t , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY : SEPTEMBER 0. 189 8PEOIHL NOTICES. AIViilTISKMKNTHfor : thesocolumns will botuknn until ) ' - ! . . W p. in. for the evening odltlon and until 8.TO : p. in. ( or tlio morning edition aud Hi'NDAr Hue. fllEUMHCuli In advance. TJATES Advertisement * on this page nlll lie 4 1 rlmrired for at the rate of 1V4 cent per word for th first Insertion niul I cent pnrworci for ( Mich Htlbsequont Insertion , and Jl.no per line nor niontli. No ndvertlseinoiit taken for lesg than STii'cnli for tlio llrst Insertion. "INITIALS , figures , nymbols , oto , . count each -1 as mm word riMIESi : iiilrprtltpmcnti must run eomecn- J. lively nml under no clri'iimstunPes will they bo taken ordlncoiitlniicd bv telephone. 1)AKTIis : lulvertlslnz In those columns nnd having tliolr answers iiddies ul 1o a "num bered letter" In cnro of TUB Urn will rrcclvo nrumbered check to enable tlirtn toRPt their loiters , Answers will 1m dt'llvntpd only on nrefionlntloiiof thli check. Enclose answers in en vclopfM properly addressed. A nilvprtlHotnoritH under the head of " .Special Notices" nro published In both morning and evening Ml I ( Kins of Til K IlKR. the circulation of whluh nggrcgntrs mnro than 20.000 papers dally , and gives tlio advertiser t he bonrllt tint only of thn large circulation of TIIK IIPH In Omiilin. but \lso In foundl HlulTs Lincoln nml other eltli" ) nml towns In the wc-.t BRANCH OFFICES. Advprtlslnz for those columns will bo taken on the nbovi ) rondltlons. nt thn following busl- ness liousosHho are authorised In taknspecial notleei at tl/o same rates ai can bu liad at ttio main dlU'-c. Q017TII OMAHA IlItANTH Ol'TIon-No O 2U'jiN : Street , Mster lilock. JOHNW. IIKLL rharmaclstfc20South Tenth Street. HAhlJ A niiDV. Slatlonera and Printers , l-'lHoiilh 10th Street J. HIIOIIKS , I'harmncist , C 4 North 10th Stioct. F.O , W. PARK , I'harmaclst , 1718 Lcuvcn- ivortli fctrcot. JT lOIIiy ! PHARMACY , Sltli and I'liraum. SITUATIONS U'ANTUI ) . I'oralf , tic. , ter.tiipof ynntc/iluinii onUiU WANTKD A cutter desires a situation In a.iellahlo tnilorlni pstabllshmotit. elty or country , Addrc s N57 , Hcootllco. MHSJ-IO * \\TANTED Position In pilvato family by ' lady ; general housework or 2nd. 119 N. llth Bt. M OOn-11' WANTni ) My nn experienced cashier , a position In store , hotel or restaurant. Address NM. Uco. 1)71-0' ) " \\7rAN"Tii--AHHuntlon : ) In a wholesale honso IT liy a yoiuiK married man. Address N 5' ' , Omaha Ilee. tun 8 * SITUATION us stenographer and tvpowrltor liyahuly. I'osltlon more : ui objuct than Addiess N 45. Heo. ljl-S" ) WANT III ) lly a yniniR lady of consldei- nhli'liuHlnessoxpi'rlencoanil ability , some responsible position , or as prlvutu secretary Address N. 12 , Heu. fOS-ll ) SITUA'I'ION wanted bv a. lady to keep . - hoii'-o ' or to itwslst In the household. Addiess L. iC. Hco olllcc , Council III u IN. UlS-lr > ' WANTED I'osltlon as book Iceopor by young man Oood refcience , waues no ob ject. Addiess 1G12 N. 1'Jtli ' at , Omaha , Nob. IWJ-81 WIT . . . . TO Situation as night watchman In . . Hto.-e , mill or fai-tory. by un honest ro liable man. Address N 27. lleo. M827-10 * IT OUsowing by the day or week , call on or -L addtCbsMlssUurtlo Kmitz. 2TUJ Ham lit on st. BOY 1(5 ( years old wants to learn trade , \\nut \ boaid. mom und washing llr.st your. Ad- drossN - ' - ' . lino. 7 ! ) " > WANTCO-OI AliM 11 K I'oriatcs , ttc. , Ktti > i > of fuel column on/i ( sjiaoe. \\r ANTID : airi for housoworlc ; TT good wages. 4"8N. 2.lrd st. bSl _ 'lrst class salesman , single Must npcalc Ooiin.iu and rome wol rcconunundod. Address , 1'alrStoro.Illalr.N'eb MOSM1 WANTED flood boy lo lourn tlio Jouelry trade , UamoiiiV liunks , room 47. Darker block. MOnO-ll" WANTIH ) Traveling silosmen ; new In dention , bis money to rl lit parties. Cnl nt Omalia patent agunoy , cor Kith and Cap , avo. - M095-14 * W ANTIII ) Klovator boy at the Huston HlOlO , U39 TTHI'TY mon for U. 1 * . company work In JU Wyninlni ; . btondy all nlntcr's work , AlbrlRht'a Labor Agency. 1120 I'.iniam. 070 V "IXTANTIID I3\porlPiiccil man to tend nsoda V , VV natorfountain$10. Jlrs. Urut"i , Illi1 ; S llSlli. " 71 H * WANTIH ) Teams for now work at lock ! Island dopol cniuticls , Soutli Omalia. 1'ay every week. Vi. F. Cullaliin. B7U 14 * W AN'THO A reliable person to enpnue In business with us. Call ' , room 407 , Hieoly - * WANTrjD Salesmen on salary or coninils fclon tohaiullu the New i'.itont Olicnilca. Ink KiashiR IVncll. The RrtMitost scllliiK novelty u\ur pvuduced. Kiasos lul ; tlioroiiKli ly In two seuoiuls ; nn abrasion of mpur. S00t < Dee per cunt piullt. Unu : iKont'H sulos amount oil toJ'ttM In nlv days ; unothor fJ2 In twi hours.Vowantono cncrcotlu Koncrul ast-ii fur i-iicli Miitii and lurrltory. Sauiplo bv inil : IlTiets. Kortonns und full particulars , nildrcsi The Monioo I-r.i ! > or Mfg. Co. , LnUrussnVU. . I i bK ! ) fi' \A/AN'PIH Venn ? ninii as enslilor. .Mils TY bu alilu to furnish bund. Address , In own handwriting. N 41) ) Hcu. 015-5 * V\/A VIIII ; AII active man loroncu section , T > salary * 75to $100 , to locally lepre.sent a successful N. Y. company. Incorporated , to Mipply dry goods , clothing , shoes. Jewelry , etc. , to consumers at cost. Also a lady of tact , salary * 40. to enroll memborslbO.OOO now en- lolleil , 5100,000 paid In. ) Kuferonces cxuhnnged. Rmplro Co-Oporatho nssouiatlon , ( credit well lated ) , lock bovlilO. X. Y. WANTED 100 men nud 20 teams at 23th and LtiUost. toinotrow morning. Power worU , O. E. I'auulni ; & Co. OJii- ! ) * WANTnD-Mon for laml agrnts , fl.OOO yuiuly ; delightful climate , people live longer , happier , nccuinulato wealth c.isler than any locality on the Klolio ; gooil bushiest oppoitnnlly. Letters answered If bolf-ad- dressed stumped envelope Is enclosed , Address - dross , lo < c 500 , Van Kaub , Texas. 317-11 * \\7ANTED 50 men to dig In sewer trenches , T T ( iooil wages. Apply to Alt Mnciimhaii , lloatrlco. Xub. l)4v ) * , J > TAN losoll line of clears , I'M ' per month * 'l-und I'xponcepaid. . Address with stamp l lobo Cigar Co , bu Louis , Mo. b9I 0 * W - - , - . . . . . und glrh at Murphy , \Vascy \ & Co.'s chair factory. 741 a W cAN'J'IJD Siilesmon to soil Roods to mar- cliunls liysninulo ; sulury paid to peed moni Snnifdes furnished ; perniaiiont situation. Model Muiiufauturtni ; Co. , .South Hi-nil , lull , 707 HIP * _ \\7ANTnn , A VOIIIIK ninn to sell Domestlo V sowlns innuhlno. who Inn had experience in Uui business. Address ti. U. Smith , head City. S. Dale. 7oa 8' _ \\rANTIH ) Meu to travel for our Canadian T t niiiaorles.StoiH'.tVellliiKtoii , Madison , \Vla " \\7AWED Salesmen at S75 per month salT - T ury and expenses to sell a line of silver- jilnted vriire , wutches , etc. , by sample only ; IiorMinnd team furnished free ; write al once for full partlcnlui-s and sample case of goods free. SUndard Sllvorwuru Co. , Boston , Mass. MOiS * VVANTED-SOO laborers tor o\tra road > guii4. ) Apply to 1' . II , Johnson , II. & M. , pu sseiigor depot , Omaha. 551 V\rANTKl > - 0 men for Utah and Nevada ; wages KOO to J''io. Albright's Labor Agejiey. 