Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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I , EOSE VATER.JIilitor. _
r'UHMHiii-b TivEitv MORNING.
Dall ) nml'Uintlny , One Ywir . $1000 $
Hlxinontln . j > <
Thno tnonllis . 2M
Hiindny llu , Ono . 200
\Vtrkly \ Hie. One Vcir. . 120
ori'IOF.S !
Onniliii. The Itco llulliHtifr.
Knitli ( inntlin. Corner N niirl Mill Ptrccti
( otincll IJIuIlH , I.1 I' ( irl , liopt.
( bleiilo UHIcc. II" riiniiilicrof rornmfrro. ,
Ni wSorl < lloonnl'UI mid H.Tl Hume llullulng
\\ittOiliMlon. \ > ' > IH url < until sticet.
All lomimmli'itlom ri'liitlne to tinvv * and
rilltnrlal in ilttr nlioutil bo nddrewd to the
I ( llliirliil Di'ii.n tin tut ,
IH'MNr ' ! ' ? IiETTIIliS.
All liu-tlni-M h ttoftnnil ri'iiiltt.uicot should
IIP nildrivtiil tuTliulliu l'ill > ll < hlii'l'i ; > mmiy | ,
Otnnlin. DriifK cliLCks nml jiosiolllio orduri
l lx > Hindu | > " } -'l > lo to the order of thu ooiu-
The lice Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
Tholleo It'Id V , rurimin sind hc-vcnUc-nth Sts
Mntpnf Nolmitk.i. I . .
County of llounlni. f
( - . < < > It T/M.liiicl. ! , spcrotnry of The Hco
I'uhlisliln ; roriiimiv.doosKolciiiiilj qwo.irthnt
tlio ( ictii.ili'Iiciilntloii of Tin IMii.v Hm for
tliiMuok-ciullniC August S3 , MM. VMS us fol-
Hntiilnv Aiunstl" . . ' ' 1.100
Monday Ausnst 1H . 'X4l
Tmsdnynsint III . .11,1.1
\ViMliii-ilnv , AiUHMt'.l ) . "Mil
Tlini-rfliiv AnnilM SI . 20.1'H
) rJitov Auznstli' . SMU9
biilimluy A tilist 3 . " 0.7 1 1
Avcmgo . . . 20Hr > l
oio. r. TrhcmcK.
evorn to lit fnro inn nml mili'-crlliid In my
jiroflonroili sSIrd il iv of August. A. 1 > . ItTO.
IHIU , ] Is 1' . lnu Notury 1'ubllo.
btulrof VI rufcn. I . _
C'liunty of Pouglii f
i II T/M limit , IK Ins duly sworn , < lo-
il MIHlIi itlio Issocrctftry of Tlip HIM )
mie ( .omimnj. that tlioni'timl mernio
dully vliinliitlon of TIIF I\IM IIIK for the
month oriifMHt. . i > bl ! , I8ii5l topics : for ' op-
ten In r IN'I ISTHI ( oplci , for Octohor , JSvi ,
1st 'i. ciipli * . for Novftnliui , lflv > , lli.llll mpluMj
for I ) ( i Piiilx-r ! < > s'i , JfMMH roplia ; for .In nun ry
3S1A 111 , lAi Milcs | for I'almiiry 1'W ) . li,5dl !
lOpliH. to' M.nili. 1KJO , ai.RI5iopli"i ! for April ,
JMK ) VO/U tonlurt : for Mny. li'JO ' , 20 bO copies ,
for .It-Hi 1MW , 1 , )01 ) copli'H , for Inly , Ifi'K ) ,
I.P.IC. copM. Utoiiill ] l. T/miltCir.
Sworn ti > 1 ofiirc mn and Hill tc'ilhoil In my
iiri'irm < 111 s .d ilny of AnguM. A 1) ) IHyo
[ mi.l N I' I'm. . Noturj ruUlc.
Cot STY hospital c'hihns c'ontinuo toll
ing inith chlllliif * I'i'tfuliii Hy ,
As 1 Alt us ichulls { jo , tlio police
lia\o fjiu-n dignity to Iho miiK 1) $ hav
ing a bund luittl the procession.
Tlir appointment of sv Virginian to
the coiiMulutouti Colon c\idontly put u
poilod to the liopcq of bovouil amlillious
M'ITII Kom untl Thompwn doing tlio
tnlkiiif , ' In tlio Third distiict , thot-o will
1) . iitfo slly for the republican , nonil *
iioo to tal o the flold.
IN the inatlor of rcsil estate transac
tions tlio division of Africa among the
powers forms the most oxton8i e "deal"
iccotdud in inotlurn times.
Tin : South D.ikotn lopublio.m con von-
tlonvill 1)O called upon to wrestle with
an oqiuil htilTuifjo plunk. This will fin-
niahoxcitoinont for woiao.i iu p.ints.
AccouiiNi4ofrioiidly reports , farmers -
ors \\ofldngiiion at o tut'iiiiifj out in
lingo ctowds to hoar IMdvolghan mid
Hdgorton. No other pair of candidates
the mn notiic drawing qualities.
IT is worthy of note that while the
supreme council of the federation of rail
way employes omlor-iod the giie\anoo3
of the Nuw Yorlc Central atiikora , no
paitiouhvr anxiety was hluwn to follow
the windy loadotship of Powdotly.
AnivANSAS will lire the first off year
election pun nu.\t Monday. Tlio fact
that preaohotB ate loading the rodpoct-
ivo political forces dooa not noecHsarily
mean the alundenmont of these goiy
methods which distinguish southoin
THIS bare iMMHllrilily of the democrats
crowding the republicans in Pennsjl-
vanla next Noveinhor inspired the pio-
hlbltioniHts with fresh ? eal and a state
ticket. It is intoiesting to note how
readily thcso assistant democrats jump
at a chance or oven a prospect of im
paling tlio lopubllcan patty.
Tut : annual appropriations for state
a tiuultural stations have been made hy
congroBS. llach station iccohoh flftoon
Ithoimand dollars , and outside the silaries
paid tluv > u in charge no noticeable bono-
Jlt has over boon recclv oil bj' the fanners
who loot the bills. Theoretical and
piactical fntming nc\or dovetail.
Tine municipal autliorltios of London
hnvo ibsued another order limitingtlio
heights of ImildliitfB in that city. Now
Yotk is clamoring for a Minilar order ,
and It may bo passed. Now York proba
bly docs not want her citizens to stand
on the roof of her bnildings and look out
ut the glowing and pro'io- { > sl\o
Till' census bulletin on the product of
pig iron shows that in twonty-tlvo states
tjio increase in ten jo.irs lurt boon about
six million tons. The Tivet that hun-
ihctlu ofnuw fttniaces are being built
in the southern at Uos would Biiggost
that the InotoaHo for the no\t ton years
willmoro than double the past ton.
