Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1890, Part Two, Page 9, Image 9

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Omaha , Neb , , Sept. 22 to Oc L/t 3,1890 ,
Cyclone of Pleasure and Profit ,
Exhibits Complete in Every Department
Orchestra ever Heard in. ttie "West , Composed , of SO 3Mrst Olass Ar
tists all under One Director.
Art and Mechanical Departments far Excelling any Previous Exhibition !
All the Latest- Novelties in the Several Lines of Manufacture and Production. Entertainment of the Highest Class , Day and Eve
ning. The Mechanical City , 2,000 pieces of Machinery , 2QO Moving Figures , Cost $20,000 , operated by Electricity.
For space or priyileges call on or address
404 Paxton Bl'k. ,
"What Society Has Been. Doing the Past
"A Fill Hi fill Chronicle of Uio Move-
QincntH in tlieOJnjVnrlil on'aslilonfl
illoiis , Card I'artlcn ,
Dinners , Tt-as , IHo.
Society , aftcra respite among the moun
tains , aloin : the ocean ornmiil tlio irterior
lakes , began nnow tlio season's round of
. with Miss Daisy
I > leasmes by p.irtlcipitln ;
Doane , daughter of Judge nnd Mrs. George
\ \ ' . Donne , 2U-.M Chicago" street , In hnr charia-
ing reception lYitluy evening to Misses
Thrnllantl Jennie Thrall of Clifton Cincin
nati , MlssKmily AVnkelcy of Qmahn , and
Miss Dorothy Van i'attcn of Pu\cnport , li.
Thoio vas afieshness , ti bilgh'ness ' nboiit
Uio joiing ladies prescntwhich stroke volumes
for tlio soasoii of rest unJ rofrejtnnent , whiih
they linvocnjojcd by mountain , luVo and
fell , tin ring the suinmor just ending. Nature
made Itself known through blight ojcs and
ro" > y cheeks and hibltues of the dm wing
i roonicoulJ nothelpbut comment upon the
\ glorious appearance of the guests present.
, ,4. The house , in honor of the event , was quite
fffcctlvolj decorated , Mo pallors being pir-
'tleularlyplctines of tlio llorist's art , 'llio
dining room , in addition to its Herat decora
tions , contained a hiiiidsom'oly decorated
table , outlined with smllax. Thellbraiy nnd
the room lininodhitcly adjoining weio used
for reception rooms , the parlors being can
vassed for chuc'iiiK Up stairs ttio hostess
had provided smoWng and card rooms , but
the opening o [ the season founcl uiein little
occupied Dinclnc was tlio feature of the
evening , and the dunning night added
grently to the pleasure of the occasion
Tlio occasion sencd the double purpose of
entertaining several charming girls ) tint ] nt
tlio Clinic tnno Introducing formally to tlio world the fair , bright hostess nnd her
schoolmate , lier alter go , MissimllVtiko ; > -
lov , daughter of Judgoand Mrs. U nVcley ,
" .Among the guests present wow :
Misses IXwno. Thrall of Cincinnati ,
Jeanne Thrall of Cincinnati , Van fatten of
Du\enpoit , AVnkiloy , Hughes , Curtis , Touza-
HtiHixrnard , Vutrs , Clirlc , Mooio , ICountze ,
I LAiJIngtonost , McKennn , Williams , Hcng-
t * ' land , Clumbers. Alice Chambers , Sherwood.
Neltlo bhervood , Dovey. Orchard. Cobuni ,
Paikor , House * , Nash , llrown , 1'oppUton ,
Hamilton , \Voohvorth \ , C'artor , Hall , Hal-
combe , Darker , ll\on ) , Millard , Slieai-s. Mc-
CllntocV , McClelland , May Yates. Ualdivlii
of ICeolmlc , Funuwortli of Council Bluffs ,
AVdls. Oliver. Jlamo Oliver , fatev-
eii8 , Oeorw blmrp , llartirim , Ogdon.
