Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A UVEHTIfcEMENTS for thc ocolumns itlll
iV. botnkfn until 1-'J p. m. for tlio evening
edition urul until 8 : ip. in , for the morning
fPERSISCash In advance ,
RATES Adroftlsotnontson tlilspaKcwlllbo
olmrood for nt thoratoof I'5 cent per word
for tlie 11 i-flt Insertion nnd 1 cent per worn for
cachiulsv < iur > rit Insertion , nnd 11.50 per.llno
per rnontli , No advertisement taken for less
than .Sec nit for the first Insertion.
TN1TIAI. ' , fie ; u res , lymboK cte , , count each
* - asonn vurd
fpIIfE ( idvortlsoments must run consccn-
JL lively nnd undurno circumstances vrlll
they be tiiken ordlscontlnued In telephone.
"OAUriKs1 advertising In these columns and
J. hntlnclholmnswers n llro ( fd to "n m-
bereil letter" Inn roof TUB IKE will rocelvo
antiinlcr dchcck to enable them togct their
letter' , Antwrn will bo delivered only on
presentat Inn of tills check. Enclose answers
In cmcloiiei properly nddrris . ' < l.
A Xl < ndrrrtlscnionti under the head of
JrV 'SpcHnl Notlci's' nru publlsliptl In lioth
mornlnir mid avcnlnitedition * ofTMKlli-F. . Iho
elrcnlatlnti of which apcrcentM more tlian
JO.OCflp'ijirrs dully , nnd > rlrcs tlio ixdvertlser
Iho linofltnot only ofthc hraoelrculitlonof
TiiKllKK InOmnlia. hut nlso In Council Hltiffa.
Mncoln si nd other cltlfi and tov ns In the
Advortllnj ? fortliosecoliimnswlll bo tnltcn
6n tlmaljotc conditions , utthe following litnl-
nnsshoiimiivlioiiro mithorl/ed tntiihespuclal
notices ntthu amo rates us can be had at the
mninofllnc ,
SC.TS' Struct , IilsUTHIcick.
TOII.VV Ilii.Il'liarmncl3t,8aSouthTenth )
t ilrcet.
OH\t'K \ A KDIIV , Stationers and I'rlntcra ,
Vlllfcouth Ifilh fat root
UT i. 1IUUM1S , I'liirmacist \ i > erin it/in /
Gl 0. W'l'AUR , I'liannaclst , 1718 l > a-nm-
irortli Street.
TTt01IJS' ' I'HAKMAOV.ilth and 1'arnam.
"for o/f / , clc , , ret ( op n } fittttnlmnnon this
WANTH ) A cut tor desires n situation In
irelliblo tiilorlnir esubllslmiunt city or
eounlry. Addrc < a N 57. lleoolllce. M9AJ-1I ) *
SITUATION nsstonosrnjilior nnd typovvrltor
ty a lady , rosltlnn
niiiro an ohjcottlian _ _
AN'LrM ) 1'osltlon In prlvato family by
l.'id v : L-eiitnil lionsovvork or 2n < l 110 N.
nth M.
\\7ANTH ) ly ) nn ixpcrlonced cashier , n
position In store , hotel or restaurant.
WANT Hi llya ynuns lady of consider
able tinsl iirssc\iurli' | neon tid ability , smr.o
rospdiislblc nosltlon , or as nilviitu sccrotnry.
Address > 4 , ' . Hie. WS-U
"CJtll'ATION vratitnl bf a lidv to keep
CMIOII < * or to usslst In tlio household.
Addrias I K. llco olllcc. Council HlulT .
013-15 *
WANT1 D Situation as nlsht watchmnn In
store , mill or fiotory , by un honest ro-
llablem.un N < ldrc9s N27. llec. 31827-W
POIlsovvIni ; livtho iliv or wick , c ill on or
uildri'ssMlssUarrlcICuiitz. CTuJIIatnlltntist.
811-11 *
BOV 10 jeirs old ivatits tn loam trade. Wnnt
limrd. inoin und washing llrit year. Ad-
drosi.VJS. Ileo. 7ft"
for tateo , d ( , ictli > i > nf frt titlunn an tlitx jwge.
\ OrNTS-On silary or iominlsslon to tnko
/A- onion for Iho I'lumtiiir Hicllnlni ; Clialr
Co. Call'lX nth st SI 1J5-13"
ANTJII Good agents. Call afternoons
ICM h I8th. M 1A-1J
l ) -(0 laborers forstono nnd irndo
mirk. Apply to I' . H. Jolmson , Union
pidsuigerilcpot , Oniahii. Ml
A I1VK nlnn to sell a eood artlclo nt the
state filr. Address N diilioo. M IM 10 *
AOFNTnanted foranoled nnsllshmikoof
cllslnfcttimtsiciirbollc and ulnel.Iirst
ity , best picking. tS per cent below usual
prices , liberal terms ton. firm who could do
notlvi ) Uimlncss. Hamilton , A , Co.Wa iids\vorth ,
Eiijinnd. 103 11
w ANTTI ) Ono prood n-irber ; good wages ;
wWANTH 8O4 S. 10th st. l.H-0 *
WANTH ) A salesman , ono acquainted
nlth Ilio crockery business , Aililressllox
( . , ivhtnlllci' . 103 10
\NTlD-4 \ tullors and two tullorcsses.510
NorLblOth st. Cincinnati Tailors.
1P410 *
_ _
WANTED A boy , over H , to take care of
her > oaud tow and deliver goods Apply
Sl llo < lye , 10510
Ames ave.
TV nortliof duif and dumb Institute. .1,1' .
Hocli 1WO U *
PI1TV -vvintodfor track hylnit by- the
Kock Itland railway at I.oulsvlllo. Neb ,
111 ll
rANTID--Hakurcall alter o'clock 1003
N'.Ttliavo. 110 II *
WANT TO A nrst-clasi clnthln ? stock-
keeper. Call at once , 1300 larnum st.
115 0
) Good boy to learn thojovvelry
trade. Ounon A Hanks , room 47 , Harkor
uloct. JIOi-0-ll'
V\7ANTKD TravollnR salesmen : now In-
TTentloii \ , big money torlshtparties. Cill
at Omahu pntmt nitency , cor liith and Cap.
ave , MU85-14 *
W AN TH ) Elevator boy nt the Hoston
store. 050
PllfV men for U. I' , compiny work In
Vnnilnit ' ' , Mea Iy nil v > Inter's work.
11JO Knrnaiii. Ute
WANTH1 Teams for now nrk at ISnck
Klttiid dopotcroimds , touth Om aba. 1'uy '
cv cry vv ok. w , r. Callah in. U7B 11 *
WAN'rri ) ICO men and 20 teims at ath
and like st. toiiiin row mornliiK Sonur
worl , C. K runnliiK Co. 9vW-li *
7ANTH ) Tvlen for land njenU MOCO
jearl ) ; delightful climate , people llvo
. . . ir , hnitt | [ > r , nccumnlnto Health euslor
thnniiny loiulltjon the irlolm ; Rood business
opportiuilly. loiters aimriTtd tf sulf-ul-
clic-Mit bliimpul cnvolupn Is enclosed. Ad-
die-n HOI.VM ) , Van llaub. Texas yi"-ll *
\\7ANTTI ) OOmoti to ( IlKln sovgr trenches"
, IT lioodjvijjos Apply to All Muctimhau ,
Iloatrli-o , Jeb. | ils-i >
line of clears , fX ! ) par month
_ „ , ; csp ild , Address with stnmp
It bi ) Cigar Co. . St. I-nuls. .Mo. tat 0 *
W7"ANTH > - Silesnirn to soil
goods to incr-
cliant < hy siniiilo ! salarv paid to
Cumlslnilnicrniuiuiit situation ,
Model iMnui fuddling Co , bouth Mend. Ind.
_ _ 707 b.M *
\\7ANTH ) Men totnvel for our C-mndlan
iiiir-.orles.btouo&\VelllnrftoiiMadlson.\\ls \ \
Mi )
j _ _
WANTM ) Salasnicii at $75 icr month sal-
dry und oVpcirscs to sell a line of sllvor-
nlatiHl jwiirp. attjliOT , oto. , bymmplu only ;
liorxiatill ( .
P.IIU fiirnlsheil
fruo ; v rlto nt once
for full particulars nnd s unnlo ciso of
free , Staudartlbll\urwuto Co. , lloston. Jlasi.
550 2 *
D 200 laborers for oxtrx roTd
Awplytol1. II Johnson , H. AM.
PUHSI ngor depot , Oninha. f 51
\f7ANTM ) 600 men for Utah and .Nevada"
V > i > M f-'W to tlio. Albright' . Labor ;
Agomy , IIJO l"irnani it. U.'tl
Icnttto. dc. , etc top of first nilumii nit thin ixiQe.
f -\\7 A NT i'l > - A t 1 1 1 e Ne vv ii : n iiliiv-i lie n t "ji l
TT rt'uu-CIIrls for al I KhuN of housowurK.
UiilouNiit Hunk IHilj- KooinlOCorner lull
an l
V\7ANT1 0 A competent Klrl for
f T liniiv ' ork | C04 > d wapisj at IIS > . Sltli ave.
