Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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How Misa Dora Bowman Escaped aa As
sassin's ' Bullet ,
A Ilrnoporsimrporfl Wlio urn
Aura riots null ( living llogus
OccilH nnil Worthless
"Oil ! Dnn , don't kill mo nnd I will bo
youn. "
It was n woman Imploring for ircrcy. Cher
her stood n man with a cooked revolver.
"Dyou. . Twill kill you , " mid nltUUint ho
Hrcd , but roituiiatcly the ball struck the
wotmm'8 corset steel nnd fell to the prountl.
Twlco inoixj tlio vllllim Hied , but the bullets
went wide of their mnilt.
It wus a lo\o alTulr. For miny months
Willlinn Slilp , ciiBlncornttlio Union Niitioiinl
brink biiIMIiif , ' . had intulo love toMlisDoi.i
IlovM'i.inlio , rooms atjri'5 South Tenth
atrcct. HU love was icturncil
nnd to cement the iin" > ctioii William ptcsciit-
cd Dora v , Ith n tfoldvutch anil chuln , rings
nnd othei Jowolry.
Hut AVilllnm vng nRfl , so npcd that ho
inlfht ha\o nissed for Doras fmhur.
She ncwptcd nil of the presents , and Tvloti-
dnv she thti'w her old lover over
lie swore to hiuo ixixca c1
j\t noon yerterthy bo Jolloxvl her to Iho
realilencn of her sister nt'U ' .South So'\en-
tecnth street , \ \ hero the snooting orcured
Dm Ilowinati , n hotKrinovi Jttst ucross
the Btnot ttiis alinos' ) to the scene , nnd
after the llrst shot was lln d ho mshcd IICTOS.S
thostic-ct , and wlillo blilp was hi tlio act ot
flrinir the foutth bullet , InioclceJ him do\\n \
nnd hold him until thu polko at lived
Iho dMiicrito tn in v > is airaiKuc'd In police
court and had his tilal bet for 10 oclock
ted nv.
faliippisllio liusbjind of the unfoittniito
woman \\hollvo3onPlcrta sttoot het\con
Twcaticth nnd 'Jwctity-Htit , nud who mut
with the loss of three children several
months itro In the binning of her house on
I'icico Mn'et
"Unitou offer any explanation of your nt-
to shoot MUs llowraunl" Shippai
In a Hi R reporter.
"I i JH siy this , " roplled Shlpp , "tho
woman his given mo a ( ' deil of trouble
She h.iHidtnott driven 1110 craIllrstmet >
her last No\craber in a house of piostitution
nt the corner of Ninth and Dodgo.
I wiw attiactcd hy the Rhl unit
ofTerod to pie ; ido for her if ulio u oulil leave
the don riho did so , and our slnco that
tlmo I hiu o been spending my nioncj on her.
I hnvo bought her clothes nnd ino\ided
oeiytlilnn slio icqtiirctl. 1 botiKht her upold
watch nud t'old haiullcd iimbi-cllu. She has
ncccpteil all this assistance clttorfullv , but
lias tultPii n notion of late that she Uou t want
my attcaliims any longer "
"Did \ on Intend to miirry the ( 'irli"
"Vea sir , I did I had spoken to her nbou t
tnitiltnony , iinil I bolloved that our iclations
would come to that. "
"You IIIHO been lUlug na husband and
\\lfe. luxe jou not ! "
"Yes , "
"Why did you dccido to shoot her ycstcr-
dav "
I wanted her to pho mo back the vatch
nnd ninbiella , scehifjthatshe vas determined
to have no moroto do with me , and she \\ould
not do It bho said : 'I liuvo been woildnp
you foi your money and I have fjotit. I
hat o thn witch anil thcro ain't ' tiolaw that
\\illtako it from mo1 I told her that she
vas diiving nio cra v , and tint I ivoulJjust
us BOOH blow niy head oft" , and she siiu-
'Well il n you , blow it off1 Uliat made
mo hot , and 1 drew tlio KUU. I don't remem
ber what hippcneit after that. "
Doiit How man tclbqulto a , illffrrcnt story
Slid anys that Shlpp has licon a constant an-
noyiinco to her , inaldiifr lifo a burden Ho
Insisted upon \\ilkinc homo \\Ith her from
tbu icstuitRiut at niht | ! , vliich hho objected
to , anil then hocnt to her loom iinct toi-
inentul her in div tlmo. She admits hiving
Ittpt nunpdny with him but sija that ho h.w
110 claim upon lior in nnyvtij Her tojple
liio ntOclibolt , lown She rnems nt the coiner -
nor ofllainoynnd ' .Tenth , iindlms been HorK-
lufr t McDonald's restaurant for a month
Air. Me Donald fanjs ho noticed si\crnl
toiiildeiillalconvc'isations between the niil
and Sliipi ) while the latter uab ttkiiig bis
meals lit tlio rcbtaurint , and upon two occa
sions tlu-v becaino quarrelsome anil ho ( Ale-
VonalilMMi obliged to put a stop to their
1 ilklni ; us ho docs not allow the waiters to
convusi vlth the boirdci' . cxcoptlitg so far
ns is necessary in pel forming their work.
A Puliof .SliarlcsS\\lut lllni ultli tut-
OlTljako 1'roperty.
Convincing ovldenco of n whoii sale fraud
that Is being perpetrated has Just been dis
covered. It is uothlug more nor less tlnii the
sale of numerous pieces of hind in thuiclnity
of Cut OtT lalto withforgcd abstrnctp , to niako
everything appear light on the surface
The land is descrlboil as section. 2 , 13 , 13 ,
government lot' ' .
The title to the propotty Is In J. I. Jtcdiclt ,
but Use-cms that coiibLionc'olcss
some sharp-
crs Invo platted the land in acioanil half-
acre lots , und mo now disposing of it as last
ns they cnn.
The proparty was purchased by iNhrshil
ndnards at tax sale , but no deed was given. ,
The iibsliacts purport to bo made by the
Om.ilm Xhstiiict company , and aie signed by
ono ' Malionc , " instead "of MiMtilone , the
iimiiAgm * of the eoinpanj.
A siiniltr cluiiKohi name U tmdo hy the
witness. The bookkeeper of the comp my 5
( J. L Vanmvotth , but the bogus deeds are
H Itnessrtl b3' ouo "James l''iinis\\oith "
Thc'ic ,110 twcnty-lho or thirty lots In the
tract , utul nn .ittonipt is being undo to traile.
some of them for stocks of goods both in Ne
braska and central anil ucstein Iowa.
It Is not yd known how fur the sulndlois
huvi ) gone in their orlf , but It is notpiobi-
ilo that they uill go much f.uther ,
The abstfact uoinpanj is on tlulr tiall , nnd
imko it hot for them ,
The Florence HoKborrj Deliberately
, Uisulmi-Kcs Guilt } rjlipior Sellers.
The celubutod cases of the stito against
- Stout Brawn , W. 0. Lester and Huns \Vollf ,
the riorenco saloonkeepers , was called in
Judge liansoui's court ut riorenco Monday
The trhl was a hollow mockery nnd Justice
bin shod nnd turned asiilo her houlwhile the
couilsciipeiUliomudof tlio fuirow off his
boots , souitched his head , looked i\lso and
hntiik'd down his decision.
.Attomev Kllor , tha public prolocutor \ \ as
expected , but ho vas not pioscnt. Ho left
his homo ut IJluIr , but stopped by the way
side ,
Lawyer Tott'nscml , who had been retained
by the citizens to prosecnto the cases , AMIS
promptl ) on huml , but lie wns t'otnoeded ,
nnd us oUdcnco of this fait , tlio court In
formed him that \\huii an outsider uis
ncodcrt ho would bo called.