Jlessrj. : Trank Hamilton , Caldwcll Hiunll-
ton , C'lark Kudiclt , Chat Hedlck , James How ,
s Charles HOMVili AVi man , Henry \Vymnn ,
/Augustus Kouiitie , ( harles Kountie , Krod
, AV Patrick.I. , K. Patrick , Aithur
B.Smith , AV KnmiunSnillhAuthur Smith ,
Council Ulults : ijtnrUoy Smith. N' . N. Crary ,
AV , H t'rnry , Newtoiiuarkalow , Moso Hark-
nlcw , Ilarrj Cleaver , Kd Falrtlold , K , C.
JJartonV. , . H. ICenncdy , Cuitlss Turner ,
Claries Clip p. Ueorgo Harke , yet Hall ,
Harry Mooivs , Hurry Drllleoll. Kpbert
Ivcllor , 1'erry Iladollot , Ed llow-
nun , routu' > niulfs ; Plcrio Oameau
ArthUrShiierick , Charles Hull , Dr. AVIlkln-
sen , T. A. Coles. Dr , O. K. bmlth. Charles
Olfu Uhurles OuJcn , Puul Ilorbiich , V. H ,
I'axton , Jr , A. 1 > . Ciulon , W. K. Hills. , llart-
1 ford , Conn , Charles Wilton , Robert Carr ,
1 Morris lU-ull , OcweoWright , Council Kluffaj
Uandull Ilruwn , Will McMllUn , Will Me-
Caguc. John Clark. Dan Morgan , llreck ,
T , J. CougtllnVilllatu \ Cartan , GeorgeMer-
ccr , C II. llrlcfis , "WillVilcox , Heath ,
AXu Iteed , Hurry Jonlan , CtnrlcsSaundon.
A leal Old Country Dunce.
Dr. and Mrs. Gluck , vho are camping nt
Cilhoun and cnjoj-lnc the deliglits of carlv
autumn In ono of Nebraska's most charming
pjcts , together with Miss Bedford and Mr.
and lUrs. Mwnrds invited a iminter of their
Omaha friends last evening to participate
\\lththeinlnareal old fashioned dance , and
.ho filends were only too delighted to go out
.0 Calhoun nud Join their hosts and hostesses
n mciry jnikjup much after the custom of
our fathers and mothers
TheniK'it ' win delightful , the moon giving
lust enough light tomako the scene romantic ,
hero and theio the semi darkness being
broken In tordi lights which Hlckeied llt-
fullv In the idfe'ht air.
The dancin. ; phtform was a bit of
Nebraska prnliie , but no\er was pruirlo
put to a inoro cnjoj.jblo use. It \\is
midnight vilien the guests from
tlio city took the train Ijack to Omaha , tunny
of than having lived over again the delights
of tlulr childhood , \\Uen \ the siiigins school
and the country dmicovero the only enjoy
ments vouchsafed the peoploof the shiios.
HofiCblnncnUera scr\cd during the
evening , the guests \K\I\K \ Or anil Mrs.
Onpcn , Jr. ! and Mrs. lieoitro B Uddv , Mr.
and Mrs. ( icoiifo Gould , Dr. McDonald , Miss
( ! ye , Miss Clark. Dr UiiRlln , Dr. hluuv of
Chicago , Dr. Wix. Miss Carrie Mnnslicld ,
WlUCraiy , ArtGuiou.
AVII1 .loin tlio
AnOnnhtt boy tins been accorded the tip-
jioititinciit to U'oat Point fwm this eongres-
sion l district Mr J. Wallace Hrontch
linpiilly surprised tliK voekto reeei o notiti-
caticn from Congrissman Cennell that ho had
bcensoleUed for that iiosition. Although the
representative from this district , Mr. 1'red
Slmleii , graduated In Juno last , tlio newly np-
[ lolnteil < idols willnot obtain admission until
next spilnfr. Ou this account , Mr. Uroatch
will return to Yale and \\\l \ \ complete his
senior year nt that institution tofore begin
ning his military education
For nnny .veal's Mr Broatch has been de
sirous of entering army life and \\ta looked
forurdvlthepcctaney \ to a coursoat "West
Point. It was ho who ortranlzedtho llrst com
pany of cadets union K the stu tents of the
Omaha tilgh school , from \\hichho graduated
with honor In 1 7 , and he has always been
uctho in athletic sports.
Ivoiintzo rMciiiiifiurrt Soprano.
