Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The Innk clearing sycslordny amounted
to II,000,533.12.
Klinlttll A Champ yesterday Irouriit
Btiititi llic county court to recover ? 100
from tlio CoinmereJn ! National bank.
In tko county court yesterday judK-
JjJMil vra < j rcndeiert. In favor of Wllllnm
W.Louo otnl , nnd ntralnst M. S. TJnd-
sayln the sum of $391.35.
Dlulrlct .AUoincy Btihor nnd Deputy
Marshal Jlorccr loft ycstordny for
Children to bring in a priBonar arrested
for having-Bomo trouble with tin Indian.
Dlsti'Iet Attorney Bailer and D entity
Mflrshal Mercer limo gone to Oluiuroti
to try it Imllhrcul Indian wlio Isclimffcrt
xvilh Hii [ > pllnjriis } | full-Mooded brothers
with fliownlor.
The I'aciHc Kxpress company's ' local
office vlll remain tit thoold location , I21o
Fam-ini st..a few chys longer , tlio gun-
onil offices havingloen removed to the
now building , cor. lllli and llarnoy.
K. A , Keen has iccctvcd u tele rini :
nnnouncini ! tlio sudden doiith of hin
father In .Silver City , N. M , , vhcro ho
wim ta ] < r-n nick wlillo on a combined
business and pleasure tilp.
Dr. Oalljralth is expected to return
from his tiip to the mountain ? today.
A friend of hla states that the latter htid
clilorolornicd three inimcn'io ' grizzlies
nml wlilppcd them to Omaha. Hovui
ollifrol to return homoon account oltho
BU | > | ) lyof ehlotoform being exhausted.
Diphtheria seems to bo quite prev
alent In Oimlui among the poorer
classes and in parts of the city vherotho
nlr is not good nnd wlicro the houses are
email nnd poorly \entlltiteJ. Hcuffy &
IIotifTy , the undertakers , hud three
cases yesterday , nnd during tlio past
month liavo had about U\o \ dozen
funernl.s caused by diphtheria.
In the case of the state nffainst John
Switcher , who was nrrestodforthreaten
ing' toshoot Julian IJonxon , heard on
'Tlmrd.'iy in Justice Shaw's court. .
Sir 1 tcher > nis bound over to keep the
Iicaooandnpnear for trial on September
t ! under bonds of S600. UhnploiH. Html
ton bi'caino ' surety for the appearance of
Siritchoi * when wanted in court.
J'KItWX.lI ' * l l ll.iGK. 11'J/fS ,
HnlMcCord vciittoICnnsasUlty yesterday
afternoon. '
MissLuclnclaU. Looinls of Lincoln Is In
tic city.
MisjLucvV. Drcxel Is visiting friends In
Ilnryavlllc , Mo.
Mr.and Mrs. C. E. Mottram returned
jcstcnlny morning from a trip oust.
Mr. and Mrs Kd llauin Uuvo returned from
en uiiiyitUo ] ] stay utSnlrit La'to ' ,
Mn TJ. B. Heed las rctumcil from a tvo
month * ' visit vllli her parents In Vermont.
Messrs. Mc-OroKor and Tollltor ot the
rmoiir-Oitlaliy uampnnyvcut to Chicago
Tlu tlio Burlington yestoulay ,
Dean Gardner ot Trinity cathedral is rest-
Intt fioin his labors ami spoiidlnga few clav.s
In the wilds of Holt county , shooting i > raiilo
Mr , Charles MulDonnlil and family liiive ro-
turiwl to Oitiinn , nnd uvo stoniliitfnt tlio
Harbor. Mr. McDonald Has boon in tlio oist
for nc.irlyn ywrsvlillo Mrs. McDonald nml
cUUtlron luve buun In liclanJ. 'I'tiolrroturn
h highly gpprcclatcil by their many Mends.
Starch pro s sticky coiimon powders
knvoa vulgar ulaie. Po/xoni's Is tlio only
comi > lcxioa powder lit for uso.
. i A.VOI/.VC/J/J.V ; ; vs.
Tlio hex onico of Bojil's opura house \illl
bo open this inorninc for the silo of
seats for the engagement ofV. \ . T. Cnrlcton's
opera company , U'ho enKiigcrnent is for an
entire week and the repertolrowill bo found
In the advertising columns. It is scarcely
necessary to call attention tolls excellence as
the operas are all of tlio inoit popular onlor.
It vlll bo tlio first production of "Tie Brisj-
antls" InOniahu. This opera vos the only
onopluycd by tlio Cnrlcton company dating
the past season audit \\lll \ 1)0 ) fircn with all
the original wealth in scenciy nnd costumes
which made It actually famous as tlio finest
of loinlcopcm productions of lust jcar. It
It should bo noted that this Is the lirst tlaio
that the prices have not teen raised for the
Cai lot on company , Heretofore It lias never
plnjed more than three nights , and tlio piloes
\vero alvays fronil.r > 0dowi. This tlmotho
cnfjiKretneiit is for an en tire \veclc , and only
regular prices will bo inarmed.
1'he nianagcment of the new Grand opera
homo Iwlievo they have Ulccn the proper
stops toward success in olTeilng1 , so far as
they can duilnp the soascn , a good elasi of
entertainments at popular pilces , The entire
orchestra reserved scats arc offered at fifty
cents each ; balcony atthirty-lhoaudtwcnU-
live cents. These will be the prices for Ollio
Kcdpatli , in 'The ' Firemen's ' AVardwhich ,
% vill bo the opening attraction for Sunday
evening , continuing forlivo nights.
The Mr at Omaha which will bo hold
nt the ( air grounds on Sherman avenue ,
September 1 to 4. promises to bo a suc
cess. 1'roinlnni list and other informa
tion will bo given by applying to John
Bnumcr , secretary , Kill Furnam stioot.
