Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1890, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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Open ill Their New Store
- At Faniain and 15th. Streets ,
NewITall Dry Goods
Bow It IIiw Been "Upheld Throughout the
Union ,
of tlio JIo o In Kcbrnsku
anil How tlio First Monday "
Spptcml > r ncouino a
"Labor Day , " whlth Onmhn will observe
In HoltoJlttlng umannor tomorrow , has grown
s o popuhir througbo\it \ the United States
Jhut , buforo ninny years. It bids fiilr to bo-
( oinu a dnngcrou * rival to the Amciican
runrlli of .Inly.
Allhou h IU origin dates back bat n few it in ncmly every
city , town and litunlot inlwonty-threo stutou
of tliounliin , not merely nsu nuittcrofclioico ,
but k'cuwu theio states \\n\e \ laws spread
Uiwnlholr books , unking the first Monday in
Hopteinbcrof each jenr n bollday on which a
tr.buto iniy Iw paid to honestl.ibor.
it Is not a day that is ushered In by the
booming of cannon and tlio display of cheap
patriotism. Ill * aduy when the tolKrs in
the workshops throughout the width and
brcnlth vt tholiindthrow care to the winds
niul nook rucwillon and information on the
mibjtrt dourest their hearts.
Din the wrly'OOs ' the tliht-hour ? movement
WiwiKltated by the timles1 fedunxtlon of
Now York. 'llio mornboi-s of the
lalxir orKniilzatloas , through thulr
priwhlciil , Kaiuuvl W. Oompon , in IbNi
BticiftHltil ill lobb > iii | ? the bill through
tholi'tflshturoof Unit stnto.
ItwoaiiKrtat mm glorious viciory lor inu
labdrliiKinoiiof thoKmpiro stnUyuul at tlio
nrstntYulnii. In thanking INlr. Gompcrs ft > r
liiHWork , It vas proi > oseil to ot nsldo n dny
ns ailay of nut and mroatton In honor o (
the event.rl'ho question MIIS ilUctisscd nt
Icmlh br the members of the federation , ami
whllo all were In favor of cc-lobratliifr a dav ,
Jusl what iluy could not t decldod upon ,
koino favored the fourth of July , but finally.
th first Momlny In Scptenibor wis decided
limn , ami that day was Incorporated In the
bill , which ufinv thy * later jias.scd and was
j m'd by the povmior ,
In tliuHimimer ol Ih-vHiuuljust prior to the
hoMiiiK'of the rt'pulilk'iui stnto oonvonhon In
NebrasVu. tlioKnlKfht of Ubor of Oinnkii
leu and ndoptetl ro olutlons dcnouiic-
In porUtion of I'inkorton men into roaolutloii dcdiirinff that
alMiniluv in Sciiteiiilicr of each year
. to kinnvn sa UaVirJ < hy.
iwol'illitiH wcro Introdlicwl by I. S.
41 of ttiH i It ; anil rulerroil to a sub-
4tto , iiinslilliiK of J 0 McHrMo
ITraiiU ISiint in , turn ot ( Ncbnuska
They we ro unminnliiiously adoptetl
conversion and \\ero lncor | < onitctl
i ropubU an plulforin of that jfar.
jthalcKUUturonwctiutl at Lincoln
iSratMoi thy In January , l O , Sonu-
* l , now a roMili'nt of this city ,
Itlillllhiit rend m follows
otHl tiy the Hc-iuto anil lioiiso of
Arcs of the stiito oi Nvbruski :
I Monday in the month of Sep-
i ycai-slull hercnider bo known
nnd shall t dtcmc < l a public
i Mlo tnaniK mud to the saino ex-
ttdliluy * jiruvhli'd for In section
f4lof tkux nip.U'ilstatulu of 15 7 , "
"Illic I'iRirthof July , Arbor day ,
i da ; of January the bill wiws ro-
iincni , ( onnor , Kieloy , Kotln-
i d j of January It was roforrcnl
Th liosl ituy itvji called up
nir ami paiHtnl without ills-
iiU'f voting 'nyw- '
Uwiuon rut -'d nuil scut to
U wai championed by
Bi > eibt of Oraahaincl
e ) Jiemuba county ,
and a second time ion
first time on tuo 17th
the Ibtli of Jnnuary and referred to the house
committco on labor , , _ , .
