THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SUNDAY , ' A.TJGUST 31 , PAGES. ICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE CORNER 8tll AND HOWARD STS , OMAHA. For the Treatment of Every And Diseases of the Eye CHRONIC & SURGICAL DISEASE ery kinds of and Ear , THE , Ifnllwosoy of our Institution , k. LARGEST . and oil r fld vantages and fncilltios MEDICAL fortlao successful treatment of ells * eoso Is not found , on yournrilvcxl INSTITUTE Eincl Investigation , to be Just as IN THE COUNTRY. wo Inave represented , them , WE WILL PA.Y A.LL THE EX- F > ENSE OF YOUR TRIP AND Organized with a full staff of VOUC.AN RETUHN HOMEA.T Skilled Physicians , Surgeons ONCE. and Trained Nurses. How to Reach the Institute. Spectacles and Eyeglasses Our OIcn and Consultation Roois , DISEASES OF THE Ei\R If you come by the B. & N. or U. P. rail are Furnished with a Complete Supply of Surgcial roads to the nth street'side of Union Depot Instruments , Appliances for Examining Diseases Our many now improvements and facilities , go , DISEASES OF THE EYE. ( or treating the vurlOw discuss of tlio oar and take motor car to Howard , and walk two Compressed Air Apparatus , Ear Speculum , Ophthalmoscopes have in iv great measure loon thocaujo of scientific \ test of the K\o \ , by moans our great success in lliiadopirtinont. \Vo liuve had wonderful SUCCORS in this department in the past , and Howard take cab from ' blocks east to gth or a , of Lho Opthitlmocopi } and Niichot's thalmoscopes Microscopes New for mid bii\c irmdo many irnpiovomontsin our facilities for ticatinenti , , Apparatus the Institute. If other roads Trial Cats" , Id mudo by our Oculist and to . come by operations , artificial oyot ) , etc. depot you Optician , for the proper adaptation and Apply insc Electricity or Magnetism , New and Improved STOM OHAUD LIVER. take 16th street motors at Webster street transfer adjustment of glumes. All persons huf- feiliif * from "Defective Vision will iliiil proved Vaporized Inhaler , Atomizer , etc. In fact to nth street Constipation and Otlio ? without at Cass street OASES TREATED BY CORRES extra charge it to their advantage to consult our the finest and most valuable collection of Medical , ElsonsosoC the Liver , Stomach elf Howard and two blocks east Optician. . motor , get at go ach mid PONDENCE. Surgical and Anatomical Apparatus to be found Xowols. A full line of always In Spectacles to Institute , or take a cab. steel ; . Scotch , Italian , and Ilr.iJlllui in any Hospital , Infirmary or JMcdical Institute in When Iho liver , stomach nnu Iwwola Cases treated correspondence ro- fail in the norforinanto of their by INSTITUTE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Pebbles. Artificial I2yos insortoJ with pioper coivc tlio most careful attontion. Enoh out pain , of tno tinebt I'Yeiich in ilio. the country. respective functions , health nnd com CBFO is nnnlyy.eil and examined by ques fort soon tiiketholr llijjht , The piocess tions. A record by iiumbor is kept in otdippstion , ti3siinilallonsocietionsanl ( our private ollleo of ouch cnso and the cxcretionaroof the Contest importance romcdj used. Pricoa are cither so in tlio nutrition of the human sjstoffi. much for the full treatment whether it. 11 the processor digestion is unt prouor- takes n longer or shorter tiino ; payable ly inrfoimed the \\liolo system must sull'cr , if the food takoii Into the stomach in ntlvniiro. or so much a month payable ach Is not digested it jpoils , pas ( or understood will bo in advance. It monthly nind ) and acids flio formed fiom Its do stood tbnt for a certain amount wo om iiiositlon which alstond and iiritnto nyroo to treat