THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDj , AUGUST 31 , 18DO.-TWENTT PAGES. 10 8PEG1HL NOTICES. ) . - for thesn eolumiu will AIVBKTIHKM.5ST- in. for thu orcnlitK edition nml until Rm : : p. m. for tlio niotninit edition tinil HUNPAY llr.K. rpKItMSCash In advance T > ATES-AitTcrtl pmcntnon this page will bo Lvrlinr-cil for nt the rate of IM rout JUT word for Hie first Imcrtlon mull cent per word for ncliHiili5iMtiont | Insertion , nnd SUV ) per II no mr month , No nclvrrtl'emeiit tnkon for less than " > cents fur thu II rat Insertion. TNIT1ALH , llmircH , symbols , etc. , count each J mono word , mili.HK : .vlvortlMnicnH niuit run con-ecu * .1. lively mill under no circumstances will they ho taken or dl.irontlnucd by telephone. QAUTID1 nd-crtl-lng In these column- and .1. hiivlnsthnlrnnmreri addressed to a "num bered h-tinr" In care of TIIK IIKK will rfwslvo nnnniiicrcHl check tnnnablo IheinU ; get their letters. Answers will im delivered only on prescnlnlinn of thl * cheek. Cncloso answer In envelope * ) properly nddr-wied. < advertisements miller the bend of ALI .Special Notices" nro published In lioili morning and oven Ing editions of TIIK HKK. tlio circulation of which nxgregfttos mnro than HUXO papers dully , nml gives tlio advertiser l ho benefit not only of tlio largo circulation of TIIK IlKKln Oinuhn. lintrlso In Council lllulTn. Mncnlii nml other ell li" < and lowinln tlinwput "BRANCH QFF fCEST Advertising for tlip.ta columns will bo taken on tlio nliiivij conditions , ut UK following busi ness IIOUFCS who nro iiiitliorlziu to take i.perlal notices nt the same rules us can bo had at tlio ninln oilier. QOUT1I OMAHA 1IHANOII O.TICK-No. D ai'JI X Street. Msler Illoclt. _ JOHN W. HELL , I'hnrimiclst.KWSouUiToiith fc'trcet. " _ _ _ _ _ _ OHAf K &riI ) > V , fitntloncrs and 1'rlntora , mPimtli lilth Street. _ _ \\f J. II UailKH , Pharmacist , 01 North Iflth > V. SlllTt. _ _ GKO. W. I'AUU , Pharmacist , 17W Leavon- worth Street. * _ TTUailKS' I'HAItMAOY , 21th nnd Farnnin. 8ITUATIUXS WANTED. . 'ori ate * , tic. , tre lop of Jlrtt csiltimn on tills \iaue. \ mUAVKMNO man who wishes to see tlio JL west will tnnUuiiCOnrlX ) day trip through to coast for MH uxnnnscs. Good references. Address M , 7lleo olllee. CII-U1 * \\7ANTKD Situation for nn honest , reliable " boy.slxtcen years old. Address M ( i , Hco OIIIcc. K5 * TX7ANTKD 1'rsltlon In n general mdso , i store by n young man. Will workchenp. Host of references. Address 11. J. Holmes , KHiti , Neb. Ki'J-1 * A LAIV stenographer nnd type-writer , ox- perlonci'd In tlio profession nnd familiar wlthllieKugll'diluuguui.'o.ltsconHtrncllon and orthography , desire" n situation. Ullt-odccd rofeninccs. Address M 0' ' , euro lice. Sl-l AITI.K Fept. 1. experienced lady Rtcnogra- phot-mid typewriter de.slres position ! host of references given. I'leaso address M71. lleo olllce. 010 1 * \\rANTl ! ! ) A cutter desires a situation Inn T > reliable tailoring ostiiblhbmt'iil : c-iin fur nish ( . ' < ) < ! rofcri'iiucH. Address I31 HrKlol Ht. KEJ III * ) - Ily .1 roKliton-d plinrinnclst who linshad 7 yours practlunl osperlenco. a htuady Nltimtlon ; " 3 years of : u-o. married und of irood habits. Silury not iiurtlcnlnr llrst monlli. Addioss I'lniriuaulHt , M ( II , Hun. KM 31 * MAtit ! Z"oriaf ( , elr. , ice tnp of frtl column < m tlitt jiaye. TA ANTKH-Commitcnt abstractor. Stnto i uxpeilonco and salary wanted. Lock box 72 , Sioux Oily , In. KiMl * " \\rANTKI-Saluiiiiiin , on salary or conunls- t 1 slou to Imndlo niiw iiatent uhomleal Ink erasing ponell. Tlio Kraiitust solllu ; ; novulty over proiluei'd. KruscHlnk thoroiiRbly In two seconds ! no abrasion of paper. " 00 to M ) per cent profit. Onu aconl's sales amounted to JiU ) In HX | days ; another 12 In two hours. Wo want one oniTKutlo ueneral agent for each Rtnlu and territory , nainplo by mull ' & ' ct.s. 1'or terin.s and full particulars address The Monroe Krascr Jlfjr , Co , , LiUrossc , \\M. ! ( M.W2 * \\rANTKD-l-'lrst-cInss carpet layer ; good T salary and permanent position to right party. Peoples' Mammoth Installment House , Gii-oi.vGi7-mu : N. icib Ht , o"m \VANTKU-Iminidlntoly , , local and travol- ' i liiKasent * and sulosnnm for two lines of flrst-olHss labor-savlntf ollleoduvlces. Homo- tlilnff new and Kulublo uvurywherc. Uuoy SOH- Roneoiiinu > ncc.s Scut. 1 and continues until July. 81'JOO per year Hillary or coiumlssloiito onersotlo worlcors. Exoluslvo territory and permanent work. No oxperleneo necessary to ihosDCnpablo of approaoblnj ; businessmen. No buiubiiK or huuse-tO'liiiuso canvassing. Don't wrltoinlossyou mean business. I.i > mea JlfK. Co. , aSS toUat Dearborn St. , ChiouKO , 111. KJWl * r vv NTED-A first-class traveling saleSinan 1 TT ( noother need npplv ) , to sell boys' and ellidron's , clothing In Nebraska. 1'ollnk & s. 3IJ llrondway , Milwaukee , \Vls. COI-G "TirANTKD-Ononontloniaalodoroportorlal T T and two to sollelt on city liUtortual work. U. XI Darker blocic , 10 to 11. I , . I. .Shaw. KEi-1 * ' ' * nm\tn \ a liberal olTop totravollnxand local - cal sale.sinen In every state whoeall on re tail grocers. Oluton Kiiiiru Wheat Flour C'o. , BLakost. , CblcnRO , III. OSJIll * "WK want agents who ean nmkp from S3 to T JSperduy HellliiK our door plittes ( all nictiil , naiiiuciiu bo put In In three minutes ) . New door bolK whlto oimtnoled slRns and lot- tors. Lowk-sturleos In thu U.S. UatnloKiio free. N. \ . Door 1'late Co. , at I'ark row , Now York. CM 31 * \VANTED-Travellni , ' salesman ean ninko T tnonur week pormanontly. Tmdospeolal- tlm. Tabor , : ta Dearborn St. , L'liloaao. K1801 * \VANTEI-A. Rood coat miikor nt P. J. T t liurke'H , Dunlnp , lu. 615-1 * 'WANTKD-A man to take charge of office. t ' Cull at room 407 Shooly bldit. fol-1 * 0rWANTEITo learn drilK trtidoj must bo smart nnd aetlvo ; botxveen 13 iinO 20 yours uf IIKU. 1) S8 , oo olllce , Oouncll lllutfa. ( ini-i \\rANTED-Ooort tailor coat maker steady . wuik. . good waRes. Addrcai to Josvoh AN Inkier , Norfolk , Net ) . OlIKIl * SAI.RSMAN wanted by n well known whole- kiilulinusui } ) , ! ) pur annum und cxpemus turlKlitmnn , Knchwostamp. TlioS. J , Owen Company , Clileatto. Oll-ai * TJ10UH rooks wanted. Address I'orry & M'll- Hams' chop house. Grmul Island , Nob. . KI4t * ; V\rAXTKD-nxperleinod tinners to make 1 Jileeed tlnwaru , steady employment r tn eo xl men. Western Tlnwaro .Mfi ? . Co. , UU C. tllll M , Oladl" WANTED A youns centleman. colleg Krnduate , wltli tlrat-ela rcfuronces. can secure a peed position by calling at the otllco ; > f Supt. James , Masonlu hlook. Ollleu bourn , 4 to U p. ni. _ 4Si at n\l.llfKE i-oat makers wanted nt Tlieo , 0. JLStelnko'a Atlantic , la. t.vl-ai _ \\7 ANTl-ill-IW patent right men to soil "tei ' rllory on commission. Ituference ro- > nulred. Address J. I1 . Uuerumkor , lilies tor , Neb. . * _ _ J57-5 \VAXTEU-Sollcltora ut 1COO lluwurd st. 7T 43tK.ll * _ _ _ _ WANTED Ciiilvanlzod Iroa cornleo worK- % , , , , ° ' 's- Steady work. Goo l wanes. Jas. A . Miller and llro. , lil & lat S. Ullntoii street , T\TANTEI > - )0 ) inon for Ctuh nnd Nevada ; IT wages $ ' . .00 to SJ50. Albrlght'n Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. U-0 TirAM hll-Men t. trayi < | for our Canadian uursorle4.ijtoae&WeUlnglon.MaUlson.WU _ U15 01TY canvassers on salary and commission. oxnerlenccil ngonn preferred : must RVO | m-curltyorclty rcforenL-o. Aphly 0a : ) to n a. in. , Omaha Watch Olub Co. , 1U14 Oupltol ave . _ usi : s7 " \\rANVEP Snlwmon at Ira iwr month ul- ury