Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    # > *
rr y * v-
delivered uy Carrier In uny part of Ihe City.
nuslnm OflVf. No. 11
jn\fii : .T/K
N. Y P. Co.
Council muffs Lumber Uo. conl.
Itonicmbcrtlio Hrotidvvny Methodist Hpis-
coial | cliure-h social this evening at the homo
of L.V Tulloy. nntertulned byn elus of
young gentlemen.
The tnxpnjcrso , \ \ ivnnttosavo nomltlci
and costs \\l\l \ call lit Ti usurer I'lumcr's '
ofllc-o at once us nil tuxes. Including spcenl
assessment , must bo p. Id thli month.
KcKular concliuo of hiuilioo commnndorj ,
No 17 , Knights Templ-ir , this cvcnltii , ' , also
installation of officers .All sojournliit , ' sir
knights aio liivlttJ. By older of 12. 0
MurrliiLrc licenses wcio liiucul vcstorilny to
Jnmcs I * . Cowan of Harrison county and
JMnry .Aeldlson of Hiavvuthii , ICau , audio A.
Bucfiaimn and L.OII Ousloy of this city
David Lavler , iue t seventy-three , died nt
his residence In IJoomcr township jesteidny.
und will bo butiu < l this ufkinoon fioin the
old Honey creek , north of descent. Old ago
% \ni the cnuso of dentil
'Iho ' New 1'aclllc hotel Is miikiti ? soinq very
desirable improvement ! by the addition of
new toilet rooms mid modem closets The
old wnsli room hns been toin awiy nni' the
new additions will bo built on the site of it
A petition for dlvonon ( lied In the dls-
tuctcouit xestenlny by Vf A. Coulur , ask-
i iiB to bo relieved from the inirltul obliga
tions bo liiul pledged to/Mair Coulter several
years njjo. The grounds upon wlilch the
action was brought vveio deiertion and
cruelty ,
In tlio ( llstile-t court jcstculay the dlvono
case of Mrs L'asady nptlnst Judge .T. I' . Cos-
adj wm called. A motion for ( .oiitlimaiiio
vas tnailo by the defendant Tlio icquest for
postponement was bused upon aflldnvlts show
ing that thohcultli of the ckfonduit vis very
frail and that ho was uttcily unable to ap-
pc.u-Ineourt and dofeud the suit. ' 1 ho eon-
tlnuuiiio was granted.
The Council Bluffs police non are malting
ready for the cold waves .Airangements
liivu been undo with aa Omaha house to ( jur-
nlsh thorn \vith vvInteroxononts TlioBlulTs
merchants , who arc expected to buj tickets
for every b ill and keep up their full pi\ meat
of ta\es bolides , arc naturally grumbling a
little , cspecl illy us they ehilin that they bid
nooppoituiuty to bid on tlio Job ,
Colonel Heed ot the Miuiiiwa motor line Is
very much tickled over an exceedingly origin
nl expression that was miulo to him on Sun
day b } a tiitl , pompous looking Indlvlduil.
Iho mill cnmo into his olllco nt the lake , and
thrusting his thumbs lute thu nnnholcs of his
% est iiumrkcil : "Say , Cap e.uijou tell mo
vvho Istho ihief guy of this fnknl" Iho
fiooel-imtu reel colonel foisa\o the ram the
pctsonal thrust on nctoutitof its originality
Jlinniic Davis , the legless lioy hero who
lias s > nved the Ihes of sevcnl people at Lnko
Jlnnavva dntlns ? tbo two years who
would have Uronncd but for his successful
efforts to rcseucthein , has returned to Tabor
collene. .AKCIIUOUS public In leeopiiition of
Ills heroism , has sent the littio crippled boot-
Mnckto tlm college to bo educated , and hi !
1ms alread ) spent one year tlieie. Ho Is u
uilght and hard \\orltltiK student , und gives
excellent promi'o foi the futuio
The funeral of Httlo Hurry Shnpirt will
take place from the resident o , JV ) Washing
ton avenue , at II ) .Ml this morning , the Itev.
D C. rnuiklln ofllciutlnj * . Lest there should
bo some anpu'hcnsloii that there is danger of
contagion the attending phjsichn auttiori/cs
the statement that death rcsulUil from
amenlii , loss of blood. 'Iho child had the
diphtheria several inonthsago anil recovered
from it. The friends of the family need fear
no danger uoin attending the f uncial
Death released Httlo Hnny Shiifjartyester
day from long md patient sufforhiif. The
llttlo fellow w.vs the son of Mr ami Mrs T.
J. Shutout of ShiiKint \ Co. , and ho was
one of the \ \lctlmsofdiphthorh the
disease M as so bad here a few weeks ago.
Every onoof Mr. Snugart's Httlo family \\oro
stricken vlth the dlscusoimd it was thought
that they hud all recovered from its baleful
effects , but the chiM continued to suitor ,
and Rradually pew weaker and weaker until
death came ycstorduv afternoon.
Wall paper at I ' < cents per toll ; not rem
nants , at C. Li. Gillette's , a Pcul st.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413
A Kcw Special ! ion to Ho Toum ! There
This Week.
Something of Interest to every lady Is to bo
found at the Boston Store. Council Bluffs.
It is a llttlo early to talk of fall goods yet , but
\\o have a few specialties that won't last
loiiRin the waj of fall dress goods. Poi this
WOOK only. 50 pieces itit-inch , all-wool plnlds ,
Btrii > cs and mixtures at Hie , worth SSe ; 1X ( )
pieces .V-.1 inch , all-wool ladies' cloth , lu nil
the nowPU lull shades and hlnck at 3 < Jc ,
woi th 5Sc
\Vo show the llncst line of gents' accicwear
nndono-lnlf hose in the tlty ; the bcstU.icand
60c necktie In the market : SJ'-i. " ) do/en gents'
white shuts , prices i" > c , ! ! 'ie ' , flUcnndTSc ; ioni-
plctollncof nlh'Ut shirts hoinfise up.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Piices.
Miss j\llce Steadni xn has returned from
a visit to friends in II istlni s. Slu also vis
ited the blue grass puluioat Oieston.
To Orators -Bids are solicited for grading
lot on Oakland avenue. Tor Information ap
ply to J. U. Dellavcn.
Sbortliand. Miss Rhodes , Blown building
Miss Zcnotm Qny , a t Dobany's , Thursday
o veiling , u ill glvo ,111 cntoi talnmciit deserv
ing to ur.i\v veil. The pricoof admission is
but > cents , unit all who appreciate litciarj
talent should attend.
A ln ! llj AVrcuked IIoo Cart.
Yestcinlay afternoon the servaiit girl at the
rcsldenio of John N , Buldxxlu enjoyed the
usual exjierlciicj vlth tliogasollnostovo. She
illlccl tbo hto\o nnd spilled a lot el gasoline
on the floor uhllo doliiK it , and without ru
moUng It or waiting for It to ovnporuto shu
liglited the stovo. An explosion vas the ro-
suit , which ignttod the fluid in the reservoir
aiidsot \\ood\\ork of the kitchen on tire
Another girl or wo nin plekjl up the steve
and carried it into the jaiVl where It burned
itself out without doiiiKimy moioilatiiago.