Applf tci II.Voodvv ard. : i7N ! 10th st. 117 11' J
U A saleslady,0110 fimlllar vlth
, MV nre business. Addrcsi , "Jlcr-
clituil , " i.OjtoltUc. iu > It )
* TVTANTH ) Of oil cook anil Iniindrcn ; Rood
< > T T watjcaj bruallfamily ; XH ) Uavuripurt nt.
, ill ) 10
( IIKK wanted to do general house work at
ft * * > 101 15'
T\7ANTrii Senmsticss and tulloross ; fill
T T at once 130t ) 1 arnam st. 115 I )
1MIKK. ' Union Trust Co. Com-
tiulidin. . ino p >
/ ANT ID Girl for general house work
TV { ootl Magos. 4r8 X. " - ' at. b81 ;
Gil ! I. . for joucral 1G07 Sliernum '
T\TANTH > Alrl
| forgouerul housework at
2110 Capitol ve. KJ < )
TJnilSr CliAS3 cook and dining room girl.
X ? Oood > VJKUS paid. .Vj North Itth kt.
kt.OUa *
/"LIEU wintcd at Oiy S. Sthi good waiios ,
\ ,
A GOOD girl fur hoa owork. References re
quired , Oood iviitcs. lira , IJumont. Ifitt
Lof ny tt o acnuc. . *
+ f51
\\7ANTil ) A peed girl for general Jiouse-
' T work , Mrs.CootH , South Idtli st , between
1'lorcoundVIIIImns. . OI2-/
/ANTFD Tady nRentu I Jm\o 1,000 nsents
tnuklnc ujtooUrotppcr.ililclU Inz RfllliiK
my goods for I ml urn' ana clilliticn's vour. Atit
conHtantiy ( h"liilii ( ! ? iu > > clU < ' . Ilntu n nuw
nncl trondirful nclturfor full trade. Address ,
with otutiip. K. II. C'nmpbull , 4 1vtt \ Kiu-
dolplibt. . I'lilcngo , HI. MUMP'
"V\7 SNTlTfA good cook nnd a MCOIII ! Rlrl
V > fnrsmall fainllr. Apply at 21J Dn cu-
port t. bHl
ASTFIt Two airK for iiltclicn work.
I'onuillomc , 4 jbuuth 18that. . 0110 liluck
soutliof court liuiisc , KM
TVTANTKI ) A competent Rlrl for nurse nnd
T T jecond work. Mrs. Clco. l' tur > .on , JM S.
Sth street. 81J
GIUI. Vantiil , steady tlrl , first class cootc
nml InundrrM. Must Ln tlionnichly coin-
potent nnd wt'llrocommondud. Wnzos $3 per
week. Mri. Wllllum Loudon , OiO S 'Jstli st.
Y\7ANTH > Competent clrl for ponernl
T > hoUbcRorKVagus ? J50. 1M9 North 18th.
For iiitr * . tie. , t-rtlnv nt flrntcvliinn onthln page
WANTED Three or four unfurnhhca
room * forjoutiit ninn and wife , no child
ren. In ( IntcluM locution , nour business. Ad-
ofllcc. Mirr-11 *
WANTED Hoardind roonilii Drlvuto fam
ily for a persons , not ovur fi blocks from
nostiiiilci > i wlllcvchangu roforcncos. Addicsa
city. 10811
For lattf , tie. . ftftin > of Jlrrtailuinn nntht * paqt.
F8S HINT lor It laontha fiirnNliod
lieu .o. . SOIttclwIorat M l.B-12 *
FOU Itf.NT-Modcrn C-room rott.iKC on
Sherman nve. : e\erv convenience. Innulro
Nutliertoii Hall , J50. I'aiuuiu fct. , room l.l'ud
lloor. 113 10
Itl-M1 Iho lower story of my icsl-
dcnce furnished. J. W. Vun Nostr-uid , 557
lh streit. IKJ 14
OCT. 1st , liiilldliiKon N , E. cor. 10th and
Doitjilis , 2 basements , S stores , nnd 7
roornsupitalrs(150. ( Jlrn.Kuhtmuun , 11 and
Vliiton. 1K1 !
"J71OH ItK.-sT Desirable fi-room flats , convon-
- lently located ; steam hent and nil other
modern improvement ) * . Inquire of Nuthcrtori
Hall , \ G I ai nuin st , room 1 , 2nd lloor. IU 14
TZTOUSnnltli seven rooms , ccllor room , pin-
J-J try , clilutiiitul well v atiroppoalto ) \ iter
works now pump house , 1213 S ailli st QtA 9 *
F oiTltKXT 150 So. nth st. , 0-roorn brick ;
modern eoinenltnces ; choice
slrablo ncUhborhoodje isv walking distance
from business. \\.0rllllth , U I1 , lidqrs
J-lo-ll *
riTWOfi-room flats , ill modern conveniences.
-L TnqultoU. N , Uathiiinnn , V20 S. l.lth st.Vnd
lloor. 114 10 *
FOK HI'.NT Voiirtliolte In two olcgantton
room lirlck bouses for $ .T per month , Just
llnlshed , inod > rn convonlcncts Ml and &Jfl
outli ? Jtli stuct. Call at Union National
four new houses , 10 rooms each , all
conveniences , at I'ark avonuound Mason ,
for nut. Oco. Pau 1,1009 1'arnuui. ST'J-ll
FOR UTNT Now ten-room house ; all mo
dern luiprovcnients also
; nine-room hrlck
hou n with burn. Apply to Ovieu JlcCatrroy ,
81gii llarncy st.
_ _ _
FOU HOT IlomoS rooms , good laundry.
InqulieKobt. I'urvls. ltli & .bt. Mary's ave.
OT5NT A six room hou o near to business
-Llopnter , f O. Jlead Iinebtiueut Co. . Ileo
1m II din V. SI3
F OK H TNT My residence furnished or un-
ftirnlblied for winter or lomcr , deslriblo
locution. Mrs. M. Elguttor , lli k. li'tti ' st.
F OR RFNT First class 7 room flat with
ranee , In now bnllilln , 2nd lloor. 705 S.
IGthst. * tl CJiorxoUIouscr. 601-10'
Ir YOU wish to rout a house orstore SPO II. E
C'ole , Contontl il block. 553
OU KENT-- ? room ilnt.HXJ S. 13lh st P
per month. Apply at The 1'alr , JL. Ilrau-
F K7.VT : Sept. 1. cottage with all modern
imtmncnicMtH , 15J1 hlicrnian a-ve , & 'i7
FOU KENT To rpsponslblo parties only ,
those line new brick nnd sttmo houses on
Georgia nvrnuei IIftten rooms and alcoves ;
morecoii-venloiices and better finished than
any house fin rent In the city. II. II Hendor-
son. 4QO 1'axtoii block , ell y. MS
r-ltOOM house with barn : naiMnal rent. C ,
Harrison , 911 N , V. Life. MO
HOUSES Tor Ken t-2100 Ca s St. , S ftS Cnss St. ,
2118 Ca s st. 10 and II rooms ; nil conven
iences. Clias. AV , Ralnoy , JI5 Om.iha National
bankbulldln ? . ftlJ
O 8-roorn houses , iill modern conveniences
. -'with burns. - blocks from motor. 19 1'axtou
blk. 513
FOll Itr.NTroom south ana cnst front
cott.ise ; , tXi per nioath.rijbt ALasbury ,
Arlington blk. 3aj
5-ROOM house. ? outli"ltliwestof shot tower.
HOC si ) *
LOOK Low rent , desirable modern houses
Aiottngcs. Luaulro 1'nrrotte rent il agency
" 15
FOU KENT 9 room bilcK house , east front.
on Gooigln avo. , just north of l.enven-
worth ; e\cry convenience ! newly painted and
repaired : Is In flrst class shape : usph dt pive-
nieiit , Toresponslblopaity , KO. 51 A. Upton
Co. , ICth mid Farnaiu
DTSIKAIILEdivelllngs , all parts of the city.
Kent ranulng finin )1J ) to Mi uioiithly.
Smoatun A. Allen , KWl'i Farnamst. 7tKs9 >
FOK Ul'NT A tinusn of nil conveniences ,
centrally located , Inquire TU N 19th st
OJl ltiN'r-.KOJ.-VI(5 ; ( ( l''UKMSlliD. :
Far tale * , ( te. , fee top of firnt eoltin'i on thtr
TT'IiFO AJiTIiY furnished
rconia.wltb or
JiJoiit boaid , llttl rarnani. 11 ! ) 13
i itir. .u I.IIIILJV u > iii uuil
JL nko rooms for rent.
TIvUKNISIIEn rootn to gentleman with good
Artferomes ; small prl\ate fanilly ; all modern -
orn ccnv < > iilHH. ( > s. K15 .lukson st. , liilf Muck
wetofSt.Muty a\e. Congregational church.
FOK mNT : Nicely furnMicd rooms nlth
l.oird. pis. lutli. steam hett ; also table
- '
board ; 17--'l lUMnpoitst. llfi IV
FOKHHST Parlor and other nicely fur-
iilshod looms with or without bond : AC2
St. Clary's avo. .MWKM4 *
FOR KICNT In prlv.ito family. furnMiod
parlor and liitlrooin. Slodern conveniences.
