THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , fiftJGUST 31 , ISDO-TWENTY PAGES , 11 BROWNELl OF OTHER DAYS. The Original Hall Obliterated from the Face of the Earth. ORIGIN OF THE FAMOUS ACADEMY , How It Attained to Us I'rcNcnt Ktnml- Ingulth n I-iist of Brine of tlio > i < ililo Women Wlium It Orndmitctl. A. single rickety chimney , pierced hero nnd there by rusty thimbles , marking the stovepipe - pipe holes of days gene byIs all that rears Its unsightly head above where , twenty years ago , stood the prou Jest us well ns ono of the most noted Institutions of learning in the 'city.On On the cast sldo of Seventeenth street , be tween Jndtson nnd Jones , bus stood for years n brownish-red , thrco story frame structure , with brick basement , which was the alma mater of many of the most prominent women of Xcbratka. Although of lute years its walls have not echoed with the sounds familiar to the study hall and class-room , and though they have been for , omo time devoted en tirely to tenement purposes , it once rang with girlish laughter us the leaders of today's upper tcndom and the mothers of many of the present promising "buds" romped through its classic halls. It was the Hrowncll hall of the old days , nnd though far from being as pretentious a structure as the Brownel ! hall of today , Its name and faino were not confined to the state of which it was the pride. ' Ilrowncll hull was founded In 1SV1 ( by Bishop Tnlbotas n seminary for young ladles , under tlio auspices of tlio Episcopal church. The Sctcritccnth street structure was not Its primary location , however , ns it was first established outside of what was then the city i lin'lts , the old Saratoga Spiings hotel being , purchased for college purposes , and It was there that Biowncll's first chu > s began their academic studies. At that time Bishop Talbot presided over what vas known as the jurisdiction of the northwest , Including tbo vast territory noith of tlio Kansas line between the aflssouri river and the western ocean. The original Ilrowncll hull was n two-story structure , I0xf > 0 feet in sizeami , ould hardly furnish comfortable counters for two do/en pupils. bo unsatisfactory were tlio accommodations that u I thin a few years it was decided to build n now hall , and tbo Seventeenth street site wus selected as the most suitable location lor the now building. A lot was purchased of Mr. Herman KountzoforlrUOland that gentleman pre sented the collcKOwith the adjoining lot , which furnished ail the ground that v as then deemed necessary for the purpose in view. That wns In 1MH , nnd the new building costing $10,000-\\iis erected under the direc tion of Bishop Ularkson. It may hero bo stated that real estate at that time was much higher than It became years afterward , nnd as recently as ISbO , twelve years later , adjoining lots that wore fully ai desirable In o\cry way could readily bo puicha&cd for $1,000 , nnd two of the con tiguous lots were offered for $1,300 , the snnio price that had been paid for one lot years bc- foie , nnd ono of those lots was sola about ttiat time for STUD. In Its dny Ilrowncll hall was considered a very siipoilor building and was capable of providing for 100 pupils. Preparatory to entering upon its extended carter of usefulness , the institution was in corporated , and of the original incornomtors Colonel Champion S. Chnso , Henry \y. Yutcs , lion. J. M. Woolworth nnd Judge G.V. . Boano still ictnin the places on the board of trustees that they have held for the past twenty-two jears. The then now building was 50x00 feet In sl/o and contained foity-llvo rooms. For a few ycnrs tlio structure was found biifllcicntly ample in size and appointments to xincet the demands made upon it , hut the ruthless march of tlmo soon outstripped it , anil * its accommodations were found to bo v holly inadequate. The institution was rapidly growing in public favor , and to meet the demands nrndo upon It it was found necessary In ISNi to make another clmnpo whereby the present magnificent buildings , spacious grounds and beautiful chapel on South Tenth street \\ero prepared to curry on the work that had been .to auspiciously begun. This building Is in the shape of nn H and Is 200 feet long and 100 fcotdeep. It has thrco full stories , basement and subbasement ment , and cost $ & 5,000 , exclusive of the fur niture , which cost $ . ' 0.000 moro. The south wing is not yet completed , but it Is believed It will bo necessary to complete It at ouco to provide necessary nccommodntlons. It Is unnecessary to speak at length of the elegantly furnished parlors and reception rooms ; the spacious balls and cozy apart incuts , wncro tno pupils arc provided with more than tbo ordinary comforts and con veniences of home ; the largo study hnll , with Its beautiful stained-glass windows , nnd desks for 140 ambitious students : .tlio score of class rooms ; the dancing-room ; t\io music-room , with its dozen of ndjuccnt practice rooms , caoh with Us music rack ana plauo ; the dining hull , the kitchen and laun dry , and so on ad Inflnltum. They nro nil there , and oven more , nud they arc tbo piido and delight of tbo student as well as of tlio visitor. It Is hardly necessary to see all of the apartments of this struc