Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1890, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Iho Wonderful Closing Out Sale Com
menced "Yesterday.
Wo Will Attempt to Giro Vein a
bll ht Idea of llo\v the Siilo It *
IloliijJ Com ! tinted mid the
Goods Disposed Of.
"We tnko n row of bliolving , tnko out
thn entire ( food ? , throw them on llio
tublo mid imUo your choice for nccrtuln
price. Womukotho pi Ice BO low that
they arc gobbled up almost instantano-
\Vo tlinn take the next row or shelving
nndnpiln j'lvo jou your choice , and BO
on It uc s. Tills same rule IB followed
thioiifrlioitt the house.
'To irlvo jou nn idea of the oxnct prices
nt which vo mo tolling Iho goods wo
lituo takf n nil our 5c iiml Uc btundarci
calico" , put them on a tublo and marked
thorn 'ijf.
All our 7c anil 8c indigo blue calicos ,
of the terybesl grade , are tabled at Cc
a jnrd ,
Our entire stock of liest machine
thicad goes at 3c a spool.
On r bleached nnd unbleached muslin
and wide sdiuutlngs wo ha\c placed on
tnblcH nt pilroB way down.
Our loc and 20c diObSgoods arc placed
on the table at lOc.
Our firm double fold 2oc ami SOc dross
goodrtuo jilacoon another tublo at loc.
All our I0c nnd COo dioBS ( foods of all
kinds wo liavo placed on another tnblo
at 2Cf.
And BO on with our entire stock. The
high jiricctl g xxls Inivo been cut deeper
limn the low pi iced goods. The bulk of
our die-SB ( 'oods htoclc tancw ( roods , pur-
clinHcd before wo decided to retire from
It is a well known fact that vo carried
onu of the largest lines of linens in
Omaha , nnd to clobo them out quickly
\vo hnto cut dconly into the pi-icon.
For instance , linen crashes that wo
Bold for Gcvo now sell for 3c.
Crashes that we bold for lOc and 12 Jc
we now soil fprTc.
Lniffo nil linen towels tlmt vo told for
12jc now are sold for Oe.
Our extra huge , finest all linen ,
knotted fiiiigo , imported Gorman towels
Hint sold for 40cund OOo wo now bell
nt IirCl
All our ladies' licavy cotton hosiery ,
ribbed and plain formerly bold at 15c ,
now go at Sc.
Our entire Block of the \ery finest
grade imported seamless balbrlffgan ,
colored and fast bl.iek hodlery , wottli COo
nnd COc , nro all placed on one table at
All our ladles' heavy bo.unlcss knit all
wool hosiery thatwo bold for lee ! now go
Our fine plain and ribbed imported
caHhinorohoso goat oc.
Our children a scavlot wool and white
merino underwear for boyn and gitla
from 4 to 8 years woilb up to Sue , at 9c.
All the largo bkos of boys' and misses
scarlet underwent1 , bi/.cs up to U4 , tliat
wo told for 75c , you take your choice
for 25c.
All our Indies' white vool merino and
heavy joisoy underwear that wo sold for
60c , go for lioc ,
Our iincbt Indies' all wool zephyr knit
underwear , camel's hair , natural wool
underwear that wo sold f torn USc to $1.23 ,
go for COc.
All the men's merino underwear that
Bold for 33o In stripes and plain nnd
fancy mixtures fjo for lOc.
All the mon's line medium weight
underwear In felid gray and brown ,
also our entire line of flnobalbrlggnn
Bimunor underwear that bold for 60c and
76 c , go at ! 55c.
Our entiio stock of mon's all wool
Bcailot and natural wool nnd camel's
bair underwear that sold from 75c to
$1.1 ! . ) , goat50o nnd "oc.
All our men and boys' yarn mitts that
Bold for 2jjc go for 5c.
All our fncn'scalf nnd buclcskin gloves
go for 2Jc.LADIES'
Our $10 and $12.00 ladles' cloth ne\v-
maikotsiront $0.
Our llnost cloth garments that sold
from $17.50 to $22 go at $12.50.
All pur elegant plush garments , quilt
ed satin lining , rcalbcal ornaments that
Bold for $ i0Kont ! $13.50.
All our finer grnclo plush garments re
duced in the same proportions.
\Yo clo-so our entiio line o ( ladles'fino
DongoU button shoes , all styles , that
wo have been selling for $2 , $2,50 and $3 ,
you tnKo your choice , $1.25 and $1.50. $
Our entire- line of Henderson hiind tut n
kid button shoes , former price $3.50 , to
close at $2.
"Wo A * ill close our entire line of boys'
and misses' upring heel shoes , 12 to 4 ,
worth $1.50 for t)5c. )
And the whole- line of children's , 8 to
11 , worth $1.25 for SOo. ,
Our cutii'u line o ( hand turn French
anil vicuna kid shoes , former prices
85 ! , J.f .GOand $0. Your choke for fci.50.
Our entiio line of men's shoes is cut
from iM to 50 per cent.
Of nil the cuts that OAOI- moved a bale
the cuts wo mnko on clothing tnko the
cake. This dopaittnent is by nil odds
the < peatc t baigaln center in Omaha.
Wowillclobo our entire line of $2S
Prince Albert suits for $15.
Our whole lot of $24 l-bultoii cutaways
in fine woisleds , for $ U50.
