Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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tTivt ? IT tnTrpTC
Wheat Very Active for the Majoj Portion of
the Day.
r IlenrH run nil tJio ainrkct Plcrcely-
JL < * itliiintf ! ! Inllituiiucs Govern Corn
-No Special Activity lit Onto
Cattle and tloga.
OniCAno , August SO. [ Soccial Tolosrnm to
Tun IlEill The vrlicnt mtirkot wai very ae-
tlvowostof tlio < lay ( and Hliurp turns Iniirlcci
wore quite icmurkablo. It w s a wicked
market for small traders anil many ol them
TJioopcnlngof tlio market wnl vorj'il elu-
Mvc. Firm Liverpool cablui and prlvatu nd-
vlct'i giving very unfa voriiblo weather abroad f
pave strength : it tlio start , 1'lrst ' prlcM wcro
J c la-Xicovorlho cloHoof yeHcrdiy. Septem
ber was quoted nrouml tint , December tit
ri.0,1.1 , , ii net May atfl.10. Tliliwiu thotop for
tlioMornlnit. Tlicro were no other hull HCWJ
but that referred to at tlia opsnlnK.
'Jho iriirlcct received fair siiuuort dur-
IHK I lie ( list hour , but prices bexitn
going down on oHcrltiKS bjr llio
boars. Puldrldun , Ilaliwlnft Karnuin , Bros-
f-o.iiii Sullli A , CJo. , und many ntliurs Mild ntid
pounded tlitj market II creel y , Tlioro was peed
Inlying mi tlie wny < lo n bf Mllclic.'ll , Olmp-
iiiuii ( . 'ouiisi'liiitii ' ] & Uiy. lloolio und others.
thu ( luulino until n drop of
i'o from Iltst prlcus oacurroili
lonulHMlfl.OI , December ll.OI'i und Miy : J1.03 ,
/lioul 11 o'clock Leopold Illnoiii became a
Rood lui/or. und iittorturnlnif the market up
} { c iitrnod to tiilio any purt of n million
utiilic'lMiirouml S1.W ) . Tliumiukot moved up
to 91.03 for December , with fnlr
Inlying all nrimnd , llutcliltison uu-
cunio prom I n nit as a M-llcr but
MiolTcrlnpH wore taken lurpoly by Humm ,
Itiixbiiuin , liocbo , Uoinstook , Iui : and llio
bull bonsus. Tlio prlcoof Dcuumlmr recovered
toil.OUU'foroiioun ,
The Nt'coml licitr raid put llio price down to
H,0. " > ' 4 and another rally oiurlcd tb prley up
to tl.0.'if , followed l > j a third drop to
lie fo nil o'clock. At I o'clock tlio i > rlio
V was tin in Sl.Oti iiKiilnIt win lately a baltlo
between local 1)ills ami bean , but It inado a
blir nmiUot all diiy.VhpntviiM well siipporlei !
licforo the close. Dccomlior nuiilti touched
11.0(1 ( rind elowd nt I1.05U , or u fraction bullet
tlin.ii . yesterday. September , uttliu i'losewiiH ,
ll. ( i , and May 5I.OUS4.
The mrn inurket wm nottubjcct to vlnU-nt
cliangiii utifl WHS KOVcrned iipuirontly by 1 < _ ' -
KltlniululiilluencTS. The inurUct uttod will
wlicat at tlio Htnrt tinil ononcd iilioutJohl'lii' !
all around , with Siiptriuber ut 47 ? c , Outobei
4S'ij ' , mid Mny MHtiMt. , ,
Tin ; stiotuth dlil not holil , however. Ivirlj
May sold titRliie , und wenlolT Itoforo noun to
Cfl'io , tlio uloslnz prleuof liiHt nlKlit , Other
iiiontln drnxKuudown lu proportion. Hhcn
thn recovery onuiu to wheat tleiuVIIH \ Ijclter
buyliiK In coi-n. Ittittho liull nuws of tlieuiiy
Ini'tirn wiia the signal wcrvleo prediction of
fiust lor tonlnhtln portions of llio inirllnvost.
On thlt torn sold up to.'loiiBaln for.Mny. Thu
tnovemoiit was llKhtur than cstlnutcd , with
receipts of 413 cars.
Tim corn Irndo In Kcnornl foil nulto bullish ,
tint lliileliliisoiicoutlnueilii pcrsiHti'iit. ' seller ,
niul opposed iinyadvnncu , Last pilces. however -
ever , wuro about tlio liostnf llio < lay. Sep
tember touched473fonud dosedut47'io : Octo-
Ijcr 4H' , Mny W)7ic' ) , Ht.-llor.
There was no uncutal activity In oats today ,
nnd vi'i-y littlis cliiiiiKO In iirleei at ( ho close.
Sales lor tlio month \vpro \ ( ow , and 3Tlie an'l
IITo wcru tlieonly prices for August. Septein-
lersiild atal'ie : , lolt'i'i'e , toUJMo , at the close.
Oetolicr , : i.Ve , tottHt : , to a3Ji iMay i :
ro'ne.toXS'ie ' , toMl ; c , to Wo , ulthc close.
' 1 hero wus very Kenoralselllii ot hos pro-
duel Htodny by strong houses , nnd prices , nf ter
( Icullnlii ! ? llio to JOc fof lard and rllJ ) and
tiout'"Ju fnr in cs pork. Improved nllttlo before -
fore llio cloie , lotivln lustprlcw but BHc
lower for ribs. ai > ( (6i > o lower for lard and nlxiut
Wo loivor for pork , eoinpnrod with last nlsht.
Eoptt'inborpork wasoir au at , tlO.'Jo ; Jsiniiary
loneliodl.ll ! ) and olnsiul atflilUVJ. wltli JIny
atl'JW. ficptomberlardtontliod iJi.rJM , elos-
! iiKut$0.1J ! ' ; January , SiI.r.T'/j. closing lWO. .
January ribs lonc.lcd j'l.TSH und closed lit
r > .TO. On call Armour solil lard and Hutuhlii-
Miii sold all praluots. AlcCormtuki : Co. ah. )
old ribs frcoly ,
OniCAno , Anjust29. [ TolcKratn to
Pun IICK.1 OATTMS-Thoro was a sharp down
turn of I0315o on lint-elms fat cattle , owln ;
"Vo tliolarjo supply and lower prices In Eng-
Itnli markets. Vet a load or two ttold us high
an ? 3o una i > . , but the drop was largely on
a , class Jnst below the very best. Fair to
medium Texans \vcro also quoted n shade
lower amluatlvo liutuhord * Ktouk shared In
the Kouoral down turn. StooVors and feeders
wore ratlior , but prices Miowctl no iiartloular
. Kli'st-clamsteuis , $ .T,00Mi ( > ; fceuond-
clasi Jtxai'K ) lower , at M.MXill.U ) ; thlrd-olas ,
M.02 ® .1.K > j eoiiiiiion. 8i.2S'J.75i : Texans , KMO2
U.a % : nuiKOrs , tl.OlXtJl.H3.
HOGS llimliit'RH active , with nn tiiiturn In
values , ctpculally ( in prlmo llxlit mid prlnui
licaiy. l'uijkJn sorts und ordinary inlMod
underwent lltlln or no chaimo. Kotigh und
voiiiinoii sold nt J'5.80'I.W , with best mixed at ; liouvy , } 1.W4.1MJ , und prlmo
light , H.'Dffil.av '
THE Birl STOCKS The Ronoral trade In
Blocks docs not grow enthusiastic , as the pub
lic ( lees not take hold at nil. Foreign support
liasucontlio loud lie help of bulls for the day.
This morning London burin ; was dlKappolnt-
Inu , Many local operators ivcro loaded with
K pcclnlt'rs. ' With an easier feeling abroad
j ianv bcllovo that Btlll lower prices must
On the other hand , tlio outlook concerning
labir troubles wiisnuicli Improved , the strikes
011 llio I.uko Hhoreund at tliuyuriN In Chicago
bohiK about voinid up , This cut a
very fair support the first liour In
wustomsliaros.tchlsou \ sold at 4i , Iur- !
llnstoii lit 10 ; , Korth\vi \ > stcrn lit KKH ; , Ifoek
iBlnnd at 80 , St. I'uul at 7l7i nndMlssourl I'a-
clllo at7lif , reiirojentlnj ! wilns of ' to S4 nor
cent. Attliosiinio tlino liln 1'our , .Louisville
and I. n I , i ) Shore wre oir n similar amount ,
later In tlio forenoon coal Hoolis toot ; a
bound , HookiiiK Valley rose tolli'/j , Laeka-
wiinna tolirili and HcuilliiK lo I'lllefore noon
Hooking Vulloy vn * . back to ; il7i. TlioGian-
Ke woiooIYbllshtly from best prices. Chicago
cage Gas wns elf front fHJj to G./i ' / , uml Sun'ur
win lower atTSi.
Tlio market was slow , itocks belns
almost lifeless during tlio closing
hours. U'hyro viis lltilo chunso
In values ninl on the vlioloprlers wcto aliout
ona leu'l with tliuulosa of ycstordny. Chicago
cage Oas clos ul 1 p r cent lower at SIM ;
Kimar , LuiiliVllIo and Lnlio Slioro ! i to H
loner , and lliirlliiRton , which was the KtronR-
cst yoiturduyi lost 7. to loii at llio eloso.
. Nortlnvestorn and Lackawnanaworecauh ui >
> * . Otliers ITO unchiinseil. Money was .it
bitDiioreent. Silver closed at 1194. !