IWs > ortlilhtU. .MU-J3-H
SOUTH front rooms with bond In prlvato
finilly ! nlcily bltuatud ; terms reasonable ,
J1TO Ihrney. WH-ll'
POKNI.-IIKDwonis to JOUIIK men or mar-
rltd couples Steam heat. i.ono nicer , 40J
N 10th st , J l floor. PuO 10'
SOUTH front furnished room. 2412 Dotlito.
kss-l. "
T AKOH front room , front parlor , cist fronts ,
J-ffurnacoheat , gas , hot water , etc. M ) N.
nth .
t. i >
S UlTHof nevtly furnished rooms with gas
and bath , 1WJ Howard , IXM-ll *
1 ftTl Dodge st. . In small Now Knzland family.
lirgu nnd mnall rt > oins nicely furnished ,
wltlihiip > rlor boaid. WJ-U'
17 < OK KEMVMcely furnlsiicd suite of
J- rooms , with boanf , In prlvuto family , for
four gentlemen or for puitleinan and Iiily
inouirn con > onlen me < , . o other boarders.
On Milt st. , near bt , Mary'a ave. 1
Nl Cr.lfurnblUMl IOOIIH. till coirvenlenccs ,
with board If dtslred WJJ North 17th st
UlU-i ) *
HANDfe OMELV furalalKd loom. SBM Dod0-o
LAKOE front room with aleovo. Hoird
given. U)7 IS gotlist. 650 11'
FOIt KENT 1'urnMied room 15JU lli.vfird
t > t I mint iiM ! ) roloremos. Tio-'J'
8-KOOM hou-o Xld and Cumins. Hi"iior
_ mciiith. J'.l' ' . Harrison. 1)11 ) ; sV. l.lfo. Mo
T OU ItEM' I'urnlsbod roonn , ItOO Uoiislas.
T71OU UE.NT 1'uriiljlied rooms ) Kas.bathnnd .
JL steam. IJ10 Howard. 5ttl
ROOMS furnhhed. with board , 212 N. Uth.
till 10 *
ST. OL A lit European hotelwith dlnintr room ,
steam boat In all rooms , llttb-lHxlzu.
t-jiooUl ralnhyweok or mo. j
MO.iT cleslriible rooms in the city. Also
table board , isat'lilcaso fct. tu13'
F UKNISHED roorui520 S 13th it. , nl floor.
El.FOAM11 A' furnished rooms , with or
vvlthout board , lltil J'arnani PU-U *
POU HENT Iloomi nlctily fufulbhed or un-
ruriiUhi-d vlth U'V hktu and heat. Apply
StjIO llaruvy ktrv u '
" 1710R IlENT-Ono large south front room ,
JU1 with alcoro , Kas nnd hath , one block from
motor. Tooiiogotlemunlli , to two 1H 2GOJ
4 if NT 10th st , handsomely fiirnlihed _ toomi
ls < j tiblo board. Mrs Churchill. W7-13 *
For rate * , efiv. nee top of Jlrit txMmnun tttiipage ,
fy OH 3 iilco newly papered unfurnished
-Brooms , t'lty water , bath and soner.on eahlo
line , very cheap. 112. N iOlli. 870 D *
T710U IIENT-O rooms , unfornished , 210 N 13th
-P St. . ptlcom _ 8.S4
2UNTUHN 1SI1K1) south rooms , ( S3 S. 10th at.
waio *
G-I10OJIS unfurnished and rotiini furnished
for ruiit In Uuggan block , cor. Uth and L'a-
Cltic. 50
KOIl Ili ; T STO1EIJS A.MJ O * '
For rater , tte , , ut tup nf Jlrtt culunition
&toHli"roTTeiu-l' { iiriiodzu st. " I'lusTN ? "
Oltaluuy , 3150mnha National banlf bldg. 515
FOlfRENT-Tho4-story brick uiilldlnir , wth !
or wllliiiutpovvir , formerly ocuuplodby the
Hoe I'uWMiliii CoVIII riirnnnist. Thohulld *
In K has n lire-proof cement bu ement. complete
steutn liiatlnit fixtures , Hiituron nil thellixirs ,
BUS , etc. Apply at the ofllcu of The Hec. 013
" lOUl'S nt 70) S. IB , SOxfiO each , larnn show
windows , ulcatii heat furnished , Thos , r ,
Hull 8111'attun block. H6
T7 OU ItKNT-llrlck warehouse , two storlo
J nnd tuscinent , .T.OOO ffjunro feet , \vlth JOO
feet of double track on U. I1 , railway , south
"Oth and 1'lerco uticcts Address U. O-tknmp
Oinalia. Nub. f
FOU IlKNT-HuildltiKOO'ClSlft. , 4storles and
biseinent.on Jones Htreet. between 10th and
II th , wltb It. 1 ! . track In alley | bostlocatlon In
the city for ulioU-sale. Inquire 310 H. IHh st.
U A. LliulqnM. | 6CO
OrriCHS \Vltlmoll block with all modern
Improvements very cheup,15tli , and II irney.
isx M to
Fnrratet , tie. , ne top of Jlrit column on ttili JXIQ'-
B. P. Cook , rental ncenoy ; loans , mortgages
bought , taxes paid uuu collections. Hoom
ttllS. V.L. hulldln . 311) ) Q08 *
TIST jour houses with ihavt's rental agency ,
JjQl S.lOth st. 1)01 ) 0.0.
RENTAL nsent. Goo 1'uul'a new list now
out. 11,09 1 iriinm. 800-9
H. E. Cole , n'utal agent , Continental blk.
EJ. 1BEV , rental agent , 200 N. Y. Life.W7
l-'nrratcx , etc. . rcf tofof Jlrtl column nn f/id
STOHAOK Sco us before storln ? goods of
inr description. Omaha Steve llepulr
\Vorks , W)7 ) IJougl.ia. Tel. OoO 671
rpUAOKAGKstorago nt lowest rates. 671W. . SI.
JL llusliinqn .nil Leqvonwortli. f > 72
STOItAOn-Uninch & Co. . l.'ll Howard.
STQUAOn 1'or roorchimllse and furniture ,
cold storaccand freezing ; trackage. David
Cole , blo-817 Howard st. 574
For rate. * ttc. , ere top nf fint column nn thti pant
- ration of mind Mrs. birahC' . McSIastors of
Aldi , Neb. . left licrliorno for Hurllngton , la ,
fcopt 'J , and nothing has since been learned of
her whereabouts , since leivlng Scbuylcr
bepl.4. Aged 44 ; heights ft. Oln ; wolKht. 150 ;
luiir , dnrk ; wore brown hut with ll brown
feathers ; carried black sitchel with her naino
on. She should bo plated under irrc-t and
riilef bcivey of Omaha notified , W. It. Mc-
Masters. Alun , Neb. t/77-Q
PEKSOXATr-A gentleman of Rood habits
would llko' the address nf some lady be
tween tlio ages of U ) and 13. Iho object , mat-
trlmony. Address N 01. Iteo olllee. M 1JJ-10 *
MAU11IAGE paper containing columns of
personals and particulars of society that
pays from * 300 to Jl.noo at niarrhgo , mailed
free. Address the Globe , Altooua , I'.i.
Fnrratfn , etc. . tee topof frst column on tlili pace
D HKSSMAKEH wishes to go out In private
families by the day. ( Jail 2Q13 Uhfcago
IT NGAOEMENTStododrcss-maklng In farn-
JGJlllos solicited. JIIss faturdy , 55 & 25th ave.
485-SJ7 *
rormtex , etc tre tap otjltnt enlmn on thti
JEFOKB buying a plino oviimlno the new
'sculolvImbaU piano. A. Uospe,1513 Douglas
G EO.r.Or.tLENIIEOK.tcaoborof thobanj
with Hospc. 15U Douglas. 249
K Omahn Kindergarten will Mon
day. bept.8,2COJ ( IJavonport. MIsaE : Grllliths
740-01 *
" \7irAllEIl pianos for saio only bv Omalm
Y > .Music Co. 1510 Pod 1:0. U)8sJ ) ! >
MUSIC fiO percent discount , and pinnos on
easy terms. OmahaMuslo Co. , li'li Dodge
COfl J
For ratet , etc , tee top of frit c olnmri on f/i ( pant.
JA. . Co. , Heo ! ulldlnir. , Onmln. 1'otir years'
experience asoxainlnera In U. S. patent oil Ice.
Hi.inch olllco at Washington , 1) . O. Consulta-
tlon fi ce 6M
Koriofm , etc. , m tofvf Jtrst column on thttpnge ,
JT. PATCH exclusive pension and claim at-
tornty over ISyeaiV experience ; all tbo
latistlaus & decisions. Ofllco romoioil from
tC > 404
NEW law ; pensions for almost all soldiers :
fathers , mothord , widows nnd minor chil
dren of soldiers. Clnlms pushed bv. E. N.
Clhumnn , 10 and Ul Tremor hlk. . Omaha. Also
Washington and Oinclimutl. Cltuuars frui.i
13 i i ui - , ' oncrloncc. . 570
"IDENSIONS-HIram A Pturges , expert In
JL pension cases. Over III ie.irs experience
IInvo securedoverU.000 pensions for bnldleis
\ebr.ibk.i and low.i , their widows and heirs
Abmdnncd , delay * d or rejected cases n speci
alty. Uldmnnts for plosions under the now
law should tlio at once. No advance fee. Of-
ofllee. llouS ! . ; Ciolghtou block , next south of post-
J"i > rrntenetr. . rtftnpof fiist column on tliupaut
rpVl > nIJI'lHits \ , all nnkosbought , sold , ex
JLdiansed , icated. J. 1' Mo eatu , lee * I'ar-
nnin street. iSii
rnVl'i\UtriI-.U for rtnt or sale. Stenog"
Juphirs supplies J.I' Megcathlb07
For ratal , tte. , f * } P f fljj * dumn nnthlijiaije.