> , ,
Eighth Wnrcl Loa/jue. /
meeting of the Eighth varcl personal
rifihts Icnjrnc will take place Sunday next at
2t0 ! p.m. in Bchrocdcr's ' hall , Twenty-fourth
and ( Jumingstreets. JOHN MCTKII ,
I copl ' ( i Uliarch Choir ,
At tlio renuestof sc\oril members of the
People's church choir , Mr , Franklin Smith ,
the musical director , lias called both stupors
mid onliostru to meet him at KOWDMU Jleth-
odlst church on St. Mnry's avenue , this
evening at 8 o'doclt for relicarsai. Tills
Kiwil tholr , with Wr. Smith ns leader , will
furnish the inuslo at N'uwman church both
morning ami e\onln \ | ? , Sabbath , AuRust Ul ,
All lovers ot granil nmsle are Invited.
Pears' Is the purest and host soap ever made
The Park. I'nvillim .Vjj.-xln.
A.11 of the members of the park commission
were present at the meeting- held yesterday
The con tract for erecting tha music pavil
ion In Ilanscoro Park was awnrJcd to U ,
tStovons & Son , who eater Into a bond of $500
to erect the structure at a cost not to cxeecd
* ir , > ( i5 ,
Ullls to tlio amount of foSC7.54voropro -
BOH ted and allonetl.
T ho question ot liulldlnp lirlilpcs in Elm-
vftoil I'arltvastuucn up nnd after fronw dis
cussion postponed until the next meeting.
A Kaunas llusparado ,
Ed Smith , the colored man arrested for
Jail breaking In Topekn , Kim. , was taken
back ty nnofllccr fioiu that place.
It develops that ho Is n desperado of tlio
worst kind. Ho effected his escape a year
n o by perpetrating a murderous assault
ujioa the snoriff , then locking him np In a cell
and iwundlng down tlio inahidoorof tlio jtill
vltli a big bar of iron ,
Tlioolllixr who came up for tlio bold , bal
Jo > l said that In Kunsa-i they piiK' nidi JHI I
" ji'urs In tbo iwnitcutlnrr for breakiiij"
! til Ani ) ( but wua ju t " tlout "what was
Htuilb ,
\Viliox ) CUM
0 , Wflcoit perjury case was passed
\ty \ iuW \ U l l > y , wlio held thut acM -
M ) HM law und uvMcnco no offcnso
\tn \ I'tiiiiurilM. llo accordingly dls-
w HM alien
VJlltW I'I'M ' ) employes of
/y / M JI iiMlcua nmf . van
* tlWi Mt. It MIW tt'leotfd
Ai M ) ivMoit < In each Is
i t tnl Wllt l' > OCUtln J&-
i + 't wynt l i wy KU that ro
t Htlmint lliUt"t t Udeclao
4tVMtin.W < } M N Murcdla
\ \ > ( tU ll Wltlmtlio will
cou.Nrv PAIK.
BcliiKMndo nnd nn Ontllno of
the Itaccs.
Secrctftry Ilaumer Is busy at his store Jllng
entries for the Douglas county fair , vhlch
opens In this city on Monday next. Tlio ex
hibits are of a widely dlvcrsltle J character
anil arc of exceeding beauty nnd utility , .A
numberof entries corao from abroad and are
said to bo very attractive.
A force of men liaa been engaged all the
week rebuilding stalls , clewing paths , vlilto-
wnshltg walls and fences , nnd putting the
grounds generally Into fjood condition.
The races In connection with the f.ilr prom-
soto bo the mo it entertaining over gotten up
ii this city. The protframnio will bo as followsi
ri'KSini , sEi'rnincn Si > .
Trotting , rodsofHd9mHohcnls , , best 2ln
: i , . . , , . ! 2w
Trgtlliig. 2Mcii . nillo licHs.besU In 3. . am
Hunnlni ! , onomllu clmli . lw
Wl'U.VKH'JAV , SIM'TKMIllll till.
Trotting , fojls of Ifa8nnlo Heats , lestTlhi
. . . . . . . , . . . . . * . . . . . . < 4 '
TiotttiiK , tl JeliiiH , inllu lic.Us.tK-sUliiS. . Jl'il '
Twttlnif. tOol.-m , nillo lie its , bust ! lit ! . 400
lemming , inllu nml repeat . , . . 1W
TrottlnR. foals ofl8Sflmllilioats , ) , best Hln
< > -
' ' " " " " ' " ' '
TrottVnV. s' : elaVi , t > iiib"lic"ii.lf ! Ticst"'l"n'J ) ! . : )
I'iicIiiJlMclas ! : < , nillo lients. liesf.llii 5 , , . - . - * )
Kiitrli-s vloso toniirro\ ( , All purios , four
Jiwiioyii , r > 0. Si , H and 1U IIT coat , Kunnliu
rucus lll lMio crncii t > y ttiu American rao-
ln < rules , oiilrl ! j to close at 0 o'Hoou on tlio
ou'tilni preceding tlio race , unluss otherwlso
UllllOUIlCOll , _ _
\Vhiitstcnm \ Is to the cnijlne , TIooil's Snrsa-
parilla is to the body , producing bodily
potv'iraud furnishing mental force ,
Agricultural nvlilblt lu Xebrasba nml
Acljolnlair HtntfH.
Uclott' nro ( jlvcii the dates of the county
fairs in Nebraska and state fairs In adjoining
states ;
Xobraskastalo fair , September .
Qraml IslaaU licotiu ur iiaUco ouens Sep
tember 1.
SloniOltyeoinpahco opens September 25 ,
Kansas s > titc , hcplcinber ll-'Jil.
