8 THE OMAHA DAII/Y / BEE , SU2sTDA.Y , ; SEPTEMBER 7 , 1800-SIXTEEN TAGES. JIAYDKN' I1IIO9. Grocery Department. Potted hum , chicken nml turkey , Ho 2 | > oiin < lB can corn beef for loc ; picnic liutiiH , FC ; best No. 1 hnin , 12jc ; urcuk- foftl bacon , lOc. bonolons hum , IOc ; nono- eui'li mincemeat , 7jc per packttgo' , crack ers , Mida nml oyHter , fie jxjr pound ; very 8 barn S-'xv 1- ounce best laundry Boiip , , - , - bar inoltk'if canlllu uoin : , oc ; bollloil niustiird. oc ; iinmtnrd sirulnca , lOc ; best corn nnd lomaloes , NJo can ; 3 pound cnti iniK'herel III tomnto sauce , 2oc. Wo Fell you the very bust country but ter , lliie , 1 lo and ll'.o . per pound. Cream ery , 17io , llc ) nnd ( > c. KLOUU FLOUH. KLOUTI. Owing to tlio win-city of wheat flour JinB iiilvtincctl , but our prices remain the Eiitnc. Snowflnkc , $1. Hoct Minnesota superlative , SI. 35. UuvisNo. 10 , ft 1.00. IK AS. Bettor burpalns thiin over in tons nnd colTocs at Hiivdeii Him on Monday. Sun dried . Japan , UOe , r > < : and Mo. . Our oOc huskut llrcd Japan gocd Mon day nt ! ! " > < ; ; our ( loc at Wo , out'M at liOc. f { enioiiibor lliui-o ai-o no liner tens in tliu iimrliot. Young Hyson 35cloo nnd ooc. \Vo will lot our Wo gunpowder down to 'iOc , our fiOe to lOc , our COo to SOo and 60c gunpowder Monday wo will acll at COc. COFPKKS. Rio 2oe , old irorornniuiitJnvn 30c , and the bust prilvto ; growth Ancola Java Monday gocH at 3c. ! ! Guiiteniulu Monday H2e. Our C'osla Illco blond , tlio heat drink on earth In eolTco , Monday wo boll at Hoc. 1JAYDHN BROS. , DrvKoods and groceries. HOUSE l-'UilNISIJING GOODS. . Flower pots wo just received from the Hod Wing pottery company ot lied Wing , Minn , , liO.OOO llowcr pots , they nro llio flnt'st ornainontal llowcr pots inado and -wo hnvo put u ] ) rieo on them \vliiclitlioy have novorboeii sold. 2-lneh pots Hccucli. 'Mncli 2c each. J-hich with mincer 35c each. 5-lncli with mincerI jo each. 0-Inch with saucer 5c } each. 7-inch with saucer 10o each. 8-inch with saucer I2jc each. U-ini'li with saucer lo / each. Very line largo hanging basket 15c. " \Vo alto rceoivcd 10,000 gallons of butter - tor nnd preserve jars and milk crooks nt 7Jopor gallon. .A few mom jolly glasses lelt ; one pint glass for 15e per do/en , solid brass snap chains I0 < ' , per yard , a very good currycomb - comb iio , worth llic ; Gorman uromohnr- nets snap Ic , sold ovorywliero for lOc each ; Maud S fwrycomli 10 , worth SOo ; 11 solid steel currycomb lOc , worth 7oo ; a copper-bottom wash boiler Me ) , worth 81.5 ; u cojiper-rhnincd spun bottom tea kettle Hoe , worth and Mild everywhere for $ l.l. ! > ; tlio Chicago double grinding cofl'eo mill 60c , worth $1.50 ; a largo bottle tle of inuehlno oil and aean for 10edoor ; hingoH from 2o a ] ) alr up to ioo ! per pair ; an imported Sliellicld btcel carving bet Uc ) , worth $ ! . " ) ( ) ; llvo boxes tacks for Co ; llvo dozen clothes pins for Oe ; a nlco wiwhtub 6oc , a good washboard IGc ; a wringer that beats the world for $1,50 and tlio No. 2 Western washer S-I.GO , cuns and saiic-ors ! ! 8o nor sot , , wash bowl and pitchers 7r > o per sot , chainhor.s COo each , soap dishes 5c each , mugs Co oaeh , pliites fie each , fruit saucers lie each , lOqt. tin pales lee each , Mrs. Potts' and Madam Streetor's patent Hal irons ! J irons hnndlo and stand for $1.CO worth $2,7. " > and U.'I.OO , milk pans , pudding pans , paddio pans and pie tiijs lo each , largo B/.O milk pans He , copper bottom tin kolt.loH SJoo eaeli and on nil tin tea kettles ISu , nieklo plated ciisn'd 2c ; ! , knives and forks GOc per sot , tin spoons 60 per set , table spoons lo ( ) per act , 2 boxes of stove blacking Ce , 5 packages of Btovo polish fie , quart bottle of the best Ifideg amnumin 15c per bottle , tumblers 2o { each. ITAYDKNBttOS. , Dry Goods and House Kiirnibbings. FORCING DOWN PUIOKS ON SHOES , Ouv shoo department is badly crowded and now goods arriving daily. Wo must have room , and to got it , will olTor school shoes this wcolc for l)8c ) , sizes 0 to 12 , solid solar tips , worth 8I.2.J. Missus' line grain s print' liecl school BhooK , 12 to 2 , $1.2.3. Mines'solid grain , solar tip , school ehocH , 1 to 2 , $ l.t5. ! Mihsos' fine kid , spring heel shoes , 12 to 2. $1.75 , worth $2.2.5. Misses fine Fr. Dongolti pprlng lieol Blioos , 11 lo 2 , $ ! . . ) , worth $2.CO. Boys' line A. calf button shoos , 11 to 2 , S1.2T > , worth -31.oO. Boys' line B. calf button shoes , 3 tooj , ll.'lfi , $1.75 and $2.25. Ladles' line Dongolu kid button shoes , I1.-I8. $2 und $2.1)fl. ) Ladles' line Dongola hand sewed but ton shoos , $ l-15 ! , worth $1. Men's line B. calf congress and lace shoes , $1.50 , $1.8-5 and $2.-lfi. Men's line calf hand sowed lace shoes , J3.50 , * 3.U.5 and $ o. o.IIAYDEN BROS , , Dry Goods and Shoes. 1IAYDKN IlltOS. Jleal RonuiilH Bargains for Tomorrow In ladies' and gents' furnishing goods department. Tomorrow wo oomnionoo n grand wile of ladies' , gents' and chil- dren'ii underwear \yhieh will oulipso nny tiling over given in this city. RADIUS' KNIT UNDKU\\vEAn. Ladles' jortoy ribbed vests , heavy fall weight and long sleovcs , only 23u each , regular price COc. Case of ladies' camols'-hair vests and pants , only COo each , actually worth "fie. Ladies' ' scarlet lamb's wool vests and pants , only 7Co eaeli , worth $1. Children's scarlet nnd natural wool vests and pants , only lee for 10 inch , with u slight rise on the larger si'/es. CENTS'UNDKRWKAH. 