THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FggDAY , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1890. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Finds a Sharp and Decisive Market All Day. BUYING PRBSURESEWOMSEEN IN THE PIT Corn Trmlo Uven r toro Httriirlscd Tlinii Oilier Market * Over \Vatli * iiiKton Figures Ontn Ijctl by Other Oral us I'roiluu ; . CHICAGO. Sept. II , [ SpeclitlTolcitrartitoTili : IIIE.1 It was a sharp and dcclslro mnrkot In * he nt lodn ) ' , OpL'ii'n prices wcro foreshad owed by curb operations. regular traders get- tin ? nso ot the crop estimate both lust nlKht anil thlt riiornlngbeforo tlio roKiilar trading lionr. Tito great hull curd cl the dny was the Dodgoestimate , received lust night , reducing tliu condition or spring wheat'1.4 points from RU to 79.8 , nml winter wliout' . ' . " points from 70.3 , Tills In tlio a iru ate was Interpreted ti reducing the yield from 4l'M"JO.lKW hush- flu Aii8iistltoW)00,000 ) btxliuls "opt ember I. ThlH win men nioru litilllslithuii was tsxpi-cted by the most radical bulls on tlio lloor. A 1'rlro Current dlnpatoh con tallied nothing new. but agreed tlmt tliu tutal wheat yluld wllllio pus- Ulily lMWKXl ( ( ) > u holH short of 400lOOm ( Tlit-io were u'llit-r bull Inllucnces-Iilverpool cables were til ) IU to' * > 4loit ( tlio upturn In price ! ) litre yestunliiy and Washington lljiim's.tliocatlicr . \ In the northwest was le s futnrublo forcarlng fur liiirvcHts unil tlio diiinanci for Hour VIM again reported good , Added to nil natural bull iiiiluoiiveH was tbonnoasy unil frightened chortInterest InllilH and other markets. ' 1'liu whole intuiiHip ii liiiyhi ; prc'smoat thu wry Hurt ftcldotn noun In tlioplt. Illdsfor Ucccmljcr l tlm llrst movement were anywberu from tl.OI to tl.C5. iMfMi A Co. hold wheat atll.W'i ( ill tbcllrsllhisli.wlilloll.US . was paid luotlicr part sot tlio lilt. There wasuo trading of im- portniice undur ll.n. , and tlio price ( font , at once. loI.U' ? . Tli I H was the top for DID tint hour. Illir shorls were not run In and thu crowd Ix-irim playlnc for reaction , from the bulge , Tliuy succeeded In cutting December back toll.UI , but It Ijuliit'il Hi ) to Sl.O.Vi at onco. Alioilt tlincnrtot the llrst hour tneru was iiiimlHlakuUesti'cnKtliimd tlio t > Ishorn , I'ardrldKo ' , Charlie Smith and otliurs , cjvurcd short heal I Ikemad and tlicprlco wont llylnK from ( lie 1 o'clock price to JI.OOl'j , About IKJUII there wa nliriink to 11.051 $ on sellliiy fcturtcil by Illiioin. Aftern r.illy totl.U.Vi tlicru wain , thlr < lilli | totl.o.Vj iiiidniiotlinr rally toil bufoio 1 o'clock , Mil V wheat rulli'K ncner 4iovor ! December all day. Tlio opening was ttt Jl. i'iniul thy topwasattl.lO'i ' with n rcnctlon to M.-NJU. September hales ruled liljout''o tinilur lleiieinbor. The furcu In thu wlmutnmrki'l did notyloldlatu In the day. In fact tliolilxlieht prlcoH rcaclu'don thobiilx'u WIIH Just bcfnrntlio close v\hm IK-oeinbur suld nt SUfl'/iffll.OOS. Tliu closhiK prlois w iu : Hont iborl.o Unecembcri'l.t > < ; ' < , MnyJI.lUU. After lioiimho ktruiisth In w beat Incruiuud and bufuru a o'clouU tlio prleu for peucinber was ( juoteJ up to $1.07. 1'uts ' mill as hlffli IIH $ l.U.'i ? > and oft to 11.03 ; callsII.OUJj and olt totl-OOJiat ill ) , in , Tlio corn trnilo was oven tnoro surprised than the other markets over tliuVmliln ton figures. Tliu talk for a week Imd been that Boiiiuliiipruveincnt must result ( rotn Supteiu- bur rains iilnuntit ut ton In Hi ) tnulo c.x- peutod tills. Tliosu vhu did not e.xpcct Im provement did not loolc fur uiiythiiiL' wor u tlinn llu ; sliowlnKof ainonlli iiuo , wlileb was r.l.'t tin total eiop l.UM.uOO.Oul ) Imshvk Last night's IlKiireH from Wuslilir.'toniavutlu ; > con- Uition : t.-J points lower at 70.1 , or a total crop of t.fOO.0.0,000 buslii'lu. Added to this very InillMi state of altalM the nurlhwest font ruports of winter weathur In llrlllsli America nnd cold or weather In conic of the states , with Indications of Cfld working Into tlio corn states , l lvcr- piKilbunt. opunliiK calilos''U ' up for spot and Ij-idiip for fiituiuH. Trade beiu was wild t thu upunliiK ana tbcprlocfor .May caiiglitut 4'.lu Io-H4u ) the Ural iiiomuiit , with a cjulcU bul2 ( to r > ! u tbullrMt lialfhuur. Tbeio was a retliauk to TiO'.tC at II a. in. , another bulgi ) toMe Mo about noon and a llttlo roiiellon from this prlt'oiip to 1 o'clouif. Tlm com murl < et gained Htroiutb In tl.o but bull Hour. 1'hnso who loldou unily ailvuncuforri'actlini ' wi-ru forced to buy bin-ic later. Tlio wonther promised cold for Iowa mid oilier KUtes lonl ht , Trade wan tlioioii hly frlnlituiied and run tbo prloo for May up to with eluso at W v , or 4He over dose lastnlKbt. SepUfintercorn soul at 47'/So ' to 50'fcut tliuuUiM' , nnil October at4THc to with traiiHiictlnns fully M blt'hor after the tliiso buforo Icavlnx tbo lloor , llutubli uu vasa btircr alliluy and I'arilrldKO ' also was a buyer. Short sot all descriptions covered. Bulls wlio believelnl u for corn helped the iniirkot. upward. Oats simply followed other cruln markets. The crop estimate was bulllsb In this as In otboM , ami tbosanioeoitdltlonsuxlsled In the pit.EliortscoveredbullHbld tipprlers ; Hellers 'onenilniito were buyer * next. StittT ctianitud - hands at times In IQU.oaO-bubhel hits. 'I'huro \VHSIIO liniiortatittii't-biick all day. The ad vance at tlio close MIIS l ? o forPeptcinber and Outiihor and "ofor .May. Heutcniber sold at ,87l7.\iO imalnst IMJcat the olosu yeitonhiy xoinliT ) sold ntllTUOf o aim lust 'i < * ; 4o yeslor- day , JlnysalesworolOo to40)ioto 4l'a ) ' to 4l" e ugiilnst JJicl.ust nlgbt. Uei'i'lptd wt'i'o 2M cars. Thu provision market opened wlthsomo In- tureat by H Hinall knot of traders. 1'list prices wen' ' up 10 to l.V ) lu mess pork , 7iu ! In ribs ant tic III lard from tiie uloso yoterdny , On I ho llrxtllttlullurry January per lfol < I up tofll.i. anil Uetol.or to JIM * ) , or L'Oo to 'Ma ad viuiuu l hs touched fUll for Jnnuary and J.i.4T'i for Ootoboftcrtlilsthorewns ; uquletcr market and tin o.islerfuelii ! < until tbo last hour when tradu discovered that thu sore In corn was of a serious soil nnd Mint prices wcro up1 ! to icfortlmt cereal wltb a promise of ftntlier advauoo. Then tradu bewail bidding for pro- due. I'ork wits inn unto ilO.O. ! for Outo'er ) 8TJ.1.1I for January and ll..H. ) fur May , orclom toWo over last nt ht all aio mil. Itlbs niovei upalnotoiK1 > . 'i'J1i forOotolier.Ki.ffi' forJanunry and Jfl.'K ) for May , or about l.r o advance. Lard vns loss Htiont ? nt'ij tolOo advance , utiO.75 for January , JbMt'iS HTf CK. Sept. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB llEK.1 OATTI.E Receipts Itl.iW. Ilusl ness was again slow \vltli prices rather easlc tliaii at the close , soinu salusuiuii quoting i ducllnuollOoon xtock tlnl coiil.l not bo classl Hod as llrst class , but most of the salcsmut anil bnycr-i < iuotod thu in tricot for n.itlvocat tlostoady atlhu doolltiuof ir toiuo ! notcdyus tt'i'ilay. Natlto butcliorstoukwns ri'portod i tthiiilu lower , foinnioii cows .sullliiKa i oed ir > lower. Tuxans underwent llttlo cirnocli ; * * and Unships In tlio stocker aix foulur line vaa aKiiin slow will Jiilct'.s low on light llttlo slcors * lrst claM stoors. ( I.OJQ.V i ; swoiul , W.7V54t third , I.IKXa > 4.VI ; common , &M.V1 . ' < 3 ; Tc.xaiis fi.MOTo2iO | : ruiiRors , t.HSST ) . llonH-ltvcplpts. 