Wyomtiijistatefair , sujittjiiitwr Ji-I0. )
Ailnim . St-iit. 2-4iOaito. . .Soiit. JW-Oet. 3
lll.ilni ) . Sot. | ) iSI-Si.lhll . Pont. HHII
llrovvn . Si'pt. 17-20 llarlan . . . .Hupt. : i-5
llooiio . StMit. 17-19 Illtulicoclc . .Sept. 10-11)
lliUVnlo . ScMit. Ill-ID UcflTciiOii . . . .ScpUUi-i : (
llutlcr . Supt. JB-ai1 Kciirnoy . Si-pt. KI-W
O.iss . Sept. 1,1-18 1 Miioolu. . . .Supt. l-ll ( ! !
t'licyenne..Scpt. l KV.i.Mi , < llwii. . . .Sept. 17-1 ! )
Clay . Sipt. 1MI Men-kit . Sept. I'-'M
Voltia . Sept. K-lll'Kincc ' . Soiit. JSMll !
' - . ' ' " , . , .
( 'iiiiiliit- . Sept. Auckolls.Sciit.UOut.U
rusur..Scpt. : uOct. : > I'lntco ' . Sopt. 1.V17
lUwes . Stpt. 17-20 I'oilc ' . Sept. Sr.
lilxun . Sept. 5t-iirpy , . Sept. 17-1 ! )
.Stpt. 3)-Oit ) alNiuudors . . . .Sept , S4
Well , Sarah , what have jou been doing to
make you look so youtisl O. nothing much ,
only been usliifr Hall's Hair Ucncwcr tore-
itorotho color to my hair.
XVailCO IIISl AIjIj IU-2.111EKS.
l'liclj : sl Actlii Mfo ol"tlio Ijate Clinrlcs
U.l > wey.
The remains of the late Charles II , Dewcy
were brought to tills city 'Thurdday evening
and arc now l\ing \ athis latohonie , 1015 Doug
las street , a\valting interment.
The sickness from \vhleh Mr. Dewey suf
fered so many weeks told fca-MIy on his
constitution. Never a strong man , physi
cally , his body greatly wasted , by the disease.
ills features , however , have not much
changed and his f JCQ in death Ins tbo com
posed , pc.iceful expression that was cliar-
actcilsticof Jlr. Dowcy In life.
In answer to questions concerning Mr.
Douoy'shistd.iysof lifo ami his death , Mr.
W.I. Kicrstcad said :
"Mr. le\vcy ) went to the Battle Creole san
itarium In hoi'O of regaining his health , llttlo
ieallzhi ( , ' the nature of his malady. As ho
failed to recover , Mrs. Dewey sugKCstod that
Dr. CotTmaii of tills city visit him , which Mr.
Dewey approved. The doctor arrived and on
Monday last , after 1111 examination , g.ivo his
opinion thai Mr , Dcivoy had a stilcturo of
tliopyloilc orlllcoof the stomach , occasioned
by na ulceratlon of a cancerous nature , from
which le never could recover , and ud\lsed
his Immediate return to Omaha. Mr , Dcivoy
readily consented to this , nrofcirlng , hosald ,
to die at hone in the city ho loved so wall.
The following morning his condltltionrapidly
changed for the vorsoiinci Itvas evident ho
was soon to die. Upon boiiiK told by the ilocj
tor that hovivs tljlngho said :
" 'All ' right , let death como quickly ; I am
readv. '
"This was about 8 o'cloclt in the
iiiorniiH' . Death can\o \ at 1240 o'clock p. m.
Diivlnpr all this time no did not display the
least of death. Ho died calmly and
poricofully , as thoaph going to sleep. Dr ,
Coffiiiausaidlt was tlio moat peaceful death
ho had ever witnessed ,
"During the last few days of Mr , Dowry's
life ho talked a , great deal about hla travels ,
It seemed to bo asouico of pleasure to him to
go over again In his mind those long nnd
noted journeys. It had been his intention to
again start on u tour around the world assoon
as he should bo able to travel , thinking an
ocean voyage would cure him , Ho und no
new new places to visit , having been in all
divisions of the ulobe , but ho could not witlf-
stand his great love for travel. Ho was
never lumpier than when viewing the won
derful sights of nature. Before death ho
settled all tils business affairs , Roltig Into the
minutest details , oven naming tlio gentlemen
ho wished to be pallbearers mid lequcsting
Rev. Dr. Harahato preach his funeral ser
mon."An autopsy was made by tlio physicians ,
proving the nature of the disease to bo cancerous
cereus , "
Miles' Xcrveniul Ijlver I'll Is.
An Important discovery. They net on tlio
li\er , stoinanh and bowels through the
nerves , A now pilnciplo. They speedily
cure biliousness , bad taste , torpid liver , plies
und constitution. Splendid for men , -women
nnd children , Smallest , mildest , surest. SO
closes ( or iU cents. Samples free at Ivuhn &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Railroad fares on all railroads In No-
bruskiv to visit the fair tit Omaha and
see ono of the grandest labor union pro
cessions , are ono fnro for the round trip.
The Flj-tit About a Tloket OIUco Be-
twcou Two KoiulH.
ThoSanU Fohas filed a complaint wlta
the state railroad commissioners of Kansas
asking that the Union I'aclflo bo restrained
from establishing a city ticket oQlco In tto
city of Lawrence.
