/ YTATTAnATT.V -RTT.T7 ! GTTNTnA V . 31 I.QOft--T'WTflXrrpV ' THE COXDITION OF TRADE , Largo Increase In Clearances Ovei the Cor responding "Wtok List Tear. J08BEES BUSY FILLING FALL ORDERS , Crnpn In Nortlivcfltcrn Counties a J'nllnrc Farmers Will Need As- In Order to Go t Winter. Manager Hughes of the Omaha clearing bouse reports tbo total clearinjs of the asso ciated national Ian Its of this city for the week ending August 80 nt 4,1)31,400.61. ) an in crease over the corresponding week last year of 43.5 per cent. Balances were 8031,003.13. There has been scarcely any porccptlblo chingolti the money market during tbo past week. Italcs coutluuo about Iho same. Good tivo-namo paper is accepted at 8 per cent. cent.Tho The eastern market continues rigid and tlicro are thus far no Indications tnattha prediction - diction of a close money market during tlie entire fall , tando two weeks ago , are at all out of Iho iray. Trndo in nearly all branches has been lighter than the week before , so for as new orders nro concerned , but the jobbers haio been Ijuay filling ordera received some titno ago for fall delivery. ft Crop reports from Colorado are very hopo- f ul nnd it is stated that the section between Denver anil Chcyenno has not suffered to an appreciable extent. An excellent crop Is us- sured there and the farmers and merchants in Unit locality are quite Jubilant. The latest advices received by the local Jobbers from their traveling men In too tort Invest poitlon of the state confirm the previous reports of damage thcro by drouth. In some of the northwestern - i -western counties the crops are a total Allure and the people must have outside as sistance to get 111 rough the winter , Families are already rnovlnif aivay and it is believed tliat manyraoro will follow. In that section the outlook is any tiling but promising. Continued cool weather , with prospects of nn early fall , will emphasize thoslight Ira- ictus that It has already given to tlio dry- coodsanaclotlilni ? trade , und stimulate other tranches accordingly. Iho trade In hats nnd caps nnd boots und shoes has been fair , though hardly brisk. Jobbers have made an effort to have fill old ticcounts squared up beforescndlngouthoavy fill orders , and have been ccuorally success' lul. The month's collections range from 70 toW per cent of the amounts on the books in the various lines of trade , and this Is regarded as a little better tlian fair , and in the majority of cases is fairly satisfactory. Leather continues to jump up rapidly , or as cno dealer ex pressed It , "tho rrlio is going up faster than we c.m jnark up our foods. " It is constantly on the move , and Instead of leaking JJ ? { per cent raises as at ilrst ills now goingup 3 per con tat a. jump. The produce market continues strong and steady. In dairy pioducts tlio better grades of butter have taken n decided aih'ancc. Creamery Is stiff ntl8 ( 20c , and dairy Is linn tl4pOo. ( Tlio cheaper grades remain prac tically the same at O Dc. The supply lias Ix'on light. Eggs have taken a decided move upward , end are now almost a , unit at ITc , although a few were sold early in the week at K > c , und cao or two sales are reported at I8c. The ro- cclpti hnM > been a llttlomorc liberal , but the jnorket is constantly growing stronger. Cheese has taken nn upward tendency. Full cream is ouotcd tit Il ( < jl2c ! , nnd Voting America at 12@iJc , The market has been quiet the past week , but will pick up with cooler weather , Poultry in stiff at good prices. Good jprings are bringing $1.7503.00 per dozen , nd $3.ii5@i.501s : readily received for medium ilzo stock . > Vegetables ere In strong demand. Iteceipts fcsvo not been nt all largo. Onions are not . generally matured , but both fruits and veg etables arc doing ivcll. I3 < jlatocs nromoderately strong.1 Colorados ro scld as Califomlas at $ ! . > . Cur load lots can bo bought on track at SI , but the market Is by no means weakening. California fruits are selling stronger on a ttifC market. Tbo receipts ol the week amounted to about ten ears. The peach crop Is short , tut grapes and pears are plentiful. The homo grape crop it very heavy , and Is icllinf ; nt25@&c in ten pound baskets , Cali fornia * nro bringing $1.73 per crate. Peaches ire frm at J , and pears are quoted atJS.S , ) ® 8.00. The Kartlotts are nearly all in , and will ire up a little. Burn Hardy's ' are being de livered inlargo quantities and Duchess' are bcginninit to come. Bcauelairgiis will follow U > clo o the supplyof late fruit. Tie apple crop is lijht ; , loth eastern and western , and the jirlco has advanced to SVI.OO @ 3.25 i > er barrel. Nonoof the eastern crop has been offered hero as yet , and It Is not provable that any of It will rcuchthisinarkct , as -worthmoroeast. . The receipts of melons are Jlghtor , and thcro is a ready market for all In sight. The , . _ receipts of tlio week have amounted to alxmt fcpn car loads. In ( watermelons llttlo aavo ff-iscatines nro coming la now , and they are -Wiling at ? 