0 TJtLK OMAJIA DAILY BEE , WBgjJJuSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1890. TJLE OMAHA 1O1E COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFF1CK , NO , 12 PEARL ST , Dfillvorert by Carrier In liny part of tlio City , It. W.TlI/TONi . . . JIAXAOKlt , llnslnrssOfllce , No , 4L : NlRlitKdltor.No. a N. y. Council Bluffs LurabcrCo. . coal , Yesterday afternoon tlio grand Jury was tmpnnnclcd mid after receiving Instructions vcroput to work. Justice Schuiv. married Daniel I..o\vh mid LyiUnA. Drnpcr nt Ids oftlce yesterday after noon. Holh parlies wore from Omaha. .Toliu Miilior , who was shot \vcck URO by a rolicoofllcor , grew vury wctildist night mid tlio piivsicl.m says Ills recovery Is docldedly dou btful. The first arrest made liy the pollco nt CutOff - Off Isliiud wns roiwrtoil yeitoni.iy , when Ofllccr lAltx hroufflit over Theodore .rohuson nnd booked him at tlio central station as drunk and disturbing the pence. Judge Me- Gee sustained thu oDlcanby iwscssln n line nt thoovonliiK session oftho policecourt yos- tcrdny. The district court , September term , con vened yesterday rnornitifr , Judge Muey pre siding , 'i'ho doclcot consists of 70S disci , dl- vldedns follows ! Law .W ' , eqiiityaio , crhn- InnlHI. . Tlio day , titul till of today , -will lie dovottd totho llllnHiindnrfrumontot motions , and uulFrnmuntof tbo equity docket. A jini-ty of prominent oniclnh of the Chl- cnfro , Milwaukee .Nc St. 1'atil railway system nrrivcd in Council lilulVs last evening and will Icnvo on No. 4 this evening for a trip over thnt portion of llio system In tno north west. Thopnrly is composed of 1C , 1' , Rip. ley , third vlco pivslileiit ; George H. Ileaf- ford , first tissiitutit KOticr.il passenger and tiu'tetiiKent ; - C. Itlrd , freight twilic inun- utter ; .1. A. inland , Konurul freight acont , ( Jliicfiifo ; U. II. O'Meara , division freight agent , Cedar Uupids ; C. A. tiootlnow , super intendent Chicago and Council Ulull's divis ions , Marlon , la. Vim tour is ono of Inspec tion and is the Initial trip of Mr. Hlploy over the system , llefoio returning to Oilca o the vusl system In Its entirety will bo goiio over. The Mnhcr cases wiis called for examlna- In Justice Schur/.1 court yesterday afternoon but no hearing vai had. The thrco unwounded - wounded dufciiilaiits. Ed Jlahur , William Waltci-s nnd John SoliITcrl.r , wcro present with their attouio.vs , Holmes & -Aylesworth , and all their witnesses , but thuro was not a solitary individual to a linear Tor the prosecu tion. The chief of poln-o had pone over to Omaha and had ncf'leecd to order his men to look after the matter. Tlio attorneys for tbo defense moved for the dismissal of thuc.ises , but tlio judge would not HaU'ii toll , and took occasion to RVO ! the chief of police a proud scoring for his strmipo iiORlect. The attor- noynnrfrved alon llinoto carry their point but the justice persisted In overruling their motion for dismissal , and liniillysct tbo case with their consent for tomorrow , when be will Insist upon the prosecution making some sort of Knowing or will dismiss the eases and tax up the costs to them. Wall paper at ; jxcents per roll ; not rem nants , at U. "L. Gillette's , US Pearlst. Tlio Manhattan sporting headquarters Broadway , i'JSUS OXa .1 , 1'A Kf < ! 1 { . 1 1'JfS. Mr. Mosclcyatidhis nephew have arrived from Now York , where Mr. Aloieley was sent by IJio deaf nnd dumb Institute of Omnhn as u delegate. They report a splen did trip. OKuuli C , Lake , iw attorney from Kansas City , spent ycsturdav in the city , a guest of A. l-nickfiiRcr. . Ivlks M. G. Gleason returned last evening from an extended western trip. She enjoyed It greatly , with tlio exception of an accident while out riding. She was thrown from the carriage and EO injured ns to necessitate her rotnalningiii bed for live days. She returns greatly improved In health. J30SJON STOKI3. A. Vow Specialties ( > no Funnel There Tills AVeck. Something of interest to every lady Is to bo found nt the Boston Store , Council Bltifls. It is a little early to talk of fall Koodsyet , but wo have a few specialties that won't last long in the way of fall dress goods. 1'or this WOCK only , f 0 pieces 80-Inch , all-wool plaids , stripes and mixtures utiUc , worth 5Su ; 1K ( ) pieces rVMiieh , all-wool ladles' cloth , in all tlio newest fall shades and blade at UOc , worth fiSc. " \Vo show the flnost line of gents' nceKwcar undone-half hose in thocitv ; thobostiiocand 6Uc necktie in the marltct ; 2J , > do-ten gents' white shirts , pricei2r c,8 ! cr)0o ) nnd TJO ; com plete line of night shirts from HSo UD. BOSTON STOUE. ' FOHIERINQHAM , WHITEIAW & CO. , Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. , r , C. Ilixuy , steam neating , sanitary en gineer , DI3 Life. biiiUUnir , Oj'iatuj > 'JJ IMer nam block , Council Bluffs. Tli ? Tuulccr jDlvorce. To the Editor of Tun BEE. I dcslro fcbrpuKUTiu : Uiuto say in explanation to several nowspai-or accounts of tlio Tucker ill- vcmo case tint I lave never felt culled upon to stand In blio light of the plaintiff In that case , nor do aught to prevent a decree in ac cordance with her prayer , yet In considera tion of the charges made and the publicity given the case , itseons ; tome proper to say that the story ns It is related In these au- couuts is absolutely and unqualifiedly f also. Iain not unknown totho people of Council Bluffs nnd the dmrgo of habitual drunken ness Is refuted without denial , and I may say now , though that charge Is undeniod In court , itw ill ftlways stand refuted without proof vhorover Inquiry Is pressed and Is made with regard to convenience rather than fads by tbopctloner nuil her attorney , The charge of cruel and iiihnmnn treat ment lias proceeded upon the necessity of plenty of f emulation for proof regardless of the facts known to exist , and could never he supported cxraptin thaso cases which muko up the customary practice of lawyers whoso contested cases mo thosein which the de fendant makes default , The course or this ctiso must nm smoothly regardless of falsehood , where the silence o'f the defense is the only possible answer that can bo made consistent with u result favor- ahlo to both parties , nnd it Is fairly deduc ing in