Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The bank clearings ycstordny
amounlca to S&59O7 < 02.
A. cjiiloaJof tin plalo was iccei\cl \ ut
tlio custom hcufao for the Airaour-
Cudniiy company.
\ sivyonr-olil son of Jlr. Solas , who
Hies tit \Vtsl idc , feltffonitt luby buggy
ycstcidiiy nnd liiokohls ami.
J. A , I'owcrs , Independent cnnJIdato
for goicrnor , will flclfvorii political ad-
nt Kxpoaillon hall next Saturday
& 0ro yesterday commenced
In thu county court to recover 3300
fiom li. D.inhmm , the Philadelphia
cliop house 111:111 ,
ClanOoidoii of Ilio order of Scottish
clnns will hold a picnic lit User's psnk
cu Snlurdjiy next. The procrriuntno will
inchulo Cnlcdoniuii panics nnd otlicr
Thwi'sclnv o vcniny I r iimonynsfecmbly ,
l\'o. O.'lil , IdiiKlitH o ( Ln1ior , tvlll glvo n
"hull ill KxjKwitlon hall. The piocood ?
ill licdcMitfxlto tlio htrlk iiig1 railroad
men on tlio NUN Voik Central.
Two lire and Irifglnr jiroof Biifc1 ! ,
Ycljj-liliig Ihruotoiiiciiuli , wcro put In
the Rovointncnt buildlnir jcsterclay.
Ono vlll Iwfortho mo ol United States
Court Clcik I3tmdj and the othur for
tlio customs ofllee.
Leon T o7lor , the sprlnlor , L E. Over
toil , Pinnies Leonard nnd John alias
"Rudily" O'Ncil , con -lltu toil n wull-
drcsHCil qiiitrtctto vhicliVJLS arraliriicil
jestciiluy inoriilnpr lor vnffriincy. Tliclr
cases nuro continued.
Mr. Jolin Moynilnn ol the hotel Bar-
l(0r ( vas inado Iho rcuipicnb of a hand-
fcomopoldcunoby Jliinngur Moril on of
tlio Ollio Hecliuth drjimatlc company
\ihiclirccentlyuloscil \ a. vurj' Buccuasful
ciifjagcmcnt at Iho Grand ,
IToily-fho carload ? of shcoi ) from near
Claris ciuno in over the Union I'ucillu
last niijht , consi rned to the rancli of
Kols Jlorils , near on the Clil-
cii ro , St. I'liul ' , MlnncH-jiolis it Omalu.
TliiB Is the first cl a ehipmontof
1 < Y 1 Carlor , a luilf-brothcrof Tliorais
rnyi'os of this city , was killwl jit 1511s-
\\orth \ \ , Knn. , by falling from a , moving
triiin , Oirtor wns \VostornUnioii \
llncinnn and forinorly losidcd In tills
city. HiHinothor , Mrs. Thouias Pratt ,
resides ii
In tlicso d.iys of realism on thostngo there
li nottiltifcvlii clicauijlit thopopnlur ( anoyso
Btronglv asthn no\v fain ous play , "Thu Still
Altinn. " tuil Its Mie'tws U cicwrvod. 'Jho
JcnssitloiiiilciiiHoilo ottho stca'ii Hro oiiKlno
tncl tlio rfallumos Is of course ) n prominent
( catinooC tlio pcrforimnco , butlho pliy pos-
( cssc > iinuiirnlclinciitii to amnsonnel Interest.
Three pciforiuniK'cs of "Tlio Still Alurm"
will be pivon nt tlio Jloyel 'Jlio
tnstom | iroha lins IK en profuse In
| ir.iiseof this | ilay , wliicli Is snld to possess
oil tliooloiiiPtitsof a first chss iiroduitloii. In
Its line , itacqunlls raiuly seen.
A. M. l almpr'seoniii.itij'i from tlio Miull-
1011 iiqiini-ctlicntcr. Now Vork , will play a
two iilRhM anil niitiaco cii | < 4Kotnont nt
Ilo.vel's. e'oniirionclntj on IVielai , Scptombor
12. 'Iliis ( vlubratcei orKanl atlon is now In
lcIl ) er , phviufint tlio Tatar totho capadly
of the house ai c.ioh inrfoiinunco. Tlio coiu-
panyls tlio luit'cst that Mr. I'altncr cior
lent out. _
N'ol 11 CiiuIMiito.
O > nn\ , Sept 8. To tlio 35illtor of IIIK
Jinn Thomoiitlon ofiuv imno -onucotion
r with the ollloo e > [ county attorney is not only
unwarranted , but Injiuious to mo , and
lirotuptoU by tlio inullci ) esoinopcttycuciny. [
1 nr > > cr el ITU I neil of loin prncdTiilidulc for tlio
position , nnd voulel not Invo It , even if the
Biilmy weio doubled , nor , liieltcil. unJcinny
cJrcumfttnnros , as tlio duties of piosccutor
ire not to niv tisto.
\Vlll TUB IttSE Uliully sotinej light \vltu \ ray
friends and thopubllcf
WiNi'ni.i > S. STUA.WX ,
IXorptlons 1'or Xeal.
Mr Kstello snj-s the bill of cvcoptlons in
Neal'scasois nlmostromiilctcil It Is one of
the hr est , it not tlio Inigo-it itocumont of
the liliiel ever iiropurod in Doiishis county.
Tli CMC tire about 1'iOO pates ; o [ tyio\vritlca |
1 mutter In It. \villbo iUUhcil toeUy orto-
nioriow. Thou tlio county attornny will
hiivc. uccerilins to tlio statutes , ton days in
which to examine itiftonvluili it will Iiu-
medlitolj'lio sent tothc ollloo of thocloikof
the supreme couit leirlillni ; .
Tlio next inovo will bu for tliosupiemo
beneli to lix n elate \ixii | hlclitho arguments
willbu heard.
JTu Ijalc-t. Tlcleet.
GoMbuixor li the nnino plvcii by n
very diinlnutito oleviiii-jenr-oUl lail with
corldc r v\\o , \ iinpltcel to the county commis
sioners. fcrnB lstiniee.