\Vo will L'ivo you the choice of any of
our $12 or $14 ctibslmoro suits for $0.60 to
They Vo going quickly. Wo otter you
your choice of line waists \voilh up to
Cahslmcro pants from SOo to 75c go for
Whole suits from 95c to $3.60. worth
from $2.50 to HO.
Tills clobOH the second chapter of tlio
beginning of the end of
"Till : FAIR"
502 , 601 , 500 , 503 and 510 S. 18th St.
Winner of School ply's sealskin cloak
Ciuivatitccd a perfect lit. 111C Douglas.
Booth privileges nt the fair giounds
can bo had by apnlyini ; to Arthur
Lt-lggs , 219 S. 14th at.
Iho World f > o JIovp.
And to do the elegantly appointed
trains of the Burlington route , lly this
fuvoiito line , selected by the U. 8. gov
ernment to carry thofabt mail , you have
the oholco of thrco dally trains for
Chicago nnd the east ; two for Kansas
City and the bouth ; two for Dem or and
tlio west ,
The llurllngton I\'o. 2 Fast Express ,
VCBtlbulcd throughout , equipped with
decant Pullman cats furnlshod with
> K > fl selected librai-les , reclining chair
ciu-afsoatu fico ) , and dining car Ictucs
Omnlm 4:110 : p. in , , arrives Chicago S lu
in . nerving breakfast before arrival.
S'o. 0 , the fast innll , leaves Omaha
OilOtt , in. , arrives Chicago 1 p , m.equli , > -
irienl and dining car Hurvicc up to the
hlglii'Ht dUmdard. TlcUot olllco , 1223
Turnum it.V. . ! ' . y ill , agent.
ft. II , Kiiluoiicr.
\Vo will cloBO Monday , Lnhor day , at
N. A. "
"Wo Sell ICvcrjtlilnff.
20 pounds extra O sugar , (1. (
1'ottcd clilclcci ) , 5c.
1'ottcd turkey , 5c.
1'ottcd ham , 6c.
Deviled liiunCc.
2 pound can corn bccflGc , ; 1 pound can
corn beef , lOc.
2 pound can boat sugar corn , lOc ; 3
pound can best cold packed tomatoes ,
lOc ; 2 pound can blackberries , 12c | ; 2
pound can best preserved raspberries ,
ITjp , tills is put up In best sugar syrup ,
they nro worth Hoc ; sugar cured hams ,
121e ; boroless Lam , lOc ; picnic hams , 8c :
salmon , 12Jc , 15c and l"lc ; best full
cream cheese , 12c } ; Gold Dust washing
powder , 3ic ; soapino , Sic ; ponrllno , ! ! lo ;
all kinds of washing powder flic ; sapollo ,
Tie ; I\ory soap , Ge8 ; bars host laundry
soap , ioo ! ; good country butter , 12Jc , lou :
boit cienmory butter , 17cj and lOc ; best
boda craokory , XXX , 5c ; Pearl ojstcr,5c.
\Vo will glvo you bettor vnluo for your
tnonej the coming week on teas and
colTeea than you have ever been ollored
in Omaha or olsowhoro.
aiSun dried J.ip , 20c , iiic 30(3 ( nnd 35c.
Haskot fired Jap of 1600 crop , 33c , loc ,
Gee , 0)0 and 75c.
Don't forget to look at those teas.
Young Hyson , 33clie ; 53f. The lat
ter the best in this market.
Gunio\\dor ) , lOo , 50e , COc , and the
finest Mo iino gunpowder 70c. This tea
is usually Bold at $1. *
Oolong , oOc , ( JOc , 70c and SOc , nnd tlio
Knlsaiv , 50c ; the Opack , 5oc ; the Man-
ing , COc ; the Takllng , Too ; the Kecmun ,
These are as fine teas as grow.
' Plantcw'combination , 2Gc , 28c and.lOc ;
gliiKod and Rio , 2-)0 or I pounds for $1.00 ;
ungla/.ed and HloOc or 4 pounds for
01dGo\crmnent Jaia , 2Sc , 30 , 82cand
0)C.Pea Berry , SOc , 32c and 33c.
Mocha and Java mixed , 32c , 33o and
Guatemala , 32c nnd 35c.
Private Growth , ! ! 2c nnd floe.
_ Pulvci-i < ! cd , sac , 21i',2ic , 2Sc , 30c and
o)0.The finest drink in colTco that has
ever been otiered to the people of the
west Is our Costu Hlco blend. This
blond Is made from tlio choicest of tlio
bean , 37c porlb.IIAYDEN
Dry Goods nnd Grocers.
Solid brass lack chains lOc per jard.
A very good curry comb 3c.
Gcrnum pattern harness snap , tuscan
broiucd , lo each , you will pay lOo each
any place for the same thing.
Maud S. curry comb lOc , worth oOc.
All Htcel currycomb lOc , worth Too.
2-qt. collco potlOc , woith 3oc.
4-qt. colToojiotloc.
Copper bottom tea kettle 2jc. Very
line lea kettle 15c.
Pint jolly glasses -loc perdoz. Por-
colaln lined preserve kcttlu 2oe.
Butter and preser\o jars lOc par gal
Pudding and milk pans Ic each.
Largo pans ; ? c each.
Cake and jolly moulds oc each , worth
2oc.Cups 2je each.
Cove ted sauce , pans with handles 6c ,
worth 2oe.
Piiddio pans lOc per dozen.
Bottle of the best black Ink and mucilage -
lago 5e each.
