Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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"Wheat Surprises Traders by Taking a Bhool
Right From tlio Start.
The Trntlc li > Outs Hol < l Its Own A
Feature of the Provision .Market
Jlie Ilitylng ofl'ork by
rv llutclilneoii ,
CincAno , Sept. 2.-Piccial ) Telegram to
TDK llii.l-\Vljcat : Mid nt the highest prlco
ol tlio day a few minutes aft'ir the opening ,
vhon Ieccinl > ir touched SIOT'-i and May
ll.00 ? { , These jitleesworo exactly Ic otor the
eloso lust night. The mnrkct slurtetl with
iiiucfi force anO activity nt nlxmt 'ie ' o cr lust
nlghtil $1,03 ( or December , und while snuill
short ) wore being run In nnd bull liousci were
lidding forwhca ! , it had overappearanceof
A good bull market. Tliero was some reason
for n'irly nctluu , too. Cables naino llnu anil
tllghly | higher oil unfavorable vcatlicr
utiroiiil , Tlio wenthor clinrt con
firmed dispatcher from the north-
lest saying that ull spring wheat
Uittcs w cio < li > liice < l nitin , Hint nil stack
ing and threshing wein stopped anil tint
chmr'XD must follow. Wlillo receipts liern
ttoiun few caisover thei'stlir.ato the imm
inent to iKith tprlnit ami winter heat , nuir-
Kuts wiis Mimllenough to ho n bulliirttiiinont.
The iTouil w bullish while thN 11IIIn ntl-
\ance\Vas golns on , hntwhcii It stopped he-
' fret ) scllliiifof long wheat byllloom ,
l , Til lliu and Stan HIT , follourd by
_ . . tliuro was a chaniio of Heiilliuent
nltli ninny nf tlio thoits out of thu
way. The offerings were nut token o\cc'it |
at conicsslons. I'rlces sturli'tl down
almost usiiili'kly | .in they iidvnnvid and lung
beforu neon Picombor vim buck to thoclosln , ?
pilciiof yesleidnyiit ( fliil ! about mhlday a
furtlicr decline bet In led by veiling through
Irwln , Ctien ; i Co , Mllinliic , lluilmaiut Co , ,
lllaldwln A. Kiiriiuniand olhcrs followed by
'the . ciowd , by this tlmo bearish. Oablcs an-
nounchiKcluarliiK vt-atln-r abroad , lower ehw-
Ing Ltvuipuol iirleeiiindillspiteliii Khlng the
I'loiicer ness us authority lor a liberal esti
mate on the Minnesota ciop.'nll lielpcil aluiu
the selling. Tliounu'it1 nocxport elearniict's
either at Ne\v York or Itiiltlinoio. On this
lutuilccllnu prices ituiitnIT finite sharply to
ll.oa'i ' rorl'eiiiibvriuidjl.07i' ! forMay ueftiro
1 o'clock , TliU putprlecs 1J4" uinlor tdo elo > -
yestc'iday ancl'JHcolV fiom Iho tup ] irleesot
tli > ; morning. Thowhent ninrkettlld notninkii
my recoil1 ry from bottom prices , i-iilu.s uf
DeecmbirercelnliiieUiit SI Ufa mid May at
11.071 , niul last prices vote : September $101 ,
DeecinbcrSl.dlii anil Miyl.or',4 , Thcrous \
to < i iiiueliloiiKWht'iit eomlnx out alldayon
bull news lo vxpeel uuy iitlly.
Tlir * corn innr''oi Is in clianpcablo us the
wenlhcr. Tlio pnnpcclH of frost onu Uy
raust's lily I ny anil lulps prices ; excellent
wenlhur anil no aliMi of frost eanscs
the crowd to Hill out what thuy
boujlit mi frost tnlk. Other InlluoiKcs nro
lartiuly illHrfgiirdcd. Theio are many who
bulluve lufiOe iiml hOe cornlitterus Iliovbo-
lloMs In We eorn. The mnrkct openril toilny
wltli prices J4c to So off from lasl. nUlit , and
trailo liciirlsh on the Iinproiedsoathcr. \ .
Thi'to was general selling tint ot corn bought
yesturday. This cnrrlui Scpteiiibur ilown to
4r > ? io inn ; May to 4SWc , or Just 'io miller the
closuyeslerclay. TiilHwus thu first hour ; Iliun
thoiuaiket rnlllcil anil Milcl at ( Uofor hep-
tuiubor mm ISVe for May. This wus on taLhiK
of llflct'ii loailH lor o.\i > ort at Kuw
York anil a kpec'Ul deinand for the month
from toil a In local houses , hut a good
poitlonof the tratlw Kept on soiling nil ilav
and befoto lo'elnek beptcMiiber went oil to
45Vainlii nnd Mny toWVc , the low point up
to hour , llcoeliits wne 41Jearsiuulfcr
toinorroiv .VWcnrs. u llliural L'sthniile , Hrnd-
Ht i rets iluercMsed avallablo stocks oust of the
rock lest ) nly VX,000 ) busliols hist vi'ckur alitiut
tlie''uciciiso shown by Chicago nloiic , Slilp-
iiiriiis \ \ CTUIIO.ITO biihhuls. Thcie was unltii-
pioved fc'elln ; ; In corn nl the close ' , , but It e.imu
toohitoto ciuiso liny tally. Karly niiiutlisiiU
" ' ' nt the snniu prlco iS e for Scptiunbur ,
ISouMiiber nnd Tlcccnibur. vlth May
> , with JS ? c bid on tlio door utter the
'Jliorowasagencrnl picking iioof oits early
by brokers rciiro entltig hoiiscsbhoit 011 the
mnrkct , TlilsKa\o \ tliu unirkct an upturn ,
even lifter whoa t nnd corn hud ilartcd un a
decline , Ijiilcr In the clay , when the decline
wiiSHliarp InleadliiR markets , oats merely lost
tlio early ndviineiuind closed steady for May
mnl u fmctloiuhlnlior for the ciitly months.
Ooiliiselinanljld for oatH early , Simons and
KIllsonH'orcbuyers also ; September solil at
iWio toWJiotoUj'ic althoclosoOctober ! JjJs'o
to .tSJiolo : unet Jlay : * J4e to : i8'jo tol8aO. ;
ftarly dispatches from the ynuls ave
10,0011 hogs received and bettor prices
B. for choice lets , easier for others. AVIth this
. be/ore / them provision de.ilura opened the
mnrkotstrong anil at slightly butter prices
all around. A feature ot the early market
wai the buying or bidding for pork by llutch-
iiiiou. 1'rlecs 8tirtc ! lup on thlsiuidl.itordts-
patchcs Kino tin ! hog market strong and
Iiluhcr , wltli receipts Inereisod to0VJ > . Jati-
uiiry pork sold ut H-.o 'i ' uiito fl.'JU , HIT to
JJJ.IJO and closed nt ifUMll. Mjptcinberpork was
bid up to $ iuir : > , with thu bust mile at HO-'J-'i
blunt before the close. I ard sold nt $ <" ) for
Hcpteiiiber , fil.i5 : for October nnd JJ.7-H for
Jiiiiuarr and closoil nt * l.-H-/ia.riand$1.70
Hlbs wcio ' 1 to5u higher ut3.'tf ! ! forSoiiloni-
ber , $ . " > . ) "H for October and * . " ) . § ' ) for January ,
OITurliiKS wen ) very light early , but packers
sold products on an advance us usual.
OIIICADO. Sept 3-tSneelal Tolcsram to
TUB llEB.l-OA.TrM5 Business slow from first
to last , nnd when that Is the case It Is easily
understood by those concerned that prices arc
weak , running down to a slindo oaslor. There
vsas a limited dcmana for geol ste'ors , with
Clio exporters slow ahead , but the mo-it of that
cliisa of stock sohl nearly as well us yesterday !
HW.IH a chss belowuxporturs ; Isgooi )
f at Kticrs , but sllgluly elf In appearance anil
Etyln. It flioiild be reiiieiubcred that when
cattle nro phMity and doiuaml slow buyers
hundred nnd ono defects tint are
not observable lu thu naked cyo when cattle
lire scarce nnd la demand. Toxnns , rangers
nnd stookers niiilerx > ent llttlo or no ehimuo.
1'lrst class natives , tt.lMK(5U.1 | second class.
| .VKU1.I ; Ihli < l class , t-l.HVg > . 'Jjj coiiiinnn.ti.75
© 150 ; Texans. t..4LKiJ2.ttli rancors , H.OOSI.IO.
lions Itiistnvss aellvo nltli another upturn
of , " © IOo on all clnsscs. 1'ackers paid $ I.Oo4.X )
nnd prime heiivy , toguher with butcher
weights , sold attl.4l > ai.lUi also light sorts nt
YOIIK , Sept. . tSpocIal Telegram to
IIIK UFK. ] STOCKS Ilaldlng of Itouk Island
nnd nsovcresolllng pressure Inu.ll eranceruiil
coal siookslatoyesterday , left tbestrect very
miicliatsea. Tlio tourco ofsollln ? Mas not
oiisllvfounil , Thatmiiuhof the oTui-ln,1 : was
long stock lot RO by dlsippolnted holders N
not doubled this mornlnij , while the con-
iiervnllve element does nnt bollovo the talk
about passing of dividends on any of the
stimdard stoeUr , Kliiruspro < hico < l tblsinorn-
Ing nlvhiK Uock > Hiand eiirnlngs for Aiiguit
IH'k'c'W Hliort nl the Mine month n yeir
a o , not only justllled the action of
the closliiKhouryesloulay. but. was theeauso
nf a further drop ol per cent the first hour
today. This , nnd an Interview with Gould In
\\liloli he Hays be Is a bull and yet attacks
crrttiln BrangerstockH , nave lone to the early
inarkot. Trading up to noon loft Die list Ir
regular. Chicago Ois and cotton oil are llrm
nnd % lo 'i hUlier , Sir'iir rotlacrs dropped
oir 1'itoM'i aud rallied to bl. hake bliore
lield steady , while Nuiv Knglaiul opened "
lower nnd made no recovery , lloek Island.
afterdroipln | to S'i ! , recovered to Mf and
St. I'aul dccllninl to 7HJ 11 nil hack lu 'I'i.
