TJL-IJ ! ] OMAHA DAJLVr J3I B : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , 1890. TOE BJSE. E , H03EWATER , Editor , MOUNJNG. rriiMHor SUHMJUII Hill v mill himlny. On6 Year JIO CO fix n'uiiiHii. ft 00 'Jliroo liintilliH . . , , 2 f > 0 Fuiulii ) Hi i.Onn 200 " - - - - llwOtio Yunr. 1 i Omfilu , Tlio Itco tin tilling . , { until Oinnln. r'nrncrN iinrtSfltn Strccw. Uxiiirll Itlnirs , Ul'piirl Hlicct. o. : il'iiitml > iri > r ( 'omtwroo. AH cnmiiiiliildlloiH rnliitlim to IIPWS anil Mil orlil nutter should 1)3 udiltessiil to thu Ultorhil JftiuirlmuiiL lirsiNI > ! ) I FrrriiS. All lnislHC-m Idler-nine ! rciiilltiiiicos slimilU tfiiflilrcHmil to ! he Iliu Publishing I'ompiny. ( Jinuliii. Diufts chucU nnd iiMtolllio oidi-i-s lolmiuiiilaimviiblo to tliooiuir Of tliu 90111- ti.uiv. The Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors , Tlie lice llld'tr , I'm mmiud SmimUontliStg , MVOIIN M'A.TKMHM : OK CIIICULATION. Mai not Nc'irt ' ili i. I , , Cuuntynf Ibuslru f " f ! n It. r/scliiirk. Kt'crctiiiy of Tlio Iloo I'uUlMilna ( oniii in v.doofsulpiii nly nwpiirthat Iho mlnnl'lrfilluttim ' of TunPAUV Ili'i for ( houck end I it ? August ID , 1SW. win art fol lows : r-uiiclatr Mondnv. Tui'sdnjr. \ticlliisdnv. \ A ininst J ? llmrxluv Anciist tH 9 . > IrlUav. AnsusUN Z--Mj taturduy. AiiKiut ! W aiNld Average 21 , ! 21 OFO. II TfNfiiLCK. Fworn tn liefoto mo n nil In my finance llis ! : > ( ) tli flavor Ausmt. A. I ) . . \f \ . \BKAI \ * ] N.I' . KriU I\otary Public. A 1 i\V moro rheumatic ; sprinters can bo siccommodatod in the pottoillco laco. ITAVrNfl oi'jriimcd a combine and tul- ranted pi ices , Iho milk trust solved the question"Water vo licro for. " N' KKN'NTJUY of Ohio scored itn ouiphatli : bUtcisj In lilsuhoson role : IH Llio Boulanger of congress. Till ! Indium in Olclnhoim refuse to bo rountecl liy the census piiumotators. These Iiidhuis o\ldontly never lived in St. Paul. Tilt : Illinois fair in progress inChlcnfjo is o\idonco of Iho city's uhlllty to siccom- inodito abhotv when maiwgetl by the lest of tlm stale. LAUGH democratic ; gains tire reported The night ildcis appeal to hive done their wotk with uncommon \ igor anil olTcctivonebS. Couxxir , HLtnTS'olToits to annex a Blico of Imul on the west faiilo of the river localls the untlea of the miin who ( jrubbed the lint end of a poker. democrats niofoas to bo confident of carrying tlio state. It is one of tlio uhionic ailments of the party lo dlalinovoiything before the votes arc counted. Tun best guesses on the ndjournment of congress place the time at Oetobor 6. So far as any real practical work ia con cerned congress could have adjourned weeks ago. "WiiKN Congressman Morroty of Cali fornia bttld that ho would ttlthdi&wfrom thoracoho mount it , His docliiution Juts occn iiccoptod and this is nbout nil tlioio in of it. A congressman like Mor row would be u cuiiosity inNobrabka. Tin : unusuil calm prevailing- the poiinty tionrd presages an curly political htonii. In Inyhit , ' pipea for Andciaori's successor , politics or competency will not bo considered. The gicut problem is to secure a nuui who will piolong the life of oxistinjr factions. THE rcappoamnco of General Holman in the political urem in noithern Ne braska is u vivid romindorof the demifco of the democratic or an In Omaha. It leculla the fact that the general was vociferously load out of the party joais ago , but the Vt-hli'Hglg of time enables liiinto prance above the grave of his organic inamy. Tin : republicans of Kansas have Jiold their convention and placed a ticket in the field "With one exception the same old ticltotvns \ placed in nomination. The ropublicvus baliovo that they will < * lect tlieir ticket nohvithstandinx the fact that the democrats think that Click will bo the coming man. Prohibition hi'xlmiM'-sedtho republicans of Kansas nnd IB ILibloto cut down their majority. CotrNT vex Mor/nic ; is bound to rn- cei\osomo consideration on the nine tieth anniversary of hlu birth. Ho has Bought to prevent any domoiibti.ition , Ttut the friends of his in the reichstag propose to inaku this birthday one long to 1 roincMiiborod. 1'ho ' count irill bo > bllcdto ( bow to a popular domoiistin- tion. And this is a bettor than peihllitij , ' tlio invitations a voolc In ud\nnco. NOYKS of Oliio , who dropped ucud in Clnulniuti yoatordiiy. fc-nsonoor the pioneer republicans of Hint stiito. Ho t\as oxcupttonilly BtronB1 unilablo on the stump , and as aeura- palnci ; ; was porlinpa without a superior In tbo country. llo madu a most lion- oi'.iblb loc-onl in the tvnr of tlio rebellion and ropropontort the country croditaLly as ministoi' to France , lie \vns a mun of brilliant pints , tthosorvcil well his state and his country , IT is so rare to find n democratic states man Ixmting of his nclilevomonts as a pension iisrent that the oMimplo of Con- prcasmin Ziuvlurclosorvej notice. Mr. Lawlovhas grown wciryof AYiishliiffton life and do.slroa promotion to the oJllco of nhoillT ofChici o , where the porqul- bitcs ofolllcobullil up millionaires. In urging his claims , Jir. Liwloi1 niodostly slajis his p irty fore and aft by declaring that hounccoodod in grctting pensions "for tlioso ho Imvo waited twonty-llvo long years to hmo justice done them. " llofuiU to explain why justice -was not done thorn , and avoids Iho fuct that the doinociaoy , of vhloh Laulor Is a shlninjj lifjht , did Us uttnojtlth vetoes uud ' olwtruttiou , to prevent Iho votoiaus of the \viir frSm b uring tholr rljjhta undnr tlio lav , I'orluips Lawlcr is mi oxtep- tion to the party rule , hut few of the votomns of Chiciigovlll swallow his pension chaff Uu'owu out for \otca. \ /t A KVl'KCtlVK The policy of retaliation provided ( erin in the meat iwpcc'tion law appears to hmo already produrod a snlutary oflect tipon public opinion In both IViinto nnd Cicnnnny. The very able nnd vigorous wny in wlilohMinister UoM ht9 presented - sontod the American , c"wo to the IVoiieh ovoriuucnt in the tmttor of the ox- clmlonof the hog prolucU ot thoUtiltod Stales nud the unjust .discrimination in favor of such proJucU of other