1120 r.inniin st. UCO " \\rANTIJU Thrco tlrstclasimen to ropro- i ' gent the Oinah.i llccln and ontof tlioolty Call ut tlio ppealEilolllcu of Umaha lieu , rornor 17th und rarnaiu jirounj lloor , 077 Fort ate * , tlct < e top of fli tt column nil Will GlllL for geuoial housework 1C07 Shermuu a\c. aso * JANTKI > A girl forgencrul liouseworlc at lillOl'apltolave. U7J 0 * " \VANTKI ) 0x > d second girl. Apply Tues- VVday at 1011 l.ouust . 537 Cumins st. 733-S * AHUI ( ) ulrl for lioiitei\ork. Uoterenros ro- qulied. Oood wanes , Mrs. Duaiont. UOI3 Lufuyottci avenue. Uol O OOIC--A competent cook and laundress can fltul ' pcrmiuinnt employment by npplylnK to Mrs. ! Jimenti llurker. I'.lghtli and \Vorthlnit- ton : fi , , a. Tenth ; refcruueo renulred ; best HM. ! _ B75 b irilltS r I'LASS cook nnd dlnlni ; room girl , V Uood wuuej paid. 2U ) North.IHth st. st.uuo * WANTED A good girl for crncral house work. Mrs. Coots , South 10th at. between 'lorconnd WJllliims. 012-0 * PlOoTvWiifitFd , iTcoinpctcnt cook anil laun- dioss , Mrs. O. J , Hunt , KJ08. ath Ht. . * 88.1-S _ Tl-Jli A Rood cook nud u fcuuund Klrl for small family. Apply at S12 Daven port Bt. f O WA.VlEIl Two Blrls for kitchen work , Doran House , ( , ' 'tioutli 15th at. , ono block outliof courthouse. & ) S WANTED A good nurse islrl. Oood wanes paid to right party , H. li cor. 25 & _ _ .Tinci. 17ANTED A competent girl for nurse nnd second work. Mrs. Oco. 1'atcrsou , 120 S. 2.'ilh street. GIIEI.-.Wanted , steady alrl , first olnss cook nnd Iniimlress. Jlnst un thoroiiRhly com- pcttnt nnd well rcconiinciulcil. Wnces $ per week. Jlrs. William London , 000 S'JStli 8t.fill fill ) irANTED-Cotnpetont girl for „ . . . . > liuutimork.ugusM.50. . 1509 Noilh 18th. M 091-11 G1 wanted atClS.lSthigood waxes. M l JJ-l' ' ANTED Competent plrl for general boiHowoik. xwl I'niipleton ave. 1128 TO IlKNT. t , etc. , itt tap of Jlut column on tliii T ANT H D-S tln Kromiw 1 1 h two bed T rooms cominunlcatliiK nnd bo.ird In mod ern house , with all conveniences , hy twoyouni : mon. Ilest rofiiroucos. Addiess , atutlnir ti-rms and location , N. 51 , Ilee , SI9'H- ! ) roit For ratet , fir. , tee topof fist eiilumnnii tht * 71011 ItHNT The Invror story of my resl- - ( Icncofiirnlsbed. J. W. Van Notland. . 557 S.aithillect. : l > t > l U * OOT , 1st. , building on N. D. cor. 10th nnd DouglaH , 2 Ijascincntt" , 2 stores , and 7 rooms u jntaIr , * 1 JO. Airs , Kuhlnmun , 11 and Vlnton. HOI HOfSK with sovcn rooms , coller room , pan try , cistern and well water , opposite water works now pump liotise , 1318 S 20tli st. 003 0 * T710R11ENT-120o. Mtli st. . 0-rooin brick ; -I ? modern conveniences ; cliolco location ; de sirable nelgliboi hood ; casv walking distance from buslnea ? . J. W. Grlllith , U. L' . lulnrs. 103-14 * T710U liHNT Your cholco In two elegant ten JU room brick houses for 8i" > per month , just finished , modern coi enlunecs. W)7 ) and WO South 'Mh street. Uali ut Union National Hank. oo-5 ; : I710R UENT-Nlco 5 room cottage , 83 South U S2d , near I.cavenworth. KIl-S * rflllOSn four now houses , 10 rooms each , all JL conveniences , at 1'ark nvonuo and .Mason , for rent. Gco. I'tiut , IWJ Tarnnm. 8TO-U 11-room house , ICountzo Place , $20 per month . II. K. Colo. Oontlnental blk.1 bf-8 Ol UOOM house In good location , rent ( CM , fiiiullurc- i'M , f-.H'iiHli.balaiu'O monthly , ul'd : i U loom house for J.Vipor month , furiil- 1 1110 f I.V ) , pait cash. Co-op. Land and Lot Co. , LUi N. 1Cth st. UU1.-S FOU HHNT Now ten-room bouse ; all mo dern Improvements ; iilm ) nine-room Inlek housi ! with barn. Apply to OH on McC'alTrey , aiailliunoy st. iUO-l ) "TTIOR KENT House 8 rooms , pind laundry. -L1 Inquire Itobt. l'urvlsSltli Ac St. Mary's axe. "IOENT A six room house near to business Lleenter , JJJ , Mead Investment Co. . Hue b u tiding. iy'I FOR KKNT My residence furnished or un- fnriiNlii'il for winter or longer , desliablo locution. iNlrs. M. Klguttor , 11JJ S. 10th bt. 620 POR KENT First class 7 room Hat with rnneo. in now building , 2nd lloor. 70" > B. IGth st. * .M. George Clousi-r. 80-i-10 Cl1 YOU wish to rent a house orstoreseo II. C'ole , ( 'ontenllal block. 552 T71OR HENT--7 room Hat.SOn S. 13th St. $ .10 JL per month. Apply at The Kalr , J.IHran - dols&tons. 5.V1 T710R KENT Sept. 1. cottage with all model u J improvements , 1521 Sherman ave. K > 7 "I710R KENT To responsible p.irtles only , 1those line new brick and slouu houses on Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms nnd alcoves ; more conveniences anil bettor finished than any liouso for lent In the city. II , II. Hender son. 400 1'axton blocik. city. 553 IT-ROOM house with barn ; nominal rent. O , I P. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 559 HOUSES I'or Kent 21CG Cass st. , 240S Cass st. , SllSOassst. . 10 and 14 rooms : nil comon- lenees. Ohas. W. Halney , ai5Uiimha National bank build Ing. 545 Q8-room honsos , all moflern comenlonccs 'with barns , - blocks from motor. C19 I'uUou blk. 518 T71O11 KENT 7-room south and east front Jcottage. . iX > per month. Wright & Lasbury , blk. Ui'i -ROOM house. South 34th.wcst of shot tower % 0 sl5 * JOOK-Low rent , desirable modern houses & cottages. Euijulio Parrotte rental npcnuy 15 T71OR KENT 0 room brlcic house , east front , J-1 on OcorRla ave. . Just north of Lenvcn- wortli ; every convenleni-e ; newly painted and rcpulied ; Is In first ela s shape ; asiihalt navo- inent. To resiionslblo party , $50 , 31 A. Upton Co. , IGth nnd I'ainaiu Iiu , nil partHOf the city Rent r.inttlnu fioin $1J to ( W monthly- - Smcaton & Allen , ICO1)rnrnain ) Bt. 71s9 TJ1OR KENT A liouso of all conveniences , J-centrally located. Inquire 712 N Wtli st 441 l-'OK 11IONT ICUdAIS I-'UHNISIIUO J'or iaf ( , ttc. , tee top of first cohm > i OH tlilr ii.M1 ur.o larfjo Roittn rront room , with alcove , Kas and bath , one block from motor , To one getlouiun i5 , to two flH. : 'GOi Divcnpoit. 743-H * TflORItEM' Parlor and other nicely fur- JL' nlshod rooms with or without bo.iul ; 'Ml St. Mary's avo. M tftJ-H * - TTIOR RENT In private family , furnished JL1 parlor and bedroom. Modern conveniences. IMS Noith Isth. J1WI5-I1 _ , SOUTH front rooms with board In private f.uully ; nicely situated ; teims reasonable , S130 Ilurnuy. UU-ll" TTlUIiNISlinD rooms to yountc men ormnr- JL1 i led eonplcs. Steam beat , none nicer , 400 N Kith st , aid lloor. Nil ) ll ) SOUTH front furnished room. 241 ! Dodge. 83-12 * 1J1OII KENT furnished rooms with bath and -L1 bteam. 630 S. ICtll bt. IIIU-7 * T Alton fiont room , front parlor , east fronts , -LJfiuiiuce heat , gus , hot water , eta. ICO N. 13th st. Ollt TT1OUKENT Two furnished rooms , mod- JL ern convonloncos , at 'JOOJ Hurt. 1)52-7 * SUITE of newly furnished rooms with ens uud bath , 1UJ ) Howard , mi-U * 1011 Dodsost , In small New Rnsland family , 1 larco and small loonu nicely furnlsbcd , with superior biuid. Ulll-l- * 'I7TOR RENT NIouly furnlsncd suite of J rooms , with board. In prlvuto family , for four gentlemen or for gentleman and lady ; mouorii conveniences. No other boarders. Un 20th st. , near St. Mary's avo. Addiess N 41. lioo. - irJC-U NICELY furnished rooim. all conveniences , with bo.ird If desired. OUJ north 17lh st. 010-0 * TTIUUNMSHEn room , In private family , sult- J- able forKcntlcman and wife , OrJf. 17th st. HANDSOMELY furnished room. 2200 Dodge st. bS7 12 * ONK nicely furnished room. 717 So. 19th st. 7M h * fPO KENT 2 newly furnished rooms with Jt-Kasandbath , in prlv.ito family. 2513 Chi- licnt JIO and $12 per month. 