Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A UVEIlTtSEMENTS for tlieso columns will
JtX be taken until 1"IO : ! p. m , for the evpnlnic
edition and until H:30 : p. ML. for the morning
edition nnd SUNDAY HBB.
rpEUMSCash In advance.
"OATHS ArtTcrllsementson thlspacowITI be
jLVcharcod for at Ilioratoof 15J cent prr word
for the Itriit Insertion and 1 cent pnr worn for
fachBUl ) equpnt Insortlnn , nnd JI.SD per Una
per month. No advertisement taken for less
than 3 cents ( or the Drat Inrnirtlon ,
TNlTIAl.S , figures , symbols , etc , , count each
J. an one word
TIIiESH advertisements must run consccn-
lively nnd under no circumstances will
they bo taken or dlicontlnticd by telephone.
"OAHTIK9 rulvcrtljInK In tlieso columns and
JU having tlielranswersaddroiscd to a "num
bered letlor" In care of TUB IlKP. will receive
anuinburcd check to rntiblc thoin to jjct their
letters. Answers will he delivered only on
presentation of this cliocU. Kncloso answers
Jn rnvelopcs properly addressed.
A lilt ndvortlspmcnts under tlio liead of
"Special Notices" nro publl'hcd In both
mornlnc nnd evcnlnp editions of THE llr.K. the
olrciilatlnii of which nRprexato'i more than
20.000pujicrs dully , nnd elves the advertiser
io iM-nt-flt not oiily of the Inruo circulation of
TIIK llr.K In Omalia. but also In Council HlulTs.
nnd other cltlfs nntl towns In the west
Advcrtlslns ? for those columns will be taken
on the nhovo conditions , at the following bust-
reshomes who are authorl/ed to takespoclal
notices at the sumo rates as can bo hud at too
rnnIn olllce.
N Street. Mstcr Illnck.
JOHN W. IJEM..rhaimaclstS20SouthTenth
Oil A Pi ; k rnHY , Stationers nnd 1'rlnters ,
lii : South 10th Street. .
J. IlUdlinS , I'harmaclst , 0 4 North 10th
t Stiect.
Q KO. W. 1'AKIl , I'harmaclst , 1718 Ieaven-
wntth Street.
LTUGllKS' rilAUMACY , 21th and Fnrnnm.
Vonata , tic , , ifc tup nf fnt rnltlmn on tltli rage.
iJ-'llbYnci ' for students , inalo and
female , who will work nights and morn
ings for their boitd. Address , Standard Husl-
ncss col lego. N. Y. Life bldg , 731 0
, . work as salesman
or In a warehouse by uMnrlnman.SOyours
old , Inning experience In hardwaio und
< | iiccnsari ! . and sneaking both the Ccrnian
and Scaiulanavliin liinsnnecs. Coed ! reference.
Address No a Ueo ofllcc , Lincoln , Nob. 700-3
l/\7ANTED Situation fornn honest.rclinblo
hey , sixteen years old. Address M OR. Ilco
oniep. Kin-ri
For iTiftii , ttc. , tec top of frst enliirim on l/itt /
V\f ANTKU-Hnxery olcrk ; icforonco ro-
I quired. Newman Itros. , Cor. 10th nnd
Center. 72i > 4 *
"V\7"AN"ni-A boy at Motz's fish market ,
41J.-J ; . Jilthst. TJO 2
vyAVran-lloys nnd Klrls at Murphy"
iWnscy A Co.'s chair factory. 7ti : 8
P " \57 ANTLD A flrst-cluss wagon nnd ciir-
b f rlago worker. Shamblln & Scott. South
Omnha , Neb. 723-0 *
" \X7ANTii-lly ; aw oil known New Vorkcl-
I " car itiaimfactorv. saluiiuin t < carrv a
! line of siiei-lultles In low prlcoil clears , on lib -
or.ilcoiiinilmlon. Address , ulth full paitlcu-
lariandrcfotciiccs , I' . O. box 2H7 , Now York
city. 748-4 *
"VU'ANTn'D Salesmen to soil goods to iner-
' uhnntH by samnlc ; salary jiald to good
nu-n ; snnilos | fiirnlshedpcriiiaiicnt ; sltiuulon.
filodol Manufacturing Co. , iSonth llend. Ind.
707 SJO *
" \ \ * ANTRD A good physician who can Bnoak
< to locate at Ilcndcrsion , Neb.
. 70C 7 *
\\7ANTnD-A younK man tnsnll Domestic
* \ > RonlnR maohlnn. who has had exnerlenco
Jn the business. Address S. H. Smith. Lead
City. S. Dak- . . 709 8 *
" \\7AIS TED Men to travel for our Can nil Inn
T nur8orlesStono4WolIlugtotiMadIson.Wls
"V\7 ANTED Salesmen at ? 75 per month isal-
i nry and expenses to sell a line of sllvor-
lilated ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ;
JiorsQ : inu team furnished free ; write at once
Tor full particulars and sample cnso of goods
free , btandard Silverware Co. , lloston. JIass.
\\7 AM'ED--'JOO laborers for extra road
Kuua-5. Apply to I' . H. Johnson , It. & SI.
pa fonicr ! depot , Omaha. fwl
" \\7 AM'HD Salesman on salary orcommls-
Hlon to handle new patent chemical Ink
rr.iahiKpencil. The greatest soiling no\clty
e\er produced , r.rascslnk thorouchly in two
, . s ; no abrasion of paper. 200 to DOO per
cent profit. Ono agent's Miles amounted to
tOM In six days : another ja ; In two hours. Wo
' yantotip onorRotlo general agent for each
mate mid territory. Sample by mnll 35 cts.
For terms and full particulars address The
Monroe Kraser Mfg. Co , , La Crosses \VIs.
* 654-2 *
" 117" ANTED Aflrst-classtravcllnR salesman
T ( noother need apply ) , to sell boys' and
children's clothing In Nebraska. I'ollnk &
Etruss,31S llroadway , Milwaukee , Wls.
\\T ANTKD-100 patent right men to sell ter-
T rltory on commission. Itcforenco re
quired. Address J. 1' . IJcermtikor , Chester ,
Nob. 4.Yi-'i *
\\rA.NTEP-riOO men for Utah nnd Nevada ;
Y wnRi's .00 to 1250. Albright's Labor
Agency. Hit ) Karnam Bt. irjfi
7 UTY canvassers on salary and commission ,
V/exporleni-ed ngent-s prcforre * ! ; must give
Bcctirlty or city reference. Aplily 0:1)0 : ) toll a ,
in. , Oinuhii Watch Club Co. , 1014 Capitol ave.
ANTHD Three first class tueii to represent -
sent thu Omaha lice In and nut of the elty
Call nttho special olllco of Omaha lleo , corner
17th and Karnam .ground floor. 077
tcrtatu. etc. , cf ( oji o/imt column on i/ik jxtf/e.
" \\7ANTKD Ono peed innehlno clrl to work
IT onjiatits. Enquire314 North 18th , upstairs
\\rANTEO-Lady agents. I have 1,000 asonTs
i inalvliiK a good ifspcctablo living soiling
my itoods for ladles'and children's wear. Am
constnntly designing novelties. Have n MOW
mid upmlorfii ! seller for fulltradc. Address ,
with stump. K. 11. CamphDlI , 454 West Kan-
dolph si. , Chicago , 111. 747-3
"XirANTI'D A girl for general housework at
ailCfuUforulast. 736 a *
WANTED An oxperloncrd clrl for general
housework. Sirs. G. T. Nelles , IftM Capitol -
_ tel ave. 7UI-'a *
2537 Ciimltig st.
" \\7"AN VKD Oompotant cook and laundress.
> Apply .Mrs. W. II. McCord , 20J 3.18th st.
i\7"ANTED-Glrl for housework In family of
II three. Apply b4QS 17th st. 71i ) 4 *
WANTKD-A good girl for housework. Mrs.
llenawa 32J4 Hurt st. 7224
WANTEI > A lady for offlco work , ono hav
ing taught preferred. ltoom407Shool blg.
U for swonuwort and Bow
ing. Apply morning or evening. 1203
r-ark uvo. 712-3 *
" \\7ANTKD A nice , neat girl for general
> > tiousework. Apply at ouce at No. 1041 S.
COth st. 714-3'
\\7"A > TE ! > Lady stenographer nnd typo-
it writer that understands bookkeeping.
Ftnto salary wanted , 1'osltlou permanent.
AddnvsNll , Hoc 7JC-2 *
AGOODcookwnntd Ills. O. SI. Uaatcr. 'J.M
l'iimun : street. TM-1
\\T A N T K D A girl for general housework In
II family of two , must bo agood rook ,
Mrs. llopeucll. 414 N. 10th et. . up stairs. M4
WANTED At 1910 Oapltol avc. a second
girl. 0103 *
LADIES out of employment wanted nt 1
Saimders st.second lloor. room 1. C073 *
WA.XTKI--Glrl ) for general houscwork.faru.
lly three. l ! i a20th st , ( W5 3 *
WANTED-Good girl , family of two. En-
quIroTUS. bth. C91-2
\\7"A5 < TED Immediately , trfo girls for
i > liUulien w ork- . Duran liouso , 423 S. IMh bt. ,
ono block south of the court houso. 090 8
WANTED-A good cook. F. E. Moorcs. 017
8.18th. 01U5 *
\T7ANTKD Competent Klrl for general
T liiiibovork. JuM I'oppleton ave. OJt )
LADIKSnanted to learn a simple and per
fect system of dress cuuliiz , 1715 Dodge st
\TTTANTKIV A young girl to assist In taking
TT euro of chlUfreu. Mrs. Warren Swlliler ,
Kom.Mury'savo. C09-2J3
GIKLViintcd , Bti'udy girl , tlratelaas cook
und luiinrtrrw. Jlust be tboniUKbly com *
krteut nnd vtttll reoommtmded. Wngos IT. per
Vcelf. Sin. Wllllutu Loudou. COO S fttU st.