turo to iuingluo the difference In the accommodations provided for the Browncll girl ot twenty years ago and those furnished her younger sister of the present tlmo , jet It Is very doubtful If ono of moro recent graduates of tjio Institution takes a hit moro prldo In her alma muter than the one who walked forth from the portals tals of the recently demolished structure on Seventeenth street to cntur upon the great battloof lifo. The graduates of the now Brownell have hut recently passed the wonderful threshold and como face to fneo with the stern realities of o\ery-dny life , \Uillo those who left the shelter of the older building In the earlier years hiuolongsluco learned to appreciate the careful training there received , and value it accordingly. But is there , after all , so much difference between tbo dear , old Hrownell of yesterday and today , or of today and the future J Wo rend of progress and advancing civilization , but In these mutations of tlmo is there any change iu human natural If those old rafters nud dusty corners could huvo spoken , nml those sphinx-like walls of the now temple of learning could bo Induced to sKiik | , don't you suppose that there would bo a remarkable similarity in the tales un folded into our willing ears ? Weren't there , dear"friends sworn to life long fealty , then as now ! M'iv it Impossible to exchange the most iiderful nud confidential secrets tuenty ago ! Were llttlo Jealousies and heartaches un heard ot la that former tlmo I Did not girls then consider themselves In duty bound to full inadly in love with some strange- youth , good-looking or other wise , Just because some circumstance of " tbo mooting suggested n tlnga of ro man cot "Was homo slight touch of sentiment over then mlstaku'i for tlio bursting o ! the mighty passion I i Were quarrels followed by the painful yet pleasant "mnklng up" In sous nnd tear * ! 1'crhans not , vet old Hrownell could surely have told us differently. \Vbat a pity that It IIM passed awnv , with its countless harmless secrets unrovealed. In its latter days , whcu the mlco scampered fearlessly across its nttlu floor , whllu the spider , undisturbed , spun her silken meshes across the rafters , old Ilrowncll umy have re- llccted on the Iinprluass of earlier yccrs , hut wus too true a frleiitl to betray any of Us con fidences. The friendship and rivalry , the pleasure mil pain , the Joys and the beuilaches that there asserted themselves nro not for the public knowledge , but they llvo again In tunny hearts when thoughts of the old hall arise. Old Browncll has gone , and lu Its place pvill shortly rise the walls of u commercial mart , which will bo Its monument. The epitaph must bo written. "It died a victim to the progress and civilization that It had fostered and encouraged , to malic room lor another not us It was , hut as it desired jultobo , " Among tbosovbo will subscribe to this icnthucnt are the following who ouco trod those classic halls. AVbeiji not otherwise Itntcd they arc residents of Omaha : iirs. Ilclca Burr , Mrs. Flcmoa Drake , Mn. K. H Davis , Mrs. Ida Tllden , Mm. Willis Yatcs. MIssMlnnlo 11. AVIlnon , Miss Mtllonn Hutlcrlleld , Mrs. Joy Morton of Chicago. Mrs. S. U. llarkaloxv , Miss May Cirnpbcil , Mrs. Theodora L. Hingwnlt , Mrs. Krcd Harris of Ord , Miss May Uundy , Miss Kannie U'nll , Mrs. Lucy M Wiiffgoncr , Mrs. Hlhard ( Hall , Mn. Cnrrlo M. Trcmnlnc. Miss Oslo Abbot of Fremont , Miss Jennie Wittcm , Miss Anna Nllsson of Fremont , Mrs. Lulu Urlswold , Miss lulu Shears , Mrs. "Will Chambers , Miss Wipijc-nhoni of Ashland , MM Elizabeth a. Hall. Mlw Flora Oistcttrr of lilair , Mrs , Gcorgo Smith , Miss MaryU. Thomas of Tails City , Miss Minnie Comfort of Logan. In. . Miss Lucy K Burgess of Plottsmouth , Misses May nnd Carlotta Craw- font of West Point , Miss Ethel Davenport of Nebraska , Miss Lcoln. Carter. * Dr. Ulrnov cures catarrh , Hco Wdg 4 JMTE11AKV XOTKH. The Forum for September will contain a political ossuv on "Money Interests in Political Affairs" by the editor of the Now York Hvonln Post , E L. Godldn. In the Buino number , Sotuitor John T. Morgun of Alabama replica to Senator Clmndlop'H recent arttclo on "The Federal Control of Elections. " Harper's YoungI'coplo for August 20 contains llio lust inwlsilmont of Mr. Howclla' berltil "A ' juvenile , Boy'n Town. " Mrs. Ouster's now book , "Followinpr the Guidon , " 1ms just been published by Harper k Brothers. When the young Loid DuiTorin readied his majority his mother , Helen , countess of Gilford , and guinddnughtor of Shufiilnn , presented him with u silver lamp nnd pooin. Ho built a tower ns u fhrino for tlio lump and had the poem engraved on si gold tablet. Lord Tenny- bon , touched by this ideal deed , was moved torito a poem , which was ulso engraved on a gold tablet. The story ol "Holcn's Towor" is told in the Septem ber Wide Awake. Already over six thousand copies of "Flvo Llttlo Poppers Midway"a bcquel lo "Five Llttlo Peppers and IIow They Grow , " have been sold in the last two months. It Is understood that Mr. Ilopklnson Smith , the well known artlbt , who lias recently written Borne chutmlng articles upon Mexican lifo , will appear as a novelist iti the coining year of The Cen tury. His llrst novel , a fivo-pajfo fclorv ' , "Colonel Carter of Cartersvillc , " wi'll botriii in the jfovombor number. "Pierre's Soul " Ohnot's , Georffos now novel , bids fair to rival his very success ful story , "Dr. Hiuneau. " It is pub lishcd by The "NVavecJy company , St , Louis. The August number of the Jenness- Miller Majjazlno is unusually full of mat ter , the physical culture aiticlo leading , as usual. Kate Kauffman discusses "Varying Types of Beauty" inapaiticu- hirly happy fctyle. Mabel Ilnvden con tributes a grncoful poem , while the edi torials are timolv and well consideied. The Woi'thlngton companvKow York , haa just Issued a strong dramatic story of French lifo entitled "Catherine's Co quetries" by Camille DoBaus , translated by Leon Mend. "Tho Rag- Picker of Paris" by Felix Pyat , a rival of "Lcs Miwirablcs , " has been ibsued from the prcbS of IJenj. Ii. Tucker , Uoston. "Tho novel combines the piibsion of Shakeripoaro and the rea- eon of Moliero , " pays tlio yrcut critic Ileinrlcli Heine. Among the latest books issued by the Humboldt publishing compuiiv of Now Yoik are "I'hyslojjnomy and Expres sion" by Pablo iviantego za , 'Tho Quin tessence of Socialism" by Pro' . A. Schallle , and "Darwinism nnd Politics1' by D.ivid G. Ritchie , M. A. The eleventh volume of the Library o American Literature , juat published , contains additional selections and biographies of all authors whoso writ- Inps are included in this collection , This volume completes the workwhich coveis the entire Held of American literature from the time of Captain John Smith to the present day. It contains selections , in part or complete , from the best works of American authors , not only of those whoso names are known to fame , but also of many a forgotten favorite , whoso works are thus preserved from oblivion. In this work is found the gleanings of the best American thought , embracing a period of almost 300 years and ranging in variety from the negro melody to the sermon. Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , 33eo Sleep. Whatever feats of endurance men iniiy accomplish they cannot llvo long with out sleeping. The victim of the ChinoKS 'waking torture' ' seldom survives moro than ten days. Those condemned to dlo by tbo waking torture , which la inli- nitoly worse than tlio deatli buffered by Kcmmler two weeks ago , are given all they wished to cat and drink , but whenever - over they close their oycs they are tabbed with bpears and sharp sticks until they awaken , says the St. Louis Republic. There Is no tortuio more horrible. Men sleep under condition of bodily ily and munUil suffering. Tlioso con demned to die , oven tliouiih they fear their fate , generally sloop the night before - fore execution. Soldiers have bcun known to sleep \Uion on a long and wciiriboiuo march wliilo walking in the ranks , or Ijlng on : i bed of stones or in the mud and water. No ono knows just what bleep is. The prevailing theory as tolls nature is that of the physiologist , Proyer , who holds that icfuso matter ac cumulates in the nervous centres ia such quantity as to bring about insensibility. This Insensibility is sleep , which con tinues until the brain lias boon relieied of this waste matter by its absorption Into the chculatton , ' Dr. Dirnoy cures hay fever. Bco bldg. On Snake c-reck , n few miles above Its mouth an eld man of thonarao of Chalkcr lives all alone who is so familiar \\lth the snakes Unit by common consent lie is called Snnko Chalkcr , writes a Montnise , If. Y. , correspondent of tlio Now York Sun. His largo lius uloujj tlio creek , extruding up 011 either side to the \cry top of the hills , Ou ono occasion , while passing that way , the writer bitched Ills horse at his cato anilcnt in to sco him. HunUK ; ! up nil around the old-fashioned llreplaco I observed what ui * pesrod to bo dressed eels , pioparinft for the table. They were exceptionally lurjio of their Wild , aud I asked where hu caught sucli largo eels. eels."EelsI" "EelsI" said ho. "Those nro ray rattle- iiukci. " "And 'vlmt are ) ou going to do with them I" "Eat them. They nro much finer than eel. " I'asilng toward his back door , ho said : "Coino out and scowhat I , have in the jai-d. " In tuo yard were snaUcs by the score ; nil Itlnds , but bl.icksnaKes and inttlouakca In Kroiit numbers. How ho caught thorn , how ho put them where they were , ho explained follows s as : "You boo these tubs , as I call them , in which 1 keep them. Tbco are hollow lops sawed off about ton foot long , burned out and made smooth Inside , so tlio snakes can't pet out. I place ouo end of the lo ? , or tub , about t llvo feet In the ground. I then put the snakes down-about twentj or thirty In each tub. and Itcop them , feedliip them every dny until \ I want to use them. Snakes , jou knowcome out of their dens on ; \ arm , pleasant days and 1 lie on the rocks to sun themselves , 1 cut a small stick with a crotch ut 010 ci.d. I up- pronch them quietly , aud placing- the crotch 1 on thosnuko's ueck.liold It firmly down until 1 I put a stout pin through his lips. Then 1t twisting' it about so bo can't open his mouth or bite , 11111 my pockets or a basket and tulco them homo and replinlsb my tubs , When I 3t 3I I want a snnko to eat or sell I slip a noose over his head and bring