8 THE O3LAHA. DA1M BEE , "WEDNESDAYAUGUST 27 , 181)0. ) THE CITY. Dim Press lias filed mi Informnlion ngnltiHtA. n.ivlili < oii charging him with cruelly beating ono of the complainant's There will bo n meeting of the board of health tit 100 ; ! ! o'clock this morn ing In the rooms of the fire and police commiu'don. Deputy Sheriff Louis Grebe went to Lincoln yenterdny , taking withhlm Mrs. Mary IHuldord u woman who was adjudged Imane. She was placed In the asylum. County Poor Superintendent Muhonoy hits returned from Chicago bringing back his \vifo whoso sudden illness wliilo there \lHltiiif , ' friends has been provl- ou ly noted. The Don Carlos hmibor company bo- can suit in Justice Shaw's court yester day against the Missouri 1'acillc railroad roinpnav for the recovery of ono car load of white oak postn. A waircnt was issued by Justice Shaw yesterday for the ariest of .lames Root , charged with having unlawfully taken posho.sslon o ( a mule which MHB In the posbosslon of C'onstuWo Allen by virtue of attachment plot-ceding. Major MeMahoa of the revenue olllco returned yesterday fiom Meadow Grove , Madison county , bringing with him the htlll woims and cajis and the four barrels of whisky loft after the recent raid on the store house of the Deer Creek dibtillery. A busy Hccnovni presented about the olllco ol tliomiporlntendetit at the Unioa Pnclllc shops wlioro a huge foroo of men weio engaged in removing the fnrnituio of the auditing olllco of the mechanical department and loading It on cars prop- aiittory to its being shipped to Uhoy- cnne. The records of the olllco ha\e heoa lomovod to tlio general auditor's olllce and the elorkswho hiuo been cm- ployed on thef-o books will take posi tions in the auditor's olllco today. Hood's Sursap.it Illn lias a steadily Incrcas- ini ; tioiiuluilty , ulik-li can only lie won by nn aitlclo of real itieilt. Ulvo It a tiial. Would Mko toTcncli. The i ( ul.ir ox.unlti.itlou . of applicants for position of teachers In the public schools lias commenced at the high school. Tulrty-thiuo applicants liavo made their appe.iumco. . llio c.x.unlimUon for pihnnry ccitlllc.ites will con tinue two tin } * ami bo followed by ovainina- lions fort huK > 'ammar and liltfli school grades , which will continue ! until IViduy The examining conitnltuo nro Mrs , WV Kcysor , Dr L. A. Murnaiu und Prof. Levins- ton. Tlio Unites 1 ho vlcas.mt effect nml tlio perfect safety with ulilc'h hulks may use the liquid fuilt l.ixntlvc , hjjiup of Pips , under ull conditions niiiko it their favoi ito romnly. It Is pleasliii ? to the c > yo utiil to tlio tisto , gentle , yet effect ual in Rcstiiiffon tlio hlihic\3llvenuid bowels. CnntiMut Finished. Ono of the biggest paving contracts In the history of the city was llaishcd yesterday by J. Jl. It I fey &Co. , who reported same to tlio bu.udof public works. The wiiul-ui ) was fiom Biistol to Sriaulcl- Ing. onTlilitlotli , the material being brick , This gives a Krimit north and south stretch of pined street fiom llristol Miect to Ames avenue , nad completes the pavemeattoitli - in half n aiiloof the foil. The iimioiiiieoiiient thnt tills wotlc was completed was received with n great chorus of cheers and hut-throwing oa the pai t of the members of the board , M. L. Blair , alderman Bth ward. Scrantoa , Pa. , stilted N'ov. ! ) , 'oil. ' Ho had used Dr. Thomas' Ktlcctilo Oil for sprains , bums , cuts , bruises and rheumatism. Cuicd c\cry time. _ Ol'POSK IIIK IIO.YKI ) . Tlio Itcinonstraiico ol'tlic Imlmr Union Against tlic Ilijjli .School Anac.Y , The following icsolutions wro pissed at the icgular meeting of the central labor union , held Friday ovoninp , August 2J : Whereas. The board of education has been contemplating the erection of afiumouddltlon to the high school ; thorofoio be It Hesolved , That the central labor union of Omaha does not sanction the action of your honorable body in allotting a building to be erected on the high school grounds , mid Ho It fuither Hesolved , That we lopresont a majority of the tax payers of this city and bellovo that wo have a light to outer u protest ; and bo it further Kesolved , That in not paying any attention to thc o resolutions jou phico join-selves on record as being against the wUUei of the larger portion of thuciti/cns of this city. CiV. . Wlt.iitt > , President , WII.LIAX SEMICO , Seeretaiy. The system is rendered malarial pi oof when the blood is kept pure and vigoioils by the use of Aycr's Snnmparilla. At this season all should have this admirable pi eparatlon a hand Malarial poison Is harmless \\hei Ayer's ' Snt&niuiillu Is used. j isoxr.s. A New Fcnttiro la tlio Mall Acooinaic- tloiiH of tlio City. Four boxes have been rccchcd at the post oftleo for the mailing of largo packages These boies nro niiido of galvanised iron am nt < J about four feet high and two