THE OMAHA DAILY BBS , AUGUST 27 , 1890. 8PEOIHL NOTICES. ADVKUTiSEMKNTMor thcsocoluimis win bo taken until 12 : : p. in. for the evening edition mill until 11:30 : p. m. for the morning rdltlonand SUNDAr HKK , -CaiU In advance. TJATKS Advprtlsprnrntson this pajr.0 will bo JLVchurzod for ut thoratoof H cent per word for the first Insertion nnd 1 cent | ior worn for cnch HillwonUPiit Insertion , nnd $1.50 | HT linn per month. No advertisement taken for IMS than 2T > cent * fur the Hrst Insertion. INITIAL8. fluurcs , symbols , etc , , count each as one word. milESK advertisements must run consecn- JL lively nnd under no clreuinitances will they betaken or discontinued bv lolopliom1. IAHTIEri advertising In these columns and ImvliiK tholr answers nddrcs < cd to a "num bered letter1 In ciro ol Tin : II KK will receive nnumberod check lo enable tlicin to get their letters. Answers will bo dtdlvorcd only on presentation of tlili check. Enclose answers In ctiM'lopci proiiorly addressed , advertisements under the head of ALL Notices" nru published In both morning nnd nvenlnir. editions of TUB HKK. the circulation nf which aKaroisates inoro than 20Wfl papers dully , nnd Khes tlin advertiser the benefit not only of the lar o circulation of TIIK HKK In Omnlia. but also In Council ItluffH. Lincoln and ptlicrcltlon unit towns In the west SUNDAY HAMO HATI39. ADVKUTISBMENTS for situations or ( or male and fenmlo help , not exceeding 21 words uro Insortcd In TUB hnxiur lirr. tit Imlf rates du ring thoinonllis of .Inly nnd August. The regular rule * will bo charged for each additional word nbovo'Jl words us veil as for consecutive Insertions. . , BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will ho taken on the above conditions , at the following busi ness lionsi > s who are authorl/ed lo tuko s-jicclal notices at the same rates as can be lud at the main olllee. OMAHA I1UANCII Ori'IOH No. SOUTH seay Street , Lister lUouk. TOIIX W.IIELU Pharmacist , KJfcouth Tenth t ) Street. AST. A EDDY , btatloncra and Printers , 011 South 10th Street. \\7 .I..nUCUIES Htivet. , Pliarnmclst , 0 4 North 10th pro. W. I'ARH , Pharmacist , 1718 Leu\on- worth Street. K PlLYUMAOY,24th and Furnam. 81TUATIOXBVANT13D. . For alt * , clc. , rfttap of Jdftrnlumn on Hits latci on J > Hy a vounK fady , a posTuon fn ' olllco to doelerlral or olllee work of any kind. Address M 47. lleo olllee. 417-27' AdENTI-EMAN of experience with the In- nan6 desires a position as special atlend- atitjirniirse.AdlrcxsM : ( U. Hee , 3')0-ai ) * WANTED Sit nation by ox piirlniicedcnnch- nmtt or ciooui , colored. Address M 'M. lice. Hf.7-2 ; * \\TANTni ) rcrmnnent position ns collector. TT familiar with city. Will assist on hooks hut prefer outside \vork on commission. Ten years experience as book-keeper and col- lector. Address M. 4J. Hee ofllce , J10I-2S * AC HTTEU and practical tallordoslres a position with n merchant tailor : married man ; city or country. Address Jl 40 , Hee olllee. ANTED Situation by a well educated lady ; will assist In the household and In struct In the Cicrman language and music. Address 0 L. . 1'remont , Neb. lll-SS * \VAyTHL.MALil ! : for talcs , tte. , * r > tup of flrtl rnltimn Half rnltx on .S'n niliii/ . fi 10 goodi muiir'&J if . "i IhiiiKlas ; JiHJ-'ji' \\7ANTni ) Man to drive team , Inquire _ VjL1827S. 18th. 4U20 * WANTED Galvanized Iron cornice work ers. Steady work. Oood ivaRos. Jas. A . Miller and Hro. , 12U & lilt S. Clinton street , Chicago. air.- ! * WANTED Men ; can make $5.00 to $10 00 a day ; easy. Call at once. KooinlHHar- kor block , 15th and I'limam. 32i ) ili * \\rANTKD Oradlnn teams and 4 drlvern , T T ror. llth nnd I'lerco Bt. H. Hall. SUJJ-2U * UUlilCITUKS wanted for city ; can make ton k ? dollms u day. None but luistlor.s need apply 117 N. 13th st. Tucker It llopper. 3lll ! 20 * rANTED An ngent for the sale of first- class mining stock. For particulars nd- dress'1 ' . II. Everett. In care of J. II. Williams , lowa'Glty , la. ill0-27 * BOOKKEEI'lUtS wanted. Hcnil for Tree sam ple copy of Iho Accountant , a twelve-pane journal devoted to yourlntoiests. Only olllco men's paper west of the SUss. The Account ant Co. , box 077 , Des Molnes , la , SMi-l'i * " \717ANTEO Salesman In every locality to T > iimnnfactuio und wholesale our new pro cess elder , rundo without apples. Excellent wages , no capital renuliedj 4o for particulars. Missouri CldorMfs. Co.lUx550 , St. Josoph.Mo. 014 a' H * " \7l7ANTno , VM men for Utah and Nevada ; T vvajjes { 2.00 to K fiO. AlbrlghtV Labor AKcnuy H''U I'limam Bt. trJO \\7ANTKI ) Men Utravel for our Oaniullnn i uui-berles.ijtoiic&WelllngtonMadison.\VU D15 / IITV eanvii'scrs on salary and commission , \ - > o\ni rloncod njronts preferred ; must alvo security or elty reference. Aphly 0:30 : to II a. m. , Omaha Watch Club Co. , 1G14 ( Japltol ave. , < - ; H.I at ? 10ItNliEVorUets ) , tinners and job vvoiltois , V steady work , Rood wages. James A. Mil ler i. lira , 120 and 1J [ S. Clinton st. , Chicago. _ ( J . .TJ Men for railroad work InVy - n. good VVUKCS. Albright's Labor 'agency ' , 1120 rainam st. 8.1431 \\7"AN1ED--Snlesmonat $ i7 > per month sal- ury ami expenses to sell a line of silver- plated w.ire , watches , etc. , by sample only ; homo and team furnished fieo ; write at once for full particulars ami Humplu case of goods free. Standard Silverware Co. , Uoston , Mass , 017 W ANl'Un 200 laborers for q\tra road pangs. Apply to I1. H. Johnson. 11. .t JI. pnsseuucr depot. Omaha. 1)18 ) " \71T7\NTIID Three first class men to ropro- ' > gent the Omaha Hee In and out of the elty Call at the speolalolllco of Omaha lice , coiner 17thand rnrn.nn .ground door. 077 J At once. Expcilonced inachln- T T 1st to run moulding machine. Address The Nebraska I'lanlng Mill Co. , Lincoln Neb. "V\TANTKO Hulcsinnn vlsltlnc grocery and > ilrii ) } tnulo. Address , The Hoblnsoa Chemical Co.Chtcago , , fur splendid sldo line , Mimiilos free. ; Ms- ! * \r NlT.U-Cook for hotel at Wahoo , Call Tue-dayat4UlN. 15th. W 2(1 ( "tyAJiTEl ) At once , goiitleninn or Inly to i tiiKu charge of nnollleu , Salary JM ) per month. Reference and * - * ) eushcapital re- quired. lUxini 20. Hoard of Trade. ! C > 0 SO * , etc. , ret top of ftnt rnluinn nn Utli Half mttn un TI and Httins. good wagos. Address 121 IHhht. AOOMl'KTr.NTcIrl forKonerul housework' . Apply ' . ' 001 St. Sfarys avo. 4.H 27 AOO01) homo forplrl about ISyoars , to po west , to care for one ch Hn a years old. Call nt White's Intelligence olllco Wednesday , ujsusts" , at 4 o'clock. 42u-.1j * ) l.ndy nuonts. I ha\e Two URCiits mnklni : a poinl rospoctablollvlnii aollln my gDods for ladles' and children's wear. Am constantly dosleulnz novelties. Have n new and wonderful mmur for fall trnde. Address , with stamp. K. H. Campbell , 4M Wusl Utindoliili St. , ChlcilKO , 111 , 43(1-27 ( * \7 AXTKD-nirl for cook : must have refcr- ' ' once : seed wages. OalUtunco , 'Jim lint- noyst. iieariUli. _ 401-20 , llrst-cluss "cook , Per week. Mrs. il.T. 1'atrlok , 24th and Lnko.Per 4i:2 > > * \yA > Tin7Ludy cook , wages II per week , > T licit N. 21th s.1. 410 20 * \\TAM'EI-Compotent ) girl for general T housovvork,2iiltl ) I'ojiploton uvo. 407 \ \ ? AMEU-OooJ clrl In family cf two. must TI be good cook ; cull mornings , C01 S. tlut , 400 2T \17ANTKD-A Klrl for general housework at Vt UM X. 23th st , 4-J-W "WA'NTRD A Rlrl for general honsiuvork. mua.281list ; tlorinan preferred. 