Tint ! OTVIATTA DAILY SPEOIHL NOTICES- A l VHlTI8hMFNT.1'for ' the i coltimniwlH i ho Inkentintll 1'JMO p. in. for thcovonlnB edition and until 8ai : p. in , for the morning odllloniindSUNDAr IUE. riinUMHCash Inndxiuoo , JL "JTJATrS Advprlliomcntson tlilipasc XT 111 bo jLlclinrapdfor ntthorntoof 1 Viccntpor xordl for the llrst Insertion and 1 cent norvrord for each Hiihu'ciucnt Insertion , nnd fl.CO pcrllno IXT month. No tdvcrtlsetnent tukcn forlcss thin SOccntifor the first Itiscrtlun. JNITIALS , figures , symboLs , etc , , count each as ono xrord rilllKSU adtortliiornonts mUBt runconiocu- JL tivdy and tindcrno circumstances will they Ijctakcn ordlseontlnued br telephone. "TDAHTlEri advrrllslnit In tbe-spcolurnnnand JL linvlnit tlidr atldrosscd " nnsxvcM tnft "rutn- bcrcd Utter1 In ciro o ( THE llrn will rocdx-o a numberedp.ieclt to cnntilo them txigcttholr lottors. Aiiwon xvlll bo delivered only on presuntnt Ion of this chi-nk , Enclose unsworn Iticiiviliipo * properly addressed. AI.I ndxertlfoini'nti tinder the hond of "Sneelnl Notices" nre ptthllilied In both inornItiznrtiVcnlnKfdltionA ( | olTurIHr. the circulation of vhlch ns riEat"i ( more than 20000 pipi-rs dulIjr , and ulrcs Ilio advertiser tlicbenefit not only ollho hrEtadreul.it Ion of TUB Un : InOmalia , but also In Council HlufTs. ijlnroln n mint her rltH and toxins In the west BRANCH OFFICES. Advfrtlslnj ? f or thcso columns will bo taken on theltboMM'ondltlon' , ntthofollowliiBbusI- nc iMiiiM'swIionro iiiithorl'udtn tiknsiicltil iiotltM.'nt. the snrao rates asciinbo lud at tuo main SOtTTII OMAHA llltAM'lf 01'llOE-No "fMN Klreot , Mst or Block. TOI1N W % IlKLI , I'hurmuclst , SfJSooth Tenth w fctriut. CHAfH A EDDV. M-itloncra and Printers , - - - - - - IflHotithinthHLrret. \\7 X lltOIUS , Pliamuclst.J 4 NortlilGth Sin-it. / " 1KOV. . I'ARIl , I'liartiiaelst , 1718 Lcarcn- xJ xvortliMicet. fi 1 I'll UIMACY , 2 th nnd Farnarn S1TUATIO.NS fu Ol ( > , cttKrAop 0 } firnttnltinn onthts page. _ . . i asnlght xvatchtmn In M store , mill or inctory , by an lion "it re liable man. Address N 27 , Ileo. M827-10 * "TjlOHwxvlnit tiythn day or wink , call on or ' JL' addri'bsMlss'Carrlelf iintr , 2TOII am II ton st 814-11 * 31 R ° ' " " ' y r eld wants to loam trade , ft'ntit -Dbonid. room and washing first year. Ad dress X i.lice. . tn AI < AIV wants a position aa teiiclierot oil painting In some school. Address N' . in , Dee. T.'l-j * * \\7 AyPl ; i > Homes for itndints. inn IP and M fiiiialo.who Vvlll xvork nlilitH and mnrn- liiffs for tin Irhoird. Address , Haitd.ircl . llusl- Siess rolh'KO N. V. I..KO blilc. 711111 " \\7"ANTn > Situation foritti honest , reliable ' buy , sixteen j ars old AddresiM t # Hec 3IVUjli3 lot tatis. tlc.tctnp ( \ < m Mi It ixioe , Cfc5Kr < wanted. 318 Sontlir.tTiVt . A P ini'-sstneer , abrUlit Intolllpeiit lioy 12 to - < - 15 ADplyat room 200 , Oni.ihaN'n.t.liink Mdg. > IS.1)-J ) a _ " \\7 ANTiD : A flrst-clnst , Al eloik iiles- i * Jiian. A Kond pnx Inir position for tlio rlzht p.irtj Apply atTlioralr,13tliand lloxv- nnl sK , Onnlin. 8K-S " \\7"AN'Tiil : An experienced photographer , M one tint thoroughly understand" the bus iness. Good wanes to the rlffht man , C'jll or itddrtw J. ValeI4.JT N. iMlh st.clt.V , 813-G * "V\ 7 ANTH ) Coat- makers tittlic Continental clothing liouso. M KI-5 AN I'll ) A Keel Itxo , itblu salesnun to sell extracts and other t-taplo ipochltlcs tothoJolibltiK andlnruorrctiitlirroccrs Inloxvi and adjoining territory , for nliirgo Chicago iiianiificturlnK house. Ono will acquainted tflth the tr.ulc. flood innn nnd good pa ; Address - dress K 1KJ , care of Loid AThomas , Ohlriso. JI 86 * " 11 7" A NT CD A Rood , Itnliibtrlons lioy towork i In drug store S. I' , cor. 10th and Fnmnir. riTT Aboy holpcr tonork In almk- -iV cry. C.ill couier-ltlianU llamllloiists. 71W-5 * TTrANTEI ) Abusliolman at 1111 Doughs st' W bO-.M * 1\ * ANTED As ilcsmaii acquainted xvlth the crockery business. AildroMbOAWS Omt ' WANTPD Hiker at once , Call nltor 1 o'clock 100JN. L'Tth axe. SOlKi * ' \\7 ANTID An nsoney for maaufacturcr IT or position In nn olllco dthcrof profci ilunnlof tnercnatllenaturu. { icforiacesitlx'eii. Address N.'l. Iloo. 7 0 * V\7 ANTKD llutelicr competent to buy an1 IT cut for tony trade. Kaqulro ISO Oapl- tel a\e. 7W4 ANTKD Oood cook at \V.corner of i'lit and Pass. 71)8 4 * .1 A first class waiter amlnhort ordercook. S OJOuiiinilngs.st. hUSC * ANTKD WhrlilRO carpenters. Alurlcht's ' Labor Apcuiuy.'M \ \ l'ii-nam. Wl W ANTKD folloltora vltn goodrnforcnccj. iawllox\ard it. 7&0-0 * W ANTKD drocery tlork ; rofcronco re quired. o vnlan Bros. , Cor , 10th and Center. 7 )4 ) * ANTED Boys and Klrls at Murphy , M'uscy& Co.'s chalrfautory. TJ1 8 W ANTKD A first-class waijon and cnr- r I a to worker. bhaiubUii& Siott. ? outli Omaha , Neb. Ta-C' T\7ANTKD Hy n. well known New York cl- TT gar mumUclory , sdosinin to earrv a line of specialties In low prluoil clears , on lib eral com mission. Address , xvllh full iiirtleu- larsatid rcfoicucos , ! ' . Obox SJ7Now , York city , 71S-4 * ANTED Salesmen to sell Roods to mcr- chiinls li\ sample : salary paid to Kood tuoii ; samples furiihliud-.parinanont sltu'itlon Model Manufacturing Co. , Kmthltond. InJ. 707 S10 * \ \ ' ANTKD A cooJ iihjslcljui xx'lio can speak ' Herman tolocuto at Henderson , Neb. 7007 * c nA > 'lhU A youtiK iiiatt to t.i'11 Domestlo sox\hi { iiincliliivho > hishailo\pulonoo In tli bti lnet.3 Address S. li. fcmlth I.eid nty.H. IIik. b * " " " "l/ANThI > Mon tot rat nl for our Canad hn T nitrscrles.btoitc&\YilllnslonJhdIson\M9 Ml ) \\'AN'lhl > falesnien at $75 pormonlh salT - T T ary and oipeiurs to soil a Uno of ? llx or- plated XMIIO.atolics \ , etc. . by unmplo onljri liorso niul loam fmnlshod frep ; xvrllo nl once for full particulars unit umploeato of poods free. StaiidaiilSUurvxuro Co , Uoston , Mass. BO a /ANTLD-.W hboriri ( or o\tia rofd ( 'iinss Aoplytol' . H. Johnson , H. .t M. p * lijjerdepot. Omaha , fat j "S II'.U A lirst-etnss tr.nellng stilesntan s other need npplv ) , to sell bojs' and ' ohllaieii's clothlni ? In Noliriskn 1'ollak & Btruss , WJWroaaxvtiy ' , Milwaukee , \\la. \ 011-0 VV/ANIKU / 1W patent rlKlit men to sell tcr- T T rltory on oomnilMloii. Itvterunco re quired. Address J , I' . Uuuraiaktr , Cliestir , Neb , _ 4J7-S * \\7AM'ii-Wo : men for Utjh and rsevada : waxis 00 to tH > . Albright's Latar Attont' II.'O l.iriuini t. _ trju C ITY c.invmsurs on failnryindconiiiussioa , _ oxperlonecil uRents iiroti'rred ] mu t Klni ( octirltyor city r 'lorenco. Aphly 0:110lo : llv t in. , Omalri Wiitch Club Co. , 1114 CtplUl av . W7TNTK1 > llirto Hrstolasimon to ropro- st-iit HIM Omnhalteelii and outof the city Call at tlio Hpcclaloltlooof Umahaltco , eornsr 17th und ntrninn Jiround floor , (77 ITortuf'tf < * . , ft t < tfi > f flnt column on Uib pnt/e , " \7SZA NtK IVt I iu nieti I ti tely. f I r I to it clo xx Kit T T lioii > e\r ) fk and ohlUn'ti. No xriuhlngor ' ' ' " " " Ironlntr. Sl''aLakoJt. \ \ TANTED Olrl for central homcxvork , ininll family. Mrs. \ \ rltrlit , 'MH fewurd n. 171TANTED-Otxvl pltl for soneral house- V > work , tjwall fatully. Good Mages. C.01S. BOtlibt. OT-0 X"\7ANTiD-Liidy : to stllOur Home Ency- T T olojiMhii. " ftieclal terms to right party AddrosHtuo N. Y. Life. bOI-4" V\TANTKD-A saleslady that has had ox- TT porlcneoln the ( lucensuaro Irndp. Ad- flroH Mcrohaim I'.O. ftp 4 V\/ASTfKO-A RlrT fcr general lionsouorUn T l family n ( tvo , must bo moo4 ; cook. . Mr * . Uope > vcllU4i ( . ICIh st-.up . italra U > \ " ' YVANTUD-A K0ou"'coolc. V. K Mrores. 