Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The bank clcnrnncca yesterday
Amounted to $853,701.00.
Two ciirlonds of tin wore received nt
the custom liouso yesterday for Lee ,
AmlrccHcii & Co.
J. A. Powers , Independent candidate
for governor , will deliver a political ad
dress at Imposition hall next Saturday
\Vord 1ms been received from Rev.
Williird Scott , wlio win expected homo
early thlfi week , that ho lias been 111
nnd will not reach homo for several days
Articles have "been fled incorporating
the KoH Omaha nodal club. Kdwin
Brooks , Charles Lome , James Fleming ,
Edward Enrl 'lit and Henry Ulchtor are
the invoi'porntors.
Frank K. McMllllnn of Nebraska City
was yesterday appointed mall dork on
the Uiiiahn and Ou'tlun run , vice I ) . J.
Ohcstnutwoodvlio wns removed for
failing to report for duty.
Thursday evening Harmony assembly ,
No. ( KJ71I , Knights of Labor , will give a
ball at Exposition hall. The proceeds
will bo devoted to the striking railroad
men on the New York Central.
The mayor , city council and heads of
the various city departments have ac
cepted the invitation from the managers
to attend the stnto fair nnd will go
this morning and return in the oven-
ing.Tho Omaha rubber company yester
day commenced suit ngainht Frank
Taylor to recover $ -101.07. Taylor was
in the employ of the company as a sales
man and thoplalntiir alleges ho collected
tills amount of money , which ho has
failed to turn over.
A delivery wagon belonging to the
Frontier laundry company was badly
wrecked at the cornet1 of Thirteenth
and Lcavenworth. The driver , Charles
Hlloy , was tangled up in the box when
the vuhlclo overturned and was dragged
some distance , sustaining painful
brulhos. lie held the lines and man
aged to btop the badly frightened horse.
Itriicc'H Iloml.
Frank Bruce , -who burglarized the Boston
tora ami made so dcupcruto a light with
Sergeant Orinsby , who captured him and had
lilm bound over to the district court , was re
leased from the county Jail ycttcrd.iy on an $300
bond furnished by ( J. H. Havens. It is as
serted by the Jail" authorities that Uruco will
never show up for trial.
< > V Iilic'itniiif ; .I ; rlc ; ri.
Arrangements huvo been made by the Old-
Time telegraphers and members of the Mili
tary Telegraph corn : to go down fromOmalu
to Kansas City Sunday night next. The
Burlington road has teuderod it special car
and the only expense for transportation will
bo the Pullman fare1. Telegraphers in Omaha
anil vicinity who desire to attend the annual
reunion nt Kansas City nro requested to ad-
vlso Mr. L. M. IthoiMii , intmigcr American
District telegraph company , Omaha.
The perfumes of violets , the purity of the
Illy , the glow of the rose , and the Hush ol
in Po/szoni's wondrous .
llube combine / powder.
llcIlurgloU $80.
llcdolio Lavluc , who rooms at 1-125 South
Thirteenth street , is the enterprising bur
glar's latest victim.
AVhi'ii bo retired Mondny night ho slipped
his trousers , containing &i in shining llvo and
ten dollnr gold pieces , under his pillow.
Wbea ho awoke yesterday the trousers
wcra ROtio , and the money had evidently gone
with them. The thief untorcd through a
window , and departed in the same uncormon-
lous manner.
Drlnl : Excelsior Springs Missouri water.
An Unl'iiriuimto Affair.
Fred Knnpp Is n clerk at the B. &M.
freight ofllce. nnd ho is also a heavyweight in
in the art of mashing. .Miss Louisa Kearns
Is a susceptible young girl.exccedingly pretty
and of unusually attractive appearance who
resides wltu her parents at 3r l'J Corny street.
All might hnvo been well bad the paths ot
these two led widely apart , but in un evil
hour they met. That meeting they have
both found abundant reason to deplore.
Kiuipp was n constant visitor at thelCearns
household , and basked in the suiisbhio of the
fair Louisa's smiles , At length tlicro came
an unhappy day. Thcro was trouble in
sight , and all of the Interested parties realized
that there was need of immediate action of
uoiiio kind.
The story is a long one , full or spicy de
tails. It is boiled down for decency's ' sake.
Young Knapp is skirmishing fora bond ,
wb.Uo the dim shadows of the county prosecutor
cuter and an ofllocr of the law appear in the
IMI UIIL : Avuijh
AVhy It Ought Not o lie Used in the
A number of cases of diphtheria are ro-
poited from the vicinity of Seventeenth and
Nicholas streets and other localities in the
city , A largo number of deaths have occur
red from this disease.
A well-known druggist on North Sixteenth
street , in spoikingof the prevalence of this
Oiscase , attrlbatod the causoto Impure well
water and low , damp localities.
"If people would only stick to the water
furnished by the waterworks there would bo
less , " said he. "They don't realUo
the poison there is in the ordinary well. It
may IOOK us ciear as crystiu aim yet bo lull of
poison in the shape of organic matter. "
"Uut isn't the nmdity water which is frequently -
quently drawn from the hydrant Just as in
jurious as the well water I"
"IJjMio means. " ho replied , ' -Tho muddy
appearance is caused by quart ) ! or band.