6518 * Alton front room with alcove. Hoard C07N.20tbst. 850 11 * FOK HEXT rurnUliod room , 155 ! Howard bt. ; mnstgivu rctotcncos. 7Oi-U * Q-ROOM liouso. U3 < 1 and C'nmlnu' , W3 per Omontli. U. 1 < \ Iliirrbou. ull N , Y , j.lfu. fiiO T71OU BCNT 1'urulshod rooms , 1WJ Douglas. X1 ul "IJlOIt RENT furnished roomsj gas.bath and Jbteam , 151 ! ) Howard , fiGJ 17OOM3 furnisliod , with board. 212N.17th. It Cll 10 ST. OLAIlt European hotel.wlth dlniiiproom , stonm boat in all rooms , 13th-UodRo. Special rates bv week or mo. SSi MO.-T desirable rooms in tliu City. Also tublo board , 1822 Ohlcaso St. 928-13 * ITIUl iNlSllEn looms 520 S 13th St. . 3rd lloor. 37M < EQANTLY fnrnlshra rooms , with or ! J without board. 11U Kiirnam. Oia-U * FOK RENT lloonis nicely furnished or un > iiiniished with ijas , bath and heat. Apply 3310 llarncy street. O/'a-U * , .11 N. l ( < ( li it.linnd omcly furnlslicd rooms l ± also table board. Mrs. Churchill. P07-1H * roil HKNT-KOOMH UNKUltMSIIKD /'or rott * , ttc. , f/ top of Jlnt rolunin mi thttpaot. 2 UNFUllNISIlD7outii room9c23P. 19th st. [ I03-10 * , OK 3 nlco newly papered unfurnlslu'd -'rooms. City water , hath and sower.oneablo line , very cheap , 1123 N SOth. MTfl 0 * 1" neil RI.NT-J Kxjms , unfornisbed , 210 N 13tli l Bt. . price f 10. fr > 4 0-ROOMS un furnished nnrl rooms furnished for rent In Duggau block , cor. iUh : and i'a- cltlc. ffi\ \ ron UIXTSTOUIH ; : AAU OFfer for aff , ( Ie. , Ke toji of flnt column un tliti jxiae. TtTftl-J i6r Iti'iVt Kii4" InxlKo st. ChasTVT" Ralncy , 313 Umulia National banlf bldg. Ml T71OU RENT The 1-story brick tmlldlnz , with J or without power , formerly occupied hy the Hue I'tiblWihiKCo.Dill t'arniimst. Thobiilld. Ing lutsa lire-proof cciiiuntbascinotilivoinplcto steam hoatliiK llxtures , water on all tbelloora , Bas , eto. Apply nt tlio ofllce of Thu lice. I3 STOKES at 709 S. 10 , 20x00 o.ich. Inrco show wlndovs , Hteatn heat furnished. Thos. L' . Hall 311 I'.mou block. 6C5 OR UHNT Ilrlck wnrehoiisp. two storlo nnd huseinont , 27,000 dnuaio feet , with M feet of douuli ! Hack on u. I * , railway , south 20th nnd I'lerco sticcts. Addiess U. Oskntiip O u ( ttl 171OK RrNT-llulldlliRV5\124 ; ( ft. . 4 stories and JL ; bisement , on Jones street , bet ween 10th and llth , with It. 11. t lack In alley ; best location In the cltv for wholesale. Inquire 310 S. 15th st. U A , Llnddiiht. MG OITIPIIS In Wllhni'll block with all modern linprotemciitd very cheup.IJtli mid Hartley. iliXTAh : AC 10X0 * . I'or mtgH. etc. , ne top of Jlitt column onif | " 171. r. OHk , rental acency ; loans , mortjrriKos JU lioiiglit. taxes jiald and collections. Uoom 9.11 N. Y. li. building. Jl OsO 0 8 * T 1ST your houses with Shaw's lental nconuy , J-J501 9. llith st. U01 O , C. RENTAL nsent , Oco. Paul's now list now out. icon Fill-Main. ' " " " HE. Cole , rental agent , Continental hlk. f > .VJ EJ. IREY. icntal agent , SOO N. Y. Life.W W > 7 S'lOUAOU. t'orntff , cfr. , rte top of Jiittt column on f/iti / STOUAOK Sco us before storing goods of any description , Omaha Stove Kcpalr Works , 1207 IJoURlm. Tel. OIW. f > 71 rpKAOKAOKstorage at lowest rates.V . M. JL lliishmun .Kill Leavenworth. f > ? J STOUAGK-llrancli & Co. , 1211 llovraid. 673 STORAOR Per inorohnndlso and fuinltiire. cold NtnrnKe and ficcitnx ; traoku o. David Cole , 813-817 Howaid st. S7I 1'KUSONAL. Fnrratrctc. , tretopnf flwltnlitmnan 1 > riSONA ! L-\Vhllo temporal lly under aber ration of mind MM. Sirah ' ' . AleMasters of Alda , Ncl ) . . left lierliomu for lluilliigton , In. , Sept. 'I , nnn tiothliii ; has slnoo been leained of her whereabouts , blueo leaving Seliuylcr Sept.4. Aied4l ; helKhtflft.Mn ; uoldht , 1M ; hair , dark ; uoro brown hat with II brown feathers ; carried black satchel with her name on. Shu should be placed under arrest and Chief Soitvov of Uiiiuliunotlllcd. W. I ! . Mc- Manturu , Aldn , Nob. 077-10J PiiPO.VAL"70" ; ! yours mailed nth received this morning fitli. Will send Hob's letter to runny as requested. Leave here lodav. \ \ Illbo fa "II b" tonmrinw night and "I ! S" 10th noon. " 1" "O" "S O. " T. IKH-8 * MARHIAan paper coiitalnlnti columns of peronnlsand particulars of society that pajsfrom * . " > OJ to Tl.500 at marrlaue , mailed free. Addioss tboOlobe , Altoona , 1'a. * For rat ct , r tc. , tee top of fret column nn thttnye. . FOUND On DOURO street a package of money. The on nor can IIUM ) the same by calling on the undeislgiird and paying for this add. P. L. I'erluc , 1JOJ Kuinam btieet- IKU 8 DKKSSAIAIvIN'G. For rate * , etc. , sre tnynf first coimn ! ( OM thin ix DHK&SMAKKR wishes to go out In private families by the day. Call 2313 Chlcaso OGO-0 * ENGAGHMENTS to dodross-makluK In fum- lllea bolieltod. Miss bturdy , tti3 S 2. > th ave. 485-S27 * MUSIC AKT AXI > IjANGUAOE. Fortnlw , ttctce top of. first ealmn on tMi vane. JCFOKR buying a piano examine the now - > sculo Ivluiball piano. A. HoKpe,1513 Uouu-lns 577 GEO.F.aELLENHEOK. toachurof thobaiij with IIospc , l.'iU Douglab. 2I'J ' Omaha KindorKartcnwlll reopen Mon day , Sept.SA'COOUavonpott. JlissE. Orllllth -40-01 * WA11HR pianos for sale only by Omuti ; Music Co. . 1J1 ( ! Iod e. C08J9 MUSIO fiO per cent discount , and pianos on easy terms. Omaha Music Co. , l<i Dodge 008s"0 PAT13NT SOLICITOUS. For rnfcs , etc , see top cifflrnl rolmmi on thli pngt. ' /\i-ijki. jut > j Ji , iiii ' , tuik < 'ta. O. t , . .3UC ! - Ac Co , lice building , Omaha. Four years e\porlenco asoMinilners In U. S. patent olllcc Itraneh oillco at Washington , D. 0. C'unsuliu- tlon freo. 5iS ( I'KNSIOX AGENCY. Forratrt , etc. , fee tup of Jirol column on thtt JT. l'ATCIIe\chislvo pension and claim at- tornoy : in or I1 ! years' experience ; all tlie latest laws It dcelslons. Ollicu romo\cd fioin l ° rciizerblk to ChainburConimorceU' > l. Omalia. b5l O 4 , _ . . i' law ; pensions for almost all soldiers : - fathers , mothers , widows nud minor chil dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by i : . N. Cllnginan , 10 and 21 Frcnzurulk. , Omaha. Also Wabhlnxton and Cincinnati. Circulars fieu ; 15 j cari'ox , purlonce. 570 "pENSIONH-Illram A Pturgcs , export In JL pension cases. O\or in years experience. Have secured over 3.000 pensions for soldlets In Nebraska and lowu.theh wldons nnd liolis. Abandoned , delayed or i ejected cases a speci alty. Claimants for pensions under the now law should llleatoncc. No advance fee. Lf- ) Ik'oS'/i Uiolghton block , next south of poit- ollleo. 819-slu * SUOI'.TIIAXD AND T Yl'KVIJIT I NO. rntM , etc , , KC top of Krt rndniiii on this jxiae , S , "nil niuUos , bought , sold ! c\- changed , rented. J , I' . Jlo oatb , 1007 b'ar- nuiii street. ) S MWFi\VUITiKS ; : for rent or sale. SteiToK- Jraphurs supplies. J.I' . 31egcathlU07 Karnaiu OljAlllVOVANT. Forratts , etc. , fee top nf ftrot column on thlx MADAM Stover of St. Louis , the wonderful uiiid leailur , has returned to the elty , and will give perfect satisfaction on all allulrsof life. Call and bo convinced. Ladlosno cts. ; Kvntlcmen. tl. No. 3 N IGth st , room 10. Hours from U to t ) . bio i : HHS. 1)11. HDDV. the distinguished trance clairvoyant , late of Itoston. > hllo en tranced w111rovoal every lilddon mystery in llfo. I'ropiirca KKyptlaa tallymen , which will overcome your cnuiules. remove family trou bles , restore lost affections , unites thu sup ir- atcd. helps In nil trouble , oto. 1'ec. * I and up wards. N. I ) . 