Instead of Mrs. Atvater , who has loft the
citj , Kount7C MemorlU ihurch has secured
thoser\lccs of Mrs Iih Mao Baldrige , a lady
Bitted vlth n rich anO highly cultivated so
prano \oico Mre. DaldriKO comes from
ChleaRO , where she -\\as kuovn as Mrs Ida
M.wl'ijce , and sang fora number of jcars
In St. Andrew's and later in Trinity , both
lemlliiK Kplsconal churches of that tity. She
afterwards marrii'd Dr. Baldrijro anil located
in Omaha. Mrs Huldrigo is well nnd fuvor-
ablv known In innskal circles here. The
people of Kountzo Memorial church feel that
under the skillful leadership of Prof. Knop.
fol , thocholr will be cno of tuo attractive fea
tures of lts > tcrvicoa.
It was a A cry pretty and dainty Idea that
Miss Sue Colpetzcr inaugurated Friday
o\cning at her homo on Twenty-fifth iwmue
The younn lady will shortly leave for Miss
Brown's famous school on Fifth avenue ,
New York , and to take a formal leave of her
young friends , vlth whom she is a great fa-
voriUJ.gavoa "forget-me-not" parlyhicli \
as delightfully pleasant.
As u pleasant fonn of rCmCinliranca each
pueat was prosentoj with a hniul-jMlntci !
card ol forget-ine-notM , the artist being tlia
young lady's grandmother , Mrs , DulioU ,
upon \\hlch\vns \ a tnlniutura likeness of the
jouiiKhobtcss , dimmed about with a garland
of Movers ,
Cards were played , the youutr Mkb enter-
ng into the spirit of atho eiening vith do-
ight , and wbou the last gumo wat ended and
; ho prizesawimlcd it vas ascertained that
.ho bojs' first prio was von
: iv Henry Clirlc ; tlio second pilze by
Itlclurd lniy ! The irtrls * llrbt prize vas
taken by draco Allen , llattio Uaily mrrjiug
off the bciond
Kf'freslmients wcro served at half past 10
md then the joung people vcro pennlttcd to
lavonn liour'sdanclnp , thus rounding out
ho charndiiK evening duo in most patt to the
lOiing hostess ,
The RucsU. wore MissesFlom "Webster ,
AHcoAndrccaon , ( Jertrudo Branch , Gnico
Allen , L.ouiso Squires , Birdia Van ICuim ,
Liiicia Uurfce , Kansas City , Mabel Hronn ,
S'elllo Burchard , Uculnh Sharp , LillnCaitor ,
Hattlo Guly , Mublo Taylor , Lulu Drake ,
Alice Drake , Emma , Mierwood The buys
voroIlcnrj Chirk , Herbert MoraO , Sun
\orae ) , Charles Pr.itt , Louis Pratt , James
Wall ice , Wnldon Branch , Arthur Caiter ,
Uloluird C.ruj , "IHit" Giw , Koss Tonic ,
: Iovird I'lldin , Gordon Clark , Moahler Col-
ictyor , "Lin" Sherwood
Miss Ilinscom give a pleasant card party
Saturilaj ovenliiff for Mrs. Ciptalu Bourke
\\ashlngton. \ . who is vUltluglicr mother ,
Mrs John llorbach The first ladies'pilzo ,
n blue and gold plate , vas won by ill's.
IJourue. Mr Pritcnetl won n paclcof artis
tic cardi nnd Mrs Yost nliaudsomo candle
stick. Dlaborato refreshroonts were served
at the card tables Tlio suests were : ( ! en-
eraland Mrs Cowin , Mr and Mw. Yost ,
Mm Bennett , Ulr. and Mrs Ilorbich , Mr.
andMiv Barton , Mr. Morse , Jlr. and Mrs.