Which is not digested or absorbed by the
stomach , but passes out of the system with
out doing any Injury. I will show you tno
difference between well water and hydrant
water. "
Suiting the action to the word ho placed a
ninall heuUcr containing two ounccVof til
lered hydrant water on the tublu , another
containing an equal amount of hydrant water
which had not been filtered , and a third
beaker containing four ounces of well water.
Of the three the well water
was the clearest and looked the
most tempting. The filtered water
was clear uho , but had not the same tempt
ing appearance as that presented by the well
water. Thounllltcrcd hydrant water was
slightly clouded.
Taking a small vial from the shelf the
druggist said : "This vial contains a solution
ct nltruto of silver. If there is any organic
matter In these samples its presence will bo
shown by a mllliy nppearnm-o in the waior as
soon as the nltruto is poured Into It. "
An equal quantity of the nltraiu was th"n
poured into ouch beaker and btlrrcd about
with a clean glass rod.
The Illtercd water showed not the slightest
trace of cloudiness. The unilltored water was
colored almost hnpoiveptihlv , but the well
water resembled inlllc , showing the presence
of untold thousands of nnlnmleuhu or disease-
breeding germs ,
The effect was startling. The animal mat ?
tcr could bo seen lloatlng about In the water
presenting much the tame appearance- but-
' That is a fair sample of the quality of
well water la the city , " continued the druggist -
gist , "Tbo well from which that wuter was
taken Is sold to ho the llnest in town , yet you
see for yourself how poisonous it Is , His
Just such water ns that which Is causing dls
case to spread and killing half the children
who dlo. It looks tempting nnd tastes bolter
than rlvor water but there Is death lu every
drop of It" _
A Not a bio Itcport.
"For disordered mensturatlon , onarmla
mid sterility , it may properly be termed a
pcclllc , "
Extract from Dr. W. P , Mason's report on
* lic waters of Excelsior Springs , Missouri.
A Vacuum IHnooveroit Hcnonlli the
rtoaduuy of Tenth hired.
Henceforth the Tenth street viaduct will
begin to grow Into shape. The preliminary
work has been completed , the derricks have
been set up nnd balanced , and the hrst pleco
of iron was raised yesterday afternoon. The
viaduct will bo built from the south end.
The masonry foundation work has been
nearly completed , hut just at the lust mo
ment trouble was experienced at the corner
of Tenth and Jones street. While driving
piling at that location yesterday morning the
bottom apparently droppml out. An old nnd
long-buried culvert was struck , and when the
top was crushed In the piling dropped almost
out of sight.
Heavy sticks of timber thirty-two fectlong
dropped down three-fouiths of their length.
I'iles of that length found about elRht feet of
solid bed ut the bottom of the culvert. The
superintendent of costruction stated that
they found an old bridge several feet below
tho' surface , and several other things that
thcv had not expected to find.
This wns the llrst point where the work
WHS delayed , and it looked fora time as if It
would bo Impossible to Had n solid founda
tion , but mm * that the lon < piling bn reached
solid ground the work will proceed as Do-
Sallow and leadcn-hucd complexions soon
give phu'o to the loveliest pltik-and-white ,
whoa the of Ayer's Sarsapnrill.i is per-
slated in , and cosmetics cntiicly abandoned.
Nothing can counterlctt the rosy glow of per
fect , health , which blesses those who use this
Or. Gapcn Tolls AVIiuti lie May Bo
KxpuctcMl There.
At the meeting of the flro and police
commission Monday night , Ofllccr How-
don asked whether or not there Is a phy
sidan assigned to the jail and if there is
what bis name is. ilo also asserted that it
bud boon almost impossible for him to secure
a physician to attend to the cases at that
City Physician Gapcn , who has been at
tending to thu medical work at the jail , wns
spoken to on the subject and said :
"I have endeavored to correct this by asu-
ingthooniccrs to discriminate in the cases.
Most of them have cheerfully done so and
have learned wbnt to expect of 1110. 1 do not
o\en Hnow who the ofllcer is that maltes tills
complaint. No complaint bos been made by
the chief or either of the captains. The fact
that it comes thus from one not in authority
shows the animus to bo other than is appar
ent on Its face.
"As rezrimls nroinntness In attendance.
with my multifold duties calling mo to every
part of'tho city , that Is not always possible.
Ke.illzing this I have , at my own expense ,
made an arrangement with Dr. Lord to at
tend to my duties when 1 can not bo reached.
Even then there may have been delays , but
none to Justify this coniphimt. The station
has had inovo than twlco the attention that
the ordinance requires.
"The complaint is groundless. No one has
ever suffered for want of care. When I took
the olllce I found there was a great abuse of
it. The ordinance rcquhca that the city
physician shall rentier medical services only
to such prisoners who have not sufllcient
means to pav a physician. It was the habit
to call the former uitv physician for every
case icgnrdless of the pecuniary circum
stances of the individual. The services of
the city physician were a sort of chrorao
thrown in with every 'jag , ' so to spoak. "
Gallagher Mails His Ilo.slfiiiitioa nnd
Candidates Kim \Vlltl.