91.000. Business more acllv and tliuKuncral inarkutln bctlur sliapo tha at tlio i'o ! ! > o of yo.Mordny , nlthoUKli th > ro vva llttlo or no iTiunso In price * . 1'acklnK am inUcd bold at ifl.WIJ.-l.'J.VsliImilnK ana prim hi'iivv at OJI..H a fuw riilliidclplilas a -Vrt)4.M : ) , prliuo light uttl.5O3l.T3 , and Digs u Nr.w YOIIK , Seut , ll.-i [ > polal Telegram to THE ntK.l 3TOCK8-S ch a t-crlea otsot-backs ustocks hasuxpcrloaccd of late la ouoiuh to clrlvo Investors from tbostrectanOdlscotiriiKo the boldest spudulatora. INirtot this bus been uccoinpllshi'd , for there Is no nncrgetlobiicu- lux' to thu.niiirketat prcnont. DajsufWpur - ccnt inoiioy and llcrue Htrlkoa were no sooner otor than bears inustorwl tbolr forces aivl at- tiioUtulrulliuid sliarosone ata time. About this liinu tb'lr IntliiuiicoU over and the mar- li't hoghiM to i-o < iKind | to fair buylnit. Tlio A\asliliiKtoiicrop tatomoiit Is ulvon oat. This slum H such icduellousln tbo conditions that It bocomoK a ui > iuHn ) In tlio bands of uhort Boilers. This morning ; while values of cereals win aduincliDj prices thixiuuhout the stock list went oil" from Si tu I1' per cent , Tin ) wcaUest thing In the list was t/hloiipo(3as ( , vhleb wentoff onclToctof uheapercas lu Ubl. oizo. ; AftoroDonliiK 'i under lastnlKhtut 61 , there wiis ai break to-4ili at noon , Sujjar lost 1 point nnd don svlllo and Mc\v Kncland oaeh lost I per cent ui o. A mo in wosteni stocks ilio di'dhicstor llio inornlngweroi Xortliorn I'aeilioconiinoii % to IlUi. pruferied lto ? KJ , Atfhlsim H ti > 41 V Ml-sourll'acltlo I tu ( ' , ; ; , Ki , I'aiil 1 to 1.01 wiihrt-oovury toti''l. } . Bur- lliiBlonl'i , totki4 ftltbri'cotery totniU.Xurth- vcstorii nndUooK labind each 7 tolutland KJ ri'spoellvoly , TliOHttKK inarliot- was tnoro do- inorallted over during tbo late-hours ( if thu 8"sslim , Money was d I Ill- cult to Kct. l.uam were made from M up to IK ) pur cent with about II ) per cent ut tliu COM' . riillndclpbla sold C'hli'iiKoUas , iindlndiibtrlulsliaresllnK ) ) throvii out for loan accountsutTero.I greatly , ( las \MisolVO [ lolnts atone tlnio at U1 * , closing nt'U : Siiuar uroliu U | iolnt to 75S ! , closing at 70 ; ItarlbiKton rcvovrred and closud but ! ( loweratlXH'sNorthwestomItock Islnnil and bt. Paul went oil' to U)7li , .H'"i and iVSf. { In order and recovered but little ; N'orthurii I'aelllo ' elo > e < l ut * il for common andtx ) for preforred. The btnibi ou muny houses was wry bovuro. The country holdout lout ; ttouU. The sales for t lioduy wrroi'if'.OOO ' jhurfB. TUofollo\vlu \ were the cloiing i IP. ) 4icoupon7r.I23''r M Uncurl I U. H. " Niirlhorn I ! . K. 4 1 fI'k'" ' iloiirurormi U.S. 4i roiiiou. . C. * N. Vf U ) r cirivUor vi. . . 111 Uourufeirt'.l IX'J ' Central facile. . . . , , , 31 Nu v VorklViitrul , , . , l\ \ ( Cnieitvu & Alton. . , „ i' . . i ) . A i : . . , lb > S ClileiiKO , UurlliMtun ltuctiuiil | | : I' . . Sl.t St.l'uiU lllnaht'Hutril , .t n. i' ui M.v ; ; ; 10 iUi | < rBvrroa Union l > acllc. ) . . . . AILO ( fhorw. , Ml \V. . Bt-U tl > . llcUljan Central. Bir-Tlitlit nt 7lW portent. r. Minc'ANTit.K rAPiit- : ? < ito per cent. MMj KxrnANnr.-Aotlvo nml hcavv ) l/.ty-Uuy UIIK 1 1 , | -4 ; Jciiiunil. YOUR , f-'cpt H.-8puclat [ Tclozratn to TUB linn. ] niorolUmliijurotuomlntiu stock quotations : lleit A. Delclicr x Ontnrlo 110 IWIo. | | 5 rrn Nevinla. . . . , . , 275 : ale < ionh II. II KS Plioenli IM lile.t Norcron. . . J Sutler Cruk 130 lonic't.nko . . , , , | ixw N. Commonwcalh. . 2.1) lorn surer. . , 3V > Dot .vorto 1UO Voilcnn , . , . . , 2. " > 1'JlUlf VUK Mt Hit i'.Ta. Oiiicno , Sapt. II , tUp. : in. olow IVticat -t''i ' ; Deccinbur , ILIUM ! May , . * Oorn-nnnl cash , Me : October , 50cl Mny , "O'lts-rirwi cash , U74oi ? October , 33 ! < c | Muss PoVk-I-'Iriii ! cash , $10.00 ! October , iin.oo ; Juniury. i3.'J ! ) . -I'lrni ! c.isli , M.30 ; October , M.ri7 ! ( | Jaiuuirv. ) . 'r'.4. , , Short KllH-ritcailys cash , J3.I5 ! Ostobcr , J.VWi-i ! Inniiary. < l.7' } . Kyo-.No. ' . ' , tlrin : it Wc. ( Hurley No , ' - ' , linn ut 7oCc. Flax iWil-No. I , linn ut il.l ' , i l.4. I'rltiioTlinotliy SocU-Flrmat II.W Closer t-ecil Steady ut 5J. 0. I'lonr Quiet but firm ; advanced 1C _ Hulk Moats Shoulders. ( i.T.VQi.V8Hi short clear , W.70SM.SU ; short ribs , W.40TM.M. flutter lulli cro-iniury , ua 'ctliilry | , lift ( Jhecso Qnltst ; full crcaui elicddars , 8.U1J Site ; Hals. wli'iW.'ic. KiiKS-KVJtirc. lllibH Uni'liangod : heavy green salted , 7Jc. ! Tallow Unchanged , Kecclpts. Shipments lour.bbls liduO 1S.WJ Wheat , bu . 17,000 07,0 H Corn , bu aw.ilOJ 208,00) Oats.bU 1107.000 177.0JO NKW YOIIK. Sept , li.-Whuat Ilccolpts. .14,100 buslicls ; exports , ii bushels ; Hpot ' " No. - , JI.UGt6l.OtiU In eluvater : Jl.lU'S afloat ; fl.uiWil.u7i ! f. o. u. : options viuivuiilgberi foolln ; ; bullish , bused upon un expected light showing of crop by govern- nunt lopott nnd cold weathe-r In tlio west ; No. a rud , September , closing at 11.00 , Corn Kecelpts , 1.0.V ) buslicls ; exports , ? G,05'Jbushels ' ; spot higher ; No. ' . ' , f > 7 © ° > 7'toln lovalor ; 'iS C-VJo alloat ; uiiKiaded mt.tcd , > .1'i ® . ' > S ! c ; options higher on Kovcrtinicnt rc- xirl of llKhtef showing ef crop ; iicptciubcr closing at . " > 7Uc. Uats-Uccclpt ! ! . 111.COO Imsbcls ; exports , Hlspot ) ; linn and'J'-iOlijC lilsben No.iiwblto. 'IB ; mixed we-jtcrn , IKiSlti ! white western,41 options strong unil ' . ' ! i&'Jo higher ; ticp- Uolleo Optlom closed kteady to 5 points lownto It ) up. Biilus , 2.I , VJ li > m | b'upteuibcr. October. * i7.l. " > ai7.53 ; i > uot no Iriuorl fair cur oen , f-UM. Kiit-ar Itaw , dull and nominal ; refined , ( julut. I'otroloum United closed for October at iyc. KKK * Uatliur o.wy ; voatvrn , ISIitJlOlJc. 1'orli Strong ; muss , Jll.-ViJl-'Jj. Lard Stronger ; western ntuuni , W.5J ; Sep- toinljer closing ut liJ.wao.r : J. Iluucr Kiisy ; wcslcru dairy , croaniury , li/y'-lc. Ulioesu-Strongi light sldnis. ST. Ioui3 , Sept. II. UlosuiVhuatIIIglicr ; Decvinbur , tl.JVi ( ; Jlny , 11,11. Corn lllglioi" eaoh , 43io ; ; October , I'lic ; M uy , 4'Ji(3iiVic. ' ( ! OaH Ulglier ; oasli , UGci September , 30 , ' 40 ; May , 41e. I'ork-Klrin utilO.53. Lard-flna at 40.00. \VliNUy-4l. lit. Butter Qulot and easy. MIMVAUKKK , Sept. II. Wheat-Excited ; No. 2 sin Ing , caili. OSetfrSl.tlO : Ueceinber , 3l.03UNo. ; 1 northern , HM. Corn IlUhur ; No. 3 , 48'c. { OuMKlrmisr ! No.'iwliltu , : i8ic. ! Itarluy Quiet ; No. 2. Oltfo. lt > e-yulut ; .No. l.liOUc. KANSAS OITY , Sept 11.Vhoat \ Excited nnd lilfjher ; No. " hard , eiish , tSJiffisJc ; SjcpteniUer , b'Jc ; No. Ured , cish. : OTw. Uora tJtionwcrj No. 2 cash , September , 42c bid. bid.Oats Steady ! No. 2. casli , IVJcbid : Scptcm- bhU. l ivani'.ior , . Ht-pt. Finn ; red western Mirliii7it 4d ! wlnti-r. 7sidT/l7si'-id. ! : Coin li'Irui ; mixed western , 4s M per cca- St-pt. 11. Wheat Demwl US'.LU ; 'ucvt-'inuur , . ) ! No. 2 iioilhurn. . QCiscix.NATi. Stint. 