The two roads had a joint ofllco uptown ,
toll discontinued It to MVO excuses , The
unioni I'atllic wanta to reopen the up town
oftlco tfut the Santa Vo objects , clalmlnir that
both companies had agiced to conllno their
ticket business to the depot ofllces. Union
1'acltlconicluU deny the existence of such
The Western passenger association will
meet la St. Louis next vcok. Thosunportcrs
of thoiwsoclatloa uro making a prcat cITortto
liraeoun the agreement nnd rontlnuo it. The
ninety dajs1 iigKoincnt will expire Septem-
her , but none of the roads have given the
thirty days' notice of withdrawal required
ty tto terms of the compact. There Is a
number of knotty problems to boeonsldeicd
at thoinoetlncln fc > t. Louis , and If the asso-
ilatu'nclo ' < 1sn't go to pieces tno agreement
Will Certainly ho x-.idlcally amended.
The uniform bill of ludlujr , which ivas to
nave been put Into effect on Monday next ,
will probably go by the Even with
the "hon-nogotlablo" elauso and other ob
jectionable features eliminated , the bill Is
not popular with the shippers aid HO fur the
remuylvanla line U the only ono to declare
In fuvor of the adoption of the bill.
" \Vo will not uo the bill unit * It \ % gen
erally adopted by the lines vest of the
Missouri river. " snIJ n Union Pacific
freight oMclnl , uanil I am net afraid of this
being uona. U'ho western roads have no burn
ing doslroto get into as much hot water over
tins matter as the eastern lines have' . The
uniform bill vould bo a good thing for bank
ers but tlio shippers don't see any beiiollt in
It , nnd I think the shippers are right. "
The sixteenth annual convention of the
United States railway mall service mutual
benefit association will bohcMin Denver
commencing next Tuesday.
The eastern delegates will rass through
Omaha ou a ipcclol Ualu of ilyo I'ullmaa
sleepers over the Darlington on Monday
riieto nro eleven divisions of the associa
tion nnd a total member-snip of 1-WO.
rhocomcntlon will Ixi lollowcd by excur
sions to Cole ra Jo Springs , Maul tea and other
Car Accountant Buckingham has returned
from a tour over the main lino.
William Itnndall , freight anil ticket auditor
nml General Freight Ajjcnt C'roslv of the 11.
< SiMM wcntto Kansas City lost night onoillclal
B. y , Austin , assistant passenger ngnntof
the Northern I'aelfic ' , Is In the city.
T. J , Pentiell of the I ) . &M. nuditlng de
partment left yesterday for South Nor.
Miillc , Conn. , whorobo will to married licit
K. I ) . LSrancli , the assistant ticket ngentof
tlio liurlington has gene to Doavcr. Ho
will bo for found two month ! In the Burling
ton's Denver onico in the absence of the
agent ,
Vice President Itnlcomb of the Union 1'n-
clllc will return on Monday. Helms been In
tlio west for two months.
Fred lilnkcr has taken the fait lunil run
Vtwcoii Omaha and Cheyenne , succceJI.ig
W. Parks , recently promoted to the position
of assistant superintendent.
I lot \ VciUliorml Accidents.
Tnto nochnnccs on headaches or sunstroke
This hot vcatlicr isfcarfalb'jtICon ) vllltalco
afowof Kiiiwo's Hcadncho Capsules each
d.iy jou will Und the teaipewturo will bo ro-
duecd and the likelihood of sunstroke or
lirostratlon absolutely couilteucted. Tor
sale by all druggists.
71ns Solid Soutli
Is solid en the gro'xt "German Remedy. "
Tulcgrnins nnd letfei-s nro received overv uay
diirinir heated term for ICranso's llcnti-
nuhoUapsiilcs , The people from that section
say they reduce the temperature and prevent
sunstrokes and headaches. For sale by all
druggists ,
Sun Stroke.
Now Is the timr .tho accepted time , to pro-
ventsnnstrokes , headaches , etc. By reclining
the temiicriitiiro all those distressing evils
will bo prevented. Ivinuso's Headache Cap
sules nro ttio thing ,
Ono or two ICrauso's Headache Capsules
taken dutlng" the day will prevent any head
ache , also attacks of sunstroke. .All druggists.
1 > AV.
j ! Funds for the Celebr.iti in
Too Display at\'l lit.
The committed of the Central labor union ,
which has been solietlng funds for the proper
ccldiratlon of labor , has collected
about $1TOO. , The members state that they
require at least § 1,000 , more to make the cele
bration nsucccss. This amount they hope to
secure by Monday morning ,
.7ullus.\lo.\er announces that tno fireworks
have arrived from New York and that they
will bo tko most elaborate ever ten In this
i'it.y , They comprise moroset of pieces than
have at aay tlmo been displayed In Omaha ,
nnu are designated as follows : " "Welcome , "
" 1S8D , " "American Vlag , " "Crystal foun
tain5 ' 'Mechanic's A.rinVith Motto ,
Union,1" "ContiiiDniiee"Statueof -
ton , " ' 'Star of America" and ' 'Goddess of
Liberty. " 1'he last mentioned has been do
nated bj'Maj Meyer &Co ,
'J'ho hriro float , consisting of an engine ,
tender aid uoc.ii' . which formed an atlruct-
Ivofoaturo of the display made by the Union
Paclllc shop ) last year , will bo lacking this
year , as Grand island maJo npplie.itio'i for
it some ti'no before the inoveinoat hero was
began. The Heat his been repainted and
decorated nnd U handsomer than ever. It
will bo shipped to CJrand Island today
and will up pear In the parade of the G. A. It.
Tlio local executive committee are greatly
disappointed at not being able to retain the
lloat , but say that no ono was to blame , as
Grand Island made the llrst application.
The absence of this cloth engine \\lll bo
supplied by a number of oilier floats which
will bo prepared by the trades unons.
The men In tbo "Union Pacific shops have
notified the Labor clay committee that they
will turn out in full force on that clay.