Postmaster Gallagher gave itout uatyestcr-
day that bis resignation had IcftOmaba intho
morning's mail , and bo had a vague idea
that it would soon bo accepted.
Assistant Woodard said to u DISK man that
his chief had resigned , Woodard has the
largest nnd best petition for the appointment
of any candidate but Is doubtful of its avail
ing him anything. He points to his record of
eighteen years In the Omaha postofllco and
then forgets himself in a profound considera
tion of civil scrvico rules and precedents.
Mr. Woodard suid that ho under
stood the appointment would stiike an
old soldier. This impression seems
to prevail generally and with it.
the name of Major Clarkson is given out as
tbo most likely winner.
"What Is this talkaboutVunJervoort about
to bo appointed postmaster , " asked a promi
nent businessman yesterday morning of Mr
' Why , its perfectly preposterous , " replied
the hitter. Vamlervoort has no better chance
of becoming postmaster at the Omaha ofllco
than ho had of securing the ofMco of post
master It is a piece of
subllmo gall nnd impudence on his part to
pretend to such n pluc.-o , The fellow has
got all he can do to pi-event his head from
being chopped off , and I know it. The only
tiling that holds him in bis place as mail
sack holster is his family relationship with
Justice Miller of the United States supreme
couit. It is nn open secret at Washington
that Justice Miller held him up during the
Hayes administration and It was only to
plcaso the justice that Mr , Wammrniikcr
made a slnccuro place for Vundcrvoort intho
Omaha postofllco in which hobos not done u
day's ' work In a month.
"And , " continued the business man , "I un
derstand that Councilman Chaffco and some
others are circulating petitions for Vauder-
voort. "
"That is nil dor.o for effect , " said Mr.
Blank. "Chnffeo and Vantlervoort have been
links to the sumo suusago over slnco the
council combine was organized. Chaffeo
worked thojodlln ) granlto into the city hall
and Van has been putting lu his tlmo with
the contractors to keep the ring in power ,
The whole thing collapsed when the Twenty-
oighters wore laid out by Dr. Jloreer , mid
the outllt is too dead for resurrection , All
they mil trying now to do is to keep some of
their fellows in the front to mnkon show of
bolnir a factor In Oimihn iinlltli.M Thnnnlv
bucking they poswsn is from the democratic
mnpwuinp sheet that has boon In with the
combine , Vuiitlet-voort and tlio set of schemers -
ors , thut have been plunder
ing the town. The republican who
must Rot his baehlns from n
democratic napor , and from a lot of fellows
whom the patty has sot down upon with a
heavy thud stands mighty llttlo show of mak
ing un Impression \V.iiUIiitoii | , Tno whole
thing is with Senator Mundcrson anyhow ,
nnd ho has too much good sense to wnnt to go
through the experience thut some of lila pre
decessors hud when thev ujipolntctl men who
were odious and gcnorally uupopulnr. "
Announccin nt.
C. I ) , Moore & Co. have hccn appointed
wholoialo uirents for the culebnited watora of
tixuulslor Springs , Missouri.
Gen. J. I ; . Wfbtitcr Itcturas from on
ICxcoiitlvo Committee Meeting.
"Yes , I have Just returned from attending
the scml-aimual meeting of the executive
committed of the republican league of the
United States , held at Saratoga Springs , New
York , said Gen. J. L. Webster , yesterday.
"Thcro was not much of general interest to
the publlu that lean say of the mooting. It
was inoro a business mooting than otherwise.
Much thin was spent talking over the polit
ical situation of the country by the members
of the commutes , representing various states
of the union. Steps wcro taken to
provldo political literature , where needed ,
In congressional dlstiicts , for the fall cam
paign. The chief demand upon the executive
fommltteo came from congressional districts
In the southern states.
"Hepubllenn leagues Invo licen formed In
several of the southern states , which is the
primary stop towards having the partv
jmumo a practical organUutionln these local
ities , in this respect I bellovo the republican
league Is doing some very good work , where
work was badly needed and had hereto
fore been neglected. Wo fixed the date for
holding the national league convention in
Cincinnati for April , 1S91. The present Indi
cations are that the convention ut Cincinnati
will bo very largely attended.
"Tho league convention of tbo state of
Now York was held at Saratoga on the 4th of
this month , and which convention selected
ts delegated to the national convention. The
republicans of Ohio are looking forward to
this convention to bo the opening work 01
the Ohio campaign. 1'rovlsion will bo
made to ontcrUdn the convention royally , A
committee has bocn appointed to secure ora-
tori of national reputation to address the
mass meetings to bo hold at that time. "
"Havoyou been clsowherouponyourtrlpl"
"Yes ; with some friends I took a trip upon
Lnko George and Lake Chnmplaln , which I
found most enjoyable. I stopped awhllo nt
Burlington. "Vt. , to BOO what I eould learn of
the prohibition question , nnd also conversed
with ninny people from Malno anil Now
Hampshire. I took a ride through Canada
and saw many things in the city of Montreal
Unit wera interesting to mo , but It'wonlJ take
too much space to undertake to tell about
them. "
To Nervous Dclillltntcil Men
If you will send us your address wo will
send you Dr. Uyo's Celebrated Voltaic Belt
nnd Appliances on trial. They \vlll nulckly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BISLT Co , , Marshall ,
Hot Spring Working Girls Claim that
Tliisynro Imposed Upon.