Pritehett , IMra. Vic'or Caldvcll , Mr. and
Mrs Lncey , Mrs. Uouike , Mr. Drake , Miss
Ogden , Mr. Ogdcn , Mrs Conkllng.
i" tlip Barn. "
In honor of their niece , Mlbs Lottie Clougli
of Omaha. Mr and Mw. II. II IIalto of Nor-
folltga\o a charming dancing party "in the
bain" Thursday evening. The host sent out
n gailv raparlsonod hay wagon , width re-
tutnod nt S :30 with a cargo of losy cheeked
innldons , who upon tlielr arl i il at the front
entrance woie c-iiorUd theuco to ttie barn by
gallant beauin waiting. Vrotn the side
poich to the barn and forming an arch over
thoentrancotheiBto , norosuspendcd lines of
Japanese lanterns lighting the lawn I'.ntcr-
ing the c.irrlaRO rooms twentj-flvo feet
square the guests looked jpon a pittty scene.
A locoinotl\o headlight displayed the walls
gracefully concealed by tlio national colors.
The letters II. H. II formed of small
sun-Honors ami the handsome litho
graphs of dogs , liorses nnd cat
tle , neatly framed in the sumo
esthetic tnannct were grcatlj admired The
orcl estra discoursed lively strains , andwhilo
the young people made merry , tliov shared
the gaieties with a pleasant nuinbrr of mar
ried folks \\lio thoroughly enjoyed the oven-
iiiu's pleasiues. After three hours of danc-
ii\g \ the hostess summoned thoconipinj to the
parlor to enjoy the serving of elegant refresh
ments , nftcr which the young people resumed
their fistivltloH at tbobamamlttieir "elders"
walked homo by the light of the moon realiz
ing that itas \ IndetHl n ilclightful teudling
of old times to uo "dancing in the barn "
A Conch 111 K 1'Jiity.
A jolly coaching partj consisting of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis I.lttlclleld , Mr and Mrs.
Lessertcn , Mr and Mrs. W. II Whitney ,
Misses Uednmn , Dorsoy , Horton of Salt Lake
City , drifllth , C'rutlnhank , Thompson , Mrs.
Ilersliaw , il s JilcDorald , Messrs. Cnlg ,
Kelley , Aigo and Shull , were in attendance
ntthu fair grounds on Labor day , lunching at
Lyceum hall in tlio early ovmlng and com-
jilcttng the trip with a pleasant drlvo in the
A Jlcrry Surprise Party.
Mr nnd Mrs , J. Burgstronjera the re
cipients Sunday afternoon of a surprlso party
In their new and handsome homo on South
Ninth street , where their friends , nearly
Ihreohundrvdladlts and gontlcinengiithcred |
nnd took | io svs > ionof the home for the after
noon and evening. It took two wagons to
carry their lunch bnskots , nnd prohibition
vas out of order. Everybody enjoyed theiu-
> el\es , nnd as a memory of the houso-\irm-
ng. a beautiful clock was 161t to adorn the
> ailor mantel. jV'iioni , ' those present wore
nnny of tlio oldest Swedish settlers with
heir wives , amonsr them being Judge Andor-
011 , G. A. UndquUt , A G DahUtrom , John
Sttel , C. \ VVeJcll , J. and H. Siiulln , C.
lurmoii , N.r. . Nelson , Chris Lyon , A. How-
nan , B P. Mudscii , P Vllg , Gus Hamel and
S. J. Lai-son.
A I'oslponiii ! Concert.
I'rof. B. B Young and 'Mine. Mazzucato
Young will give their postponed concert at
Jojd'sopera house Wednesday , Octobers.
L'hoy v ill bo assisted by the Strjk-en-blns-
Lust cluh of which Vtof. Bactcns is director ,
irobnuly by the Apollo club and by their
luplls nnd other singers. Sc\eral nc\\
lomposltions by Mrs Young will be heard
or tlio llrsttimo upon that occasion , nnd
unong them several on the nlunofoitohleh
Mis. Voung will play.
The wedding of Miss Uichardson , daughter
of Mr. and Mrs Lyinan Illchni-dson nnd Mr.
AVilliaui Mciris uill take place next Wcilncs-
clay nt Geneva , Snltrerland. Mr. George
Voss \\ill ofllclnto In the capacity of best man.