und expenses to sell a. Hue , ef llver- ulated ware , watches , etc , by Kamplo only : liorno nnd team furnished free ; write at once for full partlculnrs nnd sample cannot ( roods free. Standard Silverwnru Co. , Huston. I-iss , i _ , _ 017 W ANTEIW ( load man on rip siw. The K WGOOD Co. . ii : 7 Melmlus st. GOOD cook wanted at 151 ? Kaninm street. - KO-l _ ASTEn-,00 lalioren for extra road Apply to 1' . U. Johnson , II. i M. Omaha. Old "l\f A.NTK1 > Tlirco flmt cliss men to ropro- 1 ' sent tha Omaha lieu In and out of thu city Cull at tha npualalofHu ] of Omaha I lets corner I'tb nod Kurnuni jrround Hour. Vfl I errata , tte KClnpof frit uJumnnn IAU j iy . "Il/ANTKO-A uorxl jlrl tor gtnurnl bouso- TT worlf.3oginart t. Wi 1 * WANTKD-A good eooV. V. -loores , 117 a , hth. eta _ WANTni ) A C/tiupctcnt Klrl for Kcneral lioiiKowork In family of three. Mrs. K.M. Andri' : l'arnnm t. _ ANTED Compctrnt ulrl for general houRowork , MM I'opplcton nvo. tKSi \irANTKI-Indy ) nRonta I have 1 , inakliiita KtNHl rvsp etablu living my RixxN for ladlcn * and chlldrcn'it wear. Am const.ta ly doslKiilim novelties Itnro n now ami womlt-rfiil Hclloi- for fall trade. Address , v/lth htanip , K. 11 , ( Jiiiiipbcll , M Went Itan- " \\rA.VTKII-nixMlKlrIforfteneralhoiisework. .Mu-t bo nblo iook. 61ra , l-'Nhcr. ICTi LotLroput. . Kounl/o place. _ KO1 * 3AOII-S wanted to loiirti a nlinplo nnd per- < feut I/stem of dress outline , 1715 DIHIRU st. 611 4 $ W ANTED Ncnl capable plrl forRonera housework. C)7 ( ) J'nrU avoutio , f.O.Kll for laities' ball , Uellevuo college , also u waHherwoman , Ilollovue , N b. M13U1 * IKI--\S'antodsteady , Klrl. flrstela , s cook and Inundress , Must bn thoioiiKldy com- ittcntnml well recommended. Wavci $ . * > per , uek. Jlrs. Wllliniu London , UW Hath st. 510 IADV iiRcnls wanted. .Kntlrely now rubbro Jiindormirmont. I'listt-st Hellltiu ladles' ipeelaltv In thn world. 1'roof free. drs. N. 11. Little. Chlcauo , III. 2CI Il ! * WILIi jiay ladles a salary of J10 per week to work to * mo In their locality at home , Iglit work.good tiay for part time , wrlto with itnmp. Mrs , H. V. I'nrrlnntini. lioxTOJBIilciiKo. DIIHKSAIAKIXO. br ratr , etc. , rtr. tup of flrat column nn till' dodress-inaUIngIn fnm- 'llles ' .solicited. Miss Sturdy , JV.'iH L'.Mli uvu. 4S.-m''T FOIl HUNT 110UHI2S. 1'or ratct , etc. , tec tunof jHxtctilumtt on tills JVK/C. "TT1OU IlKNT Uno 7 room house ! south finnt ; JJ city water ; large trees. One 0 room bouse ; sontb front1 city water ; rees. UnuTrooni furnl.slicd cottiiRe ; piano , nleo yard , larue trees and city water. J , 1 > . Mini , agent , VJOS N.7th Ht. U'CJ-IJl * TJIUHNISHKD house wlthnll modern conven- J-J lences , topaity with no children , for six nonthsor loimer. Hest of refeiences. Smea- .011 & Allen , 1GOUS5 Karnam a. OJS-'Jl FltOOJI fr.imo cottage , (117 So. 13th st. N'owl papered , repair , only $25. with ase. Smcatoii It Allen , IGO'JJi l''nrnam st. G5.S-31 f OIJSE for rentKluant now rosldcnco , nice rooms,2Slh anil 1'oppluton. All con veniences. Henl , f 10 per month , timoaton & Allen , K'MH I'arnam. G5S-JJ1 T71OIJ KENT I can offer for runt tiboiit Sop- J tembor l.'i , several eleaant liilck residences ut the corner of IVlth and I'liulllc HtH. , In Ilans- L om 1'lnco. These boiihus nro In a splendid hond , have n commnndliiR elevation , a healthy location and perfect draln- JIRO. 'I'boy are clme to the motor ear line , nnd will bo completed In thu most siiDstantlal mnnner throughout. The lower Moors will ho finished In blid's-eyo maple , oak , cherry and 'dreh , Splendid oriel ; eellais under each louse , wltli comilete | laundry rooms , fur- jinees elegant hath rooms , stationary wash stands RJIS , city water , etc. The e houses will nakuide nnt homes for modemte sled fnm- lo-t. 1'or tennsuall on George N. Hicks. N. V. L "ITlOIt KENT Ton-loom brick bouse , thor- .1. ougbly modeln.SO'JO Hurt st. H-mom house , full lot. .2l.'i Hurt. 5-room lioii'ii' . elty water , 2iM2 Heward. Or. 1'aul , I.'itli nnd Dodge St. 514 1 T71OH UKNT 1.1-rooin bouse and barn ; boll J-furnltuie on pnyinei , ; 1U1.N I'JIbst. BIG 111 * FOll KENT A houvoof flvo rooms , In llrst- ela s order ; city and cistern water. Apply at SUH. 18th st. 512-1 * H'DUSKS For Iont-2ICl ! ( Cuss .t. . 8 IH Cass St. , -4ISCassst. . II ) nnd 14 rooms ; nil conven iences. CMias.V , Kalney , U15 Omalui National hankliulIilliiK. M5 POK KENT T-ruom cottage. Ill.'i N. ISth St. , jiear Oblca e. .Knqulreat S. Lehman's. KIl 28-room bouses , all modern conveniences with barns , " blocks from motor , oil ) 1'axton blk. * MH THOU ItKNT A good five room house , 2020 JL1 Charles street , Inquire at 2011 Charles ht. - J'fT'M * KENT Ten-room new bouse , all modem - em Improvements ; also nine-room brick house wltli llarn. Apply to Owen JlcCalfroy. " iiliftUnrney st. 4.VJ 1 * TJIOU KENT 7-rOOm fiouth and cast front J- ! cottage , $20 per month. Wright & Lasbnry , Arlington blk. USS Poll IJKNT 1 four-room House. Tnqulro Kicd Klee. Ijin ti. 4th .st , 4K ! ) 3 FOH UKNT Two elegant- ton room brick houses just finished , modern conveniences , W)7 ) and 5t,0SowtUJtb st. 1'rlce , JJW ; J. II. 1'ar- rotte , Douglas block. -91 LOOK 7 < ow rent , dcslrrtblo modern houses Jk cottages. Enquire 1'arrotto rental agency 07:1 : H l"i FOIt KENT 9 room hrlcn house , east front , on ( Jeorxla nvu. , just north of l.eaven- worth ; every convenleinc ; newly painted and repaired : Is In llrst elass hhupe ; asphalt pave ment. To responsible party , S.V ) . M A. Upton Co. , 18th and I-'arnain 1SJ fK YOU wish to rent a house or.storo see II. LE. Cole , Continental block. 023 DKSIHAHLK dwellings , all parts of the city. Itent rnn ln fromli \ to ftSQ monthly , iimenton tt Allen , 1GWJS Farnam bt. 7XsO ! rPO 11ENT IIoiiso of 8 rwiiiis. must and Jiiorlh front , corner ISth and Woolworth nvo. , nil modern conveniences , (40 per month. C. V. Harrison. Ull N. Y. Lite. 224 'fjOU KKNT 5-room house. cixd repair , nlco JL yard , cistern water , rent 122. Apply to 1401) ) South 7th ave , or to Jno.V. . Hell , druggist , 10th U20 5-KOOM house. South _ 4th.west of shot tower. IXVJ Si. ) * $14 1-room house , ti , K. cor. llth und Vlnton. 40 ! " T71OU KENT 7 room Hat. BOO 0. 13tb Bt. WO JL1 ner month. Apply utTbo 1'alr. J. L. Ilran dels k Sons .Oil FOH KKNT 7-room cottauo with barn , 22nd and Lcavenworth.J'-'O per mnnth to good party. U. F. llarrlsoli. 1)11 N. Y. Mfo , liiiO Oll KKNT A liouso of all conveniences , centrally located. Iiumlro- ! Iflthat 411 "JjlOU KKNT Sept. t. cottngowlth all modern JL Improvements. 1321 Sherman uvo , 771 1I1OH KKNT A 0-voom house , ne < ir to center * - of business , $20 ; also brick 5-room house , same location , li The Jlead Investment Co. , 412 lice building. UVi ! T71OU KENT To responsible parties only , JL1 . those tluo now brtok and stone houses on Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ; morn conveniences and better llnlslifd than any house for rent In the city. 11. II , Hender son. 400 1'aiton block , elty. 4ii ( rf-IiOOM house wltli Imrii ; nominal rent. O. F. Harrison. Oil N. V. Life. b8J FOH HENT-Ppidrnblo 8-rootn house , nil modem Improvements ; excellent location , fcoddod yard front and rear. Convenient to wholesale district nnd new union depot. Good locution for physician. Apply 1112SlUtlint. (00 S-liOOJl house. Sid ami OumlnR. 