THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAH TO ) . PAGES 9-16 TWENTIETH Y33AK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , MJGTJST 31 , 1890-TWENTY PAGES. NUMBER 74. Heyinan 1518 and 1520 HEYMAN & DEICHES , jXJ&3 | Famam Street & , Dress Goods DRESS Our Special , Deletes. TRIMMINGS. Infants' Outfitting . -AN ENTIRELY NEWA.SSORT- Dress Goods . MENXOF Department , A largo variety of tasteful trim- All wool double width pkid and. striped - tilings , in line , medium class anil Pur Capes , flress "Worth goods 40o , at 2oc cheap goods always on hand ; ovary Is tlic most Complete in the novelty Is sure to ronch us first. " Oiler attractions ( 41 inch wklo all wool Henrietta "West. more or ' Plusli Capes and Cloth , in lirown and preen only tlioughtful buyers of Ladies' , worth 06 , at 8So Y"ou will find everything baby oiiijht ISIisscs' and Children's ' Cloaks 48 Inch French all wool Henrietta , to have. Cloth Capes Cloth , in nil the latest shades , and Suits tlianany otherhouse our regular quality , at T5o Barry Coals aid Bibs , Shawls aid Sloes. . in Omalia because their stock Limited 10 ynrds to a customer. lias arrived , and will taesold 42 inch Scotch Plaids , very fl'no is more than twice as large as they Imndsome . . COo Coats and Caps , ( Ms aud Dresses , at astonishing low prices. quality , patterns at. that of any other house , their 46 IncLllnoull wool French Seip- assortment is therefore better. FurAstrnchan Capes $10.OO s , In the latest colors , regular Slips and Jactt , Wrappers , Etc , , Etc , Black Coney Capes O.OO $1 , at G5c \Ve have Gray Astraclian Capes , Ladies' ' Winter Ulsters. Plush Cloaks. French Seal Capes $1O to 25. 15.OO OO Fine Black Silks Every Species and Variety of all , Ladies' Winter Jackets. Alaska Seal Capes , Lon These Articles is Represented. Ladies' Fine \-Vool Dresses. Plush Cloaks. don dye $3B.OO to SO.OO AT A LARGE DISCOUNT. Persian Lamb and Ssal ' " ' CHILDREN'S Ladies' Silk Dresses. Combination . S2.BO . in Ladies' Wool Wrappers. steadily advancing Cloth -Astrnchan Capss. . . 8.OO price. AVe have a very large ' Gray Plusli Capes 3.60 SHORT BOWS Ladies' Fine Tea Gowns , assortment nnd sell them at Corduroy Capes 4.OO , At astonishly low prices. the following low figures be Seal Plush Capes lii.BO fore the cold weather : A. handsome $1.SO will buy you a nice 4O Inches long at $13,75 , $16 , of Cloth Capss assortment , price. . . $2 SO up Muslin Underwear In Black Silk , warm \vintcr jacket. $17 , etc. Jersey Jackets. . $2.50 Plusli Jackets , latest stales , Jersey Jackets , tail OP An entirely now assortment of Oho- In Colored Silk. $6. OO will buy you a good at$9 , $10 , $11.60 , $12.80 , $18. made , bound in braid , inlscs , Night Gowns , Corset Covers , serviceable dress. If you want ono of these high sleeves , . 4.26 Drawers , Skirts , etc. Come in nnd ex In Plain and Fancy garments , you ought to give Black Cork screw Jackets , with amine tli esc goods nnd compare our $1O will buy an All Wool Flannels. us a deposit on one nnd we vest front , lined , all through In prices with others. Heavy Winter Dress , nicely will lay It aside for you. silk$9.BO. made , and sold nouhere else A. lot of extra fine .All Wool CHINA. SILK In Plaids , Stripes , Etc. Children's Jerseys , in all colors , ( or less than $18.00. handsomely braidedat73creg , ; UNDERWEAR. $ B.OO\villbuya goodwarm ular $2.OO. . Children's Silk , Merino and Wool Ladies' Fancy and Black Jer \Vinter Ulster , seys at remarkably low figures. In all colors below actual cost to close. .AlotofHeavy Fall Jackets for UNDERWEAR. $7.0O will buy an elegant Children from 6 to 12 years , at Fall garment. 