A $1.50 Shofneld carving set for lOc.
dashboards 15c.
AVringors 81.50 , and the Western
washer $4.50.
Jlrs. Potts and Madam Streeter's pat
ent flat Irons , 3 Irons , wood handle and a
stand for $1,50 , sold everywhere for $2.75
and $3.
All sizes of rope from 12Jc to 15c per
"Wash bowl and pitchers 7oc each.
Chambers 5c ( ) each.
! Mutrs. oc , bout ) dishes , 5c. slop nails.
- . I k ( 4 * J
; ! 5c ,
Cups and saucers , 3Sc per set , plates ,
5o oacli.
Glasses , 2jc each.
Fruit dishes , loc.
Cake stands , 15c.
Nickel ulated cuspadorcs , 23c.
Torr.v cotta cusiadorcs , 2oo each.
Scrub brushes , Gc each.
Knhes and forks , COc per sot.
Spoons , IM and lOo per sot.
Hottlo of the best sperm oil , 5c per
Perforated chair scats. Sccneh.
Cojipor bottom wash boilers , COo
2 boxes of the best shoo blacking , 5c.
Package of stove polish , Ic.
A quart of 15 dog. amoniu , ICc.
Potato masher and tea strainer , Cc.
Cake and Hour safes , G5o.
Cake cutters , funnels , toasters , scoops ,
dust pans , washing bowls , all for Co
Iron soup dish , fie.
5 do/ton clothes pins , nc , and wo have
1,000 moro useful articles all forCc each.
Dry Goodsand IIouso FurnibhiiiL's.
Our shoo department Is badly crowded
and now goods arriving dally.
Wo mubt have roomand to got it , will
oltor bchool sho"ca tills wcoli for ! )8c ) ,
sl/cs 0 to 12 , bolld solar tips , worth $1.2. ) .
Mibbcs' line grain spring heel school
shoos , 12 to 2 , $1.23.
Mlsios' solid grain , solar tip , school
shoes , iUo2,81.H3. :
Misses'fine kid , spring licol shoes , 12
to 2 , $1.73 , worth $2.2i
Misses'lino Fr. Dongoln , spring heel
shoes , 11 to 2 , $ l.d ! ) , worth $2.50.
Bojs' fine \ . calf button shoes ; 11 to 2 ,
$1.2o , worth HI.50.
Boys' fine 11. calf button shoes , 3 to 5 ! ;
$1.45 , $1.75 and $2.25.
Ladies'lino ' Dongola kid button shoes ,
$1.48 , $2 and $2.00 ,
Ladles' ' fine Dongoln hand sowed but
ton shoes , $3.15 , vorthSi.
Men's llnoIJ calf congress and lace
shoes , $1,50 , $ > nnd $2.45.
Men's line calf hand bo\\ed lace shoes '
$3.50 , $3.05 and $5.
Dry Goods and Shoos.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council UUilIs , Dos .Molnes and
Chicago business is the Rock Island
vcstibuled limited , leaving Omaha nt
1:15 : p. m. dally. Ticket olllco 1002 , Six
teenth and Furnnin sta. Omaha.
Ills assorted that 15,000 people \\lll'
visit ttio fair grounds on Shcnnnn a\o-
nuo , September 1.
Get pileeson lots in East Omaha from
Potter A Gcorgo Co. , lUth & Fariinm.
A force of men Is at present nt work
preparing the fair grounds on Sherman
avenue for the coming fair , September 1
to 4 , which promises to bo the best fair
over held under the mnnagomont of the
Douglas county agricultural society. No
pains are bjured to make it u success.
Half Hates to l cn\er vlu tlio UnrlliiK-
On August 31 and September 1 , the
Binllngton will sell tickets to Denver atone
ono faro for the round trip , good for re
turn to September 25. Ticket olllco No.
122J Farnam fatreot.
W. P. YAIII , , Agon } .
\Vinncr \ of Schoohily's-Boalskln clonk
guaranteed a perfect tit , 1415
Spcclnl Opening Hnlo Jfoiulaj Morn-
IHK , Sopt. 1.
Wo shall plnco on sale Monday morn
ing some bargains that wo would like to
huvo you examine and compare the qual
ity and prices.
All wool scarlet twilled flannel nt 18c ,
2-jc and 35o yard.
While ahakcr Hannol at Cc , 8c , lOc , 15c
and 20c yard.
Plain white flannul ] 5c , COc , 25c , 35c ,
40c , 4oc , 50o nnd OOc yaul.
8 ox. heavy striped and checked flan
nel 50oyaid.
1'xtra quality navy blue flannel , very
fino. Goo yard.
All wool navy blue twilled flannel 20c
A nice assortment of colors In opera
flannels 40i ) yard.
Full line of colors in eiderdown flan
nels 4IC ) yard.
A big line of jersey stilpcd flannels
50o yard.
High toned stripes in real Fionch
Hannol Coo yard.
Pink mixed ilnnnel 12Jc.
Grey mixed Hannol lOo yard.
A largo assortment of striped and
checked Hannol at 25c , SOc , 800 and 40o
CO styles of silk embroidered flannel
ranging in price from05c to Sl.CO yard.
These are some of our special bar
gains , which wo claim can't ' bo beat or
matched in Omaha. They are ready for
your Inspection , comparison and judg
ment.Wo shall olTor some extra bargains In
Don't ' fall to see our whlto blankets on
Monday ai 7Cu a pair.