countries , has loft the Trench minister of fotolfjn alTalr ? in a wholly dcfonqdess position , with the inevitable rosultof turning1 p ubllo opin ion largely in our favor. Abiding to this thoforco ofn throaloneJ policy of ret illation If I/Vinca insists upjn adhor- ingto lior policy of prohibition , and it is noldillluultlo undcratanl why Ills that the French \won \ la nearly tin miinoiu in ad\ijinjf \ the ffovciMinanl tint the posi tion of tlio United SHlosin too btiong to wairant a coiitlnuanco of Fiance's pol icy \vlth respect to one of our most Inipoitatit proJuuts. Ono of thc-o join-nils siys It uando nothing hut approve aluolutoly Iho lui"U'i o of the United Stataj nilnistor , and it declares tlnit the piohibition agiinst Amarlc.m v is n fault , 'Mnd wo have to pay for it too dourly not to wish to put an end very soon to such a su iiiilaloiw incas- uic. " Another intimates that Franco cannot utToid tontlbei-o to : i policy which in\ltes retaliation , and a third and onuof the most inlluentialof the Parihjouinals sijri that it is convinced the gov- uinuiunt will abindon its policy of pro hibition. Tlio ad vices from Germany are not lo s f3iicouiatfiiijj. Per some time public opinion in that country boon grow ing in opposition tothoiostilutions upon tlio iiiipcrtntlonof hoj pro ducts and the < jovornment has Iwen Hooded with petitions ashingtlio re moval of the restrictions. \ .short tlnio ago a larjjo number of padcoivj united in tin appeal for thonbnndonmont of the regulationsagalnatthe Amuiicanho nnd hiibdoquoiitly ullko appeal was made by a member of the transportation < om- pmiui. The picltinp intcfost frankly uunfcsscd thit the ovulusionof the s\\lno \ of this country brought tncin iioad\an- ttigcs , all the bouciiti j0"1 ! ? to the hog raisers , who profited enormously at the expense of the misses of the people. Meantime the supply his fallen btendily Ix'hind the doniand , notnithsUndlng the fact that luindiods of thou sands of the people have been com pelled , owing to high iirice , to greatly reduce their consumption of incit. This is tlio situition at present , and in Alow of the fact that the cluincollor 1ms vith- diawn the edict excluding' Austrian pork , lon\in only Russia and the United States subject In this particular to the unjuit icbtiiction , Minister Phelps regards the outlook as cncour- "Sing. Itvould seoin evident that congress inido no mistake , when providing fern n national inspection of meats in tended for export , in also mak ing provision for a policy of re taliation applicable lo the pro ducts of countries maintaining restric tions against the impoitatlon of .Amer ican moats. The opening- tlio Piench nnd Gorman markets to our hog pro ducts , which may bo regarded us an ovontof the not remote future , would in- 01 ease our exports to the amount of per haps fifty million dollaia annually. It is a matter , theicforo , in which tlio west Is Aery greatly interested , since the bone- Ills to the farmers of this section -would Lo quite as great as would result from the oponiug of all the South Auietican markets to our farm pioducts. IJCKASK Iff V/JKJICWT. From the incagio reports of the elec tion in Vermont ono significant fact may bo gleaned. The prohibition vote vir tual ly petered out , while llcemo made notaUo gains in all ioctlons of the state. It will not bo possible , however , to mea.surc the extent of the popular up heaval until the olliuial count is made. Under the peculiar election [ methods of Vermont , o\ory Incorpouited village , town or city , icgardless of population , is entitled to ono loprcsontitivo in the lower house of the legislature. A city of ton , twenty or fifty thousand people has no greater representation than a community of twenty votcra. This un- lopubllcan system throws the balance ol loffislutivoponor on the rural commu nities , and g-hos the minority an unjust advantage Hut this Putitanic method was necessary to hold Vermont in the rinks of prohibition states , for a vast majoiltyof the voters ha\o repeatedly pronounced against the law , but were powerless to secure a majority of the iotftblatuto to carry out tholr vlll. The mihi ibsuo in the election was the roiwal of the prohibition law and the substitution of license and regulation. 'To insure suc cess , the udvoAitos of licence must win In two hundred and forty-throe towns , oich having1 a representative , and the rotuins indioito the olootlon of a Urge number of democratic and republican supporters o ( liconso. Tno fact is sig nificant. Prohibition has had thirty- eight years' trial In the Gieoii Mountain state anil has proven a dismal farce. It has not only failed to suppress the traf fic , but has boon the means of allUdlng Iho btato with umestiMlnoJ dram shops , pro'xokod contempt for law and festered hypocrisy and lowered the standard of public morals. Tlio efforts of the poopla of Vermont to discard prohibition and free whisky and place- the liquor tmlllo under legal regulation is a timely lesson to thu people of OUR OA The IVoihl-Ifei-dd takosffront pains to purudo hoforo Its readers a bet of resolu tions inspired and bcgotton at its in stance , by some eatspu-s who call them selves Knights of Libor , Our cntei- priblng ton temporary is volcomo to sll tlio capital it can make for itself out of anything Tun BIB : may uy about Pow- derly , Powers , or any otlior loader of the Knights or the Alliance. Those- men tire not popes ; they uro not infalll hie , and boiislblovorklnymen and far- mow always appreciate honest and fcntlcsd criticism , Of all things the Intelligent woiking- man nnd fanner does detest , it is the truckling impostor and deniagoguovho makes loud piofcsslons uf ujtupatby wuilo at heart ho looks [ own upon the nion who toll ns socially jonoath him ; prides himself upon his > luo blood , and \voul d not touch the innd ot the u'oiUngnuui unless ho puts on a pnlr of gloics. SiU'hii I'hnmploii ol the lahoror nnd 'tumorIB ' the World-lk-rahl man. The nest contomptihlo of all things , how ever , is his method of hiring wretched vagabonds nnd sending thoni among1 