Dr. Birnoy cures hay fever. Bee bldg
Sheriff Hoycl Ilua Appointed Twenty
IMcu fur that Purpose ,
Sheriff Boyd has appointed the following
dcputyshcrllfs to servo uttho Douglas county
fair , which opens next Monday :
Lirry Klnney , Andrew Kirkcr , 0. H ,
Gcdultlg , Thomas South veil , Dan C. Hurley ,
.Tosopli S. Miller , George ICinney. J. II.
Ciisiclt , H. M , Judson , James Smith , John
llanznan , Thomas Doylo. C. II. Seolt ,
Claries M , Murray , 0. "NY , McCoy , "W.
Tvleyorc , J ? , H. Schwallberg , Patrick Mc-
Qulnlan , John Sproel , S. 0. .Allen , I. U.
Davey , J. M , McCarthy , Mil-
cHor Lois , Frank Baudhaucr , George
\l. Cob , C. H. Calvin , fiank Crawford ,
Clmrlos Groiv. I.ovls MiCoy , Peter Welch ,
Joel II. Orilten , John Lahcstreni , "Uugcno
Seine of these men will go on duty this
naming , more thli evening , on
additional number on Sunday , nnd nil of
them on Monday , giving sk days time for
homo and four full days for nil.
Louis Grebe will superintend the force ,
assisted byJooMlller. Joe lUll superintend
the day force and Larry Klnney the night
forco. _
The Xc.\t Jury.
September 7 Is the day on which the county
commissioners select the dl&trict court jury
for tlie September term which begins Sep
The apportionment or representation for
the county is llxed as follows :
First , Second , Third , Fourth nnd Fifth
wards , she men each ; Sixth ward , fl\o ;
Sevcntli ward , three ; Eighth ward , four ;
Nmtn wanl. three ; South Omaha , four ]
country precincts one apiece.
Notwithstanding the law providing that
these men shall bo selected , and Its pliln
inference thattheroshall beno such thing us
applying for the position of | aror. the countj
commissioners rooms are now besieged by
men who seem to think nothing whatovcrol
coming boldly to tlio liont and urging that
they bo booked for n place in the box.
To XPIMOUS Debilitated Men
If you will scad us your address wo will
Bcndyou Dr. llyo's Celebrated Voltaic licit
and Appliances on trial , They will ciulcklr
restores you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free , VOLTAIC BELT Co. , IMarblull ,
Hotter Tliiiti tlio Springs ,
Charles Mares , the well known depot pas
senger agent , who has been at the Union
I'acifio depot for n number of years , has jus' '
returned from an extended visit to tbo land
of hli nativity , During his trip Air. Mures
stopped at the famous Carlsbad springs and
while there ho came Into possession of a copy
of Tins BEE. It was the first ho tad seen
siuco ho loft homo und tlio sight of it was
moro onleaelous than the waters of the
famous springs. He devoured Its contents
eagerly nnd cclebmtedtho occasion by cwcU
Ing a bottle of wine.
IUB pirior tesigncerroTaitn nlllloniof * on > ?
fornoralhaniquarterol a aturr. Itlausidby
th United Hiil no ; nraoDt. Knaori d bi tli
heal * ol the ironl unlmaltlts as tb BtrODitat ,
Punsit nd licit lltsUUfiiL Dr. Irlc 'a Cream Uak
IDU Powder < t i nolconuln aomocli. UB orilum.
Nat Tort BSJ frm Uco.
3olh tlio nictlifitl nnd results wlien
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plenstxiil
nnd refreshing to the tnstc , tuul acts
'onlly jet promptly ou the Kidneys ,
-liver and Hovels , clcauses the syo-
teni ellectually , dispela colds , head-
mlies nnd fevers uiul cures Imbitutil
conatipntioii. fiyr T | ) of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleiuing to tlio tnsto and ac-
: eptnblo to the stomach , ] ) roinnt iii
ta action nnd truly beneficial in ila
jfFccta , prepared only from the most
wealthy anil agreeable substances , ila
ninny excellent qunlitics coiumcud it
to all and hare made it tlio most
popular remedy known.
Byrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and 81 bottles by all leading drug-
jists. Any reliable druggist wlio
may not lave it on Land will pro
cure it promptly for any ono wlio
wishes to tiy it. Do not accept any
. . . . . .
T II K (3 ( It * AT r ut l.ifci.
inv. : Jnunftll-
nji-u rotor Sem-
mlYoakniHB ,
Spornn'orrliim ,
liupntuncr , nn < l
nil ( Usenet Ihtt
follow M a to-
qnoncQ of fcolf-
nlniso ; ns l ss
ofMoimrr. Unl- _ ,
Pnlnln Ilio Dick , lilinncn of Ualnn , 1'romntviro Old
Atf , nndni.inr other < ll'oisoj : tlmtlendlu Insanity
orfiuiMuinption nii'Ui ' preniiitiira criivi * .
liy"iill ] pnrllculirs In our pimiihlet , wlilch vo do-
4ri'to wnil fito bynmlltoovcrjr ono. C-STTIioSpe-
clllu Mcillclnoli - > lil nt II per imoVguc. or slxnack-
ABM forfft , orwlll ho sent froobf null on rcctlpt ol
tliouioioy , bmllrcH ln (
On ncroiint uf counterfeits wo liavu udoptcJ tlio
yellow wrnpiw , tlieunlr tciiulnu.
Physiclaiis , Surgeons ana Specialists.
The most widely imtl favorablv hnowg spec
ialists In the United Sntcs. rfhflr lent ; ov
porltnco , rainntUablo skill and universal suc
cess In ths trontnient nntl euro of Nervous ,
Chronic and Surgical Dlioasci , entitle tlioso
eminent physlcliuis to the full confidence of
tlio n filleted everywhere , They Kuaratitoo :
tlio awfulelfocta of early vlcoand the numer
ous cirllB thut follou In its tr.'tln.
ippoillly , cnniiilntoly and pprmanontly cured ,
OKUEHS yield roadlly to tholr skillfultroat-
immt ,
guaranteed on red without palu or dutantloa
nontly nml uucoe.sslully curcil Innvory case.