TiiiicniloiHomunt of Mr. McKoighan
l y the democrats of the Second ponetts-
bional illhttk'tas u moio porfunutory
performance. H is n slgnllluant fact ,
lionu\ , that the eoinontlon , In en
dorsing MeKoiglum , did notondoiso the
rlllanco to any alai tiling extent. The
votes of the members will bo accepted
uoxurtholuss. *
TllKsieoulative boonierrf of Denver ,
iu advertIbOiaonts In o.vstorn papers , esti
mate the population at from ono htm-
lied and thirty to ono hundred and llfty
thousand. This enormous disctopaney
l > ot\veon the actual and Hotitious Btig-
( jobts the neeosblty of the boomers
netting tojrothor and btriklng up an
iicquiilntauco with the United States
TiiMntoMnjorllQnlltof Now York
thtrats for n viiulieation. The nubting
defeat administered to him n few years
ago in > lces him all the moio anxious to
re-enter public life. Pos o alnff n sur
plus of moans , there Is little doubt ,
uliouhl ho iiuilto bib \\lblieh known to the
flnoiirkora in the usual way , that on-
thuritamn for Abruui would aoou bubble
UU thu corner * .
T//B rAininns' CONORKSS.
The Farmers' Congress , now In ses-
at Council Dlulfs , is ono of tlio most
important meetings ol agriculturists
e\or n sombled In the \vost. \ It is Im
portant bccaitbo it Is not a , meeting of
] ) olltltlatiH in any sense , but a gathering1
of representative agriculturists of the
nation , assembled for the solo .purposes
of discussing mc.tauios that nil ! tend to
bettor Iho condition of the farmers of
America. The Idea of the congicsswaa *
conceived In tlio south nine years ago ,
and each annual meeting has attested
its growth and Interest.
The tenth annual scssloji nt Council
Bluffs promises to bo ono of the most In-
Htruott\o and largely attended sessions
yet held. Able speakers ulll iiddross
the meetings , and tlio questions of the
day will ho discussed from logical and
conseruitho standpoints.
While the meeting h being held In
Iowa , Omaha and Nebraska feel as keen
an Intel est In Iho gathoiing as if it woio
on this side of the Missouri's banks , and
the delegates and visiting members will
find that Omaha's hospitality is
not stinted by jealousy , "but that
she joins with Council BlulTS in o\.tend-
iiii. u hearty volcomo. Our sister city
bus shown herself equal to the occasion
of the entertainment , however , and is
tloervlng of praito for the
inmnor in which she dtessod herself in
her lincst decorations and throw open
her doors to receive her guests ftomall
the states hi the union.
The wonderful growth of the Farmers'
Alliance in the south is hugely duo to
this congress , as sk bossioiu haio been
held In the southern stated , and the
fanners before organising studied the sit
uation and knew what they were doing ;
not being misled into placing tickets in
tlio field ba \ few professional dema
gogues. 'They knew their wants and
in most Gates their domuids htuo boon
rational and reasonable. It is to be
hoped that the farmer > of Nebraska Mho
tuo in attendance at Council Hluffsull \
gathot sound tmd substantial ideas on
the economic issues of the day , so that
they can grapple intelligently with the
piobloms that present thomsohes for
The crop report of Nebraslvti a month anj thing butencour.iging. Corn
'had not matured and a prevailing drouth
caused fanners to cntoitatn gnue fcirs
that almost an ontito failuieouldbo
tiio result. But the reports for the last
, two u.cckbliu\o been oncouiaging , and
as coin has ad\tnced to thalstago wheto
a reasonable Ultimate tan bo niailc , it is
evorjwheio manifest tint the j-lold will
bo innch larger than \\as expected in
midsummer. It is true that thnro will
be a bhortngc in Ncbrasku , bul in ex
ceptional cases only \ 111 thot o houtter
failure. The acreage is huger than last
3 ear , and with total failures in other sec
tions , the price received will moie than
make good the shoitagc.
The Nebiaska fanner who this jcar
laisus t\\enty or twcnty-iho bushels of
torn to the aero will leceivo ns much
money for it as ho iccclved hibt jeat for
his sixty bushels. Hogs and cattle will ,
increase in price , and , taken
as a whole , it is snfo to pro-
diet that the shortage of corn \\ill not
bo materially felt. Oats linvo not
jiolded as many bushels us in picccding
jcnrs , but caicful estimates show that
there will bo more than enough for homo
consumption , and witli the possible ex
ception of the potato ciop the product of
Nebraska will bo worth as much iu dol-
hus and cents ns formally. '
Woioitnotfor the professional ngi-
tatiia who are shrieking about po\orty
and shedding eiocodilo tears for the
farmer of Nebraska , \\hoaro doing1 ery
well compared with many other states ,
the nightmare of hard times would haunt
no ono. Public improvements in the
towns and cities ate going on ; individual
capital is'boing Invented ; Inboiors llnd
ample employment at good wages , and
taken as a whole Nebraska is enjoying
an era of | tiospority that few western
Htatea can equal.
rio >
Mr.V , A. McKclghnn , the alliance
candidate for congress and alwajs a
democrat , was.\estordtvy endorsed by the
democratic congressional convention at
Superior , timid great applause. Tlio
question is under wliich Hag will Mr ,
MeKoiglum sill , tho. democratic state
platform , or the letter which the prohi-
hitionlats claim ho wioto to the editoi
of the Alma lioacon. The t o documents
am hero given side by side :
I'Uittoim. ]
I am In favor of tliu Pli o il ) moo rut 11
nmiMidmiMit In this pnrtv has u record ol
slut u ind In tliu na opposition toallsuiiip.
tion , mid will nuMir tnaiy ligdilation It
vote to lloonso this tloos mil hulltivu tliut
loimiion niHiiiiv of thu bOL-lil habits of tlio
imuiMiid , ( Ills fell ile-
SUOJl'l ( if Illllll III Imp- L'tts ronoiislll iitloinil
lilnoss , honor uiul provisions. High n.