HOT SWINGS , S. D. , Sept. C. To tbo Edi
tor of Tin : BEI : : If you will allow mo a llttlo
space in your paper I will ask the working
Klrls in Omaha to stay whew they are , and
whatever tney do never como to Hot Springs ,
S. D. , for hotel wont. They are promised $23
per month until they get hero , then they get
from $15 to ? ! 0 , and then oocomo slaves for
the people they are wotkhiB for. Our faro
was paid hciv , but after reaching the springs
wo had to work out the faro , " \Vowcro tilso
promised that nt the end of six months wo
would bo passcil back to our homes , which is
not done , as agreed.Voeitherhavo to piy
our own way back or walk.
From girls who know what they are talking
Ulr. Dorsoy Tolls How Congress
Looked After Them.
"I am homo on the sick list , " said Congress
man George W. K. Dorsoy to a BEU reporter
Wtio had waited nn hour for the representa
tive from tbo big Third to finish his luncheon
uttlio Mil lard.
"I positively don't know anything of inter
est concerning state politics , " ho continued
in answer to a query. " 1 came homo slclt on
Saturday , staid at homo nil day Sunday , at
tended to some of my private business jes-
terdav nnd am down hero today.
"I don't care to talk of state matters , es
pecially with reference to the Third district ,
ns I might have a personal interest in affair
thcao. I sco they are holding conventions
around nnd electing delegates that tire favor
able to mo , and 1 am satis Hod with my claims
for rc-noniinatlou aud re-election.
"Prohibition * I can't really say -what
figure that issue will cut In the campaign ns
I am not posted , But whatever the issues
are I am confident the entire republican state
ticket will bo elected by a handbomo plurality
over all combinations. "
"That's all I cnro to sav about state mat
ters , " continued Mr. Dorsey. "As to
national affairs I think this congress has
paid moro attention to the wants of the west
than any congress held for years. The east
ern members accuse us of having monopolized
the legislation. Tbo lard bill , the anti-option
law , the silver hill whlok by the way is the
greatest lluaiicial legislation since the
war are all measures enacted in
response to a demand from the agricultur
al interests of the west.
"Tho Nebraska delegation has been doing
excellent work. Mr. Council Is rapidly gain
ing aplncoin thn front rank of the woilcors
and nblo men of the house.
"President Harrison's administration is
becoming moro acceptable every day. Ho Is
convincing all his friends , and his opponents ,
too , that ho is a conscientious , clear , capable
"THO session nns oeen a fearfully long
one , " concluded Mr. Dorsoy , "and tba mem
bers are many of tnetn sick and all of them
ne.irly worn out. An adjournment will bo
reached about the middle of Octoocr. "
Narrow Uscnpa from Denth of a Corps
of Glaziers.
Yesterday n force of II. A. ICoster's men
was putting aphvto window , 44x100 inches ,
la the front of H. .A. Orchara1" new store on
Douglas street , between Fourtei'-ith and Fif
teenth streets , when the pine broke in
halves. The upper half fell to the ground
nnd was shivered to atoms. There wore four
men engaged on the work , nnd as tbo
broken piece dropped three of tbo
men were caugbt by It and
badly cut. Frank Kostcrs sustained two
cut on the wrist which required n number of
painful stitches by a surgeon. Boh Ruther
ford had an artery in his loft arm cut which
bled copiously , Pat Tully bad one of his lin
gers silt In two under the mill and n piece of
llcsh mi inch square out from the bach of his
right hand. Charlie ICostcrs.who was super
intend ing the worlt , saved himself by Jump
ing , though in so doingho struck a step lad-
derwitbhis light check bonoand sustiined
an Irritating bruise. Itis considered remark-
ublo that some of the men wcro not lulled on
the spot.
The A , M. I'almer company will commence
an engagement of two nights and Saturday
matinee , on Friday September 13 , at Boyd's.
The appearance of this company promises to
bo a great dramatic event. The people need
no Introduction toll , nor does the company
to the peoplo. Tuo reportorio which Mr.
Palmer announces in another portion of this
paper is u solid and enduring one , and com
prises some of the past three year's successes
which have been presented at tbo Madison
Squuro Theater. The inaugural play will bo
"Aunt Jack , " to bo followed by "Jim , the
Penman" and "Saints and Sinners. " It is
seldom that the people of Omaha are favored
with such an engagement. Scats for the entire -
tire engagement will bo put on sulo Thursday
Don man Thompson's famous play of "Tho
Old Homestead" will bo seen at Boyd's next
Sunday , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday ,
presented by the same ofllclent company that
were hero last fall. A special train on the
Union Puclila brings the entire outfit from
Denver , leaving there Saturday evening after
the performance. The now scenery from
the New York models will bo used for this
production , boino of which will bo a revela
tion to patrons.