A THOIlODailLY compotcnl cook can liava
ii-pcrnianont employment by applying to
Mrs. Uuy U. Ilarton , No. 3103 California st
Reference required. CSIO *
For rate * , etc. , * < lop of Jlnl c ltimn on th It rxigt
TT NOAaKMENTS tododrcss-malilntr In fain-
Jimics solicited. Miss Sturdy , TO S ilh avo.
_ 4S.Vg37 _ L
roil U13NT HOUSUS.
For rate * , ete. , ret topof Jlttt column on this pooi.
JL nlltirotVA tJOondh or les.i it security Is
lufllclcntt also 11-room brick boarding hnif-o.
ftirnltuioall now , for 4.-iO on time , location S
blocks wc < tot 1' , O. Co-Operatlvo Land and
Lot Co. , SB N. 16th st. 747 4
T71URNISHEI ) liouso for six months. Ilcst of
Jv orcferenecs , Address N" 12 , oaro Dec * office.
725-1 *
YOU wish to rent a liouso orstoro see II. E
Cole , Contentlal block. K2
rpo KENT llousaof 8 rooms , cast and north
J-front , corner 28th nnd AYoohvorth ave. ,
all modern prmvctilcncos $ M per month , 0.
" Harrison , Oil N Y , Life. & .VJ
TTIOR KENT--7 room nat. COfl S. 13th st. WO
-L1 per month. Apply at The Fair , J. L. llrau-
dols&b'ons. 5.71
"T71OH KENT Sept.l. cottage wlthaUmodoin
-L ? Improvements , 1521 fehermau ave. 557
OH HENT To responslbln parlies only ,
those llnu new brick nnd stone houses on
Ororjrla avenue ! tlftcon rooms and
more conveniences and better finished than
nny linuxo for rent In the city. II. II. Hender
son , 4M ) 1'nxton.blocU , city. 658
rr-HOOM house with barns nominal rent. 0 ,
I HarrisonUll N. Y. Llfo. 5T.O
" 1T1OR HENT-Doslr.ibln 8-rpom hoti e. all
Jt ? modern Improvements ; excellent location ,
sodilod yard front nnd rear. Convenient to
wholosaln district ni'd new union depot. Good
location for physician. Apply 1112U 10th st.
T71OK Ul'.NT To small famllv. six-room f ur-
JU nMiod eottngo , very dqslraple , elnio to
motor. Long lease to right party , llutt's
I'.cntlng agency , 220 S. 15th st. CSO 7C3
HOUSES Korlent-21C ! Cassst..5ins Cass St. ,
'J418 C.iss st. . 10 and 14 rooms ; all conven
iences. Chus.W. Kiilnoy , 315 Omaha National
bunk building. & > * >
f)8-iooin houses , till modem conveniences
'ultli barns. 2 blocks fiom motor. OlUPuMon
blk. 5W
TIOR ItENT 7-room pouth and east front
cottage , 8M per month. Wright .t Lasbury ,
Arlington blk. Ifa5
FOR RENT 1 four-room house. Inquire
1'rcd Kluc , 150TiS. 4th st. 490 A
PT-KOOSI house. South 24thwest of shot tower.
J tX5 Sl5
LOOK-Low rent , desirable modern lionsei
Acottujjes , Enquire 1'arrotto rental agency
FOR KENT 9 room brlcK hou e , east front ,
on Georgia avc. . Just north of Leaven-
worth ; every conveniences newly painted and
repaired ! Is in llrst class shape ; asphalt pave
ment. To rosnonslblo party , } iO. 51 A. ttpton
Co. , ICth nnd I'm mini 1S5
DESIRAHLK dwellings , all parts of the city.
Rent ranging from J12 to W ) monthly.
Smcaton St Allen , lOW Karnam st. TUO-sO
TTUJR ItENT 7-ronm cottage with barn , 2Cnd
JL ? nnd Leaveimoilh , $3) ) per month to good
paity. U. F. Harrison , ( ill N. Y. Life. SOO
"I710R RENT A liouso of all conveniences ,
JL7 centrally located. Inquire 712 N 10th st
T710R RENT Afrioom house , near to renter
J of business , I00 [ also brick 5-room house ,
same location , J15. TheSIeud luvcbtmcnt Co. ,
442 lleo build Inc. U7f.
For ratff , ttc. , trr. top of fnt column on t ) itr
FOU KENT Or.o largo south front room ,
with alcove. g s and bath , ono block from
motor , Tn one getlomun 115 , to two $18. 2000
Davenport. 74VS *
T710U KENT-Hooms with board , 1S11 Cassst.
-U 7175 *
SEVERAL nicely furnished rooms und board
may bo had at the n. w. corner 20th and
Hurt st . House has all model n conveniences.
Moderate rent , Mrs. llcekmnn. 7 4-4 *
ENGAGE furnished room for winter , with
steam heat , southern exposure. 521 S. K > th
St. , Hat D. 700-U *
FOU ItENT Furnished loom with board.
1D11 Douglas st. 05-7
FOH RENT Twohandsomo furnished rooms ,
S. 28th. between I'tirnnm and Leaven-
worth. Address N10 Bee olllco. CSO 2
O FHONT rooms for rent. The Jlcrrlam. 25th
> und Dodge. CD47 *
furnished rooms and board , with
JLi i bath , 1017 DoUgo St. COJ7 *
8-ROOM lioitbe. 33d and Cumin ? , JJ5 per
month. U , F. Uarrlson. Oil N. Y. Life. C.V )
PK1VATE family nicely situated in modern
residence will accommodate a few boarders
desirous of n pleasant homo and flrst-cla-s
accommodations ! references exchanged. 2J30
Hnrncy st. C45-3 *
ItKNT rurulshed rooms , 1WJ Douclas.
T710H HENT I'urnlshcd rooms ; cas.bath and
-1 ? steam. 1510 llow.iid. M3
rp\VO elegant front rooms en suite , suitable
J- for three gentlemen , all conveniences , gas ,
bath , steam. 707 S. ICth st. 07J-S *
URNISIIED rooms with board. 407 North
10th bt. , Paul block. C71-2 *
TTtUUNlSHKD ItOOJIS Single or In suite.
A ! East front , furnace heat , hot water , RHS ,
etc. S33 X. 15th St. 04fi
TJOOJIS furnished , with board. UI2 N.17th.
JLv en 10 *
PLEASANT furnished room nultablo for
gentleman and wife. CM S. 17th t > t. 527 2 *
TT1UKNISIIED rooms for rent. 1903 Oapltol ave.
JS 520 4 *
AFUUNIHlIEn room , suitable for two. 2010
California st. 613 4 *
TT71OU UKXT Nicely furnUhed rooms with
JL' board , gas , bath , btcain. 1721 Davenport st.
TTIOU UENT Furnished looms , 1314 Daven-
Jt ! port street. GCO-2 *
Oli KENT Nicely furnished room with
board ; references.X > 7 raruatu st.
TDOOJIS 7 , J3. 112. 007 N 19th.
251 4 *
ST. OLAlREuropeanhotcl.wlth dining room ,
steam heat In all rooiub , lUth-Uodge.
Special rates by week or mo. 2iJ
Forratu , etc. , see top of fret cultimti im this poof ,
O ONFOUNISIIED rooms. 2 nice large ones
J un I couo small for housekeeping.VX )
Uouglni. EC-4 *
T71OU KENT Two uufurnlshod rooms at 013
JU N 17th street. 715-4 *
G-HOOMS unfurnlsrted and rooms furnished
for rent hi Uuggati block , cor. IDth aud 1'a-
clllc. Ml
r ? UNrUItMSHKD rooms for housekcuplng ,
' ' ( III S 17th ave , between Jackson und Leaven-
worth. iJ4-i : *
O SU11T.S rooms , 17U'j ! Jackson st. Apply
3 JflSt. Mary's ftvo. 451
TJ10II KEXT-a rooms , unformsuod , 210 N 13th
-Pbt. . prlce > 10. 6 4
For rater , etc. , eee tup of firtt coluinn on thlt jwae.
IXOIt ITENT llffck warehouse , two storlo
uiulliahoun'iit , 'J7,000 square feet , with ICO
Ieet of doubto track on U. 1' . railway , south
20th and fierce atretts. Address C. Oskatup
Omnhu , Nob. IXU
JTIOU KENT The 4-htory brick Dulldlnir , with
-L' or without power , formerly occupied by the
lleo Publishing Co. . Old I'nrmimst. The build
ing hasa lire-proof cement basement , complete
steiim heating fixtures , water on all the lloo re ,
gas , etc. Apply > t the ofllco ot The llee. 1)15 )
T71OH KENT 2 brick stores , butcher's fix-
JL1 turesluone. Inquire 1143 N 18th.eao4
eao-4 *
S TORES nt 700 S. IB , 20x < V > each , largo show
windows , steam heat furnished. Thos. v.