In theincaatlineim ahnii had been turned
in from bov M , and In feboconds the de-
pmtmcnt was on the ground , end a small
quantity of wutir doused the glim la tlio
kitchen The damage vas coulined almost ex
clusively to Iho itiifcollno btovo , ami vlll not
exceed ultogothcr SJ3 , Uut thu Iho
dopirtinents suffoi-od a beilous loss
No. ! J hose cart , which old 1'at tnkos so
sturdll } to nil the llrcsvns eoniultUcly
wrecked. Sundoiiion and \Vleks wtie tlio
only themen riding upon it , and when
Uroaduiyuxs roin-hecl and Ihohoels
struck tlio motor trucks the Jar broke tha
axle close to thu hub of the light \\hetl
Sandorson was driving , and when the cart
went down ho win thrown in f rout of It and
linrrowi ) uaiuiHHi iiuuiu ur Euriuus 1111111 }
\Vliontho iiuldi'iit hapj > oiied tlio Intelligent
olil homo know It was tiniu to stop , and ho
utopjM'd like an idr brake , with Sanderson
IjhiK K'lii-iitli thin-art. Anothorfoot further
would liavu iniHlu-d him on thogmnito pa\ .
lug Ixui'atli thu broken rarU The axle
tii < jw l mi old fi.ii-Liiiii at the point where
lite Imiik iHi'urnxl. The curt was ruinctl
uwl will lx > | iliiC ) > itixl to the junU shop. It
y iMMt * IV ) ,
liy , niiuun iw.itlntr , smltary en-
Ufa Imllilliu. On kin ; 201 Mor
, l-'ouiiell "
\iij vvi lj u > mil your nroiioity call on the
J & Wll ' ' " , UII Judd , iiresldcnt , IIUO
ld k Wells Co. ,
la melon chatto
U , U. UUuafo & Co
The Troaljlo Between the Members of the
Bcliool Djard Gradually Disappearing.
llciitnn Street Property Owners V | >
in Arum llio County In Need
Old Itcconts
Court Neva *
The lity schools opened jestoi'day. There
vns no explosion or earthquake. N'oono vas
hurt. iSotnowcro scared , howetcr. Supoiln-
tcndent MiXaughtou mm evidently not ono
of these. Ho proceeded with his duties 113
superintendent as wual , nnd the tcacbcis
vcro given their Instructions. Iho tcauhirs *
commltteo wnscry i-tlve , also , In irivliiff
dliectlons , and scattering the Information
that there was no superintendent. Sonic of
the teachers wcro ncr/ous , and seemed in a
qunniliry tokncnvvhcthcr to obey Siipciln-
tnidcnt JilcXniigliton , or Messrs. Hunter ,
ScliocntBGnimdrolls rortunatcly thcio
vns llttlo or no conflict in the orders ,
and so no sot ions clashing oc-currrcd. The , of the division of nuthoilty
lefore teachers and pupils did not aid greatly
In the task ( if getting the woik of the jcav
fiirly stalled. The sentlineiit was < iuito
prevalent that If the qumrel lathe beard
was ciuriedintotho school rooim It vas hlgli
tliao to call a halt in a slurp Mile2 , and bid
the cllssetitets Rdbaek into their o\ui phiLO.
and ( onilno their bkkering-j to the soliool
sessions. 'Iho Bender was expressed on all
sides \\hyii \ commltteo should nssunio the
duties of iupetlntenjtnt , but doubtless the
Ih-oo ho form this committee justify their
action by a contlnunnio of tilth claim that
thorols nosupcilntendont , thoi bein deter
mined not to reco nie Prof. MiNaugliton us
such , although ho bus uoticsigncd nor been
It Is preilif tut that peed JuilRrncnb will
piovall , on soberer thoupht , and that the trio
will rot seek futhcrto Interfeic with the
superintendent duties , butvlll bide their
Umo nnd iok snect rovciiRO In seine other
\viiy. For the siko of tlio schools it Is hoped
by all thut then will dtwlst fiom cair.Miiif
their tatitillzatlons Into the pa-senroof the
teacheia and siliolnrs , andeonline theiren-
tigioji to such efforu us they raiiy see lit In
hoard mcctlnirs to accomplish their purtoscs.
As another sldo play In the disgraceful
stiunhblo there Is an oncn chish bjtueen.
PieslJontStcvvait and Air Schoentgcn , A ho
Is clmlrnnn of the teichcis cominlttcc.
To Mr. Sten.irt , as president , falls
the duty of naming the committees.
In doing so ho selected Mr. Schocntgoti us
ehaiunan of thli committee , boinotitnoigo
Mr. bUiocntfjen , feeling that tlio commltteo
ot which lie is chairmin , had been snubbed
by the bo ml , uroto n note to Mr. Stewart
concerning It. Mr. Stewart construes this
hitoaicsignatlon from the committee , and
now , In view of tbo recent trouble , has eon-
eluded to accept It , and thus let Mr. Schoent-
gcn oil tbo committee The latter gentleman
Insists that It AMIS not a resignation , and that
he shall continue to act as chdrinm. Mr.
Stewart , however , K'vo SupeiintendentMc-
Naughton otlldal notice ho had ac
cepted IMr Schocntgen's resUnatlon , and
that ho was no lon ct a incmber of the
teachers' comniittco. and for Air. JIcNuugh-
tea togo\em himself iicooullnRly.
Thcie vcro no startling developments -
tcrdiy. audit seomid tint the blood of all
conuincd was potting 11 llttlo cooler. It is
predicted that with one moro nlylit of rest
theto willtousoto bo anj further outbreik-
iiiRs.aiidthut the schools , with Prof. Mc-
Nnufhtou nt their bead , wlU bo allowed toffo
rifjhtalong undlstuihed. Them \\cio whis
perings yesterday tint ucru this not thoeise
there would be.i war opened In the courts
and attempts vould bo undo to restrain the
teachers' committee from luterfering in any
way with the superintendent , or with the
inuimgcincnt of the schools.
J. 0. Tipton , real estate , 5.37 Broadway ,
Agoodhoso reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at BKby's.
Scott House , Council Bluffs , transients.00 !
per day.
JDi. C. H. Bovver , M N. Maiu at.
NOM Trouble on llciitnn Street ,
The people on Bentoii street are still un-
hapny o\er the condition of the thorouyhfuro
at the present tlmo and ths probability of a
long delay in finding n solutiin of the
troubles and flvltij up the trouble. The
( fiMder have succeeded In about Inlf flllina
the street and have loft the dirt pilot ! up on
the west sldo almost as high as the fences
undmudoit I-npassiblo to ua along that
side The psoplo hive quit klc'dng about
thu grade and the fill that has caused ttiom a
great deal of dimajo and inconvenience and
are now watching a now flfcht the council has
Rotten into with sorau of the propeity o.vnew
who horctofora were inclined to bo passive
Tliiitroub'o ' is confined to the wool sldo of
the street on the block lylusf batwejiiVash \ -
ington avenue and Ilaimoay. Thostioctat
thosouth end ot the block is sixty foot wide
and at the iioith end sixty-six , and the angle u
tnado bj the west sldo lino. Tito residents
have claimed all along tint they were on the
1 ino and that tholrbousoi and fences have
been constructed upon the lines given thorn
by previous civil engineers The council
claimed othcnv Iso and that the original pint
shows the btuet to ho sixty-six feet vvldo all
the \va > , whilothowestsldo property owners ,
many of whom hwo lived In their present
icsldonces for the past thiity .voan. , claim
Unit the original } > la.t shows tlio street to bo
only sixty feet wido. Two , weeks ago the
clUniarbli.l was Instiucted to notify the
linincrtv owners to icmovo their fences
\\lthiuthu divs , and directed to rcmo\o
the ob > tiuctloas thi ii30lvcs in ease they
fulled to comply with the order. Tlio lUo
dins olupscdand the innr-thal was rouly to
eoiiuncuc c the work of teailngaway the fences ,
tlio lo ldeiitshaving ignoicd the oulci , when
an appeal was made to Mayor Manao to
stop the woik pending another appeal to the
council The appeal uas ho.mand tlio nun-
shal directed not to Inteifc-ro. The matter
came up in the council nt the meeting on
Tuesiiu ) nifihthea the cmdneer uud the
eoiiunltteo on streets reasserted thocltVs
claim to the disputed tiaot ana u lesolution
\MIS passed dlicutlnif the tmrshal to remove
thoobjtiactions fottlnvlth.
