Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha Lssas tha Pint Qatno of th3 Kansas
City Eories.
ApoHtlcn Snrprlno Tlipmsplvcs by
g a Onino from Mticoln
ttlaiiillnt ; < ' the Clubs The
As Longfellow remarked In ono of his
earlier poems , wo "weren't In It" yesterday.
But the Cowboys were thcro all right
cnoutrli , nnd If you had seen them cavorting
over tlio pnituro you'd ' tliouRbt them was u
herd of them ,
Clurko vns In tha bet for the HlacltSox
nnd lie floated them over the pin bis as
The conscfiuentlal result VfM ho was hit
lard nnd often.
On the other hand , that attenuated youth
known by tlio cognomen of Swartzel , waiflno
us sill ! , and lie won the panic Just a ? easy ns
nlldln' down the banisters.
Itwnt f-ooso opus spceillly laid for both
slde-s In thothreolirstliiiilnps , and still an
other ono for Omaliii In tlio fourth.
Hut In their linlf of the latter the Manning
family bi-pnn to exhibit themselves.
HuRh Nicol , n llttlo snwcd-oft Sxvcdo. who
\ised tosnutrh tliu bagj baldhc.idcd In Clncln-
jinll , opened up the inerry-malilng with a lit
tle parabolic fly to rlitlit.
Hnnilionio Klmcr Smith , however , forced
lilm nt Bccond. Then lilp Hoover made n
sliiKlo , chiittcrlnK D.inny Stearns a thrco-
nicker , nnd two earned runs In.
The pn-hlstorlo rcpivscntutivo who guards
third for Uio Cowboys licit sought to caress
cno of Dad's ' cantcloupc1 ? , but only succeeded
In popping up ahlijhono lo Jack Newman.
Tbo I'oet followed , nnd to maintain the fx-
cltcmcnt so auspiciously Itiaugurated hy the
Btuhby Swede , poked out a safe ono , nnd
Dnntiy ran In with another earned run on his
Hut that wasn't tbo end yet.
Clineland gave an Imitation of a man try-
Jnp to obstruct the illpht of u grounder and
inado a fiasco out of It. This tickled Mr.
Gunson , tbo cleverest nnd moat graceful llttlo
catcher In the business , and ho peculated
Hungry Swnrtzcl now braced himself
fiffalnttn pust of wind , and as ono of Dad's
sprinkllnif cirt curves came tortuously bin
vny lie struck It squnro In tlio law nnd It
ivcntimt Hanriihim with a velocity that
turnol the Hibernian's hair red.
You know It used to bobluck ns the raven's
whip. But look at It when you go out this
Gunson scamiwrod homo on this last drive ,
nnd Manning put a stop to the slaugutur by
rointfoiit from pitch to lirst.
Five runs that is the story on the half
In the sixth Grovcrvvnlkcd out with the
contribution box In his li.uuis , and the chari-
tiblo Co\boy twirler ( r.ive blmaOivso on
lialls. Then ICcnms drove him In on a rattling
wo-b.igjcr ( , Tommy getting In himself on
Wills' bunt.
Ilanrahna'ti out ended Omaha's collection ,
for they wcro systematically and sclcutlllcally
Cblcngood In the lost thrco Innings.
IJut the Bovine panehers were not'yot
done gathering huckleberries.
In their hnlf of thosixth. the Scottish Bard
cot in a little snfe Inllcld hit , mid In his nnx-
loty to eovcr himself with glory ho attempted
to inako third on Cunson'ssafo ono.
FJut bo only succeeded In covering himself
with mud.
Ho made an clcgnnt ulldo for It , but Clove-
Jftiid planted the bull ut the Imo ot his ver
tebra with a whack that sounded llko Hring a
chunk of witty against n barn door.
Gunson , however , reached second on the
play , and after Manning's out to Canavan ,
ambled over thaplnto on NIcol's hit.
They cnmo npaln In the eighth.
Qunsonlcd oft with his second slncloln the
panic , but was forced nt second by Swartzel.
who was batted in by hits by Manning and
' The ncfony lusted Just ono liour nnd thirty-
five minutes.
Tills afternoon Fagln , tha count , says ho'll
( hut , em out.
Will hoi
Hope so , any way ,
Hero are the figures :
All. 1L 111. 811. SB. FO A E.
Cnnnrufi , U 4 0
Walsh , KH t
Noamuu. C 4
O'Connor , II ) 4 000
( llovi'liuul. : ib 3
KimriH , r [ : i
WII1H , in 4 ,
Hlinnililui.Sb. , 4 -
Clurto , ] ) 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 3 0
' TotulH J5 1 5 "o 1 24 11 1
AU. II. 1U. 811. SPO \ , A. t.
Ml nillllK,2t ) , .5
NtCOl , HS 5
Hiiitth , If 5
Hoover , rf 5
Htourn'i , 111 4 1 2 0 0 10 0 1
Carnontur , ! ) b 3
ItliriH , 1)1 , , , . 4 000
( liinnoii. 0 , 4 1 V 0 1 300
Bivaiuol.p 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 II
Totals 3D 7 12 0 1 S7 15 2
EUOltl ! IIV 1ININ(13. ! (
Onmhn 0 00 00 20 00 3
KitimB City 0 00 00 10 1 7
Ituni onrncd-Oniiihii i ; Kansas City 4. Two-
1ii solilt KoiiniH. Tlirun-busu IilU Stearns.
Douhlo pliiyH-N'luol to Stourns , llano on
liUt-Olf : tlhirko 1. oil Kwurt ol : t. Struck out
HyOlutkol. bv awivrtzclS. Tlmo of eumu
Onu hour und llilrty-llvo inliiutmi. Umplro
Sioux City C , Denver 2.
Sioux CITY , la. , August 20 , [ Speclnl Tclo-
Bram to THK Her. . ] Following Is the score
of today's game :
11 II < ) A n ro A c
PlrniiM. rf , , , .00010 McOlono. 3ti.l
lllnok , in. . , , .00010 MeClollnn. 2b.O 0 _ 0
( .1 I 1 0 0 Curlls. m. . , ,0 1 a 0 0
.1 3 8 1 1 U' ' J 8 U 0
llruimun. b. , .00070 Ui'rnolJn. o 1 T 0 U
1'iiwoll. Hi , , , .10800 WIlKun , If. . > 4 1 0
( lenlna , ni. . . .0 o A a o Moisltt , rf. 1 1 0 1
Dovlln. i > , . , .1 0 0 U 0 Wllltl'lK'lHl , 190 a 2
C'rosiloy , c. . .1 1 U 1 0 Mc.Nabli , p..0 t 0 1 it
Total i 0 4 27 II Totals TlJ J7 10 "ii
11V 1N.N1M13.
RIOHX City 0 1 5
Donvcr. 0 I ) 0 a
Karneil riiiis-nenvor 8. limes on bulls Tlcv'
lln 4 , Mo.NiihbX Struck out Dovlln 0 , JloNnbtj
4.1.i > ft on bases Sioux City 4 , Uiinvor 13. Sneil-
ill-chits Illuuk , MclJlollimYliltolmnd. . I'lissed
nulls Uro-.sloy I. lliiMi > n8lolen Htraius , llixis-
iiiin , Mi-dlono , McClollnniirll9.0'llrliin , Mos-
Bltt , Tlnioof Riimo Ono hour and thirty-live
'inhiutoa. Umplru lloovor.