410-23 * \\rA.NTKU Nurw lrl , W'to 14 years old. i T I'lrst liouso north et Dodge at. on SM nve. 27 * for light house \\oik. : ui B. . a'-M * ssthjj. - _ _ _ B UTTONHOMJhttiid. Oinahii thlrt factory , IJH Ka riiaiii. SM-27 _ V\TAJ < Tfit-Oool Klrl for Konural house- VV work ; mu t liavurefurvncod. Mm. I.ouU a. a _ l-Oood Klrl for general hoiue- work. gialA _ > uyBnworth t. TO ) W Tn toIiTeont "youns ludy as uur > u ut the Ularkson hospital ; e.\p - Hu Auply to the matron. & 0-27 SOMKTHINO now for Indies out of onu . , inont , ntllEIl launders street , second Iloor , room 1 , 409-28 * WANTfcD A o < xl Rltl for ceneral liouso V work In i Binall fnmlly. 2220 ( lilcago t. 178 LAIiiKcntswnntPd. ) . Entirely new rubber iinderinirtiient. Fastest felllliR Indies' specialty In the world. 1'nxiftreo. ' Address , MM. N. H. Mttle. Chicago. III. 951 ! run UISNT IIOUSKS. For mf _ m , etc . , ttt tapef _ flnt column m thtt ' ) ! room bonrdlns liouso In coo < l location ! -J rent rcasonabloi prlco of furniture (4.V ) , part tiisli Imlnneu easy. Co-op. Lund and Lot Co. . tt N.ICtlut . 428-28 FOH HKXT Xlce > cottnso and barn on motor line 17th nnd Vlntun sts. Large uioiincU covered with cheery nnd other trees folly wa | tcr In house , 115. 11. K. WIlHams. 205 N Utth st 42727 OHOOMbrlekhousn near 1' . O. . rent KB per month ! price of furiiltnru J.Vfl , iiartcash liiilnnco on time. Uo-opcratUo Lund and Lot co.air Niotii t. 40128 $21011 ford loom IIOIIHU tu restionslblo parties , OI N 18th st. mi'J-'Jli ' * 1710K HKNT 7-room snutli and cnst fmnt J cottuKc. * . " 0 per inontli. Wright & Lasbury , Arlington blk. K ITtOll UKNT-IIoiiBP , n w cor. 17th and Cap- JMlol mcnuc. 12 largo rooms. HogRsi- Hill , 1JOS I'arnam t. ai6-2i ) F OK HUNT 7 room lionso 3 blocks smith of I.cavcn worth. W ) per month llrennnii k room U. Chniubcr of Coinmcno 3 1-tJO p\VO \ story house ! furnished ! on strcot- car . line , tin on blocks from l.'nlon depot. Tree Btonieu for furniture If desired. Itent hoard of owner and brother. Address M 411 Hee. 7UK ) HUNT TWO olenant ten room brlcV _ J houses Just llnlslicd , modern conveniences , WW and M ) bonlh 2"Jth st. Price , * Wi J. II. 1'ar- rotte , DouRlns block. -Jl OU UENT-Klejsant lioiisc. 18 rooms , steam heat , sultublo for boardliic house , four blocks from poslollleo. U. V , bbil 'S Co , 2ii : first Nat'l bank. iX/i-M JOO1C Low rent , dcflrublo modern houses A. cottages. Enmilru 1'arrotto rental agency 1)7.1 ) s 15 ONE of Dr. Van Camps terraces , No. 015 N 20th st. 875-27 * IKASK For sale at sacraflcc. Nine montlis' J lease now seven room house , W5 , worth 120. Call lloom 7 , Jacob's blk , cor 15th and Capitol avo. U73-28 * T71011 Itr.NT 0 room lirleu houee , east f roat , J on Ucorgla ave , , just north of Leaven- worth ; cvorv convenience ; newly painted and repaired : Is In llrst class shape ; asphalt pave ment. To responsible party , 4oO. SI A.Upton Co. , 10th and Farnam. 1 > "P YOU wish to rent n house or.storo see II , -I ! , Cole , Continental block. U DrsiltAItLK dwellings , nil parUof the city. Kent i-nnirliiif from Jl'J to 8 < tnonthlr Stneaton ! c Allen , IGOlHi 1'arnani s > t. 700-s9 fllO KENT llouM ) of 8 rooms , oust nnd JL north front , corner 28tli and Woolworth a\e , , all modern conveniences , S1J per month. C. I' , Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life. 224 "T710H KENT House , 10 looms , nil modernlm- JL' provements , lutxo yatil , * ! " > pfr month. Commission lo azents. le.\ler ) L. Thomas. 03 T7O11 ItHNT . " > -oom house , irood repnlr. nice JL1 ynitl. cistern water , rent fci ! . Ajiply to HIM Bouth 7lh uve , or to J no. W.Hcll.diugglst , 10th WO K-HOO5I house. South 21thwest of shot tower. t ) .XM sl.V 11 5-100111 house , b. K. cor. llth and Vlntou. L1OH HKNT 7 room flnt. .TO S. Kith St. { .10 , per month. Apply at Tim Fair , J. I/ , llrau- Ids & .sous 2UU TjlOH KENT 7-room cottiiKO with barn , 22nd JU mid Lcavi'Mvvoith , D ) ] ier month to good party. O. P. Haitlson.Oll N. Y. hlfo. 'J < M T71OH KENT A liouso of all conveniences , JL' centrally located. Inquire TU N 10th st | 7KU KENT Sept. 1 , rottiiRO with all modern JL' linprovemcnts , 1521 She i man ave. 774 GIIOUM Hats , 24th aiidLoavcnvortli. 118-anO T71O11 HENT A fr-rootii house , near to center J. of business , JS ) ; also bilck 5-room house , same location , fl.'i. Investment Co. , 14J Hue building. 1)70 I1OH ItHNT To responsible parties only , these fine new bilck nnd stone houses on GcorRhi iivennc ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ; morn conveniences and bettor llnlshed than any house for rent In ttio city. II. II. llcndor- son. 4110 I'nslini lilook. oltv. 401 P7-KOOM liouso with barn ; nominal rent. O. tlHarrison. . 011 N. Y. Llfo. BH3 TTIOIt IJKNT lleslralilo 8-rooni house , all JP modern Improvements ; excellent location , sodded vnid front niid iear. Convenient to vrholesalo district niul now union depot. Good location foi physician. Apply 1112 H 10th st. S-HOOM house. IBd nnd Putnlnc. * . ' . " > per month. 0. F. Han l-nn. Oil X. V. Llfo. &a FOll KENT K0031S FU INISIIKD. 1'ur rnlfd , etc. , fee ( op nf frut rolunin on this jxioe. T71OH HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms , Jtf all modern convenience * . 2015 Douglas. T71OH HENT .1 rooms , s. w. corner 16th and J ? Leavcmtorth sts. 414-20' JOUTIL fmnt rooms with hoard In prlvato "family , nicely located , 21TO Ilarncy ht. 1191 27 furnished rooms nnd board , with l bath. IC17 Uodgo st. ! OU-il : front moms , steam - heat , cas , bith , modern hnprovoments. 711SlMh.ird : lioor. a70-il' : T71OH HKNT Nicely furnished suit of rooms JL with board Inprlvato fumllv fortontIonian and lady or two youir ientleiiicn ; ; modern conveniences. No other boarders. On St. Jlary's ave. , nuurSOth st. Addics : > JI US Hee. "VTEWLY furnished rooms slnslo or on suite. 1 > bath and Ka-j , 1003 Howard , M Iloor. atil-27 * 1U I DodRO st. , corner Twneiletb. Des furnished rooms In small New I'nulaud family , with or without bo.ird. S17--8 * VESIHAIILK rooms at ISlli Dodge. IIIOII KENT riosnntly furnished rooms mid JL1 Urst class day board , nt Wd A' . 17th st. \s-2o : : T > OOMS-7 , ? S , ! 12. COT N 19th. FOH KENT Comfortably furnished rooms with or without boaid , lit leasonnblo late , aaa St. Mary's ave. ! il7-37 "I71OH HEST Nicely furnished rooms with JL1 bo.ird , gas , bath , steam , 17il Da\enpojtbt. 9 nOOMS-IlousekceiIng,2020St. Jlary's ave , JjlOH KENT 1'uriilslivd room with board. .JJ IGlllJouKlnsst. Da3-yi * OOOMS furnished , without board 1000 XV Capital uve. S3 ST. OLAIIt Europeanhotel.wlth steam heat In all rooms , lIHh-Uoduo , Special rules by week or mo. FOlt UEXT I'urulbhed rooms , 1000 Douglus ( KM TTiOH KENT I urnlslied rooms ; gu3buthand JU bteam , 1311) llownrd , OJl FOU RENT llrlck warehouse , two stories nnd basement , 'JT.OOO bmiaro feet , with 100 feet of double track on U. I' , railway , south Mth and 1'lorco itrevts. Address U Oskamp. Uniaha , Neb. IX I-'OHUKXT--HOOMS UNFU11MSHKD Ftirratt * , etc. , w lc'j > of flral ronmin i/a tlitipaue. 5UNrciXISHKD ! rooms for housekeeping , Cttl B 17th , botweeu Jackson and Loaveu- vvorth. 2il-ai POH HENT a looms , unfornished.SIO N13th st. , price $10. &l OnoOJls unfurnished und rooms furnished forrcnt hi UuKgnu block , cor , lUth and I'u- cino. cm Toil K13NT--STOKES ANU OFFICES ) , dr. , Kt tni > nf first column un thtuwa * . fflOU KENT The 4-slory brick bulldlnp.wlth Jor without power , foiinerlyocctililed by tbo lleo 1'ublMiliiK Co. . 