Uhls settled the ca \\lth Townsend and
ho left for this city.
Mho jiulirc then toolt the law In his own
haiuK , and nmtd n slU'ut-o thut u us pilnfiil ,
ivmlc.'ml a dicision tint will fe'o down In Ills-
ton as n callosity of its
llo snid , us the pribonurs were uircUgued
lioforu him :
iba\onoiloubtbut that all of ; ou KCII-
tlcnicn ua < guilty. Inlet / , I know of my o\vu \
InioiUe-Jeo that jou niv.
"The'.iw-mnkois of thoBt.ito ba\o orred.
They have inado the iKiiultv too severe when ,
it conio9 to the ( lueatlou of violating the Sun-
dii ) law
"I inn between two fires , and I ha\ogot to
flno you under the Slocuinb law , or let
you go ,
' 'Tho line Is $100 , This nmount is too great ,
nnd Inflow of this fact von are discharged
und thoeuscs dlsmlsseil.1
The defendants uoro happy , but to say that
the citizens nero disgusted wojld not begin
to o\pivss the puhllo witlniont ,
A number of the pniuilimnt citizens of the
town openly cliuigo thut .liulgc Itiuisoin h in
collusion with the saloonkeepers nnd has an
uiulorstindlng ultli thuin to the effect Unit if
1 they will not bojuosocutcd In bis
Tears' is the purest and best soap ever tnado
Itotidonicii nnd CoiiiinlssldtiorH Dcglti
U ) llccnino Inlereslcd In Tliom.
Andrew Murphy , one of the honJsmcn for
T. A. MoRi'tith , regtstir of deeds AWIS at the
county court house yesterday morning in
search 1 of Mr. Mcge-ith.
Murphy dlun't ' have nnycry noticeable
amount of blood in Ids eye , but ho vasti'l
laughing himself to death by any means
Ho had called to ask Mr. Megoith to ex
plain why ho bus been "holding out" on Iho
county to the extent of fiom | IOUO to $7,000
IJutMr Mcjic.ath was not In his olllcc. In
fact ho hasn't boon in It for n greit pirt of
the tlmo slnco Tun Hip : published its first
notice of his withholding his fcca.
Mr Murphy said :
"The flist tlmo I hnd icon or lioird about
this matter vas \\hat 1 retd in Tin : BUB
list evening. I do not understand tbosltun-
tlon , so 1 can't talk upon It. Hut i don't be-
llovo that Megcnth would do mo or an ) body
else adlity trick. One thing U quite cot tain ,
nmllhnt Is I am not afraid of him in the mat
ter. I don't bollovo I'll ever loose
a cent by him , bccauso I'\o \ lno\\n :
him n good long while , nnd I don't
bcllc\o ho\\ould do ntithing ; luoiig But
I'm ( 'olng up unit look for him again. 1 want
him to toll be about this thing "
The : other bondsman is Mr. Mcgcnth's
uncle , , Tume3 Mcgcath , but It was ascciUlncd hov out of the city.
Count j Attoincy Mahoney said
"If the county roinmlsslonorswantmo to
go ahead on this Mcgoath matter I willilo so
If instructed , my method of procedure would
bo mandamus proceedings to compel him to
turn the tnonej over. In this wuy wo eould
settle in a very short tlmo whether 01 not a
county ofllcei c.m hold fees from the Begin
ning to the end of his term of ofllc-o I un-
derstind thut Metro ith construes the hw to
mean that ho can do this , buch a construc
tion Ii , Iain convinced , wholly unwari.intod
Thepiinelploof law imolvcd in the tn ittcr
Is that old ono which luwjeis overjwhcie
know utidcrlics nil Uw In this connection ,
namely , that a debt Is piyablo when it be
comes due Now the question is , whosomoncv
It is thnt.Megcath now holds or should bold I
Helms calleetcil itfrotn various persons , all
in due courioof luiv , foi the county. Well ,
then , in my mind , tboio isn't tlio slightest
doubt but that It should bo In tlio countj's
poiltet or in the bunds of the ticisuicr ,
which Is the same thinp "
Countj Commissioner O'Keeffc said
"Yes , it Is u't-y singular Indeed that the
flntnio commltteoof our county hoard should
lay so low and quiet o\er this i-1000 to S-7,000
ol CKiiunU money which Mogcuth with
holds after hating jumped on Htllo
Mike Hoeho Iho way tho. did when , as
cotiiit.rloik . , ho uas lound to ho behind a lit
tle matter olj.'O. Yes , sir , it looks tnightv
stnngp and Ict ino tell you this thing , tliit
If the Iliiiince committee doesn't ' do some
thing utjout this Mcgeiith business very soon
I will tulto hold of it invsclf , and if
I do jou can bet I will do somo-
thlng- get the ninnoy or something
else And It wouldn't be the first time this
mo\o has bocu nmlo. Thollles of Tin : llrr
\sill show jou liowoiu3 np , when n u r-
tnlii county oflU III , in a position just about
Hue Megoitli occupli * , pot boliind in his pij--
ments.Vo went into his oflicc ono day .mil
earned his bjolts o\c-rto the county tic.istircr
and they ncio fully itu cstlg.itcd and wao
Itrpt theie until Mr Ofllciitlcinwto time-with
tho'inonuy hu \ \ is behind on I don't liUo
the looks of this Mcgoith business a bit. "
Through coichcs I'ulltnan pnhco
sloopoif , dining curs , free reclining clmir to Chicago and intervening points
via , the Hook ! routo. Ticket
olllco 100- , Sixteenth and UVunaiu.
iiisv Rvryj n.
How the 1'ropcrty ol'lllcliarcl Kitcheii
IsDispti&cdofby AVIII.
The will of Ulchiirdivitchcn vas Jteterday
filed for probate It beats dat ' of Itovombur
! iO , 1681 , nud is itnesseet by John 13. Sutn-
inci's , Lvman II Tower , Iho tins 11 Biain-
aul , M S. Coiuicll and John D Howe.
The following beiiucsts , uo mido :
CitheilnoM. Kitchen , motlior . S10,000
Susan Unbbei t , slstci . 3,000
CatheilneM Spiague , sister . f > ,000
Susan Ruble , nelco . 5,000
JNlliieiva Sprague , ncice . f > ,000
Olllo Sprague , ncleo . r.,0i)0
IidgarcjiiMiloonepliuw . ri,000
ChiirlesV. . Kitchen , brother . ii'i.OOO
Ililpu Kitchen , nephew . f > , ( H)0 )
Charles \V Kitchen , Jr. , nephew . "Ti.OOO
Jessie Cow herd . 5,000
Nt Iho Kitchen . 5,000
.Elizabeth Whalcn , HO acid of land in
Lca\en\\oith county Kansas , and . 1,000
Wallace Whnlon . 10,000
HciboifWlmlon . 10,000
The lust two nlso tccelvo a of 193
acies iu Lcivomvoith county , ICansaa , and
n diamond stud apiece.
To the executor for burial expenses has
been bequeathed J",000.
The will states that all these legacies may
bo paid b ) the executor in his iliscietion
either In I'ash or In sliues in the capital
stock of the ICitchonlUothora Hotel comp my
of Omaha , Neb , or pait In cish nnd pjrt in
such stock within tlnce montbs.