Tlio following were the closlu ; quotations :
tl.H. 4a coupon 12.VN Northern I'.iclilc aii ; (
U.H. 4s regular Uijj tloiiretcrrod fQtj
U.S. 4 rojjnlur lUt C. AN. W IIWM
' ' ' ' ' ' ' tlo preferred Ill
1'icl'llc 1.1 . or . . . . , , .111 Now York Central. . . , r
Ctntroll'aolllc , as I' . . I ) , ft K
CMui oV Altini I'M llofk Inlauil . ' . . „
ClilciiKO , lliirlliiKtoa O. . Jl. A Stl'nul 7l !
i ( jtilncr I01 ? ( loiirofi'rroil 117'
J , l. . t\V MIX St. 1'iuil A Uniuba. . . , 31
Illinois Central lit iloprofcrreil IK )
I.II. & \V \ Union I'aoltlc.
Ken ( n A Texn . . . , , , \V..Bt. K& 1' . , . .
l.nLoSlurr. . ft doiircferroil MHj
Mlclilunn Conlrnl Ut Wcitorn Union I
I'nclBj 71' ' (
-1'nsy at W16 per ooul.
iKiituNTii.K 1'Ai'Kii . " > ! ! il7 | ior cent.
STUIIMNO KxciiANdK-Diill uml heavy ; sixty-
day bills , * I.S. i ; domain ] , t4.avi.
AIliilui ; Stii
NewVoiiK. August . [ SpoohlTclcsrain to
miK UEB. ] riia following are tlio mining stock
( luotittlonsi
OnicnoAuiust fl.-lll p. m , close \Vlioat
Urmj cu&h unit uptoiubor , tl.lCii ; May ,
ll.OD J ,
Oem SlcnOyi oasli 47'in , '
i , ; Mny , 'OVc.
Oatg-tiuyj cash , W oi Scptoiuucr.W.Uci
Ky'e-Biujr utd-VJc.
Hurley fctouly ut. T.'c.
I'rlniiiTlniotlijr Klrin zit tl.SO.
1'lux Sotil 51,81.
- . .
I'ork Uull ; casli , | 10.5C | September , J10.23I
Jiiiiiinry. . 'i % .
LurdSlemlyi SoiitoniLcr , M.15 ; Juniiarr , < < ii.r.\i ) ,
Hour \omiuuly ! imclimigiNl ! winter vhout ,
i.-j .vsoj iprinK MliDiit , li.MKu5.75j ryo.ta.ooii
H'lillc Mi'nts-SliouUlorn ' , > V(7i { ! bhort
Clou r , ! short rll ) < , IA.iuA.VU.
Hulter Quluti vrvuiiivrr , Hiiiiici dairy , U
( SlbC.
o Stoudy ; full crnitni chcddnrs ,
fSSo ; nut , Bi ? < ai ; ! VOUIIK Americas ,
K M St4 > nUy | froili , 13iO17c. (
Hluos UnuhiiiKCili 11 run licavy nnd llRlit
frocii salted. 7lo ! ; halted lull ! lildus , 6V4o | grooit
ul ted calf , bj dry Hint , ; dry
lildc i,7c : clry calf , W > c : deacons , nscli. 30o. . . .
Tullow UncliannoJ : Rtenari No. 1 , nolla
Vaclccil , 4'-C5 ( > 'o. S , to ; cnku , Jtic.
Kocolptt. Slilpwpntt.
Ftotir.bbli . . JI.OCO 1.1,0.10
Will-lit. bU . . . . . 47,000 .OM
corn , 1m . 2IB.OOJ 47WO'JO '
Onls.lm . 201.000 2ir.000
Nr.w YOIIK. AiiRiist . AVIiont-Ilecclptv
91,700) ) oxportH , nonet spot cloiuil slcndy ! No ,
2 re < l , U.OJJJ'.I.O.V'i ' In oloviiton > l.0591iai.0fl ! {
nllout : * l.oa > 4 < UI.07li t. o , I ) . I options closed
tteaOy , No. rod AiiqustoloimK ntfl.OVi.
Corn Itccclpts , 77AW buiholsi oxuortt , 'JOJOO
biisliols : tnot. stroiix : No. 3 , Cl\i \ < i&.V > Uo In
cloriitnr : 5. < 3V > ! (0 ulUnt : liiiKradcU mixed ,
-ici options clostd llrni ; August clw-
Oi\ti Kcoolpts. Jil.OOO bnihnls ; cxporK
CnXW | Rpotlilchur : No. 'J white 4'Jni-Hi : nilxotl
woHtcin IHiMIt ; whiluwvfturn 4JAVi ) oiitluiiH
stroiiRur ; A i wist clo < dnatH' ' ( .
Uoffoo Options closel atciuly and tin-
fhuiu'o.l to 10 point ! dovn. i-alo , IH.MO hu < i |
Viifjiist , HJ.O.V IS.IO ; Scptoiubisr , tl7.73ai7.sO |
pntrlo Jlrni ! lulr carBOM , 6VM.73.
Sugnr Itnw , llriuanil lilRlicr ; fair refining ,
iit'i contrlfujals , W ) teat , uUui roll tied , linn
ntl iiHhTiitiilGiiiiiul. :
I'otruluuni United closed far September at
t'sii Easy ; western , IHSTO'le. '
I'orU Steady ! mess , 4I.VJ.V3I3.00.
Ijard Closed llniii western Btcam , W.47ii !
Koplomber , fO.IJ.
JJulIer-l'Irm ; vroterii dairy , 93Hci cream-
- - -.Icta . HWHo.
ST , Loutrt , August M.-ClosliiK Wheat
.owerj casn , OSci Seiiloinkor , C34 ; ; Uuenn-
) or , Jl.OII'i. '
Corn I'lrnijcasli 4lo ! .May,47i ( ; .
Oats l/nvori oailij yi'lo ' : MtiyiiiSHC'
I'ork l/owcr at Jll.2. " > < an.50.
l nrd Io\vcr at W.oo.
August 20.-Whcat liccolpts
.1 cat-Bi 8htpinent4. 14' ' ) oars. Tlio break was
lovoro m now client today nnd there was
wincthliiRotrinold , but tlio latter not very
ilcntlful Oloslnij ! No.l hard. AiiKUit , * l.u , :
SoDtoinbcr. * I.OI ? . I on IrncU , Jl.wai.12 : No. 1
lortlioni , Aujustl.00ii } ! Soptonibur , DSyo ; on
raiU. { I.UISil.07 ; No. a nurthcrn , August
u | on ' .
KVNSAS OITV , Augmt \Vheat-Lowcr ;
No. 'J hard , cash. OlUjAumibt , feUiiu ! o. red ,
Oats Wuuk ; > 'o. - ' . uasli , IWJio ; August
MII.WAUKKE , AiiinstJVliont ! \ Qulot ; No ,
2 sjirliia. eiiHli , iNufel. : < > l ; Scpluniber , tWc.
Coin Quiet ; No. a , 4ft.- .
Oats Hull ) r > .o. 8 white , tf&W.ic.
I'rovlHlona-l'ork , Soiiloinljor , ? 1.07VJ ,
OINCISKATI. A.uiist ) . Wheat Dull ; No.
red , $1.01.
Corn No. 2 mixed , file.
OitH-lltirclyHtctiilyiNo. 2 mixed. 3S o.
I.ivuni'ooi , Aujust 20. ririn , ilo-
.naiiil Tnlr ; holder * ollcrspnrluclyj Calirurnln.
No , I , 7sSli < li i7H1 pcruoiitnl.
Oorii-Klrni , ( Iciiiiinil Improvlns ; inl.xua
wcsturn , la 7d pur cuntid.
IilVld H'fttUK.
t'nic.wo. ' August S9.-CiUtla-lliccpt ! ! < i. U.OOO :
mnrkutloxvt'r ; steers , ( < l5. > i To.\un.s , .t > 3
SSii riinucru fi.00ilil.ii : > .
llo H-IJocelpts , ' 'I.IXW ! niarkut stonily ; p ck-
ow. U'I''Ofil..i'J ' ; hust heavy nntl hutchur
weights , Wl > 'i ! > ; ; Unlit , 4l.'JJ < ai.iJ. :
Hiuop-Ucceipts WJU ; nuiikot steady ;
uiitlvc.s , * .wlil.5 ( ; westerns , AI.0.13X.15 ; Tc.x-
UHS * < .2J ; lambs , { .OJ&O.iil.
ST. LmiH , August 2'J. Oiittlo Uccclnts ,
2.10IJ : khtpinynt.s , 1.1UO ; niarkot stumlyair
to fancy native sticrs , JI.Ot > 3 .UUj stockurs
ami focilora , K.4l ! ) : j..pill.
Ilous-Hoi'clpu , : IIO ) ; Hhlinicnls. | 2,400 ;
innrkutuiixlcr ; heavy , 44.1J4.'J ; inlxod. fa.OJ
(31.10 ( : llk-lit.Jl.H-Bl.- : .1 ! ' , .
KANSAS ( Jiry.usinb 20. Cattle Receipts.
O.ll'O ' ; shliimuiits.l. . 0 ; inurkft lower ; sluurs ,
Cl/ntS / 1.7.1 ; cowsl.'ii314Jstocl ! ; > urB and feed-
ore. . ' .vjic5. ( :
lIe ' tr-KvnilpK 1.1J ) ; slilpinoiits. a,403 ; mar-
Uciu'U'udylo strong ; all xratUs , $ J.MS4.1U.
VOIIK , Augtiit 20. ISiwelal TelcraTii
loTiig ir.1 ; Cort'r.E Options opened steady ,
Api'li 9 points uiotlicrs | ; iniuhaiiKed to 5 points
downs cluiud stotidy and unchanged to
10 points down. Snlos , 18 , . " > oO basis , Incliid-
ins AiiKiist , flS.av. H.lO ; Soptunibcr , * 17.7."i
CU7.SU ; Uctubur , * 17/.1iai7.1" ; Jli-eoinlior.'i ( !