1 ease of gouts' camel's hair undor- wcar , double breasted , only 50o , re duced from 7. " > c. 1 vwo of gents' camel's hair under wear shirts and drawers , only Goo each , reduced froml. 1 lot of gents'ovorshlrIs , Jersey lining , onlv $1.25" worth $2. YARNS. YAHXS. "V\To nro hcndqnnrtct-H on yarns. Fine Saxony yarn only l0o per skein. Zephyrs Go per ounce. Spanish yarns 12Je per skein. " \A o carry llio largest line of German knitting yarns In the city at lowest prices. Do not forgot OUIl COUSKT sale to morrow. Grand sale of children's hostory for to morrow , HAYDKX BROS. , Dry goods and carpets. Tlio 09-cent store , 11115) ) Farnam St. , is undoubtedly the most attractive store in Oimiha , Have you been llio new arrivals of teaboimblo goods. I'iaiioH , IMaiioH. I'lnnoH , Mueller & Sohmollcr have opened their now locution , 107 S. 10th st. . with a complolo line of llio colobnited llard- mnn , Decker Bros. , Fischer and Kvorott Pianos , Before buying call nnd get our prices and terms. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest , Grlgor'a Tea Store , 1609 Douglas st. ; Btato Agonta for Oneida Community unucd goods. Mull orders filled. "THE FAIR" SELLING OUT , There's Only One Pkco to Stop Now , and That's ' the Tain "DrnndclN" Oolnt ; Out of Htnliicss Tlio .Miijjnot. That Drawn tlio I'oo- pli ! I'oi-ty I-jAtra Sitlrftpnoiilo Hired Grent UIIJ-M .Vow. Hefore goinj ; inlo dclalls of "Tlio Fnlr'a" soiling out wo would impress upon you that being a real , genuine "closing out' ' ot tlio t-nllro busincsd cer tain noods. such IIH calicot'H , muslins , Inghiuns , otc. , cannot bo reduced very much , the nun-gin on such boliitf only from { o lo perhaps lo a yard. As It is \vo have reduced 7e and So LIN'KN CTIASH tolo. . 7c and 8e DLK/U'HHI ) MUSLiX to oe. 7e COTTON FJ-.ANNKL tole. . Tlio.se cuts worn stniill , yet in reality they nro us deep no heavy all wool -NJo llnninil at Wo or tlio entire turkey red and bleached damask that sold for 40o and now goes at il. > . PUSHING OUT ULANKBTS at a fjroat rate , for the $7 blanket and llio $8 blanket will dwindle down to the Hi-iisn of a * 4. 2-5 bill and the SiJ.oO and $ y blanket becomes a blesalnL' for $1.07 , WE AUK CLOSING OUT "THE FAIUl" And wo don't care for cost. The dress goods t.0mo in for their share of the cuts. The shears are in the double fold cashmere Melill llio mark is down tea a dinio , and the 7oc 60-inch all wool silk llnisli French honrletta is clipped touoc- T1IK COATS AND OVliUCOATS MOULIN. For the loss falls heavily there. The $10 nnd $12 Nowmarkcls have dropped to a $0 figure , and the S-o pluali New- markets ( jo out to a $10 tuno. Wo Imvo llred away llio jn-ico supporter - porter of llio ladie.s' anil children's hose. Tlio price of indies l"ie caslunoro lioso lias dropped to 2oc , and inliuils' all wool 2"o stot-klnpfshavo fallen lo a dime. GOLD AND SII.VEH TAKE A TUMBLE. On Iholt- own umbrella heads for wo pitched the $1.00 ! gold and silver handled umbrellas down to OSc. and the gold and silver handled umbrellas ut $1.50 have dropped to Gilo. DOLLAR STRAW HATS FORGc. Wo will close out every straw lint in the house tomorow , worth up to $1.00 , for 5c. Hoc winter caps for lOc. 1L13UK ARE CUTS THAT YOU CAN FEEL. $1.60 seat-let underwear for 76c , all the $1 nndci'wo at- for COc , Sue underwear cut to Kic. Going out of the clothing business , fir ing1 out tlio shoes. Lordy , how tlio knife outers hero. Tlio suit lliat sold for $120 goes for S12 , the shoo that sold for $ ! goes for $1.60. The hoys' Bull and child's suit , the long pants and the short ones , they all go liUo a Hush , for " \Ve are going out of business. "Wo are closing oat tlio store. AVo'vo cut tlio prices so deeply that the crowds cry for more. So ends another chapter of the revela tion 01 llio closing of "Tlio I-air. " J. L , I3KANDE1S & SOIv'S , 502 lo 512 South lath. Tlio Helen Insco's .YttrnetloiiH. Manapor Lawlor of the Eden Museo has prepared a varilablo feaht of nmuso- ments for his patrons the coming week. During the past week ho has enjoyed an immense business , and spurred on by tlio best of patronage ho has doubled llio usual bill for the week. First and above all comes the Dashington Brothers , who are famed fur and near for their clover acting. The three brothers represent comedy , acrobalic feats and song nnd cliinco sketches. In the latter they uro particularly skilful and their famous triple silver statue clop : lias made them fame world-wide. The Ilnllics , assisted by a clover company of artists , will lire- sent a roaring farce comedy , entitled "The Telephone Agent. " This picco alone would make a line attraction. But still more , Ihcro is Leonl nnd Nelson , a team of soil } ; nnd dnnco artists , und Collins and Bar ton , black-faco comedians , who are exceedingly clover in all their parts. The Bcothovon qum-tctto of jubilee sing ers is Another stella attraction that adds to the porformanccs. TJieso sweet- voiced singers are from the sunny south and are admitted to bo among the peers of songsters. DeCaino , the famous jug gler and musician , and Lorraine , llio clover contortionist , go far toward com pleting ono of the best performances over appearing in a museum. The curio and art halls are replete with curiosities , freaks , works of art , pictures and sculp tures. Tlio famous wax figures are still on exhibition. The "Groat Hippodrome and Wild West Shows" will hold forth at tlio IlaSo Ball Park Sunday , Sept. 14 , and will fur- nlbh amusement to all comers. A Curd , Tlio success of the Paragon coal , which wo introduced a year ago , lias been so marked that certain disreputable per sons , dealers who disgrace tlio business , intunillntr to illoh from us nnd lo appro priate to themselves the fruits of oui enterprise , are soiling what purports to bo the genuine Paragon coal. The fact is wo are the exclusive agents of the mine that produces Paragon coal , and no other dealer in the city of Omaha can secure it for salo. If any dealer offers lo sell you Paragon coal , sot him down for a fraud , who would steal from you as quickly as ho would lie lo you. You can got Paragon coal only from us at 10th and Douglas. OMAHA COAL , Coin : k LIMB Co. ByJ. A , SuxuKKLA.vi ) , Pre&luent. Great ribbon purchase on exhibit Monday. Iftileoner's. $3,000 grocery stock at unction , begin ning Sept. 10,10 a. in. , continuing until closed out. ISiO Farnam. L.V. . NKWKLI. , Auctioneer. Winner of Sehoolply's sealskin cloalc guaranteed u perfect tit. 1-115 Douglas. Conk'B first-class family shoo fitoro , 13111 l-'arnum Hired , soils line 8tiocs $1 u | iilr ; cheaper than any lottery shoo shop in the oily , unil you have a larger and tiaurstocl ; tobok-ot from. Through coaches Pullman pnlnco sleopors.ilining cars , free reellningclialr cars to Chicago nnd intervening point via the grout Rock Island roulc. Tieko ollico 10UL' , Sixteenth nud Farnam. Millinery. The latest as cheap ns the cheapest. All are welcome. Illckman's 21 IS. 10th streol. CarutHiuul | Draperies , Chas. Shlvorlclc Ic Co. , 1200-8-10 Farnam. Take your watch repairing to C. L Eriekson , 200 N. 10th. The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation o Omaha , Council BlulTa , DCS Moines am Chicago business is the Rock Islam vestlbulcd limited , leaving Omnha at 4:15 : p. m. dally. Ticket otllco 1002 , Six- tooutk and Furiwin sU. Omaha. HKNMHO.N ItltOS. fc'nlc. 100 dozen very Inrgo nlzo turkiph towels nnd very superior quality nlways sold at 2oc to ! V5c ; Monday , you can buy i them at 18c each , and don't you forget ' it : tlioy arc cheap. 100 do/on turmsh towels , just for ono day , ! ) c each. 10 pieces fancy scrim at fiio itynrd ; cheap at 15e. Monday wo will offer 0 dozen turkey red table covers , largo sii'-en , llrnt finality , fiibt colors , at We cauh , worth $1.2,5. Hoys' ' pants are still down. CO dozen J white napkins at $1.33 per dozen ; cheap at$1.8o. 100 pieces unbleached canton flannels it f > (5 a yard , Standard dress prints oc a yard. A lot of apron cheek ginghams ut oe a aril ; worth 7c. Gouts' jersey ribbed underwear lo lose , Wlc'cach ; worth $1. The best canton llaiinelon earth at lOo a yard , \Viclo indigo blue prints lOc a yard , vorth 121c. An imini'iifio line of new dress goods , unoy plnids , plain cloths , etc. , all lit pedal prices. Another now lot ot black goods Justin. See them. Ladles' chemisette collars 3c each , vorth 2oc. Children's hose at 1 lo pair , all sizes , ormorly sold from 3"o > to ( l-5c. Hoys' school hose , can't ' wear 'em out. 2oc pair , all sizes. 50 do/en fast black sitlno 20-inch um- jrollas. just for ono day , with fancy ox- dlzed handles , only 81 each. Ladles , our warranted 2inch ( silk um- ) rollas at $2.75 uro now in ; beautiful line inndlcs. \Vonro closing out our house furiiisli- ng goods in basement ; get a plum bo- ore tlioy are closed out. When you need carpets , curlainsrugs , oilcloths , bhades , etc. , wo are thopronor ilaco to tret the right prices , LAIHISS' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. At nearly half price. 14 dozen ladles cambric corset covers , "Monday , 21c each , worth50c. Big bargain in ladies' ' muslin under wear at OUc each , worth Tfioto $1.CO. See our ladies' night gowns , hem stitch yoke , trimmed with line cm- jroidery , only 75c each during this salo. CORSET SALE MONDAY. Buy your corsets now and nave 50 10r cent. French woven corset , only 7Ce a pair , worth SI.23 Our entire stock ladles' flao colored icrsoys , Monday , & 1.US , each sold at (3.50. ( $4.00 and $5.00. Children's laeo bonnets half price Monday , 50e each. Children's plush bonnets half price , iOc cnch. Great bargains in our cloak depart ment. Don't pass us when you want a cloak at away down price.BENNISON BENNISON BROS. Fine horse and phaeton for $200 until September 10. 