Hall 311 1'axton block. sos
ti\OR \ UnNlVIiulldlug C0.\l' < 4 ft. , 4 btorlcs and
-L buseiiH-nton Jones ktri-it , bt > twe < MilOth nnd
llth. with K. It. truck In alley ; best location In
the otty for wholesale. Itujulro 3168.1Mb at.
O. A. LlndquUt. - Kfi
1'or llent 1M4 Dodge st. Chas. W
STOUK , tl5 | Omuha Natlonui bank bldg. St5
FFIOES In Wltlinoll block with all modern
luiuruvemouU very cheap.l&tbund llurnoy.
183 S 1'J '
OTFIOES for rent Also a Inrgo room 40xCO
ou second noor Itamcu'a building. ' "
For nitet , rten ttt lop of .Arst column on rfttt jaye ,
Hfc. Cole , rental ujcut. Continental blW.K3
fTJ J. IUEY , rental agentCOG tf. V.
Tor mitt , ttt. , te lop of flrtl column on I/it * i > aae ,
"PATENT lawyers and solicitors. 0. W. 8noi
JL & Co. , Lleo building , Umnha. four
oTliorlcnco as cxnnilncrs In U. S. utcnt omuu.
Drancli olllco nt Wasblngtou , D. 0. Con milt a-
tlon frco. qa
rro shoo dcalcnt The Now Jersey rubber
J. boots , sliocs. arctics and ftpcclaltli-i will bo
cJilonslvply advertised the. coming fall nnu
winter , mlto for oatalocuc , oto. I nin west-
urn agent nt Omaha. My sales tills scnson
hiivo beaten nil previous records. / . T.
. fe'J
HllUTIUIOL/ : . loth st. , pays hUhnst
. prlco for Indlr-s and gents'cnst-oIT cloth-
Ing. Address by letter or postal and 1 will
call at nny time. 403 0 *
JB , SMITH , the eipert accountant , Rlve i
. Instructions In bookkeeping and assists
n procuring situations. Room WO , No\r\ork
Ife building. 7 too ovcnltiss. GC3-2 *
I i i jiwi.oi i unjibiiiv polished and
U muttrcsscH renovated. K. I'ctcrson. 1130 N.
IHh Rt , glP-t
" \l \StfAGEtroatment , electro-thermal baths ,
lil. scalp and hair treatment , manicure and
chiropodist Mrs. Test , U 20-21 , Wlthnell blk.
WA Tl.ll ! ' 10 UUX.
For rdlf * . ctt , , ete top af flrjt mlumn on thtf
" \\7ANTEI ) To buy a coed horse and
phapton. Address N 15 five , 744
\\rANTni ) Households roods of all Itlmlt.
> Cnsh pain for second hand ooodn. ( iato
City Auction Co. , 213 und 215 S.l'tth St. 710 Ol
T71UHN1TUHK. household goods , ute. Ulehcst
cash price. 1111 Fiirnain. M8
: \VANT to buy a driiu ctoro In Urnahu. Ad-
rtrt s. with particulars , N ii. UDO. CI7-J. "
\\rANTKU-\Vlll buy cluliu" against ruli-
? > mail employes , ( merchant's , physicians
nnd other bills ) ; dlscountH ruasonablo. Wm
Ulcbnrdson. Sioux City , In. ! W3 l
WAM'lil ) TO HKNT.
For rattt , etc. , ret top of Jlttl column on thtx poc/e ,
TTUKXISHKtJhouse with all modern conve-
J nlences , to party with no children , for hlx
months or louver. Ilcst of references , fetneu-
ton & Allen , 1COOSJ Farnatn st , 03S-21
T > KfeT line hair goods In west ! hair dressing ,
JJwIps , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty. Davles hair coeds and inllllnor ,
oppoalto postoillcc. Ill S.l.'th st. Omnha. Sd'J
For ratts , tte. , tee top vf flrtl column on Hits pno&
XTKWlnw ; pensions for almost all soldiers !
1 > fathers , mothers , widows und minor chil
dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by L. N.
Cllncmnn , lit and 21 I'len/er Ink. , Omaha. Also
Wiibhlnutfin and Cincinnati. Circulars fruuj
l"i years'pxperlcnco. fiiO
PENSIONS Hiram A. Stuiws , expert In
pension cases. Ovorlfl vears experience.
Ilavosocured over 3,000 pensions for soldiers
In Nebraska nnd Iowa , their vrlilous and liclr-i.
Abandoned , delayed or rejected ca es u speci
alty. Claimants for pensions under the now
law should Illo nt once. No advance fee. Of-
lirnSli Crclghtoa block , next touth of post-
ollli-p 8111-slu *
FRKD JlOHLi ; loans money on diamonds
vatchesjowelry tu. . ! ' . cor.Furiiuin&llth
For rit ( . ttr. , tee tov of column on thu pant
FOR good board , nleo rooms , modern con
veniences , r.itos and location , the I'nllin in
house , 1U10 l > idgo st. cannot bo excelled. Airs.
Horn , pronr. .r UJ 4 *
For rate * , etc. , ft' top of flnt column on ttiti jxios
CnlliD f.OST A boy six years old at the
fulr gromidsyestorday , thollrstof Septem
ber ; dres-ed In dark blue little sullor suit and
a straw hut. Any information may be loft at
police headquarters or at tlio secretary's othco
ut the fair irronnds. ills name Is Herman
KruM ) and Is not able to spcalc English , only
( rrman. His lioiue Is ulno miles west of
Uodfo street. 73J2 >
LOST On ICth St. , near Tarnam , largo hair
pin with amber head. The finder will
please leave It at Jlax Jloyer & llro'tf. store
and reecho ono dollar reward. 71M *
FOUND A packaRO of photographs on 24th
mid Iard ; owner can have same by calling
ut this olllce and paying for this add. C82 2
For rate * , etc. , rtetopof fint column on tills
' TOitAUK fcco us bcfortr storing goods of
any description. Omaha Stove Itrnalr
Works , U07 Douglas. Tel. 9GO. S7I
rnilACKAGEstorage at lowest rates. W. JI.
JL Uiishiii.iu. 1311 Lc.ivumvorlh , 572
TOUAGE llrauch & Co. , 1211 Howard !
STUKAUU For merchandise and furniture ,
cold storage and freezing : tracnagc. David
Cole , 815-817 Howard St. 674
7-'or rates , etc. , ret top of frst column on UilJ jOfl .
FOR SAljE 1'lrst class top btiggv. coed
shapc.chonp ; aUo 52-Inch bicycle , 023N Yt
Mfe. 713 4-
HOUSES 1,10 and up. II. E. Cole.
FOR SALE NewStolnwayi Son piano , best
make ! natty lc-a\Ing city ; part cash , bal
ance time , if desired. luqulioat018Paxtonblk.
FOR SALE Or will exchange for Omaha
real estate , a hand ome Norman stallion ,
1.700 HM. , nnd a thoroughbred Jersey bull. W.
T. Seaman , Omaha's largebt variety \\ngoiis
and carriages. 271)
FAMILY horse and phaeton for sale ; largo ,
fine horse , reliable anywhere , can't bo
beaten In the city ; prlco reasonable. Address
SI C7 , lloo. 610-2
FOR SALE A coed young "all around"
horse , cheap. Address F. L. Loomls. Oth
und Douglas . GJO-2 *
WOHK team for bale , 018 1'axton bloCK.
FOUR teams light mules : ono heavy 1,500-
poundhone. Koom U , Uo.ird of Tradu.
WORK horofiO , two horse wagon 120. double
work harness Jl.r . Or will trade for a
good light sldo bar buggy. II. E. Cole , Contln-
C-ntal block. MW
For rates , tie , , ice top of fnt column on Hits paj.
" 1J10R BALE-Cheap for cash. No. 7 cook
X ? stove , bed , springs , table and 3 chairs , all
tort" ; see them atonce , 1S1 ! Saunder st.
FOR SALE-Chcap The furnlturo In the
house , No. IHlSUouglus street , for Bale ,
and house for rent , Enqulro on the premises.
POR SALE At a Dnrsain , furnlturo 11-room
house. Apply at 419 North 15th bt. 052-3'
FOR SALE Furnlturo of six-room Hat.
Uooms all routed , 1013 Howard st. , M floor.
Ferrate * , tte. , ttc top of fnt column ou thli j > aa
PAY for sale In car lo id lots , by W. L. Hob-
L crtson , Central Olty , Nob. 452
GOOD second hand typewriter clicap for
cash. Address M 23 lleo oulce. SSW
/ 1ALIOKAI'H , good as now , for sale cheap.
Waddresi 312u Iteo ofilco. SOS
For rat , etc. , tte fop of fnt column ou Wits pagt.
and umbrellas covered nnd re
paired. 1' . Ilalor , 110 H. 15th st. , : 'd door from
V. O. Only nmn in town. 670" ]
Forrata , ttc ttt top ot Hirst tolmn on tMi page.
B sculoKliubaUpmuo.A. " llospo,1513loiiclas. )
GEO. I' . GELLENI1EOK. to ucher of the banjo
with IIospc , 15U Douglas. 2i'J
ri HE Omahii Kindergarten will reoptfn Mon-
JLday . bcit.8,2UOC Davenport. MissE. tirllllths
748-01 *
i pianos Tor sale only Dy Omnhu
Muilo Co. , 1516 Uodgo.
