Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1890, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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rtivrAT-TA T ATT.V mm ? . UTTXTHAV tfnvPrPny\inTP.i ? T i.QonT"ypiroTi1.N -
. The.last week. We have so , many items that it is hard to .
$1O California Blankets reducecf to $6.SO particularize. We call especial attention to our Dresses , Costunics , Jackets , Fall Ulsters , Suits , etc , all re
$7.8O Colored Blankets reduced to $ S.OO HOSIERY DEPARTMENT duced to loss than cost.
$8 White Blankets reduced to $3.78 Jersey Waists. Blouse Yaists.
$3 White Blankets reduced to $1.78 Next -week. Hosiery boxes are so easily broken up that we
Some Special Bargains at . , worth and nil the lower
$ $
B $3.75 $5 ;
Sanitary Grey Blankets reduced to $3.73 -will make great sacrifices rather than move them.
grades at equally low prices.
Ladies' ' very finest Black Silk Hose , $2.50 ; worth $5. Indigo Blue Calico , 30 ; worth
Ladies' 350 Black Cotton Hose , reduced to 25c. . Lot of
Satiues reduced
Cliilds' Fast Black Hose , 150 ; reduced from 250. Vft. 150 to
mm. Ladies' Black Lisle Hose , 37J c ; worth ; 5c. Best Domestic Plaid Ginghams , 6j c ; worth i5c. CARPETS.
Ladies' 65c Striped Hose reduced to 25C. Finest Outing Flannels reduced to IDC. .
. Ladies' Colored Taffeta Gloves , 25c ; reduced from 65c. REMNANTS Calico , Beiges , Cotton Flannels , Ginghams , etc. VVo IIEIVO nil tlio stock thnt wns
intended for our now store. It
Heavy Goods to Move
. .
was ordered delivered Sept. 1st.
and We Make Great Woqucttos , Body Brussels , In
Sacrifices. grains , Wiltons the choicest
SILKS AND VELVETS. patterns clioap before moving.
1OO dozen 15-8 Cream Nap CURTAINS ,
kins Turkey SPo ; worth Red Damask $1.BO. reduced 24-inch. Surah Silks , worth. $1 , marked down to 69e. DRAPERIES.
from 68c to BOc. All the $1.23 Colored Silk Velvets down to SBe.
121c. Gins Crash at Oo , reduced from Gauzes , Crepe de Chines , Colored Satins , Suralis , &c. , reduced. 8BO pairs Loco Curtains , 04
Inches wide , 31 yards long , regu
f Plush Table Covers reduced Q < TTTD A TLJQ ! - Special Value in Black Surah lar price $8.25 iipeilr.
from $2 to $1.BO. O U rXjf nO ,
72-inch Satin Damask reduced $ i.3B ; reduced from $2. Removal Price $2.SO.
fl.SS to $1.
$5B-eakfnst Napkins reduced
down to $2.BO. Portieres
Finest Cambric Muslin , SJc ; ,
worth J24c.
Sheetings , Muslins , Domestics. Dres s Goocfe 7O pair extra quality Chenille
&c. , at less than cost before mov Portieres , full length and width ,
ing. fringe and border top and bottom
54-inch Paris Suitings at $1.2,0 ; worth $1.50. Combination Suits $10 ; regular $15 quality. tom , $1O ; regular price $ IO.
390 Dress Goods reduced from 6oc and 650. Combination Suits $12.50 ; regular $ i8 quality ,
500 Dress Goods reduced from 750 and S5c. Combination Suits $15 ; regular $20 quality.
68c Dress Goods reduced from $ i and $1.25. Drap D'AIma , 50c all newest colors ; reduced from 750.
Ladies , ' Linen Collars , 3c. Hand Bags , 75c. Ribbons , Lanes ,
Handkerchiefs , Veilings , Ac. , all reduced for this sale. All our Kid and Fabric Gloves reduced. We have some of the finest Some Undershirts , 390 ; slightly soiled , worth 75c.