1'crfeotsutl.sfaetlon Kiiarunteud by mall. Send stampfor Illustrated circular , BIrs. Dr. Eddy , KLH ) Douglas btrcet , Onmlia. / LAlltYOVANT Prof. rorrest.overCIOS , 13. \J fASSAGE , Maoam Dclzlcr. ovenllOS. 13tft. L 751 O. 2 MHS , NAMUR V. WAHUI1N , clairvoyant , triinco. sno.iklin ; , wrltliiK and rollnblu businessmedluiu,4 yeara InUiiiahu , HUN.lOtU 1'AUNliltUUUItH. l-'iir nun. etc. , tei top offimt column on tnn ivvjc. ITUtKI ) MO11IK loam money on dluinonds , J. watclie9Juwelryote.S.K. cor.l'aruaiiK llth AVANTHI1 TO 11UV. rornittt , _ tet nee top of first folionu on tills pOSTOFFIOC letter box wanted , who has i. ono for sale. Address N 31 Dee oillco. Ols-ft * rp < 5 HUA small cottage homo between Laavonwortli and Cumin ? , not wert of VCth BtM fojrcuah. Address N UP , lleo ofllco. b.VI ' ld BOOdsToto. HlKhest - * cash price. 1111 I'lirmim. _ 6oi ) \ \ 7"ANTEliifousoh6iiU poods of all kinds. ' fash ualn for second hand goods. Uato City Auotloa Co. , 11J ! and Sli a. 13th at. 710 Ul * 3IKD1CAIJ. for rattt , tie. , tee top c.'A > ( lolumn on tht * ) xifl . OOMR nil and tak.q.aiiiassnco trvatmeiitt ' ffotnetlilni now. 1'ilnora , W7 8 Utli st. next Markerliotof. ' ' 49814' - biilhs , sculp and hair ttvitVmciit , ninnleure mm clilropodlsU Mrs , l'os | { SD-SI , Wlthncll bllt. IIA1H OOU Tr\VlGS , K'1'0. For rattttte , , ftt ( - > p offirttrohimnon tM i tage. 13KST Hiio hair Roods | | i ' J3wlK , switches , banftjs hair chains , etc. . a specialty. Da vies Iiylr floods nnd iiilllliior , opposite postollU-c.llt'g.lMli ' i st. Omaha. For nilfn , ttc. , ttc top nf Jfi l firfmnu oil I WANT seine earth removed and liavo a coed well liouso and Homo windows -with blinds to sell. Win. l'loinliiLSOS N. IHth at. M Wl-ll * HOUSES taken for piistnrinri' for the winter attor month , or \ \ lih feed and shelter nnd extra riro : al fioinS tojl PIT niontli ut Hummer IIUI 1'urtn. llorsi'sriilled for und ro- iiirned. lor further particulars call at 403 I'aUon blk J. II. I'rntt 1)74 ) U * ni"usTn. A. llo'l.YOICK will reopen her prl- 1'L vato school for boys nud girls at irpIO Ho. 32nd avenue , September l.1SIH A limited number of mipllsttikcn. Koferenees ; Mrs , T. li. ICImbiill , Atr . a. W. lloldrego. Omnha , Neb. ; Kov. S. ll , Oiiltbrop , Hon. A. J.Northrup , Syracuse , N. Y. BOO-115' "VTOTIOK My wife. Oeor le .T.Jackson. Iiu * 0.1 driven mo from home on at'roitnt of hnr temper. I havoKhon her cvciftlilni ; In the house , but will not ho responsible for any debtusho may conttact , lMs\ln Jnoltson. 1)10-0' ) rpO shoo dealers : The Now Jersny rubber .L boots , shoes , iirotlcs and specialties will bo extensively advertised the coinlnjr fall and whiter. U tlto forcutaloiruc. ete. I am west ern iiucnt at Omuliii. My sales this season hu\o beaten ull previous reeoids. / . T , MtuNcy. GOT sfi-J HUTHIIOU'.330S. ' 10th st. , payVhlcliest prlco for ladles nnd Rents' east-olV eloth- lup. Address by letter or postal nnd I will call at nny time. 403 u FOll SAIjK IIOl'.SKS WAGONS 10TG. I'or rates , etc. , tee top of fin > l column on tliti Gi OOD delivery wnpon. liorbo und harness , all ; for S40 , I'JIS S 20th st. UOO ! ) ' s pony , &S.OO. H. K. Cole , Continen tal Ulk. b"o-10 T71OIJ SALE A gen tic. rcllablo family horse ; JL' also buirzy and harness , / . 11. Knight , 2204 Webster. WC'-S' IN "VTIGE wood-top wagon. 1JI2 Dodge st. 810 04 T.rmfSES $50 nnd up. 1I. E. Colo. "filOUIl teams llffht uiulesi onn heavy 1,500- -L pound horse. loom 13 , Hoard uf Trade , 178 TVTOHK * liorsoWO.tno her > o winjoti $ ; o.doublo T work harness 8H. Or will trade for a Rood lljihtsldo bar bu syK. . Cole , Contin ental block. 8 < iO SAM : run-alt * , etc. , rce lop of first mlnmn on this J1TIOIt PA In Owing to ehaiiKos In busl- J-1 Inesseollerforsalo at a saciallco a llrst llvorv and boardliic stable ; now .slock. good bulldliiK Ith good paying trade , cost 910,000 cash , for sale at SVWO. one-half cash. Curtis & Sackott , 203 So , 15th St. , Omaha. MOJ1-15 TTIOItSALE Good eight-loom house and lot , JL' very near businessfor $7,000. Addu-ssNCS , lleo. MlHd-ll * T71OI ! HALE Stoio and stock of general ruor- -L1 cbandlbc. Stool ; will Invoice WOOD. New stock , well nssoited. Located on U. I' . It. H. at a good trading point- , \\11I trade this prop erty for Omaha real estate nsd one-half cash. Write for particulars. Addrosb N Kt , lice oillco. MHSll-1. ) "T71OH SALE A good paying saloon In Council .13 ItlullH. Address Nff.Jleo. MKI-ll * "ITIOU SAM : Thoroiiffhbred Yorkshire skyo J terriers , bull terrlfcw , Scotch collies. Kn- ( llsh setters and deonhounds. MaxJ. liiehr at Max Meyer & Hro. . jUth nnd I'limam. r > ii 1T1OH SALC Cheap , an elesant ladles' fur J-1 cloak. Inquire at Auu'nst bchaofiT , drug store , corner Corby nnd blierinan uvonuo. I . , 8711 6 * I-'Oll SArjI'FUllMTOflK K1C. Fnrialc * . etc , , K ( op of flnt column on l/ib / pay. rpIIESNAPof Snaps For sale at your own -L price and on easy terms , the turnltuioof a ton room house only two blocks from post- olllce. Kooms all occupied by desirable and prompt paying tenants. Owner leaving elty nnd mustsell. Low rent und IOIIK Ieiso on house If desired. Its almost llko finding (400 per mouth. U. V. Nl < , 0101'axton block. 5IW7-11 * FOll SALE Ohonn The furniture in the house , No. 1818 louglas Street , for sale , aud house for rent. Enquire on the promises , MONEY TO LOAN. For rates , etc. , tee top of ftnt column nn this pao mo LOAN-I.50D at 8 per cent. O. V. Harrl- JL son , Oil N. Y. Life. 07,1-10 100 to 1,00 ! ) speclil loans. Would loan on build ings , on leased lots when ground rout Is rea sonable , or gllt-cdgo paper will bo bought. Addiess N 58 , lleo. ' J1091-1J * OOSIMKKCIAIj and general short tlmo paper bought ; ulso regular. ' ) your loans on linpiov- ed property. Geo.K.lllust JCo.,20JUaiiiBolIdg ) /"IHATTHL Hank. 311) S. nth St. , loans money Won chattels or collateral at reasonable rates , 530 FIHST & second mortgages on vacant it Im proved city prop. County warrants bought Money ouliaud , F. M , Klcliuidsuii , S18 N.Y.I , Ifo. Ml TEL loans at lowest rates. Iloinoved to 0 34 , N. Y. I.lfo Hldg.DJ.H. nmmliigor. 7L'7 MONKY to loan by H. 1' . Mustcrson chattel and collateral seem Hies for any time fioin ono to six months In any amount to bull bor rower. Loans nmdo on household goods , nlnnos , organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , wuro- lioiibo 1 receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rutoswithout publicity orromovul of pioporty .My loans uro so airunscd that you can nmko n ' payment of unv iiinoiint at any tlmo and icdiico both prlnolp.il and Interest. If you owe n balancii on your property or liavo a loan you wish changed , I uill pay It on" and cairy It for you. If you find It more convenient , call up telephone , No. 10-1 aud your business can bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. , IJ. 1' . Masters. Room 4Wltlinellblk. , 13thand Ilurneysts. 578 BUILDING loans , fi to 7percont ; no nilcll- t'piml ch urges for commission or attorney's fees , \V. II. Mollilo , rirst National b'uik hldg. 5R.I MONHY-HO , fiO or 00 days on fiirnlluro , pianos , horses , houscj.utu. J. J. Wilkinson , CIS I'axton block. 