QONimitllEA QLEE'I./Sper-
inixtorrhra , Bcnlnal AVcnknnss , Lost Manhood ,
KlKlit ICinlsslmis , Jlouayeil K.iuultles . , Fomnlo
Wuaknesiaiidull tlollunto cllsortlors peculiar
to either BOX positively uurM , ns well mi nil
functional disorders tint rt-iulb from yotttli-
ful ( olllosor the oxt'css of mnturoycari.
1TPIPT1IMP Oiurantced permanently
Ol IMU-l U l\Li cured , rcrno\al co'jiploto ,
wItliout cuttlnff , c.iiiitlonr dllntatlon. Otirei
afToctcd at liomo by patient wltliout c mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
nrURI-'lio anful ofToota of
OUi\C VjUiXll early -vluo vhlchhrlnia
orcnnlovoaknosa. . dustniytne botli tulad and
bodr , with all Its dreaded ills , pormuionty
H WZ U17TP < s Adclross tlioso who luvo 1m-
L/I\j. JL,11O ) paired thciusokoa by Im
proper InilulRtnoo und solitary Inblts , which
riiinbotlir.iliid and bnily. uutlttlng thom for
biflncs . studr or uiarrlaRC.
MAltUIiU HKN or tliose cmtprlnjjon tint
happy lllo , awaroot pliysloaiaobllity
IB iMsed upon fact * . First I'raetloal experi
ence. Second-Evcry case Iskpochlly studied ,
thus starting right. Third Medicines are
propiroU In our laboratory exaotly to suit
cacti oust , thus elTectlusi : lues wltltoutlnjury.
Drs. Betts & Belts ,
DR. J E.
Iiunsurpassed In the treat
ment nl nil furmiof Fill-
liooil , m'UlCrtJIlF , or pain
In relclvInK tlio liliulilor.
HVl'llll.lri cured InbOtoSU
liy . Skin Dlicnno ) , Catnrrh
nml nil IHjieuoa of tliu
lilooil. Heartnnu I.Ivor. Fo-
inilu Dlieasciciirci without
Inilruino/ittor "lucal treat *
niont. " Laillcs from 2 lo 4
only. Wrlto lor clrcu-
hr Kl liiu partlculitrs about
cnctioltlio nborodlsonsot ,
ami cliiiwlnir nmny of the
inoit reuinrkable euros. Of-
flcr , K. K Con HUtnnd Fnrram Bli. , ontruncooa
cither street , Om : > ui.tet > ,
. lbl
iuirii uur ni r IIIIXK i t4Tik T t.n.aii i.
li.lllTrr ntUflHmii > iJI riImtoanlrlt . Kri
rlutl" IHxi > . npUnUoalml I'tiofi > m |
wStlculini'fnr'home cure' FIIKK of ch njW"A.
iDlrn lit inrdlciil wortciihouul IMS rejultj \ ftvery
join who U rf ( i mil IthlllUtKl. -
Pxof , f.i'.r
Already in several departments New Fall Goods. In Hats the entire Fall stock is in , and tho/
lew sliapcs in stiff and soft liats arc on sale. Our hat trade has grown to immense proportions , ' '
ind we have stocked up this Fall to meet this growing trade. Our assortment is bewildering.
We show about 260 different styles of hats.
Our new 950 Derby is a gem far better and finer than ever before ; silk lined'and vrith
silk trimmings , perfect in every respect , and beautiful blocks. We have three different shapes
of thcin , a large , medium and narrow brim. There are thousands of our customers to whom wo
couldn't sell another hat now they are so used to our 950 hat , and know so well what \alue they
are getting in this liat. We want new customers to try it. No hat store will match our new 950
lat Tor less than $2 , For those who want to pay more we have finer grades , they range from $1.50 ,
$1.75 , 1,90 , and so on up to $3. We sell none higher than $3. It is foolish to pay more ,
There is no Derby made ihai fs worth /none than $3 , The hats we nre selling at that price are equal
to Youman , Dunlap , or any other high-toned name hat , for which other stores charge you $4"
or $5.
BOYS' OLOTraiNa il
Thisdepartinent is filling' up rapidly with new goods and before the opening- the schools ,
we will have our entire fall stock in. Our Eoys' Clothing Department is second to none in the
LInited States , and we do not boast when we claim that there is not a concern in this country
: hat \vill meet us in prices. Parents who have no money to throw away come to ns for their
Doys' clothing- . They can get g-ood substantial garments , well made , such as boys vant , at al
most one half the prices they have to pay elsewhere.
Our fall catalogue is ready ; write for it. It will give you a great deal of information about
clothing- and other goods we keep.
. .othm
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Our store closes at 6SO : P. M. : : : Saturday at 10 P. M.
nndlrom Great Britiln anil ad
nails ol Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the
waters ol St. laivrerco , shortest ol all. Cllr.scow to
lto3tontorMludcphtn , ! , Urcrpool to and trnm
JMttmore. Thirty Stoatnors. ClaB excelsior.
.Accommodations unsmpaBnccl. V/cekln / sailings.
A.II. AM & lM > . .Ooti West. AR'ta. .
. . . > " " " " i .
ft i C.-J-M - - i i" - - n
Cabin Passage $35 to SCO , according to location ol
stateroom. Excursion $63 to $95.
Bteemzotonml Ironi KuropontI woHtltitO ! .
AUSTIH BAlDWIHfc CO. , General Agents.
