fWATTA T/ATT/Y / T5TCP. ATTflTTR'P I IT "ISOO THE CITY. Tholmnk clearings yofltci'dnynmountcd to $870,132.00. Mi J. 1'rcomnn has filed a complnlnt npnln < a It.Vi Tompldns for dofruudlng1 a landlord. Tlio lilovcnth street motor trnlns nro running south only ns far ns Mnrthti street liccuuso of tlio eowcr which Is toinjj laid on tlio former struct. Flvo car loads of tin pinto from Eng land were rcco'vcd ' jvt tno custom IIOIHC for tlio Annour-Ciuluhy company , Lcc- Clurlto-Andtcsoii , and Hector , Wlllioliny &Co. In tlio county court yesterday In tlio cnho of tlio Union Stock Yards bank vs August P. lisisclio , judgment wns ren dered in fmor of tno plaintiff for tlio cum of 31,000 and costs. Tlio board of education will open bids MomHy nifjlit for tlio ci'cotlon of Unco one-story buildings of two rooms oiuh , which will bo located on tlio Saratoga , Ilickorj and Central park nitcs. A brilliant flash of lightning about O''iOa. in. stiuclcii niotOL-oar on Twenty- fourth direct near Hrlatol nnd burned out ( ho ( linmnoe. ] 'arsons who saw tlio ncfldenl HUi thofliiuh cMondcd two foot from thnciii' , lj > w Hi 11 Is confined to his room by a eovoro sprain of the musics of the back BUbliihit'il ' by indulging In a guinoof ten- nlni ) . 'Jho iiitient sulluied gmatly for n low dn.\H , but IH now pronounced to bo recovering lapidly. * Tlio ( iivnlry horses used by the sol diers at the recent rillo contest held at the IJollovuortinL'o were Hunt 1o Fort Niobrara liiat iiFfht , They wore-sont out In eliai'KO of Sorpeant Jcifrlsh and Corporals JJcadus and Dallard. At ' o'clock.vo.slcday mornlnjf bui'ff- lara entered tlio front room of tlio resi dence otG. Nicholiui , 11J5 North Nine teenth itroct and Hlolo Ills trousers , 1.1s walvli nnd cliainwith n loc-kct altiiched , 6/5 / In money and a number of railroad passes. A petition was circulated Monday , nslilny that two additional voting pre cincts bo ostiibllshcd in the Sovunth wiuii. .1. j. iMiinoiioy la looicing tmur the matter and will present his potl- tions : il the next session of the city council , Itobcit Tompldns left Omaha Mon day and proceeded to 1'apilllon. Tlioro ho repichenlod himself asu _ IJuu reporter and huccocilcd In gulling n woithlo- check c.ibhcJ on the credit of that insti tution. Asa result ho MUS received into the Omnlia county jail yesterday for si thirty days' ' sentence. A tfi-t'iil deal of .JudffO Ilolslcy's time and patluncoIIB consumed yesterday afternoon in liem-iiif ; tlio caw of Alberta Drilfcorn , charged with resisting : vn ofll- cor. It AMIS nllogod that the woman assaulted Constable Casey when ho at tempted to ftoivo a warrant , bat the court decided in favor of the defendant. I'listotUou Itobbeil. Cliiof Cleric Craner of thu mall service vo- ccivcil tiotk'oyestmluy moininKiroin tlic post- irmitcr nt nine Springs that tlio postofllrn nt that point liud bom robbed oT $ r > 0. 'A post- oftlco impci'tor hamr-neil ' into Mr. Crcim'r's oftk'o Jut m the ilisp.itcli was leeclvotl nnd ho at once \\ciil to tlio aceno of tu toblwry. IMiiriiiiicisl I0fun : Inert. The cx-iunliiiiitf eommltlco of the state board of pharmacy will incut at the Millanl hotel toJ.iy for the examination of iipiill- cantd for registration ns pharmacists. Tlio Iionnl consists of Henry Coolt , of Roil Cloud , Max Ooclit , Omnlia ; Henry D. Hey den , ( jninil Island ; Jiitncb Reed , Nebraska City ; I 10. lligKS , Llnroln. Vim Iloutcu'b Cocoa Delicious , made in nUutly Tlic rijidNlmir Cciiilrlliuf IOIIH , T. M. Slwllenberfjcr , treasurer of the Bnulfclmv leliof fund , bas 'made public his report of the donation's received by the committee - mittoo to August. 1 , 1SUO. The total Is ? * ,01'U7. This does not Include - cludo the iiinoants received by the Brailbhaw relief committee at York , of whtili N. M. i'ot'CTsou Is trcasuior. The report of the latter \\lll bo niaUo public in a few no Usual tlio following mar riage licenses yesterday : Nimieaiid nklrcss. * Aco. ; j Jens Has inusscii , Omaha . . I Mui-ca Hiuiuusseti , Omaha . 