The littles follow snlil that ho livce'
In Cloveiinel , O. When leaving tliero
lobtiree > l { , his bother paid $ : tOfor allclcctfor
hlmtn \VhcnlioreailieelOmsilialie :
enystho oonductortold him Ills ticket hue
runout nnd tliit ; horouldii't go am further
ftiuUo juithiinotT tlio Lriin.
The e'oniinisslonciSKnvoliiiiiaii onlcr for
ticl < tt to ( Ir.uiilialjMil , tlat bcintj their vest
era charity limits.
< 'oiisriiicnocR |
Frcil I'ioboniwjisiiri ' ilpiicelliipolico cour
forthroutuiiiiiR to kill "I'roiuhy" Vibbarel
Botharoilisrojiutiililo diameters , anel quar
reloj about n Ml Ion woman. Picborn con
cluOed tliat thomostofTeiluulwny of eli < iOh )
hipot hisrivnlwaswitli ! . llo nciord
hifily provlclcilhlinself with n ro\olvwr an
8hotuiiaiil | star toil on Vlbbanl's liail. II
wnsftrrcslcil before fluelm his man. Vil ,
linidiv fused to prosecute , ami n , cluirto o
cuiijhinione-ealod wi-niwns vus JIM. 1'ie
bom pliMilocl not jriillty , but tlio court ruieje
othci'\vUcanelasbu.sseel iillno of Onnel costs
1 llo vi'iis tjnuntcil.
C S. liencM oivno to Oin.ilux from tu
woolly Ililb c ( Colorado I lo was no tender-
fe > ot nnd illeln't ' propose to become tlio prey o
niij'Oinnlia sinootli worker , oho Mnippeilo
a lilir iinniielshovnl n inlr of load liiiucklo
In Ills jacket wlicnlio sturtcj outto take i
the tow n ,
llo le > oboet 111(0 n bail mnnundau cilice
cormllcilblin ,
lln teJj .Itnlpo Ilolsley thut ho nlivnyi
went loaded In Colnrnelo , anil thn
honopelciln. few eleiiibloiii'tinpselfiiroteetor
wlieu he took iliuiito of u ouiloutlof stock i
Cliejonno co'iuty ' , ICiinsa.s , bouiul for th
Boutli Oinahi niarlet. llo Hashed hi&stoe-l
tmiis ] > oilntiun eli the court , and \vnssur
prlti'd vhon ho win informed thut thulliui
would oxplrobefoio ho would lm\o ate
to use it unless he roulil inke togotlier f'J1
and cost * for tlio benotltot tlieclt vof Oinnhn
Tliojud Ohiildho I'onlil forgives "Mm foi cur
rylnif tiui | ; > , but tint hovius \ u swoin
of lively mail vho lurried u pnlr
District. Court.
JiulKOlo.iiio was on the bcneli yostcreln ,
xnomlncln thu Iniyo criminal court room uu
llfitentnlto tlio com Ins ion e > f arjju men t-s In tV
case of A J. 1'oppUlon aijiiUist 15outln
county , to ivstrnlii the hitter from moving
c rlulu lounlry fonevs.
The result wasiteniporiiry injunction , to
continue until the comity ntloVncrrouU lluJ
tiino toloolt furthir Intotlioniiitttr.
JiulKoDonnoaUoL'ranttul Joaoplituo Tujlor
ttiilujuni'tloiiivstralnliiK thooonnlv ooiiimih.
a tenors mi d dthorsfronicrniliiiu West l-'ai.
mini street near tlio city limits.
In the afternoon the UoldsboroiiRli baby
cuso win on for hewing The fullipr. rnxtilt
II , GoMsboroiiKh , held tliobaliv , wlillo tlio
mothorsat Jiear by and eric el , She \vnsthoro
with a petition fern , writ of habeas coipus to
C ln rossesslon of her babc > , wlilcli was
Iilrltoelnwujfby Ilio futher. The court list-
cued to the ovlileiieo imtl then Issued an
order tbat thochlW s Lou let bo tltllvural into
xlocuhtody cf thomotluT , ami that the father
lou Id bo llo\\xulto visit it oncoeaehweeli
until further orders.
The only radical cure-f&r ilioiunatisin la t
elimlnalo from thcbloodthoacldtliat mus'i
tleelistaso. Tl < i ls thoroufhly effected by
tip ptMbovoilne : use of Aycr's ' Jiai-sniimillii
Persist until cured. Iho process iiuy lo
k\v ] \ , but thcicsult is luro.
\VIIO lIOhI > .S Till ;
ConitnlsHloiicrt Seeking Information
3lt'K < > riling ( lie iTnil Deliver ; ,
County CoinmJ loners O'lCccflc nndCorrl-
# nn , n mnjorlty of tlio committee ) on court
house and Jail , called nl Sheriff lloya'JollUo '
3C3terd.vy to consult with hltn regarding
the lniortjitit ) ) ellicovcry made thut outside
liartlc-s hold keys lo some of the outer eloow
of thoconnt ) ' Jail , This matter wns referred
tothoioinnilssionurs Saturday and published
exclusively In THE Biieof Hint c\cnitiT. \ ( Tlio
existence oflhesc keys causcel the sherifT In
fenr tlnit they inlKhtlo used tonld iou jail
dellveiy of hrpfajiroportiom ,
Mcairs. O'lCeenu ' ami Corrijrnn wcro informed -
formed that the iliorlH hud suddenly been
tiiUon 111 and \vascon ilnrel to his homo ,
The commissioners Informed 'I'm : Brnrnnn
that they should certainly mil iinon Shorn !
lloyel Iho Hist tiino ho was to bo found ut liH
ofllee , iniel ivonld loam dcllnitcly from him
all tl o facts In tliocnse.
