TIIE OJIAHA DAILY ] JBE : WO10DA.T ! SEPTE3IBEII A 1890. SPEGIKL NOTICES- AWt lTIS ! Mf : T' for tliisocoluniiMWlll V't ikon until tl. n p m. for thoovcnlnK rdttlorMind until 8:7) : ) p. in. for the raornlus edition nnd hLMiAT llf K. -Cash In nthance. Advcrtlscmcntson thlipnto will b \ eharatd fornt the rate of Hi centptr word for HID first Insirtlon anil 1 cent per worn for onnh Hiil.Mfui | > nt liiM'rtlun , nnd HM per line per mtnitli , Xn udxcrtlmmcnt taken for less than 5 cuds for the llrst Invrllon. TNI riAlu. nttureu , sj rnboU , etc , , count each ns ono word ndvcrtlRomcnts mnU runconsecu- J llvoly nnd under no i-lriiimsUnces will they bo tiikcn or dlKfontlntifd b tck-pbone. "IDAUT1K9 ndtortlMnR In thc o columniand JL lii * ItlgtliPlr answers nddrfscd to a "num bered It-tier" In care of Tun llrp. will retolxo a ntlinbtir'd chock tornnblc them toVct their letters Answers xvlll bn d < * llxorcd only on iirrsriitnllnn of this chi'ok. Tncloso answers In enxt'Iopes properly addro sid A Mi advertisements under the head of "Spcrlal Notices" nro publlslied In both morning nml incnlmr editions of TDK Hir. . the clrt iilatlnn of whlih at < rci.itcs mora than anxnpiiju'M tlidly , nnd cl\es the advertiser tholM'ticdt not only of the largo circulation of Ttir lUnln Oinalia , but also InCouncll llluITs. Lltifnln nml olhcr cities nnd towns In tin- west BRA.NCH bFFCEST [ Advertising for these columns will bo taken on the aliovo inmlltlims. nt tbnfollouliiKlnisI- nesshon cs xvho areautliorl/cd to tike special notices nt tliusninu rate4 as cnn be had at the main ofllic. _ QOI'TII OMAHA ItKANCII OPlICB-No O ' . .IKStreit , Mster IllocU. lOlIN HEM , . I'hariiiiclst.KrJSouth . Tenth J Hrci't C1IIAM , A. I'7)IY. ) Matlonors and Printers , ' III South Pith Street 1V .77 I IP OH KS , Pharmacist , 0 4 Mil th ICth ' 1 blritt. OIO V > r A lilt. I'iiariiiiiolst , 1713 Leni'ii- xvnrtliMrci'U ' T Ft Gill faVf'flA ' WIACy. 24th and rmi.iiu. SITUATIONS \VA.vni : ) . , ( ! : . , tte topnf Jlrnt r//umii on this ) Homes for Htuilcnts , maleaiul fenrilu. who will ixork nliht-sand morn- In ntor thnlr boird Address , standard llnsl- ncMcolleKC , y , V. Llfo hide , TM G SITUATION iiSHUnozripher.indtv pewrltor hyalndy , ro-lllon more an tihjcet th in Address N4" > , Hie. W.S-S * "VAf ANTJ'D lly n young lady of consldci- ' i ahltilinslni * > sc\t'i | ) h nte nnd ahllltv on.c rrsDonsihlo iiosltl'in , ot as prUato socictnry AtlthtssN 42 , Hit * , tWH-IJ DI I'l AI ION xv anted liv a ludv to Ue p ) ' ( ) ti or to iisslnt In the household Addiusb IK. . Ilio otllie , Council UlulTs ui8-r , ' \\T AN CHI ) Position M book tecpor by > jimn mnn Onod lofcieme. xxnmno ob ject Addles * I01SN. 10th st. , Omuli i , > < h \\rAN rCD-pOltnatlnn as nlRht xx itchnuin In i i stoic , mill or factory. 1)3 ) .inlionrit re- llablo mini. Address > V7 , Ilee. MMT-10- win it hv the liny or neck c ill on or -MUsCiirrlti Ktiat .STUt llunilltnn st blilU * > IY ICycawold .1:111(1 : ( to leirn tridiVint \ I\M \ ird , roon1 and xv.iklilni ; first \ car Ad- ci * N . ' . ' . Itm 70" . J-"oriit , t'c. , tee top of futt column "V\rA ! N 1 M > Salesmen on s dary or coininls- l slontnhainllotho : M'U I'.itont Cliemltal Ink ir.iln3 : 1'enell Iho ftrc.iteat Mlllnx noxclt > ovorprotliuid. Ilr.iMS Ink thoiotmh- ly In twbscconils : noahrislonof piper Jitto ) ) MO per cint profit. Ono agont'H silt" , anionnt id tuttiJD In six days ; another f.K In two hours. \ \ i ) want ono t'tieriretlc jjener il lueut forc.ich st. itoiiml territory Snnpluby in ill \ ! IS I'M Tor term1 * nnd full p.irtlenl irs , address fThoJIonroo I'rasor Jlfff. to , I. iCros o. \ \ Is. b'X ' ) 6 * \ \f AiN miv V ouns rnnn as cnsiilor Must ii bo alilu to furnisli bond. Additsq. In ox\n liandwrlllntr , N W Hue. 015-3 * "Vi An ntlx-uman foreich section , siliry t75to JlOO , to locilly rcprevnt i Hiucc-sful X , V. cnm'uny , Incorporatid , to supply dry Koods , clotlilnir. shots , je elrj , etc. lo coiisumbrsat cost. Also a Indyoftacl , wiliryJli ) to enroll n.emborsd-O.OOO now on- rollul , JIOfl.lKWpaldln. ) 1 ! ( fcrencescvcli-insted tinplro Co-Oporatliti asoelutlon , ( credit xvell mud ) , liwk boxUlU , N. Y \\rANTEIJ A ptio d slout hey to taKe care I of horsoaiid inxv and di'llxor goods Ap ply with ifforeuces 17 1 Dod c. 87. 0 "V\rANTED An experienced photo npher , i ' outi thatthrioiiKhly ttndcrstand * the bus iness. tHtl ( iraiiesto tlio right mun ( 'ill or , hddrojs J. Vale , 14)7 ) N. Slth st. , olt . 813-0 * ° ISS | r and short order cfroU. IM st. good references Bt. T-50-0 * "YITAMIRD A llrst-cll < . wn on und c.ir- TJ. rfatfp xvorkor. bliatubllii .V scott. South Oipiuld , fjcly _ r.n-U * Ttf A JTTIAJlrstei , i > .s trixclliu' s ilcsniati * r , ( no other ' ntcd iipplto Kelt | H > V ' anil OII'M elotldilK In NcbrtsUa I'ollak & ; , , lb liiu.ulnay , Milwaukee , Wls CM-n rAMT.D-lOO men nnd 20 teums at 23th V , < Uid l.liko st. Ininoirow nionilliK. * * oxxor 'l , . 0 K. I .uinhu A1 u. 9)3-1 * * land nsonts , lOOO cllin.itu , people HM > longer , hupplcr , .icoiiniuluto xxoilth t islcr tlinn nil ) locality on tliu loho ; good lii-.lne-.i opportunity bolters insxu'icd tfulf.ul - ilit" , > .uil btiiuipi'tl i > nuloM | < * K cniloscd Ad- clit'ts , lloJH'X Van K.iul ) , Tuxns ; il7-ll * "t\rAM'in-M ; men to dl In oxu'r trcni'livi T ( lootl xv.i cs , Apul ) to Alt Mncnmh.ui , lU'itrlcn Noli HJj-'J ' * MANtosoll line of il iir . f K1 per month , nndi'xpcni'i" * pild. Addnis with st imp CSlobu I'lKiirC'o , &l. l.ouU. Mo h'll ' 0 \ \ 7AM'Kl-Uiillrnndiiicn ) for \Vj online AlIT - IT In I jlit's ialuruiitipy. ) IIJU rnrniiin \ A NTl.D-Ilovi anil ulrU ill Mtirph ) , i \Vtsuy A C'o. ach.ilrf ictoiy. 711 ti \\'AM'r.D-SilPsiiHii to sill oodtoinor - l cliiint-i by s.iiuilO ) ! b.il try pild to jrotxl nu n. H nnplcs fiiriiKlit < tlipei mani'iit situ it Ion TModul .Manufacturing C , Sjiith Hcnd Ind 707 tUf \ \ \M'KD-A xonnj man to soli Donicstli * t > .i < uln in ichlni' , xvlio h 11 hiilo\irlenci | < \ In thu Additss b. H. smith I.c.itl t It ) . fe IMlc. TlH ( , * firAM'nil-Mouto truel fur our I'niiadlnn ' T iuiiscrIn.btono.VWillInitonMadison.\VU ; MO " \ l'ANTnSaIc / < mt > ! i at in per inontli sal- ar > anil expenses to > .cll a line of < llxor- platcd wnrc xvauhcs. etc , hy sample only ! hor'.o nnd t"tim fnrnlshed fioo , xvilto at once forfull p.irtlinlais and Biniplu case of cootH fne. standard blUurvt iru l'o , Iio ton , M.ISJ " \\'AM'ni-iSX1 ) laborers for o\tri ro id jjans * Apply to I1 H. Julinson , II . \ . M jnsseu'i r Icpot.Or ' Vil \\T-AM'it ) nnomcti for L'tidi and > i'\iult , xBases r.'UO to f-'W. AlhrUhfs Labor Ap'noj , ll.t ) ruriinm bt , ICU " \\rANTKll 1 lirt-o first elaM men to roprn- > i sent tliiiOniiihii llieln andoutof tlioclty Cull i.ttho specialnlllcoof Omaha llco , inrnur 17th und 1 iiinain froiind tloor. 