9J5 per month. C. F. Harrison. Oil N. V , Life. 8& KOlt ItlJNT UOO318 KUHNISIIUD. For mf ' * , ffc _ nt fop of flrl roltmui mi thlf pane , 11 _ > H1 V ATK family nicely slfuated'liniHKlorii residence will nccomniodato a fuwboarders desirous of a pleasant homo and first-class accommodations ! references exchanged. _ iw : Uarncy st. ( U5-1" rp\\0 elegant trout rooms en sultn , suitable - * . for three gentlemen , all conveniences. Kas , l > ath , steam. 707 & 10th sU b - _ * j"FL'KNISHED rooms with bath , KIH and J heat , lica N. 18th. UU-il ; * IjlUliNlSllKI ) rooms nnd also rooms'for JL1 liousoUeepltiB. liO t'ap. uvti. 070-1 * TTlUUNISHEn rooms with board. 4rt7Nortl JL : loth St. , 1'aul block. C71-2 * ItOOMS-Sln.lo hr In suite etc. IjiA ' : J r aeo heut , hot water , pas , etc.My. . 15tliSt. _ ( Hu tp\VO front rooms , nleely turuUhud , most - * convenient location. Iff.'l Parmuii. lil'J-t' ' Sjll'KLV ' furiiUhed room lor rent , 4l. _ > per Jvtctilc. . 1U)8 ) I'uriiam. Wl * T > OOMS furnlsliod , Vlth board.13 N. 17thT * * * * on 10 _ T > Li\SAXT : furnished room suitable for - Kenttcniaii mid wife. COO a. 17th at , 6J7 _ "I * UUNISHEU rooma forrcnt. 190 $ Oupltol uvo. B-tl4 * il'ih ' ] JKiT-.NIco rooms , furul-licd , modern HID Capitol avo. Oioai * AKtJHNlSIIED room , suitable for two , SOI ! California at. Qia 4 * rp\VO nicely furnished roomi , 717 a loth st. J 62-31 * _ ; - IlOIt KENT-Nle | y furnlslipd rooms with board , go * , butli. .team , im Unenport st. rrt * T AIlflEsouth front tx > om with hent , hot and J.Jnold water In room , aim ) small rooinol rent ronmmable , with or without board. 17-1 Cixpl * olnvo. 480 1 * KKNT Two nicely Inrnlshod rooms , oiiitlns. 4S1.31 * ITtintNISHEl ) nxims with water In nnd Kns- JL > ollno stores for Ugh thousckecplntr toman and wife. 7 toHO per inontli. 410 S. 1'Jtli st. Ct--31 * KOOMH anil tioartlforSirontlcnipnnr grntlo- man and wife ; no other boarders : 8mln > itos walk from postolllee , west. Address N 4 , Ice. 057-31 * T710K KENT-I'urnlauod rooms , 1311 Da von * JL ? port street. ( * ) - _ * [ 710U KKNT-Nlcely furnlfhcd rixini with L1 boards loferenew. 07 . "arnaiust. C07-0 * fnrnhbcd rooms and board , with L\ bath 1017 Uodso st. wa-ilf : VFUUNIS11ED front roomttonm bent. pas. bath , modern Improvements. 11 HlRlh.JIrd lioor. a70-il ; * D KSIKA11LK rooms atlSlO Dodgu , f-lJtt 1 1700 > IST , , 812. 007 N 18th , tt 2.M 4' 1T10U HINT : Furnished room with hoard. JJ JC11 Dousjlasst. ' ) : * 100MH furnished , without board I'M Ciinltnl live. 32P. T. CLA1K European botel.wlth dlinniirooiii , - stenni bent In all rooms , ltl-todje. ! ) ) tipeclal rates Liy week or mo. IIKST I'urnlshed rooms , lC/09 / IUO TfiOU KKNT rurnlshcd room ! ) ; sas.butli and JJ .ton in , l.-ilOIIowanl. KIl "fjlOK KENT lli-lck wurehouse , two stories JU and lia'i'inent7.0UO snuiiro feet , with 1(0 ( Tcet of double track on U. I * , railway , south .XIth nnd I'lerco atrccts. Address 0. Uskanip Oniaba. Neb. tKlj FOR HUNT-ROOMS UNKUKNlSIIEI ) Furratea , etc. , nee ti'ii nt jtnl coiumii f/ilspao . r\\\'O \ unfurnished south rooms , mltnhlo for light housekeeping , ( iS. ! . 19th st. ( iiMIl * - UNFUKMSIIKI ) rooms for bonsokceplns , 'ivll S 17th ave , between Jackson and Leaven- worth. 481-3 * f ) SIMTKS looms , 1712 } ! Jackson st. Apply -J SiKtl at. Jlnry's ave. 4.H POU KK.NT-a rooms. imfonii.shed.210N Kith st. . price .10. dm fItOOMs nnfurnlslied and rooms fuinlshoil for rent In Duggaii block , cor. 13th nnd 1'a- clllc. WJ FOR ItKNT-STOllUS AND Forratc , tc.ftetnpof Jlul cu/unmoil / t/tfMi6 ] _ " " " " " " rt Oll lalnoy , : il5muha ( National haul ; bldg. 015 Ol'KICKS In WltlinoII block with nil modern ImpruvumcntA very chcap.l.'ithand Iliirney. 188 H 1 ! ) STOKES at 7UO R. IBth. Mxmcaeh , laro show wlndons , sU'aiu heat furnished. Thus. F. Ilall.iiura.xlon block. ' .cu 'ITlOIt KENT-lluildiiiKlOxllft. ! . 4 stories und JU basement , on Jones bt. . botvvoen 10th and llth , with K. It , track In alley : best location In I ho city for wholesale. Inquire Dili S. l.'ith si. O. A. Llndnulst. 127 jlOU KIST Tliol-story brick bulldfiiir.wlth ; or without power , formerlyoccupleil by the Iteo I'ulilMiln : , ' Co..OKi I'nrnnm Ht. Thebiilld- InH bus n llre-proofeiimcut basemi'iit.eompleto steam hentlni ; ll.xtures. water on nil the Hours , BUS , etc. Apply ut the olllco of The Itoo. U15 FOR 1IENT Krlclc warehousn. two stories and basement , 27.000 luiitnrn feet , wltli HW feet of doithlu tnick on U. 1' . ralhvny. south -Oth and 1'ierco streets. Address 0 Oskainp , Oniaba. Neb. 1110 O l'KIOES for lent Also n larpro 100111 40.\CO on second iloor Itaniuo's biitldlnir. IS'i ItDNTALi F < trrntci > , etc. , we fnp of .lint colunm on tlili ii HU. COLIC , lontal agent , blk. MJ EJ. IllEY , rontnl iiacnt , SOJ N. V. Life.U4S For nifcs , etc. , tu top of fnl column on till * page. rilO shH ) floaters : The New Jersey rubber JL hoots , shoes , arctics and i > pctliiltfeH will hit extensively nilvertSed the coming full : uid winter. Write for catabuuc , etc. I nm wcs.t- ern agent at Omaha. My Miles this sonson Imvo beaten Ull previous records. / . T. Llndsoy. GOO b2 ! > XH. SMITH , the export nccountiuit , Blves i Instructions In bookkeeping nnd assists In proeurliiK situations. Kooin U40 , New Vork llfobulldliiR. 7toftovenlncs. titM-2 * HUOTUIIULX. II2US. lUth St. , pays hUshest price for ladles and Rents' cnst-off cloth- lnr. . Address by letter or postul and 1 will call at. any time. 408 D * TTl'IIOLSTKUINU-Fiirnlturu pollshril and vJ mattresses renovated. 1C. Peterson. IKtfi N. 16th st. _ I1M CU.MK nil and take a massage treatment ! something now. I'arloi-s , 007 H L'lth st. next Itarker hotel. -1W2 * PATKNT lawyers and pollcltors. O. W. Sues & Co. , Heo ImlUllirj. Omaha. I'our years' exporlonco as examiners In II. S. patent ofllco. llnmeh olllccat Washington , D. C' , C'oiisultu- tlon free. 7H7 TVI ASSAGK treat mentolc > ctro-thermal baths. J-T1 scalp and hair treatment , manicure and oblropouMrs. . 1'ost , UU'Jl. . Wlthnell blk. VVAiN'JL'M * 'J.O r.UY. For rater , etc. , nff < < ii | of fnl cntumu uu Hit * WATtTEll ImynhlestnbllHlied llnilnsnr- ancua-enoy controlling sonio KOOI ! com panies. Address , box 1OT , l > . 0. Hin : IWANTtobiiyndriiRstoroln Umahu. Ad- dress , with partloulai-a. N 2. Hcc. tU7-'i * "T",1ST with us ; wo ha vn customers , llutebln- JUsou i Wead , 1521 Oougla.s. Tol. 15-9. U Will buy claims' ngiilnst mil- road employes , ( merchant's , pbystclnns and other bllN ) ; discounts icasonuulo. Win , Klclumlsoii. fUoux ' Olt.y , la. _ _ _ _ gonds.ctc. Illu'hest JL ; cnah price. 1111 I'ainam. 