Note Paper , Envelopes , &c. brands such as Courvoisier , Jouvin , &c. , that we will sell cheap. very The Black best Silk Laundried Handkerchiefs Shirt reduced in Omaha to for 5oc. $ i.
Whitings Best Linen Paper , IDc a quire ; envelopes to match , COBSETS. : CORSETS. Boys' All Wool Tricot \Vaists , 95c ; worth $1.75.
IBc package. Nail Brushes , Hand Brushes , and all Toilet Articles Men's new Neckwear. New Collars , i2 c. New Cuffs ,
reduced. and $ r- Some waists , some Children's and Misses'
39ci 75C - Corsets . .
very cheap. 250. The goods must be sold before removal.
Morse Dry Goods Oo , MORSR DRY GOODS OO Morse Dry Goods Oo-
A New Enilroad Piles Articles with the
Secretary of State
Contractor Miller's Absconding Part
ner Heard 1 rom-An OUI Lincoln
I1 hlcf Wanders llnuk and
la Nubbed.
LINCOI.V , Nub , , Sept. 0. [ Special to TUB
BBC.J The Sioux City & Northwestern rail
road company llled articles of incorpora
tion today with Secretary of State Cowdcry.
The capital stock is flied at present at $10-
000,000. Tbo incorporatora avow their Inten
tion of building a railroad from Sioux City
\yost and northwest throuRh Nebraska into
South Dakota. The Nebraska counties
through which It Is to ass are Dakota ,
Ulxoii , Cedar , Kuox , Holt and ICeya Palm.
The iacorporators are the following named
mou : A. S. Garrcttson , E. T. Hedges , S. L.
Do\vs , C. T. 13cro and John Duncoinbo.
.1 , C. Clinc , Mr. I llllor's ' absconding part
ner , lina been heard from. lie has written a
letter saying that bo In In Council Bluffs
stranded. After going to that city It Is
claimed that ho was hold up and robbed of
! 00 of his partner's inonoy. But this Is
taken with a great deal of ollowance. Cllno
Intimates that ho Intends coming back to
Lincoln and Miller says bo will not cause his
arrest provided ho makes good tbo deficiency ,
but ho dcclnrca ho never could triist his part
ner , nnd bis recent escapade has not boon
much ot a surprise to Uiia
' Tom Mallon nnd Tom Fitzmoro went Into
John Morrison's store nt liil North Kloventh
street a couple of evenings ago ostensibly to
imrchaso some buttons , but in reality to steal.
While the proprietor was waiting on one of
them the other fellow slipped ono or two
bolts of cloth under bis coat and inadu hU es
cape. Both crooks wcro captured later and
today were lined $100 and costs each. In de
fault of payment each went to tbo county Jail
to board It out ,
Harry Kmorson , who stele a gold vratch
and chain , a handsome valise and Stj In
money from Frankie Weatherby n year ago
wandered back to Lincoln two days ago anc
yesterday wns captured by the police. Ho
Had grown a moustache meanwhile nm
thought tlmt this would bide bis identity , but
was deceived In this belief. Ho was ivcog
nlzed by \Veatherby woman as the fellou
whoroplxxl her. Ho was arraigned , founi
guilty and held to the district court as a can
dldutu for the penitentiary under $000 bonds
lu default ho went to jail ,
Tbo two-year-old child of .Mr. Beers , who
lives on Washington between Tenth and
Eleventh , had it narrow uscapo from ile.itl
today , The mother of the child had placet
sonic liquid ily polbou In a saucer on a win
dowin the parlor. The child happened U
stray into the room and while the mother was
looking for it Inter she discovered it then
Imbibing thu poison , mul as It waj sweet i
had drank nearly all the liquid. The fright
oued mother promptly called a physician un.
after applying emetics and other remedies
the child's llfu was saved.
* > > EW COltrOliVTlOXS.