Kt. I'nul 12 , Lincoln 2.
ST.PAUI , Minn. , August U3. [ Special Tele-
Rvam to TIIIJ DEB. ] Following Is the score
of today's ' gnino :
2 1030301 3-12
LtlH'Oln. , 0 OOOUO 11 0-L
Ituns curncil St. I'luild , T.lncolnS. Two-baso
hlU-Uniiiliurta , Mcl.iiuijlillii , C'llno. Tli roc
linneliU-Mookln. llomu riinw .Mol.uiislilln
I no , llrlhllilocoii ) , lluao.ion balls Solinilt
SI Itoncli 1. Htruck out Sfliailtt , lloacli I
Wilrvs-Malii9 | und Dooms.
Standing oftho C lubs.
I'luyocl. Won. 1'cr Ct..Cl. .
01Cl . .Cl.KIO
Cl , KIO
49 , W
48 .4 *
4 M . V1
'M C ) .30
Tlio Covvlmj'H
TbilCaiiuuCtty ( uudOiimliu will Uyjt
fflu tbl ufWnioonvltU Siultli iu.a Douo
boo In the points for the Cowboys nnd Faln ( ?
and Newman for tlio Black Sox. Sunday
they will piny two games , ono In the morning
and ono In tlio afternoon , nnJ ai this Is the
last appearance of the comliij * champions In
thhcity this season a Inrpo crowd should turn
out and give them a routing furowcll ,
Umplro Caslok.
Andy Cuslck lias been rcnppolntcd ta a
"NVestcm association umplro nnd will oniclato
at today's jramo boUvccn the UlacUSoxanU
tlio ICatv boys. _
Nation ill ijcnutic ,
Boston , . 0 01 00 000 1 2
Cincinnati . 0 00 00 1 00 0-1
Hits-Boston 8 , Cincinnati 1. Errors-
Boston S , Cint-lnnatl 7. Uattcrlei Mullnno
and Harrington ; Clarkson nnd Uauzol. Uin-
piro 1'ovvers. _
Philadelphia. . . . 3 00000010-4
Chicago . I 10100102-0
-Philadelphia 3 , Chicago II. Krrors
I'lillivlclphla 4 , ChlcaKO I ) . Batteries
Vlckoryond Sclirlver ; Stela and Klttrcdge.
Umpiw Lycnb. _
Brooklyn . 4 1005000 -10
Clovolmid . 2 OS 30 000 O-O
Hlts-Rrooklyn 10 , Cleveland G. Krrors
Brooklyn 0 , Cleveland 5. Battcrlci Terry
and Clark ; Ucatln und 21nuner. Utnplro
New York . 0 1
Plttsburti . 0 00 00 000 0 0
Hits-New York G , I'i ttsburg 2. Errors-
New York 3 , Pittabur/a. natterlcs Welch
and Buckley ; Anderson , and Ucclter. Umpire -
piro ijtrlof.
I'lnycrrf Ijcajjuo.
AT llOiTO.f ,
Boiton . 3 4004101 5-18
PlttsburR . 0 00000000-0
Hits-Boston 1,1 , , Plttaburg 10. Errors
Boston 1 , Pitts burg 0. Butteries lUdbourno
and Murphy ; Maul and Hurley. "Umpires
Ferguson und Ilolbert.
A7riiitvurLprtr\ .
Phllndelphla.l 000 00321 2-8
Buffalo . 0 0
lilts-Philadelphia 11 , Buffalo 11. Errors
Philadelphia , uuffalo 0 , Bittorlcs Hua-
ted and llallman ; Stafford and Mack. Umpires
Snydcr und Pcarco. _
Brooklyn . . . .1 03200030 1 10
Cleveland. . . .0 0
HIts-Brooldyn 14 , Clovolaiid 13. Errors
Brooklyn C , Ulcvelnnd 7. Batteries Hom-
inlnp and Daily ; Ornhcr nnd Urennan.
Umpires Qailiioy and Sheridan.
AT NU\V vouic.
New York . 3 1004013 0 11
Chicago . 1 1000001 1 4
Hits-New York 7 , Clilcajjo 7. Errors
Now York (5 ( , Chicago 7. Batterlos O'Day '
and Brown ; Baldwin and P.irrell. Umpires
{ uljjht and Jones.
Syracuse . 2 00 000 00 1-0
Louisville . 0 1003231 ' 10
Hlts-Syracuso 12 , Loulsvlllo 12. Errors
Syracuse 2 , T oulsvlllo 5. Batteries Mc-
CuilouKh and Briggs ; Ehret and Bllgh. Urn-
ilro I'ecblcs. _
Baltltnoro . 1 00 000 10 0 2
St.l-ouis . U 10 103 00 0
Hits Baltimore 7 , St. Louis 7. Errors
Baltimore 2 , St. Louis 4. Uatterles German
and 'JTownsond ; Hart and Munyau. Um
plro Kmslle.
The Toledo game was postponed on account
ot wet grounds.
Campbell Plays Hall.
DKSISOX , la. , August C'J. [ Special to THE
IRE. ] Dow City and Donlson crossed
wts today , Dow City wlnnhiffhy a score of
.0 to 7 , Campbell's flrst huso play was the
feature , lie had fifteen put outs nnd four
assists , without an error.
Games at Crete.
Ciinm , Nob. , August 29. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE Bni' . ] Tlio third series of cham-
ilonshlp games of base hall between the
Rackets and Steldls of tills cltv- took place
: hls afternoon , nnd ended In a victory for the
Steldls by a score of 5 to 4.
T1IJB SfEEJ ) ftlXU.
Gutteiilmrg ; Races.
GtrrrcMnuiio , N. JAugust 29. [ Special
Telegram to THE BUB. ] Summary of today's
wees !
Throo-quartcrs of a mile , soiling Harry
Husscll ( tlio fuvorlto ) won , KingttocK seo-
oud , Sophist third , Louis CJ drawn. Tlmo
Three-quarters of a mllo.'selllnR Porlcles
( the favorite ) loft at the post , Amalgam and
Hairspring ran a dead heat , Hot Scotch
third , Samarium drawn. Tlmo 1:17. : In
the irun-oft Hairspring won , Amalgam sec
ond. Timo1:13. : .
Fivo-eiphths of a mile Claudlno ( the favorIte -
Ito ) von , Lady Mary second , Alarmingthlrd ,
ICnlckkuaelc drawn.
Thlrteen-slxtoentlis of a milo , selling
Woodcutter ( the favorite ) won , Lonely second
end , Jack Uoso third , Crutches and Pall Mall
drawn. Tlmo-l'i ! .
Thlrtcon-slxtccntlis of a mlle Climax
won , Bradford ( the favorite ) second , MabJo
third. John E , lugo and Uuarunteo drawn ,
Timo-1 :21K.
Onoandone-clKhth miles , selling Vigilant
won , Llttlo Mlnnio second , Gardner ( the favorite -
vorito ) third , Irene and Mlddlostono dra\vn ,
Tlino-1 : : > TJ < r.
Soveii-cldhths of a , mlle , sellln--Pontlco
won , Marty B second , Lancaster third. Uuclt-
stone ( the favorlto ) not heard from , 'ilmo
Itcaeh Unties.
