Ifl ( J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 8 , 1800. TJIE OMAHA UJBE COUNCIL BLUFFS. GlTICi : , NO. 12 I'HAUL ST. I f'I * prod bj I'urrler In any part of the t'llv II W TU/ru.V. - MAJxAt.il.lt. llnrlnos OllloiNo. . ( I. NlKlit IMItiu , NH si. N Y 1' Co Count II HluffH Lumber To . coal. A few erj stills of frost \\cru vlslhle nt 11 o e-loc-U lust night 'Ihoro will bo 11 weotltiL' of Hit utitMtrcil Kiul | > llnin dub In M nuns' hull tills iv-uning nt S o' lot k ilohn Pox , > hiiliiiisui It IsoxKutd | that work will be commented on the now ii\ci lesrivolr for the vvtilii'- vvorUsrominnj this week The iiinoimtto 'lhi > first < | widrill < % piity of th pn. on uill lie In-Ill In Hiifcties * liull on Thursday ovui- liitf. anilill bo ( 'lvon under tint iiUHplics of the Ci ! rinaii Catholic : ladles It lujuircd the old stunner Kwiuc to jnnnp tlio watiu into tliu llK ) tunk used ill tlio show In tinojieni house hut nielli 'llio piesc-mo ot the steamer puniiitfiind [ iiiinplni ; iittiacteil n tsri'ul ill-Hi of uttciitlon mid was a good ad vutlsttm-nt In thti dlsttletiouit toitny It is prohablu that 11 ticat ileiilof tliu sosslon will bo t.ikcn no In lii-ai INK tlio lliior ( | injunction cases At- toinoj Sims Is uiuiiiK tint uvsi-s to tlio front In mister to tlio doninnds of Iho Invv and Oilier ICilKIIU A foiciof nicti will lie put to vvoik thin inoriiini. on Xditli Flist stioet ii-puini ? the foundations of the hi'ldgo n\ei Indian t-rrok and Mitntrtliliitf the dun iiliovn It A hutto ninoiiiit of InoUcn stonu will bo plitc.eil In the vvnshont bdieatli the Initial * , Tliostatobo.uil of liodtti rendered u de cision on Satnida } tint Is nf soimi iiiteiost to | Koplovvho lonte-inplnto coinnilttinK nmtrl- inonj lloieiftfi tin1:100111 will ht-ieiinited towiltc' Ills full iiaino and thu lady her full natni- not as u bride , when signing the inn- The Model huso hull t-lub wint to Ulnlr jo-tiuihij to meet their old mitnijonisls 'llio pinto that was stheduled for Manavvn vester- ila > atternoon iietwecti them nnd the ricaks of Omiiliu did notoetur on nciount of the Pioalis di ; iovciing tlmt tht ) had tin engnye- incnt at home A glove contest forseli-iitllle. pnlnta was to hitv o tnUen plntoln a Noith M.dn stieet sa loon Satin day night , but ono of the piinii- pils fniled to coino to the suutch Tlio con test li is hten postponed until next S.ituiilny ovpiiliifr nnd a couple ol ofllit-is will ho pivs- int toseoth.it them Is no violiition of the peace litvvs It Is being quietly vvhispcicd mound tlio nttoiiii'i'sollleis that n ptoininuit gentleman residing on Kiist A\enuo nariovvly esenped usphjxiation a few nightsngo He letnrned homo nt u Into hour nnd thoughtlessly blow nut the fins A HOI unit gill discovered the tumble bofoioit uns too hit,1 , lint she h.id tonslileiablo tioublo In arousing him after throwing open thuvindows and doors Ills it'iiurted that n dog light took plate \VeslHioiidwavliiteSatiudaj night Tlio pit uns nude in a ilvi-ij stnhbi The stakes were Wi The dogs vvcro owned hv an Omahn fancier nnd n lot-ill spoil 'I ho battle Is s.iid to hilvo listid a long time and ended In u vit-toiv for the lllntls canine As 111011- Heqiienco .melt is % i-ij piond of his dog , nnd Is anxious to pit him ng.iinst any dog in the iimntiy foi an ) culinary stakes. Ne.ttlv all of the interior woik of tlio old Methodist chimh has heen taken out and the woikinon will loininenco this morning on Iho loof U\ HID mil of thovvceU lliciu uill ho llttlo of the building left standing ' 1 ho idle bnnteis ate mum ions and i-omprisu main of the old citizens , wUonro willing to eatrv oir a plecoof uboaid or n liiltk to leniind them of the old pioneer dnvlicn the chuichwas built and was consldeicd ono of the llnest In the west. The imivor hns uutlinii/cd tlneonci tion of the tity tux levy h.lidding tin ) \ mill Mtetl by the | Koplu hist spiing In eic.ito , i fniul for the ptneh iso of a puk inlhii-fre-t | Mlt 'Of' the i ity 'J ho taxVus'i < , . , | , , tll ) omitted In in ikliitf un the levy It tins hrt-n eei tilled to the County iniditoi and approved hy the boaid of supcivfcoM , .mil itill reall/o about * l,0 < Xlasiistaitei for the fund. Tlio pnk ( onimlsslnners vvill selctt the lotation nnd puithnsotho piopert ) vnj Hhotlly Oflleer Chun in tested n snmuuhib noted ncRro limned .Ilm Hmlthat'l o'eloi k list even ing , mid the pitiol vvngon tonvovul him to the central Htntion. lie w is wur ( hid , bnokod nnil throun Into the hole , nnd then bis trou bles Just ( omincnc-c-d Uho gam : ntte'inpted to iiiuUo him submit to tlio ilecues of the "knngaroo" eonit , whitti Imposoda line of toolarge piopoitlons to suit him His IP fnsal bronght out a sentence to ncoho tvvcnty-tlvo Dlovvs with the hose pipe whip , nnd although the \ilnc-c was tilled with bail ) rufllmis none of them hud tlunoui igo to pl.i ) thep.titof thou\eintloner Tlio d.uUov has a physique that icscnihlcs .Ink hon's , nnd theio was soinelhlng about him that imed the c-iowd Kinall.v they dcto.xed him Into \ne.int cell nnd locked the doot on him , and then thev toi lured him for iitout an horn A section of hose that Is li ft in the con hint foi some pur pose vvns nttiuhed to tholiyitumt .mil an Inch Htrenin turned on the defense ! -ss daiKcA and ho vvns nenil ) dioivned. A lold slih nf steel fora bed , and th.U next to -whitlow pie tectm only \vitb Inn s. i.nd with his clothing HO iked , the nc.fi o p issed u night tlmt h id lew I'loubiiiit feattnes conneeti d with it 'IhopiUo il-ht ( nf Saturdaj moialii\\ns ) tholeadliif ; topic of eonM-is.itinn in main jilates Msterdiy. The opinion was t-uieiMl that tbeinMIS no question but that Sainplev was the bust man , and h id Mjuster \ \ hipped in Iho foiuth loiind The disuissions biouKbt out tlio seei el nt his defc.it. Tlio last blow lu Hie finnth lound.is a stunner , mid It lifted Miiistu elt ir oil his feet and laid him upon the platform \\ith siuh fouo that his head and shoulde-sstiink llrst The blow resulted hi a b.ul ntddent for Sample ) It disloented his il.'lit thumb and dio\o thai niembor bat-It upon bisilst The i em limit i of the IlKht , t\\ohi lounds , was tallied on under the most pali.ful disuHantiiKe , tlio broken hand e-xplainimr the lightness of tb HUliscUi-ut blo\\s Ycsteid.iv tbo slieiiff and his deinties | weio looking foi tbn piiuti