WO.TH ; .luniiuif , fllt. > : Mai-i'li , S1S.70. Spot
lilo fltni ami qulot , fair cai-KUsa S''O.tfS ? Hat
luiui.l'Jo. '
Est.lmatwl rccolpti of cattle 2.70) ) . ns com-
pnredwltlil..HTyostmlay ' and I.il4 : Friday of
last wolf , 'J-'ho niarkot opuiu'd shnv , and por- Hhndo off , buthcuvy rucolptsuoinliiK In
Into and 'unfavoiablo reports causud
niarlict to drop lOu to l" o on stucrd.
The iniukotviis blow ut tlio decline.
At tlio close of tlio market a largo nuni-
lior rcninlnod unsold. Good oowa opened
Inlrly active , imd ' sitabout Blciidy pt-Icoa. Viut
afturtho briiukln'hlcors the cow nmricut beanie -
anio lower , 'llio poororgrndo of cows opened
slow and weak niul continued uaKxInv
throughout the day. Feeders woronctlvo and
lu dcmuiid , iho host Knidos ot feeders telling
strong , with olhera unchanged.
Estimated receipts of hogsfi.lOOi compared
with 7,0U yi'slcrdnv nnd lllX ( > Friday of
lastwceU , The inntkct opened active and 50
' 'slier , ovury thinseliam'tiis hands at tlio ad-
vimci ! , Tlio raiiKo of prlcos was 1.113 ® ! . ! ! ) , tlio
- . . _ " . _ : iIiiK atU8-.34.UOi ll lit and nil.xcJ hops
solil ut SUKIQI. ' * ; heavy , $ .U'ua4.1o. Tlio
avoiugo of thoprlccs paid was i.0'l7i ( , com-
pandllli is.tJU : ! ) yesterday mill 3&703 * rrldny
of Inst weulc.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Estlinntcd rojolpts of slioor > .1SG. The demand
' cxcossof the supply ,
Tliu foIlowliiR U a table ol prices paid In
this niarkot for thu jrado of aloek niontloiicd :
Prime steers. 11 JO to KiOODta | l.i" : 541. ( M
Oooil steers , livj to 14.V ) ms 4.03 ( iil.lW
tloodsleoi-s , ll' ( > ) to iJ03tt : > s 3.a" ® I.1J
Fair , lOOJlo UUlbs 3.r. . ) a .00
Common,80J totWOlDs 3.'J.- ( iW.flO
Coiiiiiioiicaiiniirs , 1.0. ) noi.uu
Ordlnaryto fiilreoivs ; -MX ) ® -.ffl
Kulrto good ODWS ! ' . : & > 4 .M
Uooil to clioleo co\vs ' . ' .75
( 'holuuto fiinoy eo.v . * 2.3.M :
FalrtOKOod bulls 1.75 F&3.6S
Uliolvu to fancy bulls S..VJ ( fw.00
Llulit stocl > er.sinclfuocler.s S.03 HW.CO
KOOI1PM.O.V ) tollOOlhs 2.25 CW.S5
Fair lo choice Hslitlio.Ki 3.00 JKI.ftl
Fair to cholcohoiivr hos 3.fU ® I.10
I'alrto choice mixed ho.-3 3.00 O-J.'JO
Conip.iratlvo Table.
The following table shows the rantjo la
' ' ' '
this ana
Day s. Thla AVoofc. Lnit Week.
Moniluy (1 .V ) ft I 0 i ( .1 43
I'uod.'iy aia 01 uj 8 40 6WM
vroilnosihy. . . . ; i ot MI 03 3 60 CJUlli
Thiirstln ) ' . . . . . . 3 m ai 05 3 45 ( IC ! 1) )
Krltttr 3 CO Ml 10 3 IS 01 (13 (
Saturday. . . ! . . . 3 M (44 U )
A.vei'1130 Cost of lloj ; .
Tlio following taMe ylvos the avoraso cost
of lie son tliii dates mcntlii'ii ' ! I , Inolu Img tlio
cost today , as > ii suloi rcportiiJ :
July 28 IWJt ; August 11 . ti : 50' . ' 870 ' - -
July 30 3.10 AllsllstlU. . .
July 31 ; iu August 13. . . : IH ( ; > /J
AllKllstl 3 M August 11) ) . . . a 75
II 44
301 AuRiisU'S
J 3 7011 AugustS ! )
IH ltoit anil Ij.itvost S.iloi of Hi i.
Totltiy. Vcstorduy.
est ? i to nizhost $405
300 l.OWUbt 3 CO
Stoolc HuuelptH ,
Odlolal Yettoiilav. Eitlniatod To.lay.
Oattlo. , . . OJcars , l.OH Cuttlo. . , U1 car * . ' . ' .TOO
lloss . 107curs , 7.401 llojs . OJcars. 0.100
. 2ci'.rj , 'JU1 Sliet'i ) . . a cars" , 060
Sliowliis tlio aMTii' o prlco paid forloii'Uot '
hn sna the Uui'j ladluatcU In 18 7 , lS3i ISiJ
and 18'jO ;
Disposition oC Stock.
Showlns Iho nuinbar ot cnttlo , hnss and
sheep purchase don till * niarkut liy the differ
ent lU'i > unrliix thu woclc ondlnir Saturday ,
C tTTl.6
tsrlftt Company . . 3:17 :
Tlio U , II. lluiiuiionU company . . 70
Tlio Armour-UiiJaiiyjiJioldiiK company. ,
10 Itotlisohlla . . .
iii'iitiiu x 1 nilorivood . , . ,
KeU MorrU . . 07.1
leokcr& ! Ih'ffvu .
AU It. Van bant . , . , , . „ jo
Other buy era . . , cou
Total . , 2,071
The Arnioiir-Cudah j packhiK company , , 1,000
Oinalia pacUluz coiupauy . 1UO
The O , II. Hammond company 712
.7 , I1. S > > ill res & Co 878
North & Co , 4M
HttlBtond & Co , CM
Total C.OM
RwIftA : Company
Ucorgo U Hammond Co
HcprcHontatlvo Sale ) .
No. Av. Pr. No. Avr I'r. No. Av. Pr.
0..12.VI . KIM 2. . 12S5 $1 ( TO ai..Il.V ) H <
1..1S70 1150 0..1WO UK" r.8..lllM 413
HI..lift ) IIW 2J..1IJU 405 U0..1UOI 44)
1..1U ! ) 350
17. . | (5 ( 170 24. . 7C3 200 10. . KM 20
17. . Jl1 ! 170 1..1WO 200 1(1. ( . 0111 221) )
1. . 010 170 BI..S01) 200 101. . SU1 221
4 , . 11(8 ( I J.ri 2..1100 200 IS , . 71T 2 ffl
5. . 911) 1K1 1..10I5 200 17..1003 2 M
2. . Oil 175 11..10.VJ 200 1..102) ) 2115
r. . . nxs ice 4. . 7 200 8. . iw aas
25. . ITS 180 13.,1KB 210 8 . SCI 2 M
'JO..1(170 ( IfcO SI. , KCI 210 7..108. ) 250
1. 1000 1 B5 10. . 881 210 0..10W 2 CO
8. . 007 100 20. , OI5 210 2J..10.0 2(10 (
B. . 842 105 I.1010 215 2..10i5 : 270
4. . 8.10 200 8. . 001 220 11..11IH 275
7. . Wl 200
10. . TIM 2a.1 3 , , 4.VJ 2 CO 8..1010 270
1. . 710 240 13. . DU ! 2 63 6..10M tt 7.1
50. . &S3 240 10. , KIS 2 0.1 4..1I2.I 275
U..KXX ) 'JfiO 20 , . 724 2 071S 8. . 87S 280
IS. . 015 255 4. . 805 270 2. . OSS 26.1
3..BS5 300 7. . KJ4 270 Cl. . 010 UuO
10. . 841 2 CO
1..470 1 fiO 1..1BIO 180 1..1-MO 200
il. . 11D7 170 1..H20 183 2..1400 'J 10
1..IC20 170 1..KWO 100 L.lfiOO 3M
1..I300 175 l.i70 ; ; 100 1..1270 L'M
1..I01W 175 1..1450 200 1..14TO 365
l.J W IfeU
CAN.sniiH ,
8..1021 100 2J . K1S 1 40 12..1102 1M
n..lWI 115 1. . & 40 140 8. . 821 1 G.1
a..ttK ) 125 21. . 77fi 1 fiO 5. . b74 105
1. . C70 1 25 1. . U15 1 M
21. . 178 200 4. . ! 7 223 2. . SfO 250
17..418 200 18. . 1178 2 IK ) 28. . SOU IllUJi
4. . 240 3 10 7. . 144 ii CO 1. . 110 U33
5..1550 8 15 2..1540 2 S5
23. . t)33 ) 3 G7
U. . 073 255
No. A.T. Tr.
112 iteor . cornfcd 1413 435
Howard & Oawhon
1 cniincr 1100 150
111 cows 10H1 240
TO sti-ors 13U3 U25
Siind Creole hand & Cattle Co.