1T 0 AVANTKI > TO Itl.M * . Ffcr rate > , etc. , 'tt tup / frst nJiimn nil W "ANTED Store finim TnTmsin'trs.s dlstrfct. Not over WO per month. Jjinealoii vt Allen. lW.mi'anianist ( M-s'll \VTANtKn Itymnn and wlfo , unturnlshod T ' rooms for lluht housokceplnCiWlthin oimv walking illdtanco of high school. Address N 1. lice. ( H71 * "VV ANTKOj-To rent unfurnished hotel In TI ( rood lively elty or town. AddrcHs at once W , room _ S , Hotel Esmond. Omaha , Neb. - GOODS AVioa. BEST line hair Roods In west ; hair dress I in ; . wl s , switches , baii s , hulr cnaliu. etc. , u specialty. Ilnvles hair Roods and milliner , opposite postotllce , 111 tU-thst. Omaha. Zta 1'KNSION AGENCV. For rates , etc. , tee f ji cfrit citlnmnon this TI < NSIONS liTrain A. Sttirgvs , export In JL pension cases. Over 1(1 ( yours experience Have secured over 3,000 pensions for soldiers In ruilirivslcanml lown.tlielrwldow * and holrs. Abandoned , delayed orrejecli-d cases a speci alty. C'l.'ilniaut.i for pensions under the new law should tile ut once. No advance fee. Ut- HcoBKOrelsliton block , next south uf post- otllce. Hlislu "fyTKW law ; puiisliins for almost all soldiers ; -L > fathers , mothers , widows nnd minor chil dren ot soldiers. Claims pushed by K. N. ( Mlngman. lUand2tl' blk. . Umiiha. Also Washington and Cincinnati. Circulars free ; IS years'oxncrlyiifn. IO1 TCrKW'l'eiTslon l.liw AirillsabledMildleitinnd J-i dependent widows , minors under 10 , mid parontfl of dccent > < xl soldiers nro now entitled to pensions. Pall on mound ( lie your clalm-ut once. 0 , W. White room 13. Continental block. JT. I'A'L'CII , fxelu.slvti lienslon & clatiu at- torney ; over n years'exporlcncoi all the latest laws & decisions. Olllco removed f loin Ifrcnzorblk toUliaintjerCoinmerce.Ur > lOumhi : \\NliUpKUUH. . T71KKI ) 1IOIILIC loam money on diamond- , JL' watchesjowolryotc.S.K. eor.I-'uniiim&IIUi -\ir ratet , ttft. tte tuu of folumit on IM | * | 71U good board , nlco rooms , modern coa- JL1 venlenceii , rutus and location , tlio I'ullmin bouse. Mil ) Dodge bt. cannot bo uxcollod.Mi's. . if propr. _ Ml 4 * \\Tmlsor \ liolnl "U : | iroimr H 10 nccomino- . diitna fnw more boarders. ll wrd mid from * Tto ilOper week. Uest tablu luurtl h the elty. Ifvr lulu , < tt\ , net ( up / frut ctttuntn " " " " ' ' ' " - Teinplarsi'ciinrm. Kow.ijt J will bo p-ld If dollverod to Tbeo. Olson , It -04 , N. V. Llfo. " STRAYRD-Uny geldingnbout 1,0301 at nrrrd on iddo : UrfciiM oldl hlato facotlt white i but foot : fomlnp ollpped ) had oi now red web hotter. Aitdresi for reward J. II , Hpaf- 'onl , cnroof lljcliiirilsflii Drug Co , C77-3 * IOST llitncfrhf koynntlnchcfl lostcel clinln. JFIndor will iilcnso return BO IX F. Heaver , N. V. Mfo building. 6Ziai I , OST I'uz clog. Strayed or stolen . trom JU Tin North SutliSt. 1'lonso return. HTUKAUK. -"ormfw , ftc. , tre ( tip of first column on this STOHAOK-Sco us hoforo storltiR goods ot nny description. Onmh.i titovo Uepalr Works. 1207 Dnuglim. Tel. Otu , 214 milAOICAOK sufrago at lowest rates. W. M. JL llushiniui , Ull Leuven worth , ( Xi'j CJTOUAOE-llranch A Co. , 1211 llownrd. STOHAClK-Kor tnerchandlso and furnlturo. cold storaiu and freezlngl trackago David Colo. 81.1817 Howard st , -TS. roll HAIilJ HOUSKS WAOONS13TO. For rata , etc. , tec loj > of first column on this jaye. 171AMII.V nndphaolon for snloi lixrge , JL line horsu , roll a bio iiiiywherc , can't be beaten In tbu city ! price reasonable. Address 31 07 , lice. 6IU-U oU _ AJii ; A good young "all "around" horse , nhenp. Ailtlrcss F. Li. Looml.s. Uth nnd Oouglus . ( i.Vl- . _ * OHIC team for sale , 0181'axtoa bloelc.ft . ft IT TjlOH SALKnr trndo team and wagon. In- JL' oulre 1 ! > _ ? S. IStli st. - 4)1I ) TjlOl'U'toiiiin ' light mules ! ono heavy 1,500- JU pound horse. Koora W , Ho.ird of Trade. 178 OKIC boroJOi ) , twoborso wneon S2i ) . double . . work harness 813. Or will trndo for u Bond light sldu bar buggy. II. 10. Cole , Contin ental block. MK ) TJ'OIlSES-Mclit drivers , bargains. The lalo J l.lhe linn mnde them cheap. 11 , K. Cole , Con tinental block. KH .I OltHKS $ V ) mid iii. ) II. E. Colo. FOH SATjIO-FUKN'ITUIiK .KTC. For nilM. ete , , fee lop of frst column u l/it / 31 ij. 171OK RA-LE Clionn-Tho furniture In tlio JL' house. No. ISHUmiKlusstreet , for sulo. and bouse for rent. Kmiulru 011 thopremises. . iS 1 D1OK PALK At half Ita value , furnlshlntf of It-room hotel In South Omaha , ; full of boarders ; lease 1 or 5 years ; prop , must so cast. Addie.ssNO. llcootllce. 074-1 * T71OU SALI ) Furniture ot six-room flat. JL' Kooms nil rented , 1013 llownrd st. , W Iloor. TOOK KALE At a bnrKiiln. furnlturo ll-rnoin J-1 bouse. Apply at 110 North 1'itli st. l'"i2-3' I < " 011 SAI < K For tutu , ctc.t > cctni > of flrat column ontlili j HAY forsalo In car load lots , byV. . L. llob- erlsou , Central Olty , Nob. 4 > 12 1 ( ' 1OOD second bund typewriter choup for Jlcnsh. Add i oil M 251coolice. ! aw " 171OK SAIiK New Stein way & Son plano.bcst JL make , pnrty leavliu elty ; part cash , bal ance tlmelf desired. ItKiulrealUl ; ) I'uxtun blk. 1)50 _ O A IiUlKAI'H. ' ujori us now , for sale cheap. nddrcsi ML'.i ISyojolllce. ' . " .W "I71OKSALK Qn , wlll ovchatiRO for Omaha JL real estate , ulitindsome' Norman stallion , 1,700 tbs. , and a ihorouglibrcd .Jersey hull. tV. T. Heaman , Onmhajs i'K * > l variety wagons and carriages. 2' ' . ) S KTC. Fwr rntit , etc. , rc lr/j < of .tirnl ctilnnin ti TAKASOI niMuinhrclIns covered nnd ro- JL paired. II. lialorjlUH. 13th st.,2d duor from P. O. Only limn In town. 057 MUS1O AI IT AM > li/VNGUAGK. K r jxilon , deuce t t > ot .tint tntnm OH Uit.i BKl'OUE b'lytu'g a piano examine the now scale Klmbiill.pluno. . AHospo,15ia Douglas. ins WA11EK plunos 'for sale only by Omaha MnslcCo. , iMli od' c.Htt-e. ) IJHIt. ' sopor B-ntMlkcount , and pianos on . 'easy terms.'Uiunnu.Mublo . Co. . 1. 0 Uodgo - ClSs20 GKO.l..QKLLKNJJKOIt.teachorof . thobniijo , with llospc , l.Mi : Oouglas , 240 MONUV TO LOAN. For rnles , etc. , ace ( up nf flivt rolumn ( iid i ( / 171IKKT morttno loans on Improved and im- JL Improved prur.orty. ( JharlesW. Kalnoy. 1115 Omaha National bank building 513 T QWEST rates on choice city loans of * l,0oo Ute t.i > ,0)0 ( ) Central Loan it Trust Co. , I'arnam si , /CHATTEL lonns lowest rates , business confl- OdenthU. M. J. Hull 10 Continental hk. ] 41 _ ! MONEY to loan' by . F. Masters on chat tel and collateral > ccurltlcs for any tlmo from one toslx months In any amount to suit borrower. Loans made on household goods , pianos , or trans , horsoa , mules , houses , leases , ware house receipts , etc. , at tha lowest possible ruleswithout publicity or removal of prop erty. My loans are so arranged that you can make li payment of tiny amount ut any tlmo und reduce both prlnelpalnnd Interest. If you owe a bninnco on your property or have n lonn you wish changed , I will pay It off and carry ft for you. If you find It moro convenient call up telephone No. 11121 and your buslrnvs can l-o nrraniott at homo. Monsy alwavson hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. B. F. Masters , Iooin4 ! , Wlthnoll bllc.,15th and llarnoy sts. FAUM loans SturJjiiutl & Loan Co. 418 s 20 $1.000 to loan ou first morta e ; must bo all In one itmount or two loans of } , 10 each. Keed , . Selby. 13 Hoard Trade. 4M /"IHATTEIjIcuiw at lowest rates : business Wconlldcnlhil. 510 I'axtonbllc. J. IJ. Kniln or. sva OE. & . 0. M. ANTIIONV.31S N.V.LIfo bulld- In- , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and Iowa : nlso on rood Omahu residence property ; lowest rales ; beat terms ; no diilny ; money ready. T.tles and values passed on here. J llnnlc.I'J 8. IMh it. , lonns money V-'onchattels orcollaterul at reasonable rates. 1)50 ) TTMItST Jfesecond innrtKUgos on vacant it Im- U proved city prop. County warrants bought. Money on hand. KM.UIctiurdbun , Bl-SN.V.I.Ifo. Oil /"lOMJlKllOIAb alirt Koncral hhorc tlmo paper v boiiglitl alsoreuubir 5yoarloinsoa : Impro ved pioperty. ( Jco.LMHiiMtX.Co.Ml Humgo bids. IMJT DUCK broker In l real oatato mortgages ; ou JL'tuhiH money at least cost to borrower : open Saturday till 7p.m. Itoomau , Darker blk. W-i" " * M ONKV to loan.'j u'delay , In Inrae or small amounts ; lon < - tirites. : Apply 0. E. Hey- nolds. Oil ) Now ViirlfJlf , blrttr. . Telephone llUl. EASTKItN iuoncy > lto loan : lowest rut us ; no delay : large loans u specialty ; short tlmo paper bought. Uiunl | ! > Mortgage Caround Iloor C'liaiuberot ( ojiunerco. -415 BGTITDTMJ loii | ! * , ( l vo f percenti no mull- oiml charge.