'Traiik , " the otlier pirt of his coKiioiiion not liiivniL ' , arrived jot , to pcthlni soiucthliiR to eat. llio vv.ilter told him ho would attend to his wants as soon as lie had finished hit , piosont occupation. This did not suit MuCargcr , and ho spolto liars lily to the man , who replied in kind. According to the bestovldcnco obtainable McCiu'Rer Rt-iibbod .u lns pobletand lot it II V at the notrro. it caught I'l .ink aloiiR tlio sidoof the head and ill o the blood copiously. Ilorctuincd the Cuucubl ui's llio bj thiowhig n poblctand n spittoon at him , cuttlnpr adooji Kash in the mini's licil. Tlio wnitci foi- loucd np his udv mtage by Ulmhliifvvlth hisantiigoiust , and it icquircd the unlteil serviees of a half dozen spectators to untaiiRlo tlio inlstuio of races Mc- Cnrgcr tame out of the iiffraj In bid shape , niul was assisted ton room , the exact locution of which diligent inquiry fulled to establish by his fliciids. Itvvus > imported this inoiuiiiR thutho ujhiK.btit owinc'to the veil of secrecy thrown over the iitTulr his condltloa could not bo loirmd. It Is serious , how ever , as the iinxiot } dlsiilayedby thuvaltors indi cates , Till ! C11B Iho rather chestnutty crlnilncl libel suit brought by the now' celebrated Dr Slomln&kl latoot Lincoln ug.ilnst H. L Dooliins iniiniK'- hiKcdltorof the Ne\\j , bec.iusoof ( crttiln urllclcti iittuckiiiB tlio clnraitrr of his museum of anatomy which plajcd a brief eiij'iBOincnt hoixj , vvns llnally dUjioscd of In .riilL'o Biown's court yiwtorJiy. The court he ml butapoitiun oftlio dufcnso and de clined logo any further xltli it , giving the pr oecution u week to ttismisa the cuso , which was douo of liU Alllunoo Denounce tlio UiuiKiTMHliiiiiil Ciiudlilil . Cowt.ri , Neb. , Sept. S To the Udltor of Tur Bcr : 1 have boon toqiicstol by severil munbcis or the Uowlos alliance No 1134 , tote to whlcti myself and the Hon.Vllllitn \ A MclColKUin ( iillinnco candid rte for coiiffross ) both belong , to wilto you some oftlio fjc-ts la logird tothofltnoss ofthut iteiitlcmim for the portion -\\liluli ho aspires and tlio cstocm in which ho U held bj many of hii ncl li. hois ' 1 here ai o forty or moo tors in tills iilllaiiLV , ami out of this number Mr. Me- Kcklmn's Hiippoita-b .m bo counted ouonu's llugoi-a. His own alllinco sent thiiodolo- Rules totlio lount ) convention , all untl-Mc- ICeichan men \Vo \ claim lliat Mr.McICciKiiin ) stundson the records of this county is a defaulter , having hi. Id hovenil hundred dollars lioloniritigtotho , or hl < bondsmen , fioin the time ho leftthoolilco of Judtfe , January 1 , 1SS7 , till the third Suttudiy in Julj , Ib'J ) , two weeks after he vvna noinlniitcd for lOUKress. Wo claim thut ho is addicted to thotisoof intoxlontliix di ink \shen ho 0111 f-t it , to such an exu nt us to lucupie-ltito lilin for buiinoss , and that this was the main reason why ho was not ie-c lcctcd to the county . Wo believe that If elected ho will 1)0 ) a tool of tlio ullroijs , liecauso wo bellcvo thatlu ) uses railroad free i > .issos la traveling uud olectloneerliij in this cougrcssloaal district , and that lie 1ms not Joiilohi lnn tliciu slnco Jrunurv 1 , 1800 Wrcialnl thntho ns not tliocholen oflho jiooplo of thh oonun'iilonni illslrlct niul \oullnothnvoboon \ nuialnn'cd ' but for tlio a. Hlstancoof Mr I'OIUM-M It hi x\ell Kno\vii \ 'act ' , and not denied , tlmtho nnd bis friends il falsehood uiul dcic ; > tlim to iocufohlt opatos froinlhlMcouiily to the congros- slonal contention. Heroin an cxuiniilo * StUlnntor nlllanro sent no Iclc'ffntoto tnu county convention It onsWs of about Jlftei'n voter ov .r UNI of whidi arc nutl-Mdti'lghin. It was r-epro- ii'HUHl in the county lonvtntlonby lulo- Cei'lian nun. Is tills the "nr\v \ deal , " 'fair jday" and "honesty" Uillicil ofthroo months itjol Several MeltiK'ban men dcnlod that ; hey would suppoit him \\heii they were 111111111 fordf loRitosto tlio coiiKictssiDiiiiltoii- vontlou , lint siiovvodtholr colois oiilv alter .Ipt'tAl. IIo you wonderlhut wo ilatni the .itdopcnilciit juitylui < luiiocntic liilt toso- .u ro repuMIcjiu uckeis I Some ullliincoinon in Webster county will votolho allliitico ticket ; Mine will not , nnd some vvlll ' H jriteli"lt nil to pK'oi "i'ouia truly , L. ( J. lit w i IT. A now lias been forme I ntKi'innoy. The OikcluloPoniunl I'low hiu liiiinli , Ir. IiUorin lc-l ( rotliliiK uud kluj ; Hui-ccc'elodby Kepluit .VDiltz Van Wvclf Is Ijwlcnd to spotlit nt tlio l'ieico cuutity fuir Scitoniber | 10 , and ut I'oni'n , Oixon county , the lith. Tlio d ale of the noldiei s reunion at T-fcoron has bcc.ii -liinpil from Seteniber ) HO , October I , J und : i , to onovvoelt lutci. Tlio fteiioral incichtindtso stoioof Adam l > lefton nt Omul has licenilosul b ) the shoiliToiian * < , lOO ) chattel moitjrage Tlio uicliUi aiiimd filrof Iliovn county will bo lield utIJoiil ) > iiioSc > ] teinlxr ITtn-Ju All the iircmiii'iis ' ollorielaroopcjito IBiovvn , iloikanillCo iiI'alii countio * Ah undMis , ) elm II.iuii of Island dent net tiloni ; vuy well together. Mrs Ilniin svoi-o out a warrant eOiir > iii ( , ' hprhus- band \vithiisMult. .loliu oiitcrud a i lei of KU illy uiul pnldii flno off.1 nnd coili luus- day llnunabsjultctl his \\ife \ \ and drew a re volver because slio rcfusod to give ionic money tint slio hnd earned Kcepitiifboaidesrs Afteivvarls hoiwoio outa hoi witlibellitooIntiniito vith Itinry lln iiuinn nnd the two were tilrented.Vcilnes - daythe case ( line up foi heaiinw nnd liiiun eoulda't prove his char ci. 'IhctiMrs. IIiiuu tookstcpi to scc-uio 11 divorce , ehirgiiij ' , or. tremo uuolt ) , ilrunUantics * * iitul fiiilino to support. Thoiounlo hnvu thieo thildun , O. A. Ilnnncllvvlio Iiu Ijccn In the Lin coin e-ountv Jill at North 1'latta nboit a month on the chaise of selling' mortsiged property , pi 113cd u sh.iliby trick on Sliorlll Baker and bi-olo ( j.i .11 Tuesday iilf'lit. Hun iicllbecamo jurtiljred In hu lower limbs .1 fovvdaysago and by roisoiiof Ms hapless condition the kind lioaited 5hurillKU.M > uiiii coinfortiihlo but not vei ; t-eeiiro quarters in an ups tails loom In the county liotel Tlio enl ) banler between the prisoner and llooitj was some lath and piaster , ami Weiiosdaj moiiiin # when the slierill w nt to the room to [ jivcthopoonripplo his breakfast the liolo in then all wixs there' , IM the piUonor had iloMii and Baker cm Hnd no tiacuof him Clinton is talking of having a sawdust pnlico. Uho Unlvcrsilists1 state convention nlll bo held at Urslnlltoivn September til to 