MADAM Plover of St. LouU , the wondorfti
card reader , has returned to the city , am
vtlllglvtuierfect satisfaction on nil alTiIrs o
life. Cull and bo convinced Ladles. W cts
irentleiiun , * 1 No. 2 N ICtli st , room 10
Hours fromOtoll. 1011 *
M Its. DIt. EII ) V. the dlstlnjulMiod franco
clairvoyant , late of Huston , wlillo en
traacod will reveal every hidden mystery li
life. PreparesKgyptlan tallymen , which wll
overcoioo jour enemies , remove family trou
\t\c \ \ * . resloio lost nlfecttons unlteithu
sen ir-
ated. helps In all trouble , etc 1'ee , il nnd up
vvjinis. N H. Perfect satisfaction guurantoei
by mall. Send htsinip for llltbtr.itul circular
Jlrs. Dr. Kclily , luJO Douglas slieetOmaha
U05-1J *
G I7AIilVOVANT-rrof rorrebt.ovorOIOSTiT
MASSAGE. M.ICWII Oolzlor. overiilOS. litn.
1O \ y _
Mil ! ? . NANNIE V. WAHUEN , chlrvoyant ,
trance. "iio.ikln ; ; , vrltln ? und reliable
business mod him , 4 j ears In Omaha , lit * .Vloth
/ 'nrniKw.etc. . ttfoio//ir | t column on thlt pant
FHKI ) MOIILK Ioiii3 money on diamonds
atclii'sje elryi-tf.,3.C. cor.rarnam.Mlt !
For rate * , ttc. . HC tnpnf flrtt column mi thti
\A ANTEI ) to Huy A grocery stock nt one
2t51. 'T for cash. U. O , D. Drown , teliiihono ' No ,
pOSTOPKICE letter bov wanted , who ha
Address N 43 llco orncf. jttS-lC
FUHNirUHE. bousehold goods , etc. Illhe- >
cash price , llltrarnuiu. M
V\TANTEu "llouschoidj goods of all kind _ ?
i T Cash oaln for second hand Roods. Gat
City Auction Co'U und215 a.l''tlnt. 710 Ul
Ftirrate , ttc.He _ _ top of fnt column cm f/ifo pnae ,
OOMB nil nnd take a mass-ice treatment ;
somotbln ; ; uuw. 1'arlors , CO ? b 13th st. next
UurLcr liotoi
406 li *
" \l ASSAOElrcatmcntTcItctro-thcrinnl
- baths
i' * . ,
ocalpand hair trvnJpicnt , manicure and
hlropodlab Mrs 1'oslVB * SU-Sl. Wlthnell blk.
'or rate * , etc. . feetopofifln\ \ column on
O stein nnd iiart JerKfiy , hiisone e-vrciitolT.
very short liorns nndmnlti > rbii. 1'lndi'r will
nturn to C. 8. lliivinond.illi s Mh al. at 127
JIAlll CJOODS U'lOS. lire.
'or > vtttte , , tct top n/tflVI colutnn nilthls i < doe.
BEST line Imlr Roods In west ! hair dre lriK ,
wigs , switches , banns , hulr chains , etc. , n
peclnlty. Davles haJt jtiHHls and milliner ,
opposite iwtolllce. Ill g.l.'lli st. Omaha. 2Ui
" "or rate * , etc. , ett top of firrt column on thti | xto .
[ WANT some earth removed and have u
peed vrcll lirmso and some windows vrlth
blinds to sell. Wra. Klumlnu * 803 N . 18th st.
_ _ _
WANTED lo adopt a little plrl from 7 to
12 years. Oood hotno guaranteed. Ad-
Iruss N tflice. . 122-11'
pIIKnovvI'inploynicnt llurcati , open U'ed-
J. nt'sdny , tept. 10 , furnishes llrst class fo-
mlo help , llofironies at Women's Christian
a'sochtlon. Leave onlurs at Women's Hxf
change , ini" 1'arnam st. _ illiU-16 ! *
HOHSKS taken for pasturncc for the vrlntPr
nt$3por month , or with reed and nhclter
md extra i nre at fn > iujtotl. ' per month at
iiimmor Hill 1'nrm. Horses culled for and re
turned. lor further particulars cnll at 403
i'axton hlk J. II. Trait. tq 14 *
MUS E. A. HOI , YOKE will reopen her prl-
v ate school for boj sand ulrfs at 11)18 ) Ho.
3'nil ' avenue , September IV iwo. A limited
number of pujilU taken. Keferences : Mrs. T ,
L. Klnibnll. Mrs. O. W. lloldrcpe , Omaha ,
? iob.ov.B. ] [ Il , Culthrop , llon.A. J..N"ortlirup ,
Syracuse , N , V. WO-ll *
"VTOTICE My wife , ueorslo J. JncKson , has
1 >
driven mo from homo on account of IUT
lempcr. I huvo given her everythlni ? In the
tiotise , but will not bo responsible for any
dcbtssho may contract , fcdvvln Jackson ,
ri O shoo dealers : The New Jersey rubber
J. boots , shoes , arctics and specialties will be
extensively advertised tlio coining fall and
winter , \\rlto for catalogue , etc. I am west
ern ngent at Omaha. Sly sales this scxson
liivo boatcu all previous records. / . T.
Llndscy. COO sJJ
HOTI1IIOL'/.320S. ] ! 10th st , pays hlffhest
. prlco for ladles and gents' cast-on cloth-
Intr. Address by letter or postal and I will
tall nt any time. 408 *
For rate * , ete. , ce top of fint column on f/its page.
r\O you want a No. Idrhlns horse , a good-
i-'lookcr , good action , kind and reliable , ono
achlld caniltlve , or nhlch can , If elvon the
wotd.p..ssnnythln on the avenue. If jou
do. and you baio the right kind of Omuha
iiroperfy. you can Ret him. Uartlctt , Hoom
019 , Tax ton blk. 113 < H.
GOOD delivery waRon , horse and harness ,
all for $10 , 1218 S 0th st. OWJ 1) ) '
CJ ADDLE pony. $2500. II. E. Cole , Contlnon-
Dtalltlk. 87S-10
\TICE wood-top wagon. 1312 Dodge st.
1 > 8IOM
H OItSESj < J and up. II E Colo.
FOVIl teams light mules : ono lieavy l.fXX- )
poimd horse. Hoom 13 , Hoard of Trade.
WORK horsofOO.two.llorso vvngon$20.doublo
work harness SlJ. Or will tndo for a
Rood lUhtsldo barbugjry , II. E Cole , Contin
ental block. SUO
For rates , cte.reelop ofifinl column onthttjiage
oTrSATj Lotof Unbohurnor " stoVcsi St
Clair European hotbl , Uth and Dodge.
FOKSAliE A good cow , cheap. Inquire
" >
? Ilplslolst. 12'Ml
POIl SALE Owing to changes In busl-
Iness we offer for sale at a sacrallce a llrsi
class livery nnd boarding stable ; new stock ,
good building with good paying trade , cos :
J10.000cash , for sale at iS , " > 000. ono-halC cash
Ourtls& baokott , 208 bo , 15th St , , Omaha.
FORSAIiE Gooa eight-room bouso and lot
very uear business ; for 17,000. AddressNSS
> HOSa-11 *
FOR SALK Store and stock of gonornl mor-
chandlso. Stock will Invoice HOOO. Now
stock , well assorted. Located on U. 1MI. R
at a peed trading point. Will trade this prop
erty for Omaha real estate asd one-half cash
l\rlto for particulars. Address N GJ , Bee
oBlco. MOSG-15
FOR SALE A good paying saloon In Councl
Bluffs. Address S 50 , Hoc. W9SJ-11 *
T71OR SALE--Thoroughbred Yorkshire
-13 terriers ) , bull terriers. Scotch colllas , KIIR-
llshsctters and deer hounds. Max. I. Uichr
nt Max Meyer V Hro . Ifith nnd Fnrnini. fi < l
For rates , etc , , tee top uf first column nn Uif prj.
SNAP of Snaps For sale at your owi
price and on easy terms , the furniture if a
trjj room liotisn only two blocks from post
omce. Uooms all occupied by deslrablo am
prompt pnylm ; tenants. Owner leaving city
and must sell. Low rent and long lease 01
house If desired. Its almost llko tindlng 1400
per mouth. K. F. Nix , 019 1'jxton block.
31037-11 *
FOR SALE--Chonj--Tho fnrnlturo in the
houao. No , HH Douglas Street , for sale
and house for rent. Enquire on the premises
For ralf. etc. , tee top of first column nn this paaa
" "
JL &on , 911 N. Y. Life. 07J-10
MONEY" to loan. Correspondents of Lombard
Invea'tCo. fchrlvor a Uuriis.rrenyor blk.
yw ) os
800 to 1,000 special loans. Would loan on build
lnis on leased lota whoroground rent I ) reasonable -
sonablo , or irllt-oage paper will bo bought.
