Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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AnVKltTlKEMKNTt * for thc o columns will
bo tiikrnmiill I'Ji.'r ) p , in. for tlio evening
c < 1ltlfii and until 8isn : p. in , for ttio morning
edition nndKtmiiAV- .
-Cn U In Adraaco.
" 1JA.TES AilTcttlsptnent nti thin P.IRB wilt lie
Jtclmrifcil for ill IhONitcof l'J tcntimr word
for Uio llrsl liist'rllotiniul I cent iior worn for
oooli nuiH4Munnt' ! | Insertion , hurt $1.9) ) per line
per month. No advertisement liikcn for less
tlmn iccnU for Uio DrHt Insertion.
TNITIA1A ni urcs , iyinbuls , etc , , countcncli
J. HKHIIO voril
rpllfSK mlvprtisMdcnts mitit rtineoniccn-
J. tlvoly nnd nnilcr no clmuinKtaniM-s will
they lie tuVim ordlMcontlnncHl lir toluiilioni' .
"PA11T112 < wlvcrtlslns In llic oooliinininnil
J. havlnittlietranswr' * ndilri" Ml Inn "IIIITII-
torod lottrr" In oar > sof TUB llr.K will receive
nnumbcrod clicclc lorntililu tlicin to K < 't tlu-lr
IcttoM. An w 'r vrlll lin Unllvotcil only on
iircsontiitliinof Hits cliff-It. KncloM ) tinswors
in cnvcloiK's prouorly ncldrivisril.
AI Ii ndvnrtlionu'iili under tlio licnil of
"Spoolnl NotlccV nro ptililltlicil In liotli
jnornlii ! . ' nnil nvcnltiif ciJIlions of Tnr. llir : , tlic
rlrunliilloti of whli-li ( iKCicxuli" ) ttioro Iliiin
SO.Wxi papers dully , and ulvo.s tlio ntlvurtlsor
Ilio bcnolll not only of thnliiritni'lrciiltitlnn of
Tun IIIK : In Omaha , lint nl o InCoiinoll lllulTs.
lilunoln unil ( itlicr Hlka mill tomiH In tliuwrst
" ' ' "
Advortlslnit for llio u column * will 1 > o tnkon
on Uin uliovn i' < m < ! Itlrm . lit tlmfnllnwIiiRlMisl-
IICSH liiiu"cs whoari ; niillinrlr.udli ) talio HKH'UI |
notices u ( Ihu satno rates as can bo Imd ut ttio
main olld'c.
( j 2KUX Slrcot , l.lnkT lllHok.
TOI1N W. riiatinaclMtWJHoiitli Tcntli
w Strcot.
if/isK k KDDV. Slntloncrs and 1'rlntors ,
IHKonlli lOlli Streut
t , 0 4 NorllilCtli
IKO. W. I'AKK , I'liarmaolst ' , 17H I.eaven-
f vorlli Slrejet.
.ruaiiics1 IMIAHMACY , suii ami Kamam.
S IT U AT I OXSV A XT Ii l ) .
, elf. , ttti > i > i > f tmtfiliimii
WANTKK llyiin exporle noi'd you us tnnn
n position ILH entry clerk or iisslstnnt
liookki'cpi'r ; can furnlsli gooel rcfurencus , Ad
dress N M lleo. Kf'J 7 *
Srri'ATION nssionnsr.'ipboriindlVliiMvrltcr
by u l.'iily. I'osliliui niiiru mi olijeet tliiin
AildrossN 1.1 , IIi-o. U.V1-S *
CJI'lTATION-Wnnlrd by smart builncsi
Qninn e > f ICIIK. viirlod o.xpurlcni'o ; pioel book-
kt'i'per ; KiiKlixli runl 1/ri'iiuli coriospondonti
III unil willing for anv post. No olilrctlou to
IOIIK liours , IH'St city rvfuronces. X ! W , Ituo.
s'TKD lly n. you nc lady eif ronsltli'r-
i i aide hiislnesso\perlenee > and abilityseiir.o
resnonsllilii neislllein , or m prlvnto sucrelnry , N. 41 ! , lleo. IW-1U
wniiU-el by : i ludv to ke > ep
> 7liouM or to insist In tlio household.
Adelievs I. . 1C. lieu ullluo , Council llluirs.
018-13 *
&OOInlmnR weiiniin conk wnnH slliiatlon
In first chisi boniillnt'housiuir .sum 1 1 hotul ,
HofcrcnciuiH stPiuly worker and peed eook ;
K'Xd wiiKraoxiciitivl | , Open for cinploynii-nt
aflorSupt. 10. Adebcss N. Ill ) , Ili-o. UII-7 *
\\rANTni ) I'oslllnn in book lii'opcr by
' yiniiii ; iiinn Oniiil rofore'im' , wajji's no ob
ject. Adiiii'H.s 1011 ! N. I'.llh St. , Uinulia , Tsui ) .
iTO-8 *
_ _
AIiAUVstonoKraplicr nnel typewriter , e x-
perlt'iiccd In tin1 piofivsHlon : unl fiiinlllnr
\vll1illic IMI ; | jsh I n ii''iliKi'ltsronsl : ruction anil
uri imxrupny. Hltuatlon. ( illl-rilireil
lufeience's , Address M < i' ' ) , cnio llee , JlbliO-7 *
WANTHD-Sltuntlou ly _
as coachman mid work about house , clly
reference. Aeldrest N .Illleo. SI' ' ) ? *
WANTKD An ngoiie'y for mnnufacturer
or position In aa eilllco either of profes
fdonal or morcnntlloiiaturu. Keforenccsslvein.
Address N SI. lle'e ) . Tlui 7 *
"IVTANTKD I'osltlon by experienced Inely
T steimjiruphor and hoeik keeper , pom-
blued or hepuratuly. Addruss N III , Hoeojlloe ,
WANTIID-Sltiiatlon ns nliiht watchman In
fite re1 , mill eir tiu'tnry. by an hemest re
liable man. Address N ' , ' " , Hoe. MS.7-10'
FOR Howlntr by the elnv eir ncuk , call o in or
uddrobsMlbsCarrlo Kuatz,27UU llamllti n st.
814.11 *
BOVlGyonnola .vaiitslo loam trade. Wnnt
lionrd , rexjm and wiMiliig llrslyoar. Add -
d rem N 2 ? , Boo. _ 7iV >
; iuiji ; * .
for rales , etc. , Kt I i > f'Vt ' fiilHinii eiu tills page.
WANTF.D Halo.smeNi on salary or oomtnls-
Blontohandlutho Now 1'atont Chemical
Ink KrashiK IVitetl. The ) greatest selling
ne > vclty ever proOuceil. Ilriises Ink thoroemh-
ly In two seconds ; iii ! almislnn of paper. 'MO to
& ( )0 ) per cent prollU One agent's sale-i timouiit
ed tofliai In six days ; aneithur $ UJ In two
hours. Wo want ono e-norirctl" genera ! auent
for each state anel territory. Hanipli ) by mall
! is cts. Kortonns und full parlle'iilars , nddn'.ss
The Monroe KraserMfj ; . Co. , liiiCrotseVls. .
M-0 6
WK want nsents. who can make from J.'i to
i'i. * > IH.T dav selllu ; ; our door plates ( all
metal , nanio can be put In In three minutes ) .
Nowdixtr bolts , white enameled signs mid letter -
tor * Lowest prices In the U. S , Oalalumui
fruc. N. V. Dour i'latoC'o. , 31 I'urk Kow , New
Vork. ffil-T *
"V\7 * ' makn a liberal eilter to traveling and
> looalmile'Siiicii In eivery slutowhe ) call on
recall Kmcen. Oluti'ii Kntlru Wheat Flour
Co. , ir l.nko si. . Chicago. III. lii-7 ) ) *
\A/ANTK1 / Vounic man as cmliTor. RlTTst
IT bet ahlo to furnish bond. A ( I ill ess. In own
ImiidwrllliiK. N 4U lloc. tI.VS )
WA NT K n-100 men and 20 team * at 2.1th
and I.tikost. . toiueiirow morning. Kuwer
worlt. U K. Fanning t L'o. 9011-0'
T7ANTKIMon for land agents , Kl.OOO
i yearly ; ilnllKlitfiil climate ) , iie-opli ! live
Innxor , happier , iieoiiuuliito wealth ensler
than any lexjallty on the globe ; Rood husliieu
opportunity. Ixltirs answered If sclf-ad-
elre.shcil Hliiinpoil envelope ! Is enclosed. Ad
dress , llox Mi , Vun Itanh , Texas. : I17-11 *
V\ 7ANTKIA lrlght.
> ply at HM Omaha. aU bank tiullellnit.
'Jil-7 *
mon for elress
T > goods , hosiery , Mucus nnd jents fnrnlih-
IIIR duiLirtiuunts. ( jooilvagos , stiMiilv mitl-
tlon , IiDoel IIILMI can wiltu orconiu teill. l ) v-
tdMMi , Sioux city , la. urr7
\\rANTKO-40 tn ii to dli ; In sewer trpnulies.
T ( Jood WIIRUH. Apply to Alf Macmahan ,
Muatrlco , Nub. 913-0 *
A ROOD man to seillclt. who can mnl < n a
small Investinent and vNIt towns lir Vo-
braika and Inwu. . * Von can cout ml your own
iiiwutim't. Addro-s N IS lleo olllce. WO-7 *
MAN to soil Mm' eif clears , UK ) jier month
anel expuiictvi pilel. Address with stamp
Ulobo Cigar Co. , Si. Louis. Mo. bill ! )
"VirANTKll-Twollrst class machinists Im-
i mi'illiite'ly ut Iho Oirelca Iron Works Co. .