MUSIU W percent discount , and iitanos on
eiibj terms. UtimhaMu lo Co. , 1510 Dodge
Forrttf , ttc. , tte. tup of fnt eolamnon tlilt
general short time paper
Vy taught ; also rt'L-iiltuSyenr loans on Improv
ed property. Ueo.t.lUust & Co. , 2UIUaingu bldg.
OH ATTEL Bank. SttrVr .Mb. st , loans money
ou chattel ! or collateral ut reasonable rates.
"THIRST & second morl _ BM on vacant A Im-
JU proved city prop. County warrantsbotiitht.
Money ou hand i',11. lllohurd on,813iN.V.Mfo.
ATTEL loans at lowest rates. Removed
OH 1 , N.Y.LIfo Oiag.JJ.ll. Cuiiuliigor.
TlfONFA * to loan by lur. Masters on chattel
AiLnnd collnternl securities for any tlnu * from
one to six inonthi Intff \ \ amount to suit bor-
Loans mndo on hotiM-hoM good' , ntanoa ,
organs , hordes , mules , hnusex , leases. w rc > -
house receipts , etc. . a.t the lowest possible
ruto .wltliout publicity or removal of property
My loans nronoarrntiHcdthatyou can make
a payment of any amount at any tliuo and
reduce both prlnclpal'llfid ' Interest.
If you owe a balance-on your property or
.invo n loan you wish changed , I will pay It
oil nnd carry It for you. If you find It more
convenient , call up telephone No. 1021 nnd
rotir builnc s can bo arranged at homo.
Money always on hand. No delay. Nopub-
Iclty. Lowest rates.
n. F. Masters.
Room 4'Wlthnelt blk. , 15th aud llarnoy ts.
EUILDlNOloans.Oto T per cent : no addi
tional cliargesfor cominlsslonoraltoinoy'9
fees. W. IJ. Jlericle. First Natloual bank bldg.
TirONEY 30 , 00 or 00 days ou furniture ,
J-iIplnnos , horses , housesetc. J. J. Ullklnsoti ,
CIS I'axton block. 591
T71IHST mortgage loans at low rates and no
J.1 delay. D. V. Sliolcs Co. , 2101st Nut'l bank.
LOAXH-Cltv and farm loans.mortsage paper
bought. McCaguo Investment Co. 50
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Lo.ins of J10 to
$1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money ! loans on horses , furnlturoor any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call K. 203Sheely blk. , 15th Allow ard ,
TTNUSUALLY low rates
U of Interest on llrst mortgages of Improved
real estate for the next IM days by the Kansas
Ulty ImostinentCo. Hoom'Jo , IJoard of Trade ,
, II. I'ease , manager. 6S3
I3RIVATE monev to loan cheap. C. II. liar-
JL rlson , Oil N. Y. Life. 580
MONEY loaned nt lowest rates , long times , "
Improved Omnha real estate , no "extra on
nodoluy. ( Hobo Loan & Trust Co. , 307 S. 10th.
T\rONEY to loan on nny security
JAJL for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal ptoperty.
The IIonfler"on Moitgagn lincstmcnt Com
pany , room 400,1'uNton bile. 601
\VANTED First-class Insldo loans. Lowest
i rules. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest-
inent Co. , 1301 Fnraam. " 693
CHEAP eastern money
vy Philadelphia Mortgngo and Trust Co ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly ! first I
mortgages wanted. Ocoriro W. 1' . Coatcs. rep- i
resentatlve , loom 7 , bo'ird of trade. MJ !
TiA&'rnHN money to loan on city property !
iiinortgago papur bought. lI.ll.lrey.N'.V.Llfe ,
) UII,1)INO lonns niado at lowest rates. V ,
> M. Harris , room 20 , L'rcuzer blk. , opp. I * . O.
" 17KAI , Estate Loan ? Cnsh on hand. Globe
J-V Loan & Trust Co. , IH)7 S. Kith st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for tent ! good list.
TTIinST niortgapo loans on Improved nnd un-
JP iiupioved proporty.jGliarlcs . Ualney. 315
Omaha National bank building W" >
T OWF.ST rates on cliolco city loans of $1.000
-Uto.V > ,000 Central Loan & Trust Co. , 1205
1'arnnin bt , C22-3
/ " HATTEI.1 loans lowest rates , business coull-
Vdcntlal. JI. J. llall 10 Continental blk.
FAHM lo.ins Star Laud & Loan Co.
413 s 28
. to loan on Hrst mortgage ; must bo all
In ono amount or two loans of $ .VX ) each.
Itced St Selby , 13 Iloaid "Trade. 4 3
CE. k 0. M. ANT1IONY , : S N.Y.LIfo Imlld-
Inz , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on good
Omaha residence property ! lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay : money ready. Titles and
values passed on here. 23)
DIKE Ilrokcrin real estate mortgages ; ob
tains money at least cost to borrower ;
open Saturday till 7 P.UI.I Koom ' > , Harlccr blk.
loan , rotfelay , In largo orpinnll
: lowest rates. Apply O. K. Itey-
nolds , 019 Now York llfo lldsf. ) Telcphono 14UL
floor Chainborof Commcrco.
loaned at low ratci on furniture ,
horses , kc.vlthout pulillclty. Hnwkeye
la vestment Co. , 3 Uouglua blk.lCthnna Dod e.
For 'rott * , _ ite. , ftetap of jTrrt columii on t/n pa .
m YrmvuiTEliS. all mtiltcs. bought' , sold , ct-
JL chntiHtMl , runted. J. V. Meseatli , 1007 Fur-
nam struct. -t'3 '
myi'EWKITEUS tor rent or salo. Stonos-
JL raplicrs supplies. J.I' . Jlogctitli , 1007 JJni nuin
Vor rate etc. , see top of flr l eulunin on Mils } xiac.
" " "
J- will accept. Address "t. H. J. , " CO. ! South
ISth st. 711-2 *
TEUSONAL-70" "S. " nothing from you
JL slnco sent "I , " to "K F" at "E S" tlio Kth ;
will boaf'A A" until 5th , af'II O , " "A. " "E
N ; " what to Uo ? "I" "O" "S O. " F. 710-4 *
" \f AKKIAGE paper c-ontalnlnz columns of
ii-Lporsonuls and nartlculnm of society that
payH from tJOO to 91,500 at marrln u , mailed
ireo. Address the Globe , Altoona , I'a.
For raten , rte. , ft top of ftnl column an tMs
trance , Hpc.ilcing , wrltlns and reliable
ublncaa medium , 4 years lu Omaha , 11'J.N.lOtli
MRS. Dli.EDDV has rotu rued. The renowned
clalnoynnt Is tlio seventh ilaitKhtor of
tlio sorniilb daughter , born with veil aiidgrcut
prophet la clft of second sl lit. While en
tranced will reveal to her patrons nvery hid
den mystery la life. Has lontr been pro
nounced In Europe nnd America the t-Toatcst
Urine wonder of the present age. Under
stands the science of the "Persian and Hindoo
maRle , " or ancient charm working , und prepares -
pares Egyptian talismans , which will over
come your ciicmlo- ! , removes family troubles ,
restores lost affections , makes murrliigo with
the ono you love no failure. Kemo\es evil
Influences , bad hahlts , cures witchery , flts ,
and all lone standing and mysterious dis
eases. Fee , 9lti and $3 ; hours , 9 a. tn. to 8 p.
m. . strict. Bond stump for Illustrated clrcu-
lar. 1'arlors , 1020 Unuglab st. CC.VO *
OOMB all und take n massapo treatment :
samnthlnc now. Tartars , 037 B 13tb st. next
llarkcr hotof.
/"ILAIUVOYANT-l'rof. Torrcst elves r-
vv feet satisfaction In all affairs of llfo with
out charms. Egyptian talismans or exorbitant
prices. Dally over ClOjii.Uth. Slttluc-i. Jl.OO.
ASSAGE , lladam tt'ilor ) , overllin S. 13tn ,
T i' 2T.7 S. 2 *
Forrata , ttc , , tee top of ] frit column ou OiU 7103 * .
"OESTAUKANT nnd rooming house combln-
J-wcd cheap , coed locution. Co Operative
Land and Lot Co. , U)5 ) N.jipth st. 741 a
DRUG stock and fixtures , Invoice about
fJOOOj not tiny old stook ; will sell for part
cash , or exchanira for.'iv farm. Address
Thorn , lock box 244. LItoUflold. Nob. M5 Sist
E1OU SALE Mo. 1'ac.l'K. It. eating house
lease , Uxturcs and l < in furnished lodging
rooms , for cash ; Eervesialnnerfortwopassen-
Kor and mould for Bittern freight trains dally j
lUsoot'iitnlly located Tor town trade. Busi
ness 11,000 porinontlii Jprtdd moncyiniidoicause
Elokncss and night wort.1' . D. ICrobs , Wecp-
Ins Water. Nob. in CI82
AKAHF.chanco. ( Jlty Hoti'lof illllurd , Neb. ,
for rent , silo or exchange for furm or
Omaha property. Host located hotel In MU-
lurd ; lias bar-room , ilnnco hall , Ice house nnd
stable ; all convenience ) II. E. Cole , Contt-
uentul blk. , or /Immcrmun , 13th and Jones.