feet square The lid of ttio box may bo raised up and tins a contilviuico in It similar to that on the top o tlio now letter boxes , by means of which a package may bo put in at the top but cauno be reached after it has disappeared la the box , The bosses aio painted a bright red am a legend In white letters proclaims that thoj , uio for packages only and not for letters. The boxes will bo placed at points In the business portion of the city , but the nostoftlco ofticlals are In uquiuutiuy how to dispose o the mall matter which will ho deposited ii them. The oftleo is shoit of collectors am these boxes \\ill hold several hundred pound : of mull matter , which \\111 necessitate scvera men to handle. In some cities a small cart Is used for collecting this matter. "It Is expressly btnted , " s.nld Asslstan Postmaster AVoodard , "that these boxes arc for packages only , but 1 would bo willing to bet a Kood hnt that there aio plenty of people who will walk aovc'iiil blocks to put letters Ii them.11 Dr. Blrney exact * hay fovor. Bco bUlg GOING OUT OK , J. Ij. rtrnmlcU Sons I ) eltlo to Hutirot'ioiti HIISIIIOHH Ijife. "U Is the unsuspected that always hap pens , " i-ays mi old inaxlm , and never \\as an elent saying more thoroughly proven than It the announcement tluitJ. L. llnuulcis & Son arc about 'to ivtlro from business. So sue cesbful has this linn beau in their relations with the people of Omaha that their retire incut was not oven thought of , A rumor was in circulation on the street Monday that this movement was cou templated on the part of the Moisrs. Uraii dels , but it could not boccmtlunccl , Yesterday hou over , the senior member of the Him con llriucd the rumor , and stated that as soon a tnelr stock could bo disposed of , which \\ll probably take from sixty toniiiotj dujs , thoj will retire from business life. The Messrs. Bnmdels lm\o amassed some > vhat of a fet tune during their business cu reor li-Jiv , ftiul arc , It appears , milling to res on their well earned reputation as thoroiiEl business men , and leave the Held to others who may follow. All the members of the 11 milll continue to reside in Omaha , but Just what the future will have In store for them in a business way remains In the back ground. Itraiulels & Sons have ilono much in cOu- aithiK the business jncn of Oiualia as to the value of judicious advertising and their com plete success in business is laid ut the door of printer's InK. Their rotitemcnt from the cuUiig eares of business will bo regretted by the people of Ouiuha and vicinity. DiiuliJCxcoblarSunngs Missouri waters. STIlANGIjHD IN Till ) 01tA.VA.1tr. a a I'lt of lcflomleiiey | Afcrinnnit or Mt'Ardlo Kniln Ills MtV. A largo number of frloads ; and nciiunlnt- nnccs were shocked yesterday to hear of hosulclde of CorneliusMcnnaimn respected and well-to-do fanner of McArdlo precinct , vho ended Ids Hfo Monday night byhanglnjj ilmsclf in his granary. The deceased was ono of the most prosper ous farmers In Douglas countyand had resid ed In MeArJlo precinct for twenty jcars. Ho had a very \ \ Idoclrclo of acquaintances and vas n very popular imn. His rash act Is the icsult of despondency , \hlchh nttrlbutcd to'an attack of the grip ast winter which loft him In poor health , It was not dlsco\ercd until the family nroscwhcnlt was noticed that Mermann was nlsslng. A search was at once instituted , and In a 'cw minutes a daughter of the dead man ound her father's dead body hanging In the jraaery. The body vos eut down , and word uis sent to this city. The family had noticed for some tlmo that Mermann uns not in his nornnl mental con dition , and ariatifrcmonts had been iic.irly completed for sciidlnK him away , hoping that i change of surioundlngs would be of beticllt to him , Ho had stated on ono or two occasions that he was liable to lo something thnt the family lid not expect and for \\hlch ho uould bo sorry : yet , whllolb was supposed that bore- 'errcd ' to the taking of his own life , no ono inngiiicd that ho ically Intended to turry such a move Into clTcct. . It Is evident , however , that he hail medi ated suicide forlorn ! ) time. Ilo bad been cio- Ivering butter to cintomcrs In this city , and Hlien hero lust Saturday called on ii , CJ. llarte , who baj been a customer of Uis for sometime. Ilo inquired for Mr Ilaito , stating that bo minted th.it gentleman to draw up his will. He was persuaded to put it off for a few days , Mr. Harto agiceinn that , In the mean time , \voulddr.nvup the document. Harto was engaged in this work this morning uuan no heard of Mcnnaim's death. It sccinsthntthe deceased must have chang ed his mind , and concluded not to wait for Mr. IIii to , as ho went over tothoiesi- dencoof his noirest neighbor. James NValsli , Monday morning , accompanied by his wife , and told that neighbor that ho wanted him tu