12 per 100. They sell slow on a cold weather market , and n fo\v warm days arc necessary to stiffen tlio demand. Nutmcj ? melons orcantcloupes are coming in nca\y \ and are selling at 75c@Sl.25 per dozen. Crab apples are. plentiful at (3,25 ( per bar rel. Cranberries are not in yet , but dealers expect to offer thern nt $ S.OO@9.00per barrel. The receipts are gradually dropping elf in some kinds of fruit , as it is getting lato. General receipts in the produce line have , on the \vholo \ , been llttlo better than last week. Tim has prerctitcd heavy business ju that brunch , although it hns been more tban made up in general men handlso. Farmers are inclined to hold on to nil kinds of products , and this , r.itbcr than a short crop , accounts for the limited receipts. One dealer gave ciprtssion to the following \lew of the situation : "Sonio folks nro going to bo badly fooled by hanging on to theirstufl so lone , niiorols no question but , that produce is poinpto boa great deal Wilier , but itr Isn't ' gointr clear out of sight , as some ot them seem to think. They won't sell at a rtally \ gcol figure , hut will hold for sotno- ' thing letter. Itwill flnnlly have to conic , and it will all coma together. It will strlkq in on a full market , and the producers will not bo as well off as if they had sold earlier. " Wo will got the first rush about tlio " tlnio it freezes up , U'hoy will tlien haM > to"soll their potatoes or store them for the winter , and lota of then will bo on the market. There U no denying that prices are coiner to bo much hirnur than now , hut , us I au4 before , folks arc getting exaggerated ideas about the matter. " ojj.ur.i STOCK. Cattle. Piitnnlar , August 30. rocclpts of cittlo 1.C50 , as com- piri'il wltli UXI4 jestorday and l.TUOSatunliiy of last voxk. The nuirket opened very slow lover. rU > > Ri are * Kc 'xi lower than Vliunuliy. or ulniit vhorullioy were Monday Ititt. Oow aro'tlow and lower , ranging from llKito 'Ji lovt-r Uiiu Iliursduj-'j top. Feeders &r unchanged. - > Hogs. ' Ejtlium-d receipts of hozs aa ; coinvarod with tUOJ yMtuntay and 7.1W7 batunlur ol 1 H wi-i'k. The market onene l active and Kblde Mslieroit liuuvyuiid niUcd lioxs und 24 hllltorou light and inlxcMl boss. IliirltK th ivv liv > 3 lia\o uilvannxl We. whllo Itulit ami Ifsht mixed liiivoiulvmicod 20 to ! > c. Tlio iiiurketeloMMl on y with nil told. The Ku of | irlivwas * L7t > Jl4.15. Iho hulk silllim , hi'ivy. ta.U.ai . I. LV Hues § olcl todty lilishcr tluu tlipy have sold toforoglnco Apm SI last. Tlio uvpi-uso ot the ptleos p.nltJ for Itoyi was W. 7K. oomiiared with KUIS yestcrUav and lu > t iek. i'riccs. The ( illoiln U at.iblo of pr.cos paid In tlili markutfor the ; rado ol utojk inontlonodi iteers. irwo to 10l3tr > s. yi.15 (31.53 . . . . . . 403 CEl.30 . . Ufslr , iwjtoiiio s - . aw I.OO U.IM r Cuiunioiictinnen jw QI.OU * r . * { nllnury toftvlreowa. . . . . , „ . . . „ . , 2.00 OiiMl toeholco cows 113 CUoo ' 'kpleolo fanoycowa an .Ui5 1'ilrioKooilbulli. ' . . J'5 ( iW-til - t'lioicoiu fuucvbulln. , . 2.W ( I.LOU I.IliV > locUcr inul ftcJon. , . „ , . 2.0J Q2.nu l'a dor . ftWtO 1100 Ibs. , . , , 2tt C.S5 1-ilr t cholcoliibt hoes a.M < p.LU > } , lr tupholoo heavy ho > rs , , . , . , . . . ia > ( ti.iK I lr tucholco luUoahoijs. . . . . . . . . . 3.03 @J.ia Oomparntivo Table. The following table nliown the ratno In priceon lK > rturlnff thUund last wootci Dayl. ThllVotk. . Utt Mondn ; . 13 M Ml li n o 3 ( N Ol 01 t 0 US 3 00 Wl i Thurulir 3 r Ul K I tr > in u Kfldar 3 IV Ml U I 45 84 05 Bilunlar S Ol C < Iji I 60 (44 ( XI Average Cost of The following table glrci the ax-crasro cost of hog * on the < lUei mentioned , Including tlio cost ted ay , as based uponsalesriiporlndi July 3 KCA'i August u H snV Julys 3 70 Auguum a G.-H July ao , . , , 3 rvi August ic 3 G2 July 31 3 : t5 ! ! AllKUSttS 3 rai'S ' AuRuiti : i ryi AuRUitin 3 75 .Augusta It 4\'i AutfllJt 'i ) ,3 Tot /MJKUiU. . , , . . . . , . 3 41 AtlsilitSl 3 7- " AURUStS 3 M AUSUSt- . 3 TDK AuguitG. ; i : > T ; Auctut t 3 781 , August" 3 CIV AUR1IU35 38111 AllSllStS , a ( .1 . i AucilStLT 3ft. AU2UtO , : i M ! : , 3 87 a ci 3 faSV : i TO 3 W , Augmt la . ; i August 'M. , 3 DK Highest and Liuvvest S lo of Itor * . Today. Vcstorday. llliliMt. . . ; . M tt Hlzhest . tl 10 Lowcil . a 03 Lowest . 3 W Stook Uecelpts. Onicl.il YnHtcrilav. E-jtIiaatoil Tolay. Cattle. . . . HTcar * . .t.M Cattle. . . SO cars , l.fJO lloss Wean,0,001 Hogs. , . . . 01 oars , 0WO Hitcp. . . . Soars , M .Average 1'rlco of Hozs. SlioiTlnjjtlio avorajo nrloo pild ( or lo\di f nf IIORSOII tlio days Indicated In 18J7. 151S , ISO and B'W ' : Dir. Au . 1 > Aug83. . Aus. ' 33 buniLij. fil 19 & OS 187 U 19 & 03 tt& . . 371 a 11 Sumliy. 3KIT1. 379 o 13 5 OH am c it 6 W DlHpositloii Showing the ntinilior of cattle , lioi nnd tlicop purchased on this marltot by the differ ent liiiycn , uurlns the vv ulc eiidliijisaturdny , August 1U CATTLE. Swift t Company. . . . . . IG The 0. Il.llainiiioiiil conipani' . a The Arniour-Ciuliiliy puckluy company , . 401 Oinnlia ] > : icklnj coiuiiaiiy . -1 I.uu Kotliselilld . i . r > l Hoi i Con .tllndenvood Nets Morris 11 l.obniiuin.t Trancriiiann 24 lleckcr fc lcs 'n . 170 \Y. \ 11. Van Sunt l.r Other buyers . . . . Total . t. . 2,001 HOG * . Tlio Armour-Ciulaliy packing company. . 1,012 Oiujilia packing company . 517 Hwlrtte Oo'npaiiy . Till TlicO. n.ll.iiiiinonileoriipany . 4Ki ,1. I1. Sjulros A Oo . . CUO KlnsanAUo . . . 1,17" Uudaliy llrothers . 1) ) Total D,5'J SHEW. Sivlft.t Company 5SO lioucrs Total „ VJ& Hciirescntntlve Sales. STKIIIIS. No. Av 1'r. No. Av. Pr. No. AT. Pr. 5. . 1070 115 2J..1174 M 00 34M ' loin aw 13..1221 4 00 TiiilTei 439 3 S3 3i..lira 4 15 31. l jJ 4T. Iiira 3UO 1S..1UG1 4 22 > i 1J..13H 4 ) j COM8. . 800 170 21. . 804 2 00 13..1038 21" . N)7 ) 175 20. . 058 2 10 2)3 ) 1100 180 8..1093 2 10 0..1170 2W " 183 20. , 003 2 20 I. .1100 2W . 7S4 - 8. . OU 2 2o 2I..117I ! 273 . TJ7 1 hT 18. . 075 2 30 II..101.1 2 S3 . tea 2UUSTOCKKHS L.llbO STOCKKHS AM > K1EUEIIS. . 7OT 3 SO 25. . ! 0 2 G.T 4. . RW 270 's. . 7M 2SO 15..10J1 2 Go 1J..10I7 2W . DOS 250 20. . 022 2 70 HULLS. ,1770 2..ii70 : I 80 1..11V ) 275 HM 173 1..1750 2 33 1..201J UOO , ] , VW 1 75 1. . 8.0 1 00 7. . 897 1 40 2..lOW 150 1. . K 12i 5. . 820 1 40 6. . Ml 1C5 a. . 810 1 JO CAr.TE3. * 13. . 310 IS5 1. . 3SO 2 23 MIXED. 30..700 193 33. . 934 3 03 COW1 AMD CAir. 1. . 500 CO1V , MILKKIt. 1. . 13 00 IIEIFEH3. 27. . 2 163 OXEK. 5. . 1378 303 WESTEIIN CATTLE. 