\Vuat a romantic place in wlileh to consum
mate the manmgo VO\M ! Situated on tuo
bciutiful lake of the same name , \\hcnco
tlio noble current ofjho Uhono flows westward
ward under the live bild'ges bj which tlio
t\\o lialves of the town communicate with
each other. To the south lies the valley of
the Arve , and behind , the gioy and barren
rocks of tlio Lessor Salere , rise llko n wall ,
vhlchln turned Is overtopped by the distant
ethereal snows of Alont lUanc. Ihobiidoto
bo , who has been a great favorite
in the exclushc circies of Omaha society
could not have chosen ' moro cliarmlng en-
\Irouinuiit Inhlch to plight her trath than In
the city famous for the With of Calvin.
Trinity cathedral was the scene of a very
lirlllinnt \ \ cddingYednesday nt high noon ,
the contracting parties being Uov. Andrew
Lconaid i'arkcr , a retired minister of the
Episcopal church , residing at Seattle , Wash ,
and Miss May Isabcllo Kellogg , daugh
ter of Mrs. Udciund B Kellcgg ,
of Hartford , Ooim. The bride
nas given away by her umternul uncle , Mr.
Hodnoy 1)Vella , late postmaster of St.
Louis , After the cer6 iony a wedding hreak-
fast was served nt tho'rfalticnco ' of the bride's
uncle , Mr. Aaron Ohaowiek , 1001 Xorth
Nineteenth street. The bildo nnd groom
ttill resIUoatl'arcuviaa suburhof Seattle ,
nhcro Mr. I'arkcr has cxtensho intei-csts.
The bride was attended by Miss Carrie Filloy
of Philadelphia.the mail of honor being Miss
Clara May ICellogg , sister of the bride. Jlr.
U. AV Cnnd\\lck \ was tlie beat man. Mho
full surpllccd choir of Trinity , aided by the
supplementary chorus of female voices and
the cathedral quaitette , Mrs. Cotton , Mis.
Moeltcr , Mr. Wilkins , ami Mr Lombard ,
tendered the \soddlug \ thorus from "Lohen
grin ' and the beautiful hymn , "Tho Voice
That Uroathed O'er Eil n. "
Mr. Aaron BanNlcy nnd Mrs. Ada M.
Shamp Hero married on Monday evening ,
September 1 , at their own reilaonto ISlvJ ,
Jones street. Mr. Heurdsley is a well known
business man In this city and this marriage
Is u great surprlsoand delight to his friends.
Tno ceremony vns performed by Itev.
SavlJgo , pastor of the Xcwmati Methodist
Episcopal church.
Mr M A. Hall was married on September
2 atT.UOp. in , In St John's church , Sorel ,
Quebec , Canada , to Miss Isabelle May \\av-
tele , daughter of C. . J. \Vurtcle , isq. :
After an extended trjp la the east Mr. and
Mrs. Hall will boat home to thnir friends
about October I at to. UOl South Twenty-
tilth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Zimmerman will celebrate
the twentieth nnulvcnary of their marilago
Monday evening , September 20 , at their icsi-
dente , lOI'.t 1'lorc * street.
MUs Nellie P. Menick and Mr. 1 E. Lai-
acycre united in marriage at the residence
of Mr. Trank Biooks at Blair , Nob. . August
HI ) The contracting parties aie residents of
Sundiv nftcrnoon Itutlicr. C. W Savidgo
officiated" a double wedding , the interested
parties being Mr. Hdward G Fisher of
Omaha and Miss Clara Carver of Iowa City ,
Ta ; Mr. William II. "Whitney and Miss
Minnie N. Beeicloy of Omaha.
Ijiiiiolif.ons , Dinners nnd Tens.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clement
Chase entertained at dinner ex-minister to
the couit of Denmark , Hon. K. B. Andeison ,
Dr. Uapcn , Dr. nud Mrs. Gluck.
Last Friday evening Dr. and Mrs. Isldor
Gluck , in honor of Hon. H. B , Anderson , a
former minister to Denmark , gave a charm
ing little dinner party at their residence , 1413
South Twenty-sixth street There \\ero pres
ent Mr. Anderson , Mr. and Mrs. Clement
Chase and lr Capon.
Mrs S I ) Buikalowhownssuch a pi-cat
favorite this summer at Spirit Lake , ga\o a
number of her lady friends a charm
ing luncheon "Wednesday afternoon.
Cards were enjojed after luncheon.
The guests were Mrs C. n. Yost , Mrs. G. E.