11. Wheat Finn ; No. 2 Uorn IllRhori No. 2 mixed. Me. Outs Firm ; Nu. - mixed , U ; > e. Wblslcy-il.U. OllICAOO , Font. ll.-Cattlo--IB20lpts. ! 16,000 ; market alow , lower. Klmt-ulais steers. $ . "i.OW& .VJ5i seconds. $ t.7534.T. ; thirds. JI.003I.3U ; common , Kl.l.'vS'J.SS ; Tuxans , t.40.90 ; rang ers. J2.0.-i l4.1i- . lIogH Kooulpts. 24.000 ; shipments , 7,510 ; mar- Uot steady ; mixed and packers , $ I.OU(3I.'J. ( > ; pvlino heavy and biitoliurs' weights , $ l.itX34.00 : ; , . . fcshcup Iteeelpts. 8,000 ; natives. W.OD-31.80 ; psli'riif. H.l.V4l.Ci ! : ; Texans , &I.SO ® I.4.V. KANSAS ) OITV , Sent. II. UattluReceipts. . , * i.j."i3 : ; hliluinunts , 4H'J ( ) ; market lowtr ; steers , : t.O ; t4.M ( ) : cows , $ l..riOiW.7i ! stockers and feed ers. $ i. : > o : i.i ! . " . Hogs Ucoulpt * . 8,000 ; shlpinotits. ,1.300 ; mar- kutsteaily. lower ; ull grades. Sl.avSl.ltt. ST. Louis. Hopt. II. Uattlu-lj3ulpM. a.MO : slilpniL'iils. Ur > 0 ! niarketstoady ; fair to fancy nutlvo hteur.s. $3.bu iJI.OO ; btockera aud feeders J-J. : 3 1.'J.- > . Hi s KooolpK 3,20 : ) ; sblninont" . 3,2J.i market wculc ; heavy , { I.i5ic4.3j : ; mlxud i.10Q ( > 4/J3 ; light , Sl.S' > fttA\ _ 'I Jio Con'oo ilarkot. NEW VOIIK. Sept. 11. ( Special Telffgrani to TIIK HBK.I Oolluo options opnneil steady and nnclianircil to 10 p > lnN up. uloilnz stuady at. A pot nH down to IU points up. Sales i.UD baK-i , liiclildlii Sonlombcr , mioaiMi ) ; Octo- bor. ( I7.4VK17.V ) ; S'ovoinbor , Ill > .mt7.09i Ue- coinbor. } lit.70'iJ > lfl.75 ! , Iiiiiiiurytlil.O.i ! 1'ohrimry , $ l.l,70lij > l. > .7'i ; March. il.'i.OU , Suet Ulouctlvuuuu llrm ; falrciu-goos f.U.VJ , Xu. 7. tl'J.O'J. ' 031 AHA 1.1V K STUCK. Cattle. Thursday. September 11. Estimated receipts of cattlu M. as com pared with l.Wil yesterday and lWi Thins- ilnyof last weulc. The niarlfpt wiis slow and fuaturoless , both steers and butchers' stutf soiling on a slow market at unchanged prices , Tboyards are full of feeders aud the market slow aud prices sagging. Esthnatod receipts of hozs Il.flOO , as com pared with 0,1'Ji yesterday and O.yj.vrhursday of last week : . The market opened 10o lower , all changing hands at the decline , closing steady. The range of prices was $4.004. : l , thu bulk xo.llm ; at JI.l5ai.iV Light. H.ixxa 4.20 ; nilicil. (4.I53I.93 ( ; heavy , f4. ' . ' 4.aO. The avorii' u of the prices paid wns$4.1ii ! us com pared' with Sl.7 yesterday and tl.ll Tliursday oflastweelc. _ 1'rcvalllnc I'rlucs. The following Hiitmlu of pr.coi palil In his market fjrti-j ! T.i.laof itjjlc mantlonoJ : Prime steers. IUO : to lOOJSn . * ) .T > ftl.704i Oood steora. Ii" > 0 to 1450 Itn . 4.03 ffll.t3 : Uwd steers , 1UM to laOJ ffii . J.H" > WI.13 Kalr , lOOlto ll'OIbs . J.Y ) ai.TO ( Joninion.SUJto 12JJ 3 . : i.T ftfl.OU Coiiimonoamiors . 1.0) ) 8.1.00 Ordinary to fair oows . 2.0J KiilrtcisooiU'OWd . tVO Good toeholco cows . ' . ' .73 ftl.OO Cholccto fancy cows . .Mfi ffi.'l..t5 Fair toKood bulls. . . . 1.73 ( iti.Ki Clio co to fancvlMilk . S.W ( ti.oo rldit stookers and feeders . 2.0J { J..GO KccdunUV ) toIIUUtis . 8.S5 Fair to rholco light hogs . J.OO JM.L'O Fair to cliok'O heavy boss . 4.2. ) JU.tO : Fair to choice mixed ho'3 . 4.13 4il.5 Coniiiamtlvo luble. Tlio fell \vlir : table show ) t'io rano in prices on luv-uliirln ; this an I Days. This \Yeolc. Last U'uolc. Momliiy fl u.'i MI : i-j > Tui'siluy t uTi ai : u a 7u 12 " VtHlnu itjjr. 4 07iiHl ! 4U 3 tU lJO Tlinnnlujr. . . uo ui au 3 TU at 'i 3 tO Ml ITH 4 oo oil nw Avei-i so "ost of . . . Tlio folUiwhu table slvjs the uvnra-o cost of hoMim ; the dates in jntlonu I. In.-lu Itui tiu costtolny , m b.isil iiom s-iloi rj3 > rl ' optoiubcr 1 tlU ) ) Koptcmhcrfl , 4 l\V cjitutnbur * . ' 107)4 ) Septembers. 4 J9'i ' Heiituiiiliur. ! , . . . 40Sij SuptfinbrrO 4 ! il S'litomlier 4 4 11 SeptemberlO , . , , 4 U7 September 3 405 September 11 1 17 > { IH-iliast axU : ui.vjst 3 dot it * Il > * i. Toiay , Yesterday. { l .TO Htzhust , n 40 I IX ) Luwojt . . , , 4 07 ! Stnulc Iteuelpts. Yoiterhv. Estlnuit.-d Tolay. Oattlu Vlu'iirH. I , KM Cattle. . . , ill van. 703 4 cars. 701 Avcrngo t'rloo ol * Ho'H. Shawlnur t'la prloo p-iU for Invl * < 1 ( ho son the iliy * luJUatua lu l r , lijj , UO mid ISM : 1 : Showing tlio number of hcail of atook pur chased yesterdayon this market , as reported by thu wclghttimstorsot the Stockyards com pany i Swift & Company 7. P19 ThoU. It. tlaiiimoiiil company. 211 The Arinour-Uudaliy paakltiK company. . . 413 Uo Itotlischlld 17 Hamilton A Mcplicn ! " " Ilenton& Underwood I'M Nels Morris , 17(1 ( llcnkor * IJegcn M .1. I.obmann , 312 W. II. VanSant. 191 Other buyers 7W Total 3'JI2 lions. Tlio Armour-Cudaliy packing company , . . 771 Omaha packing company 0'J3 Hwlft & ( ? o'npmy : , H7R Thu U , II. Ilamniond company 4G7 J.I' . Smilres.tUo IWO Klnirnn.t Oo 1,111 , North 1' . ft I' . Co 411 fc'porry ft Marries , CCfl lloojro.t Son W Others 173 Total AI73 sum- . SwiftkCompany 2)0 ) Armoiir-Oiiifahy Packing Co 113 Tim 0.11. Hammond Co 115 Total , 400 llcprcBcntntlvo Snlcs. HTKKItS. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 00 CO..m $123 W. . iaos 4 2J cows. 010 1 M 18. 8 ! I 70 1010 2M 21. . 7H 1 M 19. Ml 1 ISX ) _ I/O / 1. . fi.10 1 M 19.HI. . MlMl 1 1W 770 ! iOO J. . 1 0 } HI.B. . Ml 1 1)0 ) IKS unn 8. . 842 1 SO B.3J. . 8.10 . a oa 1100 su 1. . 7JJ 1 CO 1..120J j oo lObO WESTEH.V CATII.B. No. Av. Pr. 2 StCeril. . 1,133 12 M Mrs. Irwln llsteors 1.130 2 CO Ogallala L.k O.Co. 0 steers 1,185 Frontier Uattlo Co. lsta > ? 1,270 1 TS Istas 1,020 173 Oarr.t M. lco\v 1 75 15 steer" 1.171 200 W. L. II. Uhatnberlaln- Ibull 1,400 1 m 10 cows 1,0-U 2 10 flsteors usj 2 IV ) II. .T. Wlnsor Ibull I.nso SB Ibull 1,250 2 2. ) 3 ua niicrs I.'JlU 1 M IGHtocrs , tailings l-ti : 20(1 ( iHtccr , tiillliiK 1.070 200 iHteer , tailing 140 2 0) ) 1 steer UiW 2 KV , iHtuer 1,470 2 CO Swan hand and Uattlo Co. 1 steer , tailing 1,150 1 Hteer , tailing 1,140 2 IS'i 1 steer , tailing 1,500 S l-'ij 2 stems , tunings I-10 2 steers , tallluss 1,100 2 steers , tallbiKS l.O.V ) ' - ' 12 Yt 1 feeder l.-'li ) 1 steer. 1,400 55) iKtocr 1.1-JO son 1 steer 1.II10 uco 1 steer 1,010 O ffl 1 steer 870 2m 1 steer 1.440 2(0 2stecrs I.ICIO 2 GO 1 steer 1,170 200 STOCKKRH AND FiKIEHS. : 2. . 7.V > 1 75 8. . C27 240 0. . . Oil 2 TO 2. . 4B'I 200 4. . 782 240 4. . , 017 2 CO 7. . 41S 215 1. . 820 200 10..t l 2 IS a. . ro 2 15 24.Ml. . . 401 2M C. . 1(110 ( 270 225 Ml. . Ml 250 100 _ 8.VJ 275 2IW 21. .10.-.7 2M 14..112S 2bO 7. . MB 2 ; 21.a . 891 250 IIUI.I.S , 1000 125 i..istio ifio .1410 203 101 I..MIQ 175 .II'JO 240 1 0) ) 1..13U 11)0 ) .2010 1..1KO IU ) CAN.S'EKS. fOl 100 1 . Sll I 00 . DSO 125 7'JO ' 1 UO O..W1 125 .1120 150 CAt.vns. 1. . 400 200 l. . see : ioo 1. . 140 350 COWS ANl > CAtVES. 1. . 2000 IIEIPUI13. 2. . SCO 2 00 OXK.N. STAG 3. 1..070 123 COWS AND IIEIFEHS. 18. .810 173 1IOOS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. l. . . , . .101 20J 4 00 OS. . . . . ' . ' 42 10) 417- ao. . . . .air. 4 00 64. . . . .2.M 120 4 17' oo. . . . .2:17 : 440 4 0.