2 THE ( XMAIIA DAILY 33EB : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 8 ; 1800. IT IVAS A VERY TAJIK AFFAIR Not Hucl Enttusiaira Shown at the Iowa Prollbition Ocavcntioii , CONPARATIVILY UNKNOWN CANDIDATES , DesMolnrs Illvrr SetllrrH Ifnll Ulili Kallsructioii trie News of tic Apl'oul ' 'Jhcir * Cases. DCS Moivif , Ia ( Sept. 7. [ Special to Tin IIii--'ilio ] lioldlng of the prohibition aUitc comentbn In I > os Alolnes list xvccit ciuteccl mircilv n tipple on tbo pjlltieal sur face and It \\lll cut much less of n Jlguro In the in i | ilKii Uhero were at least lift ) ' thousand strangers In tlio city nttendlng tlo ttatc fair on that diy , and nil \vcio probablr cognl/anl of tlio fuel thnt a mnsspiohlbltloii loniciitlon VVM to bo helJ , j-ct Umowcro not more tli nn llfty IKWOIIS vvlio attended tlio romention , unnijurlty of them beini ; resi dents of this city. The fact Is tlmt no ono takes an intunst in thirJ parly prohibition In tti Is state , the tlcUtt put uplt\ \ tint party ic- cci\lng oalv n Don I ono thousind three huiiiltvd votes each year Hut they jo thiongh nil the motions of n great pijlltlealpurty , adopt lonit , Us of lesohitions arid put up full stnto tkltots and tiy to pci- sunle tin mselves tliev 1110 soinolnMly This joarthei v led witli their diniocntic bosses in % 'Iectlng an iiggiogntion of nn > n who were lii'vcr Ixloic beard of outsidcof tbeir Imiiw- tiiuto neighborhoods A tuvcicnil gcntleiuin Iroia Ulnioln , Neb , \\ns present anil sue- cooled in raising seine two bundred dollars for prohibit ion woilc in his smto A iiumlier of otliorN'oriiiskiiiis are tr.ueling over the stutuon tlio siiiio criainl , and uro gathering quite a sum in thoiigLjngato llio Ilivir Ij.-nul Settlers. PHUT Donrr , II , Hopt 7 fSpeelnl Tele- grain to Tnr Htr. | The news tint 111 npieal of tbo river Inud case hid been olll- eiully oik'rcj by Attornej C3ener.il Stone \VM lecdve-d hero with a great tlcal of satisfaction - faction b } the ri\er \ limit settlers , notwith standing It appeared Hint the Lltc'illolds ' , \vliohollthoitvci land ioinpati\'d title , an nounce Hi it they will fn on selling tbo hinds as before1 .As a guarantee th.it thev nru con- lldmt tliat the company's titlow ill bo s > us tained in the suinemo court they agicoto gi\o wiirriuitj dudls for all lands bought. The allot-not gi-noial tins pi von assurance thnt the enso will bu brought boforotho su preme' tnurt isoon in possible , and In tlio nil Ultimo thno will bo no imflo evictions. I'olloriiiiiii 'I ingl < > > liullctcil. \V\iinioo \ In. , Sept -fHpi'cial to Tun Bri ' 1'oni J'iagley , the Ceilai Pulls police man \ \ lie shot and killed Doiter JI Jones and also shot Al Jlillcia ten weeks iyo , vies inilktiilby the grand jury in this ilty jes- tcrdiiy lor nun dorheii hlsciso eainoiip It wis discovered Ui.it the three witnesses. \vlio \\iiq the oiil ) ones with tbuetjejitionof IVlllb-r , ivho was vvcimded , wboin the * Htato could pinduic who sim thosliootlnir , had dis- iiliputind , nnd it's not known where tliov an linirlc ) was indicted on tlio timscrlpt oftlio testimony given by these witnesses bo- foio the pi cllrnlnary e\imin ition. 'JYis ! ' * > rr. 'i'oi.ino ' , la , Sept 7 fSjicciiiltoTiiKBrp ] N'utlim Brown , who recently moved south toUlUiiou , ruiiiacoiiiity , lnought with linn a low supiMKed to bo illsciscd with Tews fever. At imy i.ito thodNeiso is spio.idliig in that section mil Cliailesruilcy , who owns a Ingelicaril , hns aheady lost thiit-tlnoo hond duihigtlici just weolc and it still rages. Mich olarmia felt b ) the fanners of the viciaitj. i\\3Lii. { iirr i Tlio l Simp Interlercs Sonii'\i hat \vllli llmlr : - M vlu'N. Juo ? faith he'iilirs who do business In the Slg cinus tciit at Twenty Iglith und Mason streets weio BOineulmt ilisour.igod last night. The wcatiior w as against , tlioin and instead of tbo cloth tnbernuclo bolugciowded lteontaliieitonl.v a dozen peojlc , tivo gus- ollno torches und a great quantity of gloom. Homo bi other lud Wndl ) don itccl ,1 baljof lay aid bystaiulliifcupon this the faithful iiuuuucJ to keep out of the mud. A sister \vith \ n bud cold mil ) u gravojarcl cough uddiisbcd the meeting. Sbosaid thcio vas only one ro.id to travel , anil thnt was the mrroM one She compnied tliis with a nur- rovv plink stiotcheil ever astreimnnd added tlmt while mnnj ciossed over In safety inoro ) J the \v \ iij-sido. She ro.isted tlio the itcr u tin n , and aigued tint ( _ ! ! did not < iuo iniicli about jxoplo vvhniuo so vviikcd that they will viitoh thoio who am beqond thu fuoUights. Tliulitotlors \ vvero listening looked as Iliouiih thvv would wilier go out and suv vvootlthatthuy , might gttviun , but the slstertlid not pinposeto let them go. Slio ( 'ontliiued her j cnmilts , anil after she wanned up to'ber subject , with n llourlsJi she c > \ - clalincd " 1 hot o's ' n whole lot ot tlio Oinihn iicopln going to liell. The ) mo going to boll becitiisu thcj don't wint , logo to the otber jilace. i-'or my pirt I say let tlicni fu. They aiotooln/.v to go anvwhe.ro elao without tltoy i uld ride in a Pullman eai , and as ted ! uln't iiurylng tliem ( in u inilroail tbev 1)111 ) luvo to do the best they tin " 'riiusistcr then w.ied | avlgorouH and bitter vrnrfiiui on the low necked Ji esses of tlio piescut Un ) , and told her beams tint women rirodiittood deil inoro ahout ploiiitnir men tbiui ( hey illd about jileasiug ( ! oil A bild tio.ided bi-otlier willi n voice that Sounded like u diculir s , v nolng tlimugli an oak bg , hittoned his ulster under his chin ( ind vent for the sinners ilo said tint ho \vuiiteil \ to sco all in on mctisuicd with a stlnUht eil re , and then iiiin.N of tlici piolevjed Clirktluns would lie obliged to crawl through mighty small liolcs If Iboy ovci got through tbo peulj gates Hi ) said bo VMS itgru.it lover of John Bun 1:111 : , and every time ho walked down Kari urn street nnd saw tbo st > lisb ladles lie vvusTi'inlnled ot John's 'V.iintj l-'ali. " TLi * biothcr then criticised the weather , nnd hoped the frigid spell would be of short durnllon , "foi , " Mild bo , "if this cold vventlmr lusts lonjt wo will have to stop doing bnsiniH' . nt tlio old stander or dk > of tlio grippo" 'llns thought seemed to Impirotho brotlur witb nciv vigor , lor ho stamped Ids feet , svwing Ids nuns , ana ox