Thof.ict of the sheriff liaviIIR voiced suth
grnvoiuspiilons rojinullni ; the county jnll
viis tlioprini'lpnltopicof convolution nt tlio
court house , unel man } ' loni'liendcJ inilnua-
tlons Moro m.idoa ? toHhoviw supposed to ho
In possession of the duplicate leys , it wa
also ficoly asertul that , ainco the aiding ofn
( rliniinl to cscnpo was a ultniml offense , it
vas pUliily the duty of the bhcrliT anel tlio
count } e-ominlssionors to push iho lincstiga-
tlon totho uttermost limit.
Whllo Coininlisloner O'ICcclTo ' seems In
earnostabout having the shcrilT toll hhn all
ho cnn about the rmttor , yet ho siys ho
doesn't ' quito understand lio\v tlio board cnn
proceed with nnlnvestltfiition involving the
iuininoninu uf witnesses , etc. Ho beliovcs
thut ills n , mutter \vlililun { , 'rand Jury should
invubtljiitc , nnei Ilio sooner Ilio better ,
The Man U'lm AVilto.s For it U llc
to Severe 1'uii itliiiieiit.
A number of joung gentlemen in this city
have recently received "stiletly confidential"
circulars inxvhiili , among other things , np-
pears tlio folio wing : "If you luivo bean un-
iiicccssful In your bnslnosd , I can su pply you
ulth gooels witlnvhicli you can pnyofC all
our debts and start frco nnd clear again. "
Tho"KOoJs" inthlsc.iso nro nothing mora
> r less than counterfeit greenbacks. Tlie re-
: ciycr of Iho letter is admonished notto
mitoto the sender of the cimilnr.hnt to
elotjniph to T. 1' . lilce , Matjinun ijtation ,
tlntiutnii , N. J , the following sentence ,
"Sendloweit ostlin.itout once. ' , ' Thocorm-
onelcnt is cautioncel uiriiliist sonelin nny
ifjlit telegrams , and ndviicel , it possible , to
sanel nicssiijes in the mornlntr between 8 und
U o'eloelc.
Notn'ith'itnndlnp ' the fellow's admonitions ,
miidicds of yountr men vrito him and the
letters go to the dead letter olllio. 'Jliero Is
danger , honevci , attineliiii ; the corresponil-
cnc * , because the tjuiicloss young nun vho
hopes to bccotnovcalthyla a moment , and
ivritcs to the unknown , Is liahlo toarret.
The ( list airost of tills kind made in
-ewiston , 'L'albot e-ounty , Mel , on
Thuisdav last , under the act of
Mnreli 2 , i&W , In nhieh makes it i
poiial otTenso Jor any ono to mail a letter
releihiff , as tlio counterfeits are termed ,
green jioods. " Tlio pcnidty is eighteen
months in the pciiitontiiry tmd § 30U line ,
Ulnef Inspector Itntlibono of tlio lOTtollleo
department is nnkiug nrringoinents to con-
Unuotlie onrrcsts , und liis instructed tlio
inspntorsof this eliMsioiito pav csiwial nt-
lention to tills pct i . 'sof violation ot the law.
Spoaltlnp on the subject , ono of the latter ln-
ipectora said jestoiday. that people
.u tills cituvoresusiwcttidof dcalitiKln these
counterfeits und wore under espionage.
"IJon't Care lo Knt. "
It Uslth tlio Rteatcst conlldence that
lood's ' Sarsiiparillu Is rccomincnded for lost
of anpetite , indigestion , sick licadaiJio , nnel ,
similar troubles M'lils mcdlchio ttcntly tones
Iho stomach , assists digestion , anil imlccs ono
' 'reallnmgry. " Persons In dellcnto health ,
jftertidtinir Hood's .S.irsnn.irilha few days ,
11ml themselves longing for and eating1 the
plainest food witii unexxiccted iclisli.
. Jl.\Vlllhinn anil IIU Uiih\vi'iil I"art-
iiesr dot. lute ) Trouble.
E.I1. "Williams , alias V A. MncU.nliniF. .
A. . Sagtnore , iillas I1. A.Ullinms , nllas R D.
Williams , Is bold -custody us a fugitive
from Ju slice.
Ho skipped from Dayton , 0. , with n mar
ried woman , whose husband icqucbteet the
ntt'iioi-itie's here to arrest him.
"Wlllhuns nnel the woman came hero four
weeks ago and stopped nt the Merchants.
AfteT ruimlniaJ3biU Williams Iclt a gold
watch nnd u lot of tuo woman's clothes as
llo nlso stopped at the Metropolitan and
Occidental hotels. Tno voinnn Is now in n.
spoiling louse , and \VillUtns \ was arrested
yosteidajmorning by Detective Vaughn -while
trying to pawn uu ovcnoat vhicu lie had
Pears' Uthepurest andbcstsoap ever maelo
It.Yili TOPICS ,
TlielnterestCeiilerctl In the .UeethiK-
of tlio Central Trnlllc AssoeliHion ,
The Central Trafflu association / , 111 meet
In St. Louis today and all tlio freight
men In tlio country are headiusin that ellieo-
The meeting will lo a big ono in nil prob-
abilitv , nssotnoof the questions that bavo
been disturbing the freight peoploure to bo
considered and , if possible , settled.
Tlio utilfunnbill of lading will bo discussed
ami a momorlil will probably bo presented
to the interstatoconiinereoeoniinisfalon asking :
thatbody to modify its recent outer for a
roiluctiouof fa-iKhtratei.
The I'emI to lie Rinlccn.
Tlio pool on freight tralllc upon \\hlclnvns \
bused tlio udrunco in bound Missouri
river rates is destined to end witli Its ninety
elajs of nsrccd life. The Atchison mnnaR
ment has declared that it will itbielo by the
iiKiMMnont oiilr fortlio original term , vbicti
exjilres carlj1 in October nnd thataftorthat
eluio it will pocket Its O\MI earnings iiistencl
of dividing tlicin with other loarlsas it Is re-
qultcel to do trailer the existing ngrceniciit.
Tlio ndtanco in rates , maduon tlio strength
of the pool , will bo nbnmloncil as soon as the
nprreoment oxi > lres anel nbig break Is inevita
ble la Iivlght rates all nlont ? the lino.