Special bargains in gray blankets at
S2.7.ji.2.3 : and $3.50 a pair.
Extra -valueIn whlto blankets at $3.33
and , 3.00apntr.
At $4.88 and $1.00 a pair we offer sorno
now styles in blankets , while our lender
at $5 00 n pair should bo Men by every
lady in Omaha or in the btato of Ne
California blankets at $7.35 , $0.00 ,
$11.CO and $15.00 a pair.
Wo claim to show the largest variety
and the best assorted stock of blankets
in the west ; wo also claim to give you
the best value for your money.
New stock of linens to select from ;
our own importation direct from Neus-
tadt , Germany.
Sco the bargains in towels at loc , lOc
and 2oc each.
Fringed napkins 2oc , SOc , GOc , 75c , Sl.OO
and $1.20 per doon.
Best I napkins for $1.00 you will find
in Omaha , and don't torget this please ;
also } all-linen dinner napkins $1.25 per
Our stock of table linen never was so
larco as tit present.
New line of table and bureau scarfs
25c , 35c , COc and 75c each.
Special bargains in fine imported bed
spreads at $2.)0 ! ) , $3.83 , S3.CO , $3.00 , $4,50
and $1.95 each.
"Wo also show a handsome honeycomb
bed spread at 47e each.
lSTow styles in chenille table coders , all
Kow designs in f lt scarfs.
] NTo\v fall styles in .IrobS ginghams Gc ,
7Jc,8lc , lOcand 12ie.
Indigo blue calico oc.
Comforter calico 5c yard.
Good cotton batting , 4 rolls for 23c.
Special closing price on gingham btylo
calicos at 2jo yard.
Cotton flannel 5e yard.
Ticking 5e yard.
18 inch wide all linen crash 5c yard.
Good dark- calico for comforts 2c ! yard.
You will find bargains on every coun
ter Monday morning.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Seaman phaetons best and cheapest.
The special premiums that are offered
at the fair this year -iro immense. Do
not fail to got a premium list and compete -
pete for one or moro of thorn.
Save 30 per cent on frames at S. Hoyn's
1411 Dodge. d ,
llaydcii Ilros.
Extraordinary sale of ladies' , gents'
and children's winter underwear on
Special sale of hosiery on Monday
Cook's first-class family shoo store ,
1312 Farnam street , sells line slices $1 a
pair cheaper than any lottery shoo shop
in the city , and you have a larger and
liner stock to select from.
All members of the N. A. S. 13. are
requested to meet at 17th and Fainnm
on Monday , Sept. 1 , at 8 a. m. , to partic
ipate in the parade nnd colobra'tion of
Labor Day. C. E. PALMUK , Sec'y.
'Washington Market.
Beginning with Sopt. 1,1 will inaugu
rate my famous cash system for winter's
trade. To cash customers I will sell the
choicest of meats at a reduced price ol
about 20 per cent less than what is
charged olBowhoro. People who pay
for the meat us they got it will find that
they can save about ono-fourth of their
bard-earned cash by buying of E. A.
Jlarsh , who keeps the choicest of meats ,
as also his own hoino-mndcsnusago , lard ,
etc. , at 611 N. IGtli , half block west of
Joll'erson square , west side of 10th st.
Sam'l Hums is selling gns fixtures nt
manufacturers prices. Put up and \var-
ttricltlayci-H Talcu Notice !
At a regular meeting of the Bricklay
ers' Protective and Benevolent Union
No 1 of JS'obraskn , it was resolved that
all members should participate in tlio
Labor Day parade. You are therofoto
notified to be at our hall at eight o'clock
sharp , Monday morning , Sop. 1 , to an
swer to roll call.
O. P. Slirum , President.
Itcl'uro Haying
A piano examine the now scale Kim
ball piano. A. JIospo , 1513 Douglas.
Carpetn and Draperies ,
Oh as. Shivoiick & Co. ,
3200-8-10 rarnurn.
Come and see the display nlbum foi
Kodak cameras ntS. Hoyn's , 1414 Dodge.
All bricklayers arc requested to meoi
nt thuir hall , llth and Douglas bts. ,
Monday morning at 8 o'clock sharp.
For Ono Week.
Special sale on silverware. C. L.
IMekfaon , 20U N. 10th st.Maboulc block.
Tickets at lowest'rates and suporloi
accommodations via tbu great Rock
Island route. Ticket ollico , 1002 Six
teenth and Farnam streets , Omaha.
Ilidcn Hros.
Extraordinary sale of ladles' , gents
and children's winter underwear 01
Special snlo of hosiery on Mondny.
AScluiotzoii Font at. UIIHOI-'H 1'ark.
Satuiday nnd SundnyAugustyOnnd 31
Do not fail to go. You miss half your
llfo if j ou don't. Trains will leave Web
bler bttcot depot 2 v. m. and U p. m. , nnd
return 8 p. in. and 1 a. rn.
Tluy shoes nt Schoolply's nnd pot
ticket for the $400 Boalslnn,1-115 Douglas.
Seaman's carriages best and cheapest.
Grand Opening oft Early Fall Dross
Goods ,
iVe Arc Js'ow Prepared to Show tlio
nnil Choicest Stock of
l-'tno ns Well us Low
1'rlccd Goods ,
The instructions which our eastern
nnd foreign buyers received wcro to buy
for this seasons trndotbo finest line of
hcss goods that could bo teemed , as wo
ntend to mnko this department the
'catuto ' of our busintbs , and in consc-
quoneo wo luuo received jnoro now and
fashionable dress goods than nil other
Iry goods houhes In Omaha combined.