10 steers 12l S J380 1 steer 1270 a80 2 cows , . l 50 y23 I ! ) steers 1200 SCO OgallulaOivttloCo- 10 steers 1203 260 100 fcodurs & 47 260 11003. No. Ar. Sli. Pr. No , Ar. Sh. Pr. 3(5 ( . 2.'i7 200KJC5 SO , . . . ' . .IMO 120 bO . 21i 120 3 M Til .243 510 400 K5 . 1'8 ' 480 370 73 to 103 4R 200 370 74 .233 80 4110 3. . . ; . 221 80 3 75 74 .241 10 400 54 201 ICO 3 H ) , , SB l.'O 400 70 210 240 3 M 07. . . .271 l.'O 400 85 237 2iO 3 H CO , . . . 'J71 210 400 .iB ! 243 3 K > 03. . . , ssa so 400 ,1M 210 U J oa. . . .K17 150 400 .i i iaj 3 si 5 < J. . . 2JO N ) 400 . ' 4 Ml M 3 85 57. . . , . ! 0 KO 400 02 SXi IB ) 3 110 . ,214 60 100 : 1IW-120 3 m GO .2.1 100 400 711 187 203 3 110 SO ,213 m 400 70 ill : ua a ( o 03 .242 12J 4UO M 2S ! 2-10 3 ! M ! , ; no SM 100 4S Iff 40 3 ft ) 77 .214 Kt lili 4V 3 ! U .211 120 400 OS 217 3fil ) 3 ) 59 .21(1 ( 203 100 M IM 120 3 ten r.9 , .218 ICO 400 70 'M a ) 3 ! ! < 57 , .2tJ4 N ) 40. ) .VS 2V ) 2 0 3 IG 71 . . , . 05 100 403 o ? a 13J 3 1C CJ , .277 bO 405 2 3 M CJO8 ' 4115 2. , < -.2S > 1(0 ( 310 O8ftj ftjG3 ! . 28'J IfiO 405 04 " . TO 120 J Kt G3 , ,270 100 405 . SS 200 3 OS 01 . .27 ! ) SO 405 77 . aJ 0 3 ( G . .27l ! 405 (54 . ill 2(10 310 57 , ,2)il ! 40 405 ttl . 2J1 400 3 10 57O4. . ,2a7 2CO 405 219 W 3 05 O4.- i,2rj 40 405 78 . 1SU IK ) 310 58 . .274 120 i a- GS. . ; . . . . ( > IflUCO 3 tti 58S , . 'M7 40 405 19 CO : i6 ! ! . . ( ) bO 105 . 2K 210 303 01 . ,270 405 100 . 221 020 a 05 41 . .277 SO 405 151 . 220 40 a 05 r > l . .WJ 120 405 82 . SM 100 lim lK , , .2JU 120 405 55 . 241 1W a in 50 . . : ui to 405 N ) . 212 an ) aw 03 ,255 410 (5L' ( . 2.V1 200 a 05 03M . .310 40 410 ra . an o aw 03M , .281 120 410 7-J . 2HO - a 05 M , .310 410 74 . 215 121) ) a 05 07 , .TO 410 17. . . . 2lH do : i)3 ( ) 07M , .34 * ICO 410 53 . 250 SID 4J " 415 77.8IS 40 M07K 41 . 30CI 415 05 . 201 SO rind AKD sxirs. ICO 275 8 123 323 U . SB i')0 ) 300 4 123 323 a . iu aoo ii 11:1 : 822 7 . 113 aOO iiH 218 ICO 330 3 . 213 120 3 IK ) 41) ) 150 120 340 fl . KM 320 1S4 340 ( i . h5 320 1 153 SO 343 U . 105 323 4. U'J 1W 350 15 . 21/0 100 a 23 Market Mention. Cattle lower. H. C. Kullcr was on tlio market with a car of hos. . S' . Jncquot of Jlorna had ucnr of liogs on the mitrkut. W. . \ . FInlay sent In a car ot liozsfroin Gwenwoodt , T. J.Taylor caino > ln with a car of boss from Slielton. Cameron cimo up from Raymond \vlth uciir of hoss. J. O. HorrlHsoyliad a car of hogs on the ma ? kctfromMllforU. 0. D , llutlcr oanio la from Columbus with tvoeur of cuttlr , J. Q.Mcl'horrln caino out from Oakland , la vrlth two ears otliogB , H. D , Orecn was on the aurkpt with acar o ( LOKS from Du\r City. la. J. T. Eyans , t lie well known South Ilend shipper - per , imrkoteil acar ot lio.-i. JohnTyrroll came In f rorn VTood Itlvor vrlth acar of cuttlu fur John Qutnii. Janica rr ilorthn veteran ililopcr ot Co ) uuibui , wu uo n with t o earn of cuttle. T. Foloy.Jr. , vaine In froinOreeloy Oontcr with near each of cattle aiul IIOKS. A. T , MeKUlerly came over from Missouri Yullt'jr , with a cur each of cattle uuj IIUJB. Thomas 1'rlco , the heavy shlpperpf Thuycr , vtis on timrLot with a eurof cattle , T. KKoMof UucVloy A Ilou , heavy deal crsotStroiimburg , ra upwltiiucaror IIO A. \V. M. ICUhardton. tlio veil InowrjHtocUmrm of Ked Cloud , wan dowa looking over tlio tuur- VcU THE SFECOUTIYE fflKETS , The Fight of Trida ; Still Waged In Wheat. THE DEADLOCK IN DECEMBER BROKEN- ItTIioii Takes nn Up\vnril Turn The IVcntlicr Fnrornblo to Corn , Wliluli Causes loxvcr L'rlccs Cattle ami Hogs. CmcAoo , Atijust 50. [ SDceial Telejjram to THE 11KB.1 The flght was still oa In wheat to day. Itonrs who sold heavily yesterday save It out that they covered largely through brok ers on Iho break. The way they began soiling this morning and tlio way the/ OUR lit nil at tempts to rally the marWot Indicated that they had larce Interest- stako. Kovs early helped tliein out a llttlo , and hya general pou tiding price * wcro forced down heforo 11 o'clock to the extreme loir point of yesterday. Tlicro was some trading In other mouth * , but t lion rest nro was in December , This month started utJl.OJ' ' und was sold dovu to $1.0ll { . Hero buyers caught the market us on Friday , but the recovery up to noon wa very slow. Mitchell , Loirnn St Co. , ChanipUri nnd others led the buvlng , frequently bldillnj a fraction overlho oiferlnff prlco for round lots. Hutcli- Inson and U , II. built Ii nml tlaldnln ' I'urnum were leadlni ! siII r.s early , nnd they fought the recovery pcrsUtcnly , wlillo trndowui pretty veil divided on thumarket at lower IlKiirt's. At nildduy thoprleo or ] > o- coinbcr was 11.01 % or le underthoclosuof yesterday , llecolpts lieroveru \ 140 ear- " , asaltust an estimate of Incurs. Tlio receipts at .Minneapolis were 01,030 bushels and sulp- mcnls ( > ? , M bushels. Tie ) weathorn us most favorabloo very where for jrowlng crops nnd for harvesting , rvlcs- sagis from Manitoba \ioro \ parlleuliirly vn- counirlri ? . Hear statisticians loured nut n liberal Increase in Iholslblo Mtyply lor Mon day and hulls said nothltu. l.lruriiool 11114 easier and closed with declines of ( Jd nil nround. Theruwiis notlilnt ; very Influential In all Ih U , but it helped the courage ot the short sellers. Tlio deadlock In December at $1.WU TOS broken about noon. Olftsrlnss at thntilguro weroall ; tali < * ii ami then up wont the mirlct. : Adams A tsimucl Jllllwl biiyliu orJors ( or pc'Haps liilf ; : imillion lmsliels bt'toro tlio ad- vuncostart4'd. As HOOII as thuprlee IKJ III poln , ' closu up to fl.Oo , snmllor filuirts began bidding over euoh other for proti-ctlpn. At aleut 11.05 llnuhiii'-on gave up the light on thubonr side and bought wheat heaUly vii llio war up. tit. Ijouhxuiit