Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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tenaU Passes the Amendment Increasing the
Duty on Pine Washed Wools.
_ j
Ilio Federal Government will Ilcrc-
nrtcr Attcrwl to That Mutter
In tlic Tcrrltorlcs-Tlic
Itnttin JInttcr.
y , Sept 1. In the senate Mr.
Dlalr nskcd whether a motion to adjourn
would bo In order. This was Ltfbor ( lay , ho
said , nnd should bo universally observed.
Mr. Hoar snlcl L.nbor day would bo better
honored by legislation In behalf of labor.
Mr. Ulalr acquiesced nnd said : "I glvo no-
llec to the senator In charge of the tariff bill
that I will ask the unanimous consent of the
tcnato to glvo precedence to the considera
tion of the labor bills that have been sent us
by the house of representatives. "
Mr. Sherman jjnvo notice of an amendment
which ho proposed to offer to the tariff bill
looking toward reciprocity with the Domin
ion of Canada In coal nnd toward extending
trade relations between Canada and the
United States.
Mr. Blair nslted unanimous consent to pro
ceed to the consideration of the house bill for
the ndjustmcut of accounts under the eight
Lour law.
As the bill could not bo disposed of with
out discussion Mr. Aldrich objected and the
tariff bill was taken np , the question bdtitf
on the paragraph as to wool mid woolen
goods , to which the lluanco committee hud
reported an amendment increasing the duty
.from twice to two nnd a half times the duty
pfmpo'icd on washed woolof the llrst class.
, ] ' Pnddock addressed the senate in a
ctU'Hy crticism | of the tariff bill.
t'A ' ier a long discussion the committee
niiieitdmeuts were ngreed to 20 to IS.
To the next paragraph , relating to woolen
or worsted cloths , knit fabrics , etc. . the com
mittee reported an amendment increasing the
duty from twice to three times the duty per
jKJund on unwashed wool of the llrst class.
. Aprced to.
On motion of Mr. Carlisle the word
"shawls'1 was Inserted nftcr the words
"woolen or worsted cloths. "
To the next paragraph , rclatlnp to blankets ,
hats of wool nnd flannels for underwear , the
committee amendment makes the duty the
Bamo as that on a pound nnd n half of un
washed wool of the first class in addition to
ad valorem rates.
Finally the wool schedule was completed
nnd Mr.'Vance offered as an additional sec
tion an amendment of which ho heretofore
gave notice , allowing u reduction of duty on
goods purchased with the proceeds of Ameri
can farm products and sold in foreign coun
tries. Ho will ask for an evening session tomorrow -
morrow , In which to address the senate.
Schedule L. relating to silk and silk coods.
was taken up nnd the committee amendment
agreed to ; also ono by Mr. Aldrich striking
out of paragraph ! ! 02 the words "spun silk"
and adding "spun silk lu skeins or cops oren
on beams 3T per cent ad valorem. "
.Mr. Aldrich stated that the sugar schedule
would bo taken up tomorrow ,
The conference report on the bill relation to
collisions at sea wus agreed to and the senate
/ WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. In the bouse today
Mr. Stockbridpo ol Maryland moved to suspend -
' pend the rules and pass the bill providing for
t 'overnment Inspection of coal mines lu the
f 'fritorifs."Agreed to.
" "Slr. Cooper of Indiana , rising to a question
of privilege , stated that ono of the charges
made In the resolution offered by him
for an Investigation of tbo commissioner
of pensions was that tbo commissioner was
selling stock In n refrigerator company to cm'
ploycs of the pension office. Toduv ho had
learned that one of the members of the In
vestigating committee , Smvser of Ohio , was
one of the stockholders. Ho ( Cooper ) there
fore offered n resolution dlscbaYging Mr.
Sniysor from the committee and directing the
speaker to appoint his successor.
Jlr. Sinvser said he had no intimatlontlint
* Vuj t { > .bcappoiiiU _ don _ the commit-
- announcement was made by the
s a member of the committee he
IP upon the discharge of bis duty
it faithfully nnd well. Ho
of the stock , hut that fact
lu no manner effect the in-
I tegrity or honor of an honest
man , and friends who knew him
would never Impute to him want of honor or
want of integrity. Mr. Smyser said there
wns notliing hi tlio charges against General
Rautn In any wuy affecting niin , but In order
to satisfy tie other side of the house and tbo
country and iu duty to himself ho asked to bo
released from further service on the corn-
On motion of Mr. Chlpmnn of Michigan
the senate bill wns passed extending the
criminal jurisdiction of tbo circuit aud dis
trict courts to the great lakes und their con *
Decline waters.
Mr. Perkins of Kansas moved to suspend
the rules aud pass the bill to ratify and con
firm the agreement with tbo Sax
and Fox nnd Iowa tribes of
Indians in Oklahoma , nnd after nn explana
tion by Messrs. Perkins and Peel it passed.
Vln tin ; AVahash lioiito.
On September 0 , 23 nnd October 14 the
"Witbnsh will sell round trip tickets to
points In Toxtu , Arkansas. Tennessee ,
Mississippi , Louisiana , Alabama , Geor
gia nnd Florida , ut Half Faro , { rood for
30 days. Remember the Wabash is the
Quickest route South nnd. Southeast.
Iteclinlnp Cliiiir and Pullman BulTot
islcepiiiK1 Cars on all trains. Only
15 hour * to St. Louis ,
' 32 } " " Chattanooga ,
40 " " Now Orleans ,
{ 40 } u " Now York ,
1W yt1 corresponding fast time to nil
nbints South and East. For tickets and
-oill information in rofjnrd to routes , also
/ * for a copy of the Southern Homcseokers'
i' Guide , call at the Wabiish Ticket Olllco ,
I 1502 Furntim street. Omaha , or write G.
N. Clayton , Northwestern Passenger
Agent , Omiihn , Neb.
The Owler Itcilticlni ; Grain Kales Scp-
tpinher 1 Deferred.
DCniCAOo , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bnc. ] Chairman Mldgloy of the West
ern Freight association returned today and
bad burely arrived before bo learned that his
mission to the Interstate commerce commis
sion was at least partially a success. Said
ho : "I saw ull the commissioners except
Mr. Vcasey and laid before them the effect
the reduction the grain rates would bave.
TUo commissioners not being together , I
could not get an Immediate answer , bt they
. apparently used the telegraph freely and the
result wus a telegram I have Just received ,
which says the order reducing grain rates is
postponed. That Is all thu Information I Imvo
at present mid whether the postpsncmcnt
is to an indefinite data or not I do not know. "
\ The Chicago Hues as n whole do not seem to
M cnro whether the rates nro reduced or not.