117 > > a. 1Mb. a s * VVANTKIAii exporlouccd ludy comn < * I- > > tor. Uullat room \U Uogbuliaiii.7 nu. M or 0 p.m. W7--4- t" l > oolc-kcepcr wanted. Addrp t K24 , Jlleo ofllcc , 701 > JI-t ) ndy copyistXTdow ( | DrofcrredX Address Merchant , lice oHloe , Council Huffs. 7D2i * TAr < TETl A lrl for Kineralliou pwofk at -'I H California t , 71-1' AN experiencedcooluh > ouimoilrl ntonce , "V\rA > TKI-A ) eornjwtent Rlrl for nurse nnd VI second work , MM , Gco. 1'atcrson ' , 120 S , 2T.II1 street. 813 l-A hnlf-jrovn Klrl to n tUt nt huiisuxvorlc. German prufcrrtd. Slfl 2i , 20 ( t ro it. 8107 "V\r A I TEb-Olrl for houloxvork. W 7C2 > S Ittli * st A GOOD ( tlrt wanted ; ( rood wasos ; good -clplacoi family of tvo. 40fl Hamilton si. 7M5 * A COIU'EinNT Rlrl. must bo u jroodcook .iimdhiutidruM. Apply at 21.7 Hainoyst. 7706 * . \f AM'HIi-Nurso Klrl for one rhlldjmust ri haie rclereiice. Call at once , -1W" Hartley cnoir-Ulist. 771 ( ( JlOb asth st. 774 A > Tnil Apoodnursc sitl , ( lood WIIKCS paid to right party. S. Ii eor. 3c& James. 779-7 \v rA.srEl-airl. EOT Cunilng at \TA.\TEli-GIrl \ for hoii exvork In family of 'I ' three. Apply 840S 17lhst. 7104 * 'U A mod Klrl for liousuivork Mrs x * : rr < iiurtst. 71S4 O1UI/"Wanted , steady elrl. first class cook ntidliutndress. Must l t tliorotiRhly coin- jxlciitnnd ell recommended.VaKfs Ii pur vriek. Mrs , William Loudon , t > S Mh st.MO MO \rA.N rEl ) Competent , plrl for Apply "iSJ I'jrnain. \\T A.NTIOII Coniprtnnc irtrl for general it lioimoiurK' , . ' < iOO I'opniuton avc. ll.'S T ADIHS vantid to loam a ilmplo and per- Jjfoct system of dress culthiu , 1713 Dodeo t > t r.t i it- \VANTI-3D-TO HUNT. Fur ratm , ctt , eelopnfflrttcolumn \\rANTED-To rent liv Kcntluman , fur- i nUhcdroom with prlrntu family. Stale tirms.Khlcli tuuut be moderate . Address N Wllec , M 6JC-G * AMIDDI.r aged married couple , xxlthout children , dt' lro Al rtont and iKj.ird Ad- . Matliu price , X 5 , Umnlia Htc. iK'10-7 * " \lfANTED II ; n younff inurrlcd coni > lo M loom nnd bontif In a sttlclly prlx-alo f.uiillj'nliere tliero nrc itoothri boiiaon. I.o- cMtlnnto bcnorircablo or mo tor lines and not too far from the city. Address X 17 , lipnntHco. - - * HOUSKS. I'or rail * , elf. , t-cttupof flntcttlumn m Uili > T .My rcsldvncn furnlabodor un- J. fnriiKliid for v Inter or lon ot , dosltablo location. MM. M , Hlgutter , 1112 S. lOtn st. ON motor IIIIP onlj KJOtnontli to coed year ly tenant , o levant noxf 8 rouin 2storv brlik \vlth nil luocletii coni'uulviicis. Imntfro 4J Xake st. 7fej-8 * "IjlOnKEM1 First class 7 mom Hat „ . . . . JL1 rnutre , In new buildini ; , 2nd Hour. TOo S. ICIh st S.CI GiorfjoUlouscr. 80.1-10" rinVKNTY-TIIUnrrooin notel. rent * A fur- -1-nlturo < .W ) , $ < ) cash or Io-.i If kccitrlty Is suflioluit : also 11-room lriclv bniirdln ? homo , fiirnltiiro all ncn , forJ4.r > 0 on tlriti1 , location a blocks west of 1' ' O. Co-Opomtlvo Land and lat Co. , ' . O.IN' . loth st. 7) ) , ' 4 "TjlUlt.VISIinDliousc for K months. Ilcstof JL' orifereni.es. Address X 12care lleoolllce. 7M-J * TK YOU wish to rent a liouseorstoro s > eo II. E J-fole , Contontlal blouk. 532 rpO IEfT--lIoiisoof ! 8 rootm. east nnd north J-front , earner Sdth \\oolfortliave \ \ , , : ill inodorn conveniences & 10 per month. 0. 1' . Harrison , till N .I-lfe. 6.VJ TnOIRK ! > 'T--7 room Hat. MO S. nth st. JL' pernionth. Apply atTlto FalrJ. ! < I dels A to in , KM POI ! KENT Sept. ) . coltaKC wlthall modern lmuro\cmeiits \ , 1)21 i-hurinan a e. Ki T71O11 HKN'T To responsible parties only , -13 tlio-.o line new lirlckand stotio houses on Georgli nxrniicj ilfteeti rooms and alcoves ; tnoro conveniences ana butter finlihed than nny ItoiiHofor rent Inthoclty. II. U. IJcnder- ton , 4001'axtoti block , city. K > 3 7-KO05I house with barn : nominal rent. 0 , I l'Mlarrlsoti,011 N. V.Llfo. KiO TjlOI ! UEXT To small fnnillv. alt-room f ur- JitlMicd cottiRo. very deslraple , close to motor. LPIIB le.iso to rlRlit party. Unit's Ilentln ? aRoncy , iSM S. 15th St. CM 7C3 HOUSESrorUent-24C6Casi8t:4nS ss st : , S4l4Un 4bt.lO and 14 roomsall ! convcn- loncen. Clim.i. . Ralttoy,3150maLa National l.mlcbulldliip. DI5 )8-rooiu houses , all modern conx-onlenees - ivltli burns. 2 blocks from motor. OIU Pax ton lilk. S13 FOK KENT 7-room south and onst front cottn e , 420 per month , Wright & Lasbury , Arlington bile. ! Ki C-KOOJI house , South SJth.xust of shotloxvcr. tx/j si.r * T OOIC low rent , desirable modern houses JJ&cottagcs. Enquire I'.irrotto rentalnpency 073s 15 FOR KENT 9 room brleK honso , east front , on Georgia ax-o , just rierth of li'avcn- viortlij every convenience : nonlypalitted nnd repaired : Is InflrstelassRhapo ; akpbalt paxc- moiit , To rosponstllo party , < . U A , Up ton Co. . ICth nnd t'arnnm 1B5 DEfilKAHLEdwollliiKi , all partiof tlio city , limit rnncn ! frntit tl to M monthly. A Alien , lWi ( ruriiata st. RT.NT T-rooin cottaROXvlth bnrn , 22nd and Lotvotmorth , 820 per month to Rood party , CM' . HarrKon. Oil N. V. Llfo. abO POH 1JF.XT A linuio of all conveniences , centrally located. Inquire 712N 10th st 441 FOli UKNT A 0-room lioxtw , iiejr to center of business , f JO ; nlso brick S-rootnbou1 ! ! ; , iintolocntlon(15. ( TlioMuud Itfxestnicnt Co. , t\2 \ lliu bullJlni. 07U Foil itiNa' ; . UOO.MS , tit. , tie fojioJnl \ cnhtmnon tJitr page. POH m.NT : Txvo dcslraulc front roonm at the Slielton , 101 S. IStli st. MKI1-7 * POH UTN'T Furnlshcil rooms , ifflT llowatd st.Jtd . lloor. M KU-5 * POI ! a comfortable room for the xvlntur go tcMi-d.llalc , lOOTUonardst. 3rd floor. M srr-r > * ORIVATK family nicely situated In modem I residence xdll accotnnuKlato a low boarders desirous of u pleasant homo and first-olnss accomniodutloiis ! rvfeicnces exchanged. 2130 llarney M. 045-3 * NTlVIiY furnished room 313J4 ' .15 li street. Jlat K. 811 7 ' furnished room vvlthboardlr de- ilreds all eotnenleneesi priutto fntiilly ; rofotoncciiisl > cd. lijJ3Miornian ( aio. 760-1 * PUKXUHBU rooms. 1U1 Capitol ave. 7755 * POIl ItFNT-FunlHhea room. 1522 Hoxvard st.i must slvo retermces , 7o8- ! > * OME ultoly furnlshcdroom. 717fco. Uth st. 7Gll > POIl itrNT-Or.o laro wmth front room , wltlnilcou' , Kiit and bath , ono block front motor , 7uoueietleniun(13 , to two an. 2UHJ I'u vcn port. 7IS * OU KLVT-Itooms x\lth lioard , ISllOasssU 717 5 * SEVUR\f < nicely turnUhodrooms and board may bo hail at tlio n , w. corner SOth and HurUts. Homo hns all modern couvenlenccs. Modenite rent. Mrs. llecKniaii. 7.4-4 FOll liRST-Fiirntalied room with board. lOlll'ouglas ' pt. lksi-7 * IfjwSNT rooiui * for rent , The Murrmit. th mid IJodKV , liW 7 * V furnished roouu and board , vlth bathC17 | DodgosU [ to7 O-1IOOM lioine , Ikl anil Cumin ? , KB per Oinoiith , O. I' . Harrison. 