Tno Eden Musco has n list of attractions
this week that Is far superior to anything
ever seen in a dlmo theater. The Dashlngtoi :
brothers have won tbo hearts of all thclt
audiences bv their clever songs , dances und
sketches. The triple silver statue clog is the
finest spectacular dance ever presented in
Omaha. ' 'The Telephone Agent , " n comical
satire , ns presented by tbo IIulllcs , U u snlo-
spllttlng , roaring comedy nnd keeps the
audience in a continuous round of laughter
Two Albinos huvo been added to tbo freaks
lu tbo curio bull ,
IUi p rtorex llfiic proT a In raiment of home
for more tliin a quarter of n cornurr. lilt ui J b
th UnlUjJ statet aaf rnni nt. Kn < 1ori < 1 tr th
ha4i of the Kroat iin'.mnltlei n tin HircnaiMt ,
Pureit mna.\loatllonlthtul. Dr. l'rlcu' Crimm ll k
\nx l'owd r dooi not contain ammonia. Hoc oMluui
Bold only In cam.
I'lllCK DAK1NO rOSrilKK CO. ,
Nowtork. Clilc * u , tiaa VrucUc . BtLuul
TheSlidh of Persia
Though ndvancuJ irtjoars , lias hair ol raven
hue , Urny lialrt tan ) sti Icily I'lohlUteU ' In
Ills dominions , antlllnMico the large ship
ments to that comitrvofjci'i lltiir Vigor ,
by tlic use \\Meliitiic Sliali's subjects sato
not only Hiolr lulniut tlielr heads. Ayet's
Hnlr Vigor rcMorea-tlio natural color of the
hair , It should bu on every tollet-talle.
" Sonic llmejRo rnyliiUr begun to fade nnd
to fall out so liiulljtlint I thought 1 should
be laUItiit ; tlio use of Aycr'j Hair Vigor
has restored the oilplual color ami m.nle iny
hulrstrons , nlmidnut , niiJlu-nllliy. It ( lees
not fall out nnymw. " Addle ShnlTur , MO
Knee st. , Cincinnati , Ohio ,
"My lullCvMeli hail v ftly turned gray )
WJH restored to Its youthful color nml
beauty ty the use ot a few bottles ( Ayifs
Hair Vigor. I shall conlliitiu to tiw It , as
time Is no bettor dressing for thu hair. "
( JcoigcaimAla.
Ayer's Hair Vigor ,
. J. C. AYER& CO , , Lowell , Mats.
Solilby nllDrngeUtsiiHl 1'crfutncrs.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The most widely nnd fnvomlily Icncmnspec-
alJstt In the United States. Tholr lorn ox-
lorlcncu , romnrkabla skill tiud universal sue-
ess In thu tioatniciit nnd cure o ( Ncrfoiis ,
Jhronlo and fcurslcal nisonsc . entitles tlicsn
omlnoub | ) liyslcUiiia to the full conlldcnco ol
hoatlllctcd morywliero , Tlfty Kuanxiitro :
thoawfulelTccts of curly vice and , the jiuiucr-
ous evils Hint follow In Its triiln ,
speedily , coiiinlctisly ntid ncrraiiiii'ntlvcurod.
HtDEltS yield readily tothclr skillful trout-
guaranteed cured , without pain or dotcnUoa
'rom Uuslnoss.
ocntly nnd successtnllv onrcil Inovery case.
matorrhca , Stniial'Wcaknan ! ' , IjOstAIunhouil ,
Nlcht Kmlsalons. Dccajtcl Fuultlcs , Fcmalo
Wc.ikncss uiidall delluato disorders peculiar
to either sox posltlvolv cuivd , as wollus all
functional disorders tint result from youth
ful follies or tlio excess of miituroyeiin.
Tl lfn Tk'lJ Ouar.intocd pormanun tly
OllVlV l U1VL , Cured , removal couulutc ,
vrllhoutciittln . caustloor dilatation. Ourcs
nffeotcd at homo by.intlont without a mo
ment's palti or annoyance.
A TTIJU PIT PR The awful effects of
-MOUIU. , liUHU , early vlco whlclilirlnjs
orfantowfaVness , destroy In ? both mind nnil
body , with ull Its dreaded ills , poriuancnty
I Kl < I X " " "Ti's * iiiusu nno iiavo im-
U1\O. LL ) < 1 1 O palcud tlieinsclrcs uy Im
proper Indulgence and solitary lubltivlilch
ruin both mind and body , unuttlu ; ; thuni for
business. Rttulv-orniarrluKV'
JIA.KKIEU MEN or tlioSt fentcrlnson that
happy life , awuroof phslcnldobllityqulokly
Is based upon facts. 1'lrst Practical experi
ence. Second K\cry case isbpocUlly studied ,
tlius starting right. Third Motile lues nro
prepared In our laboratory o\aotly : to suit
each cnse , thus effecting cuics without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Belts ,
For improved & .KO
nomlc cookery. Use
it for Soups , Sauces ,
' Made Dishes , ( Game ,
Company's Fish , etc. ) Aspic or
Meat Jelly. Jveeps
perfectly m nil cli-
mittcs for any length
E XTRACT of time , nnd Is cheap
er and ol liner fljvoir
than any other stoclt.