him up. " Dr , Birnoy euros bay favor. Bco bldg , WITH ITS GLITTERING EYE , The Snaio Charmed the Manager so that Ho Couldn't Morn , A STRANGE MONSTER OF HISTORY , People Carried OfT by llio Ueant Himkrs Her Only Friend1) Haulers fur Food. If over n man's hair stood on end through fright that hair belongs to James E. lrwlnas- , .sistant malinger of thoclcctilc light works of Plnlnlleld , N. J. IIo had nn experience the other night which ho will recollect until his djlng day. feeling tired ho lay on the lounge in his oftlcoand was Just doring off Into n ple.isaut llttlo sleep when ho heard n rustic among the waste paper in the Basket. Looking at the basket Mr. Irwin became transited , nnd tlie sight ho behold stalled the cold perspiration from every pore in his sklu. sklu.A A huge snake was slowly gllillnir over the op.Vhcn Its tall reached the lloor It celled ts body und swuj ed its head , Its glistening alack ujes being ll\edon Mr. Irwin. That gentleman says he appeared to lose all ontrol over his arms , legs and body. IIo ould not rise from the lounge nnd ho shouted or help , but the noise of the machinery in the hlg room adjoining drowiml hts erics. The nake then uncoiled Itself , and , with n slim- lus motion , started for the lounge. The spoil over Mr. luvlu seemed to ho > rokcn , and seeing n big wrench on a shelf ho gentleman Jumped off the louniror.nd n.ulu for It. The snnko saw the act , and uhun ensued nn nwful battle. Irwin aimed a hlow with the wrench at the snake's head and missed It , hut hit the reptile on the body. Three successive times did Air Irwln tty to denl the fatal blow , bat each time failed. With its body crushed whcio tlio wrench lad fallen , the reptile writhed nnd twisted In a \aln endeavor to reach Its enemy , who wns low dodging around the worn , keeping dear. The ofiice Is a small room \\lth ono oatlet , nnd as the snake was bitween him nnd the door Irwin was a prisoner. Watching his chance , he suddenly rushed in to doao quar ters and by n well-directed hlow crushed tlio snake's bend and ended the lltsht. Mr. Irwin then called some of the men ind together they meisured the dcid reptile. [ t was seven feet ono Inch lon nnd the body wns as thick as a man's arm. Those who aw it did not rccogni/o its spiclcs. In March , 1701 , a frightful creature , which Pierre Despaire cays was a niKtuie of man , bear nnd wild , made its appearance near Gevuudnn In France , says the til. Louis Republic. During the summer several prov inces wcro terrorized by the nwful deeds of the uncanny creature , which , notwithstand ing its many depredations , managed to keep out of sight until about the mlddlo of the De cember following , when n peasant voninn claimed to have met a monstiosity of tlu'inobl frightful kind , having the boitvofan ulll a- tor , the lull ot a lion , the claws of a wolf and the boriid , mocking laugh of a furnishing liyena According to this woman's story , the beast lind the head of u man , with the sUn so tightly drawn over it as to give it tlio appear ance of n dc.Uh-hendthi3 eyes being so ikcph * sunk In' their sockets as to bo invisible al though the creature stooj directly In front of her. The woman told her story in the \illage but vuts disbelieved until the follow ing mornIng - Ing , vl cii It was ascertained thut two little jjirls and a boy , whohuJ gene to a pastuio with some goats , were missing. In thcnfter- noon of the following day the head of the boy was found In a raUne. No other UMCO of their w hereabouts e\or \ discoveica. The people were no\v \ completely panic- stricken , and they would search for the crea ture only in squads of tv.elvo or morefearing to separate lest the brute would devour them. Tbo legislature of Languedoe. offered y.OJJ llrrcs for the animal's head , cctually sending out a detachment of mounted soldiers In search of it. In January , JM , only about tbrco weeks after tlio boy and the two llttlo girls were killed by tlio thing. It attacked some children who were herding sheep in the mountains , but all esiped , perhaps by the brute taking a feast of mutton Instead , The day but ouo following it appeared again , this tlmo carrying off ono of the children. It was next heard of in the viciultv of Mozel , where It carried off one woman and several children , besides , nn old account says , "taUng the heado cleano uv a man , " The Gazette do Franco published u full ac count of these ravages in February , 17iVi , und the king offered O.OOJ livres to the pjftiou or persons that would cap turo it. Captain Duhamel of the dragoons organized a hunt , dressing his men as wo'nenund , hiving tboni attended by children. The hunt was a failure and the clcaolator kept up his i jy- nes during the .spring and summer of t < Tj , until September 'M of that year , when It was killed by Sleur Kciiihardt. No one wus allowed to see the ercaturo except the mounted guruds under the ilulro of Orleans. It Is believed even to this day that it wns a creature , unknown and unheard of , notwith standing two repot is , ono of which said It was a bluck lion , the other thnt it wns a Rus sian wolf.iieithor of which seems likely when It is known that it killed and can-led off nut less than sixty-eight men , women and chil dren from December , 17C4 , to