Coal stocks MC'Ve about Rteady and trail
ing was uf a slow ch.iracler at iiilddny ,
Afternoon n ( e\v stuukxroso to bitter prices ,
vU : AteliKonto4i ; > , , Hock Mnndto fl , Iiik
Shore to 10s ; . Tlielmpiuvedfeollng In Kock
Island win duo to ndtvlsum of AtchUon traf-
lloolthuMiutlinest , At tbo lulMinco oll' r-
jiigstteiefreoaiid closoat Wj , or a on * for
the day. At liNondroppod b.iok lo 4Vi , Clil-
cugotiiisiooto 51 and t closo.1 atSl ,
\\lthveryllttlofentiirutn trading. Moiutv
ruled 4Siiper cent. Sales were 107,000 shares.
The followiii ) ; were the closing quotations .
U. S. b conium 131 Northern raulllo K.IH
II. S.l < rciiil [ r IWJa do rruforreU MH
IT. H. l a rtvulnr 101 C.A.N.W Ill )
U. S.H6 cuiiion | 1IU ilo pro for roil Ill
I'no.ileiB ur 'ICi Ill New lork Cunlrnl..lix ; < i
IViitml i'n'lllc s.'Jii 1 > . , ] > . , V K 19H
flilc ; o AAllon Ui KocU Iilnnd Mi
Clilciut ) , Uurllnvton { . ' . . -M.i St.l'uul lli
A ejiilno ; \mt \ ilo iiroforrMt .Ill
] > . , i.vv ; IIIH SI. I'liul.V Uiuntil. . . . SO
Illliwi , tYiitrul Ill ) do iirofurriHl ( U
1. , II. A W. Union l-iu-ltlc fli
Kuiua * X lexm ! ' > ' (
tlu iiruforrt'tl . , , M
Wcblcrn Union. . .
Mosisy-y percent ,
I'IIIUH INTII.K I'Ai-Kii-ua ? per cent ,
domain ! .
NKVY \ ' Sept 3.--Speclal [ Toler.nn to
TllKllKK. o followluu arDtlioinliihij stook
licit ft llolchor SM
I'uluilonlu II. 11 , , , . . . IKi
Con , KnruktiCon KO
' llulu.k Norcrom. . . to
lluinetlake HornSllvtr XO
N Holla li ' Onttirlu , . . , . . . . , 41U
Ophlr I'lynioutli too
1'lioonlr. ju" Savage , , , . . Ill )
| lerriN T , . " . : ' . ! Standard 170
ru Yellow Jmket KU
TlicCofTeo J
NEW VonK. Pepu 3. IPpectnl Tcfcsrnm to
TUB IlRrl-CorrKC Options opened taroljr
steady , unchanged to 10 points down , closed
c-iuy , iinclintiRcd to 10 points up. entci , 81,2.10
l ) ! ts , Inclii'llna ' Sciilcinlior , II7.S U7.1 > 0 | Oo
tohor.ll7.w : ll7.41j November. 110.8.711(1.0)1 ( De
cember. 8I5.(1.V316.80 ( | January , | lo.2O < 3iG.2J !
April. ( I.-.70 ! Mny. 81100. Hpol Hlo itilct | and
steady ) ( air carinslJ0.7J7 ! ( ! flit bean , 51100.
f'tio nvvf jr.nTu ETH.
Oittc noSopt.3. litt p. tn. cloie Wheat
-Wonlcj ' cash , JI.01 ; December , Il.KHi ; May ,
lO'aj ,
Corn-Steady ) cash , 4Jc ! Oetokr , 45Uc.
; cash , IBUo ; October , KU
" Kyo-Stpndy at02e. ] (
Ilnrlo.v I'lrinat 7.V.
I'Tltno Timothy -Kmvwt $1 39.
Hat Seeil-Kirm uttMJ.
I'ork Strndyi cash , Jt0.37V { | Octobcrtl0.30 |
Jiuiiinry. JI2.1U.
Lard cash , M22ii October ,
Jiinuarv , (1.70.
Flour -hli'iicljr ami imclmnaeili winter
wheat , M..1V35.M ; wheat , $1.8oa3.3i rye ,
Hulk Mcit * Shouldon KWVTM H'/4 ; short
cleart. " > .ii.VM.70 | short riln , fj : J&S > . .
Hiittor Easier : creamery , ll& ! ci dairy , 12
fl I Re.
I'nelmiKctl : fltin ; dill croarneheil-
< lar . sasiiu ; llats , 8 i < aic ) : Young Americas ,
M t lOu.
Kirss UiiuliniiKLMlj sto.uly : fresh ,
llldiHUncluiiKeui tlrni : lieavj and llsht
sri-oii sal ted. 7'iL1 ' : milted bull hides , , VteBrocii !
naltc'ilcalf.SH'a'Vj ! dry flint , 8t'o ! ! < lrv s.iltnl
lildeiTo ; dry onlf. ai > c : duuconi , ricli.SOc.
Tallow tliiuliitmeil ; iionttyi Jio. J , solltl
p.iukcd , 4'ifi ' No. ! ! ,4c ; ealee , 4'ic. '
Kocolnts. Shipment * .
rioiir.llllll . 17.000 H.OX )
\viioat \ , uu . 111,000 110.00(1 (
corn , ha . : ui.wn 410.1100
llltsbu . 2W.OOO MSi.030
NKW YOKK , Sept. a Wliuat - UeccIpH.
JI.200 ! OAiuirts nrni ) : < | > ot nrenlil N < > ,8 ml ,
II.IKMIUU'I ' In olov.itorifl.OI'ifitlO'Pf ' ;
ll.o : ' ,141. ' f. o. I ) . : options udvancoilyTC'dJ
on Hussl mi crop iou | > rts , but deelliicil'-"ci-"lc !
on Inli-r tltMlltigs tliroii lisliirp : ijiosiiru toro-
ull/oby Milton tills anil home nurkcK clos-
In I Muak at t lie lowest ; Xo. 2 rod , buptctnfocr ,
closing atJI.OI.
Corn Hi'celiitsi.WO : bushels : M | > ort , ai. < OJ
bushels ; spot dosoitsteulli'ilSo. . ' . r > : iW > ' > -'Wc
In elevator ; .VIV354UO afloiitsunKMtlcdmlM'iI ,
StfiViUic : options olusecl wuitki uplombiir elos-
IIIB nl .v. ' t. .
Oati Uc'celjiK 177.000 liusholi ! exports ,
none : spot stoiily ; No. . ' wlillc.jr.lffllHe ! iniU'd
western , WjrT ? ! . ' ; wlillo western , 4261V ) ; op-
tlomllrnier ; heptemlx-i closing nt4Utc.
ColTce Upturns closed t'Jisy anil iirvliangeil
to 10 points up. Salei , a 1. 210 IIUBS ; Scpti'in-
lier. * l7.SOai7.'Wi October. $17WIJ.45 ; suotrlo
steady ; fair cargoes , * 'OT. > .
Stik'iir Uaw , iictlio ; ( ilr rptlnlnK. KUc lild ;
coiitrlfiiK'ils , ' > ti'it. A'iu Ud ; rrllnul ( Inn ;
confectioners' "A. " li'icicrnmiliitid. ( i1o (
I'otroleum UultcJ closed for Oeto'jur at
84 c.
c.K s About stonily ; western , ioa-0'ic. '
I'orU rinucr ; miss , sjl..2.-i3ii.00. :
l sird Klrw u nil flidt'ti weMorii stnam ,
l0.4"iU4t : ireptoiiibereloslns attl.44lihl.
Itntti'r-FIriiii wcsteriiilalryll514ooreani- ) |
ry. I''a lc.
Cliecso-StroiiK ; light sklim. 4'iftG' ' c.
CIVOIK.VATI , Sept. 3. Wheat I'lrnur ; No. 2
Corn ilurely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 4Sa4S'ic. '
O.its So. 2 mixed. as < a& > ! 4c.
MII.WAVKKK , Sept. 3-\Vlicat Kasji No.
2 Niirlnir.riisli.n'eWNe . : Dceiinber , UUc.
Corn ririni No.0.4J'ic. ( '
O.its Qiilef No.2 w Into. M'5e.
Provisions I'lriiii pork , Jauuiiry , J1270.
KANSAS Guv , Sept : Wheat-Steady ;
No. 2 hard , wsli , fc'JJj ! Fopteinljcr , 69Sc ! bid ;
no olVerliiRS. No. ! ! icd , uaili. 1M bid.
( Join Luwvii No. 2 cash , 4UVSc ; September ,
Oats Weaker ; No : . cisli. no bids , 33c
asked ; Feptember , no Wds , lU'ie asked.
LlVKiii'Oor. Sopt. 3. \ VhiatSteidy ; ( le-
tiiiind poor ; lioldi'rsollor nvj.lerntcly.
Corn Klrm ; floinuml liuiirovliigt tnlxod
\v 'slL'rii,4H U'id ' pir cental.
MiKNiiU'OMt , Soptonibor II. Wheat Ho-
cclits | , r > 8 cars ; sltlpiiuuM , C'J cars ! hcloro
ninny siinipk'S were suld market futures bc-
KHII to biouk and made Iho saniplo market
dull. Cluslii ! > 'o. 1 hard , September , We ;
on track , * 1IT > ; So. I nottlicrn , Scptombor.
UOVs ; Ootomr , Ki'ie ; on track , fl.U ; Ko. a
northein , Soiitembur , D.'c.