5 t 7UUST 1 inortKasu loans at low rates and no delay. U. V.Slioles Co , , 2101at Nat'l bank. LOANS-OU vand fariti lAins.mortsago paper _ bought. McOagiiu riiVcstinoiit Co. { toll KEYSTONKSIortsay . Loans of $10 to 11,000 ; got our ratoVftpforo borrowing and save money ; loans on IIOMCS , furulturo.or any appioved seourlty without publicity ; notes bought , for now loan , iriiotval of old nnd low est rates , cull K.SOS.blmoJy blk.,15thA ; Howard , 537 TTNUSUALLY low rtte.s : LJ of Interest on first iiiortgnses of Improved real estate for the next OJ.duvs by the Kansas Oltv Investment Oo. KooraUu , Ilourd of Trade. J. II , I'ease. manager , in' f > CHATTEL loans lowest.rates , busbies.confi dential. M , J. llullltf Continental blk. O.TJ.oXCY to loan on any security O.TJ. for short tlmo at low rates. Iwivfiist rates . The IIondoiNon Mortaf'igo ' Investment Com- pany. room 400. I'axtolf nlk. _ f/l ) KKAL Kstato Loans Cash on hand. Oloba Loan & Trust Co. , : i07ti. Kith at. No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rent ; good list. OIinAI'caMem money I'lilhulelplila MoriRngo and Trust Co. , always ro'idy to lo.in unit pay piomptly ; llrst mortgages wanted. UoorjuV. . I * . Co.Ucs , rep resentative , room 7 , boanl of trade , r/U ANTED Klrst-cinsi Inslilo loans. Low est rates. Tall and see us. Mutual Invest- mentLCo.JVHrarnaiii. [ 6lrj TT'ASTnKX money to loan on city property ! JUmortgugu paperbought. ll.li.Irey.N.Y.I.lfc. B UlLDINO loans made at lowest rates. VI , II , Harris , room 20 , 1'runzer bi ; < . , opp. I * . 0 , D'A" , " 171A KM loans titur Lund & . Loan Co. J-1 418 B 20 _ PUIVATE money to loan clieao. O. II. Ilnr- Jrlsou.Ull N , V. life. fou FIIIST mortRSRo loan1 * on Improvrd and un improved jiropcrty. Charlei . Kalnry. Ill5 Oniaim " NntlonnlI bunk buUdlnit ftn _ _ L"b\VE \ T rates on cholco elty loans of tl.OOO ' toJVlX ) ) Central I.oun & Triut Co. , 1208 I'arnam st. 'IJIOU SAljE Nleo 7-room liouso rotuly to V move Into , nlth ( ull lot , i-V.'OO , tJJO cn fi. O. I * . Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. M > 7 Ul.tW tolimn on tint mortgage ; must bo all Pin ono amount or two loans of KM each. Heed * foUiy , 13 Hoard Trail t' . 4. Kia MrANTIl6NYn"tS N. Y.t.lfo hillld- In ? , lend money on fnrnmln cbiilco conn. ties ofchru < ka and louni also on good Uiiinha nsldenco projiertyi lowest rates ; best terms ; no di-Iay ; money ready. Titles and values passed on here. M _ _ D ! : llrokcr In real estate mongiiges ; ot > > _ tain money at least cost to Itorioneri open i y till 7 p.m. Itoom J , llarkrr blk. MONnVtol itn. to delay , In larizo orsinull niiKiiiiits lowest rnti' ? . Apply 0. K. Kov nolds , Oil ) Now York llfo lildK. Tcli'phoiuM-lOl. M ON iY loaned nt low rates on fiiriiiliirp , horses. An. , without publicity , lliiul.eyo Investment UoU3 Douglasbllf.lOihand . Iodto. ) I1J KRNTiioney to loan ; lowi > nt rat"sj iiu i'dclayi larije loans a ( peolulty ; short tinio IIHIHT bought , Onuilia Mortgiigo Co. , griiinul lloor ClminbUrof Uoiuinurvi1. 415 FOlt Formf < s. ( ( ( * , , tc ( / ) ) / Jiltl rolui'iti nil till * | MO DXC-IIANaR-Mci-cliiiiidlso nml city propt-rty forliiiul , AdilrossYestorn Kx- Columbus. Nub. fclti S * SOJIK ini'rclinnill'o forcleur real estatu anil cash : uNo n few so lujr niauhlnet , A. C. Itrock , Arnold , Nob. IWI-IS rpO i\01I : A NOR Corner lot.sonthcast front , JL t\'MO \ , for hor&es , bu KluHor merchandise. Addicss N SO , lleo. bOO-0 \ \fANTnn-Cloar farm , ranch , OP stock T T ind.se. . and cash , foi line rental property In cltr. W. . 1WJ Kurnani. 7i'l-8 ' \\riSCONSlN walor power mill , with suncrcs T t land _ _ o.\cliaiio ) ! for Nobtaxkamop oi ty , 2ffH Ducatur. alO-iSJ * BlIVKN room , ! 2-ttory liouso in Momnontli Ol'arlc. ono hloclf fioin motor ears ! collar , clsturn , lario ! barn , etc. AK > with first I'lav ) liiiiirovc'iimnlsiidjoluliix Central - tral City , Nob. Also KlO-acro Improved farm in Antutnpu county , fft'b. Also a line lar o family lioisc , earriaffo , w.ison , hninoss.ciittt'r and other personal property. Owner Is n non- iu ldunt nnil will exoli. 1111:0 tlio uhovo for a coed farm In eastern Ni'b , or lO'ililrnco In Uinaha. Jtustlio fri'o fioiiilneuiuljriinco.'lll putliihomu nionoylf iiecussury.VliaLhae yon to oflcr ? ( U-o. J. Stcrnsdoif , 1st Nut'l bank biilldlni ; Telephone 404 7288 -I'lrat inortRiiRes on vacant or impiiivud lot.sln oily , lunu tlnio , In utiy- ment for lioiso. buggy , bain ll\tun > K , hlp < , robes , ote. , pianos , notes , second niortc.icei , otc. , In part or all , Ho quick. Addruts N 11 , Hoe. 7J1-8 A7\rANTni > I'crsonul property , rndsi' . , horse t nnd butrgy , stock , etc. ; will tratlo clear anil mutlKiwd lots and lands for samo. Clvo full particulars of whatyou liivoand we will iniiko offer utoni'o. Address N l.'l , llou. 7S1-8 I poll OMAHA resident or business ' ItrlcU block , fieu fioni Inniiinbr.tnce , enntnts. i-orncr room occupied by bank , routs pnvgooil Intoreht on : iOKW , ( , lit a good , tbrlv in ; , ' Noliraska town , cross ralliuad and a division station. Address 1. . si , Iteo U'll T'O ' KXC'llAXOK-AljotitfiO nnartursof line lallway cnntrnet lands 80 to 1'JiO In a hod ) ' . Would llko toiiut all or part Into nlargo tract , block , stock of tniNc. . or stocks In city. Will asMimo.V. . ,1. Paul , liidO Kiiniani. Wl-8 " \17ANTED-Stockofjronoral miNe. , Involc- V > limJ..OUO to 110,000 , for choice Omtilni Im- proxcd juopcrty and cash. Address , M'.ll.lSco. SOI/lDcold Waltham watch and worlt lior o to trade for prood sldu bar buggy. 11. B. Cole. Continental block. i > 91 Foil SYMJ-KUA.IJ KSTATH. c. KC fiiji orlift / column an till * jmge. r1\VO counters , 1C nnd 1" feet IOIIK wlthdraw- J-ois , well iniido ; two Hots blie oH , 10 feet long each , us good us new , cliunp , 1218 SOiith st. /"lIlOTOEIotatN. W. cor. Park. ClxlOO , W.SOO , \J 0. ! ' , Harrison , Oil , \ . V. Llfo. 073-10 "VTIOEliomo , Hurdotto andSOth , 6-room cnt- JL > ti"c ! ( , * IWX ) . WOO cash , C. F. Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life. fclfl "tjlOH SALU The cholco residence at No. JD 10.S4 Georgia uve. , aj\40 ! ft. 15. front , 0 largo rooms , bath , pas. sowor. hot and cold water , olosot and all convonloneos. owner gnlntfto leave city. D. V. Sholes Co. , 213 l t N at. bank. OOU EOU SALB-Enst fiont on 32nd avo. north of Mr. H. Stono'ti rpshlcncc , $ . ' 1000. Very cIieap.DO. P. HarrKon.Oll N. V. l < lfo. 07J-10 fjlOU SALK-Or trade. Heautifiilnowll-room D housu only 2 blocks west of Lowoavo.on Cass st. , hlRli and sightly nnd on grade ; full lot , cltv water , cistern , tower , bay window , porches , double floor , collar , bath room all finished In llrst-elass style , price , M.500 small nnvinentdown , balances years nt 7 per cent. Will : tr.ulo for clear fnrm land or Omaha lots. Owner , E. G.Slcrrlll , 4tS ; Walnut avo. Walnut IIUI. Omaha. & 70sUi * WAM'KD For actual customers 2 or 3 $ .iYX ) places. You will waste your own and inv tlmnlf price Is not very leasonablo. O. V. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. DTJ-10 TTIOK SALE Oholuo lot In Bedford place , JU $1,050. O. F. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 073-10 FOR HAI/E Hottsrs and lots on monthly payments. Oco. I'aul , 1C09 I'lirnani , bOO-8 GOOD way to seonro a lot for a homoTFfo buy ono in llarel Toiraco , only tlO ro- ( inlicd In advance , title perfect. 