witness hl < will. MrVahh asked'him If ho knew what ho was doing , If ho was of sound mind and if ho wanted to malto tint his last will and testa ment , All of these questions were answered In the nnirmathe. Mr. Mermann appeared nervous and a little excited , but \\ns pcifcctly rational. The will was brief , and was dated August 25 , 1WO. H had been drawn up that morning ) apparently bjonoof the ( laughters of the deceased. It was very brief , and the sub stance win tlut the testator left all of Ufa propcity to his wife. The \\ill vas witnessed by Walsh and Charles Knowlcs , n farm hand. Mciinami immediately went homo.but his wifoicmaiiied lor a short tlmo and talked about her husband's condition. She said that ho v as not well physically aad she had Itcon wonying ulxnit It a gieat deal. It seemed to prey upon his mind because ho could not get out awl work us ho always had done , Ilo had agreed to take a vacation and see If lie could recover his health , and in the mean time would nllow tno boys to run the farm. Last spring ho bought bonu horsoa of M r , McShnno and gave a note for { , ' 00 in pait payment. This worried him gieatly. He declared at times that they \\ouldcomo and take all his property bciviuso ho could uot pay the money. Ills winter's sickness had affected his hroin and that was what caused his worry , as his llnnncial affairs i\ero not in u condition to create the least uneasiness. Alcrmumi owned two line f.irmsof ICOncrcs 3ach , ono In .TelTorson precinct and the other In AlcAidlo iirccinct upon which ho lived. Theio was a mortgage of u few Irundrcd dollars lars on the farm in J efferson precinct , hut it is stated that the total Indebtedness of the deceased would not exceed { 1,000. Both his farms were Hacly stocked , and he was gener ally reputed to have been woith nt least Tlio deceased loaves n wife and seven child ren , four sons and throe duughtcia. Ono sou , Gcoigoll. , lias nposisloa with an cxpiess eomtinny at La CiosseVis , An other. Samuel , is fanning at Aniherst , Col. , and the other two boys , Arthur and Otto , nro living at homo , Ono daughter , Mrs. I' . II. Dipple , is the wife of n minister and resides on Tom-til street in Philadelphia. Two daughters , Annie and Bertlm , reside at home. The latter has been a teacher in the public schools of this county for the past eight years , having taught for two years at Ellihom , and had but Just returned homo from this city , where she had been attending the teachers' institute for the pas > t two uecks. The children \\lio mo away from homo ha\o been notilicd bv telegraph of the sad occmremo , a'ld the date of the funeral \\1I1 not bo announced until word shall ha\o been received from them. allies'.Verve nml Liver IMIK An Important ulsco\cry. They act OH the Iher , stomach and hoxvels through the ncivos. A now prinTiplo , They speedily euro biliousness , bad taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Srinllcst , mildest , suiest. 'M doses for 25 coals. Samples frco at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas , TIII : IMTITION : K Stops Kllcd to Seunre the I'ayinetit of Hlojjojith's I'coH , County Attorney Mahojicy filed the petition in the dlstilct court as anticipated la Tin : Bi.u Monday , asking that a peremptory wilt of mandamus issue commanding T , A. Mo- geath , legUtcr of deeds , to pay over to the county treasurer the balance of ? l,000 , re ceived and held by him us fees for the jeai ISM ) . The title of the petition Is "Tho State of Nebraska , ex rd , Leverett M. Anderson , Illelcari O'Keofle , Peter J. Corrig.m , William Turner and Richard S Berlin ys 'I'homas A. Mcgeuth. " All the various llguies in connec tion with the defendant's ofllco accounts uro given as previously published iaTiii. Bir. An action ontltlcilVllllain J. Letup vs Thomas Uaupins ; ct nl , was commenced , in which plaintiff seeks to leoover the sum or $3O.Vi lii , ivinebcnlod by ceitainnotei which mo Hccmodby real cstito mortgages. VUllntH M. SVylin brings an aitloii ncainst.lames II , Thompboa to sceuiotho spceitic pcifornianco of a certain land con tract. Suit for $ . > ,001.80 has been instituted by the liohn sash and door company np.iinst Hcnrv 0 , Cnsu and others , on u contract Invoking the sale of imlluing materials. A giist of mechanic's lien cases , Involving very small amounts , cnmo la dining the day. 1'atrick Morrlssoy saya that his \\lfo Mary has become an habitual diunkard and asks to bo dlot cod from her. Albright land and lot company has entered foreclosure proceedings against "W. H. Wil bur to recover $ isO. Bad druhmgo causes much sickness and bad blood and Improper action of the llvoi niul kidneys is baduiainngo to the lummi s > stem , which Uurdook Ulood Bitteis rem cdy. iXT13llTAIN : IIIIJ PAIIMIUIS. Mayor CusliIng Thinks thc Should Visit Omaha. Mayor Gushing