In the committee it was lost and manyia
dlllRout search fulled to reveal its \ \ here
abouts. _ , _ _
Ontho2otli day of March A. E- ffi > 1
chairman of the slftin ? committee , located
of the desk in tto
the bill In a pigeonhole
committco room and reported It b.n Y' ' " |
a recommendation that It at once bo tataii
from the Roncral IHes nnd vut upon its pas-
. Tbo recommendation was alotitcdnnd
on March 2r It wai passed to the third icad-
iiiR , Tlio vote A\aa ns follows ! Ayes , u. ,
nTil2. ° Craddocknnd John Jen kins , ivho. . liacl
been watchlnp the fate of the Mil , and fcai-
iiig defeat. Induced tbo engross ng clerk to
put In n fo\v hours of extra time , and on
March 'l\ the sUty-shth day of "loscssion ,
succeeded in having It sent to Covcrnor
Tlmyer's ' oHlce , where at midnight it vas
faipned and Lccamo a law. .
Last September the day was observed in a
imnner , but it vill lie as nothliiK compnicd
with the celebration blcDlb outlined below.
The Societies In Iiliic and Day null
Nl ht. DIsplayB.
The grand Later day procession vlll form
ntSU : ! ) o'cloclc Monday inornliiff and will
niovo atO o'tloclt sharp. The moating place
of the several .societies .nul divisions will bo
as follows , nnd under the foliouluu HiarshrJs :
JanifsM. Kcnncj- . Grind MuiBlul.
Aldes-ll.II Klrby , i : . II. pierall. Jiimes
Ilmiiby , A n'ii-t l ooriaa.ti , .1 ami's I onlliy ,
.I..M. llildiNln. IMer Hewi/Roland Thorp , A.
IICramer , E. lItutberford. .
AVI11 form north u ( Capitol uvunueoii rifteentb
Htree.t , l.icin.'hoiilh.
DctalloC inountcil pollco.
UMiidiiiai luil nnd aides.
Cldof of iiollco and olt ) pollco foieo.
Musical Union hand.
lilbvity eir.
Oratorsof tlicilay ,
Clly mid county olHeluli in carrlaijea.
Iliirtint t'liiflnu t'iini ] > aiiy.
ChKf anil olty lliodopiirtiaent.
Central lihoriinlon.
Typogmpbleiil union , No 110.\V. 0 Boyer ,
AVlll form on I-'lflcoiitli striet , boutb of Capitol
ntonui' . failns mirth.
AncU'iit Order of Itlboriilnn bund.
Iron moUlors1 union , No IIW , Ed. O'Connor.
Henry GOOKO as-oinUv KnlRhtsof labor , No.
2M5. J. Stokes , mur ia. ! .
Iliac ktialtlis mill holpors. department nssunilily KnUlits of Labor ,
> 'D. auil , J. MlHor. marshal.
Union Pucltlo as-oinbly Kmxlit of Labor ,
o. I0k ) .'imln ? . nuusbal.
Union I'lu-Ulf nindiliioiilioii ,
'Jho upiut'iitlco * ) ,
Union Vaiino assi'iublv K'nlshts of Labor ,
Coiiiu-1 lllunVNo. 1 W.
BwItciinien'H imituil aluwieuty.
llwtlicrhoud of I.ocoiuotltu 1 Irouun. > iO. 123 ,
ill in LI DIVISION ,
Will ( nrni on I'ourlcoiilh street , north of
CapUol avciiuo ( iic-l IK situtli.
Canmntcrs * iinloim , U. lii inrwt l
1 union , J nines MoMtums marilial ,
Machinist1 union ami apprentices , ; . U. Had-
llolil , niur > liil. :
Tin , ihout Iron und cornloo rankers' union ,
t'liatlos TlioriiliiaiMial.
Ctxipors1 union No.1.
I'utiilcrs' union * Nro. iri and M > , Mu.x Ooyer
iiiirHlnil ,
Sti'rcotypors' nnlcn.
Will form oil Fourteenth rtroet , south of Cap.
Itul iivuiuu' , faeliiK mirtli ,
I ( J. 0. 1 < \ bund.
Htlokliiri-rs'iimon. Mini stmor
Pluatcrurt' union , Mcrllnir Kddlcuuiii mar-
II. U mid I1 , T. A. 1C. ofTSO.Challes liuson-
ilillst iniUklutl.