2214Virt street , Great riblion purchase on exhibit Monday. Falconer's. The labyrinth at tlio stale fair scorns to bo destined lo ho the drawing card. "Everybody is curious to know what it Is and the force of men engaged in its erection are being delayed a good deal by the thousands of questions asked thorn what is it ? The best way to find out about it is lo go in and sco for yourself , The labyrinth is open for all Monday and during llio whole week. Rousted Alive. Tins it over occurred lo you when reading accounts of railway accidents that nine-tenths of all the deaths re ported are the result of tire caused by car stoves and coal oil lamps ? The Chicago , Milwaukee fc St. Paul rail way's now solid vestibule trains now running between Omaha and Chicago are heated entirely by sleiun and lighted throughout by their own patent electric lamps. No other line can olTer their patrons such absolute comfort nnd protection. Not a spark of flro or a drop of coal oil except in tlio engine. Try the Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Paul Ry. , when you go east. Cars leave the union depot , Omaha , dully at 0:10 : p. in. , arriving at Chicago'at S:30 ) : the fol lowing morning. Get tickets and sleeping car berths at union ticket of fice , 1501 Farnam st. , Barker block , J. E. PUKSTON , Pass. Agt. F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. The now oflicos of the great Rock Island route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam streetsOmaha , nro the finest in the city. Call and see thorn. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates. ( ioiitloiticii Always Dcslro that their cigars shall bo of the best. To obtain sueli bo cert ; ' ' .n that vou call on Win. Goedecko & Co. , In the Barker block , loth and Purnam sis. Seaman phaetons best and cheapest. A. Max MolzlicMiiHir Oo. Fine watch repairing , 1413 Douglas st Seaman's carriages best and cheapest. An elegant assortment of pattern hats and bonnuts just rceoivcd. Mine , Ilielc- man , 211 S. 10th street. Try the White Front market. Witntctl. Four our now dressmaking depart ment , competent waist and skirt hands ; also experienced operators ; permanent plncesat good wages to first class help. Tlio Morse Dry Goods Co. Great ribbon purchase on exhibit Monday. Falconer's. Winner of Schoelply'a sealskin cloak guaranteed a perfect lit , 1-115 Douglas. 1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets is the new Hook Island ticket ollico. Tick- els to all points east at lowest rates. Tlio AVorM Uo Mnro. And HO do the elegantly appointed trains of Iho Burlington roulo. 15y lliis favorite line , selected by the U. S. gov ernment lo curry the fast mail , you have the ehoico of three daily trains for Chicago and the east ; two for Kansas City and tlio south ; two for Denver and the west. The Burlington No. 2. Fast Express , vestlbulcd throughout , equipped with clcgnnt Pullman cars furnished with well selected libraries , reclining chair cars ( seats free ) , and dining car loaves Omaha 4:30 : p. m. , arrives Chicago 8 tu m. . borving breakfast before arrival. No , 0 , the fast mall , leaves Omaha 0:10 : p. m. , arrives Chicago 1 p. in. , equip ment nnd dining car eorvlco up to the highest ( .tandiird. Ticket ollico , 1 ! J3 Fa mam fit , W. F , Valll , agent. Fifty per cent account on sheet music Omnha MusioCo. , 1510 Dodgo. Tickets nt lowest rates nnd superior accommodations via Iho great Ilocl Island routo. Ticket otJieo , 1C02 Six looiuh and Furnara streets , Onmha. Ileforo A piano examine tlio now scale Kim ball piano. A. Ilospe , 1513 Douzlas. IIAYIU-JV HltOri , Hpoclnl Hir ; itiiR | on Motulnr. fiO doflno tlnmnik towels , Rl/.o 2o by 52 Inchesoulyii-'iaomuhor Ddoz. Special bargain in | odd lots of crepe , liucli or damask towels , extra Un-go size , choice lUocaoh. HOO pieces of wlilto llannel just re ceived. AVe have tno best stock of wlilto Ihinncls in Omahaimnglng In price f rom fie yard toll.oOya.nl. All wool rod twilled Jlnnnol "ISo yard. IS-lneli wldonll linen brown crush , oo ard. 20-liieh wide allllnonbleacheil crash , io yard. While bed spreads in great variety at 7c ; BSe , 75o , 8So , $1 and $1.111 each. lOcwhlto checked iinlnsooks reduced o 5o yard , llljc line dress gingham now Ojc yard. 2oc zephyr gintrhain now 15 yard. 112JC lawns now ocyard. Fine dark Klylos In sateen IOc , 12jc , 5c , llc ) timl Ufa yard. Indigo blue calico , floyard. Good dark comfort calico,2-Jcyard Good , clean cotton balls , -I rolls for Me. Straw tlcliing , Coyanl ; cotton llannul , > c yard. luxtra bargain In bleached cotton flaii- lol nlSound IOc yard. Extra heiivyun- blcaehed cotton liannol , IOc yard , Ji'i wide rubber Blioeting reduced to oc yard. " \Voaro8howlngBoino extra bargains n blankets.To have a big assortment o Helootfrom. If you Intend to buy any dankotslliinseason goto headquarters , vhlch isllayilon UroH , , and post your- elf in regard to quality and prices. It osts you nothing to do this and it will ave you money every time. 1IAYDEN BEOS. , Dry Goods and Carpets. DIIUO D ftpAHTMKNT. NOTE PIUCES. Quinine sulpliato COc per ounce. Kxtract beef IlDc. Trammer's extract of malt 75c , Palno's celery com pound 75c. \Vnrner'H tafo euro Doc. Hood'ssarsaparilla 7.ic. C'lilictnu Io.sohciit7oc. { IlydroleinoToc. Kennedy 'a Medical discovery $1.15 , ljjorcos | golden medical discovery 7oc. Piorco's fnvorilo prescription 7oo. Lydial'lnlihiun's compound 75c. Scott's emulsion 75c. Swift's ' spccilleToc. Ueef iron nnd wlno ( Wyctte's ) . Ilosford's acid phospluitcs , Hnll'ri lung balsam , large , Too , Ayer's hair vigor 7i5c. United milk -Ulc. 1'ozzonl's face powder 3.ic. Swan's ' down ( Totlow's ) 15c. Pear's soap 15c. Cuticura soap 15c. I'otroieuni jolly 5c per