Ono poundcquiil to
OFBEEF forty pounds of lean
beet of the vuluo of
ahout.i-7.DO. .
Genultio only -with.
-c Jiultts 1011
sijjnRtui-e as shown
IV. JI VKEll & CO.'S
la absolutely pure ant
it It soluble ,
Ne Chemicals ,
ire usilln III prenanllon. It lmloro
titan t\rt tfmtt Ihe itrcntfk ot Coroa
Inlzcd witli Slirrh. Arruwruut or Sue&r ,
> nd Is lhcrcfor fir niora trunomlcal ,
totting Ittt lAan ont etnt it ctfj ) . It 1 *
< lKlIciDUitnourUhlii7itrcu tl > etiiiifiKA ;
lll.Y HldKOTri ) , unit lilinlrilily nJipteU
fjr limlld * antll icr oin in lieilth.
Sold by CrorericvcrpTlicro.
W. BASER & CO. . Dorchester , Mass.
I Specially rocommcudod bj the Acadomf of
I Hedldno ol 1'A.lllfl for tlio euro ot
I ami for rcgulullia prrlaillo cciirne ,
nitrneil "Duk rAnn.Ill rue
I None rcmilno mileiH
Ilton 'irt5riirlB."ihOUUUY ALL LllUoAlUTH
| E.rougeriufc O < bN. V , Atrnitn lorlliclJ. N.
"SANATIVO , " the
\Vroiulurful ijpanleb
] { rmutyi ! HcilJwltti
n TVrlttt nGimrHn.
tun to emu ullNurv-
oin Dli > f ien , ucli 01
, Weak Miinorj. I.OH
| of llfiiln I'owor.llcud-
lnViliuf uluver ,
* rt JJanhood.Nrrv.
( ) iuin.'HflInu Uucli' ,
nlldrnliiiuncl IOHB oljiowcrol tlio Gmcrntltc Or
gaiiilii tlttiuncx , uucdby oMr-cxutl ( < n-oiitti )
fulliKllecrctloni. orllio eici'fflio line of totmcco ,
opium , or tlmiilanWj'Xvnlcli ultlnutclr Imii to
liiflniiltj , CoiiiuinpUan nud Iniimlty , I'utiipln
cQuvuiilcnt form to airy | ntliuve t jiocUot , 1'rlco
3U | iftcki > zodri mf.'i.Vltlicer ; $5 oraur vu
Ul\c \ a ( rluii i/nttrititrp lit rtirvor irfHHt
tlm inimnj. bun tliy in til lu auy mldroei , Ulf
ciilur fn . NmtlcntliUrnpcr , A < l < lru - *
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. llruiiebOnirj fcU. . S. A
H7 | ) M h .rn > 'l ' " ; ! < IIICACU , II. I.
ICulin A ; Co. . Cor. 11th ami Uo
J. A I'iilliir.VCo.t'or. lltli mill
A.J ) . Kostur &Uo.l' unoll Illuirs.liMva ,
Great Western Type Foundry ,
HJJItouortf St ,
BuffiTliu from tlio i-ctaii ( > nullifulrrn > r , t'nTl
* * " ' ' full
POyn"lViW' itllto iu-nliincWiliilili
pirtlrul > n fur homo oun > , I'lUK nl ' Ijn'l1'- *
liltfiiilHliiiMllful wirki thoi'itl ii 'l ' l'/.l'fr' ;
, XMrrni ,
MMI vtlm U li rv..n . ami .Itlillllutril
--.c.vuvvi.Jiu. "
Iwsno read ) ' , and on our tables.Ve arc proud of it , and if you sec it you \vill say we have rea
son to be. We have made great exertions togct up a stock of goods , that -would be worthy ot
The Nebraska Clothing Company that will not only accomodatc our vast army of old customers ,
but also provide for thousands of new patrons. Omaha's ' census returns warrant us in looking
for a great increase in our business.
To people unacquainted with OUR house , lriN'C clothing means HIGH PRICUD clothing. To
such we extend a cordial invitation to call and examine OUR GOODS and 1-IowTniiv ARK MARKED.
We are anxious to convince them that there is no need of paying exorbitant prices. "We will
show them that we can give them as fins goat/sand of as good warknnnskip as Ihsycan gel any where
and Acrf ira can saw them consMerabfc money on their c/oth/ny purchases.
The greatest saving \vc can show you is on Boy's Clothing , Nothing advertises a Clothing
House more than to sell these goods close , and for the past fc\v \ seasons we have made it a rule
to sell Boys'and ' Children's ' Clothing at merely nominal profits. To this we attribute in a great
measure the rapid growth of our business , \Veshall \ continue the same policy this season and
will offer incur Boys' ' Department bargains which you cannot get elsewhere. FOP the opening of the
schools ive have frepared a stock oi aoot/s second to mnein Hie country and we promise to save younot25
orSOc , 6otMsr'llrey $2,00 or $3.00 $ an every good suit wlirch you need for jour boy.
Open until S P.M. : : : : ; Saturday at 10 P. M.
Nebraska Co. ,
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
For our full and fine assort
ment lias been selected this
season witli an eye to Oma
ha's Increasing demand.