\ The most of them claim that u bulk of the
\ \ craln Is now , nnd for months has been , tnov-
'JL input u less raw than that iiamedbytho
* * commission , so that the order If endorsed
m would cut no llgure In the revenues.
K The attempt it eastern roads to miiko utian-
IA linwis the use of the uniform bill of lading
/ " today was a failure. As far lis learned the
i 'Wubash , Grund Trunk and I3g ! Four Imvo
Wfuseil to iiUont It mid U Is expected that
other lines will take the sumo stand. The
1 position cf the objecting- roads Is that the
\ bill of lading ouRht to lx > still further amended
) to meet the views cf the fchlpiicrs aud that It
would be folly to put It Into effect when the
chances uro thut tlio roads und tbo bhipticrs
can pet together and ogrco on a new bill of
liiliiiflibln two weeks.
J/ A Tnlk witli Vice IM-cslilcnt Thomas.
T CHICAGO , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tno DCE.I Vice Presidents Ptlton and
tbouiaa ot tUo Crlo return to New York to-
morrow. Snlil Mr. Thomas tonight : "Tho
task Jf puttlnit In running order n road run
ning from the first to tlia second city In tbo
countrj * 1' no small ono. Thcro Is no money
In n soooud claw road imtl 1 have already
Btnrtetl out pravcl trains , which will work
tiny nml night to make the road Just what It
should be. It will bo second to none In tbo
country when we finish It.Vo have not yet
decided on the officials of the road. That
will bo done at n meeting of the Erie direc
tors to bo hold hi New York within ten dnvs.
However much wo may wish it , there seems
no chance of retaining Uccolvcr Malottc's
service. He Is'n gentleman ° f independent
means nnd he told mo today that he could not
longer afford to ncelcct tils banking and rail-
roud interests In Indinnopolls.
French Milliners Grttlii ) ; So Hnd UH to
Onll t\ir Xc v IJIWH : ,
Is the nnclent reputation of the French
nation for politencbs on thu wtino , nnd is
ttio vnuntpd courtesy of Frenchmen
toward ladies now n thiiiL' of the past ?
sadly asks the Leaden Daily Telegraph.
Gentlemen of the old school reply sadly
in the nllirtnalivo , and this Is also the
opinion of poveral members of thn towa
councilor Havre , which hns been dis
cussing and rcvhinj ; the by-laws for the
tfultition of tlio municipal street cars.
Ono councillor coniplulncd that in
these degenerate days men sitting in a
car never thought of yielding phico to
ladies compelled to stand on tlio plat
form at the end even though it tni 'lit
bo raining and lie moved the adoption
of a by-law caipowering1 the conductor to
compel members of the male persuasion
comfortably ensconced in the interior of
the vehicle to make way for any matrons
or spinsters standing outside.
Several members of tlio council sup
ported this ardent upholder of the "high
politeness1 but the majority reluctantly
came to the opinion that his courteous
proposition was unworkable in the pres
ent Btntc of decadence- into which man
ners had fallen.
This episode has evoked from several
"censors of manners" in Paris diatribe ,
on the decline of French politonesss
which they admit mournfully to be nn
accomplished fact and what about
French waiters ? An incident at Point
ers leads ono to think that even these in
dividuals , whoso politeness u ed to bo be
yond reproach , are becoming infected
with tlio rudeness of the age. Several
olllcers ono day entered a cafe concert
and sat down ; the waiter came up and
demanded the entrance money , putting
his elbows on the table and declaring
that ho would not budge without it.
A lieutenant gave him a shove , telling
him ho would get his money when ho be
haved properly. With that the waiter
took up an iron chair and hit the lieu
tenant in the face with it , destroying
one of his eyes.
lie Uses it ns nil Artcunient That He
Should Nut . u Uubbctl.
J. P. McCullough , pastor of the Bnp-
libt church in Nyack , read an advertise
ment in a New York paper to the ellect
that a Holbtein bull and cow would bo
sold cheap at the "Blue Stone yards ,
513 West Thirty-ninth street,1' tnis oily.
says a New York dispatch to the Globe-
Democrat , Mr. McUullough wanted a
Iloletein , so , as he is a southern mtm ,
ho put a pistol in his pocket and
went in quest of the animal. There
were no Blue Stone yards at
the number given in the news
paper , but , after passing the review of
several laiots of particularly vicious
looking toughs , the dominie found a
long stable shed running back from the
street between a tall tenement and apilo
of rock febanties. The tenement is
"Hell's Kitchen' and the i ocks "Sebus-
topol , " ' both of unsavory reputation. A
man was washing a buggy in the slied.
When asked about the cow , ho pointed
the inquirer back to the rear end of what
seemed a succession of fcheds. Three
blanket-covered horses were stabled
there. Ono corner of this last shed was
fenced off with several blankets hung on
At this moment there appeared a rcd-
whisliered man dressed like a coachman ,
with a long whip in his hand. Ho said
ho had come to get the Wilkes stallion
ho hud bargained for the night before.
A dapper man , who had also appeared
on the scene , turned with some indigna
tion to the coachman. Ho could not
have the horse. Mrs. Hartley had de
cided not to let it go to any ono but a
person she was sure would take good
euro of it. The coachman protested
that ho had bought it and that he
ought to have it , and a heated argu
ment was iu progress when Rev. Mr.
McCullough was invited to step be
hind the curtain into the dark corner
of the shed to see the beast , but the
preacher had seen enough. Ho had
noticed that the coachman s get-up was
altogether too now to have seen real
service. He also noticed that the gate
to the street had been casually closed ,
and that it was very dark in the corner
whore ho was , a professed buyer , with
money in his pocket , in a neighbor
hood that was doubtful , to say the least ,
alone with two men whose actions im
pressed him as those of swindlers. The
Nyack dominie took this all in with a
quick glance. Then ho pulled his re
volver , cocked it with a dexterity that
was convincing , and said simply :
"Stand back there and open thattrato.
or 1 will blow the top of your head off. "
Not a word of remonstrance was of
fered by the men. The gate was opened
and Mr. McCullough passed out. The
clergyman walked past "Murderer's
Row1' congratulating himself that ho
was well out of a bad scrape , nnd went
nnd told the story to his friend , Rev.
George Thompson of Hurlem. Mr.