ST. Louis , tept. 3. WUcat Irregular ; cash ,
! )9'ic ; Deceinliuf. II.OJV.
Corn IrreKiilarioaHli Mie ; December , 40ic. !
Oats Lower ; unsli. : uc ; S
1'ork-Klrinat JII.-J5.
Lartl-Flriuut & .00.
Wlilsly $ lii. :
lluttcr Steady.
CuiCAno. ScntcinbcrCattlc Uocclpts.
151)10 ) ; mnrkct slow und weak ! steers. IJ.75
i' ) ; Tcxans , SiMOa'J DO ; Mngcrs , $ : IOO4IO.
loKs KocclptH..OOO : inn ket active , Ws-
erj pacKers , * 40Xiil-10 ( ; prime , heavy and
UUtcheia1 , $ UO < aiWI ; light , H.404.r,0.
Hhuop Ucco1i > H7OJl ( ; marlcet steady ; na-
tlu-s. fl.OOJJ4.7. ; westerns , J4.CJ4 4. ; lambs.
KANSIB CITV , Sept. 3 Cittle-Hecclpta ,
0.7IK ) ; klilpinonts , CO : ) ; innrlcot Heady ; slcurs ,
$ t.r > ' ( i ; r > ; stockers and feeders. ti.jO&t..H !
cows , l.r > ' ) (32.70. (
HojjN-Ueeolpta , 12,1V ) ; slilpmcots , 4'oO ; mar
ket lower ; nil BwdeaW.l , ai.ia
ST. louts , Sopt. 3.-Oattlo lincelpts , 1,000 ;
slilpments , 1,100 ; market llrm ; fair to fancy
native steers. 84 OW3i4 111) ) ; btuckcrs and tewlcrs ,
, 3,801 : slilpments. W3t mar-
kit steady ; heavy , SI.2. > KI 40 ; mlxtil grades ,
J40JO43U ; Il0'ht , f.004.y5. .
il'sTO C'K.
AVfdncsday , September 3.
Eatlniated receipts of cattle i.nin ) , as com-
pircd with Slt'-d yesterday Jind 'J.O ? ? Wcdiies-
tiny oflastvtuck. Tlio murUot optned about
sluadyuu lliu Ixst K'ades of Meurs and cows
and slow and aKirlir.oti tliocoinnionlsh grades.
I'euders won ) falily liberal wltli consUleiablo
imiuliy ; the beat grades unchanged and poor
ones neglected.
Estimated receipts of boss 0.400 , compared
with WNS yi-storilay and 7.010 WeJncsluv cit
last wiek. Thoinariet opened active : ind . " *
liliher on cooil ll lit lio.s. chislni ; weak , with
nil sold. Tliu r.uiKO of jirk-c-s was 9 { .U'I'64.'JI ,
the hulk sellltik' at t4.0tfa $ .10. IJirht.M. ! ) ®
41 : ml\edt4.0V3il.tO ; he.n-yf4.1iffl-M. ( ) Tlio
iivi'mpo ol th prliL's p.ild tillHii , c-oin-
Iiircdwltli$4.07'i ' yubtuidiy unUSJb * Wulnes-
day ollabtwcek.
Estimated rccclpti of sheep 5 5 , compared
with . ! yi'itordiv. The inarlut nmalnb uu-
ilinngi.'d with Kund muttons Indumaiid.
1'rovnilliii ; Prices.
The following Is at-iblo of prtcci plld In
this nmrki'tfortlio jr.idoof stojk montlDnoJi
I'rlmostccM. iiK : ) toWOinn ? l n fil.03
Oooclstoeis , Iti'iUo ll')0 ttn 403 ai.M
( loodilooH , 103110 IWJtts US' ai.15
1'iiir.UHU toiiMib-i j : J ei.oa
t'oniliioil , SOJtoUJO Bu 3-St fc-.GO )
Comiioiiciiine IO (01.00
Onlliiary to falreows 2.0J ® ' . ' . : w
r.ilrtoooilcows ( 2.w : ( W.U.1
( loodtocbolco cows 2.75 Wl.oo
Cbolioto ( anuycows 5.33 ft-'I.'U
l'.ilr to KOIKI bulls 1.73 l .tU
Choltoto fmeylmll 2.r J ftl.00
Muhtstockursand ftoders 20J tt'.MW
IVeders , OiO to HOD Its 2.'i' ft'.Hi
I'ulr in choice light IIOKS 3'JO ftl.10
I'ulr to choice liuavvlioxs. 4.10 fW.'JO
t'ulrtochoice mlxedliogs 4.03 ® 4.15
Cumpanitlve Tnblc ,
The follow 1m table show the ran o In
prlccson Iio s durliu thUand lastwcok :
xo Cost ot" II' > s'
Thefollowlnztablo Klvc ? tlio average cost
of lie sontlieiliitoiiaantlonnl , Incln liu the
I'ostto lay , us bAso.l upon sales rJimrtoJi
Slim AuBiHt IS . a Sl'i
: i7o Aii nst in . : i o ;
, . a 7J
: t5i Auaustai . : 'V
AllKilst- . . : I4SX AHKil-t"'l . 3 7. "
Aiik'ust I . Utl August tX' . . a M'
AUKusts . av > AuKii t yi . a
August (1. ( . UMVi AiiKiistll-i . a fll
s . am Ansustsr . a H
\uciiHto . : l s > 4 Aiimist ss . a BU
AilKiHt 11 . II HI . a DIH
Aujjnsl U . U70S Aujiiist : i. . a WU
Aii'iiist 11. . . . , , , . . 3W. Koplonilior 1 4 Ol',4
August 11 . 3.VlVi foiilcinUrU . „ 4 U
August IX . . & 5'j i-opioinlicr J. , . . 4 ( b
K" Prloo of IfojH.
Shoxvlnjthoavtsriio prloo pit 1 for loa'liof
ho soii tlio Oiys hullcatoa in 18i7 , IJsd , WJ
iinillMK ) :
Stout Hcuelpts.
OflloInlYostorclav. Esllmatert ToJay ,
Ottltlo. . , , 1110 cars.2,023 Cattle. . , OJ curs. 1,000
Hogs luacarsO.TB3 llogn. . . . , Ki cars. 8,400
bbcep. . . , 3 earn , IkH Slictp. . . . 4 earn. US
UyrwJi.M X eir . 40
Toilaj , Ycstcrclav ,
IllzlicJt. . . . . M 2) ) lllzhcrt , . II 15
towe t . 3 W , . . < l TO
, , the number of head of Mork
purchased yesterday tin this tnnrktt asihown
liy thcwolslimnitersof the Stockjurds com
pany !
fwlff , t Company , 749
The O , H. Ilitminond company ISO
Tbo iUnioiir-Ciieltihy packing company , , . . 4M
Ieo llolhsolilld . . 27 ?
Hamilton & btcplion. , . . , , f7
Ncls Morrli , li
HcckcrAc Dcgon , , It
Lnhruann k Trauermann , . . . , , . . . , U
W. li , , M
Other buyers 188
Total sTlti
nor. ! ,
The Armour-Cmlaliy packing company.1.011
Oniitlm packing company , , . .1.0)1 )
Swlfut Co'iipany h'H
The 0. H. Hammond company 452
KIllKJIl &OO , . . „ , . ! ,4'M '
jloojiOit Son , . . . , , , SB
North & Co 410
fcpcriy & llurncs , ? l'l '
I'omslook 11
Total . W7' .
Pwlft&Cn Ill
Arinimr-C'ndahy I'ucklngCo , , , . 113
Total lie
Ilciircsciita.tli'0 Sale ) .
Xo. Av. I'r. No. A.V. I'r. Nn Av. Pr.
ID iiiiM ( i iJ5 10 . I IBS i n
2 .lin 40 a" 7 .1 75 IS 10.11 4 n
3. . Ii77 mi r , . I'SM : i 7.- til 1iu : 4 M )
1 III ! ) 20 IDS i : i jr. 5 .CHI 4 U'l
13. . IM 41. MS ! ) < 10 II ) .I.VI 4.7J
I0..1IB7 108..nor 4 70
10 ! V 1TO ftV i ! 00 1 1 " ( Ml * " *
17. . on 170 nr > ) s oo 2 r.
: i 1H7 hsot \ oo .1110 2 11
1 . 9V ) , KO 2 ( rO I . H13 2 n
2 .1110 1 7.1 20. . Wl 8 OO I .12K ) S2.1
in. fro IK ) ; u nsit < 2 10 u tlslt 2'J1
17. . M IK * . ir i > 57 2 10 is .11X17 2IIT
11. . IU7 ItK ) 21 101 ! ) 8 IS 1 , .1170 2 M
I. . (00 ( SOO 11. . ftoi 2 . " 2 70
ft . VI ) 2 : 1. S03 2 .V. . 101) ) 270
rJ"1 jno 2.W ! 11110 2 71
31.1 ! > 0 550 0. 11:17 : 2 ( ii '
101. tn J M 1. HIO 2 70 , 'l2JI a no
0. . 710 7. 87i ( 8 70
i. . ino 100 0. IU'1 I .10 1 ffl
1. . 91 ! ) 10) ) 21 SB'S 1 .10 HI1 1 ft )
: i. . om at 8iw i ( > o lift ) 1 Cl
a . 1 1110 I U ) 1 03
11) . . MI3 l DO iy , . 072 1 CO
2..1110 2 mr. I sea 1. . 1I91 2 00
2..1)13 ) 175 a 111:1 : 2 oj itwj 2S
a. . : no 1 . 1170 2 10 1. . iv > nr.
B..JJO 150 1. : iio i 50 1. . iw ; ij )
No. Av. I'r.