1 cow IPiSO 210
a cows 1110 210
32 rows 1109 210
1 cow 10'JO 215
2ill Mucrs IKQ 300
7 steers 12JO 300
No. Av. Sh. ? r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
4 SBtllCO M 205 IGO $ .105
7 117 a C5 C5 25(1 ( 395
70 17.1 400 a ( i5 Cl 201 80 3U5
70 1 S 240 a 70 71 213 240 3)5 ! )
GO 211 UK ) < 1 0 M 2U 120 .m" >
7a 2.i5 . a 380 C8 233 80 400
37 KB 100 380 fil 2U5 bO 400
M 200 160 385 87 2s2 400
75 221 ira 385 51 205 200 400
CO 107 120 38.1 129 271 200 400
T > 'J 200 200 383 ( u 280 405
72 214 60 385 M 313 40 407JJ
04 2-JS 240 385 14 354 4 10Q
( K. . . 218 240 385 M 2SO 120 305
R.1 200 200 385 03 271) KiO 305
74 214 120 385 C8 2X > SO 31)51 )
K'J 2-JO 40 385 70 224 ISO 305
(10 ( 227 850 3R- 1)1 ) 3W IIW 305
74 2-.C5 80 3874 73 243 80 31)5 )
70 2tf ! 200 : i87 i 67 278 2SO 3ir
00 21S 240 387i ! 6S 231 K'O 305
Ol 204 ICO 3K ! ) 72 250 200 305
: tl 20 200 31)3 86 240 2SO 305
IS 251 3 IK ) 70 KB 80 ! l 115
811 171) ) 2CO 3W C.1 21 ! ) 31)5 )
87 2--7 100 300 52 287 80 305
01 2iKS 80 3M 49 301 M ) 400
70 214 300 03 253 40 400
71 207 80 800 . R ) 210 400
77 233 400 300 53 258 4 00
73 210 IfiO 111)0 ) Kl 2O ) 80 4 00
73 231 120 3M 70 212 120 400
81 220 320 3W ! 51 2.VJ 40 400
01 HO 2nO 3 IK ) M .Ml 120 400
W 241 200 300 BO 310 80 400
( H 2J4 "O 3IHJ4 M. . . . 2ta SO 4 00
* * > > l < w tJ i' . . ; y tiu. . , t ( ( < O1 JivU t WJ
M ) 277 N ) : iK-i ! ! 50 2HS 120 400
OT 270 ICO SIX'S H 2SI 80405
18 280 310 305 VJ L'lK N ) 4 1C.
M 218 so a or. EJ avj : co 405
70 2230 ! Illlj ( XI IllO 100 405
70 244 240 305 M 1110 4 05
C8 2.W 120 3115 57 1112 4 10
CO 298 80 3113 54 23J 80 410
70 221 U03
B 110 525 M 131 FO 315
0 lO'i 3 00 75 IftO 280 'CIS
B 10T200 300 5 2W 340
No. Av. Pr.
100 natives , mixed 67 H 00
Market Mention.
Cnttlo lower.
O. F , Allor of Stella marketed a car ot lioss.
J. 1' . Valrmau sunt In a car of hojs from Ax-
Frush Drotliors sent In a ear of cuttle from
W. A. Flnlay sent In a car of hogs from
Henry llnrdcr was In from Mlllard with a
car of hogs.
\V. R. JlcCloud of Thayer was looking over
tlio market.
O. A. Kclton lind a car of hogs on the ranrKct
from Angus.
Al Flint eurne In from LltchQcW with five
car.sof cattle.
E. J. Itanium of Wavcrly had a car of hogs
on the market.
A. Pctkln of Wnyno was on the marltct with
\vociii-sot unttlo.
Alt Oooilwlnas over from Red Oak , la. ,
looking for feeders. .
John Ilnstlohail hogs on the market from
Cook und lUimvood.
William lliisscnino over from Randolph , In , .
wltliii car of cattle.
Slrrs &aarOnorcvcryday5hlppers of Brad-
sliaw , maikutcd hogs.
Henry Trondtof Btookham wason tlio rnar-
kot with a cur of hogs.
J. H. Harbour win on the market from Tutor ,
In. , wlthu car of hogs.
A. T. Nichols hud cattle and hogs hero from
Lltchllold and Hazard.
M.Wulkor wns on the market with a car of
cattle from Crab Orchard.
Havlngcr & Hodges , extensive dealers of
Vnroim , sen tin a cur of lions.
S.Ingolsbo. the well known Inland shipper ,
hud a car of hogs on the market.
.B.J. Tlorney , tlio well known shipper of
Ansloy. was down with a car of hogs.
J. 11. Taylor and John Hamilton came up
from 1'lattsmouth with u car of hogs each ,
COHN KfitMe.
OIT.S Sixatio.
lUv } 7.03 < 810.00.
ClIOl'I'EI ) I'KKU $13.003J > 14.00.
1'oui.Tliv I'er dozen , choice hens , J1.00ZJ3.2i ( ! ;
cholcu mixed , ? 'J.55'itiO ! roosturs , t.fi3(03.7a ! ( ;
sorliiR chickens. JI.HVfS2.00 for small ; { J.2j.50
for inoillum ; ( . ' . 'J0i > 3.75 for Jarsuj hvo pigeons ,
$ l.i < 2 l.50.
llu-rrtii Orcainory. fancy rolls , print. SO ®
21oi creamery , fancy , solid packed , ITCIUo
creamery , oliolce , KX/fllJo ! dairy , fancy rolls
und prints , Jifl5o ; dairy , fancy , folld iiaokoil ,
o ; dairy , cholco. lOQUu ; country roll.
fancy , & 20o ; choice , 7(3Soj ( Inferior , 335c.
for strictly ( rush ; tUUo not silo-
PEWS AND 1'A 1.1,0 w Gi of n sailed
hides. No. 1 , hcnrv. T tJci No. I. lliht. Ui ?
7Mo ; No. 2 , light , uaniici dry Hint hides , 7K' '
Ou ; oilf : hides , 7400 ; ( lunuigcd lildon 2u less.
Shcoii pelts , crcen. each , y5e5JJ1.23j bhccp
polls , dry. per Ib , lOjfiHc.
lliis : 'Ax 1'cr ID , 2uc.
OAsiii-Per dozen , pralrlc olilcUens ,
3.W ; innlliiidH , t3.COB3AO | teal , 11.25(31.50 ( ;
nilxndducUa.Jl.OOai.50 ; plover. 5'K2COe.
1'KACHKH ' Arkansas , uu box , 73c < al,00 ;
Oallfornla. per lox. fi.Nxa-S.liO.
OltAi-ns California , JM.T orate , fl.25aJ.OO ;
Missouri , 45'if)0o pnr 10-Ib basket.
I'J.UJIH I'urplo Dunne , Columbia , etc. , per
liov , 51.50S.09 ; wild geese plums Yt uu box , 7'
, tl.7SGV.00.
LIIMOXS 1'or box , Itodl Jlaiorl , fancy , 15.50 ®
10.00 ; choice Mes > , lmiis.- > oao.lXI ,
I'liAiu lliirtiett , Callfornlu , per box , KI.OO ®
3. ' .
l1uu.NF.s-Oornnin.pcrbov$2.CJ ; French , { 1.75
(3J.OO ( ; | ! ros'iiH.7.V1Ji > .oO.
TOMAIOEH I'ur bu , 7.V : < ail.OO.
ONIONS Now hniitlu-rii , UT bbl , J4.50@5.CO.
OA u iiAdE-1'or crate , $ ,
I'OTAiOEa Nebraska unU Iowa , per hu , 11.00
01.25 ; Colorado anU Milt l.aktstlJij.
SWKKT 1'OTATor.s IVr liu , J-J.uo < i2.f < 0.
KvAroii.VTKD Ai'Pi.KS- nuy , 130 per Ib.
MI.UKIIKUIIIKSIVrfnt box , tl.59.
( 'OCOASUTH 1'er UX ) , f'l.W.
( VATKIIMhl.ON8-llvr 100. fl'.OQian.OO.
OANTKI.OUI'I : 1'ordoz , II..V ) .
Ai'i'i-Es I'anov eating , * ; t.OOIi5a.50j tancy
OokliiK , J2.7f.56U.S5 ; clidlvi * . 2.5'ja2.7o.
( ) UAxnE.s-l-'iiiioy Ilmll. 7..V > .
. . .
TALLOW-A No. 1 , 4o ; No. S , IlWoi Rroii < .e ,
iiililoi yi'llow,2i'iWf ; t.tcirlno. U' c.
ytuiuitloiisiiro for delivery In Chicago
cage Dry buffalo , per ton , I10.004J18.00 ! dry
country , bleached. IJO.OOftKUX ) : dry country ,
damp and meaty , I8.coat0.00.
WoolIi'luti uuwoihcd. HSlCot lacdluw uu-
_ . . -.Air-Cholco medium , C"c ; light ,
KWe : heavy. 4UIic. !
I.lN'KKOOlt , Haw , OOojUoIU'd , G3c.
HOMEV Strained GO-Ib cam , porlt ) . 0 | now
coinlilionry , fancy , l& < M7if ( Choice , III610C.
HnAxs lland-piekcd iinvy , ilJMQff.'int htinci-
jileUcd navy , niedlutii$2.2. ' ( JWO ! hand-picked
country , l.73ft3.00 ; good clean , Jl.UOtfl.JO ! Cali
fornia. peril ) , 4c. ! (
KISM PIT HI Porch , ? e | buffalo , 7c ! pickerel ,
8)4o ) ; tilku.oct trout , te ; wuturiK'i cmiipK' , loci
cntllili. llci cod steak , 12o ; llountU-rs , 13o |
) rogoii salmou , 18cl black buss , ISjj lolstcrj ,
I'litati I'oiJK I'rosh huiAs. 20 Ihs. avR. , "Vc |
lOlbs , uvjj.1 Se ; ISlbs. avgr c | HhouUlor ? . Tie )
porkloln ,7i ! ; porktcnilerlolns Uo | loul lard ,
not rendered , CJ4e ; uparorlljs , 4c.