face of this that the plaintiff's pe tition will bo allowed , but should the same master hand , which has so fearlessly set forth tlio wrongs of the plaintiff , continue to bo felt , th ere may bo an answer llled In that cnso which shall dispel thcconHdenro given by tlio expected default of the < lefemlimtimd the un broken record of this muster for suc cessful defaults mav end by the plea of If you wish to bell your property rail on tbo Juiltl & Wells Co. , C , IJ. Judd , president , GOU Broadway. * lluy your lumber of The Judd & " \Vells Co. 813Uroad\vny. _ _ Money at rod ueod rates loinoion clntto and realostato security by B. II , Shoafo & ( Jo riot 11 MI oftliu The excursion party who accompanied the notional fanner's congress to Denver re turned at fi ; 30 yesterday mornlnp. Many of the Delegates to the congress loft the party uloiiK the line and returned to their homos. Vlio Council Bluffs contingent report a map- nillcont time. They were highly delighted by the trip , and speak in plowing terms of the Union I'acilio road for the manner in which that company curoil for the wants of tlio excursionists , KveryLo-lyenJojcd thom- nclvos hugely and report uino.it pleasant trip. The exeurslonUt * vho oixuplod. the Pullman - man cnr Ogiilnllu , passed the follouhiR : Wlioreas. Tlio ( Juttrii'tto chili composed of Mi'ssiH 1. M.Trv ) nor , \Vullor Dale. I'.V. I'ri-o- inaii mill NV , A. I'onlulc. ' liuenlertnliuil. . odllh'diiiKl ( li'llnhtctlliy thi'lr line R'luetlons mill < > IIH ( thooociipuntH of Ibo I'ulliaan pul- ace nr , tho"OKallivl , " on tills uu > r-to-bu- rt'iiieinucruduxourNldii , tlu'roforo ' hult IUl.1olvi > il , Ttiut we , tlio conmillteo np- jidliiti'il by mid iiectiiiinit8liMider Ui this club ilii'lr most cordial anil bliicuro tluinki forthla very onjuynblo feituru ofuur grand and un > joyublo o.xoutslon , Now fall goods jus t rccclvoaul Ilcltcr's , mor- HIE NEIVS IS THE BLUFFS , UcNaiighton Holds the Fort and Refuses to Surrender to the Teachers' Committee , AN ACCIDENTAL POISONING CASE. HluGiiIro Case Mr. Tuulc- cr'H Curniiiti nlo.it Ion U lot fl.-it Court Notes L'eraonnl nml Minor "Mention. Unless some legal obstacle is thrown In tbo way tlio public schools of Council Uluffa will open this morning under the old manage ment , and so fur as the ordinary outsider will Iwabloto Judge there will bo nothing to Indi cate that there has over boon any trouble in the superintendent's ofllcoor la tbo board of education. In answer to the published notlco author ized by President J. J , Stewart , the teachers who liavo boon elected for the ensuing year gathered utSupcrltucmlont McNnughton's ' of- lice yestbrday nfloriioon anil signed their con tracts. There were only ono or two absentees , and they wcro outof tha city anil not able to ivportat the meeting. Tlio rumor that they will not report at all for duty Is emphatically denied , .All the ether teachers signed their contracts and the preliminary work of school organization was completed and the schools will cotiiniJiiro this morning and will run along for imothar year very smoothly und without uny friction , Half an hour after the teachers had gath ered In the Hloomcr building and had been addressed by Superintendent McNnughton thoronrososomo premonitions of a thunder storm In the placid sky. MOSSM. Wells and Scliocutgeii , the teacher's committee of the board , and Member Hunter came into the room together. The presence ot the gentle men of the board at such a muting wni ex traordinary , and a little ripple of excitement was lit once visible on all the facss. The gentlemen of tlio board stood looking Into tbo handsome faces of the teachers fur a few moments , and then Mr Well ? advanced to the desk whore Superintendent MeNaughton was sitting , and with the utmost urbanity made a formal demand upon him for nil tbo school property , books , reports , nnd every thing else In his possession belonuliilf totho i.idoiiondeut school district of Council liluits. Mr. Wells -spoke In a very loud and dear tone of voice , but Prof. McNiuighton ic < iuested him to repeat his demand , and before responding asked for a second repeti tion. His requests : were courteously com plied with by Air.Vclls , who repeated the demand the third time with the utmost de liberation , and tbo superintendent respoct- fullvbtit llrnily declined to comply. Mr , Wells , evidently had but little hope that the request would bring forth tbo desired action , and ho retired to the doorway and held a whispered consultation with the other mem bers of the board. What the result of the conference was could only bu surmised. It was apparently nothing mors than to re- tmtinancl supervise tbo clerical work of sign ing the contracts with the teachers , which fs > usually done by the president and secretary and the superintendent. President Stewart and Clerk llrowu sojmcdto bavory thankful for their proffered assistance , nnu both Mr. Wells and Mr. Sclioent ; en were frequently requested to assist in the work. The utmot good feeling prevailed on all sides , and tlio lequests uindc upon the gentlemen were com plied with with the greatest urbanity. During the entire time occupied In signing the seventy-live contracts , which occupied nearly an hour , Member Hunter was pacing ui > and down the bulls shaking hands with himself nnd inwardly thanking Mr. Blaxsim for malting it possible for him to carry an Important point by securing the election of Miss Mnnguin , Beneath the apparent good feeling on all sides there was an expectancy and anxiety visible which the urbanity of tno goullomcn could not conceal. It was rumored that an effort would bo made to nrocuroan inlune- lion restraining McNnuehtnn from acting in the capacity of superintendent and It was mo- mentaril.vexpected that an ofliccr would corao and serve It , but if such an effort was made it did not meet with success , for the superin tendent completed his work without interfer ence , and assigned the teachers to their work In the various rooms. It id reported tbat an application to Judge Carson wns actually contemplated , but the three members of the board who desired It were informed that an Injunction wns not their remedy , but that the necessary legal steps to bo taken to bring tbo