hopes It w is the cciiso aiul local ojiilon ,
cruel boust ol' AtUlln. lumovcr. liuvo been
Iho Hun , that Mlic tried In Nebraska and
151 lifts nu InnKiT Brtitt liuvu glvon sutlsfnu-
\Oioruhlsliorso8Ut Its tlon to a iniijorlty of
foot.1 Wliort'U'i hi- the i > inili > , As lio-
tiiiiirrimo | Kits Us UUOM thoni and pro
foot thi ) pleasures of hibition tlio doiuo-
hopii pi-ilsh It Iras cratlc paitj Is Hiiro-
IIIOIIKlll MlllIIHI 1111(1 ( Mt'lMMll ) 111 fllMIT of
ds-taL'o | In thofaounf th f miner , nud iitlou-
Innoic'iit clillillioodiltitliin IH heroin cnlUxl to
has i utorttl Ihu lionuiltliu Imiouilsy of thu
wliiiru lov ( , ] ) ouo : uiili-ri ! | ii In Iu an party
plenty unil ulili'li , having unused
tiunsposcil It Into'a thu ( luostloiis to ho
losort ofim nml to n. pop\i
waul ; It has uiltiillai | \olii , tinrol > y cic-
the lionifl of vu'dili d luting iiiloililnty ! , In-
bliss nnd lo\i ) Ii isdlid jnrliiK busliios , un-
In tliu biuiist of tlio siltlln viilucs nml
lirldn , vhosu lift ) U diprt'MiliiK Ir.ulc. pur-
uloudcd and to whom iiotuly dmlcod the
( luatli U icst. ihiiiu In tlin last ion-
viiitlon und noRlpctcil
losuy vvhoro It could
bo found ns a i > urty on
flio'o ( lui'stloiis In tlio
Tun mayor of Ullomlalo , North Da
kota , has propated and will circulate
for blgnnturos through the bt'ito a me
morial calling upon thu governor to call
a hpocial session of the le.gislatm-0 to
consider irrigation. This question baa
become ono ofltal iutorest to every
resident In bt.Uo , nnd it is proposed
to make the memorial so btiong that the
go\ernor will convene the legislature
at once. The object , vlll bo to
s-ocuto the wwago of tlaw which
will enable counties to bond for irriga
tion uurposoa. The plan which appear
to meet general favor is to Iwe oieh :
county sink about thlity wells , which it
shall own and manage , chatging custom-
ort. a reasonable prlco for the use ol
the water f mulshed. It is believed that
fifty thousand dollars in each county
will be sutltctent to start , nnd additional
wolU can bo bunk u3 rapidly
uuiu copcrua ? muuiuuvu woasvu mv HPIMVCIV
IIR the earnings from the
original thlity will permit.
Tlio drought this year has shown tlio
necessity of Irrigation In that section ,
until nt least Iho laud is further re
claimed and the rainfall inctoascs sufll-
iontly to insure crop ? . If unnmploqup *
; > ly of water could l > o secured at nn ct-
penso of $ oO,000 for each county , tind
place crop failure beyond doubt , so fur
is want of molstuie vns eonccrneil ,
monoj * could not bo nioro wisely or judi
ciously Invested. The settlers In Dakota
doubtless made a mistake in going ho-
yond the ruin belt , but as thoj are Ihcio
ind have their money Invested , the Irri
gation schotno Hoeins the cheapest and
wisest wav out of the dilemma.
.Tin : Massachusetts railroad commis
sioners have taken evidence in the Old
Colony railroad catastrophe of n week
ago , where many passengers mol their
death , ami the cause of the disaster -was
plainly bho\ni \ to have resulted from
carelessness nnd neglect. The man who
loft the tool on the tiacksaysho did not
know that a train was due , and if ho had
known it ho could not aloao have 10-
meted the obstruction. It seems , however -
over , that ho should have known his
business , and tlio foioinan under wlioin
hoia \ noiklng must also shnro the
blame. The responsibility ot the rail
road company -will doubtless bo tested ,
but the two blundering and carclcas
woikinen should bo tiled for manslaugh
ter. Their nogllgcnco was plainly crimi
nal , and the safely of the traveling pub
lic demands that examples bo made when
the ovidnnco against the guilty ones Is
clearly manifest.
' Tltli steady ad\anco in the piico of large ! v compensates for the short
age in the crop a condition gcnoial
thiouglmut the woild. That the nd-
vanuo will bo maintained there is no
douUt in well-informed oliclcs. In fact ,
the prospect for much higher piices is
veiy fmorablo. Tlio yield of the United
Stales for tlio year is estimated , at four
hundred and tun million bushels , with a
reserve of t\\ctity-iho million bushels.
The amount required for homo consump
tion is about three hundred and fifty
million bushels , so that if the balance of
thoyUiir'u crop and the resono were cx-
po.'ted. nt pioent prices , one bundled
anil 'two ' million dollars would bo re-
quiiod to pay for the grain.
" \VrntiN" \ Iho last Iho 3cars a number
of attempts have boon made to wreck
passenger ti tins on the railroads of Ko-
braska. With possibly ono exception
the culprits escaped detection. It is dif
ficult to coiu'ono of a mote dastardly
erimo than tint of tiain wrecking.
There can bo but t\\o objeotb in the deed
lobbery or a fiendish dosho to gloat
over the killing or maiming of human
beings. The man or men conspiring to
injure or kill innocent people , whether
buiccsbful or not , dosotves capital pun-
Isluuont , And jot our state lawsimposo
no adequate punishment.
Tun English trades unions are about
equallj divided on the eight hour ques
tion , standing seventeen to eighteen 011
immediate agitation. Seven-oighths of
the workmen of Pails nro opposed to
the movement , although in Franco
twelve hours constitute a day's work.
All the piofussiotml Icaticis of labor
movements in Franco arc hoaitilj in
fiuor of it , but the bone and muscle part
of the rreiidimon recognize tlio fact that
eight hoius woik moans but eight hours
pay , and they wantt ? receive as laigo
an envelope Saturday night as possible.
Tin : conferees on the sundry civil ap-
piopriation bill have agreed to several
items of vital importance to the wobt.
"While striking out the item for irriga
tion survojs , coven hundred nnd fifty
thousand dollais wore set apart for the
work of faurvoylng public land. The
great inlluof settlers to the now states
calls for greater activity in this branch
of Iho public service. The development
of their resources of western states is
seriously retarded bocnuso millions of
acres of the public domain ate withhold
from intending bottlers.
Tin ; trade ot South Dakota should bo
nioro enoigotically cultivated by the
jobbois of Omaha. The of
the state to the commercial interests of
Omaha cannot bo ovoiestimated. The
lack of diuut inilroid facillticsat mes-
ent operates to the detriment of this
city , but there is every prospect that a
clmngo will be oiToctcd before the close
of the year. It behooves our merchants
to give the steadily giovvlng trade ol
the state their attention.
LiiST the public should foiget the fact ,
assurances are again ghon that work on
the now postoillco will not begin this
year. This is important , but not now.
Mcnnwhilo the rookeries and fiio-traps
will continue , to olTond the oyosand the
noflrlls of the people , mid proclaim the
schemes of mercenaries -whoso greed
piovonlcd the city from liming a public
building v\oll under waj at this time.