BuimtTONBF.VOII , August20 , [ Special Tel-
i-prarn to TUB Bui ! . ] Summary of today's '
races :
Throb-fourths of a mile , selling Gertie D
won , Tiotra second , Waldo Johnson third
Good Hey drawn. Timo-1 :1 ( ! } .
Three-fourths of a mlle , scllliiK Monsoon
nnd Appomtittox ran a dead heatlovor ; { third ,
Dnlusnmn drawi. Time 1:10) . In the run
off Moiibooii won , \ppoinattox second. Tiuio
-llS'f. '
Seven-eighths of a mlle , two-ycur-olds
Thorndalo won , Jack of Diamonds sceoud ,
Llzzlo ( the favorite ) third. Slnaloa ( colt1
nnd Flitter ( filly ) drawn. Tlmo 1 :80)f : ) .
Ono nnd ono-slxtecnth miles , scllinfj-
Goiularmovon , Falcon second , Parthian
third , Tlio Bourbon ( the favorlto ) not heart
from , Harrison , Vivid and ICcm drawn.
Ono mlle Tea Tray ( the favorite ) won
Dnlston second. Moulin Hurdr thlnl. Mlntr-nra
drawn. Tlmo-l \ % .
Sovon-olithths of iv mlle , selllnp Firefly
( the favorite ) won , Urhana second , Little
Addle third , Hat Hack. Dublin , Ton Koolih
and Mnzunm drawn. Time I : : i9 ,
Full course steeple ehaso , rurowcll stakes
tlio last race , ut this meeting Hopcatcr won
ICIllanicy second. Pat Oaldoy third. Echo
( the favorite ) not in It , llassanfo und School
master drawn , Tlmo 5ilt %
The Friend llnoeri.
FRIEND , Nob. , Auijust 2S.-Speclal [ Telo-
Krain to TUB BEE. ] The unfinished 3:33
trot today -was won by Kittle P. Time
3:40 : , wltn Dick Dlmplo a close socond. la
the free-for-all liiftls Vutuus won. Time- .
3:31 : , with Count AValdcrman second. In the
'J : : 3 class Joe won. Tlnio-'Jl.i : > / . The
novelty runnlnu race was a hunimer. Blue
Illrd took the llrst anil second quarter , Kit tlo
H the third , and Walla Walla the inllo.
Time 1 :5'J. :
Xorro lliiuto Ilaocs.
TtniiE HA.UTE , lad. , AUgust JJO.-Thomeet.
ln of the Indiana Trotting rnd Pacing osso-
elation closed with an attendance of 13,000.
The track was fast Summary :
Tureo minute , 1250-MnftBlo 1 won , Jack
BUcpard second , Jubilant third , Tornplelwr
fourth. IleatUmo-aai .
1 our-ycar-old paeo , tTaO-Egro woa , Ji'a
Wllion second , Paitwell third. Bwt tlino-
"Four-ycar-old trot , f3fiO Kc\v YdrkCoatral
on. Mnhbrino lloy second , JlelloVllsnn \
hird , Ilo\lo MnfgtP fourth. Host tlmo-
: aaw.
'J :5u : trot , 4100tiuuosoo woa , ItacdalliU
\Vnymirtthlrd.CutlicrUij \
ourth. Bcsttlmo-2:2l j.
JIuiTfonn , Conn. , ugtiit 20. Summary
of to-day's ' race * :
iJiTO trot ( postponed from Thursday )
? hwcrawon , Krnnui second , lilcliiuoncl. Jr. ,
UlrJ , otliorj rulcJ out. B t tlmo 3ilO .
! ) ! 20 pwo , $ lOMiUvlilcd-Diilla3 , woa , Hob
Tovlor second , otliorji dlstarccd , Beat tlmo
! /iU. /
2:18 : trot , $2,009 , illvldnl Jtoc'ltlnp I3lrrt
von , Mambrinn Maid tcconil , J , B. Klchnrd-
on third , itcEucn fourth. Dcst tlrue-
aC' : , trot , ei,50J , divided Mamie Woods
von , Albion second , JolmV thU'd. Major
Ultlch fourth. Beat tlmo-l ! :20 } ( .
Toilay'n Ti ! [ < .
AT cnto.voo.
rirat Itnco-PllirrIinOa > iM.
Second linro Tnlcnn , Kntlo .1.
'J'hlril Iliiro-Itlltfy , I iiKllRht.
1'ouvth Uaco Kiutitlorov , Irclina.
J'lftli Itaoo-PlunBcr , KilBoll.
Sixth Uuco-.r. 11. i-'rocd , I'oail Jonulnpi.
SovciilU Kacc Steve Juioipo , 'JCota
Stcus. .
AT siiEKrsiii\.in.v.T ,
Tlrat Hiico-ICingstoa , Mcriilcn.
Second Itaco Keclaro , 14upcrta.
'i'lilrd Kaco Potomnc , Kllilcer.
1'ourth llaco [ urlilcn. ItUpali.
rittb Kaco-Tuttlor-Prank AVurd.
ijlxtnUuco-ICcrii , llelln B.
Dntrlc.s for "Toilivj's ll.tucs.
Tlrst race , ono rnlto Daniel , Hornpipe ,
Lhzln 11. Crawllsh , L.aily Lea , rilgrlm.
Second raco.tlvo-clfjhtha of a inllotivo-ycar >
oUh. acllliiK-Collcctor , Bob MiCort. Bhlloti ,
[ Ciitlo J , U r.llflful , Janwa V , Vulc.iu , Clara G.
Third raco. 0110 and ono-slxtcynth miles ,
landlciip loloy , Cams , .LongHght , Jed , Uluo
Fourth raoc-tlirce-quartcra of a inllo , sell
ing Ireland , Billy Barlov , Fauntlcroy.John.
Red , Crib Cldor , Gorllo B , Bcsslo Uriggs ,
L rnnklo D.
I'lfthraco , flvo-clgbtha of a rallo , two-ycnr-
oldj , selling Ed Boll , Miss Barnes. Patrick ,
Brookvrood , J J , Hunger , Ivaalioo , itliaca.
Sixth race , thrcc-nuiivtei-a of a inllo , oll-
Ing Barthold , Creole , Dock Wiclf , Hcaly
Jonn. J. B. Freed , Barney Odaro , Boot Jack ,
L'carl Jennings , Signal.
Seventh race , six furlonss , selllnif Steve
.Tcromo Packhorse , Torn Slovens , Itedstonc ,
Joe Wjnno , llaranibouro , Vccstor , 1'asslon
Weather clear and tmclcfaat ,
t . . . _
First race , 11 vo-oighths of a inllo Bobby
Beach , Drlzzlo , Worth , Ealliirat , Klngaton ,
Second race , ono aad oao-elghth rallos
Dolphin states Dcmtith , Jennlo R , Master-
lode , Anaconda , Eminence , llosctta , Con Can ,
3cirl Set , Ueclii-o , Tula Blaclcburu , Uu-
jicrta , Fun Fan ( eolt ) , Undo Dob.