urgent buying orders. Hull lioiihus added to tlio Hurry union ; ? local shin Is by pressing the buy ing. Tlio niiirkot was a Mild one until tlio price of Doeeinuer touched 3I.OG. This was Iho turiilnn iiolnttindbefoio 1 o'clock tliu pilco settled back to tl.O-Vi. Jlay nlicnt , wlilch aoldutSI.OS'Si early recovered lo tl.OU , Tlio btrcitittli in vlioutdla not hold. Selllnc wa > rpne ed Iho list hulf nout aril prlci" ylHilrd freely. X.iist prlet-s wore ; Septeni- ber.fl.01' , ; D.'cernber. iLUl'i ; May. SI.OS , TJiuro was a % cry weak corn market early. Them were cpvur.il reasons for It. The wi'utliereveryu'hero was riioit excellent , and notonly was there nil abseiicoof frost In nil fjunrtorsbut.slsiialbervlee liuUc.itloineeu for wanner Vicathcr. The near approach of dellvorhs oiiMoiiilay next liad a depressing effect. lo- ! cuiits ] were oven larger than acr.v liberal rsllinalo and reached 525 cars. The doffnward londonoy of wlioatwus ucnlnst the market. Tlicro iviis ro encouraKe- inent from cubits. AHtli thc&o conditions prltes oiioned lower and sliowedn llbt-ralde- cltno early In the day. SeplcrntMr sold at47c audoir to4GMe , Octol > er 4i ? o and otrto4C ic. Mny htnrtod nt 5Uio ? anil .scilddoiui to49iio. Tliore was no Improvement In corn at the snmo tlino aswhciit. Xoual offerings appeared lo lionbiorhed and buyer- * went at Itunclput prices up ! 4o or more tiulto easily. SepU'iiibor reeoverud to 4fl cOctober to 471 > e and May to Ma before 1 o'clock. Corn Muiikouud airaln be fore the close , boptonibcrsold elf to Hj.e.Oc- tobcr io4 < ijonnd Mny to i : Se. closing about IHclowcrallrouirl forthe day. Vessel loom was tukcn for 3i\003 : busliels. An unusual tale if cash corn vus rcporlod. The Santa I'oolovatorcoiiip.iny sold u > Jloy den &Oo. 640,000 bushels of No. 2corn at 4G ? c. The : its market wuslrrujtnlttrapuln today. Indications of ahcrt Intoru&t la August vuru noon by tlio ( not that the lust prleoforthu month va.s at37-ie ! , whllo other iiiontlissoltl lower. September waaoir Mo from lust iiljht. nt llio oloso sit : > ! ; < C. Ooto1)or ) > old atWJioiintl : > r > caiid closed at 35i ! . Slay s Jd at 3 l c , otr to Wic. up to Ui.Vo , and closed at 3SJ.C. tThuro wort ) sign ? of a breaking up of the routines miirkct In provisions today. Prices worn irregular uiid utter uultu aduclliio early thcro was a fair recovery In lard and pork. Iho fcaturoof trade was tlio si'lllnjjof pork byltnldwln & I'uriiuiiilii a way that looked like tlio old clique letting RO. 1'hurowas a Rood deal of charging In antici pation of September deliveries. September pork hold down to 8).K ) > and closed lit 810.20. January pork touched { 12.0J early and Sli.lu. or about 12 0 lower , tan ! sold 7ijc lower for all months early at J3.ll ) for September , tC.23 for October , nnd fU."JM for January , with clos- IriRS at W.15. fG.3O and RflTM. Short-ribs wore prttty veil held all ( lay and closed at best prices. September $3.-5 , October fj.40 , January Sro.tO. CHICAGO Ml % ' SZOCIl. CaiCMO. AuRustao , [ Special Tolescnim to THE 1JEE.1 OATTLK IVIth the number carried over-last iil lit and fresh arrlvaU this niorii- nptlicro wjiJbot eenO,003and 7,003 head on the market , largely good native steers , as thcro was a scant2.000Toxans on sale. Jlusl- s moved slowly , and althougli values wcra essentially no lower than at thpclose- yo3- torauy.lt was ( Uliloult to Ret yesterday prices on oven the best , and tlio general market weak , with a decline of IJo to : Wc as coraparwl vlth the top prices of the first thruo days of llio week. Texans and natIve - Ivo biitcfiors' stoolc were quoted steady today , but for the week tbo rulim on the same have .sharedln the dcclinoon fat cattlo. Klrst-cla s.l.WKf5U3j ( Toxuns.f4p ) ) > fi4.jO ( ; tlilrd- clnss. 93.miAI.yt : common. tiJiOO-VJ5. lloos-Iliislnesiactlre. with another slight uiiturnon fancy lljjhtand fancy heavy , the Keiier.il market closing strong. Packers paid SU'K ' UK ) for rough and common , * 4.tt)34.1ll ) for good mixed , and few at 11,15. 1'rlmo heavy und butchers' weights .sold at { 4.2 © ( .111 , and onolotof I'lilladclplilas bold at S-l.JO. Light -orts. tf4,30Q > UO. fIX.tXCI.lt. SEW YonK , Aucust 3D. [ Special Tclosram to TUB rUE.1 STOCKS The record of the stock market ted ay wa'that of the smallest busl- for months , If not fcr years. Several conspired to make It so. If. wai the last day of tlio suinnn-r eaion prjpcr. Oper ators -who have liecn In the street have had no fresh Incentive to do any thing , and tlioso just toturiied hail no desire to take up thought until the first of September Is here. More than all , there will be no stock market Mon day bccausa of labor holiday , and In throe days thingsmuy look ( lllTeroni. Jhirlng the t-liort teaslna tlila luornln ; , therefore , the suit's were but 2J.WO shares , with no Important change in prtci's beyond a J polnt.s iidvauce In cugar KvUncrles. Mlvor \ .ib ll)4 ! ) at the close. Ixiulsvillo and Lnko shore were each up ? iat6B7 and 107'i rcsi > ect- l ely. The bank statement showed a gain In reserves of nearly S..000ooo , and before the close Atohlsoti and liurllnirton made fair Rains. Hock Island dropped to M * . but rallied to 834 ami closed steady. Greatly lnv jinivtHlbusinesdU e pictid with the comiii ; ofSeptemVtir. The toll owing jvcro the closing quotations , U H. 4s coupon l3liijNorlucrii 1'acldc ; U.S. 4in-iulir..l-i > t , ! do preferred US. 4 > , regular KTJ ! W..J , ,10-JiJ U S. * X toupon 1OJ | doprcferruj , , .14.1 New VorkCentrnl..llH > X Central ! aciOc. 31 ! * . , ! ) . A K 1U ClilcnKO i. AHun. , , . .129 Uuck Isliail , tu < ( liurlKiKton . C.,41. Aht. t' | il 7IH do preferred 1I7H H. , lZ AV 3t I'auli Unaba. , , . 31' ( . . . . , ; ; > i dopr fcrrcJ. . . . . . . . 