7Sc ; worth $3.OO. Corsets ! Borsets ! $8.0O for a Ladies' ' Tine OUR PRICES Fall Jacket of imported diagonal Dresses Made to Order , , Our extra fine French wo\en corset gonal cloth , cuffs , collars and BEST OK ol excellent shape , at 75c ; worth il. 5. SPECIAL braided " \Vo \ also &ell the following : A re guaranteed the Very Lowest sleeves , handsomely REFERENCES. Goods with silk cord P. D. Corsets , Mourning and one trial will convince you. $1O for Ladies' Fine 33lacl < Dr. Warner's Corsets , Ladies' , Children's and Misses' C. P. Corsets , Department. Cloth Clay Diagonal Jacket , J. B. Corsets front with vest. cutaway Heyman Mourning Dross Goods , Mourn HOSIERY THOMPSON ing Dresses , Crapes , Black Shnwls , , etc. Buchlngs , Handkerchiefs , Kid Gloves , etc. , etc. In cotton , wool and silk. * * " ' ' m Farnam Street. Deiclies. HEYMAN & DEICHES , 1518-1520 Famam St SPORTS OF MM AUfUM. The Omaha Ball Players Organize a Secret Order , A PLAIN TALK ON UMPIRES. Amateurs Whisperings of the . \Vlicel-Kcrestinifl Field .Miscel laneous Sports niul Queries Answered. The Omaha baseball club lias formed a secret society known us the Germanic Fly Catchers. Hanruhan , O'Connor , "Walsh , Can- avail , Fagln anil Moran , the lJutch mem bers of the team , out-voted thft balance when it came to christening the organization. Ttiey met last night aid through the filcnilshipof cue o [ the members , \vhols in debt to THE Bee stiibo for adding n little adipose to his batting au-rage , the following it-port was secured. Ovlng : to the fact that lie hashcenlndlsposed o' iklftuts fur a month past , on account of sit ting too lonjr on mi otn | > ty boor keg on the evening cf the fourth , President Cleveland's nppiaranijg In the ilmir was Ills tint since hli lust. lust.He was greeted ly n salvo of applause from Tit Will ) ' , and after the uproir had subsided ho bowed gracefully , and said : "Tho first business to bo transuded , gin- tlcniln , isthoradln'of ' the hours. Slcretary Kcarns , joulll \ pleasoradotho lioursy "I mo\o them It's bo expensed with anil tlio reading of the niinnlts remitted , " said New man , "Curried " cried the president \\-lthaa , , \ \ ex pedition that might 1 > Q profitably imitated la thoelty couucll. " \VhatnIxtl" \ inquired llanrahan. whoso uncovorw head was all the light In the hall. "Can't ' Bicntarry ICwns imuilgo to talk plain enuff toU11C \ how much , money them Is inthotriburyj" 'innT * T Iniow Jat [ url" ixslioJ , "Cnuse , " nnsuerod Heddy , "AVulsli's brought an Imply tonintoo-Mii IOIIR vld 'lin , an' 1 tot as bow \\i ) mU'ht want to rush IU" 'Vat jou drylii'to glus [ , akUcd tuosecre- turyvarnily , Mlmlnt trjln' to Kbo you nutUtn' , " got biuk tlio second basnman , his ruby curls cniUttiiKsmiiks otllro. "Vutl You say dot npliuvunco nnd you Vcot ills by do hot" ' and Tommy picked u p a "ball l\t ami Juiniwil on the stovo. "Ali-hrf , scrounn'il Mr , Hnnrulian , Irlstlloff Hl < ou porcurlno , "you conio over bcro , vou loiK'urul Cbluuuan , un1 I'll break jcr faoo ferye. You can't ' bin ! nw , If you did ate tlilrty larreU of Vroutm thirty uavs. " "VouIlo lolkc aretl-head tluifi1 , llanraban , Itw.iz thirtyillslics of lU'uwborrlM nn'uramo that Tommy uteJlus1 winter in thirty tluja , furl bucked him \vid mo own buck I" and "WulsU tianuncr < 1 wvoji kiuls of thunder out of the prosJent's ! ' dwlr with o ctwt inx > - tettnr. "Xowlookn bcro trlntloraeu"loftly Inter- Jeitod 1'rtJslJciU ClevelnuJ , "this 'aria no \vay to ouen u math' ; now Blister Moran , the incrabor fixxiilvonnioy.lms an Inoulaitlou oil , Is the brotherhood a failure , tu * ilyo Mill .idto uayor orOer " ' Order ! ordorl" Celled WllHs from the coal bos , V "Visorderyoiucker , , " cried Canaran-if Itli un orUer yea want , why glame beer ! " .During all this tlmo Count luflii liacl 1 trjIiiK to set the cork out ol u bottle of Kit ule with u buttoiiliooV , niiiliucavUlngnt this Juncture , bonroseaiidsdldi "Mister 1'ivsiaeut. \vuJ 1 loUo to ilhrtnk a toast " "Wbo over heard ovdrlnVIn'toast ! Datro- marks duke ! do buckfect