1)77 ) \VANI 1:11 : JIIL.I . ' . ttc.fce tnjioffnt c liimi iii ) TAM'KD-UIrl 23J7 Cumins st. < r lv \WANl' H-OI ) houstnsork , il Rood x * ii { > s. l"ti Jv Klrtl st. " " " "l"lOI ! ) | > ulrl fiirlion-OrtorL Uofutenccs re- JtViuihed. ' ' .Mrs. Duiiiont. I.ifa ) tlto a\unue Duiiiont.im N \iirrlo need cook , iilso imr.soglil .itonio V ) MG-U * "IXTAM'iOood : ! ) ulrl for . , linnvo. IIvnrli. . Small family. Uuot ! H ( * V4 s. 7W-0 "l\rAM'Kl-Aio k. Apply to Mr * . Wirren hxltzlurVior. \ . With and fct.Murj'sa.o A rOIII'iriPN'r Blrl , must ho a peed took und lutuulrt'sd. Apply at 'I'.T lluincy cotik uiKrillidlTe rooin B is paid. 2i'j > ortli leth nt. nt.HIIO' \y A SI I'l I ) A Boo > l ulrl for conernl houso- \MirU. Mn * . CiHits.Sotith 10th t lielxxeui reicoiuiiM\ | \ tin * . Ui.-u * _ COOK U tinted , a competent cook uml Irxun- tlriv > Jlrn U , J , Hunt. M b.nth t. SsvUs * \ Rood cook and a econdRtrl ' ' fumiiiall family , Apply at SU'I Dnvcii- portit. \\F3TS Tl-.r > Two iflrls for Idtohtnwork I I Dornn llousc , 4iJ South Uth St. , unoblool < otUh of court iouie. \VANTKn-AROodnun-fjrirl. Oootl KIWI l I paid to right party. S. li cor. a k Joncsj. A competent girl for nitrso nnd i l ft-cond work. Mrs. Uco. I'/iterson , IM S. > th streit. 812 G inr , U'nntid , sti'idy clrl , first class cook and ' laundress Must bo thoroughly com- nnd xvt II ri'conuuended Wnges Ji per Mrs. Mlllluin London. 0)0 ) S 2th st 511 A"VANTKI > Coinpptnnt tslrl for T huii'cworlc , Jt/M t'opiilcton avc fOK I' r nttct , ttf , , ttr tiipof Jlrtt tulttmn rtn thin ( i(7 . ' ' Ij ul ; KhNT-lSfSTffiSiiTCT'o--room - ( - - lirlok ; JL ? iiuxlcrn diinvpiilenct'Si cholcn locitlon : do- lrilili > m-lKhborhiMKl ; < ? < y wulklne illstaucu rom busItiLsa J \ \ Urlllltli , U ! lidu.r * . ' " \N iiumir lllii' , mil ) Nflintintli n > i'Hl ( ( ) u ir- V J\y \ ton int , ikvant no 8 n im 2 storv brick vllli nil iiKxIern lomcntunccs J IK ] i arc "I "J : < ni.c m. FOI ! ItHNT-Votirt'IioIco tn two clcsai.ttcn room lrok ! lion cs for } i. > per inontli Just liiKhud , nuiderii tonvt'iiluiiccs , 007 nnd 'W So\itli seth struct. Call ut Union Ntitliinal Hunk. ! j-0 FOR ItKNT-Nlc.-riOiiiL-ottiBu . , 87H Siulh ! Sd. l > * nvar < L n\unnortli. ll-t > ri HO K fournuw lmit < it , 10 rtiotns I'ncli , nil J-coiiMiilonto. nt 1'nrk uvcnuu and " \lmon , 'or runt , Cieo I'aill. IMtf I'tit-uim. Stl-ll ) jnW ll-rooni liott o. Kntmlro IMnci" , JJO nor - > inontli. II t : . Cole. Conttnuitiil blk. bT7-S f11OOM \ lioti n In BIKH ! Incnllniit ronl * > , ifur'iltuio fur f.WO , i > t iHli.tnlatuu nitiitlil > i If 11 a urooiu liouso for $ .V > jitt nidiitli. ftirnl- turn M.V1 pint tush Co-op I.mil suul Ijnt Co , U > N ILIIi st. W--S FOIt 1IHNT Nuw tvii-rtiotn lioitsn ; nil mo dern linpixn uinpnts , also nine-room brlcU loiin1 with b.irn. Aiinl > to O un Mt'Cntrrey , . ' 1.11 Iliiriuiy HU ITIOH ! ! ! ' . > T Hciuoo 8 rooms COIK ! l.iundry. i ! liuiulru Hobt. l'urIH Jlth A. ' 't. M ir > 's us u "I IENT Afix loom hoiiso near to -llciMitrr. f.1) ) , JIuid Iincitiuenl Co Hoc bullilltii : , sn TMlt IlKNT-My rcsliliMico lumlslied ornn- fnrnlsliol for nlntur or longer , dc liable loc.itton Mrs M. I.l < ; iittcr , 111.'ta 10th,1 " | 7\OU \ HENI-rirst olnsH 7 room flat with JL I.UIL'L' , In now bnlldlin ; , Slid Hour. ? 0. " > b llillist HI. ln-orso CliiUMT bOJ-IO' fl' Ut with to nut ahuubOurstorusLo II. K I lolo. L'ontLiitlal liloi-k. r > i ) III N'l--7 loom II itVJ1 S. lith st VW IKSP nioiitb Ajipli at The 1'ulr , J. I. , llr.in- K HKNT- opt 1. rottniio with ill modem liiinroM.niLius lUlshorinin .no. Ki" "TJXiK HKNT-To ri'spinsllilo p.-irtles onlj , J them1 line new brlcl > nnd Hloiu'lioiisis on GrorKlii iM'iuiu ; llftcon nioiiH : unl alcovi > s , moll' riiluict'SHiHl boltir llnlslii'il tlinn mi ) lioii-o for luut In the cltj 11.11 , llcndor- on , UO I'.iMim liloiU. cltj _ Vn 'T-ISOOM liriuse with birn ; noi'ilii il lenl. d f r. HirrNon , 1)11 N" 1 Mfc WO I l.'MSCiss st . 10 mil 14 niotns , ill IMIIIM-H. k-iipos. CluiJV. . Jlalncj , JloOinalia National bnnkbillldln ? 615 * TJ9-n oin liou-os nil inodLrti comi'iilrnpca -ultli bains - blotlis fttiiii motor. SI ! ) l'i\ton hlk : > H I1OU liN1 ! : 7-tixmi wnuli iiui eist front 'cottui ' . * M per month \\nsht & I.asbnry , Arlliutnu blk. , .s" O " -UOOM liottso. fcdiith 2llli , > vist ofshotlnni-r IKiO 1 > * TOO - < ow ront. dvslriblo niodorn IIOHSOS JA. collagen Kniiulru 1' ' irrutto rental nironoy U7t a r 71OK HKNT-Oroom lirlclc lionsc , east fiont - on ( luirjjlft a\o. , just north of IAIVIMI- worth ; exoij coti\enlpnci < : nmly pUniul mill rtpilri'd ; Is In tlrst cliv shnH | ! ; .isiihnlt pixo- limit , 'lo re ponslblo party , KO. JI A.Upton Co , 10th anil C.iriiiiui liO , dwelllnxs nil pirtsof the city jJ liont rniulnsr Iioin J1U to JoO Sino.iton & Allon. IM * ) ' , ' Hiruntil st. VJD-sU TIIOK KHNT A liouso of .ill contonlciicca , J-1 centrally located. lii < [ ulre 712 4N 10th st 411 1 < UK Ui.NT KOOMS FOI tattt , etc. , ree tnp oJtrxt column on tlitr SOUTH fronl fitrnUhca room. 2lli Dodge. 8 > > b-l. "VTICFIjY furnlslioa rooms for lUht house- -Li UucMilnff , inoclom house. ' . ' ( Ul I'.iniuiu st. FOK KHNT Nicely furnished room with board ; lufcreiucs. ruT lurmimst. C07-C * TTIOR KENT rurnislicd rooms with bath awl JL1 steam. 5.ib. ICth at. 1I1G-7 * I Alton front loom , front pirlorc.i ! > tfrotit < i , furnacu licit , gis , hut water , ote. . < > I > 1 3th st. UIU "IT OU KENT Two furnlshivl rooms , mod- -1- era totn tnloncjs , utMU Hurt. l > )2-7 * JL'ITIIof nonly furnished rooms -5 aiilb.itlilCOJlIo\Mird. ( Ud-ll * Iftil Doilce st . In small Now Piiiilind f inilly , lar/u anil small ixjouis nicely fin nlshed , with superior boaul UIMJ * IjlOIJ Hn > T Mcolr furnlsncd suite of J. looms , with bo inf. In prlv ito finilly. for four Kontlimi'ii or for ( 'iitli'iuin and Indj ; inoaorn coiiMiiUiuei .N < i other boirtliti > On SOtli at , near St Miry'jiiMj. Aailu > ss N 4 ( Hoc. lu , i ) _ " | " \KSIKAIII.E front rooms with Iioird In l > n- JV\ito ; family s nicely Mtmtud ; ternn roa- soiuililu. m.ii ) 1 1. u imy. t > i.8 | _ NIUIUiV ftirnlsliod loinns. all convonloneos , with boird If deslnd. l < OJ I > orth I'th st UIO-'J * " 17iritVI'lir room. In prl\ ito family , sult- -1 tiblo for guitlunaii und \\lfo. M 17th st AMSOMEI. ) Y fin nWied room K.W I ) < nlo ( ! st. s ; ] . * / NH nicely furnished room 717 bo. 10th st. U 7U _ _ _ rPO UHNT - " nittly fiirnlshp < I rooms with -l. us iiid liith , in prh.ito famtl ) 'J.'iU Chl- cuost Hont * 10 null KUuur nionlh. K > 1 S' L AlUin front room with : ilL' < ne. Iloaul 1tn. . > KJ7 N. 20th .si KM 11 * _ TTIOKUr.Nr rumUlud room , 1" . J Howaiil J. st ; nuiitKlvo roturincos 7W-U * . . ItKNP Ore law south front room , JL1 xvlth tiliovo , t ! is and hath , ono block from motor. To ono Kitlomtin $13 , to txvo # 11 * 'MKt rmciipoit. 71"S * SUOOM hoiisn , 3.1(1 and Cumin , ; , * r > per month. O I' . Harrison. Ull .N. V. llfc CM r FiirnUbtd rooms , ICOJ Douglas , "IJIOR UHNT rnrnlshed looms ; g.is.bith and J ste tin , 1319 Ilowatd , fxu KOOMa furulahiOvllh board. .I. X. 17th. Ul 10 * ST. CIA 11 ! European hntol.n It hdinin ; rooni , steini licit In all rooms. IJth-DotlRi. Speol.il rates hv xiook or mo J'J'J * \ \ C ) > r tlcslr.iblo rooms In "the cltj AUo ill tahlo btnrd ISSi Chicago St. 1) .13 * TjlUi'MSIIKn rounirtS.'Ob llth st Ilrd lloor 1 Mn.