Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Erratic ind Weai Owing to Varied
and Conflicting Reports.
Corn Ham Gooil Market .it tlie Start
lint Ilropt In Hytnpntliy Out a
: lc The Pro
vision Mnrket.
P * pt. e.-lPttcial Telfzratn to
THE HBK.I The wlirat market wm cjmtlc
todaf.cry itcali Liverpool oMblcs v > vrv
BKalnst tlcmnrkct at thcoponln ? . Then fol
io WM ] n bulR'j of lie all nroutid on wuiosootl
bnylnsbva few Lulls. Later tlo initket
broVr nlj < mt IScfrou top U ircM. anil after
inlclduy tlirre was snotliir sllfht rally. The
nrwi W3D vuiled and < , omcvliut conlllttlnc.
The action of prlcujup to the last lisillhoui
wasas ftilluw i : Dccrmbir f I M'i. to Slffl , to
tl.crj'i. ' 10 fi.tji' ' , . to ! Ul'i : MajJl.ftO'i. ' . to
ll.W , . toll.W , , to ll.n.-i'4to 5.0.Vi. Llvcrpoo
cnljles wire Id to ! d loner on more favor-
nblc n'utlur abtxiad and letter
rt-c-cipts. Tlio tl lblo supply Old not
out iiuu-licjf uRzurr. a v lmil T. were ready to
small de 'n > a . i.
n'tI.ut stimll tmri'ii'-fl or
I i ml iliiiirt" * iliowtd an Increase of UC.WJO
bu'ln ! fur HIP wotk. 7hcr uas at thcsarnc
t.iup a riiiuor.iiMt von firmed. thit : t i'nl ) IKKI !
lu.iilt wenniirkod for export at New Vorli
t"diy. on tills iirli-t-i roc ncre-d lifter tlic
br k ( Hi ilio Ut-cllneOic-rcwnsiiMsUlii ! ? f
v-linit Ivuicliti-nrlv. A We factor on tlic war
. I.euu-
svllln by
hl < li'wi-hcii\y
Invliuy us ut ditfcii'iit llmt < "vro Mlli-hell ,
- . Mllin'.iii' . HmlniiLii ,
A ldrlrri-iiiiislm-k. | Illncm.
Hnii.s.'y mill Cliniiillor. The wealljor In tlic
noilliK < ! wutfl'-arniid co < ilbut North Ha-
, . nliii'-tfiillis of tlio
Uiita dlviit'-lii's | : r ' ) (
In iliin-kniKl dannifc < l liy n-ccnt rains. Theio
Wfh. ulj-niiiuirs nlliKiton 1lio Hour late In
trml.t > r'rzarihiiKa l < lz C'lilriiKoconitiitivlal
li < iii-i''nii < l lnlu no out bulluvu < llt , tlic talk
hl ( nrlTir'tnn pilc- ( " ) .
Alnciklolddn\viito' > N' for ? pptoml > orfl.OO'i
fcirDtT'itiiiti'tiind H.01 * j ( ur May. nnil closed
bin a i-lMilr liplti-rlliajillio low point. : it ll.'l '
fr.f ) . . ' , . : H.fH \ for > liv [ In uuut.-u.ii >
inriic . -i'iiiiiirniiun.u
tlie only price namcii fur Destcnilier wheat was Tlii-r was no triulins. C"ills veru ut-
tI.K. | " and p il atlUScat .I o'clock.
Tlierrvati I'liotii'li hull nevi lu corn In tlie
' Ic Ut * . but us the
nmrnliii ! t < > 'MI jiric'cs tip 01
ml1 nnci1 wjn statli'il. whenl took n liackMt
and thccormiiarki't llattciicil out , The Ui t
bull help corn was tlio Ivinsai state
report tor the month. The yield of ttic ttliitc
was tMlmted sit & -iOO.oyo buslii'K aialnst
24lii ( ' . ( 'i ' blithe Is last yt-nr tun ! I.V.UOO.iW )
buohcli In 1 > 5 . Then tlio went her
not only slio'ied liuril frost * * In Manltolia
uiulVyiiniin ? . but llslit fn ts In Ntbra-ki :
and l > n. lerelvln ! lionf < liatl very bullish
dliprittlies from innnv points In the ojutli *
vest , in leli It ns olaiMii'dtliat the anpear-
anc" oltlie * llrld U very doceptiti * . uiul tlmt
nianv tii'lclv. mil tit Inr any tlilns else , me
licuiir cut for fodder. Durlns curly tradinz
S-iitt-inlier | ct.rn . sold : iH. > 1ije. up to 4rslB'ie ,
tuli'i'ic ; Ot'lobcrl'i'aC , to 4t'4f ' , to 4r\e ; May
4'\v , tu 4 'jc , to 4-c. Tlie vlsllilo supply
f.iuvd | a ( licrcnsi'of I.O-'CU'W ) bnsliels. There
M.IS rnes-C'lllns of coin holurt the clo * , nn
nunus ol a bu > lne-i fjllurc. The-
luru po-ilbil It.v of siifli a tliln ?
I'uuhcd wialnt .s In tlie market. Ijii t
Jirlcuh were the lowest of tlie day Srpte'nbcr
I'l'ie. Oi'toU-r 4Vfc. JIuv 47 4 c. Cotnpared
ultli tlie clo.o on Sulurdny.fptciiber us
! e uoct ier sir ad y , and May 'to ' lm\er.
Trailu In * > dlil untectttlntd uji at all.
rltlii'rnn t | H > furly acl\iinoe or htu liicitli In
other market * . Sales for th ) inonili t-arly
Here-lit ; i. > l4r. and ctiM'd nt .KV * , si-ller. Ul
ttilirr was inure -ictlvc. Mllin.'nt : LVe early
ami oH tu .CM * . May njientd at H'1 , iold at
ih t * * * mid < 'lo-.t'lut 3S c.
TI > ' | ir < jvMorniiaiki'l starto < 3 strnn ? . This
' 'i > | iiriy ; ! lUio to an nitlvo market uiul
ulur pi Icvfor liojs ; at tljcyardanil In
jii ; rt to bnjlinr orclcrs plat-ed hen-
! ) > OLthiilers. The local tratle peu- ! ) sold on early CiriniKss and
CMi" > ilelined nil nrimncl , In ribs IX'tolier
talc siM-icfi.4 i tnj.L'ito : Jj.i7' ; tu clo e. Jun-
uary ! . ' > .7.'t tui.'i.'ij'i ' haul ylrltU'il from { 'v'Ti
to HI..H forOctolvr. Kr.T'S loG.CJl fur .liuiu-
rv. and iln ndut JT.ii'i'r lor May. Mess jerk
iijii-iii'U iipioUi'tolietat * ll.r ) JUKI January at
lll.rfi A deeIInetoul , prices down lofHi.twfur
Oet ilcr , iiml } i'i7'i | for January. L'k i > .lnK
' O.-tobor. tll-Gi tor Jim-
| irn-t's wen1 Jin.1 ; for -
. . . llutchlnsoli sold alt
uar\ , nill--ii.r-M.iy.
frueljrun call.
LI l'i ;
Cntcoo. Pppt. 8. [ ? neclal Tclesram toTnR
It BE. l-C.A.-nt.i-liece 1'its 14iOT. Oat otrim there
wi's scarcely -MdO tnl cattle , cr ovin sum as
tradt usually xtantslitmteon anything at all
"Kool" In the natlvolliie there \x'as an upturn
of a B trong intr > o , sell Ins quickly. Second
class steers sold a sliaile stronger and
biiti'licn > ' stock ruled steady Hotb Tcxans
nmlrunctr.s sold bMtor tliaiiut tlie rln e of
srllln nt } J.OOi3.1 > ,
la t wi-f-li. N iillvcs lire ;
TVxtins 2 VV&iVu. niinrersf'- . ( O.'rt.40.
Huns Keeclpts ttl.iiOO. lluslne-s active with
nn unturiiof a si i\m > all mound , and In
Klivrial etui's 10e. llainroiinil c imnion solil at
mlxtil SW/i-itf. prime
H.iu&l. > . primed
htiivv and iM'tcluM * ! ' weli'htM. . . " > < i4.0. . li ln
' Aliout everything was sold.
NEXV 'YouK. ? et > t. 9. [ ? peshl Tricsram to
THE Uisl--S5TOCKJJ-Tli ro was an advance In
Rtockn tin1 first hour today. Tlie strength ut
thoopc nine iviis expected. The raid by bears
after tlrst bavins onlursxvere executed was
dlsiippolntliiHto the stri'et except lo the fe'\
pr fi's iloinil I'porators ' responsible for tlu >
weaUiit-ss. Tim action of Secretary Wlndom
In otlerlni ? tore't-asc i2J,000.X ) ) In id vunce In
terest on ! per cent bond ) xvis very fu > orably
rei'ardoObjtradurs wlioconsresjitcd jester-
dny. Notfvwriicouragln < ctilili ! ' > vent abroad.
Tlie remit xvn * a brisk and stroni
ntW tuiirkrt fur a time , with po < xl
I-midon buylne In n few favorlio
- Kir tenlns over cln'.o of last wflt
lo 1 ini'i-i'iil. The ailviini'c xvasled bv
- . rnin--roiitlneiitil. : lio.iilln ; ittiil
thcentlio Gr.inzor pronp. liruiiiiTS starteil
i.tii 'i up a 11 around. iTlih Rurllniitoii ntr \ - \ .