matter into court did not lie In an Injunction but In a writ of certiorarl , when the other members of the board and the superintendent would bo compelled to make a showing of their case in court. After the work of assigning the teachers had been completed and tno young ladies were ready to disperse the principals of the different schools wore invited to n private conference with Members Wells and Schoent- geii. The conference was held in un adjoin ing room behind closed doors. It is reported 'ihntttio teachers wcro instructed to conduct their schools without taking any notice of the orders or Instructions of the superintend ent and to report directly to them. The following is the assignment of teachers for the ensuing year as made by the superin tendent : Washington Avenue School P. A. Hyde , Jnnlo B. Baldwin , May Damon , Manna Dale , Nellie AViekbam , Roberta Ilattcnhaucr , Joslu Clausen , May McMillan , Carrie Golt , Minnie Haiiscn , Sue Badollot , Nellie Wads- worth , iSVllio Parsons. Bloomer School Nannie Harkln , I. F. Ware , LUzio Gleason , Mary Finloy , Anna Hlntichard , May Davenport , Virginia White , EttaMcMahon , Kna Burstow , Hill school-May Sims , Bell Barclay , Clara Meyers , Mecca Doughty , Anna Cham berlain , Llcin Young , Jennie Pile , CciiaMul- queen. Plorco street school Vernlo Reynolds , M. B. Curtis , Ivato Wckbam , Ella Hover , Kit- tie liuscholl , Dora Hood , Tena Stephan , ICallo Holder. Kast Pierce street sebool Sadie Coitoll. Third Street Seliool-lCato Blaxsint , Stel la. Haldwin , Uminti Hardy , Lizzie Connor , Carrie Xucmcrohlcn , Carrie. Alexander. Klghth Street School. H. B. Armstrong , Ilcttlo Davis , Dora Grass , Mary Million. Eighth Avenue School , Lou Graves , Myrtle - tlo Uarothors , Hulda Luchow , Josie Shea. Twentieth Avenue School Kate 1'uvno , Liiwlo Crocker , Lillian Hart , Maggie Brit- ton , Avenue B School Ella Mclntosh , Anna Miltesell , Myrtle Cutler. Fifteenth Street School Darbara Ander son , EffloIJelatl. Clark School Mary Duncan. "Woodbury School Julia Walltcr. First-class dressmaking by ISliss Wallace , over Cattlemen's bank , Notwithstanding its recent scorching , the Franklin prlntinghousois prepared to receive and execute orders as usual , P. Al.S'SWOUTlI. Per Sale , Our retail furniture business , with good established trade. Stock Is llrst class and well selected. Reason for selling , tire ijoliig into the exclusive jobbhiR trade. Any ono wishing to go Into bnsinoss should investigate this , as it is onaof the fewgolden opportunities of a life time , C , A. BEDDE & Co. Commercial men , Now Pacific. Council Bluffs , is under inuungeiiiQntof W.Jouos with new sumplo rooms. An Almost Fatal Mistake , There was a very sad ease of accidental poisoning In Council Bluffs last night. Mrs. J. M. Shoemaker of 1018 Sixth street , wife of n Onion Pacific conductor who la absent from home , has been quite sick for several weeks. Her physician has been obliged to administer morphia to iillay her pain , nnd last night Mrs. Shoemaker , being loft with no ono in the houfo but her thrco small children , made a inhtakolu iirjparln thu mciilclno by the assistance of hur llttlo girl , and she took a double dose of chorano. Jii about half an hour after she had taken tlm drug she begun to suffer oxcruciatlntr agony , and the llttlo Ktrlrunout for some of the neighbors. The physician was summoned , and ho soon dis covered the cause of the suffering , Mrs. Shoemaker was near death's door when the physician arrived , but by cxtraorUluory ef ha succeeded In bringing lior back to the land of the living , She will doubtless recover. Hose at cost Wo are going to quit handling garden hotc , and hiivo doubly the largest stock In the city. To close out wo will sell all grades and 11 x lure.at dead cwt , forensh. 0 , B. 1'alnUt Oil company , Nos. 1 and : ) , Masonic temple. J , G. Tlpton , real estate , 527 Broadway. The McUiiIro Cnse. Justice Barnett spent almost the entire day 3'C3tei-day in hearing the testimony in the IVIcGuiro assault ease and concluded It Into In the afternoon. An hour or two will bo spent this morning In listening to the arguments , and then it will bo decided whether or not McCJuIro shall bo held to answer in the dis trict court , for his suamof nl crime committed against the frail llttlo eight-year-old child , Cora Richmond. The testimony ndduced yes terday was of the most damaging character , mid was given by the qlrl'-i mother , her rand- mothcr , herself and Dr. F. S. Thomas , who testified to the extent of her Injuries. The little girl's testimony was of H straightfor ward character , and she detailed the assault in a simple story that could not bo shaken by the sharpest qiiaUIunliitf by Colonel Dnlloy. The mother's testimony wat ulso unshaken. A good hose reel f reo with every 103 feet of hose purchased at Bixby's. Council The city council mot last night in regular monthly session with Mayor Macrae' in the clnlr and all the members present except President Everett. The first few hours were consumed in read ing the minutes and iv.iding and allowing the regulnV monthly bills and the reports of the various , committees. The bills wcro read und all those found to bo properly certified to WITO allowed IP. a lump. Tno mayor presented a bill ot f. > a for thrco months' otllco rent. The bill was discussed at some length and the council finally allowed the bill and llxcd the amount hereafter lobe allowed for the mayor's rent at $17. Kinloy Burke presented a bill of $500 for assisting the i-itv attorney in the Madden in junction caso. Oa a motion it was allowed upon condition , that Mr. Bnrko would con tinue to assist the city attorney in his light in the ease In the su promo court , where it has been appealed by Judge Ayleswerth , Mad- den's attorney. The reports oftho woigh-maUor , A. Par ish , chief of police , and A.T. . McLaren , poll tax collector , were referred. Mayor Mncrao called attention to the con dition of Cut-Off island and asked for the lines. On motion , Alderman Lacy was In structed to place ttio case before the board of supervisors. The committee on streets and alleys report ed unfavorable ton change of sidewalks on Mill street. Concurred in , The street super visor was directed to remove the walks to comply with the ordinance. The city surveyor wa * allowed ยง 17 to pay for the Held notes of tlio original surveys necessary to bo used In running the lines on Cut-Oft island. A warrant for $17.00 was drawn In favor of Aldermtm Casper to pay for the decora tions made at the cxpenaoot the city. A large number of grading and sidewalk estimates were allowed and ordered pub lished , Alderman Wood called attention to a com munication from the city engineer regarding the original Held notes o'f the county surveys. The engineer had u loiter from Secretary of State Jackson offering to furnish the original surveys in cloth bound volumes for $270. The matter was referred. The city levy for the ensuing year was an nounced by Alderman Wood , chairman oftho committee on linaucc. It is as follows : Mills General fund . 