- 60. . . , .202 120 420 70. . . . .lf-9 200 4 05 M. . . . .2,12 420 0 . . . . .101 103 4 03 HI. . . . .2JS ! ttJ ) 420 8-1. . . . .IWi MO 4 03 C5. . . . .21)5 420 as. . . . .2M : bO 4 (15 57. . . . .223 103 420 14. . . . .17H 4 05 48. . , . : il7 120 420 ( i . . . . .20,1 , 210 4 07 ! ' , 82. . . .102 I20 ! 420 04 . . . .277 10 CO. . . .2K5 120 420 . .2I5 10 CO. . . .2.V1 12J 420 M. ; ; . 20 ! ) 200 10 61. . . .278 200 420 01 . . . . .211Ml 120 10 54. . . .242 420 70 . . . /-Ml 400 10 KJ. . , .2iiS 40 420 0(1. ( . . . .221 200 121 } CO. . , .2fll 80 420 0. . . . .211 4 13 5(1. ( . . .215 320 420 03. . . . .SB ) 120 C7 . 2U 420 54. . . 2 4 HJ (58. ( . . .277 J23 420 72. . . . .213 120 01. . . .278 200 420 118. . . .2)0 ) 520 74. . . .241 420 . .SMI 2ao 4 15 C7 . . .217 200 425 . .SIM 4 15 57. . . .203 120 425 117. . . .21' ! 120 4 15 58. . . .253 2 > )0 ) 425 7a. . . .2. " > : i 100 4 15 62. . , .2SH 80 4 2. > 5-1 . .2IG 200 4 15 W. . . .2U1 425 11. . 4 15 05 . . .204 425 07 . SO 4 15 05. . . .20J 40 425 ' ' ISM 4 15 68. . . .2113 120 125 & . : .2.V1 280 4 15 70. . . .S.V ) 120 425 ( ! 1 . . : un 4 15 OS . . .250 200 425 57. . .210 2SO 4 15 52. . . .350 43 < > U7. . .1U2 bO 4 15 W ) . . 270 430 .2:2 : 1(10 ( 4 15 KJ. . 430 Uii ! .211 bO 4 4IMO3 IMO3 AND SKIPS. 1. . . . .210 300 " II. . . . . .318 120 3 CO 10 . . .140 100 3 S3 U3- . . . .139 120 380 . .121 120 3 60 Kl. . . . , im 200 3b5 a.v ! , . .Mi 240 3 UO 72 . .171 400 385 MarKct Mention. No sheep. Cuttle steady. lings lOo lower. I'.lukloy , Iloyt & Co. of Irwln marketed cat tle. tle.W. W. V , Miller of Usccola marketed a car of ho s. Smith & Miilier of Ulalr had hogs on tlio mar ket. ket.S. S. C. Gregory of Tiilmago marketed a car of cuttle. E. U. Chase and E. Pattys of Shelby both sent In hogs. E. W. VanDoron and C. Oskarup ofCIarks marketed eattle. E. HurUoof Kent was in looking after a shipment of cattlu. P. Mnncold of lieiinlngton was among tlioso who murlcutcd IIORS. T. J. Parks of Fullerton was among those tliat marketed eattle. John llastlo markotcJ hojs from Punatna and cattle from EaKle. II. Phlnstock , a regular shipper from West Point , umrUoto'l hogs. 0. U , Thompson biought In a car each of cattle and hoxs fioni llurwull , The IS'yo & 8.liiicllor ( company sent in boxs from 1'llKur. Htanton and Oaks. J , \V. Nicholson , a rgular shipper from Jlar- quettc , had hugs on the market. W. ii. II. Chamberlain of Whitman was here with two loads of grabs-fed cattle , Patterson k Son , regular shippers from Stocldiam , marketed a cur of nogs , Klild k lo\Vltt \ , regular patrons of this mar ket , sent In hugs. They ship from Ung. It. O. toiler , a regular shipper from Spring- Held , was hero looking after u shipment. 1) ) . Henderson represented Hastings , la. , on thu miirUet. lie had acarotliogson sale. I ) . well known shipper fruni Up land , Iwughl In n car vault of eattle and lio.'s. li. Gutru , u prominent cloalor nt Newman's Grove , was unions ; the o that marketed hogs. J. Davidson of Orestmin anil I ) . Wilson of Fnlrmunt wcie among thoau that had hogs on thu market. ( Irotim was ropre oiited on the market by John Urabow who was heru looking utter a cur of hogs. 1'atrlck HoyoofWood River brought In two cars of hogs , .lohn Qiilun of thu sumo place marketed hogs. J. McCoy , J. Cowles.O. II. Hart nnd J. Me- Cullt.'ii , all of Illatlen , wcro after a cur of hogs each , I'l-Dduue. Coiix-40 < 3.0c. OATS 'ttftno. II AV-t7.t a 10.00. MiLLsrurr fm.01) ) . UiioiTKO riKi-tl .OOffil0.03. I'uULTitv-l'orilozon , uholco liens. 83.005in.aii choice inl.\ed , J2..ViiW.OO ) ; ruusters , ei'.VKU2.73 ; : spring chlckeiiH , | ; .o > i2..V ) for small ; J2.2.Vifc.50 ! 'Vf ' , ' 'ie ' < ll ini , ' ,5U ,2.7J largo- live pigeons ! < . > Q l.Xj. - - - i Crcamery , fancy rolls , „ . 81 u ; creamery , fancy , solid packed , crcuniury , chnlu , lixTcrJc * dairy , fancy rolls tiud prints , uaisj ; dairy , fancy , tollu packed , 'WiUci clulry. I'hulee , lOijr.'c ; country roll , fancv , BtriKti choice , 7&M ; ; Inferior. fVuOo. Ktjos ICe for btrictly frcslij utule not sal able. I'ELTS AND TAI.LOW Orocn salted hides , No. I , heavy , 7Qo : .No. 1 , light , CV4t7)io ) ; No. 2 , lightew > Uc ; dry Hint tldcs,7HaOJi ralf hldouiW > Oi duuiated hlUci 2o lout , biiecp pelt , tfrron. ouch , ! l. > iaI.13Lyilccp ! pelt , dry , peril ) , Itotlle. IIKKMVAX-l'orll ) . 2CC. . , HAMKPer ilutcn , pralrlc chicken * . t2.7.VTJ 3. ( iiiallanK 2. < WJW.53 | tynl. | .ivai.i0j kv * I.OO < } l..iOi DlrtYl'pii'JiiOJc. . hujjoi. 75cttM.OO ! California , pnr box , j.W | lMfT IIUAIT.S California , , Per crate. Jl.25ffi3.00j Ml nurl. 4WOc t 'r 10 Ib basket. Pl.UMS I'urplp Dunne , CVlMuibln , etc. . per liox , 1l.50 > a.MX ) ! wild geese lllut5 < , ) ' , bu box , 73 . . NucTAtttxr.s Per crat P. Jl. 753J.OO. LKMONS l' ir box. Hod I Malorl , fancy , tO.W ® 19.03 ; eholeo > U-5Slna . * 7..V , BAitS llartlctt , Callforiil ijcr box. I2.50S 'l ti.SE9-OorniMi , iierboiteoOi . , . ' . . . TOMATOES I'cr liuTcfl.OO. ONIONS New HUiitlicrn , PIT hlj | , J.505,00. | OAiuiAOK-1'cr crate , ti .OXf4i.50. : I'OT TOKIJ NeUraskii and Iowa , per bit , JI.13 1.2.1 : Colorado mull-alt Lake. SWBKT PorATocs I'er bu.tMXMU.riO. KvAi'otiATEi ) Ai'i'i.BS l-nncy. iio ; pcrlb. lU.UKiiKiuiiKS-PerMt lm ( -OCOANUTS I'er 100 , V..OO. WATKIl.MBI.C.N8-l'cr 100 , JL' . CA.MKt.ut'i'ES-Per ' doz. tl. . ' * . Ai'i'biss 1'iuiry eating. * .uxvft.'l.50j fancy cooking. SW-WtlSSioliolco-t.- . uiiAKtiKii Kuncy llonl. J7.M ) . IUNA.NAS-Por biincli , U.wai.OO. : TAI.I.OW-A No. 1 , 4e ; > o. 2 , U'c ! grccso , white , 34tc ! : yellow , 2i'i'liv ! ' stcnrlne , BSc. ! HONKS Quotations nro for delivery In Chl- easo-Dry iiulTnlo. per ton. I H.oo ® ; dry country , bleached. $ IO.OOitoo : ; dry country , dump and muiity , teftOOOHiUr ) . Wool. I'lno unwashed , Httinci medium mi- washed , IStWloi coarse unwashed , isawe. JKf.MKs-i'ie per Ib. IIIESKII VisAfOliolco mcdluni , 037o ! light , 5re ! lioavv , 4Q4l-tc. KiNMMniOifj-ltaw , COos boiled , Klc. HOXKV Strained , oo-lb cans , per II ) . PC ; now comb lioner , fancy , IfiQlTct choice , 14i4'f o HIIA.NS llaiul-plekcd navy , f2.'iOit2.75 ; band- picked navy , nicdluni , $2.-W ) > . ' .40 ! 'land-picked ' rniintry , JI.7.Vi2.0 , ) ; good clean. JI.3U3I.50 ; Cal ifornia , per Ib. 4 ! > c. Kisn I'er lb-1'oreh. 7cs bulTalo. 7o ; plck- eral.n'jc ; piko.Oc ; trout , < Jv ; hltc. tie ; crop- pic , HV1 ; uiitllsli , llo ; cod bleak , l'o ; lloiinilers , lic ; ; Oiogon salmon , 18e ; black bass , IJc ; lob ster" . Itie. Kisn Cdilfl'di , extra Oeorgo , now , .Vjc ; Kranil hunk , new. 4'ic ; Sliver. 2-Ib blocks , 0ie ! ; BIIOW whlli' , 2-11) ) lirleks. new. S' es turkey cod. large ! mlddlo bricks , He ; snow white" , crates , 12-5 II ) buxes. 8'ic ; mcdluni sealed herring , S5c ; No. I sealed hiTi'lng. 2-ie ; domesllu llol- liiuil herring , 40c ; llambiugor spiced herring , die ; Kiissliin sardines , ( -plccil. noci Ktisslaii sardines , plain , .Mc ) ; linporlud Holland herring , Urnwn brand , sue ; do fancy mllkers.swc : inack- I't-el. No. I , sliuro , half bills , if..OO ; htoatcr.s , h ilf bbls , IIH.Ovhlto ) : H-li , half bbls , $7.K ( ) ; trout , half bbls , $ J5.00 ; family whlto llsh. $3.5) ) ; salinuu , f . 