n cnso until cured , charg the lliilup momkancs of the stomach , ing no more if it tnkos 11 preator length nnd the bowels , causing congestion und of time than wo have calculated upon. inlhinimatioii ; tlio food not being1 di- Restcd. the streiik'tlioningcloniont It of As wo know from the average length contains be absorbed cannot into the tune in thousands o ( cases treated by us system , consequently the body sulTcis1. wliat wo can afford to do , wo take our The blood liocomcs thin and impure , chance and run the risk knowing that being loiiilcdwith impurities and dofio- if borne cases require a long time to euro lontln the life ylving olcmontswhich. It can only obtain from nutritious , - othera are enBlly cured , if wo lose on ono per- foctlj digested food. Tlio liior rccuiv- wo muko up ( u otliora , nnd so nro safe tliis blood Ing Impure tlirough the por- on the average ; while patients treated liil circulation becomes ion yetted , tor by the month , pay BO much for each S s pidInaclivoandfiiilsto tocrolo Ilio bile month's ' treatment and run all daks < rs „ w whiffv it should furnish lo UMistln car o c/T _ _ „ rying tlio excrement from the . sjstwn. themselves of their cnso being slow to rt j G r Thcto conditions Hondaulio well of and thus O develop , got or rapid recovery , ' rtrt Nouriiltiln , Is'ervousnessGeneral Dcslll- costing them more or lens. In oitbur Ity , 1'latiile nco , Con t > lt pntlon , Dii n ess , \\ay we use the sumo remedies , viz ; the rt rte Despoil den o } , Gloomy Ieolintrs , Coated best known to scionco. When appar Tont'uo.DadTiuto und llrcnth , S.illotv- atus , instruments , etc. , nro furnished ness and Dryiioss of tlio blciii , Motli Spots , Tlmplos , utc , , etc. In fcmsiloa surtrical operations performed wo or o the constipated condition of thobovvols iimico special prices and our rates are as anddebllityoftt'ii loids lo uongcbtionof . low as can bo made and do our patients the womb , loucorrhivti , prolupaiis. ro- justice. toiitlon of menses , etc. , itc. 4JU Thu tioiitmoiitof this class of disease * ' 3 roqulroan tlioroiiffh luildln ) < ; uplu vg- ) Patients visiting the city for treat 3o oratliifrtreatinont , restoiliiK1 Iho organs -&SI ment can obtain room nnd board in the o to theii natural fiincticns and condi Institute building. tions , relieving vitiilltynnd vij or , nnd rt directed at the foundation of the disease To those who are unable to visit us rte andnotat Iho sy'injitoms , Our succcsq nnd nro treated by lot or , wo will say -a * o In curing this class of diseases has beou that a lonp experience in treating cases - most llaltoring' , and ivurunt * us In sayIng - Ing that peisoiisanilcteil with Dyspop- * U hns enabled by us to correspomiouco Uc 0) S c siaConstipition , Siilc lloadacho , Neuralgia treat cases scion tlllcully without seeing atlord to ralgia or Debility can not neff- them. Fill out question blank as far as lofztto tisitns tit once. your disease Is concerned , then in your Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute 9th and Howard Sts. CO KfOur remeclies act directly upon the cxx , wasted own language toll us just what you tisHiios , restoring energies , glv- * O CJ Inn buck to the human structure the would if hero. say you wore ( Everything . 