THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WflfcyESDAV7" , AUGUST 20 , 1800. FROJI THE IIA\VIEYE \ ( STATE , Ansual Convention of the Christian Ohuroh in iJ'eMion ' ( it DCS Moino ? . THREE HUNDRED DELEGATES PRESENT , 3' ( > iiiii > riiiI ii.fiiniitliins Issued Attains ! a Number of Orlgltml PiiL-lctmo Di-ali-'in ut , Hiiiitic A Jloo * hlor I'lcnli ; . DirsMi'iNr. ' * . li. : , . .AutfustlO.fSi cInl Tele- prniiito ' 1 in : BRI : . | ThestatoChristian ( Dis ciples' ' contention begun in tills city thU aft- crnoon nnd willeoiitlmiountil Friday. About thrco liuiidfi-d ilcleRiitesi froiuitll parts of the ttato tire In attendance. Tlio sessions will cin-'ii nt 0 o'clock each mwultiK ami adjourn nt 5 In tlio evening. Survlccs of sorinnni or Icctuies will bo Hi-Id. Last ninbl u sermon ivas iirciu'liod by I ' \ ' . M. t' . iliiyden of Sioux City and was listened to by a larjro audl- tiii-o f'.cneiMl lM. . Drake of Ccntervilld t , i > ii > sl < i < 'iit. M. T. Ilnyden of Sioux City vli-o pii' < tiii-nt ! , mm A. .M. ! liijifird ; of 0 < lti- lr.-.isepivtiiry. Thosu Kontlanicn constitute I'imff-ivtu'lj linni-,1 of llm church to conduct tinjp'ii MM ! < ; ito work under direction of the . iinfi'iviico , and tlioK * report , was r.-iU this a'ti-t-iiiii'ii. ' Tomorrow morning tlio regular work ( if tlio convention be lii.s. Tlio tumuli .nii'tiiiK la called to tilT.inmi th nils- slomiry win-It ol the church to provide for holding mivals throughout the ituto where the ( iririiii7jitlnii In not rogul.irly cstiihllilicd. tn > i to innku iirraiif.i-iniMitH for minion worc ! In towns , ind dims ivlik-h ai-o In ni-ed ot the aid uf ihuvliuieh in tlilndli-cction , Original l-nekn o In.iuiiitioi ! ! , U.i.i . . In. , AiiKtiit l'.l.--SieclalT [ | < - > ! osi < ante ! to 1 in Jlri' . I .luilu'Q Ilinilliian of tlie district - tric-t ( ojit to lay Is nod toBipornry Injiine- lloiu tlftcoji moii in the city of lioono win tin < T ton soiling : 01-1 1 nil : ii.iek.igoi , or lliiuoibv th , > Klii-irt , but , who closed ns norm us tin ncvliw was sined | tiyllics prcsidctit. Th\v i..ide no defense. Tlio county oiitliorl- ties ills" M'l i-dsixty-iiiiio kof-s of becrvvhicli had iii'i -i'ored iu 1111 ice house by the Itoono Bcnt ( "f nst. l.ouH lirotvory. T'no c-htiin Is made Hint tlio liiiior | v.-as buliat sold elan- di'rttlnr | > . thiii [ > h the agent declares ho u-aMOiu.v ivaiting for a ear to ship the stuff to tlio owners. The Jiiiil ! ( iti } ; ( uiinciliiKMi , SAI r IJAKI : , Ululi , Au mt 19. [ Siicclal Tclcgmin to jriii : nisi : , ] Tlio Omaha coun cil -were driven over the city today and toolt a bath attiarileld beach. They are i.ow indulging - dulging- another banquet at the Alta club. Oltien is mui-li liuttur. No inirtiiiKof tlio toiilglit on tlio visitors' account. Tin ; Iowa DKiMniSKs , la. , August 10. j Special Tele- Ki-am to Tun ilr.H.j Several hundrcil Iowa Iloosieivs hud their aiiiuiiu picnic In this city today Natives of Indiana were present from all parts of t'.io ' state. Aiiion'f ? tlio dis tinguished sieal | < cis were ( ientiMl Georno W Joncfoflubuqtu\ nearly ninety yoai-s oldlul o Gi'tivo O. WriKlit of this city , and .Tudk'o G , Kelly .Johnson of Oslialoo-a. , M ( > inoi-ial excivlnos were hold and resolutions adopted lu reaiet'toF | tlio ineiiinrv of the late CoIrcr F flni-kson and Larldn Wright , Kc-v , A. G Hobb.H ilulivcrcd the annual address. A Mew Track C'leaner. Dt MIIIVI : * , la. , AtiKiist I'J. [ Siwciul 'Pole- Rvnm to Tun BIK. : | Dr. 10 , T. Likes , pro prietor of the DCS Moines belt line railway , baa Invented n rotary track cleaner to clean thu snow from railway tracks. Tlio machine Is placed in front of the ongltio and consists of two Inrtto roiolviiuf sweepers inadoof heavy wire Reared to the car wheels , and can bp raised or lowered at will. The ] irauttei- hility of the invention U apparent at sitfit. It can bo attached to grip cars or ears run by electricity. Tlio ( criiinii Veterans. Dtvr.M'oiiT , la. , August Ifl. The German veterans closed their festival how today. JartwifrSehinuek of Davenport was chosen president for the ( . iisuhif , ' year ; Kudolph ynlknmnn of San Francisco , vice president ; ilulliis ISIoinko of Cleveland , secretary ; L. Ertel ofCluclnnati , treasurer. Fort Wnyne , Iiidviis selected as the place for holding tlio ne.U niix'thiff. ; round Demi in n .Car. JUsox OrrvIa. , August 1 ! ) . [ Special Telo- Bi-aui to Tin : Hr.i : . ] Thomas II. Mule was found dead In a passenger coach near Nora Junction early this morning. IIo t ot on the train at Kvcrly nnd was to fct off tit tlio above place. When tlio bmkemun went to wako him ho was dead. No cause isas- Bigucd. Oloslnx Up die Joints. Slots Orrv , la. , August 10. [ Specl'il Tele- ( jmiii to riiiiHui'.j The law aim order league hns Instituted prosccutloii'i against the | ) ro- prictors of nil the leading original pacliaso houses. An Injunetioa was served on S. M. Mniidorebeiil , anil hislf > , ( KX ) stock of liquors Is now in the hands of thoonicers. Failure nt lns lr Moixrs , la , , August 19. [ Special Tcle- gram to Tin : IJni : . ] A. C. Mount , a broom manufacturer , assigned this morning. The assets are $ ll,0Xt ( ; liabilities 81(1,000. ( The as- Bignincnt ischiclly duo to loss by fire In the early spring , when u largo quantity of nui- cliinery ami stock of orooins were destroyed. AVill Tnko \iKrrKbivc. . nr.MMoixr.H , la. , August i'.t. [ Special Tolo- Bnim to Tin : I3r.i.l : Chairman 13. E. Mack , Secretary K. D. Casboll and Assistant Secre tary FV. . lUcknell of the republican state central committee have arrived In the city nnd established headquarters. They propos'o to nuinago an nygresslvo campaign from now until iho election , TluiO vcriinr's Movements. DrsMrtixw , In , , August 111.