the nboring people to boycott Tin : HUB nnd .trying thorn totaltohis double-dealing' , liypoerltlcal shoot as the only do- 'oudor of the rights of labor. [ n tiiis sort of scuttling he isablyns- sisted by all the rogues and rascals who ? rey upon our taxpayers , and the con- rnctors and boodle gang for whom. Iho VorliMIcrahl is the oillclal moutliploce. Tor wny a tint nro dark ami tricks hut nro Mihi the heathen Chinee , is peculiar , " and the iminat the helm of -ho JJoublc-Uniler double discounts the Asiatic heathen. TltK &rr.l'f.7i COMUISSlOMUt. Tlioiippolntnicntof Professor S. Dana ITortonof Ohio as the special commis sioner to visit Kiiropo for tlio purpose of instituting a movement for tlio lohablli- Lallon of siher indli-iites the closlro of Piesitlcnt lliiriison lo promote in o\ory [ > ricticable wa the restoration of silver Euiopain nations that have dlseaidod It an a money inotnl. It is clcirly in- uinboiit upjn the United Stitcsto take the initiative In fas or of hirnctallibin and tlio first stop nece arily Is to loirn the sentiment ofKuropoiu order to de- tcimino whether it is dosii illo to hold ui international conference on coinage ofmonoy. This will really bo tlio mis- ion of Profm w Ilorton. IIo isclotlio.l with no ponorri of negotiation , but will o sibiond , as did these heretofore sent out on. i like soivico Minton Alarblo in 1833 and IShvarJ Atkinson in 1S37 sim ply to niikj an Invoatixatiin of publio opinion 0,3 to silver and loirn as iiiuuh ispo slhloof thu foaling of the several fTovermncntb. The fact that enl } thieo years agotJio pjuial uoinniiiulonqi" was sent to Iluropo failed to moot \t\tli \ eiicourajeimont does not iiocosaai'ilj imply that Mr , Ilorton isbounl on a fool'd errand. The condi tions alTecting silver have changed iory mntei'l illy within the past three you'd , and European goorninoiiU may now bo found willing to reniono tuo silver in order to increase their stock of metallic currency. Pu-haps no bettor man for the service thin I'rofoisor Ilorton could have been ideated. It miy bo objected to him tint ho holds the most extreme \ie\vs on silver , and that , porhnpa , a man of loss radical opinions would hotter loprcsont tlio predomin itiiig scntiraent of this couiitiy , but ho is thoiougluy informed on the subject and will present the American case with intelligence and ability. 11 on THICK. The fire and police commission pro- poles lo add twenty-five men to the fire dcpaituicnt force , and \vo are assured that thoronillbo ample funds atthodis- posal of the board to meet this addi tional expense. This would bo very gratifying nova to the tavpajci-sif it weio not foi the fact that the levy for the police and fire fund is extravagantly high , just as all our taxes are. The addition of tvontj-llve men to the lire dopnitment means , o ( course , a perinment increase of twenty- Ill c thousind dollars a year in the ex penses of that department. The vngcs o ( the men may not average a thousand doll ai 9 a yeai esich , but the incidentals vill more than make up the difference. The truth may iwoll bo told now as some other time. Ono of the prime enures of tlio depression in our real Citato market is high taxes " \Vhon capitalist ? are told that city taxes nlono nro forty-one mills they naturally take to the woods. Our charter-makers have given the council a very liberal leeway and every inch is taken , whether vo need it or not. The re sult is that the levy for the police and fire fund which under the charter may run as high as five mills for police and five mills for Uro has boon assessed lo its full extent. We no\\ spend ono hundred thousand dollars for police and it is proposed to spend the at hole hundred thousand dollars athicli the council hns levied this year for an increased fire dop irtmont. On the top of this , a\o \ have a four mill water tax which means that our llro protection avill co t us ono hundred and eighty thousand dollars for this jear. When the \vntorworlcs woio es tablished we were lutiurcd that they vould glvo us ainplo fire pro tection In any part of the city and that tL expense of innintalnlng the llro department would bo nominal. But wo now have ono hundred and eighty thousand dollais a year saddled upon us , or about ono dollar and twenty cents for every man , \\oinnn and child in the city. Wo have never heaid of any icduction in the city pay roll , but It is Incrcising at an nlarinlngratothatniust bo checked in time if wo do not want to bankrupt the city and keep away every man who has a dollar to invest , Just contemplate what our tn\cs would bo if prohibition should carry and a two per cent , school tax \toro added to the fortjone mills. That would make the city nnd county tax about eight percent. Who could stand such taxation for auy length of time ? statistics for the past week and for the summer packing scasonBhow ninnikcd Incieapo over the correspond ing period last jour. Since March 1 the product of the Onuha naxskorics amounted to ono million ono hundred nnd seventeen thousand head , nn in uotuo of two hundred and twelve tliou- band , Tlio total puck in 1889 was ono million throe hundred thousand , a til fling excess over the pack of the past six months. Thc o figures show the btoudy growth of tlio market and its grout im portance to the stock misers of tlio west , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tim agricultural college blllapproprl- ntos lift ecu thousand dollars iv year front the money ailsiiig from the sale of pub- Ho hinds for each state agricultural college - logo , and thin turn is increased ono thousand dollars each jear until It leached twenty-five thousand. The money la to be applied to the maintenance aud better endowment of the btato collouros foi'thobonont yf figrluutturo and the mechanic nrlsiho ' [ [ pr.tetlco ot nearly ill tlio state col loii M which have rocolvod Inrgo jjart W tholr prosout endow- nt > nt from the gohernl government has JQCII toBpond nin'o of tholr Inuomo for onchlng tlio clrt 'ilcs and liberal arts .han . in nrchinlcal und agricultural .rnlnin ? . Tlio money appropriated