1)10 ) Kurmun st. The buildIng - Ing has u lire-proof cement l > U ! > < 'nie.ntcoiiiploto Btoam heating Uxtuirs. water nn all the Uoors , gas , etc. Appiy at tlio otllco of The lice. 015 OlTIcrlnVlthnell hleck'witli all modern Improvement , very uhoap.lMhnnd llnrney , li 3 H la 1T1OU UKXT-Itrlek wurehouse. nvo stories JL1 and basement , 27,000 snuuro feet , with lee feet of double truck on 1) ) . l . rail way. fcouth .Vth and I'nircoitrects. Addrv s 0 , U : > kamp , Omalia , Nob. mo STORES at TOO 8. 10th. 20\IW each , larao show window * , a team heat furiiiahcd. Tlios. F , Hall.ail I'axton block. fJL'-L. ' FUlt HE.N'T lluilding CAxl24 ft. . 4 fitorltMaiid basomt'iit , on JUIIIKI bU. between 10th and lltb , with It. H , track In alloy ; best location iu thu alty for wholesale , liuiuiro aid S , 15th s > U Q. A.Mndqutst , W 0 IITICES for rent-Also a Inrgo room < OtfiO on i'o iiil floor Itnmgri'n bitllillmr. HH-O t'ur mtn , tte.nclop of firvt column on MC HE. C'Ol.i : . rental agent , ( JontlncntaHilk. ICvI Ifl J. IKEY , rental N. V. Mfc. for rufc * , ete. , rre ( op of flmt foliiwii on Hits " " prlco for InJIoH mid Rents' cast-olT clutti- Inz. Address by letter or jmstul and I will cull at any tlnu- . _ 4iM U * IATENTSfor Inventors direct from patent ofllco ! iiddelny. Omaba patent ugonuycor. lOlli und Unpltol iivo. : U84 ' ELTTKH iruiKers Send Wo for now oreaiu tester. ( pu tjiililfiliiWH ) ( per ceil tot cream InnnyinllK. 'lolls good and poor cows and milkmen ; Foils at Msliti iiKents wanted ; I alHO send pirtlutilars liutter nniklng process , Increases yield nhoutM per font , bolter qual ity. \\.lllilettillOS 13th st.Omuliii. Nob. 4 > tl > > ii UrilOLbrKUINO-l'iirnlturo polished and iniittres-H'H renovated. H , Peterson. liia : N. IStb IjATliNT lawjerx nnd solicitors. o7\V , hues A , V Co. . lice building , Uniabii. Four years' experience as oxainlners In U. S. patent olllco. llranchofllcu at Washington , 1) ) . U , C'onsulta- tlon free. 787 : . - baths , icalpaml hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs. Test , It SO-'Jl , Wltlinell blk. ATOTK'E-Dr.Jolin J. Soiomon of Tm Ninth 1 > lllth wMios to Inform the public that ! m has oomo to stay , contrary to the wishes of tliu examining cominltten of physicians and \Vorld-IIornld. . Ills diploma they bud to iidnilt Is hprond to none. 1 < II-'J7 * H WANTS. Tor ratts , tit , , fte ( ot of first column on thin IK WANTED Homes In private families for students , male and female , who ulll work niornhiRs and evenings for their board. Ad dress btandurd Uuslness College , N. V. bhlg. TO u y . _ For i-nto. _ . ( ( ( . , ttt tnp of flrri ; coliiiiiii oil ilhtA WANTED to lluy-Stioh Ing nnd fixtures for giocery storo. Address M 41) , llet ; nnico. ANTED To buy a full resident lot In sldo mile ; limit. Address M. , 30. Hee. 312-27 * ANTED A largo lire-proof safe. W. S. W Cook,2023 N. btreeto. . Omaha , Neb. \m \ 2 * "WANTED Will buy claim' against rail- IT road employes , merchant's , physicians and other hills ; discounts icasouable. Win , Ulchnrdson. Sioux City , la. 3034 * , household goods , etc. Highest cash price. 1111 I'limam. l WtVNTKD TO HUNT. For rate * , clc. , fte t p o.flrst column oil W MiTED Hy man nnd wife , two rooms completely furnished ; light liousekeop- _ A d drcss M 45. Hoe. W-M * w ANTED 3 rooms for light hoiiseKeop- lufj. private Jioitse. Addiess.M 48 , Hee. 41G-2S * WANTED To rent unfurnished holol In coed lively city or town. Addicss at once W , room 28 , Hotel Esmond , Oniulin , Neb. 308-ll * . WANTED To rent house , 8 rooms , bath room , between Leavenvoi th and Cass , 17th and 51 h sts. Address Jl S , Hoc oniee. I1W ! K1 HAUt GOODS BEST line hnlr Roods In west ; hnlr dressing. wigs , switches hallos , hair chains , etc. , a specialty. Davles hulr goods and milliner , opposite postolllce. Ill S.lSth st. Omaha. 3i/j PKNSION AOKNCY. I'"orrn ( < , clc. , ttelnpuf flrtl coJiimn on ttiti PENSIONS IIIram A. Sturges , ox , ] > crt In pension discs. Over 10 years experience. Have secured over 3.000 pensions for soldloiH In Nebraska nnd lown , their widows and heirs , Abnudonrd , delayed or rejected cases n speci alty. Olalmants for pensions under the new law should Hlo at once. No advance fee. Of llco 8Ji Crclshton block , next bouth of post- olllee. _ 810-slO * NEW law ; lien.slons for almost all soldiers ; fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by K. N. Cllnifiimn , 10 aiidSirronzcr blk. , Omaha , Also Washington hml Cincinnati. Circulars fret1 ; 15 years' experience. _ u' l Pension Law AlldlHablcd soldiers and NEW dependent widows , minors under 10 , and parents nf deceased soldiers are now entitled to pensions , ( 'nil on mu nnd file your clalmsat once. C. W. Mhlto room 13 , Continental block. _ _ msa31 * JT. PATCH , excluslto pension & claim at- tornev ; over 15 years' experience ; all the latest laws & decisions. Olllco removed from Frcnzer blk to Chamber C'ommorcoJt M.Onmlm 331-sl * \\MIIIOKKUS. . TTUtED MOIILC loans money on diamonds , vvatchesje\vclryetc.S.E. \ . cor.Farnum&llth 270 110A11D1NG. I''or ratct' etc. , fee ton f > ! column on (7ns ( ) > me rplIF. M'lndsor holel Is prepared to nccnmmo- JL date a few moreboaiders' . Hoard and loom f mm $7 to JlOper week. Hcst table board hi the city. Ifattai LOST. YnTn\tttlt. \ , nre trip of frst column on till * T OST On Aug. 50. a tourist ticket over J-J Union Pncillc svstem , Omaha to Han Dloco and return. Ticket advertised and cannot ho used , Howard paid to finder. G. D. Melkle- Jobn , Fullerton Neb. U.V > 30 STOltAGK. For rate * , ttc , , Mr top of fnl cuhimnnn this page , TbltAGE Sc'o" us i before storing goods of any description. Oninba Steve llepalr Works. 1207 Douglas. Tel. KM. _ 314 _ rplJACICAGi ; storage at lovvest rates. W. M , JLHiisliiiian.lUlt I.eavcnvvorlh. _ OT > 3 ClTOIJA OE-llraiich & Co. , till Howard. _ im STOIlAfiK Kor merchandise and furniture. cold storage and freezing ! trackage David Cole , 81.VS17 llovyard st. _ 378 FOH SAIji : HOUSKSVAOON8KTO. . I'omitfi , etc. , * re ( ojiofrvt cohunnon thlt JKIQC. TI1011 SALlr-llorse , delivery wagon , Ac. J. llor = o young , sound aud u good stepper. gOQjWolistoi-bt. _ 42U-37 * G OOD buggy nnd blnglu hurne&s.tory cheap , 2 10 j. : njth8t. _ 409 20 * KENT A largo list of houses aud stores. Ui'O. J. Paul , ICO'J ' Faniam bt. 370 23 T710U ALK Cheap , lUht buggy , nearly new , J-1 and In good shape. Cull at J.t/J N. 21st St , 27730 * "T710UIIteams light mules : ouo heavy 1.800- J- pound horse. Itoom 13 , Hoard of Trade. 