-HpecialTolo- [ Ki-amtoTm : IJii.iGovernorllolos : : " \vlll re turn from the national guard encampment nt Spirit \Mko tomorrow , but leaves iiinncdl- ( liatoly for CreMou to attend the opening of tlio blue tjras's palace on Thursday. Nnlii-asltn , Iowa and Dakota IVuMoiiH. WASlllSfiTox , August 11) ) . [ Special Tele- Ci-am to Tin : UKK.J The following pensions were granted to.lny to Nebr.iskiins : Original -IsaaoW White , Ilurwell ; Simon O.Vha \ - ley , Osceola. Itcsto iitlon Alfred H. Mor ton , Mllford. Kcstoratlon nnd Incrcaso Ansoa D. Crow , Stmtton. Imu-easo Oeorgo W. Kliifj , Wyn.oro ; nenjmaln L. Loomls , Dassctt ; Charles nianehard , Chester. Iowa : Special act John Hecheti , sr. , St. Donntus ; Clnu-les L. Toruow , Miuiilo- kotn ; William \VIloy , Fairbanks ; willlnm G. Wilson , Gllmna ; Isaac H.'alkcr \ , Qiltncy ; Austin \Vebb \ , l-'r.mkfort. Hcstoration Abnihiun Adanison , Is'invton ; Cyrus AI. lavls , lioono ; John Clark , Tabor. He.stoi-.i- tloa and increase -Jonathim K. Klrod , Marion ; William J. Millor.Viuikcgon. . InercasoKl > ccial act , Stephen K. Hodtleld , Vintoii : Fnini-Ii M. Moore , Jmogcno : ChrUtophor Dillon , Clinton ; Will iam E. Davis , PCS Mnlm > s ; Lee ; Yin- ton ; Smith , Lehighj Francis M. Craw ford , Council Illuff.s : Frederick S. Dimlmm , Montlccllo ; Albert L'ochriuie , lllllsuorough ; Michael Hiitton , Fort Madison ; Henry Cock- Baylor , Snylorvlllo ; Caleb Slceth , Dlff. Ho- Issue -.liU'ob Ivriiuer , Oskaloosa. Original wldon-H , etc. Mary A. , widow of Jesse S. Morrow , llloomlleld. South Dakota ; Original Solomon Thomas llrant , r nko. Increase Actum 1 1 , Caninhun , Henry L. Hcniiser , Colnnibus ; Alliei-t Webb , Huron. Original , widow * , etc. Sjioclul nct-Jiwcph 0. , father of Orei- ory JI , Cotton , Wakonda. TlioVontlinr I'rooast. . For Omaha and Vleinlty Fair ; warmer. For Netnihka , lowii mid South Dakota ( Joncriillyalrj warmer ; southerly to .1 nK. A TnM Coolly Murders Her rullilcnl Itlvnl. Tex. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hen. | On Sunday night County Jiulgo Max Stein of Hidalgo county , n lending : inerchaut and ono of the wealthiest nnd mutt iKipulnrcltt/-Mis of Kdinburg , Tex. , wiw shot nnd killed tu Hcnwa , Mexico , by Mrs. IJoln Mcf.'ubo of I'urns county , Tex us. i The murderess I * the wife of Cx-Pomity j Judge IInncr L. McCubt * of Illdnlgi county. There \vi \ n fair at Itcnnsaaud n itirge excur sion wont , there from Mutainoni * . A Mexican thoatrk-al romiuny gave u porforinaticc , v.-lilch .fudge Stein , with hi * wife and daughter , nl tended. After tlie performance the party went to one of the booths In the fnlr for supper. The ladies were M-nted nnd Stein was just drawing up his chair when Mrs. McCabc , a lull , handsome , twenty- vcar-old woman , sprung upon Stein , graitn-d ills left arm iiiul. befuro ho was aware of nor presence , pressed n I'htol ' against his breast nnd tired. As the unfortunate man fell dead his wife sprang toward the murderess. Mrs. TMt-CnbJ felled Mr.s. Stein to the isnrlli with a HUV.tgc blow on the temp'.o ' with tin ; barrel of the pistol. The chief of p.ilicc rushi-d tip to nrrost the beautiful mnrdorcss u'hou she knocked him ilinvn also unit th > 'ii , like a Hull- cs1 , nt bay she brought lii-r pistol down on the policeman who canio up and ( Idled them to ari-est her. The cnv.dry , iihvays in at tendance at u Mnxlran border fair , canto up anil some of the soldier-i crept behind the woman and pinioned h T arms. After a desperate strugL'ttthiy succoeibv ] In dl'arm- injr nn'1 securing h < r. Tlio ulTair urow nut of mi olccti'jn trouble in Hidalgo rounty. It Is s.iid that wliou Mrs. McCubo learned of McCabe - Cabo being defeated she sworn vengeance on husband's sui'crssor , Judge Sti.-ln. Xi-lii'MSliii , louii and l > nlolii I'litciitH. \VAMIIVHTOV , Amcust --Spoi-inl [ Tele- pram to Tin : lJii---l'iitfiil : | > were today granted as follows : J-Mimmd IJun-ows , l-'rumnnt , Ar. , uilllc bucket : Thomas \V ( Jrn- ham. assignor of two-thirds to F. II. Will iams and V. Thomcly , la. , roller grinding mills ; Franklin / . Hicks. Kiipld City , S. 1) . , i'.ir nnil ball ; Willhini F. Hunter. Alton. In. , moi-luniiMl motor : Wllllani f.oudcn. Falr- iltld. In. , hay currier and elevating pulley : Madl'ion Hownll , Ilcliron , Nt-b. , wagon tongue suuporr : George W. Slawaon , D.iven- tHirt. Nob. , screen door ; Marliall Turley , (5. ( \V. \ Cliiinibi'ilnin and 1 * . M. I'omoroy , Council Khills , coiniiositlon of mutter for mortar ; U'illlam U. Worth. Cedar Kupids , la. , gover nor for steam engines ; JJ. Lnssigco , Goodwin , S. D. , bitters. .I.Vl'HKJlEXTii. Tlio armidcinent season for ' ! H ) and ' 91 maybe bo said to have npencd at Uoyd's last night. The attraction was I'rimroso it West's min strels. The opening was most auspicious. Tlio house was illled ami for more than three hours the audience applauded the singing , laughed at the witticisms and roared over the Jokes and ( jrotcsqucrics which it wit nessed upon tlio staga. The stage during the lirst part hung In satin , the soft shimmer ot which formed a beautiful background for the array of artists grouped In front. The orchestra occupied a raised platform , up to which led n stair case with silver rails docorntod with veranda lights. The musicians were in white face as WOre also till the members of the company save the end men. The vocalists and comedians occupied the strigo proper. They were attired in white. blaeK or given satin heavily decorated with Ikuids mid bullion pre senting mi appearance of lichncss such us mignt have graced the court of Louis XIV. The bones were li.-ltl by Duckstndcr , Jim- sen , Waldron , Martin and Swift. Jansen early worked his wav in public favor by his original comic melody which was repeatedly enroled. Low Doulcsladur alter u number of successful hits of a general nature struck a local lead which evoked tumultuous applause , which culminated in his nmbirrly paraphrase of "Johnny Drew and his sister Sue. " The tambo.s wore handled by Messrs Prim rose. Powers , Smith , Cliiise aiid Quocr. JSlr. Primrose made n number of oxccllcnt hits ami drew forth thunders of applause. Billy West and Jo-s. Natus acted ns interlocutors and were oxc-ellont aids to the comedians. Tlio ( juartetto of the organization consists of remarkably sweet , triio mid fresh voices. There was not onu for which an excuse need lavoolfcred. As a consequence Joseph Natus' 'Tho ' Lust Good Night ; " John II. Davis' 'Appear ' , Love , nt the Window ; " Fred Uoy- lolils' "Ilaby's Picture on the Wall , " nnd A-oil Oakland's " Shin Straight iMicud" ' wore about as good vocal efforts us ono might expect on ulmo-st any stage. Mr. Primrose's "Swell" wni admirably hn- lersonated , while Mr. West's original idea of cremation created ijuito nn-amou-t of unm- - nent. The "Log Cabin Ncichbora" introduced Messrs. I'rimroso. Queen , .fanscn and Pow ers In n series of cliaractei-s with singing md diincing , and merited the grateful np- iliuise which It received. Die "March of the Imperials" intro duced