10 J loads , loans and interest . ! i Intersection paving and grading . 2 Funded debt . lj < f Intersection sewer fund . 1 General sewer fund . a Judgment fund. . (5 llrldgo fund . \yt Library fund . 1 Water. . 5 Park . 1 Itoad purposes , agricultural lands in city limits . 5 Total 33 The tolal levy last year for city purposes was . ' 31 mills. Alderman Lacy tried earnestly to get the levy clown to tJO mills , but the financial showing made by the city treas urer during the discussion indicated to a ma jority of the council that a smaller levy could not bo made. A resolution was presented upon petition of C. B. Bowman , deputy county treasurer , asking for the repeal of the ordinance pre scribing how the special assessments for the sewer on Fifth avenue should be paid , and recommending a new plan which ho thought would operate without friction and insure the early collection ot the taxes. Alderman Lacy objected to the resolution and proceeded to roast the deputy county treasurer in a vig orous manner , declaring that ho had been en gaged In preventing tuo collection of the taxes by advising people not to pay their spe cial assessments for this sewer , and had nailed up u placard in a conspicuous place giving this gratuitous advice , 'i'lio ixjsolu- tlon was referred. A protest was lllcd by residents of Ulufl street nnd Fi f tli avenue against the allow ance of the grallug estimates of J. F. Kclloy , Referred. A number of alloys were ordered filled to grade. A petition for fire protection was received froai residents ot Twenty-sixth street. Re ferred , North First street residents asked for addi tional light. Taxes for ISS ! ) were remitted on the lot on which the new Trinity Methodist church has been erected. Aultman , Miller & Co. asked to bo relieved from the penalty accrued upon unpaid taxes , noticci of the assessment of which had not boon given them , and offered to pay the taxes without contest , Granted. Martha Hooten asked to bo relieved of tlio payment of personal taxes. Uoferred to the judiciary committee. .V petition wis presented for a change of grade on Aronuu E , east of Oakland avenue , A protest was made against the change by Fred LouUlnger. Referred to ntreets and alloys committee , Tlio city marshal was instructed to remove- the fences oa the north side of Benton street forthwith , In accordance with the lines to bo furnished by the city engineer. The council continued Its session until a vorylato hour , Scott HouseCouncil , Dluffs , transients$1.00 per day. Dr. C. II. Bower0 ' N , Main at Kmanhod Him with an Umbrella. A very exciting oplsodo occurred on tlio corner of Seott street and Broadway just before fore the close of business last evening. The oplsodo consisted of a very handsome young lady using her urn brolla In the fashion that a first class baseball batter handles his bat when ho makes a throe-bagger , The ball that wns so energetically hatted was the very round redhead of a clerk at L. H. Moss- lor's clothing store , The young lady learned that the cleric had been saying some uncom plimentary things about her , which were not simply diaphanous but slanderous , She called to see him titthuitoro , and the young man asked her to stop to the door and then quietly turned the corner and started dowa Scott street. The young lady stopped him about midway of the building and a long and earnest collociuy ensued. It was terminated abruptly by tlio young ludy suddenly folding her umbrella und vuundlug the young man vigorously over the head. The young man did not try to defend himself , but sought safety in flight. The young lady pursued him into the .sUlrwuy of the Sapp block and ho only escaped by guttliur into the elevator and closing the door , whluh leeks oa the In- sldf , nnd then the thoroughly exasperated young lady endeavored to proa him with her umurolla through the meshes of the wiw case. case.The event created n great deal -Interest for u few moments. > . Drink ExceMor Springs Mlssour i waters. Tlio only railroad trninoutof Ointilm run expressly for the accommodation , ol Omaha , Council Blulls , Dos Moltus and Chicago business is the Koclc Inland vohtlbulcd limited , leaving Oinnha at 4lfip. : in. dally. Ticket oillco 1002. Six- tecuth and Fiu-cain sta. Oiniiha. MEN OF THE ELE.CTRIC WHEEL , .1 How They Mauipttlati ) ' the Orank and Boll Rogfster , REGULARS , RELIEF SWJNGS AND STUDENTS Tim Hours of Lalidr , I ny nntl Ilespoii- aibllitlcH of the 'Mortals ' AY ho nmti'a'H Jlotur CnVa. The n. * > 0 men wlio operate cleotrlo street alhvays in Omaha In the capacity of motor nca and conductors , strictly speaking , are enutuvcs of evolution , Most of t-.m ! nro nca who , in Uines ( jono by , pulled the lines over the old horse cnr mules of the past. As eon as the electric linei were put in opera- ion the bob-tail cars wore relegated to the ear and the drivers were priivtpd to the josltlon of motor men and cnndai'N't's. These nicnaro divided Into cMtvs , Mi ? va as I'rog- ' ulnrs , " "swings , " "mo.il rollofs" and "stu dents. " As is well known , a craw coasUts of a con ductor and n motor man. When a CMW entorj the sorvlco of the company ho is taken on trial , mid for seven anya is known as a "student. " Ho runs out vith regular trainmen , operating tlio motor crank or pulling1 tlio ball punch , accordingly is ho desires to become a motor man or con ductor. If , at the end of that time , ho dls- > lays the uvcrngo