The Nebraska terminal railroad and elova
tor company of South Sioux City has lllet
Articles of Incorporation. The object of the
orgmiUatlon is to furnish terminal rallroai
facilities , The capital stock Is fH,000. )
Tlio Farmers and Morclmnt's bank Is th
nunio of u now money loaning and depository
Institution stnrted atOresham. Tlio capita
vtock Is * 10,000 , K S. Hurscli nnd ten otho
gentlemen constitute the stockholders ,
A Modern Woodmen Accident association
ho-t bt'on started nt York , A , O. l-'idkor ls tenet
net us president. II , J , Coles 0.1 vtco presi
dent , A. U , Hicks u secretary , N. M. Per
uson as treasurer , and K. W. Noble as gen-
ral agent.
The city of Lincoln finally has a patrol
vagon of Its own and not only the police but
Iso the citizens are proud of. the fact. The
chlclo Is the handsomest of the Itind in this
> art of the country. Bob Malone , ono of the
Idest members of the Uro department and a
irivcr of long experience , is to handle tbo
olns , John Simpson , the recent driver , h-j
ecelved the appointment of ofllcial dojj
latchor and will endeavor to equal Count
. 'ulnski of Omaha lu amassing wealth by
capturing cauincs.
The Misses Kiln and Llbby Melay brought
uitthls afternoon for $10,000 damages each
igalnst tlio Eden Nuseo company because a
'ew nights since the girls were ejected from
Jio place on the ground that tboy wcro not
respectable charrcters.
onns Axn E.VU3.
Commencing tomorrow the church of the
loly Trinity will hereafter have u full choral
Claude Uonnett , a small boy who acts as
carrier for the Evening News was held up by
lighwaymcn Thursday evening und robbed
of $3 , all of which was the earnings of tbo lad.
Dr. Birnoy cures hay fever. Bee bid ? .
Ho Heats Ills AVil'e and Offends Judge
G , Ueuther , the ex-police judge of South
Omaha , was before , Judge Holsley for dis
turbing the peace by being drunk and light
ing. Ho was arreotod at the corner of
Eleventh and farnam streets , whcro ho was
fighting with his wife. The woman's clothes
were badly torn before the pair was placed
In the patrol wagon.
At tbo station the woman said that she had
boon running a lunch stand at the county
fair and bad cloirod about § 00. Ueulhcr ,
she claimed , had cotno homo Intoxicated
Thursday about midnight and demanded the
money. She refused to lot him have It ,
whereupon ho knocked her down and beat
her and Hn'nlly took tbo inonoy away from
bor , after which bo loft the house.
Friday noon ho sent her word that ho
wanted 'tier to meet him at a Farnaiu street
restaurant nt 2 o'clock.
She went thcro at tbo appointed tlmo and
win told by her husband that ho was going
to Chicajro. She demanded her inouov , but
ho refused to give it up , when slio said that
she would not remain here to support tlio
family if ho was going away , She could sup
port herself , but not all of her children nnd
several of his by n former marriage.
Keuther hurried to a neighboring ticket
ofilco and bought bis ticket , and when ho was
Interfered with by his wlfo the row ensued ,
which resulted In the nrrostof both.
Mrs. Ueuther was released and .Tudgo
Helsley sent un order to release Uutheras
soon a-sbowashouer. Ho had &J.7.1 when
arrested and was required to deposit $15 of
that amount for his apiiearuncc.
When hu appeared in court ho asked for a
continuance of the case until Wediiesdav
afternoon at'J o'clock , which was granted" .
Ho then asked for his money , and tbo court
gave him ? IU of It but said ho would retalu * 5
for anpearauco money.
This did not suit Heuthcr , who began to
criticise the court , That was a llttlo more
than Judge Holslcy could stand.
"Seo hero , Kuulhor , " said ho sharply. "I
Icnow my business. If you know It better
than I do get In hero und run It. You can't
appreciate u favor , and you can now leave
the whole amount here on deposit. "
Attorney Townsend , who appeared for
Reuthcr , bud In tbo meantime picked up the
"tonner" and was walking out-wltb It.
"Hero ! " called the "
court , "comu back here
with tlmt como back here , como back hero !