" \Vo start outlomorrov with :
A case of iloublo fold elegant mohair
irllliantincs in nil tlio now coloilngs ;
their regular price vill bo 25c ; touior-
io\v , 15c.
One case of iloublo fold English cash-
nores in black and colors nt 11'lc.
Two cases of cMru wldo English hen-
lottns in black and colors at llc. )
10-Inch fine wool French henrlottns In
jltick and colors at 29c.
One case of elegant side band hcnriet-
: as , makes up a verv * stylish gaiment ,
worth SOc , at iiOe.
An elegant line of nil-wool novelties In
stripes , -plaids and plain colois at lic a
40-Inch all wool aldlno suiting , some
thing entirely now , at aSe ,
42-Inch strictly all wool Henrietta at
Finest grade of 54-inch all wool ladies'
cloth at 6Uc.
Three cases of now style fancy victoria
cloth at lOc n yard.
And fho cases of fancy half wool nov
elty dross goods at Cca yard.
The prevailing btylo this fall 111 ho
black , and nothing but black , and in ac
cordance with this wo have selected our
Ono case of double width fine black
briliantinos nt 19c.
A 40-inch black mohair brilliantlno nt
39c , that can't bomatchcd nnj where.
A 42-inch raven black brilliant mohair
nt 4oo that \vo sell regular for 75c.
A 44-inch black mohair v 1th a real
sillclustio at GOc that is honestly woith
a dollar.
A black pure brilliant mohair at 75c
that is vorth$1.2o.
A 50-Inch black sillc finished pure
brilliant mohair at Doc. There no\or
was a bettor one Imported.
A 42-inch all vool bilk finished French
honrlotta at 19c.
A 41-inch black all wool bilk finished
licnrictta titOoc.
A 50-inch black silk finished drawl'
alma at $1.49 a jard. Thlb is something
An immense bip line of fancy weaves
of black goods at 49c. 55c , 75c , DSc nnd
$1.25 , including all the latest novelties.
" \Vo offer you all the gros grain , satin
edged , all silk ribbons in several widths
at oc. If bought in tlio regular \\i\y wo
would bo compelled to sell them at lOc
to 12jc.
The noxtlot includes all widthsof satin
edged gros grain ribbon in black and
every shade and color. Wo oll'or them
tomorrow nt lOc a yard. Sco them ; they
are beauties. In the next lot are the ex
tra fine grade of poods in numerous , dif
ferent stvlcs , block and colors , all
widths. Wo never had their equals at
25c. They go tomorrow at loc.
114S. 10th St.
Snm'l Burns Is In receipt of another
lot of those decorated toilet sets. Com
plete 12 pieces only $ o , formerly $10.
Open Tomorrow.
C. C. Sherwood , ladies' costumor.
Now York Llfo insurance building.
Worth , Paris ; Rcdfern , London ; Lord
& Taylor , NowY.oik , Novelty suitings.
James McCrcery & Company's silks.
Artibtic millinery , curios , draperies.
oFifty per cent dUcounton hheot music.
Omaha Music Co. , 1510 Dodge.
Seaman's buggies boit and cheapest
Ilayclon JlroH.
Extiaordinary wile of ladies' , gents'
and children's winter underwear on
Special sale of hosiery on Monday
To tlio O. A. It. State Reunion at
Grand Islitml Vlu the Diii'lln t on.
For this occasion , tickets via the Bur
lington will bo sold August Illbt to Sep
tember 5th , inclusive , at one fmo for the
round trip , good returning1 until Septem
ber 7th. Ticket office li2.'J ! Farnatn
street , \V. P. Vnill , agent , and at union
depot. _ _
Knll Style Huts.
The "great Dunlap" hats ready.
Fall Ht > les issued this day.
Same Unto as in Now York nnd by all
the "four lumdiod" Dunlap agents
throughout the United State * .
Leading hattotB. Shape lints to fit
the head perfectly. _ 120 S. 15th st.
The plumbers , steam nnd gns fitters
union will liolda special meeting nt
1JUO Douglas , on Sunday , Angufat 31st ,
at 11 a. in. Important bubiness.
All union bricklayers sire notiJlod to
keep away from Kcainoy , Nob. , as there
is a strike in progress ,
By order of No. 1 of Nebraska.
The cheapest place for room mouldings
at S. Hoyn'B , 1414.
Railroad fares oh nil railroads In No-
brotika to visit the fair at Omaha and
too one of the grandest labor union pio-
cesslons , are one faro for the tound trip.
This year children's day at the fall-
will bo September 1. Every child will
bo presented with a souvenir , the com
pliments of the Douglns County Agricul
tural soclnty , Tickets may bo had by
applying to Charles Connoyor , secretary
school board , or int the Kmorhon seed
company northeast corner Fifteenth
and Howard streets.
Seaman's wngons best and cheapest.
Dcfelro that their cigars shall bo of the
bebt.rl'o obtain bueh bo certain that
vou call on Win. Goedecko & ; Co. , In the
IJarkor block , Ifith and Farnam fets.
A 14x17 brono frame , fitted , 1 inch
wide , 85c. S. lloyn , 1111 Dodge.