'iOi per Ooz , 11) lirolled maekorel. 12.1X1 ; : Hb In mustard , a-2.W ( ( 3-lb In tomato saiico , l..Ot ) ; 5-lbMnyo imcsi mackerel. $ ! i.0ti ; 1-lb brook trout. { 1.25 ; i'1-lb brook trout , ? 2.K ( ) ; l-lli salmon , Jl.25i 2-lb whllu Ilsb.i2.2.'i ; 1-lbwhllu llsb. Jl.i : : > ; 2-lblob- stor < , 81.13 ; Mb lobsters , t.M5r3.25 ; 2-lb oyHtors , 12 oz , (1.1)5 ) : 1-lb oysters. 5 o(1.13 ; 2-lb oysters , lOoz. ( MM ; I-lb oystors.1 tl,102-lb ; select. : S-lb Iliiratarla , lOoz , ( I.S3 ; 1-lb [ 1.05 ; Fairmont. 4 oz , $1.05 ; I'lilrmoiit , Soy , $1.85 ; 1-lb clams llttlo necks. $1.:15 : ; 2-lbclains little necks. 11.75 ; 3-lbclaiu i-hondcr , t2.X ) ; 1-lb crabs. S.s j 2-lb crabs , 8. .50. _ I'rovislous. FIIESII I'OIIK rrcsh hams , 20 Ibs avg.,71ic ; 1C , His uv ' . , be ; 12 lln avj ' , . , DC ; shonldorf , 5o ; pork loins , 7Uc ; pork tenderloins , Uc ; leaf lard , not rendered. Olio ; spare ribs , 4c. SALT AlKATd-bhls Must pork , new , JI2.75 ; cluarpork backs. heiivy.J12.25j medium , $11.75 ; short cut clour pork , IIO.M ; family pork , { 10.50 ; pig pork , 1 13.50 ; new extra mess beef , * 5.50i new u\tra piato beef. * 1. " > 0 ; now nlulo beef , M.OO ; new rolled boneless buof , J7..10 ! now rumps , } j.50j new boneless rumps. W.5I ) . Olti TlbU Kxtra lurd , wlnti'r strained , 47o ; e.xtni No , 1 lard. . ' ic ; No. 1 Inrd,3.'iu ; No , 2 lard , 3le | oxtr.i noit : < foot , 43c ; talluw oil , 4le ; pure noitsfoototl.Vc : ) ; A I tiilloxr , } o ; sti-arlne , Oc. IAltl > Tlorcus t'oinpoiuul , 5ic ! , pure loaf. C'-JC ! kettle run lored , ( f' c. S.MKKlMKATc ( > Sugareured hams , 12 to II Ib avg , ll'ie ; medium , l'i to IU Ib avg , lie : heavy , 2Jto 22 Ib UVB. He ; skinned slicing IS to lb nvg. ll'io ' ; Oallfornlahanis , 7.Cc ; slionl- dors , 7.ius ! shoiilduis , skinned , C.Ue ; shoulders. OtoSlbnvg , 7'ie ' ; boneless ham , Uc ; Ureakfast bacon , elear , 5 to 7 Ib Strips Nc ; breakfast bacon , rlD , Hiu ! ; dili'd ' beef bams , buis. lOUc ; rugular.SltCjclud * ) , 8c. PHY SALT .MBATS l-ean , backs. C'ic ; extra short elear , SJicj bellies , 10 to 20-lb average , li' i'i short libs , S'lC ; slioit clears , Oc ; long elenrs.5ic ( ; .shoulders , Va ; backs. 5'ic. ' 1'iiKsn liiir : Steers 609 to CUO-lb average , natives , CS(3i'ie ! ( | ; 400 to. VW-lb avenue , iritlvo , Uffliijic ; cows and heifers. 400 to.VW-lb average , native. "i'jc ; hlndmiartcs , steers , lOc ; hlnd- nuarteis , cows , 7 ; foreanartcrs. steers , I'/tc ; roreiiunrters , cows , 3u ; ' dressed hogs , 4ic ; choice diessed mutton. u'/Sc. ' . I'ltusu IlKKfCuis Kollsjo } ; beef tender loins , ISc ; sirloin butts , < c ; boneless strips. 't\to ; rounds ( rump on' ) , lie ; riiuuds ( rump on ) , 5u ; 1-011 nils ( shanK olT ) , S'/Su ; boneless ramp , 4echiiuks. ; 3)Jo ) ; plates , 2Hu ; back halves. 4c ; shoulder clods , 4e ; beuf loins , No.l ( steer ) . n © lie ; beef loins. No. 2 , lOSIlc ; beef loins. No. 3. ( te ; beef ribs , ( i',43ijc ; beef ribs. No. l , sweet breads ( per doHie ) ; kidneys ( each ) , 3u ; ox tails ( each ) , 4c ; beef tongues ( each ) , 40c ; strip loins , ( Pie. SAUMAOU llologna , 4c ; bologna it , woasands , 4 > ic ; frnnkfnrts. d'ic ; tongue , 7'Jc ; ulood , 4ic ! ; li\cr , 4ic ! : licadolieeso , 4iu ! ; 7c ; pork saiisagu ( links ) , Oc ; pjrk sausage ( meat ) , hi tin palls. Oc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Groceries. SUOAH Per Ib. Cut loaf. 7'ic ; Cubes 7c ; Standard , powdered , 7 ! c : XXXX , powdered , 74 ! granulated , standard , C1iu ; Oonfoetlon- or ' A , ll'ie ; White , Extra O. Climax , Uc ; Extra U , Nebraska , S.'ac ; A-inbor , 5J.Jc ; Uoldeu C , 5.'ic ; Dark U , . ' > - . JlAi-t.K SUOAII Per Ib. 5o cakes , : w-lb boxes , 13e ; 10cc.ikesw-lb : boxes , 12ic ! ; 1-11) bricks , W Ibs In box , pure , Uc. CofFKB Kousted Arosln , 2V < { c ; Itunola , 25/iC ! ; MuL'iugh'ln XXXX , 251ie : German , 25'4c ' ; DltwortU's , _ i.c ? ; l.lon,25Vc ; Mallpuuch , 25'ic ; Mocltu.IJOc ; O. O. Javn.Iiiic. Oroen-I-'ancy Gnkli-n , Kio , 22Hc ; fancy old pcabcriy , 24'ic ; Ulo , choice to fancy , 2J'io ; lilo , prime , .Me : Itlo , coed , lil'le ; Santos anil common Klo , I'.KSWlu ' ; Moulin , 2ile : Java , Keiiulne , u. 0. , 'Ma ; Java , good , Interior , 2oc ; Mexican. 23c. Ditiini Knurrs Turkish prunes , less than hhds , IbSU , 7'iu ' ; original hhds. * . { c less ; llosnla pnmes , u Ib bo.\es , 109 to 110 , 74'c ; ; apples , evaporated , now rh.g choice , 1'ic ; evaporated , H4W rlns prime , I''c ; aprlcols , fancy , in sacks , 20c ; blackberries , now , lOc ; raspberries 25 Ibs to box.'llc : currants , iiutrGiic ; original casks , ? iu less ; Vostlzzu currants , extru , In boxes , 'UANNKII VIIUIT Peaches , per doz , $2,7.V&'I.OO. Hcrr'es 2-lbiooaebertk" , < I.K : ; 2-llHtiawbor- rles SU'IO 2-lb - J1.33Ib , ; - raspnorrle-1 , ; - blueber ries , il.3uMb ; blackberries , $1.25. Pineapples llahaiiin chopped , $2.V ) ; Unhania sliced , W.30 ; Ilabaina sruted , fc',05 ; standard , sliced , iI.2.V2 > l.W. Uherries 2-lb red , llaltlmore , $1.30 ; whltu cherries. * l.73. i'ears-S-lb. tl.30. ( IIKKSK WIscoiMu 1' , O. , twin flats , porlb , lOiio ; Wisconsin lO. . . Youns American , lie ; bilck , Uc ; domestic Swiss , 14fiJI7e ; Edam , hi foil , each M.OJ ; Llinbiirgor , 12'jc. DATES Persian , 0-1U bo.x , 7c. KAIBISS London layers , California stand- mil , per box , 42.73 ; horseshoe , " Hu''iO ; loosu muscatels. Uullfornla standard , (2.75 ( ; "hnrso- hlioe , " $2.3i ! "stur" loose muscatels , & .MO ; seedless Oullfornlii , tl.R'i ; C'nllfornla seedless sultans , In sacks , per 11) , Ho ; Oallforiilaiiiuscii- tcls , In sacks , So ; now valcnclus , IH-'j vulenclas , old. Go ; ondiira layer , old He. Sviiurs Amber Symb In bbls , No. 70 grade , 3lc ; bait bbls.No. 70 srnde , X'e : 4-gal UCL-S , No. TOu'raile , $1.115 ; i-gal kltts , No. ,0 Krade , 7 c ; Kill cans , 10 In case , per case , $3.X ! ) ; ! J-gul cans , U ) In case , per case , H.10 ; white clover drips , In bbls. : c.'o ; half bbls. 3lc ; 4-Kiil kezs , each , 1,43 ; 2-Kal pulls , eachNr c ; rock candy drips. In bbls. , . ' : half bbis , 37c ; 4al kegs , each , $ ; S-lfiil palls , each , 8'ic ; California hominy , bbls , 'I7c ; half bbls. JfiVj ; 4-gai Ucgs , tl.U ( ; 2-Kiil Icltts , ! ic ; _ 1-gul , ) U In case , M.&Oi 1-gal , IU In cusc , $1,25. ( Jiiocor.ATE 1Mb lioxo * . 332350 ; Ocrutau sweet , . - , > a4o ; 1'arlslan , 35c. Coco.v I'er Ib , : ii4Ju. IlitouA 1'ur ib.'t.'c. . , COCOANUI I'erlb , lapi-fr * ! 2XS27c ( ; bulk , 23 © ik * . SKKDS Mixed bird , l-lb'ptas. 5 ; canary , 5oj hump , 4so ! ; anise , IHo ; uoppy , lUo. Si'icr.s I'uppcr Singapore , sifted , ISIilOo ; shot , ' . ' 'c. AlKplco , Wo. OlDVuS-l'oiiaii , bo- leoted.'uc. Uasla China. 1-lb mats , llo. Nut- muKs , No. 1 , 75c ; tanoy , lur o , 8.JO. L FAitisACious Goons Harley , 3Ho ; farina , ( o ; peas , 3o : oatmeal , liVit-l'/iu ' ; nmcaronl , I'/ifi ' lie ; vurmlcclll : loOillc ) . rice , choice , fi',0 ; funcy.Uu ; head , " > ' , ; L ; sasjoutid tuplocu. & 37c ; lima beans. Co ; bpllt peas , * le ; soagottl , lie. Moi.AssKS 11 bis , fiO fancy , per gal , 5.vS3o ( choice. 