11,1) ) . IJeed , K. Ill , HoaidTiado. b9J-0 f QNAl'S"-Star Land & Loan Co. O 413s 20 100tl30 foot cast front on 'tld St. , near Dodge , on grade. A new well built 8 room house , nlcolv llnlslied , all modern conveniences , In 1'opplolon park near motor. Also some good lots in Kllby place , 1'onplutoa park and La- Veta place on anil near MO aTe. 1'or ti'rnia call on or udcliebs J. IJ. Xlttle , 014 N. Y , Llfo. 0.15-sU FOK SALE Oood lionm , KW and Cuinlng , 81,000. O. r. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 1)73-10 ) "TICK SALE or JIxchanRiv-Set-ond mortgage J. notes of V > 0 toJ..OOO each.lands luidliouvs ; want clear lots. Address N 14 , Hoc. 7 ' 1-a iTJyr In lledford 1'laeo on btalo ( IWth ) St. , to JJe.xeliiiiiiic ! for lot In Cartbnito or Idncnln Place. W. ISelliy. . Kllloaid of TinUo. Kn $ lav ) to f 1,500 for I Incoln I'laco and Carthage lots ; easy loims. U'.L.Selby , la Hoard Trade. 001 171OU t-ALII-Lotl ) , tilock u. hliull's al. SJ.W ) , JL1 one-third cash. O , V. Harrison , 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. A SMALL payment down and ? I5 per month will buy a l-rooiu house nnil lot on Killi. 2 blocks f ! < niiinotnr ; llrst-olass clianvo to ac. nulio ; i lioinu on easy tcrniK. Apply to II , E. Colo. Continental block. not IT YOU liavo anytliliiR to sell or exchange call at U1H l'a\ton liluok , CO -i'o piircliasogood city property Improved or unlnipiovcd. 1'or sale or rent , Rood farm lands close to city. In 40-iicro lots or moii' . Rents collected and for general icul ostiito business apply to O.K. Reynolds , U10 Now York llfo bids. Totopliuuo J I'll. ' : i J-s2l "TJIOIt SALE Special prlcnon choice east und J south fiont near Milton Itogors' place , AVest rarnani , lot OJxl5. > , corner , O. P. Har rison. 911 N. Y. Life. 073-10 T7IOH HALH 12 sections of land In Nebraska : -L1 ut less than half value , by owner. O. H , rotei-son , ( US H. nth St. Oir.sll T INCOLN 1'luco lota f 1'J.V ) to tJ,500. Dexter J-JL. Thomas. WW TT1OR SALE Splendid place , INtli and Wool- JL1 worth , * IMO. 0. K. Haulson.Oll K Y. I.lfo. 07.5-10 TjlOItSALL-Onolotln Kllby I'laco , I'XW ' , J1 Three lots In Kllby I'laco. 11,100 miuli. Hast front lot on Lone avo. { J.OOO ; 8.VJO cash , balance to suIt. Ileautlfiil lot on Sprint ; street north of I'tir- iiuin , only i"M. Houth front lot , corner on Fa mam btrcot , ? . ' , .100. Houtli front lot.COxlffi on Howard street near Kth.forW.ooo. The aboro vacant lots are- all bargains and terms can do arruiiKud to Butt buyer. W , U , llomun room U. I'renzur block. . ' . ' 7 liI,1OANT : triekago "lot < frotitlm , l xiB. : 1 ( ? J paM-d ft. , traelv In nlloy. For sale or loaho on Ion ; time. The .Mead ln\ehlmentCo. , Hue lild'ir. - 1)17 ) "II1OUI Afi lUby 1V5 fiot north mm east ' -L front , corner on Dodge st. . ono of the nlrobt residence sltos In thu city , for (7,500 to a desir able pirty who will build u good residence. W. R. ( Ionian , room (1 1'runzor oik , 4UI I.PA/.KL Torrnco lots ate locntod Just north 1. ofr-outh Umaha I'urk , fur sit loon very i'isy terms 7 pur cent interest. 11. 1) . Ilctu , KOOIII IJ , Ito.ird Trade , bUS-U HA/.KL Terrace lots { . ' ,00 each , flu down nnd $10 u month. 7 percent Interest. II , I ) . Reed. Uoom 13 , ilourd Trade. BUJ-u XV AUQII AWcntorfloli1ro.il cstnto.S.Om.aha. TT OUt jjHHi HA\i E 0-room IIOUBC. Inodcrn itiipriMP * JL' me ills , burn , do. . fiO.foot lot , on Vlrt it , I lie bo.st residence St. , In tin ) ultf , for W.fiOO. $ IMK ) cash , balance to suit , V-rooni house and MMoot lot on I'urk a\o. , for Mri ) . 8-r\K > mhou o andco-foot lot onSlst vennp , Just north < iHt. ( JliiryV nvo. , for (1,000. ( U-rooni hoiiso , all modern Iiu pro * uui cuts. W- foot lot , on Spciu-crst. , for * JVx ) . C-room homo and bath. II n > nhco Mlth oik tnantol.clty watt'r.Rasctc. . ntll-Vli ami Jack son sts , for $ I.\H ) , on turinto suit buyiT. Tlu" > e nr nil conulan liirinlii' ) ( . The h rent for IMIOIUII to pay 10 per rent on nrlce uikcd. W. 11. Human , rooiuO Kr tucr blk. .1. L T OTS In llazol Terrnco mldltlon. .n blocks J' fioni motor line to South Oiiinlm , JlOdonn nnd $10 a mouth. II. 1) . Uoeil , room III , Honrd Trade. - LOTS only two inllrs from postofllco nnd thteo bloekH fioni motor line to South Omaha for ilo at.WO lojMWi-achi I'sist/torius. lew Interi'St and perfect title. 11. P. Rcfd llooin U Hoird Traili * . ytl-U _ OOTTAOK homes In most nnj-nddltlon for saleut f roni $ l.i )0 ) upon o.isy inontlily | i > - nienlM. I' , li. Darllny.il Murker blk. ( Jifr NKSS CUANOis. : J'urmtt ! , etc. , f top of firrt fufiiniu on f/iH / IE-Kltit elms dairy. Call on I , . W. Wrlitht , riorenco , or V. T , Dow , 70S North 18 street bills * IflOIl SAI.H OnPHtoik of grooirioH , invoice J fl.-W , Includes llxlui-oa nnd froinhl. for fl.OOO cishi no pruperu wanted la evlmnjio ; ' aie In llrstclass ihupe , inv In be tframe Tiiilldlm ; In town and ono of the bi'st local ums , Proprietor. II. Vicsi , Is ( loud. Will rent the building for f2U per month. Carrie West , Hxutur , Neb , 7S.I-D * filOli SA 1.11 A t a barjaln.a good store IIOIHO J.'fitted nu with sliolM-s and conn ton , bnso- nient 0 rooms for dwelling , good cistern nnd veil , will sell or tr.ulo for u So. 1 stock of j ro- oorles. Address Keel A Keel , C , 0.13 , grocers , OJ2 N 10th st , 02 * I1OK SALE or trade A first cta s hotel In n comity se > at In i'istorn Nebraska. 1'or mrtlciilnrHInquire ot\V. \ L , Suluy , room U , Ilimrduf Tiadu. 75U T\UUO stock and fixtures , Invoice about J-'ifcJ.OWj nut any olil stool ; will ollfor jnrt e.ish , or exchange for a farm. Addiess W ihoriii'ioeh'bo'Vfl ! ! , UlcTillciiV."Soh"'Ki3" . . AUA1SK chance. City Ilotolof Mlllind. Neb. , for lent , sale or exchange for farm or Omaha property. lion loeilod hotel In Jill- lard ; lias bar-room , dance hall , Ice liouso nud htablei all con\enlonco II. I ) . Cole , Conti nental bile. , or O. Kliuiucrindii , lUth and Jones. 15 UST A tlltANT nnd 13 rooms for silo nt n li reasonable : ale a wholuor half Inteipstln frtili jiresorvlng works In city. aud LotCo.,203 N OIA IIC . WIIIIIK\H , A joint resolution was adopted by theloglslatiiroof tlio state o ( Nebraskaat the \\cntv-llist session thereof , and : ipprou'd Mait'hilOtn. A. O. Iss'J , proposing an amend ment in si'ctlim two [ ' . ' ] fourll [ and ( lie [ . * > ] of Ailli'li'iK 101 of the constitution of s'lld state and that said section as niuondud shall ii''ul as follows , to-w It : Section 1 That scc'tlon tnoiSiof artlcloslx (0)of ( ) the const I tut Ion of the stale of Nebraska bo amended so us to lead as follows : "Section : . " The supreme eonrt slnll con sist of II vo ( " > ) jud.fos , a ma loll ty of whom shall boiiuei'ssaty to foi m aiinuium orto pionouneo adcclnlon. It shall ln\o ( irlglinil Jurisdiction In cn es relating to rovenno , civil casts In tthlch the ttulo shall bo n party , ninndainas , < | iio warrant ! ) , huboascorpiis , ami siichupiiol- latc Jurlsdlctloiias may bepiovldcd hy law. Section ! 