4islcer.sArl/ona : IXJO 31 70
W ) strnrsArl/onu 75'J 1 SO
41 MvcrH HKU ' . ' ( JO
1 cow 1ii : ( ) 200
2 cims 1020 2 10
3stcor 1420 aoo
ongalu AUo s
21 slreri 121)9 ) 270
! 70
° ° ' ' " " ' " " ' ' ' ° ° ' '
20 steers ! . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I.'l2li ( 2 HO
1 st'i" lt > 20 17.1
" ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' '
1 caiitiir.V. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 l r o
3 cows , , . . . . io * o i so
1C feeders 75J 2.10
2.1 steers 012 300
Swan Land nnd C.ittlofo
20 cows 1101 1 80
Klcows ! ISJ 2 or.
: $ feeders 7:1 : ? 2 r.o
4 steers 1273 2 70
BT.sleeri 1200 2 80
lO'l stools 1223 2 bONo
Standard Ualtle Co.
1 steer. 10 M
BTsteon 1201 4 20
80co\\s. . , , . # W 2 10
OOiteers lOu'J ' 2 eo
No. Av. I'r.
320westcrns 103 II 15
No , Av. Ph. 1'r. No , Av. Sh. Pr.
in. . . . . 'Illi 60 SI 7) r.o. . . .270 80
49. . . .Hi - : i 75 101 . 3JO
11 . . .I'm fiO . bO no
2. . . .MS 200 < 8 . 120 410
81 } . . . .1ST 41X ) 101 410
75 , . 400 . . .aw 40 410
10. . .sro 12) ) 400 120 410
.28.1 2JO 4 90 U 272 120 no
108 21J 283 400 { 2il ( 120 uo
W ) ! 4.ri ICO 400 01 245 40 (10 (
5S K9 BO 400 M : i4-t 80 410
. ? JO 4UO ( 247 2JO 410
14 ,290 Til 4(10 ( CO. . . , , -115 120 410
ui ' ' ' ' * * 47 an 400 to. . . . .200 120 410
. . . . 80 400 Cl 281 KJO 410
70 201 ICO ft ) . . .24U 120 410
C'l 200 so 40.1 r.i. 220 100 410
( W 2IJ4 100 405 r.i.M. . . . . .271 120 410
s. .1110 M.M. . . . . 181 120 410
s.TO. .240 ao 4 oil M.CD . . . . . : itO KJO 410
TO.w. . . .248 2SO 40.1 . 248 120 410
w. . . ,2.r > too 405 . . . ,2U : M ) 410
51 . .Ml 4 05 05. . . , .241 40 410
Iti . . . .2lK- i20 40.1 t.H . . 2411 410
41 . . . 11X5 405 t.HOi. . . . , ,2u : 280 410
70 . . . .Wl uo 40.1 Oi.M. . , . . , ,2fi8 80 410
7(1 ( . . . .an 120 40.1 M.XI 410
H . . . .2.VJ 240 40.1 ( XI . . . .281 40 410
05. . llfl 405 M 259 40 410
46. 100 40.1 fif . . . .IKiO 28O 4 10
t-0 . . . . .21(1 ( WO 4(15 ( 72 2':0 : 40 410
01 . . . . 240 100 4 115 III 2i < 8 280 4 10
fil. . . . . .241 405 w.C . , , , .1'Jl 240 4 12i !
. . . . - „ ' ( ! 200 (111 CCO. . . . .284 4 I2'j
. . . .250 40 405 CO. . . . .274 80 4 12'i
( VI. . . /.ItS 120 405 tn.B . , . . .272 ICO 4 13'j
21il . . . 174 * B , . : rj2 120 4 12'i
( il . . . .220 fiO 075- ' , 47. , . .IHO IGO 4 15
70. . SWI 4 07'/ 4' ) . , . . . : iai : 4 15
78 " ,2" * : ! ino 4 ( )7/ ) | M ) . , , . : i7l ( 80 115
ffl".II"28U 40 i . , : ui : 120 4 15
3 ! ? ) . ) 100fO t 07'i1 " * ' ' 410
B'l ' 237 fO 4 07'/i o".V..rui so 417'i
107 237 240 4 07'/ 91 345 4 20
W 210 IGO
0. . 250 , . .210
II ) . . , . . .228 IfiO 2 .VJ . . .149
n. . . ,131 250 iw : so
" ' ' ' 'ICO M..1.17 ; 2SO : if > 0
. . . , Z17 120 100 W 16'j IGO 337 ! !
. . . . IGO 210 300
AJarkct Jtlciition.
Hops firm.
Cntllo slciidy.
J. P.Kalrmanof Aitolliontln a odious ,
.Totin Itleo brought In a ear of cows from
\Vllsonvlllc. \
Kroiioh Ilrothers M'nt In a car odious from
Ft. KihvitTds. t Taylor sent In a car of hogs from
W liber.
A. J Minor of .Volson hri'l ' a car of nos ; on
the iimrket.
II. 0. Olurli cane In from Asldantl with four
cars of cattle.
A. J.Snovdonof Kearney was up looking
overthe inurket.
J. P. Humphreys came in with six cars of
c.ittlo from Mi-oj k.
O. M. lludllior sent up a car of ho from
Illalienian , ICiin.
V. SuIllMiti came over from Hamburg , la , ,
with a cm of hogs.
8. S. Grllllii vas ? on the market with two cars
of cuttle from Jiinuilcu.
Gnlloy. Oeorgo fc ( In. Ind a oar of liogs oil
the market from Slid ton.
II.1' . Olmrchcxinedown from riorcowlth a
cur each of hhecp and hos.
J. 0. I ciino * of LGimn.t& llarrlson , Arcad U ,
wns In with a cir of cattlo.
A.I ) . IC nvon\vaann the mirkotwltlicattlo
froiiiDaniieibro ; anil Karwcll ,
William.Montgomery M.IS over fromAdalr ,
la. , with acarcaeliof cuttle and IIO > ; H.
Fremont Hey , the , well known shlpporof
SllvirOrt'ck , caino iwwn with a our of liogs.
Frolm Afirlffliiscnt In near of c.-ittlo from
Jamalua. Mr. I'rohn caino in with them ,
James Ilartlnztoncamo down from Hcrmosi ,
S. 1) . , with two cars of raiuo cattle.
Messrs. J , P. and 11. II. Kollar of 0 ;
worn at tlio yard * look In , ' after a cir of I
cnch , If
E.G.Vcst of the firm of West A Jenkins of
Gothenburg c,11110 up wllh tvucarnof ) io s.
Henry Koch of .Miller it Co. heavy dualcrs
of Ilr.ulsluvv , was on the market with a oar of
Tliooflltlal rocolpts at Shmx Oltyfor the
month of AtiRust cro 4'J72 , ' cattle , UJ.4S9 hojs ,
1181 sheep , l.VI liorsen ,
J. Itltler of the well known ( Inn of Morse.
Iloscrs A Co. . Morse IllulTs , was down with a
car i ueh of cattle and lie s.
A.It. Hanker , iiraimnerof thu Whlto Ilhcr'
liuiilandeattln company of Alda , marketed
four loads of f.incy heavy IIOKS. T o loads
topped the mnrkctat $420. the other t u Kuln
at ills.
John Hustle , tlio well known shipper of
saulluMikti'riiNebraska , was on the niarkut
wlthhoKs from I'nnnma , Auburn nnd Julian ,
a oarof ciittlofromTeciimsoh and tlireo cars
of cattluundone of hog * from Stella.
\Y , R. Giithrlo of the viill Inownflrinof
Gntlirlol Oskainp , Olirks : , was here wltli a
tralu load of range cattle.
I'rotluuc ,
COUN-10 < r645c ,
llAV } 7.HX3IO.OO.
MlLLSIUKl'-J 18.01 ,
OlOIM'lO 1' > BI II3.003U.CO.
I'OUI ' TIIV I'er dozen , choice lifni , flOOffM25
oholi-o inlxcO , t2. aaoO roobttrs. IJ.50CJ-375 :
for niKlliint ta.'O M.'S liltgo Hvo pigeons ,
. ,
HUTTEti Creamery , fnnortfll * . print. 2 < i < a
2lc ; creamer- . Inner , solHl acUod , 176lio ;
cronmcry. choice , in l''c | ilalrjr , fancy rolls
nnd prints , KQ > 13 I < l"lry , ( iitioj'.solld packoil ,
tlalry. choice. io n c : country roll ,
fancy , MWclcholeo , 7ttSo : Inferior , 2rtM. }
1:003-100 : for jtrlctly frijuj dale not > al-
IUue . rct/rs ANP TAttoW-Orocn
Mdes.No. 1 , heavy , 7(8Jcs ( So.'l.llRlit.O'- '
> o. a ihtht.KiaHc ! dry Illtit hides , 7 ® > ctcalf
lilden , TJWK'I ' clamiiKi'il hlilus o less , bhoep
licit , Krcen.cacli 35ail.S5. ii M ep pelts , dry ,
UAMIS 1'cr dozen , prnlrlo chickens
niallarns -J.Ooa-.r > 0 | teal. II.KVQ1.5U |
iiil\edrtuuVs. lOOaiJO ;
I'UACilKS-.Vrlinnsin , ! lillox'T5e(31.00Cal- ' , ( ! |
lfornln.ucrbo.xll.noas.0fl ,
_ T.a-Oullfomln , nor. onto , 11.25 2.00) )
.Missouri , 4YiMOcor | ) 10-11) basket ,
1'r.iJMt I'urplo Diutie. Columbia , etc , , per
hex , jl.50 < a00j ! wild goose pi mns , Jibu box , 73
NKCTAnisns Per cratefl.7. 45.00.
liKMONS I'or tex , llodl Mnlorl , fancy , t9.r > 0(3 (
10.00 ; cholco McMlnii .S .105l , ( .