chiinul in u hiili ; Ice ) , "A\'o \ innc.iteh cold in this teat mid dlo of eonsuiniition , but If we do , bless the I oul , tharoiao tifowof us who Bro ivadj to go" Tills mnuilc ditvv foith n round of up nhinie , and after it Iiiul sulislilcd , tlio fo\v lieiilngithend about tlm long liencb und kiie-ll UJMMI tholiilo ot huv , w lieu o they prayed loud mid long fur .ho uickul oue.of thij eltj tiniiiii * Wcelc In C"oiiKii > Hs. \VisiiiMiro\Sovt. 7 Inthu senate votIng - Ing on tluMiiiKiul limits to thu turift bill will begin Ti'isduj nnd lontlnno until all nro dU jioa\l of.Vbciv tbat will ho cannot bo sUxtulltli uxiiitixss , but itU believed that the Until vote will bo near tlio close of the woi'k. U'ho eonfetvmo rej > ort on the river and Imibor bill will piiibibh1 bo agived to tomorrow The land grimt forfeiture n id nntl-lotten bills will probably follow ttiu tariff In the nousrt the Vlrglnli c-ontestol olcn- tlnn cuso of Ltingston vs Venablo anil tlio South Ouollna case of Miller vsKlllolt will c-onio up Tbo clivtlons coimultti-o propose to siat Iho wlorc1 ! ! npubllcnii contestants Later in the \vcok tlio iipiiroprlitloiu coin mltleo will cull uii the last of thonpproprit- lion bilk , and the. general dclkiomy ami tariff bill iiiu.N bo loeoived f mm the seuuto. I\M jlnil-Tfiist Suireli Compaii ) . CoUTMiits , hid. , Sept. 7 Aitle-loi of incorporation - corporation of the Aiiieilc.instarih coinpaiij , at this city , vvero nled In the county ID- conlor'sonieo)03tcraay , The Incorpor.itors aroJntnesK. Mooney ot Cincinnati , JIIUKS 13. Urndloy of Jmllnnapolli and IClvvaril Mooney of tlilt cUy , "I'lipltnl stocH , 'OO.CH ) ) , The old American stnveh plant at this plaeo has been pirn haseil and nitivvlll bo started nt tbo works .Mondiy. The uoweouiuny | Is not In the trust. Stnnillnjc ( irtiicblub" . I'luwi. Won Loit. Per Cf. MlnttOlllinlll IM Kit IMIIIHIU e/'ltv lid ' , ( etM lliliver. . . . ID * M Moil c I'ltv jitt 471 101 4fl Mncoin 07 fel 1'aul 70 Ht. I'nul 10 , Hloiiv Citj7. . KT. PunMinn. , Sept. ' . ( Special Tcln- uiMin toTnp Drc.j rollowliifj'U the score of today's Total ! . . . 10 15 ! 7 12 ! Total . 7 t'2f. II 7 'Da I j out Jur Hi inline nut of Him. li V INN't.xic. M. Paul . 0 0 0 2 ' ) t J 0 0-10 Miut'lty ( . 0 0 ; 0 i 0 0 3 0V SUMHAIIV Kuiuoiiriicd t. I'mil 7-SlouxOIty 3. Two luse lilts Mm pliy. Oltrlen IJniiiliarl , Illuk. ippdl , Onlns Home i IIIH A\errnk. \ Ulac-U. llisL-sim lillH--c'liinlilt ) T.WIduer 1 ' out M.hiiilllJ , MiokliiBldncrl. \ \ . MelJeirmott T > \ ( J 31 1 \vaulcce. 1 . Minv it urVis. \ . , Sept 7. [ Special Telo- grun to Uiiu Ili'K.J-Followiiig is the sune of the llrst ganu1 . _ Mil W/LKKl u n ii A n II II I'd A K looriiiiii , rf i a . ' 10 McdloMu 3I .1 2 O 0 J hltlt , 111 ! 1 ! U I a Curlh nl . .U 1 I U I ) ll rll n 1 Mcllollnll 3l > 3 A I 1 l'ilr ' : > inplu , II I a i O I o llrlcn. 11) . .13 v 0 0 ill . U M 1 II Uu o u .1 u o a u Krulu. ni U 0 i O I Hcjnolilj c MurrlxcIllII I li I ) U Mi-lltt rt . 2 .1 4 I U J nit/in L- 1 ' _ ' 1 U 2 VVlilti > hunl HI.I 1 U 7 1 VllicrK 11) 0 ,1 I ) : i I , | i . .1 1 110 Urlllltli p . U U 1 4 U Total * II IS 27 14 3 TotnM 9 11 27 I ) ( I 11V IN M Mid. MIlM mkoe 1-11 Hc-nvir I O 1 U 0 0 i l ) UU SIMMAIIIT Uuiwearned Mllvviinkic ) I , 1Xnvof 3 T o- tuse ! lilts ' lidc'li lunl/i'ii , Mlxils ' , ' Meisltt , llc-yiiiiKls , Vlc > 'Ml ) lliu'e-liiisolilts-l.iii un , VIIHTN llomo runt Dili viuple , O'llrlcii. llmoion lulls Mllw nikcoJ. IJtiivcrl. blinck out Mlluinke'c I. Di'inu , ' ! . I'ussul lulls , Jiint7iMi : i.lio > nolclsl \\llil pitchos-MoAibb. I IuuTo hours utiil ten lufiiules Uiniilre- CiiBkk. SI-COMI C11MK. Mil V \ 1 K 1 1 a II o A > II II o A I'oornmi , rf I U U U U MrdU.no 3b. 0 1 I' . Ull.'hA ( f j I I U 0 Curll.iM. m 0 2 I U < -li i Ii UK . . } J I 1 1 .MiUitllnn - ' ! > 0 I 03 Dnh | . | ! , I 3 1 U U o llrlun Hi . . .0 0 111 U Welch Jb. . Z I 2 .1 0 Itotvo. If . . 0 U 1 U Vlnrrlcte'y , In 1 I I 1 U HijimlilJ c . 0 1 krli-t c I 1 I C U MiMltt. MXrll U I 1 Vlb th Hb 1 I i 1 U \\liltt-h il r\bfil 0 1 1 llieirnlon. V I I 1 J U Muoil , rlA p 9 I 02 Iotnl < . . \i \ UI I lot-ill . . . 0 C 21 T l 11V INMMH. . . . . 0 12 llenvui 0000000 0 SIMMnv. . n.inird rims-MihtiiuUie I. Ti\o-ti cse lilts IVt lit , O.iliv tuple llnci huso hilt-Albert * . lloniLinn Mini h Hise-N stolui 1'iltlt ' , siioth Diliyinnlc. Kr U Hws nn lulls MIlMiiuKfi- I , lintel I lilt ! } niubul lull l\ie > U' r-linc'k out Mllvi niKic 1. Ih-iivu : i I'IISMU lillsT-l\ieml ) ! . Kcynolils. llmu Olio hour Hint l uuililives iiiliiutes Uiuplie ! t'uslck. _ AIIIOIIK tlio . \nuiti-iii-.s , In the K. uiius : it Ciiind Island the past week Boomer nnd ( liaverof Jllssouii Vulloy nndlelloi and ICittell of T-oup City vvoro the buttciies for thu ( iiMiul Islind club ICciirnoy madociglitbaso bits off Ileyinei in the Hist ( runoiind sit in the tbird , and weio ei edited with eighteen stuku outs In tbo second gjino they undo four lilts oil } ! cllor mid also four in th f,7uith Kiinio , nnd bo struck out twcnt - ) ii0 in the two guinea - J * vITtrXcl ) , Suit 7 [ Special to Tun 5irl'Jhe laddisof Council Bluffs and the oer.d team plavfd iiRiimcof Uill hem today vlildi rcsultcil in aviotoiy for the former b > seuio of 11 toO. Todny * 4 AisiiLtrsiii vi > nir. Thirst Iheo Dri7ilc , Mnclstone , Second Ktt ; e Lord Hairv , nclipso. Third Kuea-ttobby Ueieh , Worth. Fourtb Itaco Ernest , Little .liiu Fifth Itaco-l'rincess Bo\\lliiir , Stockton SKtliItace-Vouiir Duke , TrankVard. . xr < incvoo WIST sun. LMKK. First llice-Aiuilo Chile , ICutioJ. Second Uaeo Ivllss Howard , Pioptiecy , Tblrd Uiico-Jpd , Loiu'ltght. i'ourth Haco Tom Uily , Itedstene. Fifth Kaco-Sourlro , bltobdon ; . SSKth Kaco-WInslOH , Clliu Jlntrles 1'or Today 'n Kicei. AT cincvco \ \ rr snib I-AIIIW. rirst r.ieCj onchulf ndlc , maidens , two utU-oldis-Vfln Dam , Iowa U , Clinics Tord , shlloh , Mnrlitti , tiara G. Her inline , I'oris tattle * , Katie J , Blue Ilmnoelc , Yulean , ISTet- ; ioVolf \ , Toniinj Maple , Aiitilo Clark , Ida lieoswint ' , , Cornlo llue'klntjh.iiii. bu onit lace , ono mtloDaniel , Bare nola I'rophecV , Lewis C'lurlt ' , Ll/zlo 13 , Mi-sllo\\ ird Ked Leo , lluri ) ICulil. 