Yostcnlnj ho was ready to comply anil
there was thoprospectof a heap of trouble
visible Some of tlio property owners threat
ened to protect tlitlr rights with sliotRuas If
nuessaiy , but bcforo nay attempt was male
to carij out the ciders of the council n very
important dUcoveryas mailo , nnd that was
slinplj Unit the propert ) o-.vners wore rluht
and thocltj cugincer and the council wren ? .
.An oldordiinncopassed In Uccenibei , Ibill ,
AVOS foiiud \ \ tabUsnodthovvldth of thu
Mroot at slxtj feet. .Another ordinance \MIS
uUo found , pissed hi K" > 9 , fixing the width
nt sKtv-llvo foot , but It waj iepoaled hy the
' ( il otdlnance.
TLo whole matter seems to bo mixed up In
Inextricable eon fusion , for another ordinance ,
passed ton jcars later , has boon found which
prcsciibcs a sixty-six-foot street , and this
docs not mnko any allusion to the preceding
nullnnnccs. The matter vvtll piobablj huvo
to ho buttled lu the com ts.
Coinniercld men , Now Pacific. Council
Bluffs , U under immugcinontof vYJones with
now sample rooms
Hose at cost. Wo are poing to quit
bundling pardon hose , and li.xvo uoubly the
larK < 'st ! > tock in the iltv. To clew out wo
will soli all Rrudcs and llxtmes at detul uoit ,
for cash. < J. 13.1'nlnUt Gil eompany , Nos.
1 auct J , Masonic toniplo.
Hoinn U
"This county Is nioro than ttilrty-two ycaia
old and the second largest and one of the
richest In the stale , ami ) ot tlia county ice-
mds donoUUoiv a stnglo eiiu of thooilginal
survejs , " said City Emjlnoor Tostevln > es-
terdny , "Whenthoso survc'ys vvoro mailo
the \\ork vas done under the supervision of
the govornraontand the ililct notes and all
th o original surveys vvero deposited with Iho
iccrutary ot ituto. In yerbupa over/ other
county In the state but Pottuvattumlo tbeso
survey nnd notes have been procured fiom
the secretary 'a olllco nnd nro rondo part of
Iho ' records. lu-
countj's They nro ury \ -
nble nnd bow the county lias succcodocl lu
getting nlong without thorn nil tills timols
one of ih o mysteries
"As an Indication of their vnluo the recent
survey of Cut-CfT Island ordered by the coun
cil cnn bo Ukon The leccrds of my ofllcoftnil
the county records ulfordcdnotldnjovhutcvcr
to start fwm , nnd bctoro I could comply with
Iho ordc'rsof tlio council and run the lines on
Iho Island I had to send tothoofllooof Scoro-
taryof State .Tnckson and huvo thnt portion
of the original survojs copied , The clerical
vv orlt cost ( IT and we were obliged to piv It
bofoixo could RetthoiccoM. 'Iho delay
also was of sotno litiiwrtnnco.
li"In answer to my letter to ttio secretary of
state Mr. Jackson took occasion to Inform mo
thatho would bo Rial to furnish the county
with the complete recordsof all original sur
veys , unel would do so nt just the exact cost
nf copvitiKand binding. The offci wm to
furnish them la huvo cloth bound volumes
for ubotitJ7O. I reported the mutter to the
council at the list meeting nnd it wai re
ferred oy them to the board of county com
missioners. Ills very likely thnt the com-
misslonors willsoo the importmco of secur
ing the ruorelsatui avoiding a great deil of
trouhlo and expense In tlio future. Theto is
no possibility of conducting the business of
the count ) without these surveys , and the
sooner they mo obtained the bolter. Some
man ma ) get the position of secretary of
state who will not bo wllllnir to vvoilc us
cheaply aiSecietary Jackson , and the county
will have to pay over moromoucv for the
records. "
New fall ioods Just recc Ivedat Heller's , mer
chant tallur , Sill ) Uroulwiy.
lr'iiist-chss dressmaking by Miss Wallace ,
ovei Cattlemen's bank.
I < * nr Sale.
Our retail furaituro husincss , vvlth good
established trade. Stock Is first class und
well selected. Reason for selling , nro going
into Iho exclusive jobbing trade.
Any one wishing to jjoluto husincss should
Investigate this , as It Is ono of the few fjoldon
oppoituiiltics of a lifo time.
C A. ButiiE & Co.
AI < : Culro Hound Over ,
Owen McGuIre the assailant of the llttlo
Richmond girl , wns bound over to the district
court by Justice Burnett jestcrday. His
first bond of $750 $ was not considered sufJl-
clcntaiidtho justice increased it to $1,000
Before the order tus given his bondunen
catnoln and surrendered him and asked to be
relieved , as they feirod ho was intending to
skip They vvoro released and McGuire
slatted out in compiny vvlth an ofllcor to got
a new bond filled. By some means he and
the ofllcci Oeeuno separated , and for three
hours the oftlccr and the court wcro in. astute
of great anxiety. This anxiety was not al
layed when it was learned that ho had drawn
$ l,5JO which Lolmdon deposit III ono of the
banks But late Intho ifternoon ho relieved
all anxiety by coming into court in company
with John Dohiny , who announced thu ho
would beromohls surctj and signed the bond
McUuirehad given him amplosecuiity , so he
Informed the court , uud he felt safe in taking
whatever chances there vvero of the dcf oil ri
ant skipping out. JIKJKH JfA BOSTOV.
Ho A.ddreNSCH ! a Ijargo Audience at
Fiuicull Hull.
BOSTON , Moss , Sept. 3 Speaker Reed ad
dressed a largo audloaco tonight at Faueuil
hall In the eourso of Ills speech ho said , la
pait : ' It Is iiinu/.lng tonotlco thehistory of
the house of representatives and congress to
see how In detail iscariled out tills pilnciplo
that \\hcii thlngsaro to bodoiietho repub
lican party does them. The great struggle
which has boon made by the democratic
house of representatives has boon not to bo
economical la tlie expenditures of tlio
government , but to cut down tbo sum
total of the appropriations. They ha o been
stnvingln everyway to pllo up n surplus ,
not merely by taxation , but by parsimony in
tno expenditure of money. So long ns they
could point to the clogging of business which
results from the storing of money In the
treasury they seemed happy , but now they
tire busily enraged In showing that the sui-
nlus hasdlsum > carcd. Thevaro unable to ho
contented , either with a surplus or without
one 'i'nero Is no doubt but what
the expenditures of the government
uro about to approich the re
ceipts , but unv man would make a mistake
if ho believed itwas in uny way the result of
extravagance or carelessness with pub-
lie money. There has been au adv ertisement
bioidcast of this surplus and every human
need and want has been put together to try
to get money out of the treasury for other
than public purposes , but not ono of these
schemes has been successful. AU expendi-
diturcs have been legitimate , Just and proper.