1'u.Aiis llurtlott , California , per tox. J..OO ®
T'itt'XF.s-Gornmn , per box , $2.00 ; Krciichtl.73 ,
® 2.00 | Kroys.Jl.Tia.-.OO. _ .
TOMATOH-l'cr lUJ. > CrtUI.OO ,
UNIONS X ' w southern , per lib ] ,
-Por unite , H.aa-i. ) < i ) . , .
Nebraska anil loivn , per bu , 11.00
I.CoiColiirudoniKli-iilt I < ikoI.4u. (
SWfBT I'OTATIIBS I'ur 1)11 ) , tLi.OVSba.90.
JO AIM-IKS riincy , Illc ] icr lu.
coToANi'Ts rcrYiKJ , * . . ; . " " " .
WJmumr.o : > B-l crlOOl2.00air , { . 0.
OA\Tnr.oiiiMj-lVrdoz.U..n > .
Ai'i'r.KS-l'aiu'y wtltiK , MBVtiniO ; fancy
. . . '
OIIASUIM l-'nnpy lid ! ) I.
„ . ; ; r'lninc'h.JWKf , lOO.
T-AII.OM-A No. 1 , 4o ; No. 2 , : 'c ; prunsc ,
while , : P > ift4e : ji'llon. 24.lo ; Mciulne. il'ij' ' .
IHms : oiiotatlom are for ilell very lut'lil-
ciiKo-Dry bnir.ilo. PIT Ion. < IG.OO3Itf.00 ! dry
eemiitry. bleai'hi'd. tlO.OOJUa.Wj dry country ,
diiiiiputiilmoiiljr. NMWyono. , _ , , _
.Jr.Jiria-r : > e ii'er in.
Dm > ! SKi > V .a Choice medium , Cic ; light ,
, ' > 2'ie ! lionvy. 4'il'-ie. }
liv KiiiOiiUiut.OOo | boiled. KW.
HOVKV-Mrnlned.liO-lbcniis peril )
comli honey. fiiiii'V.lfi5l ! ; eliolei-
HUNS llniiil'plcliCd navy , l.ri'iS ! . ' , i. . . . . .
pit-lull limy , ini'dluiii. $2iVi 2M ; luiitl-iilckeil
country , JI.7.YB.MK ) ; gioililuutiJl.w81.50i ) , : Oal-
IfcMiilu , iior ll,415e > _
Tl " t k 1
S'ie ; plkc'.llc ; tiout.Hc : ihltiMkeronplc , 10o |
1'iitllsh. lie ; cod bleak , liici lloimdeii , l.lcj
Orczoa Minion , IHci black bais ,' , lobsters ,
K'KII Coilflsh. oitra ( leonies , now , fi'ic !
Rranil bank , new. 4'c ' ; Sllver.Mb MoeU.GVic ;
sno\v \ whllo , 2-lb brlclis. now , 8Uc ; turkey coil ,
hi r o middle JjrlckH.tlc : snow uhltn , orates. M
! i-Ibbo.\ci.Slic ; metlliini sealcil licrrlii" , 2. > c ;
No. 1 settled licrrlnir. SOc ; tlmiiestlo Uollainl
herilnjr. We : llntnbnrK i-plcid hirrliiK. lKc ) ;
Uii > siim siirdlne-s. splceil , iBfi Kiia-tlun snr-
dliiii , iilaln. .We ; liuportuil Holland lierrliiit ,
crown brind , Wj ; do fancy iiillkersftJcniacl.- ;
uri > I.N .l , < liiU ) > , liilf bills. H2.0II ! tiloitorj ,
half bbk * l8i ; white llsli , half bbls. $ . .00 ;
trout , half bbN. 2.100 ; fainIlylillr INh , * l..iO :
salmon , K.V ) ; pur do ? , l-lb mieki-rcl [ herrlnii ]
2-lblnolled inaokerel , SiO ( ; : i-lb In iiiiistixnl ,
} 2. < M : ! I-Ib In tomato sauce , J3. ( ; , -lli Main
mi's , iniukei-ellt. li 1-1) ) ' Inwik tiout. * l ttii
: i-llbrook ) trout. $200 ; l-ll ) si iuon..5-1.2 > ; 2b
while llsh. K.S5 ; l-lb wh to llsli. * U. ; 2-1 h lob-
i-ii ) iiaratari.1 , tjTI. . " , I'.niiin'im vi. . * . , * > ,
Kiilrinoiit.Hor. ! . ; l-lb elaiiis.llttluiieeks ,
l.i13-llillani'i. : ; ) llltle uecU $1.75 ; .l-lb cliini
cliiiKder , 3.00 ; 1-lbcrabs , * . ' 225 ; 2-1 b crabs ,
I'IIKSHI'oiiK l'resh liui\,20 lb , avc,74C ;
10 Ihs , ti\g. . Hi' ! 12 Ibs. Bvp.ito : shoulders. .V ;
p < nk loins , 7'i ' ; imrk tenderloin" , Ho ; leaf
I it nl. mil'ir ; sparp rlb . 4e.
bAl.'r JIKAT.S Hlils Mess juirk , nt'w , fU , , > ;
cltar pork linens , lieiavj , * 12.'J3 ; iiirilluin.tll.p :
short c ut clem pork. Sill SO ; faiullj porl.Jl > . )0 ) ;
bull , peak , | ) ii ? pork , | ii..VJ : ; in'esxtr.i > mess
lii'tf , $ r..V ) ; new eAtra plutc heef , W.fl ; new
plnlo lieof. W.OO ; no\v rolll'd boneless beef ,
* 7.M ; new rumps , I.1..10 ; nev boiuluss rumps.
Oir. llbls Evti.ihird , Wlnl'or strained. 47e :
f.Mra So. 1 lar < l , 3ic ( ; No , 1 hud , : Kie ; No. 2
latil , : ilc'cxtr.i ! iiiatsfoot.ash tulloxv oil 4lc ;
niiris ncatsfoot oII.lOe.V ! 1 Inllow , &o ; steur-
LAiiu-Tlerccs CoiniKUiil,5ici ) } pure leaf ,
OMc ; kettle rrnderc'd , d'iC.
MtoKiD BlnATS-SiiKiirctncd hams , 12 to 14
Ib avg , HMc ; nicillum. 1.1 to Wlb nv , lie ;
heavy,20 to. " , ' Ib ayjr. He ; iKInneil.sUk'liiBi J8
dors T'ii' ; Jtlioulcicrs , Mkinniilr 04'c ; hlioultlirs ,
0 lot ) lliivK4eiboiicUi ) ! > , sliiiinlkj : breukfust
bucon , clear , .1 to 7 Ib stijps,6c ; breakfast
bacon , rib , J4e ; drleil beef hams , sets , 10'ic ' ;
regular , bHcjcloels , 80.
IIHV SAI > T Mr. TS Xenii backs , fitc ; ostra
short cleiir , 5'4'e ; bolllcs. 10 to 20-lb avorase ,
OMc ; short ribs , olio ; short clears , Cc ; long
clcars , 5Vo ; slioiildurs.rie , : bucks , JHjc.
KIIKSII HKrr Stceirs , VX ) lo OOfl-lb average ,
nativesJH'fJii'ie , ( ; 400 to.MJO-lbavcrime. ntttltc ,
CrUe ; cow Hii l liolfen. 400to 5JO-lb avcric | ; ,
iiatlvo.S'ic ; htiiilqiiuitors , steers , lOc ; hlnd-
ciuiirters. cons , 7o | foicqtiurtors , steers. 4'ic ' ;
fort'finurters , cows. Ik ; ; , dressed hojs. 4 c ;
clinlee dri' vid mutton. O iC ,
I'liKSH HUEF OUTS Kol's.BSic ; hoof tender
loins. 18c ; sirloin bulls , 7c ; boneless strips ,
7ic ! ; rounds ( rump t/lt ) , lie ; roundh ( lumpon ) ,
5c ; rounds ( shank otn.r > /Sc ; bonuluM ruinns.
4c ; eliucks , J'ie : plates. 28c ! ; back halves 4c :
sliouldcrcloih , 44o ; hcof Kilns. No. 1 ( steer ) . U
ffillc ; hcof loliis.No. 2,10llc ; beef liilns.No.
IJ.Hc ; bcof ribs , 0"it > ci beef ribs , No. l,10Mc ;
bwcotbrcafla ( pei IOK-'He ( ) : klclnoys ( ciobiic : :
01 tails ( each ) , Jo ; llvors ( uacli ) . Ho ; locf
Iicin ts ( each ) , 4c ; beef tongues ( each ) . Uc ;
strip loins , ll'je. ' , , ,
i-AusAOB llolojint , 4c ; bologna In vcniands ,
4'ju ; frinkfiirt , ii1/5o ; tniiKUf. 7'Sc ' ; bloDtl.l'le ' ;
Iher , 4'iu ' : liciulcheesc c ; I'ollsli , 7c ; pork
saiisaxodinUj. ( Jc ; pork sausage ( meat ) , In tin
palls , fc
SuriAii PerIb.-Cut loaf , 7Hc ; Cnhcs , 7e ;
St.mdaid , povvderoil , 7'ic ' ; XX.XX , inwclerecl ,
7 * 0 ; uriintiliiledstaiulard , IJae ; Coiifccllon
crs'A.ii'ic ; White , ISUra C , Cliiniix.Ce ; Ultra
O , Nebraska,5 ? < c ; Aiuber,5ie | ; UolilcnO.J'iC ' ;
Dark ( I , .lo.
MAI-I.K HllOAH-1'er Ib. no cal.cs : (0-lb ( boxes ,
lie ; lliccaKes , : iO-lb boxes , lij o ; I-lbbrlclis , 30
Ibs In liov , pure , lie.