Address N 5S , Ueo. M 001-1.1 *
i AL and uoiieral short time papo
v/lioujlit ; nlsoregul u 3 jearloinsou Improv
ed property , Gee r.Hlust & Co. , 2uJ KamgobldB
Bank. 319 S. IHh st , loans money
v on chattels orcollateral ut reasonable rates
TT1IKST& second mortgaROS on vacant A , Im
J- proved city prop. County warrants bought
Jloneyon hand. 1' . Til. KIcliardsoii.SlSN.V. Llfo
/"IIIATTEI * leans at lowest rites. Ileinorcf
\J to 0-4 , N. V.Iitfo Hldg.nJ. U. Emmlngor
MOXCV to low by Jl. 1' . Masters on chitto
and cell itenl securities for any time fron
ono to six months In any amount to suit bor
row or ,
LO.UH made on household goods , ulanos
organs , hones , mules , houses , lenses , ware
house receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible
rates.wlthout publicity or removal of property
.My loans are so arranged that yon can mak <
a payment of any amount at any time am
itduco both principal and Interest.
If jonowe n balance on your property o
hive a loan you | MI ! changed , I will pay 1
off and carry Itfor jour Uf you find It more
convenient , call up telephone No. 1021 an <
jour business can bo arranged at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay , No pub
llu ty. Lowest rates. 4
H. T. Masters.
Room 4Wltl > ncIlblkYl'thand Ilarnoysts.
i f i.
Jt ! onalclmrirt'S for , coin mission or , at '
fees . W. ll.Molklo. Tlrsti National bank tldg.
_ rtij _
\roNEV-30 , CO or W , , days on furniture
-Lii-planos , horses , housca.eto. J , J. Wilkinson
Ola I'axton block.
_ _ S 4
T71IKST rnortg.iu'o loamj nt low rates and no
J-1 delay. 1) . V.&UoleaUo.JsUOlst Nut'l hank.
JOANS-CItvnml farrrTjmns. .mortgago pipe
bouglit. MeCagtio Irrrcstm Co. foU
EYSTONE Slot tRaia. Co. I.o.uis of * 10 to
JI.OOO ; get our rates nvforo borrowing and
save inonoj ; loans on horses , fiirnlturo.or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loin , renewal of old and lovr
cat r.iti.s , call U. LW.shooly blk. , 15th & How ard
_ _ M7
TTNUSUAM.Vlow rates
U of Interest on llrst mortgages of Improvot
real < * state for thnnouU ) days by the Kiinsas
city InvostmentC'o. liooni u , Hoard of Trade
J , II. Tease , manager , .V-i
CHATTEL loans lowest rates , business cond
dentlal. M. J. Hull 19 Contlnuutul hlk.
TfONEV to loan on imv security
-i'JL foroliort time ut low
rates. Lowest rates
ou personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Tom
puny , room 400. 1'li.xton blk. _ 501
) l'IItINO made at lovunut rates. W
JJM. Harris , room SO , rronzerblk.opp. P. O
IIAItM loaus Mar Land It Loin Co.
41383) )
DEALRstito Lonns-Ca h on hnnfl. flloha
X\Ix > an & TruitCo , 9)7 ) H. ICth St. Nodelay ,
noo.ttra eUargcu. Houses for rent : good 1I U
IHEAt' cn'torn money
v > IMilIadelphln Mortgage and Trust Co.
nlnaysready U ) loan and p-vy promptly : first
nortgn > r "i wanted , Oeorpow. I1. Coate * . rcp-
rvsoutnlh v , room 7. boinl of traile. fitti
Inildo loam. Lowest
' rales. Tall and sco us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 13 n nrnam. _ 5'r '
EARTKItN mutiny to loan on city property :
mortgage paper bought , II , ti lroy.N.l.lfo. .
_ _ & )1
[ Tlinst mortgage loans on Improved and un-
Impmved property , Charles W. Italney , 315
Jmidia Najloimi bnttk I'ul ldlng _ M _
fTIOIt SALK Nlco 7-room iiou n re-\dy to
JL1 _ * 1 mov 1 „ b.i. Into . > . . ntx , with * * full * f I lot * . . , t.,200 , tJOO cash. U.
i iv
1M.UOO to loan on first inortgnKoi mint bo nil
Pin one ntnoiint or two loins of ! ' < cich.
ttetl A flby , 13 llounl Trudu. 4W
R. & O.'M. ANTHONV/llS N V.Mfo
Ins , U'lul iiionoy on farms In clioloo conn-
Ics of Nt-'liMaki and lowni ulso on Rood
) nmhn resldoncoproiwrty ! lowest rites ! best
emit ; no dclayi money ready. Titles nnd
values pitssrd on hero. 'JM
rIICIHrokcr In rpjl est.ilo monK-iRes ; oD-
J-/taIu money nt Icait cost to liorrtver ;
opoa J till 7 v m. Koom M , Itnrkcrblk.
ID UI VAT K money to loan > . 0 , U , llnr-
L rlson. DUN , y l.lfo _ f > " 'i ' _ _
\roNEVtol mi. ro delay , In Inrue or smill
J-'I-atiiniinta lowest rites. Apply 0. I. . Iter-
nolds , Oil ) Now York llfo bl < lt' . Tolopliono HUl.
MOM-Vlointvl nt low rites on furniture ,
her cs. AC. , without piihllolly. Iluwkeyo
[ nrcstmccitCo. , 113 iJougliis blk , ICth and Dodijo.
EAS1EUN money to loan : lowest ritui ! no
delay ; Inrgo loans n xpoelalty ; liort tlnio
inpor liotiKht. Omalm Jlorlgugo Co , ground
luor Cliamucrof Commerce. 415
Fur rate * , etc , , tte ( pp of frtt cnlii/iii | / imtht/i j igf.
OLHAK farms nnd city property for Onmha
projierty , w 111 Ubsumo. I'ruuk K. llurtl-
gaii.Oljy. S. Life.
TTIOU nxCHANOE I luno a bull , ft lielfer
-L and four horses , all of which \\onld t'lvo
Torn lot to suit Vi , T. be.imnn , Omiilri'a
largest variety wngons and carriages. 107
Improved farms In central ro-
Obraska , clear of nil liicumbrniue , to ox-
cliatiRofor Rood niorchinalso ; nlll put In no
niouuy. lJ3lbuundcrd8t. 10,110'
SOMEmori.liandlso for etc ir real estate und
cash ; aNo a fnw towlus niaehliu" " . A. Q.
liroclc , Arnold , Nob. 1M4-15
Cornorlotsouthcistfnint ,
JL JI.'JOO. for horses , bugles or nierclmndUo.
Address N SO. Hue. HX-'J '
WISCONSIN water power tulllvllli20acros
land , oxoluui o for Nebraska prun-
crty , 'JC3J Occatur ais3a' !
TjlOU OMAHA resident or business propertv
-U Jtrlck block , frco fronilneiirabrancc , peed
enitnts. corner room occupied by bunk , lents
piy good Interest on ao.OOO , In n KOOI ! , thriv
ing Nebraska tmvn , cross rnllroad and a
Ultlslon station. Adarcss LXl , Ileo QJl
"WA-NTHD StoekofRoneral mdse , Imolc-
> T In ? i.,000 to $10,000 , for choice Om-iha Im
proved property and cash. Address , M iii.lleo.
SOLU ) cold AValtham niitch and yoIlc linrso
lo tr.idi ) for Kood sldu bar buggy. II. K.
Cole. Contlnintal block. s'Jl
For rate * , etc. of
wcdip flisl column onttttnyge. \ \
TTIOU PA LK--East front ! Cnd n c , 5JxJ2.tJ 000 ,
JL1 O. 1' . Harrison , Oil N. V. I.lfc. 120-11
rilWO counters , IGnnrl 12 fiet IOIIR with rtraw-
JLcrb , wull made ; tuo M.IS hliol\os , lOfect
long each , us peed us new , clump , 1-13 -tlth st.
1)07 ) ! )
-.iuuic.ii , tv.cor. I'.irK , ui.viw , umv ,
O. lHarrison. . Oil , N. Y. Lilfc. 07:1-10 :
"VTICElioine , Hurdotto aJidSOtb , 5-room cot-
-L > tape. * lbW ( , f200 cash. < J. T. IIarrlM > n. Oil
N. Y. Life. 8M (
_ _
TJlOIl > ALE--Lot ICO-KlJO . .
n w. cor. of the park
-C$7'i < iO for a short time. C. P. Harrison Oil
N. r. Life. 120-11
TllOri SALE The choice residence at No.
JL1 10T 4 Georgia uvc. , S\14 ) < ) ft. E front , 0 lurgo
rooms , bath , pas , sewer , hot and com water.
closet nnd all conveniences , on nor going to
leave city. D. V. Sholes Co , L'13 1st Nat. h ink.
Tjl OIt feALE East front on 32nd ave. north of
Jt Mr. E. L. fetono's residence. $ T000. ! \ ery
nn HO. IIIiirrlMin. . Oil N. V. Life. 07J-10
TTIOK SALK Ortradc. Beautiful now 11-room
JL' house only 2 blocks west of Lowe ave , on
Cassst , hlKhand slslitly and on grade ; full
lot , oltv water , clstorn , tower , b ly window ,
porches , double floor , collar , bath room all
finished In llrst-class style , price , J4.VX ) snmll
pavmentdown , balanced years at 7 per cent ,
will , trade for clear farm land or Omaha lots.