bottlo. So/.odont OOc. Uubifoam ( Hoyt's ) 2flc. 1IAYDI3N BROS. , Dry Goods and Drugs. Visit the 99-ccnt store Monday. So mo wonderful values are ottered in dolls and albums , XI3W S101UJ. Nciv Goods. Now stvlcs. Now prices. The People's Clothing House , loOIJ Douglns stroot. Black suspenders worth JiOcfor 2oe. 4-ply linen collars worth 20c for IOc. 4-jlv linen cults.worth 2"e for 3Cc. While slilrts worth 76e for 48c. White sliirts worth SI for ( Me. Fancy worsted suits worth $12 for ' $7,50. Cassimoro suits -worth $15 for $10. - Prince Albert suits worth $110 for $13.50. Black fancy cheviot suits worth32o for $1(1. ( Light weight overcoats vorth 810 for $ U. Light weight overcoats worth 315 for $ 'J. Pants made up in any shape ( it prices guaranteed to bo 25 per cent below value. There will bo no shoddy goods bandied by us. Each article guaranteed as rep resented or money will bo cheerfully re funded. Grand opening sale commences tomorrow morning. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE , 1303 Douglas St , Great ribbon jnirehaso on exhibit Monday. Falconer's. Special fialo in huts til Block k Iley- mon's , 10'JN. IGth bt. Nollco to Soiitli Uiiialiu Toaclior.-t , SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. , Sopt. 3,1800 , All teachers recently elected at the mooting of the school board Sept , 1 , 181)0 ) , who do not report at the High school building on Monday next , Sept. 8 , at 8 o'clock ' tu m. , will consider their election void. F. J. PEitsoxs , President of School Uoard , 500 patterns of mouldings to select from , and ! ! 0 per cent saved on frames at S. Hoyii's , 1411 Dodge bt. IIall'Unto. Iloino Seekers Incursions , The Missouri Tactile Hallway. On Sept. Oth and Std and Oct. llth will sell tickets to points in Arkansas , Texas , Tennosso , Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Louisiana and -Florida , at ono faro for the round trip. For further in formation call at ticket oflico , n , o. cor ner of 115th and Farnam or at depot 15th nnd Webster. J.O.Piiiht/ippr Tnos. F.GODFUKY , A. G. F. k P. A. P. & T. A. AJ'-inch wide frame , fitted , for 85 cts. , at S. lloyn's , 1114 Dodge at. T3ny shoes at School ply's and gel ticket for Iho $100 soalskm,1115 Douglas Special sales Monday in dolls , loys albums and housolfurnishing goods a the tl'J-ccnt ' sloi-o , 1IJ19 Farmm st. ! J IIARYKST 1SXOUIIS10.VS SOUTH 3 Vlj tlio AVulinsli 1 ton to , On Soiitembor 0 , 2. . and Oelobor IHho Wabash will sell round trij > tickets to points in Texas , Arkansas , Tennessee MisbiHsipnl , Louisiana , Alabama , Geor gin and Hoi-Ma nt Half Faro , good for SO clays. Romomlior the AVnbasli is the quickest route South and Southeast Koelining Chair- and Pullnum Uulfot Sleeping Cars on nil Irnins , Only 15 hours to St. Louis , : ! " 4l 2J Chattnnoogn , 40 " " Now Orleana , 10 } " " Now York , with corresponding fast tirno to nl points South and cast. For tickets am full Information in regard to routos.alsc fora copy of the Southern IIorocHccKors Guide , call nl the Wtibusli Ticket OIUcc 1502 Parnam street , Oniahn , or wrlto G N. Clayton , Northwestern Passenger A sent , Omaha , Nob. Ons Fixture * are 'Vrt. Ill no line of house furnishing is ar used so much as in lighting. l\To artiolc.'s of furnlluroadd more to the interior decorations of u room than nnnppropri atogasor olcctrio Hxturo. It need nol bo said by nay ono that they cannot Hm what suits thorn in this line if they will visit the show rooms of Htusull , Pralt A Co. , 810 S. 15th bt. , whore they carry ono ot the largest and finest lines in the country. Their stock is largo , tliolr designs uro the latest , they deal in nothing else. \T R ll I lit Tow Qocila Are Bushing in Upon Us Every Day , Wo Will IMnoo oil Our Tiilld OO Cartoons of the Ulioluust ot U. < ! , Sitlu-ilKo : Our New York agents' ' purchase nt mblle sale.Vo will niako five prices on them. AT CIC. COO pieces nil silk grosgrnlnsatliietlgo ibbonvortli \ 12lc. AT 8iC. fl"5 pieces all silk gros grain satin edge ribbon , worth IHc. AT 121C. -150 pieces nil silk gros ( ; rviti satin odyo ribbon , formerly sold tit 17-ic. AT loC. COO pieces all sillt gros grain satin edgeanil blade mcriro ero\m \ rdge rib bon , sold al22J . " 00 pieces all slllc gros grain satin edge rlbhon AT IOC. sold at 27ic. FALL DRESS GOODS. 1S50. Prepare for llio cold weather , when you can gel a nice now- stock to select from. Henriettas at50c , 75c , $1 $ , $1.25. Serges at oOc , COo , Too , $1. CainelottesalToc and $1. Suitings atS1.37 nnd $1.50. Flannels at 50e , GOe , Goc , Toe , $1. lh-o ; > acloths at $1 , $1.00 , $1.73 , $2 , I'laiiis atGOo,75cl , $1.150,81.50 $ , Combinsitloii suits at $9 lo $35. $ The above prices are worthy your ser ious consideration. If. B. FALCONER Seaman's carriages best nnd cheapest. Monday morning Block & IIo.yinan , 10 ! ) N. IGthst. , will Imvo n special silo o ( clothing and furnlsiiinjf yoods at prices whicli will nslonlsh you. Ifornnt I'omil Dead. Raleigh , N. C. , dlapnlch to thofilobo- Doniocrtit : The body of Robert IsT. l a le , an ngod man , was founildondin his room at Wilmington. Throe years ngo lOaglo wont there and lived nluio&t the lifo of a liormit. Ho wis very reticent , but was always kindly treated and appeared al ways to have