That money stays right hero , and we'll see
whether or not this court knows Its own bus !
ness. "
Townscnd reluctantly returned the money ,
nnd with it surrendered a largo percentage ol
his chances for a feu , Kcuther slipped out ol
tha court room aud around u neighboring cor
ner , where ho could express hU thoughts
with perfect safety und without fear of inter
When the case was called In the nftornoor
the defendant's attorney was present anc
made n touching plea for client , who , IK
claimed , was a much abused and heupeckct
nuu. Ho suld the ex-judge only wanted bil
n chnneo to get out of the city and go to Chicago
cage , and bo would leave many miles Detwccn
himself and spouse. Ho said ho was author
ized to apologize for his client's behavior In
the morning , and ho hoped that the court
would not further humllato him.
Judge Hclsley thoughtfully scratched his
lead for several minutes , and then dH-
etmrgcd the defendant with the understand-
ng that he would at once depart nnd bother
ils wife no more.
Dr. Birnoy cures hay fever. Boo bldg.
Strange Ilcliaviot- n Woman at the
Union I'aelilc Depot.
Thcro must bo something very unusual dis
turbing the mind of a person who will delib
erately tear a roll of greenbacks to tatters
and throw them away.
That Is wnat a woman did yesterday while
riding in the patrol wagon from the Union
Pacific depot to tbo police station. She bad
been arrested at the depot by Ofllccr Cool :
because slio acted strangely. She ap
peared at the depot about 9
o'clock yesterday morning nnd
purchased a ticket to Ogdcn. After sitting
about the depot until almost tlmo for the
west bound train to pull out she went to the
ticket ngent and requested him to take back
the ticket to Ogdcn and soil her ono to San
Francisco. The agent did so , hut when the
train left for the west the woman failed to
get aboard , saying to the ofllcer who assists
passengers to get ou the train that she would
watt for the afternoon train.
A bout noon she went to the baggage room ,
where she had some trunks , and jerked the
checks oft them. This convinced Ofllecr
Cook that the woman was not right mentally ,
and ho began to question her. She displayed
a largo roll of bills and said her brother had
given her the money before she loft Denver.
She pave her oanio us Bridget Harrison and
talked very freely with every ono
about tbo depot who would en
gage In conversation with her. When
the afternoon train had loft for the west
she again refused to get aboard , but instead
requested tlio ticket agent to refund the price
of her ticket.
Ofllcer Cook then called the patrol wagon
and had her taken to the station as a sus
picious character.
When she stepped out of the wagon at the
auiiiuu &uu uruppcu u lui KI- lull ui utus on inu
pavement. Tbo money was gathered up and
was found to bo badly mutilated. Tlio bills
were mostly $ .Vsand10'satiduboutHOoftho
amount hau been torn in two and ono end of
the bills - /as uiUslujj. Sever bills were torn
into small pieces. She refused to give an ex
planation of the struugo conduct , excepting
that she did not know she was tearing up the
money. A search was mndo along Jackson
street ou tbo route the patrol wagon had fol
lowed from the depot , and the missing ends
of tbo torn bills were found wliero she
bad deftly thrown them out on the street.
If the story tbo woman tells is true she Is
the victim of the most shocking brutality ,
nnd her brother , who lives In Denver , is
guilty of an outrageous crime. She says thnt
she has been keeping house for her brother ,
John HurrUon , at ltil.r > South Ninth street ,
Denver. She says that her brother gave her
most of the money , hut slio does not know
what to do or wliero to go.
The woman had been drinking and is to all
appearances demented. She Is very plainly
dressed , about thirty years old , and of
medium size.
Dr. Capon will examine her today to ascer
tain the truth of a part of her story at least.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldf ? .
Judge Shields Issued the following mar
riage licenses yesterday :
Name and address. Aqo.
I William O'Drlon. Omaha . 23
1 Mnggio Hradtsh , Omaha . ' . ' 0
( Daniel J , Jourdan , Omaha . t3 !
I CJusslo Mcltratt , Omaha . IS
( Peter Graves , Omaha . y.
I Mary Haimn , Omaha . 10
Any number of Improvements are being
made at Prospect Hill oomctory. The fence
surrounding tbo grounds lias been painted ,
the grass cut , ( lowers planted , the avenues
cleaned and all of the debris removed from
the grounds.