Owner , E. O. Merrill , H "NY.iIuut avo. Walnut
HIM , Omaha. 670 s lg
WANTED I"or actual customers 2 or :
JJ.500 places. You will waste your own
anil iiiytlinnlf price Is not cry reasonable.
O. r. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. OTIO
T71OK SA tiE Choice lot In lied ford place ,
Jl ! 11,030. O. r. Harrison , Oil N. V. Life.
T710K SALE Houses and lots on monthly
JL payincnti. Gco. L'.iul , 1000 ! arnum. 3JO-9
TjlOH SALE Lot worth WO for $ J75 , If tnUen
JU at once * 173 cash. 0. 1' . Harrison , 311 N. V.
. '
AfiOOD way tosecnro n. lot for a linnio Is to
buy one In Hazel Terrace , onlv $10 ro-
qulrcd In advance , tltlo perfect. II. D. liecd ,
1MJ. Hoard Trade. 89.M )
? & Loan Co.
415 s 20
f OOvISil foot east front on 'Cld st , near Dodge ,
-L on grade. A now well built 6 room Uouic ,
nlcelv llnlshed , all modern conveniences , Ir
I'oppleton park motor. Al o some Rood
lou In Kllby plaie , 1'oDnRton p.irlc and Lu-
Vita place on and near lowe arc. 1'or terms
call on or address J , L > . Zlttle , UK N , Y. Llfo.
F OK ? ALK Good home. Etd and
W.OOO. U. r. II irrlaon , 1)11 ) N. V. Life.
Of In Bedford I'l.ico on state ( , Kth ) ) st. , t <
oxehanira for lot In Cirthuo or Lincoln
: ) llotinjof Tr.ulo. f > M
$ I.SiO to Jl.WO for I Incoln IMaco nnd Onrtli uo
lots ; easy terms. W.L.bolby , 13 Hoard Tniile
( Xl )
TJIOIJ ALII-LotU , blouk . ' ' '
II. bliull'n 'd. S'-VK )
i1 one-third cash O. 1' . Harrison. Oil N. Y
_ 07:1-10 : : :
A SMALL payment down and in per month
will buy a4-room hoiiboand
on Kith. 2
blocks from ; motor ; llrst-class chance to ac
quire a homo on easy ternu. Apply to H , E.
Cole. Continental block. CO I
I' YOlTlimo anything to soil or exchange
call at CIS Kixtim block , _ o&J
\\TANTnn To purchase irood city property
IT Irnpro 'cil or tinlmproted. Tor sale or
rent , wood farm lands close to city , In 40-acro
lots or more , Kcnts collected nnd for general
red estate business apply to O , B Itoyuolds
01 ! ) Now Yorklifobldg. I'olophono ll'f. '
IilOIt BALIPI solal price on choice cist ant
south front near Milton liogois' place
West rartiuin , lot 03x135 , corner , 0. T. Hur-
rlhnn. Ull N. V. Lite. orj-lO
FOR SALK 12 eitlonsoflanilln Nebraska
ut loss than half value , by owner. O. 11
Peterson , Old H. 13th St. OlrisU
Ll L. NfOLN Thomas. Place lots J1.2JO to ! 1,500 , Doxte
T71OU PALK-Splondld place , S-th and Wool
-U worth , J500. 0.1' . Hurrlsoti.Oll N Y. Mfc
J-1 TJlOUSALI.-Onelotln Kllby 1'laee , Jl.flOO ,
- Three loth In Kllby I'lacu , JI.IOO neh.
balance last front lot on LOHO avo. . ' ,000 ; $000 cash
to null. *
lli'uutlfiil lot on Spring street north of Tar-
mini , only Kjpo.
Hnith front lot , corner on Turnam street
bouth front lot , MvlIB on Howard street
STith , fur * J.OjO , near
Iho abooacnnt lots iiro all bargains am
terms can bo arranged to mlt buyer , W , K
lloman room 0.J > cn/crbloclc. _ ; c7
ELEOANTtrickaso lot , ItMSJ , frontlim
pi\id st , , track In alloy , 1'or silo or lo-iso
on longtime. ' The Mead Investment Co. lluo
bid' .
? D17
T71OK1 ALK-01 by 1M feet north nnd cas
-L f ion ) , corner on Dodie st , . one of the nlcei
ri-sldencu sites In the city , furi7JOU to u dcilr-
able party who -will hiifld a K < xxl resldunco
W. K. Human , room 0 1'rciuer blk. 49-1
HAZKL Terrace lots art ) located Just nortl
of South Omaha I'ark , forsaloon
ousy tcriiH , "per cent Interest. 11. I ) . Uceu tory
Uoom U , Hoard Trado. bKl-'J
HA/.KL Terrace lot sjsno each , J10 down am
tlUH month. 7 per cent interest. 11,1) . Hcud
Hoom U , Hoard Tradu. 8U3-U
\V AUQH AWestcrflcTdTroal estute.S Omaha.
JM wa
/ lOTTAan homes In moot any addition fo
v salout from $1,000 upon easy monthly
meats , r. K. Uarllui.5 Uurker blk. OJO
[ 710R PALE O-room lieu o. modern tmprt e-
LJ metit * . burn , etc. , 50-foot lot , on \\lrt nt.
ho best rcsldonco At. . In tlio cltr , ( or
I.HU onOi , balance to suit ,
It-room notice nnd r > 0-ftxit lot on Park arc. ,
orVV ( . Term * lo suit.
H-rooin hou < u and 00-foot lot on 31st atomic ,
ml north of St. JlaryM nve. , for fi , )0. )
P-nHini lioii-r , all modern Improvements , tfh
out lot , on bponecrst. , for\itA ) .
fl-nxim homo nnd linlh. flro lilncp with oik
nnnlel. pity witrr , Knseto. . at 'nth nnd Jack-
on sis. , for L'.MO , on terms to ult buyer ,
These arc all Kcnulii'i InrRjIns. The linusoi
cut for enough to pay 10 per cent on price
ski'd.V. \ . It , llotuan , n > om 8 I'renier blk ,
_ .itl
TOTS In Hazel Terrace adnltlon. ! l blocks
* from motor line to M > uth Omaha , J10 don n
nd $10 a mouth. 11 , I ) . Heed , room ii. : Hoard
Trade. *
TOTS only two mlle from tunlnnten nnd
J three blocks from
motor line to Ninth
) tnnli.i for sale nt ( .vx ) tof WiMCln ens\ term * ,
on Interest and perfect title. II. 1 > . Keul
loom 1.1 Hoard Trade. MM )
'or n\tet , tie. , Kt fou iif Jrtt
IF you are n barber and Iwvo a little money
or some Rood propel ly and wish to RO Into
itislne'.sonoiir own ui'oount. eonio and MO
no Hartlctt , ! U om ! ' ) I'axtnu Ink. _ It1 *
Bill'CJ stock and fliture , Invoice about
li'.OOO ! notany olil Mtuck t will wit for part
posh , or exchange for a farm. Address U
Thorn , look box Mil , Lltchllold. Nub. 505 SJSt
TTIOll SALE-1'Irst class 'nil C
* dairy ( on W ,
Jrlcbt. . rioicnce , or F. T. Do\r , 70S North
IS street. Ml 18 *
"I7IOU SALE One stock of grou 'ries , invoice
JL1 ti.sou , Includes fixtures nnd freight , for
Jl.OuOcnili ; no property wanted In exchange ;
goods are In llrstcl iss slnpi > , art ! In bestframo
building In tonn and ono of theluHt locations.
1'rtiprlctor. II. Wist , Is cioiul , Will rent the
biilldlnx for ( JO per nuintli. Carrlocst ,
Exeter. Neb. 7S1-U *
fTIOH SALE At u birsaln.a Rood store hou o
JJ tlttocl up vtllh shol\i > s and roiinters , basu-
nirnt 0 moms for dwelling. Rood cistern nml
well , will ell or t rule fora No 1 stock of Kro-
rerlrs. Address Keel & Heel , 0. o , 1) . { jrocors ,
M2N IGlhst. lu'l
T710H SALE or tradc-A Orst class hotel In
JU a Piiunty seat In eastern Nebraska , 1'or
particulars inquire of W L. belby , room 1) ) ,
Hoard of Trade. 7M
HA"uEelmnco. City Hotel of JlllIanl.Nob. ,
for rout , s ilo or otclmiiKO for f.irm or
Onrih.i property. Host located hotel In Millard -
lard } has , dnnro hull , Ice house nnd
stable ; all convenience H. K.UoleConti
nental blk. , or /.Inimcrniaii , IJth and Jones.