The rcmair.der of the estate both real nnd
personal , is bcqucatbctl to James B. Kitchen ,
who is instiuetc'd to pay out of snmo all the
Indebtedness of the Kitchen Hi others Hotel
compiny including a certain mortgage for
? 10.OW ( hold byVnri on Smith , upon lots 1
anil S , block l.)8 ) , city of Omnhii
. I nines 11 Kltcnen Is appointed cxccutoi
without bond.
To Nervous Debilltnted
If jou \ \ \ \ \ send us your address \VQ will
send jou ] ) t Djo's Celebrated Volttilo Bolt
nud Apph.mceaon tilal. They will qutcklj
icstora you to vigor , nmihuod and health
Pamphlet fico. VOITVIC BDLT Co. , Marshall ,
An Agent to i\niiilno : Iho Jloxlcan
Klines ol'Onialians.
The result of the \islt of lion John A , Mo-
falnino to Kuropoisnoticcd ycstordiy in
the arrival of an agent of ono of the ricuca't
s dic.itos in Kuiope
Ho has nul\cd tolnqiiiio into the value of
tlio mines owned by Mr. MeStmno anil his as
sociates in Mexico , near Chihuahua Among
these associates mo John A. CroiRlitoii , Ben
Gallagher , Captain Hustln , M. Keith and
Louis Schroeder.
The mines h.ivo been w orkcd for
jcnrs past.mid dcsplto the fact thatthoj liao
boon supplied with the costliest macbluerj1 ,
lotuin remiii liable dividends
If the tigcntshonld II ml things ns they lime
been rcnoitcd , which it Isnotdonbtod ho will ,
the ti'ines w ill bo purchased for fit.dOO.OOO
Thin is ono of the most remarkable do ils
ever accomplished bj a Ncbiusk.i association
Miles' > ervo ntnl lnvor 11 Ils.
An linpoitantdlsiovcij- . They act on tlio
liver , stomach and bowels through the
iienos A new pilnciplo. They speedily
iniro billlinisncss , bad taste , toipld llvci ,
piles and constitution Splendid foi mei ,
woiiun and children. Snuilh'it , mildest ,
surest. M for " > cunts Sample * fieo
at Kulm il Co's 15th and.Douijlas
ACIioIro liist of Siiniiner Itrsnits.
Ill Iholiilco rations of VVNi'onsin , Min-
iiOMitn , Iowa and the two Diikotns , thoio
iiro liiiiidrotli of chin ininj ; localities pro-
omlnontly lilted for summer lioincs.
Amoiifj the following bcluctccl llht aio
niuncs fiimillnr to many of our
us the perfection of northern summer ro-
ForK Nonrlj nil of the "Wibeonsin points
of interest aio within n bhort
from Chicago or MllwauKco , nntl none !
of thoiri nro to fur a\\ay fiom the "buy
muiU o ( civlU ntion""tlmt tlioy cannel
ho leaclieil in a few lioui-d of travel ,
hy fiequont trains , ever the finest
in thu . itorthwcit the . Clilcnyo ,
MUivaukco fs St. 1'aul rnllwuy :
Oconoinowoo.Vls. . Clear Lake , lowi.
MincequaVis. . Luke OkolioJI , Iowa.
WmihoshiiVls. . Spirit Lalcc , lowi.
Polmj ru , Wis. rrontenac , Minn
Tamalinwlc Lakea , Lake Mlnuctonki.
AVls. Minn.
LaU'sidc , WIs. Ortonvlllo , Minn. *
Kilbouni City , WU. , 1'rior Lake , Minn.
( Dolls of the WU- White Bear L
consul ) Minn.
Beaver Dun , WIs Illir Stone Lake ,
MiiJisonVU kotu
1'or dctailpil information , apply at ticket
oflicc , 1501 Fiirnam.street , IlarUer Block.
R A. WASH , Gon. Aueut
J. E. Piiusio.v , Pass. Ajout (
A Vicioui Dog Prevents Neighbors from.
Doming to Her Roscuo.
The Ylutlmorilic Thlril Story AVInttnw
I'nil Unal > lc to Como Into Court
and tlio Case Is Co use-
tpionlly I'ostponcd.
The eight-year-old daughter of Leo Solo-
in in , a Union Pacific shopman living nt
ISH Corby street , v 11 fitullv burned at I
o'clock vcstcrdnj nftcinooi , under most dls-
tiessing circumstances.
The child was attempting to light n flro in
the kitchen steve when , In soreo manner , her
clothing cnughtllro la the ( Inrncs.
She was wonting a suintnerdiO'M of light
tcvturo and the f ibrlo burned t ipldljIn nn
Instant Iho child \vw enveloped la flnmes.
With a cry she rusliod fiom tlio house Into
the fiont yard screaming for help.
A neighbor boy , nttrictod by the girl's
cries , to her assistance Ho w.n met nt
the gate In n small net dog , - whichioiously
attacked tlio \ iimlllnnllv \ , after biting liiiu
sevoiely , diovo him from the jard , while the
poor gill \\as being burned to death
Thoscreuns of therhlld bioiight a neigh
boring woman to the loscue. She too was
attacked bv the dog and was sovciely bitten
and forced to rctlio.
Hy this tiino the neighborhood was aroused
and the dog was diixeii twaj A blanket
was tliitmn around Ibo glil and the 11 lines
But the help had como too lite. The poor
child was dangerously buuicd about the aims
nnd on thosldoniul hip.
ThosuiTeior cirriel to the house and a
neighboringtihjslcim summoned Ho pro
nounccd the little one's Injuucs to bo of a
very datiKuious nature and administered
opiates to lessen hoi miscrv. At a latohoui
list nightsho M is still nllvo with a possible
hope of rceoveiy.
Dr. fToorgo It Ayres.
Dr GeorgoB Ayres died yesterday morning
nt the rosldfncoof his patents In Florence.
No death in icccnt jcars , hi the medical
profession in this city his occasioned o pro
found icgict among his biotber physicians : u
has this unexpected demise of this talented
joungprictitlonor. The feeling is the 111010
ptonounced because the summons was sud
den and to many ontiroU unexpected.
On last Sunday the doctor , accompanied by
his wile , started on a cliho in their bu y to
the patents of the deceased at Floicncc. It
hnd been Iho doctoi's intention to
visit his parents. While on the
load , ho was stilcUenith apoplcvy , became
unconscious nml so lem lined until ho died ,
with the exception of a brief moment Mon
day , dm Ing which It is said howas able to
icco'iii70his wifo.
His -wife diovo the vehicle to Floictico
whao the condition of the joungmiin almost
prostrated his aged parents , lie .in onlj
son and this fact coupled with his sudden ,
illness almost In ol < e their bouts.
As soon as the doitor's illness becaino
known , biothci plijsicnms hastened to his
bedside and some of them remained unremit
tingly , until doith put ua end to their labors
Ur Ajies wits corn In Minnesota in Ib'iO
Ho was educated In the public ; schools going
thence to theunivcrsitj at Ann Arbor , from
the medical ilejmitment of which hoc'tndu-
atcd in 1S77 Ho subsequently graduated
from the college ot phisicims and suigeons
in Now York , uf tci which he acted as demon-
sttator in anatomy at Ann Arbor nud still
Inter m the same cap.icltj iti the Long Islnnd
college and hospital
lie came to Omaha in 1S79 nnd became as
sistant to Dl Mercerwho at the time -was
chief suigeon for the Union Pacific1 comp.inj.
Hoscncd in this capacity for t\\o j e.ira
when ho opened nn olllio on his own respon
sibility. Ho was the joungest suig on
in the city nt the tlma nnd readily \\orkcil
his uny Into n most lucrative pi ictiie. Ho
pel formed a number of operations In this
city which ulsed him to the front rank
among surgeons and caused him to bo
in demand in all putsol the state.