104 1,11. A Vf Union I'aclUc. . . . . IUI4 Kan > n & Texas 3W do prcferroj . . . . . . . 2r > H ailclilean Central 91 Weitoro Union S3K ailmourl facltto 7IH MOHEV Knsy wltlino loans. I'IIIMK MtucAMiMl'Ai'ni G37 per cent. STKIILINO KICHA.NOK Quiet but steuclv : ality-duy Wll fl.s. : Ueiaund , J-l.a-.JJ. Sllninc Slocks. st 30. [ Special Tolesram to THE BEE.TUo following urotlm uilnliijstoclc quotutlousi Mica . SJ Hello Iilo IIM llt'tt A BulcLcr. . , , . . Siill liodle 100 Cbullur . 311 Crown 1'olnt. , . . . . , . . 270 Con. Ola. nnd Va. ' . . 4 : IXlmonle , , 130 Htlo , t Nurcross. . . , 2'U llumeiUko . IUU ] llornbllTur IUO Alexlon . . . . . . 33) ) IJlablo . - . za \ . tXJinmonwealh. . Vtt Ontario. I1UJ Opblr . t'Jl I'lrmoutb ao ) rhoenlt. .Aril. . . , , . . JW I'oloil „ . ( CJ tunilird. . . . 121 riclter Creek I'M The Weekly Bank Statement. Nn < r YORK. AusustOO. [ Spoclal Tclosratu to THE llEK.l-The weekly bank itatcmonUbows tlio followinc chaujjn : Kciurve. Increase , . . . , , S I.07WB Ixiant , Ucfru&sc . , , . . 5,11 VJOO Specie , Increase „ , . UT4.VU Uiijulteudurs , ducruuu . . , , . . . . , . . ( U.100 Iiupotltii. ilecn'iisou , MW.WO Circulation , Uecreuio. . . , . . 400 The bunls UDW Laid U3G.CJ3 lou tiiu tliu requirements tit the 23-perocnt rnle. The export * of specie from the port of New York last week amounted 4ITU.71J. of which & . was in eold nnc1il.\oW m silver. Thom m ports ol specie for lib wok tmountcdto yo.3M. | of which $ GS8,107 Was In gold and tSOJ- 247 in silver. H > . Tlio ColTee Jlnrkot. NKW YORK , August -tt ISpechl Tclogrim to THIS Urc.1 Corrts Cations opcnedstondy , September 10 points uprothcrs unchanged to 5 points up ; closed Qrm : 10JJ1J points up. talc ) , 0.000 bnzs. FopUbor , 17A > ai.PO ? ; Oo lobcr , ? lf.3C r 17.40 | Dcfcrnlicr. 810.70Sin.73l February , Slfl.00 ; Mar.jh . , | l. > .80t5.83. ( ! Spot UIo Qrin ; fair cargoes j/ ) . " . " . ; " flat bean , } 1'JOO , JMtODVCEMAilKETS. . OnioAao , AuittistM. liis p. m _ -Weak ; cash , H.OIJi : SiptcwberH.01i ( ; May , Corn Steady ; cash , 40 > ie ; September , IG'io ' ; ' onU 'l-Vsy ; cosh , 35Ue : September , 33H'o ; Mny.WiC. Ujo-lJiill ntfilc. Hirloy-ytoady nt74c. I'rlmo Timothy Steady at $1.3031.40. Klax Sml ll41. ; I'ork llullcash. J10.M ; September , $10.2'J ! © lu.l' ) : January , il..io. Lard -Steady ; cish and September , M.13 ; Januarr , B.07SJ. Flour Htt"idywlnter irhoat. 53.avZt5.50 ; sliort Iiuttor-lMrm ; creamery , I43 c ! tlolry , I ISc. full croatii cliodtlnr . Sfc | llut , S i i9c : VOIUIB Ajuerlcus , Unchanged j flrni : lumvy nnil Unlit Rrociisiilletl. I'Jo altcJbilllhldi'i. Bins ! croon snltcil calf. 8VKii'-i < 'I 'try Illut.S . ic ! dry silloa : lclM. 7c ! dry culf.8a'3oaoacons : , ouch. 30e. Tallovr-Uitclmnrod ; stonayj No. 1 , solid packed , 4.o } ; No. 2,4e ; c.iUe , 44c. Kccelpts , Shipments. Klour. buls 1WHH 17,000 Wheat , 1m .VitMW 48.000 Corn , bit IVi.oO ] XVI.OOO Onts.hu 117.000 247,000 Nnv yoitu , A.URiist 30. Wheat Hecelpt3 , 2C.yo ) ; cvports , none ! spot heavy ; No. 3 red , 8104'iei.03 ill cloviiUir ; M.UJXQi'.O.'S'i iilloat ; SI0.VSl.UG'i ' f * ° - h : options closed steady , i\o. 1'icd hoptcinhcrcloilnK at Sl.Olli. Corn Uocclpts , ttOJObiislicls ; exports , W.OoO btishols : spot , * easy ; No , ! i , MUQWH * In oIoMitor ; r > , ) O iilloat ; ungraded inl.xtd. M'i& 55c ; options wciikcrand lower , clmluynt W c. Oats liecelptH , SS.OOJ bushels ; exports , 1,000 ; spot wanted and steady : No. 3 wlilte , 4. .ic ; mixed westein , JitW ; white western , Mit'M ; ujitloin lover ; Ausnst eloslnsat 4UJJC. ( Jotfee-Optlons clo > cd firm and 10 to 15 points higher. Sales , | i,000 luirsi September , ei7.SMil7.lW ; OctoSor , H7.3J017.-IO ; swot rlo firm ; fair curgoei. J.U7J. Siiijar Kav , llrni ! niiiscaioua,83 test. J'5o ' ; rolliuHl , Kcnorully lilKhcr ; yollow,415-liit- ) olT"A..V lOSl.l-lle ! ; standard "A , " (140 : cut loaf , 0JiC ! poivdercd. 0'iC ; nramihitcd , ( jjic. 1'ctroloum United closed for tcptcuibur at 83e. 83e.K K < RS Easy ! western.IftiMO e. 1'ork ! > teiiiiy ; tuess. jl2.'iVjii.OD. : t < ard Uloscd steadier and quiet ; western stnain. J'J.4-"S bid. Hutter-Sto.nl v ; western dairy , 93llo ; : part sklni ? , ST. LOCIH , Augtut UO. Wheat Hash hlclier , 'jc ; fcoptombur , Osj ! Iiivi'niliiT. * l.uii. : Com Lower ; cash 44Ho ; Muy , 474114740. Oats Lu\rur ; cnsli. X'Jie ; May , oOi I'ork Ssteuily. Sll.iitaii.SO. lard ( Jului , 4U.H9SG-W. llutturuncaanscil. KANSAS CITV , Ansust. 3d. Whcat Stoatly ; No.2 liurd , cash , ffJJi'tflUct August , b'JIfc : t\o. S rod , cash. U43K > f. - , ? , - . Com U'oakcr ; N'o.Srasb , August. 4.'c. Oats l/i\vtTi Na - ' . c li ; Angual , Ilk * . MILWJIUKHE , Auust j9X-Uheat Easier ! No. 2 bprlng.casli , tricot l.03'Ko.l : uortbum , Jl.OJ. Corn Easier ; No. U , 4 < i % , O.its Easier ; No. 2 vrlnte. 37VJc. 1'rovlhlons-yuict ; poclf , January , S12.0:1 ; ! . Antrurt. ' \Vhu.it-Markct ) opened lower ; the voliiiiSo of but lnt'os wu9 iull and much of It evidently tor quick turn. Closlnir : o. 1 piurd , August , fl.ori Soiitoniljer , fl.OHi ; on' truck. * I.08 | No. 1 nortliurn. Aujrnsl , 014t ! September , & 7c ! on track. 11.04 ; No. 2 northern , August , OJo ; on track. Sl.iO. CiNcr.s.vATJ. Autust 30Vlicat \ Irregular ; No.-J ri-d , Sl.OOai.K. t : Ourn Dull ) No. S mlTCl.IO5le. ( Oats IVonki N"o. 2 niljfoUi M > ic. \\hlsky S1.U Ii. XlVEiipoor , Anpustf : d Wheat Qulot ; liolilers oiler moderately ; 'California No. 1 , 7s Bd < B7s8K < l pur cental. tjg Corn I'lnii , but qulotsjjmlxed western , 4a 7Hd percental. ' -4 * ' ' ' August 30-c"attlo-lipcelpts. 5,000s junrkotslow und. prices S'M/HUc lon-tr than at tbuupunlnt ; of the \ vvok7utocrj ami I llrstulass 4-4.S' > a4,90 ; bccouil class , , W.T co inn ion , $ - ' . V > i5i.