ability , his naino Is placed on the pay-roll and ho becomes an extra , catch ing u train whenever a regular man Is off duty. In the matter of reporting for work the dny ns well a * all other men aw required to bo at lie power houses , from which tlio respective , rains depart , at least llfteen minutes before , ho train is scheduled to leave. The e.irly men are at the power houses at i : li ! u. in. , where they register , after which .ho conductor receipts for mid Is given his jellpunca nnd the inntornum his implements for the operation of his car. The two men then repair to the car sheds , vhon they sweep out and dust their curs and vhon the bell in the power house tups tbo lour for stiirtinc , they push their train out iito the yards and arc away. Other men continue to drop in at Intervals or ton minutes until 11 o'clock , when the trains nro all out , catching the heavy tralllc oftho day. Those early-hour men run their trains until > :45 a. m. , when the "dinner relief" begins .o appear , and from that tlrno until 20 : ! ! p. in. n the afternoon the regular crows are re- loved in the order in which they Went on duty in the morning , each crew taking two loursoff for the midday meal. They then go back on their trains and run till 4iiO ! p. m. , vhcn n similar relief undergone to enable , ho men to get their suppers. At G45 ; p. m. , he trains are nulled oft in the order In which , hey went on In the morning , the rule being Irstout , llrstln. This manner of running enables the regular mt-u to average iiino and the others eight and throe-quarter hours per lay. They are paid 20 cents per hour -while out on the lino. The "swing" crews ara composed of the ncn who make the early and late runs , tak- ng the first trains In the morning und the ast at night , To induce the men to always bo on hand an nllcxiblo rule is in force which provides that when a man is not at the powerhouse fifteen ninutcs before his train is scheduled to start , 10 loses the day and his train is handled by an "extra" The saino rule applies to the ex tras and if one is not on hand and registered ready to go out , should occasion demand , ho oies his position as to seniority and goes to , ho foot of the lUt , thug placing bin chances "or securing a regular train seine distance in the dim future. Much has been said anil written about the iron-clad contract which the men are com pelled to sign before entering the employ of ; ho company , but an Inspection of it shows ilMt it is a very ordinary affair , differing but little from other contracts that employes are required to enter into. It provides that lif- LWU uajs- pay suuu uo nuiu uacK to cover damages wilfully done to the property of the company , and that due care shall baexerclsed in performing the work required. To obtain a good idea of a motorman's work , taUo a trip over tbo line and watch for results. The train is shoved out from the power house ; the motorman puts four standard car bon brushes , live fuses , u pair of pliers und a screw-driver into a tool-box under the front seat. The bell is sounded , nnd after releas ing the brake and giving the crunk over the armature box on the front end of the motor turns to tbo right , the train moves out. The conductor stands on the platform and is mon arch of all ho surveys , ns ho Is In full charge of the train. At each crossing the motorman sounds his goup , not because ho wants to do so , but because It is a rule of the company. The motonnan watches for passen gers , and makes an attempt to run his train on time nnd keep the regulation speed , which is ton miles per hour through the residence and six miles per hour through the business portion of the city. Ho watches for obstruc tions on the track and helps the conductor eject passengers who will not pay. The conductor collects fares whenever pas sengers board the train , and works indus triously to make the figures on his bell-puneti correspond with the fares , passes and trans fer tickets handled. "It is a great life , " said a conductor , "and while it is shorn of many of the dangers , it takes on many of the exciting features of railroading reading , "Now , wo liavo lots of experiences and many chances to study human nature in all of its varied forms , but things are not as bad as they were ono yeav iigo , "Why , lo you know that when the oloctrio lines started , the people In Omaha know scarcely anything about street ears I They had an idea that wo wcro still running the old bob-tails , and thought wo could stop at any place on the street. They also thought that ft was as easy to get on or olt a train running at ten miles per hour as of ono pulled along by an antiquated mule. They paid no atten tion to our signs that caution people about moving trains , but wo nro getting them edu cated , nnd every leg that wo amputate makes the lesson more clear and easily understood. "Every time wo kill a man or cut off a log n great howl gees up about the carelessness of the trainmen , but , upon investigation , it is always shown that we are not at fault. "Wo find the kicker and have to contend with him every hour in the day. First , ho tells that wo are running too fast ; then that wo aroruiminutoo slow. But you know wo can't suit everybody , and If wo suit the coin- and draw our salary , I think wo are Sany pretty well. "No , thanks , I don't care fora cigar. I can't smoke , for It is ono of the rules that no smoking is allowed wliilo on duty. "As I was saying before , wo have trouble with passengers. anil'Tain sorry to say that wo frequently havb'Jlconsiderablo dilllcuHy with the ladies. They are a queer lot. They will stand on a corner and look into a show window until tbo train passes and them niako ar awful fuss because. ' wo did not stop and tell thorn they wnnti'd ' to ride. Some of them get mad because woiwlll not carry their dogs on the tralij. Only thuTother day a lady was going to report mo because I would not allow her dog to ride In th'o our. It beats all how much some people think of their dogs , but rules nro rules , and dugs can't ' ride with mo. "Iwant to tell you1of a funuy experience I had the other day , ' It will show you how some people will squpo/o a -cont piece , "I was making thp .yhorman avenue run nnd pretty well