Ho wis ono of the chortu members of the
Omaha , medical college , and successfully
filled the chairs of anatomy and clinical sur
gery foi about four jCpiiva , when he lesigned
ijo devote his lime to his practice
It is conceded by omlnoiit surgeons that ho
hnd no supoiior in the study of anatomy in
this section of the country.
Dr. Ajicswas manied five jearsagoto
MNs Ageio Hoyt.
Hoas a member of Co\ert lodge A. P.
and A.M. , the Scottish Kite , Knights Tem
plar and the Mystlo Shi Ino Thofuneial will
tuko place tomoirow at 10 a. in , from
his late resilience , 50 * St. Mary's avenue ,
under the iiuspices of tao ledge llrst men
The physicians of the cit\ arc requested to
meet tit Dr loco's olllco in Granite block
this e\enhig at 8 o'clock to tultu action
inivgard to the death of the lector.
Carrlo Hostcri.
The funenl of Miss Curio Q. ICostors ,
dauijhterof Uornara Ivostejj , and a sister of
Fiankll Kostorsof the uudltlui ; department
ofthoH iM. , nnd Jowiili B. ICosteis con
nected v\ith John B-iuiiiersstoie , took phco
jostcrdiy inoriiinsatOo'clockfioin the family
n > ldonco , 111(1 ( Is'orth Uightcmith street.
'Hie leinalns ucro Inclosed in a beiutlful
milioRinj inskct , the lid \\hlchwas cov
ered wth. llonmu of most beautiful and sjm-
bolic rhar.icti-r.
'llicj weio homo to the church of St. Mtrv
Migdalcn , on Douglas near Shtconth stitet ,
the chuich which thodeccisod had uttendect
fioin btr oaillustjiMH
The coi UK" was one of the lirgcst i\lduh
over followed a jouthful poison to the K > UC ,
coinpilsltiRabout sceatliveehlclc3 filled
\\lth old andyounij filenus of tlio deceased.
Jequlonumu > svas chanted at the chinch ,
anil after the benediction a most touching'
tiltmtc , which bumght tcirs to m iiy cjes ,
vas dcllveied b Uo\ rather Alphons.who is
actingas putorduring the absence of Uev.
rnthci Ulaiiber
At the close of the service , nmld the tolling
of the boll , tlio loimlns wore boino to the
Ocnnin Catholio ceiiicterjvvhoto they were
intt-t red
The p illbeamswore Messrs Gcorfro Paul ,
Ilarrj Hurkloy. John M. Tremor , JotuiV11 -
llanis , U. Albiiii > lus and Al Beaton.
\i. \ O. Secrcst Is Uinintilo to AtloncJ tlio
'Jrmlor.l , J. Woinor.
The case of tliestnto vs Jacob J. Werner ,
chniged with ass uilt with intent to inuulor , called In yollco court
This is the Merclinuts hotel c.iso which at-
hactcd so much attcnion a couple of months
ago , -when L. O Socrcst so ncirly met his
death by bUng thrown by , his friend Weruei
from u third story window
Werner was piescuj in couit with his at-
torncj , who stated that they eio reaily foi
trial , but would Hko to lia\o Secrcst picseiit
us a witness.
County Attorney JIahojiey s-ild ho was un
willing to piocced without Secrcst , anil intro
duced a letter fiom the hitter's physician stat
ing that while his patient \va.s BL'ttlng along
nlcol ) nt piojont it ould bo wcoTt } and pob-
sibly months before ho could como to Omaha
to attend court
It furthei staled that Secresthad recovered
the use of nil hU limbs \\lth the exception of
the right lojf , and that scnslhillt ) was re
stored to that , The mutant's ' temperature
Ind oecn iiormid for tlio pist two weeks , and
ho was jicifcctlv rational IIli ioco\erj was
i-ejrardcd as reasonably certain ,
Mr Mnhonoj stilutfintho thought It would
ho useless to set a time for ttlal , and SURge -
gotcd a contintinncool' at least tluvumonths ,
Mr U'crnor's attorney stated thatsuih nn
arrangement would bo satisfactory to the tie-
fciiKc , and the tlmo for the hcaiinK was
therefore llxeil by Juilgo Holsloy for NO\OJ -
ber II. at I o'clock.
With tlio content of M1 * Mnhonoy the old
Iwndiis ronc-Hotl , and the named of J. J ,
U'oiticr , Man ford Sava o , L M. Anderson ,
Tied J. Dorthn-icV and T. Iv. Sudorouwh ,
The amount of the bond Is $ . " ,000.
\Vcruerha3 lost consldurablo flesh slnco
Iho unfortunate oflAlriVnoo nine weeks ago.
The strain on hi * IAC..V.U and mental s.\slcin
has been very Brent *
Ilolsnow , however , lognlnlng his health
iipiitly ni rapidly in l * .Scores t.
rJ ho occurrence of that eventful night Is
still as strange and. imstoilous ivs ever , nnd
there1 is liardh * nn } nosMbllitv that any mow
will uviT bci known n < < to bow the clued A\as
accomplished or how It WOH occasioned
ANotnbltf llppirt.
'Tor disordered rtienstumtion , nnarmli
nml sterility , it niny proicrlvba | termed u
specific "
Kxtract from Dr , "W 1 * Mason's report on
the waters of CxecUiorSpilngs , Missouri.
Fred 3fortliHtiicr In Me Hnpcrliiteiid-
ciitot * tlio Union I'ltclllo-N'otcM.
IVed .Mr-rtzheliner be appointed to suc
ceed It D. Maxtor , supotiatendoat of the
Wjoming division of tlio Union 1'aclllc ! rail
way , with hoidqiiartoM at Clicjciine Wr
Mertzhelmer has for Jems been division
master mechanic of thu Kaiisn-j dhlslonnt
Ainntiong , whew ho has given the best of
s.illsfinllim. Ho h a bon-in-hw of lion U. A
Baldwiaof Oinalu , A\ho c\urosscel himself
ns highly pleased at MciUhclinei'a ' pio-
The Wvotnlng division i ? one of the most
Important on the road , and rcqitiies the
highestBifido of nullity for its supervision.
Itl ? understood A Ice I'lcsldent llolcomb
suggested Mcitzhclmei foi the place.
lliillrnnd Ni > ti > < 4 ,
The St Paul & Omaha is about to con-
stuiot new stoehjiirdsat Wavno which uill
bothe flnc-it wu-iU on the roid. The details
h.uo not yet been iinnoniiocj.
Tlio matciial for the new Hmdolph ft
Noitheiatein road isboing i.ipldly shipped
totho foimertiolnt nnd put iuplaco 'iho
roiil isnlrouly giaded audit is Iho intoiitlon
ofthoSt I'm ! tV Oiinh i to puttholine in
opctntlm US OOHIIH possible
Tlio llrst Installment of the fifteen miles
of steel rails to bo laid on the Foi folk branch
ofthoSt Piu I & Omaha between U'ajno
and Koifolk , has nrriied
\Voikon \ llio 'l lattsmniuh cut oft" of the
MIssoiul Pad He' , between South Onnlia and
Union , via Plittsuiouth , Is progressing
rapidlj , and hnsieachcil a point about hilt-
v ly between Phttsnwuthnnd Union
The worlton tlio thublottack of the Holt
line has been completed us far as Diuld Hill.
Ihls closes tlio work for this season. Mills
. will boused as aside track timing the com
ing winter but next sptmg the entire line
line j \ ill bodoublo hacked ns the tialllc U
incieaslng laphllj. At piisent about twenty
tulnsnio inn each daj between this cityuid
South Omaha.