011N. V. l llo. JW "niOll llLNT-rurulshtd rooms , ices ) Wit 171011 lUNT-Kurnlshed rootuajgus.latliand J sleain , 15IflUoxvir l. _ JMH _ _ TjlllUNlSITKI ) IJUtSaiS-Slnglo or In htilte. -1. Lust ( rout , f urnaco heat , hot xvatvr , K'ui , etc. " ha > .s. i : iiiijt. _ un R OOMSfurnUhod , xvlllt board. SI3 K. 17th. . ill 10' p URNISIICIrooms ) forlent.UKBCapitol axo. 3.It A Fl7K.MMIKI > 'ruoin , HUltablc forlwo.-'Olt ) r U 4' _ _ _ _ _ TTVUll JlENT-Minly furnlshcil room | th i3 loardi references. SM7 I'lirnini ft. TL > OOMS- . IS. li a ? N bin. ST. OliAinniiropennholcl.wltli illnlnnmom , steam heat In all rooms , IHIt-lXxlR * Spcelnlra'01 by wcok or mo. 21 I'OHllKXT UQOaiM UNPUIlN'tSlLEU fur rait * , clt. , ret top of flnt roiumn MI i > \jur .1 mil urinr ii u ri't'ins im uimi and gas for housekeeping. 1003 Howard , adfloor , 7S05 * 11\VOunfurnished rooms , 1001 rarnain.p > UNKURN'ISIIED rootni. 2 nlco largo ones i anl cone small for huusckecplnc : , 'J5.1J Don jlat. r.ci-t * POIt KENT Two unfurnished moms at 013 N lith street. 71.VI * /l-HOOMSunfurnlslipii nnd rooms furidshrJ vfor runt la UujBati bloclf , cor , 13th and la- cine. y > blTlTKS rooim , lilJW Jackson Bt , Apply 2ittfat. ! Mary's a > o. m T(1OIinn ( > T 3 rooms , unforrlshcd.SloN KJth J-1 st. . price f 10. k 4 XT bTOUliH AND OKKIOESJ , tit. , tcttop of fltil column on f/tlfixio * . FOll UENT Brick xvnn house , two ktorlo and basement , 27 , < M ) square feit , xvllh liO fu-t ofdniihlo track on IT. P. railway , couth iOth .111(1 I'luruc ' streets. Address U , O'katnp Onialia , Neb. M. ! Thoil KE.NT Tbo4itory brick Dulldlnir , with -L or without power.fortncrly ocoiinlL'dby tlio Dee 1'ubllshiiiKUo. , ClOFarnainst. Thohulld- Ins lima tire-proof cement basement , complete stuanibcatlnK flxttire vnternn all tholloori , , is , eto. Apply at the olllco of The lice. 1)15 ) 1TEST j urTck stores , iiulclior'a 11 x- tures In ono. InquIrull43N Uth. CTOUES at 709 S. Id. 20tCO etch. Inrno chonr Owlndoxvs , stfitn heat furnUtieu. Tlios. F. Hull 311 1'axton block. W3 "inoi ! ItKNT llulldlns 0 x124ft. . 4storlcs and J-1 basement , on Jonis street , IwtwcimlOtli ntid lltli , lth U. U.truck In alley ; bust location In tlio city for x % holusalo. Imiulro am S. IHh st. 0 A. Llndqillst. 600 STOltn for ltcnt-1514 Dodzo st. Clns. AV Kalney,3I5 Umitha Nntloiinlbiiiik bid ; . 515 OFFICES In AVltlincll block with all modem IniproM'inuiitd very clieup.lJtli and Iliirnoj- . Ib3 S ll > OF11CES for rent Also nInmc room 40x93 on second floor llamso's bitlldlnz. . 3IS-sTi UENTAh FIT rnlrt , < lc. , rtttop of Jtnt column OH Mil * pfujf. IJE.NTAli ncent. Qco. Paul's new ll t now liout. JC09 Karniuii. b0 HE. Cole , rental ngont , Continental blk. & > > 3 J , IUI.V , rental agent , 206 N. Y.Llfe , . M7 ti'XOUAGK , Formfr * . rte. , ptttopof ftnl codimn on f/il ; vioe. D'TOIiJVtUI bC i s bt fofo storing Kinds of D.itir dcierlptlon. Omiilin ato\o Konalr Works , 1207 UoiiglaH. Tel. t > 0 071 rnnACICAGE < toraifo ntlox\cU rates.V. . M. iHushinin , 1111 Leix'unuorlh 57- ( JTOKAOE llMtltli& Co. . J.'ll STOUACK lor inorchiindlso anil ftirnlturo. cold stDnmonnd freezing ; tracnage. D.xvld ColoS15-MT llovrurdst. f < 74 KOAUD1NO. For mtfjt , tte. , tee toi > of column on fAu pott A\7"AN'TF.n Tnblcbonrilors ; geiitloincn pri- V V ferrid. Its Capitol nve. Ms3l-i > * POH peed boird.nlco rooms , modern con- vcnlcncps , nto-.and location , tlio L'lillinin house , 11)10 ) Uoclgo st. c.innot bo cxicllcd. Mrs Horn , propr. _ fl.'l 4 * LOST. For jtifM. r. , ite toiinf frtt cnlioin nn fM pane LOsT > "eirllth : and Tannin , ono Indj's gold v.iteh nnd chain xx 1th eliarm lers of Uobeoki nnd Oddfellows emblem. Ite- turnto Ml s I < h IJogurs.c.troof tlio Fair , laili and Howard Hticets , and rccclxo roward. _ < i LOST lletxs cen Irx-lnpton and Council UlulTs , a lady's wbltc lojliorn hat trimmed wlthcreeii lea\os and rod berries. 1'lndor 111 bo regarded hy leaving at lien ollicu , Council niulTH. JI82S-0 LOST llnlr cltaln. lendy for muuntlnir , bi- ! txieen Windsor hotel and H. & M. depot. FltKlcr Icavo sutuo at this oDlco and recelro rcxx-ard. Kl 6 f OsT Mini Urea cow. Hub tall , yrliltotlnnks , Uredspoton foreliend.liornscurvo In I'arly lottirnlnptbe abovexvlllbu rcnardcd. Cbarlus Taggart , 41at and Hamilton sts. Bti 0 LOST Xearcorncrof 20th 4,1'opploton axe ; xx-atch cltarni xvlth bead carted on one side. Finder will bo sultahly rewarded by leavlnp at 315 N. Y. Utc. 750-1' LOST Small cla p pur o on S. Wth : liberal rowarn for return tolleoolllco. 7iM ( * rou.vu. For rates , tte , , tee lopoj" fret cdumnon tUi naqe. TTiODND Astrny , sorrel nnro. Ow nor can JL : have saino by pnylna expenses , McQnlllln & Son , feed store. 14J3 Military rond. Wl-4- i'jif ; SONAL. For mteattc. , aettopof flnt column m tills jxwt. TVf IS. ! JIAOOIR OKISMAN-Iiiformntlnn Is J.VJLniitc < l of Mrs. MaSKloCtlsiunuof Asli- .ancl , Ore. xxlio Is turnsoinowliorc In Nob. or Kansas. Her friends wish tolnfoim herof the nhorcabouts of her little Imy , I'alph , A A. llaug , Portlaud , Oro. Exchanges plotno copy. 7C.'i 5 * tlJ SIH Information Is anted V-/oiniurlcs liussi'l , a soldier In eoniiuny M , Second Col. vol. Last seen or lioard of ua.sln Omnha , el ) . , In Ihli8. Any ptrs.onkno Iiis Ills I' . O , address xilll content favor byadilri'sslnj ; ,1. C bltnp'on. Hold's Dlk , First and 1'lno bis. , l'ortlaudOro. Exchanges please copy. 7 M 4 * OMlfeJNALr-7l > . " nothliiR from "SO" to L date. 4th xvlll boln "AA" till Htli. Why don't 'f-O" "A-1 "EN ? " c\in stop ut "Eb' xvhcn Koto 'TU. " F. 710-d' \"AHUIAGF. paper contnlnlns columns of IT-Lpersonals and particulars of society that i > aysfroni.yx ) to sl.r/W at marrlase , mailed free , Address the Globe , Altoouu , 1'a.8'JlslO 8'JlslO * rorrntea , etc.xctnptif frit column on ( AC * EXOAOEMKNTSto dodress-ntaUlncIn fani- lllus. solicited. Jllsa ituidyKJ3b lh avc. 4AWJ7 * MUSIO AH1' ' AM ) iiAN < iUAJK. : s , tto ite fop of frat colmn on tlili pw. TFblK ! ( buylm ? a piano"c\al Tno " "l"ntj" iiuw ' nl.ill iilauo. A. Ilosuo.lJU Doutrhb . )77 GFO. F.oni.LnMlECK.tonchcrof tliobnnj lth Ilospe , 1311 DoiiKlns 240 IIK Omaha KlndurRai ton will reopen Mon . day. fcept.8,2bl)0 ) Davenport. MUsE. Qrllllths 748.ni 17AHFIC piano * for saio only uvOmalin T Muslo Co , 1510 Uodgo. COWJ MUalC 50 perci'nt dUeount , and pianos on easy tortns. Omalia.Muslu Co. , 1510 Dodge CIKs' ? ) PA.TKNT SfIjlCIXOKS. For ntffj , tte , tte ti > i > ofUnl foftunn on I/if / * page. ATE TlaJe llndsol pltors. G.W. Sues JL A Co. , Iteo bnlldliiK , Oimha. Pour yt-nrs. ' oxporlenco ascxarohu-rs In U. S. patent olfleo. llrnnch olllcoat Washington , U. 0 , CoiiKitlta- tlon freo. 1'KXSION AOHXCV. Far rate * , tie. , ite top vf first tolainn on thtt N'EW laxv ; pensions for almost all soldlors : fathers , motlitrs , xvldoxx-s and minor chil dren of soldiers. Cl.ilma pu&bod by K , N. ( lineman , It ) and 21 Trenzurblk.Omaha. AUo \VashliiKton and Uinclnuatl , Circulars free ; 15 yeafs'ovperloneo. 