178 \\roidC here J < ii > , two liorso wapou J30 , douhlo * i work harness $15. Or will trade for a Rood light side bur buggy. H , E. Cole , Contin ental block. RKJ HOUSES Light drivers , bargains. The late II ro has iniulu them cheap. H. K. Hole , Con tinental block. or > 3 ORSES IV ) und up , H.E.Colo. - ETC. Fortatet , etc , , we foji of fr t rolunin on fMi pay. TjlUKNITCIin of 0-room flat for tale. 1711 JL ? Leu Ten worth. ' A-'M" FOU Forrof , etc. , tee top of jlrct rulutna on f/ib / jitxja I UK for sale , 100 tons , by CorullliisHros. . Cen tral City , Nob. iioi 3s T7IOU SALE Cho.ip The fiirnlturo In the Jbouse. . No , 18H Douglaa street , for sale and house for rent , Knn.ulra on the premises. OALlQllAl'H. ' KWA as new , for bale cheap , addrus i .M 3d Hee ollleo. M 1OOD second hiiniltypewriter cheap for leaali , Address M 3.1 le ( olllee. gun for sale nickel plated , ball bcar- JJlugs : , "i3ln. : nearly new ; price very reason able. 3li ) S. Utn st , 43f-3o * iul inacblnery for sale iiaramlu Chemical Works A portion of the plant of this property , consNtlng of one OMi.jj , voitl- eal engine , 1 hoisting engine , 1 Inrgo Knowlcs Irrigating pump , vertical boilerstuck , etc. , 1 Uiilcti rock c-rusher , 3 Wilson power grinding mills , ] atnrteviint blotter , inlHOolhineoua shutting , hungers , pulleys nnd belting , puUomcttvrs , byphons , laboratory outllt , tin can machinery ( unused ) , niUcuiraneoiis ma- chlnlstn and other tools , etc. , etc , Atnbiir- Kala for the lot or lots to suit purchasers , for cash. Address. NollU Corlholl , Luritinlu.Wvo TTfJit SALE Now Stulnway& Son plano.bfst JL ! make , party leaving city ; part cash , bal- auce thuc.lf desired. ImmlruatUial'axton blk. FOll SALE Or , whTT-cohango for Omaha real estate. , a Immtivimo Norman stallion , 1,700 Ibs. , anilin thorofcfehbred Jersey bull.V. . T. Penman , OninhaV-iirg'st variety wagons nnd carriages. 270 i < vm I'or iwfra , ttf , , let jj'.1 * ' * j column on ( A I * PAH A SO I .Sand unujrnl I Ins cove red and re paired. II. llulor. UaA loth St. , 3d door from 1 * . u. Only mini In town. _ ur > 7 MUSIC MIT AND IJANCUAOE. ftir nitef , etc ttt fop of Ijl/Tit c tmn on thl * BEFOHE b'lyinR ' ) ) ( examine the new scale Klmbnll plamtl A.llospe,15U Douglas. OM GEO. F.OELLENIlErU.teachcrof thobanjo , with llospe. l. ii : Douglas. 240 MUNKV TO LOAN ? Khrrnfw , etc. , KC top of frtt column nn thin JKIC * . loans at lowest rates ! business CHATTEL . 0101'a.xtou blk. J.ll. Emln er. E. A 0. M. ANTHOXYil3 : N.Y.LIfo liulld- Imr , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska nnd Iowa : also on ( rood Omaha residence property ; lovvest rates ; best teims ! no delay ; money ready. Titles and values passed on here. 220 /11IATTEL nnnlc.WIKS. Kith st. , loans money v on chattels or colluu-ral at reasonable rates. ma FIRST fc second mortgages on vacant M im proved city prop. County warrants bought. Money on baud. F.M.lllchardson , 818 N.Y.LIfo. 004 /10MMKHOIAL and general short tlmopaper V _ bouglit ; also regular loins on Impro ved property. Uoo.r.UlustA.Co.,2UUHnmgebldg. 067 DIKi : Hrokor In real estate niiiriKagcs ; ob tains inonoy at lonst cost to boriovver ; open Saturday till 7 Hooni 3D , Murker blk. MONEY to loan , i o delay , In. largo or small amounts ; lowest rates. Apply O.K. liuy- nolds , Ul ! ) Now York lifebldK , Telejihono W. EASTKKN money to loan ; lowest rates ; no delay ; largo loans a specialty ; short time bought. Omaha Mortgage Co. , ground Hapor Chamburof Commerce. 415 BUILDING loans , 0 to 7 percent ; no addl- onnl charges for commission or attorney's fees. W. U. Molkle , First National bank bldg BC3 ' TyfONKY loaned at low rates on fiirnlturo , J-U.horses , Ac. , without publicity , llnvrkeyo luvoatincntOo. , 33 Douglas bllclCth and Dodgo. 413 CHEAP Money small loins wnntcd , npnly to Phlla. Mortgage & Trust Co. 7 Hoard Trade. T\rONnY ! IOCO or00 days on furnituretilunos , -JL'J-horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson. CIS Pax ton block. DGO PlKSr moitimgn loans at low rales ana no delay. D. V. Sholes Uo. 210 1st Nat'l liauk. 070 LOANS Ulty and arm loans , moitgago paper bougnt. McCago Investment Co. MB EYbTONK Mortga'0 Co. of If 10 to $1,000 ; pet our rates hofoio borrowing and save money ; loans oil horses , furnltimvirnny approved security without publicity : notes bought , for new loan , lenevval of old nnd low est rates , call H IXB.Shecly blk.lHh & Howard. "NUSUAhLY low rates Of Interest on llrst mortgages of Improved real estate for the next 00 days by the Kunsis City Investment'Co. KoomW Hoard of Tiade. J. 11. Pease , manager. 1)72 ) 1JKIVATK money tdtoan cheap. C7r7llar- rlson.OUN. Y , Life ' 07S MONEY to loan by H. F. Masters on chat- tel and collateral M'eiirltlos for any tlmo from ono to six mouths In any amount to suit borrower. Loans made on household goods , pianos , oreans , horses , mules , houses , leases , ware house iccelpts. etc. , at the lowest possible raleswithout publicity or removal of prop erty , i My loans are so arranged that you ran make a payment of any amount at any time and reduce both prlnclpalaml Interest. If you owe a bnlalico on your property or have a loan you wish changed , 1 will pay It oil and carry ft for yon. If you find It moio convenient call up toloplione No. 1G21 and your business can t'oarraneod at home- Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lovvest rates. B. F. Masters , Room 4 , Wltlinoll bllc.,15th and Hurney sts. I " 001 T\l , ONKY loaned at loVest ratcs.lqug time on J-'JLlmprovcd Onmlin relil'estato , no "extras , " uo delay. Glebe Loan & Trust Co.,307 S loth. OOJ ONEY to loan on any security for short tlmo at low rate * . Ixivvrst rates on personal property. The Hcndci-son Mortgage Investment Com pany , loom 400.1'axton blk. 07:1 : WANTED First-class Insldo loans. Lovvest rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest- nicut Co. . ISM Farnain. 1)74 ) EAI' eastern money CH 1'hllndelplil.i Mortgage nnd Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first mortgages wanted. Ooorue W. 1' . Coates , rop- resontatlve. room 7. Hoard ot Trado. 075 \ AbTKICN money to loan on city nroperty ; JU mortgage paperbouaht. ll.U.Iroy.N.Y.I.lfo. BUILDING loans iniido at lovvest rates. W. M. Harris , room 20,1'ieuzer blk. , opu.P. _ O. 11 KAL ESTATr ; J.oan Cash on bund. Olobo Loan & Trust , Co U07 S. lCth's.t No delay K extra charges. Houses for rent ; good list. BHOP.T11AND AND TV KWUITlNoI 7'or ratcn , etc. , t-ce fop oJlrxl column on thin pnac. " rml'EWUITEItS. iilmuoV , boiiiltMde < - JL changed , touted. J. P. Alegcath , 1M ) I'.ir- nam street. 20S TU"OTIUE The special cummer session o ( tlu -Li classes In penmanship and shorthand vrill commence Monday , July 14. Classes will beheld held In the mornfiiK , afternoon and ovonbifr Call on or address for Information , Standard Shorthand Hushiess College , Now York Life building. Omaha. Nub. _ 088 riiyPEWKITEItS for rent or s-ale. SteiiOK- J-rii | > hors supplies. J.P. Jlescath.lOO , Farnan i'KUSONAIj. rormttjtetr. , see top nf flnt column nn this i " 70. " nothing from you to date JL 3jth , since sent paokugu 23d : am anxious "A" as soon as possible to "H. " "I. " "O.1 "SO. " T. 800-23 * MAUHIAHK paper containing ; columns o persomils and particulars of society thu nays from } . " > 00 to fl.wio at man lime , mallei free. Address the Ulobe , Alloona , 1'a. HJIslO * _ ' OIjAlltVOVANT. For rnta , etc. , tee Input flr l cohimn on ( Ms jKJys DTlToinyVonTcluVrvWy.Hit"caH"byMo ; rVoir .lerf nl wll | power prantany request. La dies. Mo ; charms , 81. MJ B. lOtli. 405 7 * TJROR AND MU3. GiOHGK : , the won JL derful clairvoyants , fortune tellers uiu card renders of the present ago ; business HOC In ! , financial , love , and domestic n ( fairs a specialty. Tee , Jl.OO , (5 ( ! N. 10th ht. , room 12. _ uTT-m * MHS. NANNIR V. WAKHEN , clairvoyant trance , Rpeaklnz tvrltlii ! ; and rollnhl bublnens medium. 4 yenrs In Omaha. 