T7 > OH8ALE Asood hotel In ono of the best
- > - ' towns In the state ; will sell the property or
will soil the furniture and runt the hotel , ud-
dross to box Sg Albion. Nob. 4'J a *
17 011 SALE At a b.irRaln.ii good store house
JL ? fitted up with shelves and counters , base
ment Grooms for dwelling , good cistern and
well , will ell or trade fora No. 1 stock of nro-
cerlti. Address Keel & Keel , 0. o , L > . grocers ,
623 N 10th st. C2
FOH SALE For cash or trade for cigars and
tooacco , business , building. 1(04 Haiindors
8t. . and nil the ilxtuit > sj will bull btilldhlg anil
Uxturcs for KttO upot casli. Cull morulns from
10 la 12,1.JI1 tiaiinders sU 71U-U'
FOH SALE--I.fase.Rood will and furnlturcof
u three-story brick hotel.centrally located ,
second to the Capitol. Addrvbs m South Hta
St. , Llncolu , Keb. tkll 7 *
For mit > , t < ( „ tee lyp of first _
WAWKD Oioir fiirtiir rancli ; or itocle
mcl.-o. . and i-Mh , for line rental property
in city. W. , 1000 Kitrntttii , _ 731-g |
"TTOLITIKS In see < l Ni-bra ktx Innd to ex- .
Jtycliangn for oolt-me niul lot or cheap lots in
Umuhn. Addrcs.4 M 01 , Hoe otlloe. K $ 3
HI-A'KN room , 2-story houne In Moninotittt I
Turk , onoblix'k from inolorcar igoudttoll ,
cellar , cistern , largo barn , oti' . Al i iTni'roi
With llrit cIll'M llUpflHtMlU'llts IKIJOllllllS t'Oll *
tral Cllv , Neli. AisolBi-acro Impnivi-U farm
In Antclo | o county. Neb. Al < o n line Itirgo
family hiri' . cntriiifo , WIIKLII. linna * * * , cutter
and lulicr pcr.onal ptopi-'rty. Owner N a tuui-
resident and will ou'liunso Iho nbovofor it
coed farm In eastern tivlt. or ie ldt > neo In
Unmlin , Musi be free from llioiuiibr.ntof. Will
lint in some money If note sary. Wlint IIIIMI
you toolTi-r ) CU < n. -tnrtisdorf , Kst Nut 1 batik
btilldlnit. Telcpliunu 461. 7S8
_ _
AVTANTI'H First inortfagps on vacant or
ii lniircd | lots in city , Ion j time , lit Day-
ruont for horse , buggy , barn fixtures , hlx | ,
robes , etc. , planoi , notes , HOCOIH ! morteiiKc * * ,
etc. , lu part or all. llo quick. AdJroo N II ,
lice. 7''l-8
_ _ _
\ ANTEII An &S.OOO to M.VOOO sUx'k of mor-
ii otiAtiilUo for good proportj aud cash. Ad-
M p , Uce. Ultt-4
, , . . I property. mdso.horso
and buirgy , stock , etc. ; will trade clear
and mertRiict'd lots nnd lands ( or same. Ulvo
full particulars of what you have nnd vo will
make offer at once. Address N in. Hoc. 7JI-3
rpo EXCHANGE Four acrcu In Wmhlng-
J-ton 11111. clear , fur choice dwcllliiK lou
Curtis AMackott , f N ) 2
"lilOH TllAUE A manufncturlnit inlore t
JL'slmritcd In Omaha : value about ! i" .
take Omaha property or Xobr.tskit Land.
Itcnava& Co. 701-U
OMAHA resident or btnlnest property
Hrlolc block , free front IneiimbMiii'p , good
cnntnts. coiner room occupied by bank , ronu
liny good Interest on oO.OOO , In a good , thrk
ini ? Nebraska town , crn s rnUiond and n
division station. Adurosi L Kl. Keo KI4
"IJIIKST-OliASS cily and farm real o < -
J- tale to i'\chaiigo fur stock cnttloiuul ho > ; ,
Inqunntltlos from II.'O totlO.OOO. Adclicss J ,
\V.Lo\e , 1'remont , Neb. O >
rpo KXOIIANOE About 50 qunrtoM of fine
J-railway contract htidsS ) tol'J > Oln abodir.
\Vouldllkolo put allor part Into a largo tract ,
block , stook of 'nuNr , , or stocks In eltv , Will
lumo. \ ! , J. 1'itul , lOOorarnutn. 721-S
\\fISCONSIN water po\ter mill , with ! iac'tci )
ii land , cloar. exchange for Nobmska prop
erty , IU5 ( Uccatur. 310-sIl *
T IIAVn Improved and unimproved lunl
J-nhtch I tleslre to exchange for corn , bay ,
oats , ryp , potatoes , apple * , etc. , orbrlck. An-
dri &s lock box U , Grant , Neb. CTO-,1
\\7ANTKI ) Slock of gi'ncral nidsc. , Involc-
it itn .O'JO to $10,000 , for choice Omaha Im
proved property and cash , Address , JI ai.IJcc.
SOLID gold AValthnm watch andworkltor o
to tratlo for peed sldo bar bujgy. II. E.
Cole. Continental block. S91
forrclw , eli' Mttoitof Jinl column on tliln page.
171OI ! SA M' 0no choice lot oiiFnniainst. , In
JL1 Itrlgps place. il.fcM ; tctmsca > > y. U. 1' . Har-
laon , till N. V. Life. . TO a
TllOIt SALR or Exchange Second mortgaso
-L1 notes of > 0 loj-.UK ) pafli. lands nnd bouses ;
until clour lots. Address N H , Hou. 7H1-3
LOT In lied ford Place on MatoOiOtln st. , lo
e.xchanco for lot In t'arllingo or Lincoln
Waco. W. L. bclby , Kl lioard of Trade. r'J3
LINCOLN Place lots $1,200 to S1.500. Dexter
L. Thomas. COU
$ I,5S ) to SI..WO for I Incoln Place and Oarthaio
lots ; easy terms. W.L.belby.lU Hoard Trado.
LOT 1(1. ( Smith park , .IS.xlIG , cor. llitrdclto and
IGlhsts. , to lease for ,1. 10 or 13 years , on
rcubounblu terms. U , K. Harrison , till N. U Lle. (
71)1 ) U
IF YOU linvo anything to sell
call at C1J I'axton block ,
AUG1IYesterfleldrcal , cstate.S.Omaha.
uut :
ASMAJJi payment down nnd 9U per mouth
\vlll buy a 4-room house und lot on 16th , -
blocks from motor ; chance to ae-
quIron homo on easy terms. Apply tn II.E.
Cole. Continental block. 004
POH SALK Good home oa IKd st. , near
Oiimint' . $4,000 ; tcrniboasy. 0.1' . llnrrlsoa.
Oil N. Y. 1/lfc. 7013
flOTTAGK homes In most any addition for
Wsalo ut from 11,000 upon easy monthly pay
ments. F. K. Darling , 'J Ihirler blk. 005
IT1OH SALE The choice resldonco at No.
J } 1051 Georgia ave.l4a : ft. E. front , 0 lurgo
rooms , bath , gas , sewer , hot and cold water ,
closut and all conveniences , owner gnlngto
leave city , D. V. Sholes Co. , 213 1st Nut. bank.
FOR SALE Nice 7-room house ready to
move Into , with full lot , aj,2JO , MJO cash. 0.
F. Harrison. 911 N. Y. Life. 007
T7IOIISAM3 After personal communication
JL' with tliu owner , can make special jirlce on
lot \VestFarniun , corner. IKJ feet east by
IKS , south front , just west of Milton Iogors AC
Clark Goodinun'b place. Now $10,000 house be
ing liullt oil same sticct , jubt north. O. P. Ilar-
rlbon.Oll.N. Y.Uto. 701 : t
FOIt SALE East front lot onKnd avc. front-
Ins cast on the park. 50r.42 , J3.000 ; very
choice. Near J. L. Kennedy' * mid A. Fore
man's now houses. C. F. llairlson , Oil Ni Y.
hlfc. 701-i :
FOH SALH Good home on Ciiinlng St. , near
arird , Jj OO ; terms oas.y. . 0. Harrison.Oil
N. V. Life. 701-3
FOU SAliE Fine lot at n. w. corner park.
Special terms on : i part of this lot. C , F ,
Harrison. Oil K.Y. Life. 701-3
F OlfSA"LE-Or trade , ncautlfiilnewll-room
liouso only 2 blocks west of Ixwaaro.o
Cassst. . hlsh and sightly and ongrailo ; full
lot , cltv water , elstorn , to or , bay window ,
porches , doiihlo lloor. cellar , bath room all
finished In llrst-elass style , price , 14.500 small
pavincntdown , balances yeirs at 7 percent.
Wlll.'trndoforclenrfiirni land or Ornaha lots.
Owner , E.G. Slerrlll , \Yaluutare.\YiiInut
" star Land & Loan Co.
< O 44S s M
ITlOlt JiAhU U-room house , modern improvo-
JU ments bara. etc. , 50-foot lot.on Wlrt st.
the best residence t > t. . In the city , for i-060.
$1M ) cash , balance to suit.
U-room house and SO-foot lot on Park ave. .
for $ J,5UU. Terms to suit.
8-t'Oom housu and CO-foot lot on 21st avenue ,
jubt north of bt. Mary's nve. , for { 11,000.
0-room lioiiM' , nil modern Impiovciucnts,50-
foot lot , on bpencorst. , for * . ) ,5uO.
0-room liouso and bath , fireplace i\lth oak
mantel , elty wiitcrgasetc. . at : h nnd Juclc-
son sts. , for Sl.'JOO , on terms to suit buyer.