070 T > ENSIONS IIiram A. Sturscs , oipcrt In JL ponton cases. Oxer 10 years experience. Hare secured over 3.003 pensions for soldiers In .Nebraska and lowntbelrwldows nnd holre. Abandoned , delayed or rejected cases a speci alty , cialmnnt.s for pensions under the DOW lav should tlio at once. No advance fue. Of- C'rctghton block , uuxt south of post- 81slo' SI101tlIIA.Vl > AND fin rat a , tte.tte top nf Jlrtt rnlurnn nn l/n / laye. itll iiiakts.bousht,80ld px- -cbitnied , rentud. J , 1' . iloseath , I'i07 ' lar- naiu iitrtet. ' LM rpVl'Ett'KlTKUS for rent or i.tle. Stenoi- -I-raphers supplies. Jl > . M CLtAlilVOV.VXT , For rat a , cte. , tee top of fit it ( cJu/nit ontlilt i iie. \T\Sa\iiE , Madam HolzVir. ox crOlOB. lam. JJJ. 7S ) O. - V. frAKIiN ! : , clalrvovant. tncaklnif , writing and rollahl * ium , ! yeun luO/uuha. KnS.rU.EDIVha ) ) < r ltrrno < 1 , The renowned clalrxoynnt M the ox-t > ntlt diuightor of tliOBnronllnlttUilitoro | li with voll and great proplirtlo lift of second sight , tt'hllc on- tranecil vrlll roxfitl toTlfrpatrons crery bid- ocn inynury In llf . ; > Qlaa lone broti pro- nonnced InKurono nnu vVcierlca the greatest living wotulttr of tljo brcicnt ago. fnilor- stand * the iclencp of tllN'Torslaii ' nnd Hindoo innRlc/'oranolent rlmrtn norkln , nnd pro- riiresKitj-ptlan tall i aii < , xUdch will over come your eni-mlcs. rernori'i futully tn > ulih- , icstori'1 loil ulTictlons. IUAO | S tnarrl.iKo with tlieonoyou loxe no faJVirc. lletnoves PX II influences , had habits. Cures witchery , llt.-t , nnd nil loin ? ftandlnit ind mysterious din- ia es. Tec. * ! , J-'nndVij lKitr , lia. m. to 8 p in. , strict , heiidstatnp for Illustrated circu lar. I'urlors ' , lOMUouuIaist. ofiM * OOMD all and taVoin , wnssuzo treatment ; sotnothlnz uiw. I'arlors.OOTa 13tb st.noxt lltrkuhoteC ' * OIA1IIVOVANT Prof. Torrent lves per fect satis faction In all affairs ofllfowUli- out cliarnif , Kfjjptlan tiilhinuin or exorbitant prices. Dally over UWS. Uth. Slttlnits. 00. J'or ratfx. elf. , rtt topufflnt lofimnt on f/if / pfto < . * \l AriAOKtrexttnoiitelectrtriefMiaVb.iths , I'l. nealpand hnlrtroatment , manicure and chiropodist , aim. 1'ost , It so-.M , Wltlmell blk , HAIR flOODS WKJS , I'.TC. f'nr rattt.etf. . stt tnpofflrtlcolumn nnt/tjlyaot. BEST line hnlr Roods Invest ; hair dn Mng , xvlt5 | , switches , lianas hair chains , etc. . a specialty. Duties hnlr coixU and milliner , opposite poslolllco. Ill H.l'tli M.Omaha. ! Sji for nitM. tte. , ttitnpo/Jirttcolumn un tti1iwjr. ) inUFD MOIII'R loans money on diamonds , JL' xvatcliesJex > clryctc.SrI. cor FariiiiniUlth ti UHI'AIKS KTO. I'or ratft , tte , , MI top of flnt coJniun on tliti PAHASOl.S and umbrellas covered and re pnlrod. 1' . Ualor , llrt S.lSth tt. , Uddoorfrnin P.O. Only man In town. TTl'HOLSTnitlNG-rurnlUtro polished and U mattrcjies reno\ated , r. . retonon. 1115 Jf , Mh t. i'40-4 ) 10 IIUX. for ruffs , dr. . top tif ftrtl column < m thl > rxio * V\7"ASTK1) To buy a Finall house und lot VT for cash. Prlcomustbo reasonable. Ad dress , stating location aud price , uI : , Ileo. 704 r , \\7"ANTKD Households eooJs of all klnrti l T Cash Diltt for second hand cooda. Onto City Auction Co. , 211 und315 S 12thst , HI ) Ol' PUHNlTUKIi household goods , etc. cnsh price. 1111 Ciirnntn. \ \ TANTUV111 \ buy clalni nnlnat rail- IT road employ 'a , ( mcix'liaiit's , phx-slelatu and ollierblllsl ; discounts njsoiuulo. U in ii , Sion\ City , It. : il | Tor nile * . etc. , ftt tup of tint co'imm nn I/iff / A JIOSI.En Innk ift > ivlth tlmo lock , r llov i)1 ColitinbiH , Neb. 7 VrOTICi--Any : pirsoiitnat borrowed cut of 1 > IhniKebldj ; please r .lurii aineaiidnhllgo 1'rntik J. liaingc. 7ffl-G TT > MAllltIEH pe < iileou | can Ret a nintrl U nionlal Journal one jcar and u ehnaco to ft In 3J. > . hend We for journal and iiurllciilu Cupid Pub. Co , Detroit. Mich. 7S8-J * fl O shoe dealers : Thp New Jersey rubber JL boots , shoes arctics : ind Bpcclnltlt" * will bo ex-tomlx-ely adiurtlied the toiitln ? full and winter. Atrltufor catalogue , etc. Innixvest- irn ii cnt at Omalia. "Jly sales this season hax'o beatea nil previous records. 7 . 1 , Llnd cy. 009 s' * > HKOTIlllOl// . 10th st. , pays hlchcit prlcofor ladlosnnd Rents' cnst-ollclotli- Inz. Address Ijy Utter or postal and lu III call it am time. 41W U * FOll SALK-UOIlfcillS MAGOXSETC. I'or rates , etc. , ite ( ojjo/.Jlret column on Will F SALD Ilroxm nlirc , seven yenrs old ; 1 Rood driver. O S. . I' O. box Stt. Ms.53-i * FFOll FOll SAl/E-1'lrst dn top bupRV. coed shape.clteap ; alsoSS-luchblcytle , OXJN. V , Ufo. 71S4 * H OUSES tSOaud up. , II. E.Colo. FOR SALE-Or will e.xchanRO for Omalri real estate , a lianclsotno 2\ornnu \ stilllon 1.7CXlbs. , and a thoroughbred Jersey bull. " \ \ \ T. Seaman , Omaha's largest variety wntjous and cnrrlasos. ii7U FOUR tennis lljrht mules : ono heavy 1,500 pound borso. IJooru U , Board of Tiado. WORK horse ? 00two horse wnKon 820doublo work harness M5. Or will trade for u peed llpht side bar buggyII. . E. Cole , Contin ental block. blO FOll SA.M3 KUJlNI'JUItl ] KTC. Fin- rates , ite , , ttetopnf fiat column on tlilt paj. FOR SALK-Cheit ) The fumlturo In the houao , No , ISlsDoujlns street , for sale , and house torrent. Enquire on the picmlsci ro& BA.UE MI&OEIiU.VXEOUS. . tte. , tie toy nf frst cnlinnnon f/iU / } < fije FOR SALE Bakery , confectionery und clears for 8H3.00 ; patties hix'o other bu 12 nuisto attend. Apply 1914Cutulugst. * I & < ) " * FOll SALE rinofres > bjorsey cows. Fnnnlro JUS. 10th street , 775 . . * G ODD > second hsind typextnter clioip for cish. , Address M 25 Ileo olllce. ia . KOCd m new , for sale cheap. Wuddresi M JJ Heo olllce. 1 ! MONKV TO LOA.A. Foriatctte. , ( ft top of frst coliimiion J/il * patjt fTIO LOAN JVX ) private money , must bo the JL best of roaloatutuseturlty. O.K. Harrison , 011 X. Y.LIfe. 810 G COMJiruciAIj and Kenurnl short tlmo pa per bought ; alioresiilarSyearloanson Impior- ed property. Ceo.r.Ulust&Co.UOJHanisubldi IlankntU 1'tthsU. loans money Won eli nttolbor collateral at rea&onable ra tea. MO FIKSTi second iiiortt.tposon xicant & Im proved city prop Co in ty variantsbontfht. Motioy on baud. F. .M. Ukbardsou.Slb NV. I.Uf. 531 leans at lowest ratt'j. Ituiioxcd to IK ) , N. V. J.lfo llkls.aJ. B. Eminlnqcr. MOXEV tolontthy 11 T. Jlastersoneltatlol and collateral securities for any tlmo front one to six mouths In any ataouiitto suit bor rower. I o.tns made on household Roods , pianos , or ans , horsn , miilos , housis , leases , waro- hoiho receipts , etc. , nt the lovc-.t possible ra tcs. xv Ithout publicity or rcmovnl of property My loans aru so iiiranied tli it jou enu niaku n. piynicnt of iinyntnoiint at any tlmo and reduee both principal und IntcruM. If yonoxvu n balance on your property or haxoa loan jou visit cliuii'od. I xvlll puj It otr and carry it for you. If you find It more convenient , call up tele-phono No. 1U1 nud your buslnosscitn lie arraTiccd at home. Moiioyalxvaysonliand.i No delay. No pub licity , low estrates. U IMasters. . Hooml.WmmellbllcVWthnnd llarncy sti t 676 BUIUUNGloans,0 to1 7percent ; no addi- tlonnlcliarzfsfiir oontmltslonornttoriitfy a fees.V. . 