IT would boom that the wrathful eloquence -
quonco of all the woild , except the
llonory kingdom , is raised against John
Chinaman. The citizens of Panama
have hold indignation meetings against
John remaining longer at the Isthmus ,
and iidjouuied by heaving looks at the
Cinnamon's shanties. In the language
of that pitriotlc American , Dennis
"tlio Chinese . "
Kearney , must go.
WHIM : our domociatlc friends are
pluming thombolvosupon their pti ty's at
titude with reference to the prohibition
issue it will be well for them to piuso
and ictloet. They luuo done nothing
more nor loss than to endorse the Slo-
eumb law , which \uis enacted by a re
publican legislature , signed by .a repub
lican governor and rigidly enfoiccd by a
republican ailniinUtration of state
ulTuiiN ,
Tin : real estate exchange begins oper
ntloiii * about the middle of September
The Impression geiionilly prevails thu
there will bo greater activity in real os
lute with slight advance in prices al
along the line In view of the fnct thu
the defeat at prohibition is almost tiu
Tun buiiKon lota are not jot filled , and
the germs of death lurking in tho.u are
getting in their work with rapid fatal
i cow xcrt uncwiv. ouuinunuw. w i
ty. The clti phjHlclan hasffUcn his
opinion ; the health department bns
agreed that fomcthing should bo done ,
> ut nothing is" accomplished. The < o
vho o duty ifls io protect the honlth of
ho city , owe it to tlio citizens of Omaha
o do something1 nt once.
AN ofllclal homo to' house Inspection
n. Oklahoma,6hons that fully one-third
of the people are In actual want , runn
ers are short bf teed wheat. Thcro Is
Ittlo means of duiplojment nnd the out-
ook as a \\hn\o \ is decidedly gloomy.
L'ho picture forms a striking contrast to
ho glowing1 word paintings scattered
irojdctut by the boomers eighteen
nontliH ago.
THE state reunion of the Grand A rmy
at Grand Island next week will bo ono of
unusual Inloicst. Once moro tlio box a
in blue will gnlhor together under the
inprovised camp fire and swap thrilling
stotles of those stirring times when a
nun was compelled to stand or fall by
ils convictions. It meant something'iu '
those dajs to bo a union man
Tun sidewalk inspector is doubtless
earning-hla balmy , but the dilapidated
sldowalksln m.mj paitsofOmahafurnish
an excellent opportunity for him to dis-
Ingulsh himself by doing moro work ,
itisof no use to place frldewnlks along
moccuplotl lots , nnd lot walks on busy
.hoioughfurcs go to decay.
Tins is a llg d ly in Council Bluffs and
hut city bus awakened to the linpor-
.anco of the occasion. The National
7ai iners1 congress , the democratic con-
gro sional and the democratic judicial
conventions \\illinfuso \ life and activity
nto her citizens.
"WiTH a naval vcsbol named after the
city , another "bearing the name of the
na\or and a loul Inventor projecting
v torpedo boat , Omaha Is doing much
lot only to honor the now navy , but to
impiovo its usefulness.
POLITICAL clubs and leagues In the
' overul wards should acthely co-operato
with tlio council in securing additional
wilingplaces. . The necci&iuy petitions
should bo prepared and signed by at
fifty voters.
Now that the Tenth stioot viaduct tax
.ovy is completed it is suggested that a
muscular kicking post bo planted in the
treasurer's ofllco for the convenience of
these interested.
OMAHA capitalists should grasp the
significance of events and reach for more
of the Dakota ti ado by building a rail
road to the Jim river valley.
btato board of trunspoitntion
still bleeps.
How People of KurclRn Ilirtli May Ile-
coino Citizens of This Country.
The statutes undo and provided for the
naturalization of those who uro not but v\ho
wish to become citizens of the United States
should bo thoroughly understood by these
seeking to acquire the tigbt to voto. rollow-
Ingare the provisions under which citucn-
! > liip niav l > o acquired
Uitlo XXX Nutunilizntion. Section SIM :
AJI alien may bo admitted to become a citizen
of the UnitcdStntos inUiofollouIngmanncr ,
aiidnotothciniso :
1. Ho shall doclnio on oath , before a circuit
or illstiiet court of the United States , or a
distiiet or supreme couit of the territories , era
a court of record of any of the states
having > common law juiisdlctton , nnd
a seal and oloik. tjy > ycaib ,
nt least , prior to his admission , that it is boun
lido his intention to become a citizen of the
United States and to renounce torover all al
legiance nnd fidelity to any foreign prlnco ,
potentate , stnto or HOvcroigtity \\blchtho
alien may bo ut tlio lima a titl/ca or subject.
U Ho shall , at the time of his application to
bo admitted , declare , on oath.bofoio someone
ono of the couits nbovo specllled , that ho will
support the constitution of the United States ,
and that ho absolutely and entirely renounces
and abjures all nllcgiunco and tldclity to
every foreign prince , potentate , state or
sovereignty ; nud particularly , hy name , to
thopthico , potentate , state or "sovereignty of
which ho wn < before a cltUon or subject ;
which proceedings shall bo recorded bytho
olcrk of the court.
a It slmll bo nndo to appear to the satis
faction , of tbeconit admitting nuch tiliea that
ho has lesiiled within tlio United States flvo
yeius at least , and within the state or terri-
Uny win 10 such couitU at the time hold one
year at least , and that duiing thattltnoho
hns boluvoil us a man of good nioinl cliaractor ,
tittnchod to the piineii > leb of the constitution
of the United States , and well disposed to
the good order and happiness of the biimo ,
but the oath of the uupllcanl shnll innoc.Lso
be allowed to prove his losidcnce.
ParuRianlM four , live and six pertain to
tbo natuiuHzjtion of honorably dlschaiped
soldiers , persons bearing titles or belonging
to the nohllitr of foreign countiies.
Section ' - > , liT Any alien being under the
ago of twenty-olio vears , who his i-c-
sided in the United Stntcs three j-ears
next preceding his arrlv hie ut that ngo , nnd
who has continued to reside thereinto the
tlmo ho mny innUc application to bo admitted
a-citizen theieof , may , alter ho nirivcs at the
ago of tvveiitj-onoycais , nnd after ho has re
sided llvo yeirs within the United Stntcs , In-
cltidingtho thi-eojenrsof his minority , bo
admitted a citizen of the United States ,
without having made tbo declaration re
quired in the iirst condition of section > .1 > ; but such alien shall nwlto tbo declara
tion required therein at the thno of his ad
mission ; and shall futthei declare , on oath ,
mid prove to the satisfaction of the couit ,
that for two joaw next preceding it has been
his bonn lido intention to become a citi/en of
thu United StatO3iiind ; ho shall in all other
respects comply with the laws in icgard to
naturalization. , t .