TlieMi arc all gcnuluo bargains. The houses
rent for rnoui-fi to pay 10 per cent on price
asked. W. 11. lloiimn , room I ! frcnzor blK ,
T710K SALE-12 sections of land In Nebraska.
JL ; at less than halt value , by onner. G. II.
I'otcraon , 618 B. Kith St. i > IV < ll
POIl SALE Ono lot Jn Ivlluy I'laco , U.'MW ' ,
Three lots In Kllby Place. 81,100 eieh.
East front lot on Lo\\o avo. 83.000 ; fe'OO cash ,
balance to suit.
lieautlful lot on Spring street north of 1'ar-
South front lot , corner on Tarnaw street ,
South front lot , C0\132 on Howard street near
The above vacant lots are all hargalns nnd
tnrins can bo arranged to suit buyer.V , K.
llonmn room C. Kretizer block. 3J7
FOUJ ALE-01 by 155 feet north nnd east
frontcorner on Dodso St. . ono of tlio nicest
residence sites In the city , forS7 , . " > oo ton desir
able parly who will build a peed mtdeiico.
W. It. iloman. roomO 1'renzerblk. J04
AUGAINa and Kasy Terms An elegant 12-
room residence , all modern conveniences
and largo barn , onl'urrmni st. New , veil built
5-room enttaye , two block from motor , only
il,4.r > 0. Four fine homes In Council HlulTs , oa
motor lino. Good lots , will build houses on to
Eultyou. Also good trackrue property. 1'or
particulars call ou or address J , U. 71ttlo. on
N. Y. Life. OlVsli
V\TANTii- ; purchisogood city property.
T T Improved or unlmprored. Ixir sale or
rent , good farm lands close to city. In 40-acro
lota or more. Hunts collected nnd forguncrnl
real estnlo business apply to O. H. Key
91 ! ) Now Vorklirobldf. Telephone 1J01.
\\7ANTKD-134.792 people ( Omaha's preterit
< ' IKipulatlon ) , to bollovo In its coiuinerclu.1
great ness and to knonrthut now Is thobost
time to tucuroon good terms a homo In tills
city. Korparticulars read my advertisement * .
0.1' . Harrison , UllN. Y , Llfo. 431
"IT LKGANT trackage lot , Miil'Ji , fronting
JLUnaved St. , track In ulloy , Korsaloor Icaso
on longtime. The Mead InrcatmuutCo. . lloo
Importers and Wholesale Dcilers to
IVatclics , Jewelry , Cutlery
Notions.Voultlcs , Album ! ,
Coat-Collar Springs *
Fancy Goods , ic.
I.Bnrtit Biiortintnt for
rtlirvtrletyof ficinc tnd 15c counter
t < m\t. \ Our UrirH nul fully Illuitrilcd
ttlotnie niiJUfnt tnilntletionlr.
St. Louis , Mo.
w-i niA , A Join ! resolution ! adopted
br tlieleKlilnture oltho tn.t of Hebr ikoR
the fnenty-DrslBcsilon thnrcof , und approrrd
February 13tl > . A. D.lK flproroilnr n nmond-
inmit. to tli constitution of * al < ] tnto. nnu
that mid amendment shall t U M follows ,
Section II Th\t at tin general election to
bish ld on the Tttfdny nucoepain * the llrst
JlonU r otNovttnbcr. Al > .mo.tlicro Hlmllhy
Bttmltted tothoeloetorH of this tstofornp-
provntor rojeotloii in ntnendtucnt to the con-
dilution of this unto In words nn follo\M !
riio iiiiiiiiifacturo , ulo tnd koopltiK for nnlo
otlntoxlontlnnlhiuori n a bovorasp nro Terror -
ror jirohlUltoil In tills sUto , ami the K'ttNlix-
tur lmll prsvlJo by law [ or the rnfiircomrnt
ol thU itrovlslmi. " And there slmll nlKo nt
mid election bescpsratclr MUbinlttod to the
electorof thlstttitefor tlmirapiirovalor re-
Joctkm aniktnomlmcnt to the conitltutlonof
ilio Htato In words a follows : "The innnufnc-
turo , sale nnd keeping for sitIcof Intoxicating
liquors a * n bctroritgo shall be Hocused und
rozulatcil by law. "
Snc.Jl At such election , en the b.itlot of
each elector voting ( or Ilio proposed nmend-
uipntito tlio constitution shall bo wrlttonor
printed the TrordHi "l-'or proposed iMiieml-
incut to the constitution , prohibiting the
iimiuifnetiiro , sale nnil kerplnit for nalo
o ( Intoxicating llnuors as n barerago , or
"Agulust the irouosccl amend meat to the
constitution prohibiting the nianufncturc ,
aalo nnd kroiilng ( or ulu of Intuxlcatlng
There shall u1sob written or printed on tba
ballot of uach elector rolliiK for the proposed
ninenilmcnt to the rointltutloti. the words :
"Kor proposed amendment to tlio constitution
that the manufacture. lo nnrt keeimiK for
tnlo of Intoxlcatlni liquors as ahovcrngoln
this > tat shall bi llucnsod und roituluted
by luw , " or "Analmt said jiroposod amend
ment to the constitution that the mnnufnc-
tnro , mloaiid keeping formUoof Intojlo.'itlim
Ikiuora as a bcvuT.iuo sliull bo llceused and
regulating by law. "
Bee. a : If either of the i U proposed
tmionilmcnts sOiall l nuprovcd by a innjorlty
Of tlie elcotoil voting > t tlio atld election ,
then It nhall consltuto jootlon tweiity-sovcn
| VT ] ot article uuo [ lof ] thocuustltutlouof this
atatu ,
Therefore. T.John M. Thnyer , Governor of
the sin to of Nebraska , do hereby give notice
In accordance irlthiuntliu 0110 Ularticle (15 ( ]
of the constitution jiiU the pro visions of tlio
act entitled "an art to provtJu tliu tnuniicr of
propciluxall amoniliuonts to the constitution
ana submit ! I ni the sumo to tlm electors of the
Hate. " Appron-d February 13th , A. D. 1377 ,
IDat said prorost-d ainciiuinciit will be sub
mitted to tlio qualified voters of thlm state for
approval or rejection nt the general election
to bu bold oa too 4th day of November , A.t ) .
IS ! " ) .
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hnml.
anu canaoto bo lillUctl tlio front soul of the
stattiof Nebraska. Done at Lincoln thhi 20th
day of July , A. D. 1W , and tho'J4th vcirof the
itatc , nndof the ImlotK'iidonoo ot the United
Etutes the0110huiidrou fittpimtri.
By the Oovcrnor. JOHN M.TIIAYEB.
. . i l Secretary of State.
Auitust l(13m (
A joint resolution wai adopted
by thslOKlilature o ( thu state of Norjraskn.ut
the tKpnty-ltrst HO HOII | thoreof. anil approved
March 30ti. ! A. D. lw > 9. proposing an amend
ment to section twoourl [ ( | ) and llvo 5 ] of
Article sli IV ] of tlio const ! tiitioii of said state
and that said section us amendeJ ulull road
s followsto-wlt :
Section i That icctlon Mvo f J ) of article MX
( Hoftho ) eonstllutlonof Ilio sl.itoof Nebraska
bo uiiiciidcd sons to rend aifollows :
' S cllon2 : 'Iho supreme court hhnll con
sist of UvoS ( ) judses , 11 majority of whom shall
bo necessary to forma quorumortopronounce
, i decision. It liilliaM5 ) orlclnul Jurlsclk-llon
In cnses rclatlni ; to rovemi" . civil cas.i'S In
which tliostatiishtill bo a Ji.irty , niandamas
quo warranto.habcjis corpus , and such appel-
lute Jurisdiction us in ay bn provided liy Inw.
Section' . ' ! 'Jhat icction four-lof ( ) iirtlclo.'lx
(0)of ( ) the eonstltutlon oflho platoof Nebraska ,
bp nmondca snan to rend as follo :
Section ! : Thp Judcuiof the supreme court
shall bo elected by Iho elector1 ; ot tlio state at
larxc. nnd tlielr tt-rtns of ollico , ovcoptas
lierolnaf ler provided , hh.ill bo foi a period of
five pi years. "
Sccllon. ) : Thatscctlon nroot ( ) nrtlcloslx
(0) ( ) ol the constitution ol the state of Nebras
ka , bo amended seas to read a1 , follows :
Sei'tlonS : "Attliolirst uonenil election to
ho held In tboyear 15HI. and after tha adop-
tlonof this umeiidmont to the ton-tllutlon.
there shall bo elected thruo Oil Judges of th
supreme court , one of vhoni shall bo elected
for Iliu term ot ono (1) ( ) yesir.onofor the term
of throe (3)years ( ) and ono for tlio term of five
(5) ( ) ycara. and at each general clcot Ion there-
lift er there slnll be eleotodono Judjo of thu
supromocourtfor the term of uvo ( .1) ) years.
I'rovldod , that the Judges of the supreme
court whoso terms hivio not expired at the
time of holding the election of IMII ,
shall continue to hold their oflico for the ro-
inaliiilcrof the term for hlcli thoywororo-
pu ctlvcly elected under the present consti
tution. "
SectlonJ : Thatoach person voting In favor
of thin amendment shall have written or
printed upon hit ballot the ( ollowlnRl
" 1'or thit proposed amendment to tlin consti
tution relating to the iiuuiDcr of supreme
Thort-fore. 1 , John M. Thiyer , Governor of
tliostateof Kobrnilca. do hereby Rlvo notice
In accordance with sottlon one (1) ( ) aitlclollf-
tocn'15).of ' ) the constitution , the iiroTlsIons of
tlio net entitled : "An act to provide tlio man-
norof proposlnir all ainuncliuoiits tothocon-
stltiitltiiiaiidsubnilttlnR thesiiino tothoelos-
torsof the stato. " Approved I'cbrunry 13th.