A handsome 8x10 gold ftnmo , glass
and back for 25c at S. lluyn's 14M Dodge
Iho now offices of the great Rook
Island route , 100L' , Slxtoonth and I'armm
btreots.Omnha , nro the In the city.
Call and see them. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
"Why will you pay $5 or $0 for a frame
whoa you can got the btimo for Sfl.SO and
$4 at S. lloyn'a , 1 > 14 Pod go bt.
Hunting and muslin lings , flag poles ,
eagles , spears , fringe , tnsscls , etc. , at
Max Meyer & ; Co.'b , 10th and Furnara.
Buys an Immense Lot of Dry Goods from the
Railroad Claim Agent.
They AVcro Saved from tlio Kcceut
Croat SiiidHh-Up , WliluU
Cntisod by
This is the largest nnd most de < lrablo
lot of dry goods wo over secured fiom a
railroad wreck , ns tlio goods nro not
damaged or soiled in any \\ny. \ The only
harm done to them Is that thov are
bomowlmt wrinkled and the orlglnnl
cases and cartons are smashed. Hero
vq mention a few of the great things
that go on bale :
Ono solid cabo of extra vide comforter
calico at "jo a yard.
About 100 pieces of short lengths of nil
the best grimes of calicos at Die a jard.
Four cases of the very best quality in
digo blue calicos at 5c a yard.
All thoyard-wido line bleached mus
lin from this wreck atSc a yard.
Ono case of fine quality lace curtain
scrim nt 2je ayaid.
All the plain worsted nnd silk braids ,
in black only , nt Ic a yard ,
All the line silk trimming braids ,
from 2 to 5 inches wide , in black and
colors , worth 2oc , nt 2Jc a , yard.
All the finest grade of silk Persian ,
oriental and fine jot trimmings that aio
now so popular , woith $1 and $1.25 a
yard , go at Cc a yard.
All the king rullling , everlasting and
novelty trimming , made of Lonsdulo
cambric , at 2o a jard ,
Thousands of yards of the Tory finest
grades of silk face veilings , in seven ellf-
[ ercnt styles and all colors , now being
it ed so much for hat trimmings , worth
2oc and ! )5c ) a yard , at oo.
All the ladies' linen collars , cuffs nnd
chomlscttcy , wrecked while in transit lo
onoof tlio fincbt retail houses in Omaha ,
worth fioin fie toSoc ench , at Ic ouch.
1,000 purses in all shapes and sizes at
2Jc ; better ones at 5c ,
A big ; lot of oblong puista and chato-
lainobags , Avorth up lo $2 , at lo ! ) each.
11 doyen of infanta' ' nice knit zephyr
shiits nt lOc.
Tlioary finest grades of imported
zephyr knit shirts at2oc. !
Misses'fino zephyr knit shirts at SOc.
All the \\ool knitting yams in red ,
: ardinnl , scarlet , black , wine , nmy ,
browns , etc , , at lie a skein , worth lOc.
All tlio jincbt grades of imported Gor
man knitting worsteds in all colors , at
17 jo a skein , 4 sKeins to the pound regu
lar price 3oca skein or $1.40 a pound.
All tlio fincbt imported Saxony in nil
staple and new shades , Co 11 skein , reg
ular price 15c.
All the llnebt imported /opliyrs in
every luiowi color nnd shade at Do a
skein , logular iirico2oc.
41 do7cn of men's nice plainandstripcd
cotton box fiom the wreck , 5c a piir.
2S dozen of the finest grade men's im-
poitod bcumlctas , full regular made ,
fatiiped and plain BOX , andbuper stout
British at lOc.
114 S. ICthtt.
Through coaches Pullman palace
slcopois , dining cars , free reclining- chair
cars to Chicago and intervening point
via tlio grent Rock Island route. Ticko
ollleo 1002 , Sixteenth and Ftiniuin.
Byron n , Smith , who has been man
ager of Kelloy. Sllyor & Co.'s funuHhinfj
goods ( lopurtmcnt , hns accepted tlio posi
tion of manager for Ed B. "Williams'
men's furnishing goods and merchant
tailoring establishment.
Hiiyilou Ilroi.
a xtinprdinary sale of hulies' , gents' '
and children's winter underwear on
Special tnlo of hosioiy on Monday.
Or tliu Onmlm Sclnicl7.cii A'crcln nt
Jtusor's 1'arlc.
Saturday and Sunday , August 30 and 31 ,
Sunday concert and tall.
'Trains loiuo Wobbler street depot
Sunday at 2 p. in. nnd II p. m. ; leave
lUibor s 8 j ) . m. and 1 n , in.
Round trip tickets , 25 cents.
The Omaha r.iees , September 2 , 3 and
4 will bo called at the old fair grounds ,
on Sinn-man nvc. $ - , : > < 10 nro the purbos
olTorcd. Speed programmes may bo had
at John Baumor s , 11511 Farnnin btrcet ,
Buy shoos of Zundor & Uarris , Io20
Douglns street , and get tickets on diamonds
mends , gold witches and other presents
to bo given an ay.
W. R. Ikmnott Co. , Capitol avenue ,
wihhing nil thuir oinvloycs to have nn
opportunity of attending the labor day
celebration , will clo o their store on
Monday , September ! , at 12 o'clock
sharp. Cubtomois A\lll kindly make
their puiclwbes as caily as possible.