1 passed beneath the skinand the cord O" animatingcloniontsof life which havoi , , . , , , , , , cn thing is confidentialyou ; need not hesi . RUPTURE. OL.UB AND CROOKED FEE1out without scarcely any o.xtcriuil wound , Diseases of the Throat and boon wasted , miilntaininff tliat buoyant tate to toll us everything. To those who are suffering from tlio Wo effect a euro in one-fourth tlio "rubber " plaster Is placed over the smalltime Head treated In the most scientific energy of the brain and muscular sys- Wo soiul inodicino to every part of various forms of Hernia ( Rupture ) , wo time usually occupied In the treatment opening made ty the Unifo A club tcir , rcndoisthcmind cheerfulIrilliant the Union , both by mail and express. would say that our long experience- of such cases with the best tioatment foot shoe and brace applied , the patient tific manner by the latest and. andoiici'Hfotlc , cntiiely overcoming thatf with such clear ami oxplicitdiroctionB for the treatment of this disability , which the old method over did or can afford. returns nomoaml IB soon well. If tlio most Improved methods. dull , inactive , sluggish disposition use that no mistake can occur. While It fills so many lives with suffering and Wo do it with ono-tonth the pain and COBQ ls " > < ! ono wo can make a 05 ? - which the debilitated expodonce. is always desirable to seen patient , our misery , enables us to afford you the suHoring . Wo caie not how careful the br.ico and shoo that will gradually- in in thorough knowledge of the human body greatest measure of relief possible. uhysiclan maybe or how well onttucd bringlhofoot perfectly straient ; m Wohavo tlio fncllitlos.appiratus and and its ailments onnblo us to proscribe Wo are uerfoctly acquainted with the the apoaralus , for the old cnsesit is best tbat the child should remedies for the successful treatment with cortainlty and success in many now operation for tlm euro of this con radically wrong nnd is a painful failure. J'rfUKht to us for ineivsiirement.although of \ery form of disc vo rcijuinng'olther cases , i ( a description of the case is dition , and nave operated many times Jn hiany cases no surgical operation Is in cnios where it is impossible to do so medical or surgrical treatment , sind in glvou. with perfect success. Wo manufacture required ; but should it bo necessary. It vvo can send rules for measurement , vite all to cotno and investigate for the llnest TRUSSES to order , and have is so simple us not to shod a d of vhioh the oai'onts cnn take and loturn themselves or correspond with us. Long top a largo stock of the best TRUSSES in blood , to us when the braco.will bo maJe us experience in treating cases by letter _ noreauMi swelling pain or any , th ? market of every manufaetniowhich soionoss afterward. ncculately as possible , if it is not a por- enables us to treat many cases scionti- will bo fitted by aii export in that The treatment novcr , in any wny , in- fect flt vo "il1 change without extra llcally without seolnfi them. branch without extra charge , at the torforos with health or causes the loss expense to persons ordering. Over live MEDICAL , INSTITUTE D11UG STORE of a meal , or a night's sloep-tho skin Imndrod cases of club feet have been Wo tnanufacturo Surgical Braces for dofoimities. Trusses , Suppoilors , Klec- becomes from cured by us without u failure , never sore chaiinf , or trlcal Batteries , and can supply ph.vul- pressure of the apparatus. I OUB MODS OP TRT3A.TING DB- ciansor pationtsan.y appliance , romcdy The deformity vlll never return after I . . . no.