63 Broadway. NEW YORK.
Jno. Illczcn , ( Western /Vgont , 12
Jlauflolph Struct , Chicago. Hairy U. Jlooro ,
Jus. Cuime.
1'h Larccit , rinicnt and Fluent In the World ,
Pnubcneir afcomotlntinna unexcelled.
ETHIOPIA , Aajf.30 | nKA'ONU , Sopt. 13.
New York , ( Juoonstown and Liverpool.
ThoCclebrnted | BcpfJOtlu Oct. IStli.
cirv ob1 itoiiK. I
rates on low etltermito ant frotii tlio principal
Jlxcuryionl'iCkett ' retlucetl , matte arallatln to return
by either tlieplcturcsqueClydc , HIvcr Mersey , North or
feoutMof liclriiiil hrtpK-HOr Olljrnltur ,
it lavet > t cunttic rate ? . Aprlv to Any or our local
iRcnti.or to HENDERSON BROS. . Chicago.
Lnoul nuents at Oinahn : Il.irry . K. Moore
Clmrlos Mures. W. F. Vuill , II. P. lcuel , Citi
zen's Ituuk , Otto Wolf
New York , Chicago. Denver , Salt Lake City an *
San Francisco.
MMwnjbotwocn Denver nnd Snn Frnncl oo:7M.
miles from ultlier. Dmtlned tobeconio oncot the
Rroit conmerclul centers.
Famoui Summer and Mountain Health Resort.
Altltudo over 4,000 fe-ct , yet fnniud by brooics
/toil nKrrat Inlanct Salt Sou. Klnutl Bull Wntor
flDillnutnd liithlni ; . 250IXUbniliur8ln Urcat tiilt
/4ike luotyearl'rpsent sencnn opened Muv U. Good
Ilntols. 1-lrhtnit , Hunting und Cmiililni : . Iress I'u-
rmloiind Military liana Concerts dally at Fort
A Mighty Inflow ol the Best American Blood
In rpcontycari ban doub'ml ' tbo popiilntlon , row
W ) tKl.iluvclopcl reBiiurci8l.lilti : | > ptruni ; cburclicf ,
ollduiioiiiliitttliinii , Jintcrnl pucllo HCbooli.crcaied
cbaruiln ; tocitl condition ! . .V dellKlHful liooio ct | > .
nrclnrseln Hml Uclate.lnTcalmenti.8nnJ 10 ter
centMurlcnECi. Irtin.t'onlnntlUlvorStlnliic.wool-
piiMllln.lilniisWorki. I'M | ior Mills , ClieinljaUVot s ,
Mlnoru U'nlMt.NntiinilCa'.OIl.L'otieilos. flute , AB-
pliilliini , Siena Qiiurrtcs , Hoot unit MIDI ) I uciorlcs ,
\Vholfnalo liciufcn , nil lluci. Ourfeouliwillai-
tlst * Vunu/aefiirJ > ifi Enttrvrlutt arttl alto buy tlie
go lf. Comblbt ji/rditirc n Ul tnvftllyat Ion of the
uniiitlfatbuttniMiiWortunltlr * and rutae to Suit / < aff
Vita this luintntr. lltuttnitttl I'imi'l litii > ttlnt 7Wr-
tttltateiniiit iftctJlctn.3mtittij iletl'tiliiiaUtilJtle.
Address , I1K4I.KSTATI ! KXIIUNOI , Uill Ul > tUj , I'llL.
AQnlirlR and \\tujn \ \ I toSj-oiiriBlltcclife
runty , llltri" ni > rlfnro. Dorrciiponilcneniollr ,
"Kr n thorowh knowloliro or tlio natural hws
irhlclieorern tliooiicrutloniiif dlKOHtlon und nutri
tion , itndlir a cjrnfulaiiillcatlon of the line prcpor-
tlcaof well BuKctcU Cocoa. .Mr , Ki > | i < liaa pruvldrd
ourbruakfnnt Utlejirltli nilollcatoly flavorfil bevor-
n o which nmyinve us many liciiy itoctor'i bills , It
la IJ tlio ludlcloua USD of inch article ! of illct that n
conitltutlua mar liuirmluilly tinllt IIP until Btrontr
cnouKli torci tMt orurr teitdoiirf to dl ome. Jinn-
ilreds of lulitlamalatllc ) iitullo llint nrounJ us rc.idr
tu attack irbcroror tlioro Un tvcnk | > ulnt.Vo mar
rscapo many nditnl ihnftby ku DliiKi > i > radvoj neil
forllltecl wltli iniro hluod , arid u proj'crly ' nourlihoil
trinoo. " Civil Horvlco ( laicttu. -
Made hlraply Kith Lolllni waiter nrmtlk. Sold only
In Jmlf pounil lias , ujKrcxcn , laLi > U > dtliui :
JAHLSElPS& ) CI0t' ) '
FermincntAli meet
General Agents Nebraska and low a.
S1O S , lOth St. , - - Omuhn
AUoluUlr relliblf. perfectwfe. ! . mott powerful fro )
rrfrutAturVnowni never * * l 13 ttox , rtfNt | > * Utoiii > ox
uBlclcit. AiJlrwi LION UltUriro , . fiuitalo.N. Y ,
* ,1 < 1 ljr ( > OODMANDKUOlX .
Tlae Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For the treatment of nllOIIIIOXIO AND SUKOIOlIi TIISKASBS Ir.iroi ! , Ai | | > llnncos ( or ( Kformlttos till
Irussos. Heat L-'ncllltlc , Apariita9 | nnt llcnotlloi fnrsucctHrtil Iro.itmuut of ovpry Inrtti of dliptiiG ra2
< iulrln nie < llciil Ofnuriilc'il trBitiusnt. ON'IS HIT.NDICiil ) AMI Trt iJ.VH'-rtVK ItOO.MS KOU 1' A'l UCNTB.