by the hill which luvq juit become a law cannot bo used In this way. It can bo ippllotlonlytothe toaclilng of ngricul- turo and tlio mechanic nrts , In whleh dl- I'octlon the RjrflmiUural colleges of the country need improvement moro than in inyotlior , the liut Doing tliat most of them fill far sliort of bolng : what tholr names Imply. Thi9 appropriation will accomplish ( Treat fjood if fiilthfully ap plied us the law provides. of new oil discoveries in "Wjornlng are of llttlo interest to the public as long as the managers persist in storing the pioduct where found. The Omaha caiiltullsts Intciestod in the oil fields should furnish moro substantial oaldonco ol their finds. "What has be come of the loijf-promisod pipe line to the Missouri splendid business record of the Milwaukee raid In Omaln , achieved under disnil vantages , shows what might be accomplished If the compiny cuts loo-o fiomiill ilvals and secures an in dependent entrance to the city. The company could not make a moio profit able investment. novice in the business , Street Commissioner Flannery dlsnlajed the ability of aveturanin paralyzing a pub lic fund. The record of Captain Kent and his political scrnping hilpudo IH tlnown completely in the shade by his democratic buccossor. Tim giasticutibos frowning over the portals of the city hall are nntui.illy objects of admiration. A clo o in pcc- tion olthomicinnybensts rovcnlsinbold outlines a composite picture of the coifli- cil combine. The bom artisi is over true to nature. Tin ; ravaging raids of fco olliciuls on the city treasury eriphisixcs the neces sity of abolishing1 foe ofllcc * . All ofli- ciils should bo given regular salaries and tlio retenuos turned into the treas ury. Now that boveial of the city funds aio pretty well oxluustod , the taxpayers iruy oxpoot heavy doses of municipal economy. , Tin : council combinolnsisls on manag ing overtMii , v Even the board of health cannot hoist a clanger signal \vltliout tlio coiiisejilt of the gang. THE police can plav a profitable game when they keep their own counsel and decline to tip the victims. AVillibhl n Itival. //iltcinoutfj ( llci aid. Cn : corner nut atitli n twenty- pajo Sunday cilitidn replete with all that Koes to malto a UrMclass newspaper. THE Br.i : has no opponent n'ortUv of tUouamo be tween Chicago and the coast. A. Kooky Koiul. Chicago Tribune. All sealsWu girintnts luvo gonoup 2o pel cent. The crop of apples In Now England Is a failure. There nro no peaches la Delaware 'There Is a shortage la the peanut crop , and pmpaws mo selling at 5 cents a piece. This LJ going to be a hard sc\ison on all ot us. ToitrlicH It SLLitultRcvuliUe. Senator Puddock of Nebraska tells his fol low republicans that they ou lit to rcduio the tariff instead of raUliip It , but bo U so very mild ntiout It tint it would bo ivoithvhllo \ for his constituents to test his mouth to sco \\hcthcr or not oleomargarine would melt in it. _ _ Tlio Alliance's Folly. Clitcaw Tribune. What la the matter with tUoalllanco pcoplo that they cannot use their own common sense nnd their own reason ing powers 1 Why do they -pick out as tlicir Ruidcs dcnmROffuo jack lawyers on the one hand aud lon -haircd flnt craults ou the other , who are loading them straight to the Uocpest depths of folly ? If they vlll brush away tlieso bats and seivcch- owls that are lljlnfj about them and do their OHII Uiinltiui ? they may make blunders ull wen do but they vlll not bo guilty of this supreme and honlinR folly of ileiiinuding that congress do something1 the necessary offcct ofvlilch i\oula beta nwko their coudltlon far worse than , It is now. 'Jlils Oa/f I > | OM Jlurd , 7'MIaJ lji/iffl / Xnrlh American. The mooting In Iiidiannpollsof the national Rroenback concation illustr.itos the vitality of some forms of delusion , There are prob- nbly not in my pcoplo in the United States today having sufllcient intolllijotito to form nny opinion whitovcr on the subject who bo- llovo , as thotiaauds of persons bcliovcd ton or twelve years ago , that It is in the power of the government to nwUe. money by the simple nad relatUcly inoxiKiisivo process of setting Iho piintliiif presses tovoik. . The public have boon cduateil to ft perception of the truth that a pot eminent no to or a national promise to pay , which. i3 the sanio thin ? , ii llko the piomlssory note of a private iwrson , only tnluablo 10 far as it has value behind it , and that there U no'power ' of legislation by tihicha flat current1 } can bo sustained lu cir culation. A Boldrriojl.xr Is worth a dollar bo- causolli the o-xpiiriwnce of thowotld itco tsn dolhuto iinxluw'ft'liiul a Jollarnoto is worth a dolhr bo.auso Its Ijolclcr cnn got n dollar for It ; but to winton'rt plcco of paper , "This In n dollar" docs not inakp It worth ft dollar , oven though the goter.pifcnt does the printing. This U now generally understood and agreed to , but it scorns timt the old grconbnclc party has not yet been i educated out of existence. It Is still able to bold a couvcntlou , such , u Ills. i A U'onl ivjtli tlio Farmer. CQ p0 ' ' " 'u ' . \VTiat would httjpicn | actually if th Is prayer of tboaRrlculturi Jt ttorot'r.intod and the cur- rcncjr were to ba swelled up witn slUor and piper till It oquallcd the grecnbickora' no- llonsof tlio "business ncods of the country ) " All imiiiufacturod urtidos whorothero was no great surplus made vould rlso In prlco. The clotblnp , leather wear , liouschold furni ture , tlio furra implements plows , i-capors , inoxvcrs , wagons Iron utensils , glusswaw , etc. , bought by the man on the farm would cost Win much moro , The Inflation of the currency would inlluto the price of nil city- made goods and wares. Hut \\ltli the proilucts of the soil It i\ould bo otherwise. The for- clgti prices \tould still rule their sollini ; tnluoYhcut , corn , oats , flour , pirlc , bocf , butter , larJ , cliooso-in short , all suruluscs for which this country could not furnish u homo market would continue low In price no higher than the foreign market which bought the surpluses would give b - the farmer can dispose