[ local Politicians Bodeoking Themselves for
the November Oontest.
The Ofllces to Bo Filled and tbo Men
Anxious to Fill Them Tlio
Lcirislatirc and County
While a great deal of interest is centered
In state politics just now , tbero Is a
quiet bustle among1 the locals for the various
county and city ofllcers to bo elected this
At tbo November election , In addition to
the state ticket , there is to bo elected three
senators , a county attorney , two members of
the board of county commissioners mid cloven
members of the legislature , thrco ofwhom
are members of the sennto.
Kor the senate V ? . F. Bcchel and W. I.
Kiersteadaro mentioned as republican candi
dates , thougb both dUclalm any personal Ue-
sire for tlio position.V. . K. Vnughan mod
estly admits that ho Is the stronpest dem
ocratic candlilnto for the position , und
will not stand out against the great pressure
tlmt has been brought to bear upon him to
induce him to sacrillco himself for his party's
( 'ood. Euclid Martin is also mentioned as a
democratic candidate for senatorial honors.
The legislative crop has not fully blos
somed yet , but thcro ore a number of light
ning rods up. Dan O'Kcefe , Chris Spccht ,
lW. . Fitch , I. S. HuscallandDorioy Ilouck ,
are among tbo republicans who uro willing to
represent tbo county In the legislature.
George O'Brien would do a second term if
properly approached and Dr. M. O. Kicketta
Is bemt ? urged for the position by the colored
republicans. TUo doctor is president of tbo
stiito Alro-AmeriCiiQ loapuo and a champion
of the cause of Ills nice.V. . J. Alount heads
the democratic listof aspirants for legislative
honors and tbcro are probably llfty more of
tlio faithful auxious to bo with him or wlth-
ntit lilin.
County Attorney juauonoy is after a re
election iind will have no opposition in secur
ing the democratic nomination. A half
dozen republican attorneys have been men
tioned for the fight ngainst blin , nut the
probability li ! > t now includes only thu mimes
ofV. . S. Struwn , It. A. L. Dick. J. C.
Wharton and J. II.'nn Dusen. W barton
and Uiclc are pulling tlio greater number of
political strings , but Strawn Is receiving a
substantial support that may capture the
nomination. Van Dusen , who hails from
South Omaha , hai not showed any great
strength in the preliminary sklrml > n , but tils
friends say bo will bo. Ju it when the tight
really opens.
In the third commissioner district William
Turner is auxious to succeed himself , while
J. U. Reeves , a young farmer of nikhorn , is
seeking tlio nomination on the democratic
ticket. Mr. Iteovcs has lived all his lifo in
the county , voted the i domocratlo ticket from
the time lie was able , nrul served on the school
board for about twelve years , lie has boon a
delegate to nearly till" the party conventions
for years , retiring but recently lest , as ho
says , people might think bo couldn't bo dls-
pcnsed with.
( Joorgo Oclston of Elk City Is another
candidate. Ho is popular wltb the farmers
and a prominent alliance man ,
Ceorgo Timmo of Jefferson , who
served ono terra as commissioner ,
has hud a rest for a couple of yearn and now
wants to get back Into the tight. He is mak
ing an energetic canvas for the democratic
L. M. Anderson Is workingqulctly for a ro-
nomination for another term. Ho has been
laying pipes all summer , but In meeting with
a great deal of opposition , Having antag
onized some of the loaders of his own party ,
who will sock to encompass bis defeat lu the
The republicans have been casting about
for a candidate to pit against Aiuloi-jon , and
WllUnmUoburn's nninu is woat frequently
mentioned. Thcro U a score to
settle between thcso gentleman , ana
if Mr. Coburn goes Into the
contest a decidedly warm fight U assured ,
Mr. Coburn has not yet decided whether ho
will allow his name to bo used in connection
with the oflice or not.
U'bero will bo ono now feature in the next
election in tbo city and that will bo the man
ner and motbod of receiving and recording
the vote. The work that is being done in
dividing the wards will give the city double
the number of voting places existing at
present. This will do away \vith tha crowds
nt tbo polls and will bo tbo means of getting
out a larger veto and earlier returns.