StoiH' < 'iit ( iV union.
'I i u : HiK I'urrlori.
\Vnrlil-llrrulil onrrlors.
I.M'iiln ; ; IHrniH-'iiit carrtuii.
\\lllfoi uibn ThlrtMiith ilruvt , nutlli ot Cap
itol voiUK' , fucliiic miu Hi.
Xmy bund
Clgut muVfrs union , I'rniik II , I.Inlngor mar-
I'rinlliii ; pri'H iiiiMi'iunli'n , K. CHS tic inartbul.
TulVom' union. AVm. lltilliiiau niir : n l.
Sudtllo uuj lniMiit imuUir > i' untou.Nu. l'I ' I * . I *
Uioud hurst murthul.
llutcliers' unlun , 1'utcr Heten icarslml-
Htatluiiuy tniiliuetn.
MittrourrlerH'u ! .4X'ltttIoii.
Color a Urbun * union , U , JJgbus aiair liaU
Will form on Thirteenth utrcel , south ot Capitol
tel avenue , facing north ,
llobcmlan band.
State Mnstor Workman.
Ladles * assembly , Klift.
Knlghtsof labor usscmily | , ; > .
KnUbtaof laborassom | > lyM41.
Kiilzhtsot labor assoin1 lyMJ.
Kiilithuof Labor assembly , ! : ! . " .
KnlfMitsnf Tiihorassoiiihly. 1.
Kiilxhuof laborassonibly , 4 p.
KnUhtsof Labor assembly , OJ.
Joseph "Vaskor , manual
la-\ld Tiirvey , marshal
Will formon Twelfth street , nortu of Capitol
avenue , faclnp South.
Matlo City cornet band.
Samuel I' . llrl liain. in irslial.
UlKarmakers' union , No. Ci.
liarhoisj union , I\o. .14.
Local H'spniMy , Jio. 016. iCnliibtsof Labor.
The switchmen's union
nmployes of the Union ptuoKj'inclR.
The Arnmm * . Swift. Hamincnd and ( Imalia
house employe's uiiUothtT
lalwriiiK moil ,
VUlforinon Twelfth streetsouth of Capitol
venue , fdulns North.
Sixth ward band.
Tanners' alliance.
VUlforinon Floventh sheetnorth , of Capitol
uvcnue , facliu South.
Excelsior band.
Citizens In cirrhuoa and wagons.
From I'lftocnth and Capitol iiycnnoenBt on
'aiiltol nvoimu to Nlntli. Mnitlum ISIiitli to
louvhfnto Klfieentn , to Kariiaiii.lo Ninth , to
luniov t < > Snieuiith. to Olark , cniinte-rmarcli
oiith oiifclxtn-ntlilo llarnw. 'llioro the line
vtlldlsliaiid und the crowd nlll RO to tlio fair
grounds via inoton , cany all , etc. , etc.
At Iho Fair Grounds.
Iho procfraratnoat the fair grounds will bo
as follows :
Ip. m.-Oriitlon by cx-benator Ynn AVyek.
tip. m.-Hullooii iiscciision and par.iehnto
11 on ly Prof. K. UTeii llroeoU.
Jupanci" day Hreworks anil barbecue.
Jrottlna UaioH-Onu iiillothroe , boats. be t
. .wo In thru : imr o. HOUlirst nrl/t , r.O per
cent : hccond prize , 25 per unit ; third pi Izo , 15
porpeiiti fourth vrl70W percent. Entrance
'ecli-M nililudto pnrio.
Ono-lulf mlle clash If newspaper carriers !
pursu. * ; lint pil/e. t 0 ; second , . .SO ; third ,
Sjtouilh , $ - ' " > > . Kntraneo freo.
How iniilo lacnimrse , Wi first inlro. 110 ;
secoad.50thlrdK | | ; fourth , W.V ) . Intranco
f ft C
COnolialf wile bleyclo race , for amateurs ;
prlairolcl medal.
Ono-lialf mlle fuot raco. open for all ) puise ,
1.1 ; llrst prize. SlOi second jirUu.13.
Ono linnilrid-yaid foot rate , ainatour1 prize ,
cold muliil. , , . . . .
hilicciiieii'i race , 200 vaids , wclirbt not less
tliaiiSOOpoundu ; purse , J10 | lirst. , i second.