\N'ri < Y fiiriiMii'd rooms , with or J-Jwithout board 1'rJI I'.mmm. UU-U * 11 N liltli st. , handsomely fnriiMifil rooms also table boanl. Mrs Churchill HW7-13' UENT-Kooms nlcolj fitrnlshe.l or iin iiirntslic < l with KUS , bath ami hoat. Apply 1MIO Hurncyhtrett. ( cjfl- > > roic ii.vr ( ituo.tis i , etc , * r Icj ) ut Jlrst m/iiMiium / tlm jxitfe. ( ) UM'Ull lSIlU ) south roomsoa"10th st -J IKXJ 10 * i ) OK ,1 nlio notrly papered iinfurnlsbn -rooms. City \vutor. li.ith and KtHur.onealilo line.try clicai > , 11J3 N'JOth b7d t ) KN r J looms , unfoniislicil , 210 N 13tl irlcu IO. to4 _ O-KOOMS unfurnlslicil nnd rooms fnrnlslitK for rait lu Dujijan lilock , cor. Utli and l'i cltio. Ml ron iu.M'--hToius AXU oi'T * ur rttlt > > * { ' _ iec _ [ "P"S / l. mtnmii on S TOIIE roBnt Jin DiKiso t cms w Kulnoy. J15 Oumlin. Nutlonal b inU Ulilij. 51 l Oll UKNT The 4-i.tory brloK uulldlnu , will -I. or vithout po or. formerly occnplt'ilhy the Iko 1'ubllshltii : Co. , yitirarnunifat. Tlnibullil Ing linsu tire stciun hoatliu tlxtures , water oil all tlio doors , tsa , etc. Apply at the otlioeuf Iho Itce. 015 IlENT-Ilrlolt warehouse , two storlo and ln tMncnt , 2,000 ? Miiaro loot , with ino fivtof doitlili ) track on U. ! . railway. oiith Juthand I'lorco streets. Address 0. OsVamp Onialm , Nub. tKl STOHFS nt Tin S. ! , 2itm ) each , Urge windows , steam heat furnlnued , Thns. 1 * . II nil 'ill 1'axtnn block. M _ [ 7KJU IlKNT-lunillnB Wxl2 ft. . 4 ntorU > snriU JL ? basement , on Jones street , l twoinlOtliniiU ltli , with IE. It. truck In alley ; best location In bo city for wholesale. Inquire 318 S. I'lh MU O A Lfndiil | t. M / \V'I-1CES In Wltlmoll Mock wltli all nmlorn V/Impro > unH'iit3 > i.ry olioiipJUli und llnrncy. "iv rntrt , ( tc. , nf toy of Jlrtt catumn r 1ST j our lioiisoswItliSliaw's renlnl npciiev'i JUfll S. ldth tl. mo. 0. nirent , Oeo. Paul's new list now ICOO lariiiini HE. Cule , ti'attilagent , Coutlacntal blk . KG J. 1UEVrentjlagentSOON. V.Ufc. I'orratrt , etc. , ttf topnf fml column on I/if * \ CJJTOUAOI1 " ( c s bt'foro slorlne goods of Omy ilisi-rlptloii Dniithn bto\o Jlipalr Works. 1JU7 I > Hmhi4. Til i > . 571 at lowisl rates. \ \ .M llushm.in Ull It ivonworlli . " ' . ' .JfOlJAllE-llraiicli A. to. . Ull 571 5JTOKfinror nprchnndNi- and ftirnlttirc , viinld storage nitd frwzliiK ; IricKiijse. lli\ld Cole , 81VS17 llottiirdst Kl\ IlOAKDINd. f-'ur rate * , ftt , KCC tnunj column nn i/iu " \\rAMTD Table boarders getilli HHMI iiio- forrt'l. 17--J I'uiitolaxu MMj-s * For rate < etc , Kttnpnf tint column nn Wifs I -7li" Nntlilnit friinr s 0" to . ditto 7tli , since .Ith Kt-mn hcri'Mli If licir notliliiiiulll belli MI b."Tue < div night mid In "I" . te."nt mien 10th If tKi lblo 'A. " "Kite"nt"Il H. " " " - " " " "I.0" ; O. P. MCW-S * MAUltlAOK paper t'ontalnlns roluiim * of piirsoii.ilsnntl pirtlciihin of society that unj s f roni iVX ) to ilroo at m irrlito , nulled free Address thoGlobe , Altooua , I'.i. I.Osl. * , etcifc , topnf tlrtl column on' LO-I' llalr chain roidy for inoiiiitln. ! , In1- tuoin Windsor hotil and H AM. di pot rinder Ie.i\o game at this olllee und ruolvu fiward & I 8 * "T ( > s r-iumll redi-ow.stub till , -wldto lltnks J Jied spnt on forcho id horim'ttru'In I'uty ritiiinlnit tliPiibo\o Illlio riwutdid 1'lmrlus K I'.iKr'irt. 41st .mil Hamilton sts. Hlb li % 1'iirtrtltii etr n-rtujxif Hut culiiinn on tlili ENOAni"Mi\T.sto : < lodress-iiial.liis In fain- Illei solicited. MLsssiuiilj > bi. > tli u > e. MUSIC A1W AM ) tANGUAGH. rtttftt \ , etc fee top ot Hint r ( mi oni/ifi pan' liiijlns i pi tno examine the now Ivlmball piano. A. ILuipu.lolJ Douglas Glc P 01M.I. . MlXMC. teacher of tb < ? b.m ospi , l > llloiilas. ) 211 riV.'U Omahi Ivlndei aitt'n will nopt'ii Mou JLd.iy upt.S''oMiDa\untiort MIssP Gillllthi " \\rAliril plinoi for silo only lixOmutii li Sluslc Co. r > lb Iod < e. lit sj1) ) MUslU nopirutnt discount , and pianos on e.l y toims. Umiiln Music L'o. 1 > C lodi ) ( misoi SOIjIClTOJlS. Fur rtitn , ctett6ti > in > f Jlitt nitiininiitfittxiat ] , " " -L patent ntlko it onro noiluhiy , nu hrincli otllce , consultation trie. Omalm 1'itctit Agenuy. lonier 10th &t. and Cipltnl avp b i-7 * PATFXTliwjcHimd solicitors. Ci.V , Su n itt'o.Heu bii lldlnjj. Omaha. I'onpyeirs oxporknu' aso\aiiiln"rs In L h. patent olllee Jlr.inuli olltuu.it Washington , 1) . C , Consult. i- tlon fiiu. W torrnttt , etc. , KC tup i < f first oiltiiniion tlili JT. 1'ATCII exclusive pension and claim at- torney ; OVPI l"i years' i-xpi rlenie ; nil tbo A di'cNIoiis Otlko removed fioni v to Chamber CoiuiuirccH , > t.Omtili.i 854 04 > " iiTEWItiw ; ponslons for almost ull soldiers -i-i fathers , uiotlicrs. nldons iml minor dill- dren of soldier * Claims pushed by K. ( llnsmin , 19 mil 21 1'rcnrcr mk. , Omalin Alsi \\ablilimtoii \ and Cinclitiiatl L'lninars fiei , I 1 j ua rs' e \ perlonce. _ ITU nE " 8IO .s-.I rllll A Morses cviiirt in -1 pension rises. ( Her lit icutscxporli lice II ivi ) biiuridovcr LOUJpoii sinus for * fll < IIen In Nelir.iska mil low u , tltulr widows and hulls Ahiiuloniildi'lad ( oriejeoUd cases a speci alty. 01 ilmints foi pinslons iindtir thu ncK 1 tw should Ilia at once. No td.nice foe Of- IhoH'i t'lulshton blook , no\t bouth of | > osl- otlli Slislj ( * fallOi'.TllA.MJ AND Foriatt * , rtc tee top of f t column on rPVlM\ViiTKis : all nnki s lioiwht. sold , cv -L ih.in'el , icnted , J. 1' Mi0'e.itli , 1 ( > 07 Tar- mm strict. "J rnVlTUll lilts for u > nt or sale , -L raphers biippllis J I1 Me0'tithITO7 : , I'ainiini CIjAlltVOVAM' . For rattt , etc , fee top < if fnt roliunn on till * j ) i < / { MKS IK.HIYlt ) is returned. Tlioronow mil ehlrMijnnt Is the suMMitlidntif-litiM o ( tliosoMitlli d lughlrr , lorn with \illniiilKroat proplutlo Klft of second sk'lit. U'lillo IMI- trance 1 \\lll luxeil to In r patrons every hid den nistciy lu life , lias Ion , ; boon IHO- noiinetd In Kmopo mill Amirli-a the firi'ili-st llxlmi wonder of the present nA' . Dnilor- st.mils the stleneoof the "I'lrslan mil lllmltio m iKlc > , "or aneli'tit churmMirkln , - , sind pti- p ires Ksyptl m titlsimns. which w 111 OMT- lomo jour t netnlis , ruinovon family tiouhloj restores lost tifiitlonniaku m.itrlaKO xxltli the one yon hnt > no fillnie KOIIIOMS o\l | tnllncnis , hid lutlilt cuiis xttohcrj. lit < nnd all loiu sliiidln : and mv > terlom rt Is ei-es 1 e ' . Jl , * 'mil i , hour * li , i m. to H p in.slihr. send st imp for Illiihtrttctl clroit- 1 ir. ir.MUS 1)11. KIItho dlsthuuMicd tr.iiuo olah voiant. Into of Huston x\hllo en tranced xvllfroxoal every hidden mystery In life. I'repans ! : „ ) pllnn tnllsinen blob will nxereonic jour ununles romoxo fnnlly trou ble- , restore lust ulloetluns unltesthosopiir- ntcd. hel | > H In all trouble , ott ) Fee. II nnti up- xvards N. II 1'urfiotsitlsf titlotiKUiirintuiil hyinall f-end stamp for lllustr.itcd circular Mrs Dr Edilj , 16,1) ) Dou lai > street , Oiiiihu iwl. . . * I7AIU VOV A > r-l'ioT FoHo-rMvorno * . . 