\ ! ) . lloss Hocilpts , 10.OM..iiarkct active andi stionj ; : packertitXhJJ.lOi mixed , N.ir 34.-'U ; prlino heavy and butchur ilL-lit , * I.3JU3. , fclieop-Uecelptj , 2,000 ; ulUold ; natives , $4.00 (2H.73 ; Tcxuns , S-l.wai. j ; Urubs..U > aii.iJ. Sir. LOU15 , Ausnst M. Oattlo octlpts , ! XXi : slilpiiii'iits. TinJi market btuuuy ; fair to fancy native sLccr. < li.lXKiil.UJi btockeri and fenaora , ti.405KJ.50. llogs-Hocelpts , 70J : shipments. l.BOOi market strong ; lieavy , Sl.lXil.iJ ; mixed , W.UJ .aj. KANSAS Cur , August 31 Oattlo Receipts , -UJ ; Hlilpini'iits. l.liltOi slq aiidwuak ; t > teers , JJaJ.'j ; cows , il5X8i.'ji stookera and foed- ors. K-MUOk't-Sli. oss Kocflpts,5,700 ! shipments , none ; mar ket lower ; all BMdeaJ.lWiJ4.5a Dr. Birnoy euros hay fever. Bco bldg , The Improvement Hccnrd. The tolloiTlnjj figures show tlio totals of real estate transfers , building permits and bauk clearings for the post week , compared > vith the corresponding week of last year : IIBAL. ESTATE TBANSrmiS. Monday 9 43,000 Tuesday 1)GJ1 Wednesday 4U.17H Thursday 07,441 Krlday CO.S80 Saturday W.-W Total SE3.11 ! IIUILUIM ) I'lltSUTS. Monday S 21,500 Tuesday - 300,775 \Vc-dnuscluy JB.G71 Thursday. 2.W3 Krlduy 12.7.TJ Saturday i Total 3M3.173 1IISK CLCAItlNGS. Moudnjr " I 051,424.32 , oobM.is : 7u7 iuo r * " ' " " " " " Thui-iday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TH'.Nio''j ' ; Krlday l.WW.XCI.IJ Saturday &ai , 7.93 Total t4.1)il,400.01 : An Increase of 40.71 per cent over the cor- rcspondlugwcoLof last year. Dr. Birnoy cures hay favor. Beobldg. SIAItHETS. Protluuo. Cons KXJ45C. HAV-f7.VJ < aiO.OO. 111 LIST U tf i I..OO. C'HOPi'EU KKED ? 13.0035IKDO. l'ouiTitv-L'orlo ( n , ebolcohcns , tO.CttiW a ; choice mixed , . ' .50OI.UO : .roosters , t2.3X&2. l ; HDrlnschlchonsJI.8iffi2.tWfOrsmall ! * i.iVS2.W for innllunr &i.aQiS.'S forlarsei live pigeons , UtTTTEii Orenmory. fancy rolls , print , 21o ; creamery , fancy , w lid packed , K creamery , choice , loaiScsflxlalry , fancy rolls and prints , 14(3 ( > 1X : ; ualr.v nncy , solid packoj , I iUci dairy , iholco , Ijjjjlio ; country roll , fancyrvauc ; choice , 7as ; rjniftirlor.a , > c. EG J I5c for strictly fltSh ; hmionot sale able. Hints , PELTS AND TJILLOVT Green laltfd lilden. No. 1. lieavv,7aso ; Xo. 1. llaht , 0T. 7tso : Xo. 2liKlit.lxaWc ; dry Hint bides , 7H& sfc ; calf hides&Ja ; dunia od hides So le-n. Miocti pelts , preeri. each , UjotiilJiJ ; sheep peitsdry , per lb , ItXJHc. t llEtswAX 1'er lo. 2Uo. K , UAJIG IVr dozen , pralnb cliloicns. f2.7. > tJ 3.00 ; mallards , f-.lWWJO ; tout. ai jttl.M ; mlxi'itilucksfflOOItl. . ; plover&xiKVc. ) I'j ciiKS-Ark-iinsas , , AU box , 75caJI.03i California , T > ort > oT. 11.50 0. ( la.M'KS-0ilHoriilii , pur .crato , il.yiQ.SM : Missouri , * V2 _ ' JoprW-lbbasket. ] 1'i.i'us 1'urplo I > uanc , Columbia , etc. , per box , II OIUOJ ; wild geese plumb , libubox.73 . . . , lUxllMalorl , fancy , JO.W3 lO.oo ; choice Menlnm , SS.wao.oo. _ J'JAIIS llartlett , Callforulu , par box , $3.00a l'u'HES-Gorman.porlOX.00 ! ) ! ; French. Jl.75 02,00 ! p ros , 1 1 , ra < t2.w. TOMATOJS I'ur bu , 75c&I.OO. UxiONS-Nu\T6outhern , porbbl. ( I.5O3J3.CO. OAjiiiAai Per cratu. * l VX3&1.0J. POTATOES Nebraska imd lowu , per liu , 11.00 QI.Z3 ; Colorado anil Salt Lake , JlA SNTIET roTATOES-l'erbu , ilwWii.V ) . Funcr. lacporlb. ( . 'OCOANIT4 Per 100 , WOO. WATKRMKr.O.tJ I'tr 100 , (12.00 13.00. f AJUEkoures I'erdoi , tlM. AIVLUS Kanoy cat HiilOOOXM : fancy oiklnR. li7.VfJI4J.i : cliolcp. 2JSoa2.a. ; OUA.NOKS Kanpy Iliwll.tr 30. HAXAN.AS l > er bunch. ) l xy.K ) . TVH.LOVT-A No. 1 , 4e | No. S , 3Ko ; trnato , whlto.UHftlo : rolloiv , -'Hiu-i6io.irliio.64n. Uoj.ua guotalloui uro for dulherylu Ckl- c ntro-Drr buffalo , per ton , H6.0 iM9Mi dry < ountry. bleached. fio.OOftiaOO ; dry country , iiTiipnnd meaty , Kooi3lO.iO. Woor FlnouiuvmlioJ. 14I6c : modtum un washed. I a21 | eonmo unwashed , laa . .1 tr.tjr.3-do per Hi. DIIESSID VKAt ChoIce medium , MfiToi light , &ac ! heavy. 4IW4c. LINSCCD On-ltnw , COcj boiled , Clo. llONKY-Stralncd-fiO-lbcan * . per Ibto ( ; new conibhonfy , fancy , lofjl'c ; choice , 14JJ16C. BKANS-lIaud-pfcked imvr,4S.5WJ2.73 ; hnniJ- I ) lcl\pd navy.modIiim.t..2r ii2.40 : hand-ploliod { onntry , II.Tiai.OO ! good clean , tl.XX21.50j Cnll- ' ornla. per lb. 4 < ic. KMII 1'crlb Perch , 7cbiilTnlo,7c ; : plclcorcl , KOI pike , ! > o : trout. PC : white , Do ; cmpplo , 100 ; [ nt * h. He ; cod steak , 12ci lloimdcr * . IJo ; ) rx-gon lalmou , 18o ; black bass , lie ; lobsters , 1 So. Provisions. FitEsnPonK Fresh hums , S3 lb < . nvj. , 7' 'o ; G IK avg. . 8c | 12 UH. nvtr. . to ; slioulcfcn. to ; > orlc loins. 7Ml pork tondcrlolii ! > . So ; leaf Inrd , iotrvn < lerel,0 icinpAro rlbt , 4c. StLT .MKAT9-lllU ) Moss porlc , now. J12.73 ! lour pork backs , heavy , J12.ii ; nicdluin , Jll,7 : ! hort cut clonr pork , Jio.53 ; family pork , tlOMi ) titt pork , plR pork. JIJ..V ) ! new extra mess > eef , * 5JO ; nc v extra Plato beef. $ OJO ; now ilalo beef , UOO ; now rolled Iwnoluss beef , 7.50 ; now rumps. KM' iiew bouoles rumps , 6iL Tlbls. 'Kttmlard , winter strained. 47c ; * extra No. I , Inrd , : D : No. l.Iawl , UJci No. 2 , ard , aic | extra noatsfoot. 4.V ; tiillow oil , 4lc ; uiro ncalsfootoll , COc ; A 1 tallow , 5c ; at carne - no , Ce. I AIU > Tlorcci Oompound , 5Jic ; pure leaf , Vic ; kettle rendered. U'ic. SMOKKP MKATS Sugar cured hams 12 to 14 b UVK. HUci medium , 1 > to 10 lb nvp. Ho ; lenvy. 