of tho'io sur pluses Abroad only , ntul the prkoj lie gats for them , regulated 113 they tire by competition with the world , determine the prlco of nil of the crop ho sells at homo. Tlun the Inflation of the cuiTcncy vlll not benefit his products , whose price Is fltcd beyond Iho ocenn and ouWdoof tlio sphere of inllatlon , but will render Iho cost of the good * ho buys much higher than bcfoio. Thuacurrcncjr hill itlon would ditnngo every uesttrn farmer. llenco it Is soon that If the Inllatlon of sil ver nnd greenback * wcra inido the granger would not iKiiotit thereby. IIo would got no moro for his products , while ho would have to pay dearer on account of the Inllatlon foi nil the things ho got in cxibnngo forhls tufT , Tliomcasuio which ho thlnlts ttould bo the imklng of him would cut his throat , while the clto' people voulil not suffer from It , for they would get moro farm articles In ox- chaiigofor their i\nrcs. Iho manufacturer would lo ahcltorod from evil effects , for as a general tiling ho lias not used the full meas ure of his tarlft protection hai sold goods below tarilTprlco but with nu lullntion of the currcncy ho would take advantage of every inch of thnt tariff wall and charge up to the top of it. SM 1 Ijl'.a. H'hlleliM Htinlil. 'Twont ' bo long until wo licar the oyster exclaim "Rthuro ! " A falsehood may so-notlmca bo coisistcnt , atiu tint consistency ujcmcl , but truth Is til- ' ways n Jeweler. Tnoronroovciono hundred tliousinil moro women than men In tnijlnnd. Hero's another artfuimnt against frco trade. Variety isn't ulways the splco of llfo. A Sterling in ilkinni and his family have boon spending the summer at n watering place. llowti'uolt is thatluilf of ouriluaro fan cied. liven the ocenslonal housefly In the blueheiry pichlchivo , fastidiously lift with u folk , Is dctourcdwlth eclat and pionOuneed c.xccllcat soloasjas wo arc Ignorant of his or her prMcnce. A critic sijs "the icalistlc novel has not yet reached its npcx. " It hasn't ; II , hasn't , AStciling1 nutlior In now engaged upoa a novel vhicli Is HO re.illstic that whenever ho refers to Limburger cheese it icqulres two mui toholilthe book , It Is the author's In tention to h ivo his work dr.imiitizcd and pre sented by u stixjug cast. XJKtl'S 0 * ' TJIi : X An old soldiers' picnlo tt 111 bo held at Red- iiifftoiiboptouibcr II. Sutton lus voted bonds for waterworks ami the plant will bo put iu at once. The st.ito normal school at Peru opened tlio fall term with ill1 } students enrolled A Mason ! u lodfo hai hcen instituted at Gedng witu twuity-oue chart ) r tncmbkrs. The Crete city i.'ouiicll hns iljcidoil to buy the old high school building for use us a city hall. hall.Tho The democrats of 1'latto and Colfax coun ties hmo nomiuated JohnC. Van Housca for state senator. Niloi Johnson has boon nominated for the legislature by the democrats of tuo Nine twnthdlstilct. Gctni-al Joe Hallman has been nominated for stale senator by tbo donourats of the Eighth distiict. A full s t of instruments hasarrhcd at Prapuo for the now bra&s band which has Just been orgaukcd. Tbo republican convention of the Four teenth senatorial district will bo held at Val entine September 11. Hev. J. H Dcbsoii , pastor of tbo Scward Congreimtiomil chunh , died Tuesday evening - ing uf tor an illness of several ucelcs. The old soldiers and oldsetUers of Antelope county will hold un encampment at Fair- child's grove , Onltdiue , September U ami IS. Frank Tnrmand. n Hooper joung man. ho- camc tiled of life nnd tool : n dose of blue vltiiol , but u doctor provcutcd tbo bhullliiifr- off process. President D. B. Perry of Dome college ho. been clcctt'il as llnnncial a ont for thnt institution ttnd Prof. Fulrchlldvill uccomo uctiim president The 1'latto county ofllccrsant to laj their hands on J. Is' . tlitchcll , a tnrmor near J\LOIICO who has skipped the county with rnoitfrascdpopcity , leaving numerous cred itors behind. MartE. . Siwjor of Crete has sued sex oral saloonkeepers and their liondnmeu for caus ing the death of her husb md , who commit ted suicide by drownlngrSlio asks for $10,000 damages uiidot-tho Slocumb law. Anfcn , tlwlad\\ho , was shot a few days nye by nPierco county farmer named Poin ter , died \Ycducsdiiy from the cffetts ol his noundi. The boy was sliot while In the nit of steiillnKWntCTmolons from Pointer's melon pitch. Polntci was put under $500 bonds at tlio time , but now ho has been roarrestcil , and -will have to answer tothcchargo of mur der. der.A A scries of mishaps has befallen "William "Woods , living three miles northeast of Spring Itancli Monday his line ruco horse was Wiled at Wuhoo. Tuesday moiuiiiR ho started for that place , but hud been gone onlv about two hours when his llttlo boy , tcnycnrs old , WAS tin own fiom a colt and h ul his arm broken.Vtiilo the doctor was setting the limb lullsii itch ciinio from Ashlind telling his wlfo of tbo death of a sister. Mr. Woods liis u boy not yet rccovcioil from a biokcu collarbone. Spriiicllanch is noted this sea son for berious .iccidents aud big corn. Iowa , A horse at Eddy villo glories in five legs. The lotta City packing house will com- mencoopeiations Ottobor 1. From eighteen ncics of land a fanner near Codur Kaplds tbia year hirvostod Jl,500 vortliof produce. The mun killed hv n. train near Lyons the other day has been identified ns ISIonroo Bar- Tier of Lyndon. Ho was Intoxicated. DurltiK the tiibor day narndo at Davenport tlio rcslilenco of Honrv li.ihm was en ton d and $ .3,000 worth of diamonds and jowuhy taken. Juinos Bcusloy , alias II. C. "Wnlto , an nil- mound former and botjus mortgage vorkor , ttho lius plleii his vocation in several poi lions of the state , hiii been sontentcd to flvo years in the peultuntlnry. M. A. Putnam , shipping clerk for .T. T. Kniicoek A Sons or Duliuquc , has nivhteu- ously dLsappearoJ. llo lult the store Satur day noon nnd 1m not been seen since , except once , Saturday oveiilnp , near tbo river , It is balloted ho has committed suicide , us ho had frequently threatened to do bo. Much interest h bcinp rovitod In the