13 I > O-I , MADAM Mov 11 of St Louis the wonderful cant reader , his relumed to tlteelty , and xvlll ; * ) porfiot satlsUetlonoii nil ailtlrh of life. C ill ami bo convinced. Ladles. V ) ets ; < 'entlcnic.il , il. No. M N. 10th st . Iloon. j , llonrs from I ) to ' > H4O ! > MASsAGK , .Mu'.am I'llzlur ' ovuriiiO sTntii. " 7.M 0 ' . " M RS NANNIi : V. AUHIN. : clilrvoyant , ti.tiiec. - iH'.iklnjrttltu < tnd icIliitiKi luUmalu , ll'JN li > th COMB nil anil take n nia uuo treatment ; soincthliunexv i'.irlors > , W7 is Uth st novt llirkorhotil W > * Tor jtilen , ctt. , trc lop i > f frxt mlutnn nn f/ih JKUJ < MASSAGKtreatment.oleotro-tliormnlbatK SL dp ami lulr tn itruint , iiiinluuro am ; chiropodist. Mrs 1'ost , K JU-'I. AMtlmdl bll rVirrtiiec. ctt , MS tup o/fret column OH ttitt IM TTIIcri ) .MOIII.n lo-im money on dlamoniN , Jxvateht.'sJoxvolryt.'tcb.K. , . cur.rariiuin&.lltli IIA III UOUUI WIGS. Kor i atacte , tec top offrtt column nil t Mt jwij/f / 13ESTUnohalrKootls"ln xxcit ; lialr dre-slnf' JJxxIgs , x ltchc < , h.inifs lulr chains , etc.a specialty. Dirks hnlr poods nnd nilllliur oppositepoiitolllie. 111 MJthPt , Omaha Mu \VAN1 ii ) < TO I1UV. Tor nil' , ett. , * < e fnp of frst nilumn on tills Iittor Imx wanted , vim Inn ono for i. lie. Addri.ss N 31 llfoDlllco. 1XW 6 rpO 11UV A small eottnso homo fcctxvcpi -L I < o voiixvorth mid Cumin ? , not pstof .ilil ! it , , furcasu , AdJrcis.N W , llco ofHco. b5J ( tia 'mall home nml lot forcn * > h. 1'rlcf iniutlMj rcnonihio Ad > stating locutliVii Und ptlco , SZt , lice. / 7 W _ _ _ _ \ VANTElHot eiOil ! ( cooli of all klnd- T l Cn ii nan for ncu-nl hand Roods. Haw City AuttlonCo gUanJils sminu 7tJJl * c lllirhost 'ciiriprlcp ' , 111 IKayy im. \ V.NTKUJO \ HUNT , 1'vrrat * * , ttf , ue tuppfa jj'f cuiuni n oiUitj mt/ "VVANTKD-Slttlnn rootu rltii Two" bed > I roomsconiiininlcatJiiz util boird Innuxl- riilioii'e.xvltli nil lonvtnlcim's , nin. Iltst rx'foroiiciyiA Addruu , st itlnir lornu niiTlocntlon.'N.Ol.lf-'ii. ' MOd-l ) * " "or rof't , rtc. , ue fop ofret column on Ihttvtae. \ . llr . K. A. . llOIAOIvl . . lljrcoptn Vur prl- x'nlesi'liiH ) ! ftirlH > ii uitlislrlsit IMS bo cJnilnvtiiiio. ( i'ptcmlctr > . | s' . A llinltotl uttiiberof pupils tikuii. U < * firtncpi Jlri. T li. Klmbdl. MM. 0. \ \ Hotdreci' . Omiha , Hu S. li , UiiUhrop lion A J Nortlirup UW .V. > DUQ.U * _ : Is horchjr Klien tint If V TVol1 \ idnusimt pay rnt ducon linusomd Inrn in "lorenoc Nc b , wllliln JWdayitliu nno will be sold to MtUfycliiiiu , fcnrih \ Miliilrv , bci > t 0 low. tWlfe AMO'IinHhaiiKsnfpwith llnio lock , i Uo h > . Coluniuits. > ch. "VTOUltK Ny wife. GiornleJ. Jstckson hixs --ldri cn me from litmit on account of hi r temper I hixojilien lier oier.v tlilaz In the hotf-t * . but > xlll not bo rt-spunsllili * for aiijr debtssliomtiy contract. Ktlxiln Jackson ttl'J ' ) riVJ shoe dtalers The Ni-tv Joi ey rubber J-boi > t shots arctics und specialties iilll 1)0 oMi'ii-iholv ndxi-illsed tintomlii ; full and wliitur. Vvrlto for ( itiiliuuo etc. Iiimnest- > rn ajiint ut Uiinliu. M > silos lltls cison in > n leitcn till ptoilous records. / 'I l liiilsey < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fie - ) H UOTMHOI// ) W int iTst . . price for lul ; If : uiil k'nls oast-otTilotli- us Aililti-iby letter or jost.il an < l I x % 111 call at iny time. -to * U * sALii : l'irratctttc.Hf tiyuf fat cfliimnanthli ] xiae. SVODI.Kpoti } , WOO. H. i : Ui t d Illk. fjlOU s\LE-A jjmtlo rellnbln family hot so , JL1'iKolHt a ) anilli iiiu.vi. / , It. Knhlit 'J OI fibster bsJs * J5l.'Iod0 stMHOt MHOt OUr.rllro n nun * . M\OII } o M old iri.oil drUi-r. U b. . I' t > . Imvail M < Kl-7' TJOKSr& jduiidii ] ) . H H Cole j I TjKtT 11 ten ins llpht mules ; ono lien x , y l.nofl -A- ' pound hotsc. llooin 11 ' - - , Hoard of i'rwlo. " \\roiMC horse * < Wt\vo horse i on t D.tloitblo il work litrni'ss } ! " > . Ur will triclufor a p ) d lliht stile burbusiij II K. Cole , ton tin- onlal block. " " ! ) rou s Fir > iititte , tff tipof fitl n In in n i i thlrnjt \ GOOImlIkco\\ ) Hilv , apply .itJIOs : o si S4i6 * | (1OHLI.Harlier ( she i and liith ru JL KDIJI ! bitsliiissi.oid looatlun lor rurtl lars.uldrcsa lieo M icki ) loi.l < holi'i [ tun , X b 77 t * terilirs , bull tirrlors ' coti li u > IIIe < I'lin' I l-li - . , -tiers und tlier IniiiuN Mi.1. . Ill olir iitM.i > _ Mey < rllro _ irlrilijiiul ( I'aiiiiiin ; ' ( i JvlOIt ' Vlfr.-t hi ipTltT I'lijuil I idlts fur ' -L'i'lo.ilc Lniiilri ) itliiriist \ sirlitefcr di it , ' htoio , ioiiiirloi by atin Shormaii tiinte. . S7J " > * Ftrrattn , ftc rcc tiipof tit column m i7if < > > ftin /10M JIEKt IA r. mil wnoral short tluicp i per Vbouiht : iiNuiiKiil.irljoarlimmiin lupiox- edprojurty.Oeo.l ItUu X Co,2jylaiiij : ! lilcli Miuil ni\S \ , r.thst. . limnmoney VAmcliittelsorcollateral utix'asonablcr itc < ' 1st ) * nilST.C ( Hccontlniortgi QSon Miiatit A. IDI- Jliioxid city prop CTniintj arnnts ljii lit Aloiioyoiihand. P.M. liltfhurdsun.lllS N.V.Mfo SM Wt t rates Ttiniovt > il to tei , > Y. llfoJlldg.DJ. . U. EiiunhiKcr TlfOIshY toloanhy II P. Clusters on ihattd -J-'liiiulcollnler.iI'.ieurltleslor liny time fion ono to il\ months In : ui ) uinoutitto suit bor- nmer. I o.nit mndo on houscholl KOCKIS , nr'utis , horsis , mules , houses , Icise house receipts , do. . : il the loxnst possible riles without imhlU.lt 501 rernovalof propt'i tj .My Itnns are so itr.in-i'd tli it you can niuke npiyintiit of nnv uiiount at tin ) tiino mid rtdiiceliotliprlnclpil and Interest If ynaonc a Ij.il.tiucon your property or hixonloaii inu irlsh clumped. I xvlu pay It elf and IMI rj It for yon. Lf > ou Had It more eonx-t'iilent. o ill up ttlephono > o IRtl uutl your liushiovii'.itibi * airanmd ntliomo Mom ) ilvvtjs onli.iiiJ. No delny. " Ilclty. Lowest rate- , . 11 I7 Koom l\Mtliuclhlk,15thaiid | , niO T.O\.N-J" )0 ) prlvnto inoneviniistho the lit-stof icileatnte satnlty. O.I' , llsirrlson , 1)11 ) V. Mfc Hi b " ] > IJnlIXO ) loans G to 7 ptrcont ; no addt- 1 * t'on d eli irjr * sfor 1-41111111 Isilou orattoineys foes. V. It. Mellvli I IrsfNatloaul b uiUMdg. Ml \fO \ > EY H , fiO or d ) tlnjs on furniture , -ill p.milhorses | housesetc J. \VIIUnsoii , OH I'a\ton Mock. Wl iiHirt' iiL'o loans at loxv riles nml no U.V. & iilcs to , SJMlstit'L \ Inn L. Ki " 1 OAN'-OIH aiidfarinlo.-viH moiuii c paper 'boiitltt. Me f.t.'iio liueslineiitCi ) . r .si CYf-TOM : Mortice Co-f.o tin > f flO to Jl.OOO ; sitoumtoibcforo borroxvltu and sm > tiiniiuyiluuMon lorses fnrnltureor .inr : i | pi-o\il ( Mcurlty xvllliout publicity ! notes IxniKlit for now loin , r uuxxnlof old nnd low- ostratc1) , calllv SJbuJy blk , l > th.t Ilunurd TT N t'-r.vTl , V Inn rales U of Inlortst on first itortsisosof Innirovcd for tlicnoM'i ' ) < litvs l i th i ItxI ntcstineiit lo I ! mm III , Hoard of 1 ri tie. J II. l'ias . iniiii.i.'er. ! M _ C rniiloausIoxM'.t rat.'s , bnsliu'sseoiill- deiitlil. M J. Hall U Continental MU. t > i s > 7 tolounun am security for ihort Uino nt loxt rates Kdwi'st rates on pirioml pi oncrty Tlio Henderson Moititijn * line mont Comp - p iio OiM JOO.J ii ton Inl. rni n > nAIiKstiti > I iins-L'aslt on liincj , Olobo -IVlxian.t Trust Co. , I7 fc. K.th st. Nodelay , nouMra oh trie ; . HOUM.- > for rout ; t uod Hit. C1IEM' a terttiooiirj L'lilladdphla MortgaKO nnd Trust Co , nl ays road ) to loin nnd l > iv prompt ! ) ; lint inortKi-'cs M iiited. Uiorso\V. \ I * Coatu , rep- iisentathu room' , boird oltiade. 5JJ Ur ANTII1I rint-oJuM Inside loins. Luwist titles , ( 'ill mil i * fl ua MnluaL Invust- int nl In , _ l"IJ'iiriiiiiu ( . . filW to | o.in on t'ltj prnportyj jdtJiilit.il il Iiuy.rs V.Mfe. \ ! M 13 I' 111)I NO loans niatu iitlaxvrst rales. W. M. llarrlj , room _ > 0.l runtur blk , Oip | I' . 