IVliat Dealers are Anxious to Furnish
It for This \\iiiler.
Chairman Anderson was the only absent
member when the county commissioners met
County Clerk O'Malloy called the meeting
to order and Mr. O'Kcoffo presided.
'I'ho bids for furnishing coal for tbo county
were as follows :
Nebraska fuel company , hard coal , $7.SO ;
grate , 7.50.
P. H. Mabonoy & Co. , hard coal , $7.84 ;
soft , $1.73 ; walnut block , $1.90 ; steam , J1.85.
C. 13. Havens & Co. , hard coal , ST.l'J ; steam ,
$1.153 ; Hich Hill , $3.M.
Coutant & Squires , hard coal , JT.75 ; slack ,
§ 2.10 ; wulnut block , $3.70 ,
Howell & Co. , hard coal , $7.75 ; steam ,
SJ.OT ; soft nut , fcUO.
Mount & Giillln , hard coal , $3 ; steam ,
52.0.- . ; nutS2.SO.
The bids were referred to the committee on
In regard to the claim of tbo Cincinnati
corrugated Iron company , which company
bud furnished iron nrches for the county
hospital in the sum of $ . " > 9o.Cj , County At
torney .Mnhonoy llled an opinion that if tbo
billet goods was sold direct to Ryan &
Walsh the county should take no steps look
ing to Its payment until the suit now pending
agnlnst the bojpltalcontractors Is settled.
Constable J. II. Fleming tendered his res
ignation. The matter was referred.
Tlio usual number of bills was presented
and rcfuiTCd to the respective committees.
Tom Ituauc , who is doing the death watch
on Ed Neal , presented u bill for $ W for ono
month and six days' services. Tbo bill was
allowed at tbo rate of § 70 per mon th.
1'or painting the outside walls of the county
hospital , the bid of Voss lros , was nc-
copied , and as soon as they cntor into a bond
In the sum of $ . ' ,000 for the faithful perform
ance of their duties tboy can commence the
The county clerk was Instructed to adver
tise for bids for the construction of two
cisterns at the county hospital. The contract
will bo aw.irdcd on September 20. Checks
for 8100 must bo submitted by each bidder.
Appropriation street No. si of the general
fund , amounting toflb'Jl.W , was read allrst
tiino and laid over.
On motion of Mr. Berlin , the county clerk
was instructed to advertise , ono week for
carpets , matting and oil cloth for the new
county hospital.
It OcoiiHlons n droat Deal of Talk at
Yesterday's Meeting ,
The members of the city council met as a
boird of equalization in City Clerk ( Jroves1
ofilco yesterday. Councilman Morearty
acted as chairman.
1' . J , Quoaloy bad been assessed $2,000 for
certain property owned by him. After some
discussion tbo assessment was reduced to
Tbo question of opening South Twelfth
street was taken up , and after being dis
cussed was referred back to the committee.
In tbo mutter of opening Hurt street from
Thirty-fourth to Thirty-sixth strccts.throuKli
Hillside addition , the damages , 4,000 , will bo
assessed against lots I to t ) In block 1 , and
lots 1 to 12 In block Itt.
Tlio report of tbo appraisers on the opening
nt Twenty-seventh street , south to Bristol ,
was ndoutcd.
On the opening of .Nineteenth street , from
Center to Williams , thu committee reported
d.imagi'3 In tbo sum of $10,0.11.44. Itvas de
cided to assess A. J. Moyors f I per front foot
and the other property owners along the
street at a rate which would wise the re-
rjulrod amount. The limit of tbo assessment
will extend m farai Caitcllnr street.
Thu roportof tbo appraisers on California
street weit of L.OWO avenue was adopted und
tbo board adjourned.
lha remains of tbo two men who were
killed on the Union Pacllic at Sheeley station
wcro buried yesterday at 3 o'clock at 1'nrcst
L.a\vn cemetery. A telegram was sent to
ICeota , la. , to tbo father of Vollquanlsen ,
uulat'l o'clock an answer was received.