\Vo shall expend nciily our Income.Vo
shall ulso reduce taxation totho e.xtontof $ . " > ) , -
OJO.OOO In addition thereto. Ono great clement
of expenditure is pension legislation , which
is not understood In Now England , and the
character of It is not fully appreciated With
us the eoldicrls comparatively content with
\\hatj ho has reeoivcd and vvlth vhat Is
promised him In the near future , But In the
vest there exists a different feeling.rlho
stories about a vast surplus have set men
wild with the Idea of u ser\ico pension ,
yhlch would bring emolument to every tmn
in tlio service.Vo have liacl to
meet not merely the contention of these
Avho are parslmonlars and not willing to do
vvhat i\as \ fair totho soldier , but these vho
u is tied to do such things as with the picscnt
revenues of the government are impossible
without banktuptiy and ruin. Mio lopubll-
oan puty grapples vvlth the question and
solves it with that measure of justice wb'ch '
is satisfactory to the whole p"ople of the
country. So uavo womct nllsucliiiucstions. "
Some of the heibs lu Hall's Hair Rencwcr ,
that-vv end erf n I preparation foriestorlng the
color und thickening the growth of the hair ,
glow plentifully In New
1G02. Sixteenth mid Furnnm streets is
the now Hoclf Island ticket olllce , Tick-
eta to all points cast at lowest rutos.
ThoCarlcton opera company gave two per-
fonnnnccs jestcrJay , "Tho Brigands" at the
mitiiiio and "Tho Queen's ' Lace Handker
chief "last night Tbo auJlonco was not as
largo jestciday afternoon as thoexcellciiccof
the performance warranted. Last night ,
however , the house was comfortably filled
and the second performance of "Tho Queen's
Lace Handkerchief" was much stronger than
on itsflrstpiodiiction. Tlio pilncipalsvvcro
moro nt coao and the \\ork of the choius
much more satisfactory.
Ollloliodpithhas boon havin ? a fair meas
ure ofsuccchs this -\vcek at thoGrana in her
compirntivoly now play , "U'lio riroincn's '
ward"Yltha llttlo judicious cultln the
play could bo uvula us .strong ana interesting
as any of the modern melojraiius now on the
bourcU. Miss Itciiputh is a very bright little
woman anil has iccclvccl man ) coinpllincnts
hero for her gencrall ) acceptable woik. The
cngagemoiit closes tonight
o .
Mn Winslo\v's Soothing Syprup reduces
InllamniutlonhllochiUlrea \ arotoethlug " 5
teats u bottle.
Miss Kato rianlfuti | , living at Seventh
mid Itnneroft streeto , iittoinpted to carve
her neighbor , Mrs Toiesa Muller , yo < $ -
torrtiy iiftofiioon. The Flunlffun vvoiniiti
vvitanrrostod itiul taken before Jiutlcu
Atnlerson , vvlioro the vvaa bound over to
Icoesp the peiieo.
Tlio bank oloiirinus jestoiclny itinoant-
ccl to $ 'J3J,000 80.
Albert JatnoH , the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs J. A. Uanmui nf US South
Tlility-iillh htioot , diedat 8 o'clocklnst
ovonltitr of iinnKriiviitod ( tttUiejK of ehol-
era Infiiiituiu , Rjckfonl , Jlllnoii , piipoi-a
jiloiwo uopy.
Tlio ITiniHuoiii 1'arlc I'avilllon ,
PermitsworoIssued ycitordiy totho park
rommlnsloa to orett n JKIKW pavlllion and
a 8liiOO , music stand In Hiinscoin park. The
puvllllon will bo of brick and -wood , and
If built according to tlio plaim submitted ,
will uuvytho mipearaticQ of ustiu sldo hotel ,
Oity A.ttomoj Eller Oqsoludea to Ra tire to
the SuaucsofTrlvatoLife ,
AVIioronpon iliidije llixiisoin U'licols
Into tilnoniid the Solitary 1'ollcc *
iimii Urines li ' | tlio Rctir of
( ho
With the exeeptlon of the council , Tlor-
cncols today without n municipal govern
'Jim common council of the toivn hid n
meeting last night , and when it adjourned
an ) number of oJlcial heads rested in the
Jlayor Tracy , who is now In business in
this city , was the first to put Iti an appear-
ancoattho council chamber.
Ho Will mud In fact , ho was loidcd for
bear , and stilted tint the lee would bo several
oral inches thick thiou hout the ivgion
where Ids sntuilo majesty presides bofoio ho
would icslgn
'Iho mayor changed lilsmind , hovvever ,
All of the councilman Uwsrs Wallccr ,
Kcjnolds , I3iovvii and Lorsou vcro In at-
tondaiice , and after Major Tracy had deity
ercd his speech ami vnoitod the lull Pu'si-
dent Walker cilloJ the ineetliiu to order.
The regular business of tbo souion wns
transacted and then the clerk llshcd out a lot
of papers from his dusk
Ouo uns the ropoit of City Attorney Ellor
The communication sctforth the city btisl-
ness that ho had tnmsictcd , and ended by
sa ) Ing that the council was nt liberty to ac
cept his resignation.
It win accented by a unanimous A oto
I'lcslJeiit Walker drew a paper from his
pocket. This document was tlio resign ition
of Mayor Tricy , which was also uccopted.
Ihe clerk took aturnnt presented resigna
tions , and handed over ono from Justice
rttnxornamlono fiotn William IvI Tracy , a
sp'cial policeman. Tbeso went the sumo
wiy nstho others
Justice Ransom asked for the floor , and as
tlieie vas nothing small about the councilmen -
men , bo got what ho asked.
There was trouble on the olel man's mind
Ho said that ho bad resigned and that Tilt
BH- hud ' 'scooped" the council , as It had
published the fact In ndvatico of the ofllcinl
notice. Ho said ho had not scon nay hand
wiitlngon the wall , but had hoard any nuin
bcrof filsehoods. Ilonld howould Ilko to
glvo tbehistoiy of nil cises ho bad passed
A member of the council stated that tlio
body elld not care to listen to a iceltatlon of
ancient history.
This stmelched the old man , but ho got to
tlio front uud asked to withdraw bis resigna
President Walker told him It wis too Into
The Judge was equal to the cmergenc ) ,
and , pulllnca resolution from his pocket , ho
pissed It up to the elork with the request
that it ho read and adopted.
It was to the effect in it Hansom Incl at
tended to his duties , and that many of the
statements regarding his official actions weio
"This Is not signed , " said President Wal
ker. ,
"I'll sign It , " said Alr.tBrown. The docu
ment wr.s then nnde put In duo form nnd to
please the oldgcntlornlnlt was adopted , after
\vhich ho stroked his Inlr nncl went out into
the damn iilcht , i private citizen , while the
council divided tbo city into two wards and
theri udjourned.
"Fivo years ago 1 had a constant cough ,
night sweats , was greatly icduccd in flesh ,
and had been gUcn up by my pbjsiclans. I
licgantotnkoAer's ) Cherry 1'cctoral , und
after using two bottles of this medicine , VMS
completely cured" AugaA. Lewis , Ulcard ,
xf. j. .
Tickets nt lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the great Rock
Island route. Ticket otlico , 1602 Six
teenth and Farmirn streets , Omaha ,
iig7ilecii ; Rnlnhts of the Green Cloth
Taken from tlio Turf.