3) ) to Klb svjr. lie ; sulnnoil " "silclnr , 18 o 2Jlb nvp. HUc ; Callfornlnliaiii < ,7jct.boul- ; Icn , 7 e ; shotiidoM , sMnneJ , Ojft'l slioulUers , > toS lb a\'K. 7ic ! : toneless ham , MI breakfast mcon. clear. Bfio 7 11) strips. So ; breakfast mcon. rib,8 01 dried hoof hanu , sets , lOJje ; umi I ar.fi fie : clod M < c. I'nKSiillKKf Steers , 508 to 090-lb average , lathesCUSJiVo ; JW toiiOO-lb average , natho , cows and hclfor * 400 toSOO-ll ) nrcrn o. nntlro , 5)10 ) ! hlndiiuartera , steers , I0o | hind * nuurtormcows , 7c ; foraiunrtor * . iteurs4l < oi fnreijiinrtors. cow , 3ol dressed hogs , 4.\e ; cliolco d rested mutton. OJio. Knesii HnsrCLTS Kolls , 8Vcs { Ix-cf tendfr- loltn , ISoislrloln butts. "ci boneloiistrlps 'joi rounilt ( rump off ) , Cot rounds ( rump on ) , 50 ! mumU ( thank otPcl ( boneless rumps , 4c ; chnckii. 3'c ' : platc.o. 'io ' ; liack halves. 4o : slionldorcUHlJ , 4Vc ! beef loins Nn. 1 ( stei-rl , 1U Cil4o ! bocf loins NO.S , KKitllfl bwf loins No. 3 , Po : lent ribs , WffiSci bo f ribs > 'u. 1 , lOJtllc ; swoi't breads ( per liz'.UVj ) ' ; kUlneys ( each)3o ; ov tails ( enchJo ; livers ( each' ' . ISci beef lirnru ( each ) , 4cl beef tongues ( I'uchi , 40e | strip loins , n nolojrnn , 4eboloirna | In we.isamK 4Ucl frankfurts. O'ie ; UHIKIU' , 'So ! blood , 4 < io ; Ilvur , 4iScj hcadulu > co.44u : l'olWi,7c ; pork Biinsaco llluku' ' , Go ; pork sausage iniuat ) , Iu tin pallt , lio. Ordocrlc ! " . Sco\n rer lb. Out loaf. 7 4cj Oube1 * . 7o ; Stnnihirtl , powilercili 7Soj XXXX pondered , 7' c | Uriiniiliitod. st.'iiuliiril. OSo ; Oonfoctloii- ors'A , o < e ; White , i\tra : O. ( Jllmifc. Cc ; Kxtra C. Nebraska , fi'iu ; Amber , BJiU ! UolilciiO , 5Uc ; JUi'i.'RStJO.ui.-rerlb.-Se cakes , 30 lb boxes , 13c : 10eenkns.w-lbboxc ; , 12'ic ; 1-lb bricks , JO- Ibs In box , purr , 140. , i-iK-U : ) VSTil : > Arnsla C5 { o ! lUinoln , MoLutlKluIn XXXX. 25'io ! floruian. Dllworth's , UlSo ; MonS.lHc | Slallpouoh ' 40 ! Mocha , 30o ; O. G. Java SHr. , OorKBK-tlreen Fancr CJnldt'n Hlo , 22'c { ; fancy old pciiborrv , si ( c : Itlo , choice to fancy , 22ijc ; UIo , prlmo. io ! ; Itlo , jtiiod , 31'jo ! trinlos nndronimoit Klo. ll > a'Jlc ; iloohn , 2iXi ; Java , ciMiiiltm O. 0. , "So ; Java , good , Interior , ! c ; . . . . DIIIEH 1'uuiTS Turkl'h prune' , less than hhds , 18. > 9. 7Uc ; orlRliiuliihds.Malps * ! llo nlu pruiu's , 00 IB , botcs. 100 to Ho. 7 > o i apples , uvtipnntted. now rlnx eholco , ISo ; evaporated , nnurrliiff prime , 120 ! apricots , fancy. In sacks. 20c ; blacKberrles. now , 10o ! raspberries , 25 Ibs. to box , 'lie ; currants , nmf , QUO i original punks , < o less ; \osllzia currants , extra , In bo-xM. 0\c , SUCH LIBRARY OFFER -AS THE- OMAHA Submits -was never nincto , before bu a noAVt > iiapar. ITHINK OF IT.i THE BEST ENCYCLOP/EDIA PUBLISHED AND THE BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE WEST FOR A YEAR , FOR 8 CEN PS A DAY. THERE HAS NOT BEEN A DAY SINCE THE OFFER WAS FIRST WADETHATTHEORDERSHAVENOT EXCEEDED THOSE .OF THE DAY BEFORE. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE flMERIGHNIZED XENGYGLDPfiEDIfl/ BRITflJMJMIGfl Call at the Bee Counting Room. I F YOU HAVN'T TIME TO CALL , TELEPHONE US ( NO. 238) ) OR DROP A POSTAL CARD AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ON YOU. IF YOU LIVE OUT OF TOWN. A CIRCULAR GIV ING FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK WITH SAMPLE PAGE TO SHOW THE TYPE WILL BE ShNT YOU BY MAIL OUR PROPOSITION" . THE OMAHA BEE offers ayear's subscription to thopapor , Including the Sunday Issues delivered on payment of $2.60 per month. The first 5 volumes to be delivered en payment of $2.50 nnd the balance payable $2.50 per month. TheotherC volumes to be delivered within four months. All our present subscribers are entitled to all tha advantages of this great offer. People living outside of Omaha can avail them-JiTvesof the above liberal offer by hav.ng the monthly paymoat ? guaranteed by some re sponsible banker or merchant In their to-srn. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE / R.OHRBOUGH BROS. , Proprietors. CORNER 15th AND DODGE STS. , OMAHA , USD. F. TcnnlOBlnjPcpt.l. ) Students can enter time. number--.IX ) since July 1. All business branches taiiKht. any SJio-t Several now nnoi last wcok Wo . . Hand nnd TypVvvrltlnansnccS alty. Now.iuartors mvo been secured for the s-hort Hniul ? c- the lloor Mow the Collpxe-al/o 44x00 ft. Short lliuxl tuuxlit and Tyiowrltlnx Uouartinont ! con tl'n' SCHOOL " " ' ! , , . { ' " - ' " ' ' Club forf..00per week by for t'lroohotm"work nordily' - bi-Klni ' . Moiiduy nlsht ut 7 o'clock and moiitlik y. brunch you wunt. fceiiU for clrouUts und Hpccluitn of ponnianslilp. rins : scvun A lilrc" . Can Jmvo y.ny ? I > < tl' ' * r STANDARD BUSINESS COLLEGE . AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. , FACUl/rV. \V. \ T.LAHIHOnK , 1'IIKSIOK.NT JUin rnOIllKTOrt. A , C. O.NO , A. JLtl'ltlXCIl' U LaniunKO , ( Jrnmmnr. Dldncllci , Klocutlon , lllieto- rlcand Duok-kcuplnK. KJIANK K. 11KI.I. , I.N8TUUU1OII. Shorthand , Tyiicirrltlnx nnd O'vnaral Uoporllnif. J , 1 * . liril.NK , U. ACCONTd. lloolc-kecplnir , I'onmiinihlp. Actual lluilnoi , Ilujl- uuti ArlHimollcBnJL'iiiumcrclal Law , K. A.ASIIKUUY , Instructor. Telegraph ? I > eartrafnt anil Operator , OKIMHTMKNTS. NOnilAU K.NOLI8II. . IIUSINICSS. = ' " -o. UCEINKSH 1'HACTICK. HANKINO. MlUltlHAM ) . TVl'KWIUTINfi. TKLUilCAI'HY. I'KX Altr , Kl.OCUTlU.VAUr. FAUtTKIIM VFILL' ' AUVA1B1N8F.8S10.V. . _ J Lar eit lluilnciii Collrco In the Cltr. NOTICE. Womikgrnu adlicoant of 10 txr cent on jour tul . tlon If jou enterour Jdiool In tiuptemtor. No > t lr ; no clarntor ! rooini wall llslitpd nm TCiitllit'-a. New furnlluro. KxperluucoJ lnitri.0 torn raj all modern runrunlenroi , Nljibt cluu In all departuicnU. lilKloorN , V. IJfo Dr. McGrew. THE SPECIALIST I unsurpassed In llio treatment of all form * of Private Diseases , ( .nnorrliocn , 0 loot nnd nil itlJclmrsOB. Ills trcat- IllOIlt