pals , but thej t-oiild not ho fouml M\nsttr quietly bomded a Kansas City tialn , ami is listing from tlio b.ittlo somo\\hoio in Mis souii Thowamnt.s Mud upon losn- phdnt of Colonel He-e-il , but theie is noiiues lion of Juusdlaiou , and theilToitto lliui the bo\h was not prt > Miutedlth anei ) Kie.il dPfrit'oof visor If tlitro Is iiuUhinn in the Supy touit ) tlalm the battle \\iu fotifiht In Nibiaskn. Undtrthe loua hnpiio light- ill iIs nothing moio than a misdemeanor , mid tlio punishment t ould lie nothliif ; more than a light line , but in .N'lbiasUa It is a felon ) . Pot- Salt * . Our retail fimilturo busiiioss , with good established tr.ulo Sto-kli lirst t-lasi uml \\ellseloc-tod Uonoa for selllni , ' , are Kolni ? Into tliooxeluslvoJoUbhu Irulo. Any onu wishing to ( rol'ito baslt ss should Investlpito this , us It Is one of the fuwRoliloa oppurtunlties of a life thno. ( ' A U i IIB v Co Ml dozen ladles' Jersey libliulests at the Boston btoro for U' e , woith lie , tills \\t-iU Count 11 lilulTs , la A \ IT ) Qulec Hiiiula ) . Yesteidiu as ono of the phcnoinenall ) quirt Sabbaths that l\o Count II Illuffs biitb ti deslnihio icpuUlloa as a elvIll/id illy , lllled with people whocajo ) thomsehes with out fiattuling human or dlvino l.iws 'Iho attendiineoat tlm cbuie-hes was MIluifo \ ? uml servlees wt-ro held hi all the usual pint us of worship. A vei.liirgo loiiun'fnitlou f.-athoiod in tlio Masunlo temple , wheio the lueotinps of tlio I'rst Methodtst fhui'tb will lien ufiOiho held ' 1'ln'io ueio iiulet and onleily iro\\ds at all the pleasure ieuuits about tin * eitj.buttho nunilitis were miiih biualler than usual Many | K'onlo found It plois.uit to nit in tlio i.irlis duilii ; ; the afteinooii wlian tlieeloucis liiiiUo auand the suashlno \ \ is bilubt and warm All the bent-lies in lu\ll ! > s pink \\cro oeeupled tliu Inn the itltt'riinon , anil the people - plo took f'ivat ple.tsuro \\atchliiK the Miilnvlx | f-'iithoilng up thi'lr winter suppl ) of nuts and lllllng their IIOMS uith leiive.s.uul ( ,1'aste-i for the winter nests , ralimount attrattid lustrowds also , and ihe vi ltoi-s fouml plenty of enJu.Miient in the jiagultlix-nt Kioitiuloof ] t-ltlos. lakes , ii\e-r \ , nd tlelds t > pix-ad out beneath tlioir feet , and irlKhlcncd and ix-fivshed bv the Into rain and rendered moro dlsieimihlo by the puiitleHlat- mosphcro. In the evening social parties were made THE NWS IN THE BLUFFS , Arrangement * Made for the Fall Eacea anil an Enlarged Programmei BEBEE BELIEVED TO HAVE PERISHED. KKMIN of a Quirt Suiulny Talk- Ahont tinItenlon Street Ijliit ) Minor Mention and Pi f oeal hoisonicn are voij "wiupilno over tlio prosped for lUolv meet at the drhltifr paik Ill's fall 'I here will bo sonio slight tils-id- raiitiifcu In the fiu-t Ihnt the mntliiK 'icie ' will lie the Inst of the season and tlio eloso of the .Misslourl Vnllpj cluu.lt. liuttho hoisu- liien ate ( onlldint that the pui-scs to be offon d will hi inn some of the best hoi-scs on thu tin f. 'Iliodilv IIIK ] taik tt.uk U superior to anIn the elruiitand the horsemen will come with the c\K-e-tation | of malilnfr sonif \ ory fast Hint' Anothci meotiiiB was hold yestcnlav after noon anil the proKiamnio lovlsed and en- luiffcd l > \ tlio addition of another da > 's ' i.iees It was nUo de. Idetl that the National Tiot- tliij ( association mlt-s shall Kovein the ton- tests 'I'be follow Iii ( , ' N the rcIsed prop .until i of the imotiiif , ' bivlniiing Ttiesdiv. ( Jctobei 7 i nisi mi. 2 ' ) 1 ' n t- - * Kid TlueojcniolilTiottln ? -i ( USD tut. _ 'iU-TioltlliR - * ! < ) . jjo 'riottiiii ; < nx ) TMO-J fin-old tiot ? TiU rmtin inr. 'J T.I - Tiottinjfloo l"ii.efoi .ill-'l'roUltif Ye.nlini ; tioltiiiK t.ie-o $50. lei urn nil. " ! M-Tiottim. ( ) MIX ) . Fivo-foi ill l ai-inu * .VM. Kiee-toi all btulllon Spa-l.U prii-es on Mi-iiu h bleached Ooi man dam tilt table linen at the Doston slou ) at Hi' , Me , Vic1 uml 5 i Council Hlutlfa Monev it , loluual r.itji louiloi i-'iitto aiiduuloU.i'osoe-arity bv-C II Shufu.t ( Jo Onei-aso Cents' oithiK tlnimol shlits , .tie and l'ie ' this \\eik at , the Hoiton store , Coun ell ItlutTs , la still : Although the se.iieh foi the missing man , H T Uccbe , h.us not been discontinued , the fi lends bnvo about nbandotied hope of uvei seeing him alive. Mr II O Hebei' . ni.nuigei of the AVclls P.iiv'o t'\pioss comp.inv , re- tinned vcsteiday from a long and vveai.v scinch , nnil announced despondcntlj th.it theio wiw nothing moie to be done Almost cveiy Inimc'i-tu Ilauison eountv his joined In the search , if not with seirching path's , go ing over his fin m nnd oiiofully looking into ovuv possible plieo wheio thobodv of a man tonld bo ronuulc.il Thciehni not hi en a fit in within tvvent ) mil-s of the place vvhoie thennfoitnnito nun tllsappeiied that h.isnot been tints i.uofiill > scan bed The sitpposit'on ' is now tli.it the mail lias lidlen intoIJovei rivei and be-n diovviit-A Ihe diovvning tlicotj is i-.iuiod out bv - > cv er.d ciruimst inces Mi Bo'oco loft Musouii Vjillc-j to visit his biothei at Uelocto\vn lie lode out with some people fiom that plnce , and did not appeal to boat all confused It was ' . ) o'clock at n light \\ht-n the wagon lenihr-d the place , unit when it 0,11110 to the house of the biothu Ml BobeoreiinesiOi tlio . ; ttiiT"icT him out , us ho It nil , . _ _ _ tb house HP ( tul so mil the un- foitnmito in.in started tovvai 1 tbo door , not mom than sixtv ftci uvvuy , mill the \vngon with its Oi-i-un Kits drovoaw.ty. "I uni cont'dcnt ' no\v , " said Mr II. C JJobeo bnt evening , "tint licubunvvent to tbo deoi anil found it dosed md tinned and % v ulko 1 avv in. Thli wis .v habit ho h.ul lie has fieijuputly coinn tomj bouse anil ilndliu Iho dooi i losod would not \valt foi it to be opened , but would linmediatelv tiun and walk b n k to the point fiom which lie started I think lu ellil MI tills time , for nobodj siivv him about the little villige duiing the night When the people w lilt w horn ho rode fiom AlUsotiti Viillev K-.icln'd the Bojor nvor on the io.id usnnli.v ti.ueled they fjund tbo bridge out and weio compelled to tuin und go down to anotfioi briilfit scv trul mllm below. I fear in ) brother stuitul to vv.ilkbicl : to Allssoini Valluv raid took the lend that had thu brokiin biidgeon it It.is seven tnile.j fiom Ueolito