Delegates on thu Oround and a Hot
Struggle I'r od lot oil.
MiTCiini. ! . , S , ) . , August 2rt. [ Special
Telegram to TIIL-UUK J Delegates to the re
publican state convention nro all on the
ground except flioso from the Black Hills ,
who nro cxpectAT till * evening. U'ho situa
tion would liidicftto that the fight for con-
gicss will prac'ttcully bo ono between Picliler
and Sessions for'blie phuo nnd Glffoul nnd
Gamble for thb'tother. with the appaicut
chance.1) In faVor of Plcltler nnd Oainblo.
Mdlotto's noinimfjon U ceticcdcil. A lively
light for treasurer Is HKoly to como up. with
Baitloy. Smith , Digt's and Taj lor in the
Held , The ndv ocates of equal suffrage have
formulated a plunk which tlioy hope to got
the platform committee to accept. It is ol
such u diameter as to satisfy one side nnd
not to bo objortlonnhlo to the other. The
state league meets this afteinooii.
Hallway Hartoil nt Xim/llmr.
XAN/IIUK , August 20. [ Special Cablegram
. ] The Mo-itwta .v Njnnza rail
way was inaugurated jostordny In the pi-us-
omoofthe Utitlsli nml other fOixign i < m-
suH , Admiral Precmuntli ? of tlioIIiilUh navy
and u largo number of other Kuropcaus.
Qiinrnnliiiliiu Moeou
CAIIIO , August A ) . [ Special Cablegram to
THIS llif.-Tho ] sanltao coinmUslon hua
decided to bend all jiilKrlms routining froii
Mecca to a spot on tbo Arabian const tlftj
miles from Suez after the- ) have undergone
quarantine at ICltor.
AE11H 01' TIIK XtHtll'THMiHT.
Tlio Clmdron roller loill is aguln in active
operation ,
The Pollt comity fair will bo hchi nt Oco-
ola September 2,1) , I and " .
A stock cotnimny U being fornieJ nt Ponder
der to build n hotel costing $ r,500 ,
The republic um of the Kleventh Bonitoihl
llsttlet will nouiliintu ut Norfolk , Septem
ber il.
The third annual fair of Cheyenne countv
will ho lield nt Sidney , Soiitcmbiv'Jli. ! >
nnd SO.
The democrats of the Ktijhth senatorial
district will hold their convention at Uart-
ington , September' ' .
II. O. Jlginfritz of York , received n gun
shot wound in Ills left wrist which mny ro-
stilt in the loss of Ills hand.
The annual camp meeting and conference
of the Sevpiith-Diiy Advcntlsts will bo held
in York , September I ) to 10.
The village board of Valley has derided to
liuy n hook nnd ladder truclc , to ho pnld for
by subsciiption by the business men.
A kick from a borso so badly shattered the
leg of John Qulnii of Valley that a handful of
the pieces of tbo bono wore removed from the
A Sunday school cclcoration w ill bo held
at Hubons , Nuukolfo county , on Saturdiy ,
and nn cxtcnslvo programme hns been pie-
pared for the occasion.
A newsboy of the Grand Island Indepen
dent was hold up anil robbed of &j0uvix ! !
nmu mmiod , and the police have not
jot arrested tbo highwayman.
'J'bo fumes of a gasoline steve nearlv termi
nated the existence of Thurlovv Stratum nt
OaUdiilu. Ho was rescued in an unconscious
condition by a neighbor breaking into his
i oom.
' Tbo Madison county teachers hive formed
a icidingcircle in nccoi-diineo with the state
leading organization. Thoionre alxiut sixty
members in the county , the best showing any
county has yet made.
Martha.I. Warner.-\vlfo of County Attor
ney 0. P. Winner of Grant county , died on
the train very suddenly while on her wav to
Mullen , accompanied by Mr. Warner from
Whitman. She had been a sufferer from
hciitt disease for many years.
Standing Bear , the fatao'us Indian chief ,
who left for Indian teiritory last spring ,
"never to return , " has put in nn nppcarAnco
nt Niobnir.i , followed by his uumcrou4 whos
andotiicricnimiiits of the Boir fiunilv. Iho
nir of bis fathcis in the vicinity ot ftioln-ai.i
seems to be moie agreeable to him.
S S. Mills exhibited in Crcighton a limb
fioin ono of his crab trees giowing inlusor-
chaid. Tliurowuiatwenty-six vvell developed
apples on it , uud Mr. Mills stated thut the
w hole tree was as plentiful ! ) laden with the
fiuit as the biunch. Mr Mills is demon
strating each jcar that ftult can successfully
mid proiitnblj be grown in Ivnox nounty.
Thcio are 11,001) ) Knights of Pvthiasin
Morning Side Unltmians aio building a
ncv , church.
Tlio Stito Photographers' association will
meet nt DCS Moincs September 2 and ! ! .
Tho-llrookljn cicamery which was re
cently destroyed bj liio will bo lebuilt
A Uoehvvcll has in-
ten-jear-old City boy -
vcntou a luystacker w bieh is said to work
Nccfoti itions are pending for the nurchiso
of the Hooncoil mill , with tlio intention of
turning it into n laigo packing house.
One hundred and thiity ministers will at
tend the mooting of the Council Hluffs Prcs-
byteiy which meets at Audubon Septem
ber 2
Norway rats are bothering the farmers in
the vicinity of Mustatluu 'Iho rodents
climb up tlio cornstalks and devour whole
ears of coin.
Dubuqno hns a Gcrnun veteran who was
decorated by Uniporot William with the lion
cro-s tbo gicatcst honor that can bo bestowed -
stowed upon a German soldier. His is
Dom Schoonigscn , and ho fought in the battles / -
tles of Alurs lu Tours , Vongue , Ltioa , Mo-
iei-s , Epeton , Joup , Sandellc , Sarge , Tour-
noisob , Oiloans , Is'ouai , Salbus. nnd Lo Mans.
Kfforts are being made to orgiuiro the col
ored members of tbo M. B. chinch of the
state into ono confeionco. Theioiuo four
eonfeicnces of tlio ttuucli in thustato and the
aim is to pluc-o the colored woik cutlralr in
ono of these divisions. Uov.V. . K. AVilson of
Uu-i Moincs is now cngugod in the \ioik and
is making an earnest effort to ariivo at the
dosh-ed end.