is making u move to confer with President Martin of the board of trade Ith rofmvuco to extending the freedom o I the city to the delegate * to the national farmers' congress which opened a week's session yesterday in Council Bluffs , The mayor's idol is to nt least glvo the guests a lengthy cauhige lido about thoelty with possibly a luncheon at oao of the lead tug hotels , pearly all of thcso visitors are legislators retired farmers with largo moms and win nro pro-onilucntly representative- from nl the vurloiu stale's in the union , in uhnos every Instance those from th < 5 far east , soutl and west are pajing their lirst vult to thi locality and , Judging from their many ox presslons as quoted in Tin : HKC aixi KivnUrsurpiibed and exceedingly pleaset with the few Bilmpsw which they have had of our country , Mayor Cushlnp said tliat lie would , la al probabllltr , t.cnd a communication to the council ttUKgwUuff that a com mlttco bo appointed to sec thnt the guests vcro given n day's sight-seeing' In Otnihu , Ja this connection hn honor rcferrcil lo the necessity of the council ni'ikliip ' an annual anpropriation for ciiUrtalnlnK dlstinindahcd visitors. He considers it unfair that a few hould bo called upon to foot tlio bills that are Incurred to maintain the honor of and to advance the city. It Is Ills opinion , also , that such nn appro. irlation would meet vlth the approval or all sla es of property owners , This plan Is. ho savs , adopted in many of ho principal cities , and viorksllko n charm. lo thinks that an nniiuul appropriation of about $1,000 would bo aniplu to cnubio the city to do herself proud upon all sucli occa sions. Clirnnlu Inflainiiuilloii nf the Illntldcr Is promitly cured by the waters of Excel sior Springs , Missouri. THI : iNimmwria ix o ji TIOX t Is Now Astftirctl Will Ito a Ilrllllant The Omtiha oposltloti vlilch proved such a blgsucccsslastfiU , ivlll hirciifter bo known as the Intcrstato exposition. Instead ot con- llnlng it to local merchants ami manufac tures , the imiitigcinont are malilnij nrrutigo- inents toaccommoJatccxhiMtorsfrotnnbroiil. After no lltllo cxpeiiso ami troubles the iniu- agcmentof tlio cntorpilsu lias been put In tlio bands of Messrs C. K. BUP ami M L. itoo- clcr , which is a suillcicnt gtinrunty thnt the exposition vlll bo an unqu.tliilod success , as thcso rncn aio prominent ttiul successful busi ness men , comm.mdim thohlKhost cstuoinin local and adjacent comiiioiclul circles , They have already leeched applications for more space than the building really nlfords , which vlll noccssitato the construction ot a spicious aim ox , It betr.g the intoiitlon of the new muiiigoinont to glvo tnls part of tlio country an exposition commensurable in importance with tlio inter ests to bo represented. Ills to bo no catch penny affair , but n colossal exhibition oC every product of this pirt of tlio wrltl , nr- r.inecl ( with a tnsto tint Mill display them to the best posslblo itclumtiige , an exhibition that vlll not only reflect cieilit upon our Brewing ami prosperous city , but ptovo an advertisement of our manufactures ami busi ness houses ot incalcttablo benellt. No OHO has been uuthorkcd to dispose of any spice , us thomnniuroinciit ai-o prepniiij ; a perfect dliijtrnni of tlio buildiiitr , which will ha sub mitted to the meiolnuits niul ininufuctureiM intf\vay tint the representative ) of cacti special branch will Inve an onual shovlnf ? , without too much slinlhulty In tno dlsplnjs. Grand afternoon and ovciiltifj conceits and other meritorious tittt.io- ions aio now being Uoolcod which vill afford the most plo.islngoiitertahimentto all visitors mid render the exposition a icsortthat will rep.iyiepeatetl visits. Iho mannjiement is not luitlcipitlnKiuuch prollt out o the onter- pilse , but will bo satisfied In giviiit , ' thopuo plo a show worthy ot the name , if expenses nro but covered the llrstyc.xr. Ofcouiso it \\lllKro\v with yeais mid in a short tlmo equal In attractiveness tlio expositions of Cin cinnati , St , Louis , I'hlhulelphh and tlioIIRCI- e.istoin cities , which will bo the aim of all patties iuteiestcd , \ largo force of workmen are already en ied in rcllttln ; the building , and the nianagemeiit will appieciato any supr- pestions that cltlzoin nmy foci UUoolTcritifi. Varties desiring sjiaoo or privileges can cull nt 10-1 l axton block , \vlfcio the olllces of the exposition are loc.itcil. To JXervous IeUilitn.tcil ) If jou vlll send us year address \ve will send joa Dr. Djo's Colebi.ited Voltaic I3elt and Appliances on trial. They will quickly restoio yoj to viger , mmhood and health , Pamphlet fico. VOJTAIC Buw Co. , Munhull , Mich. SOUTH OSIA n.i MI in. A New Stock Train. After n year's eftorts the labors of Manager W. K. Bnbcoult have been rcvtirded by sccui- Ing bettor stock s Ii ippiiig facilities