Nurro murder uiso in Clinton countj. The murder occurred sovorul months ape , but as tct , us fur as the publio knows , no effort lus been nmdoto In hip the murdcior to Justito. The bellofls ilnlni ; ground , it , is said , that Itwai a "fatally murder" and has now to- lomo. as n local paper espressos it , a "stand In" all uTOiml for revenue only. The people of the United Lutheran church of Andruw , Jackson county , aw badly de moralized ovortbo scandalous conductof their pastor. Rev. J. M. JIcAithur On bis return lecoutiy fiom the prosbytcry he remained two days In a neighboring state In un Intoxi cated condition , while Ills wlfo was vcrv slik and only clfjht mllci uttay. The elders of tlio ihurchluvto exacted a premise from Mo- Ai thur tint ho will leave Andi-ow wlthlu a woolt , noter to return. F. W. Scubnor , livlnp near Eddy\llle , In- dultfdinan cxnoilmont the other day. lie had for some time been making improto- ments on his burn , and had It almon com plete ! , when U occurred to him thnt n well which was in the batcmcut of tbo barn needed oU-anln , , ' Tearing thcro might befoul foul air In thu wall , ho took a bunch of liny. tied It to a rope , sot lira to It and attempted tolottorltto tlio bottom to drive out the dampi if there sbould liouny The buniluu' liny had ouly i-oichod tliodopth < it a f w feet tthon nil explosion ocourroJ , thiowlng tho' flto out of tbo well mid scattering It in every dhoctlon all o\erthu bam. The building was totally destroyed , together with all the coil- touts , butluo My U contained no stock. Tim Ti\o Dukotas. The full inoptliir of the Dciilwood driving park coin mencos September 10. Poles for the telegraph line from Buffalo Gup to Hot Springs Unvo boon set. TUe uoassury amount of inouoy to secure the linen factory Imi been raised In Sioux F.UU. IJov. A. M. Dubod ha-s roslgnod ai pastor of the Unptlst church oC JlrookliiRS. Undo Jim Hoer > of Sponrllih Im n jming Inmb Athleli Is BitotU'd 111(0 ( an Arabian horso. Phillip \Vnllow of Copii tried to lift a heavy hay iwk und died three d y- Inter In Intense ngony. Ltoutonant Oovoruor Flclchei1 contotn- phtoa le.uhiK South Bikoti to tikom ) bU resldonoo in Colorado where ho Is largely in- tciostcil in mliiM. Samuel Cushman , a proinlnoiit citizen of IKiadwood.ut piosont llllliig the ofllco of au ditor ot Lawrence county , lnu been tomlurcil the i > oiltlon of dcatiof the DaUoti bchool of mines. Mr * . Henry .Tiismin of Scotland died from the ofTtots ot a f.dl from uchiilr tnat caused a tircmnturo birth. Aliunband and sue ohll- divn , the eldastcloven y < mv old , uro left to mourn her death. Frank Corn well of StuitfK tvhilo nt work on his brother's rcsldonco , accidentally swnl- lowed four I ituimlLs lljsajs holmdiiullo iitlmoof Itfor utvlillo and could not spcik for some hours Mrs Mary UucUoi , mother-ln-lnw of Allen bmlth , BulchUvl nt Smith's residence , six miles southeast of Aurora , cutting her throat with iKMseknifti. She was sotcuty-llvejeuM old and In fair health. Peter and Coifind Miller were nrrcstod mid imprisoned at Rapid City , refused a be.irliig for forty-eight hour ) , and nt last were told thciowas no char o nfjaln'it thoni , but tint tlioy must pay $ J for Uielr boiu-tl and losito town. They hmo employed AH ultorncy and propose to iniilntaiii thuir lifrl't-s' ' An extremely dtRlcult cnse of trachcolotny vius ncrformuil recently upon n llttlo boy seven years old , living with his pircnti Ijcnnov. llo lid siviillowed a l.irgu pebble , ntwentKiain stone , and it luiu nitnapod to ledge Iu his wlnilnip ? . When cut out It w LS near to thobroiichlal pisvi ; > ? o < loading to the lungs It was a woiucrthutthe ihild's ' life it as .saved. The young sons of John Reich nnd Jacob Jtcsner of Scotland tvoropUi lnt ; In tbo yard of the latter wlicu the former htitl tbo end of bis thumb cut dean off just nbovo the t\isl \ joint. Hcich'H hey it.n holding u stick on a block while Itonci's boy was doing the chopping Vvith a hatchet , and a niUs Hue cut the little fellow's thumb off. ThcDoys wore ouly ttvo 3 oars old. O. A. Smith , the le-jdlng groctr at Miller. Ins failed in Mustiest Hsc ms ho had tiustcJ outtoo miuh nnd had sold about jSt.KK ( ) worth of IhiK seed Imt pin0'to ! fauncrs vho tterolo pay in llax this fall. Tlio diy uoatlicr , ofcoutso , caused a to.nploto falluro of the lluv ciop und ho lost hls $ , WO lioildcs thu numerous small billsscMttord nil over the country , vita no po slblity of gettingtbom llo sold out his business , secured bis debts , .md departed without bidding good bye to anyone , Probiblj the largest bhst over put off In the Black Hills was recently dlsclurgcd on the 13 { A M. grade near the northern limits of Ouster City by Contrailora Cable & Chute. 1'oi-ti-livo kcfrs of blue It iwwdcr and 150 liouniN of giant powiter ttcrcu.ed , pi-oJucim ; sm eAplosion vhlcb fniily made HIP moutit- niiis tiemble , nnd displ uis'l ninny thousand tons of rock. The loaidonco of Peter Jvlc- Kiiinoy. located uc.u by , was literally buried under the debris , and ttould hnvo bmii ut terly acmolishcd h.ul ho not talteu the pre caution to protect it with hoary ti'nbou ' A cra/y innii by the name of Thompson , living near VVinfroil , i % ukeii lo Howard and lojgcdln Jill. IIo was taken violently sick during the night and on investigation. It itiis discovciel tint ho had takiu u dose of pan's preen before lowing homo. On coming to his senses just before trying he confessed to hu\ln ? taken tbo poison anil told theshenlt where bo ttould find the paper fiom which ho had taken the poison. The paper contain ing paiis Riecn w u afterwards fount ! In the gi-ovoontho tieo claim wluro the man had been living. The remains were uucn back to his homo for burhl. WALT 3t.\SO > 'S DIHUK. An Epic 1110111 in TMO stirl . A farmer of JTcbmskn lay dtmg In Ids barn , tbero was luck of M omnn's nursing , but ho didn't give a dam ; uhirel muu knelt beside - side him as his boss piepireJ to croak , and tno faimer smiled ask-'ily smile , ai in hoarse tones ho spoke. 