-iorioinnils.slon ; or attorney's fees. W * U. > , i'ltst NuUonul hanlc blK. * * Ortlt Tlf ON'RVlonneiil.iiij'low rates on furniture. 1'A.horscs , ftc. , without publicity , llawkeyu Investment Co. , yCl Douglas blk.liith und Dmlge. MONnY-noGOirpodiiysnnfurnlturoniauos. hoi-ses , Iwjuseti.i.vto. J , \VHMnson , UU 1'a.xton block , r , . "I7UKST biortgani ) . loans at tow rutra aim no JL ? delay. U. Volutes Co , 210 1st Nat'l bank ; . U70 LOANS-Clty iinilli arm lonni. mortgage paper bought.McOaxo Inveatnient Co. T/"KY8TtNJtrilortnaKo Co. I.oant I I. 1 i > ± \ tJJ * I1VI1 fcftllHV * t ljutft * 1 ot tl ) tO XVJI.OOO ; to'.our rates before borrowing nnd sive : moneyi 'fount on horses , furnlturo.orany npprove < l wciirlty without publicity ; notes bought , for now loan , renewal uf old and low est rates , call lUUn.ihooly blk.llth A Howard. W > TTNUSUAI.LV loxv rutus U Of Intureitt on tint mortgages of Improved real c tatu for the next OJ days by the Ivunsaa City Investinont Co. Kooiu M Hoard of Trade. J. II. I'ease , manager. Iff1. TJHUVATB inoney to loau cheap , 0"F.'llnr- MoKUYTcmiieoriiV ioc t rates.lonu tune on Improvrd Omaha reulcutnto , n f "extras. " no delay. aioboLoun&jrru tCu. lo7aiOth. " \rONKYto loan on any neourlty 1 L tor short tfiuu at low rutus. Lowest nitea on pnrnonal property. The Henderson Mortgnpu liiveaimcnt Com pany , room 400 , Pat ton , blk 1)73 ) \\TANTKD l'lrst'-cla. a luuldo loanIxiwest T > rules. Cnll and two ui. Mutual Invout- uout Co. , 1W1 Furiiuiu. VH /1I1EAPeastern nionpjr W I'hllndolphln JlortRnno and Trmt Co. . always ready to lonn nnd pny promptljri first mortgnses wuntcd. ( leorgov. . 1' . Coitos , rnu * rp-scntntlve , room 7 , tlonrd ot Trade , D75 EASTEHN money to loan on city nroriprtyi uiortgago paper bought. ll.ll.lreyN.V.l.lfo. TJtJlLpIN.a loansinndoat Iowp3tratcs. _ W. Harris , room S ) , Krcnzor blk. , opo. r. O. ti.T R IAl KSTATB Loan * Cnabon liuiul. ( Jfolio | Loan A Trust , Co inn S. lllths.t No delay , extra charges. Houses for rent ; good HtU I'.fl ' B110UT1IANU AM ) / Tor miM , tie. , tie fop nflnl rnliimn nrt thu paat. rnYl'KWUrCKKS , all inalif > sbouKhtHold.ox. JLiiliniiKcd , rentcil , J. 1' , Megcuth , 1007 I'nr- nani M roej. -Tho special rummer sowlon of the claseealn peninanttilp and ilicrthand will coiniueneo .Monday , July II. Clasjo.ivlll lie hold In the ninriifii ; , afternoon und ovonln ? , Cull on or utlilrnga for Information , Ktnndanl Bhortband ltn liu > si Collcjo , Now Vork l.lfo building. Omaha. Nob. D& _ rT YPK\YltTEUS for rent or mile. StonoR- JL raphors supplies , J.l'.JIcsciith.HW" Kanmin I'EUSONAIj. rorni ( < v fc. ! . ( ; > offlitl [ rolumii ( in Hit * WANTED The luMrvns of two nttrnctlve youint Indies In thu city who would bo willing to form the iiciitinliitancuof two you MS eentlciiii'iior uoocl rlnirnctor and habits ! ob ject , a pleasant tlmo socially. Address N 5 , lieooMU'o. ; MAUKIAflK paper contnlnliin columns of personals und particulars of sooloty Hint pays from J V)0 ) to 41..WO nt inarrlnno , mailed tree. Address the Ulobu , Altoona , 1'a.s'M s'M itn * CIjAlKVOVAKT. Fur rate * , ttf , , WCIOJHJjlnl rofumtt n > i thl j TJltOP. AND 111 ! : ' . UKOIUIK. the won JL derful ululrvuyiints. fortunu tellers and card readers of the present nno ! busmcsj , social , llnanoliil , lore , nnd domestic ivlTalrs a specialty. leo , Jl.OJ. : s ! X. Ifitlisl. , mom U ! . ' - * MHS. 1)K. KDDV has returned. Tliorunowned clalrvovant Is the seventh daughter of tlio sovonlh diuiRhtcr , born with veil nndRrunt prophotlo itft of second .sight. Wblle on- irunced will rcveulto bcr patrons every hid * Uun mystery In life , lias lonjt been pro * noiinced In Kurope nnd America the preatost llvlm ? wonder ot tlio present use. llndur- stiimls tbuscleneo of tlie"l'er lnti nnd Hindoo miiRlc. " or ancient rharm working , and lire- pares Kjjyptian tulljtiinns , whleh will ovi-r- eome.yonr encintus , removoi fiiinlly troubles , restores lost , nll'cotlons. makes msiirlat-o with the one yon love no failure. Hcmoves ovll Inlluunee , bad babltfl , cures witchery , flu , null all long Htundlni- and mysterious dis eases. Fee , $1 , Jnnd $ . " > ; hnun , l > u , in. to 8 p. m. . strict. Send stump for Illustrated clrcu- lar. I'iirlor.s , IBM Dniij-lns st. i0o-il ! * _ ljTUrK\\rTi7l \ : MiTlain : lTtJl7l'r , tlio young -L' and popular MIISSIIKO nndhisnntlst , who has hnd a very pleasant nnd tuccessfiil busi ness career ( lurlni. the past six months In Uniuha , both socially ami financially , wishes by this means to thank her many and kind tuitions for their support and holies to ngiiln meet one nnd all of thu siinie old faucs und would iilso bo pleased to incut others who should reiiulro her services as a scientific Mn sino : operator during the next two weeks , afterwlilch tlmo sbo will lenvu this country foMin extended tour throu < ; li Kurope. So to Klve everybody , and especially her old pat rons an opportunity to visit her once moro hitfore loavln ; , ' thu cltv. she , has decided to liOi'iiheronifooDendally from 9 tlllO. N. 15. 1'lomi' cut tlihoutand rcniuinbor thoiiddros ? , ovcrflU ) . S.itliat. : _ _ ' " " " " ' " > Tl'tS. "AN : < n f""V VAKU , , clalrvoVHnT Jl'l. trance , spniildnjr , writing nnd reliable business medium. 4 years In Omaha. HON.lOtb IWO ObAIUVOVANT-l'ror. Forrest ( 'lvos per- fectsatlstacttnn In all alfalrsof llfowlth- oiitcliurms. Kgyptlan talismans or exorbitant prices. DallyovoriilOS.KitU. SlttlnesJI.H ( ) . OJ1-5 * MA-SAGE. Madam Delzlor.ovcrlilO S.Wth. _ > ? S. 2 * XIiSS CHANGES. Fitrmtcfi , ( lc. . tec t < > i\i \ > F flitt column /ijpagt ( , 'YSOT'linftiJIliS : l liiivoaiji.lorjolT > rinfiiis JL ulllt'u stored InUiiiahn , only IN ) clays In iifco. Who wants It for f 1,100 ? Two Unrdon proves and all material modern. Also In- i-lucl < sviworlliof stationery.Vrltu to O. 11 , ICeelcr , 'NVollIngton , K'lin. Oi-l : FOK SALE A good two-enair barbershop doing a good business. Kuiiulro Alelehlor lllll Farnam st. W" alt SALK Ilur room and billiard room at JJ South Umaha ; low rent. Address M U , Uca onice. Ml 1 * | ? UW IthNT-S bnulc stores , hutclicr'a lix- JU tureslnoiip. Imiulro 114.1N iSth. G201 DIUKi stock and ll.xtures , Invoice about S.UtK ) ; not any old stock : will soli for part cash , or excbanuo for a farm. Address \V. T born , lock box .41 , Lltchllold. Nub. BK S28t flOU SAbK-Mo. 1'ac. K. K. eating bouso least1 , fixtures and ten furnlihed l rooms , forcMdli ; serves dinner for two passen- perand meals for sixteen freight trains dally ; nlsocentrally located for town trade. Itusl- nensil.OOO permonth ; Rood nioneyimidcjcauso slckiins-s nnd nlsht work. F. 1) . Krobs.Vuop \ - Ins Water. Nub. 0162 * Foil _ ALIC I'urnltiiro nnd fUtiires of ill-room lionso. centrally louatcd. Hiiltablo for hotel or rooming. Address M 5'J , lloo olHco. Tjldlt HALK Driiff store In elty of e.istera JL ; Nebraska ; locution and business first class ! cush salts from WM to ? 1'JOO per month ; will Invoice nbout $ " .001. Fur further particulars address Loclcllox 01. Lincoln , Neb. fiQ7-il : AUAHEchanee. City Hotelof Mlllard.Nub. , for rent , siilo or oxchaiiKo for farm or Omaha pmpcity. Hest locuted hotel In MII- lard ; has bar-room , dnnco ball , leu house nnd stnhle ; all convenlenco II. K. ColoContl- nontal blk. , orU.Imincnnun , lUth und Jones. 