I'ritchett , Mrs Barton , Mis , Morseman ,
Mrs. Hanscom Mrs Bennett , Miss Hans-
com , Mrs. Hoiuko and Mis. John I lor bach.
Mrs. Albert T. Iloldeii nnd Miss Hardy en
tertained a number of friends on Saturday
afternoon last at a delightful dinner paity ,
given at the residence of Miss Holdcn at
Windsor Place , in honor of Misses Minnie
Mason nnd Cnrrio Squires of Chicago. 'Ihoso
picscnt weio tlio Misses Minnie Mason , Carrie -
rio Squires , Alice Guild of Lincoln , Holmes ,
( ieorgio Sharp , Mabel Pratt , Lillian Brunor ,
Hattlo Vaughn , Hattie Dunster , Mis. W. B.
Clancy and Mrs W. Shropshire.
In hoiiorot Miss Fiances M Gray of Eng
land , Mrs , 1"W. . Gray ga\o n most charming
dinner Tuesday e\cning , the aim of the
hostess being 1o bring together a number of
blight and congenial people in order that the
particular guest of the occasion might form
someldeaof the character of western people
who occupy prominent positions In society
In addition to Miss Gray theio were pieent
Mr. and Mrs G M. Hitchcock , Mr and Mrs
Wallace , Mr. and Mrs Mclntosh , Mr and
Mrs. Hracttvogel , Mr C.H Oulou , Ur.Brldges
Society DolngN at I'lnruncc.
Miss Mabel Tucker Is visiting friends in
Mr and Mrs Tucker of Blair are visiting
relatives In Floicnco.
Mr and MisVilllam "Weber of "Wayne
arc sojourning in tlio vi'lago.
Mrs. Thomas DcLand and daughter Efllo
have icturned to their homo in I'eriyIn ,
after a two weeks' visit.
Mrs. Hall and Mr > . Cowan , who have been
visiting fiionds in Now 13runs\\lck , arc ex
pected to return next week.
It Is highly probable that school willnot
begin on Monday , as was intended , oulng to
delay in the completion of the nc\v \ hulldim. .
Mr Albert Able of Lexington and 0. AV.
McKinncy of Omaha were out shaking hands
with old Florence friends Thursday after
noon.Prof. . Collins , principal elect of the school ,
has relumed from Madison , \Vis , where he
has been spending his \acation , ana is ready
to begin work ,
The family of John L Miles will remove to
Omaha on Tuesday. The many friends
tlicy luvvo mndo timing their Mioit btny will
veiy much regret their departure.
On Thursday evening Mr J.P Hansom
wassuriulsed by a largo party of friends at
his very cozy residence on Illuft street
Splcndlu music was furnished , nnd young
and old enjoyed the opportunity to Inaugurate
the season's dancing About midnight an
elegant luntheon wa-s served. Among thoto
present wereMr nnd Mrs. Walker , Mr.
uiid Mrs. Simpson , Mr and Mrs J. Webir ,
Mr. and Mn , Chapman , Mr. and Mrs. W.
AVcbcr , Mr. and Mrs. . King , Mrs A. C. Urif-
lln , Mrs. Thomas Do Land , Misses Stcen ,
King , Leslie , Iloltziuan.Vc.usu , Hondcssoa ,
DcLand , Messrs , Milts , Ylnton , Dclouno ,
WcbcrjOldbranson ( , iiondcsson and Taylor
Mo\eiiiciiuaiul \ % horcnboiitti.
Mrs. S\\obo returned Wednesday fiora
Tairbault , Minn. , whcio she left her son Kd-
ward nt school.
Messrs Fred nnd Wilklo Kustiu left for
Andover Monday.
Mr. nud Mr-i. Truitt have taken up their
resldcnto at ' . ' 03 North Twentieth street.
Mr. Will 13. Couln left jestcrday for An-
do\er , lass. , where ho will prepare for Yale.
Miss Wnkcloy returned this week from
Gros Isle , Mich , wheio she was the guest of
Mrs. George Thall.
Miss Mary Shenvopd has decided to enter
Vassal * college and will lea\o for 1'oughkcep-
siein a short time.