September , 17ti. > . A singular character , by name Martha Ann Tillson , and \\lio vuis known as "tho snuko woinnn"died near hero iceontly , suvs a Salem , To. , special to the PitLsburg Dis patch. She lived iu a little cibin at the foot of Twelve O'clock ICuob anil led a hermit's ' 11 fc. having no ono to share her nboJo ex cpi snakes. By the few who were ever nllov.ed to see the interior of her cabin it is said to luivo literally swarmed i1th her strange com panions , with which she ate and slept , .md which wcro to bo seen lying In her bosom and coiled about her nock , body and llmhs when ever she was caught slcht of. Her extraordinary predilection for these unpleasant ctcutures Is supposed to nave niisen fiom a morbid feeling tl'ftt she -was , llko thorn , hated of men , for. natimlly deformed - formed , sbu rccehcd in addition an injury to the spine while an Infant , and , though per fectly sound In mind , was of so sensitive u nature ns to render her miserable and uneasy in the presence of any but her parents. She was observed to steal away every day with a can of milk iiiul on being followed was found to bo caressing a dozen or so hideous rattle snakes , while they drank from the vessel which bho held in her lup. Horrified , her parents tried to reason with her , then to punls\ and finally to couilno her , in an en deavor to break her of her fondness for the reptiles , but s > he jiined so for her pets that they feaicd she v.oulddlo If kept from them. She was a little , fair woman of about forty- fUe , with sandy hair , very abundant mid long , which she were in n number of tluht plaits , which , combined with her deformity nnd the odd , miscellaneous style of dressing , the result of her refusal to hold communica tion with a fellow-being served to make her a most remarkable looking object. She was looked upon as a witch by the negroes about , who declared her to bo posso.scd of tlio evil oje , and hated und feared her accordinirly , though her lifo \\as a most harmless , quiet ono. She had been dead some days when discovered , and her dead body was Ittemllv covered by a writhing muss of snakes , which had to bo killed before It could bo removed , for the reptiles turned viciously on ull approaching preaching the remains. On her heart was found celled u hugo rattlesnake dead. Jesse Jones , "a Turmer living near Cola Springs , ten miles vest of Lawrence burg , Ind. , passed through a most thrilling oxitor- iciice tbo other etcnlug whilent work bind ing wheat on his farm , says the Cincinnati Enquirer. lie had stooped to gather n sheaf ofwheat i In his arms to bind It , and while holding the bundle to his breast for that purpose black snake glided from the sheaf of grain aim encircled his neck. As ho felt its cold , clammy body tlght ning Its folds around his throat ho dropped the bundleof wheat and excitedly clutched the rapidly enfolding reptile with both hands , He strove to tear it from his neck. This in creased the rage of the make and twice it bit him ouco on the arm nnd oneo on the hand , at the snnu tnno throwing a cell of Us body around the arm and with Its strong folds pinioning the limb nnd drawing it close to his neck , rendering it useless. Jones , fully realizing the terrors of his situation and unable to scream in a loud voice , struggled with the unrestrained arm to keep the furl- 1409 Douglas Street , . _ . OMAHA - / - NEB. t i i t i S uccessfullyi ; Treat Nervous Diseases , Sexual Diseases , . Urinary Troubles KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASES * EYE AND EAR , Throat Troupes AND Treated with Success. PRIVATE DISEASES. It is the duty of every lionorahlo phy- bluiun to dn all ho can to roll eve human sulTurmg , and , whiio such diseases axUt , wo doom it our duty to minister to tliolf alleviation and euro without questioning tlio degree of depravity \\hiuli has brought on the trouble. Munv men and women of pure minus , who have nevoi parted from tlio paths ol virtuo.have unconsciously rontractud diseases which , sooner or later , will sap the springs ot life or lay the foundation for a miserable old npo. unless ulicckud and cured. Hiivinp had n larpo oxucri- cncc in this class of diseases , wo can , in all sincerity , assure the afllieted that under ourmethod of treatment rapid cures arc ulTcuted in the worst conceiv able ciisea in. n short limo und at a rea sonable expense. Remember that the only danger comes Irorn neglect or at tempting to cure jouiNolf by using ure- scripilons that have uroved successful in curing : your friondri. Do not-there fore waste time and complicate the dif- lii'ully , no'- ' let false modesty dolor jou from at once upplyiilg u * , either in pet-ton or by , letter. Strict , confidence wilt be observed , anfl exposure never cone : at aur hands. J.BETTSOETT Medical and Surgical Institute , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , BEBRASKA , FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic , Nervous , Special and Surgical Diseases AND DISEASES OF WOMEN , Dis. Hctts & Itetts are the oldest , most experienced and widely known specialists in ( lie United States in the ticatincnt of Chronic and Surgical Diseases. Our extensive American and European Hos pital , military and private experience , should