Null's and I'crsonalH ,
The hntilqtiartcrs o f the western didslon
of the C'blcutw , Milwaukee Jt St. I'aul have
been removed from Chllieot'io ' , AIo , to Kan'
' 1'ho IMKsourl Pacific has commenced worl
oiinUJoinllo hnmc.h extension IntoArknnsns
"Tho ciitiM elcfc.xt of the uiiiiorm Wit oi
laduif ? Is now assured"saida frclcht man ,
"as tlio eastern baiUors have eletKleel to ad
vaueo no money njwii it , notwlthsUneting its
negotiable cluiructcr. All of thoroudi wll
no\v \ dro | ) it. "
Tlio Order of Hullway Conductors willmeei
in Toleili ) this week , Onmhawlll not. send !
ropreseiitative. j\a ctloi't Hill bo made to
hsi\o \ the hcnilintaitcrs rcinoicd toLos Ange
les ,
At a meeting of the cmplo.vcs licld on the
train , returning fiom Granel Island on Satur-
clay , it was unuiiimously resolved llmt avoto
of thanks bo extended to the imun etiiout of
t lie Union Pacilie Mil read for coui tesles ex-
tcmleel lo its employes In tlio wny of trans-
poitation to and fioin tlie reunion.
Dr. AY. 13. Outten of St. Louis , the chief
surpeonof tlio.Miwourl Paclllu i all way , has
niipulntcd Dr. 1' . Crossnun to bo surgeon of
tlio road to succeed Dr. GeorKO U. Ayres ,
dnvascil , Dr. > Iuliu 33,1'cahody will Iw the
assistant surceon. nppointinenU worn
belli mielo totahoeffcctSepteinber 1.
The Bt , I'iml i&Omnhn has comnletej tlio
replacing of the iron ralU in Its tmelc between
\ YiiynoatidVlnslilo \ with sixty-live | > ound
steel mils , anil will coumioneo work nt once
rcilacliifr | that between Hosklna anil Norfolk
lii the Mine manner.
Called to Account ,
Peter Toliindorleft lili homo In Neliroslf
City Saturday niRbt and came toOiuaia. Jn
less than thirty minutes after ho struck tli
town ho was In ] all , Sunday morning Mn
M'eluuder visited the stitlouaud told Imv Uc
Inisbnnd hnd deserted her , Mlclflff anlstanco
toennblo her to get to friends InOeorgln.
She wns toltl thut he-r llegolonl was In
Jail , but refused to behove It until she saw
She ffiis on hnnd when the ease win called
in police court , nnd when 1'ctotMraa ' released
she fnstcncd onto him vltli nKriiitighler
th.m that odhoonicerwhonrrcstoel him. As
she led him from the courtroom she forcibly
imparted tohimtlto inforiiiationthutsho liael
ullttlocastito settle ulth lilin that lie would
not get out of ns cosily as lie uadthooue just
_ _ _
u IIIH r
Jlr. Wlicclcr Sayn 'M inninr U'lll Dratv
no Moro City .Money.
"Tho letter wilttcnby Mr. 13ioiitcli , wlien
lie Avas mayor , appoliiting l- iank.Imincr
city jharinacist , rends viry plainly Indeed.
from that letter it Is very clear to mo tlat
Klnunir's pay should have ceased \Uietiho
left the pla"o some llino a o. Tlio matter
will certainly bo brought uput the next meet
ing ot the cltyiouncll , and , I hope , will ho
settled , as 1 have Intimated and as it should
lave been some time ugo. "
'i'h ' tit was tlio Way thut D. II.Vhcolcr ,
chairman oltno llnanco coininittco of the city
council , tallceel jeaterdny , to a representa
tive oTjiilJii [ ! : : .
Thomanncr iinvlilc'h Xlininercimo to re
ceive faJ.o.'I'ji ' a inontlifroni tiiocoutitv forso
soft : i "snaii" comprises a few interesting
/Ciinmer was , ilrst of till , elcptity county
dork under Milwitochu. It is slid by those
inn piitloito Itnow that Xltinnor got iho
depiitysliliiby ymco of btslnjf u fnvorito of
Comniissioncr Anderson und ox-Ooinnils-
sionerMount. pilnciiiilly , however , through
the former The salary of deputy county
elork Is ? Si33tj : ( nor month ,
Ziniiner , It is eiiimcd , didn't Lold the clerk
ship long , however.
After things had Jarred along fora sliort
time , Xiininer was callcil upon to step out nf
tlio nlace , though it scorns Unit his iiiino Mill
remained on thop.iy-rolls ot thoconnty.
Xinimor was subicenu-ntly relegated to
an ordinary clerical position. In-
ttead , however , of having Ills pay
icduced tothntpaiel dorks of the same oiJci-
Zlnmicr was peimitttd by the contmissioncrs
to rcctlvo the snug sum of S l.u : , as is
provideel by thostatiitos to bo the juy of a
deputy county cleric.
Well , the simple clerical work jjavo out ,
after a short period. liutKiimnor liid toho
kept at woilc nnd his mysterious hold on the
county board continuing' ho also had to be
kepfcat.S3il ; > . Then it was tlat tliousmlly
sluggish vits of the countyhonrd got a rustle
on themselves , nnel Int upon the idea of cs-
Ublishlnga county iihannaoy. This "hit , "
It is said , \\ns \ \ brought about by suggestions
from Zlmtncr himself ,
Aa everybody knovs , n county eliug shop
uas started , ntid/Cimnior put in it as un ex
cuse for earning tbats3.t : ! > jj.
After 'being1 started n\vay \ down in the
basement with nfow pill boxes to keen in
place , Klmmor found himself with a great lot
of tiino on ills uanels. Itvns \ nt Hint
lime , it Is saia , that lie successfully
liatulicel the scliimo to liave
aotncr i nddcel to his salary by getting
roatch toappolnt him "city [ ihariilifist nt
le county couitliouso. " And , as icvealcd
iy THE BIB in its exposure of last Saturday ,
limincr , though lie lonyafro left the court
louse , is stilt continuing to elrrn * this $ J , ' > a
ipntli which Councilman Wheeler promises
vill be cut ofl ut the nest meeting of the
Snllow anel Icidcn lined complexions soon
ivo place to tlie loveliest
; pmk-and-wliite.
vhen theuso of Acer's SarsaMrilli is per-
Istrdin , anel rosmetlcs entirely aluindoned.
fotlilng can couuteileit the rosy glow of por-
ect heal tli , which Uesses those who use this
A.AVA.r.iis a AX Ai'i'iioi'in.vri ov.