'T Iy boy , I never moio shall plow my dry and t.mokiuR land , nor shall I need assistance fiom you or any h md , take this incssago to Jay Burrows' , that I reid liU Micotaud dloO , for I was fooled liy Duirows , by Buriovs , vho's a t > uido. One day ho came to sco me and asked mo to bubscilbo , to that old paper that ho runs to boom the gran ger tilbo ; aud I did as ho requested though my hogs wcio dying fast , uncl my torn wns sttiftly burning in the ficrj-August blast ; and I sat out heio and icad It , till I gasped and reeled anil fell but the sands of lifo are fly Ing , uud I bid you now farewell ; go around and tell the neighbors that I road the sheet and cllod , and that they should dodge Jay Burrows , Jay Burrows , who's a biilde. " Tliosoft moon rose up slow ly ( there- was mtiirbt to hold her down ) and shed her rays of silver on the earth so hard and brown ; the bay mules In the stabloUoked and whinnied for their otts , and feeble grunts of hunger issued from the lungs of shoat , nnd the chkkcnscnuhlcd shrilly when they should have been to rooat , and the spcelded cow In anger pivo her itablily calf a boost ; but the farmer heeded neither , for ho laid where ho had died , after reading Bur rows. ' paper , which so nniiy think u suldo. Fair IJatr-s , Below ore pit en the dates of the county fairs In Nebraska and state fairs In adjoining states : Grand Islamlboot sugir prlaco Sontomlier i-u. Iowa state falrPcotoiuljor 1-7. NobiasKii stale fair. Stpteinbor V12. PiouxOlty corn pnlauo opens September 23 KiuiviHStultifafr , biMiltniibir 11J < ) . fair , bojituiubor 111-19. COU.NTV 1'AtIH. Ailams . Sept. 54ria , o . Sept. 30-Oot 3 Illilno . . .bt lit. 2l-r. | Hull . . . . Hoit. | 10-10 Ilioun , . Si pt. IT-'O llailnu Miit 'Ifl Hootiu . . Hiit. | 17-lHilllU-llPoek ' opt. lb-10 llullalo . biil. |'lloi ) | ( iu l-ept -I I0 Hut lor . .Mit. | "I M5i lu'arnuy M'pll.T L-.i > .s . Stpt IVIrt llncolii . ht-pt. lll-l'l Ctioieiino .S-tpI l-'lti AI ullson , .t-cit | 17-1U Uliiv . Siiil. Jip-I'liJIeirlck ' . --opt 17-JO Coltux . . . 'niit. 17-IH IS mt'o , SfU | I- < Sipt. LM-S7 Vickolls Scpt.Oct 2 Custir. .Suiit. lUOct. .1 1'lniee ' . . Sept 1.1-17 .bit ( | 17-JO I'oilc ' . , bapt 2ri Dlxoa btpl. J-Shirpy . "eir. | 17-10 DocigQ fctpt. * l-Oot Jl'Miiiulors ' Sept , 2-4 Dasdii f-it. ( | " \-i'i \ 5-licriiiin Sept 1(1-18 ( Douxlas .Sipt. 1l.mtoii I feipt. Jl-Oc-t , : t rilliuoio Siit | Ifi-l'i Valley . . .Sopt. tM-i" ' . . . , . ' . . 1'runklln. .SsiiitSI-'tJYork | Sept. 2-5 Tlio KilvciQnrstinii. . M SHAVER INT Iluuoi'K ByS. Dina Ilor ton. Now Voile. MuNlllun& C'o. ' The Bilvor question ib ono hicliis not only ngitutlng the pcoplo of this coun try , but also the lo islators of the \arlous European states. Mr , Ilorton in a collection of monographs upon differ ent phases of the subject , presents the foreign aspect o ( the bimetallic move ment. Ho tiacesr the successive stops in the demonetization of silver from the action of the conferences in 1807 through the legislation of Austria , German } ' , the Latin oountiicB and the United States upon the Hubjcct , down to the iccom- moiulations of the pan-Amoricun con- yress for nn international monetary union. The movement in England for lostorntlon of ellvorona iiarity with gold and tlio report of the royal coin- mlbslon , seisms to Mr. IJorton to Bhow imuked pro ro slu u gradual change of opinion among the British pooplo. To lain the prospect is so oneoui aging that ho pi edicts the icstoiation of silior ton legal equality with fc'old , jirovidod only that these who favor the project lend tholr support to the Tnovcmont. IllNiimrok TnlkH cil'Var. . f ovnov , Sept. ) fSpechl Cablegram to TiiKlJi'.H ] 1'ilnco nismnrUr , tvhllo i-ecclv- IntC a deputation of KIs9lugca vctornns , said tbo Inventions foi mailing tvnrfaiotcro bo- comliiR more and moro mtndorous. No In demnity could compensate for the misery and uxpenso cuiscJ by the now methods of war fare ) therefore. , hipplly , cturynnu ttiomflit wellhofoit ) ocgliiulukraivar. Dr. Hclnvciult'ur and Orysaudci accompautudl'rliice liUmuixk to Tlio Montreal SliootliiR AfTnlr of i\ VcnrVtfo Itocnlled , MONTIIE * ! . , Quo. , Sept. -tapceial T.ln- jrnmtoTiir. UKB. ] KupcnoII. C'otvlM ' , who airlvcil hero lat Biirlnir , follotvodby hli wif. < and brotlier-lii-hiWi C. 0. Halo , nndas sli > by tbo hitler , is again in thls.clty to utt. n i tbo1 trial of Hale on n charge of nltcmpli J murder , vlilchbcKnn this jiftornoon. C'uu s f \ \ not now as Incllnod to let IhiloKo fro > \ \ f ho was when lie voluutnrllysurronuerca t i V child , lloclalms thnt his wlfo rujrooilvl u she rccel\ccl thu child toronnln in Monti , a untilho recovered , but under piojsuio fru i her father Immediately broke that pi mm j nnd loft the city. Upon lilt r. . < - covciy Oowlei iittoinptcd to ivopon \ corrcspondeneo with Ills tvifo , but ttltboit , 3UCCCS3 , all hi * lottcirt k'lug i uferrcd lo In r Ipjrnl nrtvUers. Thus falling in lilt object ID detetmincd to turn the tables upon Mis CoAvlci untl her fanilly and ntonro cnlert < 1 m action against his father-ln-liiw , 1 ! 11 lliilc- and his biothcr-ln-Uw Willis Hale - - , , iliUmm ; damages of * > 100UOO frtim each foi compii.ii lo break up hit family , ruiu his roputui , nnd cMiisuhU death , llo luv * boon uiki > d rorniln fivm prosecuting C O. Hale , Ids u < allunt , but as bo puts It , lie ( CowItM ) mi t piocoodtlth the cu o in n initiation of IIK char.icUir and a icfutatlon of the iliuu , / brought , agiihut liliu. He believe1) hlins f to ho the real person in tbo suit , ns upon it will dt'iKJiul tbo truth of thoUiinvus luoufrhi ag.iinit him at the time of the shuotlni ? . Mm. Cowli-s and her fritncU chrtr id linn tvlth Infidelity , failure to support her .mil h i child , und vailout othoi derelictions In ciiu\ . These Coivlea answers bj It'ttois fiom Mt'ssi Hale , senior nnd Junior , written prior to .lm- u iry 1 last , from tthlch time htj did nut im his vlfe until the dij of the shooting , I'lU ho legurds the statcnvnt of his mother , .Mi-t 11 C. Cotvlct , widow of the lute rdltotof the- Cleveland Lc.ulcr.nt suniclcntlt imsiM't-iiiir these