18 \ JohuS. Mcfilaile , Omalia . 24 j Mnrio ICilcr , Omaha . 10 1 Vincent Mazouick , Omaha . 2) I Mnn-Uaso. Omaha . 18 j Cay ! \\r. \ ( Jooditeh , Omulm . 2S ( Sophia II. Carlson , Omaha . tw ICxperlencc iu Te.xai. William Ilutelilnson of Benton , 111. , while dMltiDjin cattle and hoi cs la Texas Just Bcptcrobor , was taken with a very soveio at tack of cholira niorbus and diarrhoea , com- Inp , hcsupposed. from a change of drinking water. A local druggist advlscil him to take Ctmmlicrlaia's colic , cholera and dlanlioea cure.rlhe second iloao , he says , nfTcctcd a com * pleto ciac. and ho now takes picas uio In rcconnnciKilii in toothers. Forsalo at 2J and 60 cents porbottlo by drut'k'ists. To Ilpcnmn n Jesuit. Mr. U'illlam Uoran , sea of Mrs. P. H. Oiroy , left jcstcixlay for Florissant , Mo. , vUieroho will enter the uovitiato with a view of becoming ii-iucmber of the religious order of Jesuits. Mr Domn is mi Omaha j'onng ijontlcumn , TIe \va.i a student of C'lviuhton colleso almost from the the time the institution w.is opened until nfmv jc.uansohea lu enterca the Jasiiiti'ollo'o at St. ' Mark's , Kim. In coin- p.iayith \ scvei.il other Oinnlu boys , notably thohoiis of Majur J. U. Puray , Mr. Uoiiin ' Biiuluati'd nt thoclosa of tho'lar.t scholiibtio yiar. slnco wlileli time ho has bpcnt several ,1 uiouttii ubioiul , Ho Is a tlnoly educated ,1I I yomiR man and wlllJUoubtless become a useful member of his chosen order. llowillbo aciomiMulcil by his father to the not it lute , i ThoIJov "m.StoutVlarton , Ont. , states : After being Inoilcctually treated by seven teen dltleicat docton for Scrofula and blood disease , I vns cured by JJimlock lilood Bit- tcrs.Vrlto for proof. of Mrs , Mrebo. The funeral of Mis. Homy Grebe , sr , , which was held from tlio family residence jestordny aftomoon was largely attended fcy tlio old sottlci-3 of Omaha nnd floroncc , nnd tlio numerous friends of tlio deceased. The services were conducted by Hov. Mr. Kuhns of the Southwestern Evangelical I " uthmm church , of which the deceased h.id "been n member , The rich , black casket was iaibeddcil in cut flowers , .sent hi by friends who had Know a the deceased for many ycai-s. TliorcnianiH were Intei red Iu Prospect 11111 cemetery , and lieiiiR followed by a procession of ncmly Jllty iiirriagcs. The pall bearers were Charles ICarbaclt , llcnrv ' uolln , Henry r.climana , Joseph I\ar- ch.'U' . Loreuzcu , C. Scbinidt , lKlelt - scr. _ ' . K\erylliiiiK Goss In thn bodily mechanism when the liver gets out of oiiicr. Constipation , dysiwpsla , con- lamlimtion of the blood , Imperfect assimila tion nro certain to ensue. But it is easy to yrevont these consequences , and remove their cause , by a course of Hostettci's Stomach Hitters , which MlmUutca ; the biliary oiwu naa rojulatcs its action. The dinct rcsul Is a dtsanpearanw of the v-ilns beneath the rlha mid tlirougli the shoulder blade , the nausea , headaches , yellowness of the skin , furred look of the tongue , aad sour odor of the breath. ' which characterize vcr complaint , bound dliKMtlou and n regular habit of body nro Uoulngs also secured by the use of this celo- 03t brotcd restorative of health , which Is Its bat mmrantcoof safety from malarial epidemics. Kervo weakness and over-tension nro oto TIIH VKMt IOET. J. II. O'ltcllly , Ono of the Most Gifted of Ir AIIIHM ! loans. The announcement of the death of John Doyle O'Hcllly ' , the editor of the Boston Pilot nnd one of the most gifted and popular Irish-Americans In the country , shocked Ids friends In this"city as It did throughout tuo world. Mr. O'ltcllly ' had never visited Omaha , but had boon met by many of our leading citi/ens and was known by many moro through his books and the be.uitiful poenu which fre quently found their way Into the local press. The cause of death , whether heart failure or an overdose of chloral , will i > robibly never bo discovered. Together with his fam ily Mr. O'llellly had