Thompson went to police headquarters
nnd was font to the Thirty-seventh street
police station. There he was told by the
police that tlio game was a very old ono.
Together with a reporter Mr. Thomp
son went over to "Hell's Kitchen" with
n newspaper containing the tame ad
vertisement in his hand. Sure enough ,
there wns the man on the lookout wash
ing the buggv. Ho pointed back to the
rear shed and tflo dapper man appeared ,
as did albo the "coachman. " The same
programme was followed as with the
Nyack preacher nnd the same dialogue
rehearsed. Hov. Mr. Thompson left the
swindlers to again report the matter to
the police.
The Iiitclllcciico ol'TorulH.
Toads , in the presence of snakes , usu
ally remain perfectly still , says Forest
and Stream. In this is their only safety ,
fordid they make the least movement
they would immediately bo caught. I
have known u hungry snake to lie wait
ing for over an hour for n frog to move ,
and even push with the nose to btir him
up. This has been called "snako charm
ing , " and indeed it looks like it , but the
toad is the charmer nnd the saako the
chnrmee. I remember ono duy I
dropped a toad in the midbt of
a pit of snakes I had in my back
yard. Ho at once became perfectly btill ,
though surrounded by more than a dozen
hungry snakes. There was a circle of
lierce heads and glaring eyes around
him , but ho would not move. Thocirclo
narrowed until the protruding tongues
almost touched him , yet ho wns iminov-
, able.Just then I wus called away for
, over half an hour , but on returning
found the toad in grave dignity tstill
holding the fort by most masterly inac
tivity. This lowly , helpless creature ,
strong only by adherence to n natural
faith , thus buttling enemies numerous
and powerful , brought Daniel before the
mental vision more vividly than Illvor'i
celebrated picture.
friTi fiipfM'i iTtirn ittniT'PTr *
Wheat Simply a Creatnre of Whims and Oa-
pricts of Traders.
OatH Close nt the Lowest Trices of
the Day Coiisltli-rablc Activity
In I'rovlslons Cattle
CHICAOO , September 1. [ Poccial Telegram
toTnn UiE.l : Thu whtat market today Has
I'lrgely a creature of whims of trade In the
pit. There wus no lui ) > nrlaiit news from any
source nnd on thu whole the market was
weak , only once rising ? ic over the close on
Saturday. UcaiUh Inlluences were easier ,
cables with Liverpool otl ! 4d for spot
wheat , liberal receipts running over the esti
mate , Increase In local stocks of 12,000 bushels
and heavy offering * of long wheat In the pit
by the houses supposed to represent llutchln-
son. Hull points were ll ht deliveries , pro
bably not over 5o per hundred
thouiand bushels and Incessant rains
In the northwest causing reports of sprouting
vUicataml prospect * of decrease 111 vlslblo
supply. The market started lower around
tl.ui i for September , ! 1.04'i for December , anil
tl.OSU for May. Abldo from ti little spiiit of
buying whlcn ran September up ' 'c In a fmv
minutes , trading wus mostly In December.
September sold JI.01 and up to Jl.OJ , with the
hid til Jl.Oa'i. ' without cutting wheat ! Doeoiu-
bur Hist sold oil toiLO-iy and on a i-low rally
up to noon rose to $1.0.V4 j hefoie 1 o'clock the
price broke down to tt.K ( ! ! { . the low point of
the day up to that hour. There wus
fair buylns by Mitchell , Logan and
the ciowd on nn early advance
and the tilling was led by Ulooiu. fluid win A
1'imiiim. Parker & Co. audVilllatn Voting V
Co. Later In the day early buyers also sold
out and the market appeared to godown of Its
onii wi'lulit. 'Hie l.'ibt half hour ' .iroiizht.a
further decline In whuat. SeptumlcT sold olT
to 81.10'i nnd closed at il.til ; December
louclicd SI.Oil and olosed at Jl.ttiMay sold at
Jl.OTiind closed at 11.07 ! , .
There was u heavy inuiket In corn from the
very stait , Tliugrvutcstliillui'iicoof the day
was thu bright outlook fore.xcelk-ut wt-utlier.
There was no fie t In clirlit nnd predictions
wi-io for fair and wanner. Tills removed much
of tbo fear which has been bolstering jirlces.
Another inlluenco wai iuwor rntis on grain ,
which go into t-ITect today. Cables were weak
ana the crowd bearMi , Hull Inlluences were
largo shipments and dcereaso of local stocks
by 4JI.QJO bushel * for the week. Hc.'elpts In
cluding SuiKlav Inspection on two roads , weie
T01 cars , with bw cars for Tucbrtny. SenteniVjcr
corn bold ut 4 : > ' 4c to Jji'.o to 4JUO to : . ? , at 1
o'clock ; Jlay , 4i ' , o tols'.o toJS'iC to4s'4o atl
p. in. Corn touched bottom prices shortly be-
toro the clo-o , when Soplembor wild at 45c , Oc
tober at 45ic ! nnd May at 4b'4C. There was a
Might recoM-ry at the close , with September
at 45Sc. ! October at 43Se. and May nt 4sae.
Ont clo rd ut lowest prices of the ( lay with
u dtcllnc for tally months ell c nd for May
he from Saturday. Scutomber sold iitX > Jc
and October and t'ounielnian and Day sold
May and broke the market to the lowest price.
Noruurteitt were reported.
There was considerable activity in nrovl-
sions ut times , but It vrns not of that sort
which affects values much. In lard and ribs
there wns a great deal of chanzliiB from Sep
tember toother months. In both lard and
Lard sold at'Ui7i ! and $3.C'JH for Janunry and
closed at W.CT > and other months lame as on
Shi - tiT , . cDt'inber pork J10.10 iiud HO.'O
closlncl utSlO.IM jan ni7 * J."isilli .wltha
good dcmiind aiomid fr.K ( ) for packers'timl
others and the close at Jli.Oili or 74c ! lower.
CUICAOO , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE.I OATTtn lluslness fairly active ,
with best native steers selllnf ? a shade higher
than on Friday or Saturday , but thuro was
little or no change to note on common or me
dium stouk. Tt-xans sold rather stronger and
native butchers' .stool : wus In fair demand nnd
rather better than nt the close ( if lust week ,
Thcro was nothing of note going on In the
btockur and feeder Hue. Natives , KJ.OCIiW.l ! ) ;
btockers , | 2.7.V3 .8 , " > : cows , bulls and mixed ,
fl.4oa4.OC ; Texaiis , t2.4CQ3.SO ; Colorado , f3.00 ®
a.s.'i.Hoas Business active and values 53ilOo
higher nil around. 1'ackers paid H..O4.21 ; for
prime heavy and butcher -weights , $1.254.50j
light sorts , f4.MiS4.4. ( ) .