? sortlivi" > teiiiiit IWU. Itufk Island at > ! . and
Ht. I'uul ut ? 0"S , This shoxv of ntrpiifftli
lirniiKlit out the full noir forco. It VIMCUD-
ontraiort ! iL'aln-.t lliii-lliiKtun llrsl , aiijwhin
tin" tlrhttlu > liof IjuyliiB was over prices sul-
frred lit tin * liaiult of the tear ) v. llufiiro the
end of Ilin tir.t hour llurlliitou was ulT to U- ,
nnd us nilclinir contliinod the nooa hoiu
found that twk ell to UJ' , , u point
iitt tiHic-luil in ninny inonlli-i. Uthtr
vi' tornshi.ri * simply hwi tlm early advance
mid lu'ld sti'iiil v'oal > stofUsheldrlnii , There
\MIS > luiri'i-oxery from thu bear attack up tol'J
o'clock. ThcstiieKmarlPt wasnarruxv npto the
clo-o. Tht * laid tin Itiirllnptnn contlnuod. and
aider fri'O lliiul'lnllon Ibo iirli't- xxi'iit otV to
Hi1. . cliMincut l-O. Au-liison.M. I'aul nnd Ucx'k
Ikliinili'lo > t'cl aUuul stuily. Tht'revaslhiul -
< litlosiuf KHV pth'Ml xtum * * * by mom Iruili'is ,
Mune y louiinl ahljli us 10 per c nt but was
cs lt'rat tkicelu-i' . J > ales vvt'nIV.OOO shares.
Thctollovins wens the olosinf Huotations.
12 < MIlTiimrl I'tpmi 'Tr fl' (
tl S iBrfBular * , > ' < Northern I'arlHc . . . .llljVj
V S I'tiri-KUtar . . .IO | ' ( do preferred . Ill
us 4"1com in tout c. x Xv . . . . iuiii ; (
I'ucltlcta uf .6 IH i tlo preferred . ! u
< 'cntriill'n"tllc WH SewVurk CeutrM. . . . . ' !
.V. Allnn. . .IJ * , ! . . I ) .v K . W
4 yulnry 9't { . ' . . SI \ > l l'ul . 0
Il.l .x\V UiS iluirt | > lern > d . U
lllliuil > rent l ' ' . . .
1.11 AW 107 i aort'letroO .
Kinvni \ Teui . Urt fitiun 1'iiclno .
| jikt < Miurv tK > i xv. . tl. U i r . HV
U'chutn _
MOSBV Clu-erat * 210 percent.
1'uiMR Mllie .Mii.B I'Ai'Kii TSW percent ,
STKIIUNO KWIIXMIE ( Julet. and wvak ;
iUty-day bills. II.SJ : ileinaud ,
Nnw YOIIK. Sopt. S-S ] cla.l Tele-ram to
TUB IlnF.O-Tlm following arothemlula ; stjolc
quotations :
Attaiui Con ttlA . U ISi
lH > lii > i < nt luo 11 alt > A Nnreroii . . ! 15
ItuiiK'ilnkt * lilotl llurnMlttr'O
N l > iumon euli.J.V ) Ontario llio
. \rl iui
Nr.w YOIIK , St'pt. 8. rspoclul Telosraui to
TUB Httl ColTffj-Optlons stendy ; un-
rhaued to lOpiliiU up. Sales i'i,5jO bags ,
Incluillnt ; SfjiteiulHT , SIT.'Ci'tlT.ti" " ; Octobor.
| i * . UI7.'B ; N < noiul 'r , llli.M 'illifcSr ' , l ) veni-
lier , ! Jjiiiuarf. tlC.On ; 1'ehruary ,
- Muiuh. I' '
Tin ; Viflhlo Sitp'ily.
CHICAGO , Sept. STbo board of trade re-
xirtou tlio visible supply of grain Is as fol
Bii'liolJ. Bushels.
Wheat KJUl.tiW
l'urn e-.JVJ.uuo
t > , iU U'ti.mO
Hye STl.lWO
Hurley MK.IXO luetvajsc , 'JJ.UOO '
; ct ; M.IKKKTS.
fntCAGO.Popt. R. 1:15 p. in. close
* - * - - - > i cash. Hoc ; Dot-cmbcr , tLOO1 , ; jllay
II.1 ! !
Corn-Sleadyi oath , tt c ; October , 15'ci
Ma',4. .
Oit - Usy ; crush , a5c ; October , 55'C |
Wes-i 'prk Stcadjrj ci&U. llO.Mj October ,
LnMPlfndti c-j h , ttSJ ; October , ! . ;
Short Ullrt-rtpttrlj : ? nth.l.VD > ao.3Si October ,
. 7'n ' .isnnatr. ti.i/6t-V7i4.
IljB No. S.eaiy at Mo.
Unne.r-Xo. ! . * > tealy ( nt 7rxs.
riax Seed - > u. I. uteudr at I.42S. .
I'lltneTlinothr Seed Eafjit tl. 5tl.30.
Kliiur Onll ; no silos.
Hulk Mcats-J-liouldeM. LYftgLVK-i : thort
rllx. i.V'ttftA.-'S ' ! slum clear. t.VWii&.W.
lliilter-Ctoatnerjf , t4Stie. : dairy , 10 ® 1'e ,
Kjtgs Fresh , luftlto.
luftlto.llecelpts. . Shipment * * ,
I'lour. bills JU-OO SI.WO
\Vhuit , lu | ,000 t1.00n
Corn , bu 2t2.KH ( WI.OOO
> 'c\r VCIKK , t-ept. ( , Wheat - Kccclpts.
Or.OO buihelii fxiurti * . none : " -pot weak and
iai'4 Itim-t : No. 2 red , t' ' | C tl.iO'i ( In ele-
VHlnr ; II Ol ftl.OCif. o. b. : 1.00 > i < itl.ul all out ;
optliinIS'&l'ic ' loner ; No. - ifd , ; uptcmber ,
' 112 at f' . .
Cum - Uovclpt * * , CUV ) titsh * > l ! ciports ,
a-,4'0 b i > liol- . : sKit | flrrncr ; Xo. 2. WHoln ol -
VHlnr ; M''JVU'tc nllout ; uiiRtailcu mixed. 5 ; > J
M < ic : ojtloiiiiiirtlv | | lower , ( ullovliii * whuati
October clorslnit atN'Ic.
Uit ! Kecelpts. Il' .tt0) bu la > l ! ! ctport ,
f 00 ; Biot | firnu-ri No. S white , 41 Vi * " " ' " *
mixed vent-em , ; S.42 ; white western.
option * * llriiur ; September clnslns at 4J' c.
C'ulTec-Uptiuns < , teatU * anil uiiclntiiced , to
10 point * , up. Sales 2.Vl lnz ; September.
t7.sir.U'i : Uctcber , ! 17 Wtl".S ! stet rlo
stc.ulv : f ; .u.vJ u . > v 4.
. v , nominal f tA . . . Wifilr . , reflnlnSlu
- ' ' ; ccntrilugaU , i.Jto > t. ( i'tc ; rvtlticU tlriu
mid qu'rt. '
. ,
I'ctrulcutu Viiitixl clusaJ for October at
fork-firm : nic < s , ! 11.1) UOO.
l.nrd-1'irin ; wo-tcrti strum. } 6.lli 13111.
lliitttryiilet : fjncyund luiv prailcssteaOyi
Wfstorn ilalr.USliil4o ; creamery , I'.Hif.'Ic.
-MrungillilithUlin' ) , 4-\ao ic.
ST. Liiris , Seiii. . -\Vti * ' t I nvor : cmh ,
f 7' ' < e ; D.'citiibiT. It.O . 'i tl.0li UVS.
t'ora-Lo-Hvr ; cash , 4J ! ci Uctukr. 4 ci May ,
( fie.
fie.UutsLowci ; cash , 3Hc bldi September , Stic ! ;
Mayc. : .
I'orK-steaily ' ; cash , I10.r 0.
l.ard-ririuer ; MK ) fur bUoher grades.
Whisky sliHdjat JI.13.
lluttir CraunicM , he2Cc ;
KA.NStS ClTV. Sept ! . \Vlicat-Wcaker ; N'o.
Shard , , bTSvj teptembur , ilisi'i Jsu. 2
Mil. cash. UU9XK ! V >
L'orn-Stoatly ; Xo. ! casli and Septcnilcr ,
Uats-Kasler ; o. 2. cash , XJ JJ'sC ' ; Septem
ber , 'Ml.
. . S-'ppt. S.-\Vlicat llecclpts ,
4V > caii hlilineiitH | ) , UBcars ; seed demunUfur
N'U'ctliint'lo.ilii - : No. I hsiril , ? citc'iuler ; ,
( Kv ; un track , tl.'ifi : No. 1 luirtlurn. Scp-
tcniber , H.-ici Ojtoiicr , 'J4c : on track , il.l ) . ©
l.iK ; "Xu. - nurihcrn , bciileinbur.S'Ji.- track.
MILWAUKEE , Sept. S. IVheat Easy ; No.
Ssprliis , cash. SXittMic ; Ucceiubtr , ' . O'tv ; r\o. 1
unrtliern , teL1.
Corn Meuly : ; N'o. 3,45(5.