Drink Excelsior Splint's Missouri waters.
TIII3 Ofjl ) lj\U III ) > IT.
Kllpatrick and Ills TUoti Saved l > y a
IVoiiiin'H lltvulWit. .
Shlloh and other gro it battles of the
civil war have ftii'imliodmaterial for
nuicli healed dlscuwon on the part of
Mio goncial oflk'ers wlio partioip.itcd in
them , Imolvinjj questions of generalship -
ship , obcdlonco of orders , surji iso and
lesponslbllityfor deff-at.
Miiny minor cm ngcnicnLs , about
which no control erf } can aviso , and
wliicli do not form 11 putt of the written
history ot the coullic't , inoq.nlio as in-
torestiujj. Poihtips ono of tlio most
< oniloto ] ) suipiises of the war to any
eonsiiloi'jiblo botlj of troops o\crloolc
Kilpatrick'h cilvnij dtirinff Sliorimu's
rnni-di into North Cnrolinii in 1SG-5. Kil-
piitrick hud. encamped for tlio night
some miles from rnyettovillo , and had
selected u largo pliutatioii house as his
lioudn.imi tor * . Tlio usual pickets hud
boon distilbiitoel , nnd the men hud
throw n thoiusolves upon their rubber
blankets withevoiy piomiso of a night's
lost , Imthufoto thecMpilu'Stduwnthoroti-
fedei.tto cavalry , under GunoialVndo
Iliimptoii , succeeded In dceeivitigr und
c.ipturinf'tho pickets on ono ot the lilgh-
iiay6 loading Into the camp and then
ehaigcd into the vciy midst of the
unionists without the discharge of nsin-
glo sun of winning , The sloop of Kil-
p.itticlc'ri men woo Inokon by an indis
criminate fire upon Ihom as thoj lay
Eutittorcd over tha gftound. Their own
artillery being tukon and Uttned upon
thorn at short range. The piibonerahold
by thoiii wore liberated , and they joined
in the attack ,
The union men % vero ( lepiornllrod ,
panic fatilckcn , without organmtioiiaiid
without a loader. 1'or" a tiino it was
oveiy follow for himself.
Pietty boon , liowo\er , "Kil , " as the
boys called this general , nppenicd. on the
scoiio , having nairowly escaped in tin-
dros-i uniform. His pretence nlwajs in-
spiiod his men and the rallying ptoccss
begin. It Avaa douhtful , up-hill work
for a time , thu men being1 intent onlj on
Individual escape. At a ciltical moment
in the encounter the division colorsweio
been to wave about in the dihorg'ani od
mass of dcinoi-all/ed men and the ques
tion was then seltlod. Ordoi * came out
of chaos. A formidable line quickly
formed nnd it was seen to uduinca
cautiously at first , hut soon with a sweep
and hcuty jell that reasauied o\ory
Union heart ,
3Iun\itoii ] was foucd to withdraw ,
lea\nir the captured mtillcry boliind
him. 'Iho stor > of how the dnislon
colors vujwil did not roach tlio men for
some das ) , when this fact leaked out ,
that \\oniiin \ attachoJ totho hoailqimr-
tois hail toin tlicm fiom their staff and
cone' ' ajiiiK' tliein under lior olcirls had
od almost slmiilt.ineoiiijly with tlio
and through her had found
their why kick among1 the bowildorcd
BolilIoiN , and jitfet in tiino to play a most
important tnrt m the then doubtful con-
Jlonths hitor , when Generals Sherman
and Johnston were negotiating for ponce
or surrender , Kilpatnek and Ilamptou
met , and lliimpton cried :
"Hello , 'Kll , ' I bollovo the last tiino I
hnd the pleubiiio ot seeing- you was nt
Ptij ottovllle. Shall I npologi'/o for
arousing you so CiivljV"
"Oh , no , " Kilpatiick answered , "I
guess I taught jou bettor than to knock
ag.iin bofoio entering1 a gontlomnn's
sleeping apu Lnients. "
Nervous debility , poor memory , diffidence ,
sexual weakness , phuples.ciired by Dr Miles' '
Nervine. Simples free at Kuhnfc Go's 15th
and Douglas ,
A Piollflo CJoot'ula I' nmlly.
"Aro you descoiiclc'd fiomoiio of the
twentj-thrco ? " is the Ilr t quetition
asked\\hon \ jou Inpoduco Mr. Camp to
Mr. Ciiini ) , which Is explained us fol
lows , sij'a nDaltonGa. , dlsjutoli to the
Now York Sun ,
Thomas Camp of Rutherford county ,
North Cat oil nn , had ten bens and ono
dnuffhtor liy his llr.-jt wifo. Ho married
agiiin , as his second wife , Miss Mar-
RTiitot Curnoyof Noith Caiolinu , and had
bj lior ton sonfe and fwo dnug liters , Then
ho died , The twontj'-thrco cliildionof
Tliomns Cnmp wore , as might ha\o been
expected , n piollflcutncl htalwark race.
Only 0110 of them , a daughter , np-
pioaelied the father's record , however.
She had U\emtj-two children ,
At n reunion a few ycaiH ago "in Dong-
las county , Georgiafullj thrco thousand
descendants weio piofaont. Yestcidaynt
the residence of the lute Major "William
A. Camp , near Dalton , Giu , iiBaeinbled
all of his seven sons and their descend
ants in a family reunion , tlio occasion
being their mother's buventleth birth
5lr. W. A , Cnmp of Augusta , fia. , is
roinpllliif ; a record of tlio ( lestondunts of
his giwit gnindfathor , Tlionius Cam ] ) of
Ninth C'aioliim , and wishes ull the
Camps to write him a historj'o | tliulr
hiuncli of the tico.
Mrs. M. Schncabotfor , Dover Dam , \Vtv ,
writes'o ! \ \ have used Dr , Thomas' Clcct-
ile Oil in our family for toiiKlu , colds ,
croup anu rheumatism. It cures every tiino.
ait < vititi < : i ) ii it r > ; oini < n ,
'Ihc TcrilliloSceiirs 'fliut Pollowul
" \Vnlccln yun 1'ratulstMi.
Late thootlicr night I'ntrlek Goulon
nnd S. X Smith , residents of COITV
street . < . , Allegheny , ivero aricstvil byofll-
ict * Kek'lion nch urgent disorderly con-
dtic't , saysn Sin Fuuicifco fpeelal totlio
N'e w Vork Monii iif .1 ournnl , Ilnnpe.irs
thittoiic of the child fell of Pali IIMC ( lor-
don died yoitordny iittornoon and the
father , wishing to obwrvo an undent
( ustoin , Ind the d ul rhiUl removed to
tlit opposite side ot the tt reel , tlio olijcet
being to leave the ( lonloii homo frco so
that a wnko or I'ulcbrtttlomouldlio hold.
A supply of beer was In id in mid tlio
tathcr and a | art.of . friends u 3onibled
in tlio ( iordoii lieu o and proceeded to
drovn tlielr giief In allow of beer.
Dining thoearlj naitoftho lllR ht [ r ,
Gordon , \\lio \ \ MIS sud to bo inuKlcntod ,
concludoiUh'it ho would ht\o the doml
child back In lits own lieu e. The
father , nctlng upon tlio thought , stinted
for tlio neighbor * ! * , clnimed the bodj mid
Insisted thit : it should boromo\ed nciosa
the streotto his icsitU'iiee.