Tiicci'tiilnty a < 9 teA lion tlio Missouri
IJ. : | i ] > inj ; Will lie Kuncweil.
Kngineer Potter , in charge of the linprovo-
nontof tlio Missouii river at this point , snys
hat worl ( will not bo i-esumcd hero unless
congress makes an appropriation for the pur
pose , Tlio bill for this purpose has been
uulaconsiacMtion for some tiino but no
action has been taken upon It. When It is
acted upon the season may bo so fur advanced
as to preclude the possibility of doincr any
nero woik until next snihig.
The scows , barges , lijdrtuillo graders anel
illadrlvti's still remain in the river spas to
> o ready to goto work at an liour'snotiee.
Rlr. Potter Ins received several handsome
) hotographs of the woik superintended by
lini on the Missouri river at SionxCity
The ri\er \ attlmtphu'owns cutting haelly
ute the bunks ami tosavcthe latlernino
lykcs wcro constructed , some of whieh cx-
.eiidcd into the bed of the ilvor about uino
lundrcd foot.
Asa since given
, ho batiks a vide bortli , solo speak , and
nnlntaiiis a respectable clintincl Inthonild-
llo of its bed. The work cost between
800,000 , and § 11X1,000 ,
tj Plum-
lior Heard 1'i-oin nt IjJisl.
D. White , the missing plumber , Is not
ilead , Keithcr Is ho sleeping. Ho lias at
length concluded tomato known his - whereabouts
abouts , und 1m done so to Mr. P. J , Qne.dey ,
.The latter wns ono of "White's bondsmen , nnel
: t \\as \ tohimthat ho oominittcd the startling
story thataii attempt , u\o nights previously
to his disappearance , hnd been made to both
sluaiidiob Win.
Like every otlioraceiiialntanco of thomiss-
ins lead handler , Mr. ( Jnoaloy was sur
prised at White's disappearance , llo
reinainol surprised until yesterday , when
a lettesr came to him , wiittenbyVhite , some
plncc in ICuntucUy. Mr Quealoy did not re-
memberlho niine or the town at which the
missive was penned , because , after liastely
perusing It , lint sent it to hiswit'o.
Wliitowrotothntlio lud decieled upon malt-
ingtlie hluo-grass legionhis futuiohoino and
that so far as howis concerncel cvorthing )
\vasand\vonld contlnuonll ripht.
It wns Icariieel Inter that \Yhito had vilttcn
to the Unlte > elStates wind ennliio nnd pump
company from Lexington in iho same suite.
otTeringan oxplnnatlon for Ids onieluct and
remitting about -150 on his account witu that
concern , _
The > leilicaiVssoelitlou 'VVInH it Vic1-
lory In tlio IVilleio Ctnirr.
JudgoIIclsley rendeied Ills dedsionln the
nlleRcd ijunck cases nt noon , thidlng the dc-
fenttaiits , Dr. J. J , Solomon , Ur. John i'aeg-
ler and Dr , Nelson , the "Indian doctor , "
guilty of unlawfully practicing medicine and
lining each V ) nndco ts.
Nelson paid his lino. The other cases \vero
appealed. The gitiundonshlch thu decision
\va based was . the registration was in-
sulllcient. being va uonnd indetinlte , uud did
notconstitutou legal registration.
It * iip rloriioeinco rtoronln million" olbornti
forrooritUnrnquntiHrot 11 ctfaturr , lt Q > oAbr
tbi United 8t te t7ontuenl. . KndfirseJ br lb
tint * of the ( runt un vonlllci us lie Blroiiue't ,
Formtina Moit lltilthful. Or I'rlcn Crciu link *
ln < I'owJurtlt'i iiolcontiin aninionli.llmaor . Bluui.
bgld uclf In tin *
1'ttiri' fliKINO POITDKHCO- .
li W V lk. Cblottf. HJLB ilinoliW. tk I-Olli
Each Season
Has Its own Kciiilur milady i but \vlth \ the
blood tnaliitflliipd 4Jn state of uniform vigor
nnil imtlly , Ijytliew- Aycr'iSnnaparllla.
tlic syslein icadlljAdnrli Itself toclmtigod
eonilltieiM. Competed oftlies Ijcstallcintlica
niul tonics , and bilng lilglily concentrated.
Acr' ) Saisjiurlllals | tlie most effective and olall Wood medicines.
"Korumue.irsnt ! ) tlie ruturn olsprlnj ,
1 liad icrloui trouble - ltli my kidneys , I
uas nmlile to sleep nights , niul itillvicd
gtcntlyultli | iin | n the small of my back.
I as also ullllctcd with liemlnchc , loss of
nipctltcniul | indigestion Tlieso sjinptoms
utre much voise lint . | 'rliiBciiieclilly ' the
tioiiblcnitli iny Lack. A friend i > cistmJcit
tnc to tisu j\m'4 \ ) Simnpai IIU. 1 bepin
taking It , niiiliuy troubles allills.iiin.-areil | ! , "
Mis. ( ieiuuit lleluiigor , St ItiUgo it. .
's SarsapariHa
DR. J.O. AYER& CO. . Lowell , Mnis.
% Vurthji beetle.
PlrysicLms , Silicons and Specialists.
Tlio most widely and favorably Itnnwmpcc-
lallsh lt > tlio United States. Thrlr loin ox-
jiQrlcnca.rotiiarkablo skill mvl m > lvi > rsil suc
cess In Ilio treatment and cnru of Xenons ,
Olinmlc nnd i-urglal nteoii t"- . entitle lhe--o
eminent physicians to thn full i-rmfldoiiris ot
tlio nlll k-loil ot cry who 10 , They ctiiratilpo :
ACKlirAlX AM ) I'OSIU'IVIS Cf ItlJ foi
thoawfnlcllects ofeirlj : rluoaiul tliu uimiui-
otiscvllslhatfolluw In Us I rnln.