- - - know'n. FOBMtTIBs. or instrument . Cdl and ran fault SURGICAL OPERATIONS the is concluded. The treatment mo- us. orvrlto for circulars all subjects tions of the the 1 Wo treat nil deformities upon joints are perfect , gait physical by jects , with lists of questions for puients For the cure of Hair Lip , Club Toot , natural , and all hobbllnpr re moved. ' inaan1of ; our iiowmdimprovcd surgical to answer. Thousands treated success Tumors , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Wo malm a specialty of Us treatment , appliances and appar.ituSiporfoetod af tor fully by correspondence. Wo hnvo su Strubisinus _ ( cross-eyes ) , Varicocolo , In and by the use of appliances of our own many years of practical experience , perior ndvnntncos and facilities . ( or verted Nails , \Yons , and Deformities of manufacture , moot with invariable sun- entirely ignoring the old torturous treating diseases perform ing surgiciL the human body , performed in the most cess. mode of treitmont , und thoroliy dis- opei.itions and nursing , jntionts , which , cess.Mobt all treated homo with all nain ami the at scie.itillc manner. patients are danger to combined with our noknnxvlodgcd abil "Wo treat chronic diseases of the after the apparatus are fitted , which p.vticnt. Upon ml cnsos of deformities. ity , experience , responsibility and reputation - Lungs , Heart , Head. BloodSkin , Scalp , will require but one day usually. surgical appliances and apparatus tation , should iniUo iho Oiniha Modi- Stomach. Liver , Kidneys , lUadrtor , Wo nro frequently asked liy parenta lo lilted and perfectly adjusted. 1'lie en 1 and Surgical Institute the lirst Nerves , Rones , etc. , as Paralysis , IJpil- at what ago the foot should bo straight patient can then return homo and pios- choice. cpsy ( fits ) , Scrofula. Dropsy , llright's ened.Ye ajisvor as soon after the ceuto the treatment to a successful ter Tnno Worm , Ulcers or Fever child Is ! > months old its possible ; in very mination , under our d fractions , The The Phvsicinns and In bores , Uyspopsria or Gastritis , II ildnoss , bad caseswc think the host result can bo surgical appliances can bo worn by the Surgeons of the clilforcnt Ec/oma , Curvature of the Splno , Contracted - obtained by cutting the coids , which mot't delicate without pain orlnconvcn- ohniijo of departments skilled are In tracted Limbs , and all Deformities of cuu bo done liy un export surgeon \vith- lonco.and patients need not toconflncod men largo experience , the body. ' out danger. A very narrow linifoboinpr to tlioir rooms. their specialties , DEFORMITIES OFTHE HUMAN BODY. Bast Facilities , Apparatus and Bcmodies for Suecessful'T ' oatmont of every form of Disease rcquirlner M33DIOA.IJ or STJRQIOjMi ! TBEA.TMENT. In this department wo nre especially successful. Our'claims of suptriority over all others are Insedupon the fact that ELECTRICAL TREAT WENT. Treatment and Gure of Consumption. this la the only medical cbtnhlishinont manufacturing ; surgical brucos .ind appliances ( or e.ioh individual case , VN'o have thrco sldllcd instrument inakcis in our employ , \\lth improved rrachinory , and hnvo all the latest inventions , a3 well as The treatment of diseases liy electricity has undorRono great Humps vylthlij We hnvo stated that consumiit'on ' our own patents and Improvements , the result of tvonty years1 experience. by all aohooliof modlolno was an incurable disease , but \vo have the past few VOIM , and eloclricity isno\vncltno\\lodgud \ lately spout considerable time in Now York City and other plncos , investigating as the Kroatroinodvforall chronicspecial anU IIOIMO dlsoason , for nervous dobll the now method of treatment and apparatus Invented in Germany , nnd now being Baltcrlcs Inhalers , Braces Trasses. BaUcrlcs , Inlulcrs , Braces , Trusses , ity , paralysis , rheumatism , dihoasosof uoincn , etc. , an dm Jiiinjoyonndoardis * used and recommended by the leading physicians of the world , all of whom state , , oases ills the most valuable of all remedies , positively that they have cured hundreds of cases heretofore considered incura ble. Wo have purchased the apparatus complete , the first ever