out toward the north end , a linoly dressed lady njifl two children got on my train. The lady passed up ono faro and settled buck In the scat with an air of perfect contentment. " 'Must have faro for those children,1 sold I , 'If they ride , ' " 'The brats are not mine , nnd I'm ' not go ing to pay for thorn' snapped the lady , ns she gave mo u look that was Intended to plorco mo llko a dagger , but It did not pierceto any grout extent. I pulled the boll cord fora stop , nnd partly for a Joke said ; "Hero , you kids pet oil. " ' "You ought to have seen that woman 1 Was she mudl I should say so , Her eyes fairly Hushed lire , nntl going down Into a well- tilled purse she llslicd out u diiuo and bund ing It to mo remarked. " 'I will pay for those children , but I will report you , ' "U'ho passengers smiled. I Unvo" not been reported. I live about a block from that woman's house , nnd I know that at homo she poses as the mother of the children. "JSIca liavo a great way of trying to got out of paying faros , The fuvorlto method is to got on the trains atsoiuo street corner where the trafllc is heavy , nnd , ns soon ns the man stops on tbo platform ho surveys the interior of the car at a glimco , and then slip Into some [ ilaco Just vacated by n passenger. "Ho puts on a look of Indifference mid buries himself in thought , "When I go through the cars , this ; cntlninon looks up und It is only \vhon I re mind him of the fact that he must pay If lie wnnU to ride , Unit ho can bo convinced that he got on to the cnr at the corner Just ono block back , lint what's the use of talkIng - Ing I could tell you stories all day , but avcry ono who rldea knows of the troubles wo linvc , " and the train nulled up to tnlco on an oldlndy who wns wildly shaking her umbrella at the motorman , The men nro thoroughly orgaubcd into n Knights of Labor assembly that is ono of the strongest in the city , having a membership of nearly two hundred. Including conductors , motormon. cable grlptnnn nnd horse car drivers. The meetings are held at Gate City liall every Thursday evening anil uro very en tertaining us well us beneficial , The organi zation wns Instituted several months ngo nt Lhe instigation of the ofllelals of the road , To Nrrvons Debilitated If you will send us your address wo will send you Dr , Dye's ' Celebrated Voltaic Dell and Appliances on trial. They will quickly restore you to vigor , manhood nnd he.ilth , Pamphlet free. VOI.TAIO DILT Co. , Marshall , Mich. A. NOMVOIIIIK Women's ' Homo. The Woman's ' Christian association of Omaha Is an tictlvo nnd aggressive body of earnest Christian woman , who have the hap. plness of others nt he.irt. The ladles have Lhreo enterprises under thnir management that require n vast amount of work and con siderable personal saurlllce. They are the Exchange , the homo for old laulos and the young women's homo. At the old Indies' ' home on Burt street there are now seventeen boarders , nnd at the liomc for youngwomen there nre over twenty. These young ladles are furnished with good Accommodations and many homo comforts that they could not get ut regular boarding pluses , and pay but $ .1.50 per week , Tlio house now used by the association for the homo for young women at 10'J South Sev enteenth stivot Ins been found too small for the accommodation of us many as the associ ation can provide for. At the regular monthly meeting yesterday it was decided by the association to take the McCormack house at the comcrof Eighteenth and Dodge. This will give the association n homo that will accommodate about thirty young ladies , nnd the rooms will bo much more desirable , the ventilation better and tbo place very much more like n homo. The now quarters will bo taken about the first of October. The homo 1ms been at the present location for Just a year. The report from the exchange department was very satisfactory nnd the ladies feel very much ncouragcd with the progress they are making In their undertakings. A Popular Remedy. Mr. John ICcown , the worthy postmaster nt Kcown , Allegheny county , i'cnn. , says : "Chuinocrlain's Couph licmcdy sells better than any other. " The reason of this Is because it can always bo depended upon. Lot any ono troubled with a severe cold give It a trial nnd they will find that the first dose will relieve the lungs nnd make breathing easier , and that Its continued use will free the system of all symptoms of the cold. The promptness and certainty of this remedy in the relief and euro of colds , bus won for it many sincere friends and miido It very popu lar. For sale by druggists. Qualified to Teach. Following are the names of those who passed a satisfactory examination to entitle them to certilicales as teachers in the Omaha schools : J. M. Stoker , Lucy M. Pickering , Mabel Silver , Mary Moore , Florence L. Moore. MM. P. C. Goodson. Jennie McKay , Irene 0. Byrne , Hattlo L. Brcwster , Hose A. Brady. Nature usually makes n gallant fight nsainst disease , nnd when helped by Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial nnd Blood Puriller will eradicate it from tbo system. Third \Vnrd Democrats. The Third ward democratic club will meet this evening at Metz hall , on South Tenth street , and Mr. Kitchio uud Mr. Mnuoncy win speaK. Clipped from Canadian Pro3hytcrianundcr signature of C. Blackott Uobluson , propr. : I was cured of oft recurring bilious head aches by Burdock Blood Bitters. a HARVESTIiiXCimsiONS SOUTH tt. Via the IVnbnali Jtonte. On September 9 , 23 nnd October 14 the "Wabash will soil round trip tickets to points in Texas , Arkansas. Tennessee , Mississippi , Louisiana , Alabama , Geor gia nnd Florida , ut Half Faro , good for 30 days. Remember the "Wivbash is tlio quickest route South nnd Southeast. Inclining Chair nnd Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars on all trains. Only 15 hours to St. Louis , 32J " u Chattanooga , 40 " " Now Orleans , 4Gi " " Now York , with corresponding' fast time to all points South and East. For tickets anil full information in rojjnrcl to routes , also for a copy of the Southern Homosookors' Guide , cull at the Wabash Ticket Ollico , 1502 Farnain street , Omaha , or write G. N. Clayton , Northwestern Passenger .Agont , 'Omuha , Nob. I'BUSOSAfi