8 ] > oFiMlycniiiilotilr , ] nnd tiutmiinrntly iiirocl ,
NIIUVOl'S lliHlLlTY : A.N1ISK\1TAI , Dla-
OUIilUttiyloldroutlliy totliolr skillful troa.t-
' "
Rii riiitvd ( uuruel ithout palii or dotciitlon
from lnnlne" s
in'DltOL'KlB AND V.YIJICOGTihE iionun-
noiitlv : iml siifcosifully ourul In every case
. ,
nialorrliui , Stu.tiinlVej.iknoM , I-oiuMiuihooil ,
Nljjlit teinlsiloiw. Dccayul I ? .u-n I tics , I'miulc
NVc'ikne ' : in < lall deillutito disorders im-nllm -
to dtlicr sov positively e-ntvd , us welliis all
fuiictlonil disorders that icsiilt fiom juntli-
fiilfolliHnr tlio excohs of nintnro years
Uimrnnloinl piTiimnon tl y
cared , rerun * al oouiiletc.
wltlioutciittlns. ciiHtioor tllhtat'on. ' uiirm
nfTietcct ut lioino liy jutlunt without a mo-
incut's tnln or uiiimyiitire.
T10 | a"ul ( oTools of
onriy. vi-o | vhleh lirlii-"i
orjKinlo weakness. dusLmylnj both inlii'l ' nnd
budf , vllh nil Its drcwlud ills , pumiaiiouty
HKTIX Address tlioio vlio have lin-
. 1)L ) < 11O pilrod tli nmel 'S by Itn-
limper itululximoo and snlltJiy hililts , which
ruin botli nilnil niul l > nily , iiiiuttln tliciu for
btniips ! .st mlv ormarrliKe.
JIAUIIIiiJ HISN or nlioso ditorlns on tliat
hnppy life , JiivarootillosloaWobility , qululcly
IB Imsctl upon facts First Practical experi
ence. Hct'ontl-Iivcry cnio ! * tpuuially sliullud ,
thus start lug rlK'it. ' Tlili-d Moillcliu1 * tire
prtpaiul in our Uliointory e\ictly to suit
eudi oiisc , thiii elltctiiiKi'iircnvl tliout Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Tfo filing at Hie Apollinatis Sfriag
( Rhemsh Prussia ) amounted lo
11,894-OOO lollies in 1887 ,
12,720,000 Lotties in i883
' 15,852,000 tofaswi 889.
, ,
. The velt.itiir.tin Ytllw LaMs cf
Af clinans ] Company , JiittiteJ , an
protected by ftrpfhtal Jujiiitttwiis t / > tht
Court. *
of tlio present Konoru * Ion. It
ciiroiiuil its alc-mlttiils. NlrK Hvad *
nelit , ConstISMIion uuel 11 leu , tlnit
IIHVC tiofoinc n < fniiionn. Tlicy uct
oriraiiM , ttnloiioiinil vigor to
iil liiKur nausea.
Sold Evorywliore ,
Oillce , Ul ) & 'il Park lluecN. , T.
. TllKdlirtT - . . .t- . .
i\ul.lSII : IIIM-
LIH .Intinhll-
Iniil Xlciknc ,
Hporiua'orrliui ,
IniJiencunit |
Illl ( ll5 ! < 1 OS Ihlt
IllllOW KD. . 10-
qnence of J-elf-
nbu < > ; as losi
ofJloniiirr Vnl-
\fMMl lAMltlnilO
I'liliilnllio Pick. Mmneii ofl \ lon I'rpnntnrnOIrt
KC1 , Miidinnnr ether ttl iHos that lonU to Insanity
irroiuuinptlon nnln. iinnni'.iiro Krnn .
| ? T liill l > nrlicli lu In < i'ir pninphlcl , which woilo-
lm to ( end fr < o birmiitlln orc-ry onu ri"l'tio in | > .
clllo Mdllrliu'ls ' xoM in II | ior | iicknB ; , orilx milt.
uses frtfS , ornlll toniintfrc-ubr uinllou toceli'tof '
tlio ui oner IT nflilrcftfliiii
1110 r'AiiXA3i STiir.icT , OMAIH , Ki : .
On nc.'ount uf cuuntorfclt-i ire Into aduituUtho |
BuyingClothing. .
It vlll bomoney In your poultts tn look at
our Itnoof Suits itnO UvtTcoati ellsiliiyoilat |
\Vlutlsor Hotel , Lincoln , del ring TulrVicU
hUlTprliizfrom cfTc > 'ts
Youthful 1'iwrs , Imno-
ti-iu-y nml UlsiMHUOf Men
cnn bflcnrei | | > emiiinentl ) iindiirU ntcly br our inx-
ul > l cltlt henlliy null forll Jliiok HentmcileJ )
Iur Uiui. | Ut-uconMedlcal Cuupam. li7wu Llntf-
ton biteot , Uoitou , Muai
hv sno read ) ' and on our tables.Vc are proud of it , and if you see it you will say \vc \ have rea
son to be. We have made great exertions to get up a stocl * of goods , that would be worthy of
The Nebraska Clothing Company that will not only accomodato our vast army of old customers ,
: ' > ut also provide for thousands of new patrons , Omaha's ' census returns warrant us in looking
'or a great increase in our business.
To people unacquainted with OUR house , I'lxi ; clothing means PRICED clothing , To >
such \vc \ ex tend a cordial invitation to call and examine OUR GOODS and Mow Titiv : .ARK MAUKKD.
"We arc anxious to convince them that there is no need of paying exorbitant prices. We will
sliowthcm that we can give them as fi'ne goods anil of as good workmanship as they con get anywhere
and iliaf we can saw ihwt conslderab/e mono/on their cfothifiy purchases.