BAM ainATS-IMil < Mtpork. . now. 112.7.1 !
clear pork backs , heavy , tl2.v."i ! medium. 111.7.1 !
ilmrt cut , clour pork , $ lo..Vj ) fuiirlly pork , 110.50 !
liutt pork , pig pork , 81.'l.ftO ; new extra mess
beef , W.OOi n w extra plato.boef. J.l.rifl ! now
pinto hccr , tiOO : ; now lolled boneless beef ,
K.Mi uowniinin. J-'i.JO ; now boneless rumps ,
< 3.50.
Oiij HM . Exlra lard , winter strained , 47cs
extra No. 1 , lurd , iltict No. 1. lard. 3:10 : ; No. 2 ,
lard , 31o ; extra noatsfoot , 4i.itallow ; ! | oil , 4U |
pure nculsfoototl , 60c ; AltullowSc ; etear-
Ine , Cc.
LAIIII Tlcrccs Compound , 6 e : pure lend
CJJoi kettle rendered , OWc.
S.MOKKD MEATS Sugar cured hnmi 15 to 14
Ib live , ll'.io ; medium , 15 to 10 Ib avp , lie ;
licjivy , 20 to 2J Ib avp. lie ; Hkliined'ulIcliiK , Is
to 2011) avg. IlUc ; California h.ims,74u ? ; ! < liouU
dors , 7icishouldnrs ! , skinned , lilic ; snouldois ,
G tos Ib avg. 7io | ; boneless ham. He ; breakfast
bacon , clear. 5lto 7 Ib strips , 8cs breakfast
bacon , rlb.S'ici dried bcof hams , sets , lOlid
roBiilar. 8Mc ; clods , 8c.
DIIY SAW MUATH lcan hacks , fi4c ! ! extra
short clour , 6'.i'o ; bellies , in to 2u-lb avcrugc ,
fllic | short ribs , fi' o ; short clears , 00 ! long
clears , 5jjc ; shoulders , fi'iu ; backs , Biic.
KitcHii IlKiuStcers , fOJ to 090-Ib uvoraRp ,
natives , OU < ao O ! 400 to500-11) avoraee , native ,
CUie ) ! cows anil heifers , 400 to 500-11) average ,
native , r > Sje : hindquarters , steers , lOc ! hind-
nusirlcrs , cows , 7c ; forcqilailers , steers , 4Hc !
forcquiittorH , cows , 3oj dressed hogs , 44cj
cholco dressed mutton , 94c. !
KIIKSII llEKFCtrw Uolls. 8'io ' ; licof tender
loins 18c ; sirloin butts.7c ; boneless strlps,7Jo ( !
rounds ( rinnpolT ) , Co ! rounds ( rump on ) , 'ic ;
rounds ( shank oil' ) , flijc ; bonclesa rumps , 4c ;
chucks. iUlct plates. 2o ! : back halves , 4c ;
shoulder clods , 4ic ! beef loins No. 1 ( steer ) , HI
( M4c ; beet loins No. ' ' , 10llci ,
Oc ; beef ribs , 0JJic ! ( ! beef ribs No. l.lMillc ;
swcot breads Ipor doz ) , 3JO ! Lldncys ( cach)3c ) ;
ox tails ( each.3c ) ; llvcracach ( ) , l. > c ! beef ht-arls
( each ) , 4c : bcuf tongues ( each ) , 40o | strip loins ,
C'ic.SAUSAOE llolosna , 4ci bologna In wo.iiaiuK
4Uc ! frankfurts , 0So } ; toiiKue , 7 ioj blood , 4'c ;
liver , 4Ho ; hcadelieesc,4Ke ! Polish , 7cj pork
saiisaKolllnlis ) , Uc ; pork sausage ( muat ) , lu tin
palls , lie.
SfOAn Per Ib. Out loaf , 7'4c ' : Cubes , ? c ;
Standard , powdered , 7e ! ( ; XXXX. powdoicd.
79. < ci Orainilntcd.sliindard , ( iJc ! Confection
ers' A , UUo ; White , Kxtra ( J , UUinnx , tie ! Bstiu
C , Nebraska,5 ? . c ; Ainbor , SJicj UolUcti 0 , D o ;
Dark O , Co.
JUi'i.K HuoAn rer Ib. 5o cakes , 30 Ib boxes ,
13cj lOe cakes. 30-lb bo ACS , ISiicj 1-lb bricks , iJO-
Ib.ilu box , pure , llo ,
OOFKEB ItoASTED Arosla 25'c ' $ ; nunola ,
fancy old peiibcrry. ! i4'/ic ' ; lilo , cliolco to fancy ,
J2to ! ; lilo , primeSio ; Klo , good. 21Vc ! Bnnlos
and common Ulo , ItKii.'lc ; Moclia , 1)c ) ; Java ,
Kt'imlno O. 0. , SJo ; Java , iood ? , Interior , 85o ;
Muxlcan , ! Kic.
DKIKO KIIUITS Turkish prunes , less than
hhds , 1680. 7'ic ; orlslnal hhds , > ic less ! Hosnla
prunes , 63 Ib. boxes , 10 ! ) to lit ) . 7c ! apjilos ,
evaporntod , now rlnx chrtlcc , 15ei ovaporalcd ,
now r ! 115 prime , 130s aprlcols , fancy. In sacks.
20cj bluclvbcrrics , new , lOci raspberries , a %
Ibs. to box , : Mc ; currants , nuw , n' ' c ; original
casks , Icbs ; Vostlzza currants , extra , In
boxes , ( llic. '
CANNED KnuiT-rcaclies , per doz. , ti.13fiyi.03.
llcrrles i-lbcooscberrles. tl.i52-lb : ; strawbur-
rlos , S1.30JIb raspberries , * l.30j 3-lhbliicbor-
rli'H. Sl.IWi 'J-lb blackberriesI.S3. I'lnciipplcs
Hahania chopped. m..V ) ! B.uliiinin sliced , * . ' . . " > 0 ;
HuhainaKratcd , t-MJJ ! standard sliced , fl. ! .
1.50. Cherries .Mb rod. Ilalllinore , S1.Mvlilto ;
cherries. $1.73. Fears-1-- ! ! ) , $ ! . : ! .
B Wisconsin ! ' . C.i twin flats , por'lb. .
10c ! Wisconsin K.C. , younuAiiiorlca , lie : lirlck ,
12'/ic ' ; ilomostlo Swiss , 14 < Jiil7o ; Edam in foil ,
each JI.CO.
DATKS Persian , 00-lb box , 7c.
HAISISS London layers , California stand
ard , per l > ox , $ -.7.1i "horseslioo , " S'J.OJ ; loose
iniiscnti'lx. l'allfornliistandard$2.75 ! "lior-ie-
slioc."f2.u : ; "stai" loose inusoateis. .ii ) ; seed
less California. 51.85 ; California S"edless sul
tans , In sucks , per Ib , Se ; , California innscatuls ,
liifciieks , Sos now Valencia's , uc ; valonclas , old ,
Giv oiulura layer , old , lie ,
BVISUFS Amber SyupIu hms , No. 70 prado
Me ; lialf bills. Mo. 70 grade , 32o ; 4-gal ICCRS , No.
70 grade , $1.35 ; 2-gal kltts , No. 70 prade , 7Sc ;
pal cans , 10 In case , per onto. &J.DO ; ii xul cans ,
10 In case , per cuso $ UO ; tyhlto clover drips. In
libls , 3Jo ; half tibls , 3tu ; 4-iial kens , caoh , JI.45 ;
2-cal palls , each , S.loj rock candy drlpi , In
bbls , illc ; half libls , : )7o ) ; 4-sal kegs , cauh.MI.COj
2-Kal pails. eacli,81e ; California honey , bbls ,
: i7c ; half hols , USX : ; 4-pal kegs , $1.115 ; Sal
kitts , K a : 1-gal. 10 In case , 4.50 ; 1-gul. 1G In
case. M.25.
OIIOCOI.ATC 12-lh boxes , rCS33c ; Germ an
swcut,2224c ; Parisian. Me.
COCOA Per Ibio@l0c. :
HIIOMA Per Ib.a2e.
COCOANUT I'er Ib , In pkgs , 2JJW7C ! bulk. 23
. " .
SEKDS Mixed bird , 1-lb pkgs , 5o ; canarr , 56 ;
hpmp , 4V4cj anise , 18e ; poppy , lOc.
SPICKS Popper Singapore , sifted. ISQlOci
shot 'i.'e. lOu. Cloves '
, Allspice , I'enung , HO-
leeted. 20c. Gusla Chliin , 4-lbmat8Oo. Nut-
mess , No. 1 , 75ci fancy , large , S,1c.
FAIIINACEOUS Goons Hurley , 3Uo ; farlnu ,
llmabuans , Co1 split puas.Iic ; ippagcttl , llo.
MOI/ASSEK libls , N O fancy , per gal. R.1&570 !
choice , 4Sl7u ; good. Ul'S'f.'o ; Cuba , baking , 28
® : iOo ! black stra'JXS22o. | (
WliAi'PiNO I'Ai'KH-Straw. per Ib , lHO2sCi !
raa,3V4c ; Manilla H.jvafie ; No.l.-8o ,
OILS ISO prlmo white , Uo ; 150 water white ,
13c : 175 licaulijtht , Ulic ; 74 gasoline , 13c.
SAI.SOUA Itbls , iic ; granulated , 2c ; la bbls ,
KODA 1'kps , CO Ibs to box , r ? 4'c ; kcss. 4Je. }
ViNKOAit-yogr. chlor. lOo ; good , 12o ; white ,
wlno , 15ui fancy , fruit. 8c.
STOVE POLISH J-.OOPi5.87 per gross.
HAoa Am. per 100 , $17.7,1 : Lowlston , per 100 ,
$17.7.1. Union square , 30(335 ( per cent oir list. .