\VnEHE\H. A joint resolution was adopted
by tlio IcKlslitureof the Ktato of NnnrasUn.Ht
the twcnty-llistsuslon thereof , nnd approved
March : th. A D. IsHO. proposing nn aineiid-
tnent toseotlim two [ 2 ] fonr4 [ ] audlhejj [ of
Artlelo ilv [ 111 of thuconstitution of said state
and that said section as amuidod shall read
as follows , to-wlt :
bcotlon 1 Tbatsoctlon t\vo(2) ( ) of article six
(0) ( ) of the constitution of the stnto of Nebraska
bo amended so as to read as follows :
Section : . ' The
: supreme court Hhall cin-
slstuf the ( Sljudses , a majority of whom shall
bo necessary to form a quorum or In pronounce
a decision. It shall have original jurisdiction
In cases relating to revenue , civil cises In
uhlUi tha state shall bo a party , nuiiul.imas
quo warr.mto , habeas corpus , and Biichnppel-
late Jiirlsdlctlnn a ? n > ay bi < provided by law.
Section" : Th it section four (4) ( ) of nrtlole six
( Gof ) tht ) constitution of the Mat oof Nebraski ,
bunmondcil so as to rend as follow :
fcectlon4 : The Judges of the suprcnip court
shall be elected b } the electors of the stuto lit
larRO , nnd their terms of olllec , \cept as
hereinafter provided , shall bo for a period of
flvpfil years. "
fci'otlon.i : That'cctlon n\nC > ) of article nix
(0)of ( ) the constitution of thostate of Nebras
ka , bo amended sons to read as follows'
boctlonS : "At the lint Renoral election to
b held In the year lffll. and after the adop
tion of this amendment to the constitution ,
there HI ill be elected three ( J ) jtiilues of the
supreme court , one of whom shall bo elected
for tlio term of ono ( U year , one for the term
of three ( lycirs ) nnd ono for the term of 11 vo
Ci ) years , and at each general election there
after there shall bo elected one judeo of the
stturni.ip nnnrt fnf fli form nf
i-roviueu , mat tlio JUUKIS or tno supremu
court whosn terms ha\o not expired nt the
time of holding the general election nf IbOl ,
shall continue to hold their ofllco for the re
mainder of the term for which thny wore ro-
poctl vely elected under the present consti
bectlon4 : That each person voting In favor
of this amendment sliill have- written or
printed upon his ballot the following :
"For the proposed amendment tothoconstl-
tntlon relating to the number of Miprenio
judges. * '
Therefore. I. John M Tlnyor , Governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby gtvonotlco
In accordance trlth section ono (1) ( ) artlclo fif
teen ' 15) ) of the constitution , tlio provisions of
the not entitled : "An act to provldo the man
ner of proposing all amendments to the con-
tors of the state. " Approved February Uth.
A. U. 1S77. that said proposed amendment will
de presented to the qualified voters of the
si or rejection at the conoral
election to bo held on the 4th day of Novem
ber , A. P. IMO ,
In witness tthoreof I have hereunto sot
hand and caused to bo ufll.xod the great seal
of tlio stite of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln
this 20th day of July. A.I ) . 1690 , and the twen
ty-fourth year of the state , and of the Inde-
pendcncn of the Halted States the ono hun
dred tiftennth
Hy the Governor , JOIIN M , TIIAVER.
BK.IIAMIN it. Oownrnr ,
[ SFAfc.1 Secretary of State ,
August Id3m
'WnERKAs. A joint resolution was adopted
by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at
the twonty-llrst session thereof , and approved
I'ebruary 13th , A. I ) . IB o , proposing an amend
ment to tlio constitution of said state , and
thut said amendment shall read as follows ,
to-wlt :
Section 1 : That at the gonornl election to
bo held on the Tuesday succeeding the first
Monday of November , A. P.IWW.thero shall by
sumltted to the okctors of this stitoforap-
prov .il or rejection an amendment to tin ; con
stitution of till * state In words as follows4
"The miiuuf ncluie , sale and keeping fors.ilu
of Intoxicating liquors as a hovei.igo are for
ever proldblttd In this state , nnd the legisla
ture shall provldo by law for the enforcement
of thU provision. " And there shall also at
said election bo hcnaratclv submitted to the
joctlon un amendment to the constitution of
the state In words a1) ) follows ! "Tho manufac
ture , sale and keeping for of Intoxicating
liquors as a beverage shall bo llccnsul and
regulated bylaw. "
bic. " : At Hueh election , on the ballot of
each elector votlns for the proposed amend
ments to the constitution shall bu written or
printed the words : "I'lir proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting tlio
manufacture , sain and keeping for sulo
of Intoxicating liquors as n beverage , " or
"Against the proposed amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the maiiufnutitre ,
silo and keeping fui : > ale of Intoxicating
liquors as u beverage "
1 bore shall also bo written or printed on the
ballot of each elector voting for the proposed
amendment to the constitution , the words :
Tor proposed amendment to the constitution
that tlm manufacture , silo and keeping for
ale of Intoxicating liquors is a hovorigoln
his st.-ilo tihall bo licensed and regulated
bylaw , " or "Against sild proposed amend
ment to the constitution that the manuf.ic-
tnro , s ilo and keeping for silo ( it Intoxicating
liquors as a biwuragu shall be licensed anil
regulating bylaw , "
bee. 3 : If either of the said proposed
amendments shall lie approved by a majority
of the oluctoia voting at the s ild election
tin n It nliull consltuto section tvvunty-Mivcn
l'7 ] of artlclo QUO [ lof ] the constitution of this
Ihorofore , I , John M. Thayer , Governor of
thost.ito of .Nebraska , do hereby glvo notice
In accordance with bcotlnn ono [ 1 ] article [ 13 ]
of the constitution and the provisions of the
act entitled "an act to provide the manner of
proposing all amendments to the constitution
anil submitting the same ta thu electors of tha
stntH. " Approved Tobruory 1-ith , A. I ) . 1377 ,
tnat said proposed amendment will bn sub
mitted to tlio qualified voters of this state for
approval or rejection at the general election
to ' bo held on the 4th day of November , A. U.
18' * .
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand ,
ana causa to bo alllxed the great seal of tha
state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this iJtith
flnj of July , A. I ) . 1 W , and tlio 21th yonrof the
state , and of the Independence of tlio United
Stated tbo ono hundred litteontn.
Ily the Governor. JOIIN M. THAYEB.
IluviAMiN K.Cowmitv ,
[ HEAI * ] faocrotary of State.
August Id3m
Notice to Contractors.
Pealed proposals will bo received by the Olty
Clerk of ' tlm city of North lltnd. Nebraska , up
to D o'clock noon , hiptumhorSJnd , Ifr'W ' , fortlio
erection of a Olty Hall building. In the city of
North Bend Nebraska
, fe.tld building to bo
built according to plans and specfllcatlnns of
fcald building , to bo neon at the ( Jlty ( Jlurk'a
oirico In sild ilty.
I.'idi bid must Ijo accompanied by a certi
fied check of 110) ) . The C'lly Coumll nf said
cltyusi.'r\eMlio rU-lit torfjcrtaiiyor , ill bids.
Uy older of thoj'lty f'ounellof sild city.
North , , . J. II. NBVV.10N. Olty Clerk.
' Mend , Nebraska , Scinumber Urd , 1830.
MAGIC CURE fiBiJjf oSS.W Vfi ° & :
V0173 DBIUMTy , u'o4l < iio i of llody SnU
Mind ; Lirectoof I.rrora or HXCPSSPS In Old or
Vouns. Hobust , Noble MANHOOD ftillv
restored -
Wo guariuitea every casa or
refunded , hainplo course , ilvo days' treat
ment , $1 | full cour c , f.V M'onroly sealed from
b ervatlon. Cook lionicdy Co. . Omalm , Nou
Ofllca , St. Clalr Hotel , Cor. 13th uud Dodge bin.
LCATVI ClitCAIIO. lIUIll.lf/TlTON A g I ArrlTM *
Umnhii _ l ) " | Hil lOlb mil Miuon nlroot.'il _ Om h.v
tM d m . . . Kipro s . An ) a
HIS m . riilctuo Riprats
n.A ) p n
IMO p ni i . . . . .Chlento KiproM . ' 0 m
( . ( Op ni uxnl 8M ra
I > T lUWtr.iXlJroV . * StvJ. Ill V rill. ArtUm
Oranhi I Dypot 19th n > l Mitvm Direct' , Omnha.
OIK am . . . .Dontrr iHr Kvt > n > > 9 . , 4 M p n
Oli anil . Denver
, p n
6 0 pm ! . . Denver MKht < { IIIM . .1 IU.V it n
S 15 n nil . Lincoln l/ical , . . uu ) p m
l ruT ITV , M J. \ il If I '
' Omnlin. I l ) | Ht HUM nm Mnion utroets I
's.3o ni | . .Knnns Cllf l > ir irrrp : . , i U 10 p n
9 4i p m K. ( ' . Nlrftit Kip Tin IT. P Trnm | ll 11 R m
I'Al'IVM AnTros1
JM ) p m . . .OrrrlAml Hrer . > tins p M
730 p m . . . farMa K press. 13 O p M
10'J ) K lu . . . .Dearer Ktpross , . I 3M p m
i a in . . . . Itf htprtxi. . . , . , . , 13 uj it n
Ion n m . Intent lit Ktu. ( eut' | > t sun ) . , , ) 4J3 p m
Omnh * U P. ilvpul. lOlh nrnlMjircrSH
810pm . . . . .NIk-lil Kxire | 7 KHV. ra
Dot nin , . . . Atl.-inllc Kiirc- | . , rt D p
I 10 p in | . \nlll.uUi I.lmlt.1,1 . 110 4V nj
"mihii i .slOlfv. i llV.t lfAi If ll.ArtlvoT
_ "mih ItT * depot. llHh not Mnnjr SH I Umlh
" _
.Slum nir r i i > iiii'r . . .