nearly all the members of the com pany In a grenadier costume. Their evolutions were romurknbto for precision , in- .rlcacy and beauty and were greatly cu- inncod by the Hushing ot intervals of parti colored electric lights from the silver and golden staffs which the company bore. The most grotesque nrliug over witnessed lierc was that by Edwin Cain and Albert Swift nnd Chase gave a very clover eccen tric ninl musical sketch , whllo the "Hig Four , " Messrs.V. . II. Suiith.Jolm Daly. Waldron and Master Martin concluded the programme with "A Ilorrlblo N'ight" with a Ilumpty Dnmpty series of tumbling which evoked thunders of applause. McrorrVlll I-'oi-eolose. S. D , Mercer lias commenced na action in the district court against the Mercer Avenue - nuo Building association nnd twenty-eight other ilefondants. The petition sets forth the fact that the association purchased tlilrteeii lots of Mercer In his Walnut Hill addition , agreeing to pay for them at the rate of $1,500 per lot. It was agreed' in the notes that If tlio interest was not paid when duo then the whole amount should become duo nnd payable. On the astli of last Juno the note , Slflr,00 , beoamoduotind as the interest has not been paid a suit in foreclosure has been brought. Tlio defendants and stockholders are : J. G. Salisbury , n. Soper , 1 . Bovor , Morris 11. Slomiin , .1. U. Mason , S. Oberfelder , .1. II. Taylor , C. K. Gnrd. K. Slomun , D. V. Sholcs , .1 , B. Kilkenny , Fred \V. Gray , Frank V. "Wasscrman , F. M. Kills , Thomas Miller , D. Knuffmnn , M. II. Slonuin , Spencer Ottls , Steve Moorchouse , Mrs. K. ttiehardsoti , S , ( J , .lacksou , T. K. Hiirnes. . P. Ivnlght , I.owo Avenue Presbyterian church , Jameson & Co. , S. W. Hart , C. 1C. Mayno and Mnlvino A. Uousseuu. Sued for SU Charles Corbett yesterday commenced suit in the district court to recover the sum of $20 , OCX ) which ho alleges is duo from Gcorgo 13. Barker , of tlio linn of Barker Uros , . Tlio suit grows out of the financial embarrassment of C. E. Mayne , who operated hero u few years ugo. In his petition , Corbett alleges that on the 15th of July , ISSr , Clifton E. Mayno executed mid delivered to Barker a promissory note forfcW,000 ; two years Inter lie ( Corbett ) was tlio owner of the noto. Ho afterwards sold It to Barker , who now refuses to pay for it , hence the suit is brought. The Coroner \ \ ill Investigate. Mrs. Com Cook , formerly of Omaha , but who went to South Omaha a few weeks ago to become the housekeeper for Crls Peterson , was found dead in hur bed by her employer lust evening when ho went homo from work. 1'otorson was arrested nnd will ho held until utter the coronet's Inquest , nlthough thcro were no circumstances nhoat the case that would liullcato that ho had been guilty of as- slstingln the dctuisoof his housekeeper , The deputy coroner went to South Omaha and made nriiuigeincuU for the inuuest today ut 10 o'clock , Seventh Ward Itepnblioaiix. The republicans of the Seventh ward were out in full force at the mooting held nt Toft's hall , 1212 Park avenue , last night. It was a meeting of the Seventh Ward He- publlcun club , but notwithstanding this any m mbcr of outsiders were in attendance. The prcsldeut , C. L. Thomas , occupied tlio chair , aud after rapping for order uuuouuccd that the ofllro of secretary was vacant , N. I. Ben-ion having resigned. M L. Hocderwn-s elected to Mil the vacancy. .1 , W. Eller stated that in times pone by the demiicnit.t had taken n hand in running the republican primaries nnd In view of this fiut ho moved Unit the chair appoint a committee of live to draft rules and regulation * governing the holdimr of tlio Seventh ward republican primaries , and that the commit tec report to the club nt the next meeting. Tlio motion prevailed and .1. W. Kller , John C. Thompson , Charles Sa- bin , Arthur Ilnldwin mid M. I , , Uoeder were nppoliitcd. A motion that all members of the club nnd nil republicans ot the ward meet nt the hull nt 7 o'clock this evening nnd in a body march to the meeting of the Doug las county republican club , to ho held nt Bx- posltlon hall , was curried , after which the wctiiig adjourned until tlio ilrst Thursday lu September , l/AUOIl DiVY DONATION . The Ncon > .sni-y Kami * Hcinjs Knplilly .T'.ilius Meyer , treasurur of the Central labor uiiliin , acknowledges the following re ceipts fur Labor dayi MII.X Meyer & Hro * .V ) MetDros CO F. Knur CO Omaha National bank CO First National bank M Omaha A : ( ! rant rullnlng works (10 Store & Her CO Mi-Cord , Hrady Co W Chicago lumber company ' , ' . " > .1. B. lloyd , > , > J' -.I I'li.xton & ( Jal higher ' _ ' . " > HieliariKon drug cotni > aiiy Dcwcy , 'c .Stone llyron Reed .American National hank Nebraska National hank U. H. National bank .1. A. Klipatrick-Kocli Co Fred ( ! ray I ) e e r i n jr . .SCo Omaha Saving * bunk .lohn M. Thurstoii Si Consoliiluted Tank line ! > . > C. M. Diet * ' . ' . > llolinSasli Co. . , ; . T. Cumiiiings , . 'J. > Cash o .Sloan , Johnson & Co II ) Ktrkeiulali , Jones iV ; Co It ) Joseph Garaeau II ) Cash r jo C N. H 10 W. T. Seamnn 10 Moliiio-.Milbnrn Co . 10 T..I. Foiey I. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ; ; . 10 N. B. Falconer 10 IHinclmuKh it Taylor 10 M. Ilollmnii&Co 10 Nebraska Clothing Co 10 Robinson , t Gorman 10 1'eoplo's Clothing Co 5 J. A. Fuller 5 Mr , I. French hni beer , appointed chairman for thej barbecue. Keplies have boon received from the labor unions of Omaha. South Omaha , Council Bluffs and Plattsmoilth , stating that they will bo present on Labor day and participate in the general festivi ties. ties.Ten Ten Broeck , the English aeronaut , has been engaged , wul wilt inako a balloon ascension and parachute drop. Tlie contract st initiates that ho shall po to a height of 5,000 feet. About ono-fourth of the necessary money has already been raised , and it is certain that the coming celebration will bo ono of the grand est ever held in the west. The complete pro- gi-aiumo will bo prepared in about a week and will appear in Tin : Bun. DLVAN AM ) I ) K VAX ICY. How Their N'ninen Appeared on the 15. & . . Pay Hull. E. nigncll , superintendent of the eastern division of the 15. &M. , filed an information charging Fred Hayes with obtaining money under false pretenses. Hayes was yardinas- : er of the B. & M. in this city , and it is al- egcil that on the 'iOth of April he represented to the company that ono ' 