cakes I NowKngln , you f rwklcl buynanny ucJjlor , youst you so u ' lay do\\u on' I'llaeli dcso jxxj- Wcs suiutlDes Jcy brobably alntty to. tby is It ( lot cfferj potty vosa swkeisbudmoi" "Oh cum off , ye' inakomoltch , " called Reddy. "You youst listen Avltt vlat I dells youyou piiik-halrea Ijjlotl You vasalsoa gallootl" "Now you blasted jiys , vou'\c got to l op still , or I'll Uxlw thiiolohosno run club of mluo un1 I'll drive la jour whiskers , These kind of rain's ' on is a disgrace to tlio club , " and I ) d Clarke arose from his s at to a spit toon. toon."What's "What's the score T'askcJ ' Tcwraan. "Thescore" i-cpeatal the chair , "what's the matter vlth the vhlto of thatoff jou aropalmlngoff fora brain.Mr.NovvnianlDo you think you are plajlag ball i" "Now , if you gujs will Just let up n minute , I'll five joa a piece of my mind a viry little- piece , however , for Ihavcn't much loll , " interrupted Ed O. Brandt , who had been voted , un oucry momk'r of the dub. "Everybody lauph 1 Willis hit do stow a couploof raps la ycr must hov nioro nolso nei-c , " anil President Cleveland arose in his scat , "Xow , what'seatiti1 yezGroverJ"lnQiilrcd Reddy , the Second , "If tWs hnsn't Ma arcR- ular iMurrcction ever since vo called w to order , I'm no rclashnn to PatseyTeteau , that's all , nu' I'ntscy's mo own cousin at the same tolmc , all the saiifc , to ilutll" "Dot bluo-headed second liseinaa's has binsmxjhiu1 again , I'll ' hit a hellof nilol- larl" and Secretary Kearns nwd a bat tngat llanrahan. "Put him out ! Put him outl" cried "a dozen \oiecs. \ Hat llanrahan jumped w aud cried : "Mr , PiTOldent ! Mr. Presldentl Kin I have the lloori" "Dovotider ishe doan ask for de ceillnps and do walls , too , " chipped inlCcarns. "Air. President , I siy , " contlauej Roddy , "Kin 1 have the lloor. " "Vis. Major llaarahan , yeez kin have the earth If ye want It , j\n' \ I'll hov It tied up for jol Kow ilro oflverjaw ! " "Well , I want'to tell jou vho Wiled Cro- nln 1" Ueddy went on. "Who I Af ho I" cried the whole body. "Why , itu-asJlm Domhooof the Kansas Cltys ; i saw him do itl What A\ould \ you supglsi in the nre-rabcsi" 'Before Haai-ahun could bo Mled Willis got the floor. "Gentlemen , " said ho , "this thing has gone fur onuff. I attended this conclave this cvonlnRwith the express purposoof tenderIng - Ing tlio treasurer niy clieck for SOT.OU ) as a starter of a fund to fit uy our club rooms and to buy President MiCornuck a nc\v \ stock o ( unibix'llas to kill umpires with. I now firmly aud [ lore nipt only declare that I shall never five 1 cent more than $3,000 , for tint purpose unless Andrews will loan nicaihawof to- bncco before we leave this hall. You nno\v , frcutlemer , that object Is no money to mo : I'm ' ahvajs ivady to unbuckle for a goo ] cause " "Stop"thundered ! the nrctldent , scatter- hip aiiuart bottle ol mkwitlia Blanco of his ll.i ! tjiiij ( eves. "Tha membew will seize Mr , U'illii and search him , and II a single nickel Is found on lib person , the beer's on me- that'sall.Ami the chair ivaved nis hand and the niciabvM had > lr. Willis oa his back In a Jiffy. Fajla vas tlio tlrst to arise , and as ho did so hoheldalofUvith pnwd melu. a bi-an new ihiuliiK nickel , "Thut was In IU Match fob , Mr. Chair- maul" proclaimed Cllulfers. A. uioineat'i silence follon-ed , then Mr , Cleveland , after u long gasii for Breath , exclaimed - claimed : "Wonderful ! " "Ccatlciuani , dls meotinps vaj adjourn ment , sing and die. Youvlllall nmckdo\\Q the illojvuy and valt at do .Antlers. Do brcsldontaaa ! vill to obor and struehUiula Dick for i couple of eases , and ve'll meet you dor In do sweat buy and ouy , Vc'll all get full of horse Ilalmcut and dca tomorrow vcro Till dose ftmboyHbe voucu more sura dimes ajrlnl But by the vay , before vegoci , 1 say. Mister llaaruhuii , vaa you hcuirtlao htostl1' " .Vaw , wet is III" and Keddy looltod at ICcams. "Vy , Itvaan'touayet. ' " And the club made a quiet sneak , and the bandplajod still another tune. Plala Vords 1'laliilf Spolccn. The almestfeaturo of all tbo limu fentures onnoetcdwith the Western associatloa is Its bomlnabloumpire staff and system. Xcver before vas a baseball league so pla uedwith uchannfllictlon.and Its ntvful experience is nothatshould forever teach bisoball man- foments the folly of havinga gaiiB olbroten- ovn , drunken , inosponsiblo loafers and lazy , gooil-fornotlilup , Ifjnoraat , ex-bull players to undertake this iinportiuit-vvorte for them. All entlmeat for retired lnll plaj-ers , especially hoio retired through their o\vu profligicy and misdeeds , is the purest mockery , and hoald to deprecated ly allthoso havingtho utcroatsaudclovationof the g-amo at heart. These kind otcattio arOanunKnteful lotaad line times out of lea unreliable andlncompe- ent , uud instead of bcinukopt in whisky noney at the expense of the readability of the sport they should bo Uiscouutenanccd in every instance wnerc Intimacy with the gaines s sought. Jut in thrco scries here this season has the regular umpire shown up on scheduled tliao , union one ottheso occasions the- illustrious ndlvidualwas full of bus Juice and utterly ncipablo of performing his duty. Invariably ; ho homo substitute lias to bo called into re quisition or the tcuni submit U the selection of an umpire frem the cnomj's ranks , and not once in a dozen times ilocs suh a nroccd- uro ( jive satisfaction. A.S soon as ono of the opposing players ) goes In to officiate the team says : " \Voll \ , this ( 'aino is as need as gone.wo can't cipect anything like a fair thlatrfroui him , " and so they tro Into the contest feellni ; that their eflortswill po for naught anyway , and of course fall far shortof tUo worktttoy arc realty capable of. It is a crringovll niitl In another season slioulcl bo literjilly done a\yay with. N'ono but irood , lioaest , sober , rellaUo and coin po tent men snould bo appointed upon the um pire's stuff. The compensation , a trillo over StXX ) a month , is certainly ample to secure such a class of men , and the organlzatioa anil preparation for the phying seaion should not bo considered coraplcto until this very vital \vork is accoinplUheU. Can \Vc Iloucli fourth 1'lacoV The uncertain work of the Black Sox has been asad disappointment to thclr'hundrcds of admirers , but it should 1)0 ) remembered tliat only ono team can \\\n \ the pennant , and there must bo several losing horses in every race. They are doing bettor lately , ho vrovcr , and tticlr poor work this season would not have been half so disappointing could last's brilliant play he forgotten. There Is yet tirao for a good position in the ctmsc , and the cranks and the fans must not expect too much , Baseball Is a very uncertain quantity , and It Is this feature that makes the sport , so eitrowely popular -v\llh the American people. The tc.un It pluylng such ball no was Has not marked its career before this season. Every member ct tlio trata feela defeat \vorso \ than the spectators. They nio nird losers and brood o\or \ each disaster. However , Leonard is the nan to jolly them up , Ilo does not dlvo into the slough of dosiwnd at every defeat , but lie loves to win as much as any manager , ball player or cr.mlton earth , lloneicr fails to jmt on n pleasant look after a gaino lini gene tbo % > roiitvnynud ( ( , while hotakcs pai-tlcular p.ilnato let thoiaanwho lost the pimo know that ho is aware of It , lie docs not rar.t and ttvcarat Win , but o.mtlous him to bo moie careful in the future. Ilolllytt land the team In a fulrlysatisfactory position , and that mcaus abcvo both Denver and Sioux City. Oosslp niont ; the Bon Nelson puts up a very strong game In right Hold Blair nnd Jllssouri Valley cross bats at