Thopollcomado acry successful nld l st
night upon a bevy of gamblers over the Turf
Exchange saloon at 1U03 Douglas street.
Suspicious mocmonls had been noticed
la the room over the Turf on
Tuesday night , so Chief Seavcy liacl
a search warrant issued vcsterday. and
last night about 10SO Officers Horri-
fc'im. Bloom , Uullcn , Graves , O'Gorman
and Jlostjnwent to the place , and after
guarding every possible means of cscrpo ,
they wont up tue stairs and found the door
locked and heavily barred. Through the
"loolt out" they could see the crowd inside
around the gambling tables "With n
heavy crowbar Olllccrs Bloom and
Mostn ) battered down the door and
captuiod the entire crowd , eighteen In num
ber. Three of the men rnado an attempt to
escape by goingup to the third floorandout
on tlio roof , but the oftlcers stationed on the
outside drove them Inclc.
The men were evidently having an evening
of active operation with the chips , as thev
all had mono } and wcio supplied \\itn ,
the iiecefasaty devices for faio and poker.
Thoj had two faro tables , two poker tables , a
hu'goquantity of chips and some cards and
The patrol -wagon convoyed the nmblcrs
In t\\o squads to the police station and
then the gambling fumltuto and
devices vvcro taken to the sta
tion at id put in a place of safety.
There Is a largo safe iu tlio room where tlio
gamblers werocaugbt and it Is raoio than
likely that some of the chips , cards , etc. .
were thrown into it before the officers got
Into the loom.
As usinl , no ono could bo found in Iho
room who would acknowledge that ho owned
or managed an ) of the gambling devices or
had any thing to do with the ion ting of the
room ! Most of the men nro old tl mers. but n
few are evidently tender feet , having drifted
Inlth the fair.
"When the crowd had their pockets
emptied nt the station there was a heap of
wealth piled on thojillei s desk Keirlyull
the men had gold watches nnd plenty of
cash , und the rolls of bills mid stacks of sil
ver dollars wcro numerous
IToliowlng are the names given by
the men catturedi II. P. Ilnvs. Dan
Goiser , Bob Drown , Ole Oloaon , A T.
Lo\elace , A. Anderson , W , S. Everson ,
J. b Smith , Henry Ci ratten , A. J Toppln ,
J * . F Itajbucli , J. MrWtltnoy , Louis Jensen
Norman Dcrtlnn , Jack Jllooinlngtoii , L. Am
bers , Charles btandiid nnd John Ostcr. )
" \Vhcii the men had hccn assigned to their
rooms they made the Iron latticed hulls re
sound ulth the strains of "Llttlo Annie
Hooney'Tor Inlf unhout , and at I o'clocl
friends appeared at the Jail with Judge
Helsloy and tlioontliQ brlgadovvas billed out
to Appear ted ay at lOp'ulock bcforo the police
Judge fortiial
A Choice Use ol' Nmiiiner
Ill tholakorofjlont > cf Wisconsin , JHn
ne&ota , lowaiind the two Diilcotns , there
tire hundreds of cliiirinlnpr localities preeminently
eminently lilted foi ; sunimei1 homos
Among the following bolected list are
narao.s familiar to many of our rondorw
as the perfection of Ai rthern uuuimur ro
boits. Kcarly ull of tlioVlnconfcln points
of Intotest a hhot-t iH&timco
from Chicago or Milwaukee , nnd none so faraway from thw"lmsy
iriaitb uf civilization" that thejX'anno
hoioached in a fovv hours of liuvcl , by
froquoiit trains , over the flncbt ronilit
thu not th west the Chicago , MUvaukoo
& St. Paul roll way :
Oeonomovvoc , Wis Clear Lakf , town
Mlnoc' < | imVls. . Lalto Ol'obojl , lovva.
\VauU csha , AVls. bplrlt I < akc , Iowa
I'olmyrii , Wla. Fiontcnac. Mian.
Tniniihuvvk Lakes , Lake Mlnnetonka
Wis. Minn
Lakeside , \VU. Oitoiuillo , Minn ,
Kllhourn CltVls . I'rlor Uko , Minn ,
( lellsof ) the WIsAVhito Bear Lake
cousin ) Minn.
I3i aver Dam , Wis. Illg Stone Lalce , Da
Madison , Wis kota
Tor detailed information , apply at tlcke
ofllco , 1601 Fariiainstixct , Baricur bloou
P.A , XASU , Gon. Aeent.
J , E. PiiJiSTOK , Puss , j\goat :
Huveil , Won. Lost , Ter Ct
. . . . . - . , . . J < 01 34 .CM
Mlnlii'iiimlla . „ , 1OT C4 34ni .051
Ivmuus Ultv lew Cl .019
Uenvor JOI to ni .4M
Sioux Cllr W 47 nice .46V
Oinnlia. , , , W 4" > coW .410
Ijlnooln , , . . .10J Ul ! W
bkl'uul , . . . „ . 1W S2 70
( I , DetMcrI. .
Livcotv , Neb. , Sept. a-fSiwial Tele-
Rram toTnidlKH.l Lincoln took hcrthlid
stralKhtg.itnofroin Denver today hi a stub-
bom contest ,
lluni fiirnnl Wneoln S. Two-liaso lilts-
Mil'lullin , Ollilc-n lluuc-ba'-o lilt Macul-
Inr Stolc'ii Irtsiss-Maciillar.Clliif , UnrlKMc-
( 'Iclliin Double iiliiys-Miitullarlo I'liclaiilo
Kliiumnn. Ilisos on liills-lioacli 1 , Whitehead -
head 10 lllthy plIelicr-Tr.illloy. Strnek out
ItoacM.liltflitid II I'assud biill-Hu- )
nulclVIU pitch AVIiltclio id , 'Jlmo uf
Kniiiu Ono liour und forty minutes Uinpliu
IIoo\cr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N'ut lena I Uctiguo.
Philadelphia. . . . 3 0 0 3 0 O 0 0 1 fi
JS'ovv York , . . .00 23 0 40 0 0
nits-Phllicleliilila H , New York 11 , Ei-
row riilladclphlaB , IS'ovYotlc4 Battorici
Vichery anil S Jirivcr ; SliarrottatidlJuck
lev. Umplro Poivor.3
seconil naino
Philadelphia. . . 3 0 30 4 O 0 1 -0
Ne'V York . 0400000 0 1 , 'i
Illts-I'hihleliihla. V , Now Yoilc 10 Kr-
rors I'hlhulelpliiari , J\evv \ York 't BattoriiM
Hslier and Ur.iy ; Uurkctt und Bueklej.
Umpire Powers. _
AT nilOOUL.1V ,
Brookljn . 3 0 031 00 0 v 11
Doiton . 00 1 O 1 00 11 1
Hits-Brooklyn 10. Boston 9 Eirors-
Eiooklyu 4 , Boston ! J. Battcries-Lovett and
Dally ; Cluikson and Gun/el. Uinnlros
Ljuchauel titroif.
' *
AT vn > \
Hew York . i 1330 03 1 * U
Buffalo . 0 0 2 O 0 3 2 1 0 T
Hits-Mow Vojlc 10 BulTulo 8. Errors-
Hew York 0 , Buffalo 7. Uattcrlos-C ratio
and EivhiB , Tvvltelicll und Halliffan. Um
pires Shoiman aud Oaffiicy.
lioston . 1 1115 11 0 1 12
Cleveland . 0 1200 OfO 1 S 0
Hits-Boston 18 , Cleveland 13 Errors-
Boston 7. Cleveland . B.ittoriei Oniabcrt
and Alurphj : Bnkely and Drcnnau. Umpires
Knight und Jones.