Miss Hey t of Utlca is the guest of Mr. and
Mis , L M , Bennett She \\111 remain In
Omaha about thrco weeks.
Judge Lorenzo Crounso nnd family huvorc-
tumcd fiom their Euiopcan trip nnd have
taken up their residence at Calhoun.
Jlr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Remington and Mr.
ami Mti II. T. MtCormick stalled Tuesday
in Mr. McCormick's drag on a chicken hunt.
Mrs. 0 N Kainscy Is at Clifton Springs ,
recuperating from a sprained auklo which
she icccived while in New York a short time
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geoipo D. Gould have ar-
ri\cd fiom a two months' \Isitln the east ,
nnd are at homo at 000 North Twentj-fouith
Mi-s. Walter B Wilkins , wife of the popu
lar tenor of Trinity , has retuined from her
summer's outing at her old home. Mount
A'ernon , N. H.
Mrs. H. P Morse nnd Mrs. Dr. II P. Jen
sen loft last Thursday for fort Madison , In. ,
wheie they will visit Mrs. C. S. Withcrspoon
Mr. and Mrs. James 1C Chambers have
taken Mrs. Jeanette Chambers' residence at
the coiner of Ames avcnuo nnd Twenty-
fourth street , for ono j ear ,
Mrs Andrew Koseuaier and ton , Stanley ,
returned jesterdny from their summer
sojourn at Xantaskct beach nnd mo again
quartcied nt thoMlllard.
Mrs J. It King wait has returned from
Lexington , ICv. , where she has been for quite
along time taking care of her sister , Airs.
Itobert Carr , who has been ill for sonic time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolph Meyer hmo Just re
turned from New York , having been sum
moned theie to attend the funcial of Mrs. M.
Mhulniassingor. wife of a prominent banker
of that city nnd mother of Mrs Mejer.
Mr. C. F Goodman loft on I'ridny for Old
Point Comfort , Vn. , to attend the iinnuiil con-
.cntion of the American I'liarmaccuticil as-
soeiatlonhicli takes place in the Hotel Ily-
gcla , September 8 , 0 and 10.
Mrs Warren M. Rogers with her maid and
child returned Tuesday from Kennebiink-
port , Mo. , where she spent the summer , the
guest of her father and mother vho o\\n a
tcry beautiful cottacout ; that famous summer
Mrs. By ion Heed and Mrs. P. B Johnson ,
childicn and maid , arrived homo this wi'ok
after a summer at Hyannlspoit , Mass Be
fore returning they made a short visit at
CriiHstoii-on-tlie-IIiulson , u summer hotel Just
u mile and a half from AVcst Point.
Mrs C II. Frederick and Miss Helen
llurnham returned Friday from a sum-
mar's vacation spent at Mount
Vcrnoa bai racks , Alabama , where Miss
Iluriihum's uiulu is stationed in command of
the ( M1T1SOII.
Miss Berth' . Yost hns returned from her
summer outing in Alaska She Is enthusiastic
over the beauties of that wonderful country ,
and gives a brilliant uord plctuio of the
Muir glacier , which is as ) tt unknown to
thousands of tourists.
The deatb of Miss Hnttlo Clnrkson this
week has caused profound sorrow among her
friends. Shu died on f uca'Juynt the Claikscm
memorial hospital. She was a sister of Mrs
Orchard , who , It will bo remembered , died of
consumption \\hiloou u southern tour.
Mr. and Mrs GuyC. Harton left on the 0
o'clock train Thursday evening for New York
city They intend being gone three weeks ,
and will bring Mrs Kolllm back with them.
Mrs Kollms is now ut Clifton Springs , hav
ing Just luturned from Kcnnobunkport , Mo
Mr Charles II. Wilson , one of Omahn'ii
rcpiiscntalivc society joui.g vicii , bos rc-
slgnol his position In the Omaha National
buik and husgonoto St. Loilisto join his
mother and with her will go to New York for
a month. Ilohas dei-iucd , after much delib
eration , totakoupbls re Idcnco in the cast.