Blair today. The Edin Musees uo to Nebraska City for a game today. Vun Amam , shortstop , lias left the Eden Mu see team. Mauplnls calchluR good lull for tlio Kan sas City Havcrloya , Dick McAullfTo will play second biso for the llluin for a time. Flora will cover second for the West Laivus in today's game. "Wljmiaa of the Cranes puts up a strong lelding pmioandls astrongfeft-handod " - oat- ter. - Texv will cover fii-st for Blair hereafter , .lussell going to short. , f , SIcAl\ain of the " \Vest. J awns is a great .wirier but ro ° r iMtter. Grandean and Vapor are the battery for .ho Eighteenth streets Stars. McElvaino nnd Irish McGeeof the \Yest Lawns raakj.'v peed battery , 1'urcellandLimhan did great work In the Hills fo : the Stantoa-Xeb. , team. The "West Lawns play the Models of Coun cil Bluffs at Luke Manawa todaj ; . " \Vithalittlo \ practice Percival of the I\'on- > aiells would niako a good catcher. KlelTner , first base , lends the Shamrocks in batting and Frick In base running. The Shamrocks will try uad to down the Xonpareils on their grounds today. Hart and Llnaban liad an offer from one of tuo Dakota teams , bnt rei"3'jd to accept. The Omahaswill si\o \ Jollen of theNonpa rolls , a trial in the boat in ihe near f ulure. Esterquest , formerly .of. the Minneapolis , is back to his old lovcjtheJJrands of Chicago. McAullffoand rioiviajo of City Stenms , will hereafter bofoundwiththe West Lawis. J , Mahoncy puts up a p d game at third for the Nonpareils , aud isiilsO quite a hitter. The Nonpareils are fully Justified In afllx- ing the word "cliauiplons'i to their name next bcasou , The bacV-ers of the Stanton , > Teb. , team are out over $500 on thllr trip to tbo Hills , just ended. Tlic Wheel Club's Tourney. If you would ho in the swim you must bo- stildc abyke , must attuneyourshupely com passes to the poetry of thowhecl , tbo glor- ous , gleaming wheel , tliej machine that Is leaching the Omaha4 jouth the path that leads from dyspepsia and care and points the pleasant way to health and happiness. All those interested in this fko pis time should bear , in mind that the Omaha wheel club is now rapidly completing its preparations toy the Rrandost tournament that has "over been Tield under local auspices. It IstxJ-fcatko phco at 1:10fair grounds September 1 ! ) nd 20 , and will un doubtedly prove a glittering HUCCCSS. All tlio local am.vtour riders will participate In thoraces races , while thobestkuovamen , in the coun try , from , both the cost ajid the west , will bo lioro. The prizes vlll lurgrerate ? 2,000 or more la value and the attractiveness of the programme will bo such as has never been supplied hero before , The ladles are urged todrl\ooutnud witness jthe gay festivities , the exciting races and general display , It \vlll afford a great deal more pleasure thau they expect. Perhaps you think blcyrlluR Is not fashion able ? But what would yiu ( nylf itwcretold jou that In New York city nlnno'3,000 people are annuall/ taught to ridp the wheel ! It s a Kniccful accomplishment and destined to be universally popular , Ozmiha furnishes line facilities for the byker , with her miles of aspbnltumpavement , hen-broad avenues and leagues and leagues of smooth and charming ways within ea y reach of the accomplished wheelman , Yes , scores ofjyears may bo ad ded to your worked out , WRh strung lives , by Indulccncola thin healthful sport. It matters not uhatiray beyourncxor what may beyour timidity , for the nrofesjors have made the accomplishment no trick at all. liomember , then , the grand opeq air tournament next month , and give the wheel club the encour agement of your presence. O in all a Whopl CluliN'own. The wheel club runs to Bellcvuo today , George Glrton is back from his outing at Honey Crock lake. Themouthly business nefitlnr of the Omaha Wheel club will bo'uoldnextTuesduy even