Ono liimdtea-jard sauU race ] purse , 110 :
Ui t , if.r > : sucoiid , Os tlilnl. . ' .
Mainline hlKb jump , pilvlleso of vsclght ;
purt > u , M. , _
Hup. Hop anil Jump ! purse , Jj.
I'uttlni ' ? tliehbof , piuso , .
All entries will elosoat the fair founds at
2 o'clock in the nttornoon , except the trotting
iiuo , vhlch closed at (5ato ( City hnll , Thir
teenth and Douulas , jcstenlay.
Coiulltlons All ti-otthiK races to bo mlle
hcits , best two In tlmo to harness , and to bo
coiulucted under tbo rule * of the National
trotting association. HuunhiK races will ho
ijovuriicd by the American Jocltoy club rules.
The committco reserves the rlsht to trot or
run ruas between the heats , and to postpone
for suftlclcnt cawo. The right Is also claimed
to change the order ot any event on the pro
gramme , should It beileslwl , hut no change
\vill bo made in cases vhere tin Injustice
would bo douo to any other parties making
entries ,
Concert nt tllft Knlr.
In the afternoon at 3 : ! tO o'clocktho Musical
Union military > tl will five n grand con
cert , the programme of wblch is as follows :
I'-tllT I ,
Oturturo lUrbi'rof i > avlllo .Rossini
Girl Ililfo
Spanish I'untusla I l alonitt \ railler
1MIIT 11 ,
Ik'serlptlvo A Niglit Alaiin ( byreqiii-st )
, . . Uccvos
1 AciiliiiniiiiljxMii-cdil nluht , 2 All ajlcep.
3-rryof "liio1' ! l'lrohor i'n rush out. larso
nnd Miiull puiifs strike ! . Away w BO , 4
Arrive ut lire. J-lnr 'i llnit iMiOM' , rt-TUo
tn lnewurU well.rit out , reel up ho c > .
S-UtTfiir home , 0 The Dromen'a fcontj. 10
llDiaoacaln. , . . ,
( lavotto Iho I'lrst HeartThrcbs..EllunlHrK
Oterturo. Itaymond Tlioinus
Uisi rlptlvr , A JluntliiK Steno lluculnssi
-Ihouwmiuj Urul a calm arid Dua < .UuI <
S-Tliormntsrnan nrcpai-os for the pleasures
of tlioelia e. < { Wo Jutnlion our middle and
our liuntHiiian sounds a merry blast , 4 1'ho
parties join , I > The Is iilho with liorso-
inen. 6 On the scent. 7-l''ull cry , 8 fho
< lcatb , 0 We return homo.
Cialopdu Concert , Infernal . Ivolor-Itcla
1 Uholr of infernal spirits. S Council of
the f inlcs. J LJanco of tlio devils , 4 Jllu-
iilght. 5 liecoptloii to Pluto.
Illgli School Crounda
The festivities of the dny will bo brought
to a close by a magnlllcent dbplny of flro-
orlcson the high school grounds , commenc
ing at 7:30 : o'clock. Among a host of miscel
laneous displays the following set pieces will
bo burned :
"Welcome.MOO. . " "American Has , " "Crys
tal Fountain , " "Jlc-chuiilo'H Ami with notto
' " ' . " " of "Wash
Union , 'Contr.i Dincc , "Statue
ington , " "fclur of Aiucilca , " "Ooddess of Lib
. "
erty. _
The following are the meinbcrs of the exe
cutive committco of tbe Central labor union
who have been charged vith the duty of ar-
for the above grand affair :
George \V. WllUrd , president ; Julius Meyer ,
Iroasiiiers William bcbrln ) ; . scciotury : . It.
Mnssrr , .1 nines It. Von UK , James M , Kciiucy
II. ll.lvlrliv.
Oatcs1. . It. Mi imscr.T A. Giles , T.nonnctt ,
J. Ho los , T. Koimscr. , b\S. Iloitou , T. South-
noil. J. Xc'lsoti.
Urnnd Stand Aiisnst llcornnn. R. Tliorpo ,
P. Sweeney , E. T. Jtuthorfuid , II. Il.lvlrby. J.
' ' '
- - M. ClhbH , William Ooodln , K.
Oed v , 1' . ltl by , Orrin Decker.
Atlilotlespoils ICJ O'Connor , GOOIRO Pom-
br \ \ Ul , J. W. Haldwln , A. JIIIlorJainc3 , 11.