town , mid bj the time he would reach thu liver lu would bi- well uiph exliaustcd , and if he had fallen into the liver could not have hid stic-iglli to get out' ' Mr Ilobeo vv.isn man of fortv-livo ) ears of ago ami foi- the p ist few jpius bus been In frill lie.iltb , uhith hns hid the cflectof vvL'.ikeiiing his mental povveis. A good hose i-ocl fioo with oveiy 103 feet of liuso piueih.isod at UKby 's. If j ouvlsh to soil join propel ty call on the .ImUl .1 Wells Co , O. H. Judd , president , Wli Iliouilvviiy. To the f i lies Miss M irj CJle.tson hus 10- mnetl tiom her ii.stern tiip and is better prepared thin ever tositlslj all who want liiat eliis itiesjinilcliu Rooms in the old llbtarj bullJiii } ; , I'e ui stieet. ri.nl Hcntoa Stiet't IJiie. The question of the width of lienton street between Harmony mid Washington avenue is still unsettled , and a dellnlte undeistaml- iiiKwiliprob.ibliiiotboaiilvel.it until the t oni Udeoido the matter. Onlj the property lines on tlio west side of the stioet aie nlTeettd , but thoeiitlio e-itj is Inteiestcd m hiving the stieet made of unifoim Mhltli all the wiy aloiiK The work of Kr-adiiifc has been completed us tin its it eau ho until the lines , utlxed , but tlm piopeitj owmrs will piotCi > tiiKain- the allouanuo of the ton- tiac-tor's estimates lj the council until the woikla tlulshed The Interested pioputy owners whoso fenees w ill bo moved If the cltv Oitabllshob Its i lalms to the disputed sK feet hive emplojed eCitj Attornej Holmes to lesist the mimlelpil demands , and ho hat , notified thuioumll tint an injunction \sill bo foitluominir If anj attempt is made to inter- feio with the \\est hide lines as thov now stand i.nd h ivostoodfor thlity jeirs Holmes Is conticlont of litlan able to be.it thu e-itj in any len-al action Unit may take place iSiiKiucui-Toitovlii is eonlident that the claims of the eiti , aio elear and \mass ill- able , and lie ba-es Inn el dins upon tlio ori ginal KO\ eminent suut v made In lv" > l. Ho \\asiippoiiitedtodothoworl ; and made the Mirve.v himsilf Ho still has hi his posses sion all of Iho origin il Hied notes , oven the pencil notis of the Hut vt , \ In running the in itfimil Hues ho was iequiie.1 to ilcllno the boundaries of tlio squattou' el.iiius , who had pie-cmpted the land and dished to piovo up and buy ital the Koieiiunent prlee of ilJ. . " per itcieBenum htixet was tht-n the county load , mid this survey established It its stieh. 'Iho amount of land 1 > infill each tntet | ire- einptcil was dc.linlu.-l ) im isuretl inn eac-li claimant was cI\ui ull ho ilaiimd 't'lus loft the ioadwa.1 \t\-sK fcotwltle TukliiK ttio moisuiomeiits fiom thoiornors establishoil thi-n oveiv lot ei both bides of the street contains exactly the Mime number ol feet Unit tlio oilRinal decdu fi-utn tbo KU > fi nmeut cull for. Toste\ claims Unit he did not plut.-oany Htono at the e-oinur of llio Powei's lot on what was foimeily 1'i tiiii Htn et hut simply nlaci d a stukt ; tliorc. Tliostonu that was lound recently six feet out fiom the oilh'inul point tl.\id by thu KOV- urnnieut sun e ) , Tostevln says was put there ' ithout authoiity and is worthless. Tbo stone u us of alot ofono hundred that unit ) eut uioii | the order of a aubseiiuent stuvejor , mid its prone-lit location was c-itber the nsult of an t-irorlu measiiieiiuiit oriis moved without uuthoilty. ' The original ou tiers of tlm jiroportv ( ? ot all their dee'ds call for , " sulit hntvejor Test < > - vlu , "anil there U nothing at ull hi thu claims nf the prcsont o\\ncr . Whether the fuel that the street lias boon fenced up for a goii- crutlon or inoro without protcsta from the city ftlvcs the present owners uny clulm uyou UM ftxtra Lk foot , 1 do iigt kuow. It U ll question that the rou its alone cm dcter- iiilna , I siiiK | | ) e , but I am siitltlled tlmt tliey can Imvo no other claim The original sur- vevt nnd the orlf'liii\l pint nil show tlio strict to beslxtv-slx feet witlu , and In the subse quent confusing orilliiiiiuesNherathowldth Is dt9lfMinted us slxl > uml nlxtj-slx I inn In- rllned to think that a llguro "six" hns ben mistaken for a cipher " ' 1 ho council ouirlit to take tip the mutter nt once end settle It ono way or the other mid let the Improvements already commenced bo uoinplcU'il " Iloso nt cost.o nro pomg to quit hamlliiiK garden ho ' , uml hmo doubly tbo largest stoe-k In the city To close out wo willsf-ll nil fudcs mid llxttlres at tic id cost , foreash C. H Paint iS : Oil compmy , Nos. 1 and . ' ! , Masonic templo. New fall pooilsjusttccrlvciiiitKulUr's , me I' elinnt tullor , : I1U Uividw. ! ) ' . J ( J. Tlpton , real esUite , ojj Uroilwuy , .7 C. Ill * by , sto-itn heatins , sa-iltary cu- ( 'incer , ' 111 Ufo bjlldltiK.O nllu ; JJ1 MJt- Ham bloik , Cuuncll ItlufTs : ) * nlo7cu ladies , swlss rlhbcil jeiseyests , r > c , or ttiiL-o for * l 00 , fornu-r ju-lco oleiiuli. ) . Hostou stoic , Counell HlulTs , lu The Manhattan sporting heailquaitcrs , 41S H i cad waj . _ ' /he Cltj'H I'oi-koth.iolc. Cltx Tieasuier Kinuchnn toinpleteJ his monthlj it-port of the- condition of the city llnanees Hatiiiday ovenlntt. The follonhiK shoHS the amount received and paid out tlur- iiiK the mouth of August uml tlio uist to the taxpayers of the vailous de-pat tineiits of the municipal fjovcinmciit : Total amount drawn nenernlfinid . $ 0.4fiO 05 Polite fund. . 1'lir HI Inteise-ctlon ( 'indiiif ; . 1,110 1 ! ! Intel-section paving . 15 ( M ) Speeial assessment p.ivitiK . 21 < > "i Spielal assessment radintf . 1,01. ! 0) ) Om bint ; and sidewalk . 1 ( U Intersection sowei . I'l ' 4fi ( Ml ) liildfjcs . bO OU Totnl . ? Hi8 ) ' ( (5S ( Disbmsemcnts Pirodeiiutinent . S l.dll ' 1 Police depattinent . 1'iM ' SO Miishttl's dipiitnent . fiTJ r > ! l Mlstcllimeoiis . 2Ti ) ! U Public huildlliBS mid Kionuds . 4" HO Shoots and alleys . 1,1U ( 51 Salaiiesof oftltcrs . d7t ; i'i Citv oiiineu's | dep. itment . I/U ( U Pi Inline and supplies . I'l" 01 < 3 us and stieet lamps . Jlli . " Inspectois . 11 ! 00 Inte-rscctioiiRlMiliiifr . l.ll'l VI Intersection paving . 1500 Spe'i ltd assessment i uliiff . "J ( Vi SpceialiissessmoiitKradlnu . 1,04. ! 01 Cm hini ; and sidewalks . 