2 : That section four ( lief nrllcluslx ffil.of thn foii'.tUiitlotiof llicHtaleof Ncbrusk.i , bo iimoadfilso : isto read as follows : ( 011(1114 ( ; Thojudxes of the supreme rout t shall bo oil-clod hy tliooleclois of thoslnte at largo , nnd tliolr terms of oillco , ovceplus lierolnafler providedbhall bo for a period of llve3)ycius. { ) " Section : i : That section five f.r ) oj nrtlcloslx ( ( ! ) of Ilio constitution of the state otN'ohras- KII. t > o amended so as to road us follows : bpctlon Til "Atthollrbt coiioral olwtlonto bo held In the year 1SUI. and after the adop tion of this anu'iidniint to the constitution , Ihereshiill be elected thrco ( II ) judges of the Buprciiic court , nuo of whom shall bo eluded for tbotorm of ono ( I ) year , ono for the lerm of thieo Clyears ) nnd ono for thoturmof five ( , " > ) yeais , and at each general cli'ctlou tliere- afturtbereshall bo elected ono Indue of the supreme court for the term of ( Ivu'i ( ) years. Provided , that the Judges of the supiomo court whosn torniH liavo not expired at the tlmo of holilliigthcgunci.il election ot ISU1 , shall con tlmio to hold their oillco for the ro- malndorof the tortu for vhlcli ihoyworero- pootlvoly elected uiidor the piusout consti tution. " Koctlon 4 : That each person votlnft In favor of this amendment shall haxo written or printed iiiion his ballot the following ; "For thoproioscd ] aiiiendnient to tlioconstl- tutlon rulatliiR to thu number of supreme Theicforo , I. John M. Thayer , Oovornorof the -slnto of Nebraska , do hereby glvo notlco In accordance with section ono (1) ( ) uitlelo fif teen'I ' ! > ) of the constitution , the provisions of the act entitled : "An act to provide the man ner of proposing nil amendments to the con stitution und submitting tlio snme tothoelou- tor of the state. " Apprond I'ebriuiry Mth. A. D. 1677 , that said propdH'd iiniriiilineiit will bo presented to the qualified voluf. of the state for approval or icjc'i'llon at Lbegoneial election to bo held on thu 1th day ut Ncnem- bor. A. D. IbOO. In witness whorcof I have hereunto sot my hand and caused to bo aflt.xcd the grentsoul of the stnto of Nebraska. Ilono nt Lincoln this aith < layof July , A. D.lS'JO.and the twen ty-fourth year of the state , and of tlio indo- pcndonuo of the United States the ono hun dred fifteenth. Ity the Governor , JOHN M. lll'V.IAMIN It. OOWDKHV , [ 8KAI..1 Secretary of State , August Id.lm IMIOCIjAIMATION. . . A Joint resolution win adopted by the legislature of the htato of Nebraska , at the twcnty-11 rat session thereof , and approved 1'cbrnary I'lth , A. D. bsO , proposingiinatncnd - iiiunt to thu constitution of said Mate , and thatfiald uinondmoiit bhall read us follows , to-\vlt : Section 1 ; That at the general election to bo held on the Tuesday sniici'eding ' tlMI llrst Monday of November , A. D.lSfMtlioio shall by suniltted to the electors of this stuo for ap proval or aijoctlon nn iitiicndincut tolhocon- hlltullon of this Htato in winds us follows : ' Thoiniinufacluic. sale ami Itcoplng forsnlu of liito\lcitlnglliuoi > < HH a buvorii ! . ' arofor- everprohlbltcil In Ijiln state , and the luirMa- turo shall piovldo by law for tlio onforcoinont ot tliU iirovlsloii. " Anrl there Hhnll also at hiilcl election lie Miparutnlr subnill tril to the clectois of this state for tliolr approval or re jection an amendment to the constitution of the ftato In words follow.- " " as follow."Thomnnu" turo.bulo and keeping forsaloof Intoxlo.i Illinois as u hovetugu shall bo Hocused and ri'iiiilntudhy law. " bi'O.At : suuli election , on the ballot of each elm-tor voting for tlio piopo cd amend ments to the constitution shall bu written or printed thu words. : "I'or piopood amend ment to the constitution , pudilbltlng the manufactuic , sain and IccuplriK for s.ilo of laloxlcatlns Illinois ai n lioverago , " or "AK'ilnst the jiroixised iimonihiiunt to the conslltutlon piohibitli.g the nianufnclim ; , fialo and Keeping for sain of Intoxicating lUinors lisa liutuiago. " There .shall also lo written or printed on the ballotof each elector voting for the pioposed amendment lo lho > constitution , tlioorcls : 'Forpioposod aineiiilmenl to lliu uciNitltntloii th.ittho mannf.icttiio. sale nnd Kcenm ; for ah ) of Intoxicating llquois us a lio\ornite In his state hhall lie licensed ' ' ' by law , " or "Agalnit said iiroposed ainend- ment to tlio constitution that thomnniifac- tlire.saloaud keeping fornuluof InliivlcMtlng liquors as it liuviirat'u bhall bo llcvnsod and ri' ulatlngby law. " tiw. ! t : If either or thn said promised amendments hhall bo nppiovi'd by amujmlly nf the olectois voting at I ho said election , then It shall eousltute section I wonty-M'Voii 127 ] of article one Ll | f thocoiulltutlon of this state. Therefore. T , .Tolln M. Thnycr , Govnrnor of the state of Nebraslia , do hereby glvo notice In nccordiincowlth section ono [ 1 ] aitloln [ 15 ] of the constitution ami the provisions of the act cutII led ' 'an nut to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to thu constitution ano subiidttliu the suinu to the nloitors of thu stain. " Approved I'ubruary llth , A. I ) , IH77 , that Hald iiioposed amendment will he sub mitted to tlio miuli fled votcrhof this stnto for npprovalor reloutlon at the general uliutlon to uo held on tlio 4th day of I\oveinber , A. 1) , IS'.H ) . In witness xvhoroof I hcrounto set mv hand , nna causu to bo ntllxed thu great ki'al of the btatoof Nubrasku. Dona ut l.lneoln tliU'-'iith day of July , A , 1) . 18'ji ) , anil tlieSltli yoarof - the Htato , and of the liiflupomluiicuof the United btutcs thoonuhiindrod llftrnntn. lly the Governor. JOHN 31. TIIA YEII. HI.VIAMI.V it. Coworav , bcciotury of State. August Id3m Notion to Contractors. Scaled proposals Hill ho received by thoOlty Olerkpt HID city of North llond , Nebraska , up ' to I i o'clock noon , 8onu > nili ( r gtnrt , H'jj ' , for the erection of a Olty Hall bulldliu' , In the city of North llend .NebranUa. Huld bulldlnn to l > o built uccnrdlnz to plans and spoclllcalloim of bald building , lo bo teen at thu City Clerk's oirico In said city. Kni'h bid must bo acoompanlod by ; i c fledchockof IIOQ. Tin * City Council of cityr HtrVostliorljlittoioJoctaiiyoriill bids. Hy order ot tho'tJIty Council of uald city. J. E. NKWSON , City Ulork. North Head , Nebraska , September 3rd , IS'JO. s5d7tM RfflLtfflYTIMEGflRD TenvWT I'll ll'Alia HiJlll.l ilfoj'fTy. ' I ArrlitT _ OmMn i ivpol lotiinnl on lr ot I Umah * I CO d m , . ( lilcnMO Ktprpn , . . * . 9tOim (15 n m . . ( 'Mcnui ) KtiTO" ( i.W fm 6SOum . . , ! , l'UlounuM \ < i\ \ ' . ' . . " 'sOAira ' I.H.TM Iitllir.TNilTON A SID. IllVKIt. , Arrltcr OmMiv I _ Pt'pot Mthjtjiil Xlnmm trKj . I Om.ihv )015 ) n m . . .IH'iitcr liar Mn'rosl . . . . I 0. ) p a join a m . . . . . .IH'iivor Kxprm , . I n.l * p n 810 riii . . . .Ueittor Mint "iinro.i. . . 'V.Vita ' 815 n ttif .Lincoln Komi. . . i90Upn\ ) U'KVM" l\ ( * l J. . \ i. . I * . j < * . . . < . Dupot IQtli iin < ntii.uil Uoi > t . _ | Omnliv _ ' lTnyl\i ! < n' . 0.10 pii jim'K iXNlitht Ktii Mn It lTrniK 6 15 t n ton f IIMoNI'Atlr'ir. Omntia. ' IKjiotlOlh nml Xlmer "Jwjl * . Ortmhm ! M pm . . . . OTi'rI nil Kliw. " . * U.OS p i 7.10i"i l' OIMoK\i > ro IJ 45 p la ll ( l unit IVnrcr Kr'rc | > s , nMpnt HUD n in ! . . . .KnmnM'lty KJpro s , . . . UlViniu lul.'i n m1. . Mlrllcl.1 KM > loxa'jitJun ) I " p in Umvo. | I'llR'AliO , H l.l'AOIkL' ( . ArruciJ Onmlit UP. ili'i'iit. ' IDlli mil Mutoj Sts Oninln. _ _ ( IU nm' ' MulitiT : | > n' < i | IUX' > in UU.S mul Ul.mtlo KxiTixv . . n : < Opi I..U ( Mill Vp'tltMilc Llmltort . . 1111.15 1 m IA-IUCI f sTIOt'X t'lrV.vTAflrti. ArrlfSf Otimlm ll'V tli'iwt , luili jinj Xlnrrf St i Onnh 7.15 ml . . .Sioux t'ltr I'iKM'iiuor . . 