' . * . .lute Ul'tC.
t' its Dull : No. ! ,
llailey I'lrnieri Xo.i' , oU4c.
Kye-yuift ; Nu. 1. CO' c.
1'roil.stoiu yulot ; purlc. January , III.C5.
UINCI.VN.AII.ipt. ; . \VUtat-Qu let ; r\o. 5
red , Wis.
Corn Irreznlar : No. 2 mixed 45c ,
EIII * 'Ot ' , ept. S. Wheat -Weak aud de
mand poor ; red western , vtlnter , "a adQ7s Mid ;
led vi'stern. winter. ? s a1 jil.
Cora liuiet : tulxtil wistem , 4s44itl ! per
CHICAGO , Scot. S.-Cuttle Ke elpt . H.OOO ;
natlies lilRhor. rnnln f.J.CK oj.lOi Tosaus
t..Vtft3.tC > ; ranni'is. i..tiJ < tJUl.
' - * u.-tlic and hljhor
Henllveetpts. . 'J-JlJO ;
packers anil inl\i > d. il.I ! < a4.4J ; prime , licavy
anil bntflicrs. ! I..Y.i ( rl.i5.
Mieep Ileei3iit.s | , j-i X ) ; marVct steady ! ua >
lives , Jl.0i4. ! 0 ; westerns. M.W 4. u.
T. I.ons. Suit. 5. Cattle-lteedpts. W03
hlilpiuc'iits nonu ; niarkt-tsleacly ; fall-to f.ino
u a tue sttoi-s , ; stockcra anil feeder :
. .
i - , leei ! > Iiit , 12)slilprnnits. ) ; . ! ,430 , mar
kt-t - troiii.lifiivy , tl. : ul.4ji nilxcil i4.U'J
4. ; Jill ht.S4.LJii : ; 40.
KANSAS Ct-rv , cpt. S. Outtle-Kec'clpts
a.-lW ; .sliipiiit-iiU , 0'UJ : market ; trun : ant
hl l.erj hti-i'in. giVv4i ; ( ; cows , J1.5ua.73
Mtokc'ir > : inil feeders , i JX ( ( ( : > . " > .
LIuS-5 Kecelnth. 4'JUO ; > liipiient-sSUOOimar ,
ket higher ; ullRruiles. sJ.Uju&J4J.
Cat tk .
Monilntr. Peptt-nilcr P.
Knlinuted receipt" ol onttlu ; ; , ' ) i" ) . as coin
pareu wltlifOysutiimaynna sJI Jlonilay
woik. Thu tnaruct opened active and siroii ;
o 6c Iil her on tlio U"-t cuni-fed stesi-s.
stninseron the best buichers'stutr iincluuoin
toldJ ou others. 1'cedtra ure plenty ana un
changed. _
Kstlmated receipts of hoi 3.300. ns com-
nuied with 3.KX ) t-aturuay und a/.fsU Mon
day ol lu week. The market opened
acilvo a-iul 510c lilslicr. every
tlilni ; iliansul hands early. The range of
nrlces wns J-t.OVui.f-li. : with thu bulk
ut SLl a ri. Light and mixed ,
34.KV&4. i ; lieavy , 4i" > U4.K. llojs
have liecn before
aie niv lilclicr than tliey
during tlie last tMulvi > months. The : i\erapo
nfthe iiilei-spalU vas J4.101iu < .comiian-u wllh
} 4.lli atultlay and H.Ol'i Monday of last
wiuk. _
Slic p.
Estimated receipts ofs-liecp , 110. flood uiut-
tons ure In dtiaaiil and prices rule tlriu.
Price" .
The firtloMiiii ; is a tililc of pniei paid lu
this market fjr tin ralu of stojk montlonel :
I'rlinu stcets.inoto : K10I3H ! l.i" : © I.O )'O to UriOlb. ? l.OJ ai. :
t ; Kl steers. Wii to IJOJfcs 3. < i & 4.13
l-'ilr , ItOitollWlM a..J ( & * . < JO
Common. t-OJto UJJtbs a.-JT >
Coiuiioncnimirs l.U. )
cmllnary tot.ilr CDIVS "M'J
toeholct ! co > vs . . . ' . ' .7-
C'hoieoto Caney euwa . L't :
1'nlr tosoi lliills . 1.7
C'lio.eoto faney liulls . ! ! . : a ft t.OO
I.Uht stoi-kirs and feo.lers . . . S.OJ
I'lilrtuuholcu llulil lid's . 4.U.1 ft4.ii
1'alr to choice hcjvy liuzx. . . 4.23 fc4.ti'i :
Vulr to choice lalved lies . 4.Uo fcl.'JJ
The ( oUowIti- * ; table sViows the nno in
prlcoson hois durlns thl-i an'l lait week :
< \vciMc ! ; Concur Hu .
Thefollonztihl 3 Rivet the nverisc cot
of ho.oix tlio thtfs iiuntinii.llnjlulin : ! - thu
cost based upon silos repjrtn.1 :
September 1 . 4 Ol1 ! Septembers. . . . 4K
SepteinhorL1 . 4 O7'i ' Svptetnbfr t > . 411i
S * ptinbori : - 4 Os't ' Septembers . 4 ia > 4
4 11
st mid Ljj.Vi * CS.tlo < ot * llti i.
To-luf. SaturJav.
Ill-'lie > t . ! i M'i llljhost . MSi'
Loxvtst . 4 OJ Luxvost . 4 UU
Stnuk Kccdpti.
OfUc-lal faturlav. Hit I mat pel Tolny.
Cattle. . . . tt cnrs. _ VM Cattle. . . 140cars. : UXX )
llor-es. . . Scars' , * 1IO lioixfs. . 4 cars , 11O
fchtep . . . Icur , 100
A v era tie I'rlceot * IIo2 § .
Pliturlntthe avur.ijt * price pilJ forlo-vlsot
lie son iho days InJlcatca lu Is : * , l
Phowlnz tlio niiinbfr ot homl of sto V
purcha--nl on this market us shown by tlio
weljUiua tersof tliiu > c'lyarJsttiiipany ilnr-
liiKtliu week eudliis Saturday , StptetuBtT U :
? wlft.t Cum piny . 3,00
TlicO. I ) , Hiiuiiunnil eomunny . 1.0'fl
ThcArnionr-t'udaliy packiiicompany. . . . .
Dniiiha I'aokliiR ' company . . . c
Other -
Total . 10,401
nor ? .
Tlie Ariiionr-didahy p.u-kln ; company , . 7.111
Oiuuh.i iiaukln : ooinpuuy . . 0,110
Suift - . ,
Tlie 15. 11 , IlMininonil company . . . . .2.4IT
J. I1. Pqulrusi ( Jo . . . . . . ,1.K
. ' ' . . ,
itnlimnl Uro * . . . ' . . -va
Hoio A > oii. . . . . . . . , ( K !
I'oni-tock . , . 1
North AL'o . l.'M
Si 'rry t Barnes . , . 419 i IV > . 1.UI7
ttookun aud [ teder * . . NX )
Total . 32,009
SltlCl' .
Pulft ACe . . . . 7i ;
Armour-l'uuali ) * parkins rompaojr . . . . id :
UiiuUtou icsteplica . , . . . , , . . . . . . . . Ill
foUL . 1.01T
Xo. A v. Tr.
. Ostecri. corn-Ted 1074 S3 75
40stecrv corn-red llfil 410
VI tmtlvv Htul westernfud I'M 400
.Koullnx i Hush
II. J. VviiisbV
Ceo MS. . . , . 103 ! 223
Clark .t llunton
JO cows WIT 200
lee * 740 300
Kent A IliMll Cattle Company
1 cow t 23 itn
2" cows It i 5
: to cows mu (0 (
IO'UOMS 1007 11
1 CCA' IM ) 15
; cows loui is
31 cons < ; i 15
4 liters 1242 15
lliilor l * t. Coinpsiuy
51 cows Wi 2T >
IC'lleor - < 1210 75
II. W. llallet
" ctms oo ; oo
4 eo.s u-O 10
51 fowlers ICsJ 70
Osialalla Cattle Compsxnj-
HOstcer- , 1274 3 2. >
XJ steers 12T9 3 !
No. Av , Sh. Pr. No. ASh. . Pr.
2. . . , KB 4 00 74. SiO 120 4'JO
Cl. . . . 2 : ' KO 4 OV K2G."i 120 420
5 . . . 2Sfi 40 4 10 C 2:12 : SO 420
5. . . . 274 K ) 4 10 7. ) . 2J1) ) 12. ) 420
70. . . . 21K 120 410 TU. 19 N ) 420
5 . . 2TH 4 10 .VI , . " .II 120 420
7J. . . 21S ICO 4 12 > i fc7. 20S0 420
74. . . 2H 200 412' , ; . 2 > . - . W ) 420
7S. . . 1 > 7 20J 4 1'Ji' 00. 27S 200 420
74. . . 22 ; 2uo 4 ir. : A 2 a itw 420
71 . . 210 240 4 ir. ai. : ioi 40 420
lings higher.
11. .Vgor and IraCrlfUn of ? t. Paul marketed
cattle .
I ! . A. Templeton of Tukamah marketed
car of lios.
The Staiulanl Cattle company sent in two
loads of cattle from Ames.
II. Klunplngnf UnderttOoJ , lu. , brought over
two cars of eattlo.
A. U.Clark eutno In from Merino. Wyo. , with
fourcjira of her i'S.