Philadelphia 1 0340 00 2 0 10
i'lttsbarj ? 0 1 C O 0 00 0 4-11
Hits-Philadelphia. , Pittsburg 13. Er-
lors l'lilhuloliJiiti'3 , 1'lttslmrKT. llattoiics
ICncll anil Cross ; Miul and Qulnn.
Umpires I'earceundSaycler.
Exhibition gan.o Cttlcnjjo " , Brooklyn 4
Athletic . 4 00000000-4
Louisville . 3 O a 01 103 -10
Hits-Athleticll. Louisville 12. Errori
Athlctlo 4 , Louisville 0. Uattcrlcs-McMi-
lioa and Baldwin ; Stratton uud Bliph. Uir-
pho Doeschor. _ _
Syracuse . I O 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 5
St. Louis . 0 02000010-8
Hits Sjnicuso 12 , St. Louis 3. Errors
Syracuse 5 , St Louis O. Batteries Marz
and I'ltz : Hamsey und JNIuuyan. Umpiio
Curry , _
AT nociinsTcn.
Columbus . 1 02000200-5
Rochester . 4 00 1 0 1 1 0 * - 7
lilts Columbus 8 , Rochester 9. Errors
Columbus I , Rochester 3 , Datterlos-Kiiauss
and Doyle , Titcomb and Grim Umpire
nnltlmoro . 0 00 00001 1-2
Toledo . 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 * - 4
Hits Baltimore 5 , Tel cclo 8. Errors B il-
tlinDre.T , Toledo ! . Batteries O'Kourkoanel
Tute , Healy and \Vclch. Umpire Campbell.
, Minn. Sept. J [ Sic lalto
Tin : Dr.i : . ] The JVilnneapolis-lCansas Oity
game was postponed on account of lalti.
ST. PALI , Minn. , Sept I. [ Spoelal Telo-
frrara to Tun BKI' ! iTotlays f ? nio was
postponedon accountoC muddy ( jrouiid : > .
Or a nil Tslutitlll , Konriiy 7.
GIUNU I i.AM > , Is'cb. , Supt 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tut BKE J Tuo bccoiidgamo of
the series between ICcaiaoy and Ormd
Island resulted In a victory foi Grand Island
by a scow of U to 7. liatteiies ICouinoy
DcateiunlPickciiug , Grauel Island , Lcllor
uad Kettell.
A ccret HiiRchall Coiiforcncc.
PniiAnnt'iiu , Sept. Ji A. secret confer
ence was held. tolaybot\\eon leprescntatlvos
of the i-'lijers'leasuoand the American as
sociation. It isunelerstooil that thePlajers
IcaBue Is desirous of forming un olTeiitivoimt
defensive alllunco vvlth the assoclition. but
the lattor's ' clol"gntC3 refuse-d to ontorta'n ' il
mid the proposition to InterehaiiRO panics
nftcrtho rcfjuhr season was defeated by the
votflof tlie Bultliiioro club.
A. Coinliij ; , Mmi ,
Joe Swboda , the locnl eharaplon sprinter
maeloa plicnoincnal spuit Tucselay morning
which has made him famous. Iloun from
South Omaha to the cor not of I'ourteeiitl
and DoilKO stieeU , Onnlia , In Just Ulmlii
utea The dinanco is eonslclorably over
three miles , and Joe rniulo It vvlth compir.i-
tlvoc.isoln the time state J , \ \ InnlnguaRor
of fine had made vvlth Clmrlcy Kostcra.vvho .
bet that the dlstnnco could net bo covered In
less than 20 minutes
j' jeixa.
DCS > r < iliiffi HuecH.
DBS TV-lois-ci , Iu. , Sept. -Summary o
todaj's races :
2 , . ' 0 trot , ? 4K ( ) .Tchn AV won , C.vprc-is sec
onel , Blue Charlie thlul , Oliver fouitli
. " .
2 25 pace , § 100 AVutcrloo Boy won , Almoii
Bashaw second , Humming Blnl thlid. Host
Thrco-fourtln of n mlle , rumilnB vvili
Rose won , Mike Wilting becoud , Tonimv 1
thill Council Platte fourth Host tlmo
Today's lips.
AT BUI Ci'alirU ) HIT.
First nco bt. Omer , Illtjlilmd Lass.
Second raco-IClngston , ( . W. Cook.
' DemutU.
'Jlilrd raee-Ilupcrta ,
Toarth laco-S.iliutoi , Itacclund
riftli laeo Iltuiquut , UiiBllsli Lidy.
Sixth nco rirplly. .Auraiiii
Seventh raet Mac belli , Niagara
I'lrst lace Jasper , Kcbound
Second rare Wiin on l.eila-id , Wetlsc
'Jhlrtl mco Ston ) MontKoraery.Carus.
rourtlitiicc-Buukriiiit , ICmcst Hace.
riftli nee Cicole , Tom Stevens.
falxth race \Vlnslow \ , Uvungoliue.
Ilutrlrs rurToilay'ii Hairs.
luce , three quaitert , of a mile , maid
oiis-Siiullff lit , John ( Jlukson , Vwituro , Jas
pci , Haley , Uehuuml , Molliel ) , Honest Abu
Intiudcr , Pninklo I ) ,
hceonu i-aco , tlueeijuarters of a mlle
inulilons-BargaliiH , li n L > oo , Cole Milieu'
llcnrv RrovMiVeclKcfloUl , C'lco JMirtin
VulccllcteiiyVurrcii \ iLelmid , Molllo V.
Third race , ono und oiie-ilxtuenth miles
Cams. Stony MoiitBonicry , i'liob
, Fred rlnkruklr , JaVoSaunuers ,
Fourth ruco , oca mlle ,
n co. Jlankrupt , 1'rorhccy. Crawfish ,
.Tcnnltif " , K ) etW , Ooocl lay , TaWr , Blue
Fifth race , three qunrtcrs of n mile , selling
Cieole , Buttel , April Fool.Ir , Tom Steph
ens , ranchctto , Skolielofl. Vcmvtor , Calllo
Me , Jlamic C. ii lo B , Tom Lialy , Joe
AV.vntiP , I-idL , I'lWHlon. Bu lo , Mttlc Axe
Sixth race , ono and ono-fouith miles
" \\liislo\v. \ \ Long Shot , Kvangolliie , Gov.
llatdcn , Ecarto.Joo 1) ) ,
AT iinr.r < iuKi > ivAY.
rirslrncctlireo-fourthsof a mlio-Bello-
vue , Mnsntu ( colt ) , Wooilcutur , St Omcr ,
llndoni , Nimioiin Osiira (1111 v ) Hetty I'rathcr.
OmUlcim ( llllvViniltj , NMilo 1'aytoii ( tllly ) ,
Itosallu ( lllly ) , Karly Blossom. Illifhltnel
Lass , Ulaiiclino , IllaokLeitk , Benjamin , Com-
inou Sense , I-.a iost < in , Briton ( colt ) , Oitou.
, e1 x ,
lie.ipen' staes-Uu ! | H'rt4 , Slsimt" ro , M astcr-
loilo , Iv'utteison , Clio , JStlgnr Johnson , 1'e- '
nmtli , eminence , Lonshoiv , Can Can ,
1'oiirth rice' , onoiiiiiltlmc-sixlicnths inllct ,
muraiio stakes Al 1'arrovv , 'lilstmi , Uaio-
Uml. Kliono , Fitzjamci , liile , bih-ator.
rifth raio , onoiiiujthrceslxtcpiitlisinllcs
Stoukton , lluiiiuct , riiRllsh I-.n l.v , Ken \\oocl.