0. iln Vc > iniirt aBO loafwon Impimed nnd tin- | iroved i itertV."Oliiirlc > M Haliinv. M Omnlii Natloiinl li uildlit Itdlny M. LOM.sT rites on ufcolfo city linnof HM to j > JOOO CeiiltuUjUmn A. Uruat lo , 1.10 1 irnnmst. . 171OIJ hAIX Nice 7niHtn hniKn ready to ' inoio Into , xvlth full lot. I.YJJU , POO lash. ( J. 1' llnrrl on ull V. fo. U7 IlAItH loans Star J * ad A Loan C'o Ujl.UXJto loin onflrsUwortsaijo ; must bo nil Pin ono amount or twi linns of * 3W onch llicil A bolliy , 13 lion ill Vrudc. VJA OTk d M. A.NTJ10XV.3H N.V.Mfo build- Int , loiul money on furins lu tholco conn , tics ot Nelir.iskt unit lovia ; nlso on KM\ \ Omnhircslilenut ) property ; loxx est r.iUs ; Uisl tprins ] no ddaj , nioiiuy ready Titltn nin values passed on hero , "JO 1"\II\K lirukorln real estate nioriynses ; til ) . l luln iiiunt'y at least cost In l > orrox.cr open i y till 7 Jin. ICootn III , llnrker lk | MO > EV to | nn. r o delay , In hrso orsnvd unioiiiits luxrost riti-s. Apply O.K llty- uoldsUll ) 2.0W Vork lldibkli Tcluplnmo Ul. ) l3IClVATEmoiicytolo.iuchou.il U. II Ilitr- J. risen , till.N. V I.lfc , 5t > 0 O.NiV InincMl at low raio < c on f nrnituto , hnrsi'S. Ac , without publicity , Jhvrloya ' aa blk'.lOi JpASTKUN money to loani lt > esv fates ; H ? Udclay ; lar o loans it specialty : short time pa per boil KhU Omalu Klorl ug Co. .ground Hour Ihuinuerof tuiumurun. 115 rim nxc A > qis. For ratei , rfr . foji of fnl codimn fjWll EXCIlANOK-McrflinndUo and city --proixrty for land , Shires * Western Kx- clunno I'o. , Columbus , b. KCJJ * . . . . . tout lipnst front , f 1,3(1 , forhot-sos bu/Klesor niircbntiillse. Al ( ( rt > s aj.l'ce. ' " \\rAIsTKD-Cloar \ fiiini. rtnoh , or ( U-ok Tl ind)0 . mid iaih , for Duo tintal property iidty.V. . , lOTi , SEVKN room , toryhousi < lu Vnninniitli ' 1'ark ono Mock from tnototPirsigiKxIwell , collir. ( Istorn , Inrjo bnrn. clc. AKt iTicros wllh lint ehuH liuiinivt'iin'iit-ciiljidiiliip Ceii- trtl Cltr , Nob. Alw ino-iero Imprtneu farm liiAntolopt II I * coiiutr. Neb A HO u line htvu Ii fsiiully I Imrst. . , ( MrrTiBO. wiiftut hiirtief * . citttir anilotlnr i > evoniilproi > trty Dirtier l * nnori- rvihleiit ' antl will oxolntiKe Hio iboxofnr n coed fitrin In otnteru Ncl > . or rt < liUnri > In O in ill 11 Must bo free f nun Inouiubraaeo Will put I la s tut ) iiiiii ( < 'j'If imessnrv.lintliive \ \ you to uli'er ? ( ictx J Mornsdotf , 1st Niit'lb.iuK ullillnil ri-lcphoiio 1(51 ( rJS 8 " \\TA > TKD-rir * . | inotlKauei on xacnnt or ' Improvedlot thi ellj , lon < time , lu uiy- uint for her < e , btuity. ham lUtiin" , xthlps. robes , t'lc , pHnos , notn xinitcl iiiorttnut'M , to. In iiui tip all Ho little K Adilro-viN 14 , Ul * . 7 18 property. intHo..horHO ' iiiidliuirity , sio-k. tic. ; will lratl jclcar iml iiiortKiiKiil lot'iiui laiidtfor same. tllv ull partleul in of what uiu hixu nml ucxrlll uaki offer at one * . * AthlresH N IA Hoc. " . ' 1-8 "fj'OIJ OMAHA ruldentor tni9luo'M > ropert \ JL Hrlik. bloi'k. free from liiiunibrince peed nutat * cottier iixini otcttpltdt > Innkrents > il nt > al Intircft on .W.ono , in a cootl , Ilirlv in rsTtbr.iski tnnrn. crts4 rill road nnd a llilslonstation.tltli \ c < 1 . ' ! , lleo Kl TIH ) K\CMr.\NOTVAbout \ r > 0 qnarlen ol line J rallw.iy coiitruill'iiiUN ) lol.'isiln ahodv . \oultl Illu * toiiut nllorpirt Into ahrKolrict , jloelc. * lotk of nul-i' . . or itinkt Iniltv. \ \ 111 iMiiiiio \ \ .J I'liul , IGWriirnim. TCI-8 \\TI&tNSIN xvntir | > mor mill , vtlth tMieru it lainl , clctr. O\LIIIIO | for .Nobi i-Uaprop irt ) , 2ta > Detitur Jl'Usil' - pi'ner.il miNe . Inxole- in.'f..miOlo f 100(10 ( for choice Omalii Im proxcilproptrty iindcu : ! ! Add re-9 , M .V.llee SOLlIiRoid\\alllnini \ if.it'-lt iiiiduoruiiorsfl lo tridt * for ctKid slJo bar bn ; * H H Coin , fonthuntal Mock S'JI sui-uivij ; ; IJ-STI In rtitin etc. uettpor jut citumn on f Itp ! ( tyt. lc I home Itnrdi ttunnd TOIli. 'i-room cot fipi fl ww i-'cocash < J. r lIiriNmi ull Y. life. MiJ IjlOli > < A LITlio fhoko nsltlintt * at Jsn J ! lO.VMifoula a-xe..Hxl4J ft K. fiont. lir i inuins. tilth , ir is. settur hot ind told \iatur \ cb'i't unit nil otiiui'iiliiK'oi oxx mr K < ilnti to Haxeiltj. D V. Miulojlo . . ' 11 Ist.Nat binli rid ) "I/TOIJ / SAM-O r ( ratio Itc.iullful new 11 room JL' IIOMM. only " blKUi ( ostof l ono : ne. on ivs st hlKli ind sUhtly .ml oil gi.idi , full lol. 11 tl xviitd , clsti'in tovir , liy window iiorchi'i tlonblo lliMir. icllar bath room all llnHhodln tli < t-flif.t stih' , iirlci . II " > Ot ) small im m out tloun , b il.nifi 1 yens sit ? pern-lit \\lll \ tlidi * firiKjrfaru Iniilor Oiiuib'i lots < ) iurK t ! Mei rill , -T. & \\alntit .tic. Illll. Oinilm DT I ( IO1SAl.t Ilousot mil bus on nionthlj pn > iients C ! .o I'.i ill , ! ( < > . ) Him itu. MU-U 1 GOOD viy tostt'un' , i lul fill ihoine Is teA -A lnj inn'in IIirtI lei rut * , tinv ! 110 10 iinllt'd In nil\ nice tltlouct ftit. 11 1 > Iteetl H.1I. Iloud luitli . . _ _ _ _ & .A.-1) ) Uoin Co -JOOvl.lij fectiast Iroiiton nWst , near ItodRC J ( in Kridi * . A tun well built S room lioiisi iikclv llnNlied , all moluii ( ( iiivdik-ncis , in I'opplLlou jirt titir motor Also Hutnrenod lots In ICilbi plan I'oDnloton park ami L.a- Nita plait * un and . I P iio.ir OXM ivo > > rteitn > calloiior iidtlressJ /Ittli.UU V. Iifo "TjlOIt s \ I I or Ixcliinui * "tcond m - Inottstif trttol.'OOO mil. lincl * * incl houses cleir lots. AdilnssNtl Ho ( Wl-H T OT In Ittlford 1'hito oiiMaledOthist to J'e Mli in tin for lot in t'.irllnitri or Lincoln I'lit'i ' * \\.L seiby. iniovidofrritlo. MW 4J ; l,2Vo | Jl.VK ) forl Incoln Pluc nml Plots i easy leriniV.LbelbU ) HoirtlTr uli T Hull east front lot nnd lUioom cotta''f. llaiisiom riaeeJWO O. 1 Har rison. Ill X. V. Jlfo 871 B ] (1OU ( AI F-'ii\l"i ' : , tit ir. > Illtnn KOBIISVest \ J-1 Tarn < m , special pt-Hc. 0.1' . Harrison , Oil ljfa. _ & 7IO OOIMot.Xd ! : f\p. Ilinscniniiluio ? .IO C P. lliiirlsun. ' . > liy. 1 Life b710 _ _ ' 1JIOU SAT. . Fch'nnp , lot l Fblk Jl. lmajra VltTxv J most \uluiblo lot inlho aldttlon. lirft-ct otclty nntl Council Itlutls. sltuali'd on east stile of Idll fteliiK south Incnmlxraiiie * " > . isy time. Must he.old at onci ho much ui I offered ? A.llariics , I'axtou Hotel _ S l'l7rVITioastfrout | , i room cotta ( 'Oth ave ni'art.irium , 31 JOO. U. il' llnrrlbun , 'J11N. ' Llfi 871 U _ CllOin : l t it n vr. oor p.trk. 01x100. fiMO C. I Haitlsoii.Oll X V. IJfo. WJO T c-r ! ) , block U bhiillV , Uiul."IIKI : , cisn - 1Jorj cluip. t r. II u i Ison , Oil N 1 Mft Sil 0 S1T..1 MVI Hhonie xvitliall inodorn Improve , infills II msoon plaic , JJiOO. 1) ) . 