Third race , three-quarters of a mile , futu
rity stakcH-Potoinac , Amulet , Cleopatra ,
Masher , W B H , Longfortune , Hey del Itoy ,
IVlontaiia , Sister I..iiida , Firuwork ! , Espor-
aiiru , Itecljon , Anilwlanco , Dott Prathor ,
Sally JlcClcllanStratUmcath , Kllkcor , Slon-
Ton rth race , one. mile DobbyBach. Kyrlo
B , l oxmcdo , Little Jim , Merldeu , Niagara ,
Leon tine , Everghdc , Klzpah.
rifth race , ono nnd oiie-olRlith jnllos. sell
ing Lotion , Donloy , Tnttlor , Frank AVard ,
Elcvo , St. Paris , Quotation , Dousman , To
ronto , Auranla , Em'nciu'o.
Sixth nice , one mile , Green stakes , on turf
HcllaB , Icoberff , Philosophy , at. Luke ,
St , John , Kern , Penzanco , Macho th II , Jlos-
tcrlodo , Anaconda , MamloB , Cotllllou.
"In Union Tlioro isSirenfith. "
ALTJANT , N. Y. , August 29. Acallhns been
issued for a convention to organize a perma
nent state farmers' ' league by coun
ties , to bo hold at Altamont on
September 5. The call ombodlos these
words ! "A unlflcationof tlo organizatlonsand
n welding of the chain of relationship with
tlio body of the farmers of the sUto Is of
paramount Importance nl this time. The
need isurpcnt , jirudcut counsel la expected
and cDlcieut , practical awl disinterested di
rection required , In union there is strength.
Dr. Blrnoy cures hay fovcr. lice Udfif.
Arizona Ilcpublicims.
Pnix , Ariz. , August 29 , The rcpub-
llcaa territorial convention yesterday nom
inated QeorjoV , Cheney for congress. The
platform endorses tlio national administra
tion , commends the silver bill and inalstathat
f reo colnago of silver must follow j requests
congress to pass before adjournment the bill
now pending known as tha act fpr the purifi
cation of elections in Arl/onn , auddonuuda
the admission of the toritury as a state.
A force of moil is at present at vorlt
preparing the fair f rounds on Sherman
nronuo for the coming1 fair , September \
to-1 , which promises to bo the best fair
ever liohl uiuloi1 the management of the
Douglas county agricultural society. No
spared to make it a BUCCOSS.
Miitunl Conoc.sslcuisJtutlo.
PAWS , Aiijiist29. | I.o Purls prints the fol
lowing : "Nejrotlntlons between Prnnuonnd
the United States relative to the American
tariff are approaching a favorable conclusion ,
IhuVasliinirton Kovcninicat will ranovo tlio
duty on works of French , art and franco will
remove the prohibition against American
pork. "
Organizing ; a Iicei filature.
GUTIIIUK , I. T. , August29. The legislature
was oi'Riinliod this morning by a combination
of democrats and nlllanco rnomln'rs. ' lion ,
Georco Goldemhlre , an alliance member
from I'ayno county , was chosen picsldcut of
the council. In the lower houra H was tlo-
velopcil that democrats and alliance members
liad combined , giving them 14 votes out of 2o ,
1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets la
the now Itoclclslunil ticlcotofllco. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
Futnl llottl I iro.
PORT HuiiONMich. , , August 29. The Tun
nel house , a largo frame hotel at tbo
Sarnla outranco of the St. Clnlr tunnel ,
liurucJ lastnlglit anil ono of the female em
ployesvas burned to death. Two men who
were la the honso at tlio time cannot bo
found and It is thought they perished nlso.
Cooper Nominated Tor Congress.
MUWXCKRKV'ls. \ . , August 20. The dead
lock In the First congressional .district re
publican , coavcntlon at Clinton Junction
ended todnr on the eighty-first ballot In the
nomination of H. A. Cooper of Racluo. This
letires Representative Cas\vellwlio , busbcou
la congress for fourteen years ,
Vail Style Huts.
The "groat Dunlup" hats ready.
Full stvlca Issued this day.
Same unto ns InNovf York and hy all
the "four hundred" Dunlap iigonta
throughout tlio United States.
Leading hattors. Sliupo hats to fit
the head perfectly , TJO S. 15th st.
Ts'ot llovcil to
Br.nux , August 29. [ Spoclul Cablegram
to TUB Bm : . ] The National Zeltunfj says
that the oraporor has declined to accept tbo
resignation ol Concral Vcrdy du Yernots as
minister of war ,
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
nccomnicxlatlons via thu g-rcat Hock
Island route. Ticket otllce , 1002 Six
teenth and Farnam streets , Oniaho.
Ttopulillonii Cniulldatcs.
OCJIJL , Fla. , August 29. There will be no
convention of Florida republicans this year ,
The state central committee jestcrday put In
nomination tlio following ticket : For comp
troller , L. . D. IlaU ; upremo court judge , J ,
It. Challen.
f tolon 1'rojiortj Iclciitlflocl.
Paul Harrlnjton and Terry Connors were
arrested scveml days ago with faomo pocket
knlvus In tholr possession , evidently IxlonK-
Ing to Lambert Dros , of Kearney. Mr. Lam
bert arrived , yesterday and Identifier not
only the hnlvos but lomo rovolven that the
t\vo mon hud on their persotu when arivstod.
Thollowj GetslAwnto Eoutiiii ) Work a ) if
"al ; Happened.
i i *
Mr. JVIclMieritonCrlrs tollnio SMt Tut
oil the ltit Italia
Ditto Sir. Carlisle
Tiitj * Wool.
" \YAsnivoTOf , August 20. Immediately
after tlio reading of the journal tlio house
went into committee of the whola on tlio prl-
vnto calendar ,
The first bill to bo considered , was the om
nibus southern war claims , Rlr , Thompson
of Wisconsin , who had objected to Its pos-
sagooutho ground of some claimants wlioso
claims -wore claimed to be disloyal , offered a
substitute ( trilling out the oboctlon- )
able features , and by unanimous
consent It was agreed to , The bill
carried nboutP530,000. , The committee rose ,
thoblll passed and the committee resumed Its
session. When tlio committee again pso half
a Oozcn prlvtto bills vcro passed.
Oa motion of Mr. Smith o ( Illinois the scn-
atoblllpossd conatiUtingCairo , I1L , a port
of delivery.
Tlio house then boR a recess.
M the evening session , before the consider
ation oftho prlvaio pension bills , a paragraph
from Lo Purls , to the effect that the govern
ment of the United States -would ,
remove the duly onworks of .French
art and that the French government
would rcinoro the prohibition against
American porlc as a result of recent negotia
tions , \vas slown the members of tbo sennto
ilnanco committee. Mr. Aldrlch said ho
know nothing almit any negotiation. Mr.
Sbcnnan said of course the members of the
Ilnanco committed Itnow nothing nbout any
negotiations that may bo fngasou In. lut !
the two subjects mentioned in the article
from Lo Pails , ho said , hnvo no connection
with each other , The jlnanco committee
will probably recommend tliat the duty bo
removed from works of art , riot only French
but nil foreipi arts. Thcro is adlflerciieo of
opinion on tbo mbjcct vhicb bos not yet
boon settled , but It will have no relation , ho
said , totlic notion of the French gowmnont
against American pork.
"WAsnixaTOS1 , August HO. In the senate
Mr , Blair presentee ! a memorial of the
women's nallonnl industrial league for the
suppression and punishment of the nraicdas-
snjshisknovn asI'lnlcrton detectives.