The father , A' . A. Vollquardsen , asked for
particulars regarding his sou's death , stating
that when the Information "was furnished ho
would give instructions as to what disposi
tion should bo made of the remains. Mr.
Hcafoy Immediately wired back that young
Vollquardsen was killed by being run over
by a freight train and that his remains hail
been interred an hour before.
Superintendent James met with the prin
cipals of the variois schools yesterday and
gave them instructions as to the methods of
bandllnptlio schools d iring1 the coming year ,
Nearly all of the principals were present ,
and a great amount of interest was mani
"William F , Swcezy yesterday toolt out a
permit to erect a llvb-story and basement
block at the corner of Sixteenth and Jackson
streets. The lower lloor will bo for store
rooms and tboso above for tenements and
In the county court yesterday the follow
ing Judgments were returned : "Wnrron
Klatherbono vs Morris Sloman ot al , $ T'i7.i25 j
Blontz Fulkcmnn vs Max J , Ball , $717.70 ;
Consolidated brush company vs Herman Hod-
Held et al , $393.aO ; Heller vs HoscnstocK ,
Kov. C. Monroe will preach nt the Walnut
Hill Christian church nt lip'clock und
8 o'clock p.m. , and nt the 1 'rcsbytcriuu
church , South Omaha , at3 o'clock p.m.
Louis Grebe left for ICcarney yesterday
with John Grayson and Fred Krause , aged
twelve and fourteen years respectively , who
nroto spend some years in the reform school.
The now Fremont , Kllcborn & Missouri
Valley line between Hot Springs und Buffalo
Gap will bo opened to travel today , and Gen
eral Post Agent Buchanan left yesterday to
participate in the opening , which will bo a
great cveut for Black Hills people.
W. T. Law of Henry , 111. , looked through
TUB 13KB building today , Mr. I nw and fam
ily are on their way homo from an extensive
tour to tlio Paclllo coast , Yellowstone park
and other points of Interest.
U. Bennlson and family returned today
from their trip to the mountains , during
wblch they visited I'iko's peak , Manitou and
Denver ,
James Blrkctt , who has had chnrgo of
Kelluy. Stiger & Co.'s ' ladles furnishing
goods department for tbo last two years ,
leaves .Monday to res u mo his old position
with Forbes & Wallace , dry goods Importers
at Springlluld , Mass. Jimmy has made a
host of friends in Omului , and they ono and
all regret bis departure ,
Mr. S. G. Joyce lias returned from bis east
ern trip , Mi's. Joyce and llttlo daughter ro-
malnlng at Elmlru , N , Y. , thrco weeks
Dr. Jllrnoy , the catarrh specialist , Is Sun-
daylng at Lincoln.
Ulaudo King , managing mlitor of
Sports Afield , a sporting paper published at
Denver , is in tbo city. Ho paid u visit to Tin
HIT building last night ,
Mrs. C. D. Thompson returned from on ex
tended visit to her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
' \Y. II. Calhoun , ntMiirshalltown. la.
MlssU/.zle Dwyer , after a visit of several
weeks to Spokane I'alls , Scattlo and several
other points , has returned tothtsclty.
Miss Annlo Hcafoy has gone on a short
visit to bor brother iu Kansas City.
Tlio Hello of Newport.
Miss Balllollargous , who is the hello of
Newport this year. Is dark , with a clear bru-
nctto skin and a liguro of medium lioight
She Is tbu most thoroughly discussed young
woman In New York society , says the New
lorkSnn. Not ono man out of a hundred
would pronounce her beautiful , and she
scarcely receives a second guinea when slio
enters an opera house , it theater , or a restaur
ant , whore the spectators ave not strictly eoit-
lined to the members of the four hundred.