'T. Dlnan" was working under him nndftoa entitled to § tW,33 for his month's work. On the strength of the representation , the company's paymaster de livered to Hayes a chock for that amount. Hayes afterward represented that ono F. Dovnnoy was Iho "Diiinn" to whom the check Imd Iwen imula payable , and Dovuney cashed the check at tlio Nebraska national b'ank. It is alleged that ho ( Denaney ) turned the money over to Hayes , and it is also claimed that tins was a part of a system put-sued by the latter to defraud the company. Hayes resigned his position ns yardmastcr .shortly afterward , and was succeeded by Mr. bter/bach about two weeks ago. Hayes Immediately gave bonds on'being In formed of the charge. HATES' Mr. Hayes says that ho has not signed n pay roll or time check in three years , and that ho has not had a man on the pay roll who did not give his work for the pay which ho received. In regard to "T. Dawn , " ho says there has never , in his yard , been a man of that name on the ray- roll. roll.With With regard to T. Dcnnnoy , ho denies that such a man ever worked for the B. & M. roiul under his supervision since the Ilur- lington strike , nearly thrco ' vcars mro - , origi nated. \VOOIMIAXs.KK CONFKSSKS. IIo CIiais T. W. Smith with Parti- olputloii In the Kobbei-ioM. If .Tohn Woodmansco tells the truth , T. W. Smith , who lives on Second nvcnuo , In Cen tral Park , Is a burglar by occupation nnd lias assisted Woodmnnsee In several robberies. Last night about eight o'clock John Woort- mnnsco , the burglar who was wounded at Thirtysixth and Farnam on Monday night made a confession to tlio officers about the city Juil in which ho slates that T. W. Smith ot Central Park had been his partner in the burglary business. Ho said ho formerly lived n't Smith's house , and that they had burglarized a drug store in Central Park nnd n grocery store on Ames avenue. IIo said that ho iirst met Smith nt the Drum saloon , and that tliov had been warm friends until a lew wcelts ago. Officers Connnck and Snoop were nt once detailed to ilnd the man Smith nnd bring him in. Alter considerable search in Central Park they found his housound arrested Smith nnd brought him to tlio central station , IIo deniedcmphallcally nil of Woodmansco's state ments , but acknowledges that Woodmtmseo had boarded with him several weeks ago. IIo stated further that ho and Woodmanseo had fallen out , and ever since that time Wood- niansco has been laying plans to do him an Injury. Smith is a son of a , well known sidewalk contractor , and claims he can .show that ttio Woodmansco confession is tlio result ol malice , and that there is not a. word of truth in it. Her WmimlH I'l-oved Fatal. Mr. Solomon's llttlo girl , who was so horri bly burned yesterday afternoon at her homo on Corby street , lingered until the hour ol midnight , when death relieved her sufferings , Her parents had some hope of her recovery until within n short time boforothocnd came , although the physicians who attended seemoi ! to think her recovery almost uu impossibility from the lirst. Kouiid n llnliy Carriage. A fine baby carrino was found In th > nll y between Chicago and Davenport streets last night by n gentleman who delivered ft to the police , The owner may obtain the same by calllmr at the police headquarters aud prov ing properly. Omaha KwlUitimen Fear Trouble. It U evident that the members of the llrotherhood of Hallway Switchmen of the Omaha ynrds anticipate trouble la the near future , though they do not think the strike will reach this Mdo of the river. A number of the members of the order were seen last night , and whllo they rofnrtiied from expressing a positive opinion , they said that the strike might reach .Council 11 luffs. Tlio men in the various yards stated that U > o latest information they dad had regarding the eastern strike was contained la last night's Bui : . They vxpeut that n general te-up ! will bo ordered in Chicago cage , but cannot at the present time tell what effect that will have upon ttio roads leading iuto Ouialir jtK 'INT TO JSK nr. Two IllooiHlilr. ty y ililiis leiv < nrry ThlngH With a lllK'i Iliuid. KANSIS CITV , Mo. , August -Special [ Telegram to Tiir. HKJA ; | special telegram from Gainesville , Tex. , says : Two youths , each about seventeen years of nge , giving their nnincs as UJ Uaynu nnd Willlniu .lones of Cold Water , Mich. , arrived hero this after noon In a box cur frm Kansas City , having stolen passage over the Santa Fe. They wen ? each armed with n large six shooter and soon after reaching the north limits of the city they commenced tu do the lowu In rcgtt- 1 in- ill i no novel style. The young desperadoes coverea mi old ono legged man with their re volvers and imulo him sing , dance , hop nnd perform in various ways for their amuse ment. The old man , becoming tired. Informed them that ho would not obey them further , when ono of the boys rushed upon him. knocked him down and pounded his head nnil face quite seriously with a revolver , making several very painful wounds from which the blood Hawed freely. Leaving their victim prostrate on the ground the wild hula went down tlio railroad to the Santo Fe , where they met a party of men on whom they drew their six shooters , frightening them almost out of their wits. They demanded if thcro was an officer in the crowd , mid being assured that there was not they told the uitin to go on. A llttlo further nil the road the hoys cov ered two other men. nud utter bullying them awhile passed on. Many other persons were held up , beaten and robbed before evening , when the boys went to a small timber patch south of the Hour mill , where they took shel ter. They Intended to remain thcro until dark , when they proposed to coino back ami "cleanup the town. ' ' Tlio officers heard of their depredations , however , mid when the wood patch was reached loiind the boys under a big tree f.nt . asleep. The sheriff and city marshal disarmed thorn and locked them up. Charges of carrying concealed weapons , intent - tent to murder ninl common assault have been preferred.Wo came out west to bo heroes" they said , "and when wo got out wo will inako you smart for this. " TJIK irOKl.I'S / ' . ! III * Those AVhci Will Have Clnu'KO of the ( lovcrn incut lO.vhililt , WASIIIXOTOX , August 19. In accordance with the provisions of tlio net providing for the World's Columbian exposition at Chicago the president today