William Itli'kloyof Columbus was hero look-
In : after a shipment.
W. K. Miller marketed a car of liogs. lie
shipped from CKi'eola.
II. G , Hand of ilioshone , Idaho , liad a train
ot cattle at the yards.
\V. ll.Cointjs of North IMatte was hero look-
IUK after a car of hugs.
J. T. Husscll of z-alt Lake City , Otab , was
lookln ? over tbo yards.
The Kent k HUsrsll cattle company of Me-
jlno , Wyo. . marketed nine cars of eattle.
TlieOgalalla land nnil cattle company sent
In a train of westerns from Merino.Yyo. .
Two lump jaw cattle - tTo condemned by
Inspector llonard.
P. VanAntworp rcprc'-entecl Burr on the
market , lie hud In a shipment or hos.
It. K. flosers of the linn of Mahoney &
Honors brought In four cai-s of cattlu Iroiu
G. K. Harden of the well known firm of Hayden -
den A Jaelsoa , Wallace , as here with a car
of boss.
South Omaha received cattln Monday from
Kansas. Io a. Colorado , Idaho , Wyoming ,
South Daiiota and Nebraska.
Jolm ? . Ininn of CKceola , a well known and
ovtciMvo shipper , brought In thrco cars of
boss and one ol sheep.
IVrry Hayden , a well known dealer nt
Westoii , was hero with a xlilpmotit of eattle ,
and fctates that late riling In maunders county
have made the outlook for crops butter.
cons Jf > a4.rK ? ,
OATS : wait c.
lUv-f 7.oo ® 10.00.
- Ff12.1)0. ) .
I'OCLTHV IVrdo/.i'ii. cliolue liens , t1.00tl1.35
cliolcu mixed. $ . ' - > . > rH.OJ roosters. t3."iO VJS.75
nrinz chlcki'n * . f I h.'ifi-J.OO fur small ; ! 2.2"itt-J.5
( oriiii _ > diuiu ; y."KKU..75 lar.-e ; ; live pigeons
lUTTKiiCro.imerfancy rolls print , 203
21c ; creainerv , fany , solid pacUod , 17JHOC1 ;
ert'iimury.clicilee , li 3fJii dairy , fancy rolls
a.nd prints 14315 ; dairy , fancy , solid packed ,
r.Hiille : ilnlry , choice. 10312c ; country roll ,
fancy , * ® , ! k ; eliolco , 7 fc-cs inferior. 3 i5 ? .
Eons lOc for strictly ficsh ; stale not sal
lliiin * . I'F.I.T * .vsn Tu.t-ow Green suited
hide * . No. 1. lieavy.7ii"e ; No. 1 , lift-lit , tiV 'ic !
No. 2 llsht. tVaC'ie : dry Hint hides , 74SHK ; ; calf
hldf , ( > ii\ ' ; dauia'ed nidus i'o li , s. Mieep
pell , erern. each ajJi1.2j. Sheep pelts , dry ,
pi-r It ) . lO-rjUo - ,
HEK-iWAx Per lb,20c.
tUME i'er dozen , prairie chickens. K.753
. ' . - . ' . teal. . . . (
3.10 ; mallards , S..OOa-.M ; . jl.25a.l.5J ;
intxeii ducks. II OOTU.r.0 ; plover , .Vkttivic
' , bu box , 75 iifl.OO ; Cal-
Ifornla , per lx > \ . tlJUj SM
CitAi'Ks California , ner crate , $1.2j32.00 ; per 10-Ib lialet. .
I'tfMS-Purplo Puane , Columbia , etc. , per
box. M.r j&.uO ; wild pouse plums , ii bu box , 75
< ai H. .
ErTAuiXBI'er crate , f l.'j ' . ' .OO.
l.KxtONS I'cr box , Koill Malorl , fancy , J9.50 ®
10.U' ' ! c-hok-e Mi-ssinas , JvV > it.ioo.
reAita-llartlett , California , per box , 12.503
I'liL'srs Gennan.per box , UOO ; TieacU , 11.75
QS.W : cross , J1.75tfi'.uO.
TOMATOK * 1'cr bu. 75cjJI.OO.
Oxio > New southern , pi > r Ubl , tl.V > J.ClO.
CAUIIAIIB 1'er ' crat > . f 1 5 > 3VOJ.
I'OTA TOES -Nebraska and Iowa , per bu , 11.00
© l.i" > ; Colorado and salt Lake , * ' .4J.
SXVKKT l'OTT IKS-l't r hll , ( ! .OlVft.riO.
EvAiMiiATEn A 1'pi.KS-runcy. 13e pur Ib.
lll.UHiKIHHES Pers-nt boi , Jl.a. ' .
Cor-QlM'TN Per 100. tVOO.
W TEiixiKixNS I'er im ) , * I.
( 'ANTF.Lot'1'K * 1'er doz. tl.V ) .
s-Fancy t-atlni : . H.0fy3.1.53 ; fancy
cooklnc. JiT-V-t'Li'i ; oholce. iiAit2.75.
OKAXOES runeItoUI. . 17 n.
IIN ASA # I'er lunch , tl.riiift.1.00.
TAI.UHV A No , 1 , 4e ; No. 2 , J'fc : prease ,
Mhlte. VftiA < : : yi-llou. 2'tfe ' i stoarine.B'.e.
llo.vts-Quotations tire f or delivery in L'lil-
case Hry butTalo. per ton , tlti.coaif.i0 ( ; dry
country , bleached , iio.oo uco ; dry country ,
damp anil meaty.
Wouu-Kine unwashed , 14itlCe : medium un-
wathod. Isjrt'iuciturao uuva hod , IbaWo.
Jni.LHR .v perm.
lIutXKii YtAU-Cholee mediumG7c ; light ,
M& * ; lie ivy , ( J. I tc.
l.ivsr.up OiL-Haw. roc ; boiledClc.
llo-sr.i truliii'd.t'ifi-lb euns l > ° r 11 . Oo ; neiv
comb lionev. fancy. lii lTe ; choice. HQIGc.
IIKANS Hanil-iilcked navr.t * .Aii' .75i hand-
pli'ked navy , me.llum , r.2. 4'J.4l ! hand-pleke ? < l
uiuiitry. tl.7ijWr.W ; Rood clean , tl.Ma.lM ; Cal-
lf"ruluinr Hi. 4 > | i- .
Kl.sil-Porlb-IVreli.7e ; buffalo,7ci pickerel ,
tlic ; nlke , ft ; ; t nmt. U. . wnlte , ' . . ' ; cropple.lOc ;
catnsli. nc ; cod neak , I'.c ; llonnifers , lie ;
Oropoasajmon. Isc ; black bd , lie ; loDaUri ,
I'isil Codfish , extra Oeorses , new , SVc ;
rrandliuiik , new , 4-c ; silver. S-lbMockc. C'e ' ;
know hite.-lhbrl > , new. b' i-i turkey e.xl.
larco middle br'rkx.'Jc , kuavr whites , orates , 12
Mb ixixes. , fc' p ; s iiled lierrlnc , SXrs
.No 1 scaled lierrms Wc-i domestic HoihnQ
herrlnt , 40cs Ilamtiurx bplced lierrlne. frifj
dlnes , tilaln , fO i Imnorted'n- ' Hand ncrrlne ,
cri > wn brand , Mdu hiiPVti.r. rr . wci maek-
halt bbw. II..IKI ' tumter * .
en-1. .No. l.lhore , ;
half bblv IKliOl wldto fi h. lialf libK * 7.W ( |
trout , half bbls. 25.001 famUy vthlto fitli. M.JO ;
Salmon. ! * .W | per doz , l-lb fi..i.-kerel ( livrrlncj
Mb broiled tnadicrclii-.OOiji-lli in mustnrd ,
C.W ; 3-lb In tomato faure. Jj.iic ; 5.l | > Mayo
liieinaeVorel. . f.unj Mb br , ok trout. Sli'i ;
3-lb brook trout. ti.W t-lb ilmon. II. * : Mb
white llsh.IJ.25 ; l-lb hltotatil. ! | ; | Mblub-
iters , tj.i : : , ; l-lb lobster * j.M.vaj.K ; Mb
oy ter5 , IS 01. SMfi ; I-lboysli r * . lor. 11.15 ; Mb
oysters. 10otl.W ; l-lboy ti r . & ( M.l.lO ( : Mb
feleol , 12oz. } i f.MlHaratiMa ; ) : , 10 at. Jl.jiS :
l-lb llaratarla. o . ll.Ottj 1'alrrVinnt. 4 oz. 11.05 ;
Kalrtnont. oz. I1.S5 ; l-lb Inm . little nocks.
tl.O : ; 2-lb clatim. little necV . 11.73 ; 3-lb clinu
chowder , I..OO ; l-lb crabs , UJ ; y-lb crabs ,
IJ.50. _ . _ _
Provision * .
rittJlt PORK Presh lintn , 20 | b . ax-c. . 7Vc ;
16 lb . nvs. , N ? ; 12 lb . avir. , in > ; .tu . > ulilertV ;
tiork loln . 7 4 ; pork tciinprlnln * . iiuj leaf
lard , not rendered. O'jc ; pare rlhs. ta.