OniCAGO , Sept. 1. 1:15 : p. m. close Wheat
Easy ; cabh , il.Ol ; December , tl.03j ; May ,
Corn Ea y : cash , October , 4. > Uc ; May , 4Sic. ?
Oats Easy ; cash. October , 3lJc } ; May ,
DSc.Kye Ea y at C2e.
Il'trley Steady ; 74tt"c ,
1'rimoTimothy Steady ut 11.40.
Flax Seep Uuiet at (1,41.
Whisky 31.12.
Pork Dull ; cash , ! 10.00 ; October , J10.I3 ;
Jaiaiary. tl-.lf-i. !
Lard Steady : cash , JC.20 ; October , JO.M ;
January. KJ.tMlil&O.M.
Klour Steady and unchanged ; winter
wheat , } 2.2i@3.M ; spring wheat , J1.K > @ 5.73 ; rye ,
Hulk Moats Shoulders. t , > .7.V3S.7'i ; short
clear , & > .GO5.f ; > j ; short ribs 85.2.V3J.30.
Iluttcr Quiet ; creamery , 14& . ' ! ic ; dairy , 18
CIiee o Firm ; full cream cheddnis. S'i ®
! Jc ; flats 8'iO.Uc ' : Youne Americas , OH W.Jic.
KSRS Finn ; fresb , lU'itl'c.
Hides Unchanged : Una ; heavy nnd light
Brocn salted.T'scsaltcJliulllilUe ' ; > i.5I-jc ; preen
ialti-dcalf. fe'ife'tc ; dry Hint , b&9c ; dry salted
111 ill's. 7c ; dry calf. Sii-Oc : deacons , i-ach. We.
Tallow Uncliaiucd ; steaay ; No. 1 , solid
packed , 4Hc ; No. 2ie ; ciilteiie. ! .
leci'lt { | > s. Shipments.
Plour , Mils 13.1X10 23.KO
Whtat , bu 57,000 K1.WH )
Corn , bu S23.00J 4iiftK : )
Onls.bu ao.003 297,000
ST. Louis , Fi-pt. 1. Wheat Firm ; cash and
Soiitcmbor , 1M' .
Corn Cash and September , 4Cc ; options
loner ; May , I'J'sO ' ,
Oats bteady ; cash and September , Me ; May ,
Iork-Qulct at 511.50.
Whisky Jl.ia.
lluttcr Quiet and iinchangcit.
KANSAS CITV , Fept 1. Wheat Weaker :
No. " bard , cash anil September , 69o ! No. "
it'd , cash , K" > c.
Corn Ixmei ; No. 2 cash. Septembor. 411JC ,
Oats Stoaily ; No. " . ca = hi-uptciiibi.'rI34e.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 1. Wheat Lower ; No. 2
red , $1.00
Corn Lower ; No. 2 mixed , Wt&'iQc.
Oats Steady-No. ; 2 mixed. lisJi&'JVc.
Whisky $1.13.
MILWAUKEE , Popt , 1. Wheat Lower : No
2 tprlnj. cusli , UTcUtl.W ; No. 1 iiortliurul.r. .
Corn Lower ; No. 3,4io. (
Outs Euslur ; No. white. 3G'i17e.
rrovlsloni Qulut ; pork , January. 510.075 : .
MINNEAPOLIS , Suplcnibcr 1Vheat Ho-
ccipts0 cars ; falilpnii'iits , ICO cars ; markul
easier and lower. Cluslug : No. 1 hard am
September. tl.OO ! on track , (1.0T > ® l.Ui ; No. 1
nortlit'rn , lO' c ; . ' oiitonilior , IW > , < . ' ; on track
iUC'Sl.W ; No. 2 noithcrn und AiiKust , ir.V.
LlVEiii-oou Sept. 1 , Wheat Easy ; de
mand peers homers oiler freely ; UalKor-
nlu No. 1 , 7.ril7 > ' 14 purcuntul ; red wusturn. 7s
Cd ; westernwlutur. 7s5 ( d.
Corn-l'Jrrostcaily ; mixed western , 4s Cid !
per cental.
CincAno. PeDtomboiM. Cattle RoeolptA. 1"-
i ; juarkt't fairly uctlvu and firm ; natlvu ,
LUU&UO ; btooker * . f2.i.'iU ! S3 ; cuws , bulls und
inUc-d , JI.40M4.OOi Texans , SS.WHtl-'O ; Colorado ,
HogKocclpts , K,000 ! ; market nctlvo und
hhhcr ; ] ) ackerso and shlupcrs. M.wrn.'Mi
prime lieu vr anil butcher weights , ! 4.twCJ.53 ) ;
tki ] > s und Eeleutod light , 1 2.3. (3.1. ( .
Sfieep litcoipts , 12,0,0 ; miirliet active and
caslur ; natives. fl.W > J:4.Ki : ; westerns. fl,10 < 34. : ;
Texans , W.7.va4.'ii ; lambs , fl.7oeti.lo.
ST. Louis. Sept , L Cutlle HecpJprs WOO ;
i-hlpinents , WO : inuiket strong : fair to fancy
lutivo stcurs. { 4.0W3JI.W ; htockfis uud feeders ,
. ' ' .
Hogs-UecelptsI.401 ; shipment2,000. . mar
ket higher ; heavy , 8l.3. ai.4U ; mixed , 14.0/B
4.M ; llRht , l.204il2V
KANFAR OITV , Sept , 1. Cattle Receipts
.ViOO ; Milptnents. ] , M ) ; market hleutly lo
fctroiiKisteviS e..l'J4..V.I ; cuwt- , il.UU2.7U ;
fctnckuis and feeders. VSMHlsH.'A
llcgs Iti-cclpU-MO ; shlpmrnts , 2,000 ; mar
ket htiung ; ail gradeit , il.4UiH.10.
Sioux Ciiv. la. , Sept. 1. [ Special Telesrnin
to Tin : llni- ] llogh-ltoielpts. VM ; market
ttioiiK to Do higher , t > clllng at 44.OJ3l.15.
O J/.I It.l ItlVK'lt'fO CK ,
cm tic.