fi o in Iowa points Commencing today , thn Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road will run a thiough stock train from Creston , la. , leaving that placoat 9 : ii ) o'clock at night and nrilviiig hero at l > o'clock in the'inoiiiiuir. The return train will bo knonn as tlio the paeklng-houso ine.it train and will leave hero for Crcston at 5IU : ) o'clock every aftci- noon. This is ono of the best changes over made for the stock shipping Interests at this point. . Tendered a Itoccption. Mr. John A. Sto\cns of tills city , ono of Armour-Cudahy's employes , aad his bride , formerly Miss Auiilo M. Swnnson of Omaha , wore temleicd n reception Mondiivovcnlng by Mr. and Mrs. D. H. ICltch at their parlora. corner Twenty-seventh and L streets. About tvvonty-flvo couples vyero la attendance , Duiicing was iacliilsed in until a late hour. A bounteous repast vas scivoil ISIr. and Mrs , Stevens will begin keeping housoln this city at ouco. Deiuncr.itiu Campaign. The local dcmociaticleadeisareninkinp ex tensive prepaiations foi the opening of the campaign next Saturdiv eveningV. . J. Ur > an of Lincoln , catulidato fet congress , will addiess the meeting. Blum's opeia house has been secured. The Bohomi in cor net band will furnish instinnnontal and the Crcscen t ciuartotto vocal music. lllttcn Hy u Vic ; ions Doj ? . Fiank Mnumnlcr vas Uttcn yesterday on the leg by a vicious dog lielongiiifj.to John Lacy. Tun dog , which has also bitten other persons , was shot by tin oftkcr. i'crsoiuil The personal rights' league will hold a meeting Thursday evening in Ilium's opeui house. I , S. Ilnscall and Editor John Hosieky of Omaha will make V. O. r. n. IMonic. The grand lodge of the United Order of Trcu Bund of Nebraska will hold a picnic at Wist Lawn , Sunday afternoon. SouthOni.ilm lodge , No. 51) ) , will bo tcpre&cntcd. Ncitcs Aliitnt tlio < | ty. The h.faiit daughter of Jlr. and Mrs. .Tolm Squires , 8iitIcR > fiom cholera iufuntu ID , A son has been born to Mr. and Airs. Kd- wtud Harvey , Irs. Ilertha Peterson , ngecl twenty-nine , wife of Tiicodoio Pctoi'son , died atI.JO yesterday morn in ; , ' , 'llio fimcral services will bo held at the family residence , Ii , near Thhty-sccond street , this nftornooa at J o'clock. Interment will bo iu Laurel Hill cemetery , JIIss MaryBollo Willardls suflcrlng vltll erysipelas. A delegation will go to PapllUon Prldav af- tcinoonto hear John II , PoHoi-sladepenilciit candidate forcoveraor. who siwaks la the coint house at'J o'clock , Miss Kllu MeCann and Ira. C.H. Johnston are listed among the sick. Miss Ida Zinotni Guy will glva an entertainment - tainmont in trio Presbyteihui chuuh this o veiling , Hro\Mi Park citizens deny the chnigcs of lawlessness and danger In that section. 'Iho "holci-un" reported was only the stoiy of a scared boy. They do complain about the dungcron accountof 110 water for llro pur poses. lUanperloitxcelleneeprnTOiln nllllouiof l me for raoro ttinnn imttoro ( a lunturr. Itliunaur tht United SiatJi Uotfiimtnt , Kmlnrieil br tna Hr > * B of tin Kr t un'TiTBllliit ' nf tlio Blroniett , PuroBttnd .Mo i Iloiltlilul Ir Irio ' rreatu Mak- Inn 1'onlor Com not conuln auruonla , llui or iluiu. KoM only In r n . I'lllCU BAKING rOWDKIl CO. , „ , . CUltUO. BanVimicliOO. BU tOUU As a ; Rule , Itli best nut to nUcniplto irnicOt'enstlTO- ticss by the use atKUliio or drastic purga- tl\ts. > Mieiiacallvtlciacdleliie Uncoiled , the most prompt ! and Icneflclal Ii Ajcr'i 1M1U. TlielreHL-ctJi to restore tlieicgiilar action ct the bo u , vvltliout veakenlng tlifni. Ilolng sngawoatcd , these I'llls t claln their nicillclnil Mrtties for n long timeand aiecasjtouiko. "Icanrecommcnil Ajcr's nils above nil others , Imlnglotigpitmil tlicli value M a. calliartlcfor mrscliluid family. " JT. Jlcss. JLclths > Illc , l'a. "In 18J8 , hj thc-advlcoof Irlend.I began tncnsoof Ajoi'3 nils ma lemeily for Ml- lomness , conitipatlun , hlgl fcMcrs , and coils. They sei-ud mo better than any thing I had picvlomly tiled , and I h.we used them la attacks of that KM t ever slticc. " II.\V. llcrshJiulsdnla , Aik. Aik.PiiBs , rnrrinEO BY , 3DH. J. 0. AYEH & CO. , Xowoll , Mono. Sold bjall Ucalersln Mtdlclucs. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 1-20O DOUGL .AS OMAHA , NER The most wldc'yantllavorably Ifnown spco- Inllsts In the United Slatci Their longex- pcrlotico , ronarkable skill nnil universal suc cess In the treutmpiit ntulcureof Nervous , Clirotilound Surglo.il niscisos , entitle tlicso oiiiliiontpli\slclaii9 to the full confidencoof tlio allllctocl cvorywhero. They Buarintoc : A CERTAIN AN I'OSiriVl ! CURE for tin awful oirects of curly vlco and thonuraer- oiHovlIithnt follow lulls train , 1'KIVA.TE ' , HI-ODD ANIJSLClN DISEASES spcpclllr , comulntply niul pcriiiiuipntly cured. NHltVOUS l > Elllfm' AND SKXUAI , , 1HS- OKDEltS yield readily to tholr skillful treat- infnt. Pliers , KisraiA AND KEOTAL ui.crus Kuaranteod cured without i > .iln or dctontlon from Iuslnei4. 