'llilrd lace , onu nnfl one slxt-enth miles , iiiincllcap frophocy , Jed , John I ) ilv , Long- h-jlit , Blue Yell. 1'purth race , tbuo-fouithsof a mile , sell- ui ( , ' ficole , Heal ) .lolm , .III Tiocd , Tom Oulj , Bolstoi , rauulloi-oj , Lulu Miy , Pinto , .luu Kceil , Itenlstono , EWe 11 1'iftb mee , three fouitlis ofiunlle , selling - iij fellow , Siu in ise , April Tool ] r , hkobe lotT , t'optorliud | , .ntin Kc'd. JuiiusO lllaino" , Miss McCulloiiKti , Uebiund , Leviunpr , Wai- ren Lol.mil , llnlei , Huulo , .lackstaff. hi\th i.u-e , shoit course , stevplcilnso Wlnslovv , Ellin , ( ! ov. Ilaidln , Tlip Plap , .lool ) . AT sun i'-in.M > nvi. I'lrst r.iec , ono mile -Macbeth , MudUouo , Ivjile It , Dil//le , niove , Kliigatcjelc , Arun- delherond herond race , ono mile , on turf , \Voodcock suites Tliomdule , Kdlpso , Vendor , Clrty liak , Loid IlivriVoodeuttor ) , Algernon , Siiiuonuolt ) ( ) , Uo \ Third race , t'nc-c-quartois ' of n inilo Kobe .pl ( > rit , ICjrlo II , 1'oxmcde , Worth , Bobby neucb , Uiu/.le , I'liiube , Ocitio D , Longslioieeroiiicu , Cck > t < i Klco , L..idj Jane ( .colt ) I'ourth IMI , ono and oue-eir'bth miles. sclllnp-Illevp , Burnside , fjiity Johnson , lied l cif , Houston , Bhc'ktboru , Sam \VooJ , 1 'an- tlio , Brown Duke , Inmost , Ilirthday , Poei- tollo , Hnzanee. Hover , Little . .Ilin.ittei \ \ - soil , Uiltlo * AUdlo , Genilarine riftluace one and throe-sixteenths miles -Al rnrrovv , Stockton , I'llnccss Bovvliiitr , \\llfi-cil , Denmth , Anacoudi , Itizpih. Sitth lace , onomile.on tuif bt John. Li- title , neaedlctlon. Oarnot , Funk Wart , Kismet , IDonelv , Lola May , Worth , Kosette , Little Crete , Little Jim , Young Duke , > / . J7 VltJKlt. Ihimkeu Inilliuis Scalp a Xorllicin ruclllej heullou I'oreinaii , Siohvvn PVIIJ , Wash , Sept. 7 .Tohn Molvertine , a section forcnuui on the North ern P.idllc , while walking on tlio truck list nlK'Ut , mot two drunken Indluis. They asked him for liquor , and iv lion bo told them tb.it be hud none the , ) knocked him senseless \vlth nclubbon \ ho rexovoreit conscious ness ho found that bis sculp bad been taken bj thuliKiijiis. Ho man njed to crawl to a silooiiiind vvaa riuulfor , but bii eoinlltlon Is eiiticMl Too Iiill.iiisi > > caicel. | An ICilltoi'H Kicking AbllitloM. O\ir niKfi , III , Sept. 0 Editor ( ici-sliatn JIartiii of the Piess nnd People , is under urix'.st for lilekiti ) , ' donn anumbcr ofslffns la Ocntiiil paikviirnlng people not to vv alk U [ > - on llioitrusi. Mr. Mirtln will contest the ease , diilinhip that the pules uro for tbo public und nut for liovv. For yours tlici-o liiis been a clamor heiu for seats mid other exuivenlcne es In the parks , und tlm bourd liu vtifusedto supply then ) Public sjinpjtbj is largely vvlth Mnrtlu Serious Tronllc Kcnrod. CiuMnr.ni viv.B. 1) ) , Sept. " . - ( graintoTiinBnh ] Trouljlcls Irowlncontljo Crow Civok roaervatlou. Two settlers named Bnleh and Jnukovvskl baJ seine trouble ovcrcattlo tbls inoruliiRvhlch ro suited In Jaukovvskl thuuiplni ; Bald , Balch swears to roUllato nnd as loth are deter- mlnel men scrloun trouMo h feared before the matter is ended , Tin ; crA.iit < ixii : MK I'liiniit-UI TratiHiictiiiiiH of tlio Ciuti * trr l > urlii the IjiistVrek. . BOSTON , Sept. 7 [ Special Tclef-Tiini to Tun HRP ] Tlio following , * table , compiled from lUspitcht's fwm the dcnnn liouses of Iho eltles uiitnol , shows the grosi ex- cliun ns for Uut weolc , ivlth mtcs percent of Inerovw or deera no , ai nyilnst the sovoml mnounts for the corresnondliitf week In Ibi'J ' : O.TM fI I lu-n or ' st I'liil ( ' ( ilunibui llulnlb Itleliiiiiiiiil . Mun | ihl-i DII I In i . hull ini : | > ( 111 St Jliopll I Veil 11 N" | U IlllVLII Porllnnil Ore Foil Worlti I'orllnncl Ve ! \V < ) ne < tlir llniiroril Wlchlln Crtiml l ! N'orrolk Dt'sVlolncs I.onill l.hiriiln Luxlnuton No llcilfiril I.IIN An Ki Toiiiku Mimlionl Iliillfn-v. N S .Nn-livllk Snltl.iko 'I' l ilo Totnl Outsll -Not IncluilcJ In lot lU No cKlrhu IIUUSD at tills tltuu 1 11 JOT HVF.K TRACK. of ii I'rupoiiy Oivner At tack liildye lliillliH. ( . I.orisvu.i t , Ivj , Sept. \\orlcineneiii- \ - ploycd by tlio Louisville & Jelteisonvllle bililijocoinpiny iiil.ijini ; tricks , suppuacd to he for tlio uioof the 1)1 ) Vour nilroJci , over tin nRiit-of-vviiy owned by the bridge coin- pnnv In this city , weroiissnultedl.ist nluhtby a mob ofv iktnen omplo.u'cl at the Dennis L.OIIR 1'ipo world-vvl 10 bclloveil thetiuclvs would lie i.ilil mioss Phong's [ uojieitv. A desperate llglit ensued .ind , i iiiiinbei of tlio p.nUciimtM | wcielnjuieil , one of tlie'iu , .Tolm Ivolly , bonif ? fatillv huit. A larso fou-oof ) ( ) ( Dually quelled llio not anil tlio track lining iv.is icsiunod. The Vundorljilt lines \\ill boextciuled to tills citj upon completion ' ' ' ot the new Steamship Ijincs Iloyciitt Cattloiiien. Ni.w Yoak , Sept -Tho riotous conduet of cattlemen on ocean steainship-i returning " Kilropob.is been the theme of many complaints made at the Birgo olllcc. These men go to Kiuopo to tnko ciro of Iwgo eoiislL'nuients of cattle , nid on tlio out waul \o > ace uro kept msy and out of inischiof , but wticn they L-cturn home , vlth nothing to do , trouble Begins The IntesL esiso ol distiirb.ini'fl i al xl ; > ) the crattleiiien \ s on the steamship AmstcnUni , wliieh uilviiil todiy. Tlieie \\cra sixteen hi tbo crowd nnd their actions wore so outrftKeoui that tlio stcainsliip coni- iwny has decided not to ship any more of .hem at passengers. Liincs that tall from nnlund aUo luivo bojeotud them. - - Words of I'ruisi ) i'toiii William. Bum is , Sept. 7. [ Spociil Ciiblcgiain to I'm. Din.1 At the banquet given by Km ixror William to ttni odliers of the lleot at Giavcnstcin last niaht lie iirilsoil the sea- nnnship and tbo proficiency in gunner nnd toipccb wotk displayed at the naval mniinni- vres jcste nhy. Ho ndded that ho believed that the llcxt was equal to the most trjintr voile that could bo ioiulredof | it. Ibis inoi ninp all the member * of ( hu liniK'ri liunil , } , with thoBcnetals In attendance , veio inescnt.it services on bonid tlw Hcr/ogshro- Siiti-.otiueiitly the cmpcior stirtecl for The I'oroRt Cllj . .Vrsiom City Itnllro.ul. Huiiov , H D , Sept. " . [ Spcchl 'J'elo- ' ( i.un to In i lltu.J Advices lire leeched fiom I'oiestCit ) to the clTcct tlmt the Lust i ill on the Hist Beetiou of tlio Toiest City & bloux Uuj iiilliotid was laid lixstoveiiiiif , ' 'Jlus connects FoicstCity with the CliiciKC & . NYnthwistern system atUottjsbiiig ills undcistooil that the Northwestern will ex tend lho seivit-oto Foi031 City Imnicillatclv , mid ills bellovccl that thorn uiagoment of the roiOitOitj \ . Sioux Uity load will now start alinofiom CletUsburg- Iluion bo us to beflngiacllng' this fall. The PresidentInl I'arty. CKrON ScniNo'i'a. . , bept 7. The pies- iilenthl pirty.with the exception of Mrs. Ilariison , ntteniled divine services this inoin- Iii ( , ' in tlio IniX'o pulor of the Mountain house , tlioserviies being conducted by Kov ( icorgo IodK < i3 , Kplsoopil minister fioir Veroin , lj.i Aliss .leinotta IIalfnrdilauRtitoi of the preslJoiit's private soeictarj , usslstcc ; in thosinpiiiK nnd snuir asft solo the bcmtl- ful lijmn , "A n pel of Chmlty " MiIIuil son-was somovvlut iiidisposcci this morulntr , hut uvlvcil In the ovenitiKaud walked with the icst oltho party to supper at the hotel \\V1I ltiii\Mi ) Mlcliluun Pollliolan Dund Fu\r , Mleh. , Sept 7. Suumer Hovaid ono of the best knoun pclitlans In Michigan died jostcidny Ilo vvns n criminal law j or o : gi eat ability. In 1S"(1 ( ho was appointed by [ ' esldentiant ( ! district iittoinoy for Utul nnd conducted the tiiulof John I ) Leo for conipllcitj In the Mountain Meadow nnssa crco. Subii'ciuentlj ho rctuined to Wield pin. President Arthur api oliitcd him chle justice ) of Arizona , \vhlehpObitlon in Ib il. Dcntli f Mill nn CriilM ) . BVI.TIMOIU : , Mil. , Sept 7 Lillian Grubb , i vvellkno\vn actress anil singer nnclvlfoo David lliiynnn , minn or of the "Shea undo-ill" coin piny , illed it the homo of ho fiithu In this city tlii.s inoniliip. The im inedhto ciiibo of net Illness was innlnutiltion imd for tliree or fem ycins tlicro has been ( jraduul decay of the vital powers. Ilnrialor ( leiicral Voycs. CISCINXVTI , 0. , Sept. 7 'Jhe funeral so vices of the late Ccnoril E P. Is'oyea v\er vorj lurpcly attended today. Ainoiij ; the hon onirj pallbearers was ex-President JIajes IMplit menibon of the general's old regimen were lie- the p Hit Hint AIt \ luVrencli , Ferdimnd 1'oKolct ofIlllnid was brought to the city lust night ami lodfied in the county Jail on u. vvnr rant tint Chiracs him with as sault with intent to kill Ferdinand had a row with n iic-iulibor's boy , and during tlw fracas bent blui over the head with u inoiiKoy wreiieh. _ 'rho'Umuil KoHidt. P\ui-Sc'pt T. Mcrinctux , the allefjeil au thor of tlioe'linrgeanffalnst Boulangur , fought ii duel touuyvlth Lnlorovrcr of Oil Bins The latter was slightly wounded. John TJ. MillUuii'rt I-'nllioi Dciul. TlosrcA , , Ma.ss. , Sopt. 7 , MIch.ie l Su- | llvaii , apecl sixty-five , father of John L Sul 1. livan , the pugilist , died this inornlui ; of typhoid puuuinoulii SrAllVA | | ABD HEALTH . A Cure for UnforttinateJ WLo Are "Too M Vw Tleshj , " GOING TWENTY DAYS WITHOUT FOOD. Only n fceeict "NutrliMii" In Cimo of MiltWtS'i | | < B ou Dencrt InlnntlR the iMfcoHi AMU lie ft ' " 'Ofeat HOOII. h There is something new under the sun a new way toinnlio youth and hcnlth ind ben tit ) peipotml. Jfofunowmutliod of phjslcal culture , not a new dietary clieiiie , nor yet a application of that .ubtle . principle by vvhidi the mind rules the body. Jfono of those , but a measure bo novel , HO original , and withal so economic that It finds furor with mmy who would none of all tlio other fndy. A now Hypitia hat at Ken in the person of a Now York hid ) plipsiclin , ind the doctriuo of physical Immortality vvhicii she tuiehed 'is to fast. Tlio modem philosopher is a well known wcinim phvsiciin , who 1 * llfty jeurrf of njfo and looks twonly-flvo. Her form is us supple , her oybs us bright and her sKin us elcar sis a lio.ilthy 'JIovv did iteomo about , " she s.ild to u , writer on the Now York Hcinld. "M'hy , In the molt natural way. The human < j stem Is not u miiohino It is a , live thing , and so it ( jots tlrtil and needs i&et. 1 discovered tliis many years aso , and lioffun rcstliiff luino oysioimtiunUy. When I find the , physical in.ichinory be- iom.ingclo' < < T'cliind ( heayl abstain entire ly from food. Seveia.1 times I huvo fabted for twenty days , and oveiy month I tike i thiee diys' fast. "But ia it not \erj exhausting ? " I asked. "Ko , " loplled the doctor. "On tlio lontiary , it is very exhilarating' . Of ills iiecossiry that the stomach should have a tonic , and I have pro- p.irecl one , ' " showing a bottle containing , i daik biovvn lluicl ' \Vhatis if I asked. Icullltu nutilmcnt , " fcuiel the doc tor , ovuMVolj Tlio tisto iind smell of the piopouitiou indic.ited that it was inostlj of cocoi and wino. Tlio elector claims that n teaspoonful ( if this iiiixtuie , liken at the regular meal time , will not only do away with nil desirofor food , but will prevent any b.id lesults from tlio long fast. "IdrinU luifio quanlltiesof hot vvuter oveij din'HIO ! hiitt , "because I bollove that the inside of thobodj needs ) Avash- Ing as much ls the outside. " Kvery jctu thg doctor mikesa trip to IjUropo , ando \ \ says that never mice she began putting noi pet theory into praelice luib he cxpouoiiced a qualm of ioubicknesb. Arid she believes that the t-umo omancipition will bo the lovviud of evoiy ono who follows her example. Tlio liist diwiplo of the now cloctiine vas the adopted daughter of Willir.m II. Sew ird , the lady who was his eoiibt.int companion and nmanuonsia during his trip around liny world , and whose as- slbtnnco was to valuable in the prepara tion of his bopk. The inactivity of Iho lifo she led caused Miss Suwaul to be conio voiy fleshy so much so that , as she oxpieti'-ed it. her lody ; was * a bunion. She heard of the doctor's theory. She tried it , rtnd 8hd pronounces It a complete - ' pleto success Within three months she i educed her \voigbt \ > ifty pounds , and by u regular system of fasting1 thieo days uaeh month bho manages to retain all of the advantages thus gained. Another linn beliocr in the now doc trine i& Mrs. Uergholz , the custodian of the \\orld famous Soiosis elub of Now Yoik. "Von ought to Tm\o soon mo , " said Mrs Uergholasshe lolated heroinori- once. "I looked just like this , " and the ineny little lady pulled out hoi1 cheeks and tried to swell hoi-elf up to what she claimed was Lor oiigin il si/e. "I couldn't \ \ all : a Mock without getting all out of breith. " "When I uardof the