A. D. 1877 , thutvald proposed atnenilmcut will
be prf , cntod to the qualified voters of the
Btateforapprnvalor rejection at thoeoncral
rlccllon to bo held ou the 4lh day of Novem
ber , A. P. 18W
In witness thereof I have borotvnto sot my
hand and caused lo bo afllxed the great seal
of thu state of Nebraska. Done ut Lincoln
thissathdayof July. A , 1 > . IS90. and the twen
ty-fourth your of the state , and of the Inde
pendence of the United States the ouo nun-
thoOovernor , JOHN JI. TIIA.YER.
[ SuAi.,1 Secretary of State.
Aucust l (
, A joint resolution was adopted
by the leglsUturoof the state ofXebraska , at
the twemty- first sesslonthereof , and approved
March : mli , A. D. 18SO , proposing nn amend
ment to Section Thirteen ( U ) of Article Wx (0) )
of the constitution of said state ; that said
section as amended shall read ai follows , to-
wlt ;
Section I : Thatsoctlon thirteen O3)of ) artl-
closlx (6)of ( ) thBcrn tltutlonof the state of Ne
braska ho amended BO as to read as follows :
th'ctlon W : Tliojudfes otthuiitprcmo court
Khali eaih receive a salary of tlilrty-B ve hun-
clrnil flollars ikl-flfifll n * r iiniium and the 1mlte9
of the dlitrlct court shall rcoelve a salary of
three thousand dcllarsiCI.OX/ ) annum , nnd
the Hilary ofoaohshallbupavable quarterly.
SeotlonZ : Knch poiun voting In favor of
Oils amendment shall have written or printed
upon his bullet th following :
"For the proposed ainciidmont to the consti
tution. rolntlnir to the salary 01 Judge * ot the
supreme imddlstrtct court. ' '
' .Therefore , l , John 11. a buyer , Kovernor of
the state of .Nebraska , do hereby tl > o notice ,
In accordance with section one [ 1 ] article fif
teen [ IS ] of the constitution , and the provi
sions of an net entitled ; "An act to piovlde
thu manner of proposing nil amendments to
thnconstltutloii and submitting the snnin to
thcoluutors of tbestute. " Apptovod February
lath. A. D. 1ST ! , that Slid proposed amend
ment will beiubmlttcil to Iho qunllOed voters
of this state ( or approval or rejection , nt the
ceneral election to be held oa the Uh day ol
November. A. I ) . 1S90.
In wltnsas whereof I have lierounto set my
band and caused to bo ulDiod tbo great seal
of the date of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln.
this .Gth day of July , A. L.1KX ) , and the twen
ty-fourth year of tno state , aud of tholndo-
pendnnecof the Dulled gtatei the ono hue
dr d fifteenth.
lly the Qo\ernor. JOHN M. TUA.YKB.
. Socrctaryof State.
August l(53ro
XJO. 1-1 . A. o. 31. PHOl'OSALS KOK
hubslstenco Stores , Ilcaduartora Dopt. of
thel'lattc. ( Jlllcoof Chief C'oininlabiiry of Sub-
slslencp , UtnaliaNelSopt 1 , Jill ) fecaled pro-
petals ID triplicate , subject to the usual con
ditions , will bo rocohecl at this olllce and
ut the oDli-o of tlio Aclluir Commissary of Sub-
slblon eat FortUmnha , Nob. , until 1-o'clock
M. . central standard time , and also at the
olllcos of the acting commissaries of Riibslst-
once ut 1'orts Sidney. Mobraru and Itobln < on ,
Nob. ; 1'ortH l > ouiin ! and Dii I'lioMie , Utah :
Korts MclCliinoy , 1) . A. Rus \VivslinUlo : inu
Camp Pilot llutlo , Kock bprlngx , Wyomlnz ,
until II o'clock a. ni. , mountain standard
time , on Wednesday , the 1st day of October ,
lt-00 , ut which time and places they will bo
opened lu the presence of bidders , forthefur-
iiUlilim and doll tcry tbeieut , respictlvely. of
Hour , fnr Issue , onions and potatoes , I'rufor-
once will bo given to articles ol doinestlo ) ) ro-
ductlonor miiniifartuie , conditions of nuallty
and prlco ( Including In the prlco of foreign
nroductlonsor nmniifauturo thoiluty thereon )
beltiR cfjiinl. The right 1 reserved to reject
unrorall bids. IHiink pro | > > -am iind speclll-
cnllonf sliowlns in detn'l ' the artlclrs and
quantities reqiilred nnd Riving full Informa
tion us to conditions of contracts , will bo f ur-
nlshdtl on application to any of the uboMi
nientlonnil olllces , H.M SOOTT , Captain and
U. 8. , U.S. A. , Acting ChluJO. S. sl-t'-Il-l-SO-llO
Notice to Contracto .
Foaled proposal ? will bo received by the see-
rot.iry of tno board of education until 4 o'clock
Saturday , Htptomborll , lu'JO , for tlio erection nf
atig-rnmu 1-story brick butldlnc. on thu west
sidnof the high Milioolgrounds , In accordance
with plans and ipcullIcatlntiH to bo Keen ut
thoollUoof the Kcrelary of thaboaid of edu
cation. I.iuh bid must , lie uitoinp.mli'd by n
certified check : of HOO. The board reserves
therl ht toroject any or all bids. Hy order
of the ho.irdof education. C'lMUbKS COMOVEU ,
sec. ret nry.
Oiiiulm , August30 , 1800.
mHUlU mu Certilo to t Jay or none ; It-
iuiiaea. U ; mall & . Srcuioly iraleJ from ol >
Mrratlaa. COOK UKXKUY CO. , Oraaln.NeV.
"i * iu > i , CHicAtio. iiuiinTNuTujTA y. , S\rrir r
Omvn % , I l > opot lOlhimilMnvin Mrcot * \ Uuisha.
1.30 > i m . . . , , .rtiicnKc > kinron , , . , . ' , t.w * n
V 4A in . u.Clilrami Ktpress. . . . . 0.70 p m
tUOpm . ClilMk'o Ktprmi . . . . I I'.iO ra
B.SOp lu .t'Mcnpo I i > < nl IROlntn
1-onre. ihUimNoTOV A MO. lUVKfl Arrlto.
OnuhvJ _ IVnwl luthjin > IMii paitrrrt . I Onuti.v
ID. tin m. . . .iH'nTor I Mr Hnirvm , . iudprn
19 14 in . . . . . . . . Donrrr Kxiire . , 11.1 Spin
( UOpnij . IkviTOr Mjlit SJiire.i. . . . . . U..Vam
S.1S * ni | , . . . _ . . . IJncoln Uu'nl . . . . . V HJ p ra
I .tm tut f K7 . t > lv l'n i 11. I ATMTOI
Oman v _ I l > oHl | IQtli niul atrttts. | ( JimU.v
' "
'tUiTm . , kiinsni'ltr"1 > tjr Kxprm . .i | uIOp m
II 4S p m i K. r. Slant K ji , Tl U. P. Tr n I H 41 K in
Outho. Depot lUlli nu J Mnn-r tr cts. I Uimhit ,
utrrlnml Kljcr j UOJ p m
p m r elfloKtprcs I24ptn !
0.20 a m DrimT Kxt to" . a.u p m
MMim . . . . . .KnmuClljr Ki | > rp < IJUSum
0.13 nm . KnlrtlfUIKxti , ( mcyjit Sim. ) . , 4 21 f na
T.PMCI l T-IIIiTA < 10.1C r.\TAeme1. I ArrlteT1
Orailia. lit. I * , depot , JOUi nml Man ? 8t .l Onuh . _
8.10 p mi..7. MKtit Kxjm'i I0t m
fi03iim \llnnll llxpre" tt.30 p ra
l-'iOpm ! . . . , , .Ve llbiiIo Mniltml. , , . . . , , I0.4J ra _
iHintui i rfltTDA CPlT.x "FAf-rttT. lArrlvi-r
Omnlia. | U. I * depot. lOlhjinil MitrcrSU. _ | Oiinlia
mT . . . .SioiiYoitf I'luionner . . . . |
m ] . . . _ . . . .stl'mil _ . . , . . . . . ,
Ti SIJTlJjt'Pl'i'i ATAPlviU TAnTVet"
O null a. I input IMhjvmnVeb'trr li J Oimhm.
0.00 p m.S |
Onmlm. | l ) 1 . lining ItHh nntt MnrcrSH. ' Omttit
O.l.Sunii ' ( . 'btcn o Kxpro's. . . . am p ni
4.upm' : Vollbulg I.lmltcHt. . 11. .V ) a ra
6.IS p m'lownAccoinniiditlinKxc. ( ( Hun ) 7.01 p m
H.lUp m KA tcm Ktror 3.4) p t
l.lip m | rn > t Knutcrn Kipr . < ii 8.0S n tn
Txnre ll'ITll'AitO , MIu , A * P , TA"l U Artirom
Umnha. III. I * . Uopot , lOtli nm .Mnrcr 8ti I Umabs.