ing. ing.The The Kansas division oj thoL. JV. . have thirty-live local consuls , Where U tbo Ne braska division ) Wheeler took a bad header at Council Bluffs tbe other day. Some one will get killed , yet on one of those safeties. Gould DleU has returned from hi } deer hunt on Jlousijuito creek , but has made an statement , so his success is a matter of ques tion. tion.Tho The Omaha "Wlce ! dub's lantern parades will bo a. very attractive feature of the cotn- iiiKtournament. All wheelmen are imltc-d to join and prizes -will bo offered for the pret tiest and most unique decorations. Front Mittauee is scourlns the country with a blunderbuss and a bulldog searching for the man with brazen face and Iron nerve whoso mdely shattered Ills faith Inhuman nature by eloping witli ono of Perrigo's safe ties , Vice President Rhodes Is homo from his summer outlay in the Blnok Hills country. Ho reports o pleasant trip and his sun-brown ed countenance and hearty nir Indicate n sea son of outdoor exercise and healthful enjoy ment. E. B. Smith gave the vhecl club a nice entertainment at his rooms last Saturday ovcninir. A ery nica Impromptu programme of music was piven after which came refresh ments. When the party broke up everybody voted a verycnJoyaDloovening , .According to the Ilullctln , a New Haven , Conn. , man vas married recently in bicycle uniform and left Immediately vlth his wife , on ataiidern , on their \\cddiiiR \ tour. This is a little better record than Omaha tandem riders have made as yet , but the future is very uncertain. Gossips say a young business man on Douglas street , n prominent rrcmber of the Omaha Wheel club , has dc'vclopcd a mild mania for fumlturewindows and cozy cot tages of lute nnd his friends are alarmed by the way he drifts from "Annie Iloonoy" to wedding marches and lulhbys.Vhatistho incanliigof ItulLl Tlut is the question. Apollo Cluli .Votes. renigo's place has been in charge of the veteran racing mau Frank Mittauer slaco his absence at Niagara Falls. Deal WerU has Just rccord-ed. from a severe - vero attack of sickness , EIo will go into training at once , however for the fall laces One of the attractions for the coming tournament will bo tlio team race. Both of the wliccl clubs will take part in this as well as the Lexington team. The run to Ulcuwood last Sunday was postponed on account of the rains and bad roads. Ca-ptain Bclndorff lias called the same niu far today , start to bo inadoatOsUO a. m. Louis Fletcher returned from St. Louis vestcraay. He lias been training hard dur- his stay la that city and Is in line condition. He is picked us a winner in the coming tournament. Ueorgo Sanclica , a member of the A. C. C , wai wedded to lllsa Ella Smith cf this cltv rcceatly. They are now cujoUntr their honeymoon at Colorado Springs. Tbe club extends congratulations. The club ca pa liave arrived and are the very prettiest that could ho had. They ha'vo the letters A. O. C. oa the front. These let ters mean Apollo cycling club. Members can get them by applying U Captain Uein- dorff. The club receive ! a very neatlltliofrraju ) of the I'ecrla blcyelo club's track and sur- roandliiff buildings yesterday. 31 also con tains pictures of the noted riders. Van Sick- leu , laimsaen , Grant , Bell , \Vlndle , Hcndce , M'lusblp , Cimpbell and Tan Wagoner. Boitl'orterticld of the OmahnVaccl \ club vill probable bo tto winner in most of the safety events , lie is training hard and is In llwt-nito form , Trainer .Ned Heading su\s he will have the A. 0. G. bojs in such condi tion as they never were before , for the tourney. It is dollars to doughnuts that hotter tlrao ulll tMHiiado at P erin and Onmlia than was raado at the L. . A. AY. meet nnd cliamplonslilp ' 1 notice of the tlvomilo I'acea. cue champlon- shlpa was won In 2JilO. Any common rider can make this time on \cty poor track , nnd ] nst