Jlr. Edmunds offered n , concurrent resolu
tion provldins that wlen tno two houses ad
journ September 13 , it bo to November 10 ,
189) ) . 'Iho resolution was laid over for the
present ,
Tbo tariff bill was then taken up- the rcnd-
ingqueitionbeinj on'tlio ' fluanco coramitleo's
amend loon tto the-paragraph which taxcssnlt
in bags and. packages 1'J cents per hundred ,
pounds , and salt In' bulk 8 cents , tbo amend
ment being1 to strlko bat tbo proviso allowing
drawbacks on salt used in exporting meals.
Jlr. JlcPhcrson moved to strike out the entire -
tire paragraph , the effect of which would bo
to place sal ton tto frjeo list. After considera
ble debate on the Amendment , la wliloh. Mr.
AJlsompokoaRalristjputtinfsnlt ! ( on thofreo
list , it woa rejected , Mr. Cullom argued
against striking out tJio provision in the para
graph. Exuort trade , ho said , demandedfor-
eipi salt. JIo hud 'always ' been In favor of
protection , oven In the natter of salt , but
this was not a question of protection to
American salt It was a question of protec
tion to tlio .American ( export neat business.
After some further dchatoon the salt para
graph , a vo to was'taken , on the committee
amendment , which resulted in the provision
being retained.
The republicansennlors who voted against
the ilnanco coinmittco's amendment wore
Mcsai-s , Allison , Culloin , XMrnunds , Hailoy ,
Insalls , Jones of Nevada , Mitchell , 3att ] ,
Plumb.ShermanTellervasbburnaad , Wil
son of Iowa ,
No amendment was offered to any of the
paragraphs [ roinSOS to . ' 113.
Oa motion of Mr. Plumb , the duty on
brandy. . In. paragraph 314 , and on cordials ,
Honors , etc. , was Increased fromS2 to S3 i > or
{ jullqn/on bay rum from ? 1 to 82 , and "on
champagne an a othorsparkllng wines , so as
to mauo rates on bottles of not moro than a
quart Mid inoro than a pint 10 per dozen In
stead of 87 ; not more than a pint nnd moro
than 11 half pint , (5 ( per do/en instead of § ,1.50 , ;
one-halt pint each or less , $ .2.50 instead of
81,75 , and where bottles contain moio than a
quirt , $3.25 $ per gallon additional.
On notion of Mr. Plumb the following
amendments were agreed to : The paragraph
relating to still allies by milchi ; tlio rate per
' i casus 7'i , cents instead of 50 ccuta
and in cases of twelve quart Iwttlcs or twoii-
tyfourpint bottles ( J.50 Instead of $1.05 ,
extra quantities to bo taxed 10 cents porplnt
instead of Cccnts ; tbo paragraph relating to
ale. porter and beer la bottles or Jugs by
nwlunifthodutj'GO cents per gallon instead
of US cents , and whonnot In bottles or JURS IK >
cents per gallon Instead of 20 cents ; the para-
Kraph relating to malt extract by nuklnftho
duty In casks 35 cents per gallon instead
of 20 cents , in iuj-3 00 cents per pal-
loa Instead of 40 cents , ami wicn
scaled or condensed 00 per cent advalorem
Instead of 40 ; the paragraph roltting to
cherry Juleoandpruno 3uico tir raakingtho
duty 75 cents per gallon instcnil of CO centy
when contolnlnunotmorothanlS per cent of
alcohol , and $3 per pillion Instead of f2 , andtiC
.per cent ndvulorom when containlntj inoro
tton 18 per cent of alcohol ,
The paragraph relating to gliiBorale , soda-
valor and othcrsluilUrvitcrswasamenJed ,
on report of tlio ilnauco coiamltloc ; , liy re
ducing the rate ( roinlU cents to lOcoiitaper
dozen bottlci , and on motion of Air. Cnmslo
bj Inserting the word "artificial. " Thonar-
ajraph relating to mineral watcra and their
imitations was slruckoutouthorecouinicuda-
tlon oltho Hiianco committee.
Bchcilulol , rclatingto cottonmanufacturos ,
and schedule J.rolatlng to llax and licmp ,
voro pissed over in formally.
ScheituloK , nlatlngto wool and manufac
tures of wool , was then taken up. All paragraphs -
graphs from T > 7 to 8 < ! D , relatliiRto mv wool ,
liavinghceai-end , Rlr. Curllsomoved to have
thorn struck outso as to liavowool put on the
free list. Ho argued la support of Ms iiroiO-
sltlon iind urged that the simo reason -\\hlch \
vas used to Justify putlinir . ontho frco
list applied equally to putting \vool on tb.o
free list.
In reply Mr. .Aldrlch pointed to the facl
that while the homo product of sugar had
made only asllfiht intreaso Torino year , the
homo product ol wofil bad increased enor
mously , J
Mr.ShormanjtatcJ some facts la relation
to \vool-Kroivit)8ilndustryor tlio United
Slate ? as a demonstration of the wisdom of
the policy adopted , -In thotarllf of lb(17 , Ho
nrRuod that Ufo -oolprovlug liitcrosti
should ho encouraged so that the quantity
nnd quality proda ij would Lo suBlcient for
oil woolen goods manufactured in the United
States and for all foreign woolen goods that
nro used heio. Pending the bill , ho said in
answer to a question that Mr , Cullom's ' bill
practically Vccnuctfld tno provisions of the
law of 1800 , which * had operated so wall ,
After some furlbci dcba to Iho son nto ad
BOSTON , Mass JyVvsfwst 20. [ Special Tclo
gram to TUB DnrnTho demand for woo !
las been good and tto eales of the week foot
up 3,000,000 pounds. Prices have been in
favor of luyors , the tight money inarlrcl
forcing SOMO dealers to grant concessions in
order to effect sales , Ttrritorywools have
licon most actlvo and have been selling at r > ;
( jlJOo ( or clean ftno ; 55@57o for flno modluin ,
nad 53@55c for medium. California \vool is
quiet. Choice spring Is selling at Sj@-Mo and
uvoruRO viool nt IT SOc , U'cxasvocl bus
Leon in moderate demnud , Eastern Oregon
sold at It iiOc , Ohio and 1'ennsylvania
lloeces have been dull , with imall sales of 2C
ntUCJ31 ! > < fc , and XJC at iKHftllo. Mkhl an
X U unchnnged at 'Jinffl'JOo for No. 1. There
lias bcoit n ( food Inquiry for clotlilng wools
nnd talcs have been inado at y > ( iiMa for
Michigan and Ohio and at sy : WiforNo. ! I
combing. Ohio tine dolalno soils at JHffraoo
and .Michigan ntl . Pulled -\vools havcbccn
qulot and small aales of super have been
nado ut S0 ( < 4-llo ) and of extra at
l'ci-clu vool 1) steady bit quloU
JOUX'S JKKriKirujFTiaJi IVKEtt ,
Vmlom Cniiwoi Toiul to Itolloro tlio
Strain lit the Kleiner TVInrkot ,
Nt\v \ VOUK , jVugust ll. ! ! [ Special Telegram
o 'Jim lliB.-ll. : ] O. lun ) k O.'s U'eckly
levL'w says j Tlio greit rcllof In thomonoy
nnrket liero caused by the treasury purchaio
of 4per cent bonds , the rclusalot tto labor
cdcratlon to take up mul extend tlio sti-llcoou rjilronJ luidthaprosiiecttliuttho
lennto will soon reacha llnal notion in the
.aril bill have all tended to Itnprnvo llio
state of kslni'ss. At the same tlmo better
croiiprospcetslmvo bimight a tlUtlticl rcac-
lonlu the spoeiilntlona which most KtarHcd
exports. Thus , whllo the voluma of domestic
trndo continues gimtcr than In any previous
: eirut tills se.iaon , bnnk clearings ( or Au-
just outsldoof thli city exceed last ycir's
ty 21 per cent and the outlook- clenror and
brighter ,
" \Yool sales at Boston reached 3,005,000 ,
pounds and inauy mills having sulntitvtcd
: orrltory\vn.rp for flocco ivool In wo , tlio
marlet for flceco liis been vault nnd better
orders for woolen goods are reported by the
mills.A fairtraJo continue * In cotton goods.