C.OU p m Clilcnco Ktprosi . I 1) . U ra
tn . . . . ( 'lilcnuo Kxurcx-.L. . i > ll.p g
TX. TO " I " UMTJA ASl' l ilits. lArrivor"
Umiih.i. III. P depot , 10 til niul Mnrtf Stu 1 Onithn.
n Hnll . U2 ' ) Pra _
l.t-nroi . . Kr.f MU VTAT [ .KY ArrlTnT
Onmlm. pfiot IMIi nn \Vi'jtorSM. I ! .
Bl t , ill . . . .Illnck Hill' Ktprni < . i p ll
tUD a uii . .llnntltiin Kx | > . < Kx SunUyl. p in
6.10 p ) n in
6.10 p m1 York A. Niirfntk ( Ki. Snnliy ) H0. ) a tj
I.OHTIM I C. V IVT tTTv l T I ArrFrat
Umihiu I Depot ISthjinilJiVctwer Rt . I Onnliv.
7 of nil .Sioux I'ltr Aci'oiiiiniHlnllon. I U ( IS p u
1.00 p m .atoux Oty ixprpsiKx. ( aun. ) . I..TO p n
C.IXlp in SI. 1'aul l.lnilli',1 v.a n to
6.15 n ni | Jlnnroltl'ussiMignr ( Ci. Sun ) . . ) ' S.V > a ra
OiufitiiuJ iVpot ISIIi an.t wVi'itor Hti. | Oiiulix
Ul.flfn nil . .M lAJtils" K. C. lAprcs * . . , , ! 4 T& P ia
.1S p nil . .M l nil * AKC.JExpr is.l r n inj
ClllOAOU. un. 5"lrAil > iU , Arfttor
Trimnfor I'nloii I rwCiiiinni \ llliin.ii. ITraiKfur
6.HO p m Mulit KTJIW 'J.SJ n ra
9.r a ni Atlnntlo Kxprrti 5 M p u
6.00 p in Vr llbnl Limited IIO.TOn ra
Transfer ! Jjnlon bepot.j'oiiiicll llliilTs. JTr n ret
IV.40 A 111 ' . .r7..T 'lilo Ki ) Kxprms . , . [ HIV p tn
f.Ul p Vrillbulo l.lmltud V.M n u
10.111 .11 1 . . . . . Kanturn Klrcr 2.W p a
p . . . . . . i _ . . .
l.'fl p tn Atlnntlo Mill n
n. : ) p in Inwn Arpnnitnnitrtloii ( Kw. H J >
011 ic.u. < TM rnr , VPTI'A uik ; A m voi
Trsnoforl L'nlon Hcinit.t\ _ > iiiir112illLHji _ ITrnnufcr
O.ffl : p ml . . .Clilonw ) lxpr * < I I'.U i
l.IiO p mi . . . _ . _ . . . .ChlonKU jv ; ire < . , _ . ± . . . . I IIW p tfl
IAJ-IVO T tf."TT5T10K * O. If. ] Arrlvos
PrvrHlorl Union le ) | > ot , ComicllluiTi _ ] | ( Trunsfct
1001 Mil.TTTKiTnsiiJ City Dny KxprcsM . , p n
tU.Jipm .KnnumClty Nlitlil Kjtfri j CJ nt
lx 7et | UMAllA A hi'.LOOK | Arnroi *
Triui I or IJnlnii ln-pot. fomifll lllufla I Trim f i
1.WI ijjijl . _ if JflultJjtM'n iinli.K , lanj g
Lcart-Ji ItnilACO. Illim7Sr'S7iQI"NCi' ' I ArrlTo
TrutufHfl Union Pcpnt , Council I'lUtlii. ' ITrnnsfur
> . lillT in I . Tc hlc.ip } Kxpri s . ' tiSJ p n
lOIDn rj ! . Chlcnxo l.Trr. | ) g . , tl ID H n
7.80 p ml . . .rri-itonjl. < . _ . . ; _ 11.21 B m
" "
TwfiM I TOUX'nv".V IVVCIMl * . .Arrlve >
Tnnstorl Union lit'i > iil , Council Ululfi Truiufcr
\VebstorSt. .
Oak Cltntbaui. . 12 51
Druid lllll . . . . 7.00 f.lj l.UO
I ike Struet 7.00.Hi . . . . . . . . . IJ.IH H.H i.trt
Walnut lllll .Hi su1) 4.ioi.iii | 8.W i.w
Dunilea I'locc ll.OJ 3 llU. | li.US S.M 1.01
West Side ii6i ! 7 10 8.15U.I5 li.10 S.M 1.ID
I.nirn * " 8.IS'4.IB ' ! S.S',1
M in cut. " .yilisn 11.03 I.IT
l-nrk . S.3ll4 l : . . . . ii.ois 1.11
1'urlul H.3'I.MJ. , . n i.ia
2. a
PiiorosALs rou
Doiiartnicnt of thu KI"-.ourl , Olllco of tlio
Chief Quartermaster. St. Louis , Missouri
August 10 , lax ) . Sealed proposals , Intrlpllcato
BUbjcct to the usual condition * , will bo re
ceived nt this ofllco and nt thu olllce of th
Quartermaster at Kort hupply , Indian Terri
tory , until U o'clock , noon , central Miumra
time , SeptcmbcrM. HX ) . nnd tli n nponcd , for
furnishing ancl delivering during thu fiscal
year ending Jttmi : ) , iwtl , one inllllon tinea
hundred thousand ( l.'JOO.OOO ) pounds of hiiy ut
l-'ort Supply , Indian Territory. Proposals for
doll very mother points will bo entertained.
Didders must state the pluces where they
propose to miiko deliveries. The government
resurves the right to reject any or all lids , or
to contract for Midi portion thereof as may ba
considered for the bi".t Interest of the service ,
nnd toralvo such defects ns are not In coa-
illct ulth the law. I'rofrrcnco will bo given to
article ) of domestic production or jniinufao-
tutii , conditions of quality nnd prlca ( Includ
ing In the in leu nf forulsru productions or man
ufactures the duty thcicon ) being equal.
Hlank proposals nnd printed olrt'ulaiSKlvlnj
full infurinatloii will bo fuiuhhudon iippllca-
tlon f ) this olllco or to thu cUartcrmaslorof |
the post named. Envelopes containing pro
posals should be marked " 1'roposals for Hay
ut Kort Supply , I. T. and addressed to tha
undersigned , or to the I'ost Quartermaster ,
Kort bupply. I. T. 0.V. . FOaTKU. Quartermaster -
master , U. S. A. . Chief Quurtorinnktt > r.
Klcrco Fl Iit With A. Savnso U nst ,
Frank Roberts , of Bancroft , a siniill
town north of lioro , tolls a strange story
of u dobpcKitp encounter- with u niyt > tor-
ioub wild iinimixl on the bnnkK of tha
Dos loiues river , Bays a Fort Jodyo ) , lu. ,
dispatch to tlio Chicago Herald. On a.
recent SaturdayM'hilo Roburts was hunt
ing'for his calves , ho was attacked by a.
ferocious tinimal. According to ills
account the animal here a resemblance
to it panther. It sprang1 upon him from
a bunch of weeds on the edge of tin nd join
ing slough , clearing ten fcot ut the lint
bound , knocking him down and covering
his whole face with its enormous mouth ,
displaying ut the biuno time u hugo soi
of blunt , yellow teeth. IIo Bays the
animal wis about nix feet long , heavy in
front but slim through the Hank. It
wis of a yellow gray color with black
Hlrenks over the eyes. The nock was
thick and the bend nearly as Ifirgo aa a
cow's. IIo said the combat lasted nearly
an hour during which time ho walked
backward in front of the ferocious boast
for over eighty rods. IIo was knocked
down several times by the beast , buk
succeeded in frooinc himself -from Its
Krasp every time. Itoborts called loudly
for help nnd was heard for over half a
inllo. Help came none too soon , for ho
was nearly exhausted. The iwhnui
cbcapod into the woods.
A. Choice 1,1st of Summer Itcsorta ,
In the lake roglonsof Wisconsin , Mln-
ncsotn , Iowa nnd the two Uakotas , thcra
nro hundreds of chnrmin ; localities pro-
cmlnontly fitted for summer homes.
Among the following selected list are
mimes familinr to many of our leaders
ns the perfection of northern feummur ro-
Borts. Nearly allot the "Wisconsin points
of interest are within a short dlstanco
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and nona
of thorn nro BO far away from the "busy
marls of civilization" Unit they cannot
ho reached in a few hours of travel , by
frequent trains , over the finest road In
tlio northwest the ChicagoMllwauko *
it St. Paul railway :
Oconomowoc. Wis. Clear Lake , Iowa.
Mlnoccjun , wls. I/ilto OKoboJl , Iowa.
Wnukeslm , Wls. Spirit Luke , Iowa ,
i'olmyrn , Wls. Frontcuac , Minn.
Tntrmtmuk Lakea. Lake Mlnnctonkx
Wls. Minn.
Lakeside , Wl . Ortonvllle , Minn.
ICIlbourn City , Wls. , l > rior Lake , Mlun. ,
( Dells of tlio WUWUUo Uuar Lake ,
consln. ) Minn.
Denver Dam. Wls. lllg Ktone I ike , Da
MiidUon , Wis. kola.
For detailed information , upply at ticket
ofltcc , 1C01 Fartiain street , llai'iUT bloclc.
V. A , NASH , Gen. Agent.
J. E. PiiiibTON , Pass. Agent.