Yet her vogue Is vast. It is confined almost
entirely to boclety poonlo , but they rare over
MUs Ilargoiis inafusidon that Is unprece
dented , She Is not backed by the social prei-
l\KO \ of any noted or influential family nainoi
her fortunols not to bo compared to that of
many of the other belle * of tbo seasonand , yet
&he is tbo queen of this particular year just u
bio was of last-
To Prevent It , Sheriff Bsyd Wauts New
looks for the Eastilo ,
A Very Serious Situation U'liicli tlia
County C'omiiilH.sloiici'H llnvo llucti
KeqiiOMtcd to Tlinrouglily
* Investigate.
All Is not well in connection with tb
county Jail.
Of this fact tbo sheriff seems to huvo
finally become thoroughly convinced.
The diniculty h serious and sensational ,
\vhcthertho details can over bo secured
f or the public without illegal investigation ij
a question.
Sheriff Boyd struck tlio lieynols
of tbo trouble yesterday morning wni'n
be privately lllocl with the county
commissioners si Inof comiiiuulc.ition asking
Lliat new locks lw put uiioii nil outsldo en
trances to tlio county Jail , and udililiK Unit lie
Uopcd tbo proper committee of tbo board
would investigate the necessity for tbh bolus
TUo present locks on tbcso particular en.
trances uro not old , not out of order , but , on
the contrary wcro cxnmincil by nn expert
only u very few montlu ago and pronounced
tobo in perfect condition.
No , there's nothini ; tbo matter \vltli the
Not to mlico matters , It may bo stated
tlmt an alarming conviction has fnslfnecl It
self upon tbo sheriff's mind , cither that cer
tain prisoners In the Jail liavo boon inovidcd
with perfect orskelelon keys to tlio outslilo
doors , or that tboy biivo been informed tint
such keys will bo fjlvoti thorn nt curtain
times already agreed upon.
Tbo faut that the lock tbnt was opened and
taken oil a door from tlio Insulo , by which
Johnson , tlio cotilidenco man , e.scapedon the
night at Soptemher lhas since boon found
on the roof of the jail and in a
perfect condition , was tbo tlrst
oyo-opcnor received by tha slicritT , to the
effect as noted above.
Pointer number two cmno through tlio mo-
dliiin otthosheriff's dlscovcrliigllmt another
innintohutl planned to escape lit filwut the
same tlino that Johnson < 1M , only tbo osc-apo
was tobo accomplished through anotlwdoor.
In addition to tbcso two pointers , the
liprifllias received numerous others , some
ofn far nicro startling imturo , wblch con-
vlncc.s him Unit the present nituatioa is
treniuly critical und must bo attended to
without delay.
Andwhoh the guilty party 1
That remains to bo answered by the com-
inlttco of Uio county com nilsslonera on court
liousoand Jails.
From Information gathered indifferent ofll-
clal localities , itmuylm inserted tlmt while
tliero is considerable spccul.itlori.yct . ( .usplcloa
turns lu a certain direction which no otio
will us yet commit himself to Indicate.
There is quite u strong belief Unit the coin-
inbsioner.-j will not tnko the llino to provo
tlmt .Mr. I-Soyd hasgoo'I ' reasons for i-coiu-stlng
now lodes on the oulor entrances , but will
dismiss what would certainly provo u very
highly-spiced sensation , by dimply recom
mending that the request of the sheriff bo
Dr. Birnoy cures hay fovor. J3co bldfj
Abornoy , fi |
L.ONIION" , Sept , C. [ Special CnblcKram to
Tin : DUE. ] Advices from Accra stuto that a
I'ronch cxxjdltlon | agninst Aboriioy , Ilia
capital of Dahomey , will sot out September
15. It will bo cninpoiuti of tlircu divr-ioru ,
one of which will start from ( Irani ] Popu ,
another I niiiiVliycliib unj tbo tlilnl from
I'or(4j ( N'ovo. IXihuinliin ( room uru ulrtudy
nuirchiny toopiio u thu Inviulun.
IX'uri'iiho in riTiiioiit'it 1'iipiilntlon ,
\V AMU NOTOS , Sept 0 , TIlO | puI < 1tlOII Of
Iho state of Vermont , us unnouiifoj by lha
cuiisiis buivaa , i3 JJi.VJ , : , a docwaau iu tea
SI ,