SALT Dairy , 2bO Ibs liibbl.bulk.J-MOi best
grade , 00 5s , S WO ; best srade , 100 Ii3 , J2.40 ; best
grade , 18 10s , J3.20 ; rook salt , crushed , SLS ) ;
coininon , bbl. ( 1.25.
1 Castile , mottled , per Ib , OtSlOcj do ,
whlto , peril ) , llo.
PICKLES Jtcdluin , per bbl , tj.50 ;
OiDEii-l'or Vl , rennedM..r 0 ! halt ;
hard elder , pure , per bbl , fi.OO ( ! oraiiKo elder ,
half bbl. t0.noi pear clilor , half bbl. * 1.30.
OoilDAnE Jlnnllla rope All sizes from 710
to 1 In , Lies sisal rope , all sizes from 7-I to 1
In , llStc ; "now process , " all sizes from 7-10 tel
In , PC.
COTTON Rows U-ln. 18c.
TwiKES-Cotton twine , "nibb , " very flue , ] i
Ib bales , U2c ; cotton twlno. "Daisy" brand , > i
Ib bales. ISc ; hemp twlno , 54 Ih bales , Ifo ; sail
twine. SOci candle wlok.S.'oMO-ftcottonciothes
lines , B5c ; Oy-ft cotton clothes lines , 3I.V.1 ; ca-tt
cotton lines. 51.40 ; CO-ft Rlsal lines , J1.75 | CO-ft
jute , ? 1.00j wool twines. 6i'c. ?
NUTS Almonds , 18e ; llruzlls , He ; fllberts ,
12icj ! pecans , 14o ; walnuts , 18c , peanut cooks ,
10 ; roasted , lS > 4c ; Tennessee peanuts , 8c.
Hnoosis 5-tle , parlor , W.OJ ! J-tlc , fc-.7.l ! : i-tle ,
$2.2.1 ; 3-tlo , plain. J1.S5 ; warehouse , $3.00 ; toy ,
Jl.2.1 ! whisk , J1.00O1.V5.
OLivus-Quarls , per doz , $4.00 ; pints , per doz ,
tS.Mi bulk , per Kill , Wo.
OAN.VKD MEATS-rorncd beef. 1 Ib , Jl.W ;
corned beef , 2 Ibs , B. 10 : lunch tonKucs , lib ,
? . ' . ( ; lunch tongue : ! , 2 Ihs , $1.75 ; hruwn , 1 Ib ,
I1.20 ; brawn , 2 Ibs , t2. < ! ox tongues , Ui Ibs.
fci.W ) ! ex tonRiies. 2 Ibs , JO.CO ; chipped bcof , 1U
Ib , round cans , Jl.'JO ; least beef , 2 Ib , round
cans , t2.00i potted ham , , round cans , Ulo !
potted ham , K Ib round .cans , JI.20 ; dovlh-d
ham , ! { Ib. round cans , il.1o ; dovllcd ham , ! 5 Ib ,
round cans , Jl.20j potted ox toiiKiie , y Ib ,
round cans. Jl.-V ; egin pressed ham , 1 Ib ,
square cans , fl.20 ; comiirnssod ham , 5 Ibs ,
bquaio cans , M.73 ; tripe , . Ib , round cans , $1.60 ;
minced calops , 2 Ib , roiiild cans , $2.20 ; bone
less pigs' feet , 2 Ib , square cans , J.'J.'i. Tomatoes J-lb ! extra , tl.10 ; 5-
Ib standard western , 'prands ' , DOe ; gallons.
strictly standard , lUVk Corn Finest grown ,
tl.GO ; Rllt-edKed sugar ; rorn , very fine , $1,50 ;
choice 2-lb sugar corn.j 11,10 ; 2-lb extra west
ern brands , $1.00 ; : Ml > standard western
brands , n.OO. MushrcKinis 1-lb I'rcnch , o.Mra
line , t.2 < ai5ei i-lh I'rciieh. line , l ay.'o ; Mb
I'Vvnch , ordinary , ICIilSc. Pens Ties , linc.pcr
can , 25uileinl-Hne ( , per Pan. IGo ! 2-lbsifti-il ,
11.00 ; 2-lb early June. ! | 1yOy2-lh niarrOH-stiind- ,
ard brands. Jl.30lb f-oaked. 75e , Ktrlnz lutuns
2-lh high jrnde. ltofUj.'fco , H.OOj 2-lb Golden
wax beuns. jl.DO ; 2-lb string beans , GOe. Lima
Ix'Him S-Ili soaked , Kk' . Jtoiton baked buans
3-lb l ewls , Jl.MiC'iinvn brands , iMH. Hwoet po
tatoes 3-lh Now Jorhcy , SlfiO. Pumpkins-Ji
ll ) , tl. 10 , Okra uidtonutoc3-Jl.C5 ! : ; okra , $1.00 ;
. . ' . .
I'isu-Oodllsli , extra Gcorses. new , S'lo ' ;
Rrund bank , now. 4'io ; Silver. 2-lb blocks , G'e ' ;
hiniw whltn. 2-lb brlckf , now , 8J.c'i ( turkey cud ,
largo middle bricks , Uc ; snow whites , crates , 12
5-o | boxes , SVc : medium united hoirlni ; . J.iv :
No. 1 sjaluil lienhiK.ilOc ; domet.tlo Holland
htMiliig , 40o ; llnmbiirg ajilcucl horrliiK. lUo ;
Itinslun sardines , spiced , t > V ; ; Uiisslan sar-
( llni < , plain , .v > c ; Impurlu-.i Holland lierrlns ,
eruwn brand , SOo ; do fancy milkers , OOo ; muck-
rcl. No. 1 short- , halt bbls. tr..OO : hloaterH ,
half bbls. $ l .i)0 ) ; whltu ll li , halt bbU. ifl.OO ;
trout , half bblH , tViK ) ; family white tub , 41.50 :
Hnlniitii , W.W ! ; pordoz 1-Ui luiiclicrul [ hcrihiKj
2-lb tiinlli'd iiuiL-U'ri'l , 12,0 n ll-lh In mtintard ,
J2iiO ; : i-l | ) in tomato HIIUCC. J..G'J ; S-lb Mavo
inesi niaokoiul , B'.oi ; I-lli brook trout. (1.2.1 ;
IJ-llibnnU tnint. . ' ( ) > ! 1 lu tilmoi ] , Jl.'il ; Mb
while IWi , * 3.aij Mb white ( lull , U5 ; Mb lul > -
biers , (1.15 ; 1-lb lobstciK , $ V.I.V& , ' . > . ! 5 ; i-ll )
oysters , 12 oz , if 1,0.1 ; 1-lb oyftci-K,5oz. tl.1.1 ; i-lb
oyster.- oz , Jl..V : l-loyMers.5oz ) , tl.lOMb ;
hcloet , 13 oz , t2.3ri2-lbllarutariu ! , 10 or. 4I.H5 ;
1-lb Uanitnrla , Bo . tlfl i ! ' Irmon' < oz. 11.05 ;
Fairmont , 8 oz , 11.83 ; Mb clains , little nccka ,
fl..V ) ! 2-11) elami. little necks. ) H-lb clam
Hiowcler , * 2. < W ! Mb crabs , $3.2 > | 2-lb crabs.
Qt'tNlXK 1'nr ol , P.V. . , 4lot Oorman , Sflos
Indlgii , per lu , 73c ! Insect jiowdcrM | iiulum ,
(4.15 ; morphine , per ofcH. 10 ; hops , pcrlbIWo ;
Klycerlne , 2Dc ; < lo.\trlne. lOc ! cuttliboni > , IKo ;
cream tartar , pure , : c.Vt conuiiurclal , Uo ; cam
phor , fiOo ; am. curb. Ha' blue vitro ! . i'iO. (
Acii-Oarbollc.n : < aic ; citric , 453 < sc ; tar-
tnrlc- , ; y/i-'lOo ! ! sulphuric , per Ib , 2c.
Oihs-Hpoiin elf , 81.10 ; tnrpontlno. 49c ; Ton
ka bonus , J'.2 , ' > JiS.i5 : ; biiNatn toulu , 4UM5ccnl- |
oiucil , mitn7e | canthirldi.4 , Jl.'uxaiAl ! cassia
buds , 203i'i2ci eliloroform , 4'VIW2C ' ! eigot , tv-j ,
Moi mini arable , Vi&U'ici Ircopodluin , 4CXiilJo ;
'mercury , bflo ,
TNSTHUMEN'JM pliuod on rujorj during
J. yostordav !
Ell Uaer to Ii nl'owlcr , truntcc. lots 1 ,
2.3 nml n 'M d'cL lot 4blk , 78 , South
Umiihn. wil J.'I.OOO
Louisallllllke , dedication of llllllko's
I'll r k , u hit
J M Marston to E J Urlgss. lot 1 , blk 101 ,
WestOinahu , wd. . , , 18,000
Jlnry i ; ICIolnliiius nml husband toT O
1/lvlngstoii , u ! i lot 0 , blk llUiuaha ,
nod 220
Silas Ltvlneston nndvlfo to 'L' U Mvlntf-
Rlono ijlot 0,1)1 , ) It II. OinaliiMi 0(1. , . . 221
A K Iilvlnxsloii to T O Mvlngston.oSi
lotflblk II , Otnnlin , q od 220
South Oiiinlin land coiupnny toT.T Ilcr-
QiiiliiRhain , trustee , lots 2 und 3 , blk 15 ,
UlotsSaudfl. blk31 , lots I ) nnd 11. South
Omaha , wd 6.K5.1
A Is Lewis and wlfo to T A 1C Gray , lot 2 ,
howls'sub , wd 1,001) )
M L Liinplirar lo B Ii Jaynes , lots 1 to 8
nnd 18 to24 , blkl , lluunlon ndd , wd. . . . 8,000
South Omaha land company to Kllza-
bethNoo , lotlj , blk 120. ioiuh Omaha , ,
w d 450
J A JIoMurpliyand wlfo to A. liSlonecy-
iiher , lot 1 , blk 1\ South Onmha , wd. . . 3,000
W A Gardner ct nl , to O Suumlors , lot
8. blk J. Saundurs & Hlniobaiigirsadd ,
wd 60Q
T O Pello nnd wlfo to Joionh Tiichck , n
CO ftlot4.blk4. liowurylllll.wd 5,500
M M llobcrtson lo Seourlty trunt com
pany , lots47 and 48 , Falriiiouiil 1'laco ,
w d 1
Henry Livingston nnd wlfo to T O hiv-
liiKston , o > i lotO , blk 11Omaha , , ( jo d. 220
riftecn transfers fGiEGO (
nitlldlni ; IVrjiilts.