11. MclTvIe , Klral National bank bids. 5SJ IVfONEV 30 , GO or ? ) ays or , furniture , --lpliino , horses , bouiM.ete. J. J. Wilkinson , 018 1'axton block. n * FIHST mortgage loans c low rates nnd no delay , V. V.Snolos fo-ijSlOUt Nuflbank. T OAN3-CltynnUfarntQan , niortcaiO paper J 'bought. McCujuo Investment Co. KEYSTONE Mortsaiji ) Co , Loins of $10 to (1,000 ( ; Kotourratesboforo borrctwlns und saxo money ; loaiison limes , fiunlturc.or nny approved security xvlllfout publicity ; notes bought , for new loan , tvtiuxval of old and low est rates , call R. StM.shei'ly ' blk.,15th& Howard. UNUSUALLY low rntns of Intoreston llrst mortianesof Itnproxod renlestato for thnnoxtU ) days by the Kansas ( Mtr Inxestnient Co. Hoonii ) , lioard of Trndu , J. 11.1'uaso , munaer. f > - > S /"IHATTEI-iloanalowist rates , cuslnisscouB- Wdentlal. M. J. Hall 13 Continental blk. MONKV to loan on any Bocurlty for fchort tlmo at low rutei. Lo cst ratei on personal pronorty. The Henderson Mortgapo hix't'stment Com- piny. room JUQ , I'qxtun ' blk. 5Q1 "OKALF'jitiilu Ixians-t'ash on hand ( > lobo -llLoatii Trust Co. OffS. loth t. ftodelay , no extra chargen. Itouaes torrent ; good llt. ClIKAI'oastern money i'hlladolpbla Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready ir bun and pir promptly ) first mortsages vrjitted , OeorKeW. P. Poatcs. rep- rcseatutlvc , room 7 , bojrd ot trade. WJ . . . * SEPTEMBER 5 , ISOQi \\TANTni ) Tint-dim Inildoloam T.owc t rixlcs. OiU and sco ui. Mutual Imest- imnt Co. , IA04 Karnnm , & 9J "WASTKKX money to lonn on city rmiprrty ; JUmorlgngo pa per bought , II. II , Ircy .N.v.Llfo. r..M ' "I > UIIIIN(1 ) ( louin undo nt lowc t riUtV. . J'M. Harris , room 20 , 1'rcntor Ulk. , opp. I * . O. NO TilllJST mortgage lonn * on Improved nml unimproved - - * - ' improved property. l'hirlcs\V. Halney. 315 Omalin National imnxbitllillnR 6O JOW.sT rulesnn oholco city Inunt of ll.ooo Jto i'AOOO Central Loan & Trust C'o. , two Knrnnm st. CS-tt tJIttVATKmonpv tolonnchcap. 0 , II. llnr- rlson , Ulltf. Y.LIfe. M9 "TjlAllM loans itur laud .1 Loan Co. UM.OOOto loin nnilrstimirtitnQci limit bo nil Plu 0110 amount or two loinof tA ) each. Hood A hell13 Hoard Trade. 4 H CH , & O.M. ANTHONYUS N.V.Mfo bulld- tit : , loinl tnouuy on farina tn oholco conn- tliM of Jiebrnskiv anil Iowa : nUo on peed Uimilnresidenceproperty ) Iox\o3t riteshost ! terms ) uo di'la } ; money ready , Titles unil values pussed on hero. J T"\IKf : Hrokcrln real estate mortwcci ! ob- JAalni money at least coat to borrowers open Saturday till 7 | im. ItoouilfJ , Harkerblk. jVro > EY to loan , rodolny , ln _ liirseqr small tininunU ; Invest ratcn Apply 0. IS. Ktiy- ' " ' ' York llfnbldi ; . Telenhonondl. , 7-s.4 "VASTBHN money lo loan ; lowestratesi no J'Jdelays larno loans a Nticehilt ) j liorttlmo piperbought. Omnlii Mortgage Co.gniund iliyir Chiunberof Coinincrto , _ _ 4r * ] lf OM.VTniuieiTnt Tnxfrates on furniture , -lil-horsis. Ac. , without publicity. llux > kryo Inx'cstineutCo. , J3Douglasblk.loth and I ) l 411 IIUSINESS CHANCES. Forrnlrt , ttt , rcftiip nf ftrxt rouinm onthfnYige \ , IlOHSAIiB Ono Ntock of trroc nil , Jl.SM. Includes mtum anil ficlcht , fur ? l,000 cisli : no iimportv xx anted In exciting" ! pod * are In llrstclnsishapt' . are In Lest ( r.iinu imlldlni ; In tow ii undone of thu bent locations 1'roprlotor. . Nt" > t , Is Ucad.VI11 lout the building for $ Jd per utuulli. Uurrlo West , Kxeter , Nob. 7N1-9 * "iriOHSAI , ! , Itaiber shop nitil b'lth rooms JKOIK ! business ; iMMxl locttlnn. Tor particu lars address Ueo , MtuKoy , lock box ( , , lo Ins ton , Neb. TTa-0 * j oo < l lll. 10 room botfl , -L ucntrtilljr lovatiMl , Half prlto for i-iisli ; a snap Atlclrc d X 18 llco. 777 i * nE At n bir aln.u ROW ! store house - litIcil upultli shchi'H niul I'nuiilurs. busu * tncnt 6rooim for dut'llliu , coed cHtorn nnd veil , will * < di ortr.idc for n N'i > . 1 stock n [ Kro- ccrles Address ItoohV Kiel , < J , o. I ) , grncots , .12 X 16th M ( Ml "ITtOK SAM5 or tiMiIu A ( Irotcln-iH hotel In -L ncoitntr ocnt lno.istcrii Xt'ltrasliu. I'or inrtlculnr-ui < iulio of W. L. belby , loom 111 , lloiuduf Trndu. 7'i > TVHt'O stofk nnd llttnroInvolio about J--Si.W ; not tiny oldsttick ; will - < cll for part cish , or oxuliaiuo for a f.irin. Aildn-st W Thorn , loi'Kbov.UI , Iltehllrld. Nub. KK SSit A IJAUKclninio City llotol of Mlllnrd.Xob. , iVfor rout , s ilo or f.xcluinvo for fa tin or Oiimlu property. llc-.t locit : 'd holul In MI1- lird : lias liir-roont. clinco hull , Ice bouse and Mabiv ; till contcnlincu II K. Colt' . Conti nental blk. , or /.liiiiiionuan. . Hill , intl JDIH-H . . . _ nnct fiirnituieof a three-story bt itkhotel , centrally located second to the Capitol , Address 1-1 Mittth Uth it. Uncolif Nel ) 5H 7 KOlt KXO1IAN017. I'or raits , etc , , xfttnp tif / ! * ( roliimu imlht * f rpo KXC1IAN CE CornvrloVnutlie.istfrouti X 3I-VO. foi luirbOs , liugsleb 01 jncrcliaiidlst' , AUdlis-iNSO , Bee. SOO-0 \\7"ANTED Clear farm , ranch , or stock ? > tiidse. , uml cash , for Imo icntal jiropertj In clt ) . W. . HiTO Karnatn , 721-S SE"VF.N room , 2-story house tn Monmouth 1'nrK. ono block from motor cars ; Rood well , cellar , dbtorii. largo barn , etc. Also 1'aci vs with llrst classIninioxeiiitntsailjolnlnu Cen tral City. Neb. Alsoli > 0-acro lmpro ed farm In Atitclopo county , N'eb. Also a Uno lar o family horse , cairlnge , xx ison , harnesscutter and other personal jnoperty. OH ner Is a non resident and ulll t'xohnnfie tbu above for a coed farm In eastern Nob. or residence In Omalu. Jlust bo free from Invmiibronco , W put Insonio money If iit'iessury.hathivxu \ \ you tooilir ? Geo. J.Sternsdoif , 1stNat'lbank InilldlnK. Telephone4i > . 7-J8 9 T WISH to exchange tiirmcrro of land 0 tulles J-nortlt of Hny Curings , Nob. , for n cluan hsrdnuro stock. 1'lenty of peed timber and * atfr ; Rood farniluK land , inmurpassed for itocli ral&lni ; and fish culture. Land worth (3 per ucro. II. H , JleOroxv.Craxvford , Neb. 747-7 * WANTED 1'Irst mortgapus on xacant or Improved lots In cltj.loiu tlmo , in oajr- mentfor horse , bupsy. barn IKtures , whips , robes , etc. , pianos , notes , second mortenses , etc. , lu parlor all. Ilo quick. Address N 11 , llco. 721-8 \VANTKD An JS.COO to$13.000 stock of mer- > T cliandlso for good property and cash. Ad dress N 0. Ileo. 09J-4 \T7"ANTEI ) I'erson.il property , uidso. , horse > V and bupgy , stock , etc. ; villl trade clear and niortsaeoU lots and lands for stnie. Ulx'o full pirtiiularaof xvhut xott luvu nnd x\o will makoolTeriit onco. Address > 13 , Hoe. 721-8 T/1OR OJIAIIA resident or buslnesj propi-rtv -U lirlck block , free from Iiiviiiubruncr , peed enatnts. corner teem occupied by hank , ri'tiU ii.iy good Interest onlW.OUO , In n Rood , thrlv Injf Nebraska town , cross railroad mid n division slntion. Adcltoss L Kl , lloo tot O r.XC'HArs'OE About.r > 0 quarter * of flue mllxvny contract lands 80 tol.SeOln nbodi. Would llUn to put allor jart ) Into ahrjjo true t , block , stock of indso. , or stocks In city.'lll assume. W. J.l'aul , lOOUl'ariiain. . . ' 1-8 ITT1SKOSSIS w.iti > r nmvnr mill , with SOncrca ? > liindclear , exchaiiKo for Nobrnskaprop- crty.SdJT. Dccalur. aiO-si \\7ANTKI ) Stock of jrcnoral iiul e. , Involc- > V inn $ . ' , iino toJIO.OOO , forcholco Omahii Itn- prox'cd property andcash , Address , 51ll.Uee. . OLU cold \\nltliain \ x > ntcli nnrl worK liono to ttiule for peed Ulo bar livggy. 11. b. Cole Continental block. KH ron sAiiK-Hi-nn ISTATI ; : . ror intei , tte. ' HCtapnf Jint column on Uilt } tnij > FOH fcALK llou oa nnd lots on monthly paj limits. Geo. 1'aiil , 100'JI nriuin. bOO-U FOK 5AI.H cheap , lot a , ulK. SI. OnuhaVIovr , niot xalnahln lot In thu addition. 