entitle us to your con fidence as the most skillful specialists in the conntiy. Drs. Hetts & Belts cure \vliere \ others fail , With them , in every case , cure means cure. Consultation , cither in person or by letter , is fiee. A Cure ( iniirantccd ml CHROXIC DISEASES 01 ? ( I Jlcn and IVoracn Suc DISHASIiS , cessfully Treated. Ijc > t Mnnhooil , Nerv ' ous mia I'liynlod llrlill- ALL IISOiUn'S ) ! ! Ity. l.xhaustodVltnllty. of tbo I'ru ' i ni tun ) Dcollnu , \\iMikiieHS \ \ In Wonii'ti and ull functional < ! < - SEXUAL ORGANS riiiigriiicnli tlmt rtiult fioni > oiillifiil follies or court ) cei Hlii nftoryuuri. A 11 communications And manhood nnd energy - nnd cuiiM'iMitlutis sacredly coiiltdoiillul. credly . orgy M'Morcd. Consultation Free' ' nnarintciil iicrmnni'iit cu r ' , ruinova I com jilete , u It limit cult Ini , ojuistl" nr tlllitutli 11. I'lirtiof- A FRIENDLY TALK WILL foetal al lunno by pi- : tll'llllllMUlt II II I O- COST YOU NOTH iin > iil' ' < pain or annoy- iinct' A. vimclirful loin- ING. wlv whlcli iitvor futli A. SUR.1S OURl . nnd nl-o curts allilt-- iiml Irritation. The awful I'iTccts nf Ktily Vice , whirl. PILES brlnrs oiRJiilo oal iie s < lc < trmlir.r lmtl > \\osnccissfiilly tieiit , inliid and lioily , ullli ull Its ( lieaclftil Ills. Rectal pciniuiiontly cured. \Von.uig \ ] . Her Diseases Fistula Ulcers , DR.S. BISTTS E > cry ( uniplatiit Inol- CUHEI ) . n thc o who luixo liupiind t'lotn- iluut to females lit the liy liniiiop'r liiiliilcciiciBiiiiilMtlltury No Unlfo usrd. ? Co iiln : linlilthldi i iiin Ixilb In dv and mind , 1111- llio iiiu of or ( Irlontloii from biibl- IlltlnK tliuin for business , sti.dy suid iniu- nnillliu cliaiiiit ! ol Itfo , iioss. < "nn > cii r.mteul. 1 1 ice1. fi'iniloLMl.iios \ - , , pro- Co'isnlut'onfroit. MA.HUIKHMV.N. ortho-o cntuitiizoiillint 1'ip'iis u'pil , iilcc-rnllo : ! , happy life u aru of phyiletil ( lubllllj- UMIOIirillllM. IlllLCtOlll If w i can't curi' vou ( ifiiot liliv nnil bliuldcr , wonlll fianlily tell you OUl-i SUOOB SIs H ilns in tin ! luck , pain- . ( ill ur > riHiCl Mien- so. sup ] Is 1 n-i\ \ facts. Vliit 1'r.ictliitl ninjinii OMIO- sti tuition. lioutmuiit rl ii" < - fcoco1'nny ! ciso Is t'liei'lnllv \vanantul to prMliici' il , ( Iiu-i st irtln.'iifK'lit. ' 1 lilnlMull - . Ihdrocclc Varicocdc i > \icct | fl ioMilt > Advice - , lues re Ui.i ml liiniirlnbcjraton ev.i' tlj vice frd , oonlicUntliil Permanently Ciiied. ' iistf , lima etluftini ! euioi lth- an Jiollablu. . 'ujiiry. ADDRESS OR CALL. ON DRS. REITTS 8c BE/T'TS , Ofllco IJours : Sa , rn. tciS p. in. ; Sunilajs Kin. rn. to 1 p. in. S. E. Cor. Sixteenth and Capitol Avenue. t i -oplctutolo nrt ieprrs''iit our faculty , The one wltli p3ctaclpslia\ the tifliiblrd look , Is Ihc booU-ktcrci of Hntlibuii& Co. . nf tl c I'rnctleal Depart incut , lie en unit gut hlslionks tnjialiiieisiiiullt worries him , as lie must liaio Ms woik rculy fur the nuxtdnyor Icso liN job. The otlicr1wo will nunUoii In nnolhur Is-uo. Ilnok-lccplnn Is tniilit ! by Actual Himliicss Practice , h'n llsli l.r.inclus , I'cniniiii'h 11 , Muirtliniii1. mill Tjpi writing. I'ciiiiinnthli ) anil niiellsliiuuisu frco to Slinrtl and svhuliiis. Our fceliool IB the oldest Iiuvi" > tiuii1 l > c-t Intlius ate. SitIsJjctlon sum antci'il or money luftmdeil. 'llio o intetliig In fevptcuibci wlllieccho 10 per cent discount. Cull unor unorRATHBUN. . EWING & CO. ou& Minim from choUIng him to death l > y uripplKgit- near the bead. holilliiR the rcptllo BO us to prc\cut It from bltitifrhim niain uinl weakening its jioncr of scjucczlns the brcuth out of htm. Ho stavtiKl to rou In thut condi tion to another p.irt , of thu llelitnhcro hi ? fattier and Mr. Bossong veixs uorhhiK. The men spied tno jontig fcllovv coinlntr hur riedly toward thennnd , divining from his stmnijo actions that something \ viisvroiif ? , hiislcncd to meet hi ni. Nor did they reach him any to boon , for with the heat , excite ment and stnifjplo bo was undorgoinir , the ] > oor fellow's ' strength was fast failiiu' iilin , and to have fallen or loosened his hold upon the squirming twisting snnko would Imvo cnuhlcd it to Imvo oxcrtcd Its full strenRth inidj bavo tightened its powerful coils about his neck , clioktuii him to dcatu. So llrmly had it ciiUvlned Its body about the youiif ? man's throit that-the two men could not easily uncoil Its strong folds. The father drew bis pocket knifa aud cut the living nei'klaco in twain. Wh vi released the unfortunate - fortunate vK-tiin waasoi-.iaik that ho could scarcely stnud , and had1 to bo assisted to the house. HH hand and unri were bitten and swelled toun ImmodcratoBlzo , but ns tlio bite of a bliultsnuko Is not poisonous no serious apprehension Is felt on thnt account. With homo remedies freely applied the wounds uro expected to cause no inconvculeuto utter a foudms' soreness. Tbo fierceness of the reptile and Its stub- horn , nggrcsbivo llfilit usoinst the man was considered unusual , but''Several ' old farmers acquainted with tno pccnllnrlties of this strange snake say tlmt hot weather , and thirst make that specie1 * of rcptllo llerccly snvago , and thut It is not Itff recpjunt for them to attack man and beast. Often they will cell themselves about the ICKI of a cow and hold the animal In place