1 ! )1 ) Intersection sewer . Ill t" ) City biidges . bO 00 Total . $10JI)8 08 Tirst class drosstnakiiifc by Miss Wallace , over Cattlemen's bank vourlumbei of The .ludd i\VellsCo , SllUioulwaj. Shoithaml Miss Hlioiles , Blown building Dr 0 II. Bower , -0 N M tin at. i'itetu\Ai , I'.iit.iuMt.i MIS. Aldtiman Hverctt and biothcr Nul nnd \Vattlellietiiined vesteula.v fiom an ux tended hunting tut ) in Dakota. They b.uKod ninety piaiiio chickens dmnifr their hunt. r\cd letiiinsto bthool this inorning , Pop Hiilc. M > house , hoibt-hold fuinituie , hot e nnd btifrgy ai call fors.ilont 'J20 10th ave. D \V MiDniMii ) . su > < inisi | ) Arrivals. "At Queenstown The Lout dough , fiom 1'lilladelphiifor Mvi-iiiool. Passed the Li/aui. The Belgcnlunil , fiom I'liiludclphii for Antvveip. 'Ibo Choi MM 111 Spain. M MIIIID , Sept.I'ifteon frc > li cases of choleta and cloven deaths from thodise'aso we-ie icpo Hid in Valencia City today. AVAIl IN TiiH P The 1'iii-t Itallwavs Will Play In Move- meats of Tf ops. In futtno w.us i.iilwajH , the number of which in I'jiitopo in diiilv iiiureasinjf , will phiy an uiiprece-ilontcillj imnortant part , not only Htnitofiiually , but uUo tae- Ikally.lys n \ \ iitotin Portnl htl } Uovlovv. Fti-moblli/titlon mill t-enti-al- l/iitioii ut the outhot of war their value \Misbhov\n in 1870 , with armies of in- erotived sl/o they will bo still inoi-is es sential. ACtoi the coininoiiceniont of opiMMtloiw they will wtill oc'aslonnlly esputiiillj in the e-aso of the nirny vvhiuli assume tlio tlofensivo ho used foi- the utpid i-oiu'oyaiieo of troops , but nan rule they A ill c-hiclly bo cmplojetl for the transport of food and atoies. It lias be-on calculated by the Ainoticans , fiom tlio o.\porienco of their great civil VMU- , that to htinplj ati itriiij in the liold of a hundred thousand men foj means of a single line of uiilH thcio should ho twentylivo locomotives ami six fioljfht iMitiiajjL's to ovut-y mile of load Tt is thoiofoio evident thut o\cn with double lines mi army o ( a huiidieil thous ind men vvorUiiifj a hundred milc fiom its ba o vwwlil le'quiio bottiiiff iihi'io the luquiruniunti of siefjos an im mense quantity of toihiifj htoe-k. As to tlio inovoi'ionts of tioopsby mil , oxpeiiunc-o on the continent shows tlmt time In not yalned when the proportion of hajonetH and MiberH toanilloof double line is trieatot-than four liundietl ami thiity-live. Apait , tliorpfoto , fiom the fautthiitoncotho aimj is in llio Held , thu lulhviy tosources will bo ahsoibed in bringing ui > stores and tuking b.iek sle-k nnd vvoundod. the railwnj tiansixnt of tioojis will huldotu bo piolitablo for an iiiiuy on the otlonsivo. Tln > strain ou tlio mil way needed for Iho e-omoyanuo ot food ami blot OK will be liu-Kflj uiigumonted , PL-oinj ; that in ull lirobihility the si/o of armiob will bo ninth ineiotiNMl. Tlio limit to tlioir t-i/o will , in fact , bo [ iiae-tlcolly dotounined by the fii-ryliifr capacity of the rallwnjw. Hence , two things aio obvious : Mist that for Htr.itegic.d operations iail\vn\s , w ill , aftei the coiniuoneoinent of a cum- pal ( { bo iibud compaiutively little ; second - end , that oven if onlj ) inploycd for the trainpoitof stores , their e-apncity will IIUMJ to bo largly tiiureiibcd by tlio tnlill- tion of hiding , thu uoiistruution of iil.it- forniH and tlio doubling1 of Hues. I'oi this lonsoii nil atmius arodailj pa.\ing incicasenl iittontion to tlio fomuilioiiaug- inontatkm ami training uf military i.iil- wav battalion , \vci , puihas , lea-t of all. I or operation * \\liluh \ lie In the boidur land botvveon tiictitirt ami HtMitog } , oceu- hional use withtjieiit elTei-lvvill piobably bo made of inilwayrt for tlio coin oyaiu-o of tioops for shott distance- ' . Had IJa- /nlno tin nod liih i all unj faelitict ! > to full account at I'orbaeli , the lesiilt of tlmt ImUlo iniglit havu hueu dilloront. It can oasiij bu undurtitood tlmt though thoio \voiild bo no-living of thno in tiiuiriMit- | ) ing'an m my corps , wltli all its Impt-di- inunta , a dihlaiico of thu ty miles by inll- VMIJ , it would bo feuslblo and tlosirablo to t-oiuey a liri ado of four batlalinim with a Hold luttci.v. uUac-hed , adistunco ot liftmen mile.s. Ill the former cau 18" tinlns vvould'bo required , and the opouition inidor tliu most fuvorablu t-ltciiinstani'os , would oc cupy four dny > . In tlio latter eat-o tlm troops , moving with nothing but men , tillieoi-H , ehurgoi-jt and vvlrit the I'ronc-h call a tiain do e-ombat , the whole foico could bo tiaiisioi-tud } to Its dcntination in two hours from the time the llrrit man ontorud to tbo time the hiht mini quitted tlio train. AH to arinur-cliul tuiitiri.thoy uill on exceptional invasions bount-diind bo of great value , IIH was bliown in the ease of Sir Archibald Alitjon's oporutloiiH ut Aloxundilu iu the Urot Ugyutlau war. WASIIKCTOSA'fcESTORYACO , > a in The Rude Beginning of the City of "Mag nificent .Distances. " I' ENFANT AND HIS \V ( DERFUL PLANS , A. Ornplilo Stui-y ( if Tlovv the Notional Ciiillnl , the Mockery " ' l' f- L'l nei'H , llcviinui llio Ailuilr- tlon of the \Voild. A llttlo loss than n hundred years njro the "imigiiiliicnt distances" that now IIH the oyoof tliu htitinyerlth sm-pilno anil pleasure were covered by ptlinoval forest.Vhcio inllos of pilntlnl stitie- tmos nowict'iill the htatllnes * of tbo Homo thut Augustus Un.-s.ir loft , tbo fowls of tbo nilsoiponls anil wild beasts onjo.vcil ntiti-oubkd ( jovort , siy < n gifted writer In IIiupoi-'s Woi-klj. Itvvivsnot until 17IW tlwt the tcnipe-Hosseil con- tji-css of the thli teen colonies saw tbo Ih-st oviilenco of the foilei'ul city tlmt o\- clte-il thomiitli of the wits , the f orbed- hi'S } , ot tlio timid. Thociriiitnfetuiico of thocitj its itnou hpi-oiids out unilor tbo yrcat dome Is tfie.itl.v eontiai'tcd fiom the iinposiii' , ' illmoii'-ioiiH oilLriuitlly luiil out by tlio engineer L'Knfiint. Where the supcih pitont elllco now stretches In maiblo iiiaji'btjths poetic rrcnchiu.in , iiisiiirod by icceiit o\ent In Pails , litul inuikod the site for a national tuber- nude , whoio nationalevonts weio to bo religiously eommuinoi.itod , v\hi'i-o ' nti- tiontil obsoqttlcs vvorotobo celebrated , iiiidtlioilendhonoied bj the country veto to bo btiritd and tlioir immumonts bo poipotuiitud u soil of I'antliooti to tbo fjloiiosof the republic , Two columns of majestic piooitions ] ) woio to rite ut siiccilied ( liMiiiii-es from the capital , the ono rcpic-iuiiling