Uarbucuo I. Prniu.
Dr. Biinoy cures hay lover. Dee bldg ; .
I > ATE3.
xlilhitgin Nclriislciiainl
Adjoinlntr HttitCH.
Below arc given the dates of the county
fairs In Nebraska and stoto fairs in adjoining
states :
Nebraska stnto fair , September ,
Grand ltdundbcotsugar palace opens Sop-
ti'mlior 1.
HloiixClty corn jinlace opoiisSepteinbc'rL'3 ,
ICin iiHbtiitofiifr. buiteniberll-20.
s Btuto fair , soptomhcr 10-19.
Adams Sept. S-4 GaBo..Soit. rjO-Oct. 3
Hlalno Sept. 2W3 Hall Pent , 10-JO
lliovin Sipt. 1J-20 llnrlan r-opt , : t5
lloono Sopt. 17-10 llltobcock .Sopt. 10-1J
HulTilo Sept. ID-It ) .IcfforMHi . . . .Sept. 151-3 !
llutlcr siCt. | : i-M HCurncy SopLU--l
Cass Sept. 13-18 Mncoln Sopt.ll-W (
Cheyenne.fcpt.M'tV Madison. . . . .Scspt. 17-19
Clnj Sept. 1C-11) JtorrlcIc hupt , 17-SO
' . Isimeo . ' '
L'ollax Sept. 1MO Hupt. l--'il
. . . .Sept. y-i7 | | iucUoll3.yept.Oct.2 )
Ciihter..Sopt.IOOct. JJiriurco Hopt , 15-17
Davos. . . . . .Sent. 17-SofPoik Hoiit. a-5
Dl.xou Sept. J-5 Srpy Seit.l7-W
DoOgo. . .Sept. JO-Oot : ils > nnndet8 . . . .Sopt , 2I I
Davsnn Sopt. 21-21 ! Pliernnn Hopt.ll-18 (
Doujlns S'lit. 4ifilanton..Scit. . -OcU 1
rillmoioept. ! . M-l.Vulloy ( ' . . .Hopt. 21-37
rrauklin bept. SI-SUjTorlc Sopt. S5
Dr. Blrnoy euros hay fo\or. \ Boo bldg ,
Tlio clcrcy of the Rwslan chuich are di
vided into two classej. according to their
moans of sustenance. Ono portion receives
their regular salaries , thq otncr lias tovoik
in the ileldshlch the church apportions to
them , ami to depend on the gifts and collec
tions from their parUliIoDurs , The latter tuo
iinowa us the "whlto'1 ' clergy , Now the
synod is working out apian foV puttlnp tlio
entire clergy on I'c'ifular salaries nnd abolish
ing tha system of church collections , The
sum of 3.,8-tl,000 ' , ruble * will ho inquired an
nually for the salaries of the "white" clergy
which vlll boeradoj accordliif ? to their 10
pjotlvooiilcot. Aipoclal tax \villba im
pan the "orthodox" tonilacithutsuui ,
Dr. Dlrnoy CUIOH liay foror. 13eo hlclg.
The Mluneapolls paix > rs show the Flour
City team to bo in the [ cad , the MihvauKco
Jouuuils have tbo brewers on top , and the
ICunsas City papers all give the cowbojs
lint plaio. All oi thla dlft'croneu i-oings f roiu
the uontosU'il Barnes la which the thii'O
teams uro Interested. The dircrtors nt tlulr
rccuit meeting In Omuhu should have dcc-ldctl
these ( ontiuts , but tlioy left them until the
end of the acason. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Dr. Dlrnoy cures hay lover , Bee bldg.
The Old Herald Building Tomorrow Jecomeu
a Memory of the Past ,
How It Srvcd ns Headquarters for
tlic/Yriny nnrt tlio Callnnt
Wlw Occupied , its Sto
ried. Halls.
WorJnvlll bo commenced tomorrow morn
ing upon the demolition of a building that
was at one tiuio the architectural pride of
Oinuhn ,
'In'onty-tuo years ago Mr. .Tolin AVithncll ,
then a joung man , began work on tlio erec
tion of a largo boarding house on the south
west corner of Hnmcynnd Fifteenth streets.