1.10 ( 'ml . . .M I'nul IAW ; | H. . . . 10 10 n n I.OHTK1 I SflilA I'll 1.V I'ACIHIX ArrlK Uninlm I Pi.i > otlMli _ ml WclutorS . _ ! Omnlii. _ lllll ) pin | . . si. INin l.iiiiUmf . " , liai tnT it ) \ .SOU I'liU UMi'Kli.N Anno/ | iot , lli'i ' niul Mntrr Sti Oiu'i ' * M. ' . n mi HilctuM ixiiri : ! i.T..r. f * .SO p m lltupml ! ViMllttiiln l.lmllxil . . . v.'Otin 815 | < m , loiri Aiwinnii'il.illdiiii\i- ' ) "M p m 1110 p ml Kitxirrii Klrer | 'i 15 p m 115lim | . . .Kii t Hii'lcrn l\in | > < < . . 8.0. > n tu U'HTOI , i IllUAifU , .Mil. , .1 HI1. PA I I. Arruct" llinahi I IT I'.jH'i'Oi ' , lu'li mil Xlnrcr S-t < Oinnlix t00 p.n . , . Clilrn < n Kjupri's * U.I. . tu I. % | m l.on o OJI All/\ Arruci" Onmlia. , tt I' , ilnpot , IWh an < l Mnrrr Onn'iv ' l.'iU | i in M l.miH riiiiiinii Hull | IJ.O ! p Ut IOIITIH f 1 Tlf . * MU Vlfil.Tc\r \ l Arrltti Onmln l llcpotlUli mlV"'t r t o llv l j in " T. . . Illicit Hills Kiprpsi. . . . | ll. ' lp m OOI ) m' .HiiHlln s K ( | ' I H Sun.lir ) . . ' . . ' p n MO | i 111 , VnhnutMncoln I'nMlIv biunr > i lU'JOain t 10 p ml . York \ Norfolk ( It ! Hiui.liiy . ) HI.2U in U-iivoi | " I „ iVl'1' . M .t U. | Arrlio Dnmlm I piipolIJlli _ uilVcb i i 9ts iJmVn. _ 7.0O Hill .Sluxti CIljrArcoiiiiiioiliitlori. ' I I' t p m l.OU p in . fcloux Cltr Kipr < iKx.Sun ( ) I IU ) p m I.i i ! 0 lO- lOll. . ll.I I , Ti l.cnti-i iClllf AIMlat .VOlftMIWWHiMl.N ArrliM 'Immfurl Union Depot , I ouin-ll Illulls Trnnstar " U.ioaini riileiico I3xiri'ss | . . . . li UU p m rut ) pin' ' VeHllliiilo l.lmlluil U..KI n m I0.no p nil i ; turn ller i 200 p in l.oOliiu Athnllo M.ill 7 ! KJ A in n.iO : p in lo n Ai-rnininiiilntlnii ( K c Hun ! I ! 10 p III Trinnfi'rl I'nton Donnt ( "onnoll J lnil Trnnifor B. : < Opni , . Clilcup ) Hx | > ress ii 13 n in : .o n in . . riitivini KUTOHM 1,00 | > m I.cnica I K T . rif Jll ! .V C. II I \l llTL'S ' TruiKter' ' Union Dopol. C < iiincllHliilT _ I0r. ( nTnl " Knn'.is < 'llr l r KTire | < 5".i p u ID 25 p nil. Kiitum nty Mulil Mprms ! li0 U III iMMtf F OMAII.14 HT I.OIJH. TriiinforUn ! _ ] iiJi : < 'l > ot. 'ininrjiljlhirr Mil | i iifl .vl Ioiil _ l'iiniin Hall.- . , i I- ' ' LonrW renir\(5. ( ni'itrV.v. ' % gi'ixcv ' Trnii' < fcriJinuoii llopnt , t'cmncll Illulls. Trnrifur H.40 ft in' ' ( 'lilonmi Ktiirosa I l.'JOp in Illlilttiii 7 30 p in' ' . . * r " * l < uil _ cc it . . II'-Miiiu "M > IIVC I SlOllX ClTl X I'AI'IHI' . Aimei Tiniiitcrl Union lewt | C < > uncll lllulM. Trniurur T * 5 liT ? . .Sioux City ArpiTmniniluluii U 10 n in 0.0'ipin1 . . .Jl.JL uHiJiirujiH 10 0ljiiii ( 'r.r. gc 5 fV in In in < it in -in a in pin. Wc'liiter ft r , Mil 4S 7 I ll B IK)12 ) | 15 Onk Clnithnni fi..M | Win 031 4 111 5.57 8 43 . 13 07 DrilM Hill f > Mlt . ( Ml SI ) IIX , H.IU 8 4.'i | 1.00 I.nkn Slrooi S.H 7 .IMS 117 , IH ( I ! .U-1 8 43 I 01 \Vnlnut lllll I ) .ft ) 7 MCiiW I.lOWl I.m 8. Ml 1 0- % ltinitra I'lncu li.lll 7 ' ( H , 11 11 llli | 01 H ; \Vatl Slile 0,05 7 MOB 1,1 4 I5ill Hi 8.M ) 1.10 l.nwn " " . . . . b 18 4,18 . . . .i 8 ra i u Mancot 8.2U , 451)1. ) ! IB1 1 17 boymour 1'arK ll.Odl I 3t rorlnl 1) ) 15 | 1 M I 1 ROCL.VSLV 1 ION. A Joint resolution wan adoptoa by the IcKlslntuiu of thustateof Nebraska , nt tnotwenty-llist se'ifiloii thereof , and approved March ; lth , A. 1) . ivi , propothiK an amend ment to H'ot ion Thirteen ( M ) nf Article blx ( III of the constitution of mid slatu ; that suld Hcctlon as amended shall road us follow , u > - wlt : Heetlonl : That snctlonthlrteon ( Uof ) artl closlx ( H ) nf the constitution of tlu Mat oof No- braslcu bo aincndodho us In ro.id as follows : i-eilloii 1 1 : The juilfjosof tliosiiureiiMU'Oiirt Hindi eiidi ruiulvo iisalnry of ihlrij-llvohrii- drcd dollars ( J.l.r > COpur ) uniiiini an Itho ImlKii.s of the ( llstrlotconrt shall nccl\o ft salary of three thousand dollars ( f.l,0'X ' ) ) per annum , and thosaliiry of eaelt shallbc payiibltuiuaiU'rly. Section 2 : I/ioh person voting In faMir of this amendment shall liavovilttcnor printed uixin lilslnllut tliufullnnliiK ! " 1'or Ihn propnifMl amendment totliucnnstl- t ntloii , iclutliiL- the salary Judges of the supreme and ( list tlct I'iniil. Thorofoio , I , Jolm M. Thnyci , jiovornor o ( t lie state of Nebraska , do huieby who notli-o , In accordance with scut Inn ono [ ll'irticlo ' tit- teen [ l.r ] of tlm const Itutlon , and tlio pro1 1- slonsof nn urt out tiled : "An act to provide t Iiu nuinnor of proposing all aitiondineiits to tlioeoiislltutlon nnd siihinlttlnK thnsiunoto tlieelcftDr-.oftlio italo. " Appiovud I'olnuary lllth. A. I ) , 1&77 , tint s.ilil pioposiil aiiu'iid- niiMit will bo submitted to theiiuallllcd uiloi-j of tills silo ( , fin niiovil | or relootlon , lit tin ) uoni'ral ulcotlon tu bo held on the 4th day of November , A I ) . LVH. inwltns-.s uliori'uf I li.ivo hcrounto vet my liniid and caii'Od to bo , illlx < d tlie pival seal of ; the Htato of Xohiasln , Done at Llneotii , tlili-.lithday ofJuh. A. II. IS'.D , aiidtho twuii- ty-fourlli yc.-irof Ilio sl.ito , and < Jf tnelndi ) . pundi'iiicuf the United ijt.itei the onolitui- died HfU'i'iith llythuGovfinor , JOHN M. THA VHIS. Ilr.MAMiN U. Uownriiv. [ iHAil Si-ciotary oftitate. Idll CA. > Ii ; NOl' A.II A11 a it- That Cuiisud a Social Cata * < * lyHiii In Ulrin phis. MoinphiH spoulnl to thoRumiblio : A mnrrhiKu Unit dldirt coino oil WJIK tlio oauso ofii bit ; sensation In a fn&hlunnblo qunrtoi'of Memphis rccutitly. A lurgo crowd had iisboiiihlod nt Orauuciiurch to witness tlio wedding of. Hal DouRlas , n yotmff man about town , to Ml&t. Irtmo Smith , the jirotty sovontoon-year-old diuifjhtur of Uoiior.ilY , J. Smith , n union votoraii , und formerly IL ropubllcctn luadoL * In this county. The ceremony was sot for -l5 : ! ( ) o'cloclc. The hritlo and her iittoiidiints vvot-o on lisind nttliuthour. but the bridogrontn cnnio not. A hull hour p'ifescil and still ho failed tonhow up. Tlio lrido licoarno norrotis and toir- : ful and tlio ininlblur and luullunco got tired. Finally , when an hour had ] iiSrfed without any siyn of tlio prospective lius- bund , the bcldo's mothui-und nttiMi'lunts ' took her homo utterly nroatrutoiUvitli grlof und inoftilication. An hour or two later Douglas pro- Bcntodhiinboir at the Smith rosldunco and iiblicd to Bee tlio yonnfjlitdy , protesting - testing that ho loved hoi1 duvotudly , IIo wits fjohif , ' on to explain Ills falluro to ajiputivat the o'liuri-li , wlion Mrp. Smith iuturruptcd lilinunddroro him from tlio proiniso ! ) . Douglus1 o.xcuso for Ills con * duet IB that ho was liuimcially umbur * rassod and uualilo to marry. .111 lew' Nurvu anil Ilvcr I'lllj , An Important discovery. Tlioy acton tin liver , stomach und lion-els through tlm ncivcs , A nu\v prlnclplo , They .speodlljr uuru billousnos.s , b.ul tusto , torpid liver , pilei and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , inlldo&t , burost. HO closes for 5 cents , Samples frooatKuhn ii Co.'s ' , 15th unil Douf'U . The only railroad train out of Oinulin run oxpi-o.ssly for the acootninndatloa of Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Moln B and Chicago huslno33 Is the Book Inland vcbtlbtilod limited , louvlnK1 Omnha at 4:15 : p. m. dally. Tiokot oillco 1002 , Six. tvonth and Furnrun gta. Oinuha. 1C02. Sixtconth nnd Farnnm st roots li the now I took Island tioltot ollleo. Tick * cts to all points oaut at lowest rates.