hi bionxo and granite the moniorablliti of tlio hovcn years' war from Lexington to Yoiktovvn , the other such piodif ies bj hen us in ton oui-b bad made our littlu navy u uvnl of Hiitiiln'b. Thostieots lumitiig' c.tstvuird fiom the capitol woio to bo continuous arcades , like the sequestered alcoves of Hologim and Vcnit-o. ISotvveen tbo capitol nnd the picsidont'H lesidctico woio to bo eljsian Holds , and palatial dwellings for tb'e foitifrn ! inib.issadois , and the public buildini'H. Hut oven tit tlmt turly duj ' 'lint's' ' and "jobs" found their account. The indignant rienehinan , be'ol on all side-h bj venal legislators and solf-hcck- iug jobbers , threw up his commission in dihdain , nnd Iho oity aa It stands was peifected bv Andiow Clheott. In 17)2 ! ) , $ "iiO ( in gold weio olTereds ithout ro- wti it-tion lib to calling , to the eitl/on w ho should send In the accepted design for the president's hoiHol I'Mvohundreddol- l.us and a lot in tjio.now city , or a gold modal , weroolYeietl ferthobohtdcHignfor the enpltol. Toageiieiatioti tlmth.tsbiA- i-otuo fainiliiu- with the sums annually \oted for poitoflli os , ami eitstom houses in Plumvillo and 1'uinnkintcmn , our foiefuthei-H will ' .ecm tluLstj indeed , embaiking upon cilv building with n grant of S1'1,200 ' f torn the ntntcbsf Vir ginia and Marvlnti'l. 'i his was snpplo- n.cnteu by a natlomil lottoiy , for -which oO,000 , tickets \\cie soldi Sixteen thous and seven hundieil and thirty weio to draw prices , the capital ono being u hotel which was to eot.t $ oOOOOI The piico of a ticket was $7 , ami the pti/en iiuigcd from $10 to $2.3,000 ! Nor need the student of current moials and man- noib , depressed by the laxity ot onr times , wholly despond , when ho rollccts that the lottery \uib made use of ahnn- ill ed j oars ago not only in the building of our national capitol. Chinches , schools colleges , oven Harvaid itbclf were indobled to the wheel for moneys to Hoeuio their Ubefulnessl In 171)6 ) the piesideut'ti house and the capitol wore the only evidences of a city whoio the tiavelcr now sots sqmues ami monuments ments , cdifites and gardens , th.it eclipse Paris and Vienna in bounty and taste. When the lottery failed , and the sum * ) voted Virginia and Maryland gave out. Washington was less of a city than the humblest suburb of Jersey City or Btookljn. Three hundred thousand dollaiH weio nuked by the commissioners to go on v ith tliooilc , and the country was distracted by such piolligato outliij. The pi ess of the time thumleied agaiiiHt sueh wasteful oxtraMiganco. In 1800 the capital was a hoio tiial to mon accus tomed to the homely comfoits of Now nngland and Now Yoik. Tliesovas but ono good t.ueraln the town. The mom- bora of congress weio heuled togethei- In a few mean tenements like wldiors in a bait auk. Lund was rated at 25 cents a squaio foot , the speculators holding for , i rise ! The rooluontsvero mostly ne- giocs or HhiftlehH vagabonds , thiovsn out of regular industry by the visions of sudden cit-making , Though Iho whole city was covered with woodMis. Adams , the wife of tholh-bt president who tool : up his resident o in Washington , eould bceuio none for the grates of the white hoiibu. The house icijuiied thirty hoi- vantHto Keep It in order , nnd all thu food had tobobiougbt fiom Baltimore , ( leoigetown 01 AloMindim. Oouvernour Morns , wilting to the prlncoss do In Tour ot Taxis , in December , 1800 , says , spoitiveljVo : want nothing lioro but houses , collais , kitchens , wull-infoimed men , amiable women , and other trilles of this kind to make onr city perfect ; for woenn walk hoio us In the Holds and woods , and lonsidering the hard fiost , the air of the i-llv is voiy imro. If , then , j ou are doslioim of com ing to llvo in Washington , I hauton to ashiiio you thut freestone is vorv abund ant hero ; that oxeollont bili-lc can bo burned ; tlmt thoroarono lack tf ) sites for magnificent hotels ; th it contem plated canals run bring a vaM , eommoiro to the place. In bbort , that it IH the vor\ best city in the world forfutmo lesfdonce. " Nothing was further from the wiitoi'H thought than a verification of this lionlcal ptophooy in thu spicoof a not ' abnoimally loiig'lifoliine. For a quar to iof a cuntutj the capital , wi grandiose on piper , was thoimoe-k of foreign mtn- isleis ami toutlxttj. Tlio gt > ssp | of other davs gives us an atntihing glimp- of Iho shifts our unity Hliitosinon and their famlllosvoro \ put to in earrjlng out the modest functions thilught j-i-iiulsito even for JutTotMIIIinn simplicity. In IHIU the cltv , shabby as it was. Invited the tou-h of the lliltinli. > Vle-n | the lolmilding bc gim. expc-iluni.'ii was of value to tin new founders , and while ull of the old ambition for Crook beauty and inodorn hp.uionsmss was not wholly lojictetl , tlio rltyaMHi ) moio coinpiiet and hubltablt ) Hi in hofoio. Down , ho\v- oxoi , to 18(11 ( Washington with far from lovely or inviting The miigallic.-cja iivt'iiui'H , that novilval the houlov.iulf of Paris and Vioiimi , weio wiibtoH of led clav , with thocapllol and white liou-o lining at either endeinh ] ) fi/lng tin H junior of tluiHtreots , the wiotcbodnoss of the Htim-tmes. But It \\iis nut until Iho war was 110.11 Iv over that the capllo ! and Its \u > ii < lmu- > dome bcfinno the ciea- tion of beauty they now pii e-nt. Tbo original hti ueinroi In tvlii-htho houses Mil wore nit her me in in npiioarani'o , the * ille alone giving them significance. The ambitious pattlots who | irintei the HubjoliH'd doggerel llnm when the IoumUu [ , ' ( > t the cltv was mooted , would iiivo found thorn prophecies eould Ihoy invo fore-eiMi the city of today : 'o llio Untied States In c-oiitfi-ess assembled : 'ho iHitltlon of the Federal city Mio\veth : 'hat your PeJcral illy must soon hmo u name , \nd wishes to have one that may comnmud fume 'o posterity let It bo full handed down , Superior to each paltry cltv or town , Vud to ( ili'iisu ev er.v son of a great and free 'iiij let U ho thilstcaed plain Wn hln jtoii- oplc Tlio Now York .Unamil , which pub- Ished these lines on August 10 , 171)1 ) , veroltln existence today , would huvo to reason to com plain of the hnmlhvork if the commissioners who for years mif- erod the slings nnd ariows of publie to- llemont for their inelllcieiu-y , jobbery