Copper Is llrmor again , after large sales at 17
cents. ' 1'ln has advanced cent and lead is
stroncjerat Sl.70. Thobootand shooti-udo Is
largo and active. 1'ho past week Ins wlt-
iieasea some further improvement In the de
mand for mauufacturcdforias of Iron and steel
pinto and structural mills nro crowded , vltli
better prices In some cases , I3ut thoplglroti
market. . Recording to private accounts from
PhiUdclphla , Is badly dlsoranlcd atprcscnt
and Is not stronger there , the doubt whether
production has not much oxcoodcdlhodo-
tnnnJ affoctln ? tbu views of buyers.
Stajrintion prevails In tbo conl trada and It
is admitted that many pilccs still rule in
actual sales. The reduction ol output re-
strlits very loipcifcutly tbo total tbisyenr to
August 10 , being only iKiO.OOO tons behind
las > t ydar's recoiil. Accounts from other
cities nro even moro favoriblo , than usual ,
excepting as to money nnrkcts. Iloston
iioto especial activity In leithor , la Phila
delphia collections in many branches ren
dered slow by monetary pressuro. Chlcjjjo ,
on the contrary , reports ir.onoy plenty
at 0 per cent on cull r.nd collections
cosy ; a bettor trade than luit icar
iu dry goodsaud clothing ; a i-cductlon of 7.
per cent in stockyaids business slnco the
strike ; adecreasoof o'Jporceiit ' In AVOO ! com
pared with last year , 20 per cent , in butter
unda. stendydccrcaso In dressed beef , but
n largo Increase in cured tucats , Inrd , clu'eso ,
entile , lildes and 100 per cent lu hogs.
KL Louis bus a fair volume of trad o and
Milwaukee notosarnplJ jilsorptlon of money
by grain movements at Increased prices. At
"Detroit. Cleveland , Oinihitmd ; : St. Paul tr.ido .
is satisfactory nnd at Miiinenpolls the Hour
output Is 10,000 barrels , and the lumber
trftde Isflrm. AtlCansas City no than go is
notcil ana at Pittshurir a peed do-
mnad for matuifncturod Iron , thvnnnah
reprts a brisk trade , but Jacksonville
much discouragement Ui trade Isood (
andthocropoutlook : very promising. Into-
riorniouey innrkcb donotyot fcul the relief
socn hero , and atl'hilnilelimia the inarlcct is
tight at 53f to tt vor cent for co-nmc-roial
paper , at Pittsburu active at ( j to 7 , at Clovc-
lani the demand ctcecds the sup ) > l3' , at De
troit the demand Is strong at 8 , nt Milwaukee
thomnikot is very linn at 8 , and at St. Paul
tight as It is at SL Louis , vlth T to 8 ruling ,
and at Suviumah and Atlanta. Presumably
tbii pressure \vill oontliino as business ex
pands and products go forward to market ,
The movement 'it some staples is chocked
by hlghpriccs. wheat ex ports fall belowlast
year and lao vnluo of all exports
iron I Icw York for four wcoks shows a de
crease of 25J ] percent from last year. But
prices liavo boon yloldliifj rapidly , i > hentand
cora cadi ahout "conUand oats 3 cenUfor
tboweelt , oil over lj < j cents , poik2. cents per
barrel and cotton % of a cent , Hoprs , lard
and butler aw stronger aiidcofrcounchanitcd.
The business failures occurring throuybout
tbo country du rln ? tlio last seven days nuni-
berlSO as compared -\vith 1W Instvoclc. . Per
thocorresponrtlng week of last year the flfr-
ui-cs were 211.
Xchr/xskn , lo\va mid JOakotd Pensions.
"VfAsniNOTON' , August JS , [ Special Tolu-
fjrara to THE 33 tc.j Pensions wcro today
irrantedtho followliig.Nolmiskaiis : Original
Villiam J. Campbell , Blooniinuton ;
Thomas Thompson , SprliiBllold ; Jncob
Billes , Pa\vnco CltyJnmcs ; Iloagland , de
ceased , Do Witt ; Antou KioverVayno ;
John Hill , Oiaaha ; Lcvl D. Ttaj'cr , Dorno-
brog ; Ilotiry Hayncs , Ininnii ; John W.
Unger , Alexander : " \VIllion Greene , Kear
ney ; William Hutchmun , Pawnee City.
Original widows , etc. Minor of Jainos HO.IK-
land , DoWitt ; Anne , widow ot Divid E.
Ecu , Oakdalo.
loivn : Orlsinnl Jasper N" . Ilocd , Afton ;
SeldloyY. Harder , Decatur ; Ellslia "Wccso ,
Evans ; William T. Payne , Bloomflcld ; Asa
V. Churchill , deceased , I'lainflold ; David
Casper , Ottumwa ; Charles .1" . Tanner , llock-
wcll ; Jacob Scliitidlcr , James ; Elvcrtoii
BigelovVliitinic ; George Johnson , " \Vood-
stock ; Charles AV. Watson , Pulaskl ; Lewis
Rvffcoin , JlondaminViniam ; Hampton ,
Netr London ; \Yllllam Cloiuliiiiiln , deceased ,
Brushiro Crookj John Patrick , Norwlk ;
Simon Grosser , Parnij ut , Original
\vldo\va. etc , Charlotte , widow of Asi V.
Cliurclilll , riaimleld ; Susan M.fMo \ \ \ of
Enos 11. Oardnor , Io\vn Ulty ; JIary S. ,
widow of Jnmes M. Alooro , Ad.ilr . ; Loulna ,
widow of John D. Blakq , Chorokooj Nnncy ,
widow of PhitlipStaik , PUtio.
South Dakota ] Ortarinal Illchanl Dako-
low.LIon l lls ; JohnOlouserIruiisbur'h , ! ;
Amos D , Combs , Hosmor ; James AY , David
son , Davidson. OriKimil widows , etc , ISIary ,
mother of Wartin Ncirigs , Parks ton ,
TV. 0. TU. Convention. Adjourns.