brought-west of And nil kinds of medical and surgical And all kinds of medical nnd Eiirgical In order toobtam its full virtues , it Is absolutely necessary tjhnvo tlio propcilz4 ' Now York und after trial in apnaralus.Vo have lately purchased thioo of the larpost and most cornplot * 1 thoiough a a lurgo number of cases , believe that a appliances manufactured. The physicians manufactured. The remedy or euro has at lust boon found for this disease , which has so long bid npplmncos physi- batteries minufactured o conatrutlod as to giio the most penile as well as the- It doflanco toslcill and scionco. iuns and surgeons in oharpraof the cians and Burgeons in chnr roof the most powoiful current. Pcruons treated at this Institute by electricity rucognizo ! ' of dilloront departments nro men of Inrf atonco tbodilforonco botwcon ouroxponsivo and complete electrical apparatus In order to rocol vo the full benefit and euro from this method , a patient must different departments are mon largo experience , skilled In their spcciultlag. and tlio common , cheap bailer ios in use by many physicians. Ovor3,0J ( ( ) dollar * use the Inhalation two or three times a day for bovoral wcoks. Wo have a room experience , skilled in their specialties. intostod in electrical iippiimtuj. nt Iho Institute tlttod up especially for the euro of cntarrh.tronehitls , asthma und consumption by this apparatus , ana can record many cases of astonishing cures. 144- PAGE BOOK Illusirated ) niSFASFS OF WOMEN A SITOI.VLTV. WE HAVE LATF.I.V - ( ! _ /1 o c. fo to wr vv v-x ivi i IN A ) Dii ; > A FOH WOMEN DUU1NQ CONl'INUMKNT. tStrlctly rrtvate ) . SENT FREE TO AHY ADDRESS ( Sealed ) , Only Eo Jnblo Medical Institute- Making a Specialty of IMUT riRST History , BuccoHinnd Aaluntnio ol tliaOmnliii Nrdlcil nwl Hnrglfal Ii PJtll'C BncOVD-CUroiiIoDlseakO * of tlitiLiiiius , Momai'li. Uv > r , ICIdnoyn hkln , I'llos. Cancel trrli.Kpllcpsy.Khcumntliiin , Inhibition. U'nti [ Worm. KUctrlilU . Xuwlli'incill etc , / PEIVATB DISEASES. IMIIT TUlllli Doforuiltlos , Uumiliiroof tlio Splno , tlub I'uot , Illp UlsGa o < ll > u.ralyuli , W N ck. Itav lluruM | > . tinuratloni. , _ ' * 1\\IIT \ . hcunfiof tlio > prv < > , Outamc , Htplilxinu . ' \ lOUUTH-DIhcaHviof Iliu Kyo uml Eiir. l > All Illooil Dlsontics successfully tioitod. Syinillotlo 1'olsou n'ino\c < l from tlio system Uro Ryon , rioryflumOruniiliilrd lye lids , luvoiilonof tlio IMt , ArlHlont Ijcs.ilo. ' , Noxv UuntarutlvotrunUd for If t n ( \ ilal 1'onor , I'.itlonls unulii > itlslt ' I'l Kltlioutiiiur'ury . . ' IMIIT Fll'TIl IllHouicsoIVoincii , iiiurrnuta. Ulcuntion , l > liIuiiiicMiU | ( ) , l'roUmu | , UH inuy I tr ( ttloa nt lioino . by c < irrcii > oiiUonfc. All < .oiiiMum'cntlons coiitutoutlul. M.'illclnes loin iiiid VcmliuiH , Turin ) rn , I , iiPirutioim ucil Umcurof Ilio WiinU , enInsi nioiUH bent by niwll or oxprt'si bociiruly navkuil , no mirks lo Imllcutocontents or P KTUIXTif DlMoatus l Mun I'rlvuti'.Hjnclal ' anil .N r\oun lllsoanss. 8iornatorrlitnaHoM ) ; ( soiulor , Ono iiorsonal fntcrvlovr prefonwl. UnU iiinl 'O'JultV.H . ; r c il lilstury uf your case , liuil Wi-akneM ) , linpottiioy. Vurlcocde. Stricture. ( llcottjypilll , ! , aiidull alucuioa of Ilif . I wowillhenil . . lu . . . . nlulii , . . , wriippor.our liOOIv It ) Mhrs. MIKI. . : Upon 1'rlvuto , Bneolul or Qunlto I'rluurj ' Orfuns. Aditre , . < . _ . . _ . . ihi. 1 ! - * - > i 11 > * dr ilil I Iti flli jtt II tll \ 11 f U'dlHVltll ! Itlinutlftn 11 j * Ailffmi L , ' OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , OM VPIA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , Cor. 9tli and Howard Sts. Omaha. , Cor , pth and Hcward Sts. .