money. Saturday ho was last scon alive. His room was broken into , and his body , naked , win found lying on two iiaiii < etH on tuo iioor. Tlio windows anil door wc-i-o tightly fastened on the inside , and death was evidently from natural caucus. There wcro some wounds sit the throat , probably bv fliiffor nails. It was found Hint ISafilo , who was Borne eifjlity years old , had been a lieutenant in the regular army in the war with Mexico , and was moil tinned for ( 'ulliintry in tluit war. Ho was in 185o agaiiiappointed alioutoimnt. Hy direc tion of Quartermaster General liivtehol- Jor , United Slates army , ho was hurled in the National cemetery lit Wil mington. Pine watch repairing a specially at C. L. ErlekBon'ti , 200 N. Kith nt. , Masonio block. Old gold and silver taken in cxohanjro for dlainouds and silverware at C. Ji. Krieksou'u , 200 N. 10th st. One or America's "Wonders. T ho Sioux City Corn I'uhu-o people have spared no Dalns to mnko the Corn Palaeo o ( 1800 surpass all others. The grand street pageant , the design of which isinchtirco of the French artist brought over by the Iardi Gras authorities of NowOrlenns , will bo an additional at traction , which in itself is worth Koiiitf to seq , and tlio musical features o ( tlio Corn Palace are more charming- than over. It will bo hold September - > to Octo ber 11 , and thi ) Sioux City & I'ueilloaud 1 < \ E. &M. A' . R. R'dshavoinndo reduced rates on certain days for tliis occasion , and will provide llio necessary equip ment and train service to enable ] iccilo to visit this fjrsmd exhibition. Write Jonas ftl. Cleland , secretary , Sioux Oily Cqi'ii Pula'co , Sioux City , for informa tion relative to the Corn I'alace , anil .1. It. Uuchnnnn , General Passenger -Agent , Omaha , Neb. , or any local iiyeiit o ( the Sioux City & Pacific and R 12. & } [ . Y. K. U'dsfor further Information as to rates , trains , etc. x COMKS incir. Countable nnd Otlicr Fcos In Tiliiiur | Canon iYpjwl OuliI Wilt or A-tlvooates. . Burlington , la , , special lo the Chieajjo Ilcnild : Thorc Is consternation in tlio prohibition cam ] ) in this city. Claims to tlio amount of S2,000vero : ! \ presented to the board of county supervisors now in session , for attorney , justice of the peace and constable fees in liquor cases lilcd clurfng the lust Hireo months. In stead ot allowing' these claims as linn been customary , the board laid them over until the December session , coupled with tlio order that each claim ho tlion accompanied by a eertUicalo showing1 by whom tlio information was filed. This onlor 51 complied with will cxposo the whole syslcm by whieh the county Is being robbed under the cloak of tlio pro hibitory law. T. J. Truloolc , cliiilrmim of llio republican couiily ecmlral oom- iniUoo , is tlio prosecutor In the majority of the eases 11 led and his share of the spnilsisSl.l.TO. . IIIKF "QUAHTKHMAPTBUIS on icr- C Oin.ilm. Nub. , Hi'lilcmbcr l > , If ! * ) . Sriilia iiiuiKMuK In trlplic-iili' , stiliji-et lo tliu usual conditions. Mill l > i' ' ri-c-i'lvucl ' nl tliH olllcu null I tuoo'ulouk | i. iu.lctcjber ( , IVJO. at which tlmo ami plnco tlioy will ! > < > oponcil , In Iho JIIPSIMICU of bUlcltis. for furnlshliiK mid cli-llvory to Iho ( JunrtorniaNti-r'K HuniirlniL-nl In this elty.or other iolntHspccllli'l ) ( by tlio lildilcr. M'vontr- ' lhuricuv ( ) lry horsus. l.T. Sroscncs tliurl/lit to inject tlio whole or uny part ( ) ( tiiiylilii ri'- cclvu < i.and toc-oiisldor lilclsfor iilcsumiiiiliiT of horses tlian niuiiliornilvi-rtlsixl for. Prefur- unoo will UcclvtMito iittlelcsof ( loim-sllc pro- < 1 net lun , c-oniiil ions of price iunl iiliilllv | \ > < : \H \ ufliml and nncoiilmotw 11 boa wmcluilfur fur- iiibliliiK urtlclos of forultrn iiroiluitlonwlun tliu urtlclu oKiiltiblo ( ; ( | iiillly : ofilmiu'stlu ' iiro- liiicllonciinbo obtained. Ulanlc foriusfor Mil- dlii ? ami ulrciilurKivlii ! ; full liiforiiinlloii niul ri'milri'iiioiilsvlll _ | H > furiililii U < m iipiilluiillmi hlioulil Ijo iniirUcd "I'lopiMtU for i-avnjry iKimcs. " ami nililii'SM'il to the iiiKlcrslKiicd. M'M. II. II IHill I'.S , Lluiitc-niint Uolonul und Deputy yimru-rmiisttr tltiiorul , I. S. A. . ( 'Ujil f / ) > ' InpiiifiLtitr' Lf/l Jl'Nl'Jl Notion to ContraclorH. Foiilc-ilpropiisali will bo rfcolviil by llio City Clerk n ( thticlty of North Hind. Nubiuslca , up n'docluiooii ! , Poiiti'iiiliiT iTiiul , If'H ' , forllio orvct limof uClty llalllinll'llnr. ' In tliu city of Noi tli llencl NuurasUa. E-uld Imlldliitf to bu built ueoordluK t < > pliuis timl spcollliMllons of Mild building , to ho been at the City ( Jlcrk'H ( jlllc-o liiHaldclty. Kui-li bid mnstlU iiccoiiiriiili'l | ( by u crrtl- Jlcil tflionlc of fHK ) , Tin ? I'lly Couiu-ll of mid lly onlerof thc.'lty ( Co J. riNK North nerd , Ncbruika. t'liiteiubur 3rd. IbVO , itAVni.v ; Dross Hoods IIir/fid 11 H. The spnco devoted lo dress poods Is morolhnniloublo nud tlio stock is ( our times In irmgnltudoiii stylonnilnunilty , Our prices tire bcyotul compotlllou , Nolo thcso ftorlhiK1 Inr nins : 75 plecea 4Olnchvowtod jilnlds in nil slindca ntoOc , rofiulur M quality. lOOconildiinllon suits , imported to Poll nt$10. A\ro \ Iwuglit them nt n bargain anil will selV them at 31.50 nnd } 5.7o , lOOpleeea french honrlotlns li ) incho wlilo , now BhiiJos nt 60i' , worth " 5o com- pn.ro goods. lee imported -Ill-inch licnrlcttns on falo at 81 ; no liner fnhrlc oncnrtli. 