approved the designation of the following mimed persons ns members of the board of control nnd management of the government exhibit at the exhibition : Sovellon A. Bruwn , chief clerk of the depart ment of state , to represent that department ; A. B. Nettloton , assistant secretary of the treasury , to represent tlio treasury department ment- , Major Clifton Comley , U. S. A. , to represent the war department ; Captain K. W. Meade , U. S. N. , to represent tlie navy de partment ; A. T. Ila/.en , assistant postmaster general to represent the postoftleo department ; H. A. Taylor , commissioner of railroads , to represent the department of tlio interior ; E. C. Foster , general agent of the department of Justice , to represent that department ; Kdwln Willetts , assistant secretary of agriculture , to represent the department of agriculture ; Prof , G. 1) ) . Ooodo , assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution , to represent that institution and the natural museum : J. "W. Collins , assistant in chargeof the division of lishcries. to represent the United States fish commission. Assistant Secretary Willcts is designated us chairman of the board. HOHIOII Wool Market. BOSTOX , Mass. , Auirust 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE Ilr.i-Tio ! wool market main tains n , firm tone for all desirable grades , with n steady demand from manufacturers. Business scorns to ho gaining in force audit is diftlcult to establish any advance , and low prices continue to bo insisted upon by all the large buyers. Fine washed Ohio and Penn sylvania fleeces ruled nt : iljJ3Ic. ( including XX and X , nnd Michigan , and New \orlc fleeces sell at 28C'9c ; combing nnd dolaluo lleeces firmly held ; line combing rule ut JiS ® UUc nnd line delaine ut Jiitt 'Joc ; unwashed combing fairly steady at 2r ( iSc ; mostly ter ritory nnd other unwashed lleeces rule at 1G ( .Mc ; pulled wools steady at previous prices. A National Union Council. About ono hundred gentlemen assembled in tno IClks lodge rooms last evening and insti tuted n charter council of the National Union , a poDular American order , combining patri otic , social and benevolent features , aud unanimously elected the following ofllecrs : L. M , Cheshire , ex-president ; .1. W. May- nard , president ; C. S. Potter , vice president ; C. It , Davidson , sneaker ; C. Hardy , secre tary ; E. D. Branch , financial secretary W. F. Viiill , treasurer ; C. F. Tuttle , chaplain ; W. W. liowlby , usher ; Ed P. Mullen , ger- genut-at-arms ; .T. A. Elbert , doorkeeper ; It. C. McClure , W. P. Brennan , J. F. Coykca- dull , trustees. Tim Grant Monument. Nuw YOIIK , August 10. The executive committee of the Grant Monument associa tion met hero today. Tlio treasurer reported that up to date ho hud received subscriptions to tlio amount of $147,113.05. The committee adopted a series of resolutions stating that the body of tlio illustilous American having ben timilly Interred they would talc J no part in the discussion concerning a change of loia- Uon of his grave. Asiatic Cholera in London. LONDON- , August 19. A sensation has been created hero by the announcement that there is a case of Asiatic cholera in London. Ttob- bert Tclgh , a coat trimmer , landed Sunday from a steamer from Calcutta and went to a coffee house , where ho secured lodgings. To day he was carried on a stretcher from the co ft co house to n hospital , wliero the doctors pronounced the case ono of severe Asiatic cholera. _ _ - * - Firi ) In a Saloon , At 2:30 : this morning the flro department was called to extinguish an Inslgnltl- cant blnzo in the rear end of .lacob Young's saloon nt. Ill North Sixteenth street. The back part of the saloon is used as a kitchen for the restaurant in the second story- , and in that the tire originated. The damage will probably not amount to moro than § 100. A Change on thu Kearney Knterpi-lse. Kc.vnsr.v , Neb. , August 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; Br.i : . ] The Knterprlso of this city hns discontinued the nso of press reports and Editor Smytho's connection with the paper hns been hovered. Tlio company that lias been bucking the concern is in a semi- disorganized condition. Just what the out come of the Knterpruo company will bo ro- malns a matter Cull fiiriila Deinoui'iitN. S.VN Josu , Cul. , August lit. Tim democratic state convention was called to order this aft ernoon and a temporary organization effected. Hcsolutlons favoring the Australian ballot system and a universal li < tuor license law were referred to the commit too on platform and resolutions. After the appointment of the usual committee.tlio ) convention nd- journo'l until tomorrow. - * - 1 In-own Under tlio Cars. LAIIIMIK , Wyo. , August -Rpeelnl [ T < : lo gram to Tin ; DKK.J Last night Charles Ilolstttln , u tracklajer on tlio Kr.u-nay & Illuck Hills railroad , was thrown from n train and fell unclcr ths wheels. Several cars piissaduvurhU doily and ho was in stantly killed. The man 'was a young Swede and lias relatives living in Iowa. Tim Kvldenuo Was InsiitlUicnl. In the case of Mr. Hulnes who \\as arrested for alleged forgery , and arraigned before Judge Ilelslcy , the court found that there was not sufllcicnt evidence to convict and the case was dismissed yesterday afternoon. I'ropnring lo Itcileem IJomln. WAHIIXOTO.V , August JU. The treasury de partment this afternoon Issued n circular providing for the Immediate redemption of flfl.OOO.OOO per cent bonds ntfLW. ' ; . A Vein ( il'Kilvcr Found , Urn-rii , Minn. , August JU. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin ; Hr.r.l-A live-foot vein of mi- live silver at a depth of forty-two feet tins been discovered In the ancient Tnltee works above Uuluth. It is fabulously rich , Now fall goodslustrccclvedat Keller's , mer chant taller , UIU Broadway. THE NEWS IN THE BICFFS , Arthur \Viick \ ? , n Union Pacific Switchman , Meets n lloniblo Death , A VERY SLICK THIEF AND FORGER. lilvorj-iunn Hoiiquet , Keoovoi-s Ills Stolen ItlK An Insane Krcnulf mail Mtnvdlnj ; in Iliu U * routs llln Minor Mention. A distressing uml fntnl accident occurred In tlio Union I'ndllc yards nt 10 o'clock yes terday itiornliiK , by which u young limn named Arthur Weeks was horribly mutinied mid lost his Hfo , Tlio uii- fortunate young iiiiinviis a switchman en- Knguil in thu yimU , utul was helping a crow unload cars of rails when thu accident oc curred. The cars wore being pushed down the ynrd liy hand to the point where itviw dcslrod to unload the rails. One hud boon pushed part' of the way and left standing uii'l ' unothurlia-l been startod. It W.M diulrod to couple it with the other , nnd younjfVook4 \ went to the front to iiialto tlio coupling. The mo- niL'iituin of the moving car started the other slowly , unit after makiiiir the coupling the yoimjr man renialnod between them to assist in pushing them further ulonp1. For this purpose ho put hh bncls against the forward car'nnd liofran iiuslinif ? with his Hhoulilvrs nnd walking biek\vni : > d. lie had none but a little ilistuncovlien his foot caught between two ties Unit were laid closely to gether and ho fell buckwnrd In front of the slowly moving wheel ? . Tliu tics Ilrmly held Ills foot , and the sudden wrench backward piven by the fall dislocated it nt the ankle. lie nimlo the coupling from the south side of tlio train nnd was walking westward nstrido the iitll. It WHS the lelt foot which was on the inside of tiio rail tlititwiuu'iuiKht between the tlc3nnd when ho fell ho was thrown across the rail. The wheel ran slowly alone his le , crushing it from tl.niikle to the hip , when the motion was stopped by the obstruction presented by the unfortunate jnan's body. His screams brought tlio men who were pushing ut the other end of the car to his assistance. It was Impossible to lift the car from him without the aid of Jack screws nnd it was decided to push It back. This was done after a grunt effort , and the w'leel ' slowly rolled hack over the crushed hub of the tortured man. It was found that his foot had been forced s > o tightly between the ties that the tacks In his shoes had been embedded in the hard oak , and it was neces sary to pry the foot loose. Ho was picked up tenderly and carried to his father's home , 400 South Kighteenth street , nnd Drs. Macrno and Thomtis sum moned. Ills injuries were found to bo of such a frightful nature. that no hope of re covery remained , and ho was placed under the Influence of opiates , hut no attempt was inado to amputate the mangled limb , as ho would hnvo died under the operation. Ho lingered until late in the evening and died. Ho was n young muii whoso life 1ms been a most exemplary one , and was remark able as being frco from tlio vices of young manhood. He has been a prominent member of the order of Hood Templars , and was the worthy chief of Overtoil lodfre. The priof of his father's family is inconsolable. He was also u mem ber of the Switchmen's union and the two orders will unite in showing him all the re spect jwssiblo by conducting his funeral obse quies. Mnndcl & Ktcm nra offer ng great linrjriiins in every department. Wo show the bust. line of cook stoves and ranges In the city , from $10 to ? IO. In linware wo carry the best only and sold at bottom prices. Carpets , "Oh , my 1" wo Just bout the world , former price of carpets 113 cts. , now -40 cts : , mid to on through the entire line. Wo show a largo line in novelties in oar parlor poods depart ment. In bedroom suits wo pride ourselves of currying the most complete assortment , choice of 'M styles. Book cases , rockers _ nnd dlmn ? chairs of every description. Side boards , wardrobes nnd center tables RO along with this unloading sale. Get prices else where and compare Mandcl & Klein's 926 Uroudwiiv. If you wisli to sell your property call on the JudJ & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd , president , OUo Broadway. Dr. C. H. Duwcr.'ao N. Main st. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway. _ _ a Slick One. E. E. Engleson , the young tn'.in who had the dlfllciilty with tlio Twin City dycworks nnd brought suit ngalnst the proprietor for $1,000 damages for injuries alleged to have been sustained while cleaning clothes with gasoline , and who afterwards forged the name of John Alcrgen to a note for * T > , nnd committed a good many other serious crimes before an effort was mtido to arrest him , Is still nt largo. The only warrant that has been issued for his urrc&t was upon com plaint of C. A. Maohan , proprietor of the Council muffs steam dycworks , charging him with the larceny of $0 which ho had collcctoil from tlio patrons of the dyoworks and failed to turn over. The young man got out of tlw city before lie was arrested , but if ho could bo found .now ho would have n hard road to travel that would end in a good Clong term In the peniten tiary. Since leaving the city n great many new deeds of rascality which ho successfully perpetrated have boon brought to light. Ho worked at a number places uDout the city , and wherever ho was engaged , oven if it was for not more than a few days , lie succeeded in getting unlawful possession of the money of his employers. Among the places he worked for n short time was the Kvnns laun dry on Broadway , and since leaving the city tlio proprietors have discovered that ho suc ceeded in doing them up for about $100 of the money collected by him. C. A. Maehan , the dycworks moil at 101 * Broadway , Is having collections reported to him daily that were made by the young tliiof while in his employ , nnd the amount exceeds $ .10. with a largo number of places to hear from. Kngleson was on the road for him , nnd visited nearly nil the towns In western Iowa and eastern Nebraska. Ills embe/.zlonient nt the Twin City dye- works amounts toNIO , from tlio i-onseiiuences of which ho adroitly protected himself in a shrewd sottlcmentwlththoproprietor. When ho returned from his Inst trip ho went to his boarding honso ami claimed to bo sick , and a week or more passed before ho would render an accounting of his llnnncial transactions. When ho did so ho told the proprietor a piti ful story about his sickness nnd the expetiso It entailed nnU ndtiiitted that ho was com pelled the money ho hud collected. Ho was very penitent and wanted to make full restitution and ottered to secure the dye- works limn by giving a note for S 10 which should bo taken up 'by payments deducted from his wages. When the note was given ninl accepted ho told the proprietor that ho could go to Omaha , shcol or miy other place that suited his fancy and whistle until ho got his money. The uc- coptaneo of the note was n legal settloin-jnt that prevented any rriiiilnul prosecution of the yi ling rascal , ar .1 ho cooly Informed the ' .ju iiiiin of the fact at the time and also in timated that ho