fisting scheme T said : I'll begin right away. I won't cat another mouthful. "And I didn't either , " she siid to mo. ' I didn't eat anothoi thing for twenty whole dajsv And I piosieleu ill my table at ovorv"niOiil ( luring the time. You know what s-ort of a cook i hiuo. and you may judge of wh-\t was sot before mo. I no\or touched a crumb. " "But wasn't it torture to sec the food when you must hive been o hungij ? " "No't a bit of it I wasn't hungiy. I hadn't the slightest desuotoe.it , ind i never felt bovvglliii nil 1113 lifo. \\anted to b'du ' about like a little girl all the tiino. My mother vas hero ill , and I used to inn up and down two tllghtb of staiis dorens of times a day toe.inj hoi thlngn. I did it fioin choice1. It was fun to am up-slaiis A week ago 1 would haio stood and looked at n pair of staii a in blank despair , on- doling if I would over got to the ton While my mother was asleep I would run twice mound thogroundxaad that's a mile , ou Kiiou. "Why. I felt like a biid. I reminded nn- > elf , " wont oa the viMicloiw little ludj , "of my bowing ina- chlno after it lad been htanding idle foi months. You know it gets nil clogged up and \\ont go at all. I5ut I put on some kerosino to out oil the btieky sub- btimec , polish it up vlth abitof llannel , and hi// , away it goes without anj help at all. " "Well , but don't j on fool that awful gn using beiibiitloa in your stomach ? " I qtiebtionod. "Why , no. The tonic does away with nil that. I taKe a teaspoonful three times a daj and at bedtime. I don't ' Know \\lmt it 'a m duof , but I know the bibineii. " "Iloft mucli Jlehh did \QU lose during the twenty days. ' " ' I asked. "About llftoen founds. At llrHt I lost a pound a day.1 ' 1 slept liken baby and was juat as wotttuidhappj as I could bo. "The first meifI ate , she continued , "was on the oijifis on of Leo's bnthday dinnoi " Leo , lnt Jlrs. Htn-gliol/'s big bearded bon , the t-x-conMil toChiua. "I did not fool anymore hungiy thin if I had had lunch 'j'i'i'hour.sliofoie ' , and after I had eaten I felt'nodilluentthan when i had lihou from tlio table \\ithout ha\- ing tasted a mouthful. " Mrs. UeighoUjina continued to fast fioin time to tiluoi and as a iciult hhols t-o sprightly and -lglit 1 that it is almost hnpo-Blhlo to bHrch-othat the Imnilionio , foroign-lookinsf gontloinan , who neaily always accoinjanies her , is her wii. Mrs Uoighol/'o oxpoiionce , how over , is not unnei sal among the fasters. Vir ginia Vaughn , the uulHcnown joot and author , who resides in 1'ast T\u ntiotli stieot , began to fast a weolc ago and con tlnuedit four dayn , I called upon hoi- last o\eniii ' aiut was suipriHed to boo an eiect , vvelt-proporlloncil lady , vvhono blight , black ciyes Indicated the most poifeel hc-ilth and vlgoi. "I rannot undorstuud , " f.ilcl I , "why I jou should undergo the fast ; vou hnvo i no bUiorlluous ] lle-hh nnd jou n > cni well , " I "i nm we'll , ' re'iilicd MisVnuglin ; 1 "my ph.v-ilcal health I poifect , but du I jou kno'w I w.is fimlnatuu with the Idea of living without food , -lust think if ono could do It without dlscmufotl what I a boon it would be. Ono could work without any interruption and be abo- lutely Indejiondcat. So I thought I would tiy It Just for fun , but I did not on joy It at all , " pnlu thopooteuruotullj , "My Hjtitojn bonuno very much di - turfwd. T could not do my woilc at all , I coald not Hk'cp at nlglit and on the fouithdnv * I giivoln. Uut then they say that the fouith dny in the \ui > tatuhif te'r that ono Isery cotnfoi tixblo. " "How did you foul ? " Iiisked. "Win thoiensntlonono of hunger and weak ness ? " "No , " Kho replied , "not tint , but n general fooling that tlioie was some thing wiong , and on the last day I hail HOUTO piinxiii my llmb-i. I had a friend hoio from liostou wlioent \ thiough the fast for llftecn din 4 ami she sullered very much fioin it. " 'Then you do not believe that the theory Is a good one ? " I * uid. "Ves , I do , " replied Mi s Viinghn. "I think it Is aoiy gieat diseoveij and pointn to future po lbtlitlcs that aie al most botond coniprehc'iislon. It is won- doiful that ono iniiy nit ilort-n and eat as if nothing had happened. Usually , you know , one must be fed \ory caicfullj , bull , with all my dl-comfort , ate uftor my fourdujs' fast exactly us 1 should lm\o done oidmarllynorwaslunusually , hungry. " "Then you would commend the sys tem to jour friendi ? , would you ? ' ' "Vet < , I would , " persisted "Miss Vaughn. "I think it Is a gieat thing to know. " Mr * . Kcndull , the popular ne'ti ess , on herdepartino to I'ngland told of her e\- peilene'e "I am delighted with Aineilca and all that is In it , " she said , onthutiastlmlh. "I have leained a great many thing * while here , but the most useful of nil 1st the know ledge that ono can reduce Ik'sh at will. I have tried it and I am de lighted with the result. I ha\o sin Hug- Huh woman's tendency to grow fnt and all of a Preneh womin's honor of such a condition. Tlio only tiouble about it , " went on thoniiMiy llngllih noman , "Is that when jou are pujhig $ ( ! a daj at a hotel jou like to got homothiiig for your moaej , and you can't if j on don't ' eat. And then I \it\\o \ been so charm ingly entertained at jourlo\ely Ainoil- can homes , mid of course , j ou know ono can't go out to dinner and not oat ; but when 1 got homo I shall pr.ieth'c It , and keep nu'self young and &lcndor and beuitifiil always. " Mrs. Lann'try , too , has tried tlw fait , and likes it bettor than hoi system of rigorous o\orei o ; "onlj , " Hho ta H , "ono does not got thin in the right plnee. I don't niro to lo o llosh aiound mj neck and shouldcis ; but Idoantto keej ) mj arms the sio they aio now. I hinc u poifect horror , " Haid the lady , with emphasis , "of 'hannny' ' nrms. " I fore , then , ia a solution of thn prob lem which often \o\os beneu > lent or- gani/.atlons when need\ \ districts mo heai d fioin ft w ill not lie iiecoss iry to send fielght trains loaded with pio\is- lons. A few gross of tlio nutrient will ho ample pun talon and \\lllsei\e as food , di Ink and medicine. Theiois no rcispn in the world why the question of subsistence should not 'bo well answeied b\ the development of this new dlscov- JHElt H-Ult IMI'E. A Itclcntloss leather's Hilling Drives a IioviT tuSiiieltlo. Cuiciro , Sept. { . [ Special TelORi.ini to TUB Dn-Uolert ] Hlllobr.in , tlio poor young mau of Kensington u ho shot himself because u weiUthy hthei objected to his inurineo to liis dauRhtci , cannot reco\er. Jacob Golirinu Ind told his duuirhtcr Is'oia tint she must not see IIillebrm again ana l iiduy evening the joungman met the girl at the postofllce. She told him whnt her fatner hud siitl as they wulliod toward liomo and when ho loft her at her father's door ho told herslio would nc\cr \ sco him altvo iiR.iln. Hocnt to his homo imdvioto t o letters ; ono was tuldicsscd to the tfirl anil the other to his two brothers AVheu this was done ho deliberately lu\ down upon his bed and placing the iiiurrlo of a rovoher o\er his heart pulled the tiigfcer. The bnllot entered the loftbre.ist and rantred upwaul , comliiROtitat the other side of bis body. The wound was mortal. When Now Gohruif ; heaul whnt had hap pened she hocanio violently ill and passed Irom ono swoon into another , uatil a phtsi- cian hail to bo called to tcsuse'itato her. The Kirl declared that she too would take her own life , and is now beinc watched. Ilillebnui is still alho , but thcro is no liopo of his recovery. Desperate \Voik ol Olilea n lloodlnniM Ciiiovno , Sept. 7. % 'A pipeful of whlsk- ciV was the singular dcinanJ made upon Bcrnuid Cohen bysixjounu vov , dies passing thioub'h thcllebicw tolony on South Union street this aftcuioan. 'llic six made a dash to secure the whisltcis , plucking wildly at Cohen's ample hcaul , but weic dcsperatclj- resisted by Cohen and his wife , who wcro speedily reinforced by 110:11 : Ij 100 other Hebiuws. The leader of tlio reinfoicc- nieats was JucobSiff , n neighbor of Cohen's , t illumed fioin n ranch In Mnut ma llio cowboj Hobiew mudo tilings Ih-olj for tlio hoodlums during : i brief SDIC-C , but lashlj believed ihatu io\olvoi in the hinds of ouooC tucin merely iiuant n bluff. At tempting to loiiiplctuliuifitiish ) the six , Siff wceivcd a bullet in Ins fotehcul. Ho was tiken to the hospital in n ( I ) Ing eonilition. Ttur of the hoodlums John Toss. Honu Cluk , 1'iaalc I'eUer and Tiaalc MOIKUIIncroar - lestcd , but the idintitj of the cowboj's bUyoi icimins a inj story Sliot Ills AViH and Mnu uiitr , Wis. , Sept. 7 A shocltiag tiageily was enacted nt Wanwntosn , u su burb of Milwaukee , thH afternoon. Mrs , 1'dxvaiil Hciainfjcr hud lolt her husband on account of brittil trcitmcut and rcturncil to her mother's homo Hho and her mother uoro sitting en the porch todiyhou lieiniiiirer came to the house. Ilo nskcd his vvlfo ir she would leturn to him Slio lefuseil , and without a moment's wain- li'g ' ho pulled aievoUor and sbot her thlco times , faully wounding her. Her mother In- teifeicU , [ ind she , too , win shot twice Mrs. liiijmcr'.s wounds may not pro\o fatal. Itelnlugcrnus ariosted. Sill I tMUtnh , Sept 7. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Bur ] President John AV Younjof the Utnh Cent ral has returned from Kuropo with three hundied tliousand dollurs and will extend his line fifty miles this fall. Kiulclc A Ifolbiook of Bountiful , Divis county , confesses , on ariest , to binning his house to get I.WD uisui auro and to have licon tlio cause of numerous otber Hies Unit buvo happened recc-ntly in IJountiful Arrangcmcutsni'oilroiily being made fern n great S ill Lake rc.'attn next Ally under tlio auspices of the .Mississippi Valley Ama teur Mowing association Missouri HIM , Mo , Sept. 7. John I'm tor and A D Wells , JOUIIK fanners , made applications hto jestoiJny for nilinls- slon Into n disreputable house Uhoy foitcd tholi way Into the lioiisoiind becamoiiiug 'd In nriiiuri-ul with sovcii other men Uioio UiuiiU tlio nu i el rcolvcnnodiawn I'arkir was shot through the head and In stantly hilled Oliver Huglios was .sbot in ttio nculc and moit lly wounded. Wells and six iniiiutei of the house H ore art ustcd. The LonoSept. . 7 , TholJlln Is still hktccn feet ubovo Its normal he-lglit at Dresden , but It is gradually falling , and it is believed that the danger la over A hliijht bubsldenu ) was nullcoj in the main braiuli of tlio Danube at Viouim today. The Austrian government has ( jr.intud $1,000,000 , fur repairing the liumiiK done b > the Hoods mid iiaiUtlii ) ; the sulleieia O'llrlon'H AiU leu loTonnntH , COKK , Sopt. " William O'Drleu ' , speaking at u mooting in the county Cork , said It would bo Ireland's own fault If a slngloehlld starved. Tenants ought not to pnv n penny of rent * until their families \\evo proUdod for. They hud no binlno-i * to mixko In'gRliig npnonU to Irishmen nhrond , but should look to Bulfour und his sublime * chemos. WAJIXJKI ) HV .1 < 7MAK. ( Iproiiliuo Poll In ICocclpt of ii 5Iys- torloim Telegram. UITV OK MKXICO , Seit. * - A niown o was iwohcd hero ywtonlny fwm Ac pnkx ) , MexIco - Ice , atntliifc' that the I'nellle mall tteninshlp Sin lllns , which left I'unnaui oa Augmt H , Imd arrived In that port , hnvlii ) ? on bourd one Cnnnlughnni , nn Aiuoiloan Or KtiKlHli- mini , who w.n on his way to the Unitui States for the i > urposo of liillucnrtng the press la fjivor ; of ( Uiatemalu rouccrnliift the Dnrruiidlu killing. The tole- graimvlndmpby snjlng "Ailvlio Ocion- Imo 1'ou to bo on gunul , in I h ivo reason to k'lle\o that Cunningham has sent him u ills- pitch for some sinister purpose mid Is mi c'liilssuy of IJtirlllns" 1'ou wis seen nt his looms tonight He produced this illspitch fiom Acapuleo , nddivHscd to Oc'ronimo 1'ou " 1nrn ) on for tIIP gootl of buUndor not to iuterfe ru In the Harrundhiu Wiling If \ou think tins Important , telegraph mo at hin Kuiuclu'o. 1 would not allow jou to in- teifcro. "Ci NXIMIII " Honor 1'ou , nfter roadlng the message , sild : "As you know , f h wo nevercxpiwed my opinion in legmd t theHariuadla af fur , as It is not my aphcio to tnko up the light of the United States , in \\liOHO hniuls the killing of liar- lundbi now icsts.rlho ollloioiisne's of fun- nlngh mi , tthom 1 h 11 o never met , Is unpar alleled. As jou will olisoi\e , lie sujs , 'I would not allow j ou to interfeie. ' llv Idintly honmst bo 11 modern Atlis. on whoso shoulders the whole responsibility of the lllliii'of ( Hiirinndia rests Ho Is partlcn- hulj absolute1 ut long lange , but 1 consider him mid lilstuhko peifcctly haunless. " An Ameiiean passenger , speikincSp mlsh , and who as asiioro nt Sim Josodo Ciunte- m ila , siiUl Unit ho lud sc\ oral coin orsnllons whllo In San Jose with pioinlnciit Cluutu * mutatis fiom thoCIt.