110 N.lfitl ] t M ) _ _ RETUKNKD Uy rc < ] yiU of Omnha citrons I'rof. 1'orrest , the nd | reliable and nove falling clairvoyant ami 'Head trance medium mttlngs $1.00 , dally f ro\/0 ' till 0. over OK ) S. ia. ' * SKl-m _ _ MHS. Dlt. iiIV : ) ) , tho'illsrlnKulsbed trance clairvoyant , late of Hostou. while en tranced wllf reveal owry hidden mystery ti life. 1'ioparos KKyptlnnfitallsinon , vvliloh wll overcome your encivlu reniovo family trim hies , restore lost nirootlons , iintto the sopar nted , helps In all trouble , etc. N. II. I'orfeo Ratlsfactlon Riiarantcr'a by mall. Snml stami for Illustrated clrcut.w : .Mrs. lr. Dldy , HU ) IlouRlaii street , Oninhat ' ' 10-30 * _ M'AbbAUKTiludam UuJilur. overuios. Mtn. ' 257 S. ! _ For rate * , tie. , nee top " / V'j column im tit Ivgt \ FOU SALINovvspaper plant In live cast em Nebraska town on Instalments If de sired. Address M 40 , Heo olllee. 418-a * 171OU8AIJAKOod hotel in ono of the bes 4- towns In the btnte : will > -ell the pioperty o will sell the fiirnlturo and rent the hotel , ad box ti Albion , rseb. jaii : _ SALE Ono pf the finest meat market' ' In Omaha : situation untiiialed : best o ona forbclllnsKiuiulie or write U21 N 1st st. -47 1 _ HOTKI < to lease Well located. cslabllshe ( business , on easy tornib to right man. \ \ A . Spencer , IXH Duujtlas at. atO-3 0 _ 8ALK or exchanuu A ilHxi nrlnt and Job out lit , almost new. Will sol cheap for cashorexcliaiiKo for KO < > < 1 land o iiieix'linndlso. The best proposition taken It Address \V. N , Jordan , caxhler IXnliangu bank , VeininKo , Nob. _ ; tVi-io ; HOTEL for salo. Two-story brick : U ono o the best liotnK doln ? un ctcollont coo ( business , on ono of the host corners In the city Address Commercial Hotel , IJrokim llow. Neb BAltllRll stiop for silo,3 chairs , town of I.ROO , Hinnmor resort In Iowa. Address , M in , Heo. yai at * I71OII SAM ) rurcnthnri'tclmnito , fortmln- J etnnhered hind , Jl.omiof dry gxxl , cloaks lothlmc nnd liot < nnd II xt tiros. Address W. \ . II. . lock liov I'i AnbnriJ < ob. _ " Kli.sTT\lTt VNlrwitri"u rooms rent , apply to Hyrun Heed Co. jCM SAbK-l'ced htoro. Address K G3. lleo. KOll KXOHANOH. Tor ivtt * . < ( ( „ rtt ( < > j > nf fttt ruluinn > n l/ift / ITIIHST-C'liASS clear city and farm lonl os- -L late to exchange for stock oiittloand liogs , u quantities fnim JI.V ) to J10.000. Address J. W. l.ove. rroinont. Neh. m ra \\7ISUOXSIN water ixjwcr mill , wlth2U ero9 i T land , clear , exchange for Nubrusku prop erty , Wil Docatur. 31tf-s'Jl' \ \ rANTKIHorses and mules In pxc < > for elear lots and Improved land In Cum- ng Co. . Nchi liunoumlng st. il L211 ! \ \ 7ANTiiStock : of general nulsn. , Jnvolc.- > Ina f..OOO to IOWO ( , forX-hoIco Omaha liu- iroveil iiivpcrty and cash , Address , -V.lleo. . \\7ANTED-Oood team of horses or liorso i T nnd bniruy for lot uud .soiuo uash If nuu- cssury. l.'UlStiundcriiMt. Jfi-lM * WHAT have you for lands , lots , bouses , etc. Addie-s 1,27 , Uee. Wl-sll \\7AT < Tii : ) llorso nnd bugpv for lots , nuirt- f > gage , etcV. . J , Paul , 10W I'arnam. UM.sll WANTED 1'rosh cow In part payment for buggy or phaeton or uarrluiio. W. T. Seaman. Omubas largest variety wagons and : arrluges , 374-30 1WANT a grocery stock that will Invoice ftniii M.rpOi ) toJI.NHlt ba > o 12 restdonou lots for f ISOO and cash for balance. Lock Hot 463 , Central Cltv. Neb 4.V1 ai * ' LOT In lledford Place on State pntb ) st. . to exchangn for lot In Uartliago or Lincoln I'lncu. W. I. . fcelb.V,13IU.irdofTriide. ) b1 > l VWANT Block" , clear lots , bonds , etc. , for > T cottages , farms , lands , etc. Address L " 7 Dec. Sll-stl SOLID gold \ ValtbainMitcli and Horkhorso to Ifiulu for good sldo bar buggy. 11. I ) . Cole , Continental block. bOl \ATANTED Mortgage for 8 yi > nrs for liorso aud new buggy ; cheap. Aiulress L27.1 Kll-sll FOU HAMS-KUiVlj KSTATK. ForrntM , etc. ' we ttipof ftrtt column on tht page. " 171OU SAM' On monthly pnynifnts HoiiKe , JL' SOMMI rooms , nnd lot. 31st mid llatciott Bl. 1'rice , Jl.COO. TheO , V. U.ivlsCo. 4oi-il : : 'IT OH SAIiH U-room house , modern Imnrovo- JL' menu , burn , etc. , 50-foot lot , onVlrt st. the best lesldenco St. , In the city , for ti,500. ( } l,50tl cirsh. balance to suit. tl-mom housoand M-foot lot on Park ave. , for H5UU. Tennis to suit , 8-rooin hoiiu mid CO-foot lot on 21st u > cnuc , just north of St. Mary's a\e. , forKW. ! ) ( li-iooin house , all modern imimncmcuts , 50- footlot , on bpencorst. , for $5,51/0. li-ioom liDino and hath , lire place with oak mantel , elty Nvnter.gas , etc. , iitLHh ! find Juuk- son t ! > . , for J.'l..1)0 ) , on tonns to suit huyur. The-e iiroullgoiiiilnn hargnlns. The houses lent for enouch to pay 10 per cent on price asked. W. It. Homan , room 0 1'renzer hlk. FOU fJAIjIN-Tho elegant rosldenco of O. I ) . \\ynttln Kount o place ; Illicit corner In the addition ; Wlrt and IMh hts. . northwest cotner. H'J feet , south fiontagc. If you want a genuine baigaln , hero It is. V. K. Darling , Darker blk. IW131 " | 7 > ( ) K S A MOn monthly pa jments l < ol with JL1 t\M > bouses , ) minutes' walk from loth and ruinan. . Price , SS.300. The O. l\ Davis Co. FOK SALK-Or o\cbnnge , a live-room cot tage Ih Los Angeles. Cal. , for stock of haul- ware or boots and blioi-s. or Improved Iowa farm. Address E. 0. O. , 2-VJ Cumlng ht. IF YOU have anything to tell or exchange I'M atGIS I'iixton hloelr. Rt3 BAHOA1NS and Easy Terms An elegant 13- loom lestdoncc , all modern convonlences and largo barn , on I'arnam St. Now , uoll built r -room eattago , two block from motor , only } 1,4 * > 0 , I'our line homes In Council Itlulfs. on motor line , Rood lots , will build houses on to suit you , Also good trackage property. For iiiuUeuliiis call on or addiuss J. I ) . /.Ittle , 1)14 ) N. V. Life. _ SALK (4 ( feet one block fiom now FOH union ihiiiot ; 3 lots. Including corner , Olo- vcrdalo addition , prlco JMJ'J : HiO-acro western faun , Impi-oved ! liouso and lot and olllee. all clear , for equity In good Insldo liouso modern Improvements ; 1331N.ii4tli bt. 4ir.'li _ POU SALE I2hcctlonsof laud In Nebraska at less than half value , by owner. G. H. Peterson. 018 S. iith : St. FOK SALE-Or trade. Ilcautif ill now It-room house only 2 blooks west of Lowonvo. . on Cats st. , high and sightly and on grade ; full lot , city water , cistern , tower , bay window , porches , double Iloor , cellar , nil llnlshed In llrst-cluss style. Lowest cash price , J. ) . : > 00 ; small payment down , balance very easy. Will trade for clear farm hind or Omaha lots , Owner. E. O. Merrill , 4IM Walnut avo. Walnut Hill. Omaha. 70 s 12 * VXfAUGll&WcstcrUeld.roalcstate.rf.Oniana. OH SALE Desirable residence lots hi Lowe's add. , Orchard Hill and Kllby Place. Call and get pilccs and terms. Tor sale or trade doMr.iblo cottages of from r > to Brooms ; fat ins from W ) to 2,000 aeies In Ne braska aud Iowa ; slocks of goods for fin 1114 and city pioperty. Enquire at Itoom S21. N. Y. Llfo Uld'g. . 11. K. Ilendec. iftl-ai * FOH HALE-rinu dwelling with barn and all modern Improvements. Plftceu inlnutus walk from postolllce. Also line largo house and lot , No. 3021 Calt- fonila st. Also house. No. 212 Decatur St. , with full lot. 1 own these houses and will sell either of them on very leasunablo terms. JD. . Holnud , r > I ll.irker. block , KKI-W niOH PALK-Ono lot In Kllby Place , JI.OOO , J-1 Tlueo lots In Kllby Place , * l,10i ) each. Kast front lot on Low e ave , J-.IXM ; J.VX ) oash , bahiiiCOtoKiill , lleautlful lot on Spring street north of Far- nnm , only fJ.l'iO. youth fiont lot , corner on Farnam street , JV 00. South front lot , CW\133 on Howardatrcct near 35th , for iJ.OOO. The aliovo vacant lots are all bargains and terms can bo arranged to suit buyer , W. It. Homan , room 0 , Kreiuor block. 