expected to get big damages from him in a suit ho was going to start for personal damages on the gasoline deal. The amounts collected do not represent the actual loss of ttio- dye men , Engleson was working on commission and was paid -10 per cent upon all order : : ho took. The comtnis- alons were paid him on nil tlio bills ho had collected nnd appropriated , and this swelled the losses to that amount. A Uo/en cases of embezzlement nnd larceny and one for fonwry can bo brought against him if lie rotunu to the city or is caught. _ Twenty-five carpenters" wanted to work on new hotel. J. A. Muni'iiy. _ Wo hnvo customers for mslclo improved property , terms all cash. If you have n bar gain to offer call on 10. II. Shea fo , t Co. at once. _ I' . C. Miller , the palnternnd decorator , at homo to his , SIS South Sixth street. round Ills lloi-MC. Mvcrymnn Paul Ilouquot has returned from Uemiington , Nob. , where ho ro- I covered his horse and buggy which were stolen from him by H. C. Butler , tlio fellow who hired the rig twice on Saturday for drlvluf around tUo city , Mr. Bouquet m.'il ' M.nlny , . morning ' ' . g- , ( for the prop-rtv , then went to Omulm. At polli-o hi'iidijuarters lit that city he was shown n dlsp.itch from the iKMttmistcr lit Hoiinliigt'iii , JCeh. , siiylng Hint his horse was there , lie nt once drove to HennliiRton , n station on thu Klkliorn Vnllev railroad spmo twenty mtK s above Omaha. omul the horse , mid uUt heard the story of his capture. A man hml been si-en drlvliiu : the rig wi-st through the town at dni-k Siitiiiday evening. The ! ! nnr.llln Hio postmaster found the rig In thostivet , Uiolmno b.-ing tied to a rack mid shivering with cold from having stood there nl night Ho took care of the animal ninl when ho saw in Monday's Hr.i : ho niinomiooinont , , f UoiKiuel's ' horse htivlug 11 th ° So far as the intentions ol the voung in it are conccrnu.1 no dellnitu coiicluslmi c.ui uo "Vi'ViII ' ° JV1H only known to Mr. Uoiuiuet ns II. t\ Butler and win trusted us having heretofore been hononiblo In his diMlltms with the liveryman. A good hose reel five with every 100 foal of hose purchased nt Illxb\'s. , Wall napernt ; t' ' < cents roll per ; not rein- naills , ntC. 1 , . UlllutU-'s , 'Jil'e.irl bt. Klnivi-livl U Into tlio U'riiiiir Ithi. Kph Wltcher and his partner ofV' t Ih-oadway took n lo.ul of corn to Omaha yes terday and snld it to amoiutioroftheSiiiith family. After shoveling the rain into a high loft they ascertained that ilioy had delivered - livered it to the wrung Smith. A p.irloy on- sued. Tlio wroruf Huilth said : "I 'have plenty of corn already nnd uot much ready money , but if you want 3 : > cents n bushel fur tlnitgniln I will give it. If not you cnn tike it , out nj'.iln. I ilnu't wish to loul uplth too much corn at tin1 present time for 1 think I have about ciioiish to init mo till the now ci-on comes in , ami that's what I'm ' anxiously walling for. " Though the grain had been sold at " ) cents per bushel the two Council Bluffs spe-oiiliitor. ro.icl'.idoj til it they had lu-ttdr accept th ( > offfr of the wrong Smith , which they did. nnd will htwifler cadr-aw to keep the Smiths dlsiinmiNhoil one from the other whether they Miceeod m ilolui ; ao or not. Scott House , Council Bluffs , transients SI.O ; ) per day , J. C. Hixny , neutlng , sanltiry cu- ginecr , UIU Ltfo h.iil liu- , O.JiinJJi ! ; Mer riam block , Council Blntfj. Cailiiilic Miitnnl Itoncllt luiiicl. ) | Tlio members of the Catlnllc Mutual Beno- llt association celebrated thu llrst imniver- sm-y of the oj-ganU.ition in this city by giv ing a banquet and social In Masonic temple hist evening. Tlio nttcndiiuce was large and a very pleasant evening's entertainment was provided The following programme was rendered : Music Piano solo by Miss Puss Keating. Address of welcome , byI. M. ( lulviu. Vocal duct , by the 1'iisclml brothers. Toast "Tlio Young Ladies of St. Xavior's Parish. " by Kmmet Tinloy. I'ianosolo , oy Miss Jackson. Toast "Tlio Married f/.uiies , " bv .1. ,1. Shea. Song , by ( iooive P. Hughes. Toast-"The C. AI. B. A , " by Hov. T. J. Malloy. Vocal solo , by Miss .leuiilo Keating' , I'iano solo , by Miss .fosio iJnrgiiu.- At tlio conclusion of thcliturary mid musi cal part of the programme the banquet was spread , and the ivnulnder of tlio evening was devoted to dancing. J. C . Tipton , ixial eat'ito. .VJ Broadway. Money nt rodueo 1 rates lo mod 0:1 : clmtto and realu.stuto security by K. II. Sinafe & Co Unity ( Jiiild I'icnlc. The chlldron of Unity Guild Sunday school are to he trailed to n feast of plun.siiro tomor row. Tlio arrangement us detailed Is for the children to meet at the old 1'iorco street school building , where the OuildSnnd.iy school is held , at' ) : : ! ! ) o'clock in the morning. Cre dentials for admission to the circle of picnic- crs sbnll comprise a luiu-li for each child which must ineinilo two lemons. Tlio motor will bo taken at that point when tlio parly will p.iss east and around the loup , thua to Omaha , around the loup nnd return , and after transfer to the park line bo carried to Fair- mount park , where the picnic will bo held. IIoso nt cost. Wo are going to ( juit liun 3 ling garden hose , and have doubly the largest stock in the city. To close out wo will sell all grades and Jlxture.s at cost , for cash. C. B. Paint it Oil company , Nos. 1 and I ) , Masonic temple. Commercial men , Now Pacific , Council Bluffs , Is under management of W. Jones with now sample rooms. Texas FamuM-H In Session. DALLAS , Tex. , August 19. The state farm ers' alliance met hero today. Many Import ant subjects now agitating the agricultural world will bo discussed. A .New ( ormuii BIKMV : , August l'J. | Special Cablegram to THU Buu.J A decree has boon issued for the formation of a Now German dragoon regiment on Jnnunry 1 next. ATTEND Strictly lo liuslnui " Uii niilcinllil motto. Thshlu'i- oil 8iuro < ! 4 lii t'vrry Inn * of humancnorx ) l < re.u-lioa Ujl m wlioliiililstii Kinm n''oit-'l ' | ' i-po-hilly. WESTERN l'enilonra | pmu.oiMvo. full of onewjr , n111' ' moauj makuiK fu.ieiiub. Tlivx need | icclii ; ir.ilnlnx lor IOWA I.niii1 In lopuliir niluc.itlon. lie publlo schools mo ( toliiKuniiiil n-k for lu-r IncreimuiK uillluii ! . Woatorn IO M. COLLEGE , . slio olll t tlio Coiiiinc-nca * fall torin Hopt 1st. li-nlly pnictl-iil tur lior Mnilenti. ) lln ll ItiMl no n.Mliiirtliiin I nml l'iiimim lil | > roiir-tc-i. "Cll or- Kiiiilyol nml i-arefiilly unniliu-1'M HluilonH "my enter nt tiny tune. Wrllu f..r . fiinlicr iiiiitluiilai-a lu W. S. 1'niilwn. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc AS ants Wanted. Dr. O. O. Judd. 600 Broadway , Council Bluffs , I Primary , Eecamlary or Trrtlnrv rornitnfnllycured In SO lo VO djj-s. \-o clniiiiiu.u ulp : < 'liin fi-m tlio * > -.tcin , nolliat lhc > oiTHiiuurlioair > iiiiiof U.o ilU- ca'olnnnyfuini. 1'aiilinran bo triau-Unt hone , ( for ( hotiir.o.rii-o ] . . . . a a * * rsma B d > mul u .i.i-r tl.u n.imo Ktiaion fi ] M'yRHRBB IL ( tie , < l l idi Iho o li | " W tVffil a I B \ f''r lo .co'no lierevo will n I H B 908 (1S ( ? J9 wntract to rui o Ihrin or ' ' 3 II W * -'rof > .ml nil niunry and i.ay . cntlro fipcnuo of comlntf , railrowl fnr nmlliotcl WIlB. Wo i-li/illenro Ilioworlilfor acoio w cannot cureJtfnlloiKliU tmprr. A < Mm , CUVJC Itr.SlKlH' CO , Oinaliiirhraliit. . AL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. t wi in. Mt.illl-iH No. mm. nunioivT in iieo. lly Dr. Aiehlb.ilil , il mi by riiiyJyunMiliJ. _ Apply to l'r. _ ' Mii iruiii SALli or "Kent ( Union " I it ml , wHii J-1 hniiiiv-f. - by J. II. Uleo. WJ Main St. , Uoiiuotl V Ilium. \\7 in pay rent WIIPII you can buy n homeon IT thosamo term * , and Incmoof your death nt any tlmolutivo your family thu hoaiu clear ua thu [ ollinvlii''ti'rnn ! A homo worlh II.M ( ) at ? r ) per month. A hiinui worth fl.ivilnt ill per month. A Inline \vurlh J..OO ) lit tH per iniuith. A ho-iio wnrtli } 'l-mnt } H per month. A home worth ? lo U ut IH | .or month. Other prk'od linnunon tlio sainii term * . Thi nl'ovo inonthly ptiynieiits Ini'l.ulo principal nnil IntcrtMt. IVr fu'll ivutloular- * call on or iiililiesslho.rudilA ; Wells Co. , tUJ llroudwajr , Coinn-ll Itlutrs , la. _ a I OItKKNT The xtoio tooin , N'o : IS , fronting ' on I'carl st , W. U , Jinio4 : , rST Newfoiiiidlinid feinnlo imp ; black Jultli \ \ liliihiviisi and fi-i > l jiinsncrs tonaino in' Ni-lllc ami has pi-niiiliii-nt m-ai on right sldd fiiini u-i'tMit simyliii ; . Any onu Ki.owing of her nl'i-u-iibdiiiH - . ' , ' jlTtb ) . pU.isin'ldie - < H > avo. Infill Itl'.XTl.argo fiirnlslu-il front rooms , " -Ml llioail\Mij ; lofuii'iiuus given and ro qnlnil. I i ATI-'NTS for Invi-niorM ; piintollli-o box mil- J 1-nlin-v ; i-iiiiviiitiiiliiii fi-ini. uiiiahii Patent A t-ni-y. cmsiMiuMilli HI niut r 11 Hot av. ' ALL WORK WARRANTED nil. J. D. TACKiOM , Pixi-'oon. All kltni-i nf wurU tlnne. Veil cnn : ivo one- li.ilfnn ymir tnild uii'l ' Hllver Illlliij ; by ealllnj ut'U . Meii-lum Ido-k. I'minel ! IIlull's. A HOTEL BARGAIN" Mi-lei .J.imi'vm , G'iMiK-ll Illuirs. In , , for rent. 1'iirmslioil nnil In uini I ivp ilr.l. lli-sf. hotel 111 . Centrally looitu.l. D.ilnit u llrst- i-l-i . biisin > , ' 1 liN ' ' - * is : i iKU'n'ulu for toiiu ' Imtol HI-HI. Aiily ) | to JAMESON BROS , Props. Council 1. lull's . . . . Iowa. Surgical Institute -AMU Private Hospital Cor. Dread way mid -dth Strout. ' ( 'UIIIK-ll Illlllll , III Uiolri'titincnlof till sui - . - nnd dNoiisesand ( llseasen of the liluud. frlviitidlsiasiif tlui iii-liniry < ind sexual organs , as syphilis , Hiili'turi1 , ej iltN , spui- IIIHI ii-rolioa1 , lixt niaidi'ii ' ) , ) . siiial inipotunciJ nnd wetiknoisli-eiitud wicces fiilly. rnrtk-iiluiMtU-iilloii paid li > dlviiM-s of thu luii'-'s. as A.slliiiin , ( ( iiisiiniiil'iiii. ' Iti-'iit-ldlls ( 'idai-rli , Kte. Piu-.ilysls. Klilm-y ills , ; isi.s HI Dlilliutes llilshtSDiMJiiiti. UIM , IMIcs. CaiK-L-r , Vnrltieole , llydroi-i'ie , | ln > iiy , Tu- tiu-r. Discuses nt the i-vi" " 'mil ear. 'lull feet. Sjilinil ciii-vnliiio and alldi.-eiisojuf tin1 In MIPS. \V \ < < havt1 n. department di-voii'.l nvelmlvoly to ( ho ticiitini-et of llterlno dl-eases Modlelne sunt sucuroly ptulied and fii-'u from obsurvntlnn. Curio-p nidcneoronflilentl.ll , Adurjas ; DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical InitUutc and Private .Hospital , lnff. < . lii. om piAT / TO 1 r * I ! \l"iT\r Sl.HiANClSAUDtHY Bonrdlng nnd Day School , Fifth Avc. and Seventh Street. Can be reached from any of the depots on motor. Conducted bv the Sisters of Chnrlly 13. V. M. TERMS l > ' "r boavtl and tuition ein- braeiu < r nil briuiehos of a finished education - tion for young Indies $75 for session of live months , comiiienuhif , ' 11 rut .Monday in September and February respectively. For lurtlioi * particulars mldiv"s S1STKK SUl'KHIOIl , St. Francis Ai-ndeiny , Council UlullV. Town. F. M. EIHs & Co. , ARCHITECTS And Bail Jlngupeint - ndc xU , KIMIIIIS > : n and It. ii'1-- ' Itullil n--f. Omaha Nob. , anil Itooms ' 'II n I'I'l I Mi-rrlani I ! look mii-nihilK lu. fiiTii | > ii li-n < sulu'ituil " " OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Corner Miilno nml llnmilivay. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1)i ) > iilrr < > In rml l < 4ii nnd dmnc-itfc px.'haii o. f'nlliirlloii-iiiiHdu and paid ( in time ( ll'li ) > -U * . _ _ _ _ H. K. Miixiin. II. . II. lliiutvcols. II. t' ' . Couho. JIAXOX , IJOUUGEOIS & COOKE , Architects and Superintendents. ItODiiHlW mid Ufrlt | UODIIIS 210 nml 2.V ) Y. Life Iliili : . , Omulm. Mcii-Inm till. . . ( 'iiiiu- Jiob. Tuluiihtui'j UVi. I I'd Hindu , lu. Tulo- I pliimo ' j7l ) . KUMUXIMON , I'l-us. . Bill'iiMii , Vlc-o-irua | CHAIII.Kh U. llAVVAS , iH CITIZENS STATE BASK Of lUiiffw. Paid up . $15OOOO Sui-plus nml Profits . BO.OOO Liability to Depositors. . 05O.OOO DimaromI. : . A. .Miller. I' . O. ( JIei-on. : K , I * , Fhngait. UK. Hart. , I. D. Ednninsuii , t'luirlon C. Illinium , Traili't ' Ki'iii-i-nt lianldni ? btml- ni'hs l.nWiSt inpllnl and siirplut of uuy banlc In Houthwi-Mtin-i ) lou.i. INTEREST ON T'Mt DEPOSITS. . 27 MAIN STK13KT. Jae uuiiilii & OJ'H .lowulry Blora C. A. BEEBE & ' COMPANY , \\hiilesalo nnd Ilotull DeiiU-M In - FURNITU fjnriCrtt Stock nnil Lowest Prices , Deiilort , , sniul for ( ' ; it-\lisuo , Noa. 0" ) nml 207 Orovdwity. ami ! it ) and Ui)3 Pierce Sn-oot , Oounnll UliilTa , I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. H "yihvjllo and .Himilury Kti iuooiI'lniiH , ICstiinatoa , -rfpcoUicatioiiB , nnd .Suporvlalou ofl'ublicVoiK. . Hrown _ ntilldlnif. Uounutl liluffH. In. N Ju3tleo of the I'otxco. Ollleo ever Ainorlutiii K.xpross , No.-1UI , lroiiJ ) > vuy. Council Bluffa , lawn. Cimn Attoriiuys nt Law. I'nictiuo In the State nnd Kodora ulllLhCourl8KoomaT uud 8 Shugart-Uono Bloclc , Councl UIUIIS ,