Tlio original plan of tlio structure-
contemplated a three story building 00x120
feet , with , nt that tlmo , modern hnprovo-
iiionts. Mr. Withnolllmd purchased the lot
from Dr , Moncll for $ J,000 , , and bis ei.t'erprlso
In putting up such a splendid building i\as
n. subject of unlimited fu\oruble comment.
The headquarters of the department of the
Platteliad been established la Omaha a few
years Iteforo-thls , v ns in 1SOS and occupied
vcty oullutiry quartos. U'ho ofilcors wanted
tlio now building for their lioiidqtmrtcrs , and ,
through thocfl'oits of General 0. C. Augur ,
tlio department commander , an offer was
rmdo to MrV ithnell by which the govern
ment agreed to become htstoiinat for a term
often jours , If he would build an uihlltbunl
story tothostruitura To this Mr. WUlinoll
agreed , and the building vas completed near
ly us it now stands.
Thotlopuitmentoflicors la thee days vcro
n Jolly set nud life ut the lioadquurtcrs a.
happy one. Them vcro Adjutant Generals
rJtchlleld and ItugRles nnd JJob Williams ,
who inarrieit the widow of Stephen A. Doup-
Iii3. J , II. Belcher \vas Hist depot nunttor-
jnastcr , and William Arthur , u brother of tlio
ox-president , wai the fitt paymnstcr. Ihon
there was Wajor Thornbcrirwho was sur-
pilsed nnd killed by tlio Indium in Colomdo
and was brought homo hcio forburlnl. It was
in the old building tlutCoIouolICaut/e.
now buying some trouble vlth General
UiooUo , was court-martialed for BOKO minor
offense and was slightly puuislied. 'Iho Iwud-
quiirtcrs wcro in this building-when the n.
AM. strike wai on nnd Captain John S.
AVoods. who was chief Janitor , distinguished
himself by barricading the building so that
tbe stilUors could not get In and destroy the
regular uriny.
In 15S2 tbo department headquarters were
unused to Port Omaha , under an order of
the war department , imU the building was
AUCII ted.
On September , Ib78 , a short tlmo after
the building had been vacated by tlio govern
ment , occurred the memorable tire which de-
stroytd tlio Grand Central hotel , and in
vblchwoio lost the liven of Iho Omuha firo-
men. The Grand Central 1ml robbed the
Wlthnell building of muih of its glory , but
with Its destruUioa the Withnoll building
was pat to the use for which iUvasoriuinallv
Wlillo the ( Ire was still burning on
the ruins of the Grand Central ,
Dr. Geoigo L. Miller cuirlod an
ollor from Kitchen Bros. , proprietors oi
tbo Grand Central , to Rlr. Ulthuell for the
rental of Ills building us 1111 hotel. The otter
was favorably considered , and on the day
aftortho lira u lease was executed dying the
ICitclicns possession of tlio Imildlnp for a
term of tlneo jearn with a prlvllego of hold ,
lug tbo property for flvo jears , or until their
hotel ahoula bo rebuilt. The building vas al
ouceri'uotutodaiid remodeled for ahoteliuu ,
In aory tow days the Kitchens wcio duly in.
stalled in thoirnowuartorsand ( | "Tho With
noil" wus ttio loading hoUl of the city
I'litronaBOwas libcml , lent was modcrato
nud tbo house piovcd a bonanza to the miiiin
( 'crsvhonro \ credited with having said that
they made moro money out of the house than
tuoykud ever unideout of any other hostelry
In the Hnmo length of tinio.
The Kitchens ran the hotel until the coin
plotlon of the 1'nxton in ISbU.
Mr , Wilbucll's bulluiugu again vacant
t had cost him originally about $2.1,000 , , In
uldltlon to the cost of the lot , and it bad not
icon improved any by the various uses to
vhiih it hud been put. As a hotel and head-
luurters for tbo army the polish had been
tnocked oft the structure. The plastering
vas crocked and the paper lost Its
rifilnal brilliancy. Other good builuitiKS
md been erected , too , and the once finnous
ilock had lost much of its prestige among
ho substantial building enterprises. Then ,
oo , Mr. Withnoll uns not alilo to huild mnp-
illlccnt blochs and pay spot for tliem la
lioso days as ho is now , and this enterprise ,
vith others bo had iu hand , wcro making
Innndui ; demands of lihn that caused him
omo worry. The enterprise did not look llko
paying one and lioput the property on the
nuvket forSU < ,000. It went begglnp nt this
fipuio fora tinio and then Miller & Hlchard-
on , the owners of the Herald newspaper nnd
ob printing establishment inado an offer of
10,000 for the building and ground. This
Her was finally accepted by Mr.Vlthnell
nd Iu the full of 1W1 tbo building pniscd In-
o tbo hands of thollorald jieoplo. It was re
modeled to meet the acquirements and vma
ho newspaper palace of the vest in these
lays. Here , under the management of Dr.