327 A \fANTIU ) To purohasogood city jiioperty , Improved or unimproved , lor sale or lent , peed faun lands cloio to elty. In40-acru lots or inoio. Kents collected and for real estate business apply to U , K. liurnolds , UlUNow York llfo bld . Toloplioiio 14f ! ) , Mli \ \\TANTii-iH.r02 ; : people ( Omaha's present T population ) , to belluvo In Its commercial gieatness and to know that now Is the b st time to secure on goixl terms a home In this oily. For particulars rend my advertisements. C'.F. Harrison. 1111 N. Y. Life. 433 ELHOANT trackage lot , 133M33 , flouting paved St. , track In alloy. For sale or In iso on long time. The Mead Investment Co. . lluo bid'p. 17 A SMALL payment down and JIIS per inontli will buy a4-room liouso and lot on lUtli , i. blocks from motor ; first-class clianco to ac- riulro ahomoon easy teims , Apply to II. II. Cole. Continental blrful. ; t 4 OOTTAdK homes In most any addition for sale at from $1,000 up on e.isy monthly pay ments. F. 1C. Darling , 43 llarker blk : 01 t Wl' SALINlco 7-room house ready to JL1 move Into , with full lot , t-V-WO , jjoO e \ \ . U F.llarrlson JII1N. V. Life. OH7 " | 7UJ7f""MAIIA resliloiitTiir business projitsrly -1. Hrlck block , good tenants , corner roon oecuplcil by bunk , rents pay good Interest 01 ? : jiooo. In a good , thriving Nebraska town orovs rallioad und a division station. Address LKI , Hee. KH LINCOLN 1'laco lots } 1,2.W. Dexter L. Thomas - 7s-l _ " _ _ ° " 171O ll 8A"ijfc The etiolco resldonco at No J-1 JOVI Rcnrghi avo. , H.l\140 ft. E front.O largo rooms , bath , gas , sewer , hot nnd cold water elosotnnd all conveniences , owner going to leave elty. D V. Bholei Co. , 213 1st Nat. bank. _ _ SCO _ $ l,2.iO for Lincoln Place and C.irtlingo'lots easy tunas. W , L. ticlby , U Hoard Trade. ITCffTSALE Four good lots inalnut Hill aixl'ifl ouch , on gnido. I'rleo two each worth double the money. Stringer & IVntiy Douulas block. lOlh and Dod o. 4GU DEPOT QIIAUTKUMASTint'tJ OI'FICK Omaha. Nob. , August : i' > tli , 180(1. ( Seftlei proposils In duplicate , Hiibjout to die usim comllllon will borecolvod nt tills ollk'f. null 10o'clock a , m. September 'J. ' > tli , IMX ) , and thei ujiened In piesoili'o of bidders for nltciatlon and plumbing at Quartermaster's Hopot It thUOlty , Specifications Ac. , can bo seen a thlsolTlco. The Government reserves the Huh toiejei'tanyornliproposals , Envulopes con talningpioposalashouldhomarkod "Proposal for altering Quartoi master1 * Slorohouse/ nddiesscd to Captain CHAllLKS F HUM PIIHEV. Asst. Quartermaster , U , S. Army. a3U-37s3J-4 We Offer for Sale. Four thousand tons choice Haled Hay , I' . C , ritiiingii'M Hiding. Lutoii or Hoinlok Htatlons , on O. M. & .St. P. It. It. , In loti to bill purejiaser ; price * regulate 1 by the market Call and t > eo us , STRANGE BROS , , SIOUX CITY , IOWA iMtoCliAMATIOS. \VrtKnr.As. A Joint rt-solutlon wa adopted > y the IcKlslnttireof tlie staid of Nebraska , nt be twenty-tlrst session thereiif , nnd npprmed 'cbruary 13th , A. I ) . 1HSO , proposing anaiuend- nent to the constitution of said ntatr * . and hat said ainciutinrnt sluill read us follows , o wlls Section 1 : That at the general election lo lohold on the Tuesday siiei'eonliiK the tlrst Monday of Novembf r , A. D.lslXl.thi'tc nhnllhy umltted to the olecKirs of this otatefornp- irtivnl orrpjectlon an amcnnment to the cou- lltutlon of this state In word * as follows : The manufacture , sain and keeping for sulo if lutoxh'atlnv Ihiuorsns a beveragoare for- n-er prohibited In this state , and the IccHa- nre shall provide by law for the enforcement of this prmWon. " And them Miall also nt aid election he M > paratelv submitted to the 'leetoraof this stale for their approval or iv- ectlon an amendment to the constitution tit he. state In words us follo\Mi : "Tho manufne- ure , nale and keeping for Hiilenf Intoxloatlm ; liltiors as a hoverago shall bo licenced mid eitiilaredby law. " N'e. i At auoii election , on the ballot of > nch elector voting for the proposed amoml- nents to tbecongtlttitlon shall In-written or irlntod the wools : "For pui | ed amend- nent to the constitution , prohibiting the manufacture , sale and keeping for milo if Intoxicating liquors as a beverage. " or 'Against the pronosed amendment to the constitution prohibiting the manufacture , uilo and keeping for sate of Intoxicating Inuors as a beverage. " Thuio shall also be written or printed on the lallot of each elector \otlng for the pioposrd iraendniont to the constitution , the words : 'For proposed amendment to the constitution the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors as a ho\cratr In .his stale Hliull bo licensed and regulated bylaw , " or "Against s.ild promised amnnd- mont to the constitution that the mnnufae- .nre , sale and keeping for sale of Intoiluatlng Iqtiorsas n beverage shall bo licensed and reflating by law. " See. ; i : If either of the s.ild pronotoil amendments shall bo appioved by a majority of the electors voting at the gald election , then It shall consltuto section twenty-Hot en J7 ] of article one [ lof thoeuiistltntlou of this state. Therefon > , I , John SI. Thayer , Governor of Ihostatoof Nebr.iska , do heieby give notleo In accordance with section ono [ I ] nrtlolo [ 15 ] of the constitution and the proUsloiisof the net entitled "an net to prorulo the manner of [ iioptislng all amendments to the constitution mil submitting the same to the electors of the state. " Approved February 13th , A , D. 18" , tnat Raid proposed amendment will ho Hiib- inlUi'd to the uualtlled voters of this state for npprotal or rejection at the ioneinl election to bo held on tno 1th day of November , A. I ) . ItfKl. ItfKl.In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand , ami cause to bli alllved the seal of the Btato of Nebraska. Done at Llneoln thls'Jtltb ( lay of July , A. D. l&Ul ) , and theUlth ve.irof the state , and of the Indenundoneoof the United States the one hundred lirt < > entn. lly theOoi-ernor. . JOHN M.THAYER. UKNJAMIN it , CO\MIIUV : , [ Si\i. : . ] Secretary of Stale. August lilJlin I IHKIj.YMAllON. WnniiEAfi , A Joint lesolutlon was adopted l y the Icslslattne'Uf the state of Nebraska , at the twent v-Hrst session thereof , nnd approved Mareh ; tfi , A. 1) . Ih1 * ! ) , proposing an amend ment to soetlon Thirteen ( HI of Artlclo Slxtm of the constitution of said state : that s.ild section as amended shall as follows , to- bc'ctlonl : Thatseotlon thirteen ( Uof ) artl- clnsl\t ( ( ) of Iho constitution of tht'.statoof No- braslc.i ho amended so ns to tend as follows : Section 1,1 ! The Judges of thosiiprcmocoiirl shall eueh receive a salary ( if thliiy-llto hrn- dred dollars ( J.l.r > cO ) periinuum niul the judges of thedlstilcteoiirt hhall recelvo n salary of three thousand dollars CCLOJO ) per annum , and the salary of oaeh shall be payable quarterly. Section 3 : I'aeh poison voting In favor of this amendment shall have written or printed upon his b'lllot the following : "For the pioposcd amendment lo thoconstl- ttitlon , relatlm : to the salary o > judges of the supreme and district eouit. Therefore , t. John M. Thayer , governor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice. In accordance with section one [ 1 ] article llf- teen [ 15 ] of the constitution , and the provi sions of an act entitled : "An net to provide the inannor of proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting thesameto thuolcctnrsof the state. " Appiovod 1 cbruary IJth. A. D. 1S77 , that s-ilcl proposed amend ment will bo submitted to the ( piaHHed voters of this state for approval or rejection , at tbo general election to bo held on the 4th day of November. A. D. 1S90. In wltusss whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused to bo iifllxcd the greatseal of the state of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln , this Ciitli day of July , A. 1) . 