Tlie greatest saving we can show you is on Boy's Clothing. Nothing advertises a Clothing
House more than to sell these goods close , and for the past few seasons \vc \ luwe made it a rule
to sell Boys' ' and Children's ' Clothing at merely nominal profits. To this we attribute in a great
ncasure the rapid growth of our business , AVe shall continue the same policy this season and
will offer in our Boys'Department ' bargains whi'ch yotf cannot get elsewhere. For the opening of Iho
schools we ft we prepared a stock of goods second to none in flic country and wo promise to save you not 25o
orSOc , but positive fy $2,00 or $3.00 on every good suit wliic/iyou need for your boy.
Open until S P. M. : : ; ; : Saturday at 1O P , M.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
For our * full and finoossort-
nicnt has been selected tills
season with an eye to Oma
ha's ' incrensino demand.
Nothing finer is offered in
Men's Clothing
tlinn our present stock can
adapted to all occasions and
functions , made of the very
best material and in. the latest
approved style.
Are one of our specialties in
whiQli line of goods under
take to satisfy tlicmost fastid
DKS. HHRll.l , & aiiRRlLL.
MWmfJ' iPI
rhronlo , Vrrroni | li nl mil SuriiliMl | i | < ( > u Ki uiij
l > l oui-.i . .iiliu ) > , ICii NO-J , . iin t
Hiit-olal A' t cm I mi (11 Ilinuastu ot'VVo
mi'il ' it ml 1 lilltli-'Mi.
Tlidilm-tiT Iiatu lnnl ti ii < of ii < | it > tl , < ni > iin | ( In
liOM'lt'l" ol llrniniyii nn I Nmr Vork mil iiionnuuiii
tlu > niiift nUL-rUHalul unl wltlolr Limivii .iiuolallt | In
'to YIIIIIIU niul M iilill ' - cil .Mrn.
I.o > l Mnnliiuitl N'i < rvou Hiilillliy Sifninil | orrh ivi ,
Eruilnnl l.oi o | ' ! I > HUI | l > > uiy , iirlslimriniiilii.iH
( ri'tlni. | iruilut < lii ( Kl < > i' ' | > li < Mii-is , ili'ii | < iii.ii'in' . | ilui.
pli-i mi llufuco nriiriliin lomifli-u , i > inll > illi > uui.
nuciMiH t cf ronlliliiuii'lull iintlircir Mii.u urbiini
IH-SM , nnd II cull nio u bunlvii , knfuly , lurui.iiiuiill ;
unit iH'eilily cuiiM.
lllno I nnel Slclii Um-mi'M.
Hj I'lill'.fi ' , ! \'illi-n ! n must Jrc.Kllul In lu tcnilei ,
cuiu c'tul j iTailic.mxl
tj ni inUiin.i rv Siipiiorv.
Oonnrrlif , Oloit , Srplilll' IINmrote , Ynrlrofolo
unit Mrli'turo. ridlcallf mil aiifcijr cured uliliniii
piilncr d t'li'iilliui fiom hiiiliit > . All So.uil | ) ,
loiiiillh-s unit liiipetlhuiiiita lo iuurrliiuiuc : v fullr
rt'mi'U'i ' !
AllllcctiUllsci'p * nfoly nml | wrnmn' ' < ntlTeurol
Hours , lln. inIII1S p in Sumlii > t. 1UIII1 1'J
N. II. I'finoiiiiiiiulilo to Mtlt iiiinny lie tri'itod at
Ihelrlicmiot liy N > rri > ) | i'i ( linco. Moillilmaiul lu
ilruttlnnitiiMit br uvir | > ) . roiiinll itluu lri
boml i oiDta lu tiiui'j | ' tu lii uriirt'i > lr ,
il Ft | ( St. , 0imil |
Home. Uiiinlia , Ntil > .
kTOTTTI TTV/T 'ri ' > l > l" ii i u
9 ' 7 JL.LJ ! Xv/J. curihn liiioU < id > r >
Hoi7tllcurea [ ! UK JblEFUENb l.btmn.o.
. J E. [ .
Spooicilist ,
tlio troil
-cnt of til fuTiun cf rill.
\ . \rr. \ i > hK V > KS IAI.I.M.IQ
liooil , n'lllle aa'UlC , ur luiln
In rtlt-lvlni : the UmMi'r. '
liYI'llll.lh cu ll-il IllJOloV
ilayi hkliiDlsiuoua.lnlurili
mill nil ll > st'iu < of Ilio
Illmil lloiirl tuil I.IVLT KII.
mule IM ( a cs curoil lthuut
In'lruiucnti t < i"l > ical triiil >
nicnt * ' | jtlt2M ( frum 2 to I
on ! ) ' \Vntu \ I r clriu.
IntiKlvlnii | > i rllcill.iriubi
turlii'l th ativu dl > et i-i ,
un < l t\i \ i * nu uiunyif iliu
ravit ruiiurkubla o Jituf -
fee , K. K Cor. 14th mil lurnuu Ht . , eotriuco eia
! LLer lrtt , OauliH , Nub ,
The Omaha Medical and. Surgical Institute
rorlho trentmcntofnllcitKONIC A SI ) StUlOir-VL IJHIJ.VSm
tri-nluil jiihoriK-Uy tcrriMimnilcni'e. ' AHoiminiiiilcitlonioantlJeii'lil. Mollcui ) or In'triiinonti nont hr
nuilloriro | 'iM'Oiin'lypn"lt d , no m'irii tolmllcatouoiilmtioricnliir Ono iicr < onillntorHw nrwfcrre.l .
( iillnnd cimiiiltiK < ir oinlilatory ! of ) ourc a , tint tvu trill isn't In plain wrnpin-r our 1IO K ru MBM
11 'A" ' ? " " alu Jll0iluurJ | oull"3 " " - i laipotoney. S/lihllMUIajt , iiuj V.irliO'ulo , with quoatlum
Omaha Medical and. Surgical Institute.
Corner 9th nnd Ilnrnoy Streets , Omaha , Nobrmlca.