Monday , Soptcmbor 1.
nstlmutpd rofeluts of cattln Jini. nt com
pared with 1,774 Saturday and 1.4W Monduy
oj last wtul > . Tlifru woio not steers enough
to niiiko u mcrktt , und thu buyers did not ap
pear to want tlm tt'W Hint wert on t-nle. Cows
formed tliu bulk of tlio receipts , and thfy bold
ut about bteudy pricrs.
Estimated receipts of hogs MOO : com cared
with v-SU Saturday und 4.X'1 Monday of
last week. The market , opened active und
tlrou to S higher , As tlio receipts \ \ cro ll ut
nvcrytliln ? was sold quite cnrly. The
bulk of llio ali's were ( it ? MO or over. Thp av
erage of tlipprlep * piilil wm ll.X'i ( ) ' compared
with SVJ7' Saturday nnd $ i.Sl > j .Monday of
last week. . '
1'rcvallltiir Irloo .
The following l utihlo tit pr.ce ? paid In
thli market tot the 'r.vlo of stock mentioned :
1'rlino nicer * . 19JO fo 1W13 ( > HM ai.51
GoiKl SU-OM. 12.V ) to 14.Via 1.03
Oood steers , la'.i to 1UOO&4. . .
Fair , 100J to 1IM 0/1 U..VJ
L'oniinon , bOJ to VJJOSia 3.2J
Cuinmoncatiiii'rs. . . .1 l.OJ
Ordinary to fair cows . 2.0J
Fair to good cows > " . 'M
Udod tocholco cows. . . . . . . . . , , 2.75
rboleoto fuiu-yeows SM
FnirtoRtxxlbttlU . . . . . ' . 1.73
Choice to fnncybiilU B..V )
I.lRlitHtoekor * mid feeders 2.03
Kwlorsl .VtolltiOft < 2.2.- . & } . > $
Fair tocholco light liojis 3.70 fiJUO
Fair to cbolco heavy hogs 4.00 ® .4,12i !
Knlr tucliolcu ml.U'il hogs 3.S3 C&4.03
Coniparntlvo Table.
The following table shows tbo ranso In
prices on lioiculiirlipt Ihla und lust wcelt ;
Cost of HOR ? .
The following table trivet the average cost
of IIORIOM the dates mcntloniul , Inulu'ling ' thu
cost today , as ba i'd upon sales reported :
July 23 W y August II WMS
July 20 .1 70 August l.'i a.ViU
JitlyJW 850 August 111 a 02
July 31 3It2' { August is : iff.i'
AllKllstt 3 M August 111 373
AUKUHtS H 4Si ? AilzustM n'3 >
August 4 3 41 August SI 372 j
August 3 3 .V AUiUst2. 3T i
AusustH 3 , Vt < i Augusts ) 37S' §
August' 3 54. Anaustij 361H
AilKUStf * 3 01 August ft ,
Aiuustfl 30SM August : " 3f > 7
August 11 a 01 August'l * ! l f > 9U
AUSUS112 3 TOS ! August SU aid'i
August 13. 3 G3 ? Augusta ) yi 7)i )
Ill anil UDivjit ri.iloi of ili ; ) .
Today. Ycsterdar.
Illahust . Jl 12'4 ' Hlzliest . " . ? i r
370 Lowest. . 303
Stock Hcuclpts ,
omclal Yc tonlar. EUlmatcd Tolay.
Cattle. . . . S rears. 1,774 Cattle. . . 'tt enrs. 700
Hoffs . ( Hears , 0,2. > 0 llo b . 51 cars , 3,503 ,
Sheep. . . . 1 cars , 10
Average 1'rlco of Jloss.
Showing the aver.iso pries p. ill forload of
hogs on the days ludlcatol In 1SS7 , 13Sd , 13SJ
and ISM :
Disposition of Stock.
Showing the number "of cattle , hos * and
sheep purchased on this market by the clllVer-
cnt buyers , Qurlng the week ending Saturday ,
August 23.
Swlftfc Company. . . . U.021
The G. II. Hammond company S.IIOI
Tim Arrnf nr-inlnliv nuclwlnir eointianv. . G.2J1
Onmha packing company
Other buyers
Total . 44.574
The Armonr-Ciidahy packing company. . G1.SSI
Omaha packing coaip.iny . 5',243
Snlft.t L'ompuny . S5I.S7I )
The G. II. Hammond eompany . 12'JsS
J. I' , i-qulies & Co . 19.ni7
Klncan&Co . I .oa3
'lov.-land 1' & I' Co . 3,474
' Co -
Armour t Co . , . " .Isj
Booeo&Sons . . " . . J.1) 1) )
Hrittaln &fo . : . . SSI
Hralnard . 3..Kte
Jones & Stiles . 2ttf : !
North & Co . 7.12i
Cuduhy Hrotners . P,4J
Hnlstcnd &Co . IM
Waller 1'lcrson . 707
aibbs&Whlto . ! 9
Liverpool , t Uos Maine * 1'acklng Co . IW
Ea.stfct. Louis Vaeklng Co . 3,523
Sprlngneld P. & I' . Co . l ,
( f. U. Wilson . 1.003
Miockers und feeders . i . & "
Total 514,511
Swlft&Co 1,849
Arinour-Cudahy VnckingCo - " I
The 0. II. Hammond Coin ] nny 312
Ilowers 3W
Hamilton i Stephen Ill
Total 2,007
Representative Sales.
* O. Av. Tr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
5. . HO $281) 3G..11S8 $3M ) 21. .1045 13 05
6..1011 200 1..1400 300
7. . 037 170 7..1120 185 20. . 051 210
1..1040 170 21. . fc'JO 1 S3 2. . O'JO 210
i3. . 7S1 1 70 21. . S51 1 DO 1 ! ) . . ! > 1G 2 12 ! ' ,
8. . tUS 170 . WO 1 10 12. . 854 220
1. . ft'iO 1 73 . 1(43 ( 200 ' ' 220
1..1069 1 75 .1120 203 17l' 054' 220
1. . 053 1 7i ! 733 03 2' * 81)3
14. . K'i4 1 75 .1017 10 loiiioio
JO. . KKs 1 bO
0. . 643 223 2. .1005 50 14. .1101 SCO
7. " 900 223 5. . 1)82 ) 50 41 . 824 203
LJOl"MJ 230 4. . 703 SO B. . 04S 273
O * * tWU 245 7..1WO DO C4. . 003 275
2..10S3 1 GO .14SJ 05 1..1CSO
1..11V ) 1 75 3..14U3 M25
1..1150 IbO
673 1 15 2. E > 03 1 33 1. . 010 1 40
040 135
3. . 310 200 2. . 200 2 50
11 Kl FEUS. '
2. . SCO 200
1..1EO 323
No. Av. Pr.