assci lions. The statt'mcnt ilenlis tint , ho is dhsitmti'd , a vioU > iil 111,111 01 tint his iliiiracter was Midi as to lonuYr it hnpoitlblo to live \tlth him. noafllrms tint his -itlf s icfused tolivowith him , tint slio novorvislteil him in his various illnc'ssps , und that she formed an Intiinic'y tvith n AIisi lUthbun ttbich WIH n mutter of sroit i-nn- cern to her family. Ho juttilliM his nlidticl I m of the child on the ground of ill futli on tli part of his wife Co\vles nlso jinxlucus i letter from hisslstor , Alyria , tli'm n s- rciwrts that appeared in a Now York tu-v paper of .lime I , alltviiif ! that her bwthc-r li 1 1 done her tlolcnce Ilosiys he isarmid \ \ uli nil the documents for the necessary pic > - > i tion ofhisauiu , and has nUo n stutein t tthiiti , ifnccessar.t , howill servo upon h * ttife , niuMiip : her in u suit fm d toive Cowlos looltn none the worse for In- . shoothiR , but a further operation i\tll liavi- 1 > bo performed to remove a piece of dccnj iiij ; hone I'll JA CJTltJSJflll CK. He Visits Hamburg \Vlioro JIc I- ueivi' Ovitlloii. [ ( ' < > ) > ) / > fa'it ' JOT tin JCIIHH Clnrdiii Hour" ' Ilotmri'ci , Sept. 4. [ Now Yorrf Herald Six'cial toTiu : Hm : | A ripple of e cittiu 11 [ ussod otor Hoinbui-K yostmlay niornin ? when the fact loakjd out that Prime B > inarck would an ivo therein the afturnout Princess Hlsiiurc.-l { started off to Frankfort to meet herhmband Ho sintvoliit rr.mli fort from Kihsingon at ) .H ) und Uaron Kotlis chillis cairingo was Atiitiii to drne liini to Hotnburg A fctv minutes bofoi O o'clock Ir. Schwciuiirer drove up to th Hotel Ristueluun utid .1 few minutes Inter Prime Hbmuikvltli thoPrincesiiinaCouut Herlwrt arrived nnilthoonthusiastie "liochs' tvero repeated iiRiiin nnd iifrain The piinco ttoro a soft hit ulth a huw biiin. a sort of cowboy hit , and with sinll iiitj face iicknowlcdBCil the reception ' 1M \ one llrst to grout him was the famous Italian painter. Professor Gnrodi. A. sin ill l > iij ninned VauPath prescntetl a bxiuetof rol ix > sea and Misi Uoichelimmn a homiot of p.i'i slos with tvhito unil red roses nuiuu upto it'i > lesent tlio national colors. ' 1 liopiinoovn lurtleiilnily yraciom anil thOKononil icnmiK was how ttell ho looked. llo hid lost much of hurt ! look olwer\ bio vbilstho it u in olllce. The uo\ul c-ol lectod at the fiont of the hotel and cliet-ivd and tthon the piinco up c-ircd on the lulconv he reiMi\ed a grcit utation He iTintuiii liorefnr ttto dis ani ) then pocs to Isarutii In tlio crowd \tero Sir K Milet , Sir 'Iliomu mid rrerc. LOlil ) He Adilicssi > q a Unionist Demonstra tion lit York. LONDON , Sept. J [ Spcclil Cablegram to TnnBisK. ] At a unionist demonstration i VorkycstorJuy , LorJ Ilarlingtonsah ) no 'i lievcd tha exultations ot the Cladsioin x n were wasted. The session recentlj close ) could scarcely ho inr.illelod In anj porijil if Uiijjlish history , even during the hittercst party contest. Ho warned the Gladsloiiiait that contempt foe or mlacalculation of the streufth of tlio unionist patty \MS liltcli Ui lead to disaster. It could not bodciuul tint the success of the P.inielhtes' tactics ren dered pailiiunont linpotont nnd inatlo tin Irish paity moro formidable than It ' had ever 'boon in the ilaj t. of 0 C'on neil or MiUhell and Smith O'Uncn This success , lie was convinced , Imcl hcen the chief factor lathe conversion of Haiuourt , Morlov , Tile\clyan unit a majority of tlio llhorais to homo rale. They did not thin v that Ireland , with homo rule , would be IKI- tor governed , but bollc\cd that it was usolosi longer to contend against the inshlious poiMiu thutvuvs sapping : the life of piilltiuiunt.uv Rovcnnncnt. He , however.M nf tl < opinion they ought not to succumb , liu > should roalat to tholustas their predeccssoia had done , and ho believed that public onluim would support the unionists in i Tlio Hortim Drumiiug Mystery. EAU Ciuir , Win. , Sept. 4. ( Spec-Ill Tclepranito Tin : RII : : ] Tbo mystciy MII- rouiidlnytho case of Tlinbar Agent Ilorton of the Northern Pacific , who is accused ot drowninghU wlfo nml children by purpoadir ovoiturnlii n . Is fin- from solution. Tlio whereabouts of Miss VanWio , the St Paul school tcuher , prominent In tholloitnn cnsu hy reason of a love letter she wrote Iloitou m-etlousto the diowiiiii of his family , is becomingnn liitciestlni , ' nijsterf. St. J'aul \ dispatches locate her in Kau GLiiro. A Imv- jcratwlioso homo slio vhitcd heiotodf * * said tnntMNs Van WIo loft heio for St. l'au < ! tin co dai,3 , after the diownliiK of Ilorton v family. The theory of-tho prosecution is thatllortoa drowned his ttlfe In order to marry the pretty school mistress. In Areontine. Bir.vos Antus , Sept. 4. [ Siwclul Cable lo Tim Ben , ] In the provincial chamber yostordny Scnor Poncreuge yio posed that the payment of cjdula coupons Ijj biispcndcd fortwoyeam This proposltluu Biivo risoto un excited debate nnd was finally unacted by a sweeping majority. In thesoiwt" bills wcio passed protldlng lor the issue ot treasury notes and the omission of cedillas Tlio ministers stated that the emission of cedulas was necessary In order that tlio sit uatlon in tepard to the national bank , mort gage bank and the municipality might become - como more quiet. The outer for the dispatch of tioops to Tucumnn has been countermanded. The premium on ( joltl closed today at 1JW OMAHA. LOAN AND TRUST COMFA.NT. Subscribed und Guaranteed Capital. . . .8500 0 0 Paid In Capital . , 850/WJ Ituya nud sclli stocksand bondi ; ne otlntcn oornnmrcliil paper ; rt'celvis and executor trii H ; nuts on trnnsfnr afiont and tnmea o ( cornorathns , takn cliarto of Drutiurt/i col > OmahaLoan &TrustCo SAVINGS BANK. S E Corner 10th nnd Douglas Sta Paid In Capital . &OCOO Bul ) crl1jcd und OiinnuitcudCopltaii : ; ; looiooo Liability of BtooUholdcr4 . ; , souwo | Par Oont Intoroat 1'al.l . on DopoilU. . 1' ANICJ. UNOE.'oaMilcr. uniocra : A. u , \ \ , ymnn , pioslduut : J. J. Drown , > lc-vroi.ldfliit. \ . T. Wyiuail.trouiuror. Diffi ? ° , "ilrTA > iiUiiWylnlllUJ11Mlllnrrt , J , J r IIu u * ' on. EW. .