CorrKK Hoasted Aiosla , 2.VJo ; Itunola ,
2Vic ; Meliuulilln XX-NX , 2i'io ' ; UITIIIIHI ,
ffl'ie ' : Dllwoilh's,25ic ; I lon , SM'iuMallpouch ' ;
SSlio ; Hoch.1 , : ) e ; O. (1 ( , JainiOc. :
C'OKMiK Uroen Kjinuy tioldcn Hlo , 2i'ic :
fancvold jicaberry , 24'ic ' ; Itlo. i'liolielo faney ,
? J'ie' ' ; Itlo , piliiie,22ei Itlo , iool,21ic ( ! ; Santos
anil eonimon Itio , ai > 3''lo ; Mocha , ' . ' 9c ; Java ,
foniilnoO.U. , Me ; Jaia , good , Intulor , i' c ;
Mnxlt'iiii. k.
Duiro KiuiiTS TnrklHli prunes , less than
lihdH , IbSfl. 7'io ' : original hhils. > | o less ; Uosnla
piiiiu-s. U Ibbo.NCS , 10J to 110 , 7Ici apples ,
evaporated , new rlns cholco. ITo ; evaporated ,
now ilns prime , I''o ; apricots , fnnoy , In sicks ,
SOu : IjInekliorrltM , ne , 10o | ra pbenlus , J'i Ihs
to hov.Milcurrintsnow,01ioiorIl : ! } al casks ,
'ie ' less ; Vostl za cnrraiiW. e.Mra , In boxes ,
UA > xnn ruuiT-Poaehei , perdo7'J7.7r .1.0n ,
Hurries a-ll > KOOsoboirlustl.B : ! run bur-
rlos. l.UMb : raspberrleil.iO2-lli , : ; blueber
ries , jl , ; ) ; J-lb Itlaukborrlt'S * 1S1. I'lnoupples '
-HuliiuiiatlioiipiHl. l. ' . . > ( ) : llahiima nllci > d.U.r 'i ;
llahuma KMted , $2.0.1 ; standanl , sliced. tl.'J.VS
1W ) . Cherilos 1Mb red. Ualllmoro , Jl.'tO ; lilto
ehorrli's. 9I.W. l'uars-2-ll ) , II.UO.
CurKKK Wisconsin K. C , twin flaH , per Ib ,
WoNconslu ; \ I'.U. , joun Aiiitrluiillu : brick ,
Uc : ( lonifitlo Swiss , 14@lu ; Kilaiii , in foil , ! LlinburKir , IS'ic. '
DATES IVrsIan , 0-lb box , 7c.
KAijiNM-Loiidiui layers , Oullfornla stand
ard , per bov , if. ' . * . " ! ! "horoshoi' , , " . ' .00 ; loose
iniibcateU. Uallfomla stanilunl , f' ; "Iiorse-
shoe , " $ an : "blar" looio muscatcU. J.
SllllUj QT i * ' ; Dllfc i i\r\.fw ( il u t i.v
fcoodiess California , ; California
sultans , In sacks , peril ) , be ; California
teds. In Hacks , tic nuw valciushu , We ; ralcnclas ,
old. CH. " , oniluralayer , old,1c. |
Svnui'S Aniher Syrup In bbls , IS ft 70 ( trade
3)c ) ; liilf hbls. Kei. 70trade,3io ( , | 4-siil keyt , No ,
70nraile , JI.31 ; 2-Kiilkltts , No , 70 crude , 78o |
Bui cans , lOln case , per easu. JOO ; 'i-Kalcans ' ,
111 Incuseper case , $1,10 ; vjiltoclovcrdrips. In
bbls.X'c : half bbls , : ilo ; 4-BiilAcgs. o.ich a.4.1 ;
8al palls , I'lich. Wo ; n 'kcandy driin. In
bbls.Mo : half bids , : i7e ; 4-kal iciseachjll.n0j
2-Kalnullsisaeh , Klc ; I'alllornla honey , hbls ,
; i7o ; linlf libls , Uht ; 4-gal ke'RH. II.IJ5 ; Z-palkltts ,
Kxi : H'al.l'J ' In uaae , H.M ; l-gal. 10 in case ,
oli'ocor.ATE 1Mb boxes , U.ILWSci German
sweet,224c ; I'arlslan , ajc.
OoroA I'or Ib , IMXcJUUe. " " 1
HiioMA Per Ib , : t2c , I n
UotoAMJr 1'erlb , la pkfis , 2fta27c ; bulkJ !
( & 2.1C , '
Sums MIxoilbird , L-lhpkgsf > c ; canary. 5c ;
hemp , 4He ; anlso , Itui ponpy. | 0c.
SIMCKS l'ei > | ier SInfjaiiore , slftdl , Ifil0iij
shot..Vc. Allspice , lOo. Uloiei I'cnan ; , sc-
Icctitl. 20e. Onslii Chlna.jWbniats , Oe. Nut-
iiioas , No , I , 75c ; fancy , larso,8.1o.
l''jMiiN.MHUd ) fiOdUM Il.irluy , : tjo ! : farina ,
5o ; iioas , Ilo ; oat nival. ! 3 litU1/ic ; niucnronl , 10 ®
lie ; vermicelli , WCIle ; rlcc , choice , .r > Vic ;
fuiiey , Go ; honJ. OVJcj SIIRO and tapiocaoa7c ;
llmiibeans , Uoi hplll pous , : tc ; hpagettl. Ilo.
Moi.AhSts llhls , N O fancy , nor Kill , . \V5t57c ;
cholCH. 4/47e ; Kooilu : ) , t'e ; Ouba , baking , a
Q > uicl bliick sirup , sea c ,
W AI 1 > 1N < I 1'Al'KII-StMW. ' per II ) , l'/i'S2iCI ' ;
rut' . io ; Manilla llr > ® fic ; No. 1 , be ,
OILS l'flprlmo white , Ho ; IV ) witer white ,
ii : < v 175 hoadllght , ll'iu ' ; Ji Kasolonc. ite : ,
, llbls , l.Sc ; Krunulated,2o , ; la bbls ,
IfsO ,
SODA Vkgs.W llwto Ixiv , R'iei kess , 4'Jo. '
VINKOAH l Kr. elder. Wo ; ( ood,12o : white ,
wine , irvci faney , fruit , ts )
KTDVK roiasii * 300ffMS7 pcrtroi. (
llins Am. iwr 100 , S17.B ; iowlslon. , per 100 ,
117.75 ; Union square , aiKM pcrcentotr lUt.
HALT Dui ry,2bO Ibs In Ubl.bnlk , I..IM Ixst
gradu , 005.S. fl ; best Kraile. IIX ) : b , t-.lJ ; but
Krudu , 16 10s. ( . > .2. > ! rock ball , crushed , tl.Kl ;
common , bbl. (1.25 ( ,
SonUastlle , mottled , per It , 0&10a ; do ,
while , peril ) . Ho.
PICKL.ES Medium , perbbl , 15.50 ; umall , JO.M ;
BUcriauil7. , ! Iiup. Dill , tlt.W , tiSual. cask )
33 int. bbl. 1000.
CiDKii-Perbbl.icnnnl , MJos li 1f bbl.
hard elder , pure , rcr bbl , fd.00 ; oratiiw older ,
hair , bM , JO.Mi pcnr elder , linlf bbl , } M.
COIIIIAIIK Jlaiillla rope AH tlrca from MB
to I In. ito ; shiil rope , nil H/CS | from Mil to 1
lnII'ic | "new process , " allilzcafroni7-17tol
u. So.
CoTTflx UOPE y-In. I6o.
7 > viNM Cottontwliie , "Illbb."vorv Onf , U
lbtiilc ) , EJocotton | twine , "Ial y" oranil , 't
Ibbalm , 18eliPtnptwlni | > . < lb bales , 18o ; nil
t lno. vOecnnillowlckJoIO-ft cottonclothrs
lines KVi in-ft cotton tlotlioi lines , f I.M ; id-tt
colloii lliiesll.40CO-ft8lsalllnc | < , Sl.tJ ; CO-ft
Jule , JUOj wool tvflnos.S'io.
NUTrf-Alinond l8cj Urjidl , Ho ; fllbtirls ,
IS'ju ' ; pecan , I4e ; walnuts , l e ; iieanut cocks ,
loci ronited , I'J'-icl Tcnncssue pciiniiK. Bo ,
Hiiooiis 5-tlc , narlur , Kl. < H ; 4-tlo , $ tiAMto ? ; ,
2i : | iiliiln.I.S. ( % | warchouso , SJ.OO ; toy ,
* l.M : wlilsk.ll.ixxsi.'S.
OMVM QuartMnonloz , 11.00 ; pintsporpoz , ,
$2'iOs bulk , per Kill. tC.c. . . ,
OANM.H JlKATS-C'ornod brcf , 1 Ib , II.SO ;
oorncd bpof , 2 Ibs , 8J.IO ; linicli loiiKiios , 1 Ib ,
S-/ii ) ; lunch toncucs 3 Ibs , n.7fl | bniwn , I Ib ,
* 1W ; Ijuwn , 211KJ.OO : ott M it 's Hi Ids.