Our sales on both DI AMON'DS
\VATC11IW have been UKUS-
LTALLY LAKC ! U of late , owi IIR to
our CUT PltlCKS. Our stock of
luiK pretty low , so wo have just seta
a liu'ira ninnlior nf CHOICE
T \TIOiX , nnd wo olTor thoin at n
COhT. The settings compri o n
Inriro vnnoty of SOLITAIRE anel
LAth PlNc3 , P11XDANTS , I1A115
UK U' [ 'LETS. N E C Iv L A C li S ,
LOOS 1C Sl'ONKS of nil si/.es
Sapphires , I'inoriilils , I'tMrls.nnd
nil ether precious stonestnountoel
and loon1.
SALE ill XYATCHKS id btill ill
Lneiios titSl-i , S O , $ iOWOirt5Sll , , ; ) ,
} | jol > , und uinviii-d.
W.UVHKS of nil kinds , from $2-5
up to the linest grades ( Elgin , \\ral- \
thain , llownrd , oti1) ) .
i-Auins * ami GIFTS' PINE
001.1) KIl.M-'l ) WATCIIliS ,
Aiinricnu monineiits , viii-riiuteil
from Ifi te > " . " > jours , only ill.7o ;
\voith S''i niul |
So.- ' ) . S-s , Jllliir ( , ! tnd up.
MC'KI'.L'A'i'ClIiS \ \ : , 82.60W.75
nnel1 : " ) .
I 11MNS AN'l ) ITI.WMS solel at
KKDl'tKl ) I'UICESto purcliiibon
of A\'ntchos \ ilurint ; this snlo.
GI-it : JilKGii from $ lto 1U each.
\YatcliUcpaIriM \ a Specially ,
KOTJC'E Strangers vlstlni ; tlio
arore.spcctfully \ Invitoil to call
nnel tnlto a loolc through our estab
lishment. \ vhethcrishiny toinir-
ohiiso gonelsor not ,
Sixteenth andlaniam Sticeh
"HTAJSTBO Ant-mi to icll thil'lnloi t'lullio Uno
M tliooitlyll tu uTi-rlfiient
ltlioiililnsi | a pfrlcrtT < \ titufum ; pittcnlru-
t'ttlv , Ixiu-'l , t' louly A > VJ liy j.'irll t < I'J nbuin
tbr -'li'nlvfrvl ti 1 > I X'C Klrc" ' u'l't ' '
uf < ) rli wo tcnil R ' 1.1111 Mimjilo llnu br
mall film rlrrillnn , I rlie lint t ( I t rini 10 nutnti :
te < iiroi iirloirltcrr tit wice AiMrr Hie I'lsm *
Cturuit LI.M : Co.iJ . UermooSt. , Murcutlor , iln * .
Iruler the Jtanntcnicnlof tie
Eleiltan International Banling Co. ,
Incorporated By the Stale of ChihuahuaMo *
Ice , for Charilablo Purposes ,
willUko plioo In public nl Iho cltr of Juaroi ( for-
"Iv '
1'aioUolNurto 'i.
Wednesday , Sept. 24th , 1890
nndrr tli t > [ > renal n < u of Otn. .loiil
M. UdtllV. unit Mr. 'A.M 11.0 . \uai'I'lx-
, Uolli Kuiilloiucnot tiljli ft
Only60,000 , Tickets ! Only60,000 , Tickets !
I Prize ofSGO.OOO - SG 0.000
ll'rizoor jneKiO
, - - -
ll'rlzoeif 6,1x10 ' < ; '
: l Prizes of l.iHKlrach S'vS
101'ilzi'sor LtUrneli * ' *
601'i'zcseir ' IlXpae-li oJJ-'j
inOI'rUeieif ro nifti ° , UM
2001'rizcaof at ) onoli ,
Mirnch | R,00
lOU'rize * of iWcncli
Tornilniil I'rl Mi
BPSTomilnnNlofiXmoi ) ( rwofjaiciiph. ! Ill pj'J
K rurmlnnlalullUIXi01'iUouttlluJeli. ) t-t < ?
laUPrlKinmountlnj lo $125,970
\1v , the iimlerrli.nrit , hr 'bi tnl\tr \ Ihlt th
[ 1 MIIci' Nirl imlo ! Meilroln riilbnnliiiii linmiiMlix
no lt from tlmMi'xiinii liiit-rnntlonal llmikmi e o. .
thoiiuccurr ruiuU to i nHittiitp Hi" M ) iumt ol
ullprlioiHrnnnln tliu ltiui l.ulri ln.ltu tc .
Me iiulh r rtrtifjrilinl 'o * ! l up nl n ill th
Brr nui'inont , ii < l Inporwn iunn mil control ,
alltliHdr > rniiiif | iliin lA > lu-rr.ii"l iluttl < "nij
nrjfoiuliicli'il llh lionuBlrilultucM. lua In goo
lullU l < " * ' " '
j"QrJIjfj'g"fjjo'SB Y. Coininl lt > ncr.
SupcrrUorfor tliu Uuvuriimunt. *
llonr llckntdr rlnin riliolsicnt to the under ;
Pltned , III fiiciirnhniwill lit culltcir tnd romlttoa
tu Ilia oHour tlieruuf , fri'u uf clintjp.
iCiiiMii u line
I Hi n v ,
For clnt ) rntoior ni oilitr InfnrinMInn , write to
tb unit nnltf nut , mutlntf ymir adJre cl rlj , wltH
hlnif. e'ountr , HniHlaud Kuiulifr. .Muru rnilililu'
llverr wlllb uuuro.lbr your uuclu lii ( u luvel *
oj > i'l' ' aniiK Tour rulluildroi.
City otJuura , Wnlco ,
Snd remittances for tickets lr ordln&ry l ttr ,
conlatitliiir Monpy ( ) rilcr. liiueil br nil eipmi ri > m *
I unlefl , nr \ orlc tSichiir i' , luiiK UmU or poilJ
i Jo. A1 < lroH9iill nelitrrei ] lrtiir to
Cltrol Juiroi , iltxlco , TU il l'