4U1 FOH SAKE At n bargaina Rood store bouio fitted uplth hhelvrs and counters , base ment I ! looms for dwulllnR. woil cistern und well , w III sll or trade for a No. 1 stoclc of Kro- e rlis. Address Keel & lleol , 0. o. D. y roc or a , 5--JN IGthat. U24 AKOod hotel Inonuof the best towns In the stnto ; will sell the property or will bell the furniture and rent tlio hotel , ud- dre > n to box .TO A I lilon.Neb. 4'.1it' : * BlISlNifi-aCIlA'NOK-l'li-st class restau rant lunch counter , cafe and bar ; all attached. Centrally located In Chleupo , now dolnir n Koiid busings , with first class trade , Rood lutiie to IMit ; renioiuililii rent. Will .soil out entire. Tnorimjili Investigation clven. Ad- dri < ssfor full particulars J. Frank , o20 Doar- borii St. . Chlcauo. KI7-ai * _ "IJ10K hALI2--ll established confeotlonory JU and paying leo cream , bakery und restiui- rant In line location In Omaha. i'2,0)0 ) cash required - quired , owncrrotlrlng : address MCHoe. . KB at * 1710U SALK--LeasoKood will andfuniituroof JU athrco-story brick hotel , centrally located , second to the Capitol. Address 121 r-oulh 14tb St. , Lincoln. ob. 511 7 * 'OTELfarsnlo. ' Two-story brick ; Isonoof _ the host hotels , ( loin ? nn cxcollont Rood buslnoss.on one of the host corner : ) In tlio elty , AddrcsaCommorclu ! Hotel , llroken How. Neb G.V5 IDKSTAUKANT with 20 rooms for sale JLtrcnt. apply to llyron Itced Co. OsMl FOIl KXCHANG13. Fonatct.ttc. . tte top nf .frit column oi thlt fviae. lot oil t'lirnnni streut W for lot houses must bo cheap. Address N 0 , lieu olllco. 013-111 * * lj1Ult TUAlK--Lot4 ) , blook73. ; South Omaha" JL ? 60x150 , 2T > th St. : house. Lot 4 , block I , llrowii I'nrk South Omaha , 50 xl.V ) , 24th st. Lot .0. block X Drown I'nrk , South Omaha , M xl.V4thst. Lot 22 , block ! , Ilrowu I'ark , South Omaha , M \m2Hhst. Lots tt and II , block 0 , llrown I'ark , South Omaha. MxliiO. 2Urd Ht. Ixt 5. block 61. South Onialm , : ! 0.\7.i , 11. It. uvo. The ubovo U I'Sl sllt-cdgo r > outh Omaha prop erty In or no ir tlin liusliius.s center. 'I'heru Is an t , ( HV equity In them , actual value. Will trad 11 fora good farm In eastern Neli. or w > t- 'iirn Iowa , clear or nearly so. M. A. Upton Co. , Omaha. 0.11 -"A "lio ; eottupo west of anli street , will give clear Nebrahku land uml \\untod \ , a number of first-elans residence lots , will trade good business property for -ume. Wuntcd , largo Town farm hi exchange for clear property In this city. Wanted , clear residence lot , will trndo Im proved city properoy yielding n good rental forBamo. . Wuntcd , Urst-olass rculdenco block In ox- chungo for clear Ketiraska farm land. If you luivo largo fnrms , mock rnnchos , or Oniahu resldenuo or business proportyto ex change , call or write , , , CJcn. N.Illeks , Iteal estate nnd Investment agent. Now i'ork Life bulldliiK. III itood ubra kn land to ex- for uottugo nnd lot or cheap lots In Omnha. Address .M Kt , lieu ofllco. KM - OMAHA ri'ildiiut or business property IilOlt 1 block , free from Inciunbruiire , treed oimtuus. corner room ncoupled by bunk , routs pay good Interest on : ) , ( ) . In u gotxl , tbrlv Ing Nebraska town , cris rnliroud und a dlvlaloiiHtution. Adurei L.Vt Uuo ittt , j. clear elty and f.irni . inul ua- JU tutotnexcbaiifu fomtofk cailluund lion * , In aunutlUn * from IM to ilO.U/JU. Address J , -.w.4jaont , Neb , 41 % \ \ nSCONSI.VrntoriHiwcrmlll , -vllhSOncrca i ' land , clear. exahaiiKU for Nubrn ka prop- ortjara Dccatur. aiw-sSi4 IHAVB Itnpnivcfl nml unimproved land which I tleilro to oxchnngo for corn , hay , oals. rye , potatoes , iiiipli" * . etc. , or brick. Ad dress look box 62 , llrant , Nob. UTG-i : WANTKI ) Stock of KiMicral tmlse. , Involc- ltU $ . < .r > Hto(10noO , forcholro Omnhn Im proved property and cash. Address , -O.IIeo. . -78 rilAT liavo you for lands , lot' , houses , etc. AddreM I , 27 , lice. Kll-sll- r ANTEDloriio ! nnd buggy for lots , mort gages , etc.V. \ . J , 1'uul , 1UX ) Karnani. 14 LOT In lied ford Place on State CWh ) st. , to oxcliniif-nfor tot In Oarthniio or Mncolu riaco.V , li. Selby , 13 Hoard of Trnilo. CM stocks , clear lots , bonds , etc , , for i cottigc9 | , furins , lands , etc. Address b'7 lice. Ull-sll SOIjIll gold Wnltham wnlch and work to trade for good side bar buugy. II , E. Cole. Continental block. 801 " \\rANTED Mortgnno for r years for horse it uml new buggy ; cheap. Address I/7lleo. Kll-slt FOU S/VMI-lllOAn I-STATIO. ; Vurniluttc , ' tee top oflint column onfJifct | xijf. ( I'OTS only two miles from postolllco and JtliiTO blocks from motor line to t-'outh Omaha forsalo nt fVXto$800enchi ) easy terms , low Interest and peifuu-l title. H , l > . liced , Itooni KJ , Hoard Trade. ( US 1 eholco properly can bo hndchoap.belougsto a prohibitionist. Also A line modern cotttige , 91.000. A cottage and barn , full lot , llanseom I'lacc , $ .U'00. 1. 'J. .1 and 10 iuro ; trncls. Ilof the Ilnest homes In the city , bargain. $ SO pr. tt.Mth ! , north of St.Mnrr'M. and many fine bargains. J. II. Evans , 303 N , V. Life. ( i : 17-31 iT-IJOOM house , nil coiivciilonccs - iniit Hill - S , and e. ft.cor. 120x120. , California st. . . . B.MK ) Splendid mfg bimliiL s l.VOOO lliitehlnsoii & Weud , 1521 Douglas. Tel. 1J2U. ( Kjli-l /"ioTl'AUK-Si lot , -7th nml Oouglas St. , V2t)0casli * ) , bnliinuu monthly $ Jt)00 ) Klegnnt now house on Chicago St. , fur nace and all conveniences $700 cash. . . . fi-MO I : , front , Ueorgln iiv 2.IUK ) full lot facing lleorglii av.pavement. . . . 2,700 Llegnnt lot facing I'anuun st. , motor H.2JO llutchhiboa & Woad , 1524 Douiihis. Tel. l.Y.1. ) . 8 ROOM dwelling. _ ltb ) near Karniim , * a.V 8-rnorn dwelling , so. 17th st.flO. 8-room ilwelling , llnnlotlesUfill. 8-room dwelling-.Sth and 1'oppleton , $10. 0-room dwelling , 'L'ld and I'oppluton , f 10. 0-room dwelling , brick , Howard st , , $ . " > 0. U-room dwelling , Capitol live. , very line. $ (50. ( Other dwellings , stores and Hats , all pints of the city. Smontoii & Allen , 10UOi ! 1'arnnm st. ( V3S-8I SPECIALItAltOAIN I can oiler for sale nn elegant eight-room bouic , new nml modern built , un 1'cpplcton avenue , Ilunseom 1'liieo. The house Is hullt of the very bust material nnd workmanship , splendid brick collars , fur nace , bath stationary wash stand , gas , city water , etc. House nnd grounds Incomplete shape , close to new motorcar llnconXM street. Splendid uclchlwrhood und hcnlthy location Will make a beautiful lioinn. I'/r terms , etc , tco Gco. N. Hick ! * , N. V. Idfo niilldlng. ( KMH AOOOI ) way losoeuro n lot , for n home Is to buy one In Hazel Torraci'.only ill ) renulred In advance , title perfect. 11.1) ) . Heed , It. U , Hoard Trade. 01 $ 1 T71OH S A LK A cbolco collection of Amcrlenn Jnnd foielgn silver and copper coins. Ad dress M 70 , lleo olllco. 020 111 * CQNAl'S" Star Land & Loan Co. 413 s M ITUflTV feet front on 1'oppleton avo. near JL1 28th st. , with burn , $2OOJ. ( J. A. Starr , 120.i 1'urnnmst. 417 yi * / . Terrace lots are located Just north HA/.UL of fouth Onmlia I'nrk , for Miln on very easy terms. 7 percent Interest. II. 1) . Keed , lloom 111 , Hoard Trade. 018 1 LINCOLN Haco lotsl53. to$1,500. Dexlor L. Thomas. 783 T71OII SALE On monthly payments House. X' seven rooms , and lot. 21st nnd Bui.croft st. Price. JI.GOO. The O. ! ' . Davis Co. 4ot-31 : HAZEL , Terrnco lots JVJO each , 810 down and $10 a month. 