FitnsioNTN"ob , AugustSO. [ Special Tele
gram toTiiBBni',1 ' Tbo fourth distrlctcon-
vcatlonof the V'otnen's Christian ' 1'omper-
nnco union closed its annual session thfa
ovcnins , with annddress ly Mrs. Hoffman of
Missouri. Oftlcers were elected as follows :
President , Mrs. C. II. Wallter , Surpilso ;
vice president , JVilss Unticss , president
AYahoo"Vs" ; corresponding' sccrotiry , lira.
, Hooper ; recording secretary ,
Fannie Osborno , ITromont ; treasurer ,
IVliss Ella " \Vutson , Bellovood. Mrs. Walker
wai elected delegate to tbo nation nl conven
tion at Atlanta and Mrs. L. E. Dimes of
Yahoo , alteinatc , District superintendents
of departments wcro dioson"an follows !
jVIotbor * ' meotlngs , Mrs. Mowers , Marietta ,
Saundcrs county ; press work , AIra Mannio
Carlisle , Ytthoo ; loyal tompcranco leulon ,
MM. Gibson , liislnp City jUvanprolhtlc , Mrs.
Oivens , Genoa ; hj'fjlcao nnd health , Mra DI- . , North IJcnU ; young woman's vfork ,
Mss IMannossVahoo \ ; Dcmoicsttork , Mrs.
S.M , Lee , \\rahoo \ ; fraiulilsc , Mrs. N. II.
Bell , IVcmont ; scientific tcmpcranca Instrnc-
tlons , Mrs. Morils Jones , David City ; parlor
nicotiiigs. Bli-s. J. T. Smith , Fullerton ; social
purity , Mrs. A. E. AVIIUaiia , IVomoiif torn-
pcraiico in Sunday hchools. Jlrs. 0 , C. Cole-
man. Surprise ; ( lower missions , Mis. TJoyco ,
Stribner ; county fairs , Mrs. C , C. UovcikltfO ,
IvlariotUi ; Sabbath obsoivance , Mrs. I , II ,
Cratio , Iloopor. Miss Laura Hello Brcssler
ofOctavla won the gold medal in tlio contest
last evening. _ _
Juince Cnuiity Ttrpiibltcnnn.
PUMCHTOV , Nob. , Aiifrust 29. [ Si clal
to Tin BEB. ] The xcpubtlcan county
convention was hold here yesterday to nomi
nate ncounty attorney nnd select delegates
to the congressional uuiTsenatotlal * convention ,
After ahard flght L.MMorfantho ( pros-
cnt incuinCcijt , ivos ronoininated for county
attomey. A motion was offered that Melltle-
John bo allowed to 'name the congressional
delegates and Brady the senatorial , liut these
Bcntleinon preferred that tHe convention BO-
loct the delegation , which was then done ,
The delegation will ho for Aleiklejohn Ural
nnd last. The float senatorial delegation is
believed to bo favorable to Brady.
Booth privileges at the fairgrounds
can lo Imd by applying to Arthur
219 S. UthBt.
Shools InAuitrlo.
, Aupust 29. Several earthquake
shoclcavoro felt in the Danube \allojryc3-
terilay , Tboy lasted ten minutes and the
rltor rose In IOIIRllaes similar to waves
caused by a steumer's paddies ,
A. JJninniolli
BAM LAKE Cnv , Utah , August S9. [ Spe
cial Telegram tflTimBuK. ) A in literal wax
and osphalUnlnlnic company , vltli ( ' 1,000,000
capital , was oritanUod here today , It will
vork tlio Emery county deposit * ai placers ,
A. Surcease of Railroad Strikes for & Lous
Time t COIHO.
Mntitnl ConciMqionn ro Jlmle , the
Itailrond OniuJiUs ABrcelnjj to
Hcrcallcr Gno All Grlcv-
onccia 1'iitlciit
CUICAOO , w\UBUst 20.-fS racial Tole mrn to
TmBn ! , | Tncro Is anurceaaoof the strlko
epidemic hi Chlcajo just now nnO the public
feels unutterably i-ellovcd. Tlio strlldnjj
stockyards swltclunen hold a nioctlaj ; this
morning and after discussing the situation
and thocnusos that led to Dthofalluro oftho
strlko tlioy ordered bulletin * iwtcd declar-
Ingthostrikooff. It wont Into effect at 1
o'clock mid nil thoroadi nro rmuiinj * aptln
as usual. . Including the Chicago & .Alton and
the Lake Shore.
General Mwaper Clnppell of the Chicago
& .Altonholda ircctlns t 9 o'clock at his
down town oftlco with Chairman Swency of
thoSwitchnicn's Mutual All association and
a committee of the strikers from that road.
Mr , Sweeney had declined to talto a hand In
the negotiations for peace unless tbo switch
men would glvo lilm the authority to Jinko
torrna for tbcm. This authority ho had Jn
writing , and after a two hours' ' talli the con
ference resulted la the settlement of the
strlko under the following conditions :
1 , That thonovr men employed totakotho
places ot switchmen who stopped worn on
Monday evening , Aunst ! 25 , l9JHshall ) , , If
they so desire , continue at worlt and khallnot
bo embarrassed or molested by the old nieii.
J. That In the future the switchmen of the
Cblcagofc Alton iallroid company UKICO vith
thoconircniythatbcl'oro tnltiug finsty action
by ( luittlng work nnd stopping- the business
of tbo coiiii > aay. they will proceed under the
rules oftho Switchmen's Jlutual Aid associ
ation , \ > huu monitors of that orjranUatlou ,
and when not will be governed by the advleo
and direction of Mr , Sweeney , the chief of.
that organization ,
A Tno Chicago 5clton switchmen njroo
that they will not dictate to the company in
the matter othirini ? , illsehirtflnu or promot-
In its inuii , bub utlU liave the right ut all
time.toupiKul t1iroujti ; thfh1 subordinate of-
iiceis tohigliur oiUceimoC the company for a
redress of any Btlovnncea they may have ;
that the company , through Its oltl-
cors , xvlll at all times lie rcidy to lear
any evldonro for or against a dlbchuruod
or a disciplined employe , it being the inten
tion of the company to deal fairly with Its
employes at all times , and just/sn fur us itcan
consistt'ntly to i > iomoto Us yanhnistor.snnd
other offlcora from the ranks. The abovobo-
iugngrruxi toby the committee , thcro is to bo
no feeling in the future toward tbo men on
th part of the company or Its oltlct'i's.
Immediately sifter tliu close ol thcinoctlng
the switch nun's committee went to llio yards
to go tovork \ and iuislncssb being got under
way as fast as possible , Great Impoitunco is
attached by r.illroad managers to the utovo
conditions Imposed by Ooiicnil Mumper
Clnppell , nslt will bandopted as the basis of
allfuturo reUtlom .uid dUnutes b stweentho
railroads and their etiiDloyas. In thh way It
is loped the frequently rccurnng strikes of
railway employ us will bo averted.
.Affairs at the stoclcjurds todav vero In a
horriblomuddlc. Under the svltchlng asso-
clntioii twulro ourfnosdid all tlio work. To
day twenty-four roads had each from one to
four engines In the yard and tlio result was
the direst confusion. The switihlns associa
tion will probably bo revived next week.
Tearful Disiics.M ut. Tolcny.