Their motto : Cheapest and Host ,
Oimt'in ' Kcliiictxpii Vcrcln
will hold its third annual shoot at Ru-
hor's park , Saturday and SundiiyAugust
30th and aibt ,
The eoinmiltco in clinrcro have ma lo
all jurangoments necosbtiry to inako this
a great RUCCCFS and give pleasure to sill
that may attend. PrivcH fortatgot shoot
ing amount to $1,000. Prizes will als.0
ho given to contestants in the bowling
alloy and for ring catching on hoi-bo-
hack. Many other bpnrts have been ar
ranged for tlio amusement of the guests.
A. Anx ! Ilol/.hcniicr Co.
Fine watch topalriii" ,
Douglas bt ,
G rigor's Tea Store , IfiflO Douglas nt,1 ,
State Agents for Onoldii Coininunity
canned goods. Mail orders filled.
Mrs. , ) .
"Hosiery and muslin underwear salo.
AClioli'o lilst r SnmmtM-
In the lake rogiotisof WlscoiiHln , Min- !
ncbota , Iowa nnd the two Dukotan , there
nro hundreds of charming localities pio-
oinincntly llttod for Bummer homos.
Among the following bolcctcd libt uro
names familiar to many of our readers
as the perfection of northern bummer re
sorts. Nearly nil of \Vibconsin points
of interest are uitltin a ehnit dlhtanco
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none
of thorn are BO far away fiom the "busy
mails of civilization" that they cannot
bo reached in a few bourn of travel , by
frequent trains , over the finest load In
the northwest the Chicago , Milwaukee.
& St. Paul mllway :
Oconoinowoc.'la. . Clear Lake , Iowa.
Minoftjua. Wk J.ako OkoboJI , Iowa.
\VuuUeshti. AVis. Spirit Lalto , lowu.
PolmyraVis. , . Krontcnac. Minn.
Tmnuliunk Lukes. Lake Mlnnctonka ,
" \VJs. Minn.
Lakeside , WIs. Ortonvillo , Minn.
Kllltouru City , WIs. , 1'rlor Luke , Minn. ,
( Dolls of the "WIsWhlto Hear Luke ,
cousin ) Minn.
Beaver Dam. Wls , WK Stone Lake , Ia- )
Miulbon , Wls. Uota ,
Tor uotaUcd informattoii , apr'X ' "I ticket
ofllto , 1W1 FarnuniBticct , HarKcr blocK.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agent ,
J E. PniSTON , Pass. Agent.
The 1'rlcos TorMoiulny nroirnnuiicrcd
Jloun soljow That \VlllSurcly
Coino In Crowils.
5 bales fine unbleached muslin , 4o per
5 bales heavy unbleached muslin on
pale Monday , 0 yatds for $1.00. 20nrds
is the limit.
1 case peppcrol 8-1 unbleached sheet-
ings , 17o per jtird.
1 case poppei'ol 9-1 unbleached shoot
ings , 20c nor \ nra.
1 case btanuard comforter calicos 3Jo
per jard ,
200 pieces unbleached canton flannel
oopcr yatu ,
200 pieces full standard m-lnts now fall
styles 60 per jard.
20 pieces fancy plaids for children ,
Mommy jou can got them at SJo per
jnrd , worth 15c.
40 pieces apron cheek ginghams 4 SB
per jard , woith Sc.
A big lot of boys' ' shirt unlsts to close ,
& ) o each , woith $1 00.
15 pieces red tvlllcd fhmnol ISo per
New dross poods Monday , CO pieces
30 inhenilottas Monday 1'Jo'pcr ' yard.
Full line Jill wool diess llatiucls yjc per
Now line 4G in silk finish lienrlottns ,
beautiful line colors , $1.00 per yard , sold
lust season at $1.23.
An Elegant line all wool black goods at
I'Jc jnrd. worth 7oc to OOc ,
10 pieces solid black clilna silk at 4So
Big line fancy slllc brocades , stripes ,
etc. , ; Monday enl y 2c ! ) yard ; not half price.
1 case will to bedspreads , full she , 76o
each , cheap at 81.
Another lot fine white bedspreads ,
large sire , at SSo ) each. You cannot
match thorn any vhoro loss than $1,35.
100 do/on Turkish towels lOo each ,
they are dandles.
15 pieces imitation of Nottingham Inco
scrim woith ICc on sale Monday nt fijc
The greatest diivo over offered in ho
GOdoxen ladies' ' balbripgan hose worth
20c go Monday at Me pair.
A very fine gauge balbrifgan hose at
lOc , woith Mo.
A lot of children's hose foimerly sold
S-'ic to GOc , choice of lot Monday 14c pair ,
all si/.cs ,
Ladies' cliomisotto collars , all colors ,
So each , worth 23c.
Ladies' ' -white linen capo collars 3c
each , foiinorly sold atii.jc.
Big line childten's sanitary gray vests ,
all sizes , 25c each.
Chilclion's wool jerseys 2oc each.
Ladies' nil -\\ool jor. ey ribbed vests ,
all coloib. OOucnch , vorthSl.
Don't foi-got wo nro roadv to show
jackets , cloaks and \ \ raps of all descrip
tions at theory lowest prices.
" \Vc > are closing out a lot of linen laces
at half prices ; see them.
Don't forget to get our pilccs on car
pels , curtains , etc.
\Vo take a back scat on nothing. See
us Monday. BUNMSON BROS.
Hosiery nnd muslin underwear sale.
Hayitcn IJros.
J\traornlnjiry ! sale of ladies , gonls'
and children's winter umler\\car on
Special sale of hosiery on Monday.