J-AUT MtTIU ; < ls-MvM i > iirk. neiv , SIJ.75 :
clear pork IIIICKS hoavy. ( l".2. > ; mod lutn. 411.75 ;
fhoilcut clear | Kirk.llo.V ) | family pork , JP.'O :
butt pork , pis ix-rk. $ lS.y.i ; new extra me-ss
beef. } : > . .V ) ; nexx eMr.i plute beef. frUO ; new
tilnte beef. KiW ; new rolled iHinele s beef.
K..V ! ncwruinpj , J5.50 ; new boneless rumps.
Is. : * .
Olt-Bbls Extra lard , winter 'trained , 47c :
extra No. 1 lard. 3' ' < ; No. llaiil.IEIc ; No. 2
lard , ale ; extra neHt foot , 4Je ; tullow oil 41c :
pure neatsfoot oil. 5ci ? Al tallow , 5ci stcar-
L'AIID TIercci-Corapounil , 5' ' c ; pure leaf ,
C'.e ; kettle ri'iiderltic. ( .
SjioKUiiMEAi ! > Mipiircurodliain" , 12 to 14
Ib ax-ji , llKiP ; inodluni , 15 to 10 Ibavt- , lie ;
heavy. 20to 22lb avp. lie ; skinned sllcln ? , is
to2Jli > avf. llijn ; California hams. 7'ie ; shotil-
ilers 7lie ; slioulilers , skinned , CUc ; 'boulder- * ,
Ctoslb ax'tr , 7'ie ' ! boneless ham. ! e ; breakfast
ba 'on. clear , 3 to 7 Ib M rips iy , breakfast
bacon , ilh. ' c : di ltd ln-ef haiut , . sets , l'ic :
regular. S'je : clods. Sc.
Duv MtAT.s-I.oaii backs , rtc , ) ; c.xtra
short clear , 5 > jc ; bellies , Ifi to 20-lb uvcrnse ,
CUe ; short rib * . 5'4c ! short clear * . Oc ; long
clear * . 5'jc1 ; sliouldcr.backs. \ . 5 < ic.
r > ' * tuGJ.i-ibuvrr.i3e ,
native" , li'i'SOV1 ; 4iwto 310-lh avcrase. native ,
0 < aiHc ; cows , and heifers 4 HJ tniiu-lb ! average ,
native. 5'c ' ; lilndquiirtew , steer > . lOc ; blnd-
nuarter * . cox\s , 7e : forequarters , steers. 4'c ' ;
fotfqnarlers , coxv , ac ; dresjed bogs , 4'iCi
choice Uressod mutton , 9'io ,
FHOII llKcr Ct Kolls. Vic ; beef tender-
loln , Is , . ; sirloin butts , ; lonele s strips ,
7'jc ; round.- ( rump otT ) , fie ; iiiunilsirninpon ) ,
.V ; round ; , ( shank oil ) , iic ; bont-less riiiups.
4e ; cliuvki. U'tc ; llatea.2'ie ; back halves 4e ;
sluinldiTclod < .49tc ; Ixsof lolm , No , 1 ( stecn. U
Wile ; beef loins. No. 2 , lOfclle : beef loins. No.
y. 'A' ; beef rlbi. G'iOsc ; beef rlix , > 'o. 1. lOifllci
sweetbreads ( per uozl. . 'ic ; kidneys ( eacln. ci
ox tails leach ) , 3c ; llx-ers leaeh ) , 15c ; beef
hearts ( each ) . 4c ; beef tongues ( each ) , 4Je ;
s > tili loins. C' ! ? .
At" . sAoK Ilnlopna. 4c ; bolojna lnwen ancl ,
4'io ; frankfurts , U > ic ; toniue. ' ciblood.l'ie ;
liver. 4'Je ; lieailchec > c. 4'ie ; 1'ollsli , 7c ; pork
sniisasre ( links ) . Oc ; porksausagu ( meat ) , lu tin
palls , Oc.
St'HAn-Vcrlb. Cut loaf. 7'ic ' : Cubes 7ci
Statiduid. powdered , 7v4c ; XXXX , powdered ,
standard. d'c Confertlon-
7 1' ; pranulated. ; ;
erV A. ' 4c ; White , Extra f. ( . 'Umax , fie ; K\tia
C' , Nebraska , 5Ue ; Amber , 5'ic ; Golden C.j' c ;
Dark C'V.
MM-LE JUCHU Verlb.-5o eake < ? , ao-lb boxes ,
Ilk1 ; lOccakt's : w-lb boxes , IS'ic ' ; l-lb bricks , W
Ibiln bot. pure. 14e. '
I'urtTB Iwastoa Aro'in , S.i'-iC ! Ilunola ,
2.V.C ; McLiiurhlln XXXX , ' > ta Gcrtuun.
2-V.ej IMlworth sSS'ic-j Llon.- > ' : ii ; Mallpouch
2J'ic ' ; Mocha. : c ; O. O.Javii.lUc.
I'UKKEI ; Ureeu-l'ancy Gulden Ulo , 22Se :
fancy old peaberry.24ic ; Hlo , elmlce tofaney.
" - J'le ' ; Ulo , prime , e : Klo , cuocl. Sl'it ' ; r-iintos
and co-union Uio , l ! 3i'le ; Mocha , 29ci Java ,
cenulnoO.0. _ , SSci Java , good. Interior , 2Jc ;
D'HIF.I'I'liciTS Turkish prune * , . les ° . tlian
hliils , K-ll. 7'1e : original hhtls.I4c less ; llo-nla
prune-sC It ) boxes , 103 to 111) ) . 7' e ; apple- * ,
ei-iporati-cl , new rlnR choice , ir c ; ovuporuttd ,
now rlnz prime , ISe. : apricots fancy , in sac-kt ,
20c : blackberries , now , lOc ; ru--p'jerrle . 25 Ibs
to box. ; i4e : . C'4e ; nrlKinul eatiks ,
1 < c les' , ; Vustlzzu currants , extra , In boxes ,
CASXKI ) 1'Rt'lT Pcaclic < . per dnz , $2.7.17t.100.
Ilerilc-i 2-lbCooseberrIe- : ; 2-lb btrawber
riesil. . : ! 2-lh ruspberrles..Mb ! : ) Ijluulicr-
rleil.ii : ; ; 2-lb blaeklerriLil.2o. . Pineapples
Bahama chopped , J2 , " > ) ; liahaiuasllccd , J2.r > ' ) j
llahnniti crated. JiU5 : standardslleed. { l.-ift
' , red. whlto
1..V ) . t'herrlo2lb
cliirrleil" > . IVirs--3-lbil.iO. : :
CIUKII : Wl-conain P. C. . tiiti flats , per Ib ,
I0e ; AVl-con ln FXyotin : America , lie ; brick.
13c : diim'-tlc wlss , 1113171" Edam , in full ,
caeh. il.OO : Llniliursur , 121J ( * .
IIATKS 1'ers.lun. 0-lbbox. 7e.
KAISINS London layers , California stand
ard , per l oi2.7J ; "horseshoe , " } 2.6i ; loo-e
muscatels. California stanJard. 52.7.1 ; "hor e-
tliie. " fcS.Ifi ; "fclar" loor-c nuiseatcK SJ.1U ;
seodlcss Callfornln , SI.3 ; California seenless
sultans , InsaeKs , peril ) . So ; C allfomia niu-ci- :
tels. lu sacks , be ; new vulcnclas,0e ; valenclas ,
old. ( ic : ondura layerold , lie.
Svitl'i-s Atuticrtfyrup Inbbls , o.70 prndo
3jc ; half lbls. > 'o. 7n Kranj.Kc ; 4-cal kess , No.
70 grade. * ! . : > " : 2-cal kitts. No. 70 Krade , 7 ;
. W.SOJi - al cans ,
pal cans , 10 In case , per case. /
16 Incasi- , per case , $1.10 ; white cloverdrlpi , in
bbls.IS.-c : Iialtbblsilc4-Kal ; kess oich J1.45 ;
' . ' -sal palls , each. 8. > c ; rock candy drijis , In
bbls.1 * ; half bbls. 7c ; 4-sal Keg * , each $01.00 ;
S-Kal palls each 8. > c ; California honey , bbls ,
; (7e ( ; half bbls. aiij ; 4-snl kegs. tl.Gi ! S-pal kltts.
IV ? : 1-gal , 19 In case , M.50 ; 1-gal , 1C lu cast ) ,
} 4.25.
CiiocotATn 1Mb boxes , 32SJ5c ; Ge.rruan
sweet,22 < i'/4c ! ; 1'arlslan ' , UJc.
( oriA 1'er Ib , itivfjioc.
IlnoxiA Per Ib , Ii2c.
COCOAMJT Perlb , lu pVgs , 26iJ27c ; bulk , 2-J
JEEDS Mixedltrcll-lbpkisric ) : canary. 5c ;
hemp , 4' c ; anUo Isc ; poppy. lOc ,
SIMCKS l'ejperiliuupore , elf ted , IS&lOo ;
shot , --'c. Allspice , lOc. Cloves Penan ? : , se
lected. 20c. Casla China , 4-lbmats.Oc. Sut-
mczs No. 1 , 75c ; faiii-y , lir.-e. 6.x ; .
F.xiltSAruiUij Goons liarley , H'ic : farina ,
fc- ; peas , lie ; oatmeal , l SW'ic ; inucaronl , I0a
lie ; vermicelli , liv llc ; rice . , . eliolce . , -
fancy , Oo ; '
lln '
elu . _ . . . .