1" . ll.iirl son , tlllN. V. Life Kl C 8-KOOM tuuh-rn house , : ud and Cuiiilnir. i 'OOUhouu.f 1.000. OP. lliirlion. PUN. T I tfe. t-7 6 J LOT * , roixi'invorthTi'rrnci' . iJVX ) for t IK > C.l' ILnulsun UIL N V. Life. h716 rnilV ilnelot. HrlKKt'plate , on liirntun st , Sl.tOO. CT Uiriistm , DUN. i , Llfi. Llfi.i i G CIIOK Clot-sinMi'torniltks L'd uld $1000 iMi-li C. r. llntrlson till > V Life. 8T1 0 ATIfHioiiH'"Jtl intl loivenworlli , ? IW ) . C i > l\ 11 irrlson. Oil N. \ , lAti , 71 ( ) AS.MAL.Tpiyneiit thivii nmlfli pormoiitli xv lllUuj-ii4-ri ia house mid lot on Idth. j lliH'Usfitiinlmotcr : llw-oliss clniifO to ac ciulro nhoincou t isy tiriiis Apply fill. 1 Cole. < ontlncntalblook Oil It' V)1T ) linio nnjthlnjto kell or oMha liul1 at ( its 1'a\tun bluil , , Ui ) li IniproMtl or iiiiliupiOH'd. Vac ialo tr rent , SOIK ! farm lands ilot > lo city. In l-a ) < * rc lots ormuir K on Is cnllruttil , mil for pincril n it cstxu buslnisM uiinlv to C. F Kcjnolds DWNcn Vcrk lift ) bills 1'eliphuno 1-11)1 ' FOIi SA I.F 1'J sections tit I mil In Xcbraslu nt loss tlnn h ilf value , by onr.ci. U II I'e tuixiii , 01 > S. iilh ; st. LI > ( OLM'lo.ce loUI,2.-iOto3l5JO. ( Dexter COO . , In Ivllby IMncc , 31000 , lltreo 'ills ' inlvllhy 1'luie. tl.WO o.uh , r .ist front lot on Lowe avc } , WJ , * 50J cash , btlatuoto stilt. Ih-uiitlfullot on bbrln , ; strict north ot Par- ii'ini. only i'-iO. outit front lot , corner on Turnim strocl , ' oulh front lot.KxISJon Iluwnitlatroct netr Bill , forft..O'JO Thonliovox.icant lolsaro all Inr alns anl toriusi in lie nrrinitt'd to bidt liuyurV. . K llonian rt > onil > . Irun/ir hlotk W trnikiiRo lot , irjxlt' , frnntliu' -l-Jpuitd st , track lu . ' - - tlloy. I'orsdo or Urn * ) on Ion ; tliiM The Muad luicatiiicnt Co , Lito lld'p. U17 "I71OKI Al. tU by lli ft'tt north unit east ifront.cornor "n Dmlro st ouuof thonlevst risltiiiico sites Jiithttltv , for * " , . " to adt'slr- tblt ) pirty ttlionlll Inilld .1 KIXM ! leslilciiii1 \ \ K. iloman rooiaO Iicn7irbll < 4J1 I I A/HIj 'lerrnco lots iirnlocutuljii < .tiinitli I 1olboulli Oinahii. 1'arU , forhile mi vurr oisy ttriiis.7 per cent Intortst. 11. Ji Keid KoomlJ , IJotid 'Jrulc. bil- ! ) 1 I A/l.h Tirr.uolottiJIK ) etch , jlOtlnnn anl 1 1 ? Un iiKinlli. Ipcr cuit Inkiest 11. p Kctd Itootn 11 , I tuard 'Ir.ide Ktt-.i } V 7 _ AL'UHiWosteraild.rodi'statc.b Oinalia. CUJ ITlOllr-ALI. 0-rooni liouso , modern improve- L1 limits , liarn. He. . W-f < it lot.on Mlrt st the l > ut roMdouco HU.In tliu uity , for JO.MO tl DOt ) cash , btlaiico to suit. U-rofim hfitiko nnd .10-foot lot on I'ark avc , lor Sow. liriiHto stilt. S-rooin 11 on si < und lAJ-foot lot on Cist avonnc , Just north of buMiuysii' , c , foi ( KHJO u-rooia house , ill iiitxhirnfmprovuniints , m foot lot , ouSponrer st , for l.ViO. fi-rodin liouso mid bttli. lire pl et > with oak mail til , i'lt ) water , KIIS et < ? . at ! ith niidJack * son ts , forM.-'UO on ttrnis tn suit buyer TlitMi arta ! 11 mnulii'i ' bargains Tlitiliotim mat fur I'liou li to iny 10 pur cuit on price aaUedY.U llcnuin , rooinil Trtn/cr IdK 1 OTS In Harol Ti-rrnct * Addition. .1 blocks JJ from motor line tiihuiitliOinilin. 110 doiti nnd 41)u ) month. II Ji Hutil , room 1.1 , ( loan Trudt , 1OH only two in Iks from jmtolllco am J thteo l < lK-k from intilnr line to Soul ! Omaha forMlo al } . ' < < 'OtoHflika'1ii | > anyterri loiv liiturikt uii.l . IM rltct tiUe. 11. P Hcul Itoom U Hoard 'I'rado , blO-U "lOTr.xOK liomc * * In most nny addition for st fromIIon ) upononMf tnonirdy my- F. K. Diirlliu , 'l lltrk.'tlilk.Mil * inrratctlc. . rjr , Cnllnn I\V. Klorcnce , or I1 T. Doxr.WS North ( It lif _ IT'OK ' SAKK Ono sttxik of BMC'rit * , IIIMUCO -f II..IW , Inolinlfs llxtiires nnd rnlfftit , fur I.OKleiuhi n o prt > jit rtv minted Iti cioliiniee : : ixKUutcln tlr t cl.i i Hluiio , amln Ititfrnuo iiilltlltisln town iinlonoof thtihe * t loon t Inn t. mprliMor. IIVo it , l * nt'iul. Will rout tlio mllilltiu for ( A ) per month. Uivrtln Vpst , ' - ' IVANTED V rolnbloperson to rneaoo In i binlnuxa wltli tit. I ill , woiu 417 , > licdy 2f \ < \ MlVHi-s' CTOU SUiE U it bifKiiln 11 KIHKI utoro hou o JllltodUKvllh olnlvtanil iiiuiitcH , lj u- uiiitO moiiiH for tliM'lllns tixil ( oMern iml M'll XT III 'i ll or trade fern No I otixknf tro- orli9. xtldnsj KoiUt lliol. C'o 1) crours , rj.s ir.thst. ( ui TJIOIt SM.n or trido-V tlrtt clan hotel In -L ; 11 countyvoat Int-isit-m Ai'bru kii. lor mrtltMilirs liuiulro of W L. Slby , riwiiu U , loud utTinili. 7W Dltl'O stock anil llxliiro-v , ln\oko uliout I-.OCW , not nnv ultlHtuik : vlll * ll for | urt mil , or evcliinjlt * fur a fiirm AtlilroMsV riiorn. liwk bo l.r44 , Mtolilleltl.Nub. , \ KAlircliiiii-e. City llntflnf Mlllird. Nob. . j \or ( rent , nlo ur CMliiii o for farm or > nnlia. property. Hi'it Inenttxl holt'l til Mil- aril. lifi < bu r room d Hire hall , let" luni onntl stiiblo ; ill oonx onli'iico III ! t'ole. I'tntl- iunt.il Ilk. . otl > Xliiiinorin.i.tilltli und .loncs. H1TU KANT iiml IJ moms for silt nt a liir iin. lint TI tsoiiihh * : il-o t whole or inlf IiitirtHt In fruit pi t-sorx Inj nt > rks In iltv Cuopurdlv u laud mil lot Co , J0r > N K'.tli lxrj-8 I'HOCI/ASIATION. . A Joint roiolutUm xrns adopted r jlh IfKUlntiiro of thuitutwut Nclm4l < i at ; ) etx/ -nty-lliit sc iloii tliiroof , .intlnppmvi d March ait I * . A I ) . hM > , | roi > t ) .ln nn anion.i- uirnt t i iH'tl ntuoJ [ ] four [ 41 ntnlihn t l of I < lof | thiiconslltiitlon of E'lltl stain LU 1 1 luitoiiidiccLlon us aniundod shill ri'id : fiillti'ii , to nit : 'pctltml That section txvofll of irtlelofdx Olot tlif consiltut Ion of Hie ntito of Nubruka bcniueiidcd EOIIS to rt-ad its folloxts 'hcctlun'J : The unproiiiii ctiurt sliill con- sMof H\o ( SJjudces , iv tiulortljr of Mliutuslmll bcnecosinry lo forma o.tu > rurnortoiirnuouneo a decision Ilslutllhiiv oorlnln d jiirlsdlillon In easii ri-litlnt ; to loveiint , ulxllcasislti lihh tliu sttto shill bu i patty , nnndiimim , quoxvarranto habc is corpus , mil Biithuppcl- l tnjurl dictlon aimay bo pruvliU'il by lair "oetlnnJ : lluvt scition fount ) of nrtlciotlx ( Oof ) thoco * tltutlonof the stitoofNuhraska , brniiiondeil was torcntlns follow * . Sotlmi4 lht Jmliosof thti Mipremo court shall bflck'ftod bylho clutunuf tliostalo.it lawo. and tlielr terms tif nlllco. oxcoptas hrrelnnfiiT jirox Idul , shill bo for tiporludof U\i < ( A ) jeirs. " itttton I : That "cetlon flvolVof nrtlt'lcilx HI of tlio constitution of the -I itn of Xolris- ka ho aineitdtd sons to rcatl : u follows- iifi'tloni. 'At tlio Ill-it coiionl ilectlonto tin hold In thoi' rl U ! . and ittor Iho ntliip- t tonof thin unienihneiit to tlio t-on tltutlon. t lure slidl betlt-clod tlinu ( JI judjcs oflho stipruiiicoiirt oiionf xilmui iliall bo olcrtud for tin * term of ono d > JCH- . HMO for tht * term ofthii' iP yt trs ami one for Iho term of fh'o * > ) ars a nttiit onth Kinorul cloctlon tlnro- aller tht.ro s-lull bo cioiled ona Uidco oftlio siiproiiii'ioiirt for Ihu ttrni of nvo'i ( ) gears' I'rovltlid , tint the lutlgis of the suptoint < r-nurt vhnso trrnii hii > r not pxplrtd tit the t In o of hoItlliiB the t ; < * iit'r.il plootlun of Is'll , slidl contliiih- liold tlitlr nlllcu for tlio rc- ni ilncl cil of llio term foi xUililt tin ) \\tMoro- puctlvdy uhituil uinlcr the present consti tution. " Set ion 4 : T'latnch porsonvotln ? In fixer of tlili aiiioniliiiunt thill h tvo xrrlttcu or prlnicdiiponliU nillot thpfollon Inj- 1 or I he proposed 1111011(1111(111 to thn consti tution ' rotating to the niiinliur of tmpruno Ihoitloro.I Tohn M Tli ijcr CSovcrnorof tliL st.ild > f obrlllla , d ) hmouy fhn nutlut * Inaouorlaiiio \ % ith Ht'ctlon ono ( t ) article llf- t cn 'IS ) of tliocomllt ullon , tlio provision * ) of Lho nc tent 1 tl l . * \n attto jirov Iclotht * inui- nrrof pniposlnV nil iiituiiiliucntH tothoton- Htltutlun iiiitlitibnilttlnitthu MIIIO tolhcoloo- tonoftlu * ante " Apiirurt'd rolirnnry llth. A 1) . 