The neighbors , i-eeiiiK1 that this father
vrii : * Intoxicated , icfiibcd to nllow him to
take the child's body , but tlio filher in
sisted , and picking iipthocorpw ut tried
homo willi it ,
Some fiionils inlorfcied nud tool < the
bod.uwnj \ fiom tlio nun. and dtirintftho
argument which followed llio "body of the
dead child pa od and repa biil across
the street half a do/.on times.
About this tiino Ollleor Keleh ap-
ppatcnl on tlio ECO no and pi iced the
milieu and ono of the byslmdcis mined
A. J Smith undci nrsost. The body of
the ( load rhild vas wnt back to'tho
npighboi's house , whcio iwaco and quiet
The only railrciid tiainoutof Onahi
run oxpiesslj for tlioiiecoiniunilatlnn of
Omaha , Council lllulT1' , Dos Moincsand
Cliii igo bmlnoss is the Rock Island
\csmbulo limited , lemiug Omaha tit 1:1" )
p. in dally. Ticket olllco lMi , Sixteenth
and Painam sts. , Om ilia ,
rs Muclo "V\hilo Von
lo ) jou have many orders Lilfo
iiquiioda gentleman of a cloth
ing dealer , who luul just taken tlio
measure of a ctstomerwho nvuilcd n
pair of liouicrs to ho delUorcd in tuo
llouiM , siys the Detroit Fico Viet-s
" \\ro \ do , " \\nslhoieplo. ' ' "iou would
be surpnsed , " added the dealer , "hoiv
many jieoplo rccol\o a sudden cnll ,
cither olduty orplo.isurc , wlio diicoxcr
at Hie last moment , liUo awonien getting
readv for a jouriipj , that they 'liiuu
nothing to Moar. ' So they uish do\Mi
heio and wo lit and dolivcr our goods Herder
order in two houis. Ho\v do wo do it ?
Tint's , one of the tricks ofthnttade.A'o
could beat that iccoul if woantid In
fact , thcie isnoicaion hy vo couldn't
fit and deliver a pair of lir t clyss
trouspis w hilo our unlonier down
fora few minutes and resid tlio morning
. "
paper. _ J _ _
lllkomv vlfo to use Po/.znni'a complexion
powder ki-auso it Improt ui tier looks autl is
us fiayunt sis violets.
Jlrs Window's Soothhifrbjx'up is the best
of all Kinedlcs for cUilclreu teotlnnu. S5
cents a bottle.
The Cat anil thi Oliicketis.
An List Sorlvsmont , Mo. , Ind is the
po ut or of thrco hin ill chieKon which
nn baa been keeping In a bairel. Tlio
other diy ho ini&sed ono and limited
o\ cry \\huro without llndmg it. The
no\t dny nnotlior dis'ippeaicd in the
ftamo iinaccountiblo inanuor. The lioy
then ipsohod to v iteli , nnd was soon
rewarded by seeing the old hoii o cat
steal slyly 'into Iho bairel , grasp the
remaining chicken circ fully by the neck
and maich oil -with it. Following her
upstaiis into the garret , -\\hatwashis
su : prise to find the other two chickens
safely cuddled in thoneilof old clothes
with two kittens , unhappy sis could he.
The cat caiefully placed the last ehieKoii
in the nostand got in sis calmly ns if the
whole family belonged to her. Tlio
thickciibero uninjured and contented
in their new qinrteij.
Chrnnlo Inniiiiniiittloiior the lllatldcr
Is promptly cuivd by the watci's of ISjicel-
sior Spunks , Missouri
The mineral waters of the "Old M C " at
Colfiix Spring * aio thocliicf be
sine , but then a Suncliy cllnuei at Hotel Col-
faii is not to bo bnec/cil nt
Wliy GcorffoStajoil Awnj.
It is positive ! } assorted hj an ruglish-
man of eminent ofllcial con&lilciation in
thib country tint the fsilluro of Prince
Gcoi'so ofVales to visit KowpnrL wa a
the result of u direct piohibition fiom
Ills fnthci. It may bo icmembcred
that bnmo ycirs ngoastoiy { , 'ot into
piint , aecoidiiig to which , it MIS pro-
] )0sedto ) inafi'i ono of tlio young princes
to an Ainoricau lioiress. The report
wis absuid upon ltd fice , but it tmv-
clod and Kept porsUenlly alive , Piob-
sibly no ono in Aincuca believed it , but
in frnghuul itiouwd a perfect liowl of
indignation. It vas to su old another
fcuoli nil explosion sijs tins smlhouty
that an Intcidiet JH plnced by the
1'rinco ofVnlos > upon hlt > son's n iopt-
iinco of tlio wild hurrah of hospitalities.
The now olllc s of tno great Ilocl : fs-
lind louto , IbOJ , SKtoenth and
etreot , Om iha , are the lineal in tlio city.
Call nnd see thorn. Tickets to ull points
east at louest uitoa
Ciltical llrlvct Sajs \Vonl Aliot t
Si iial Hells.
On Eovcinl street cm lines in tliib town
the bignsil forstsiiting , ono bell , is tlio
that for stopping , siys thoNo\v
York Sun. liithotsuno tut ) is a. gong
with a clock-fico register , by vhich the
conductor keeps nt count of the fares col
lected by him The Jiro gong nl\uiyu \ _
rings onto for each passongur , nnd , us "it
Is located nesii' the stand occupied bj the
driver , itoccuiredto a Sun reportci the
other dn } to ask adrhor lm\v no distin-
tinguifahcd between the conductor's stop
ping biynul and the ring of the faro
gong ,
"Why , " ho replied , "as aiulo , I do
not hcav the faro gonsr at nil. NJ at
tention isllxod upon the boll that ( jives
the sound tliat I Know to bo the ono Unit
lias to do with moving tlio car , "
"Then you doteimino jour ac
tion nccfluling to tlio pitcli of the bulls
jou heiu1 ? "
"Cortnlnly , I know thodifforenco in
tlio quality and the pitch of the tones ,
nnd M do the holies. Do jou knov , the
liomosvould never stiirt from hearing
the ling of tlio fmo gong. They know
the blurting' gong by its tone alone , and
that th 0) ) oboy. It tikes a good horse
lliroodsxjs togotii ed to thoilg-
nals. Uutsoniotluifs K'otliuitothut
run o\or \ the streits for tluoo
iiiiinthi Jjcforo getting nciusttimoil to
tlio slg-inlM of tlio conduptori.
J3iNldc < tliem Ihoronro liorcos Hint do
not aeom toltu\o tlio cjin.tbllltv of le.nn-
itijt either llio | iitf ] | of llio bolls or llio
i-lij thin in \ \ ] \ till tlioy nro pounded I
tollyou that lioised are just like liunntti
"beings Tltoy hiivc dilluretit eniueitk" * ,
juitl il they nro not niitunilly musical
tboy dray along inotitli nltor month ,
ptilllni , ' thocsus , nnd wt.irting wlion they
Hlmuld not , nnd slopping1 when they
shoultl go forward , iiiul iio or Oiopiiliif ?
into nnj uiidisiMainlliigof llio signals of
tlio ronto. it all uoinoitlovn ton inusi- apiirc'licn-loii of the tones sounded.
Fiom llii1 * it comes th at fonio osn1 hoisos
iiiodnno lip in njeai , and othorila t
IKlooiijestH. The innrfllntdligMit they
mo the longer llio.\ last , ' '
totnko thoui hli ? dtlmilk' pill1 * .
Tr ) ,1. II. AliLean's LlUloUvir aiul Ivttlnoy
I'lllc'tsiu-e more ngreiihlo and clTectlve.