@ ; t < ic ! hlack strap. 2flrrc. .
WltAi'i'lxo I'Ai'Kii Straw , per Ib , ll S2iej !
rag , : i'c ; Manilla 11. .V&fri No. 1 , So.
Otis IWprlmuvhltt > . ] 4c ; IV ) water white ,
irtc ; 173 heudllzlit. ll'je ' ; 7i cu < < olone. Me.
DA Bbls , 1'n. * ; granulated'c ; liibbls ,
SODA I'kC's.CO Ib1to box , .r > Jic ; keis. 4'ic.
YINEOUI ; * ) ( : r. older. Wo ; good , 12o' white ,
xvlno , 15c ; fancy , fruit. 80
STOVE roi.ifii-i2.iioTt5.i7 per cross.
IUn Am. ucr 100. il7.7.'i ; l.ewlston. per 100 ,
$17.7"i ; Cnlon square , : V3'V ) per cent off list.
SALT Dairy , 2SO Ibs In bbl. bulk. t..M ; best
ffraile. GO.K Ji'H ) ; best crude. 100 as. S2.4U ; best
crude. Is WS.VJ5 ; rock bait , crushed , J1.SO ;
common , bbl. il.25.
SoAi1 Castile , mottled , per Ib , 02lOc ; do ,
white , per In. 14e.
1'iCKi.ES Medium , perhbl. JJ.50 ; smallJG.W ;
Bherklns. | 7.5il ; Imp. Dili , Sls.OO , xG5 gal. cask )
Ui cal. bbl. J10.UO.
CltiKH-Perbbl. rcflncd , ' > . .1o ; half bbl , Si.50 ;
hard elder , pine. l > er bbl , SG.W ; oranuo cider
half , bbl , Jti.riO ; pear elder , half bbl , W 50.
TWINES fottoti twine , -Hlbb , " very line , l
Ib bales , Me- ; cot ton twine , "Daisy" brand , ' ,
Ib bales , Isc ; hemp txvine , H Ibbaks. Ik1 ; sail
twine. 2IK > ; canille wlcki'e:40-ft : cotton clothes
lines. 85c ; til-ft cotUin c > lothosllnc > , H. "ij GO-fl
cotton lines , fl. 40 ; liO-ft sisal Hues , U.73 ; GO-ft
Jute. Jl.U ) ; xvool twines , f-'ic.
XfTAliionds , 1-c ; Itrazlli , 14e ; fllbnrts ,
12'ie ; pecans , 14u ; walnuts. 1-ie ; peanut cocks ,
loc ; roasted. 12'ic ; Tennessee peanuts- .
Ilnoous .Vtle , parlor , SI.OJ ; 4-tie , t2.7.Va-tle ,
f2.i"i ; 3-tle , plain. { I.s5 ; warehouse , &J.IW ; toy ,
* ir. ; wblak. fl.OiK8l.25.
OLIVES Quarts , per dor , W.OO ; pints , perpoz ,
! 2.M > ; bulk. iK'rcal , tkV * .
OANNEII ME-.TS-L-ornod beef. 1 Ib , JI.20 ;
curiit'd beef , 2 Ibs. 52.1(1 ( ; luueh toncuus , 1 Ib ,
tifiO ; lunch tonsucs. - Ibs , 11.75 ; brawn , 1 Ib ,
11.2(1 ; brawn , s Ib- , . # 2.03 ; oxtouzues , pj Ibs.
$5.00 ; 01 tonues , 2 Ibs , WOO : ehlpK'd | beef. Pi
Ib , roniKt cans , 11.20 ; roast beef , 2 Ib , round
cans. * . ' .0) : imttedlmin , > Ib , round cans. ( IV ;
potted liani.i ! Ib round cans. 11.20 : deviled
limn. 54 Ib. round cansKic : devili-d hum , \ \ ' Ib ,
round cans SI--1" ) pelted ox tongue , ' / > Ib ,
round cana , il.vo ; compn > ssed bain , 1 Ib ,
square cans. fl.'Ji ; compressed ham , 5 Ibs.
.square cans 11.75 ! tripe , t Ib , round cans , ;
minced calops , 2 Ib , round cans , tl..ij ; bone
less pis' ; ft-et. 2 Ib , Mjiwro cans , li.S5.
VKOETAHLKS Toniatoe * 3-lb extra , fl.lO5- ;
Ib standard western brand * . ! c ; calKms.
strictly standard , Sk-W , l iru Vlnest groxvn ,
JI.CO : ellt-cdsed husar corn , very tine , il.r > 0 ;
cliolce ! > Ib suprir corn , $1.10 ; 2-lb extra west
ern brands , Jl 00 ; 2-lb standard xvcstern
brands , ti.oo. MusbronniH l-lb I'reneh , extra
tine , : ait2.V : l-lb 1 retch , flue. ISSi.'c ; l-lb
1'reiicli , urrilnnry , KV&lStt. Peas Tre-stine. per
can , 2.V ; dciul-tlnc , porcnn , IGo ; 2-lb sifted.
Jl.liO ; 2-lb curly June. JL-TOtMb inarroT , btand-
aril brand s ! 1.M ) ; 1Mb waked. h5c. Strlnz bean *
J-lbhlchsrade , Hefuneo , fl.nO ; 2-lb Golden
wax beans , Jl.wi ; 2-lb Mrlnxhenns. Ode. I-lma
beans-2-lbwiaKed.iJc. Huston llaked beans
a-lb Lewis. fl.r > 5 ; Crown brands , tl.Xi. Sweet p > -
tatoc-s a-lb New Jtsrscy. Sl.fiO. I'unipkins-- : !
Ib. il.IO. Okra and torcaloea J1.6J ; okra , Sl.CO
succotash. 11.29.
CoiiinnK-Manllla ropt- All sizes from 7-K
to 1 In. 15c ; sisal rope , ull * lzi > s from 7-10 to
In , 11'ic ; "new process , " all blzes from 7-17 to 1
In. &c.
Papa Getting In Ills \Vork.
"Ethellnda , darling , " inunnured the
cnrnpturt'd young man , "this is the liup-
jiiorit moment ol iny life. 1 came lioro
this cvoninfr ho-iing , yet foarinj , ' . ' .
could not put it oil tiny longor. I fel
that I must know my fiite. The BUS
pense was killiiifr mo. But now I swear
it bv this lovely hoiid rostinjso confld
Infily on ray enouluor , by the kiss on
your sweet HJH , I but wnat was tlm
cltckinsr nolrio I hoard just then11
"Nothing , Walter , uotlilns but papa
He's a lawyer , you know , out ho amuses
himself with all sorts of queer fads
He's practicing' on usvllh his kodak
Goon , "Walter dear. What wro you
about tosweari1" Pitteburt' Dispatch.
How tlic ScrctttliVar l
1'nrty I'ropnse * to Conduct Them.
At a meeting of tlio republicans of the Sev
enth warJ , heU lost Salurduy night , the fol
lowing rules for the government of tbo ward
primaries were unanimously nJopted :
The republicans of the Seventh ward of the
city of Omuhn , Douglas county , state of Ne
braska , Jn mass tnectlnR assemoioo , ao here
by orgmutte ourselves Into a political associa
tion \vtileb. Is to b known as the Seventh
ward republican party.
The object of the association shall bo to
hold and maintain fair and houost priiu.iry
elections under the statutes of the state of
Nebr.isku providing tru-tvfor , tmd wo adopt
the following n * > our rules and regulation11 :
Section 1. When a call for n republican
primary stiall be made by the republican
party or Its i-onitnlttee , the Seventh wurd re
publican partyxvill conduct Its primary ut > der
those ruk-s and regulations.
Section J. The oOlv-crs of the Seventh
ward republican party shall consist of a pres
ident , tirst , sei-ond and third vice-presidents
secretary and assistant secretary , prosecut
ing uttoruev who shall prepare all com
plaints against parties who violate the
ln\v eovcrnitig prininries , in xrhlcb primaries
thcSevi'Utu vard republican party m.iy bo
ditxvtly Interested , and a contest committee ,
couilstiiii : of live members and live alternates
the alternates to act culv in the absence of
their respective principals. The president
shall also be treasurer. The vice president
hull succeed : to the oftice of president In the
rder named lu case of absence or residua-
Ion ; in like manner shall the assistant secre-
arv succeed to tbe oWce of secretary.
Sec. a The president , vice president and
ecretary shall bo the election board of tbo
> riuiary elections and shall govern the elec-
ions iti aocordauco with the rules and rejiu-
atlons of the Seventh ward republican party
and tuestatutes of Nebraska.
Sec. J. Thcoftlcersof the association 'hall
> e elected by the members ut a meeting to beheld
hold on the lint Thursday in October , ls < ) J ,
and annually thereafter , and shall hold their
olUccs until their successors are elected arid
See 5 1 de ofUeers shall subscribe to an
o.ithinthe foliowlnR form ; "I do hereby
olcmnly swear ' .hot 1 will perform
bo duties of IliO oflico of.
of the Sevciitb ' .vard republican p.trty. fairly
ind iiiipaftiully and in nccordatco vilh the
aw , to the best of mr ability. "
Sec. 0. At the meetings ol the association
the oQlcors shall perform the duties usually
icrformcd by such otlicers.
Sec. " . They shall have charge of the prl-
nary election's , conJuctinp them without par
tiality or favor to nnv person or faction.