1'urfcct vlexv of elly nnd Council Bluffs , sltuntcd on east side of hill facing south Incunilieranco i'i7. , easy time. Must bo told at once ! how much ant I olfircd ? A. lUrttcs , I'axton Hotel. onst front lot xx-ltb peed cottage , V > : Mli and rarnatn , W.OOO. O. lHarrison. . Ull N. Llfo. 7)'J ) 5 EAST front , Ilnnicoin IMncc , xvlth Vronin cottage , W.300. 0. K. Hurrlion.'Jll X.V.Mfc , 7J9 5 . closrant modern liotne , Diivenport near JMh , HflOO. Hish bchool and ether vlli'Ros especially dcitrablo 0. K.Harrl- , til N V. Llfo. 71tf S G ODD llttlo eottaco homo 2ind and T.cax-eit- vortb , J3.SOD. O. T. Harrison. Oil N. V. Llfo , 7J95 / " 1OTTAGK nnd nlco lot 2.Mb and Chlcano , V * ) ,500. 0. T , Harrison , Oil N. V. Llfo , 74'J ' 5 OlIOIOKhonioSJnd iutdCnllfornlaf < ilV)0. 0. ! ' Harrlson.lill N Y.LIfe. 7195 " \roU can buy a homo now for less money I. than It xvlll coat you MX months home. The population and prosperity of Omaha ; ire a&urprtacto thu east. U only require tlmo unoush to disseminate the truth to harn Omaha ittiirnilnff with eonscrvatlve eastern Inx-estori Uuy now. C. 1' . Harrison , till N. V. Life. . 74D 5 .TIOE homo Cumins and lird , $1,000 , O. P. llnrrltoit , 011 N , V. Life. 719 5 f \IIOICB homo near llnnscom Park , ex-cry W modern contunleuue , 14,500 , U. 1' . Harrison , Oil N , V. Life. W 5 IOOtKiO feet east front on Ktdst. , near Dodge , ongrndc. A now xvell built 8 room house , nicely llnMicd , all modern convonlonces , In 1'opploton park near motor. Also HOIHO Rood lotsln Kllby placi , I'ounleton park nnd La- Veta place onand near Loxvonru. 1 or terms calloii orailclresd J , D.lttlc , UH X , V.Lifo , O.Ti-,14 FOB SALE or Kichiuun Second rnortsnso notcsof MO to t'l000 eauh. InndNiindlionsii ; xvant clear loU , Addrrn N K , Hoc. ? 'l-8 LOT In llodford I'laco on htnteCWthlst. , to tixohnntro for lot In ( 'iirthauo or Lincoln 1'laip. > \ . L. Selbj , U lloaidof 'frado , Wt NPOLN I'laco lots 11,350 to * 1WO. De.xtcr ( , . Thomas , COO $1IW 1011,500 for I Ineoln Place nnd Carthaco lots ; easy ttrins. W.LSolby , 13 llourdTrudu. t l AS.MAIh jnyintiit down and flSperniontb will buy u I-room IIOIIMnnd lot on lath , " blocks front motor ; fint-olau chance to ao- quire a linmuoti easy Krins , Apply tn U.K. Cole , Continental block , Got I I'VOU have anything to sell or oicl > aao call utJld i'axtou blo < i , Vtt TV AUQI1 \VestorneUI , real oslnlcS.Omxha. C.U / 10TTAaEhome In nioit nny uddltlon for aloat fnimSl.ooo upon easy monthly p-ty- nu-nta. K. H. lijtllng.a Itarkorhlk. tW.\ 8ALK Tha choice rosldrnce at No. lixvt ( leorxlii inc. , Ulxl4J ft , K. front , 0 lurito rooms , bath , an * , sewer , hot nnd cold water. lo'ot nnd all eonxenli'iicM. owner solus to eave city. 1) ) . V. bboics Co. , : : ia 1st N it. bink. _ _ _ ctw _ OK SAl.r-Nlco 7-rootn boait ) n-ady to moxe Into.Tlth full lot , i.Y-'JP , t JOcasb. U. T. llarrl-on.Ull N , V. Llfo. W)7 ) VJll SAIjK-Ortrndc. Iti'aiitlfiilnow ll-rixnn liouso only 'J blocks xxit of loweax-o. un L'tiMsU hlBhnnd slubtly nnd mi snide ; full lot , cltv \ ater , cNtern , tower , li.iy xrlmloxv. porehe-i. double lloor , ct-llar. btth room all lnHiod In flHt-clti < style , prke. fi.vw mnnll iavnienldown , btlnncoA > e'irHiit 7 per cent , will , ttade for clear furm hind or Dtiiilin lots. Owner , K. 17. Merrill , 4ia Walnut live , Walnut 1 III ) , Omaha. S70 s Ii' tf CNAl'S"-StirI.ttiiU & LouttCo. s a ) IJIOU SAI.K 0-room house , tnodiTtt im L1 ineiitt , linrn. etc. , SO-fixit lot. onVlrt st , the best H-sldoiico Rt. , In the city , for * ) ,500. .va c.ish , balance to suit. li-room hrni-e and r 0-footlot on I'.irk axo. . rtJ.fkW. 'IVrmisto suit. h-iooiii house nnd 00-foot lot on-Nt avenue. Just north ot M. Mut'i's ixve , , for { . \ < > i . 0-rooiu hou < e , nil modern Imprmemi'nts W- foot loton Spemcrst. , furf.'i,5l ) , C'fooin house nnd bitli. MILiilnep with oik inuiitelrlty wntcrTn | , uto. nt ' ( , 'ith : ind Jnolc- KOII stn , for J.I.-'UO , on tetinsto suit buyer. I'lioscnruall Keiinlnn bur.ilin. : 'flic houses rent for rnoupli to pay 10 per cent on price asked.V. . H Hoiuan , rooiuU I'l en/or blV. I10K SAl.K IS sections of land In N'ubrasku nt le s than h uf xalne , by owner. O H. rctcrson , CIS S iliih st. lH.sll IiVlKbAIjIv ' Unit lot In Kllby I'laco , } lOJ ) , Thiee ots in Kllby IMaci11,100 e.ich , East front lot on I.owe axe. * . ' , ( XX ) ; fVX ) cash , bnlnnco to "lilt. llcaiitlfnl lot on Spring street north of Tar- niim , onlv { . ' .U.M ) . Mutt h front lot , corner on rurnain street , SJ'iOO. himth front lot.WMW on Howard street near , * Vitli , forf..OiX ) . The above Mic.int lots are nil bnr/nlnsnnd terms can be at runted to suit buyer. W U. Iloman room U. rren/ei1 ' loui ALU-Ol by 1V > fret north nnd etst L'f i out , corner nn DoilKO st onuof Hie nicest iiildi-nec sites In the cltv , fur ? WU lo a dcslr- nbli' p irty who nil ) build it K od icsldtnco. \Y It. ilomnn. tooiuU I'ten/i-r blk. 491 " \\7"AXTnD To pnrcliasejooil clt y property , ? Itnproxeil unlinpruied , I'or sale 01 rent , Kinid f inn Imds clotf toelty. In 4Uuro hts ormoie. Kenls collected ntul for Reiiornl rialesU'to ' business applvto ( / ' . H. ttexnolds , 01J New York lifo bldg. 'relophone It'll. ' \\7' ANTED rtl.'M people IOniahu'4 pn-cnt ' I | ) Oiulntlon | ) , to bellrx u In UH I'omniL'rclul ( Trent ne-ws an 1 to luiim tbit now Is tliebist time to secMiieon 'oixl luiins a homo In this cllv. I'or p'trtUMil irs read my : uhoi llx' < 1" Hun I-OM. ' .Ill N. V Mfc 4S JjXI.EClAXT tiackano lot. 1'SvlJ' . ' , frontlna -Jpaxed st. . track In alley I'urs.ilnoi lease on Ion'-time. The Mead lnoslmunt Co. . luo ! bid's. 1117 1'KOUIjAMAriO.N. WnKBEAS A Joint resolution rrns adopted by theleslslatuioof tlio statn of Nubrnska. at the twenty-Ural session thereof , : md approved Ktbruary 13lb , A. 1) . IS l , proposing ananiDnd- tnoiit to the constitution of said state , nud that s ld uuienduunt bh.ill road at follows , to-nlt : Section 11 Tint at the general elaotion tn bo held on the Tutdny succrertin ? thutlrst Monday of Novvutl/or , A. 1) ISOO.tbere Rbnll by aumlttcd to tbu fllcciois of this state for ap proval or rejection an amendment to lh eon- stlttttlon of tbls Mate In worU HI follows : Tbu inanufaetiirc , sale and kcuplni ; forsnlo of Intoxlcatluc llimors as n bo > eriiearofor- ; et r prohlbltfd In this slate , nnd the legisla ture nliall pravldo by law for tlio enforcement ot thU provision. " And tboro shall also at said election be separately Hubinltted to the electors of tbls state for their approval orru- jcetlon an ariiendnicnt to tbo constitution of the Ht.ito in words us follows : "The nmnufnu- turo , sain nud kcepliiK fors.iloof Intoxlcitlng liquors as a buuirago shall bo lloetiaod and re ulnted liy lax . " boo. 2i At siKli election , on the ballot of each elector voting for the proposed amend ments to tliu constitution Khali bn written or printed the xxerds : "For proposed amend ment to tbo constitution , prohibiting the manufacture , sale mid IcoipInK for sale of Into\lciitltiR liquors as u Dorerace , " or "ARalnst the prooojed amendment l < > the constitution rrolilblllnp ; the manufacture , Ralo and keeping for a.ilo of Intoxicating liquors aa a bevornge. " There shall also be written orprlnted on tb'j ballot of each elector votlnff for the proposed nmendmont to tha constitution , the vturdt ) ! "I'or proposed ntnnndmuntto the constitution that thu manufacture , sulo and K'copins for sale of Intoxicating liquors as a bcxoraso In tbls hint * shall be licenced nndroiulatud by law , " or "ARalnst said proposed amend ment lo the constitution that thunmniifao- turn , sale nnd keeping forsiloof IntovlcatltiR llquoMas a boM'rage shall bo licensed and regulating by law. " Sec. 