45)7e ) ; mod. MiW-'c ; Uuba , baking , 2a ffi30c ; black strap , 20 ® c. ' WitAppiM ) PAi'Kii Straiv. per Ib , li2S ! c rag , : iiu ! ; .Munllla II , .Y ( k. < ' ; No. 1.8c. OILS 150 prlino white , HJ | 130 water white 13o ; KJheaiillght. 14io7tBasollne ! ; , Mo. SALSoDA-llbls , 1'iu ; ra'nalated , 2c ; In bbls the.K . K ) lA-I'kKS. COlbs to box , 5 0 ! kogs.4Jc. ! VINMIAII- gr. elder. lOo ; good , K'c ; white wine , 15o ; fancy , fruit , Sc. STOVK PoMSii-J2.iK t5.h7por gross. llAns Am. pur 100 , tl7.f5 ; Lowistoii. per 100 117.73 ; Union sqniire , Wiia3 per cent oil list , r Dairy. SK ) Ibs In bbl , bulk , ) : best grade , 00 5s , fc'.lli ) ; best rado. lee 3s , * . ' . ) . best grade , IS U-i ) , * ii5j rucU salt , crushed , JI.K ) ; comiiion , Mil , Jl.25. Ko-U'-Custllo , mottled , per Ib , OSIOo ; do , White , peril ) , Uc. I'li'Ki.Ks-.MiMllum. nor bbl. $5.30 ; small , $ .50 ; ehorklnt. J7.W ; Imp. lilll , * IS.X ( ) , (05 ( gal cubk ) ; & pal bid , L CIIIKII I'er bbl. rodncd , M.W ) ; halt bbl , $ I.M ; hard elder , putx' , per bbl , ( O.oj ; orangu elder , hiilf bbl. } j.V ) ; pear elder , half bbl , $1.V TwiNES-l'ottou twine , "lllbb , " very flue , U II ) hak's-'c ; cotton twine , "Daisy" brand , ! i Ib bales. l.c ; hemp twine. ! i Ib bales , I8c ; mil twine , 2tiui candle wlolrJo ; 40 ft cotton elotluH lines , b * ; GO ft cotton clothes lines , i ll.a > | UO ft cotton lines , fl.10 ; IU ft Hlsal lines , I (1.73 ; CO ft lute , tl.oo : wool lwbics,8Hc , ] NUTS Almonds , 18c ; llrazils , lie ; filberts , ' , 12)c ) | pecans. Ho ; walnuts Itlo ; peanut cocks , I 10o : roasted , 12iu ; Tennessee peanuts. 8c. I DnouJiS-0-Ue , parlor , tlOO ; 4-tlo , U7J ; 3-tlo. f2.23.1-tlc. . tl.MTftrchouso 13.00 . ; . pltiln. ; \ , . ; toy , II.S5 : whisk , II.Ooai.2.V . UuvES-guiirlJi , per doN.OOl , pint * , pcrdor , (2..V ) ; bulk , nor ( tal , uV. CANNP.I ) MEATS Corned beef. 1 Ib 11.20) ) eornrd beef. 2 llx , ( , ' .10 ; lunch tongues , 1 Ib , t2.W ( ; lunch lonsiic.i. 2lb- ) , ( l.73 | brawn. I Ib. (2.00bniwii | , 2 Ibs. 82.00 } ot tonziies. l 4 | l ) , V00 | ox tongue * , 2 Iw , 'U j chlptisd beef , l' ( bs round cans , JI.20 ! roast beef , 2 Ib round ans.OJipottcil ham , Itlb. round cans t"'o : otted limn , ! J Ib , roiinil can ? , f 1.20 ! duvlleu nin , U Ib , round cans. 6. % ? ( deviled ham , 'i Ib. round cans JI..M ; i > otted ox tongue , U Ib. omul cnns , 11,20 ; compressed ham , 1 Ib , aunro oans , (1.20 : cotiiurcsscd ham n 11)4. iiunro cans , J2.7. > ; trlpo , 2 ll > , round nini , JI.9J ; ilnccd ealoiit , 31b , round CIHIM , f2.20) ) boneless Ills' feet , 2 ID. 111111110 oans , I2.2.V vtflKTAtir.Ks-t'omatoi > s-3-lbextra , $1.10 ; 3- b sliuidnrd western brands , POe ; gallons , trlctly Rlnndanl , ttfiO. Com-Klncst crown , 1.60) ) gilt-edged suuar corn , very flno , 11.50 ; helen 2-lbsuuar corn , $ 1.10 : 2-lbi'.xtrn western > r.ui9 ( ! , $ ioo ; 2-lb standnrd vestern btiinds , 1.00. Mushrooms 1-lb French , extra flue , J < a2.1c : Mb I'reneh. lino. ISJW.'o ; 1-lb 'runcli , ordinary , IttaiHo. Peas 'I'res , flno , wr can , 2.V ; ! deml-Hno , per can , Co ; 2-lb sifted , ( I.UO ; 2-lb early Juno , 1.50 ; 2-lb marrow , standard bramls , l.l ! II 2-lb soaked. KV. String lieaiis-2-lbhlgh rnrtp. Kcfugeu. ( I.OOt 2-lblloldcn wax beann , 1.00 ! 2-lhstrliu bonus. Olc. Mma bcans-'Mb oaked , 8Jc. llnston linked beans 3-lb Lewis , 1.53 : Crown brands , 8l.n : , Sweet potatoes -IbNew Jersey , fl.W. Pumpkins Il-lt ) , 11.10. Okr.i and toinatoe3-l.i.l ! OKM , tl.00succo ; - nsli , JI.20. CoiiUAnr. Manilla rope All sizes from 7-10 o 1 In , l.V ! sisal rope , all slues from 7-10 to 1 n , ll'Jo ' ; "now processes"all sizes from 7-10 to In.w. COTTON Ilorc U-ln. Ifio. i'eriults. Tbc following ponnlu wore IssuoJ by the > ulldtng Inspector yostcrJuyi 111( frnnio cothtsc , Kurd and Twenty-fourth streets $ 800 ' . H , McCormlek , alterations on stoic , 220 South Fifteenth sticet r > 00 Tolal . . . $ l.oOO THE lllYtilt OP I.OST SOULS. \ Maro'i lutu Oblivion tmt ! Onvo NIIIIIO lo a. Western Mroain. Over three centuries' buck\vnrcl , and > oforo the inquisitive Do Soto had ighted his emu * , ) fire on the banks of the Mississippi , the Spaniards had icliloved two settlements in this liiiul of , ho Occident Santa To nnd St. Au < rus- .inc. They had no knowledge of tlio country which lay between thee points or its inhabitants , says the Kansas City Star. As to what might bo tlio md doadfallnof n journey from ono plnuo , o another they wo ron * blindly Ignorant is of the moon. Uut this Ignorance UToctod them not , andfull of the uneasy pirit of the hour , a military party in Santa Fo resolved on an overland expo- litlon to St. Augustino. They know the distance , for they could llgtiro the lati- -uilo ami longitude , and they could fret thodireution by the compass , but this was the sum of their knowledge. The expedition , numbering some hun dreds of men , loft Santa Fo lute in the summer , and crossing the mountains at , ho Raton pass , tlio present route of the Santa Fo railroad , they camped that winter on the present site of Trinidad. Tito grass was long in the valley , the jamo was plenty on the hills , their own stores were ample , and sending back to Santa Fo for minstrel and glco miildons those gentlemen of the sword with wine , women and song got in as gay a season is they over have since. Those old dons wore lads of spirit and possessed high lionets as well IIH taste for travel , lioforo them to the eastward as far as tlio eye could sweep spread the desert uiieou- lined. What was to be mot there they know not , but their lack of knowledge was coincident with an equal lack of care. care.yitll the molting of the snows in the spring sunshine , their women and camp followers returned to Santa Fo. Tlio lust adios was uttered , and the explor ers turned their resolute faces to tlio work in hand. They marched down tlio valley of the little muddy rivor. which Hews us vou read this through the town of Trinidad. The ones who were to re turn to Santa Fo watched them for miles , assisted by the gift of the tun on stool cap and harness. At last they were hid den in the willows far down the valley and this was the last that was over known of them. With the last flap of the last banner it was us if they had inarcnea out of exist ence , nnd whether they sunk in rivers , perished in the drifting snows , or were done to death by Indians was never tel d No sign or trace of this expedition or its people wcro over found. There was something so ocrio and mysterious in the complete disappearance of this band , something so dark in the silence of their fate , that the superstitious Spaniard inndo tlio sign of the holy cross when ho recalled it. With that effort at com memoration which was the spirit of that time the llttlo muddy torrent in whoso valley the explorers labt wcro seen was called El Rio do Los Aniimis-"Tho Elver of Lost Souls. " This was the Spanish name whcnSuolotte , Ghoutcau , Bout , Carson , St. Vraln , and other representatives of the French fur com pany of St. Louis llrst saw it. Knowing nothing of the story , and assisted only by their inference drawn from thonitinc , these translated the appellation into the Purgatoire. When the jocund bullwliackor of the overland trail got to it in his freo-aml-oasy French ho called it "tho Piekotwiro.