Mrs. , ) .
Hosiery and muslin underwear sale ,
limiting and mu&lln flngH , flag poles ,
eagles , spears , fringe , tassels , etc. , at
Max Meyor& Co.'s , 10th and Farnam.
Huylcr'H New Vork CnmllcH
Always fresh at Kinslor's pharmacy.
Buy shoes at Schoclply's nnd get
tickotfor the $100 i t > lbkin,1415 Douglas.
HpootnlVnteti halo of tlio Season.
Gent's cold filled hunting cmo watch
in beautiful now doMgin Elgin , Spring *
Held \Vnltlnuii warranted , 110.V3.
( lonuino boss filled hunting case
vittehos , elegantly en ( graved , with nfull
jcwolcd movement , sot in gold wt tings ,
patent regulator , Brcquot hair Bpring ,
van-anted , $11.1)5 ) ,
14 k't , hens filled hunting case , warranted -
ranted to wear 20 yoairf , with D.W.Kay
iiiondor Apnlotoii & Traccy inovoiuent ,
F.lgl'n , Springfield or\\'altlmnnvatchc9 \ \ ,
in dust proof case * . $ : ? , ljO.
Ladles' beantifiil gold filled hunting
case watch , Klgin , Springfield or\Vnlth
mil , vnrrnutedi0)oim ! ) , i > llo. ! )
Lndlcs'Boliil nihor I'heUilno watches ,
slojii winder and sottcr ; llltlo bcnutics '
$ .1.50.
AiiMiiiaalarm doclo , 7"e.
Wo keep all tlio uland.ird American
watcliox , which \\o sell nt ono-litilf low
eloi-fl' ' prices.
A11 goods fully giiarnntcpd.
Dry Goods tmd .lowolry.
Quliiino sulphtile , 1' . & W. , GOo pcJ
on 11 co.
Warner's safe euro , Doc.
Kennedy's medical discovery , $1.15.
1'iereo'B golden medical discovery,75c ,
Picreo's fiuorito proscription , 75e.
Svlft'sspecific ( S. S. S. ) , Too.
Indian sagwn , 7oc.
IIood'Hsarsapaillla , 75c.
Ajor's hair vigor , 7oc.
IJ'artor's ' iron tonic , "fie.
Scott's emulsion , 75c.
lljdrololno , 75o.
Fellows' syrup hyponhosphllcs , 61.15.
Beef iron and vine ( \vyotli'n ) , 7Cc.
Sjrupof figs , largo sue , Too ; tmalllOo , ,
Maltino , with cod liver oil , 7oc.
Pond's extinct , small , -JOo.
ITosfoid'b acid phosphutus , small , 4.00.
Smith's ' tonic , 7flc.
Kind's no\v dincovoiy , 40c.
Plbo'a cure for consimiption , 20c.
Porous plasters , lOc ,
Cuticura boil ] } , loc.
Pair's soap , loe.
Waited milk , small , lOe ; largo , 75c.
Dry ( loodsand Drugs.
"W. R. Bennett Co. , Capitol a\cnuo ,
wishing all their ermilojcs to have nn
opportunity of attending' the labor day
celebration , \ \ ill close their stoio ou
Monday , September 1 , at 12 o'clock
sharp. Customers will kindly make
their Durchaics us early as possible.
Their motto : Clie.ipoat and Uobt.
Mls < ? Shul70 , tlio nttlst , roturnsfrom
New York in September to open her
studio for pupils.
Mm. ,1.
Hosiciy and muslin under\\car salo.
S.ive money by bujlng' shoes of Zundor
fc JInrrN , 1V.J ( Douglas street , and got
tickets on diamonds , gold vatchos and
other picsents to bo given a nay.
Special Trnlns
Via tlio Union 1'aciflc IVy for
G. A. U. Reunion and Sugar P.ilace
Exposition at Grand Itland.
Leave Omaha , 6:30 : a.m. , ur riling at
Grand Inland , 32.10 p.m.
This train makes all stops between
Omaha and Grand Island , Jiiid vlll iua
ft-oin Sept. 1st to Sept 5th.
Another special tialn vill Ic.ivoOmnha
daily at 1:45 : p.m. , nrrlUng at Grand
Island at 10 :15 : p. m. This train vlll
dally from Sopt. Jut. to Jtli.
In addition to the Union Pacific's ex
cellent service , two special trains \vlll
leave Grand Island daily for Omalia ,
thus giving its natrons opportunity to ro-
tuin the same night.
"t ?
* N
-lE Fall fabrics for men this season arc far ahead of any
Art has nested on the weaver's fingers stripes , checks1 ;
plaids , mixtures , quiet and plain , rich and gay , all sorts thatare
Not a mere handful of choice designs , but hundreds from
which you may choose. How about the prices.
You won't fret over Nicoll's ' prices for best made to meas
Trousers , $8 to $12. _
Suits , $2O to $46.
Overcoats $18 upwards.
Profits a mere cypher , but we do a large business.
The largest home and foreign makers of woolens could tell
you of our skill in selecting fabrics ; most of you know ; you arc
invited to see over a thousand new Fall styles at our store ,
draped side and sid \soyou may compare the fine foreign makes
with the good home spuns ,
Polite salesmen will aid you to choose , but won't ' urge yo i
to huy , that's not our way. ' i
Open Evcninqs. Visitors Welcome. I
1409 DOUGLA.S ,