4-W p ml . , . _ . SklVitil Kiprms , . 10 ti ) i nj
l itTM i Oil I . * 1'AtlHO. , AnlTO "
Onmli * I IjcpQt IMh nil\\elwt _ 8li. _ J Onmlia.
llUOjtm | . . st pvil l.lmlliM . ? \ Utt nra
Oinnhn | U I' , clupol , lOtli nnd Murcr ritf. I Unihi
IMS ntnl . ( lilcniio Kxprcss . ( V3U p nl _
4Upm' ' . \osllbilln l.lmlUsl.
. . . . tt V a n
815 p m.Ioirt AcriimniiHliitlon ( Kic Sun ) "US p M
II 10 p nil . Kn.iUTil Mji'r. . , 2 4.V p M
1 11 n iti { . .Kmt IJn'torn K prn < . .1 " .03 n ta
I < GHTM , t IIIUAdU1 , Mil. . , A ST. 1'AViU Arrite
jUinnhi II' l'tii _ > pot. IVIh nnl Mnrcr J < U
tU ' p uu Yhlcico ii | > ri''j U l ) n n
li > p ml . , . ClilriKii Hiiir < ? ' , l H p M
l tavei i O\All\Hl ( LOLIf Arrive * "
Umitha. U I * . iloi > < ) tjothnnl Mnrcy SH ' Orailia.
fai p ml , i > t Uulinn _ . n Hull 12 V p ra
l7nv TT F7K V. MO V"vr.T7s\ ' . ArrlroT
OnintM I _ lhipiHIU > i \\VKtyf * li ' Omt'i .
" _
"t"Wnni ( lllirk lllll < Kxpru r Saup n
VOUnm HnntlnifH Kip ( hi nmlnr ) & .11 p n
610 p \\nhooU-IMinlri l'n < H'x billul ) r1 ll Jl a m
610pm Uirk A Norfolk ( hSiimli ) ) { W Jl it in
UnviM i rHil'.M to , ArrlfJt"
Omaliii I Itapollillt nml N\o'j4ter SM.
TIC nnl Hloui fltjr ALHiiumodttlon 1) Ui p n
100 pin1 bloux lily Ptpr ( Kx Sun ) 1.0 p in
tUU p m t I 'nil I UmlHM . I * iv it m
5.15 U nii linntoft l'n < nniror ( lr. ! Sun ) 1 ! 45 l15
Jx > nTC > I M 13:301)111 : ) IHlTiTiu ArrU'OI
Depot 15th nml W'bjtef Sti
OVIAIIA V : hT LOlfliJ. Arnvus
Iransfcrl Unl n Depot Counrll Illuffs rl'ininfor
6W ) | in I .sf IJHIK mi'in ' Hull , , , \1 \ T'X'H
U-nvci | CllltAO ( llUllLl > f A. QltlXcr I ArrTfes"
lrim ( crl Union llgpot , 1'onnell llliHTx | Trnnsfe
'i 4(1 ( . I - '
n in hk-nio Kxprco | ( I'M p ra
1000 p ra . . . .Chlcano KTpro9i . . . . n 40 n ra
fO p in I re ton Jxic-ij 11 J ) ivra _
SIOUV I'll \ " A 1'AO'iHO. | Arrlroi
Trnnaferl Union Doput Conncll llluffi. [ Tranifof
7 45 a"in ,8lou j City Acpommortstlon 'MO n m
OUipm . SU I'aul Kipress _ . . . lu UO p ra
Westward.'j \ ? § § " Pll ? | I |
, A joint resolution was adopted
by the legislature of thu stnto of Nebraska , ut
the twentv-llrst besslou thereof , nnd upprov ed
March : uth , A. D. 1&9 , proposing an amend
ment to t-cotlon Thirteen ( ID of Artlclo blxOI (
of the constitution of sild state ; thut said
section wlt : as amended shall road as follows , to-
bectlon 1 : Thatsectlon thirteen (13) ( ) of arti
cle six ( G ) of thoconstltntlon of the sluto of Nu-
braskn boanipiiilod to as to road us follows :
faectlon 11 ; The Jud osof thesuprtmecoiirl
shalloaeh rceelvo n salary of thlro-llv e lnn-
dred dollars ( & .J.WO ) pur annum and thu judgei
nf the district court shall receive a nullify of
three thousand dollars ( $ .1,000) per annum , and
thosilary of oich shall bo paablo quarterly.
Section J : r.ich petsjn voting In favor of
this nincndmont shall hava written or printed
upon his billet tlio following :
'Tor thupioposed amendment to the consti
tution , relating to tlioxaliry 01 judges of tha
supreme and district court. "
Thciuforo , I , John M. Thiiyer , governor of
the .stntn of Nebraski , do hoioby gho notfco.
accordance ' with section ono [ Ij artlclo llf-
teen [ I'l ] nf the constitution , and the provi
sions of anne t cut It leil : "An act to provide
the manner of proposing all imcndinents to
the constitution and submitting thu sumo to
tliaoloctnr-iof thostate. " Approved
Uth. A , n. 1877 , Unit sild proposed nmend-
intnt will bo submltto 1
to thu
nt tlla Bt.ttj. tnr , , , . , . , . , . KII quallllcd f nn * 1,1. . voters . . , V. . .
Buiicr.u uiL-ciKin ui LO mm on tno nn
November , A. D.IS'M. ' uay 01
In wltnsss whereof I have hornnntosct
h uul and cause I tn bo ulllxed the great soul
of tlm state of NubMskn Done nt Lincoln ,
this lOlh day of July , A I ) . ISJO , and the twen
ty-fourth year of the state , nnd of thu Indo-
Iieiidimo of the United State ; ) the
on u him-
Hy Iho Oov ernor. JOIIN JL THA VEU.
[ SKAf..l Secretary of State.
August Idlm
BROOKS BROS , & 00 ,
Importers and Wholesale Dealers la
AVatohes , Jnirclry , Cutlery
Motions.N'o\cities , Albums ,
Coat-Collar Springs ,
Fancy Coodi , .to.
Largest lissortinetit fnr
rletyof Sc , lOe and 2ic counler
Our lareu ami Hilly Illintratcd
malliiirreu to ilt > Hlcriiiiil\ .
' 7illFourthSt. > .
St. Louis , Mo.
TNSTHUiUJNTd pUcud on rucord boiiteni-
J. berl ) .
1'ianels k Anton Hololliavok to D 1 *
Hoth , lot' ' , block 51South Omaha 4,800
Jia llirtlott and wife to O II Webster
and II O llndgln , loti'i , block 4 , Junc
tion Vlftvv TerruLO
S.imo to K \Vebstor , w SO font of o 100 400
feetof n W lot7 , block 2Jr.-liard Hill. 4.000
Same to U If Webster , lots 17 , IS anil 19 ,
block I ,
Junction View Torruco 000
bamotoM 0 llodgln. lots.t , au and SI ,
block 4 , Junction View Terrace . . . 000
r I' IHv Idhon to Hose McMahoiiC , lot 8 ,
Urn Hair and wlfo tel li Manes , lot 'J ,
SIlsKiurl '
Avantia I'aik
N'llhan I.nzarim nndwlfolnj A Carlson ,
Inttt ) , blocks. I loir nuin Toirac * SM
T.I Iln and wife to i ; J Murray , s Ji lot
12. bloolt 10 , I'lrst add to South Ujnali t CIO
li M Siakvtt und wife to I' W let , p irt
lot 7 , block 7. McCormlck's second add 1,204
South Omnna Jnnd company to Joseph
Santos , lot ! ! , ink 121 , bouth Omuht . COO
South Omuha land company to Julius
JacobM < n. lot II , hlk IIX ) , bouth Om ill i. ' . ' . 'O
ZOnnd UKoodtoJ A I'lorson , lot II , Al-
brlKht.t '
Ayleswortb'Hid add 73
Victor Hylundor nnd wlfo to SI'nnd
Mary Johnson , lotuS nnd 0 , rn-pliit of
\\uveilyadd . . . . 700
W W TlmniDsoii to Vi W Donnelly , und
' / lot II. blk 5 , Konnt70 1'liu.u. . . 2.509
0 W Whltoto 1,0 llelmcr.e U lot 11)hit ) ;
\VlsoA. . I'armoleu's add , 720
R U Hallanl and wlfo to A 1 > TuUoy , lot
10 , bli4 , Orainmerny I'nrk 800
Ihlcod. ( o r , toJ A Wtulun , lot r > , bile
11 ' , C V Smith's add . . . . . . . 3,000
J 1' Iloyd. shrf. to Howard Kennedy , o
M f I , lot 10 , blk 0.11. bouth Uniiilm . ROO
Total amount of trunsfer-i 8 I,7i3
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run oxprcsHly for the ucuoinmndiitlon of
Oiniiliu , Council lilulTs , Dus Moin i luul
Chlcugo buslnod is the Hock JslunU
vcstlbuled limited , le.ivlnjj Omuha at
1:15 : p. m. dully. Ticket olllco 1002 , Six-
tconth uud Furnam ata , Oinahu.