See. i. They shall receive the ballots of
voters and canvass the same correctly , de
clare the result and plve their certilicate to
he parties entitled thereto.
Sec. y. Any person who is not a member of
he association ihall uot be allowed to vote at
the primary.
Bee. 10. In case a person suaii ue a mctnoer
of this association , yet not a resident of the
vard in peed failh at the time the primary is
held , ho shall not be entitled to vote at the
Sec. 11. Any member of the association
may challenge the vote of auv ether member
of "tbe association , who be believes is not a
resident of the ward , and the otticcrs shall
ixamlne such person under oath , as provided
> y the statutes of the state coviruinp pri
mary elections. If the challenge is not with
drawn the voter sball write his name and
ilace of residence. In ink , upou the b.ill t.
The president shall -write upon , the ballot the
words , "disputed ballot , " and the sivivtary
shall write opposite such voter's name on the
voters' list the xx-ords "disputed ballot , 'after
vhich It shall be deposited in the ballot box.
refuses to com-
n case tbe challenged voler
) lywith this rule his ballot sball ho re.etid. . .
Sec. U. Any person desiring to vote at the
republican primaries in the Seventh vard
shall become a member of the Seventh ward
republican party , and to become a meinbi-r In'
shall sign an application in tbe followiujj
fortu ;
OM\UJI , Nebraska 1K0 .
I , , nm over twenty-
old have resided in tbe state
one (21) ( ) years ;
of Nebraska su months , or more ; in Douglas
county forty days or more : And in the
Seventh ward of tbu city of Omaha ten days.
or more ; I am a resident of the Seventh
ward in good faith , and reside at No
ou street ; [ In C.ISB there is no
number , give a description so that the place
can easily bo found ] ; I am n republican in
politics and desire to have my name entered
upon the register , that 1 may participate in
the republican primaries.
lie snail cause such application to be de
livered to the president , vice president orsec-
retary of the association. No application
shall bo received bv any of said ofllcers
within twenty-four hours next previous to
the opening of the primary election polls.
From the applications so received by the of-
lic rs tbey shall prepare an alphabetical list
which shall be used at tbe primary election ,
and when a person sball vote , opposite the
name tbey shall wnte the \\ord 'voted' . Any
member shall have the right to rnaku a copy
of the list at any time.
Sec. 13. There shall be five thousand | : > ,000 |
of the foregoing blanks printed , and the of
ficers shall keep u supply on hand , aud any
resident of tbo watd shall bo entitled to re
ceive a blank on application. There shall be
printed on said blaults. Section ' . and 11.
Sec. 14. Before the ofllcers shall count the
ballots cast at the primary , they shall lirst
separate to themselves all the ballots wbu-h
sball hax-e been marked as provided in rule
eleven "disputed ballots. " They shall then
canvass all ballots ; except those marked in
the manner provided , and write the result of
the election , xvithout tbo disputed ballot.
Then they shall canvass the disputed ballots
and write the result of the cauvims of the
disputed ballot , utter which they shall com
bine the two aud write the result. The tot > l
number of votes cast for each person voted
for at such primary shall bo stated in the re
port of the oalccrs as follows :
First Number of undisputed ballots.
Second Number of disputed ballots.
Third Total of all ballots cast
Sec. 13. The disputed ballots shall be.
placed la nn envelope which shall be duly
sealed , alter which the president shall
take charRe of tbe package and retain the
same for a period of three months , unless
they shall bo called for by the contest com
mittee or by n subpuina from a court. In
ca > e the contested ballots are not called for
as provided , the president shall burn them
without breaking the seal.
Sec. 10. The officers shall retain charge of
the alphabetical poll list , which shall be sub
ject to inspection by members.
Sec. 17. Beginning at a time forty-eight
hours before the opening of the primaries
and continuing for seven consecutive hours ,
ana no longer , and on the day following ,
from 'J o'clock a. in. , until 12 o'clock noon ,
and no longer. The president and vice-presi
dents , or as many vice-presidents as may bo
necessarv to afford an oftlcer at each place ol
registration in the Seventh xvard ahull sit at
the places of registration and inako
and keep nn alphabetical list of all repub
licans who still sign and deliver to them ono
of the applications adopted by this associa
tion ; provided , the vice presidents shall bo
assigned to duty according to their oftida
rank ; and , provided further , in tlie event 01
the failure of the vice presidents to perform
the duties devolving upon them , the presi
dent shall appoint the secretary and his as
ststunt to perform the duties above specified
Sec. IS. The raonev necessary for carrying
on thohusinessof this association shall bo
raised by voluntary contribution * . The
moneys so obtained shall bo used for the foi
lowing purposes only : Ten per cent of al
moneys paid into the bunds of the treasurer
shall be set apart and used as i-"i > rosccutiuii
fund ; " the remaining IM ( > cr cent to be use" .
for the payment of rent , printing and station
cry. and the payment of the primary elec
tion board and certain ofllcers of this associa
tlon. Provided , the compensation of the elec
tion board and the oftlcers of this assoi-iatiun
shall not exceed fifty ( .YJ ) cents per hour fo
work actually authorized by these rules und
provided further , all moneys remaining in th
prosecution fund after all prosciruilub
have been pushed to a successful end shall b
trausforred to the general fund referred to
In this section as "thu miraiumg ninety per
cent. "
Sec. \Vhcaitshallnppearby the can
vass of the votes that tbe whulo number of
disputed balluts cast , would. If all wore cast
cither way. cbangotho reimt of the election
In any particular , in such case if any person
voted for ut such primary shall desire to con
test the election , he shall within ten minutes
after the rasult Is announced by the board of
election , deliver to the president or acting-
prosliluiit , -xvi-itu-n notice sayiutr that ho de-
birvs to contest the election. And if such no
tice is delivered , the president shall imme
diately give nolle * as to when ) the contest
committee will rao.'t , which shall Ixa at some
convenient place and shall notify the contest
fomffiiuee to be present to hear the conU-st
at o'clock the next following morning It
i be tbo duty ot the contest committee to
moot arcoriilu * * to the cnll , the evMoni'o
and decide1 the contest nnrt deliver to the >
boarJ of election their division In writing ,
( is to the result , \vliorvupon the bourd of
flection shall issue their certlflcnto of elec
tion In accordance with the decision of the
contest committee.
Sec. ) . A Mwclnl meeting of the nssovln-
tlon may be oiule.l by n mnjorltv of the oftl-
cers of the a oolullon , which Miull state the
object of tlio meet inc. Notice of uoh
special mectlnp shall be published In THE
OMIII * . DULY Evr.viso HBK anil such other
dnlly na the oftleers hall ili sltv , for ton diiys
next prvivdlnR th < ? day ol thuieetlnir. .
Sec. 21. Thee mles ntul regulations may
> o altered or amended in any regular primary
loetion , by ftoto of the mijority of the
jnllots cut on the tiroixxcd nnieuJmenta.Tho
> ropaseJ niiiotulmcnts shall \a \ written anU
letuil by ton members mul sliull be roml at n
peuerul or special meetlnp ut least thirty
days jir'or to a primary . lection , when the
nicndincMit shall tw sub-nUted to vote. In
use ono-thlrJ of the members nt such moot
tip shall frtvor submittltiK uch proposed
niend tiunt to the primary , then the proposed
nieiiiltiient shall bo printed on paper in the
rdlnary ballot form of subniiUiin ; proO4i- |
ions atclivtlons. Those votina for the pro
> osed umotultiu'nt will , vote "yes , " tUo o op
KWd will vote "no. "
Til 13 lllSAhTY M.Hlvi : P.
I plaouJ on ruooril
be r ? .
O I , Ayoranil htmliinil lo .T M I'renoh. o
'ilotfc lilkS. Shlnn's mid . f 2.MO
M ItucliHtiati ntul lfo to All IJnatio ,
lut 1 > . lilk Si , i'oiilt | > Uin PurK . J.OUO
I I , Tollier to. I K IVttv ' , lots. 5 iitulli , blk
rolllerl'luce . . . . 2.200
' 1 * rreeiiinn un l wife toO \V Mason. lots
SMofi. lilk ul , rroiMiiiin's'iiib . 2. Mm
W Urlltltli , trustee , toV \ 11 Itusscll. lot
II ) . blUii. linker riiu-o . ' 40'
o * Kr iskon : iud\v iretoAujruMH Mrat-
niati. i 35 ft lot 1 ; i I ul u 'J' ) ftlut 10. Tut-
tie's inn . 1
Gust I.lnd mid wife lo C J I'arlson , lot L' ,
' . TOO
ItnrdelU * l'o irt
S II McKcntiu ixiul wife to J 1' Aour , lot
& . blk N II row n Park . 700
1.1 MK'liaolmn uiul wife to Christian
MIoliai-lMin. lot 2 . blKS.Vcst Lawn . . 4iM
Gil Mo-heraml wlfo toV II llniuai ) ,
1m 1' ' . M US. Potter's mid . l.SO
\ 1' Mllloianil wife to I'harlei McMf n-
emy. lotI I tu U anil 13 to 24 , blk . ' . We = t
Altirl.'ht . 4.3)1) )
Cluirir * McMuuoinv to A P Mlllur , lut i ,
bib 10 , Kount/.oilil add . 7w : >
Oninha ronle < t lite u nd t rust emu piny to
. ) 11 duo , lot 7 , bl U 4 , . > aiin < kr * & ll's "
Mt I'leastint add . ST. '
JTOlhcr et ul , tru < tee . to Clili-auo ,
Hoi-l , Isiaml A : I'aellli1 railway e in | > a-
ny.lota ) . Mk iilot : ii.blk : ll.Allirlisht's '
annex to Snutli Omaha . 1.MO
S D I'lke anil wife to J U llviulrU , und
14 lut ' . ' 0 , Iliirr U.\k . 3,0Ki
. < SISunil and lfo to Chleaso , Kiwk
Island i I'ucltlo railway company , lot
l > . hlk 10 , Albright's annex to south
Oinnlia . (00
J S Mmll bp'js to P. C Harris , lot 12 , bllt
in. aliull'iiil mill . K
Saino to Allies McAusland , 1 IS , 1)11 ; 15 ,
same . 050
0 1' Strut maun anil wlfctoJiiM-ph Ivrne- '
sKovf. b ' Vi ft 1 1 and n a f 1 1 10. Tuttle's
sul >
II .1 Scannell to W P Stevens. 1 II , blk 1 ,
Stou-ns' I'liico 2,50
J M swftnam et al toj M Unnublo. 1 9.