1S90 , and the twim- ty-fourth year of the stale , and of the Inde pendence of the United States the ono hun dred fifteenth. Ity the Governor. _ JOHN M. TIIAYEK. llKN.iAMi.v it , Cowminv , LSKAL.l Secretary of Slate. August Iil3m I KOUIjAMATlU.N. WIIEHEAS. A Joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state of the twonty-llibt session thereof , and nppioved March iMtli , A. D. ISs'l ' , prolM > sjng nn iiinen ' inunttOHcetloii two [ 3 ] four [ 4 ] and Iivo [ 5 ] . . . Artloloslx in ] of the constitution of said stale and tnat H.ud section as amended 'shall read as follows , to-vvlt : Section 1 That section two (2) ( ) of article six (0) ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska bo amended so as to read as follows ; "Sections : The supreme court shall con sist of live ( J ) Judges , a majority of whom hhall bo necessary to formaquoruniorto pronounce a decision. It shall have original Jurisdiction In cases relating to revenue , civil ease ; , In which the state shall bo a party , mandamus , quo warranto , habeas corpus , and such tippol- late Jurisdiction as may bo provided by law. Section ! ! : . That section four ( I ) of nrtlcloslx ( flof ) the constitution of the state of Nebraska , bo amended so as to read as follows : Suction 4 : The judges of the supreme court shall be elected by the electors of thus ! ate at largo , nnd their terms of olllcc , o.\cept us hereinafter provided , shall bo fornpciludof Uvoyoais. ( ) " Section " , : That section five ( S ) of. artlcloslx (8) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Ncbras ka , bo amended sojvs to read as follows : bectlon 5 : "At tpb llrst general olcctloa to ho behl In the year lkDl. and after the adop tion of this amendment to the constitution , Iheio shall ho elected Unco (3) ( ) Judu'Cs of the supreme court , one of whom shall be elected for the term of ono ( I ) year , ono for the term of three (3 ( > years and ono for the term of lltii ( . " > ) yeais. and at uaclrgeneral election tlure- aflertlieroslnill bo clouted ono Judge of the supreme court for the term of live ( A ) years. Provided , that the Judges of the supreme couit whoso terniH linvu not expired at the tlmo of holding the election of ISJ1 , shall coutlnuo to hold their ollleo for the re mainder of the term for which they weie ro- peotlvely elected under the piescnt constl tutlon. " bcetlon 4 : Tint each person voting In favor of this amendment shall have vtrltten or printed upon his ballot the follow Ing : "For the proposed amendment totiieconstl- tutlon relating to the number of buprome indues. " Therefore , I. John M. Thayer , Governor ol the slate of Nebraska , do heieby give notice In aceoidance vtlth section onu ( Iaitlulo ) llf- toen'I.M. of the constitution , tbo provisions o ] the act eTntltlcd : "An not to piovlde the man ner of proposing all amendments tolbocon- htltuth'n and submitting the same to thetdoe.- tors of the state , " Appioved February I.'llh , A. I ) . 1877 , that said piuposcd amendment \ \ II be presented to the qualified voters of tbo hi ate for approval or rejection at the - onuin nluotlon to ho held on the 4th day of Novem ber. A. 1) . IsOO. In witness whereof I have liorounlo set my hand nnd caused to ho nlllvcd the great sen of thu state of Nebraska. Done at Llucoli this'jth ; day of July , A. 1) . 1KH ) , and the twen ty-fourth year of tbo state , and of the Inde- pendunconf the United States the onohun drodllfteentb. Hy the Governor , JOHN M. TIIAYEH. llK.NJAMIN U , COH'Ilf.llV , tSr.Ai , . ] Secretary of Stato. August Id3m Notice to Contractors. Closed bids will bo received In the cofllco o the hoard of park commissioners ( nxim Kl Puxton bulldlim ) up to 13 o'clock noon of Frl day , Aucnst 'M , Ift'Jj , for the erection of u mu Hlo stand In Hanscom Park. Plans details undspccillnatlnns can bo seen nt theollleeof Maxon .t llourzeols. arelillucts roomsGOTand fM Now York Llfo building. A certified cheek hi thornim of live liundrci dollars , I.VK ) > made payable to the board o park commissioners m list accompany ouch bit as an evidence of good faith. The board reserves the right to rejeetany n all bids , GUY It. DOANK , Bue. nJUUt _ pIUH'OSALS I'OIl FKNCINO , ASSISTANT -L Quartermaster's OMIcc , Omaha , Nebraska August "J. IMNI. Scaled proposals In triplicate suhjcul to the usual conditions , will IKI r colved at this olllee , until 13 m. , Monday , Sept L" ' , IMW. for constructing a teneo around thu FortOmaha JMIlltniy Hesorvatlon , near Hullo view , Neb. Plans and fiiicclllcntlonx can b Keen , and circulars coutalnlng Instructions ti bidders , and blank forms of proposals oh tnlned on application to this nillco. Thu got ornmuntreseives the right to reject any oral bids , Kiivelopcs containing proposals shonli bo inarkod "Proposals for Fenclin. . " und ail dros ed to the nndorslu'lied. CIIAItliKS I llUMPIIlinY , Captain and Assistant Qnar tormaster , IT. ! j. A. aiig ldlt sjU-31 I'ubllu Knlc. At tbo regular annual meeting of 93)100 ) district No. in of Douglas county. Nob. , lieh on Juno 30 , 1890 , a resolution was passed by all the iiialllled | voters present to sell th school situ ami buildings belonging lo salt district. Therefore I ofTtir for xalo at public auction to hu held August : . " . ) , iiyu , at 10 a , m , . on th prernUns. to the hlsihcst bidder , tbu said tdlu containing on bull aero except that portloi taken for public road tu the northwest corno of the northwest quarter of tlm northtviti quartnrnf of Heotlon3l , townshln IS , range 1' . east of thu Uth principal merhllan , and th kchoolhouiio und outhousoH sltuutud thnrcon OLA IIS hinVKHS. a34d3t * Director of School UUti let No. 40. RKILWAYTIMEGHRD I.OITOI cme.TOo/TuJiiLTMTTON / . ' Omixhil t Ik'pot IOIM unit M vm HU ) n i ' m ( MM p it . 'm. Chlciwo . . . i . ' * > n m .Wp ml . ( .IllCHRI ) I OOAl I soi A rarer Ix-nTM i ! lIU1.1XlTON ( .V MO. IllVUK. Arrl ror Omnlia. I Dopol 10th mill Munim itretU * . Omnlin. lUi n m . r.r.lKnTtif"lnr Kn > rd . l.t.S a nil . llvnTPr KT | < re < ( V1J p m C.(0 pin . Denver Nluhl > i proi 9.U n m C.l.i n ml . Lincoln I * > OH | Vl P m If. "C. , ft. 3.\ i ; il. Arrlvoi Omnh.v | .Mn' m lroot > . * P.U * ml . Knn ni'llr liny Kxpress < . I dfO p m 9 4S p ml K. C. Nteht Kip , vU U P. Trnnvl (111 ft li\ "lont < vi l DNTo.S I'Al'IKlP. I Arrlroj" Dpot loth unit ilnrvjr troot . _ I 111 . . . . . . . .oVVrliviHl HyiT , . , . 9.0) p i * 7.W p m t'nrltlo Ktpri < 1115 i > ra 50'JU ft m iHMiirr Ktprasi , . JVM p 14 & .U ) n m Knlnn Cltj K.vpri'i' . . . , . , . 