Miss Faunio Arnold , soloist and director ol
St. Phllomcna's ' cathedral choir , "gave n
splendid lenditlon. " sajs The Catholic Citi
zen of Chelsea , Mass. , of Tuuro's 'Sancta
Maria'nt St. Koso chuuh , August 27 , Sha
has a dramatlo soprano roico which she uses
with great skill and taste. The closing ol
the hymn was espceinllj lino.
JMr. Charles Klmer Abbott and Miss Allen
White , daughter of Mrs. Lyman AVhltoot
Worcester , Mass. , were united in miuringcj
nt the lesldenco of the bride's puents.
Wcdncsdav , September ! i. After October 1
Mr. and Mrs Abbott will bo at homo nt
Twentieth and Corby streets , Onialin The
groom is well known to mnny of our citizens ,
being a member of the Apollo club and a mu
sician of moro than ordinary ability.
Mrs. Uilo lluicluogcl loft yesterday foe
New Yoik on avery bad mission Hoi sistee
has Just ustalncd n great sonow In the dentil
of her husband , Mr Max riclshmumi , who
died Thursday on board tno steamship Col
umbia \\blle en route homo fiom a winter's
sojourn In Italy , whither hoent for his
health. Tlio deceased leaves alfo nnd sir
chlldiento mourn his untimely death
Mrs. I ) S. Dundy , jr , has a rival as an nr-
dunt sportswoman in Miss Cluik of Council
Bluffs , who Is camping ntCiillioun Miss
Clark enjoys field shooting , and on any fair
day may be , seen among the snipe In und
about the Mill Creek marshes She nc\er
falls to rctuin with a peed bag of game , und
is looked ujioii to replenish the larder.
The engagement of Miss Nulllo Thomas to
Mr Ben Wade , both of Port Sill , I. T , l
announced. Miss I'homas li the daughterol
CnptalnUarll ) . Ihomas , US. A , fornurly
btatiuntd in Oiiyhu. and hoi friends In
Omaha will bo pleased to hear of her ( ? oed
fortune Mrvado is n son of Colonel Wndo
of the aimy and grandson of benntor Ucu
Miss Frances M. frny ! of Wostficld col-
lee , Hamstcad , a slstor of Mr 1'iedV. \ .
Giay of tills city , arrived from the I'aclllo
coast this week. Miss G ray , although com-
pnrutUcly ujoung womanenjojs the honor
of being professor of languages In that
famous English seminary , bho Is n tvplcnl
ICngllshonmn , blight nnd exceedingly
interesting. She passed through Omaha a
si'ort time ago for the -wist on a visit to an
other brother who resides in Cullfoi iili. Hoe
vacation has been dullghtfullv passed in see
ing the sights America has to piesentto
tourists , She leaves for London on Monday.
Dr. Hlrnoy curcH hay lovor. 13eo bldy.
Moitunry. is sorrow In the househsld of Mr.
and Mrs. F. I ) , Cooper , brcauno Friday
death bore away the joungost member ,
Frank D , Cooper , Jr. , aged about l\\o years.
Last Monday tlio llttlo ono was stricken wltU
dlnhthcrm and struggled hcioically , but
without avalP against it until death came to
his relief. 'I ho funeral will take place from
the family residence , Portj-second and Ham
ilton stieoti , AVnlnut Hill , today at J p in.
Mho remains will bolntcuodln Holy Sop <
The funeral of Albert .Tnmes.tho Infant son
of Mr and Mrs J. H Ilunnun , took placu
from the family rcsldcnco. 1 (3 ( South Twenty-
llfth stieet , to the Ilolv Sepulchre cctntlcry
IVIdny afternoon. It was attended by u
large number of tholntlmato filunds of the
parents. The Moral offerings \\cro immeious.
embracing crosses , \\rcaths and a number or
other boautlful iloslgns. The pull bcaiers
were Chillies McHiigh , JolinOnild , Mattie
JleNamaraandCharlcH Kewcomb , boys cm-
ployed in the freight auditor's oOlco of the 13.
t M , with which the lather of the deceased
has long been connected. i : > C3
Dr , Hlrnoy euros catniTli , Beoblrlif.
The moro hoixtlossly an old maid ale la ,
the more pronouncedly docs her Uuto in due *
roratlons run to dropsical cuplds nnd true >
love knots ,
Dr , Birney curescalarrii , Bco blilf.