10 ! rlho explosioi of i coilon pot at Dubuque se\crolyicaldul Ulis. Ll/.zio Gchjer about thefncoand neck. .foniiioMouls , a woman \vlio chlmsto bo f rom Ncbrasln , hampiihe'd tothoauthcintlos of Cedui liainds foi help to inehrolathes at Daienport. Aecorditu'to lier story-she he uniiio separated from hirhubbinclnt Wcb-ster Citv vvhllu ho was making a hor.ii trade aud she has been unublo to llnd him t > lnco. Uhreopri < > oiiors.A. C Wilson , Pr.iiikCrn vens atidFranlc Cirroll mudu their escape from thoCorjdoii ] ill Simdauiiijut b ) cut tingthioughtho lieiv > briek wall "NVIlson wan availing trill lor tlio 1111111101' of his father , Cr.ivns for attempting to wreck a Rock Ifalmd pwsengor tiairianct Carioll foi foigery. As. soon as their escape wsu dis- coveiocltlio faheriffstartcd in pursuit , hat no tr.uo of them has been found " \\hoii \ \ the mon at. llio IDinol ? Central freight , houscat DiiouFwe oiwned a tlio other daj thcv dbcovirod iiu object inicoi nor which , vshcii brought Into the sunlight , proved to ho a dirtj-fuccd twj. lie \v.u niuo ycirs old , fco claimed , ami hid stolen a ride from Sheldon to Trcipoit , III. , and vus on hisvvaj luclfto Sheldon IIo stated tint his object intravcliiijjvvasto sco the conntvi Thopretoelous yomiBstor was Ri-ven his din ner by the rnca auddulj fornurdcd to Shcl don \VynminK " ' "I Colormlo. The first " \\.vomlnp state university pi-adu nting class toleaxotholnstitutioutho eonilng yoir hnstlii-eo membei'b There Is said to bo a great demand for miners In Sin ISlUuol county , Coloiado , at vv.ves of fiom ? 3.5J to { I pcrdny , Within the past fo\v mocths flOO.OOO has been auhscribeil to the enelovvinent fund of Coloi.idoi'ollCRO - atColniadoSpriiiff- > . Pueblo's new Prcsbvtcilvi church \vas formallj dedicatedSuiufiy. 'Jlyjichurch ' ha the Hist pipe organ evti erected la tint eitj An avera oof ulno tons ofore ud.ijisbeinj hnulod fiotn the riorcnco iniuo in Alb.nn countvVyoiniug , to the ICo.\jtoiiostn iip mill. His reported tint tlwSivcctwJtcr ringo.h former j ears one of the best in AVyoinint ? , ! almost birc , and 'evv cattle will ho v\lnterci in tbo Mlloy , loin Adams , tnedefiultiiiK'WjonilniHnnn ngcr oftlio Jlll\v.iiikeeiattliiiioniimv | , Is stil inCanal.t , ami now ha ) a Dominion govoiu 1110111 position The taxable vnliiitionof Pa olio foots up S1V > OOXX ( ) , a gain of over W.OW.OOJIu ono ycir. Thin will intuit ) the taxes fro m 5 per cent tonboutthiitv mills. Ctiojcnnos improved -water system with tlio now i-Ci oivon in use , -vvlll boin operation ina few dajs and Chcveniiovrll then have aiinlniudiiutsupply oftho llnostwatci In the vest. Uhailes Trcdwcll , son of a wealthv Olilo iiiinufuctiiivrwho went toWyomiiijjfor Ills liealth , was thrown fiom ahor oneai dispel anil diugod a long distance , r reiving inju ries whloh vvlll probahly prove fatnl Nowfistlosvvitorvvorles are coinpletoj The witer Is olitaincj from a. sprin ? s > oino tllstauco ill ) Salt crc.'lf , ami bj means of ditches audpiphif ? U > brought toN'owi-astlo 'Iheroaro fourtoeii miles of piilng. | About two thousand t'octof slx-ineli inahis are now Tlio now UimiofHcoat JmderVvo , \ \ \ \ \ ho opened for business Ouob n I 'Iho new let which will bo tributary lo tills oflleo ronpriso puts of .Tolmson , Ulnta sind Shoridm counties and all of Fremont count ) , and will contain moio huilsubie-t ] tosottlo- inont and tilintjtlan any otlier district hi the stlto. Uluirlcs Miller , an old llmo lesiilcnt of IVmder , win Ifilled ot Onl mountain the other diy. IIo was driving < lnva a steep gulch and was thrown undoi tbo vvngoa vhoola Ills skull wai ciushednnd ho Uud only afow hours after the accident. Miller vas atone tlino a largo cattle ovvnurln L-'io- iiiont count ) Over l/JOO heid of horsci has been shipjied fiom this vlclnitj to tliu eastern liniikat this .visoii , says the LarnmloBMmicrantr. Horses liivo IKUII a drug In the market here for tlio lait tvo ycirs , but buyers have liegunto como licio Ini'oiislderablo nuinkrs. There aru orilr n fnv hundred mow in this soot Ion tint Jiro 1-f.uly for the market. Horses prom- iw to ho very profltaUo next c < non. A pine of tlilovci didn smooth ploco of worlc In Leidvilloononlglitlastw-eok Tlicy tntoutn panel inthabiolcdoorof thoWliilo Jlousosiloon nnigotlnsldi'aiilthonvvorl ) , < eil on thuold-fashicnud bifo uittil they hnd tlio torn blnitlnn all right The door ( swung OIH.II unit tlioy n bit meted ( Iimd u ihucli for $ il on the American National bank Payment v is stopped on tlio cliec-lt. Juan P. CJIiacon is known M tlio potato princonf Conejoi county , Coloiado. UoH ono oftho most wldo.makoMoxleiins of tlio Sin Luis vjlloy und during the gro-vvlug MM- son finplojsu nun toeiohthreeacron of po- titocss vvho does notulni ? but can for thin pir- ( d of noun ) . Iliei roiiilt isthata yield of , W ) liiiHhrh to the ucro allarotind Ins Ijcvu OD- tnluoil andthls ino-in1 * o\or \ &OiiKJOpoundi ) , whlcliat 61W a hundred , the tiresout prlco in thuvaUcy , will rotuin SIJ.OOO Con H in \ \ ( irle. WASIIIVOTOV , Sojit ll.-Tho census oflleo toda vatinouiii-oil the inpulationof Iho follow - Ing namedijtiei ! Cedar llnplds , Ia,17.W7 , ; JeihUiio ) ( | , la , 110,117- , population of the of Maine , CW/JSl : Inci-cajo Iu tea yearn , 11,324 , , Tonsc on HE UUHMEITS 1 r 'aihtro to VotD for tbo Prohlgltoi ; Aincnd- ment&iuinlentto n Vote Against it , 10WTHE RESULT MUST BEOETERMINEDy1" V .Majority of A.II l"l < Uor < Voting nt a General Kin111 on Xiuos' to Ciu-i-j tlie.Vincml- iiiml. A letter has boon received liy the editor ot L'lirllui.i'roiii Attorney General Loow iu vhlch itn intimate ! thtit the votoiiponttiu > rctdbitlon araondni'iit vvouM bobusrlnu ho vote for representatives and * o tutors elected lo tlioni'jit lesMutiim. lids \li \ w % however , at v.irinmo with tin1 opinion a lolelhyall the proinitient Inv-ytis of tins Ity without eve-option County Attniu-v Miihono ) has just luomulifuteil uti opinion u thoMibjcCt itilho tollimlng laiii'trnge. ' Ihi-Hiipromo coint lui p.meil upontli it subject and tlio ruling ollionmrtsii ( > s ' " 'riiovotoinoce'siir ' to nJoptnn miiuul unit to the constitution under the | iiox nmiis of iivtion 1 , > irtiolul" > of the sane , inusl li \ nujorit , } of till thoio cast in the sttto at tli it clutiotifor son itomimliepnscMititlvoj 'Suction 1. nrtulc l.'of the constitution provides "Kithorbranch of the logi lituio mi ) propose iiiiienJiuoiits to tlii < couiln u tion , iimllf llio s.imo tuo acrccd by tlnvo I fins oftho inenilKis cleetotlto