The following pormlts wora Usuod by the
superintendent of bulhiln ycstotxlay :
Hoard of education , ono-story frame
school bnlklln ? . Twunty-fourtli and
Commercial stiouls Jl.OJO
lloaid of educatUm , one-story frame
scliool building , I'lno street nnd Grand
avenue i < OoO
Doiuil of education , one-story frame
school bulhlln , blxth and Hickory
streets 1.030
OlarkOnpen , two-story brick residence ,
Twenty-fourth and tfurnumstreets. . . . 8,001
St. Mary's Auuo Cungreetittniiiil
olinreh. one-story fraiuo cl.apol , Kleu
andDwIghtstieels l.O'O
Oao minor permit 1W
Provisions and Stocks ,
SOB South 13th Street. - Omahn.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - S7BOO
OfllcerJimdDlrrctorncnrjWj Ynte * . President ;
i < enls.S. llccd , Vlco-rrosldent ; JnruesW. SaTa e , W.
V.Morse , JohnS. Collins , U. U. Cuihlng , J. S. S.
Patrick , W. U.S. Ilunhoscashier.
Corner 12lh and Furnam Sta.
A General Bunking llualness Transactnrt.
IF YOU WANT TO MAKE KDnti uu Whi > ; - .
with nrrcnentpopulntlonapprozlnintlnit23.00n&nd
lncn lnK t the ruto ol about WXH i uummlly '
Clio considered.
UnJIvldoJ 1'rolltn.
First X ttonal Bunk lnHo < Ki ( >
Moiitnna " " lMooo.ou )
Helen " " I. . . . . OIMI.OOO.OO
Jlcrcli'nts" " 4IS.OUO.00
Eccond " " ooooii.oo
Amcrl m" "
Cruse fiivlngs " -ooo.oo
ToKCtUcrholding avcrano deposits of clwlit mil
lions ol dollars , wlilch puts llulcnn financially on
n level with cltirg Ilko llocho.iter , N. Y. . Imllnnnpo-
1K InJ. . Grand Ilaplcli > , Mlcli.nnd Colunitma , Ohio ,
all clmseil is tinviiiK tlio una most pros
perous In the Knntoni Btnton. with populations
nintrlnK ubovo ono-hmidroa tliotiKand ouch.
Tiiccointlnoitwiiltliof tlio citizens of Helena
In mines , roulostnto , cnttlo nnrt oilier nrom-rtf Is
larcelynbovoonoliunilrcil mllllonsof dollurn unit
In the reeiiltor tuta fo ' yonrBpr/ort Inuio _ .
ODmoritofrosotircoR. marking Mont
morotjountlfullrondflwea In nature ianuny o
er Dortlonof thohuhltahlo ulobo.
T11H 8TATK Of MONTANA with less thnn two
hiinilrcd thoiiHund people prmluccHannually In uold ,
pllvor.copiwr and lead , cuttlo. Iiorscn , wool , lilJos-
oliocn etc. , oxportnblo commodities uinountlni ; to
* UOOOOOOO.OO , nouily equaling In vnlHU thosn of
the Hlnto of Toias , wlUi u population of two-aud-a'
qunrtrrmllllona ,
For full Information , address ,
L. Q. PHELPS , Scc'y Citizens CommUteo ,
Helena , Montana *
13O2 Fnrnam Stroot.
Oity PtxEsenffor and Ticket Agont.
We Offer for Sale.
Tour thousand tons choice lltilod liny , K. 0.
II. cars , Stru iip'd'H SUllntr. Ijutou or llurnlck
stulloiia , on < J. M. & St. I' . 1C. U. , In lots to Hull
eliuKcr ; prices regulatoJ by thu murUct
liindecQ us |
A POSITIVE and permanent CURE for til
diseases of the URINARY ORGANS , Onrei
wnere other treatment falli , Fall directions vltn etch
bottle- Price , one dollar , bee ciznatore of Ii.
BTAUIi. For Solo Dy All
tuny | 4ui luUt Unllnl M.u , . il , . , I
m | > tn , HlejeUt , h rttlr led Olrll1 Trlej
Ui. On t > r Biortit whoItfttU frir * fnt
C 0. D. d.rtcl rrcio L. tl. kprxir1. I'M.
t yHl W.M.di n EL , Chic | > . MM
1 > I O. B nd k. tuat f.r mw Mlt.
loU. 7U k < ( Mt ( trtuj la Ui vul4 ,
Omaha Manufacturers ,
llootn nnd Shoes ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots * Shoes
Agents for notion Kubbor Shoo Co. , 1103,11011
Humor Street , Onnliii , Neb.
lager llccr Brc\versf. \
IU1 North Iflli Street , Omntia , Neb.
Cornice ,
t'OKKS ,
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
\Vliidowcnpn nnd iiiotnllniVrlUhl * . John Kponttor ,
proirlclor. | IWnnU 1IU South Mill oirouU
Artists' Materials ,
A. 1IOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1S13 PoiiRlm Street , Omnha.Nob ,
Conl , Coke , Kto ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
8. IS. Cor. Kill nnd Pouilits Strcota , Omnlia , Neb.
Wholesale Cidars.
40JN.10tli Street. "Hollol" 14.1ft
Dry GuoilH and Notloim.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnislilng Goods and Notions
Corner 11th nnil llonnrtl Slrcpn.
importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Oenti * KurnlihtntfflooiH. Corner Ifth and llarnoy
Btrccta , Oiuntia , Neb ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnnm StreetOninhii , NtbrnsVi.
Omnhn , .N'oVrnskn ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
loth and I avonwortli Btrocts , OnmlmNcbraiika
Lumber , Htc.
Dealers'in Hard \vood \ Lumber ,
Yard 1310 K IBUiSt. , Oomlin.
Wholesale Lumber , lite. , Etc.
Imported and .American Portland Cement. Btati
tgeut for Mlltvimkno Hyilr.iullu Ceuient , and
( Julncr WiilKI.Inie.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood oarpeta nnd parquet tlonrlnit. Dili nud Douglu
BtrcelJ , Umllia : , Nobroakii.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner Oth ami DOIIRI | Strcctn , Omaha.
Millinery anil Notions.
Importers and Jobbers In Millinery ,
203 , 219 nml 212 South llth street.
Notions :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
UZUInmo ? strccst , Onmha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grease , etc. , Omaha. A. II. Bishop , Manncer ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
'nnrr a ctco stock of printing , wrapplm ; nnd writing
paper , Special attention Klvcn to card jiapor.
, Etc.
A , L. DEANE & CO. ,
General .Agcim for
Halls' Safes ,
Ml awt 32.1 Bon til 10th St. . Omaha.
Toys , Kto.
Jobben of
Dolls Albums Goods
, , , Fancy ,
Home Furnishing Goods , Children's Carriages. 1209
Vnrimtu street , Umuua. Neb.
Water Supplies.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Eallldoj- windmill ] , 018and OTIJones it,0malia.
Q , I' . HOJI , AclliiL' Mannscr.
Iron AVorks.
Wrought and Cast Iron Buildiug Work ,
tlncs , brnni work , concrnl foundry , machine and
blacfcunltli wort. Olilco and works , U. ! '
Itr. aud 17th itrceti Omaha.
Manl'rs ol Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , jail work , Iron iliuttcra and tire oncnpca.
Q. Andreca.prcp'r. Cor. 14th andjackion Bit.
Basil , BOOTH , Kto.
Vboleaalo minufactureriol
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch office , 12th nnd Itard itrcuti , Omaha. Neb.
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
National Bank
Capital , . . . $40OOOO
Surplus , - 44OOO
OBlcers nnd DlroJtors K. M. Momenmn , O. M.
Illtohcoclc , Joscpu anrni > .iu , Jr. , A. Henry , H. M.
Anderion , WIIIUui ( J. Maul. Tlco-prcjldeuti 1 < - II.
Wllllnnu. A , I' , llnpklni. prrnldnit : A. Mlllaid
cashier ! IT. 11. Uryunt. anlitont ca hlcr
Accounts of Dunks , Ilankori lin.l Corporations BO-
Our fat-Hitler for COIJ.KGTIONS nro f cell ntnnit
we ru-dUcount for bunks when balance ) warrant It.
lloiton Ii u Itciervo City , end tulances with us
from tuiikt ( not lucutoil In other Itetorva Cltlei )
count ai nreiortt.
Wo draw uur oirn crchanze on Ixinilon anil the
Continent , anil nmku cublo tmnifcrs nnjplacemoncj
br tck'ur.ith throughout the United Blatoj und Can
\Vuliavo i market for prime flrit-clnm InTCitment
Eccurltlcs.tna liirlto propomU from Stutci , Coun
ties and Cities wlicn UiuhiK tiondi.