August SO , [ Special Cablegram
KK , ] Tcrrililo stories of distress arc
pouringln from'Iokay , where the lira is even
now not extinguished. Heartrending scenes
are of common occurrence , and an oflleial ap
peal lias heen made for aid for 0,01)0 ) people
wfco nro ivltliout foci or slidtor , Won ,
women and children arc const uitly running
about the dcsolntnd streets winglm ; their
hands and calling on noaven for help.
Dlcil olTypliulil F'cvor.
Bxi Tiuont , Md. , August 29. llov.Mlclnel
Rrennan , a mumber ef tlio congregation of
the mission of St Vincent do St. Paul , pro
fessor of St. Vincent college at Los A.ngcles ,
died of typhoid fovorthls aftornson ,
Tin Importance of purifying tlio blood can-
tot ho o\creslhnatcd \ , for vlthout pwo
blood you c.imiot enjoy E od licalth.
At this season ncaily everyone needs a
toodincdlcino to purify , vitalize , nnJcmlcli
the Wood , and Hood's Saraparjlla Iswnr.'iy
your confUencc. Ills pcculhr In that It
ttrciigtl-.cns andbnilJi uptho sjstein.crenlcs .
an ai'pctilo ' , and tones tlo digestion , wlillo
1C eradicates disease , Glio it atrlal.
Hood's Sirsararllhls Bold byalUlniggHs.
1'rcparod Ity C. I. Hood fiiCo. , Lowull , Mai.
BOO Doses One Dollar
A Noted DMns
"I Jinvo tcenuntiiuTulfBl.lvtr l iu
for Iy ) i > t | - la , c U MHimrvt-h unit
Co < l > cnow. tiUIi ffUlcU
Jjcen arrilctcd ,
lcat iiiocUfln lti cxMa ,
uo )
n v. vM. ( iH onNcv Yorlc.
Oflico , i31) & 'tl Park
Brownell Hall
Corncruf JOtli anil 'VorthlrtouBl3. ,
OMAHA , - - -
nisnorvoriTiiiNaroN , vjtiiroit ,
TUB Uuv. IIOIIKIII' DOIinitrv,8.T.I ) , Itccron ,
For catalogue M'l inrtlcu ui ai ly to llic
Itcctor ,
St. I-Jiri'tt ; eolinnl. Kno.xvlllu , M. ,
A Cliuroli School f or 0 Iris.
61 , Allmii'n Solioil. KnowlUr , Illlbl ( 3
A Uliurch ScJioot for o ) ' * ,
KoxrliuUcllnKii.iiotv furniture , npir itpiuri |
tin. The lnlot mothDil-4 ofni'jiitil mul pliy *
lent culturt. Kvorjthlru up t the llrnp
- rv \ "v'fOTnr ' rpl
ICoctor und ITouader
Aboolutoly Pure.
A ore m ottartur hnklns | ) owitir.
of laavonlnn itroiiglh U. S. Oovcrninont lte > -
oit A.UJ , 17 , ! .
llcgining Sunday , August 3 1st
Fiiwhiy \\Vdiiosilav. . "Tho Queen's I/ion
llanilhcMvlilvf : " Moiuhy.Vo \ lneMlay mill .
Krlduy.TlH'llrlxiiiuls ; " Tui-.ilay nnd Satur- 1
< Uiviiiiiliioo."Xiiii | < iii"Tlniii < lri.y , "Krmliili ) ! " ' . & ,
Siifiml.i ) ' . "Tin ) allkiidn" or "Dorothy. " v
li for ono eiitlro woolt
Only Regular * Pncas for Scats
Will bo Churgoil.
Grand 5 Nights.
Opening Sunday , August 31st
Thi'Uttlo EIcctrloMugiiot ,
Ollie Redpatli
Asslstodby nn \rollont ctvnpanr of Coincill-
l 1 sins , 3IiiKeisuiilIniiCL'itJ ) , m tlio 513
35o , 5Oc.
: slii'ut open Saturday. AUJT. S ) .
M pec ,
WIUi l AWhKlt. 1\I\NACEI { ,
Grand Reopening Salurdiy , August 231 ,
allfc-llko roprridurtton of tlio crowned
liuuiUof Kuropu In Iliolrrobusof n.
Afaltlitnl norLriiyiil o [ liladoatb.
S < P A. O 13 e M O \ jT S
DD Alvlnu Knri-Xlo. the ( 'unions MtiK iImi.
G cor so KiUvurils. llio finiioui Coinodliin.
tloMl lilRlit.uud other Htuia wllliippcar
or * IIAPOX'S : DOO ouums.
Oao Dime JkdmlLs to All.
Douglas County Fair.
OMHA , NEB , September 2nd to 4th , 1890.
Tuoidnj , Scptoinhei'Sntl. 9
TrJittlnj Foals of 18SJ , mlle beats , bcsfc M J
SliiJ Wfif
Tiottlns 2.V : ) chili , Jiillu lio.its . , test : iln 5. MA. .
ItminJnj 1 inllu disli ilOO ' *
AViMlni'K < lnjSuptcinlicr JJrd.
Trot tins Kuils pi 1837 , inllo liouts , best 3
111 5 1'i.V )
Tiotl ln { 2Keluss : , nillo lieiitH , licst IIn 5.'W )
liuiinliij inllo ami i open t 100
Thmsdiiy , September 4th.
'Trottlns Koils 0(1830 ( , inllo lioats , best 3
Ilia U' 3
Trjtlinj yt.ViL'luss , nillu ho.ils. liost : t Mi 5. J.-J
Kunitlii , ' jinllonnd rupxnt - . . . _ . . . . .f. . . lUJ
Knirlci olnnu ( ust : tl ) . All piir * * four
nniiioy.sBO , , S1T nnd 10 iior cont. Iintranoo
fonio piri'onUif IIIIMO. Uiiniiliitriici" ) to bo
KiHuriii'd ' by tliu Anioiluiiii raulii riilus , cii-
trlon thcioinlti oliMo aKlo'i'lDoUnii liu oven-
InspriMcdliitlio luoi' , unliss olhoruUu 1111-
Ii.mli III. ffhoclnr. l'iolilont. Oinaln. Nob.
] ) .T. Mount , Siiiierlnli'iidi'iit. Oinabii , Noli
Jolm liiuuiior , faccrotary , 1111 t'liriuimbtrcot ,
OiiMiba , Neb
01' '
Old Soldiers aid Sailors
September 1st to 8th.
A battalion ofU. B. Hccalar Infantry ,
Battery "F" 2nd U. S. Artillery -will drill ,
clreis parade and mount cuartl ovorjr day | an
In Wartime ! .
Qroatnutol battle.partlslpatccl In by rnr
ships ami Hl.oto . Intt rrlcs. Tliunduy ovonlnif.
Orout Bluiiii btiltlo Friday , parllolpiitcd In
by rojjular arl Illory and Infantry and tlio
vtloniiis ,
20 bunils'on tlio riuiil. lluivl contest for
prims I'rldny.
1'iviudc ' \ctcraim , roiilar , ct\Vc \ iic > -
llrllllant cainpllres ercif nljlil lth uota-
The Grwt Occasion in Nebraska.
Qranil T * l nl' lutcli i-tfliJ ft no outj 6o
tlio Sujur I'liluco iui < l Kubriiblm'K eioutniir )
linluKtr/ , beet HUinr iiiuklii ? , ut ( li-anJ
IlullroadHturryrorouu f ro rduudtrly.