17 ? that said ptopo'.ctl niiioiiilnii'iit will DC prt-'MMitod to tin ) qualified xotirs ol the * \ no forapprovnlor n > jci tlon at the coneral thilicldoa tlio 4th day of Noioiu- In wllnes t whorcflf I Inxo lerourto sot iny hnntl and cnuwd lo hn alllAcd thuinatseul ol tlio st ito of 7i' > hr : * . > > b i. Ikmo at L/lnu > ln tlils-Jtitlidavof .luly , A 1) ) 1R ! , iiidlho tweii- ty-foiirlh yriror the stutt * . and of the Indo- pciidenci ! of thu United States the onuhuti- drod IKlciinth \ly \ tlioGoxtrnor , JOHMM. 1IIAYKU. iilVJVMIN It.OOXVIFIIV. fe'tirutary of State id 3m 1'KOChA.JlATJOV. WrTEHEAl. A Joint resolution -WM adopted by the leidsl.Uurwof thostntoof Ktbrnnkn. nt tlio twenty-first oj < lon Ihuroof , und approved February 13th , A. I ) IH&l.proiioshicaii amend ment , to the constltntliu or sala itatr and t Lit said amendment thull read u follows , towlt : Section li That at tlio Konoral tleotlon to bohtildon the Tuesday Micci-ertiiur thcllrst Monday of November. / D.lhM.there almllby Btimltted to tin ) electors of thla attto for ap proval or rejection ail aiaeiiitmoiit to thorou- stltutlon of Ibis ituto In words m follows : "Tho iiunufuturi.salo and keeping forsalo oflntoxloattnc lltinors as a bovornje arofor- eier prohibited [ in this etate.niid the tiiro.slwll prjvldolij law for tlio enforcomeiit of thlJ pr < liloii. ' And thoie bhMl alia at said election be mpiralflv suhnittltd to the clootonof tlila fitate for tholr approval orru- JOLtluiian aiiieailniont lo the eoimlltutton of thostntnin wordsas follows : "Thematiufac- turo. HIIO and kcopliiR firH.iIcof lnlo\l < * itlnR liquors ) at a boCMBO shall bo lionised and regulated bj laxv. ' ec. - ' . At sticlt election , on tin ballot of eui.li oliitoriotini for thu prnpoied amend ments to UioionBlltutltm shall buwrlttcnor jjrlnted the wordi ! "lor jiroposod aincnd- jiient to tlie coiHtltulliin. prohibiting tlio iimnufacturo , sab anil kteplriR for silo ol IntoxloatliiB llqnori as i no-vurago , ' or ARiilmt the prnudscil aiinudmcnt to the constitution prohibit Ins tlio manufacture , sila and keeping for silo of IntovloJttiiR llnuoMiis - " a liex-ornce 1 ho re shall alsolie xvrltton or printed on tli. j billet of e.icli ulc tor vo'lns f > i tlit piopo od ameudmiiit to the constitution , lliu words : 'lor proposed aruondmint to the conttltullon tint tlm ninnuf.ictiire. ilo and luupiiijt for silo of lnroik.it.lnk' MqiKira is .t liexor.i o In this htit uliall bo Hi tnsed andre iilatou bylaw , " or "Against slid propt > i d anenil- tiont to the constitution tli it t hiiuunufac- tnru. silo and UoopliiK fi/rsaliof Intnxlcitlnit lliuorsiih | aho\t'M O khull liu llcuiaed iiti'l ru'tilalliiK bylaw ' SCK. J. If cither ol the said promised nmeiidinRnt4sha.llbo approved by a maiorlty of the tiluotoiBotliiK at tlio aald iiluctlon , thin It shall loiiMlnto gietlon t\vuity-sovon 1.7 ] of artlult ) ouolof ] tliououitltutlon tit this stito. Ihorcforo , I , Tolm M. Thaycr , Governor of thoBtatu of .Nebnuka , do hereby giro notice In acoordant ) witli.untlii ODD [ Onrtlulo [ 1 ! > ] of the constitution dud thu iirovlnions ol tlio aot eu lit led 'an uit to provijo the mun tier of proposing all utni Diliiii'iilt totho constitution aim Hiiljtnlttliis tliCMiino to tlm t'leitiirs- tlio swto. " Approved I'obrtiary Uth , A. I ) Io77 , tnit wild uroposul nimnilnicntxlll besnb- uilttcuto tiieimallllcd rutcnof tli'iht.ito ' for upproxal orrejocllon at the eonenl oltttloti MUU Ldd on thu ltli day of .Novombur , A. I > , In witness whereof T horonnto not my hind , nna onuin ' tob allltf > d the ( treat so.il of the Etato of.S'obrisltn DODO at Lincoln thlil-'iith uay of July , A 11 bBO , mm thoSlthyc irof - ihti stato. and ot the Indoiiendonou of the United tUttc'sinn ono hundred flftotintn. Ity tleGonrnor JOHN SI. fcccrotary olStatc. Aimun id 3m , A Joint rosnlullon vai a.doptt'0 ly tholOKlslaturoof the state of > tibraika , at the twuty-llrst hcsslontherfof , anl apjiroi t | Ilarch uth. A , D IA.SD , propaHlnn an ainontl- incnt to Section Tlilrtcin ( l.i ) of Artlclo blx (0 ( cf thu constitution of mid itatu , that a i Id ( Ktionaa amended bhall road at follows , to- lt : boctlon 1 : Thatsectlon thirteen ( U ) of artl- oflhio < n < t tut Ion of t Imitate of No. ainiuidiil so aito road ai foi Ions : bcotlon 1U , Th jude of thOHiipremt'court thnll taidi nmlvtiiHuhry < ) | tlilrty.Uvohtn > drod d > llur ( H.BCW poriinuutu and the Judge * o ( thedlst riot court uliall rocelvo a saury ol three thousand dolln-rsifll.OOOiper mmurn and tlinanhry of each ah.ill ho paynbloquarlirjy ffotlonS : h.toh puron vothiK In fatnr ol tlib amendment , shall Invn xrlttcnur inlntud upon hl bullet tliufollowliiui "Kortbo propOKid anjcndinent totlio cnastl * tntlorrolutlntr totlio Bularyo.1 Judge * of the lupreniii anil district oourt. " fluTefoni 1. John W. Thiiyor , fovornnr ol IliA btitu of S'obrajka.do hereby ilnotice In accord/vnco with Hocllon ono [ 1 ] art lolo II f. twii [ | 'i ] of thu toiK-tltiitlon , and the iirovl. alons of nn not onlltled "An act to putlde the manner of piopislni ; all anundiutntH to thu i-oiutltutlon and suhmltllns Iho nvao tn thoeldtorsof thektuti" Atiprnvrd reliruary 14th. A D. ! " 7T , tint mid propoiod antund- tncntwlll btaubiiilttotltu tlionuulllled rotori Of tliiistHtofor upproval or roJiHlloii , it tin gcnrral election to Le laid on the Kb. day 01 jovombor. A. I > . l"ft ) . In xltn Htwlieri > or T have hereunto let mj band ind ctUHedto IMI ntlljfd tin ( rroat sea oftheitnUof .Nebraskn. Done at Ulnooln this .till dnrot July. A I > 1KJO , an I the iw i n tr-fourth year of the itute.aiid. . if tholiido < ptndrnreol the Dnltel HtatO'i the onoliuc ared tflo.'ntli. Ity the Oorornor. JOHN M.THAVEU. DI.VJAHIN R. Covnrnv , [ IAI I Secretary of State. A Hint Id3u > TPIMM UlTl All ( ) , llllll.L.MIl'O.X % Q. I ArrlfM * jjninh livpot 1Mb nnl Mition "trw-n _ | Onuh * . < noni Kxprria . . . . MU i n iMftlm Ihlctua MOpm .SOpnii Uilcv o I wil 8U in I HIM .UlHCLVlVoY A MO lilt Kit ArrliM Otnthn | _ Ivpotklta nnl Mntim tftrt * Onmhv 1(1. ( IS nii . IHntrr linjr Kt roit 7 I CM p m 10 I& iiui . . . IVnvcr K.i > nn i MOpm ! IHattir Mxlit Vitiron 9i5 i 8 15 l in Mticln Infill IHOpra l * > ntet T lit * . ! * fJ. * jl it. Arrifi'i jDiuali * I _ IV > p tlOth nnl Ma'uii itrm > t Oiu hv 03S m ( Knn < iu.llfl > * 7 K r > re II. lupin 1)45 pill K ( ' , Nt lil Htp Tlnll l > Tmn fl tt i m fSIOXl'.M'lHO liTl'M"1 Omnlis IKpotHlth i nnl Mnrcy tHKil Dinah * . llrvrfiml trlyrr HOSprn I ) VU i m i . . . IVuvti K\in > \jptn it tut m ; .hii nntr Kiprom 11 IV lit Ol&lin' ' fnlrllill K\t UMri'pt 'nil I I a. % p tn Ix.