11V1JKOCULB AND VA3ICOCELE ( porma- nonlly.incl iucci isfully cured In o\ery case. BVPWLIS. GO.NOKIlIIEA , OLEBl' , fpor- imtorrheti , Bcniiiinl McaUneis , I.oit JUnhood , Night tmlsiloni , Oooaycil Paoultloa , Koinilo Yculcnesll nnd all dcllc.ito Ulsordorapuciillar toelther BOX positively cured.isM im.ill funotlonal disorders tlut usiilt from youth ful folllci orthooxceisof nituro yeira. ctl ? If" MI jl < Ouarnnttod pormano ntly O11V1V/J. UlVL/ciircd , rfnio\al couiplcto. withoutcuttlnccaustic ordllfttitlon. Cures alTcotcd nt home by p.itlent without aiuo- iiicnt/Hpalnor annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN , Q1IP"R PHUT ? Tlio awful cITeots of OUIVEOUIVL , cn-ly vlou which brings orsanlo woaknesi , dostroyliiR both mind and body , with all Its drctulud ilia , peruiuiicnty cured. T1K ? HPTP9 AeldrcBS those who have Im- iJlxO. 1JL/1 Impaired themselves by Im proper Indulffenca mid Holltai-y Iriblts , which ruin both cilnd anil body , uuliUlngtuow for buoliicn. Btudv or mnrrliica HAltUIKUMEN or those ontorinon that Inppyllfc.avTaroof physical debility , quloltly usalstcd. OTJR. SUCOB33 Iibnned upon facti. First Practical experi ence. bocond Kvory case Isspeclallystudlod , thus ttartlug right. Third Medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , tbun effecting cures without Injury , Drs , Betts & Belts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OM4HA NER. What do xloctors know about corsets ? They know a good deal more sometimes than tliey dare give their patients the benefit of ! What are they afraid of ? Losing their patients. Many a woman would throw her doctor overboard sooner than change her corset. What dovomen know aljout corsets ? The doctors and women together know all there is to be known. They all agree that Ball's is the proper corset. You can go to your store and get it and wear it two or three weeks and get your nioncy again , every cent of it , if you want it. The store has a primer on Corsets for you. CBICACO coiarr Co. , Chicago ma New York. nomlo cookery. Use It for Soups , S.iuccn , ' Miulo Dishes , ( Game , Company's rish , otc. ) Aspicor Meat Jelly. ICcoiu pcrlecuy Hi nil c'll- mutes for any loiiBth EXTRACT of time , and ls : chc ; ip- or and of finer lluvor tluiiinny other stock. Ono pound equal to OF BEEF forty pounds of lean beef of the vnluo of iilioutfr.fiO. Gcnuhioonly Justus von LIchig'H ' slynnturoas BIO\VII ] on. j E. IH iHi ur | > n ! ii > < l In tlio troit- infnt olnll forum of 1111 * \\1 K DlbKAM'.S.I.iwt .Vim howl. to'lllIC'lUllH.or mill In rclcldriK tlin bliuMer. HYI'IIIIIS cure-it InlOtu'iU I. Miln llBCiso , Catiurh nil IHMiciii" * of tlio llluod. llciirtnnil I.IVLT. flrc , N. K , Cor , Kth ind turnum Sts , ontrancooa clllieralrcct , Omnliii , Nob. tt'.vsniMJTnv , on I'lHOt kUllllO I'jOltiCt'Ollt 'Icrnitnus ( Iroul Nor * tli m 11) . Blt rcinurcei vulaatliiiinf I'JUXUm Klcililo lit , ci-ctrio utrcet nill uy.iiiiBiftt , or orlii. I ntqunlled opiwrtunl- . tleifof Vrntilililo l T ln ) -.hifflttl Inrtiwi. . niinl t < liiiniiur cturerB. AdiJrinPAIUll. & < JSJUtU.i t'ulrkiivcu , VuiUliifluu , NIOCTJRIXl 1MO Dr.DOWNS 1310 Douglas Street , Oinubui , Neb. Sttontftn yors * ciprrlcnco. A rrfiilnr rnttn lc Inmocllflnc.ii' rtJrlotnnMlioit Until I fronting with me KtrntorliiucKi' nllNc'rtuiiM.tlironlr nml 1'ilvnlo < llipnr < i < i prriniiuMikiiroidinrinU-ivllorlAtnrih. l'i'rnalorrhn'n. Ixint Mntilitioil. olnlll l \ \ cikned , Nlfht ImInitidenc ; , S " iililll , Slrlclurp , mil nil Uonics tilllio . . . lllixxl.fklninil , . . . . . . . . . . . Irlimrr , . . Oniim . . . * . X. , . . Ii , . I . KUntnntMt.'OOfir . . tMfry" o luntloilnkn unit foil . . . . . .iciire. Conmillitloiiirou. tt.h . ( Mjitcrlo of life ) icul Jrec. OfllCOllOUTI 0 0. 111. 10 8 p IU. SlUlilflf , 10 u in , to 11 in. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute rortlio treatment of nil CIlltONIC ASI > SCROiriti IIHKAIHS. IIrnro , .Apnllnnco * tor deformities nml Truj'cs. lli'Mt ( .icUltlcs , App.irfllii * nn < l Kcmotllu f rimcc fiillre itmoiitor owr form or tll < cnnorn iliilrlnKnicdlonlnrMurdcillroiitiient. ONK I tUVDUKI ) AM ) TtUIXn'-KIU2 UDlOU roil PAIIKNN llonrilnnilAttiiiiliiKc , Hot iicoomnioUnions liillia wjit Wrltofor clroulnri enl > jr < irmltlc < iimlllr.icei Triimci. Club I'n't. I'lirvntumn ulthobplno. I'lloi TunDn * , Cinder , Calirrh ItroncliltH Iiilialiitlnn , 10100- trlcllr , PnnilyuliIJplk'imyKlitrar ltlililari , : > o.li\r. Skin nml Illaul unlall mrrflcil oporitlont IIHI VSKS db" WO.MfV 11 iic-plnllr Hook ot lUoi osif ( Womun ( roo. Wo Invo litoly adilcl n liliiK-lnitumrtnicnt , for wnmi > ncliirliucon1nonimt ( rtrlctln > rlriU > ) Only ll'Jlhblu McMllnl liinHiil ) imVliiu n itcclnltyof l'ltl\ATK \ DlStA ICS AlllilouUlHtni' Mirco'ifulijtronldl tiiplilllilR pulmii Tcniovt'il from tlioxystcm ivltliiiut nieicuir , No Kuslorntlio Tn'ittiunt lorlo fOf vlul pmur. I'urtliM tiniblotoMt ufiuiybu trcnuil ( itlioinilijr ) corresnuniliMire. .Mlcominunloitloni conililunllnl. Mcclliliio or In'irtuin'nti tout by nuillorIIC | H jpciudr imikt'il , no niuki tiliullnto emtonu or nendor Oiioporran vltatL-rvlow inoforrdl Cnlliinil cun iilliM orfondliHlnry of [ onrraHO , mill MO will son I la iihtii irrnpfcr our IIOOIC 70 MB.N Kill liltpon lrlnto bhccliilur Xrvoiii DlsoatuiJiupotenc Sypbllls ( ilojt , nuil Viirlca'oiu. with ouoatlon list. AUdrcss Ornaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Corner OUi tind Harnoy Streets , Ormhn , Noljfnskti. SPEAKING OF WATCHES , DO YOU KNOW THAT METHE & BEO. , /re sellliiBmore watches than all the rest of the Omaln Jewelers put to gether ? But no wonder LOOK AT THIIR PRICES. SOLID GOLD X Tine Gold filld BATCHES r/ n. \ \ McricanMcli finer grades from $25 up. 514.75 , Vorlli double lc chfap at $25 the nioncj' ' . Solid Silver KicKtl Watches , Metes , ladies $2.50 $ , $3.75 $ or * gents from ana $5. $ , $5,75 , up. All of those wntch- Wutihoi , Clock ) cs nro Stcmwlnt- anil orH anil nro w.ir iiy ropilrod nt isnteilKOod UIUCM , JVCSt l'fIC03. \Vo will icll flao Hcmtmbct tic H'ectntloR ntrccluo- cd prkcsit ( ow Uap Place. MAX MEYEB & DUO , , Cor. 10th and Farnum St. , Orrulm , Kcb SEMINARY for YOUNG 1ADIHS , Curnurof JCth and WorthIngtonSts , OMAMA , - NEB. UISIIO1' WOUTIIINOroS , VIFITOII TllK Hiv. HOIIKIir DOIlEITYS.T.l ! , ) . HICTOH THE 27TH YEAR BEGINS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 17TH , 1890. forcitiiloguoand pirtlai ars npplylotlic Tii o tor. Pall Term opens Sept Conr os In r insuw , Mtorituio. Hhtori Fcliiui > , A rluiilluro and iiilm : ( ! > orlnir. l.uli- omtorlcs liiCheinlstry. I'lijsloi , Hoiiiny./.ool ; < y. ( iitoiuolocy , Giiilow. Asilfiilturu and Civil FiiKlnc'iirliiR. Ubr.iry o ( la.UOO volumes mid : HDiOiloilkils. Tuition ulisolutulyfipo. Thonowgyinmslum iHiiintlnliywitilliiieilaiidwIll lie oien to students - dents Forcataloguoiiddiosttlio ttowanl , J.i. DALK3 , Lincoln. INSTITUTE OF OUR LADY OF THE S/YCRED I-IEART. VASIIINQTON HEIGHTS.ILL , ThlsIiiMltuto , sltualo.l In rain o ( tlicniost licaiilldil hiiliurln ol3lilciiK ( < ioirfri t'ouiu liiiUn. eu'r.v lUlvantuiw fur olitalnliiw u tlioriiugh 'incl u < ifulo < liicitl n htiullevl I to roiiuntM Snjil. II , lbK ! ) . torpartloular- - 17 FEMALE t , AC rrfiuratorjntul wlk Kl lo ponrK-x , III , ratnrc.l uiu io , urt , U. 1" IUH.UUB. lM clialJactmn YOUNO LADIES. t fiiiBift .Jithc tinier | l i Amen an I iiravati Tnclicni . . I Mc.l K l"l - ' " . .ciulful iitmiMj nw lul g l"l3' Jms U rU.llAitKiii.lic. . OOLUHPIA , MO , vr\v \ voitic rtrr.irAiiv AOAIJEMV , IS Cui. L'.J. WrUlitll.t-A..M C'orinvull , X. Y , Bt. Muiu's * Bolviol ICiioxvlllo , J1(13H , ( | A CliunhgHiiKil for Girls. AlIs.iu'wBoliool , ICuJvvlllo , III. ( I1- * ) A t'hui-cli Hvlioul ( or lluyn. NowliiillilliiK ) no r funiltiiri ! . now imii.iri dm. Tlioliitoitiin'tliofhiif uioiit iliuid iiiiyn leal ciiltlno. ir ivthliu up 'i ' tin tlmo Homo eowfvH. { \ " ' Kcctormul rounder. , hniuvM-lKNil Iljjuliiinciits | ii > rfott , impnr ili > r iinir CillfHoororbii ( mo3iUarli , ar.lluyarcculTil ; : til ji'iir tiponi Hunt ( 'tOW dilrci ) Uet H I , A U , IlimUcrlllll.lll ILUHOIS MILITARY ACADEMY. , mo- , , Clrculirof IIKMIV J. mcUJNH , A. 11 , 1'rla. C. lfCModli \ , I'uiM lltiry Arademr , IKIJB. tJ'J.UU. llrotku ilall , U'UU. llrculirj rn PCNI70 JUAREZ. Tntlcrlho 3anucemciitof ( tlift Nexi nInlrnalanaIBankngCo.t'onssIoiiarci. ( ! ! , ' ( ( ! ( Incorporated BythoStnteof ChihuahuaMex ice , lor Charitable Purposes. GTtfiKD KOHTHLY DRAVIHG , will takn jihco In public nt thocltrof Jiiurcj ( fur Wednesday , Sept. z t1890 \ \ under llio tiorfOiml nninrviKiun tit Ocn. .JOUt. H. vlYjSU VunJ Mi C-AUI1.0 AlinUKI.- I.KM. both ; eutlenidu ol hl CAPITAL PaiZES60OflO. Only 60,000 , Tickets ! Ody60OOOTIcInts , ! WHOLE TICKETS $4 $ , HALF TICKETS $2 , ( JUAIITER TICKETS , . I Prize of 360.000 . S60.000 ll'rltuof 10.UK ) llTUoof r.W ( . SUDciuh Ml'iltosof 100 oath 111) ) I'rlic' of H ) each. . 2501'ilJUSOt W CMli Appraxliintlfiii 1'rlicH. ) ( I > rl70sef aroc-ndi Ml 1'rlzcM of Woiiih 100 I'rliciS of 81 until . ormn. 81I.JWO ' . t.WO KOToruilual3tollU.omi'rlzi-ciiailoucli. ) ) . 