Isnliih Hnddoman , nn old man of seventy ,
met his death in n peculiar manner at Man
chester. The city lias for some tlmo pist been
pro'spi'ctlng ' for water nt a point ne.u the i.iil-
load bridge. Severn ! sN-inch uitcshn wells
were sunk in the excavation , uud with a view
of increasing the How fiom these wells men
hnvo been djmvmltingtlicin. The other day
n , cartridge was diopped to the bottom of one
of the wells. Hnddunian , who was standing
within 100 feet of it , did not heed the wain-
lug ciy to seek shelter. The explosion of the
dyuninito blow out n section of the galvanized
iron linine of the w ell vv 1th such force as to
send it two or tluce hundred f cot into the nir.
Down it came witb terrific force , turning a
Httlo sidewise in its descent , nnd struck
Hnddcman on the top of thohond. Ho dropped
like a log , gasped oncoor twice and was dead.
The force of the contact was sufltcient to
bend the pipe , but , str.mgo to sav , tbo dead
man's head showed only a bruise as external
evidence of the blow. Ho leaves u wife and
several children.
'I he Two Dakotas.
It cost $21,000 to grade Minnesota avenue ,
Sioux Falls.
The contract iias been lot for the building
of a 81,200 stone jail at Minnesota.
Tbo racing meet at Madison will bo nude
exciting by puiaus amounting tofl.'JOl ) .
Ibo Indians at Crow Cteek nio piopaiing
to sow most of their cultivated liuid to ij o
this fall.
The total assessed valuation of Mlnncliiha
county is Sll , ! > r > ] , ( ! 10. This include * 1,203 ,
dogs , assessed at ? l each.
Cottonw oed lake has gone cntholy dry and
the bed of the Inko is i nvorcd with n hcivy
giovvth of piassvhlUi is bdiiK cut for liaj.
ClMi Ics U. Itusscll , nt Uiunmclc , was re
cently extracting the dynnmlto fiom n djnu-
mite cup for the innposo of puttinpr the cup
on n load poniil. It exploded , pirtly blowing
thu thumb und imlc'c linger from both hands.
John Camc'ton , living southeast of Block
ings , rocontlv lost nine head of cattle by
llglitninp stroke. Lightning struck the barb
wire fence and followed it up for some dis-
tnnco until it cnmo to vv hero the cattle were
grouped , then shot futo the herd and killed
all of them.
Uncle Nnt Witchor of Sturffis Is up In tlio
Hills chculiitlng a petition for the pardon of
Iru Jackson , who is serving n ten years' scn-
touco for tlio hilling of ono Jenkins thrco or
four years ago Ho has obtained over clfjht
Imitated siKiiatuios. and it Is thought the
Rovcrnor will heed the prnjcr.
Three pai tics recently drove into Water-
tovvn from AilingUm a doctoi , a traveling
inuii and a joutiB ludv. A room was rciitcd
in u "ptlvato" house , where the tlio lenalrcd ,
ostensibly for the purposp of producing un
nlxntlon. Local onlcois lines toil thousand
the licit morniiiR the traveling man and the
woman vvoro mill Hod by the major.
Kdvvard Chapman , a ftirmor living north
west of Aberdeen , was attacked by tin auiagoil
bull last vv ock nml sulteieil the f rnuturo of
his rljjht ! OK und two libs. . When disoovorcd
Mr. Oiiapuuiu wiu In an unconscious condi
tion und would undoubtedly hnvo been killed
had not his falthtul doir taken the bull by
the nose and kept him at u distance.
The Marion llux mill people are busy ox-
porlmuntliiK vv llh dllferont ItlmU of n ix fiber
and llnd our llux stuivv perfectly satisfactory.
Next year thov nru Koh'K ' in on a bif ; scale to
work up llnx liber. They will breik land
f rw of charge for the first erop and pay ? 10
nn act o thereafter for the use of the land.
This year they pay f < l an acre to pull flax ,
The oody of un unknown man was recently
found near Hill City. The man had evidently
Ihicn dead for twodnjs , and when found was
inn'ioniblncondition ' His head and face
wore boitc.iiInto u Jolly with a dun evi
dently , und the murderer In commltliiR his
foul deed o.xcrcised the greatest "f muelty.
lneasedvus a middle aged man , and
drcbsed in rough shoos. Jeans pants and u
blue cotton sUht , A deck of c-aids and n
Binull inlrmr vvero the only nrticlod found In
the muitlc'i'c'U nuvii's pickuts.
A Conuutlim.
To the Udltor of Tim DPI : : I'leaso correct
n false impression c.iutcd by tlie ivport ot the
banner inosculation on lost Fildny ovenliiR.
1 ho pusc'iitntlon vvnsmndoby CJcorso Croxik
AVonmu's Hellof corps , No hS , und not by
Custercorpt. S. 1C Si'Ainivo ,
Cotuinanuor George Crook Post , No. 203.
The Risks Tnkdii In Firu SurotlcJ on Ne
braska Property.
ricculnic the Innoopiit Klglit Over a
AVIll-iVt AVar Over n Cross
ing Other Ijlti-
Ulllll NCVVH.
* LINCOLN , Neb , AuRUstSO [ Special to Tun
UKK. ] The biennial limii.mco icport of Ne
braska , as prepared by Deputy Auditor
Charles Allan of the limmmeo ilup.irliuent of
thonudltoi'sonlec , la now out. The report
shows that thoto nro now 11" lira Insurance
companies nuthorlrod to do business in thu
state. 'Jho business tiansaotid bytho llro
Insmanco companies during the pist two
years is ns follows :
blneo the list report \vius l-mied only four
addition il life'O coinjunlus have
been nuthorlrud to transact business in tlio
wUito. Thuio nru altoKi'thcr sixtvnine. .
' Hit ; total business of thu level pioiiilmn
companies in the state for the tmt two
is as follows ,
The report decl.uos that ncc'cisarv laws foi
thogovpimuent of life insuraiuo oiganbti-
tions in this suite are gicatly moiled That
numoious a < sessmrlat nc'ddont aswcintions
aie clandestinely opcinting tliiou hout the
state 'Ihis biiblucss is transuded piini'lpallj
by corresnondonco with tbo putlre * , consequently
quently the prosecution of such offc'iuleis is
'J.h6 Iho insurance companies wlthiliavwi
fiom the state binec the last report .no :
I'lie Insiu.inco Assool illon I.oiuliill
Howard \ 011.
( tc'iinun I'lro . . . .
IAIISIllo ! IJiidei w ill IMS l.oulssllli. Ky
Neptunu I'lro and M.iilne. Itoslon. Muss
1'rc.cott ItiHtnn. M.i'.s
Ilekl.i M idlson VV N
lllljeinli New Orleans l > i
'Hie lire insuianro in Nebraska for the past
thiiteou j eai-i has been as follotvs.