CANNOT FAIL , nnd cure l < diiarnnlcpil In OTory rio. . No troftt- mint him ovir bocn moru nuerosoful audnonohn * Imd utroniiur ( uuornoiiicnt. A cuio In llio torr worst caius In from 3 to 1 ilnji without the U of an hour's tliuu. STRICTURE. Orp.ilnand ( lirfloultr In pmslnij wntor , rrrma- npntly cur l Inn fowilnjrj wltlioiit pain. cuttinK or dll.illnc. The o wlioluivo born unJcr tlie doctor' * truitlmunl for strlcturo | ironuunco It n most won- dorf ul succcsj. CCfrA UE2S232LJ j _ _ Lost Manhood Anil nil roaUnc soof tlio \u.il organs , ( ImMllr ornurviiu'no'sln thulr worst forum und most cln-.nlful renulti r ali oliitnl7 nml porminontlr cured by Hit ) doctor , niultlio pillont H POOH tonipletoly rustortnl to Ul > usual vlijor , ambition unilciifriijr. Female Dieseascs po.ltlvolrcurpil nlthoiit Instniuioiils. Trcntmon * IncJ'lly mmlo by cncli pcllunU lluurj ( or lullji , from : tulonlr. OATA1UIII , Skin DNcns-.s nnd all ( Iisense * ol' tlio blood , lionri , liver , klilnoys ami blaildor nltiu uioly cured. CurocI la 30 toT.O Days. Almost twenljr years' cxiicrlonco In troit'nir ' thla clrcaitful disease , and tliouaaml * of pernifincnt curoi ncflnro the doctor's trvatmont to lo Uinmost rnplil , nnfoiui'l ' otroctlvo. No matter wliat st.u'0 of thodlseaic , the doctor Guarantees a Complete Cure , ami lilB remedy Is the most powerful nnd niicroni- fill fL'tuoilf over linotrn tn tiio ini'JIcol iclonco for lliopurinaiicnt euro of thla tcrrlblo bloud Utiomo. Wrllo for circular glvliu particular ! about oicli of tlio nboTudl oaHcs , Truatmenl br corrcsponilouoo. OFFICE , WTH & FARNTAM STS. OMAHA , NEB. Entrance from cither street. G. A. Lindquest WILL AOA.IN GO INTO THE Merchant : - : Tailoring o business on Sept. Jst , nnd Invites liln old friends anil putrnns , as well as tlio Rpnorul publlcMo e.nll und Inspect liln no r fioak olliu- norteil nnd domestic woolens. Everything ilrst elass. ESTABLISHED 1874. 316 S , I5TH ST , RHILWflY TIME GMD Jxmvui { ClIIUAUO , lIUUl.IMiTO.N A ( J. Omalin. | Depot IDlli nnd Mmon alroutn. Oiimlin. 4.80 it m Chicago Kxprtui I HIM a ra 9.45 n m Crdcaiio Kxprcas ( i.30 p u ii.10 p m Chicago Express ml OSO a u O.&Op in . _ . . . . . .ChlciigoJociU..t .T.I 8Oi a m "leav lUltLTis'UTON A'iIy. ( llIVFKlu Arrfver Omaha. Depot 10th oml Mnion ( reot . I Umahn. I0.1S a ra .Denver llay KpreM 40i p a 1015 a m . . . .Denver Kxpruni. . . . . . . . . ( LI5 p m 0.40 p m .Denver Nliclit Vxvmti : i.JJ n m 815 a ID Lincoln 1 > M' I WOO p m UmnliiL I Popot IQtli nml Muon ulreoti. I Onmhn. IIU a ni.Kuniu | ! Cltr l > nr Krunus.,1 dlO p m' i * * 1 > rullv. C. .Night K p. T | U. iVTriMK.1 < yi j ra lA'ltTIJl "TfNiO.11'AClFRT Arrlvos Umnlia. P pot IQtli nnJ Mirer trcet . Oranha. KnnsuiCllr Ksprcii . r. T ; Omiihi. | U.I' . deiKit , lUtli ami Maruy > jta. | _ Omnhn. _ 0.10 p ml . NljilitKxpriwj , . ,10111 a tu VU5 n in . AtlKiilla Kiprno . I ( IX ) p m 4..W p | . . . . . ! " ( Limited . . . .IIU(5u m U'Bvei i tfroiJX inrr * i-sriiau i Omiiliii. | U. 1' . ilBpoUlOili nnJ Mirer St . | Omntu 7. 15 n ni . . . .hloux Cltr I'amuntvr . i J.30 p m _ . , . . . . .jit. IMiil Kiprog . llOlO a ra toaveTl SKfCA'CI'rrATAiainS ' TSrrTVer Uiuftlm. I lliipot ISth n < l Wcb Urat . _ | _ Oumlia. llUO ji inj . . . . . . . . . t. J "ail I U m I toil .j , . . . _ . . LJ. J 5 nr ' 9 15 n in 430 pra .l .lp in Iowa Accommi'dntlon ( Kxe. Sun ) 9.10 p m i : l'rn Flror.i 1.15 P m . . . . . .Knit Kailorn Bxiru | , . . , , . Laurel IClllCAuO , MIU , A rT , TAbu ArnvoT" Omnlia. | U. 1' . depot. IQtb and Aliirey Sis. ( .00 pml. . Chicago KiprHii. . . nil m I T i OJlAliA 4 bT. l/Oll * . /mvei Onmlia. | fj , P. depot. IDtli nnd Marcr fit. I'Oifialia. I.'M p | . . , . . . . IxmU Cannon llall. . . , l 13JUpm ) . , K. , * MO. VAI.hm' . TrfireT" Omaha. Depot IJtli and Wobitor dti. UU a m lllack Hills Kipreu ' I'tip m .IO a m . . .Ilnallniri Kip. ( Kl. Sunday ) . , . 5M p ra ( .10 p m Wuhoo.U.lncuIn l' . ( Kx Sund'f ) IIUJ n ra . .York A Norfolk < Ki. Hunrtaj ) . . 102) a in "I/ir.n f > pot 1Mb nnii w b ier Bti. I OnV IM am . . .Bioui Cltj AccomnHidatlo'nTTT 80.1 p m 1.00 p m . .EluuxCity Kxprcii ( ICj. Hun. ) . . l..u p m tUI p m , . .Ht1'uul l.lmltoj , un u m i15 n ni .llatiraft Pji eiigiirJK.Jtn 8 45 o m I'XOl ' WC. Arrival Umalia. I Depot ' IStli and n'obitor 8t . Om ah * . fO.SO n ml. , .Ht. lx'ul A 1C.X Kxpreii. , . . 7M p ni _ IS Pjn.Ht.J-nnliJk.K. [ & KjipjWM.iji. C'U a a . 1. * 1'ACWiD , " Xntfra Trnnifer I Union Dopob OunniiM llluiTi. 8 ; J p ml . .NiKht Kipru , .i tUam 9.W a nil AtUnllo Kinren i tia p m txij pin ] V'o tlbnl l.fmltM lwjlum U ri ! lCIlR > AiJO A NOriTHWUsTr-llS irrlTe Tr n f r | Union I Hi put. Council Ilium. 'Tran Iur Kipro s , , ( LIU p m > X J p ru , Vi'"lll < uo Urultixi , . S.tl am 10.UU p m Kn. < tiirn Kljer , , . J.OO p la 1.10 ' p m . , , * . . . , . naniiu iinii , . . . . . . . . nta G.'U p m Iowa Arcomrnmlntlnn iKxr. Hun ) , 10 in lcnrcAT& ( . inT * * . Tr n fer | Union Donot. Council Ilium. ITramfer " "c.'tJ p ml Clilr K Kipreii , . , . , , , . . ! tT5 am l.'iO p . . . _ . . . . , ( , ' co Kiiro > i I CUU jjn ri > aT rT ic > : rs'fi JOrf'4 "cni : TXrrT r Tmji f ir | Cnlou Oopot. Council llluffi JTr n iotn mj..KnniMi 1'lir I > ar Kiprmi 1025 j ) in ! KaniiuOtf Nljtiit Kiprun "UuTer" ! Oil A I1.C i : r.IX)019. Tran ferl Union l > p < ) U Council IlluCt & .U1 n"ni" . . .Hi. I TtaniforI JUnlon lx pot. CoHnctlJIluti. | Tran < fer " VtO a m . , , , . . , , riilc Ki Hip"reii.i e.aj pm 10W p m Chloiio Uiproti. . . , , . , . ( IIMaru J O f m . . . . . . i. . f'rtttnn local. , jJISOajra leavtu -HIOTjXCtT ri1rALlVR "lirflvw" Traiutur " ) Union Depot , Council liluffi. iTraoafpr * 7.45 a m . , BlouzCUr AooummoSatloo , , . ) U.tO am dmpm itl' ' ul Ktpreii. . . . . llOOU p m