\ . ( iiiutemuln , and thoj all oxpicssed a fear that the United States would demand iciltess for the killing of Hur- mndl.i t'.t f ( illflir.lt I'LHKIXI , HIIt.I * I ) . \ Ijoiiistillo U'onuui Ovcitnkcs an Uu- liiltlil'iil Spouse. IVIIIANAIOI.II , Sept. 7 AVhllo Ponnsyl. \.inlihtrect was crowded with pedestilnm todaj woman's voice was hou-d cvciteclly ciyiiig "Stop him , slop him , " mid a man was seen running down tlio street , ( lodging in and out ofthociowd. Some llvo hundred per sons Joined in tlio cli ise and the llcciug man was llnull ) eoinoiedat thopostoftlco and cap lured Avlicn the pursuer came up she said that the in in was her husband , mid that she had leirned that ho was mimed and she cemohoreto h i\e lilin aiiosttd. She gave her irimo us Mis Piank Hose of Louis ; illo , und ilmrged that her husband was also mai- lied to a Cincinnati woman under the name of Ie\i Ho o is held at tlio piison , but denies Unit ho hns niij otncr wife than the ono who mused his nricst. : niu < ; itAM > i : ir/ticn. lle\lsccl fjlst of tlio Killed ami fn Jii red. C INONCITV , Cole , Sept 7 Following Is a icvlscd list of the killed and injiiicd in tlio Doner & Kio Grande w reck near Adobe j cs tordu Killed Willhin Jnckson , .lonatlian Tolke , James Dononun , August Mun/eoincr , of Pu eblo , U. 11. Williams ol r.oadilllo. Injured libiklo Macbilatt , left leg otiishcd nnduadlj scalded : ttrncst Sott , wounded in tlie loft ttinplo and Intelnnlly , John Palmer , both legs mid thigh crushed , H. Tash , intoi- nullj injuied mid legs crashed , Tom 1'oiiul , left leg biokcn and light ankle spiained ; James Moinoe , both legs biokcn abo\o the ankle ; John Cat lisle , riuht knee biokcn and foot crushed ; Piank bmith , sc.ili [ wound ; John Welch , slight scalp wound and con tusion of abilonien , N. C. Tocld , sprained b.ickandhip ; John Hr.uly , left leg and ankle snralned , John Minimi , slight abiaslon of Iholegand thigh ; J. Faust , fiaetnro of riirht leg ; J. C Snjder , nrms nud logs crushed ; I'd Stiom , left tcmplo bruised ; G. Smith , contusion of left leg und right mi Ido ; Hairl- son Field , leftoyo out , left.siile sprained nnd mist lacerated ; John Dolducn , Injuied In hack , head , left hip und shoulder ; A. 1'atTon ser , forehead bruised and injured intcumll v ; W. ll iittorboa , injured on nose nnd ear ; 1\ Mnisehitt , face and tup bruised. 'Frisco's Among Chinese. SiFIIVNCI CO , Sept. 7. In Chinatown this morning the Ping Ting Kong society was holding outdoor religions sen lees when mem bers of the Cheo King Tong compiny inter fered. Instantly knives , revolver * and clubs wore drawn nnd two shots Hied. Chin Moj of the Ping Ting Jloy society was senouslj wounded Chinese floeked to the scene from every quaiter and two Chinatown watchmen who drew icvoliois were swept : i\\ii > by the mob The Ping Ting Ivong men then rushed to w hero the Ciicu Kong Tong sociotj nas holding an outdoor Icbtlval , intending to lotaliato. Another ineleo ensued and a Ping Ting ICnng in m w is wounded Policemen ni lived Irom the cen tral sttitlnn and dispersed the Chlucso with drawn lovoheut , . Fuithoi tioublo ib et- pectcd. _ An Almost I'atiil Shock. SIN VHVNUMO , Cal , Sept. 7 ( Speciil Tok r.nn to Tin I5u . ] Ilcubcit liurns , electrician , employed In the clectiicaloiljs hcie , icccivcd tin electilc shock jcstordi ) thatncail > killed him Ono of the djnainos was out of order , and while Bums wis 10- palung it bo lecelvcd a shod : of li.fHH ) volts dii cct fioin the dvnamo tlaoiigh his body Uho sbocli knoekod him liaik- wauli. and ho was picked up for dead. Ho gridunll ) legaiueil consciousness , houevci One of Ills handb was badlv bliskicd , and ho complained of sou ness of his lungs. Susp led ol' Train \Vrrclcing. AMIVM , N V , Sept 7 Voile Kecd , who has soi\cd as a freight brakemnn on the Nou Yoik Central , was nricstcd today bj their dpteti\ ( and was closeted all d iv in Super intendent HIsscH's onlto It is leimitcil tlmt liois suspected of ( oniillcit\ | tlie witok of the Monti oil ex pioss lust FiMnv Tonight I..OH Allllcr , a Knight of L iboi , nnd a stiikcr , was aiiastcd nt ( jiccnlnish bellow for ( .omplkity in the w 1 01 k Don't hinoko Cigan lies U'hllc Asleep. Ni.w Yoiih , Sept 7 lUhel Cmtis , nino- tcen years old , a typewriter mil htenogiaplicr , was snioklnl a ciguotto In bed at hei homo on Lexington uvcnuo this o\enlng She full ablccp , the cigarette chopped fiom her hand and ignited the bed clothing , and thoghl w is tfiubly bin mil about llio Iwilv She nfter- w aid died of ber burns at llollonio hospit il. lh < > Vilh > iita 'MniKiMn i cs. Sr. Pi rn. < m n , Sept 7 ( Special Culilo- giam to Tin Hi i | I'lioi/iir , nccoiiiiiinld | bj the linjicilnl fiimlly and suite , staiti d to- dafoi KfiMio , In Volb iiin , to attend the Volhynli niilltau maiKi-iiMOs. The No\oo Vieiiij i declines Unit tlio inano'iivits la Vol- bjiilu'nee'U cause no unousliiess abioad Illllll M-H IjUSSl'II ) LONDON , hunt 7 Uho Clnoniclo's Vicnnii conespondent f.a > s it is estimated that the loisi-s by the Hoods In Central Huiopo will ri leh M/'OO.OOO Owing to the dcstiuctlun of the licet irop It is llkeltli.it Austilan sugar cxx its will bo W per cent under the aurago _ _ NadonallslH anil I'ullci ) I'lglil. lc in is , Sept 7. A conllht between nil- tlomdists nnd the pollio ocetiruil at Turn'in today Thoofllccrs iittomiitod to piuvent n nationalist procession A surlous ufTruyiu- sultedaud many hoiuU win ) liiuki'ii bofuio the polleo sucLcedeU in enforcing their man date. SlXllllI HCIOIICO > ( Hl ll'rtK LIIUII , hopt 7 The six lul hclemo con gress opened todiy Two llmiisiml ( lileg.iUw mopiosont from ullnta \ \ of ( Jullioltu lluio | > o. \\usruhol\ud to wend u Uilcgiam to tbo iwpo anil King Loopohl cxpiosilng llio do- votlonof tlioiiioinbc-n igli on UVIONTOWS , Ky , Sept 7 The Hlch griln distillery bunicd this morning with mncial i thousand gallons of vlilsk ) SCROFULA Is th.it Impurity of the Mood which produces imslKlitly lum , ) or ttncltliiRS In the nrck ) which rauics running sorci oa the nrmi , legs , or fccti which ilcvclopi ulcers In llio cje , ears , or nose , often causlnR blindness or ( lntnc < i ! which ijthoorlRlnof | > lniplcJ , can- ccrous growths , or "humors , " which , fastcn-f Ing ilium tlio lungs cau < ei ronsuniitlon ] nnd death. H is the nmst undent of .ill dUe.