I'.lR.lGRAl'HS , B , L. PollocK of Denver Is at the Mer chants. John W. Havklns of St. Paul is In the city , at the Merchants. S. J. G. Irvinoof Crolghtou was nt the Mer chants last night. J. A. Johnson \Vostonisa \ guest at tlio Merchants , George II , Harper of Lincoln Is at the Mil- lurd. lurd.B. B. C. IInnrali.ui of Kansas City Is regis tered nt the Millard , F. Wnlcott of Tolland , Wyo , , is a guest at the Millard , J. II. Aultman of West Point Is nt the Casey. II. C. Thurbcrof Norfolk was at the Casey lost night. Oliver Locke of Boston Is in the city , at the Casey. E. D. AVelkcr of Lyons Is a guest at the Casey. M. E. Erwlnof Dubuque is at the Paxton. V. C. Cliasoof Chicago was at the Paxton last night. George G. Bowman of Columbus was n guest at the Paxton last night. A. F. Keith of Scribiior is registered at the Paxton. J. 0. Kollu of Boston h at the Murray. L. H. Kenuzy of Now York Is stopping ut the Murray , A. H. Lolghton of Boston was at the Mur ray last night. Miss Anna Hcafy departed for Kansas City yesterday , where she will remain several weeks , visiting relatives. Change of life , backache , monthly Irrogu unities , hot flashes nro cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Free samples at Kuhu & Co. , 15th and Douglas. The now ofllcoH of the great Rod : Island route , 1G02 , Sixteenth and Fnrnara streotti , Omaha , are tlio llnost in the city. Cull and BOO thorn. Tickets to all points east ut lowest nitos. A31UNK31KXTH. "Nnnon , " Hlchard Gcnco's romantic opera , which has been heard In almost every tongue , so popular Is it , win produced last evening at the Uoyd by the Curloton opera company. It was llko n reunion of the old guard of opera goers. Llko veterans assem bling ut the anniversary of a great battle , they gathered In the lobby during the entr' actes , greeted old comrades , talked over that great premier who tlrst produced the opera in this country , of Lllliiin Uussoll , of Merion Mimola , of Fanny Hlco , and then they came back to the present and npoko in tender phrases of tlio comedienne of the Curlctou company , Miss Clara Lano. Her Nunon is one of the most chnrining roles in her repertoire. She is winsome and win ning , nnd plays the part with an Intelligence so rare thai ouu woudcrs if she comes from a . family of opera singers , so natural and re fined is hoi * work. Miss .li-annlu Winston as Ninon was n revelation. Herctoforo we hnvo seen the role nlnyed without tlio least part icle of dramatic : force , but she gave a now force to that most biilllnt.t of French women , who ruled Paris and Franco almost as su premely ns Mine , no Malntenoa ruled Louis XIV. Mr. Carleton as the Marquis d'Auolgne was In splendid voice. The part Is Just suited to him , and ho brings to It a dash , nn abandon quite cnptlvltatlng , It Is by far the cbolcost of his roles. Mr , Blgclow as the Marquis do Murslluc , Mr. Murray as tbo Abbe , and Mr. Hlnko as Hector , assisted In the unravollngof thoplot , which Is ono of the strong features of the opera , to any nothing of the book , which in this instance was written by Sidney Kosca- fcld. Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples frco at Kuhu & Co.'s , 15th and Douglus. An Educational Need. Every European govoi'iimon hoops cxooiiKivo agencies to learn promptly the latest changes and Improvements In all political and military innltora in other countries , and strives to bo the llrst to adjust Itpolf to every now con dition , nnd to avail Usolf of it. Every ciitoi'iirlsiiit ; manufacturer or business lioiiHo studies now processes , supplies , lluotuatlons ot taste or fashion , and markets in other IniidH. Every rcsjieot- able man of nclonuo learns promptly of every important now discovery or realise in hisUno throughout tlio world , Bays President Hull in tlio September Forum. Hut our prolTcssIoiml schools for teachers , our city and state super visors , and even our highest educational institutions , are conducted without utiliz ing , or oven studying , the experiences of other lands. "Five ycnrs ago I had a constant cough , night sweats , was greatly reduced In llosh , and had been given up by my physicians , I began to take Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral , and after using two bottles of this modioino , wns completely cured , " Anga A. Lewis , Ulcard , Pensions and Slentlleancy. There used to bo no dilYorcmco be tween American political manners anil those of Europe says M L. Godkin in the September Forum more striking than the attitude of the American mind tow ard pensions. In England , for two cen turies at least , and in Franco , under tlio old regime , ovoryljoilygotn pension who could , without shame or scruple , and those who got the largest ones were con sidered the luckiest dogs. Hut in Am erica there has always , until now , been an honorable dislike to taking public money , except as a salary , and it was with some dilli- culty that the discredit was suspended in the case of soldiers superannuated or disabled in the iiublio service. That this feeling lias-well nigh passed awayor hits boon greatly weakened , no ono who watches tlio eiTeot of the recent pension legislation at Washington can deny. The old national modesty about govern ment money is , in fact , gone , or is rapidly going. Everybody , or nearly everybody , takes it , who gets u chnnco to do so , and the fact that there is plenty of it in the treasury quiets the qualms even of the oven of the raoro scrupulous ; just as if alms-taking from a rich man \voro less humiliating than alms-taking from a man of moder.ito means. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syprup reduces inflammation , while children are teething. t3 ! cents n bottle. Through coaches Pullman palace sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and intervening point vlti the grent Uock Island route. Ticko oflico 1G02 , Sixteenth and Farnatn. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. TTlOn RENT Hotel Jameson , all furnished , JL'Possession Riven October 1. For Informa tion address Win. Sledentopf , or Cljrls Straub , Council Blairs. WANTED Dining room girl at Homo rcs- taurant , : i'J7 Uroadwny * Council ItlutTs. T\TANTED Itetouchor. 