- ' Every it over had still sticks , and today you will find the little vagrant of a stream pur suing its glistening mission to the sea witli as many names as a member of the British house of lords. George Campbell , Hopkinsville , Ky , , says : Burdock Blood Bitters is the host prepara tion for the blood aud stomach ever manu factured , STHUCKI1Y AN OCEAN CYCLONE. Torrlhlo Kxpcrlcnu i ol' thu Stoiuncr Orinoco < iii tlio Atlantic , The steamship Orinoco , which got mixed up with a oyelono in the last two days of August , has arrived from Bermuda , says a New York dispatch to the Chicago Herald. The oyelono mot her about 200 miles from Bermuda about 10 o'clock on the night of August 80. The engines were slowed down when the preliminary blast struckhorand stopped altogether when the wind began flying at a seventy-mile rato. The vessel pitched and rolled frightfully and big Boas toppled over her bows. The wheel frame of the steam steering gour for ward broke just after midnight and the ship drifted into the trough of the sea. The crow were ordered aft in a hurry to clear the hiuul-stooring machinery , around which were piled 10,000 box frames in bundles. "While they were pitching the box frames overboard , the giant waves- were smashing things on dock and milking life extreme ly uncomfortable for the fifteen cabin passengers. Twenty-two sheep o : a Hock of sixty-five ami eight cattle were killed. The compass lamps tint binnacle were smashed , one of the star- hoard life boats was staved into kind ling wood , and another was washed from its davits into the sei , The sea flooded the saloon and invnded the state rooms. Twenty feet of the ship's starboard rail was carried away , and the stanchions were twisted like wire. The hand ulcer ing gear was cleared , and tlio ship's head put to the sea at last. The shi ; got into Hamilton , LJormuda , early last Monday morning , and after being re paired sailed for this port. The steam ship Mount Tabor , from Manilla , ran 'afoul of thu oyelono that knocked ou the little Blue No.-o schooner Lion on August 31 nnd had her forecastle smashed In , her chart room windows broken , and her cabin Hooded by sens. Chronic Inflammation of tlio Uliidile Is promptly cured by the waters of Excel blor Springs , Missouri. IUILDIN'0 A aiONjVTKIl Alll SHU' . V Host on Mnn linn uNcw Korco AVIilth IIcSnaVll AViu. Charles G. Loobor of Boston has pro- tared the plans of an immense airship rhluh ho proposes to construct , and is ow raising or trying ! o ralso a syndicate o take hold of thu enterprise , nays the "Jhlengo Tribune. The ship is designed .s a moans of communication between his country and Kuropo. Ho also claims o ho tlio discoverer of a now force vhleh he calls anthcsls , and which , 10 declare * , assured the HUC * ess of his ship. The ship ia planned resembles moro than any- hlng else u monster barrel , laid on its ido , with nil its staves running to a > olnt at ono end , and with immense otmded spread or wings on the sides , t Is designed to bo constructed solely of tcel , with a logth of 147 feet and a ircadth of beam of 117 foot. Tlio wing ? , 3iich of which is to bo 75 feet eng and t7 ! broad , nro mov- ibly attached to the sides of the vessel mil extend inward , where they are ml- listed to a steam-driven engine of icciillar pattern in such u way is to control sustentatlon , ascent and do- cent. At the stern arothoruddor and the mproved propeller , which is revolved > y steam. There are throe decks out- ined , all of whloh are closed in with urge windows. The lower ono contains ipartmonts for the machinery , engines , ) ollors , fuolwater , provisions , kitchens , relght , and quarters for the crow. The nlddloono is lilted with saloons and staterooms for the passengers , and alko itts an outside promoimlo extending iroutul the ship except forward , whore > rotuboranco.s would olTer great roslst- inco to the air lu-essuro tine to the speed > f the ( light. Tlio upper dock contains .ho steering machinery , chartroom , mil olllcors' staterooms. Tlio longi tudinal sides of the bottom of the ship are rounded , so as to Insure a nostoasy position and support for It ) ii land. The weight of the ship , ma chinery and equipments is estimate : ! at iOO tons and her not tonnage at 1,000 tons. With her full complement of liOO xissongors , mall and freight , she would eprosjnt a dead weight of 1,800 tons. This great load , aKi,000 ( ( ( pounds , Mr. Loobor has the hardihood to say can bo loatodupon the air more easily than a ike weight is carried upon the water. Anthcsis , the now force , will enable him o do this. Ho doc-lines to make known ho nature of this force , like Keoly , of notor fame , but says it is dependent upon atmospheric riv-ldt-moo. The only radical uuu u. . .loainatUm Is to clinibialo from thoblool thorn-id that causes , lie disease. This is thoroughly cfTcctett by lie persevering tiso of Aycr's SarsuparilUi. . 'crslat until cured. The process ui.iy bo slow , but the result is suro. 1JI3KT VS. CUXK SUGiVH. FurinoriiT.iklnjf to llittsinn the Korinrr. "In a few years there will bo very lit- .lo California wheat in the market , ' ' said Captain John Uoylo of Santa Cruz county , California , yesterday at the Astor house to a Star reporter. "How is that ? " I asked. "Tho export trade in wheat from that state in pist years htw been one of the main sourccjof * wealth. " "Tho reason is 8imjle enough. Our farmers are fast turning their lands into beet plantations , the beets being used for tlio manufacture of sugar. Tlure is a boot-sugar factory at Watsonvillo in my county , which last year bought " 0,000 tons of bjets from our farmers at S5.2-J a ton , out of which L',000 tons of sugar were produced. About ten tons of beets can bo grown to the aero. At this rate the farmer receives $ oU.r > Ofor his product , which is much bolter than wheat growing , so that in the southern p'irt of the state there will bo very little wheat grown in a few years. In San Bernardino county , 4,000 aercs have boon planted in boots this year , another largo plantation has boon laid out in Fresno county , and llio other southern counties are "following suit. suit."Tho "Tho movoinant In f-ivoi * of bet grow ing as being moro profitable than wheat , is not conliucd to our state. Kansas , Nebraska , Texas and Colorado farmers nro about to try the experiment of boot growing , but , according to Prof. II. W. \Viloy \ of the geological survey , the soil of California is the best adapted to boot culture of any other state. Boots can bo grown anywhere , but their value de pends upon the amount of tlio saccharine matter they contain. Boots containing ! . ' 0 per cent are worth Son ton , while those containing 15 per cent are worth onlyt. : " "What ofTcct do