md mnlvorsatlon.Vhethet the > o nuu-li iiirussed pa ti lots bulldcd wiser than hev know or not , the ov Idonoo Is there n imperishable form that they founded i c-llj , and adorned it with edilkes , thut omp ires not unfavorably with the older md more fuvoied capitals of the world. Cor is It wholly without slgnllicancothat ho capitol itself , built in penury md pi'ifocled in rlvll war , is or- iiinit'iilcil b.v a dome that shares vlth St. Peter's , the I'unllieon of the 'tiHiirs , tlio handiwork of Ih-unelle-chi mil Mil-haul Angelo , thei-rlticalndmira- ion of the cultivated world The gieat irclo hasa dlamctor of neatly 101) ) feet , mda he'lght fiom the lim to the apov nsldo of * " ) feet. It isi0 ! ( ) feet 'loin the ) n\eineitt of the lloor to the \ault of the -oiling. The exterior , seen for inllos ibout , picse-nts a poiistylo of l- ! ) " > feet v ithln a fraction , * nipported by columns 17 foot in height. The top of the dome s t0 ! ! feet above the paM'inont. The untoi-n above this rises oU foot and U 17 eel in dlamctor. Above this again , is 1 bion/o Htatuo of hihertj 18 feet high. It pinhahly does not enter In the m-humo ) f things taken atcoiint of bj the hiinoy- noon tourists that , as thej ga/o upon his colossal dome , they se-t-ji mastor- ) ieeo of urchltectuio that equals ho most adiniied work of the kind , rom Michael Angelo to Sii Clniblopher \Vien. aiVKl'ntllKs OK THU I'ACIFIU. IiitercslliiK l'v itlence ni' a Civilisation ol ( iro.it Antiquity. Modem sclonee , which hits In ought to ight bulled Troj , revealed thu place of indent H.ibjlon , untombed the muninn > f tbo I'haroah of Alo-.esand constructed something of a history for tlio A/tt't-a ind the mound builders , stands ballled joforo tbo mjhteiious rums of the lj.i- t-ilic boa islands , si.vs Ihe Chicago News. Knsallo , otheiwiso known as Stiong [ stand , of the C'atolino archipel.igo.with i eiicuinforenco of liftv miles , is covered with massive ruins of a i emote date I'hov bear the outlines of fortlliiMtions , mil arc built of htones ton feet lotigdnlv squared on nix hides , of a geological ! oimillion not met witli on the Island. Ascension Inland , Known also as Pnnapo , is largoi than KtH.de , po-.sos-.i > similar iniii- ! , but much laigiM- . In one [ ) lieo bumains a wall , 'i ( ) ( ) foot long and Jiiity feet high , forming a eomt. Litllo Easter Ihlaiid , on the oafetern jutskiits of Polynesia , his no running water , no ttees , nothing to attract in- liabilants. Yet this Island is peoplc'd by Poljnosians of the fair typo , such as aio found farawav , in the bocietj Island- , : ind is e'v "jd with lem.iins of a pre iiibtorio civili/.tition of vvhieh oven record but that of stone has perished. At the southwest end of the island theio aio to bo found the ininsof nearlv iihundied btpno houses , built in reguhu lines and facing the sea. The walls of these houses are live feet thick and over Iho feet high , built of la\eis of flat stones and lined inside with ll.it blabs. Internally tlio houses iueas > mo aboui forty feet long bj thiiteon feet wide and they aio roofed over with slabs overlap ping like liles. The inside walls aie painted in three colors led , black and white wichliguies of bhds and mjbtie beasts and faces and geometrical ligtii e In ono of these houses WHS found u curi ous stone statue , eight feet high and weighing about four tons , which Is now in the British museum. Thosea dills near this ancient settle ment aio carved into grotesque shapes not unlike the paintings on the walls and the coist is iniuked with hundreds of these sculptures. Again , on each headland of the island there is an enormous stone platform , built of hewn bloeks of gieat si/c , lilted together without cement. Thej nro built on sloping ground , piesontingoii tlio sea- waid side a wall fate tv.cnti or thirtv feet high ami two or three hundred foot long , and on the landw.ud side a will of about tlireo feet in height , riblng fiom a leveled teriuco. Upon these platfoims are stone pedes tals , which hiiM ) supported images , and onbome , biokon liguies remain. On onu plalfoini fifteen images wore found , In sl/o ranging from tlireo to tliiily-lhu feet in height. Thejaro of human shape , lem-oboiiting the upper part of the bodj only , with arms and hands close to the sides. The heads aio cut Hut to allow ot crowns being plated an thorn whicli ciowns Hoom to have bon m ule , not of the same matoilal as the statues , but of led tufa. This htisbjon traced to un extinct crater within u few miles of tlm houses , and on the brink of this crater a largo number of eiowns wore found , finished and ready lor lomoval bofoio bonioslrango fate duiieopled the inland of these ancient vvorshippoi.s. The imnges tliomseUes me made of gray lava , which is only found at quite another ciator at tbo other end of the island. At this era tor called Otouli there are sovoial finished and paitly llnishcd images , just as thoj wote left bv. the woikmen. The head of ono of tboso ine.ibiires twenty feet from Iho nape of the nock to the ciown Tlio faces of the images have vvoil-defined fealutes , with thin lips , bioad notus , expanded nostills , and a general disdain ful o\probsion. It is believed , fiom the uppoaiunto of the oio-nocki'ts , tlmt obsidlun o.voballs were intended to bo inserted. The ears are \oij cuiefnlly carved , and aio prominent. Thoio aio also , in dllfurent pints of the island , woodun tublelh covered with curious carvings and wtrango hieio- glyphics , which noonocan oxplain. AtOpai.i , or Kapiiti , C'apt. Vine Aall found u temple , or castle , in Iho stages , surrounded by walls whh'li ineloio stone houses , and also squat o platfoims of stone on the sides of ono of the hills , himilur to thoio on I'listor island. This iso ! isU)0 ( ) ( ) miles fiom I'.imipo , but the Inhabitants of the latter say ihoir nn- cesloin came fiom Oparo. Who woio Iheso iineient people ? The inins pre-ent an antiquity tquulto that of the prehlsloilo chill/ations of Amoilca. The present inhiibitants 1110 simply tattooed savagm. The uni-lent . fai hojond lace pos-0-.sod intelligence an.