until they have ex- traded from her udder nil the milk their ap- pcnlto craves. After seeing Jones to Ills homo and carlnp for him , tbo men returned to tlio Held and measured the dead snake , and found Its length to bo G feet and 1 Inch , Jones declares thut no money could over induce him to undergo again tlio torture ho endured during twenty minutes ho was almost helpless In the embrace of his Miako shlp , and says that at times It hccmcd as U hit eyeballs would burst from their sockets. Only by keeping his presence of mind was ho able to resist the dizzy feeling that preceded unconsciousness , which ho know would allow tlio snuke to unresistingly choke the Ufa out of him. There may not bo any of the big sea ser pents that sailors tell about but Captain Green , who commands the three-masted schooner , .Abby II. Green , knows there are small ones , for bo has caught and eaten two of them , ears a Philadelphia special to the St. Louis Republic. Ho brought la Us vessel to day from Georgetown with n cargo of lumber nnd anchored olT Kuipn Point.Vhcn she eamo ushore ho told his story , Captnlu Green , to substantiate hli statements. Invites nil wlio to como aboard nnd ox- ninlno the skin and heads of tbov serpeiiU , \vbieh ho has piescrvcd. The greater portion tion of their llesh was eaten by Ciipt-iin Green nud his crow , and all ugreo that it was tlio sweetest they bad ever tasted , " 1 Mas Just oft Capo llattonu Light on Juno Jl , " the skipper said , "wlim itrango monsters wcro seen plajhifj around the ves sel. " Captain Green pot some very heavy cod lines , baited the hooks und went fishing. No sooner wcro the lines over tlio vessel's stern than one of the peculiar fish bo an to gnawat 1 the bait. It was in les ? tlmo tlun it would take to tell the tale that the fish was caught and Inuled on the ship by the combined efforts of the whole crow. When tbo catch H.I.S landed on deck It JumpoJ about from ono sldo to the other. It was possessed of wonderful stiength. Captain Green chopped its head off , aud even then for sev eral minutes it kicked up a pioatdlsturbanco. After this ono was dressed Captain Green tried his luck again. The sea was iulto smooth and not a bicath of air wns to bo had , aud tlio water was clear. Soon a monster took the bait and pave it a Jerk that nejrly pulled Captain Urcca over the traftiiill. Ho sang out for help and several of the crew came to help him haul In the Ash. Tlio fish fought like u tarpon , sometimes jumping out of tlio water mid then dlvlnn down under neath the vessel's bottom , r'or fully thirty minutes Captulu Green nnd crow struggled to overpower this strange animal of the sea , but at last the line parted und it escaped. Soon after ho caught another Hsu llko the first and ate it. Captain Grcon described tbo serpent us being eight foot long and ucighing about ono hundred und fifty pounds. Its body In parts closely resembled that of a rock lUli , on a much laincr scale , bat It hnd an enor mous head. The oycs wcro like these of u human being , and some of the sailors believed they hud luukc'd the licad of tbo devil till convinced cuch could not bo the case. Cuptnln ( irccu says the vorago Just completed was u remarkable ono. Ho harpooned quantities of largo dolphins and brought them on board , Tlioso who Know Captain Orocn jilaco every confidence In his story , nnilwhllo many disbelieve in tbo existence of the sen icrpcnt , they think It extremolr probable that ho bus discovered a now species of tlsb. Mrs. Wary Hoot of Mamsbury , the day be fore the Fourth of July was ; ltltten on her forxhood by a copperhead snake ivhllo she was putting a pie on tbo swing shelf in her cellar , the snake having climbed to the shulf In some way and lying tlicro celled , SIHS u Uallpa , 0. , dispatch to the ? e\r "i'ork Bun. The poison of the snake affected Mrs. Root so seriously that for several ( lavs iho vas not expected to live , being mostof the tirno delir ious. Tli * venom finally succumbed to treat ment und Mrs. IJoot gradually recovered , being able to pet out of the Iiotiso for tbo llrst tlmo : ast week. Yesterday she went into the jnrd to hang up clothes. She had her clothespins inn muslin bag. She laid the lag on the ground until she was ready to usolt. When > lie thrust her hand Into the bag to take out some clothes pins her middle linger was seized by something , nnd Instantly a shock of excruciating pain flashed from tor linger to her shoulder. She quickly dmv her linger from the bag and dropped tbo bag on tlio ground. The Instant H struck the ground a copperhead make ran out und hurried away In the ( ? rass , Mrs. Koot's cries brought aid to her , but she became blind nnd delirious bofflio slio could bo taken to the houso. Shots now Ulng in a precarious stuto , und Dr. Hall doubts that she will survive this second injection of cop perhead venom Into her system while It vas still affected by the first charge. The copper head and its mate wcro found in the high crass not fur from vhoro Mrs. Root vast bitten , and both -were Killed Two cows nnd ahorso running In pasture on u farm adjoining the Uoot place vcro found dead mid mueti swollen on dllToicnt days of last week. The owner bcllcted that they had boon poisoned by a hired man bo had discharged , nud lie started for tbo jus tice's ofllco to swear out a warrant for tbo man's arrest. On his way to the lustiw's the fanner took u short cut through the pas ture where the ciittlo had died , When half way across ho wns sUntied by ashrlll rnltlo , and discovered inn bunch of grass ahead of him the deadly cell of n massussauciua , or marsh rattlesnake. Ho killed the iwlsouous reptile and vent no fuither , IIo know that maisusaauqua aim not the hired man had ItIIled his cons and horse. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Heobldj , ' . Kiiropcnn Nuvlon , M. Gofvlllo-llcucho , nn olllcnl reporter in the French patllnmcnt. hns calcu lated thnt botwooii 1871 nrid ISOO 1,101,105,553 ; RutJblai l,070,0im,7i)2. , , ) < - > ! the whole amount ox pond oil t > y bor , Fninco dovotcd U5 ix > r cent to tno con- Btruotlon of now ships ; Russia , 0 per cent ; England. 41 j,0r cunt ; Aufilrla , HI per cent ; Gormuny , 67i per cent , Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Bco bid ? . 1409 Douglas Street , OMAHA , - SPECIALISTS Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood Diseases , TJrs. lletts A Belts hands"ut tlio lusincss of trcatlnp ills- cas-o. Tho.v have boon constantly en gaged in ix varied und oxtonsi-vo prac tice for the past-7 joarg. Ilioy do not conllno themselves to aiij ono disease , but successfully treat all bodily deformities , nnd ovary class of sexual ami oipnnic derangements. Uhoy indulge In no doubtful experi ments "just to BOO how it will work. " Tlioy know exactly ffhut to do and liow to do it , in evoryciuo. and tliolr surgical operationsus veil as tlioir methodsol t"catmcntiirc universally successful. They employ no students , qunoks.or ifjnoraniU8but , every man whom they employ is n thorough practitioner , cu line physician , ft skillful eurwcon , and a competent atid reliable man , in whom pntlorits niny clacocntiro confidence , Drs. UetU & Ilotts are phjsiolans. They are Burgoons. Thoi are specialists. They huto wealth. They lm\o \ ability. Thcj hmo oxporlonco. They hnvo a lontr list of patients \vliom they have cured ot disease to \vliom they can refer others bliuilurly afllletcil. Tholr olllcos are liandsomely mr- nuhod , thoroufjlily oqwlppcii and abundantly supplied with o\ory \ facility , every modern linprovemcut and appli ance for tlio successful tro.itmQiit ol all forms of disease. The names of these famous bonclac- tors ol their raeo are known nnd hon ored ull over the length and breadth of the land , nhcrovor disease anil sulTor- ing are known , and thousands of per sons can bo found in every fccetion ol tlio country who eve fhoir restoration to health indeed , tlioir lorylives toth.0 sulll r.nd linovledgB ofthoso cclobratod inon. If jou are one of the thousands who are still sufferingdolay no longer , Iwt have a consultation ut onto , cither in pcieonor hy mall , with BUS. UE'iTS & EETTS , 1109 Uouslns Street , Omaha , Neb. DIAMONDS , . \VATCMES , Etc. Our siilcs on both DIAJIONDS and "WATCHES have Ijcoii UNUS UALLY LiVUGE ol Into , owing to our CUT PRICES. Our stock of MOUKTED DLVMONDS was jrot- tiiij ; prottjlowso , o Imvo justsot a laiffts number ol CIIOIOE STONES ol OUR 0\VN IMPOR TATION" , and \vo \ otTer thoin at a SMALL ADVANCE ABOVE COST. The BQttlnpa comprise a hirtroiiricty of SOLITAIRE and CLUSfEB BINGS , SINGLE STUDS. EAR-RINOSDROACIHS ! LACF , PINS , PENDANTS , HAIR OHN MENTS , SLE11VE BUT TONS , COLLAR BUTTONS , BltACr.LErS , N E C K L.A. C US , LOCKETS , etc. SPECIAL , DE SIGNS OF SETTINGS made and LOOSE STONES ol all sizes MOUNTED TO ORDER. Rubles , Sapphires , Emeralds. Ponrls , and all other preclouB Btdiics , mounted and loose. OUR GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE of W-ATCIIES is still in piofjrcss. SOUP OOLDVATCIIES for Lnaics at $15 $ , KO , 25 , $0 , KJ5 , $10 $ , i-lr . $ .10 , nnd upward. GENTLEMEN'S SOLID GOLD WATOIIIS ol all Icinds , Iromf25 uptotho finest prados ( Elgin , " \Val- \ tl am , Howard , etc ) . LAU1ES' and GENTS' ' FINE GOLD FILLED WATCIIKS , American movements , -\varrnnted from 15 to Si ycnrs , onlj $ H.75 ; wortli$25-anil upward. SOLID SILVER WATCHES , $5 , 75. $8 , $10 $ , $12 $ , JI5 nnd up. NICKEL WATCHES , $2,50 , $3.76 $ and 9 > 5. SOLID GOLD CHAINS AND LOCKETS ; ROLLED PLATE CHAINS AND CHARMS sold at HEDUC12D PRICI1S to purchasers of Watches d urine this aalo. 5.000 FINE SOLID GOLD FIN GER IIIIS'GS IromSl to lOcnoh. H 'Watcli Repairing a Specialty , NOTICI ! Stranjjors vlstlnR the city nro respectfully invited to cull nnd take a look through our estab- llshraont , whether wishing to pur chase goods or not , MRX MEYER St BRO , , Sixteenth and I'arnara ' Streets. IKCAXDESCESf ELECTRIC LICIITBC. Arc Lights and Motors. Piunll Electric I.lglit plains for storelao - torli-H , liot lsuto , a | > MiUj" . CorrcKpoiid- oniuhollcltud , 11,11. III'MI'IIUF.V. ' < ) imiraot ln aiitlL'oiiiultliit ( Knslncir , 1WI N , V. Ufa llulldln , Oiiialiu.NoU . lErroiiorBt t eilaOHir ( Yoanr flflirullW ! tit.d. Km lilirto' Hit ; a Is tli achnnwi tilrna lcadlnit renifdylor nllilia unnilurnl dlHcharKemna prlvito dlicum-iof nun. A tullif vrakucu pocullar tuMnncn , ipnicrllKltiuil fctliaf * In rccouunviilInK It to BlIiutTerera , J. 8TOMEH.H . D.DiCATili.a , ! , Hold t I rn elU r ruicc ,