Sixth raie , sovcii-clihthi of a mile , selling
-roiiHvood , Auranld , Loniou Dlossoin ,
rirollu Silllo Iliuiior , Ituneoeas , L.ullon ,
Ouotiitloti , Geitlo D , Red Leaf , KumUer ,
Sowburj ? .
Seventh , one nncl one-roiirth miles , on
turf Macbeth II. , Nligau , l ung Dincc , St.
I.uko , lJlo\o. \
ICecp a bottle of Cook's extra tlrv onitn-
inene In jour Ice chest to entertain jour
friends Ills
Denioi'i'iillu Ccnti ill Committee.
Thcro will baa inuctliiKOf thu dcmocntio
stiitoicntril commltteo this evening at " : . ? 0
celoekp. in attho liiuiquct hull of tlio 1'av-
tou hotel. A f ull attendance is requested
Thcuieinborsof this committee and the
districts they represent areas follows :
KiistItoDortOlogff , Falls City.
Seewiel M. T Connor , Auuuui.
Third 0 I. llluoJhorn XubmslnCity.
Fourth -\V. \ II Slnjoolc. Louisville.
Plfth .M II. MiuUeii , Ashlnncl.
S lh J/iclidMaillii , .lullusMoyer.Gcorge
n Viltchctt , Onnha
Seventh-John Contoti , B incio.
P.iBlith-R F. Doljtler , Itunilolith.
Tentli lohiiSHervIii , Vieniont.
Hlueiith-T 1' MeiiuniiDjor , Mndtson
Twclfth-Jmncs 10 Noith , Columbus.
Thhtcontli 1'atrlilc F.ihoy , O'Xelll.
Fouiteenth AV. . Critei , Child ran.
Fifteenth S U. Thompson
SiMoonth M S. 'liiHlo , LitehllolJ
Seventeenth- ) . 1J Hilderbiand , St.
Bldighth-Cicorito , Ose-eola.
Nineteenth 1 ! K Duinnhev , Kev\ard \
Txvcntittli William McLaughlin , Lincoln ;
J. E. Uavcv , Ivlilcoin
Twenty llrstlullus McvvinnnVjmoio. , .
Twenty second T U. Parkir , IDorchcstor
Twenty thl rcl-.T. D. Hubhcll , Fnhbuir.
Twenty fouith GcorcoT. Coicouu , Vork
Twenty llfth-m. W Huilbuit. .Aurora
Twenty nlvthA. . rAlooru , UlcoininKton
Twenty seventh A. S Campbell , Husting
Twenty cifthth Jimios I. Khc.i , Hohlii
Twenty ninth E C Billon , AleCook.
Thirtieth M C. Lnftvich , Lexintrton
Pi re and I'oliue Commission.
Attho incotius ; of tbo lioirdof Jlro and po
lice commission last evening Chief Se.ivey
was giaiitcd a twelve elajs , Icivo of absence
Ofllecr Sullivjn , t lurked with being Intox
icated and of securing leaves of abscncoupon
false pretexts , vvus prc-sont and elonlod both
acciisiitioii'i 'ihe further disposition of his
case was post pined
The repoit upon Ihe moaln fmnlshed to
prisoners during the month by the countj
Ofllear P. H' . Oiccn was granteuatcn
days' leave of ab-ieiice.
Officer Lee , who his been oT eluty foi t\vo
months on account of sie-knuss. vv un ted an
extension of his vacation. Itefcucd to a
.lames Tialnor , for InsubouHmtion , wns
clisoh.irKed f ion ) tlio Hio dcp irtmont , and
William Jliix-lliiff MUS appointed to succeed
AVIlliurn t1'1. RIclell , Thomas Tolnn , Georeo
lUakc , and Michael ICavunniiph of the lire
clepirtmeutvcro given Icivcsof absonee.
Ofllcor Sullivan was lined two elajs. paj
and Onieer Gorman will give up one. d.iy'3
pavfor failure to 11 pur t ,
The board orelciod a pliotORraphle ap-
par-ltua , to bo used at police head quarters.
IVIIlpB * . pr o and Uvcr Pills.
An Iniixit tant dlscovorv. ' Tlio > net on the
llvci , stomach ami Iwvveh thioiigh the
nerves. A new piliiciple. Thry sjieedilj
cui-e biliousness , bid taste , torpid liver , pllea
iuidcoiit > tipition. Splendid for men , ivoiucn
undcliiUiien. Sm.illcst , mildest , surest. SO
( lose ? foi 1 > cent * . Samples free at ICuhn 4 ,
Co. 's ' , 15th and Oou las.
The AMIonv discs.
IVliJor J , C. Wilco * and Ills attorney ap
pcareel jcterduy inSh-uv's court and con
fessed judgment in about olgh of the 105
suits biouijht by the cmplcjos against tlio
Ropublicm iicvrspmcr rompiiiy.
Tlio sulta Inouplit by lilU'on of the em-
plojes fora girnishinent of banks uokllng
the moitRagct on the Republican plant
\veresustiilncd , but WilcoVs attoinoj said
ho would appoil tothe dibtrletcouit In the
eases of Morton Smith and J M Oillan
against the com pan ) fors.ilaues dim , tlcox
el alined to hive nil offset , and the e cases
were postponed until Heptembci S ) . The
cases in which he e-on'esscd ' Judijincnt ag
gregate about * IK)0. ( )
Tlio only mill did train out of Oinalu
riinoxpichslj foi tlio ticcominodatlon of
Omaha , Council BlulTs , DeH tditvs n.nd
CJhlcaKO bihlnen is the Rook Islunel
vostlbuled liuiitecl , lcaliiROmaha nt
1:15 p. m. tlnlly. Ticket ollle-o 1UOJ , Six-
toentli nnd runnim ts. Omsilii.
The following p-Tinltswow Issuo.l by the
superintendent of building \estcnl.vyi \
.1. \ \ Ainold.bilcl , iiildllloii lit dvcllliu
1 uid I'niil ' slii'ols . . $ lM
W.A. llimlnnd. IMMiiiy fi.imu dwesll-
In. , Ninth nnd I-mllo stu-esH . . l.COO
\V.A llinvlaiiil , 1 stoty [ i tinu collate ,
Union aveniio anil Holt I-Ino . . . . COO
I'jilk t'omiiiMon 1 htoiy fiiiuu uiuslo
siiiiHl. llansconi I'urk . . . J.w < J
I'jirlv ( oiiiinlsslon 1 story friiino iinu
Irluk [ UN Illloii , HUIIMOIII inik . l-.roo
Total . . . . . . . - . I 17.W
As boon as a United States imrslul can
reich tliom , William I' . T-ea and hli wlfo
n.ittio vvill hourixstt-d and brought before
United States commissioner Vndersonof tills
city. Complaints wore Hied and warrants
Issued for their .mest jesteidiiy afternoon bv
\VS Aver of Lincoln. Tlioewniphlnt-scharKO
thnt the I-eas hnvo lieeu clolnfi a pension
business on their own hook , that on .January
IS , IbbS , they forced tlio names of George M.