Premium *
Hcrclinl. tn i
1S77 $ 1U7.I77 01) ) : Hil III OJ
1STS III.SO ! UU : HO.SU . .
iwrii. Mi.fU W 117'iJH UO
1SS1 Ui Hi , OU 1st 7-'i to
Is-iJ ( SU 17. UJ Ihl U , IV IT
18S.I 1 Ovl.llX ) OJ , .III I'd (0 ( ! SA
1881 1 < ii TII nil' to
1SS.I 1 4'J lOI O.1 U 7 > .l 1W 21
1SSI , I.IIT7M ( K,1 47'i4sl (0 .itHi
1SS7 l.llrl 141 I > J dMld (0 Hi
1S S 1 J MM CD 4S , 7U'I CO
1861 lS.Ti.,741 W s : r.n
0) )
Ycstctday nftei noon two boji , Iwtli aged
ton v Cilia , KiieaUuil into the oflko of thu Unn-
dolph street c.ii bam , near the h.v > eh ll
grounds , and fetole abtut 4 In inonoj anil
about $150 wnrtli of street car chips. As
thcv mndo their exit they weie noticed by
some of the employes and when tjio robboiy
was discovered suspiiion wa * > iinmedi.iUlj )
fastened upon them. Their pith horn the
barn to their homes was mtiikod with the
chips that thcv had thrown avv.iv. This
morning Detective M alone went to the homes
of the bovs and discovered that caeh not
only had inonoy but also chips In his posses
sion. Kaoff blamed the other for the theft.
They were both nncstod nnd the timoof their
trial ilxcd at S ) o'clock , tomorrow morning
Both bojs have boon arrested before.
The mystery conccintngtlio disappearance
of little Patrick Uurot , the tou-j cuivoltl son
of 1'otei BurotV and Second sti-eots. still
remains unexplained , and If ho had vanished
into thin nir all traces of his whereabouts
could not bo moro ofTrctunlly effaced. Noth
ing is known of tbo lady who kldnapc-d him
excepting that she was ac'iustoined to drive
by at intervals with agroy horse attached tea
a top buggy. NoJ onu seems to know or
can recognize the woman from tlio ile'cilp
tion given. On 1'ndnv ovcnttifT , as the little
fellow was at pliy before his home , tlio
strangolady came driving by ngriin and
stopped to ask the child if ho didn't wish
n buggy ride Tbo blight little fellow ac
cepted the invitation and climbed Into
the buggy. A number of persons in the
gioccrystoio near bv witnessed tbo afluit
nnd thought nothing of it. The sttango ludy
then diovo ort with tbo child nml that w us
the last ovci seen of cither since It U doubt
less a puio case of kidnaping but what the
motives of the lady can bo 1110 veiled in mys
tery. At the time that the Kidnaping of the
bbj occurred Ills father was ut vvoilc in the
furnitiuo fnttory. while his mother was
avvav several blocks taking care of the sick
child of a friend. Both patents are dis
tracted with giicf over being robbed of their
boy iinil are my stilled over the iifTalr as well ,
not Uno\ving of nay person in the woild w ho
rheilshod a Krud o n Hliist them. It is be
lieved that the strange lady was attracted bj
the beauty of thu little fellow and decided to
add him to her family ,
toxTLsriMi TIII : win , .
As predicted seine tnno snuo , tlio hciuof
Mrs. .TonnioMny are kicking against the ad
mission of hurwlll to probito and today they
lllcd in answer In tbo county court. The
heirs are Mis. Minoiva linrtlott , Mrs. Mury
Phelps , Mr * Harlot L. Wilson and Andrew
J. Thajer , tbo surviving sisters and brother
of the deceased. These heirs deny that the
writing necompnnvlni ; the bemiest. or peti
tion as they term it , Is or vvu-s the will of the
deceased. Thoydenj that thosamolsorvvns
executed and witnessed ( n accordance with
law. They further mnku the startling
declaration denying tlmt tbo will wns signed
by the deceased at tbo ilnlo appearing at the
head of the same They fui ther decluro that
Airs May was of unsound mind at the time
the will was .signed 'Ihey claim that the
siKiwtuio w is obtained by fraud and undue
influence and they ask tlmt all other persons
mentioned in the instalment outside of thorn-
selves bo legally ignoicd and thuptonotty
divided equally nmoni ; the putitlonois.
The estate is valued ut Wl.000 and the
groiter portion was berino.ithed to T.ivlor's
missioinuy station In Africa nnd to clmiit-
able and educational purposes If it Hliouiil
bo divided c'iunlly | iiiimngtha holrs , eiu-h will
icccIvo tha nice little windfall of y0 ( -
riuiiriMi ovi ii rim cnossiso
Pending tbo sctllomont of the four injunc
tion suits brought about bytho linbioglio
between the railroad companies and the
street rillvvay companiesovor the Klovcnth
street crossing , hutli sides have been watching -
ing ouch other like two antagonistic loostois ,
Last iil'l't ( ' each bad n lur o company of men
Mntloiied at tbo disputed crossing , but
wliother to thwart thu object of the opposing
comp inlcs by putting down the forbidden
tricks or nu-roly to watch ouch other could
not bo ascertained. Marshal Mcllckiwns
present und the two warlike hordes wore liku
thotwobchool bojs who went out tx > llt-ht
"Ono was afiaid and thu other dussent. "
Judgu Klcjd llstoned this uoiiilng to the
allotments in the injunction units Tbo at
toinoys for the sticct car comp inles contend
tint the franchlsii from the city RIIVO tlioin
the light to liivtlioh ti.uks ncum the rail
road trulcson Jilovcntli strcM-t. The railroad
comiianles limibted , on the other bund , that
they had bought lunje tracts of Riound on
cllhnrsiiloof their tracks for sldo track pur-
PO.SCS , nnd that If tbu strcMst cnr comp my
vvlshod to occupy any of that ground they
should he undo to pay for It bycoiuleinnntloi
.ludgo Kield decided In mvorot the Mroo
rnllvvaj coinpauli-s la ) Ing their tiiulis iierosj
these ut the tail road
nut norn AXH nomirti.
Charles Ctoldsteln , who imn a tlnrstnr ,
nt S''tl 0 street , ivpoits that a ttrnngor nbout
tblity ) ears old stei > pid Into his ostabllh.
incut jestoulny chaining to bo nn iuoiit for a
l > itrnt headaeho nnd rheumatic lomody Mr
( loldsteln was sutToring fioin n luMilncho at
the tlmo nnd allowed the stranger to give him
a dose of the stuff. The tobacconist win
soon sel/eil with iliowslue's and full nsloop
About an hour Inter he awoke and found ( hat
the stt.uiger wits missing nud with him all
thi ) money In the diavvor and n bovoftlio
llnest 4 a * well. Korltt uatoly theiv w ai
only about n tlollnr In change la the diavvot
beloro the robbory. The sttiuiRor had i
Illicit inustnchu and worn a light coit , darlt
luinUiloons nnd vest , blnek deihy hat nnd car *
tied a small black hand untchdl.