blkl. tir- ad tnOntral I'iirk SJ
S K 1'ri'iii h antl lf < > to C 13 Luee , 1 7 and
N blk lv . Contra ! Purk 1
II Johnson ot ill tc I , T Weeks , all \v M
ft of n Iil7. til * ' , ' , --nf Hue. IN : | i of u
llnuof b.iiil lut in orchard 11 111 I
Total amount i if transfer * . . . . $ : is.N
13O2 Farnam Street ,
City PaEsencjor and Ticket Agont.
Mortgage Bonds in Railway , Gas ,
Water and otlicr Companies
on the amount Inrp tel , on comml * > M < in T nther
wlc.Ve are preiuir' < ) t ( nc ollnlc the nta of turuc
ttitlii'.trlal underlakltvB. anllnlr < i > liicu lnull' ; ) i eai l *
tallnto suund t't > nc.rinYell o.tiltll ! te1 venture *
only , Imitni ! n K U 1 reainLlnkon In linnet.'o of
fer to tin' No York I'ro'uco llxclinnje Dank of
lironlway. New V'trk. wliteii biiilt at prom-ii tiavo
Beoutrlik's xaui'd at orer fVNi.UJO b.-K imlni ! to IIB
w.iHinj mveitine it. All con-nunic'aiMiu tu b : ad
THKefslvKHAI. STOi-K KXriIANOK. Limited
* y IJl'E N Vn ! O ( I \ STIIEI'T L * > sl\- K '
Ul.Mtl iOxSLNMIU ) . Manucmii liroct..r
Cabin Passage S35 to $50 , according to location ol
stateroom. Excursion $65 to (95.
Btecrase to nnd Irom Kuropo at Iwert Hales.
AUSTIN BALDWIN i CO..General Agenti ,
S3 Broadway , NEW YORK.
Jno. Hlpipn. General Western Aperit. 12
Itaixltilphtreot , Chicago. Harry K. Mooro.
Jos. Cannc. _
WeOffer for Sale.
rour tbousind ton * ? choice Haled Hay. F-0.
II. oars , Stninio's S dlnz. L-.iton or llcirnlpk
ftitlons. : on 0. M. .t St. I1. II. K. . In lots to suit
purchaser ; prices resulatol by tbo market
Cull anil si'O 114.
1I3AAS ,
the Rreat Cult City of the near future.
nlfk-cnt harbor. A million und a half dollars
uow leln ? spent In rock and iron docks. The
seaport nt the country wt-stcif tlo Jlisslb-jlppl.
\Vrlte for Information and limps.
U. M. THUEH KAUT 4 ; CO. Kstublislied 1607
Great Western Type Foundry ,
1114 Howard St OMAHA.
[ J Wnk-t.iiof Body tad Sir.4 , EfftcU
- - ! -.Bri " or Zicti : i inJDUor Jcot ? .
. mloiTioiir.
blrtt l.l. mUllUr HlUt TKKUIIHM-ll.D.II. I. ,6 , , .
lU7 Iron ftOnlalrkiad ft rtlf O > Qftln . Hrillk a.
trlpll" llwk. iivlt ll i aid proofini ll a , iUillr fc
Buffmiu , from tlie enrcu < > f > ui
e&knrA. ) o.i n
* tcarviuitii & *
* yQit a Ta.uaul ? trf&tlitt < MSl <
- fur home tore. Kit
partli-ulan iplcndia mr-rtlcalwork fhoi'iJ . . , y . . . , ,
man \vho i& n rv.'iiB an l JflitlltAt * " ! . Attdrt-M ,
Prof. I'.C. l'O\VLIU.nioodufiCoiiu.
A POSITIVE andpermiBent CURE for all
dlieises of the URINARY ORGANS. Carei
wtere other treatieat fails , Fell dtrectioniwitbetcb
bottle. Filce , ne dollar Eee ileaaUre of Blr
BTiHL. ror Solo By All Druggists.
Llueu C ullam uiitl Cuir .
Correct St > let.
Best Quilltr. Perltct Fining.
Omaha ManiJfaotUrBrs ,
Ftootn mill SltiicK.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots& Shoes
ActoUfuf Bo'tonllutbrr Bh o Co IU4. 1104
llntnrr sncrl. Onislm , Neb
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IUI Nitth IMh Strrrt. On li.v N > b.
Cornice. _
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Coinla
WlnJow f | > < nmt mcljllc V it ht Julin
or Kn m1 iid ntli loili ttrt-vl
A. HOSI'E , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 IMiRlni Strrtt. Onulu. Nft-
Coal , Colic ,
Jobbers of Hard anil Soft Coal.
I. R. Cor Itlli and IKjticUs btrcttt , Oiuahn. Neti.
Wholesale Cigars.
Kt N tfilhStrpot "Hrr.n ! " 11TJ
Ir ) Goods ntul Notion- * .
" " " " "
II. E. tMITII A : Cd7 ,
Dry Goods , Furnisliini ; Goods and Notions
Corner Itthnnd llownr 1 Strccn
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
GtnU'lurultlilnu- I CorntT tltb and llartie )
n. Scl ) .
Wholesale Dealers in runiiturc ,
Knrnnui Strci't. Onmhn. Ntfbr&aka.
Omnlm , Ni'brmk.v
Grourrlv ) .
Wuolesale Grocers ,
I nvcnwiirtli ftroot" Oranlin N'
Lniiilier. Klo.
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
Yird 1.110 N U th St. . Da.jh * .
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc , , Klc ,
Imported ( vn.l Amrrlcnn I'orll.uid Ccnicnl Bt > U
ajtit for Mllw uM > ' Itrilruuno Cuiuont , and
( junior wiilie l-liuo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpel" nni'parnui't H. vir'ns ' Mb uc4luu1u
tlret'tJ Umalin. Nibriisk.i.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Elc.
Corner I'lli nnd Iiuuglai streets , Oiwhu.
= = - :
91 illlnor- and NotlonM ,
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
9 , yid and SI ! Soulh IHh street
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing GoodSj
1121 Ilnrncy utrci'l. Onaha.
Wholesale Uclined and Lubricating Oi
Axle create , etc. , Omabn. A. 11. lllshop ,
I'll per.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Cam * nice stock ol prlntlnc wrni'i'lnn and wrltlnj .
pap r. Bt > cclal untnUuu ( Ivcn lu curd paper.
SnfcH , Ktc. _
General Agents for
Halls' Safes ,
til anil 323 Euutli lOlli Pi . Omaha.
_ Toy * . Ktc. _
H. HARDY If. CO. ,
Jobber ! of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Home 1'urnli-lilnc Ooudi > . Children' ! CarrlaKci. 139
} &rniiu : Btrccl. Umaba , Neb.
W liter Supplies.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
-lnfl mill ! 016 nd iiTOJoiifi it. , Omaha
U. I llun. Acting Mannuer.
Iron AVorks.
brought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
. brn * * work. L-encml fuunclry ninrlilno nad
w.irki , U. 1 * .
| jhcL i > jllh wurk Ultlce and
Ur un < l 17th iiruel , Umulil.
Manl'rs ' ol Fire and liurglar Proot Safes ,
Vuultn , 'rvll work , Ima 'liutUTS nnd tire r rni > e
U. AcilreCD.prup'r. Cur tub
Sufili , DOOI-H , 10to.
M. A. DISUKOW 4c CO. ,
Vi'liultiale munulnctureri of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Branch office. 1211) and liarcj ilref-U , Oiunkv Net ) .
01 Soiilli Omaha. Limited.
National Bank
$40OOO < 3
Capital. - - - ,
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7eo < 3
Oairernund l > lrpctor-Hpnrj T t < > I'rpxidenti
l rvliS 1160(1. Vlce-I * ' * > tl < Jtnl ; JaiiiV saya f , V4
V > ! or p , Jobn a Colhni , It C. CuiUiu ; J. N. M
\V 11 S. llunbei , caililer.
Corner 12tb and I'arnam Su.
A General Hun Win : Uuslucss Transacted.
Permanent Alignment
Otnrral AgeuU Nobraski and lowk
Q1O B. lOth St. , - - Omuh-l
CUReovr 1ir t.