7 per cent Interest. II. I ) . Itecd , KoomKI , Hoard Trade , CIS 1 TT\Oll \ SALK 0-room houso. modern nmirove- JL1 incuts , burn , elc. , 50-foot lot , on Wlrt st. Iho best residence Ht , In the city , for $1,500 cash , biilaiico to suit. U-room bouse and GO-foot lot on I'ark avo. , for $ 'JXl. Terms to suit. 8-rooin liouso and 00-foot lot on 21st avenue , Just north of St , Mary's ave. , f or taOXl. ' U-room house , all modern Improvements , W3- foot lot , on Spencer st. , for * . " > ,5l 0-room house and bath , fire place with oak mantel , city water , gns , etc. . at 'nth and Jack son sts. , f or J.V.'OO , on terms to suit buyer. These a re nil gonulno bargains. The houses rent for enough to pay 10 per cent on price asked. W , U. Hoinuii , room 0 1'renzcr blk. 1171 ffl 1.250 toSl.riOO for Lincoln l > lnco and Carthagn T lots ; easy terms. W. L. Selby , 13 IJonrd Trade. 78J _ FOR BALE The elegant residence of 0. I ) . Wyntt In Kountzo place ; Ilnest corner In the addition ; \VIrt and ISth sts. . northwest corner. 140 feot. south frontagn. If you want a genuine bargain , here Ills. F. K. Darling , Jlnrkcrbll . { . _ _ LOTS In Hazel Terrace mldltlon , II blocks from motor line to South Omaha , 410 down and $10 11 month. II , I ) . Heed , IDOIU KJ , Hoard Trade. 018 1 "ClOllSATiK On mouthly payments Lot with Ju two houses , 20 minutes' walk from l.'ith ' and 1'nrnan.t I'rlco , $2,500. The O. I' , Davis Co. ' TI' YOU liavo unythlng to Boll or exchange -LeaII at 013 1'axUm block. UH8 IJIult SAIiK 12 sections of land In Nol > rnska J at less than half value , by owner. O. H , Peterson , CIS S , liltli st. Dl.wH FOH SALE Or trado. Beautifulnow 11-room house only 2 blocks west of Lowe nvc. , on Cass st. , high and nightly and on grade ; full lot , cltv wutor. cistern , tower , bay window , porches , double floor , cellar , bath room all finished In lirst-classstyle , price , sfl.Wu small iiavment down , balance n yoais ut 7 percent. Will ; trade for clear farm land or Omaha lots. Owner , E. 0 , Merrill , 432i Walnut nvo. Walnut Hill , Umnb.1. ; 870 s 13 * " \TrAUGH& Westerlleld.real ostato.S.Onmnn. ANf * E ! > Lowest prlco for an aero ( or nearly so ) west or north of thu elty with largo trees on and commnudlnga vluw of the city. Keal cstntu ngiints iilenso bear this In mind. I ) . II. Wheeler , Jr. , ( iiisuriineo ) room 1 , Crelghton hloulc , ' ftln 31 Oil SALE One lot In Ivllby I'laco , $1,000 , Three lols In Kllby I'lat-o. Jl.lOOeaoh. Kast front lot on l.uwo uvu. 22,000 ; } .VX1 cash , balance to suit. lleautlful lot on Spring street north of I'ur- nuni , only S.,2.v ) . Houth front lot , corner on Varnnm street , Houth front lot.CdxKH on Howard street near fith , for 12.000. The iibovo vacant lots nro all bargains and terms ciin bo arranged to Halt buyer.V , K. llomiin. room 0.1'ruiner block. 3X SAI.C--T1IO cholcu resldonco at No , FOH Georgia ave. , ItlxUO ft. K front.O larso rooms bath , Kas , sewer , hot and cold water , closet and alt conveniences , owner going to leavoclty , U Y. Sholos Co. , SlUst Nut. bank. MO TJ1OK8A1B-Four peed lots in Walnut Hill. D &OxLV ) eiioh , on gradu. 1'rlce f.VX ) oaohv worth douulu the monoy. Ptrlugor Si I'rnny , lOtli and IJod.u. 4W BALK Nlco T-roorn hnuso ruaily to move Into , with full lot , 2,2l , 200 cash. O. F. Harrison .U11N. V. Life. WT SAIiR 01 by 1.V5 feet north and east front , corner on I ) . dsoi > t. . one of the nicest residence sites In the elty , for $ ; , AOO to irdeslr- nbln u-irty who will bnfldii peed residence W. It. lloman. room 0 Frenzer blk. -lUl and Kasy Terms-Ail tdunantl-- room residence , all niodor.n conveiilencifS nnd largo barn , on I'nrnam st. Now. well built ft-room eattaito. two block from nititor. only 11,430. Kourflno homes In Cmiiioll lllulfs. on motor lino. ( Jood lots , will build houses on to suit yon. AlsoKood truakuitu | " ' "iwrty. tor particulars cull on or address J. llltle. . U14 N. r.Llfo. ; _ Ub-bll VlTANTE ! ) To purchasoRood oily property , VV Improved or unimproved. 1-or ala fir rent , Kood furni Innili closu to city. In 4U-noru lots or moro. Itonts colloctcd and for general real estate ImslncM * apply to U. K. Itoyiiolds , 1)10 ) Now Vork life bids. Tcluplicno H'.il. ANTKD 131,70- people ( Omaha's prevent liopulatlon ) , to bollovo In Its commvrulut ercatnvss and to know that now Is the bust tlmo to secure on Rood terms a home In this city. For particulars road my advertisements , ( J , I' , llnrrUon , OU N. V. Life. : ELKOANT traokago lot. inSjcl.'EJ. fronting paved st. , track In alley , For sale or luasu on font ; time. Thu Jlead Inveutment Co. , Hot ) ARM A Lb payment down and ll. % per month V.MII buy a4-rooiii house anil lot on Killi , 2 blnolia from motor ; lint-class chunco tn ao- milroa homo on easy ttirinl , Apply to II , ! Colo. Con tlnBulalJilook. * _ 7 1OTTAOKhoiiic lnniost nny addition for VJaalo at from Il.tKX ) up on oauy monthly pay- Bieuti. 1' . K. UarlliU , a U-rk r blU | Uxi TIIK ItRAhTV MAUKKT. TUSTKUMKMTa plauod on ruoanl during K lMlosbynhfU nnd wlfo in R CI lloilir- Rlinll. und H lot 3 , lilkllM , Omaha , lot 4 , blk l.K V .Smith' * mid , lot f , blk I' . lK\vo' nd < l , w d . , , tlO.000 P H Hidden und wlfo to I. .M 8)0110 ) , lotn 4 to 7 , 10 , It and lyblklOllowllns < lrcen , vd , , 1.7TO I > U lleldcn nnd vrlfo to.M .LHtono , lotu , lilk 4 , Soul li Onnilia I'ark. w d 400 South Umal'.t land company to M A Voun ? , lot 7 , blk , 'C > , South Omaha , wd f.10 , South Omaha land company to L S Young , lot8. blk ! I2. fouthOiunlin , wd 733 E WTIcknornnd wlfo to O.tniittoii , lot " III. blkll. OrohiiHl Mill , wd 3OiX > William Troney und wlfo to.lolinTroncy , nji lotrt , bllil4. llMlfnrd I'lace , wd. , . . 700 A K Itlley and wllo to M K Unstou , lotl ) , blk 14 , lliiiKConi Place , oil 00 W H Jones nnd wlfo to i ) II Ilurr , lota , blk 15. Shlnd'n tut ndd. w d , 400 Cl I ! Harkur mid uKntoll M Iliirllml , lot 10 , blkl > , Orchard Illll. w d G.W Ciurlu TlKlionnd hushnnd ted S Nnson , : m.Mioft in tax lot 4. in io-i-ii : , w.i. , , . 5,000 M Nelson and husband to Sunmcl Mor- tcnson , o ! i of w Vi 121 , blk 1 , Camp * liell sad , wd , . . . - . 700 W H Cnrponlor to ( arponlor Paper Co , 1 1' . hi It u. Orchard Illllnd. wd. . 000 Otto Wolir nnd wlfo to I W Carpenter , 19. Oak Illllnd. wd . . . . . joa ° I''iu'"t : w" ? to Al1 of wTS , 111 , Johnson's nil , ne d , . S.IOO A J Ayies to U E Ay res , 15. blk a , Newport - port ml. wd L II Ellsworth and hushandtoJ II Bou- tollu.iia ) , 1 40 , SB Hogors'Okahonm , W m I in \ T Vi nil 'w Ito to J lY I i mi t u li e , ' I" 47 , 1,000 , ri K lingers'Oknhoino. w d 12,000 E K I'rench nnd wlfo to II It Ileddlng , Ms Iand ) 10 , blk la , Central I'ark , wd. . . . . 1,800 pti ) rnn fi'r 1'UOOIjAJIATIO.N. i. A Joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the stnto of Nebraska , at the twonty-flrst nonstop thereof , nnd approved February I3th , A. 1) ) . 