t-lilnlt of such men M Windlo mining It. Captain BciadorfTof the Apollo's and ActIng - Ing Captain Mittauer of the O.V. \ . O. , have their called run cards made out and tlioy com prisesomoverj'flue runs. On tho2Hn the ouuual century r a taltcs place. This is a run for both clvbs and all the unattached riders nro invited to iittcud. The riders of the Apollos In training for the tournament are 1'lctchcr , TauRnrVcrtz. . Dcnimin. lliicon , Beiiulcrff and Allen , Of the Oniiha Wheel club there arc Penbody. Rhoadcs , I'orterfiold , Lester , Helton , Fred Mathcws and Morrfo , besides rnuny other riders unattached , as well as many who will bo hero from abroad. The Omaha's Weekly Slinot. The wecMy shoobof tbo Omaha pun club took place yesterday on Dunmlrq Cross" grounds across the river. The day was line und thoseores flrst class : I'nmicV'o. . 10111 lllll Olllt lllll lllll S3 "Omulia" . . 01000 ( KniO 10110 lOOOl ICUOI 10 Nnsou ( XJ101 10J01 11100 01101 11110 II HreuiT lllll 01111 lllll lllll lllll iM Kennedy , .01111 1UIO lull lllll ( mill 3) ) TowiiM-nd 10001 11110 11101 lllll OOtll IS J'IWB , , iiijo ( 01111 0111111001 iiui ia Orovj lllll lllll lllll 01101 01111 2. ! IVrldiis lllll lllll 01011 lllll Olltl Si Hughes . . . .Qllll lllll lllll 01111 lllll a MtocclliinonuH Tjoetvl Sportx. Nate Cniry , of this city , and "Chunk11 Hills , the Hartford , Conn , , millionaire , spent Friday with their little guns out on the Ellt- horn. They bagged a couple dozen Clover , and saw n largo nurrbor,0t chickens , but tlio law isn't up and they wouldn't ' shoot them , 0 nol they wouldn't slioot chicken. Mr. Hills , too , hau an awful conflict with a Jack rabbit , nnd if it hadn't been for Mr. Crary's thouRbtfulnessIn tnkhiKa "billy" with him , tbo truculent beast would certainly ha otoni Mr. Hills all to pieces. Dr.V. . J. Gulbr.ilth returned from bis Bil/zly bear expedition l&stoveningos rupccd und robust as a veritable mountaineer. Tlio doctor Is full of enthusiasm and hi ; stories , llu Wiled during bis little outing twenty-one grizzlies , thirty-six cinnamon and ilfty-two black bear , besides nine Flathend Indians. "ICld" Pulley , the speedy sprinter from Shonando.'ih , la , U In the city anxious to yet on n match with Leon Lozier , The South. Oiniha Athletic club are negotiating with Danny Needhara of St. Paul , with a view of petting on n"go" with Win and an unknown local man. Colonel Arthur Remington and Major 3liirry McCorailclc are raaklne arrangements Jor an cxtcnsivo chicken hunt. Dr. Dohso , the proprietor of Bancroft's leading hotel and an ardcutfollowcrof Held sports , in ado the sporting editor a pleasant fM Friday. Iho doctor is ono of the finest Held shots In the west. Questions and Answers. Bv request , I ask the sporting editor for the best method of raaKing wild grape wlnol P. S. , City. Ans. By roquesttho , sporting editor would say that lio.has been making wine all his lifo , and lieepsno less than eight presses going In his ofllco night and day , and if there Is any body on eartU who can toll you what the best method iafor making wild trap& wlno It Is ho. Hut ho won't do It , because that Is just what ho is now muklnn MiOUJ \\eo\t out of wild ( 'rapo wine , and ha thinks it la soino- wbat gaily to request him to give up his so- cret. If P. S. would llko to know the best method for making any other wine , poincry sec , yellow laWo , angelica , claret , extra dry , or any of these common wines , the sporting editor will gladly tell him , but wild grape Please send me a cony of the rules of high five , aso , have considerable growling liero as tovhat are the right rules. 