tioh lioiis ( > inch proposed amendments sluill bo eutoivil on the journals \vilh the yo.Humliayt tnut , > ullshilnine ) ! ( onili Mcelc la ut k-usloiio .ivinpajiei . * in I'juli county when ! a IIC.NS [ inner it pulili hel , feir thtvo inontliUm inillatolj pieeodini , ' the licit elation foi senators ami roprnmititivoi , atvvhUh tlu < uinioshill bo suijinittud to tlio electoHloi ipproval or rojettiou , anel if a inijorltvof Lhciluctois votinj at Slicll olcelloii ildopt.r suih atiieiiilnients , the snuo sh.illboconu n ) .irtof tills c'onstltutlon' ' 'It is tiuo tli it in the i iso of tlw stale s 'Jabeoclt , 1 ? > ( b IbJ , the niiirts . tint to carry an amend men t llio voloIn ti ifllrin.itivo , must oxecouono-lnlf of thutu- of the votci cut for son rtors and iiprosuu t .i u , but tu Hut , ttnils notnccessjirj f < thoeouits todlstiiipli- botueuii the total lumboi of electors voting at that tkvtioiniiul , the total number ofvotts cast for enit rs uiJroDivsoiitativoH , tiiidsiiiiesiiili u iim- ittj dUlnot exist llio supreme eouit vvoul > l ceiliiiiilyaotbo hound bjthis Inngunno in thoevont th-itthouiiioiitlnioiitshoiild rtce-u < v mijouty oftlio vholoniimbH- votes e-a-- foi soiutor-i and iciresintjill\iis ) \ and not u mijoruj oC the clcttord loting at the e - tion " Is tliero any practical difllciilt } nrlslnir i i ernilnhiff the iiunihcrof volus cut Corse i uiul reirosoiiliitivMf" There is .iverj serious difficult ) If UK r < was UutoiMi scn.itoi or ono ixprosuitatho ta I L > o cliosou from each disliu-l , i would bo ( [ iiito easy to ilelvriiniK 1 liow Jinnj- votes were cast for sonnt i and ti'iiroscntatlvo ; but In UoiiKl i countj-ior , instuncctheio will honiiioi < i rosenuitivcs to bo010111 Cwn ciiodlitn. i In many instancM aotor will fctrllte tli , lune of a candidate fiom hit ballot \\lthuu1 substituting any othcrniniothorifor , aiul in Lhls win , it the totil number of votes cusi for representatives sliotlld bo : nc'nieil ( b\ dlvldiiitfby nine the result will "boniuih loss tlian tlio total nunib ref elector ! actually hiK tor ropre-icntiitivcs. I'o illustnto , two electors g-o to the polls cieh with a ticket In his hand , upon which s the name ! ) of nine c-iimlldates lor Mutivo * . Uno Jirst of Ihcsotwooton \ stiilcci out lour n lines from his ticket ami votes for enl > live representatives , the second sir ikes oat ilvo naimsuiid votes for but four lopresentitlvoi Jtyou then try to determine liow nntiv pcrsont-Jotheto vveru /otliifj for aprcscntiitlvos by thvldin ? the iiimbur of votes ivconcd b ) nine this lesult \villboono , when as n matter of fact two nea actually voted for representatives. 'There ' is another ihiliuulty where It i ( uniluitaken todctcrintno the result b av-ei tliero mav a greatcriiumber of votes cast forseu-itorx than for loprosonta tives or vice voisa , in which event If the rot votes cut for seimtorsand reprv ACS is to bo Iho guide , which wtllit be , tliogi-eator or the suuilier iitiraburl" "Whut tlieuwould , ho your ovliiionas to tlio proper courao to punuo in rej-ird to vet ing upon thounionJmont ( iue4ioiil' ' ' 1C un elector votiiifjat tliogetierd clecli atvvhiih an amendment is pending fails vote the aiiiPiicliueiit it Is on eeinlv alcut to a vote cast apralnst the