18ft ) , proposing ntinmand- tnent to the constitution of said Btiitn , nnd that said amendment shall road an follows , to-wlt : Section ll That nt the f-enernl election to bo hold on the Tuo. day succoerting the llrst Monday of November , A. D.ISDO.thoro ihallby stimlttod to the olcotOM ot this itato for ap proval or rejection an amoiulmont to the con stitution of this stafo In word ! as follows : "Tlio manufacture , sale and ItocplnK for salu of Intoxicating liquors as n boverngoaro tor- over prohibited In thin state , and the leirlsln- turo shall pravldo by law for tlio enforcement i of this provision. " And there shall also at , r said election be separately submitted to tno ' ' oleolors of this state for thnlr approval or ro- joctlon an amendment to the constitution ot ttlia state In words ns follows : "Tho inatmf ao- t uro , sain and keeping for milo of Intoxication liquors us a beverage shall bo lloon'od and regulated bylaw. " bco.'Ji At such election , on tha ballot ot > each elector voting for the proposed amend ments to thoconstltutloa shall bo writ ton or printed the word'Tor : proposed amend ment to the constitution , prohibiting the manufacture , nulo nnd keeping for niilo of Intoxicating Illinois as a bovorngo , " or "Agnlnit the promised amendment to the constitution prohibiting the iimnufauturc , snlo nnd keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors ns a leverage. " TlieroNliallnl-iobu writtenor'prlntod on tl > _ ballot of each elector voting for thu pioposcd nrnondinont to the constitution , thu words : "li'or proposed nrnondment to theoonslllutlon that the manufacture , sale and keopmg for Palo ot Intoxicating liquors as a beverage In this state shall uu licensed and regulated bylaw , " or "Against said proposed amend ment to the constitution that the manufac ture , snlo and keeping for sale of lntulcutln.f liquors as u boveragu shall bo licensed ana regulating bylaw , " Sec. ; i ! It either of the mild propo-od ainendmontsKliall bo approved by a majority of tlio clectois voting nt ( ho aild : election , then It shall consltuto seotlon twenty-seven 1-7 ] ot urllclo ono [ lof ] the constitution ot tbU stato. Therefore , I , John. M , Thnyer , Governor of tboHtatoof Kobra.-ka , do hereby giro notion In accordance with section ono [ I ] article (15 ( ] of the constitution and the provisions of tlio act entitled "an uut to provide the manner ot proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting tbOHanio to the electors of the state. " Approved February Kith , A. 1) . 1K7 , tnat said proposed amonumont will bo sub > mlttcfl to the liuullllod voters of tbli state fur approval or rejection nt the general election to bo held on the 4th day of November , A , I ) . 18IKJ. 18IKJ.In witness whereof I hereunto not my hnnd , andcaiuo to bo utllxod the great Roalot tlio state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 2ilth any of July. A. I ) . ll > t)0. ) ana the 24th yuarof the state , nnd of the Independence of the United Status the ono hundred fitteentn. Ily the Governor , JOHN M.TIIAYEIU D-NJAMIN U. C'OWDKHY , L9iAi. . ] Secretary of Stato. August lilHm 1'ltOOLASlATlON. , , WHEREAS , A joint resolution was adopted by tbuleglslnturoof thoHtato ot Naurasku.nt trotwonty-llist session thereof , and approved Mnroh 30tb. A. 1) . ISM ) , proposing nn amend ment to section two [ 2 ] four [ I ] and live in ] ht Article six in ] of the constitution of rmld Btatn and that said section us amended Bball road as follows , to-wlt : Heotlon 1 Tlmtnectlon two (3) ( ) of artlolo six ( n ) ot the constitution of the state of Nebraska be amondcd HO us to read as follows : " 3odtlon2 : The supreme court slinll con sist of llvo ( M judges , a majority of whom shall bo noccssary to form n quorum or to pronou nco a decision. It shall have original jurisdiction In enses relating to revenue , civil cases la which the state shall bo a party , mnndnnms , quo wnrranto , habeas corpus , and such appel late Jurisdiction asn > ay bo provided by Inw. tiectlon2 : Tbatsoction four(4) ( ) of nrtloloslx ( def ) the constitution of the stntoof Nebraska , bo amendcn so us to read ai follows : Sect Ion 4 : The Judges of the supreme court Hhull bo elected by the electors of the statu at largo , and tholr terms of otlli-o , oAceptas hcrolnnfler provided , shall bo for a period ot five(5) ( ) years. " Section ! ! : That section flvo (5) ( ) of artlcloslx (0)of ) the constitution of thostatoof Nohras- Kfl , bo amended so as to road ns follows : HectlouS : "Atthe llrst gcuoral election bo bold la the year 1601 , and after the iiclii tlon of this amendment to the constituting , there shall beelectod thrco pi ) judges ot the supreme court , ono of whom shall bo cloeted for tlu > Ir.rm of ono (1) ( year.onofor the term of threeID years and ono for tholormof flvo ( ! > ) years , and ut each general election there after there shall ho electcdono Judge of the supreme court for the tnrm ot llvo (5) ( ) yoars. Provided , that the judges of the Huprqino court whoso terms have not oxplrod ut the tlmn of holding the general election of JS'JI , shall oontlnuo to hold their ofllco forth" ru- tnalnderof the term for which they were rope - po otlvoly elected under the prosontcoiistl- Koctl'on4 : That each person voting In favor of this amendment shall liavo written or printed upon hU ballot the following : "Kor thu proposed amendment tothoconsll- tntlon rotating to the number of supreme Tbori'foro. I. John 51 Thnyor , Oovnrnorof thostiitnof Nebraska , do hereby glvonotlco Inaocordunco with si-rlloii ono ( II nrtlelo llf- teen ' 1.1) ) , of the constItutlon , the iirovlslousof thonotcutltlrd : "An nut to provide the man * ni-r of proposing ull iimendmentii to the enn- stltntloii and submitting the same to the elec tors of thu stnto. " Approvi'd Kuhriinry A. I ) . 1K77 , that said proposed amundniont Do presented to the qualified voters of _ , sinto for approval or rejection ut tlio BOIHTII ! nlooilon to bo held on tlio 4th day of Movom- bor. A. IX IbOl ) . In witness whereof I liavo hereunto sot my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state of Nobrmka. Done at Lincoln this with day of July. A , I ) . lf > 90. and the twen ty-fourth year of the Htiito.nnd of the Inuo- pendoncA nf the United States the ono huu- . „ . . . „ „ or. JOHNM-TIIAYKll. Ut.NIAlllN U.OOWURIIY , [ HBAU ] Bocrotary of Stato. August I < 13m 1'11O ( lj AM A i IO.N , WUEIIEAS , A joint resolution was tdoptra by the legislature of the state of Nobmslc * the twcmty-flrst session thereof , and upprtiteU March : wtli. A. D. 1880 , proposing un , " > " 'U- ' tncnt to Hootlon Thirteen ( l ; of Artlolo BlxdJJ of the constitution of ttuld states that mild section an amended Khali road us followto - W8ontlon 1 : Thiitseotlon thlrtoon (13) ( ) of arti cle six ( Oof ) thiieonttltutloiiot thoRtatoof Nu- brinks bo amended so ai to road as follows ! Heotlon III : Tlio Judges of the -upruiao court Hhull each reculvou salary of thirty-tire hun dred dollars ( $ .1.500) ) per annum and tholudgea i of tlio district court uhull rocolvo a salary of- ' ' three thousand dollui-st.OOO ( ) ) pur anniun , und the Hilary of oaeh shall bo paynblo quarterly. Heotlon2 : Kaab person voting In favor ot Oils amendment nlmll have written or printed upon hU bnllot thu followlnj ! "For the proposed ainondmont to thocomtl- tutlon , relating to the salary o. ' judgti of the supreme nnd district court , " Tbereforo , I , John'M. Tbuycr , governor of thniitutoot Nebraska , do hereby ilvo notice. In accordance with suction one [ I ] urtlolo fif teen [ 13) ) ot the constitution , and the provl- sluns of an act entitled : "An act to provide tha manner of proposing nil ainondmoiitfl to thnconatltutlon and Nubiiilttlng tlioinnid to thoeloctor-of tlio stnto. " Approved liebruary Lllh. A. I ) , lf)77 ) , that Slid proponed umunif- tnont will bo submitted to the ( luiilldod vet ref of this state for approval or rcjcotlfin , at the cunurul election Vi Lo held on tlio 4th day of Novombor. A. . 1MW. In wllnis wborc.of I have hereunto sot my hand and oauked to bo ufllxod the uruat mini of tlio ttnto of NobraiUa. lloue nt Lincoln. tbln .Oth day ot July. A , 1 > . \ * * > . nnd thu twiui-V ty-fourtli year of the atuto , iiiulof tlio ludo-vv pcndenc * of tbo UultoJ Stato- the ono hue. x. dred fiftoi-nth , jv Ily the Qovcrnor. JOHN M.TIIA.VEB. - IlENJAUIN H. OOVTIIKUV. Bearulary ot State. Ike- .