Counutl lllulTs. JlN',7-7
V\rANTKI--Hallitiad iiii'n for Wyemilni ; . Al-
TT brlglit'HlatHirnitoin'y. USD Kiirtiuui. 8.VS
VL. - coopi'rs ; steindy work at
* -.75 per elay. The Armour-Uiiilahy
PaCkliiK-Cc . , _ ( Uinalm. MJ 7
X rANTKnifUB"vnlnr ble > ck for
i Klemx Olty Hiimeillatedy. Apply to E , 1C.
NaugluL'o.'M \ \ und Nicholas at. , Om.iha.
b.V. 7'
FII'Tmeii wnnteel for track laying by the
Iteiok Island railway at Iioulsvlllu , Nnh.
ieiy * and Klrls a Murpliy ,
Wnse-y A chair factory. '
"VrANTIOI8alosiiicii to seill Koexli te > mer-
i clinntM by H.imnloi nalarv palelto KIHH !
men ; Hample furnlnhexlipermaiiunt Kltuutlan.
Model Manufacturing Co. , Huutli lleiul , Ind.
707 tvJU
\\'ANTKI-A Good physician who can Hpeak
'i Uerniunti ) locutu at Henderson , Noli.
7l ! 7
young man tOHoll Doinestlo
It e lnK mueihlno. who has had experience )
In the ) business , Aililreas U. 11. Smith. Le.iel
CHy , B. Dak. 7U8 s
\\rAKTKI -Mt > n to travel for our Oanndlau
t uurserliM.BtontiA\VellIiiitoiMadKiiii.Wla ; ]
SI1) )
\\7ANTKD-KnlMinfn ut $75 per monthsal-
TI ai-y and expenses to hell a line of silver-
plated ware ) , walchcs etc. , by sainphi only ;
lioit-o nnd toum fiirnUhed free * ; wrlto at ouuu
forfullpartlcnlaVii and saniplu ease of Koods
free. laiidarel Sllvorwaro Co. , lloitoii. Mas.i.
\\7ANTEn-aoo lalionirs for oxlra roael
M RiingK. AniilytoK II. Johnson , II. . < . M.
passenger dupol , Oninlni. Ml
" \\7ANTKD-SOUmen for Utieli nn I Nevada :
> \ wages K.U ) toJW. . AllilR il' Labor
Asencv , li'JO Furnnni > t. VM
CITY caiivuiMcni on salary unit comniisston ,
experlcueed iik'outs pretferred ; must glvu
ecurltyore'lty raforonco. Aiihlr 0u : : to II u.
in. , OinauuVutch Club Co. , llill ( Jaiiltol ave.
' \\rA.NTnit-TlirroflrilalaMtnPii to rcpro-
T Y sort IhoOmaha Hecln and nut of thocltr
Call ut thn speclnlolllcnof e innha Jtpfl. eornor
171 bund I'arnam ground lloor. D77
\lTAMBU-airl. C337 Cumlng sU
rl fe > r ironerul hbtnework ;
403 N , Xlrd St. Ml-8
" \\rANTRD-Kor our now ilrc * innkliiR tlo-
parlmcnti Compctcjit wnlst.and shirt
liniulH iil o cilierlcnce'd eipornteiM , pcrmunent
tilikcett iititeKid waueis to tint class Lillp. The
Jlorso Dry OoOdst'o. 1V17-7
U-Kxiidrlcncutl lulllluerr trlintncrM
ntHloncli Ill's. HII-7
A VOOOI ) clrl forliuiisowork. Itcfurcnccsrc-
-t V qitlrcil. Uiioil waijcs. Mrs. Dumoiit. 'JOIJ
u venue. 051
_ _
COOK A conipctmtcnokiiml laundrosscnn
lUul norijiMiH-iit cinploynii'iit by applying
Mrf. JosoiiH llnrkur , Illislith linil M'ortliliiB-
ton MS , , a. 1'uiith ; rcforoncu reitilrul | ; bust
\vnxi-H. 873 6'
MrANTKD-Womnnlo tnko care of baby : i
inoiitliH old.115 Kiiunut St. . ICfiiintzo
1'lacc. JISIVI-7 *
" \l ANTED-I iuly ujscnts. I have 1,000 tifcnts
IT iniklnia : Kioil rcspuctablo llvliij ; Rollins
my K'oixlt for Itulli" * ' mid elillili'i'iin' woar. Am
unnttanllv dcslsnliii ; novelties Hiivu u nuw
nnil wonderful .seller for fall trade. Addrcii.
with sliunp.l ; . IICuiiil | LllHIVost , Kniidiilpu'
St. , ClilcaKO , 111. . ttU-7 *
_ _
CLASS cook anil dliilni ; loom girl.
' Uooil WIIKOS paid. .VJ North Iblh M.U149'
\ \ \ A.N 1'HD A flood ftlrl for Kcncral
> l work. Mrs. CootsSouth luili si. b
1'lerccanil Williams. Oi
\ \ rAN'l KD A conipcliMit lady clerk forct'ti-
! i-riil ulllco work , must nlsobo u sli'tioc
. WubslurA Howard , lit Uco bulldliix.
AANTKII A yoiuiR ludy for tiislno < 4s posl-
ii tlnn ; irood apiuMninc'u : inil nilaplnl to
butlnuss. Call i-noiu 107 , Sliucly h'ldR. DOI-T
\UANTKII JlllllncM Two experienced
i wiili-s I'ldli-s , an asslslant Irlinmer , two
makers , two nr ( > | iiirurioiiu | stock Klrl. H , O.
Joyuo , l l N , rirtui'iithHtrei't. HVl-7
' \\fANTKI ) A good cook in I ( I u second Klrl
forsmall family , Apply at L'lil Dnvi-n-
porl st , Ml
c IOOICYnnted , a coniputent cook and laun
dress. Mrs. 0. J. Hunt. KW S. ' 'Stli st.
\VANTKD-Two ulrls for kltolien vork.
it Hoi an House , liy South ISthst. , ono bluulc
south ut court bonsu. KM
\\rANTI3D A Rood mirM > sirl. ( Jonil WIIKOS
if paid to right parly. S. U. cor.'JJ.V Clones.
"IVT ANTKD Olrl for General housework ,
Tl small family. Mrs. WilghUlSU t > u\vtinl st.
Ol " *
" \\TANTRD-A competent Rlrl for nurse and
IT secniidttork. Mrs. Uuo. I'atersna , Ii.0 a.
Sltli street. SI'J
\yANTKD-A half-Krown clrl to assist at
IT tiuiisowurk. ( Jernian profcrreil , UIO N ,
SO hi rtrt. 8107
GllUi Wanted , steady clrl. llrst class cook
and laundress. Must bu tliurotiKhlicom -
licti'iit niul well recommended. WIIRO.S J. ' > per
week. Mrs , William Loueloa , 000 S Iteth st.
W ANTED-Compelent girl fer genorai
housework , ; 'IK,1 , 1'oppleton avc. ( i'M
\V ANT 131) ) TO IJI3XT.
J'V.r rulf. ' . tic , sec topnfflrnt column nn'Iils jaae.
"V\r ANrun-Itooiu andHmrel .
' > of the 1 * . O. Aeldross N M , lieu olllce.
"I\7'ANTI51) ) lly a veiling married couple
I > loom and hoard In a strictly private
family where there art ) no other beiarders. Lo
cation to honenr cable or motor lines r. nil not
too far from the city. Aelehess N 17 , ll'-o olllce ,
750-7 *
WANTED Small well furnished liemseeir
colt ago In gooel locality. Host references
slvon. Address , giving location , terms , etc. ,
N : ir , Iteo olllcei. bGS-7
BILI.IAltO Parlor-I wLsh to lease , with
privilege of mirchnsln ? , temjieranco hll-
llarel parleirln Nebraska , with two or more
tables. State necessary particulars. Address
N H4 , lice. MSG3-7 *
AJIIDDLE aged nmrrled couple , without
children , eleslro A 1 room and hoard. Ael-
drcss , stilting price , N25 , Omaha Hoc. JKJO-7 *
For nttK , dr. , we tnpuf Jiitl caltnnn nn til pat ) ' .
NT IMSei. 25th sU , U-room brick ;
inodurn eonvenleneis ! choice ) location ; do-
slrublo nelghliorhe > od ; emsv walking ellstanco
from business. J. W. Urllllth , U. P. hdqrs.
UI5-14 *
FOK UKNT Vour choice In two elegant ten
room Drlck houses for Jl'i per month , just
llnlshed. modurn oonvi'idone'es. r > . )7 ) nnd 5J ! )
South 21ith street. Call at Union National
Hank , D.1G-U
"JilOIl KLNTChe'apest liemse In town and
. ' KOOI ) looatl-iii. H ) rooms anil bath , new nnd
conveniunt with Impmveimoiits. SH per month
and for a term of years If do.slrablo. Address
N 47 Hoe olllcu. Dt"- ' "
lKNT NIcoS room cottage , 8:3 Houlh
ysil , near Lcavonworth. IXll-ti *
four new houses 10 rooms 4nrli , all
1. convunlencrs , at I'ark avcuuoanel Mason ,
torrent. Ceo. I'aul , IGUururnnm. H71M1
J"KW Il-roemi hou e , Knuntro I'luco. ( y ) per
mouth. 11.1C. Cole. Continental blk. S77-S
FOU KENT-Twenty-sixth and llarnny
btreet , IIOUM ) ready NHII. latest of eve > ry-
thliiK ; free runt to October 1. 1'anl , IGW ) I'ar-
naiii. Wl-7
VTKW OOTTAOE-Htei flO cash , balanen :
i > w flU per month.V. . J. 1'uul , IGlM Fur-
nani. ft.47
Ol ItOOM house In Kood location"n > IiT5nI
jfurnlturo foriXH ) . Ji" . cashbalance monthly ,
also a ! > room house feir t.Vi per month , furni
ture f I.V ) , part cash. Co-op. Lanel nnd Lot Co. ,
SOS K. Itithst. 'JU--8
171OII KKNT Till May 1,1RBI , nlcoly fnrnl.sli-
. - ' uel heiiKo em motor line , nil imxlcrii conven
iences. Mulr & Uaylord , lleo bullellng.