Wo do a general banking luttutis , and InTlto cor-
reapoadonct ,
Louisiana State Lottery Companyi
i t-r tlio IcaMnturc. for p < tuc tlon t
niulcnnrllatilo putpo'e * . lt frtiuchljoiiuvclo n pntlof
tliorroKpnt rtito voixtittitltm , In 18" , br otir-
TrlicliuliiR popnbr vulo , nml
To contlnuo until
Jnnunry lot , 18OO.
Soml- Annually ( June niul Dooetnbor ) nn 1 Its
Qrnnil Klnslo Number Drawing * tnko plnoo
In cooli cf the other ton months of the vtur
antl nre all ilrawu In iiubllo , at the A''tulemy
of Muoic , NowOrlaius , Li.
FOP Integrity of Its Drawings cine !
Prompt PnymontorPflzos.
Attciteil ni follows :
" \VortolicroliT n-rtlf y Hint no mirerTlfOtliai ! *
njciiiont' for nil llm ninnthlr nml nonil-nnmml
IrnwIiiKSOt the l iulslum ftnta Lottery romiunr ,
iiiul In p.'rmn nmimxp niul control the ilrnivlni *
irm'clven. nntl Hint the rnino nrn roiKliicltMl wlttt
KinMly. ( nlrnc1" . niul In IIODI ! lalth townnl'nll par-
. | p < , nnd vrn uuthoilro thoroinp.inr to 11941 this cer *
tlttcntn vrllli fnc Mniltoj ut our lunnturos nttncboA
n tin t
\Vc , tlif n < 1cr liiiieil tMink.i nnd t > ankrr < , wlllpiiy
nil I'rlioi ilrnivll In thu Liiulslnliix Mcti ) l.utlcrlc *
wlilch may beprt-scnti'il ut ourioiiiitori :
K.M.WAI.MSI.KV.l'res.l.oulMiiwiNnt'l Hank.
PIKKHK KANAU.X , I'rcs. Sliito.Nulton'l Unnlt.
A HAIiDWIN , Ties. Now OHouns Nnt'l llanle.
KOI1N , I'rw. Union Ntitloiial Hunk.
At the Acailomy of Music , Now OrUans ,
Tucsil iy , Sopt. Oth , 1800.
100,000 Tlckot-4 nt Twenty Dollnrs ouch ,
llnlvos. ? 10j Quuttors , W ; ' 1'ontlis , fc'i Twua'
tlctlis , tl.
1 1'Hi/i ! orfscm.uui . j.mooo
OF luumuis . iiw.oou
or KI.UUIM . M.wa
i IMII/.I : w 2.\ow i .
1 I'lll/.KS OF III , K ) nri ) . W.OOO
6 IMU/.US til' ' MM ) nio . ! 5KXJ
! i IMIIXKS 01' ll > lire . 23,000
Hi ) PHIKKS 01' N l me . W.COO
Ml IMd/KS OF 11)0 ) lire. . m.OOa
f0 I'UI/.Ka Or' ! X1 nro . . . . lUI.COU
100 I'rlrciiof t.TOnro . Nl.000
IU ) 1'rlruH of UMnru . W.OOq
lOUrrhcsiif JOUnro . SO.OOQ
Pilrc.iof JlOOnro
l'rln'sor lUUuio
3,134 Prizes amounting to . $1,054,800 ,
NOTE. Tickets drimlng Capital ITUoa nionotcar
tlllud to teniilniil prlcoi.
tVKoii Ciun ItATKH.or . nny further Information
ilpi-lrc'cl wrlto UKlliUUi iimlcnluniil , tlo.irl *
elating jruiirrr'lilciKo. trlth nfito. coiiiuy. street anil
inimlior. Mn in rnplct return luiill del I \ cry Mill bq
nisurcil liy juurcncloaliiKun imvclupo boarluKJOuj
full nil Jrosa.
Address M. A. J
Nuw Orleans , L ,
WilshliiKton , II. 0. . .
lly onllnnry letter , c-oiilulnlnx Mover , In.
fiifil by nil esprusn companies , Now Vork Kirluunjo ,
draft i.r put ul unto.
Address Eecistored Letters Contaluliic Cur
renoy to
Kovf Orleans , Lft ,
HKJIK.MllKIt , that the pn.rinoiit ofprUei
A.\TIII : > ny roi'ti NATIONAL IIANKN ot New
li'iin.i. nncl tlio tlcUct-i arc hlKnoil liy thopreslilcnt of
nn InsUliitliiii lie u rliiirtcrcil rlnhtt nro rccu nUc4
In thulilKheslcourtrt ; tiiorufuro , bonaroof tilltiulUv *
tUinsor iinonyitiotiK Hrticni'9.
llK.Ml AIIIKIi. innt tlie ptiiKentcnnrinrni THO i
l-innHlilto I ottcry Oiiiipuny , which tlio SUI'llIC.MQ
'OHIITOI'THK ' U. 8. hn.i decided to DO n CON-
1'llAUT with the Htnto or I.onlHlunii , and u pnrt ot
In ; ( ' ( innlllutloiiof llioBttito. DOHS NOT oxiilro UN-
'J'lio l.t Klnturi' ! ut' l.oulslnnn , vtliloh ndjoi'.rncrt OK
lie IMh of July of thlH year , Imi nnlcrml n AMKND *
ilKNTto thu Cdiittltutlon uf tlio utiite to bo sub-
nltti'il to the people nt nn iilcctlonln 1W. . which will
'nrrytho ' charternf TUB LOUISIANA BTATK LOT.
'KUV COMPANY up tci the rear N1NETU1SN HUN *
"FRAUDS MFG. CO. , r' ' |
A'rrvom Detlllly.
Youthful IndUrretloD ) ,
Lout Minhood.
Bo Your Own Physician I
Miuiy men , from the rfftcti of youthful
, Imprudence , h v Ijioutrttt About a Hint ? of
; YrAkne itlitha reduced tliv cenertvltyt-
> t nk no much A * to Induvo almost fcttry
; othnr cmeatt ? , and lliu itat cauia of Hie
! ire doctorfrdfor prcrytbln but the right
! one. Kotwitliitnnrilnkf tl-ij many valuable *
"incilii'81 hat mcd II'A ) uclunco ti * produce U
. , .r tli relluf of thliclflf * of patients , iionu
; oHheonllntry inolen c.ftnalirtnt cL'crtn.
. iurw. Uui Inic our oitcnulro colUo andhna-
! rllnl tTACtlcowe hnro cipfrlrncntcft with
ami 'lWoreiFcln wkndconcentrated rcm -
J rtitJi. 'Hie floconianyiniieicrli'llonJjof | ' -
[ ttrvd ia rrrlutn tmuipr "
> l > uii < lrt.l. of cnirv Inoiir iitftOllc haT i ren
* testoml to rf > rffct Iit > allb hr lii u e tfter
tUotherit-niri9 ] fnil tl. I'rrfwtij imroln-
irrftdli'iita imi't bo usoJ Intbe prtiniratJon oC
, tliU pruncrtitlon. |
; It Krythroiylon coe.a. It drachm ,
Jcrulx-ljln. 1S drurh-.u.
Holoiilm Uloica. l itrnchnL
Oclbcmln. 8 Kraln * .
Fit. f natln nmArmficoboUct ! grrJns
Kit. Ivnundra , S cfut'lt' .
( llyccrlne , a. . Mr.
. Ifaio CO I'llli. TnVo 1 pill fit 3 p , m. , anI * n-
> othron polii ? to Led. In Eotn * * cast's It will
s > .o iiweMarjrfoi * t tit tuitlcittto tate twopUI *
r * t bcdtlmo.niaklni ; ( ho number thn-o a day.
[ TliUremJYlnatl i > teUtiieTry condition ot
l ) rToui ctrbtlltr aiut weaVnesa in * Utenex ,
I tud ciwclalljr m the o CMCI r iulttuc from
s Impru'lencf ' , Th rccii | > rAtlrt ) ] > owtii of
f tl. ! rfKtorfttiTOftrotmlytitor.t'htn , nHl ! tti
1 uiu continued for A thort tlmoeli nvd the
2 Illiquid , ( letiilltnudtnvrrftleriicuadiUan to
> onnof renuwnd Uf andTf or.
J Ai H irocoiiitantly Inrcccli'tof ' Utters of
f Inquiry reUtlro to Otis remvly , wo would
1 i y tollioionho would prtfertoobtalnltof
2 ui , br mlltlnpr Ql a necurely ifaled pack *
J affo contalnlntc C9 pltli , carefully rom-
\ [ KjuntUd , will b lent byrttum nirxilfrom
t our prhata laboratory , or wo lu furnlth 4
MvcUnffK , which ntlcuroino | tcak04or6A.
AddrtM or call oa
New England Nodical Instliulo ,
34 Trcmonl Itoir , Duilon. .Mnm ,
Ipoclflo for Ilr t rl . Dlli'.neii.FItl.i'iiurtjUW ! ! k (
lulnitti , HentM Itprestloii , norttnln oC thtf llrtln , i >
lultlnir in InimUj anil le&dlnr to ml orjr dwtr mni
u tli. I'rcm lur Old Agis lltrrenniir. l.or ol I'ow
lueltbtr i , lnTolunt rx lJone , and nptnnitorrholi
ouie < t br oTflr ifrtlot ot thtt trim , ielr-tuitt i
OTeMadulffenca. Kftchboz cont&lnionemonth'i tr a |
mont. tl tor , or li far ( i , ( tut by nulliirep&ld
With * cU order for tlx boii't , vlJl c nil | iuni&e ?
tni&rtnt o to refund money If the treatrarul rails L
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