'J : If either of tbo iild proposed amendments shall be approved by a majority of the oluotora xotlng at the said election , then It shall consltuto section twenty-seven I''T ] of article ono [ .Hot thocoiisUyitlun of this Therefore , I. John M. Thayer , Ooxornorof the &t.ite of Nebraska , do borcby CTO | notice la accordance "with Hictlon one [ 1 ] article [ 15 ] of the constitution rfud the provisions of ttto act entitled "an art to provide the manner of propcilnxall amendments to the constitution nn HulimlttlnKtliosaiiio to thoulettorsof the state. " Approved I'ubiuiry Uth , A. L ) . 1877 , tnat nald proposed umemlntcnt will be sub mitted to the qualified voters , of thli stuto for apprutul or rejection at the aenoral election to bo held on the 4th day of > ovonibor , A. U. 1800. Iu witness whereof I hereunto set my hand , ana cause to bo utllxod the great Ec.il of the stateof Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 20th flay of July , A. U. ISM.and IhoZJtli yc.trof the state , nnd of tlio Indcpendoncoof the United States the ono hundred tlfteentn. Hy the Got-ornor. JOUN M. TI1AYEB. DENJAHIN II. Oownr-uv , LSEAi. . ] faccrotary of State , Ausuit Iil3m WHBREAS , A joint resolution xras adopted by theleslslntnroof tlio state of P otiraskii.at tl o tventj-llrstocsslon thereof , and approx-ed MurchJUtit , A. I ) . 1 0. proposing an amend- monttn fiuetlon two [ 2 ] four [ 41 and live \5 ] of Article fil.x [ ul of I ho constitution of r.ald state and tnat H ild section UH amended shall road as followHto-wt | : Section 1 That section two f ! ) of article six Mot the const ! tut Ion of the state of Nobrauka be amended HO is to read as follows : "tiectlon1,1 : The siipiomo court shall con sist of tl\e(5) ( ) judsos , a malorlty of whom shall bo necessary to form a quorum or topronounco u decision , It Mm 11 ha vo original jurisdiction In cusps rfllutlnK to revenue , civil cases In which the btatoshall bo a party , ni.iiuUmas , H o xiarrnntn , hahoas corpus , and snub appel late Jurisdiction us may bo proUdcd by law. Section U : That section four (4) ( ) of nrtlclo six lO.ofthr , constitution of the st itoof Nulmtsk.i , be amended so as to read as follows ; hootlon 4 : The Judges of the supreme court shall bo elected by the electors of the stuto nt hrffn , and tliolr terms of ollleo , except ns herolnafter provided , shall bo for a period of Uvt > ( V yours " Scrtlon 3i That wvtloti flx-oR ) of nrtlclo six ( C ) of tbo constitution of tbo state of Ncbr.il- kit , bo anieudetl so ns to read as follows ; Sections , "At tbo first general election to bo held In the jcar If'Jl. and itftur the adop tion of thlt amendment to the constitution , Ibureshall bo elected three ( Ii Judges of the supreme court , ono of xvbom ahull bo elected for thn term of ono (1) ( ) yt.tr , ono for the term of three Cli yours nnd onu for tlio term of flxo ( JI years , nud at oncb general cloctlon tbero- aftortheroshall bo elected ono Indue ot tlio supreme court for the term of ( ho (5) ( ) years. I'rovldod ' , that the judge ! of the supreme court whoso terms liavc not expired at the time of holding the Koncr.il election ot 1601 , slinll continue to hold their oflloofor tbo ro- malnder of thoterni for which they xvoro rope - po otlvoly elected under the preseut conbtl- tutlon. " Section 4 : That each person votlns In favor of thU amendment shall havu written or printed upon his ballot the following : "Kor the proposed amendment tothftconstl- tntlon rolatluK to the nutnDer of buproinu - 4 Therefore. I. John M Tlfxyer , Governor of tlio stuto of Nebraska , do hereby glionotlcu In accordance , ulth koctlon imu ( llartlulo Ill- Icon M5) ) of thecoiistltntton , tlui nrovlslons of tbo not entitled : "An net to prpx'ldu the man ner of propostTT/ nmendinontH to thn con stitution arid cubnilltlnR the lamoto tlioolo- tonof the statu. " Appiovrd Kobruury lUtb. A. D , 1&77 , tluitdald proposed amendment wilt to jmisontod to thu ( iitalltlod vuturs of tlio slate for approval or rejection at the concral election to bo held ou the 4th day of ovoin- bor. A. . IP'jO. In witness whnroof I have lierounto sot my Imnd andcnttet'd to bo affixed tbo crt > at se l of the stuto of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln thlxtlth day of July , A. 1) . 161)0 ) , arid the txvrn- ty-fnurtli your of thoHttto , nnd of the Indo- pendi'ticnot the United Stalei the ocohua- drnd lft ) < " 'nth. Hy the O.iv.iroor. JOHN M. TIIAYER [ SKAI..I Secretary ol State. FOR MEN-ONLY \ i- VOVd niilirlT\ : ' . \VeaUiuw of llody nnd Mlndt Uirccl&of Trrora HYOCSICS InOId ere VOUIIR. Uobust , Kolilo MANHOOD fullv ro- itoml. Wu Riittranteu every co-so or money refunded. Sample course , five dnys' treat ment. tl ; full course. tV bi-cuioly t.calrd from bscrvutlon. Cook Uciuody t'oUutaba , Neb RRILWRYTIMEOHRD ( " IfiFAUil , ifUlOTlNttTOM \ y. I > ojHitJUlli nud * _ Mivsunjilnet 4.9) ) J lu si ) n m V 41 * tn Clilcnmi Kxprpn * . . . , n A ) i < m I'ID p in i'hlrmu Kvi > iP9 . , , , . * 1 > vi n m u.Wp tn1 < lilpx m I nf d SO5 m s'nTON \ 510 UU'HIJ Arrlroi IfrM'Qt 1 Jill nn I Xtrt * > w trfOt < ' ' nnlix . . Ik'UfpT " IW'p ni IO.IS a ni . . Dfnrpr Kiprtus , l > . ) m C.40 p iu .Humor NKht Mprtui I' Hi „ tn K II II III . Lincoln l.ornl. I 11 Ul p m I t * l J .X l U " Omnti.i. | _ J > oiiit | lOlli nit I Mn'nn tr "psj ni ThiiM-mifr Dir rr 0.41 | > niK | ' MulilKxp rln I' I' Trnni ( in Arrives" l > | < ot mill nml Mnrcr tliinhn. yja p m . . ( Ircrlnn.l Hi'r. . HO.fp ra iJU p in 12. 43 p m 10 A ) n ni IJpnror Kv limi < I M p m Ml ) n in Cllf 12 W it in 10 II i % mi , fulfill' ' I 4 VU i < m I'llll AllO. It 1 A I'AOItk1 xrrlro. Onmlm It I1 < lei | > l , loth nn.l Marcr Stt Draihi. _ d.lO p jii > . MulitK < cpr . ,10(1) ) nm u US a. ml . .All-niUi ! lixircm . ( L.9) ) p m 4 U p iiij . , Vf llliuli < l.lmlttM . ! 04l m Ixuvot i jlOlix Oii'Ftt ' I'Ai'ffli ' , f firm Dunlin lu I1 depot. Illth unit \\yvl \ St < ' O nbi 7 IS a nil | . .Slum City li cnif : l.il p in1 v fl 1'nnl Kxr" " * 10 10 i ra I > ' V M l idllu.x Cl'li . \ I'U l > fl ( Airlviu" Onmlm I " " Illicit lilb nnl tX'eli U-r ! < li. lnnihx _ n'Jilp in M I'nil f.t'iillul. . . . i.VI am Ix'tlYOS Ctlll VlA .N'TMl'llMS1iClt \ ) < „ . Onuilm II' . I1 diiiol | , IDt'i iml .Xltircr Sti I O"iit'i\ 9 If u ml . . . .1 111 en ice h Mires 1. . . . CUXI p ra 4 I ) p tn' ' . Vi > iUliuli > I.liulliHl . . , . ) m 6 15 p m Iowa Acomimulill'iniKtu Sniill " 111 p m OW p nil . .Puiti-rn Klicr i a. s P ra 1.15 p rut I ii- ( l > i tprn lxir ! | > Ix-urei llliLAliO , Mlu , .V ! < P I. ArrTrW Onmlm 't ' , lutli im.l Xlnrrf COO p mi't U.IJ n m mi ii.n p n\ l-mrm l OXlAIIA.XHf MIL It Arrixat" Omilm U. P ilop'it , 10th nml Miircy ti Oinxhn. I'i w | i tn l.oimn I h , K & XU V ArflruT" Onmln. I _ l > M _ . ' _ : v Omtliv Pllln in , tllmk IUIU 63)p ) ra IMUa nil HiiitliiK K > | > ( ix A 'JO p ra SID p iu tX'iilmo.VI.Inoilnl'ntU yi lO'-'Jn m ft.10 p in . 