1914 Pllzes inounling Is . $125,970 , \Vo llio tnileiilunrd. licrctiy fcrtlfj that ttio llaiictiNic-linnl IMejilro.ln ( lifhimriiinlmn onije- iuilt icorii llio JMnicunliitcriiHllonHl IJanklm qo. , hBiHCBiiirifunilito luaruntoo llio Myinuiit of ill prlioi ilrnwn lntliotti-i iil. .lnli iluuiex. Wo lurtlurcurtilr tint wowlll fuimrnlie all the nrrnniemunli. it ill In | * riu > iinianiiiH aid control all tlietlruvlnifH d IhUlxjctfry. anil trim tlio imrin are cdiirturicil wlili lioieBty , lull-nun , und In | oed liltU lowariH nil Hurt In. JOHN 8 , MOSBY. CommUHluncr. lAMII.OAlUlUn.l.BS , BupcrvUorfor tlio < Jo\CTHiiiont. \ If nnf tlcVut clriolnmi rrliolii sfnt tolhe umlor- KIIOO , Hi Itro Mint ) nil ) bdfillcTioU anil ronltteu wjiirUiortuf , lr < > n ficharn > . I i > o JIH. I ! HiiOMinv. I'rti , Kl I'BSOMUtoimt Hank , UH'UBO/l'cx Fortlub niei ori nTOtlierlnf nni tlm. wrllo to Ihu unil r liii | 'liltillni ; > our niUlrenB rliiarly.wltli Mntv.Uoiinlr. S-ireia anil Nuinbpr. Mor ruiMiln- IIVKryMII l H nrn < 1 br your uncluvlim n a cl- 0i | tfarlniiri ) rliill nWroii. > UMCM laiBiuttTioiAf.lUNKWp Co. , City of Juur , Mcilco , jvontK. SonlrernllloncM for llrhftii by ordlnrr letter , ciiiititnltitfUnn < > r < ) rlr.l iiid lirull iproirimij i'UiiliN ' w VorkKztliittiue.bankdrull or puitnl Uuto. Addre all rwunlBrul lettcr to JlKXKi.V l rKU ATIOHAl.llANKVO | CO. ' UtJ ClJuaiti , Mdlco.tl * Kll'm'e OVKIl ASUUIOS DtSl'RlllUTEU , Louisiana State Lottery Company Ineorpornlcd br tlio lc l lnturc. for \ / tnil elmrltnMn | mrpo ci llx ( r.inolil'O nisile n part lh prr < ont Itiln cuiiKlltittlon , In 18TU , r anotc d * ( boluilnit populntroto , nnil To conllnuo xmttl January 1st , 18OO. Its MAMMOTH BRA\\'INJS \ { take plaoi Benil-Aniiunlly ( Juno and Doeembor ) nnil ill Qrnnd Slnlo Nuinbor Drawings takoplacl In each of the othortou months of the veaf and nro allclrnwn in public , at the Aciulomy of Music , NoxvOrlouis , Li. FAMED FOR TWENTY VCAPS , , For Integrity of ItsDrnwliiflsim < ji Prompt Payment of Prizes. ( OllOWl ! "Woito lirrobr n-rtlly llinl v nuucrTl iMiKiinciai for ill tin mnntlily ami ic- IIIKI ol llio lioulilnim "Ullol.dttorjr lt I'tlroIrnnn In llio IxiiHtn nlilcli niiijlo prf'oiitul n tour GRAND MONTHLY DRAWNQ At the Academy of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Sopt.Dtli , 1800. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000 , 100,000 , TlokflH nt Twisnty nolliiM oiulu ' 1 ll"1-t 'sBi ' ' 1'cnths , Hi ; Cw LIST OP IMUXIS. K tnwinuii 1 lltlXKOK IDO.CHWla 1 nttx-.i.oK 2 rui/cis or 6 I'ltl B 01' as imx.Hor i.wiiiiro I H ) ritix.H o or r Ufliru r L-ttlnrc AirilOAIMATlOX lllUI-.i 100 lrlosof f.0nro . 1CHJ 1'rltuHof ' : * ) nro . . . 1UO IrUuaof a ur - . AI 1'itizis. l l l'rlo of fldlnrc W'J I'rlzc-aof Miiro 3,131 Prizes nmoimtlng to . . . $1,05-1,800 Nori : llckcli OrnnliiKCnilinirrl ) c8 ntciiotta , tltlcilto tciinlniil prUon. A.GENTS WANTED. CTToiil'LlMiIlAiltl , or any ( urtLor Information .5 ( li'Hlri'cl nrltu liulblf to Iliu iindcAlKncd clomlr il Miitlru yourreslilonit. withstno rountr , slreut nn4 il number Moro rn | > lcl lotuni null d < lit ory will btf . . tlllliutilri < i. IMPORTANT Address M. A DAI'l'INN. 0-M.A.DAWinV. WnslilnRlon.D. O. Hjontlmry Ifltor , oaiitilnliiu Mo > ri * OIIIIKI ( , | * > muddy iilloviiio < s coiii"iile , .Now York Kulmuia ) ( traitor i'"t ' il noto. AdilressRoElstoreil Letters Coiitalnlnc Cup rency to NKM OULHANS NATIONAL DANK , NovUiluins , IB , JlFMnMIIlttlmttlio ! , inynicntof prlioi lnniTArt * ANTH.J ) IU * Ull'll VATKIV M. llAXliS of Nuvr OM Icnn' 11 ml tlio Hckc'H nru ! ni'j liy tlio prc > IJo > ilo4 nn Instltulloii nliu uiliurUreil tl hlsnro niouiiued 111 the hlKh tOurCi , tn-rerorobcn ! uiu of nil hulliu tloitv or innn ) niaiiH leliuiti'a. 1IBM KM111CII thnt the iirctonlthnrlpr of Tlio I-Ott. iKlnna St u < I oiur : > Uomiimy. vhli Ii llio SI I'lllOMH COUUT UK Till ] U S hni ilocdvtl 10 DO ft CO. M TltlCT willi tlo Stall' of Ioiililuui : niul a parlof cart } tliorlinitir oCTIIU LOUISIANAHPATK Tl'IlVCmil'ASVuptd tlio yoJt NINE I'KIN UltKU .AM ) STAJTLBT'S GEEAT BOOK In Darkest Africa. 'S ' Published by Charles Scribcr'sSonsp [ A i-DiiinIi 1 1' .n. il Hiilhorl/cd roc'ord of th must In HI-.IDUN mid c\enlfill ( if uU Afi lean o\Uii | ) .itiuii * iiinllliuinio innst fruitful of Im- ) ( ' ( < o\nio4. ! Uk'liln rnnps niul illusj tiitloiH. Comes In tno Mjlunii'a of over&OO PIIBCS ( llC'll. I IllllllhOllluly 1)111111(1. ) , This Is tlin only Rciiulno M'jiort ( rointho Finln llulluf i\Diillt ion. To nootlii-r ono Htiinlcjovorconlrlljutod nfiliislu llnour only by subsurptlon tlirougli autlioiw OTTO & JULIUS AVOLFF , Folo Asoiiti for Hnuslus County , 2418 CUM ING STREET , - OMAHA , NEB * PEIlf CIPiL POINTS ' EAST , WEST ; NORTH and SOUTH' ' 13O3 Farpano Stroot. HARRY P. DEUEL , City Pa&sonor * ; and Ticket Trlnury , FccOndiry or Tertiary jfrmantntly cor * < l lni.0 lo VO di ) . u vlliiiiimlg ulfLon | ( ruin tli . f/i.lc-111 , m tint thtiurannuvt rlxicvnturnit th dt * . * rasu Inany form , lartlcicnn to trcatvU attoni ( ( for tet.dmtvttte fcr to coiilri.c t money tnd py entire ciMnnott ooinlnir , rtllroax ) ( .r ml holel bllln. Ve ch lk'nK ) tba world for uui 0 ttnnolcurc JttMlon tt.l i wr. IOOK ItKVKUY ( , , Omaha ,