aniendinent. t "A mijoritv of all electors votlnir atn gen eral election Is noce'sssar ) to urr the aiueiiO- uient. " " \Vlutthciiwould lw thotraovvnvof dc- teimlningr hpvv in my doctoisvoted at tlio election I" Itwould be bj talcing the total number of ruines appcnrinpr upon the poll books as i 1 b.nis upon which ta ostnbltbli the number of -votes police ) An elector liny vote ut smh nnclcition ' and iiuj .stiiko from his ballot nil the 1 cmdidaitcs for mi ) & 111 , blithe Is none the loss an elector vutmpr at that election , und under the laiiffinyo of the constitution should bo coaatcdas such. " t lie Result of Hli lTucstiiiti ; < ) iiH. Li vcoi.x , Nel > . , Sept 11To the Editor of Tin : BIB : The follov\ln ( ? is the result of ni ) in\cj > tlpitionof the S.irny county iaortpaK > indobtoilncss .Awoid oC eTjilimntion ma\ \ bo noicssaijr. Ulio a crape Indebtedness p acre , (11.71 ( , sinilr | itfci-s tothonuiiikr tin are mortnatecl Jho asscswis'aliiation f { 'l.-lfirofersto the vvliolo of thoiiropirtieb Hl.lOlnurts 1'ho valuation of ovnorN nlienfiomrepoits rciclvudfroinlnilitliln.iii and tlio htKhtst. ono Is f . " > . It docs > not pro\n \ thit oilier jiropeitles nru not held at nhisl"1' fere Tlii ) loMest Is 4 > il Asn niatterof fiet , jou cuiiiotpurchisci firm Und for tint nmoutit. In relation to pcnontics | ; of tin ) uiistMof nulobttdiicss , tin lcr tliolio.idof "ID Invest In rcul Ci.tite"tho , sum lj mnilo from iiu'cMmoiitt in cities aud the pnrchusoof hnd In other councils Unilcrthoheadof 'poi-sonul ) 'illKntlons"bOvcial ' of ttiocausn am stated imUvoifo bj sopir.itlon of the c- tate , debts Incurred toy the sotisof owners. signing no to to oblifjoa friend , tto. llio full llfjurei ureas follows AMJIL ofS.irpy county , I ) . S Biir > oy. .1VV8I7 ) AruiL of farm * iispor smi'sior . itl.liik AICL offuriis morl iiftd . JO.OJj Inrni morttnso Inilohtccliitss. . Iiilil ( > tolnossioi | . . . H Assosvirs' uliuitluuoliounty InNSO Atur.i.u > nui s valuation | inr iiiro Ownors1 actual valuation us per rolui made to thlsolllco : < iOtIeim3M4 , 13 \ ilnalloii by n.M < ser . . . hotlcnL'J. 1UO. Inwoit \ ilu.illoii by assessor . . . Cause of liideltcdncsJ : 1'ort 1'iiiulnso I'lTnnimii t liiipnuument l'uriliis ' otntc > ulc . fit niccl pursini til nl > ll'itlons linnicst In riilistilo lit Itnist lniaeiuintilii . UnUnmvn cuisos . ' Avcniya rat < s of iritucsst. IUSK than „ , i > cent. Fiom J.inuiiry I , Ib'J , to Juiiuir- , 1SOO. eight fouolosurcs weio ci tliu aniountin tto & 10 , < JJ. H JOHN Jir\ > - Dcputj Comiiiis&i' ' " ' ' _ CM A. HA. LOA.N A.ND TRUST CO1VCPA.NT. Biibs Hbed nd l-ilil InCnpltrd It u yi rviul 10 ! 1 H itix-lff nn (1 liotitli , noint I u It H foinniifolnl luiiiorj nu * l r " < ! nu J l J Iriistii HUM im trau-ifir iiKUit ti mttyj n turiMiratliui , tnkcu oliartfo of iirouoily , ) ! Omaha Loon &TrustCo SA.YIWCS B-AISTIC. S E Corner * lOtli and Doug IDS Sta 1'n.ldln Omjltttl , ( VlWO UubllV of'Stockiio'liler * " . . ? . , „ ? . ! . ' ! ! \Wm \ , 8Por Cent Iiitorrit Pnld oiiDiipoiltH , UlA.MC J.I\SUK. C'aKhlcr Onicou : AU. VXIIIIID , prflddont ! J. J Uro n , vlci'prcildont , W. \Vjiu.iii.trouiuror . , Ircctorn-A. ! D Wyman.J II. Mlllanl. . ' J llrnwn , Ouy O.Bttrtoii. IS vS. . " " J. Khubill , Gtor o U. Lute.