J-'itK ) ; uUoniii > silbstlO , ; elilppfdboof , IK
Ib , loiinit cans , (1.20 ( ; rouvi beif , 2 Ib , round
eiins , if.iflj ; votteilhain , H Ib , round en us , Be ;
iiotlod hami ! Ib round ennx , ( I.a0 | doUlcd
Iinni , 'jib. roinnlcaiis,0.)0jiluvlleil luni , 'lib ,
round cans , Ji.SOi poltetl ox lonKiic , ! i Ib ,
round cans , St.'JO ; eompressvil limn , 1 Ib ,
s < | iiuro uati * , Ul'JJ ; coin pressed hum , fi Ibs.
biiiarociiiisf..7.lttrliir | , a 11) ) , round cans , 11.80 ;
inliiceil calons , alb , roil ml can * . 92bono ' ) ; -
lus pips'feel , a ib , M < iiiiro ! eiinst..a5 ,
VKCJITAIIIKS Timintoes-'l-lbOA't la , $1.10 ; f > -
Ib ] standard wesli-rn brands , lKo ) ; Billions ,
strictly standard , PLOO. Corn l'lnc < t Krowti ,
Slid ; iillt-cilKi'd snsnr cum.eryllne.ll.M ) ;
clioIceMl ) snpar corn , tl,10 ; a-lb oxlra vest-
tnn liraiuli , * 1 OOs S-ib iliindirtl wi-sliTii
br.indi 1I 1 iM.oo. Wushrooms-l-lbrroiidi.cxlrii
lliiis I 2Ml2 , " > ei l-lb Freneh , Hue. ISU''e ; l-lb
J Ifioueh , or < llnat y , KHJISo. I'LIIHTro.lint' ' , per
can , 2.V diml-ilno , per ciin , ICc ; a-lb s'flud.
$ Mfl ; 2-lb early .liliU'.JI.riOS-lb ; nnirrov , st.ind-
iinl br nrtstl.K2-lb : ) | > .iluil.N'ic. Strlnjt Ijcans
3-llililKh crude , HC-MKI-C , ! . < ; a-ll ) Golden
beins.l.i0Mb } | > trliu bonus. Wo. Muni
bi'Hiis-2-lljsiiill ( ( , B.V. Ilostdti Iliikul beans
Il-lb Lewis. II.IV > ; Crown : " > .Swedpo-
tnloos-i-ll l : ) New Jeni'V , II.IK ) . I'uinpkiiw : t-
Ib , fl.IO. Okra and tcicatoes jl K > : okra , 11.00 ;
succotash , tl.-O.
QuiMNK-I'er or , V.fc.i. . , 44c ; .
liiuljjo , i > or II ) , 7'ie ; insect ponder , 21 ; opium ,
81.15 ; morphine , per 07. $ -1.10 ; hops. JUT lltuc ) : ;
Klyci-rlni' , 2e ( ) ; iluxtrlno. We ; ciiltltbone , . > . > oj
cri'iiniluitu. pure , Ji.'c ; commercial. lHocam-
Iihor. Mo ; am. earl ) , He ! bluevllrol , 7'ie ' ,
Aoui-Uniliollc , : ci342c ; cltilj , 43 < 2lSctar- !
( JiLS-Spcrni < ill. $1.10 ; ' itirpentlin',4SoToii
ki beans. ! j..VIli.l ' : ; baNam toiilu. 4IC6l5ecal- |
( ) mi'lHi.U7ci | ( ( eanthaildes , $ I. , Kiiln ; cissln
Iiuds , axit2.'c ; ililoriiforin. 4VjJ5jc ! ; cigol , 47 ®
fiV ; Kiim arable , 5.Vi'i. ( ' ' > clyeopocliuni , 40aiie : ;
luureury , SCt,1.
The piny of "OloOleson" will to given nt
lloycl's ' for the llrst time In Omalia on next
Sunday excntng , This U the llrst play ever
produced with nSwcclisli dialect character ,
and is fully as amusing as cither tlio Irish ,
German or Yniikeo chanictcr plays. The
Minneapolis .Tounmlsuidof the piece : "Com
ing hero uulicnildcil the silt jumped Into
jiopular favor at once , and the company
played to tlio full capacity of the liousoevery
night , On four nights the 'stumlingroom
only' Hi n was displayed , nnil oil two other
nights theoroliestiMWiu plnccd onthostugo
to make room for tlio crowd. "
"The Sllll Alarm. " .losepb Artnur-s great
romantic draina.willhcspUyedat Boyil'soi > eva
louscoii Monday , Tuesday und Wednesday
cvenhiKs of next week. Tlicrclsnottiiiifjln all
: he ran eof sensational drama that forexeil-
UK interest ean equal tlio lire engine scene ,
larry LSIPV pliys the part of .lack JIaiily ,
vlmli in bts hands become famous ,
The A. M. Palmer company will piny tlio
-jllnivitiK reportoin ) nt Bojd's opera liouso
on lAiday und Saturday of next week : lfi\- \
lav cvcnltip'Aunt Jaelc'1 and "A Man of
ho World ; " Hatunluy iniitinee , "Jim , tlio
" ' 'Saints nnd
Penman ; Saturday evening ,
Sinners. "
TheEilcr islusoe , under the management of
WillLavlor , I ? oiioof the best 1'amlly reports
a tlio wot. The attractions this week are
Jlrst class la cicry particular. Little Aniile
STclson , the niMget. is invondcr ininorownjs
.hail one , Being out uu atom In t > ie , slio
also has a beautiful voice and dally amuses
lor heartrs by songs and ballads , Tlioeuiio
department is replete vlth curioilties , Tlio
, vax llRures tire us near life-like us art and
Ingenuity can make them , The different
stngo performances are amusing and instruc
tive , The Hcwletto trio create more fun and
merriment in an hour than others do In n
day ,
SOUTH OM.illst. VEH'S.
, V Sllplit Fire.
"yesterday morning Jiira 1C. Snrfus ,
resldlngat'2018 W street , attempted to pour
a bucket of gAsoline into a boiler of boiling
clothes. The oil Ignited In an Instant and
Mrs , Surfus became enveloped inflames.
She throw her wet apron over her head
and thus protected her fueo from the flames.
Her clothes were neaily hurneil oflT her , but
fortunately she received only slijht lurtison
the hands. W M. Searlo and II. O. Hull ,
the latter the father of Mrs. Surfus. re
sponded promptly to her cries for help. Tlio
lirst mentioned i\ris \ siuseJovei' his hands ,
head ana face , while Mr. Swrlo's left liana
was badly burned anil his ri ht lianel and
head and face were painfully binned.
Itescuo h < hO VMS at tlio scene In a few
minutes and easily ejetliij-uishcd thofltunos.
At tlio Delmonico ,
Sixty couples , oneh.df of them from
Oinahn , greeted Jlrs. lllla Christ at the Dcl-
monieo hotel Tuesday night. Good music ,
pleasant danciii and a palatable supperaf-
foriled everjhody entertainment until a late
St. Dunes' SclionlOcncd.
St. j\Kncs' parochial school , under the
cliarnoot the Sisters of IPiovidcnce , opened
Tuesday with an enrollinciit of 119. The ac
complished sisters have included almost
everytbiiiR inthellnoof classical nnd busi
ness studies in the curriculum drawliip ,
fancy worlc and iniiitlnR for ladles nnd typewriting -
writing , stenography , etc. , for any who de
sire to en tor the classes.
The torco attendance on the first day \vns \
Ratifying to llcv. lAitherMomrity and en
couraging to the sisters.
Held Cor Iliinlury.
Charles Camp , alliis Ililcy Kemp , came hero
f or safety but the vigilant eye ot tlio South
Omaha police sized him upas a man wanted ,
and after two days' confinement Marshal
Maloney was rewarded forhis good judgment
by receiving a telegram from Sheriff Callo-
way of Clinton. Mo , requesting that Camp
bohelilaudthathc would come on the first
train lor the prisoner on a requisition for
house-broaWufj. _
Attaclicd MortRaKOil IVojierty ,
William Schmlcltlo brought in a car load of
cattle from Eustls consigned to the McCloud-
L.OVO . commission company and received $200
on the consignment. AS'llllain Mickey of
Kustis claims to have a mortgniro on the cattle
tlo and has Issued an attachment out of Jus
tice Levy's court.
AlJiiut the City.
Prank Tchinliuhl , who came from Wl con-
sin to wort for O. Winklcr near Jeltor's
lirowcry , died in St. Joseph1 shostiltal Tues
day morning nt 8 o'clock. 'J'ho funeral ar
rangements will not bo made until his friends
may lie notified of bU death.
Dr John M. Glasgow his leased the west
room In the Joslla build Ing , No , 240 $ N street
for the postofllco.
Maputo , aged fourteen months , daughter of
Anthony and Maggie Smith , residing nt
Thlrty-Uf th and L streets , died at I ) o'clock
jcstenlay morning , and will lo buried
In St , Mary's ' cmottry atUo'cloolithts morn-
For resisting and abusing OHlccr Michael
Jlanhon Judno King lined Christ Oloson $1U
aud costs.
Arthur W. Saxo , Albert Kelly and D. A ,
Vouns got ninety praiito chickens during
tholrtlireo days' hunt atStanton.
M. P. Blanchurd o [ tlio commission firm ot
P.ilmcr , lllanclwrd & Co. , last ovming
sprained Ills right ankle and is laid off duty ,
A slight collision hotweon two motor cars
at A street yesterday morning scared the
passengers and almost upset thocara , No
one mis liurt.
John Hall , the Omaha man , wanted for as ,
caultlngllltlo Llda Corcoran , failed to ap-
pcan before J micro King at the tlmo sot for
his uppearauco uud an ofliccr will bu sent
ListMatlnoo on SaturJ.iy.
\V. T.
To-nl litl.i8t ( tlmo ) , , , . . , , .
" ' . "
"Tlnyiiein's Ueo lltiulkcretiKI.
To-morrcif Nt ht ( onlr tlmo ) . "Irmlnlo. "
KrlJ r Nliht ( iMttlnio ) . The llrlEiind ) . "
Hntnnlity Mntlioo. . 'Xnmm. "
. . . . . . "Ilorollij. "
Onlr rcniilarprlcoifflll tnchno ) < l durltuthlstn-
-1)V ) JOttliL -A.UTHUIJ. .