you think the devel opment of the boot sugar industry in the United States will have on the marhotV" I think beet sugar will largely re- plac' ! cano sugar , and that will bo for the sugar trust. The consumption of sugar In the United States is increas ing year b.y year. It now amounts to about ono million four hundred nnd fifty thousand tons annually. It is nearly all Imported , and the prolits on refining are estimated at five-eights of 1 per cent per pound , which gave the trust in the past two years a profit of over $ . ' 17,000,000. Since it has been discovered that beet sugar is fully equal to cano sugar , Ger many , Franco , Russia and other Euro pean countries have produced it in quan tity nearly equal to one-half the entire consumption of those countries. The total product of boot sugar for the year 188-)0 ! ) ! ) has been 8,500,000 tons , a ainst 2,270,000 ions of cano sugar. Tills is the principal reason why I think that cano sugar is no longer king. ' , Moro serious nnd chronlo diseases , from which people never wholly recover , tire produced by constipation than from tuy other ono cause , Remember this and keep your bowels repulur by Uilclng n doss of St , Patrick's pills whenever required. For sale by nil druggists. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. In COtu vo ds. Vo ( llmhmto uiri > uli.on frtn : tlio iijraUro , foth&t Ihcio cm iicurbo arctumof the dl * case In any furm. Parlies can bo treated lit lioire , ( for tlioramoi'ilco X- . . > cuR BIB I/f and until rtl. / Bamo BUaron It B M P E R I H I & . ' " ' ( lml wll | > tho.orhopre X W I * M I ( I I V fir to coir.t lien , vo will efl 1 I I Nib | el contract to them ' > ' u " II * euro or ref nnd n 11 money and pay entire tipno of comlnir , rallro d far * onj hotel tllU. Wo clul Irniro the v Drill for acuove cannot euro. Mfnllonthin paper. Aildmn. COOK ItHMKiU' CO. , Omaha , t > 'cbra1a. Oaicc , St. Olalr Hotel , Cor. 13th and Dodge Sis ilx for all tlm unnatural dliieliarKPi and prlVftloillBCHKniif nipii. A ceilnlnruro for tindplilll - tatltiK vcakufan ( iccullur townmiR. . In rrooinnicuillDg It tea a | | iiiirerrri , . .J.STOHER , MO.DtciTun.lU. OAI.VI-JSXO.V , TKXAS , tlie Rrcat Quit Oily of tlio nciir future. Mug- ulllcuiitlmrlior. A million and nliulf ilollara now being npcnt In rock unil Iron doukn. The seaport of tlm country wuHtof tlio Jllbblsslppl. Wrlto far Information anil niapa. 11 , M. TUUEUEAllT ii CO. EalabllsleU 18J7 Omaha Hoots niul Hhocn. ' ' " * kmKKNDALL. , JONES fe CO. , . Wholesale Uaimfaclurcrs of Boots & Shoeg 4ontior notion Iliitibtr 8hr > oCo.IIM. 1104 andllOt llnrntr Strrtt , Omalin , N l > . llroworfl. 8TOIIZ fe ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 N'trth Kill Street , Otualm , Neb. . - - - Cornice. " " K WOIIK8 , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlca \Vltulow e | " nnil niplnlloftliylliilit * . John Kpenolciv proprietor. IDS niul 111) ) South 10th ilrt'cU ArilMtn * Mulct-lull * . _ " " ' " " " , 5."HO9PE , JrTJ" ' Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , ' lS13loiili\a Blrcct , Uiunha , Neb , Conl , Coke , Etc. OMAHA COAL , COICK AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hani anil Soft Coal , B. K. Cor. ICIh and Duuitlas Strecti , Orurvtm. .Nfb. DEAN , AHM ! > riiONO \ ic CO. , Wholesale Cigars. < CTN. IflhStrocl. "llullol" KM. " " " * " * * * " " " " ' * ' ' * ' ' " ' Dry ( looils niul Notions. M. E. SMITH te CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner Hill nml Iluwnrit Strecti. KILPATKIcif-KOCII DUY GOODS CO. , ' Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , QenU'l'urultliliiitCoiiiK Corner lUli and lliruey Streets , Umiihu , Nob. Fiirnltiiru. DEWISY te STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnntn Struct , Oimhn , Nebraska , CUAHLE9 SIItVEHICK , Furniture. Omnlia , Nubrimkit. Groceries. HcCORD , BRADY Ac CO , Wholesale ( iroccrs , lothindl I nvcnworth Street * , Oiunhn , tfolt Lumber , 10 to. U 6. W. DOUGLAS & CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Yard 1310 N. ICth St. . Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIEt-D , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc. Imported niul American I'orllntid Cement StaM lent fur MllwnukiHi lljrdruiillo Catmint , ana gulncr While Ilino. CHAS. n. L.EE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood carpet * nnd imrquot nonrlng. 8th and Doufla tUrecls , Umiilia , NobraakH. FRED W. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner Ctli nml Poimlna Streets , Omaha. MIIIIIn cry M nil Nol 1 "na. iToBE RFELDE R(5sCO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 80S , 210 nnrt 812 South llth street. Notions : J. T. EOBINSON NOTION CO. , I Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1121 llnrney strciit , Oninlii. f Oils. CONSOLIDATED TA11K LINE CO. , Wholesale Mined and Lubricating Oils , Axle grease , etc. , Oranhrv. A. II. Dtahop , Mnmicer. Pn per. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , * arrf n nice stock ol printing , nrnpplnK nnil writing paper. tSpcclul nttontlou clvon to card papur. Safes , Eto. JL L. DEANE & CO. , General /uontafor Halls' Safes , 931 and S23 Eolith lUth St. . Onmtin. Toys , Ktc. H. HARDY Ac CO. , Jubbcrv of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , ilouie FurnlslilnB Clouds. Clillrtrcn'd Carriages. 1200 Karnuni itrcel , Oinaba , N0t > . Water U. 8. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Slcam and \Yatcr Supplies , wind mills. HI Bond snOJonei it , Omaha. U. t' . lion , Actinic Mnnnitor , Iron Works. J PAXTON & VIERLINQ IRON WORKS , \Yrouglit and Cast Iron Building Work , ICnglnvi , brnxs work , s-nernl foundry. mnrlilno ti4 blackmnllli work. Olllco anil wnrki , U , 1 * . ' Itr. unil 17th itruut , Oiualio. ) OMAHA. SAFE & IRON WORKS , V Mani'is of Fire and Burglar Prool SafcsJ Voults , Jnlt work. Iron fhiitlcr nnil nro P'cn U. Andreeu.prop'r. Cur. 14tb anilJacloon HU. SaHli , Iloors , Eto , M. A , DISBHOW & CO. , \Ybolusalo manufacturori of Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , v Branch offlce , IZtlmnd Iinrd ilrceti , Omahn , Neb. Sou tli UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited. NEBRASKA National Bank U , B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEtt Capital. - - - - $40OOO < } Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7OOQ OBIcrrinnd Ulrcctorvllcnrj . Vntoi , Proildon l wl S. Iteeil , VIcB-l'roildont ; Jamei W. Harare , V , .Morne. John H. Collins , K. U. Cu.taloi , J. N. I'atrkk , W. U. 8. lluKlici , cmhlor. THIS IRON BAN 1C. Corner 12lh and Varnam BU. A Ocncrul liiinUlnz liuiluessTransacted National Bank. Capital , - $4OOOOa Surplus , - 44OOJ Onireri nnd Dlroctnri A. I * . Ilnpklin , | ireil < lntl U' . (1.51.1111 , vlco | > ru ldont : Alfred Mllliinl , vnililur K. 11. llrynnt , n > ilitant c.ailtlcr : Clinrlut TurnorJ U II. Wllllimi. H. M. Moruuian . UMuy , M. M AndroCBon. WANTED4 ISBUtD DY CITIEB , ' COUHTICt.BCHOOk . „ . - , . DISTRICTS , WATCH Coneipondencewllcltea. COMpAMt8. , ETC , N.W. HARRIS COMPANY ' . . ft , Bankers , | 0I05 Dearborn Otront , CHICAGO * 70 BUta Btraut. BOSTON *