-ntoi L'llltlflO. II -il'lt'ltU' t ' \rrlici oimha. U P U < | mU Mil ant Mitiff S Oin hv f. 10 p in . NlKM KTIUI " IDUAtm _ .I O5 in' l A J | > tn i'llt > nlo United _ , 10 4A 1 m I * HUM eifk\i \rtitr Om.ih.i t ! P tit pot , iuthnnl _ Munr Sti TlAttn , Mont Clljr I'-wenticr I.HJpml . M I'nui Kvn * < * III 10 tn l.vn | MOl I Olll A l'1 > I ( \rrlfii" Oiiinlm I Ih'iKtl'.tJi ml XAnlnlorSt * Oiu.ihv l. ( f.piu > l IMul l.lnllo.l li jiun ° lmt < Illl Af.ll . , v SHU l'll\\ \ i-l'Kll > vrrlTOi * OmMm I' ' P < liit | ) , tutli mil Mnnrt ( Omi'i ' 01.it in Ililciui Kxpro" . li Vll p in : Wpni U'lllbnln Ijnllttul 1' ' M ft lu tuwi Aiwiniii ilatl < inOSxr 7 UA p in V 10 p in . h nslrrn HUT 1 4. ' . p tn I 13 | > ni | Kml i-i > lom M | > n"i ( -.Dl I m " lx < mt > < IIIC.M.U , Mil. , A d'r. I'Vl | Arrt'oi" Ointihn t P il.pnl. llttti nil I Xl.-irnr t < Dnnhv t ) 00 p in lltlcnti I5xnw | l > i'mm 44. . pin1 ( lilt-mil Kttnrt' l.onnOMAItAXMI Mlljll Onuln [ ' P iluiut. Itt'i ' mil Mntcr < t ( ) in h % 4 > < U pin i M louH ( nniiiii Hull 12 JJ p lu I rn.Ti-1 I K , t M ) VMI.I.Hf Vrriroi Omntm I DoiiollHli jii 1 WiMlcr t < 1 > CO a ni Illicit HUN iipnt.,1 tt.H > t m 11 ( On m llaMliui * 1 ip ( iv : siinlijr ) S JUp in 6 10 p \\nhootl \ Inciiln I'm 11 , x i iml > 10 M m & 10tuork | Norfolk i Ft Siinliy > III Till 111 ] . . -iniii i I , S l' I'i It ) xrrlm " Omnhn I li ) > pcWtli _ \Vliunr1ts ( I'll I'M 7 OU a lu skim Illy IceuiuiiimtAllim \ > ( > j p m 1 OUp in Mou idly H'irL iii : r inn ) I .Rp in 1 uu p in M I'.ul l.liuiloa 1) 'ix ri in 8 lr > in ) ntBj l MhMjUllI I'lllb'll VrriMi Otii&liK I D.ipttl'tih nmt VVibitofSIs I I Onitlii. 10.Wami st liOiilT" * 1 ? 0 hrpion 4 Ml p m 11.15pm1 st hull * t 1C. < ' llrpifii f ) lu l.cmrt i CI114 MHJ. Il 1 t fAUHll A rrlrm " Iramfirl Union Utiptit. I iimn llliitrt iTrnniftfr 0. Op m . Mulit ixrc. | I U U III ' Mini ! . ttlntille Kiirtx * I l < M p m &UOpm Xi > illtil I Inilloil 11' . . % ) it tii I.enTin I lll ( AI.O A .SOU l'll\\ I Arrlrn Trnmfor 1 nlon lleptit , t onncll IHniT1 Prnntlor ' .MUiiTii llilc iini Ktrot | i I. ( Op til 6.l0pni . . U Utiila I.lmltotl . ' t > 41 n in lU.OUpni1 . Knstirn HUT . y oo p in 1. Jlp m' ' Atlintlu * > lill . . . T .tl Ul l' uijim liwn Arroiiin iilittliit ( ICxo Hun ) li in n in l.emu llllt AliO SlIU , \ s t' I'Kl'i. ' \rilPM Tritmftr l.nlnn li i ol l\ > until lllntT * Prnnifer _ r-Op in T. llilcnm ) l. iruw 'i ' IS it in 1.4Uim | llilcnilD K\in- > tx-mc I K ( , f JOK V lr. II I A rrlvi i" TniiHfcr' ' J'nlon IK'txl Council lllinT * ll'rtiiiifer 10 ir. mill ICnmw t Itf IIIT Kxpirn r i Ip lu lusspnr kitnni I'lirMclii tc inn < i ' . 20ii In lentil. I OMXIIA * "s I' lOl'f Vrrivi * * TruiHli'r' ' Union ! ) [ > < t Coiiull lllnlT PniinfiT ; . Kl | i ml , * -i loiil > l nn ii l7nli. . , unpni Kontci itlllrAM ) lilltl A1. OIIN'CT Arrlri'i" Trrin'ter ) Union Ill-pit , t ointll lllutlH I'l-nrifi'r 1.4(111 in . thlrHKO IZsprt'Mi It JU p In 10 ( Kp pi ' .I 4Hn in 7 J IP in rvHttin I xixl. . II 'JDii Jii Uenrci i 4114 A. I'Al Ull. 1" TruMfi-rl " Union Pi'pil Council llnITi Triinifpr 7 45 in "Sloui City AcfomuiottiitluiT U JO u nT tl tl'ip tu . . d > t I'm ) K.\rtni | ) III Ot ) | i in 1'Uiril hUHt UIMS Omnr Qi'vuTFitArAsTRii-s on KT. - Omaln , Nth , fciptuiither 1 , 1810 Stiled prnKHiiH | In trlplliate , kiibjeit to the ii-iial L-unlltloiih willho ncntVfd at. lliK ollleo until tu-oo'cloik p. 111 , Ucloborli , IhiKl at wlilelitlmo mid placi tlu'3 ulll | je t ) ] > inctl.ln I lie ] in-si ii"i < of Uld * n for fiii-nMilii , ; aiidtlollMry tuthu ( iinrtortmstors I ) ( ii irtintiit In t Ms olt ) or ntliir points s'leeltltil by the Wdder.si'ventv - (7ict\aliliorsis ( I H. rtii r * . tslliotluhti to rejcctlholiolu or any parlor any bid rtv- colutl. and toioiistdor bids fora ItM iiiiiiilit-r of liorsuslhiitintiiiikr udrurtlsd fur , 1'itfi- eiiie Illlio KliLii to artklcs < it ddniHtlopio- (1 ( 11 ( Hun , ciiiHl l lliiiiisof prko and ( ( ti.illtv e < inil and no cimtrnU \ \ - H bo .i\i.ud \ < il forfni- nlsliliic irtlilis of fnri'lsn pnnlui Hun viht'ii the irtlcleof suitable < | iinllty of doiuestlinro- diicllou em btiobtalni d Illaiikfoi ins forlilil- il In ; uiitlLlriMilirihliiw full liifoiiiiitlonaiifl retiulri'iiicnts ulll I ) fin ni-ln dim iiipllciitli | > ii to lidollkt * . hi.t'lii'- | ) > tnntilnlliK propisils slioitld Iw iii.'uKoU "I'mpoxaU for caidiv horn's. " mil nddrmed In tlm nnihirsixno 1. \V 31 It. HUt.lli : . I.liMiUnant ( 'olouul and Duimty Quarliriii'istur ' ( iuutriil. I' , b A I'lilif Qiiirtoiiiasttr Not no tn < ontriiilors , Peiletl jiropfHils xdll beret'ohcd liythoC'lt v fit rk of llii ell ) of Nni tlilli-nd NoliiisUt up lt > 1'o'ulic.k ' ui n. t-tpli-inhcr ' 'inn. KM , furllio I'l-Ktlonof a < ity Hill bulldlni. In I he oil ) of Noilli Ittnil lUhiaska. taht building to bo built ni-i oiilliix to pliiiN mil ti | ) < cltli lilnns of said InilMIiiK. 10 bo stun ut tlio Oily Ohrk'n tirliolii slid < lly I K h bid must In * ni'onnn inled by a ri'tl.I- Ilfdilioikof i\M \ 1ht < ( Ity loiuull ofsiltl oil ) , 11 Hinu-lln i I'.lit toiuji'i luni in , i 11 hid H. 11) otdiroC Ilio < II ) ( . ' < inii-iliif H.ild i it ) J I : NHV-tA Cllyf lirli. Jioith litnd Si'bnska Siptcmbt-r Irtl IbJ'X ' wd.tM FEfVlALE REGULATORbif _ „ _ „ miili-i'rulii tin ilaj or iiioioy ro * iuiidid lly null f3 Sefiir Iv icali * l from ol > - uvatlon COU/C MMIJMt' 10. , Oralm.Niil * . 11113 HUIDnUKOOM CAMI ! Ntll1. A.iiATilr Tlmt Cniiicd n Social tul.i- tIjhiii lii > Ien > ililH. Momjiliis niociiil to tholtopublic A mntt'lngo thiit didn't come oil was tlio cnu o of a bij'hcnsiLinii inn fasluoiublo quaitorof iloniiililH ii'conlly. A Iiir o ei'o\\cl luil ji ombioil nt cJr.iue churih to wilnubstho uufltHnt1 of Thl Dou lm , n youiifj mun iibout town , lo IMh' * Iie.no Smith , the pi-oily sevontoonjoin-old diiughUf of ( . .Joni'isilV J. .Smith , a union % otoranaiiaformorl\ \ icjiuJilic.ui leatlor In this tounh. The con tnony wnsBotfoi' 130 o'clodf. Thu kritlii tmd licr u t tend nntH wet u onhundtitlliat hour. but the bridegroom came not Aliuli hour piHM'dimd btill ho fillet ! to lio\v up 'J liobfldo bccniiii ) iioruUbiii < l tear- fuluniltlio iniiilitotanil audii-iif tiled. I'lnnlly , vhonnu hour liul without itn MKii of tlio jnoinciiiv bund , thu bildo'.smother iiutl alicml tuts took her homo ulUil > jnobti ittd\vith \ gilof ttnd iiiuitiiliutlon. An hour or two lutor Douglas pro- bonted liiinnlf at tlio Smith le iilmico tmd UHkud to bee tlio young huly , pro. toilingtluvtlio loxudhur divott'dl , JIo win * , { jolriff on to oxiiltiin luHfiutnio to itpiHxirat tlio ohuich , when Mis. hinlth interrupted lihnnnd iltovohlm fttjin the pic-nine * . Douglas' ost-u o forhiscon- duct is Unit ho uafl tltijiiiciall tmbur rinsed and untillo to tntirrj. I-lior I'll- ' . All lnioi'Umt | ) dUcovirj Tlmy net on the Ihcr , fatoiuuih und bo\vuh tliinu h tlio times. A new prliiclplu. Thci HpecdUy CTjrobllloustus'i , bid taste , tflipld liver , pilot undcoiiitl | > .ttlon. SpIeuilUl for men , \xomuu anj cliilJroa. Siiullost , mil Just , lurrst : f ) doses for J5 onLB. Siituplc'i frco at ICulm < j Co'n , lith anJ Douglas Tlio only niilro.itl iniituntt of Omaht rtiirc < xiii'hslj | for the iiccoininodutloii o [ Omiihti , C'ount'il UluIN , Dos Aloln an I C'lilciiijo buslnoM la the Kock Jsl.iinl viatibulcd llmitcil. leavingUrnnlm ut 115 p. in , dally. TifliOt ( illlco lOOli.Slx . * tocnth nnd 1'urnain &ts. Omahx