-w , and v cry few ppr on < are entirely frco from It. How Can CURED It Bo IJy liking Hood's Sirsapirllh , width , liy the remit Itiblo cures It Ins accomplished , Ins imnen It eH to l > o n potent and prculhr iiiedlclni ) for this dlsei.'O. K j ou suiter f loin scrofnh , try Hood's Sirsapirllla. "KxT } t > prliiK my wife mid cliildrcn h.no locii tiiHiliicilvltli scrofuh , my little lioj , three > oars old , being a tcrrlllo suilcrc-r. List fprlng ho wis ono nnss ol soics fiom lio.nl to feet. Woalltook Iloiul'sSirsiparllli , ami all ha\o hecn cured of tbu scrofrli. My little loy ( s entirely ( reo from sores , and nit four o [ my children look bright ami health } ' W. U ATIIEKTOV , 1'assilc City , N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ij O. I HOOP .1 CO , Apothecaries , I owcll , Mint IOO Doses Ono Dollar . i M i " .s i ' .u KA TS. N'ewton Hcevs and his "company of como- di in , " us ho is pleased to classify his oigani /atlon , began a week's engigeinent last men- Ing at the ( liuml oiiera house , piodiuing Witts Phillips' melodrama , "Lost In I on don , " ton veiy lingo mulicnco. 1'or ears Mr. Heel's hns been identified with tlio stellar role of .lob Arinroydatid bus undo It one of the stiong InipcisoniitloiiH of the stage While ho is given now and linn to taut , the poitialtiim iis tilwavs consistent mid cannot help but Impicss itse on nn iiudicnco because of its intensity frm Jlrst tolnst. Tliisconipiny , while not strong , contmi sen oral nec-eptablo people , notabh Miss IMI \Voods Plske in tbo charaetor of a f > onu stieet swooicr It is un e\eccdingly clei i bit ol work Miss Hessio Uennott is a vciy pretty woman , but is in < i weighted In the lole of Hi hcioine , Nellie Amiojd. It Is puticukirl.\ oinotionid pnit , n trving put , nnd iiniuin ability of a high order to make It nlnnd m t from the biukgiound of villain } , of rasi aim to sny nothing of the goodness in which tin Kuglish mc'lodram i abouiuls 'llio Cilbcrt I'VnUicrstono of Will Moiluii * Issulllclontlj vlll ilnoiis to plenso the most ejecting The test of the compiny mo modiocu1 , Ii * Iri as thc > Imvo little to do CMOpt to furnish il.i * I side lights to tbo diama , their ineiliu < in \ does not dotiact fiom the peisomil uecopi i I ti'l billty of the pet fornnmec. \VIII Make Coed Ilin Hond. The citv marshal of Canton , Mo , nm jo-tordij to take clnrgn of T.r. . Hex i who was aiH'stcd hcio as .1 fugitive fiom ji tiio lievnns ngiecd to make giod the tin i huhnd "Juinpcul" and was leloased liom ji l I lo will straighten the matter all out tcnti and ictuin to Canton An Ijplilcmh ; > ear n Onu-lorj. ift IJ\ins , Sept 7 An opldc'nlo hus btoken out at M.iison Hhiu he , whioh is alleged to 1m duo to the opening up of the ground In a seirch for the i cumins of Count do Mlrabcau Ten clilldren hu\o died A PIGII1INT. IMiKACIIKIl. He JiiicH In Montieiil and GUcMl'nu ti- cal IjossoiiN In I2litictto. | Rev. Mr. Hirtlo ) , chaplain of Mem tieal's crni'k militnrj eoips and pastor of a swell \Vost Und congiegation , gnvei a Hcicntilic thi.islilng to one of Mini tienl's best Known and richest young sports a fcnv dn.vs ago. The stoiy tb.il led to the result is told .is follows in tlio Now York Star1 Seine few weeks ago the youth in question was engaged towed one ot the fairest daughters of Montreal. The laclj in question happened to ho n inum- bor of Pin son Ilartloy'Hehuich.ind nisi u natticular fiiondof the ministor. in coiibeqiioiH'e , ho wns called upon toiov \ - Hrm the iniuriuffo coi oniony , and our the ( lay appointed was on hand at tlio lesidencto of llio bride , as w h aluo a liii'KO paity o ( friends to tibsittt at the- vvecldiimTo the c'onnternnlicm of tlio friencls the Ki'umi ' failed to tint in an appeiiumt'o. Tlu < vvecltllii } was declined oil. Tlio olnijf.N niiin , It IH h.iicl , oxjirohsecl liinisi'K in no indistinct vvaj about what ho ciilk'd the * inyc'iillj eonduet of the gilded joutlj in question. A fovs oveuiiiK' ago tlio ( lergjmun vvn-t Inyltecl to visit the 01111 man , und , thinking that ho VVIIH to yet an o > cpl > iiia' lion of his stiMiigo eonduet , ho iniicle tin visit. LTo just entered the dooivh ( n his Hist siluto was a stlngln/jloft-handi / ' 111 the fiKO. It vvaH then thnt liodiveMi > i himself of his fj.u incuts , and then th voutli was taught 'i richly dosoneel le * Kii in the inuiily art. So l.idljash ) clone up by the reverend pugilist th i ho wpontn vvi'ok ina puvato hinpltnl ' lui'uporuto from tlio ollectsof the thins' ' iiiK' . AH the lirothur anil fiilhor of Ii - nllliineed had pnnniscil a hiiniliu1 pi coeclhi } ' ' , ho , to cbcnpo furtliut * ltiitin _ niariied Iho gM , nnd Mr. Hurtlo.y pi i fornu'il tlio IOIIH : postponedj-eronidin ' > Hie sitiHf.ietlcm of all. The allnir Im- only juat loalced out , and his cro.itod < hOiiMtioll , of which the piifj'ilinllu pilcoii , Is thu heio. Couldn't " . " n } "Ooopo. lie can iod u veiy yellow hand-lnj1 ! , a blj1 ( .me , nu iiinhiolla , a hut IIOK ninl a .eouplo of Dnfjlisli tr.ivelmtr i u ( , ' > , \\ith a / ( , 'hms stuck in one i > yc > . Ho poked lu i\piessloiilcss fncci into the lockupcV tordiafturnoon nnd inllillj liiuircl ( | ( ' < aim jou tell me , olllsnli , when Hi next tniin leaves faw Nee 'iivvlc , in will vou Kindly plueo me lugLfau'o in ti ' ' vnn' ' What ? " yelled C'aptain Dun Din , n- liis line-cut ( hin iidoinmeiitH hoir-m t curl in a thrcMteiihifiniiniier. . \\unttlinno.\t train , doncliorkmm I want to pet ; back to Nee Vnvvh. v luiuvv. It'a mo home , jo knavv. " Tin < IIH the nipttin ho < nii to look n U IhiiiLint , ' ho VVIIH boiiif , ' iivod ' , the np | > > lition iiujuiied , "Ihii't th'ls tlio Cent i i Station ? A pelibon out on the t4w ' told mo It \\IIH. " Tlio captain then hcjjan lo sr > o vvli it wan wanted , h ( ) liu dhcotcil tlio\oun , man to the I'nioii depol : and , us n movdl down the allnv , hioko ' "Well , I'll bo dm ned If that ain't .t other o tlicni fillers that don't lui < > > i to snj dii po " st lj < ml ( jl < > > . Absolutely Pure. A. eream of tnrtHrliaknn ; povvlnr , IIIhcit of IsuvenliK BtruiiKlbU. . H. ( lOvornuiDut U * > ort Aug. 17. tii3.