110 pieces sill { witrp henrlottus InehiM wide , now thadcs oiibnloiit 81. 2o , worth $2 , 12. ) pieces line vool homiettas nt20c , worth $1 , Tills dcparlinenl Is sliowlnpr the best values in sllhs , in linings iiml in tftnv lIlitlL'S. CHITJUUN'S ) CT.OAUS. 07styles iuehililron's cloaks , rnnftlng In prlco [ miull.a to the llncst donk nuide. \YKAI'S. JACICKTS AX1) ) CLOAKS. Our cloak ( stock is so extensive in variety uiul ntyle.s jind .soreasonable In price , no ' is the tlmo to buy. I wale on full milliiioi\y. vf plume" ) , now tips , new feathers , nuwtriinmiiijTH , no\v lints ami nowormi- inonts anil reasonable priiv ? . CARl'KTS , DHAl'KHIKS. Standard , cm-pels atSOc'o5e-10i ! and 50o. All wool extra super carpoH at 5oe , COeKlcCSc and \vorth75oto \ H.aj , liiipoi-linitsaloon lace curlalns , Too , 8.e , $1 $ up lo $ ; iii3pair : , worth Jl.Uoup to $ ) . .50 , Curtain scrim at He yard , Fanoysci-ini , Iftjyard. Rnifjco allkfl at20e,2ricfltid 3of. Finest Japan silks at oOo , 7oc anil Sot1. Poi'tieres , dot toil b > viss for pash and drapers and fringes alKpedal m-ieea. \Yo show lliu lar oithiicof line shades In Omaha. Holland shades on fiirinp fixture ? , 10o. \vniN ; nuos. , Dry coodsniiciearicts. | R.IIUH lo ( lie State l- ilrla the From September - \ lo 12 , the Burlington - ton will soil round Irip iicliets to Jjin- coin at one fare , with 50c lidded for adinlsBion to the fair grounds , tickets arood to return to September 13. On \Vcdnosdiiyiuid Thursclnv , ScptcnihorlO : md 11 , special traina will he run , low- in < , ' 0maha at 8:15 : a. 111,11 iidroturning the same day. Tic-Uct ollico , Itlil Fai- namst. \V. F. VAU I , , Agent , Special pants sale , 125 per cent reduc tion on nil foodsiit Ul.oci ; v < c HK-YMAS'S , 100 ] NT , lUth Street. Council IllnlTs anil Oninlia Driving IlllC. TUKSDAV , OCTOT1KR 7 , 1S90. 2 : . ' ! ( ) pai-iiijr , purse $ 'tO ( ) . 2:25 : trotting1 , purse $ .jijfl. Thrce-yoar-old trotliiig stake associa tion adds $100. EntranceIO cnehto { jo with stilco. : \VKDNKSDA Y,0TOHKK8. 2:50 : U-ottinir , imr.sojOO. : 2liO : trotting. $ - ( ) . Two-year-old slake trotting1 associa tion acids $ . " ) ( ) . KutrancoS.l ouch , to powilh . blcc. TllUHSDAY , OCJTOUKa 9. 2' . ° ) S trotlliiH : , piirsoS-lflO , 2:20 : pacing , ] iurso$100. TroUintr , free-for-all , inirtscSoOO. Oiio-yoai'-ohl ' stake trotting' associa tion adds $ oO. Kntrnncu$5 cac i to fjo with stalce. Eiitrlci ) close Saturday , Oet. - ) . 12 in. Records inado after September 8 , no har. har.For For information tuldrc'3 , J. U7" . PHUAOOY , President , Council IHutTs , Ta. A. II. Glims , Ass't SeD'y- , OinihaN"cb. : Seaman's buggies ocstand cheapest. i . . . . . .1 1 _ . Fine diamond scttinpra specially atC. TJ , Eriekson's , 208 N. ICth St. , .Masonic hlocic. Special Salo. for one week on all the standard makes of silverware. 25 ] icr cent discount from the prlco to cash 'buyer * . Uotret-'B hnivosamiforliH only $ I.'IO tnr a sot of six. 0. L. Erklcsoii , 2W ( N" . lOtii street. If You AVniitn t'iniKi Clirnp , Cash or time , see the liar ala atlCIN. 10th fet. Jluinboinjjent. , . Oet prices on lots in Kast Omaha from Potter & ( leorgo Co. , Kith & Famain. hats , caps and bonnets , Ilick- 's , U11S. 1 th direct. Buy slmes at School ply's and pot tlokei for llio $100 $ sealskin , ! 11 Q Douglas. Tlio Nov Wiuhor , tlio claim that I inado to the pcoploivhow namesivpivar bolowfortho no\r \ washer , onch ono of thcso pcoplolinil tlio wisher on two weeks'trlnl heloro tlwy Iwuglit it to sco If II would conflrtn my chiliu , which is ; That It will wivo one-third of tlio time , half o ( tlio liard worlc , roqulrosno soalciiifr ol the clothes/ no boiling of the clothe ? , 110 lye os diomlrata , no ruhMng of tlio clothes , clothcj will how a nmrlicd laiprovo- iiicnt In color in alxnit four \veo1i \ ( > , iiltor having been Avashuil in llio Now\Viuilior \ , clothes will last nnieli loiigor , because tlioy cwnpo the rulhliif. ' that rub them to pieces und the ehcniicalH Unit rote thorn. The machine Is niado of cedar uood , willlixsta IKotlincwill not rot lealc , oxpimd or contract , \vlll nol valor sonic , Is solig-U tint a notiinn osm htuullo itporleotly emy , runs so easy tluit aplrl ten years old can do a who'lo tviiHlmigr. the fciitni'o of the inaelilno Is thut it expands the ino.slierf of thtj clothes niul by tlio nulled action ol the condensed airnleiua nnd suds , cleanses them much quk'Ucr anil clcanor than Is poisiblo to eloan by nny other iirooc n. Mrs , Miws , 1501 S. 21th ; Mra , JlclSwln , 111-JS. 2tth ; MrsGloason,1003 , Viorcej .Mrs. ljucas , 1015 Jtoward ; .Mrs , IKtrick , llthandrahuit \ ; Mw. Unt-ns , 1IU-1 I eavonwortlr. Mrs. iln\-mrd , 110121 Chiciijjo ; .MrHOKoll,17. , fiS. llthMra llrovn , lilT-l K. l tli ; Jlrs. Unite , llill S , 2tith ; MrA Piirklin , South Omaha ; Mra , JleAiBluml , IMOiJ ki'iul ) , Irs.'ithrow \ \ , Jlrs. N'orrls , l" 2a I civoiuvorlh : ; Mra , llliojules , IIM ) N , 15)th ; Mrs. I'iekard , lid and \Vtilnut | Mrs. Slitrhlon , 10th and Wnton ; Mis. Davlcs , 110th arid Clark ; Mra. ] ) ushiimnU17S. IHh ; Mra