1'icco work can bo lind utJolKcrhliis' iihotogiupli gallery ,1)17 ) Uniiulway , Council liluil's. W ANTED A woman cook at St. Joe house , No. GSiMnln st. Council llluirs. WWANTED WANTED Good slrl to learn dressmaking trade. Miss Wallace , over Cattlemen's bank. E Or will trade for a eoocl road -C toam. stallion No. 03.U. registered In Wal lace. lly Dr. Archibald , dam by Kentucky Clay , 5 years old. Apply to Dr. Macrae. TITOK SA.LB or Kent Garden land , with X1 houses , by J. It. Hlco. 1'JJ ' Main at. , Council Bluffs. _ TpOHKRNT Two now modern 7-room house1 * . JL1 Good location. Apply U23 l < 'lftn avenue. J. 11. Davidson. WHY pay rent wnen you can buy a homcon the sumo terms , and In eao of your ( loath at any tlino leave your family thu homo elear on the rollowlii' ; terms : A homo worth il.OOJ : it $12 per month. A homo worth tl.fi' ) ) at J1S pur month. A homo worth 1J.03) ) at * ! ! per month. A homo worth ji,0no ; at 1 11) ) pur monlli. A homo worth $4,00) ut iH iur mouth. Other priced homes on tlio niinio terms. The above monthly payments Include principal und Interest. For f it'll particulars call on or address I ho Judd A ; Wells Co. , CJ3 UroaUway , Council Itlulti , la. 17IOU KENT The utoro room , No. 13 , fronting JJ on I'oarl st. W. 0. Jiimes , Broadway In Central sub. for J773 , IOTon Jjohnstoii & Van 1'iittvn , Bvorott block. "IT OK SAIiK A sut of abstract boo'is and un I ? cslabllsbutl real estate , loan and Insiirani'o business. A splendid apcnliiK for some une , Iiiiiulru i > f Johnston , t Van 1'nttuii. land In Missouri to oxclmngo for Council IllnlfH iiroperty. Johnston & Van I'attrn. . lots In Omaha to I rack ) for a good 01.HAH , Oivnurof the lots will giro an uxtrn Kooil iradu , Johnson & Van Patten , Kvorctt block , and two lots on North 7t'i street for sale utu bargain , Julmsloii & Van Pulteii. 27 MAIN STREKT. OvorC. U. Jao ueinlii .tOa'a Jewelry Store DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute Private Hospital. Cor. Broadway and 2lth ( Street. Council lllulli , la 1'or thotrcatmcntof allHiiriiloal andchroalo discuses and iltaouiut ot tlio wood. tlio urinary , ind so.xual orcans , as nyplillls , Blrlettiro , uyntltK sper- nintorroiioio , lent manhood , suvual linpotuuco und woaldiehS treated successfully. rartlciilarattunllon paid todlsi-asin of the luiiKH , ns Asthma , Consumption , Hnmchltla ( ntnrrh , Etc. I'uralysli , Kidney dlBeatos a * Diabotoa , Hi-lKht'sDIsciiso , lllioumntlim , I'llos. Oaticur , VariocnU' , Ilydrooiilo , Dronsy , Til- inur. Diseases of the eye und our. Olnb feed. Spinal eurviituiounil alldl oiiHo < < i ) ( thobono < t. We liavo u department devoted exclusively to the trent incut of Utorlno disease * Medicine soul securely ( Kicked und frco from observation. Corrojpmidcnco confidential. Address ! DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute anil Private Hospital , Cor. Ilronilnnr iiiidZ'ith ' st. Council lllulK la. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WOKKS Ml kinds of Dying nnd CUanlng done In the IIIghoHt 'iiyloof the Art , Failed ; uul Stained Kubiles tiuiOe to look as < > od as nmv. Work l > r.iniitly | ilunuand dt'llvored In nil parts of Urn country , Send for iirlco list. c. A. MAUHAN. Prop. . 13 Hroadway , Xi-ur N'oithwohtcrn lei > ot > , C'OUXCII , llt.ULTS , IA. Strictly In tjualncni" h a wplomlM motto. - ust tiuuciHH In every line of human energy h ruackua byhim who holds to aumo adopted Bpojlalty. WESTERN People nre proxroislvo , full of enow , and raouoy miiklni ; schemes. Tliuy neotl tpaclal training lor bu'lnusi. IOWA Lcnils In populnr education. HIT public school * are dolnirKriuiil work for her Inore.nlin million * . Western lovra. COLLEGE , full term Sept. Int. tfho seloeti Hie ronlly practlciit for her Student * . N'ortn.il. llusl- iio-B , Bliortlinnl nml raniuiinshlp roursei. well or- KnnltiM mid carefully conducted gtnilonti mnr cnler at any time. Write for furilior particulars 10 \V. S. 1'nulaon , Council Bluffs , Iowa. At-L , WORK WARRANTED DR. J. D. JACKSON , Dental Surjaon All kinds of work done. Yon con save one- half on your Kohl and silver nillnir by calling at room S03 Morrlum block. Council lllulTa. A HOTEL BARGAIN nil 111.IV. , T. , FurnlshCil and In itoodrop ilrs. Uestiiotol In theelty. Contnilly loa.itoJ. D.ilni ; a first * elass business , ThH Is a bargain tor soina good betel man. Apply to JAMESON BROS , Props. Council Bluffs . . . Iowa. " F. M. Ellis & Co. , ARCHITECTS And.Bulldlng Superintendents , Rooms 4IW and 412 lleo Ilntldlnvr. Omaha Neb. , and llnnms 214 and 211 Mcrrlum IJIool * Council HlulTs. la. Corresuoiulenco solleltou J. 1) . UiuniNnsOX , Pro , K. U SIIUOAIIT , Vlco-pro CIIAULKS H. 1IANNAX , Cashier. v v CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Oounoll Dlu.ffs . Paid up Capital 16OOOO Surplus an-U Pi-ofits BOOOO Liability to Depositors. . S8O.OOO DlKKCTOiis : I. A. Miller. K , O. Dleiison , K. L. SlniKiirt , K. K. Hart. .1. I ) . Kdmunson , ( Jliarles G. llaniyin. Transact general b.inklns bust- ness. Largest caplt.il and surplus ot uny bank In Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. _ _ ' - - - - - 1 OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Corner Mnlno nml Hrondwny. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign and domestic oxchango. Collections made and latciust paid on tlma deposits. S. E. Muxon , L. J. II , Ilonrt-'eolf , II. 0 , C'ookft JIAXON , BOUUGEOIS & COOKB , Architects and Superintendents. KooiaiMT and fiOS N Uooma 219 and 250 Y. Llfu Illdt ! . . Omaha , Morrlam Hilt. , Conn' Nob. Telephony Hi. ) . ell llluirs. la. Tclo- plumu 272. 'if-fi Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. Agents Wanted. Dr. O. B. Judd. 606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la We arc receiving daily for fall trade the fin est patterns in Moquette , Velvet , Body Brus sels , Tapestry Brussels , Ingrain Carpets , ancT Rugs , Lace , Chenile and Silk Curtains , Win dow shades , Upholstering and Drapery goods , of all kinds. Fringes and Fancy Trimings. Upholstering and Interior Decorating done to order on short1 < ! notice , Call and see ns or write for samples and prices. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , 4Oca Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.