1 steer .1,330 2 C3
1 Moor ' . ' C3
2 stcurs 2 G5
1 Mvt-r . 2 05
IMecr 1 > 0 2 (13 (
1 Moor 1,220 2 03
Standard cattle company
B calves 200 2 23
G oalvt'S 247 1 2.1
11 stc-ors tailing 40 3 00
7 steers tailing 2 00
North American cattle company
30 cows 1,078 2 35
Uilcons 1,070 2 35
Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Ph. 1'r1
. .10 ! ) 24U 3 70 74 .2:1:1 : : 2UO ? °
. .340 : .0 3 M ) ' ' ' ' . : i43 4
81. , .2. * < 3 120 3 K > ta. . . . . .2H M 40o
18. . .1M 3 ! > J Kl .a 2x1 $
64. . .212 120 3 IX ) h7 .2t ! ' . ' 00 4 . '
10 IBS 3 1)0 70 .813 120 4 ( 'jij
45. SO a us 13 .2fiO 100
5(1 ( . .270 300 3 US 5 .314 - 4(5 (
55. . .203 120 3 03 77 .243 120 4(5 (
00.II. . . .ajo 120 3 113 Cl ' 4(5 (
II. . .2:0 : 3 ( i5 . .SX ICO 401
M.M . . .228 60 3 M . . ? $ M 403
M . .247 120 3 113 65 ? . . .8J3 M 4d3
75. 1120 3 113 f.7. . . . .2114 ia > 4 ( I.- ,
49. 40 3 W , WJ. . . . .2il 10) 405
O'J 201 40 3 U7i ! C9. . . . 2f.7 1GO 405
34. . .2U9 120H 4 tX ) 70. . . . . .la jco 4(5 (
( Hi . H ) 4 00 on. . . . 2-0 60 4 (13 (
i : . * ? " . . J72 16J 405
71. . . .216 200 " 405
01. . . .244 KMbO KT" . .at i-y > 4 (15 (
80. . bO 'li' ' " . .2 J bO 4U7'i
80 ' ' " 4 (17' ,
n ! ; . .2-1 200 5X" *
711. . . .2H 40 ' 4 10'
Kl. 24S 20J i * ! . ! 4 10
251 20J ' . .8..3 I'.M 4 10
(11 ( . . . . an 240 or' ; : 4 10
23 100 ,07 , . . . . 4 10
U3 23 * 120 4 00 GO. . . . .
4 183 2 50 H ) 18 - 3M
3 1B ! 80 2 75 13 ! 1J3 - II.'iO
4 a M 2 M Ki 1M - 1.51
11 12J 3 < 0 74..141 0 350
2a : a 60 3 30
Market .Mention.
Ilojs lilshar.
Cattlutlow ,
Kmluy llruthurs sunt In a car of hogs from
Vf lunar.
r. 0. Adtitnshnd a car of hogs In from Lo-
gnn , In.
J. I' . Jones sent In u cur of ho0-s from I/u-
ton , lu.
Mi'tcalf k Wood tent lu a oar of hogs from
E , Mrirtln m--rkctcd a car of cattle frjin
Murray , lu.
Cliualit'r-i : J : Uuidk-K ( cut luncar of hogt.
frani Herman ,
Thu Standard cattle coiniiiiny sent In a car
of cattle from Anus.
li. V. Hlno of Ilu.ii'dlot was on thcniurkot
wltli u cur of hogs.
U W. Ponton hud u car of I os * on the mar
ket frum Wuli'i loo.
finlth In oNho wan ou tlio market with n
curuf ho-ftt from Inland.
" \T. 11. Coin 1 had a car of Logsou the market
from North 1'lattv ,
Tbo regular uioathly meeting of tUo Lire
Etock Exchange aod tUo Loard , ot dlroctoia
will occur Tiic d.tjr , FrptcmborS. nt 3 p.m.
lltislncssot ImiKirtaiico will coino bcforu the
mod Ing.
AVIIIIiim Pclillnjimaiin of llrowstor wus on
thonintkct with near of cuttle.
M.P. Ailnmscatuo In from I oup City , with
four curs of c.i tt lou nil ouoofoft. \ .
Ocorgo WuiKcr the well known 11 nil nan !
shipper hud near of hogs on thu market.
T.I , Taylor the well known Shelton Miliipcr ,
murkutcil a carof bogs that tomied tlio iniir-
Tlio North American Cattle company Imd
twornrsof nuiRo cattleon tbo market from
Mi-rlno , Wyo.
Clmrlcs Lcrolipn of Denver ha Pent to the
yards for exhibition a puttMit s > tltrit | ) , vrhlcli N
Miarrnnitvd thit Inc'isa of ticclilcnt thoru Is
no ( Intiscrof Ibo foot brhiK c.tURlit.astbi pros-
Rttrcof n sprlntf opens the -lili-s of the stirrup ,
frt-elns Hie fojt In an Instant. It Is qulto uu
Ingenious Imi'iitlon.
thoolllolul receipts und shipments
of live Mo.'le durlii ! : the month I'ltdliri Auirtist
31,1SO. ! nnd tlio tiuiubur of heiul consiunuil at
South Umiilui :
n A A us. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. nnd
C. M. A St. l > to
O. ASt. K , Cl > S.Si )
MlMourl 1'uclflc. . 1.S.B 1U.312
H.SS4 , : 151
' ' 1,3:10
A.v.'Xv ! ! ! . ! ! ! ! 4
n. AM. 1S.W5 ttt 1
C. . U. A Q 2.S4S I.IXM
C..U. 1. AT 2.S4Sn
P. . l-t. l'.M.AO. . 3.0V7
K. B. A.M.V fi.MI ( I. .1)5 ) 100
l > rlien lu IG1
( Irani ! total 411,174 8.S22
nAIMlOAD * . Cattle. Sbeop. nnd
C. M. .t St. I' aa
O. ASl. 1. His 141
MlMourl 1'nclilc IVi LInn
Union 1'm-ltic
1.147 LIH
O. A.N.V T.71V H
II. A M 1,1(15 ( 3U nn
O. , 11. * O 10,0.11 , 2.uis 130 3
O. . U. I. A ! CHI 13.75)
T..H. I'M. .tO 6TS 11-
R. K. A M. V 6TSff B.5S8
Total Mili'iijonU. ' . .