FOK KENT Now ton-room honso ; all mo-
dornliiiprorements ; also nlnu-rooia brick
house with barn. Apply to Owen McCaffrey ,
L'Uitt ' Iliiriiey st. SUIM ) '
FOK HUNT House 8 rooms , pond Initnelry.
liKjuhe Uejbt. 1'urvis.SUh A ; St.Mury's avc.
17Ult KKNT A llvei IINIIII liouso , alsothreo
-L iiiims. Ineulronurth-wtatccincr | t'Jth and
Don'iissticcts. SI77 *
OI'.NT A six room house near to buslm'.ss
I teenier , WJ. Mead Investment. Ce ) . . Uco
hulldlnu , HIU
FOK KKNT-My residence furnished or un-
furnlslieel for winter eir longer , eleHlrablo
location. Mrs. M. Kroner , 111. ti. luth st.
hj )
OK KENT-l'lr > t class 7 room llat with
ranue , innow bnlldlni ; , Snd lloor. 7X ( * > S.
lfltli st. Ml. ( leorgo UliiUNer. 8t'l-10 ) *
IK VOH wish to re-lit u hoeise orsteiro see II. K
ColeConttmtlul bleick. M }
FOK 11KNV--T niom lliil.00il S. Kith st. $10
per iniiiith. Apply at The l/air , J. I * . Hrau-
tloUil. ir'eiis. ) _ ! M
17Ult ) HKN'I'-Sept. 1. eottnco wlthallmodern
-L Improvements , 1'Cltiliurmiin avo. & 57
T710K HKNT Tei ri'spoimlblo parties emlyT
JLthe > sei tlnu nenv hrlck nnelslonu heiuses on
( ie > eirilu avenue ; lltteen looms null alcoves ;
metre. ceMivcnlcnco.s ami hotter llnlshed than
any housu for rent In Dm city. H , H. Hender
son , lot ) I'axtem blfiek. clly. | V > s
, -uiit'.M house with barn ; iiominal rent. I' ,
* l11 a rrlMju. 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. ! M
11l ( ( HKNT To small
| family , alv-rexim fur-
J nlslicd L'e > tla o , very ele lraple. close ! to
medor. I.OIIB to rlulit party. Hull's
Iteming agoni-y , ' -0 f. 12lh st. IKIJ 7 * J-i
I.I Ol'riKS 1'eir Ke nt-L'ICCCassht.SinS C'ass St. ,
1S4IS Cuss st. . Ill und 14 rooms ! all enliven-
htnees. I'hiis , W. ltalnoy,315Omuha National
buiikliillldlnn. &l j
wom hoiiM's. nil modern cemve-iilonpes
lth barns,3 blocks fieini motor , OlUl'axton
blk. 513
FOK HKNT 7-room ninth and eavt front
cottage. S.M per month.n bt A : I.asbury ,
ArllnRtem blk. lisa
fr-HOOM house. South Sllh.west of shot tower.
< - * IKK ) St5
T OOK-Uow rout , desirable modern hour's
J-J.vce > ttas . . Knqulru I'lirrulto rcntiilneiMioy
07J s 15
1710K HI..NT-4I room hrlcK house , east front ,
A' on Ueorula ave\ . Just north eif I.enven-
worlh ; every coineuloui'o : iiuwly painted nnd
ropalrodi U In llrst ulu a shape ; ukphaU navu-
iiu'iit. To re > snouslblo party , WU. SI A.Upton
Co. , ICth mid Purniuu 1U5
BESinAnrEelwpllln , nil parts of tlio City.
Kent ranpltiz from * 13 to JOO memttilr *
Sincaton A Allen , ICOl ) 1'iirnam st. TW-sD
TT10II HKNT A"hotisn of all conveniences ,
-L centrally located , Inquire 71J N 10th nt
KOlt itiiM' ItOuaiH KUUNIHHKU.
Fortatei , ttc. , tte fop nf jlrnl tgliimn on f/it >
B&J-li. *
171011 llKNT-Kurnlshcd rooms with hath and
J-1 ton m. MOS. ICfhst. t'10-7 ' *
T AHOK front room , front parlor , cast fronts ,
J-Jfurnaco heat , gas , hot watar , etc , IKO N.
15th st. C40
"I710R KKNT Two furnished room" . mod-
JU ern convenience' , nt2lK > : j Hurt. W3-7 *
S UITKof newly furnished rooms with ims
and bath , IMKI Howard. ftM-ll *
- - . eir without board , nice
rooms newly nnd well furnished and In a
private family. Nice south roeim for two.
Twn rootiiH with boarel for 11 yotms men W
each , tloeid location , excellent board nnd
meiderncouvcnloncf'3. Address "N. 40 , " lleo
olllce. lij-7 | *
for ucntlcnien with all
* - moelern conveniences , single ) eir en suite ,
cor. Ht. Mary and aith , or ( WO South LMlli. Drlek
re'.sldeuce. 1)11-7 )
1 ail Dodge Ft. , In small Vow Kiiulnml family ,
. . . . . smnll rooms nicely furnished ,
wlHi superior boaid. BW-l'J *
jjlOH KENT Nlci-ly furnlsned snlto eif
J rooms , with lioaref. In private family , for
four pent lemon or for ijcntlcnian and lady ;
modern ceinvenlences. No either buarelors.
On Stub st. , near St. Mary's uve , Address N
44. lleo. 10HI
_ _
" | * \I'.SIUAHIiE front rooms with horerd In pri-
Jvato family ; nicely sltnnteel ; terms rea
sonable. aiiH ) llarnoy. 1UI-S *
N ICKLV furnNlied moms , all conveniences ,
with boarel If eleslrcd. WJ Isorlh 17th st.
or unfurnished rooms , wither
without boarel. tt W Hurt. b3l-7 *
lUiNISlKI ) leioii.ii private family , sult-
-L able for gentleman and wlfo. CUD S. 17th st.
K < i-h *
HANDSOMELY furnished room. iKIX ) Doelgo
st. K37 IS *
ONIi3 nicely furnished re > om. 717 ? o. 10th st.
7C4 h"
IjMJHNISIlEI ) room , $0 per monlh , 13015 KarL -
-L mini , K13 7
rjlO 15HNT- newly fiirnlsheel rooms with
J Has and bath , m private ! famllv. SMi ! Chl-
Kent fill uniHIJ HIT inontli. Kil 8 *
T Altdjj fiont room with alcove. Hoard
-1 Driven. C07 N. Mtli at. KO 11 *
"IJ1OU KKNT T o desirable fiont rooms at
.JL1 thoSholton. I01S. fflth st. JIVII-7 *
V fnrntblieil room 13H N. l.Vli street.
llat K. 8117
"J71OH HKNT KurnNlicd room , 13S3 Howard
JL St. ; mustglvo relerences. 70S-U * '
EOlt Kl'NT-Or.o larjio south front room ,
with alcove , L'HS und bath , cmo block from
midor. Teync Kctlcman $1.1 , to two } I8. 'JCOO
r < avenport. 74.S *
I710H HUNT I'urnlshed room with board.
JL1 Hill Demglusst. jis'i-7 *
81'1NT { ) nxim.s for rent. The Merriam. Sith
and lode. ) | ( Wl 7 *
"VnCAVIjV fiiriiNheel rooms tind board , with
-L > bath. 101 ? Dodge ht. ( , UJ 7 *
O-KOOM house , Kiel" and CiimlnK , Ji3 : tier
Omonlh. ( J. K. Harrison. 1)11 ) N. V. Ufo. SM
"WOUKENT Kurnlslicd rooms , 1 COO Donulas.
" 171OU KENT Kurill.slicd looms ; Bies.hath . and
-LA hteam , 1,110 Ilowaid. f > G2
JJOOMS furnished , with board. B12 N. 17th.
( ill 10'
ST. OI.AIKKiiropeiinhotelwlthdiniiirroom. (
steam heat lu all looms , lIJth-Dodge.
Special rate's bv week or mo. SB
A j OsT eleslrablo rooms In tbo city. Also
-i" tahlo board. 1C.J ! Chicago St. ra-13 *
TTiUHNISIIKI ) rooms520 S lllth st. . Hid lleior.
-JL1 hlW- *
1J > IiEOANTIiY furnished rooms , with or
' - without board , llt'l Kuriiam. Oii-l' : !
111 N , IDtli st. . haiielsomulv furnished rooms
also table hoard. Mrs. t'hure'hlll. U)7-n ( *
171OU KKNT Kooms nicely furnished eir un-
J ruriiKlied with gas , bath undhont. Apply
lAT.O-Harnoy street. ' " ' ' 02C-'J ' *
Fort off ; * , etc. , treti'j ) ot first rotitmn nn tills page ,
9UNFIMIXIS1IKD orpartlv furnlsbeel fiont
coiineutln ritoni , splcntllil eondltlon anel
convenlenceM ; 2d lloor ; no other loomers ;
llaht liousekocplni ; ; rent low. Applv J. A.