1V. . llait , Dannobrog , Web. 1C Mr. Hart will enclose 15 cents to B. C. Bnydcr cf TUB lice ho will bo forwarded tbo accepted rules on high five. In a game6f lilph five , douMo , ona licld ncc , both fives and the fourspxif tbo other , the king , dcuco and eight spot , 61 the K < ima First was 47 points , second , VJ ; _ first bid ( i and made them , the other catchlnjj one of the lives , AVho wonl Ans. The mnuholdlngUiodcuce , of course. T dctido a bU I'H'uso lulorm us In Sun- Bnu which is correct , A nnd B ard ifrC and D double high five. A and B stand 40 nnd C and D 48. A bids " on clubs and gets them. Ho makes flvo of spades , hi li and game , while C and I ) make live of clubs and low , ] ack.-Subscribcr , city. Ans. C and D. Header , Oxford , Neb. Can furnish you with no Information pertaining totliogarno of cards called razzle dazzle. Please give the record In Sunday's Enc for one-half mile foot-race. How do they usually dcddo who shall have tbo Inside at the start ? Blank , city. Ans , There Is no half mlle professional record. Frank Hewitt , Lyttloton , N. Z. , made it In 1 : Kif , September 21 , 1ST1. Huu- uliig races are usually straight away. Please state In Sunday's BBB If Collins , now playing second b.iso for the Brooklyns. is the Collius recBiitlv released by Omaha ! " "Who Is the best pitcher , Nichols or Lovettl \Vlio \ Is the star pitcher of the country } Sport , Omaha. Ans. Not by n long shot. Nichols and Lovett are about on a par with each other. John Clurkson , I'leaso answer the following in Sunday's lii : : : In ngamoof ball , thuro is a runner oa second base , a foul lly is hit and Is caught , and is then thrown to second base , but Is muffed , and the runner on second ruas'horno. Is ho entitled to the run ? J. M. Fulmer , Schuyler , Neb , Ans. Ho Is If ho touched second after the foul was caught. Please ( jive Ten It neck's best four mlle record. 1Fcnrow , Holsteln , Neb. Ans. Seven minutes , fifteen and three- fourths seconds , mauo at Louisville , Ky , , September 27,1870,101 Ibs up. Please decide the following point in baso. ball in Sunday's ' sportini ? columns : A is at the hit. He strikes ut the first hall pitched. Ho hits the ball but it Rlances off and strikes his person. Is ho out ] Quill. Schuyler , Neb. Neb.Ans. Ans. He Is not. Such hits are invariably called fouls. Any attempt by an umpire to stretch this Into "belug hit by batted ball" would be ridiculous. I have always understood that n sldo goes out in the order as follows ; High , low , jack , , pedro of trumps , opposite pedro. Now the sldo within points makes hili , low , aud opposite pedro ; the side with -It points niiikcs Jack , game and pedro of trump * , glv- Ing thnin the fc-amo , us pedro of trumps goes out before opposite podro. Am 1 not cor rect ! Burt 1) . Beach , South Omaha. Ans. You aro. , Please answer In TIIE OMAHA. HUB of next Sunday the following question : Of what nationality Is Adrian C. Anson , the captain of the Chicago baseball club , and oblige O. W. II. , Lexington. Neb. Ans. Swede. There Is a lettcrnt the sporting department of tuls ofllco for Will J , Murray , ball player , recently with the Qulncy , III. , team. Harry Sago of the West Lawns will plcaso call on the sporting editor. \V111 you please state in Sunday's BEE what i > est odds uro In a horse rurol Is It the llrst , third , or bcttliiKl Horse , South Omaha. Ans. This Is a question that gives rlso to frequent arguments. "Post odds" la literally the lost betting , as "post" moans after. Among bookmakers , however , the post odds Is the first betting , because it la the first re corded on their sheets. If you leave a (5 bill at the pool room to lay on u certain horse and it comes In by wlro 10 to I , your inonoy is booked llrst of all and you Ketf.V ) to f5. 1C your horse comes In Inter at oven money , you see you have the best of It by f 15ns youff inonoy was laid first , it Is the liistbettluK though , for after tbo horses como on the track and are at the post , their appeuranco may change the whole system of bets and that Is when post odd ; are lulu , '