Toltiitt } AVns hnpollto ,
Mr. Trsuurs-an every o\v Voikor
knowi WH n. ( jreat Htaiuniciof , hut do-
oldodlv the wittiobl mini on M.iiihsiltnn
Inland , Hn\B \ tlio Xcw York iierild.
Ono dn j ho a golinr vi | > tonn In a
llroadwnj car IIU little ji.uilaoit ac-
compiniod liini , and astlto iaras \ \ o\or \
t-iowded Mi1'iiivcis vus oblijfcd toltiko
him ( in hN hip
Atlhe loriier of 1'rinco btri ol aory \
jnotlj j ounpr lidy got in. Keno of the
Aioriiout fcntleincn otlorotl lioi n feat.
Lor \ } ono of them was ub&orbod in
s > lud.\lng tlio pipeis.
bttddenU the esu Btoppoilvilh a jork.
It wnsnonr Houston wticot.
"J o J o J o .1 onn io1" bt imui'i-ei ! MV
Tiaveis , nnd mirposdy to loud Hint
c\erjbod\ \ stlteiitlon was attiactcd to
him , ' l.1o .lo .Jo Joutiievli \ - d
d don't jou get up iiiulgi gi yi give
the lady jourseal"
IluriloclcHlool B liters tnken after
will i-clie\o mi } fooling of veiglit 01 ovoi
fullness of the stomach. Soldceij white.
( n ncrof lOlli uul Mot Illinium Pts ,
OMAHA , - - - MET3
niiji'i v. utmLUYDomiiTyb.Ti ) . 111 mo ii
I' jKiilk-ulits .ipplj to tlii1
Fall Term opens Sept , 17
Poursos In 7 inninio. rit ure , HUtorv.
Sclt-iid' . Asrlcultiiri ! ami Kiulnwrlnir l nli-
( ii.itiirlt-sln t'liiiuislry. I liy l s , Iliilaiij.ool -
n y. ititniiiuliuy. diolnSJ , Ani-liilltnin aiul
Uivlll'tiRliiiMtilinr. Llbniy ot 1-WO Mjhiiuts
, uicl KXl pcrlodlcils
Tiiltlotiub olutoljftoo Tlioni-wsyinnasliini
Is p irtlnll ) oqulnueil iiiul wIlllH * eon | lo stu-
iloiits li'orciituo uo uililtpMtlioMowud.
St. . Miiru'a Bohool ICnnvillo , II , (1SH ( )
A Huinil School (01 ( Girls.
St. . Altnn's Saliool ] Cno\\lllo , 111. (133J
AtliiiKh Sihool for Hoys
Kcwl > tilldlilts , new fiirnltiiro. nownppnri
tus Thelatut iiuthoil4of lui'iit ll an ) plij'H
le-al culliiro Hint vtlilusl up t ) the t line-
llonoomroiH iiiiiliioiiici-nrii forovon J > uil )
LhV.O W b
eiiSt Tamils A.
J- > tI.ISS 1)0 ) } S
lioinoncliool tiutpnientsperfnt prn > ire < for im >
collffri1. orfur Ixislnudj li.uknarltioyBrcctircil. bill
jour opens Stpl h $ JlW ) AUUiwi Vn a 1
Miutu , . \ M. , Hunker Hill 111
c iirwi lllrmtnrr , hncrunfrrst
liiu-lc , nit. U. I llLLUlin. lilncil l , JaiksomlllL. Ill
'FORYOUNC LADIES. * 'M.i-.l ' l nnl Art
pwtin itli ln > ; tK I > rl r | M _ I Aiiicrl an 1 rolK-niTcatl.
hemtllul LriMii U new 1 uHllt a licitel t\ Ii t vt
filjJ L OGi.L I
School lor Girls and Younir I.nilli'8. lor
calalocuo nUdrcBo ( I. TIJAYKll , 1 1 . I ) . . t
ClrciilarolHCMlV J BTl\iN3 \ , A. U. , 1'rln.
Slodlu , r JlllltnryAc-nd my. toys
Uruokolliill.ilrla tlrcubra free
\Uot \ U J.\\rl \ \ lil. JJh.AM . CoiliMlll , \ \
1302 FarpatnStroot.
City PaeaetiRor and. Ticket Agoiit ,
fii'uro M < \ nlwiri r lUblc ItitHrt ,
glit foiIUuiuuril Ifrunlt1nrc l
P te4 till * bluiri-ub o ' 2 nil itfiMhr
Ptml 1rtftpif ) > r iirtloulin or ( "iCclltf fi
I mil * * , < ( titer lr tutnrxMlL uwny j
( hlulitcr ( ktut ( < > . . lii uuw , . J'hlk. .
an ; | Itu-tln tl ulniti I
Jun | r , Iicyclti b rxliimdOltli Triryo-
In ( r , ir uo UK | | U | . i.rlmrnt
I O I ilir lfri > ni I II t > | prnri > riao-
lory SUV XilnonSt C1 r c . f J to
J'O SAieJ fvlifl e nainpr r Itewriil * *
In lt itrld.
( tin1 * nil iliMiriiCiH < > r t liu btoni-Kli , Mvor , B m cli , 1C ilm-jK ,
HUH DtNuiHon , Ijuss ol A | iiDt lloinliu'lip , Onus f Ipa t Ion , ( Jim ll vo IKIH w , 1 it ill u N
tlon , lllllounneHK - " - , ( vvi r , I'11 us , IJlu. , 4 nil roinlors ttiony HIOIII less llnlilu tocon-
II.VDU'AYS PIM.S nn > u euro ( or this vomplalnu Tlmy tone up Iliu Intoriitl RCcratlons to
licultliy iictlon roBloro hlronn'Ui totlioktoinucli nnd oiuhlull to nc rfuriu UK functioiih
I'rk't'iV a box. Hold by all UruKlslu or mulled bj HAIl\\"AV < SL lO.riVutrtn : ktio lNi'i ,
Vork , onriH-ulpt of price.
Louisiana State bttciy Company.
Ino by Ihn lojl'tilnrc , lir rlucntlin l
| tt tt (
tliopriini utiin on tliiitk > ti In ll , , > , Ufin oror *
wlilmliit | | > tt | > iilnr rote , nml
To continue until 1st , 180C.
Us MAMMOTH DHV'WIN'aS take \-A\e
Seiit-Auuunlly ( Jnuunncl Dacombor ) t\ivllt !
Grind. Flnglo Nnmbor Drawings talco
tnptchof tlia otlior t n nuuthsof tlio
nivlnt-onll.tlr'ixvntn iml > llc at the
of Music , Now OrloTiu , 1. 1
Fdi * Integrity of lu * Drnvvlnos nticil
Piompt Pnymont of Prices ,
Atl' ti'iU follows
MVo tliliorrlir iPliry Hint * o < iporil o tin nr-
rnni.iuiiriit < fir nil tli m uilliU nml HI il mutual
ilr lin."f ! Ilii- 1 , MINI mi Mtlu luttorrfoiniiiiif ,
nn I In prxnii iniiniiKx unit uuitrd tin ilrnnltiui
ttinti < i > lie . mil tint tlio nil IIP mcroiiiliii'toliTlth
! mi''I > ntriiiM * mil liunixlfnltli townrli nllpar-
tlc < ntidntt nitlio ti" tttiutnurntiv Ii IIH > tlilin r <
tlllonto viltli fie nl iiK < uf our sltiniliiic nltncluv4
CXMMislONf | 111.