I/ou elale , CIO S. mil. liK-7
" \ nr'A N T 1 ? I ) "TeThuy A ( rood milk cow for
n . Aeldres-'N. 4il , Hoc olllco. U.'iO-7
1 UNl'lltNlSHKD south rooinsiTc' . ' ! S. lllth st.
UXt-lO *
) OK 'J nlco newly papered unfurnished
-Jrooms. C'lty wnter , hath und scwcr.em cable
line , very clieap. H ± iN aotli. S70 1) ) *
TjlOK KKNT ; i rooms , unforjiislied.SlO N lllth
-L' st. . p r I ce. $1 0. _ hst
-KO03Ibiinftirnislicil ami rooms furnished
for rent In DugRaii block , cor , lath and 1'a-
elllc. Ml
Fur ni ten , dr. , tee top tif ftrat column
"IT'OK KKNT llrlck wareie ! > u o. two storlo
JL' and bascine-nt , -7,01)0 ) wjuaro feet , with 100
fe'et of demblo tiaclc on U. 1 * . railway , south
L'Oth and 1'lcrce .streets. Address C. Oskamp
Omaha , Neb. [ i51
KENT The 4-htory brick nulldlns , with
L eir vlthout powor. formerly occupied by the
lleo I'uhlMiIni ' ; Co. , IHU Kurnitiu sU The bulld-
Inc has a llro-proof cement hii'-eaiiyit , complete
steam heating fixtures , water on all the llonrs ,
Kas. etc.Applynt _ _ the olllce of The llee. 1115
CTOKI-.Sat709g. 1(1 ( , Lll.xffl each , liirj-'e show
kJwhidows. steam heat furnlsUud , Thos. K.
Mall ill I I'axtem block. X
171OK KKNT-llulldliiKtt"ivl2t ft. . 4 stories and
- - basement , on Jones .street , between 10th and
llth , with U. U. track In alley ; best location In
the city for wholesale , liiqiilro ailiS. 15th st.
U A.Llmhiulst. ! M
QTOKR l-'or Kent-l.r > 14 Doelge st. Chris. W
DlCaliiuyii : : > Omaha Nallonariiank lilelg. 513
OKI'll'KS'hi WlthiielliiloVlc with all modurn
improvements very cheap,13th anil llarnoy ,
_ _ _ 1SS S ID
Fur ratcx , cte. , nt top of flnst column on thti IKII/B.
J' 1ST your honse-s with Shaw's re-ntal agency ,
J : > 01 S. Kith M. IKI ) O. II.
RENTAL iiKcnt. Oeo. I'aul's new list now
out. 1UO ! ) Kaiiiniii. HIM- ! )
HE. Cole , rental agent , Continental blk.
. Kti
i J. IIIEV , rental agent , SOB N. Y. Life.
J1 . 507
S'J'OKA < iK.
Formic * , etc. , fte top of ] lrt rolnmu on l/ifn page ,
RTOIIAOK See us before storing geiods of
any eleserlptlon. Omaha Stove Kepalr
Works. UWDuimlns. Tel , IKU ) . 671
rplSAl'KAGKhtoniKO at lowe-st rates. W. SI ,
JL liiishinan .1311 l.eavunwortli. .TO
QTOKAtiE-llranch.t Co. , 1211 llowurd.
O 573
STOItAOK For nirrclinmllsn and furniture ,
colil Ktora o and freivln j tracuagu. David
fole , 8I.VS17 fleiH-ard St. 574
rur _ retcn. _ ( etc. , rre tnnnf rolmnii em Ihw paa >
WANTKD--Tubio boarders ; gcntleimcn pre
ferred. IT ? ' Capitol live ) . MtCll-8 *
For mint tic. , net top of flrt roliinin on f/ili pnae ,
4th n cel.
today. 5lh. Will KO to "T , 11. " any elay
you say --not late'r than 10th. "A. " "K. N. " at
"A. A. " "II. C , ' . , " put-Honiara. "F. " MSCO-7 *
MAHHIAnK paper e'eiutatnliiK coluinns of
poi'Miinils and particulars eif society that
paysfieini two to tl'piQ at marrlaRO , mailed
free , Address thu Ulobe , Altooiiu , I'u.
Forrntrs , etc. , * rc top oftint rolnmu on f/ito / pace ; In fnm-
bollulted. MUs sturdy , CC' > s liitli avo.
aius I'D"AitiTX N if \ iXs c
, etc iw ( up ofllrst rolnui on this paac.
BKI'OHK ImyliiK a piano examine the new
scale Klmb.ill piano. A , lloipu.ion Douulaj
G KO. K.dKM.KNllKOK.teaoliorof thobunj
with llospe , 151U Douglas. g4d
plIK Omaha Klmlintartcn will reopen Mon
-Uay , Scpt.S.'ooo Uivcnport. Miss B. Orlfflthi
. T4S-Ql ( _
W A It Kit platios : { pr sale ouly by Omalia
Muslo Co. . IMC ) ; hel RC. CU8sa )
MUSIO Mpcrcy , > iit elscnuntlniid | limnos on
easy torms. Ontsha Music Co. , IJIO Dodge
For ntetitle. fttlirfi nf flrtt column on this page.
pATKNTS-ObtAltiKT "from Hnllccf
J- patent ullleouut.biico . , no delay , no branch
olllce , consultationo free. Omaha 1'alcut
Agency , corner lijih , st. and Capitol nvo.
' * tf'Jj-i *
"PATENT lawyeirs and solloltors. 0. W ( Sues
-L &CO. , lleo biilliliii ) ; , Omaha. Tour years'
experience as ct mfiilrs In U. S. patent ol
ilriinch oliico liYWuthlugionriii & "Consulta
tion free. „ , 603
A"Ii3XbV. .
For rate. ' , ttc. , tee top if ftrtt roliiinu on f/ifi page.
JT. I'ATCI I.exeluTTvo pennon ntiii'oliilni'rit-
torney ! over 1.1 years' experlonco ; all the
liitcstlnw.s ft decision1 ! . Olllco removed freitn
I'runzcr blk to Chiunber Commerce , KM. Uinnlia.
ai i 04
'V'KW law ; pensions feir
j-i fatheis , motlior.s , willows and tnlnor chil
dren eif soldiers. Claims pushed by K. N.
i.'llnitnrin , 111 and 21 Tremor blk. . Omaha , Also
Washington and Oinclnnatl. Circulars fice ;
15 years' experience. 670"
A. Sttirfics , expert In
pension ease's. OveirlO years otpurlence.
Have sccureel over HOOO pciisToiii for solellers
In Nebraska and Iowa , their widows and lielrs ,
Abandoned , elelayed or ri'Jootcel cases a speci
alty. Olalnituits for pensions under the now
law sheiuld Illuat once. No mlvance foe. Of-
lleeiS'i Orclshton block , next south of post-
olllee. Sill-sin *
for mtcj . ffc. . kfc topof flnt column on tl
r.Kf ! . "nil : makes , imilt. sothejx"
- cbaiiKed , rented , J. I1. Megeath , 1B07 Kar-
nainKtrcct. 2 < J3
FpYl'KWIHTKKS for rent or sale. Stcnoic
JL raphors supplies , J.l' . Meseathlfi07 Karnaui
Fnrttttff , etc. , are tojiofin' column on this pant ,
] ITltS. DK. KDDV , the distinguished trance
-I'-L clairvoyant , late of lleiston. while en
tranced will reveal every hidden mystery In
life. I'ri'paicsl .vpthin tallsmen , which will
overcome your enemies , remove family Iron-
ble.s. restore lost afl'ee'tlons , tinlte.stlin senar-
nted. IIL-IIS | In nil trouble1 , ete. I'Ve > . ifl nml up
wards. N. II. Perfect Hatlsfnctlein guaranteed
by mull. Send stamp for llluslruted circular.
Mrs. Dr. Kddy , lU'JU Douglas stiectOiiialia.
C LAI UVOVANT-l'Vof.'l'onost.overfilOS. 13 ,
I3.0-0 *
MADAMSteverof . t. Louis the wonderful
earel lender , has retuineel tei the city , aud
will give perfect sathfiictlon on all all'alrs of
Pfe * . ( ! ull and bo convinced. l < adtcs. fie ctd. ;
K'Millemen , Jl , No. UUS N. IGth st , , Hoom i.
Hours from tl too. bill t > *
M A S S AO E , MIIC.UIII Dclzlur , ovorlllO S. Illtn.
751 O..1 *
KS. MANN IK V. WAKUKN , clairvoyant ,
trance , sno.iklm ; , writing tend rellahlo
business muelium,4 years In Umalia , ll'JN.Hith '
COME all nnd take a mussano treatment ;
Hiiiiesthliipnew. 1'urlors , C07 S 13th st. next
Ilarkcr hotel. 4KS ! *
For rates , r/r. / , ttc tup f Jint mluinii on tlili pane.
MASSAOKtreatnU'titrlcctro-tlicrmal baths ,
scalp and hair trcutment , manicure and
chiropodist. Jlw. SO-31 , Wlthnull blk.
4ilslt :
/ Virrnlw , etc. , sea top nf'flmt column on this pnyc.
FKKI ) MOIlLi ; loans money on diamonds ,
watchesJowelry.uto.JS. 1C. cor. Farnaiii.tlltli
HAiTGooiTs'ufs. . icxci
Fur rntet.ctc. , sec tnfl of first column nil this IHIOC.
BEST HUD hair Kopds la west ; hair dressing ,
WKS ! , switches , han s , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty. Iavlo4 lialn Roods and milliner ,
oiipusltopostollli'i ! . Ill H.15th st. Omaha , "li'j
forratcf , dr. , KC rojiont column on f/ita page.
IOE i IctU'rUJox wntcdvplio has
JL ono for sale. Address N 31 lieu olllec. DUti-S *
r1O IHJV A small cottaso homo between
JL I iii veil worth and Cmiiiiijr. not west of " ( ith
hU , for cash. Address N lit ) , lleo olllco. 8."iii : ! *
\\7ANTBD-IIousohoids tioocls of all kinds.
T ' Cash paid for second hand cooris. Oato
City Auction Co. . 21U nnil 215 H.ntli st. 740 Ol
UIlMTUJtE , household coodsctc. Hlshcst
cash price. 1111 Furnmi. : MJ
I'orrato , etc. , tec top o/ first cufiimn nnitn / page ,
KS'.K. A. llObYOKK will "Vi-open TeVjiri-
vate school for boys and clrls at Hill ) So.
IlSnil avoiiuo , September IB , 1MH ) . A limited
. . .