.Illler , tbo Herald saw its palmiest days. political battles of the
heetiu both the state and nation wcro
ought on paper and hero Dr. Miller
lid valimt service for the
democracy of the city and state until In lib" ,
on March 1 , when the pnnor und property
weicsoldto Jlon. John A. RlcShino.
The purchase price vaa $150,000hlch In
cluded tbo paper , plant and franchises. The
part of the piopeity which Mr. Withnell hid
sold for | W,000 llgured at about IW.OOO. The
mihllnp continued to bo used foranews-
> aper olllco until the Herald lost Its Identity
> y consolidation vlth the World a year agn.
When the paper was removed from tlio bulld-
iiKa mixed lot of tenants , including barbers ,
tailors , tluncts nnd job printers , boot blacks
md rats was given possession and tlio bulbi
ng rapidly degraded to u rookery and Jlro-
.i-np. It was worn out in the service. Iho
loois had becomoeaton awsiy and uuuronfuli
of holes , bliverod and dnngerous , 'J'bo walls
were diity and tmntv , and the cntiio struo-
tuiosecmed in dilapidated Interiorly and ox-
xjrlorlyns if it had been coeval vlth the
[ jyramiih , The owner. Mr McShanc.reecnt-
, y sold the ical estate liitoiost to the Boston
ground icut company for 9100,000 , and under
a long lcao will at once begin the ercctionof
a handsoino brick block on the slto tocost nt
least SI00,000.
It Is in preparation for this Improvement
Lhntthoworkof tearing down the old struc
ture wJH bo commenced tomorrow , and the
site will ho adorned with a structure In hoop
ing with the-lty's progress ,
Dr. Blrney euros liny fuvcr. Boo bldg
Special TraliiHto DoiiKlaH County Fair.
The Union 1'ucifiu , npprooiutliifj the
fnct that tlioro will bo a largo attend
ance ut the Douglas county fair , and in
order to aeeotmnoilate the incrcngod
trnvol , In addition to Its regular ser
vice throughout the Btuto , 1ms nrmn ed
to run two Bpcolul truins dally
from Sept 1 to 5 from Gtimd iHlanu.
This vlll glvo puoplo living ulong tlio
line mi excellent opportunity toconio to
Omuhu , tulto in the fair and races , huvo
a gooiUinio and return to their hoinca
tlio wnno ovonln < r. Tlieso tniina leave
GiMiidMumi dully tit * 1:30 : in. , und US : ! (
p. in. , returning , leave Omiilia nt 0:30 : u
in. , and 4:1) p. in. This should. Insure i
iittondanco at the fair.
lliiildlui ;
Tlio following pn-inlti wcro luuol by the
superintendent of bulldlnci yesterday :
E.O. Merrill , ono-story frame cottagp ,
linker uveniio mill Otol utroet , , . 41,00
A.KUo.lwo-hlory brltk < l ulllii ( ! , > 'luo-
tcdtith and Hou'its htiot'ts . . . . . . . . . . 1,800
A. Kko , two-ilory lirltk cliiellliiK' , Mno-
tL'C'iilh and Ucm'iiH Micots . 1,80
A , Kkc. two-Dtoiy briik < lvulllns. Mno-
lennlli anil DorciiH htiouts , , . . , . 180
V , M. IlLMislia i one niul oru'-ijunrtor
story fraino dvi'lllni ; , Twoiily-fouilli
und MuiuliTHOii Klnots. , , . 1O'
Four minor permits . 1 , "
Total . % K.C :
The annual report of the .American blbl
society says that of 7iTWl familloi fotmd In
tha courao of oldit years' work to bo wlthou
n copy of tboblblo. 'Jii,777 ; ) families refused t
buy u copy or receive 011003 agift >
An Era in Which the Specialist
larly Saiuca ,
7arlolan mill Ills Coinpnny At Rny < l's-J-
ItcpcrtolrooT ho Opcran tollo < ! lvca
Ouiln tlic Week Ullio Itcil-
patli at tlio Grniid ,
This is an ngo ofspcchillsta.