Nothing finer is offered in
Men's ' Clothing
than otar present stock can
adapted lo nil occasions nnd
functions , made of tine -very
best material and. in tlie latest
approved style.
Are one of our specialties in
which line of goods under
take to satisfy the mostfastid-
nironlf.N'nrvous , Blood uncl SurKlnl ntonnoinncl
Il'fustot ) tlio Hyo , I5. r , Noio , Tliroit it ml t'lic-t.
blieclal Altciitinn to Difioasos ofVo \
inon and Clilldr.Mi.
The < 1oetr > r tmvo hud ronri nf eiperlanoo Intlio
linapltili of IlruoUIrn tint Nuw Vork.nncl are IIIIIOIK ;
Urn mutt Huccoaafiil and wlUolrltno n aiicclulliti la
the country.
'loVoim-r nncl HUMlccoi \ \ Men.
IxstMnnliooil , Ti'crvoui Doblllty. SnarnatarrlKua.
ftinlnnl I.o 'ei , l'lii lcat I > ecnr. nihinu ( nun Imlli-
rnalun , | ) ro < lnplnuilioilen | neiH , ili'ipornlem'y , plm-
| ) ! i't ontno lire , iiTiiratim to toclotjr , uiiMllr illMwur-
nsixl , kok olciiiilMeneo , dull , unlit ( iirBtii'lr ' urbntl-
Di'ss , nnil limit lllu u. LurJoi : , BiiJdjiJtrmarcutly
nail i > ci > ( lllyciiru < t.
Itlonil anil Skin niscnsos.
Pyplilll * . n ( llirato most dreadful In Hi results ,
coiniilctcly cruillcatoil.
Oi'iiit ri-Urlnary Stir or ) ' .
Oonorrlup.dloct , BriililUt. llyilrucolD. Vnrlroolo ,
mil SUIcliiro , radlcallr un l lafolf rurcd wllliout
Mln < ir ilitti'ntlon ( rotn tniHlnDSH. All suxunl Do-
mul lunieillmcnta touiurrliKQ lucc
All KFCtiiUlacnw * niifoly onrl nonninpntly curoi.
Hours , .I ii in. tlllH P.III Nmclayi , 10 till 12.
N. II. I'orniM unnbloln vlilt us may lutrontoi ) nt
Iholr lioinun by < orro.iiiiU'nco. | > ) . Slo.llulno * anJ la *
ilruclnna Mill lijexitrat. I'onau'litlon fruu
Iniluuinto Iniurorcply.
Friti'onlli .St. , OpiM-tiro liayd'a
Opera House. Oiuiiim ,
Brwcllla for'lyFttrla , Iiliilnfii.Fiti.IJuiirilcla.U'ako
lulii > , Menl/u l"prn % iou , Hi'lttnlni-ot ' Iliu liriln , i-e-
lUl'liK In luiaiitty na l ) ea < imir to itiuetj tloonf ar 1
UeAtli. Premium Old AK , litrrciimiu , I Mr of I'avrcr
Inullho. i , luvolutmry I.ore , ml Himnistorrhcci
rausil hy ovuniei tlol or Iho liriln. itlf-ulitiio or
overliidiiiiftnco. uchtx.x cantnliiione noiilb'itruat.
rnuiiL ttiliox , or fell for l > . Kill by mill lirtpalU.
With riirh order l r lit lioir , vl | ; . . . I punhuiar
liiiartutvo lu i-cfium nonev It th Iretttmcnt fillatg
turti , uudrnnt a < Uiiuu < luuUioHUln9 ; volilbulyty
1 110 Fu mi m it reel , - > Oiiiahtt. Xeb.
ana Cmiiln to a lUj or mane ; rei
Tty limit tJ tircurrly tebled from oth
eimUo ; , CWlf.
HOHRBOVGH EROS. , Proprietors.
COKN'ETl 15th .AND DODOK ST3 , , OMA.1IA , NISI ) .
° l'fiif ' < l last Monday. X ! now students , Stmlonts cnn outer any ttino. NIGHT ?
now InsL > 4on. Any lir.uu-may lie lull. llumU..OUnur \ , or for.'lhouts'work iieJ
cljiy. Miveml > .tiuloiils pl.-ic'd liiRoud poHltloiisiwi'iillv. 1'jol. I , . J , Kuliri ouch , umilu an oj-
liltilt < iiicin.iiisld ] | > lasl l ttoilintllioOiimliarair.ratislstiitKi'iitlinly nts ulc-n svvork , Tlio com <
iiilltccKii-voliliiitill tlic First iViiitunis.ilitcli \ wiihii crt'iit comiillinfiitlo h ' students , In at
iimi'li us tiny ( . flinpolitlllh hofos-ots of other oniluci's , claiming u national ri > | iiitutlon.
'ilils ujlitt ( ) silllo the conipar.itlvomi'iltsof ruiiiiinii-.lilp Oi'imrliiiiMiU ' It IB one thliiR to
talk. lmt < imto iinotlicr tlilui ; toshowwhalyoiir sttidmitsraii m > . Almost aiijiuiu c.ui liny und
Loriovt hpti'lniuis of Art. to exhibit , Imtlo ninko tlicin. that. Isthu test , Semi iiuiuo uuU iul
dicssforclrculms. Adiliite , HOllltllOCGlI IIUOA.Omiiliti. Ivob.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
& .