L. Klmhall. Airs. ( I.V. \ . lloldreu'e * . Omaha ,
Null. ; Itov. S. It , Ualthruii , Hon. A. J. Nortlirup ,
Syracuse , N. V , 9JO-li : *
"VTOTIC'K My wlfo. OeeirKloJ. Jackson , has
JLi driven mu from homo on account of her
temper , I have clvon her everything In the
house , hut will not bo responslhlo for any
debts she may contract. Kdwlu JaolCRon.
U13-0 *
_ _
fllO shoo elealers : Tlio New Jersey rubber
J- hoe Is , shoes , arctics and specialties will ho
extensively advertised the coming fall and
winter , \\rllo for catalnsiie , et < ; . I am west
ern ntont at Omahii. My sales this season
have btiatcn all previous records. / . T.
I.lndsoy. ( JO'J ' fe. . )
HKOTIIIIOI//'DS , 10th St. , payshlchest
price for ladles and Cents' eiist-nlT ctoth-
lir. . Address by letter or postal and I will
call at any time. 4IW U *
roii sA'ijii noisks'\vAOONS IOTC.
l''ornitcK , flc. , tee ( oji nf firat coliunn on f/ifs / page ,
S AnnJ.K pony , $25.00. II. K."Ci ConMincii'-
tal 1111 ; . cTS-ll )
731LVKHOISE-phaeloii ( and liorso fe > r J300
JL\iuitll Sept. 10. iS14 Wlrt ft 0-ii-7 )
TTIO 11 SALE A gentle , reliable family horse :
* . ' nisei Imugy and harness. K. H , Knight. .1)1 )
Webster. f2-h *
TTVlll HALE Horse , sound , young , Rood
JL1 driver , -WJ Webster st. ii'l 7 *
" \TICEwood-teip wagon. 1512 Dodge st.
IN 81004
T71OK PA LIC-Kentucky bred marosllnodrlTOr ,
-L stylish , nhsolutoly faultless. Address N 31 ,
lice. MO 7 *
jjToTTs llrown mare , seven years old
JL' Ke od elrlvcr. O. S. , I' . O. box 81 ! ) . MKtl-7 *
IT OKSES { JO unel up. 11. K. Colo.
TTIOI'K teams light mules ; one heavy 1,500-
-L1 pound horse. Koom 13 , Hoard of Traelu.
" \\roKIC horsetffltwo ! horse wagon JM.elonblo
> T work harne-ss SIS , Ut will trade for n
Kood light side bar buggy. II. K , Cole , Contin
ental bleiuk. u B'.KJ '
Formic * , cte , , ere top iflrat roluwn on l/iti / ji
In i tie
hoiibo. No. 1818 nnnnhn street , for sale ,
house for rent , IKtiqulru on the promises.
lfornttcK , rte.trctop ftl Jiftl foliimil on this jmge
TflOUSALi : Ono bltdCrdland ono pool table
-L cheap. E , H. C'arirtiMacodoala ) ) , la.
T7U : > llSALE--Tliorov hlred Yorksldro skyo
1 terriers , hull torrfrr * . Scotch collies , llns-
llsh setters and door bounds. MaxJ. liiehr
at .Max .Meyer .S : llro. . IClh and 1'ariiain. _ M
IjlOlt SALE-fheaiiJTiA'elosant ladles' fur
- 1cloak. . lniiilroat | ! > Hulmefer , druj ;
store , corner Corhy iitiu.rjhcrniau ' . avenue.
' 171OK SAIiB llakcry , confectlemory and
.1. cigar * for $115.01) ; partleMhavn either busl
ness to attend. Apply IDllCuuiIng st.
rorniten. cte. , reet iiof Jiivt wlttinii rm till * pnga
COMMKltt'IAI , and iununil Hhort time paper
boiisht : alho regulars ye < ar loans on I m iirov-
ud property. Ueo.lMllust i Co. , ! Wa Itaiuge hldg
ISank , Ul'.IS. ' 1Mb si. , loans miinoy
on chut lul.i or eollaturalut reasonable rates.
" 1711 HST Si seoemd morlKiiKLM on vacant .V : Im-
pixiveelclty prop. County warrants bnueht
Moueyon hand , 1' , M. Itlchardson.HlSN.V.Mfu.
_ _ _
/ 1 II ATTEIi latins ut lowest ratus. Itemoveel
V to tr.'I.N , V.Llfu Uldg.QJ. 11. Eiumlngor.
MONEY to loan by H. F. Masters on chattel
nnd collntornl soctirltle * for any tlmo from
one toilx months lu any nuiouht to ult bor-
Loan * made on household goods , nlnnos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , ware
house ) receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible
ruins.without publicity or removal of property
My loans arc tMinrraiiKeeltlmtyoti citn make
n payment of any amount at any time aud
reduce both principal and Interest.
If you ewe a balance on your property or
have n loan you wish chntiQcd , I will pay It
olTnnd carry It for you. If you find It more
convenient , call up telephone No. 10-1 aud
your business can bo arrntutod at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay , No pub
licity. Lowest rates ,
11. V , Maslora.
Koom 4 , Withucll blk. , 15th aud llurticy sts.
BUIIjDINO loans , C to "porcont ; no addi
tional elm reel for commission or attorney's
fees , W. U. Molklo. First National bank bldg.
MONTY-rw , ( W or 00 days on furniture ,
pianos , horses , housus.oto , J , \YlIklnsou ,
G19 1'axton block. Ml
"IpIKST mortinito loans at le f rates and no
Jdelay. . U , V. Suoles Co. , 510 1st Nut'l bank.
5S.- >
IOANP-OH v and farm loans.niortKago paper
bought. Mcl'aBiio Investment Co. f > iU
KRYSTOXK MortKaco Co. Loans of J10 to
Jl,0"0 ; et our rates before borrowing am !
save inone'y ; le > ans em horses , furniture , or nny
approved beeurlty without publicity ; note's
bought , for new loan , renewal of old nnd low
est rates , call It. ? J3tf lieely blk. , Kith ft Howard ,
_ _
U eif Interest oil llrst mortsaspa of Improved
real e-stato for t lie net tl ) , ) days by the Kansas
Cltv InrustmeiitCo , Itoonial , Hoard of Trade.
J. H. 1'ease , ininmRor. &S8
/"IHATTKIj loans lowest rates , business contl-
V dentlal. M. J. Hull ID Continental blk.
MONEY to hum on nnv scciiilty
feir.short time at low
rules. Lowest rates
onpersoual property.
The Henderson MeiitKiiKo Investment Company -
pany , nxnn 400 , 1'iixloii blk. ffll
' ] > RAli ICstato I.oans-Oash on hand. ( Hobo
J Leian.t Trust Ue > . . IW7 S. Kit list. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent ; gee > d list.
6'W '
OIIUA1' e'astern money
riilladelphla MoflftaRo nnrt Trust Tei. ,
nlwnya ready to loan unel jiav promptly ; llrst
morlKases wanted. Cie'eirae W. I1. 1'oates , rep-
resentatlve' , room 7 , board of trade. M.l
WANTKD I'lrst-clnss Insleln loans. Lowest
rates , Ciillanel aeons , Mutual Invest-
inentC'o. , 1JU4 l''arnam. ' 693
"IT ASTKUN money to leian on city property ;
-l mortgage paper bought. ll.ll.Irey.N. Y.LIfc.
\ > I'lLDI NO loans tnado at lowest rates. W.
J J M. Harris , room Si , 1'reuzer blk. , opp. P. O.
"T lItST mortgage loans on Improved and tin-
Improved piiim'rly. Charles W. Ualney. U15
Omaha Natloiiiilounk building _ SH
IO\ViST : rates on cholco city loans of JI.OOO
Jto ITiO.OOO Central Loan & Trust Co. . 12UJ
Farnain st. 02J-8
_ _
POIl SALE Nloo 7-rooni hon e ready to
move Into , with full lot , Ji.'JO , * JOO cash. O.
! ' . Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life. U)7
AltM loans Star Land ft Loan Co.
448 sM
$1.XX ( ) to loan on first mortgage ; must lie all
hi one amount or two loans of & 00 each ,
Itecd & folliy. ll ! llonid Tinde. 433
iT& 0. M. ANTIIONV.318 N.Y.LIfo build-
Ins , lend money on farms In cholco coun
ties of Nebraska unel Iowa ; also on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ) best
terms j no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on lu-ie. iiJO
DIKH Ilrokcr In teal estate mortgages ; ob
tain money at least ceist to borrower ;
open d y till 7p.m. Koom ! S ) , Ilarker blk.
MONKYtol. an. ro delay , In largo or small
amounts lowest rates. Apply < ' . K. liny-
nolds , Oil ) Now York llfn bldg. Telephone 1491.
plllVATE money to loan cheap. 0. II. Har-
Jrlson. " . llll N. V. Llfo. 55L ! _
"l/lOK SALK The cholco residence at Nei.
X1 KIM { JeorKlaave.ytxUaft. K. front , 0 largo
rooms , bath , gas , sewer , hot anel cold water ,
closet ami all coincnlencos.owner going to
leave city. 1) . V. Sholes Co. , 213 1st Nat. bank ,
MON ICY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , &e. , without publicity. Hawkeye
Investment Co. , 33 Douglas blklClh and Dodge.
FOIt SALE-Or trade. loautlfiiliiowll-room !
house only 2 blocks west of Lowe avo. . on
Cassht. , high and sightly nnd on grade. ; full
lot , cltv water , cistern , teiwer , bay window ,
porches , double lloor. cellar , bath mom all
finished In , price , JI.WU small
nnvinentdown , liulant'U ! > yoais at7 percent.
Will trade- for clear fiirm land or Omaha lots.
Owner , E. G. Jlerrlll , KK3 Walnut avo. Walnut
11111. Omaha. 870s 12 *
For rate * , etc. . trc tup < > f r.rst column on thin pna' .