Introlitcltif Iliufnnul Hntlnn Ilou < u widic' , nllh
tlio > > IjlKblnliiiilllich" . ixnJllio ili linf lnr < uH and
fulltlru ( iiii | > nnjr to tlio inntliiiiriitl n , nilmltlH to
liotlio most tlillliiKfL'unacvor'liocJiiii [ | | : tlio ( Ir.nin-
Ill lo pill oil milo Saturilay uurnliii ; , nt
rciiulnr p-leos
n n v n1 Q
l'"lr > t niipcnrunro InOninlin of J II Sliiiiik'a ' lati'
n n I KI u ili-s t nmieilf nc\lty ,
The llrd Aincrlonn coincily ever proiliucit viltli n
SuL'HI'h ninlcot Character MS Iho Ccntrnl KlKurc.
BON118I N.J11W U A
"And tUeBaiia Played OL.1J OLSON. "
rlre'f. Sentson siiloSiitnrilnyniuriilni. .
Grand Opera HoJ 6
Vecl { ComnicncingSniT'ay.Sc ' . pt. 7
\VithSaturday Mntineo.
Newton : Beers ,
Simdiy. Slondiy mid Tuo-chy , "Lo > t In
Loiuliin. "
\Vo \ < lno-tlay , Thursday and 1'rlaiiy , "Tnocii
( , iiiiillnooaiKl iilxlit , "CrlcltctOn
The llcurtli. "
ElcK'i t Pcinory , Hosiutl fill Coslu in c .
I'oiiulnr prices aa5 , und We. Hex sheet
open b.ituniiiy.
The Grand
- IN THE -
Firemen's Ward.
l'oiulni | Prices ; rcscriod scats , Kc , 33c. 5Cc
D me
innic Nelson Souorctu
QuSiuBoii.Litllc , ,
I-l O W" Ix EITTB. Till O ,
Grolcsqua Slnfk Wlio I'crforui.rj.
One DliTie A.cmiLs to
Passige to ind from Great Britain ind all
parts of Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the
waters olSt. Laurence , shortest olall. Olasjow to
Boetoii , toPhlUclolphla. Liverpool lo ana from
Baltimore. THrty Steamers. Clnio excelsior.
AccommodationB iiosurpaased , Weekly silllngl.
AI I\Ri k CO. . Oen. Vest. Ag'tB.
C.J.Sundell. wu..ter,112riaalleSt.Chlciico , II
Cabin P isago$35 to $50 , according to location Of
Itateroom. Excunlon65 to$95.
Stccrnfrcto nmltroraHiiropo utlxiwcFt Units.
AU8TIM eUDWIM &CO.Genenl Agents.
63 Broidway , NEW YORK.
Jnn. Illescn , General Wistern Ajcnt , 12
Randolph Strict , Uhlcago. Harry E , Moore ,
Jos. L/'aniiu.
i T.urpe t , Faflcit and Klncuf. In the \VoilJ.
0. I CmCA8SIA.Bept.M.
DBVONIA , Bept , 13. | AXCJIOIllA.Scpt.27.
NewVork , Queonstown and Liverpool ,
TheCololrntod I Sept. 2010. Oct. Utb.
ratuion lmeit trniiit totnd front thi prlnrlnnl
EiciirilontUkctit rwliici-0 , inailo nvnl ! ldi , to irtiirn
I'Xlli-.erllin iiiftiiri' iuo C'ljilu. Klvtr JJi cyN'orClior
Bouth odrrlanl Nmlnorimiralltir.
ot low cut current riteR. Apply in any of our lotal
ufrntu , or to HENDERSON DRO8 , , ChloORO.
T ocal a ont at Omaha : Harry I ! . Moore
OliirlesMaus . Vulll.ll. 1' , Douol. Citi
zen's Hank. Ulto Wolf
London , England.
Amsterdam , Holland.
liny nnil neil Anicrlrnn iccurltlca on cumralnlon
onUndun a ml mi all Contlnentul nnrkeli.
new loins
Mortgage Bonds in Railway , Gas ,
\Yateranil other Companies
ontho imonnt InrmtM on roiuinlimlon or < tlcr ! <
irlio. U'o uro pri.'psroil tonututlmotlio nloodiirKi
IndUBtrlal unilerlnklnKBiin | < l Inlroiliuu KnvllHhcupl
tillntoiuunilooiicoriiH.Voll citabllnJiol vunturui
only , l vln iiKooil record , takoa In huml. Vo at-
1tr to tlio Now lork I'ruiluco Kifliiiint ) Hunk o.
Hio.Klnair. tin * Vtitk , vrliloli bank it proiunl Imvu
iKculrlllui uluoO nt oicr fVll.UOO uiilonxliiu lo "
Moltliulnvt'itmoiil. All noiuiuunlcatloiii to to uU
drcMHOI to
1'JOflBKV ViciuuiAHriiier , UIVIXN , 1C u ,
UKMtV LUWXXfliW , AIiuBk-lug Uliectc
Omaha Manufacturers
and Hliocs.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Shoo Co , 110) , 1104 ma 1101
llntncr Slrpcl.Omnliii , Neb
STO11Z & 1L.EII ,
Lager Beer Brc\\crs \ \ ,
Nctlh iMli Street , Onintin.Ncb.
. ' \
llannfaclarcrs of Galtanizcd Iron ( ornla
\Vtmlow \ cinnj \ | motnllo ! > lrll liH. Jobn Froiu-m
imii'tlrtor ' IWiiul HJPtiuili IQUi tr t.
AttlHts' M.
A. IIOSI'E , Jr. ,
Aitlsts1 Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1113 UoiiKlniBtrcct , Otinlin. Neb.
Conl , Coke , llto.
Jotters of Hard and Soft Coil , ,
B.E. Cur. lUtlian.l IKiuehi Streets , Omnhi , Not.
Wholesale Cigars ,
m N ICtliflrL-ol "IlrlloI'MlW.
Dry Guilds niul N'otloiiH ,
W. 12. SMITH A CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods ind Miom
Corner 1 lib unit How mil Street * .
importers and Jobbers in Dry Cools ,
Qunti' Kurnlslilnit nmiH. Corner Mill anO lluinoi
Blrt'Ui , Omiliu , Nob.
Wholesale Dealers in Fmniturc ,
Karnnni Street , Omnlin , Nobraskiv.
Omnliu , Nobm < kiv.
Wholesale Grocers ,
l.lhnaU > cmcnvfortli jjtrout , UmnliiNebrnt U.
Jjiinilior. lto. !
" " " "
Dealers in Hardwood lumber ,
Ttril 1310 N. ICtU HI , Onulia.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc ,
Imported nnil American PnrUiiiri Cement. Bt t4
meolfor lllhvniiki'u llrilnmllu Cement , anl
Qulncy lUiltoUmo.
Dealer in Hardwood Inrnbtr.
Wood oriicts niul rnnj net tloorlnu , Otli anil Uonjls
etruuti , Oimlm , Aebraalio.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Comcrdth nnil DouKlo Street , Omiha.
MtlUncry mid Notlonn.
& CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
208,210 , antl212fiouttllltliltrcct
Notions :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishiiig Goods ,
1124 Ilarncr btrcpt. Omalin.
Wholesale Refined and LuDricatlng Oils ,
AxUgrooae , etc , Omaha. A. II. llihopMuinzar. ) (
' .
1'npcr. _
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry * nice stock o prlntlm , wrtippliiKand rlttm
pupcr. Bpecltl attention I'lvon la cnra pujer.
SafcB , Etc.
A. L. DEANE < 5c CO. ,
General Aftonta for
Halls' Safes ,
South 1011) St , Omaha.
K. HARDY ic CO. ,
Dolls Albums Goon's
Toys , , , Fancy ,
UounrurntslilniiGoiBls , CMlitron'i Cnrrlacci. 1201
In nun sir cut , Omalin. Neb
"Water Supplies.
Slcam and \Valcr \ Supplies ,
Hnlllday Ind mills. 918 nmtSKZOJonosit. , Omaha ,
U. F Una ) , Actinic Manager ,
Iron "Works.
Wrought and Cast lion Building Wort ,
Incs , tirnsn vork , gcnornl foundry , nmclilno onj
blackiinlthwork OHico nml worki , U.I' .
lly ma lltli Direct , Cmulio. ,
Haril'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults. Jail work , Iron Htiiittcn nnd Hro C'cnpei.
U , Andreonproi , 'r , Corlllli ana Jtckson Htn.
, DoorH , Ktc.
M. A. DI3BEOW & CO. ,
Wholesale manufacturers of
Sasa , Doors , Blinds arid Mouldings ,
Branch office , IJtti and Irard Blreeta,0iiinlia , Nob.
Of Soutli OniiLia. Limited ,
National Bank
Copitnl. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 C7.SOO
Oniccrinnd Dlrpcloru.Henry Vf. Yatc , rrcmldentt
IxjwlHS. Reed , Vlco-l'niKlduiH ; J liioi\V. firuifrVfc
V.Morn . .lolinS. Oillliii , U. 0. Uuinliitf , J. K.
L'otrlck , W. U.S. IJivlion , cashier.
Corner llth ami FarnninSU.
General Uanklna lluslncss TranjaetcJ.
National Bank ,
Capital , - - - $ AOOOOO
Surplus , - 44OOO
Onicon midlllrcitor x-A. 1' . Hi'pklM * , iiroiMnt i
W ( i. Miul , Tli-o picsliltiit. irrcMllllllunl , i-iulilerj
K.ll. llrrnntm > lHlantl tn hlir : Ct'linrlvi Tnrnar , .
J- . \Mllluui , K. M. , ff , l JIuy , li. M
AVcOffcr for Sale ,
Four tlionwand ton1' cholco llnloil llny.F. O ,
11 , earn , htrun n'a BlillnK , la it on cir IfomleU
HMtloin , onU. X it bl. 1' . It. 1C.In , luU tumilt
nureliiuur ; prloei ru nlatol Ijy tlio
Cull ami Heouu.
. . . .
* * i IMtt'.AJ ' 1tf * * JW.