A MVSIKUIOl'S lll(1ll\VAt \ I101IIII IIV.
The jiolico and deputy shei ids have given
up nil bopos of ferreting out tbo m.vsteiv on
Hhroudlng the fate of the old man who win
so boldly robbed by highwaymen of his burse
and btigy | a week ago tonight on I , neat Koc
end stioot. The hist seen of Iho old mill bo
was puisulni : the robbers , who vvero nuking
away to the south with his bnggy There U
no doubt but that there wns foul plav in the
in ittor , but the b inks of Salt i rook h iv o not I
yielded up nny coinsoyot andnoolhoi clews
hnvo been obtained concerning the fnto of tlio
oU tnuti.
Mr. Josonh Havvortli , asllvoiv hculod man
of blxty-nino , obtained a license this inoinini ;
to many Mrs Mary rnlwldor , a vvldim of
BlNtv-tliieo. The brldcgtooin Ii from I'teto
nnd the bride is from Bird Oil ) , Kau. The
inni lingo occurj tomou'ovv.
n vs so itioiiT in i.r.
it is reported to Diputy Auditor Allen that
the YiinKton Ihvinsmaiuo comp in v isdoini >
business unlawfully In this stnto Todiy n
letter vv.m received fi-om llnitliigton in which
it was suited the Vmildon Insuraiuo
comp in.v w is transacting business In No
iniislcu iiiut was miinbeilug its vli thus bv tlio
aroie. Dopnty Auditor Alltn savs the Yank
ton loinpanv hns no right whntevoi to Insuie
am piopertj in Xobi.ialci and imrions pav
injan.inonuv to that oijfimiitlnn might as
VM II throw their hind oaiiiings into the Hie.
TIII : 11:111 : i'iis4ini.i
Uhls nftcinoon .lustleolirovv n Is
thu fiux-ic il ( .MSU.III vvhhh Di Slomtnslcl of
Otrah i caused thonrtestof Ilarrj Dobbins'
inmaifliiR editor of the nvc-nlnu News , on Iho
rhiu Kt > of libel Dobbins had toasted Bio
inliiskl for ilistiibutinK alleged obsiuno litei-
oiu > s vsn rsns
The choir of Holy Tiinttj chuicli , tinder
the ni.imujcmetitof Air. bi annul ; , will give a
iji ind concert hem O ( tobtr ( i , in conjuiu lion
with the T 1C. quartette of Omaha
It CdiiinirnceN Keplcmlx1 1.
ATI vru l.i , August ' "i To the Kdltor of
Tin , Bi t : Will vou please state in Tin. Bi
\\lieu the Oiiuiha fall conimei.cos.
Si r.-cunn u
Q me
Will , lA l. MANVOI I !
Grand Reopening Saluiday , August 23d ,
Ilclng .1 llfi llKo ii'piTOliii'llon of the orownod
heads ot Hnnijiu In tliclt loljrs ot stall'
A faithful poitriyilof blsduith.
TWO B T AC. 13. S 1 IO W S
Do Ah lii i , tliu I'IIDKHIS MuKlelim.
licor i Kl\\uN ( : ( , the fiiiniius I'liinoilliili Lit-
tin All Itlghl. nml olhei stin-s v\lll Miioiu ] |
QH lil.I.A'-ON'S 1)011 ) ( Ml ! ( I'1- Of )
TVM.M'V CANiM' Aiirisra J
Ono Kimo ) AUmils lo All.
Now Ready.
Harper's Magaz i
For September
KN'lIl'MU )
"Across the Andes. ' '
WHICH is THI : Fntbr OK
South Hmerica
Hrillinnily antl I'l-ofiiscly IllustrutoJ.
S" 'iho imbllcillon of tlio Scplcmlior
iininJjcroruJlnriici1s Miit'ii/Ino'M > nsiost |
punod from August 2M : ( o August 'Jfitli.
ThlMi'itfuliie In ( in mi/0) ( .ATCII c7ciiiIn /
the jntucnldtliin o/ " .Icr. s the Anih * , "
the rtisf of the Kulcn of ; ) ( | icrs on bnntli ,
Aiiiolnt. Mr Child vhtlctl South Ainril-
Giijiirtliccijyu jwrjwse of ulvlnv tn Ilia
7ftf/C ( / ) Of HvllI'I.H'S AlUIV/IM ! < ll ? IlKcIU-
( ; nf view of tlmt uiwitril ,
1 he M U x will i wituln jmijii , iJ 11 timer-
oiiv innutritions J > | /i / < rin > noini artlxty.
Other Interesting Vcatiires.
The Social Slclo of Ynohtlng.
By Lieut. .T. D. J. KKI.IMY.
Illustrated by TllL'i.STUL'r.
Part IV. of Daudot'ePorfc Tarsoon.
Jhilliantlv Illubtriitod.
Harvard University In 108O.
L'voly and FooolntUinu' Storloa
By Mrs. S. 1' . MCLKANGKILM : : ,
Miss MAUV \ViiKiM > ,
0.11(1 ( HAHNI.r I'lllI.I.II'H ,
and the usual variety of
ticlcH , 1'ooins , etc.
For Sain by All NewBdanlors.
I'lanUllu Squuro , N. Y.
BuKsorlbnd nnd dunrantc-ul Oupltal..JMO.OOv
I'ald InOapltul . HM.OO : )
lluyh nnd Hells Rtocks nml bonda ; noKOtlutiu
cnmmcrulHl puiini ; rucuhiiH nnd execute }
IruHlH ! iiuti ) as triiiiHforiiKDiit and trnsteo of
cororati't.3 | ) , taken cliur ci of propurly , col-
lojts tuxc'j. _ _ _ _ _ _
S E Corner 16th and Douglas Sti
I'ald In Capital . J 60. ( 0
HubsrrlliiKl unit ( limrunti'i il UapttaU. . . KOXv (
Liability of btockhouliira . IWJJ
ft 1'er Cent Intnrint 1'ulil on Deposits.
I'KAMC J. i.ANlii : , Uaithlur. N
ORIcon : A , \Vyniiui , pieslJciil ; J , J , llrovvn ,
vkt-preildunl , W , T , VVyinun , troamiror.
Dlrectors'-A. U. Wynmn. J. H. Mlllurcl. J. J
Hi-own , Ouy U. IJarton , K. W. Nuih , Thuui
J. Klinbull. Uturi ; U. LuUa. M