171011 KXlMIANaE--JIei-chaiillsn ( and city
I-1 imipcrty fortune ! . Address We.stern Kx-
cliango Co. , CoMiuUiis , Nob. t'Jl 8 *
rpOKXCIIAMIE Corner lot.southoast front ,
Jfl,2tw , for horses , buuglesor
Address N 20 , lice- . t-UO-'J
" \\rANTEO f'lear ' farm , ranoh , e > r stuck
T T melse. . and cash , for line rental properly
In city. W. , 1TO ) Kama in. 7JI-8
SEVEN room , 2-story house In Memmoiith
Park , one block from moteircars ; gewd well , *
collar. cNtnrn , largo barn , etc. Also 17 acres
with llrst Improvements adjoining Cen
tral Clly , Neib , Also IfiO-aerei Improved farm
In Antelope county , Neb. Also a line largo
family horse > , carnage , wagem , harne's.scutter
and other personal property. Owner Is a nem-
ri'sldent anel will exchange , the above for a
goexl farm In eastern Nob. or iesldeiie-e > In
Omahii. Must ho five from InuumurnncP. Will
] iut In seimo money If necessary. What have
yon to oiler ? Ceo , J. Ste-rnsdorf , 1st Nat'l bank
building. Telephone 4IV4. rjii 8
rV < ISH to oxl-haiigo fil.'i acres of land B miles
noith of Hay Km-lngs , Nob. , for a clean
hardware steick. rienty of good timber and
water ; good farming land , nnsiirnasscel for
slock raising and fish culture ) . Land worthfj
per aero. II. H. MeUrow , Crawford , Neil ) .
757-7 *
WANTED 1'lrst mortgafios on vacant or
Improved lots In city , long time. In uuy-
ment for horse , buggy , burn fixtures , whips ,
robes , e'to. , pianos , notes , second meirtgages ,
etc. , In part or all. Ho quick. Address Nil ,
Hcc. r.'l-8
"V\rANTED Personal property , melso. , horse
t and buggy , stock , etc. ; will tiailo clear
and mortgaged lots and lands for same ) . Olvo
full particulars eif what you Irivoand we will
make eilfurutonce , AelifressN 13 , Hoc. 721-8
TflOK OMAHA re'sldentor liuslncss propertr
Jllrlck blewk , free from Inciinihramu ! , good
onnlnts. corner room occupied by bank , runts
iiay good Interest on : ! 0,0oo , la a good , thrlv
Ing Nebraska town , cross railroad and a
division station. Aduross LKI , Hco IOJ
rpo EXOHANOE-Aboutr.0 quartersof fine
railway contract lands 81) ) to l.i'H ) In a body.
\\ould ULe tonut all or purl In to a largo tract ,
block , htoek of milso. , or steioka In elty. Will
assume. W. J. Paul , Kift ) Faniain , 721-8
WISCONSIN water powormlll , wlthSOacroa
land , clear , exchange for Nebraska prop-
WANTEll Stock of general nidso. , Involo-
ln t.H)0 ( ) U ) ilO.WO , for choice Omaha Im
proved property uudcabh. Address , Jl-1)IIeu. )
WANTEn-To trade , silver watch , gold
plated chain ami charm , for breocli-load-
Ing Hhoigun , Parker preforrcel. Address N
37. lleo. 107-7 *
_ _ _ _
jTl VfWsToT Itei (1 ( 1 U J tahW iTTiT 'Sale and
ICxchango Journal" contains doserlptlon of
property and addn-sae.-seif the owners of stocks
eif all kinds of merchandise , farms , wild lands ,
mills , hotels , city preipertv , etc. , everything ,
every wlieru , for sale and to trade ; H.M > pur
year , with euie-lnchspaco free to Hiibserlbers ,
Samtilo e'eipy ! 5o. Nohtamps. llcebu iV llrown ,
Piijjlshers. Module. Iowa. _ Kff-7 *
rpo EX'HANQr.-M ( ) acre's best unlncmu-
JL be red llrown county , Neb. , land ; will take
borsi ) anel plinoton onsamo , J. JL Davis. 320
North Hxtfi'Mtli st , U22-7
SOLllgold Walthain watch and worK horse
lo traeio for geiod side bar buggy , 11. IJ.
Cole. Uemtlnental block. KH
KOlt SAVjli-ltliTvij ICSTATK.
i'pr nii > , ttf. M6toi > of jint column on llih
, Ilurdottn and Wlh , 6-rnom cot-
J- > tage , Jl.wW , fM cuHb , O. K. llurrlsem. Oil
N. V. Life. _ bU2
"TTIOH HALK Ilonsos and lots on monthly
-U payments. Ue-o. Paul , IGOU l-iiriiam , bUO-U
A GOOD way lei secure a lot for it homo TifTo
buy emu In llar.rl Terrace ) , only * IO rn-
( iiilredm itelvunce , tltlo perfect. 11.1) ) , Itced ,
It. U , Hoard TruUe. ( iU-U
IOOxlM fret cast front on nnil Rt. , near Dodge ,
on grade. A new well built 8 room house ,
nicely finished , all modern conveniences , In
Popploton park near motor. Al o nome good
lonln Mlby place. Pounleton park and La-
Vela placet on and near lowe l\Te. I'or terms
call on or address J. 1) , Xlttlc , 014 N. Y. Life.
" 171011 SAI < E or Htchange * Second jnortgaEei
J not cs of 830 to $2,000 each , lands and homes :
% vant clear lots. Address N It. llce . 721-8
LOT In IJoilford Place on State ( ttoth ) st. , to
exchange for lot In tJarthago or Lincoln
Place. W. L , yclliy. 13 Hoard of Traeio , 6W
$ l,2. > 0 to $ l.ppOO for tlncoln Vlaco nnd Cnrt hago
lota ; easy lorms. W.L.Sulby , 13 HoardTraelu.
ABSlAMj payment down nnd 115 per month
will buy a 4-nxnn house anil lot. on liitli , 2
blooks from ; motor ; llrst-elass chance teinc.
ejulro n homo on easy terms. Apply to U.K.
Cole. Continental block. CO I
II' YOU have anything to sell or exchange
call at fits I'nxtem block , OOJ
\\TANTEb-To purchase good city property ,
T T Improved or unimproved. l'r sale or
re'iit , geioel farm lands cleiso to city. In 4u-aero
lots or more. Iteiits collected nnd feu general
real estate business apply to t' . 13. Iloynolds ,
019 Now Yorkllfobldg. I'olcphcnu Kill.
TOU SALK-12 sections of land In Nebraska
-A- tit less than half value , by owner. O. H ,
rclcrson , 018 H. lllth st. PISslI
1NCOLN 1'laco lots 11,250 toJI.NW , De-xtur
L. Thomas. COO
TJlOUSALK-Onolotln Kllby I'lace , H.tWO ,
J.1 Three .ots lu Kllby Place , 'l.ino onch.
East front lot on Lo o avo. 42,000 ; $ 'iOO cash ,
balance to milt.
lleaullfiil lol on Spring street north of 1'ttr-
nnni. oiilv $2,2. %
South frout lot , corner on Fariiam street ,
Smith front lot , OilvKH on Hownrdstvoot near
aiiireirr..o.v. .
The nhovo vacant leits are nil harsalns and
terms can be arranged te suit buyer , W. It.
Homiin roeim 0. 1'renzcr block. ! t27
E lno A NT trackage lot , lri2xlU ! , fronting
paved st , , track In alhy , 1'or sale or lease
onleingtlme. The Mead Investment Co. , Dee
bld'g. UI7
" 17IOIJI ALi-ni : by ] . " > feet north and east
JL front , ceiincr on Dodge st. . onneif the nicest
re-slilenco sites In tlio cltv , for * 7 , . " > DU to a eleslr-
nlilei parly who will hiillela goixl icsldeuco.
W. It. ilomna. reiom 0 rren/ur blk. 4UI
" 1.1 A/I-.L Terrace lots are located lust north
II ot&iuth Omaha Park , forsaleon vorv
e'lisy ti'rtns , 7 per cent Interobt. 11. ] ) . Iteeel ,
Koom 1:1 : , llo.ird Traile , MU- ! )
"I I 'AXKL Terrace lots } .V)0 each , $10 down nnd
J ' $10 a. month. 7iercontlnlercst. | 11. 1) . Hecel.
Koom ii : , Hoard Trade.
\VAL'aII fctt'ealertlelelreal ostatOeJ.Oinaha.
001 !
COTTAGE homes lu most any addition for
.suluut from $1,000 utioneasy monthly pay
ments. K. K. Darling , ! l Darker blk. in.
EOH SAI K 0-room house , modern impiovo-
inenls. barn , etc. , WJ-fexit lot , on Wlrt st ,
tln best reslduncu st. , In the city , for $0WO.
$1.500 cash , balance to suit.
U-room lioiiso and 50-foot lot on 1'ark avo. ,
for SrJ. : > 00. Terms to suit.
S-rooni house and CO-footlot on 21st avenue ,
just north of .St. Mary's avo. . for JD.OOO.
U-room house , all modern Improvements , GO-
foot lot , on Hponcornt. ! for $5r > 'jO.
Or room bouse nnil bath. II ru plnce with oak
ninnte ] , e-lly water , gas , ete. , nt.lTith and Juulc-
son sts. , for $ ' . 1.200 , on terms to suit buyer.
Those nro all Kcnuinn bargains. Tlio houses
rent for onmich to pay 10 per cent on iirlco
naked , W. Ii. I Ionian , room C 1'ronzcr blk.
[ 1171
LOTS In llnzid Terraeoadetltlon. : t blocks
fiom motor line to South Oinahn. $10 down
and $10 a month. U. 1) . Heed , room lil. Hoard
Tnidu. t-Oa-0
JOTS ( inly two miles from postotllcn nnd
-t three blooks from motor line to South
Omaha for sulo at S.VJO to SMWeach ; easv terms.