12U5 n in 10.15 n m . . KulrHi'M KVH. ( i < uf > | it .Hun l. iz5 p m "LentSTp CHil'ArtO. H I a PACIFIC T Oin lii . llj.j' ilppot.loui mid M rojr8t . | _ 0.10 p ml. , . . . .Nliiht KTin | > si | ti\ ( ) ) n ra V05KUi | , , . Atlnntla Kiproti. . . . . . . . C.HO | > ut 4.80 p ni | VentltmlQ l.lmUesI 11045 n ra : U'ntBiT sTtlUX ln'V ! VAl'U'ia * .Arrivof Olnnlm. | ir. ! . ileiHit. lUlli nut JUrojr t ts. | Onmh * " " " " T.1S "iu | . . . .Blonx Cllr 1' nii r. , , "lAnrc P HllVii.v I'l'l .t I'ALllWT I Xrrlrtu OinahaJ IMpot l.Ml amUVetistiT HU. I Uni lin. _ Tj-oiTp m | st.FiCnl TiiiniteiT. , . .TI'M \ ' ntn "lnToi il'fiicSllO Alnn'li\\KsTKIlS ) l Arrive * Omaha. I U. P. itolnit , loth KII.I Mnrey HU.I Uamlit IL15 nm . . . . . . . .Clilcnin ) Kipro i > 6'JU p m 4Mpm : | Voxtllnitn l.lmlln.l DM ) a in B.15 p m i luwn.\ccnmmoilntlmi ( K\ ( ) . fun ) 70 > p ta O.IO p ml Knitern Fl/ur 1tl p m I.IS prii | . . . ,1'mt Knilorn KTprr < . . . . 8.M n nl "i nTBjTTTmjSTHrMnT : ; : * r I AIU Omnlm. | nl\il _ _ | Kl , lOtli nml .Mirey ( < Li. " P.00"p ml rclilMKO Ilipro's , , , | HI5 n in l ! liini | _ | . . . _ . . .Chlmitii Kipro < I d IS p m "n inovn "ovrAiTAArft Lor is. iArnvo _ Oniilm. | JJ , P. ipMit ! | , 10th unit .Mnrfy Sts. I Omnhiv. 4 < U p ln [ M , lauil ( "nmniii l.nlt. , . , . n.i > U It in "l7c To71 lsTnr5M\vAl.t7K\ I Tvrrlvu" Umiilm. | IH'iiiit I Mil ntnl Wotnliir St _ I ( lintlii. " "tlUOiTmi llhu-k Hills Kxpros. . i 6.3D | i m POOR in . . . tliik' I'.il' . ( t' . .s-ilintiiT ) . ' HO V in 6.10 p nii\Vnlioo.Vl.lnroln \ l'ns.ix.Siinil'y ( : ) 10 J ) 11 ill 6.10 p nil .York A Nurfiilk llCt. Siiniliij ) WJU n til l nrufT tT , sl * . I * . , M. .t II. i Arrlvoi" Olinilm , | 1'iipnt 15th Hint \V li lcr Stu. I O'tjihi. " 7.uTBmT .yioiir Clly"\cioinminlntloii. Uttt p la 1.00 p m .Sioux rity Kxim'ss ( Ki. Sun. ) . I I.M P m 1.0,1 p m SU I'nnl l.lmltoil H u lit 1.11 u ni.HniiKitt [ rn < miiiii'r ) ( Kt. Sun ) . ) l f l"i il in "lAJstoiT ] JilSrfUin ) I'ACH'flT. 1 ArrlveP Umnlin. | Dct'Ot ' l.Mh niulVnlnUir St1. I OiiMli1 ionuTlul. . .si. Louis , * lc. if. K7 pru , . . . | tw p m .15 p . . . . UiuH A K. C. KiprnM. .1 MW n m. l.onTC ? l C11ICAT.T ) ; 1C I , A IvfClHU i Arrives" JJnlon licpot Oilmen tlliilh. " I'l'miiHror n. ; ) p m Night K | inii | 9.nm 9 30 n m Atlfintlu Kxpress. . . . 13 M p nt 6 DO p in . . . . _ . _ . .VostlbnU' lilinltmt . MOW n in l/eavei flllf.Al.O , \ S01tTll\V s 1 Arrive ! TriHufor _ ynlnn Depot. ( Viunoll HlnlTs iTrnii'lor . .rhlctiKO KTprcit. . . tun p in , IJO p m Vn tlbuln Limited. H 'Ml n nt ) p .11 , .Knitern Kl > cr. 200 pin ! . ! ) p m .AtlnntloMnll. 7.S ) n m p mlonn | Acroiiiinoilillnn ( Kvn. Siin II10 | i iii RTHH | CltltiA"i ( ) , Mil * A , T I'Airi ! in'ror'ljMo ' | ) ewit. Council llliiir _ i IMA n m l-iOl > nil . I ti 00 p in I - RTIIr K. .sr o n " rnin tnr | l'nlonIopot. _ ll HlniT ( inr iii | , . .Knnsns I'liy Diy Hxpnisi 05p m , .Knn n' Cltf iliilit Kt | > ru . l iiiroi l < OMAll.i ATrilrTUlS. rriintforl Union llonnt. I'oii'U'll Illiiffi " f'.00"p ml . Tnnuforl _ 7.45 a mi..UI ( > ux Clfy Acciiniiuoilntlon. liUipm . . . . flu Paul KxpreM . "MiaaoiTiu bUllUllllAM TIU1N8. Of C Wostwnrd. n m n.m nm. \YeMterSt tut n.m.M 8.110 Ouk Cliiitlinm ti 57 8.W i.iu s.r.7 8.H 12.57 Druid Hill 7.ID.Ul 8.01 4.0-1 li.OJ 8.15 l.OU lM\.a Ntroot S.frt .Ul H.07 4.0-1 nut l.W Wnlnnt Hill .in ,0.'i S.IN 1.10 I.M Duiulcn IMiicu. . 7.W 8.11 4.1.1 8.M 1.U1 Wuit Hide 11.05 7.10 1.15 a. 10 8.M Ito l.nwn 4. 18 8.W 1.14 Mnicot 8.SO 11.03 1.17 jmonr 1'ark 8.31 ( I.Oli I'ortHl 8.90 4. .15 0.16 p.m II 111. Portal ' ' I.4-- , l.-li fojiuoiir I'iirk. . H' < | I.M.M I. II Miu'cot 8. Cl 4 .M 9.W 1.47 H.J ,5'J 3.r : > I.W Weil Sldo > 8.M . - , ,5'J.0111.15 11.11) I..W Dundee 1'liico. . 0.17 7.18 8,81 .5 07 . . . 9.42 1..W VVnlinit Hill II.'JU U. Ill S .IO H.20 U.4ri 2.UJ Ijiko StrpHt II .S3 5.1:1 : 11.2.1 ! ) ,4S Uruld Hill C.M 7.2H J.O'i.1.15 n.w Onk Clmtlinni li.'S i.'il U.tH " ' II.M 3UJ WobstvrHtrewl. a. 4i ( ; .43 J.2U 5. : | I il 41) ) II ) IM t.ta BROOKS BROS , & GO , Importers anil AVliolesala Dealers la Watches , Jonclry , Cutlery Jtollons , Nou'ltli's , Albums , Coat-Collar Sprlnss , Fancy Gootls , &c. Laiirrst assoilnu'iit for KNIFE-BOARDS. AUCTIONEERS. STREETMEN AND PEDDLERS , nip variety of 5c , Ifto niul 2c cnnnlrr Our liiriro unit fully llhiilrated lu inallnl frei ! Inili-alers r.nlv. Rfc.Jn-HU.V.FoiirtliKi. St. Lnulp , ( VIo. TIIK rV S1AHKI3T. TNSTHUMKNTd placed on record L yesteidav : East Omaha land company toTlioniin : Davis and vvlfe , svv , nvv. 3-l"i-Iil , rj o d . $ U A Itemlnutoa ct nl , to A 1C White , lot G , hll { I.I , Omaha Vlnvv , vv d 1OCO , South Oniabii land eomnany to Johnima .Mockbee , lot II , blk I.I ? , bouth Omalm , w d . . . . . . . 410 .Toliu Suhvv.indu and vvltu to Joseph Hvn- , ir/uv\hll , lot 4 , blk 8 , Aiboi Place , wd , 800 A.I Poniiloton and wlfo to lowe Avc-niio llulldliii ; associtonlot ! ! lU.blk H , POJI- pleton Hark , w d . , . . LIIWO Avenue HnlldliiKassoelatlon to K ( } Murrlll , lot ID , blk 11 , Popiuolon Park , w d J A Ilorlmch and wife to Philip Ithoey , lot I ) , hilt fl , 1''H add ( lollle ) , w d . South Omaha land company to Miuy Kllker , lot II. block UCI. tfonth Omnha , vv d MO \ VV Klabaugh to I.ovvo AM > IIUII Hulld- Ing assoolatluu , lot 17 , blk 27 , vtu > t sldo add. vv d 700 A t > Jeiomn and husband to Cioorglu llousearen , loUs 1 and 3. block 4 , Junc tion View Terrace , wd GOO United States to I ) K H.illv ! J nw h : rirlo. . patent O O Ijdhook , executor , to I. A Holes , lot 4 , | ) ilng Valley , w d Henry Ambler eiitl to.f P Iu ml. lots 1U anu H , block 4 , Ambler Place , w d . t00 ! Thirteen transfers A Cliolco Ijlst of Slimmer Kcsorls. In the Uiko roprlonsof Wlbcotisin , Alin- ncsotii , Io\vu \ and the U\o IJakotas , there ni-o hundreds of charming locuUtloH pro- oinlnontly lilted for Buiinnur homes. Aniotif ; the following1 heloctod liHt uro names familiar lo iniiny of our rouilora as tlio perfection of nortlioni Huminor ro- sot'ls. Nearly nil of tlio Wisconsin points of interest tire within u Hhort dintanco from Chiciifjo or Milwaukee , and none of them ate so far away from the "buwy iiutrts of clvili/atlon" Unit they cannot bo reached in a few hours of travel , by frequent train. * , ovur the finest road in the northwo-jt tlio Chicago , Mlhviuikoo St. 1'aul riiilwnv : OconomowocVIs. . Clear Lake , Town. Mlnotfjim , Wis. Lulio Okobojl , Iowa. Wuukesha , WIs. Bplrit Lake , lowu. I'olniym , WIs. Krontcnad. Minn. Tnmnliawk Lakes , Lnko Mlniictonka , Wis. Minn. LnlceslikWis. . Ortonvillc , Minn. Kllboiirn City , WIs. , Prior Kakc , Minn. , ( Dells of the Wis White Hear Lake , consin. ) Minn. Heavcr-Dam , VIs. Dig Ktono Lake , Da Madison , WIs. kota. detailed Information , apply at tlckpt ofllco , 1501 Furnam uticet , HarKcr hloolr. F. A. NASH , Gon. Agent J. E. Piti-sTON' , 1'iist. Agent. , \Vhcrn Has Ho ( inntiV The pollco have boon rcijucstod to hunt up IM Pctursonwuo disappeared jjunday tliUt ) ; , and left no word as to his Intentions , Peterson is a shiKla man , forty-two years of ago , and was employed us u section man on the Fre mont. Llkhorn & Missouri Valley road and hoarded with Jacob Sounvlno , at CS1U KcrtU Seventeenth strcot , Ilo U live feet ten Indies In lioiglit , wclghi 170 pounds , has dark complexion and hlac'ic lialr. Oowareof frauds , Uu sure you jjol Iho Kenuliio Dr. Thomas' Klectrio OH. It curot colds , croup , astluua , deafness and rheuma tism. tism.Dr Dr , Biraoy euros imy fovor. Boo blfljj , '