Up. lie iinlor-lnio I lunkn mut lnukrr . "Ill pnT
nil | 'i ' lo < itrnnti In I Iio I oiihlimi stnla LotU'rlci
hlch iui > lopro oiit tint our < ountor *
li M.MAf M.n .Pus hmiKiiinii > il llliuU ,
I'll ' lllll' I.VNAI \ . I'rcs.M it.-S.itlOn'l llu.k
IIAI,1MN. . Tie- . \t > Oile-iuis rsnl'l HiiiiK.
iinloii Xa
At tlio AmTonv ofMtwic , No\ % * Orleans ,
Tuesday , Sipt. Hth , 18OO
CAIJ1T/\L \ 1'RUIi ' , $000,000. ,
IOO.O1I TliUoti at Twintv Dollars em-li
lltlx is , $ lo , ( iuarlots &i I untlis , Jj ; I\M-U-
tilths M.
ll T w i > ui/.ig
KJOr > < )
. ' .001) )
J1 000
: , > . ! )
> . ' .MW
3ij.l I'rizes nmouiillngto $1,0 i
Neil 'lIclii'tiJrimliiK faiillnl lrlio < monet on-
lltlL-tllQ tcmliiiil prlrn
) OILMI ItATi 11 tn any lirthcrlnfoni itlit
< li.- < li I wildIciihlv to tli > mil. iH'jjKil. ilonlr
> liilii ; ( ) 'inrri'-lu'iic i > .nlLh ftiln ( iiiiiir striut. nml
niinilir Mor rjpl.l itlu.n mull il. Ihery will | j
n nii.1 1 > > ruur nuluilnt : ai cn\clniobciirtnit | youf
fUll ll01llHH
Address M. A I ) A I I'll IV.
> uw Orlomis , lv
\\uslilliBlnn. II C.
lly ordlmrr Inllcr < ml iliilnt ; MON rDll mi , l -
BIH 1 ly all i > vii | I.IH ooiupuiilis , rs
ilrul tur i > o til n la.
\dUtecs Ecsistoroil Letters Con tilumg Cur
io iicy to
M\V oiiuv > 3 NATIONA.MJAMC.
Nou Ol le.ins , ] i.
RI'Mi.MIHi : ( , Hint Iho iinrmoiitnf prlim I'OU/ll-
* NTlll > ill I ) lill 1TM\AI iiisusuf .Suw Or-
! > nii nnil Iliu llckutsnrt * yl.Mii | > < lli ) tlio pri'sk't'iitol '
nn liDlltiithntliuo ilnrldtil i Uhti on1 lev i-'lihul
In tliililulinlruirts. tii'rofim UniiiLuf till luillv
Hunger n in n > mini mhi > m < J
H \II.\M \ Hint ilioiiuieiitiliurttriir 'I lie l.mi-
MunSliitcl o'la > < uup HI > . nlilih tloSI I'll I. Ml !
ioi iir in PHI , r s imi iiet d'ii tn no n rov-
IKAC'I wlih the stutu of l/iuliiliiiii. nnil muirtol
Iliu Oiislllutlnnot tlioMnto 1)1)1 ) Hot'lro | UV-
1II7IIIK HK--1OI'1 JlXLHln .hV.
TI c l.i'Kliliuuri' of loulslum. nlilfliniljournedon
Iliu loth of lul > .rililMi'-n lui i onloi.ijan AMUM- )
MKM to Iho tin-t titlon ot tiu Klitu to Un NIIII-
inltti I tn llio priMil > nl in i i Ivtlonln M"llfh will
inrivllicilnrUrot Tin : luinsl\NAS I All' 1.01'-
I 1,111 COMI'AM , | | > tlii)0. ) < r.MNI'riJlN 111 V-
Ull I'll A AD M\iril..V
1 1 1 u ry pi'inm lie illy
tl lit sn to DO flav * .
. _ _ . „ . cllititmiu nil iHiUon
r > f iiihtHtnii so Hit lit n 'line vir IK nn luinol
Ilinill-diPlu cay f nn 1 utlci tin ln < ( lintcil al
liono i veil n hi'iodoi thu Himu jirlco nil lllUi
tlio htiue Riiiiniiii- < . lint with llio P nlui ) lofirl'
< molu-if , vo till cintrnftin HOT tliiin or icriiuilitl
nim > tut i > i ) I'ui.iu ciiiMto of tuning , rullliui
flXHftlldllOtLt bllll.
t .Ml ( ( II ll
i I I'fl Jtttl
* oourc tli > mot oil lln-xto ra < ! , 'V.'a ilinltuto Ilii
orlil t or a < i . t mil lutcino Klnio IlKiliUtcr ) o
liir I oilldft ti-Uftpefillu Ioi S plllls Inn brill i-ou"ti
forltuc ne\ni fonnil tiutll ur Madu It ineiljrn UM
NonoDttitrKcntiliuiltitftn \ HTcn nnii
coo/c ' c < > , , o ir//i , j\f i' * ; .
It pjtii Ic tsltfii In u i ii u ol * i ( t 41 , r Ii i ur In iir
tick * tiI TuxJ. without t o Unowlodfcjoot tlio patient
11 noaoASiiry U Iu ubiolutrlUarmlcsianciwiit rbcc
a leriuauoiit nnd opnodj euro. T\hetlnr Uirratlenti
a laotltirdtotlrinker oruu aloabolm\vitok. 11JSl\hl \
* " \tL * * . U operate BO quietly and with tuuti c , r
tauty tint thopittcnt unJorcoca no inconvenience
Giiiluale Dentist.
A Pull Set of 'leeth , on Kubbe
For Five Dollars.
Apotfiot lit KIIuunli'Cil Teeth pxtrncle
w Itlioul pain or ilfinvu. itn'l ' "III out HUH"-
I In Hi's OriKl uiiil Hl\ ] ( > r fillings nt lone-
inli'i llrhlgo n lid Ui n n Udik. Ttclh Mill :
ouliilalii. All \sotk w iriinted
I ill I'lincc. lillli slroiH clciutor < Ju | < ii c'uui
In.'s until 80clock
_ , . „ . . . _ Ith ) Academ ; ol
iS } ftlcilloiucc.r PAHIBIor trocuroor
| nnd fur rc/tilntliiR Jti iiciloillc i-oiirci *
J imo rcDulrJOunlcM Riiriol 111NfMni > , 4H rin
Iloiuimrti.l'urt ! " hUI.1) JIY All , Ul.tnUlS14
Kvloiucrna.l .tN. V.p\tt Til."torilic If. S
Ouflcrlii frninllin filicta > I joilthfiil irrors , cjrl
iliTujr , \ Mln cni < iii i , l t 11111111104111,11 „ ! wl
fi'liil a alu-xlilo trtnllwi ( nl * ill tmilAlnln. ; fu
pnrllrnlnn titr linmi rim1 , I'll 115 if i Iir ri .
vplinillil niillcil work : Fluiiilil Ui KM I'vitn
inun xvho M nm piii nnil ilclillllati p ) .Aiilrt *
_ tt'ruf. ! ' . < ' . I'OVMCIt. . JIIoo lim Couii
SYPHILIS On 1 1 e < ciliuil in i
ujK byiiso u ( thoiiiu
tloniMaclu Ilciiu'dr. fMUti > ( . ucitoit wl
not o inn. UAUllonto it t lie KIMIII no IPII
\irrlti \ > ( r < ill > u I * . 0 JtMyii LMU Hit
Slre'Ot.Oinalia. ? ' ' - -
, . jr. , v n IX I "rlX 1 ilV " " 'I jMllllt'l
* " o U U fttinpoltncr , LoilVlccr , o < :
fculthlollyiiiloril Vatltocolicaril P riieiil > r td ,
Boarui/i 1'riir. II Ii. ill 17' * , 1711 ulU bu" " . V ,