\ thing mm found in the I'ae-llie ; had Ideas of au-hitectuie , Miilpture , paint ing , and engineering and an elahoiuto loliglon. A ivha-ologlsts and ethnologists lmo given us no light ol. The mj stcry of the l'aellle-.a\vails \ solution , Htanloj'H Aiiicrliiaii VNIt. Stanley will bo accompanied on his loL-tming lour in America by Mis. Still- ley and nor young brother , t'oombo Ton- mint , whoso engagement h ngnln announced - nouncod to Ml s i'urnlxs of Now York , who has bcenfor 11111113 J in filwnil of Ills mother and whoso marrlago with this snino poung iniia was dlsciiBsed two or tincouars ago , Hamilton Aide , the Anglo-Oiook author , a klnw- muu und \vurm udmircr ot Mr. Slunloy , will also acoompaiii thopaily , probibly as hlstoilographor of the tour. Thoon- ternrlsols rcsiarded with unusual interest - est In Haghuul , not only bj the Immcdl- ute friends , soc'lal , iirtlstlc , celentillcaml imllllcal. of Mr. and Mrs Stanley , but also In circle * that touch upon tliotmn-cd proelncts of Iho tin one. A companj , of which thu duke of Fife Is chair man and which counts among its di rectors * oveial jie'i-sonal file-nils of the queen , contributed hngeli to the lilting out and cupport of thooxpodltion for the relief of Ihiiin I'asha , und It Is believed thai u good portion of the largo and niolUablo African investment of the king of the llelgians will bo disposed of in America bv Htanloy. The king put about ' ! 1,0HUHH ( ) into tlm Aftlcan M'tituio and sold out for about flolH)00. ) ( ) It is undnr- slood thut honow olTc'is toitmkonvcr his Inteiost in the C'ongt ) fioo state to Ung- lish caiiitllbtH. piovldod llmtasa return ho Is assured of the Interest on f > ,0HUU ) < ) for life b.v the KiujUshumoiniueiit. Thus Stanley's leclure lour in America tscon- sideied lu some circle's to bo hngolj for the pin ( HMD of enhancing I IIH Miluo of l nglish proiorlin | Afrloa , C1TIISS MAIJIJ HKAIiTlirUI/ . Col , Gdit-ui * \ViuliiK 'lalus Alioul Sniiitiiiv Nevvi'ia o. Kale 1'ield'sVashiiisrton "Hov\ long have you been engaged in jour pro- fc-ssion of diainnn'o engliiee-r1' ; ' "So far as honsi ) and lown di.iinngt is com-erned , twentv-IUo ye.iis. " "Then your cxpouenco begins with the art Itself almost , does It not' " ' "V'ei neMilj , for thi ) ail ol f-cwer.igc was so much modllled in l.r.rl md about _ ISIO that Iheie au ) no useful ex.uniil eailier than that date. " "Ilcavonsl Uinv did peoiilo Ihcbi' foie ISW "Tht-j lived as they do lu a goodl.v null of Boston , us thej do inmuib of I'hlltulolphlii , in nc-ail.v all of IJiltiiiiori' in but if I wont on I shouldn't Know \vhere to slop. " "Dojon lueludo New York1 "N'o Niurly ull of N'ow Yoik isvv.-ll ' diiilned , The'Ciolon aqiiodtut iieiiart nient b'guii a reoi'nanl/ition of the sertor system about Ihhtj .vears ago , and much-abused Gotluim Is mm h better scnvert'd thiin our other old towns ' ' "How about Now Orleans ? " "Tlio Crescent Citv is too poor to SUM * ll-i'lf fiom epidemics Its sole dr.iinage isbv sin face.1 gutters. Its deatli-r.Uo is high , und no wondoi ! " "Among tow us on the Pacillc toast , San Diego stands foietnost in good dr.iin age , does it not/ ' "San Diego h.is a complete anil well- .iirunged sjslem , which is probably as good ais to be found anj wheio. "I'm delighted , for I look upon nan Diojro with Its wondeiful i limite ami its siih-ndld Coionado be.'t-h and hotel MS thelincst all-tlio-yeiir-roiind ii--oit in Kttiopa or Anwriea. When c-isti'tn ] > coplo appiecialo Its unique chuu-ter : they will'llotk thoio. > < * iw , what of \Va'-hiigtoii.J" ! "Wusliington has a prett.\ goo I sjslem , Rofur us it goes A ' iMeiililv commission has justforniuliited.isihi'iiio for its o\tcnuiomiiid impi-ovunont , but the report has not jot been made puulie " "The sooner the cmilai of the nition hi comes a model in all thing's ' , the butter for pui credit .isu republic , especially in smitay inatteib Wo can't alToitl to Uill oil the brains of the whole roimlr.v , which is whit impeifoct dralnngo means Hut , siuolj , to leturii to tlio pist , ancient Homo was well diatnul. " "In a souse , .ves ; by brooks th it we-.o walled in , Tho. > biought enoimous iliiantities of vvutor into the city for fountains , and tlie-io kept the -uvveis re.ibon.tblj clean. The Roman was tbo Hist sy&tein now delmltc-ly known uboiit. " "What levolution took nlacc in ISMi ? " ' 'The si/cs of sewers wore reduced , and the How was i-oalini'd to a comp-irt- tivelj uuriovv ibiiunel , v.lth n \ iovto Hushing out matter which li id been deposited in the huge Hat-bottomed se\v- cis of older dajb. " "When woreeiirthonvvate pipes sub- btituted foi biiek , and vvbyV "At about the same time. Tlun give u smoother channel and moie eonccii- tiated How , and the ) are better for tin binallei , local service. " "Is bousedraln.igo admitted to Pails bOVV Ol i ? " "Ten or twelve jcirs ago , not at all. liven today comi ) iratiyelj little' . Mo-it ' houses are' supplied with cesspools that mo pumped out from time to time- . Thin very serious defect Ih reiognl/e 1 by tbo mottdistinguished Kiench ongitieois , who tire actively sludying means of telief. " "Then jou do not think Paris in healthy asour Inrgo towns ? " ' "Ceitainh not. lib doith i.Uo is much higher. Uemombor how subject it is to epidemics of tj phoid fovoi " "London is bettei , I fmu-jV" "Yo- , but a great part of fold London- cspecmllj the east end and nuu-h of the west end is bully covvoied , The out- lolwoiks of both these towns is bolter than the intoilor sjutoni. " "London lias u lower doathrato than our towns , \Vliy ? ' "Orting to bjttoraltontio.i to liouso- ihaiiugo und ton moio oijuabli ; ilimale. Then it his a larger piopjrtUm of am ill houses. " t'M'hatof Herlin ? " "The Ciormmi capital Is b > ttor equip- pad than anj ether of the Inrgo Kuiope.ni tovin. . Doth its system of seweragtand Itssowor.igo disposal aio good , anil both aio now. " "Tho art being now , the in-west Amciican towns aio bjst diained , aio they not 11" "Yes , when diainod at all , si-it n- title-ally. Theio is nothing to undo M "Wliat hVbtem t * moil enlightened. ' ' ' "That depends on local coiidiliotiB. When possible , Hint system is best which leinovos the foul vvaslo of houses , manufacturing establishments , etc- , inn separate , system of small pipts fiom ' whiih slo'rmwaler is excluded , which Is ihoro-.ighly and logulnrlj Hushed by urlitii'iiil means and whiih Is Ihoiotighly and eontlmioudy vc-nti- laled. ' "When was this sjstem flint In- ( induced' " ' "In Memphis in I8S1 , aftoi thojollow fovei upldomlu of lH7h-7 ( ) . Kinco then it bus bctomo almost universal in our sm.iller towns " "Has there been a reouriom-o of jetlovN fovo.V' "Xollhui at Memimls nor els-whe-n "What do jou advocsito foi linger towns ? " "Wli'Jto some moans of uiulciground lemoval of Moimwator Is nuossn v it is oftou thought host , as It is cheapest also , to carrj both nowago and htoimvvator in Iho sivjiio conduit. In mv opinion the storm-water soweis shoithl bo eonllnetl 101111111111110-1 , leaving the gutters to cariv storm watoi fiom minor dis tricts. " 27 MAIN STRUCT. Over 0. ! ) . Juc < | ueulu & Co't , Jewelry fctore. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. , I , I _ _ _ _ - , _ . - | . . . . _ , I , - . . - - . _ \ HUNT-Hotel .lampoon , ull fninlOu-il. inoll 1 - ulM'ii ( K-teilinrl lor Inforinft- lion iiddn-os V\in \ &lc dc-iil > | > f , or Chris Mi. I'OIIIIC'II I11"- vltli liniiid , 14 toH per iel III S'lno- ir.D rooms , lKird ) ! , } l to to wet-U 141 Vlne-t SVI.P-I'lin lloini-Itt-itaiiriiiil for fiilo * ? un PI * t rnis. t'liv nni-t pniiuhii iilaoo In thiu-lli S. VV Sioll. .ki : IIHKUluay. " \\'ANIKJ ) A MOIIIIIII I'oo k III M. lee hiilisi- , > 1 No iL'l Main M. t'onnpll lllulTs. \\r.\Niri ) Hoodirlrl to It itiiiltKs.mnnklmt trade. Miss \\alhce \ , o\ei Cut tU-nicu < b ink Orvvlll tiiilo for K < ( ri io\d L ; tea ill st tltlim > d ( .III rc.'lstercil In Wai- line II ) Dr Aiolilli.ihl , dam by Keiitueky fin } i J T ieirs old. Apply to Dr. M ic-rui- T710II sTlE or ItonT- irdoii land , wltli JJ houses , by J. K Ulc-i > 1UJ Main nt. , CouiKll lllulfs. I/l' ' It HI. N'T I'WOIUMV iiiodi-inT-rooni Imiivn. i. Miood loeatloii Apiilj ( li'il'lfth avi-mio J , U I ) IN liKen " \\Tin piy ii'itl vrliiMt vou o m liny a luiinuiiii > ' lhosiinoterio4 ami In oiiu of vour tbitlt at mv tlmi ! Ititvo jo.ii family thu honiu c-loif ontliu following terms : A niiiiiu w mill * ! , ( o it } 1) | ior month A In ) no vviiitli * t ' > ) ) al f Is JUT iiiiinllL Alioniu woilli JiOll utiJI pet month A lie ncv ii rill WftH tlllt | ) er niimtli A homo rtoitli Jli ( ) ut tis i or nuiiit.li. Other prleol IniiniM on tlic * iiuti tortiK Tli ยง ulinvo iiioiithlv tiivnuiilIneluilo iirlnt-ipil mid Intch'st I'orfull o utlc-ulars call un or iidllesstho Til Id AVells Co. . UM Urothv.iy , Counell HlulTs IL ; IlKXT riiostoii' run a , .No H. fiotitiii un IV ill t. \ \ I' DR B E L , l N G ER ] ' S Surgical Institute --AM-- - - - - Private Hospital , CoDioadwny and 20th Bts. , I Ol'M II. llllll K , lOH A I'oi tin 1 1 1li nit ill of all sii m lr il mill chiiinlo il-.i | IMS .mil dlsuises of llio lit tied I'llv ' lie dl-i-iiH sof Iho iiilnui ) anil SDMI il 01 u us us syplillN , itssti Id HUM v sill N spi i- ni ilin lolioi- lust m inliixid.se-Miiil linpoUnu .ind VM.iUni'ss lu tli'il siicnssfullv I 'nit ' Uul in at Knt Ion paid to dNe ise , < if Iho Innjrs , us Aslhiiii , I'oiisiiinptlon Kiniu'lnlls ( it. mil I'll' I'uilysU. Mdiii ) Dlvuiscs is Dl.iln'Ullrl hl sDl i isc. Ulieiiiiiiitisin , I'llis , Cinioi V.nloei le lljdioi-ile. Diopsj I'linu r , llseit"ts ) ot UK- \ ' \ \ \ and I'.ai < hib Int. spin. 1 1 Cu ii it in e mil ill I ( IU < nsi 4 of UKIn mi s Uc Ii i\oji depnrtini nt ili'Mitid o \ilns.\ily tn DMlieatln in nf I'll I Ini1 I ) si iv-s \Ie.lli lni"-i ntsieiiulj packed anil fieefnuu nlist-i \ it Ion. ( in lespiindeiK-i eonllileiilliil.ddrt * s DR. BELLINGER'S Siiicil ! : | , Insti'ntc anil Private ll Ci i MrniiiliMi ) nail 'i.ih Cnniull lllulln In ATTEND stiU tly to hns I u" < i 14 ti ipli n till intittct 1 \ \ t"l HIM u H In ( * vi ly llntinf hum iti i nnrwj hrt- bjluiu tthu liulds to * > ( tin j n < Uitu ] I HI u Utt ! > WESTERN I'miiloiri ! | irniim < Hc ! tall . , f I'liurjjr nnil mou'-jr nnklim' HLlienui Ihc-i nuuil pui-al tnlii.ru lur llU9llll- IOWA Iouls In jopulur cilucitloii Ht'r public nrliruli am dniiu cnn I work fur hir Inc-oisliK tittlliuus * VK'tuii ) luiv.i , COLLEGE , Coniinpnro * full tt-tin 'Jtjpt Ut Mho ptclc-M liq ! liallr prictlml fur hcr-tnlont < No-tint HinU lies sh irtli in I nil I I'u un i l-.li ! > ' ( i ir ni well nr- Kinl/cl unit inmfiilly cniiiliicul Stuilciit' iniif i n or nt nny llinu VV rlto for tur tor jiii tluilurii 10 VV S I'uiiliDii Council Bluffs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All Kinds of DrliiK and I'lr lining ilunt Intlid HiKhist > tylti of tint Ait , I'litlid anil . I uhilis in. ulo tn look us good us niuUnlf \ | ir tuiptly tlone .md ilellvueil In nil p.nis ot llucimuti j Si ml foi in lie list ' . A. MivCIIAN l'ni. 1011 llioiulnnv , NIMI OIlll\vcstcrll Diputs L'OIINCll. Ill 111 Ih , U. 81'KCIAIj HAKCAINS. I OTon llroulu.'iy In ( "i nl i.il Mill ) fnt } " 3. i loliiislnii , V Nun l-itlti-n , Kvuiett liliii li : A set n ( abslr.iel books uml ail < - , ( il ) -lull iv 1 1 tstiilt , loiin nnd liisnrun 0 Imslniss. A splendid ojxnlnx for snnui ono. liioiiliii of loliiiston \ vim I'ulti ii. Ol.l'.Mi I mil In MIS-.OIII i to I'Nc-li nifid for ( iiiinell ItlulTs pmpeity. .loliiislini A. Van I1 iltin / " 11.1. AH lots In Out ihiito t radii fora KOOI ! V ilihlii loiini , Oiuiei of lint lots n III t'UO an c Ml i oed li ido. Johns nuV Vim I'lillen , I ven It lilni'li I I Ol' i ; mill two lots on Noilll Tlhstiei t foB I 1 silo ata lun'.iln .lolinsion , S. Vim ratten , Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectois , Etc , ACQ'TS WANTED , 1)11 ) , C , C , J GDI ) . OO6 Broadway , Courcll Bluirf , la & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Rull'ling Superlnt'-iitlent' ' U ( HIIS I'D uiiiU Hi u Iliiilillii r , Oniiili ! Si 1 > . , nnil Itiiiiins U .Hid JI ) Minium Him I , ( < > ill llliiir In I'liiiespondi neo hollolHd " " " ' OFFICER & PUSICY , BANKERS. CotiK-r Miitu uml II ru id uny COUNCIL BLUFPfr , ICW i. DmleiMln fnii'lKii un 1 ( loinrttli- \ I.UIL-O ( nlli linns made anil Into nit piilil on IlinO dt puslls J l linMi MIM > \ I'm K u HIM n MIT V K u I'res. I'll \ HIM 1C llANSASni ( < lilcr GITUEHS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL . 1,150000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 30009 lUHHToim I A Miller , P. 0. CJIoiiHon P li. siiii.'iut , i : , I . lim | , , | i ) I diiiiiiiilMiu , ( Inirltt I ll.tiiiiun 'Iruiisiic-l Kuiior.il ImtikliiK IIIIM- ! nt hs Largest c-npltul und Hiirplim o ( uny tin nk In MutliuoHt < rn ( own. INTEREST ON TlfdE DEPOSITS ,