Inw Interest and pel feet title. II. I ) . lieed
lluoni 111. Hiuiril Trade. MXI-0
Tnr rales , etc. , nee top of first column on till *
inon SA LK-Klrst class dairy. Call on It. W ,
-L1 Wrluht. 1'lorenee , or V. T. Uow , 70H orth
J8 street. 844 IS'
"T71OK SALE Ono stock of Rrocjrie.s , invoice
-L1 JI.SOO , Includes fixtures and freight , for
Jl.OOi ) caih ; no property wanted In exchange ;
goods are ) In llr.stchi.m shape , are lu best frame
building In town nnil ono of tlio best locations.
1'roprleteir. II. West , is aead. Will rent the
building for S20 per inontb. Uurrlo West ,
lixotcr.Neb. 7S3-0'
TJ1OH SALE A 10-room boarding house , full
-C of bonrflers. I'rlcc&iOO. Address N 3ft , Hoe.
IjlUKNITUKKnnd goexl will , 40 room hotel ,
J centrally located. Half price for cash ; a
simp Aeldross N IS lleo. 777 7 *
C1OHHALE At a b.irgaln.a Rood store house
J- fitted up with shelve" ) anel counters , baso-
inontl ! moms : for dwelling , Kood cistern and
well , will sell orlradti for a No. 1 stock of gro
ceries. Address Keulib Keel , O. o. D. grocers ,
f ! N inth st. ( SI
TflOH SALK or. trailo A llrst class hotel In
Ju a county seat In eastern Nebraska. Kor
partleulnrsfiinulru ofW. L. Sclby , roeim lit.
Hoard of Trade. 7.VI
DHITH stock nnel flxture\i , Invoice about
fc'.OK ( ) ; not any old slock : will sell feir part
rash , or evelinngo for a farm. AddrissV
Thorn , lock box I'll , Lltchaeld. Neb. ITI5 SSSt
11AIIKchance. City lloteilof MIllard.Nob. ,
for rent , sale or exchangn for farm eir
Omaha property , llest located betel In Mill
iard : lias liar-room , dance hull , Ice bouse and
stable ; all convenience II , K. Cole. Conti
nental blk , , or /.Immerman , itth : und Jones.
OKSTAI'IIANT and 12 rooms for sulei at a
Jibar aln , re > nt reasoiinblo ; also a whole or
half Inte're-st In fruit preserving works In city ,
C'o-operatlvo Land and Lot Co. , U'O.'i.V. Kith st.
" ( ) . ' - ! <
WANTED 1'artncr with brains and push
to manage and control established bus
iness , monopoly , largo prullis. no loss. tnve > stt-
gate. AelilroH ! > N 41 , Tim Hoc. 8jt.'i-7 *
" \17ANTED-Astockof goods , hardware or
> generalinerchiindIso preferi-ed , Addiosi
N 10. lleo. UJ1-7 *
I7IOK SAIiK l < cnse < , iMul will and furnltureof
-L a three-story brick hotel , cent rally leicated ,
second to the Capitol. Address lll ! Ninth 14th
St. , Lincoln. Neb. 5U 7'
, A Joint resolution was adopted
by tholcRlslitturuofthu state of r
tl o twenty-nibt. session thereof , and approved
March autH. A. I ) . ISM ) , proposlnR nn amnnti-
ment to sect lem two [ 2 ] four [ 41 mid live I.1. ] of
Article six [ n ] of thuconstlliitlon of tuiil state
anil that said section us amended shall read
as follows , to- wit :
Section 1 That section two p of nrtlelo six
( R ) of thu constitution of the state of Nebraska
bo amended an ns to read as follows ;
"Hoetlon" : Tlio supreme court shall con
sist of five (3) ( ) Judges , it malorlty of whomshall
bo necessary to form a iuorum | or to pronounce )
a decision. It shall Imvu orlKlnal jnrlsellellon
In cases relating to rovunue , civil cases In
which the state shall bo a party , manelamas ,
quo warranlo , Imtieas corpus , anel such nppul-
lute jurisdiction as may IMI provlele'd by law.
Boctlon ! ! : That section four ( I ) of article six
(6)eif ( ) the constitution of the Hi ale eif Nebraska ,
bn nniondod so as to read ns follows :
Section 4 : The Judges nf the supreme court
shall bo elected by the electors of the state nt
large , nnd their terms of otllco , except as
hereinafter provided , shall bo for a period of
Uve > ( ; > > years. "
Section 3 : That section flvo (5) ( ) of article six
( G ) of the constitution of tbo stnteiof N'obraa-
kn. bo amended so ns to read as follows !
Hectlon 5 : "Atthultrst Kmiural election to
bo hebl In the year 1691. and nftur thu adop
tion of this amendment to the constitution ,
there shall bo elected three ( ill Judses of the
Huprumo court , onu of whom shall ho electenl
for the term of ono ( I ) year , ono for thu term
of three Kl ) years and one for the term of flvo
(5) ( ) years , and nt oti"h Kenornl election there
after there shall bu elected ono Judno of the
ftiprcmo court for the term of flva ( . * > ) years.
Provided , that the juelites of the snpromn
court whoso terms have nut expired at tlio
time of holdlnR thn general eleutlon of 18'JI ,
ohall continue to hold their olllou for the re
mainder of thu term for which they were ro
pe ollvely ulccteel under thu present consti
tution. "
Soctlon 4l That each person voting In favor
of this amendment shidl Inivo written or
printed upon his ballot the following ;
"For the proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to thu number of supreme
' .
Therefore. I. John M. Tharor , ( lovornorof
the slate of Nebraska , do hereby glveinotk'o
In accordance ) with section ono ( I ) article fif
teen 'lf > > . of the constitution , thn provisions of
the act entitled : "An act to provide the man
ner of proposing all nmemlinnntn tothoe-em-
Rtltutlemanel submlttlnK thn same to thooloo-
tors of thu stato. " Approved I'uhruary l''Hh.
A. V , 1S77 , that said proposed amendment will
tie prcsunlod tn tlui ejuallllcd voters of tlio
state for npproval or reduction ut the cononil
election to Im hel < l on Ihu 4th day ot Novem
ber. A. U. 1 W > .
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused to bu alll.xed the great seal
of tin ) state of Nebraska. Mono at Mnroln
thlsSiith day of July , A. I ) . 1S > ) , and the twen
ty-fourth ynar of Oio state' , anel of the Indo-
pundenooof thu Dulled Status tlio onohun-
HKNIAMIN U. Oovrnrnr.
[ HKAI..1 See rotary ot State * .
August Id3m
Irfwoi I ' llOAtlO. IIUIIMMCITiRt T < 7. '
Omiha. | Depot imh unit MIHOII > trooli. Onmhi.
4.It ) J in .i.e'tiloiKO Kxprew SO ) nra
P.4.'in m CM p m
IMOp in Clilftk'o Ktprexi 0..VI ii m
. & 0p U1 m
l-cnres illlfllMNtrrOtf .4 MO. lUVKll./ArriTM /
Depol loth neil Mnviu utrooli. I Omnht.
r. . . . - - - - - - r. - - -
tig-- ,
Dciirnr Pttnrcn. . . , . , ( U4p
. . . . . .iH'nirrNlclit .Vxpro , , . , I l".Vi a
. . . .Lincoln locnl
If. f.81' . X AC if.
t'opot lotli anil Mmoa tlruoli.
ni.KnniiM'ltr | ( H.iy KiprtMi. . . . C..IO p in
JUJ p tujK. r NI ' " tla U. I' . Trim * . B.4.S m m
Tentes j _
° Unialia. I nopot lOlli nml Marcy trm > ti. 1 Oiuntit ,
. ni et"erfirnJTlyer. . . .7.T. , 9.UA p ra
7-TO p m I'ncinc Kspren 11.45 p in
IO.-.1) n m Ooiitcr Kxprixs , . . , , , . . ( ft-fti pin
rli.UO n m Knn M Cltr Kxpr < M 11.05 n m
10.IS n m .I'nlrnnlil Kxp. ( rxeepl Sun. ) . . . | 425 p in
"Ixmves" oiucAdor. icrvkTAcinc.
Onmhn. U. 1 * . ilopol , lUeli and Mnrcj St ' UtnnlUL
C.iO p m . Niitlit HM'rem . 10.05 a m
U.UJ a m . . .Atlantic Kipri'M . I C.M p in
4. : < 0 p m .VoMllnilr l.ltnlieil . 110.4.1 n m
" * | " hlOUX IW A TAOll-n. " "
_ Onmlm.JU.J c1opol , loth ' nml Mure ; St * .
7.15 n nil . . . .Slonx I'lty'l'imcnKcr i
_ 4.M : p in | St. Paul Kxprc ' 10 10 i
"Lmve.1 I sJIOl A'Cl'l > A 1'Al'ttlC. i Arrltpi'
_ Oninbn. | Depot l5lhniiiH\'oli _ tej > H 1. I Onmlir
Jl.OO p m | St. I'nnl l.lnilUM i ! > ' . ' . > ani f'
Arrlfni" * >
Onmlm. | IMyopol , lutlijinil Mnrcr Sl Dinnlia
U.1S A mi e'lilrnKo ixprc : . . . / . . . . . K.'M p m
. m Vestibule I.liullpit VM A in
6.1) p m Iowa Acceimnioil.itlon I.K.XO. Hun ) T.05 pru
V.10 p m Kasturn Kljrcr 1.4j p lu
J.IJp m Kml MnMorn Mxprcss K.OA n 111
l av t1Ti tJAelo ; "MTi , . , " A S i' .
_ pnmlin. U.P. _ elciiot , 10th nml Marcjr Oinnhix.
C.OO p m | TTl'lilrnKO KxproM lT.i : > n m
1J4.45 p nil Clilniu-o Ktnrc's 0. K ) p m
"L vg j OM All A .v ST. iol , is. i Airupt
J.iu.nbrIK | I * , ilnpot , lOlli nml Mnrej Sts. einintin.