Coniuuicdln S.U. . . 10,158 , 162,100 2MC
fJrnndTotnl WAV ! I JVI.1I4
Connecticut \Vlthnut Cider.
The npplo croj nnd all tlio other fruit
crop ? , too , are a failure in Connecticut ,
and no ono is able to account for the
trouble , says a Hartford , Conn. , special
to the Ropubllc. Hardly a tree in the
stnto has any apples , and cider drinkers
look to next winter in arid and hopeless
anticipation. It is not a question ol
what shall the harvest be , for there
won't bo any harvest this season , but of
how much it is going to cost to import
cider from the west , if tlio west has uny
to spare. Old cider last season's crop
and rank enough to sot the teeth on
cd o is soiling for10 cents a gallon ,
which is just four times the price ordi
narily , nnd there is not much of that
brand to.bohad for any price. Old cider
dealers believe the prlco of "orchard
tea" will toucli GO cents a gallon next
fall , and vinegar also has doubled in
price within a month. Only two years
atro cider was a druir in Connecticut and
was not worth the cask in which to
store it.
Ills Ouuttintinn.
At ono of the depots in St. Louis there
used to bo u one-legged man , a'oout forty
years old , Bays a writer in the New York
Sun , who naked people for alms by say
ing :
"Please heln a poor man who has lost
his right leg and can no longer follow
his occupation. ' '
I encountered him three'times a week
for a year or more , and generally had
something to pive him , but ono day it
occurred to mo to question . him , and I
asked :
"Lose your leg accident ? "
"Yes , sir. "
'What sort ? "
'Fellow shot mo in the knee. "
'So ' ? And you lost your occupation. "
'Yes , sir. ' '
' "What did you used to follow ? "
'I used to kick dead-beat niggers for
an eating house on the levco ! "
For SB years I enflercd from belle , eryr Ipclas
end other blood directions , taking daring that
time great quantities of different medicines with
out giving nio any jtreeptlblo relief. Friends
Induced aoto try S. H. S. It Inrroved mo from
the etart , and after taticg gourd bottles , re-
ttorcd ray health as fir ail couM hope for tu
my age , which 13 now seventy-five years.
MKS. 8. M. LCCAS , ISowlins Green , Ey.
Trcitlse m
SWIFT SPECII'10 CO. . Atlanta. Oa.
Provisions and Stocks ,
300 South 13th Street. - Omnha.
Bonds in Gas
Mortgage Railway , ,
Water and other Companies
on the nmount tnvoteil , on conmilotin or other-
wlw.V nro prcpurril tonocollntotliu fnloof lurco
Inilii'trlnl mirt.'rtnkln s , anil Introdmo KntllMi rnt'l-
tallntoroundoono.'rn * . Well oilnbltihoJ ventures
onlfi liming n iiooil ri-oorJ , taken In Imtnl. W of
fer to tlio No.v York 1'roiluco Kxrhnnfl | Until of
llro.nlwny. New Viitk , wlilcli bunk nl prtMcnt have
K'CUlrltU's Tiilncit tt OTor f.VW.UUO twIotiiMnir I" '
wjtllnit Investment. All communications to bond-
VviVKIlSAI , STOriC i.XCllANOE : , Limited
tTEI-N Vinoltl * STI1ECT. LONDON1 K I"
1IKN1IV l.OWKNKKLU. Munaitln/Dlrivtor
nOOD ;
WtOuietiof Cody and died , Efftela
. . . . . .
/.fIrrn l < wH * .lnnHfrYf..r
IS.bmt. toll * JUl ! HOOII rnllr NMtcrtl. How to > nl
. f.OUI.
Xb.oUtflr o > r > lll lt HOilB TXKnjKNT-ll.o.CII In UlJ.
E.B tMtlff from tU hlllt * and I * r lr Coutlrirt. ffritr Ihcnu
UHCrlbtl * * ncKi , ripluatloaftod irvcfi nklltdurklcdlfriys
ritou Tnn
Great Western Type Foundry ,
1114 Howard St. OMAHA.
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber
For Five Dollars.
A perfect fit snarnntoeil. Teeth extracted
without pain or danjer. anil without niiaes-
thotlcs. Gold nnd silver lllllngs ut lowpM
rates. Bridge and Crown Work. Teeth with
out plates. All work warranted.
Entrance , Idtli street elevator. Open evenIngs -
Ings until 3 o'clock.
LATES/ / "
wt CTIK. SSfcttSr i. . "
% JJButton
rose. C w cil Gr prtlTe ! Vtftknrti , fflvlQt Frtlr. Mild , ftontb *
l r , CiotUimt C rr t > cf Klwlrlellt tbrouib nil WLAI !
PARTS , iriurlct tt.m loHtlLTII tua tllllllllll H HTRtMlTII
Llrrlric lurrtnl ftll 1..U.IIJ. or wr forfeit H.OCPO In e ib
UII.Tix ! Sniprn.nrj CouplrU ( S. ni ) ef. Vorit oiri Fcr
DUirillr i' rl In Ihrvv monlhi. bealpd runr bl t Prre.
BAKDEM EIXCTRIOCO. . I " - " Bi..rHIC < " > .l"
BpcclUc for Hjirteria. DIrrlnesj.Fiti , Kenralula , Wale
. ( ulnoM. Mental Iwpretilon. rioftenlDRof ttic
FUltlnz In ln nltT loadlnr to mUery dwar or
le tb , Prt mMuro Old , B rrennce . lorj > cf Power
In either e x , Involunt&ry LoMes.&nr !
cnufel by orereiertlo.i ot the bruin , ncir-tbute or
OTer-lnduigf n6e. ach box contun onemontL't treit-
ment Jlitioi , or tli for 55 , tent bjr m ll | > rcpnJil. ;
With f ch order for tlr boxcill rend purelijucr
puartntee to refund ooney If the treatment foliate
curt * . Guaranteed Isucd andirt'ouine
1110 raruuin Street. - - Onmha , Neb
A POSITIVE and permanent CURE for all
diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. CDIM
where other treatment fails , Full directions with each
tattle. Price , ono dollar- Bee tlirnatgro cf L-
BXAHL. For Sale By All Druggists.
Cocoa is of supreme importance as an article of diet.
Van Houten's has fifty per cent , more flesh-forming proper
ties than exist in the best of other cocoas.