. . .JKAS1CH All blood dl en ( " Micceiif nil j treated Sfplillltlo polton removed from tlio system
without nicrciirj.NonllustoratlioTrcitinont for loin of vital poiror. I'artku iinnblo to vlilt uinnyba
treated nt liomo Ir cortex puiulciuo. Mlcaicnunilcitloni Kluntl il. MoilLIni or I mini merits ( out br
mull or express necurely picked , no mnrln tnlndtcito contents or vendor. Uneporonil Intcrvlnw prcfcrrtd.
Call nnd coniult in orrcnil hl torjr of jour nto , and wo wUl lootl.In iilnln irrnpiur our 1IUOIC 'J'O MEM
HtHiiiionl'rlvato : | Sj'eclalor ' Ncri'uui DlacuM , linpotjncy , jyplillU UlDjt , aij Virlco.'lo , nltli oucstlou
Hit. Addr < ! 99
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Corner Oth und Ilanioy Streets , Omaha , Kobrnsltn.
ROHRBOUGH BROS. , Proprietors. (
Sliiirt-llnnd nii'l ' lyi | ) ) wrllliu. TKIIM oren
Pci t. 1st. htiiiluiilt cun i-tilcf nny tlnio. MOUT SC'IKIO L , -Klns Moiulny nU'lit hept. 1st.
Hliort-lluml tnunlit by niall-Lwii lessons fico to any ndilioss I.ct'turo ' L'OIIIHO und Literary
Fojlcly freu tohtuilcnts , lio.utl Rlvoii fnrlliicoliouii work ii r dujr. orJ.tXJii | > r wcolc at Col-
luKoltounlliiKOliib. O\erlObliuli'iits \ ( ! lustyi'iir. Cull nr write tut ulrculiirrfiiiid ilctrunt Bpcol *
munof icnininshlp. 1(011 ( ItllOl.'GIl IIKOS , , Uiuiilui , Null ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Netr
Fovcntpcn f cars' ' cxpcilrnrc , Arrpularumdiintcln nirdlrlni * , asdlplonm * nlmw. In Rllll I
Ihosrentcst Kiiciosnall Xrruun.Climnlctnd rtlvMlidl ( < ! .i-c" ) . A pcriaHiicnt ciiiaKiiirnntrcil lnrUatarrti ,
bpurnmlorrlKi'ii , Lott MaiiliooilKcniliml We-.ikni'tH , MKlit Losxt.Iiiipnloncy , SyplillK Sltlctntf , amlal
dlHi'nueHOf tlie Illodi ] , hkln nml Uilnary Or CM in N. II. 1 KiuiratiU'n tJM for ever ; e 1101 utidiTUiko mid fu
to cure. CoiiMUllatluil fret1 , llowk ( Mjstttlc'o nil.1ft ) BonKruo , Ollieu liournKn. . into Up. ui. Hucilay , ,
ID u lu. tu 12 in
Arc selling more watches than nil the rest of the Omaha Jewelers put to-
nether ? But nrwonder LOOK AT THE/P PRICES ,
SOLID GOLD sZZ Fine Gold filled
WATCHES AmcricanWatcli
as lo\v \ as $15 , es for ladies of'1
and all the
liner grades gcnls.only
from $14.75 $ , would
$25 up.
Worth double bcclcapat$25
the money , Solid Silver
NicUtl Wilclits , Watches , ladles
$2,50 , $3.75 $ or $ iils from
and $5. $
35,75 up.
All of tliora irnttli-
\Vnlche * , Clocki
es ore -
rra And tro war
Jowlry repaired at
ronteil BOO ! timer j , IxjfUal 1'rlCol.
Wo will ion dm Remember tbc
til enter. prlrusutcnrdiya Place.
MAX MEVKH & DUO. , Cor. 10th and Furnurn St. , Oinaiin , Neb
To the Union of States.
IKilBrCiiTI * in pormnncnt rupllnl. Pilallliliud
by llm tniiitllutlon A city of orcliinln and ttirduni
iirroiiinlffil l > r lii'ivitlful faromt lnrkt'J liy nrniiuo
ofmotintnlriilull or trout strum * ind overtil with
fr > iruiitilrici | , 111 Imalnoinsruwlnir InCTvrydlrcc.
lion , ireeicorerninuntlunil. Cuino niiUiec , < ir cii4
I or Illuilrattd paiiiilili | > ti to
itoitcCirf , IDAHO.
AOOOIJUIOir , Lawyer. 115) ) Dearborn Ht , ,
Chicago , fti ytUnt' mccesHful praolce ,
AilTlcol'rcol noiiubllclty , bpecluUuollltloi ,
W F IT I/ MEN " ' "i cITeati
V QrVI'V Vduthlul Krron ,
111 1A * * v Mo
t.-ney iiiul lilfcuuies 6 !
cunlioeuruilpernnnentliruniliirlvntclyby our * >
imlMifi Illo. Huulby null forll. IKjoU lent denied)1 )
furntauii. HuarooMutllcal CUUI > UUY. II ! Wailtloit'
ton titrcet , lloston , Mam
- AKCnti tonoll theJMolesii Clo ,
tlieonlylliu eterlnTi'iittllliulliolililUotlotliei
without pi ui , n perfect \J/A micxv n patent re.
rrntljrUsued ; luldonly iJ ti ; snouts to when
tbe a lustTi rlKldls | ) fArU lrein ua recoln.
ufMJ its. we send a fj imuiila lite tij
iiiallj ilio clrculnti , | irk ll t i"l terms to events'
lecurorourturrlturr ntonca , Aililrii tlio 1 |
CLOTIIU L.UK Co. , IT Llermca bt. , ) Vorttitor ,