CuuuinithaiiiiindVeatloy \ llontlcy ton lot of
aflldivvlts and thus attempted to bcuuru pen
sions for men whono\cr olttod
Backache *
( > l.,0etolor2.1888. ,
T cnuUl lurdly walker He down from In ino-
back , euircred tcvornl weeks htJacotn Oil
cerinuie'nll ) cured me , oilier rcmnllvt hay-
[ UK fulled lade to. FI1U ) 1IITTMN.
Olmerdale , Ind . 1'eb . lf-S7.
From n luil cM | > nln , Rltlr ( < ] In my hack
nd I Kullcrcd gruuthj conlliifd lo Ind and
could dirtily iiKnuorlum. 1 tried St.Jncobj
Ull. wbi Jicurcelnie. I ilo not ( i nirrc ntrcnce.
URS.l' . aiJCUlMIKlilhlt.
Doth the method nncl reunite when
Sjiup of Figs is taken ; it is ploasnnl
ami refreshing to the Instc , aiul acU
Kcntl ) ' yet promptly on tlio Kiduejs ,
Liver nnd Bowels , cletmscs tlie sjs-
tern cflucttinlly , clispcla colds , headaches -
aches and fevers nncl euros hnbitvtal
constipntioii. S\'riip of Fig8 is the
only remedy of its Lintl ever pro *
tliiced , pleasing to the tuelci nnd nc-
ccpttiblo to the sloinnch , pioinpt ia
its action nnd truly licneficinl m its
cllects , pic'pnreil only from the most
liculthy nnd agreeable BtiLstanccs , its
many excellent qnnlities coninicncl it
to nil nnd liavo nmdo it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Tigs is for sao in EOo
and ? 1 Lotties by nil lending drug
gists. .Any relnllo druggist -who
n.iy not have it on hand will pro
cure it jironijitly for any ono "who
wisbct to tiy ! t. Do not accept nny
Eubstittite ,
TTlOIl HHNT-l Totol .limosnn , nil fnrnlslicil ,
I'osscssIoiiKlvcn Uctolior 1. Per Infiirina'
tlini iiildit" < tVViii feletlcntoiif , or Uirlsbti.iuu ,
Coiine'll HUilh.
\ \ rAM'nininlunxuushl ) lit Hoi ino rc
l'X\ Ilioadttuy.Uounell UliilTs
\ \ 7"AM'niRlouilicr. ) . ITuoo work onnli
bad at TclKt-'riiliis'iihotiigi ph
( iiuncll Hlulfs.
"VyA YTED-A. voiiinn cook lit St. Joe house ,
> l Xo gJ.t Mulnsl. C'uiincll BlulTs.
" \\7"ANrEI-nood ) irbl tolctii iiilrcsvniiklnif
Tt tr.idc. Miss \Valluec , over ( Jauleiuiu'
jlO It S V r , K-Orwlll trido for a Bond ruc
' toatn st illloii Vo. Oil ) , roistered lu
lace lly Dr .Vrclilb ill , dim by Kentucky
Clay , i yei.r < old. Apply tolr. Maer.ic.
fJlOR SA.I..E or Itont-Oirdon land , wlta"
J-1 homes , ly J. It. Ulcu. 10) ) Main ht. , Council
"D1OIIIIHXT Twonowinoclprii " looiiihouscj.
-LMIooil lc > u iltoii Apply bji Tlftn .iviniiu. J.
H D.i-vldson
" \\TII\payroiitwiicnyoiicui \ Imy nhuincon
IT tic inns turiiH , anil trie isoof your dntl
ut iiiytliui ) la ivo your family tlio homo ck.i
ontliu ( ollovrlti'4 terms
A hone worth II.OOJ itI7ior | inontli
Alio'iio worth tlia ) BttlSper inniitli
Ahomo wortli J'OOT atJIor | ) month
A homo worth &IOK ) nt itilpur inouLli
A homo worth 1M.OO3 itHror nioutli
Othurprltoil lioinns on tbos inv ) turnn. Thft
atovo nioiithlv pivments Inoliidu prliiclpil
uncltntcrust For full p iilleulnrs call on or
aeldrositlio Iud < l& Wells Co. . lU 11 road way.
CouncilBtnir.s. Iu
"JilOKURNT Tinstorn room , Ho 18. frontlnjt
-1. ( in 1'oj.i ' I sU VV U Junior
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital. >
Cor. Droaclvvaj and "Oth Stroot.
Counoll IliiK ! ( lu
Toi the tre'iitniciit otall siir leil and chronla
dlsoascs unit dlsiiis < > sut tlio blooil.
1'rlMiti ! ( llsua is of tlio urinary .mil KCMII !
oi.MtM , us lyplilllq , stricture , cvtltln , sper-
iintoiroliow , lo-t manhood , soxu it Impotcnca
aiiel voiknpss trc-itcd Huccessfiilly.
r.irtl'uliiriittentloiipaW to ( ll-caso < of tha
lun M : m Astlinii , Consiiintloii. | llnineliltla
( iitiinli. Hie. I'lruljtls. ' Kldiioy diseases u.9
IHilcU's. Hrl ht'sDIsa i o.Hliuniiiiitlsin , 1'llea. '
luneir. Vurloecli ) . llj droct'lc , Diousy , I'u-
mi'i. DIscisos of tlionyo iml oir. ClnlJ ( eeto.
hilnal cu i viitiiiatiiid ill < llsiiso : < of tlio bones.
\Vi lii\"oa loiiriiiwnt | dovotiil oxelnslvoly
tothPticMitnH'clof tltuilnoilNeisos
Mnllcliiviontbceurely picltoduiidfrcoiroui
ulsi\ \ it Inn
Coni'-poiiileiioo conflilontlal. Adilress :
Surgical Institute and Priwlc Hospilal.
Cor IlrouliMiy and 2ilh t Council HlulTi. lit.
DR J. D. JACJC30N , Dontil Suroon. r
All liludioforlctliiiu. . Voncnii sivooue ,
h ilf on your xtM uiiilHllMr Illlln liy
at room 'WJMorrlnin block Conuell lllulTi
Itooins4(1 ( and 4 I ! Hon Uullilliu , Oinilm
Nob. , und KDOIIH iIJ ! and , ' 1'J ' Vlurrlam lllool <
Council ISInllH. It. e'orre < | miuleuie > sollcltod
J 1) . HiuuMirtUx , I'roi K U BlildAltr , Vice prej
ClUUIES K. IIA.VMV , Outlier
or o
Paid up Capital . $1BOOOO
Surplus and Profits . BO.OOO
Liability to Depositors . 33O.OOO .
DirctrouI A. Mlllor P. 0. Hlcasoni : I *
SluiKiit. 1. K. Hurt. I I ) . Kiliiiiinsoii , ( Jlurlui
0 llaiiiiun Triiisnct Kuue biiihlnx tiusl <
IH'HS UllMUSt lllpltlll IlllCi UllllH | Ol UI1J
banUlii hoiitliMestc'in Ion i.
Corner .M ulna rind llroalirny ,
Poalorsln foriilun und ( loiin < tj < o\oli lu ea
Cnlloetlommado mil InUirxst DAH oil tlina
II Hydraulic and Hiiniliiry Unjfliiocr. I'll
11 , ' Brown
BulldiiiK , Cou'ndl BlulTa , Iu.
B .Justice of the I'o.veo. Olllco ever Ainorluan f NO. 421
, llroiiilwui1 , t'ouncil BlulTa , lovvn ,
Attorn oyB at Iiw. Practice in the Stivtolfinq pcj0 r
. "
f . "lloomjT und 8 Sbugurt-Buno illptc. Couao
9 , Iowa.