The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to render
it easy of digestion , and , at the same > time , the aroma is
highly developed.
dr-VAN JIOUTr.X'S COCOA ( "onto tried , alwij-B used " ) Is the original , pnr , nlii'
lilc Ciieoa , Invented , imtcntcil nnd mnilc InlEollund.and is to-day better &nd inert
fuWrthtn aorcf tbo numeroui imllationi. In ( act , a compnr.itite lc t will eiiiljr
Ibit no uthtr Cocoa erjuali this //mtulor'j la eolntility , tcretiblo tatte nd nutritive
tic . "LirECittuleIn the world.ik lor VANlIOCTrN's and taVe noctber.
"He h&d smaJl skill o" horse f-lesh
who bought- & goose ho ride on''Dbrirl'fcJ
oj-ih8.nd be convinced.
fnils to P1"11 "tisfactory.
results in scouring nnd cleaning ,
and necessitates n great outlay of time ami labor , \vhich raoro than
balances nny saving in cost. Practical people \vill find SAl'OLIO
the best nnd cheapest eoa'p for house-cleaning and scouring. f < 4
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
fcTO trcn jcnrt'f jj.crknro. A r rultrtraduateln mtdlclnf , ni diploma * ibow Ii mill treitlni ; nltb
tlio frvn tn mc < o nl ; Nervi UdCLrui Ir nd l'rlrat < idl > uB > ei. A i > vtuiunent euro L'uarnnUcU IvrCntarrh.
Bpvnuat irrtci'O , \ itMiinboctl , Seminal \ \ kne i , Mitbt Ix ie , liciiutoucT , Hilillli ) | , Htrlctuie , nmlall
dUc v of tliv HlooJ. fckln end t'nnarj OrK n . .N. II , 1 Kunrintve H'JUforornrj ca > I uadeitule rind lull
to cure. < onkultuU nlrce. Uvo * lilfitulct oJLJlcjioutlrje. Otllco hours Ja. ia , lo b p , in. Sunday ,
111 a. in. ton BL
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Hoots null Shoe * .
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
AscnUfor Boilon UubberPliooro. . 1103,1101 nndllOd
llarnrj btioct , Uniihn , Xcb.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1MI Ncrth Ifth Street , Gatihn , Neb.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlco
Window our' nil roctnllokrlltlits , John Kpenctcr ,
jiroiirlctor. 111 ? nnd 110 fontli 10th ttrt-p t.
Artists' Materials.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , '
1513 Uouclat Street , Oainut , Nob.
- - = 3
Conl , C kc , Kto.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
I. K. Cur. Hth nnd Uouglns Strccti , Oiuuha , Neb.
Wholesale Cigars.
< 01 N. 16th Street. "llellol" HS9.
Dry Goods niul Notions.
II. E. SMITH fc CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner llllinrul ItoirnM Streets.
' *
Importers aud Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
BeaU' FurnltblnR Ooodn Corner llth anil lluney
Streets , Omnhfv , Kul ) .
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Knrnnin Street , Oninha , Nebraska.
Omnha , Notrn'kn.
Wholesale Grocers , nd Lcavcnworth Stre eti , Omnhn , .Vcbrn'fcn.
, Ktc. _
O. "W. DOUGLAS & CO. ,
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
r , rd 1310 N ICth SI. . Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc.
Inported and American Portland Cement. 8t t J
teat Tor MlUankco llvdrsullo Comtat , tnd
Qulncj Willie Lime.
CHA8. n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Woo a c&rpaU and pnrquet flooring. 8th Bad Doaclu
BtriJuls. Uiuahn , Ne.bra > ltu. T
" *
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Corner 9th and VouRlas Streets , Onanha.
* *
n.m -I- - ; :
Millinerami Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
' 2(13 ( , 210 and 212 South llth street.
Notions : |
" "
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods,1
1124 Uarncr utrcut. Omaha.
Wholesale Refined aud Ltfirlcaling Oils ;
Arle icraue , eta , Omiha. A. n. Dlsbop ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry nice itocV ot prlntlnc , wrapping nnd wrttlnj
piper. Special attention given to card paper.
Snflea ,
A. L. DEAKB & CO. ,
General Agents ( or
Halls' Safes ,
Ml and 323 South 10th St. . Omaha.
Toys , Etc.
H. HARDY tc CO. ,
Jobber ! of
Dolls Albums Goofls
Toys , , , Fancy ,
tlou > FurnlMilns Oouda , ChlWrcn't Carrlnte * . 121
tnrnuni itrect , Oainlia , Neb. I
Water Supplies.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
wlnrt mill. . HIS unit ! HOJonci it. , Omaha.
O. K. Ko i , Actint' itanauer. \
Iron AVorlts.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort,1
Knglnpn , bra ! i work , eoncral fo-jndrr. ruachlno aa4
blackspiltll work OHIco ami wurkj , U. 1" . j
Hy and Kth itrnvt , Umahx '
Manl'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safe/ /
Vault * , JM1 work , Iron nbnttari unit tire etcupei.
O. Andreen.prop'r. Cor. lltUand Jact onSt . i
, Doors , Ktc.
Wholesale manufacturers of
Sash Doors Blinds aud
, , Mouldings.
Branch oflico , 12th and Iiard eUeots , Omabi , Neb.
Of South Omalia. Limited.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7.BOO
Oflrennnd PlrpctornHenry W. Y toi , I'reildenti
IditliS. Heoil , Vlce-1'rcsMi'iU ; JameiW. Suvnjf , M.
V. Jlor e , JobnS. Collins , 11. 0. UuihloK , J. N , Jb
Patrick , W. 11. B. Ilmlj : ( . , c < nhler.
Corner 12tb and Farnim fits.
A. General Uunkhif lluslnesa Transacted.
National Bank.
Cop tnl , $40OOOO
Surplus , 44.O.O
Olflreri nnrt niroclor A. r , Ilrpktn * , preildntt
W. ( J. Maul , YlctM'HIIdent ; Alfred Mlllurd , rHililcr )
F , II. llrjunt , ( nilf.niiil ca lilrri DC'liorlci Turnor.i
I. . X Wllllaiai , K. Jl. iloi ou.&n , \ \ . UMar , K. it
lce ! cn.
cn.We Offer for Sale ,
Four tlious-md ton * cholcp Iliilcd Iltiy. I' . O.
II , earn , rilrungo'n Bidlim , Ltiton or KurnloU
btatlmis , on U , .M. & Hi. 1' . H. 1C. , In lots uxult
iiurvliiikcr ; iirlcoa rugulutuj by iliu murkefe
Cull und ouu us.
E10UX ClX3f4 IOWA. ,