Koiser , iffi ) S. 20th ; Mrs. lottlmiorU02I ) Grnnt ; Mrs. l'otoi'jon,2tliandCaslelar ' ( ) ; Mrs.rindiiuist , 171U S. lOlh ; Mra.llij , " plan , lolG Leavoaworth ; Airs , UrusL , llil'JS. 27th ; Mra.Folcy , 1317 H. IDth. ' Tilni-lc k lloyinnii , 100 N. 10th Ht. , carry the Iliiwt line ol furnishing goods In the city anil the prices are very low , 'Pho crockery department is a spoeinl feature ot tlio JW-Cent store , 1151'J Fur- namst. Now goods and spoclal pried ( or Monday. llnjlor's NViv 'YorlcCmullcfl Always fresh ntiCinslor's pharmacy. COOPEH-On Pi-IJiiy , Sopleinljcr 5Infant sonof ilr. niul Airs , branch D.Uoo | r , jr. Lfunornl 011 Sunday at U o'clock from tlio family residence , Forty -second and lltuailtcu streets , \Yalti\it IH1L Culi fiii'iiU I < ; < etir.sioa. Pullman tourist bleeping car excur sions to California and Pucille co.-vt poiiitB leavoChicago every Tliursdny , KniHiis Cltyovory Friday vialho Santa Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago $ -17.50 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Uiieoln orKiUisas City $ . ' 5.5 , sleeping ear rale- from Cliieapro $4 per double berth , from Kansas Oityfl ! ] Wtdoiibluhurlh. . llvory- thinjf furnislu'cl excej > t mojils. Thosd oxenrsions nro { icrsoniillj'conducted ly experienced oxciu-Hion inaiii : 'or8 wlio nceoinpany ] iarlics to dustintitlon. l or oxcni-sioii folder contain in ) ; fuli pnrtioi- lni'siitidnia | ) folder nnd time table of Santa I/O route and i-cservlnfj of Hleopirg- car berths , address S. M. Ofifooil , gen eral np viit , K. Ii. JJalmi'r ' , freifrhi and pnsfcnycr agent , A.T. &S. K railroad , KiOSFaniaiii street , Oninlia , Nelirnsha. r.v Fifty Dollars in Gold so GENUIN'EDIAMONDS , Q-i-von Away. DO YOU W-ANTTMBM7 Tlinllobli'i Mc-illcliKird. . nlHiinKrulichen. C.-il. . In order to moro Iliorunelily IntrmliiRo Iliolr [ iiinoix CnlKorniii Hoiiicillc-t , niiiko tlin I. . . | | < I | HK IIXI-IIE- rnimxTKiioiTrii , vlc'roilio itntiifiion mlllnula IIH lffforoSi'I > : iniiiuriill ; , lh'l , nml tc-lllnic in < vlmo tlio or 1 Ill'-Alll , { > . hnrwlftiuinllii tin N monl , we lll BlroSSl01neolil ( win ; In tin n | torM'i ) t cn"lliiwli " ! tlioctiriuol iniswur wo \ lll S < ) llili ( < iM\Vatili l > : nlr'H ) or ( Iciil'H ; I ) tliu nuxt 15 p-jr nti mmlliiiicixTMt. niiiivi'rn no Mill Kltuua SiilMCoMlimiiilnt ) IHniiiciml Hlnn : totliulnst di ) Fouilliiii In a mm cl nn-t cr wo will ulvclM Oil * CIoliK'iilii.nnilU . ) tlio lit trin ni'it totl.o lint , nciul- Inur In tlio iluhl iiiiMKcrH. w via Klvu s yllil Gulil Rn ! ( , Ccmilnu Diamond itllnw. Tin'c inioft till cli o ullli tlio lii'l ri-Kiilnr null ( ti'llirroil nil Scptoinhur litli. Ml. Tlio ilc'llver/of l > i < 3 < i'ntHilll \ 1 nuiilu Iriiiiii'illnKly tiller fci ptuiulior ITtli.iuuU list Klvl K llio iiiinii't mil 11 IcIiixMciot tlio Hiiocon rnlrutitcHtiiiiti.wlllliu piililtHlinl In tills p 'jicr mi Iho ntil Siimhivnflor Iliu vonlextcloHci. Vltli ynur ninvvciru'lHl J'lOts In HtmnpH IT Silver fOrtVIAlllf llit I llPllll'HMTT 1.1 VIMII.VA IIIKl'111.11 llioln'HtCATiiiiiru1lavsn , iiinisujjui nplll HIT coin | ) Uiileil. ( A Hiiniriirofor hlik lioiiliit-lii ) Ticy nruu'i-y iiiiiiIlmiKiirc < intcil. i. N I-I iiuiu : , puiclr vo itlilo.4f > iillli Inn v I ill , on ( still u ilunii uiul nro r > anniiiciiilLMlliyluinNnK iilirHlulins. Ilt.jjiiiiKiill.a : nl > y.o iiri'wtitinni ' nlnolutclr k-lioii n y liy n 1013 ixii'illilullrni. TlilHutrcrluiialij noloiy t < i AOMII * TIM. I'll llOllll'.l C'lI.KIIHATitl : UlUIKIllt. " . Illlll 13 pn'li f iipliui lotllHtiltiiitoii viilnnliloKit olproHcni * III1IIHK MI-'tlMIHTf. llr. I liillll'M HalHll'.dOllOf ' USC'llll liiruniiitlliiii fcnt fnijto I'ach | itriii > ii iilurln' ' < u tlitl iifiiilli. TuisiiTiir.rnur II.\VTIIIS .AIIVIUIISK- .MIMiu : IIKIV IMIIIMHIIEII. so CUT ir our , Wlior- vi'rUMfil ' Dr. llutili'i ituiuudld nro lilKlily ri > cnui- nit'nilo 1 Hint HIO ! t'illiu In ovur ; huniu.Vlto jnur in aver niul HI-IB ! It to IIH tjnintlniiil vo v.-lll forinrd tliopllla nu < l hook lo niir mlilii'Bii , | u > stpilil Tim nliovii Isllio mint llbrul iTopO'ltlmi vvui niiirtu tu liilriiliKOiuiyino Ililnu. Inir rq > ntnlliin I , a inilll- ( li'iit ifiiariinti'iitliiiUliu ollor in.iilo . lll to cntrloa oiitlo tliu letter HO ii'iiil nlitn joiir mittwuri Jtildrusi all inn won to our K.iHtcm Olilrlbutlna Olllcu ii' ( ollowB : linilH-SSIKIUClMC CO , 40M16l > eurborn Bl.riiVano , II ' 'SV . 'f ' Fall Noielties , _ TAILOR NEWVORHsx\u/y , CHICAGO STLOUIS ) KANSAS Cin * OMAHA -r S T DENVER STPAULiixV / CINCINNATI For Men. "vs * . MINNEAPOLIS lNDI/LNAPOl R fancy is captured , * the shine in your eyes says as much more. "You'll ' admit that suc/ifadries , and such prices for made to order garments , enables every man to dress well at moderate cost. Trousers $5 and upwards. Suits $20 and upwards. j Overcoats $18 and upwards. Our $20 $ to $25 Suits are made neatly and stylish ; Our $30 $ and $35 Suits and Overcoats are fit for a swell or merchant prince ; $5 Trousers please the close-fisted man ; $6toS $ arc fjreatcr favorites , and any wonder ? \vlienthey areSioand $12 in most s- stores. Expect to find the newest styles here and plenty of tlicm , Open cvenlngrafor people busy in day tlmo. > NICOLL The TAILOR 1 1409 DOUGLAS.