'Xurk y Nnrfulk f Kt Snnlny i IdM n m 1A.IIVQ4 I I . M > I1 , M t O l Vrrlroi" Oinntin | lVi [ < t Ul'i _ nnl _ XX'ib ier ° ts 1 O-iiihi. a ) n City . \n.i > inmiiitntlim OW p ra 1 05 p in .Moux Oty T. Sun ) 1 ' * ) p m 3Ut p tn .M I'.ii'l Ijlnnleit SIJli iu lliiiicoftl'a < iiiitfnr ( Kr Cinii I ! * 41 n m l < voj i .vns OLiti I'.xitf'Ii Oiunlin. I Dupot IHli nml XX'e'xlnr Sts ( HIM 111. 10 0 tcr'.M X : IT C Kxprc'i 4 il p ra UlSji ni . fl Willis Al\ ' i\imsi : il .U ii ra ' OllltAduru' 1. A 1'AllMl , Anlo Tr n tcr' ' Linlon I < MM > t r < iniiti > tllitTi TrniKfor ml Meht Ktiin. * * . . . . n.15 > ra y W u ml .AllniitlJ ixirmi. | . . 6 U p m 5DU p n . . .Vp'tllinKI.lmllid III.M n m Ixnvcj I'llll AI.U.X NOUl'llWKMKU.N Arrltci" Tr ii fiT Union IK'ix't < > iinilJlliilT | < . TrnnstBr IHDn ml . . . ( lileiKii hxirms | l. III p in 69) ) p in1 . Voxlbnlp I.lmltoit . . . . V M n m lUUIp ,11 Kintini Kler ) 2 W p in 1,1) p m AtHnllc Mill 7 tl m il 0) ) p iu lonn Arroiiiiiiuitillon 'Kvr ' iin ) I 10 p in IXIHVHS | l HICAliU Mll A si' . I'AUi. A rrlTiv " 'I'misiLT tTnlon lnj ) < it ( 'oitiicll llluIT Transfer ijt > p m , 77.1 hlruitii K | iri ! i. . . . ' .i 11 n in 1 il ) n m' ' ( lilon 1:11 1\ ! | ro s I. ul p ra I nvf I K I' SI' U > K C. 11 I Arrlriu TmHfi'r Unlr.il llepot ( niincll IHUlTt I rrnnsfor lOir H ml . Kim ni City liny Kxt > nt t . ft.H p in m .Kniiini ' 'Itj Malil Hxjire" ( t 'D ii m u | UMAllA A 5 > T ! , ( > l'K Arrives" I'rinifcr Unlim Pcpol. I'minrll llluITs Tinnsfor f , U ) p m " sT " "lij"nn llnll.-- . , 12 lij > in If met IfllirAlsO Ilirill.'XS QlllN'CT , ArrtviM" Trnn fir ! Union 1'ejiot ' , Connrll Illiina , ITransliT IHU n in " " . . . Tllilcnuo Kxirt" | < ! r i > .3) ) p rii 1010 p u . . . .ClilcnKO Kuril's . . . ! > W a ni 7 < J p m1 . . ( rt lou l ionl II .IJ a tn SI < JU < ( Ti > ' * l'AcTFll' Arrlvus" Trim _ Union Depot , _ Council _ llliiirq _ ITmnsfof 7 15 a in . .tlouxt'ltr oiumudiitlon I I'.in n in (111 " ) p m _ . . _ . SUJ'tiullIx _ . . . _ . IIU.'JD ' p in MlbbOL'IU I'AtlKTo bUllDllllAN TUA1N3. I * ROC IjAMAT ION. WnsrtBAg , A Joint rcsulutlon xras adoptcl by tlieloKlilatuio of the state of Nebraska , nt the t e ty.flrstsession tlicrtof , and npjroved Jlui-clititli ; , A. D. ! & > < > , propjslnir an uq'ond- mcnt toHootlonThlrtcenl.i ( ) of Article IIx ( J ) of the conitltutloti of slid state ; 11. = ' , aatd section as umoudcd tliall toad as follown , to- \vlt : Section l ! Thatspctlon thirteen ( LI ) of artl- clnKlxli ( ) nfthnconitltiitlonof tbostatoof No- braski bo amondo < l no as to read as follovrs : bootlon IJ : Tlio j udp os of the sit prcnte cou rt shall each iec lve asuluryof thirty-live hun dred elnllan(8J.5H ( ( ) ) per iiniium nnd tbo Jurttfin nf thedlarrlct court sliull receive a salary of three thousand dollars ( $1,000) ) par nimura , unil thenalary of oncb sbill liopayabloanartcrly. Heotlon - : Kncli pcison voting In fat or of tlil' ! amendmentfehall hate xvilttonor prlntf d upon hU billet tbo following : "Kor thopi-opoicd ainondnient to the consti tution , rolatlnir to tlic salary Oi' judge * of tha hiipreino and district uourt/ ' 'J herfforc , l. John JI. Thiiyor , covornor of tlio ntato of.S'ohraska , do borcby nlvo nutlet. In aecnrdanco xUth suotlon ono [ IJ nrtlclo fif teen [ I'll ' of tlio comtltullon , and tlio provi sions nf nn not entitled. "An act to provldt the rmuner of prop < blnK nil luneiidinuits to the constitution nnd .submitting thn snmo t thoeloctnriof thnstata. " Approved I'ebrnary 13th. A. D. 1877 , th.it Raid proposed amend- incntwlll lie submit led lothoitiallflcdotort | of thlfldtato forappioval or rejection , at the Konor.il ulcotlbn to lo held on tha 4th day ot J\ovombor , A. 1) ) . 1890. In xvltiiBM whereof I bivo hereunto sot my band and caused to bo jifll.xcd the gre it seal of the state of Nnbraska Done nt Lincoln , tills : .Gtli day of July , A. D. 1HIM , nnd the twen ty-fourth year of tbo tate , mid ot thutndo- pendene * of tlo United Btritm the ono Inn dred fiftcmth. lly tbo Goxornor. JOHN M. TIIAYER , BtN.iAMIS It , COWDPRV , [ StAr , . ! accrotary of Stat . Augubt Id3n > iS'otice to Coiiti'autorH. Scaled proposili will bn recolvi'd hy tlmOlty Clerk of the city of Iwrth llutt'l ' , Nehtasku , up to o'clock noun , SenH'inbor S Ml , I8UU , for Ilia iroctlon of H'lly ll.il ! bulldluc , In the oily of North lli'iid Ntbraskn. bald bulldlni ; to be built .ucordltiK to pi ins ! ind hpoclllcatlDiis of aid bulldlni , ' , to bo ieott at the City Clerk's olflcoln snlil oily. llnch bid must bo accompanied hy a certi fied oho ! , . of tHO , Tin- City Council of said illy , \ostliorlshttorcjoct nny or nil bldi , lly ordurof thu City Coiiiicllnf said eily. .1. C N1AVSON. City Clerk. North r Hend , .Vcbniska.Soptcinbcr Urd , 18UO , TUK JIKAI/VY MA11KCT. rNSTltUMKNTri pliuod on rooord dutluz i yu tiinlay : John Itlloy to W H Cronsp , und M of lr- toKulnr tract of i > irti f ctt u o ( ho- cnststrict Urldiru , w d tat ClurkWooilmun nndlfoto \\oo \ < liuan > t KlUlild coniuany. n ( > - . ' ! ( cot lots 5 to d , blklWVi.Omalm. w d , AltJi'lzbt land and lot coinp'inv to A N Cl't-'ttrson , lots , lilkt , Ilupjiu's Itonanza hill ) , W d . 479 \V \ K Coxvln nud xvltu tu Joint Kwscli- niiinii , lot 9. MIIor's | sul ) , w il . . . 3 A O Mien anil wlfuto C'.irl Knnscholt , o (4 ( Iot4 , bll ; Q , Logo's 1st iidil , w il l.COO A McJax-nok ( etal toil llorwUb otal , lot 'M. blk aMuUa\uulc & O'Kiufd'a add , w d . . . . . CO J M Ilotfinnn nnd xxlfo to.SiuniHI'liiyn ) , lots ! , r , und n , I'rityn I'nrlc , < ] o tl , . . , , . . 50 0 K Warner ami wlfu to I'l ' Tlioinn * , lot Tnnl io , blk'Jil , Onliurdlilll , xv il . 8,000 llHcidct nl to William luto\VHKy , Ion U uuil M , bllcil. Van Uiini | > ' .s mid , w d II It Wool , trustco , U I'otor Uockroll , lots 1 iitid 2. blk : Vi.Hili ] | Omiilta , w < l , 1,311 I'oKTCofkiL-lIiind to William Ivul- lny , w Viet lots 1 and " , blk U , Soutli Unialin. H n . . . . . . . . 1,300 \li \ > K9 * A : 11111 to I'lirMlaii und Olnra ItHiiaii.siun , ] iirt of loll , Kaaii's ( aclil , ( i o d . , t , 0 It Minrvooil tn horun Jiinuhcu , lots 8 und u. lilk 1 , Woods I'luin , xv il . , . . . 1,000 J A .Me linn < ) lo OO Aiidorioii.lot Si , 1)1 li''VUst SMo , w U 500 1 , rtnnd llvron Konl to Martin ( jrulf , lot " . blK 1. van Damp's mill , xvil WO Lutbcraiid I"T Dr.iko uiJ II ( Jrths , lot 1'lillc ui , s ( > , , ti , Ouiiilia. xv il 1'JtXi V W V Waiwrniuii to M A I'rco , lot 6 , blk" ! . ) lor oiV Ilrunnr'ii add , rj cd , . . 75 Union Stockyards C'o tu I'rnnk Mucol , , lot HI , blkll.l'Irntudd toaoiitlt Omulin , xv d . . . . , < 00 K HI'-ilHim und xvlfu to K A r.iMvon- xs ( iilit , st ft ailj lot 8 , blk. 4S , Onmlia.ii H H Kd'hon nml wlfn to K * A" I. o vbn- wurtli. lot 8. blk H Uinsliu d . . . . J K Vnndtvvock und liyHliiinil tn A A Nonli'it , lot I. , blk r . I'ltrlc I 01 > < , ( , w d JV ) JJ Wilkinson and wlfit to XVI' Knight , lot2l , blk5 , IirUgs 1'luru , xtd 4 4,500 , Twcnlj-txvo transfers . . , , , > . , . . „ < 52U7