& ' IS
. . .gltU.- - Hi IrtJJ
For the treitmcnt of gll Cl 1110X10 AND SUUOIR.H. DISKASm. Ilracos , Appllinsoi for itoformltlos an <
Trusts , llcst. tiiclllt'e ' * , AppnrntiM aril Humodlu < t for iiicoisfiil trontiiiontof every iorni uf dlnuuaor0
quiring nicillciil or turilcil Ire it-runt. ONI-3 IIUSIIKI ) ) ANII rrt'HVTV-KlVI ! 1UJMS roil I'ATHSNrl
] ! oirlnnil.\ttiinilin ; Ho'tn"ciitnolnlc ) iilit ] thiwjjtVrll3 for clroulirs on l > jorniHloj ( nnl llricos.
Truncs. Cluli Kciit , I'lirvntuws i > ( tli > Splno , I'lle-i. T.iui ir ( , O ii3ir. C.itarrli , llitinalillh. Inhiilntlon , Kleo.
Irealcil iitlioiuoliy corro iioniloiito. .Mcjtr.iimnlcitluniroiitllfiitl.ii ! Mollcln ) or liMtriimuiits nont br
m.tllor c.-viiroaniuctirclyiuuki'd , 01) in-irkt tolnillcato iiiiU'nti or mi lor. One iiCMOml Interflow pruferr c' ,
Cnllimil constiltiis ortunillilitorj of jour < -aio , ixnl wo 'tll | senrt In plain wrniipor our HOOK TO JIKJI
l-'ICl.i ; upon I'rlrato fic-clnlor .Vervum Dlioaies , , SrpliUIUJICH't. ami Vurlcooolo , with nuoitlot
Hat. AUdross
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Corner 9th and Ilurnoy Streets , Omnha , Nobrnska.
ysxsji * ® ? KSSJ
( % T > V -yfor-kx
w ? <
m&l $ I BJSffl
1316 Douglas Street , Omatia , Neb.
Pcvfiilocnjpnri'oxpfrlcnco. A rppulnrcrndunto illphimrHilinv. ri tlllfl ttrlni wU |
iOKrc-iilfst Biicrojinll crvfM.l llrulllu unit I-ilTiito rthii.i-n. APOriimiuinteiirtimmrnntcixlliirCulnrrU
hlirriiuitorrlifru , I. < l .Miinliuwd , A\ojkiiu \ , Nlulit J/.HIOH . , impoiuiicir , SypnllN , Stricture , iiml 1
< lliuii of tlio llluwl. Skin unclUrlinry Oraaim. N. HI eimriintoiKOJdircinirr cmo l uinlnruka nml fal
tocuro. I'omiillutliJH fro . Jiwk l.Mrmetlos oll.irojient tno. Ottlc.liouu- n.tu. to b p , ui.
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Set of Teeth , on Itabber
For Five Dollars.
A portpctflt Riinritnloctl. Ti'cth ' oxtracloil
vltliout iialn or iliuuiT. nndlt > out UIIIIUH-
tlictlci. Gold and hllvor Illllii t Iu ust
ratos. llrlilpo uml Ciuwu Work. Tottli Mllh-
out plains. Ml work wurraiitud.
EntraiiPo , Ifitli street cltiator , OJIOK oieii-
Int , until a'ul < x.l ( .
Tlio Specialist ,
It Jnmiri'OJuecl ' In the treat
ment n roll fonui of 1'Hl-
VV\TI ; iisiAsKs.i : > jit.\u i
hood , hU'HK-l'UUi : , or putt
In roIitlrlriK Iho tlnililvr ,
KYI'IIII.Itl vurcil Iniatoi' ' ,
cluji , Hklii DlHViiioi , fatiirrk % .
.iii'l nit ll t'aij of tli > - '
tllnotl , Iloitrl nnil l.lrcr K < i *
niiilollnoa ci cured wltlioul
lif > lriiinimt or "local lri ) t .
incut , " l.nillo * from 2 to {
nnlr Wntu for clrcu.
l.iniilvlriK pnrtlculnriubuul
luiliuf the ubnve Olicusri ,
inxl filnjivinx many uf tb *
matt ruourkaulo euros. OI-
llco , N. H. Cor , lull mil Furrmm Hts. ' cntrtaco on
eltlicrntrat. OmaUv No ! >
Jllc Itttin tflcnowifrtgrd
Uailliijti'iiiKly lor all it *
unimtiirHl dlicliarien an ]
Vrlvntddlnenitiolnirii A ,
k tr
i.t eulciuii , " uilnv weakness neculiti J
tooinrn. . V
. Mrdotirbr ij > re mbollanclfteliil
LTlitEv .MCHi.U"ilOn In rccninnieudlD It I *
I nil nufTcrfri ,
[ 1 7).8TONER ) , WO.DlUTUDilLI.
- - -
Nul < t hv