Not ulono in the world of mcdiclno Is this
rue , but In law , in theology , und particularly
n the dramatic profession.
As the ah'o progresses , hand in hruid wltlt
cicnco nnd art , experts develop from ono cad ,
f the world to the otber. You often hear
okcs about pluinU'M , and the subdlvlfaiona
f labor are acoiistaiitsourco of vexation , cx-
> emo , umusemeiit nnd jocularity , Tlio man
vlio can do ono tiling is not permitted by Iho
aws of lils union to do another.Amnsouisnob
eceisiiilly u brick Inycr. There IsiuUflor-
nco between carpentry and cnbinotmaUlnfj.
Singora rarely act nnd aotors rarely slug. A.
nciuit all trades , runstho proverb , is good ntJ
Does specialism pay I
\VV11 , jou bid mi example of the success ofr'
pedal ism tlio past \vcelc , during the contln *
itinco oC'Tho City Directory" ntBoi'd'a.
Youlmdn gllmpso of Charles Uucil , nuox- *
ccodliifdy clever coincdinn , who ni.ulo hla
reputation in blnck face yoara ngo , but there
VIM u demand for will to face comedians.
truJuutcs of the minstrel stage and all Mr.
teed had to do was to wash the cork off hid
'nconnddo Iho same "turns" ho did \\hon.
loldlngdown tlio end of u negro soinl-circlo.
Jot usjjo a bit further. Look ut Krnnclj
Wilson , and all nctoi-s In Ills lino. Can you ,
who rcmoinbor 1'raiicls AVIlaou ten , llftcon ,
yoara ngo vhcii In Mart Hanloy's vniloty
company with Macliln , discover anything
new in rranclsVllsonof toilnyl
TakoMaylrvin who uffordoj usso rnucli
genuine lunusoincnt lust week , u upociallstS
from the crown ofhcrhcadto the solo of bed
Years ngo when she nnd her bister wora
shlniiiBllghts of tlio viiricty stage they gava
an inimitable scries of nct'ro iharactor
slutuhcs. Thoyaro doing the sumo thing to
day , nnd May Inter on became a member or
AiiKiistiu Daly'a company und the training
she rotelvcd in tno Thc.itro Francali oi
Amori < a was invaluable. Slio has ( irofltcd ,
bythatschooliiiR ; her ait has become aa
mellow as n lien Davis apple , but there is
lltllo that isnowln lior work , The public
admires her present icportolro of tketthusj
why bollierhor head iiboutothcr things.
TakoJoscph tTcffciion.
Who It so popular as I tip Van Wlnklo Jof' *
forsonl ( Jan hoplay aiothiiiKelsd If so ,
what ? For twenty 3 cars all of us have em
Jojcd his iiootlo treitment of tbo veriest
vagabond that valUed the earth , a inlsuscr of
Ul wife , a iicgloctor of his children , u tramp ,
\Vhen ho cumo fouvard as Uollxhtly Irt
"Lend Mo Tlvo Shillings'1 or ai swagKcr-
in ) ; Hob Aires , onomudo haste to uniiigO
sniUi to sou a actor In BomcthltiK besides <
sides the ono character so much enjoyed
\Vhatwasthoreatilti \ Itlp Vita wlnldo In
another suit of clothes. .lefl'eisoa Is a spc
clallstlf theio over WIH ono.
ClianicU'riictliii ; is the fad of the hour.
The original Sotliurn and the present
Sothoin allurd aduirablo ilhiHtratlons o (
the ] io\vor and popiihulty of flpeclullsm ,
'Jhcro Is t'utno ' In it , reputation in It , | iloas <
uro in It , nionoyln It , amltlio vounir uitni und
younu women is ho rccognlo that fact In the
Way-day of their professional llfo vill boabld
tosit lioiit > ath the nuplo follago oftlicirown
vine uiid tig tree , in latter yearn , charmed
with tlio nilolunco of tluir porfunv ) and sun-
I rtc < l by the tubstantial fiiilUigo of then
growth ,
1002. Slxtoouth and Furniim streets ij
the no\v Jiook Inland ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points east ut louont iiitod ,
Dr , 13irnoy purcs hay favor. Uco blilg ,