4.IX ) p in ; . . . . . .M. l.uul * Oniinon Unit It.'aj p m
I Arrival'
Oninlm. | 'M' ' t I.Mhniiil _ Wobitor Sti. | OHM In.
B.POn m TllncTi IllTls kx pfe v. . . . . . t.V ) p in
P.U ) n in . . .llojllnKi l ! > p. ( Kx. fuiiiinj ) . . . ti.-a p m
B 10 p lu WiiluxKV Lincoln I'm.Ki.Mnml'yI ( lO.'JO H III
_ 6.1I ) p m . .VurkA Norfolk ( Kr. Siiinl ) . . IIO.-JO a m
T.e'ii u I . . 'tcr. 1' . . 7M.O. . " Arrlrot
Onmlm. I lepoMSlhnjnlVnlmor St' . Oniiliv
7.DD K m . . .Sluitx C'lty Arciiiiiiiioilatluii. . . Ii 05 n la
1.00 p m . .SMuilv Clljr K\pri' ( Kir. Sun. ) . . I.M p m
WW p m St. I'nnl I.tiulli'il S > . ' ' > n m
6.13 n m .llmmifl I'niKeiiiirpr Hit. Sun ) . . ) 8.l.ri n m
MISSUUlU I'At Ir'H ; . Arrlvui
( rnalm. ! loiit | I5tli ami Wubilnr Sir _
io. : n in . . .SI. LoiiH A"lI' . K > priM4 - 4.6'.l ' p m
11.15 p m . . .St. Irfiuh A K.C. Kiiru | - I ! m a ui
1.1-nvnu rOlltUAdU , It. 1. * I-ACII-IO.
Trnntitfrl lliihni Depot. Cnunrn lllutN. Trnmlor
' n . i Niiiht : > pf H U n NI
V.W n in Atlantic ixm : | > M 6..Vi p in
6.W p m VixtlHiiln I.linllc.l . II ) M II ill
"I/f vct | Arrlvi'i
Tranafcrl Union Ih-pot , I'mmcll llliill < . iTninnli'r
I'.ti n iii ] . TTT.riilcaitn ixpri"Tr..T. : . li.lKJ p ill
fi.W ) p m . Vi'-lllinlo l.hultoil . U W a in
lO.DO p .n | . in : < iturn Klycr . S.U ) p in
l.lUp lu . Atliilllln Mall . 7 .k ) a in
C.W ) | t iirltiwn Arrnniinoiliilliiii ( l\ \Sun > n 10 v m
hcavtx rilll'At ( ) , Mil , . ,1 I'At'i ' , . ArruiM
Trannfur _ _ III1 ? " " " " 't-J'onncll jlliiitg. iTrnn fiT
8.M p ml C'hlciiKO Kxpro" I I ) IA .1 ui
1.90 _ [ . . . . _ . " . . . . ' Kipri' s I I ! ( U p 111
rlft M I | J. 0..ST. JOH'A'O. Ill I Arrlvi'i
Triuwferl Union Depot. I'oiindlJIliiITi iTrnnifor
roorulnl Knn ns lllly Dny Kxproii. . " . . " I .Ve.1 p m
10.25 p . . . * City Nlxht Kxjirnn. . . e'M n in
"Lonvm" " OMAHA A ST. LOUItl ,
Transfer _ Union Depot. Council IHulTs Trnnir. r
' "
fi.tiO p iu | . . . . .M.JonUJ'nnon liiill. . . . . .
LPUTUS IClltOAefe ) . lifJUh'X K ejliiN'CY | Arrlvn *
Trmnfe-r ! Union llcpot. Council lllulls.
'U.lil iTiii . Clilcnxo ( i 'JO p in
10.110 p m ChlcnKO ! > 10 n m
7.'iO p m _ . . , Crr ton _ 11 M n m
SlOtJX C1T V \ 1'AL'l h 1C. i Arn i'
Tianifcr Union Pi-pot , Council lllnir < . ITrnnifiT
7.15 n injTTTsioux City Acconimoilntloii I ' .i 40 n m
U.ltt p ; . . . . . . l' ul Kxpreis.j. . 10.00 | i in
WnitnEAS , A Joint resolution wnn adopted . . .
by theleKlslatur0of J *
the twenty-first session thereof , and approved f
February lllth , A. 1) . ISM ) , proposing aniiinond-
meat , to .the 'constitution of said elate , and
that said amendment shall read a > follows ,
to-wlt :
flection Ii That at the general election tn
bo held on the Tuesday succeeding the drxt
Monday of November , A. I.18UOthure nluill by
sumltted to the electors of this itntn for ap
proval or rejection an amendment t < i Iho cim-
Htltutlon of tills Htuto In words n ( follows
"The miinufacturc , nalo and UcoiiliiK for sale
of Intoxicating liquors us a bovorapei are for
ever iirohlullnd In this state , and tin ) Ictxlila-
turo Hhall pravldo by law for the enforcement
of tliU provision , " And there nhall alf-o at
said election be .separately submitted to the
cleotori of this state for lliolr npproval or ro-
Joctlon an aniondmont to the cniiNtltutlonot
thu state In words as follows : "Tlio manufac
ture , sain nnd hooping for sale of Intoxicating
liquors UK a beverage ) shall bo Hocused turn
regulated bylaw , "
boo. St At HU cl\ \ election , on the ballot of
each elector voting for the proponed aineiid-
nientH to the constitution shall Liu written or
printed the words "For
: proposcel amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
manufacture , sale anel kooplnR for snhi
ot IntOYlontliiR liquors ns u Coverage , " or
'AKalnHt the proposed amendment to tlio
constitution piohlhltlng the manufacture ,
nale nnd keeping for aalu ot IntoxloitthiK
Ihiuors an u hovcraKO.- '
Thora Hhall also be written or printed on th
ballot of oacli oli'otor rotlni ; for thopropoied
amendment to the constitution , tlio words :
"Kor propeiscd amendment to thu constitution
that thu manufacture , sale and keeping for
sale of Intoxication liquors as n baveiruKa In
this btat * Mluill bo licensed ami nwulalod
bylaw , " or "Against said proposed aniend-
inont to the constitution that Iho manufac
ture , Riilo and keeping for. sale of Intoxloatlnr.
liquor * as a beverage ) shall bo licensed and
regulating l > y law. "
Boo. U : If either of the > ald proposed
amendments shall bo approved by a majority
of the ) electors voting at Ihu said election ,
then It shall consltulii section twonty-sovoii
l7 ] of article one LMot the constitution of thin
Therefore , I , John M. Thayer , Governor of
thu state of Nebraska , do hereby Kirn nollco
In accordance * with neollonone [ I ] article (15) ( )
of thooon.stltutlon .io4 tliu provlslonaof tliot
act entitled "an aiil to provide thu manner ot
propoilng all iiinondinontH to the constitution
ana submitting thoHnmii to the electors of the
state. " Approved February Kith , A. I ) . 1877 ,
that said proposed amendment will be ul > -
mlltea to the nuulllled voters of thli statu for
approval or reduction at the uemeiral election
tobo held on the day of November , A.I ) .
In witness whereof I hereunto sot my hand ,
and oanin to bo atllxcd tlio crcat snalof ttm
state of Nebraska. Done at Unoolii thlsSiith
elay of July , A. 1) . 18iWnnl thn stth ycarof tbo
state , and of the indupondunouof the Uiiltod
Btntefl thn one hundred llf li'imtn.
lly the Governor. JOHN M. TIIAVEH.
[ HRAUJ Bocrotary of Stato.
August Mlm :
WmnBAR , A Joint rcinlutlon was adopted
by the legislature of the state of Neibraska , at
the twenty-first session theremf , nnd approved
March 'Wth , A. I ) . IHs'J ' , pr upon Ing nn amoiid-
munt to Hectlon Thirteen ( I.D of Article Blx ( B )
of thn constitution of said state : that sale !
section as amended shall road us folluwn , to-
nit :
Section Is That soctlon thirteen (13) ) of arti
cle six (0) ( ) of thn eons tit nt Ion of thnntnlenf N'u-
braska bo nmnndud so as lo reind as follows :
boctlon U : Tlio Jud ei of thnsupremoooiirt
ihall eaoh rorulvo u salary of thirty-live hun
dred dollars ( U.M ) per annum and the Judgew
of the district court ithull receive a nalary of
tlireo thousand dollars ( tl.OOO ) per annum , unit
the lalary ofaach shall bopaynhlu quarterly.
Citation 3 : Ksoh pcnan voting In favor of
Uil3 amondmunl shall huvi ) wrlltuu or prlntoU
upon his ballot thn following :
"For the propoaoel aniondmunt to the consti
tution , relating to the salary o. Judaea of the
supreme and ellstrlot court.
Thcruforn , I , John M. Thayer , governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby < rlvu notion.
In accordance with ituotloit ona [ I ] urtlolullf-
teun [ 1. 1 of thu constitution , and thu provi
sions of an not entitled : "An act to provide
thu manner of propoalni ; all nmendmeintn to
tlio ( MiiiHtitutlon and nubinlttlng tlni HIIIUH to
thouU'ctonof the stat * . ' Approved February
Utli. A. I ) . Irt77 , that said proposed nmcitil-
nitmtwl 1 be submitted to the ejuallllcil voters
of this ftitto for approval or rejootlou , av tlui
jt.-nrral eilectlon tn te held on the 4th day of
November , A. 1) , IHM.
In wltntis vfhetcof I have hereunto sot my
hand and caused to ho ulllxeil tue great Heul
of the stnto of Nebraska. Donei at Mneoln ,
this 16tli day of July , A. 1) ) , IH30 , and thu twen
ty-fourth fear of the state , and of ttio Indo-
iumdonccof thu Unite * ! Htatei the one ) hue
Ured nriucnth.
lly thu Governor. JOHN M. THAVtU.
HKNJAUIN U. Uownicnr ,
.l .lId3 Socrotar/ state.