been spending the sum mer at Hull , near HoHon , Sunday night Mrs. O'Kcllly w.is ill and Dr. Liluhflcld was called to nUenc'l her. At 2 o'clock In the morning the doctor was called n second time by Mr. O'liollly wnolnformod himthnt pnit of the medicine prescribed at the first call had boon spilled. Another do o was Riven and. as Mr , O'Kollly left the house , ho complained of be- ItiR fatigued nnd , if Mis O'liollly should fall nsloop. he would take lomctlnnit himself to see If In1 could not t'd some hums' .sleep. At I o'clock , Mrs. O Uei'ly ' , who had been' ' moused , in Used licr husband and found liim down stairs in an uncouclom condition. The bott ! containing her melUluc. although she hud ttiUru littlu fiom it , was almost empty. It is supposed that Mr O'llellly d ran It some of llio inediriiic nddlagthtor.il to it in a largo quantity which pioiluccd death. Mr. O'liellly ' w.is Iwin at Dowth castle , County Mc.iili , Inland His father , William Da\iu"O liulllv , was a distinguished mathe matician mid scholar mul was for tlilrty-llvo ycats master of the Nittervillo Institution , JJowth Castle , a llrltlsh cliatliable Institu tion , and his inothe.t , Klua Uojle , w.is n lady of ( ino literary attainments. The son exhibi ted the talents of these parents , and the pas- Hioiiato pitriotism of his mother found an eclio in many oC his verses , wlulo her mem ory has been pcipctnntcil by some of'tho sweetest poems tli.it have rome from his , O'ltcilly's , pea. She died while ho was In prisoT It was in this way young O'Ucilly found hiinscl f Imprisoned on the charge of treasonable - able notion to thu I3niliill ( government. In Ibifl , when the ro\olutlonnry movement be- g.m in Irclnnd ho was a compositor oil n lead ing KnslMi newspaper. In May of that \car ho returned to Ireland anil w.s enlisted in the Tenth Piincoof Wales' Owa hussars , the cr 'ii'lr . .ilnliv t * . ( riniont rtf tlio Jll'rnv * . lll < IT , . tontion being to spread republican principles among tlio solilioM of lilnrowu and other repl- mrnts. Ho did his work so thoroughly tunt athi inat the end of llvoye.ns ho was arrested ( or httth treason , the irovcniincnt having discov- ercd tbo insuirodlonary movement by In- formers. Ills trial boe.m ou tbo JTtti of .funo , 1cl , mid bo was found guilty oh Jlvo capital charges. Ho was sentenced to Imprisonment fem life , which scntcnco was afterward com muted to t\\cnty yeius penal servitude. The remainder or tlio year l OD , and tbo Kic.itcr pait of tlio ensuing , v/uro spent In vaiious convict prisons Iu Kugkmd , woildng in chain gangs. Gcc In November , lSG7lio was sent to tbo penal colony of West Australia , In : i convict ship crowded with 'Mi criminals. During tbo \oyage < Mr. O'llcllly , In connection with one oiei His fellow-exiles , published uweelcly paper entitled the Wild Goobi- , for tlio relief of tbo monotony of tlio voyiup , seven numbers of which were published before the tirilval of the vessel at her destination , jnnuaiy 10.1SGS Hero ho was plucuil at work with tbo road paUics In tlio colony , anil was subject to tbo viiissitudesof coin-lot lifo until February IS , lblihcn. ! > . liu made Ills escape. In an open bo.it bo put out to son.It \vfis n small ! , poorcnift patched up with bark and tlb iood tint \v.u to feoil Ha occupant had to tltl tourd behind in the water. The vessel that ho hoped to bo.ud passed him by , anil to tltl returned to shore , only lo start forth again the next clay , nnd this time pained access to the decks of the Gazelle , com manded by Captain David H. Gifl'ord of New Bedford. Captain UltTord loaned O'lieillyJO.pulni.'an . ( all the money ho had wilb him ) ulicn they parted off the Cnpo of Good Hope and put him then on board another American ship , tUoSapphho of Boston - ton . , hound for Liverpool. Avoiding dis covery there the escaped prisoner shipped as an American sailor on tlio ship Honuuv of Bath , Mo. , anil on November IS , IMl'.i , after nearly a year upon the water , landed ut Pliiltidelphia. : Ho was then twenty-live years of age. totnllj Ignorant of this country , without a single ncqaintanco hero , yet possessed with that : buoyant disposition and manly self-re- liimco that could and did quickly push him to success and to proiulnonco. The very day of his landing In PhU.uielpliIa ho applied for American cituronshlp Attor ft brief stny In that city and Now York ho went to lioston January 2 , 1S70 , and for a law months obtained n llvllhood by working in u stcumshlp cilice. In May. however - over , tlio second Fenian raid on Canada co- cm rod , nnd O'llbilly ut once went to the scene us the coriespondent of the Boston Pilot , b irely escaping being taken prisoner bp'tho British , forces. Ho was in command oithuUish forces for a short tlmo after O'Koill was taken prisoner. Returning to lioston Mr. O'Ucilly soon became - came the editor of the Pilot. Very soon poems glowing with romantic color ana throbbing with realistic lifo called the attention of the literary ! woild to this young author. Uo be came u contributor to the Galaxy , Scribncr , the Atlantic Monthly and Harper's. His frank , earnest personality secured the friend ship of Wendell Phillips , John G. Whitticr , William Lloyd Ganlsoii and other stanch Americans. Ills countrymen have seoniod to put moro faith In him than in any ono else , not alone for his poetry , hut for his unselfishness and generous consideration for the interests of others. Mr. O'llcllly wag ono of the founders and was president of the Papyius club , besides bchiK I a member of the St. Botolpli , tlio liouiul Table- and other literary orpmbations. In 1STJ ho man led Miss Mary Murphy of Charleston n , of whom ho wioto in the dedi cation of his "Songs , Legends mid Ballads" : "Hfjr raroaud loving Judgment has been a standard 1 have tried to reach , " Ills Urst book was dedlr.tted to the raptnln \\lio rescued him from Australia , but thu vol ume came too late to meet the eye of the kindhearted - hearted old Yunkcd skipper , The news of his death in August reached lioston the very week tbo book was Issued. Mr. O'Ueilly's third volume was dedicated to his mother uud his fourth to Ills four lltlUUlllJL3. It is thought that a n mnoiial meeting will bo held by the Irish eiti/ons of Omaha to do honor to the memory of the deccnicd poet and patriot. _ Chapter 1 1 Weak , tiied , no appetite. Chapter li : Took Hood's Sarsnparilla. Chapter 3 : Strong , cheerful , hungry. Tlio Ilabcri : The Inquest at Burkel's ' undertaking rooms over the remains of 1'otor Raberg , the car penter who committed suiddo by hanging , developed the following : 1J ibcrg had board ed at various tlincb with Potc'r Peterson nnd Andrew L.nig.m and these with John Nelson were the only witnesses , liaborghad made con lldants of them and told them that when 1 * lived in Sweden he hud fallen in love with and hail been engaged to a girl to whom his mother had some objection. Tlioy were sepa- lated anil ho came to tills country. The plrl afterward opened up neonespondeiieo with him out refused to'como although he had sent her money to do so. Kabergwas Industrious nnd had ncqulrod considerable property. IIo owned a Turin near Crcslon , 1,1. , horn which ho received an annual rentiu of S'.m. Ho also owniM lot ( . block 13 1'rwpect Place , which ho had traded for n farm near Llttlo ( took , Aik. , fiom which ho received f10 ! per year In rent. Ho also owned a lot In I.lttlo Uoclc. Last fall , ho received § 1,400 from his mother's citato In the ola country , so that Uo was In comfortable circum stances. Shortly bofoiohls death , ho drew nil his money from the hank , but uo trace of It could bo found. There was some talk about Kubcrg's pimblinp , but none of the witnesses could testily as to the truth of It , nnd it U supposed that ho had turned his possessions Into cosh and sent the money to bis sweet heart in Sweden , after which ho took his life. life.Tlio Tlio dead man had no relatives In thU country , but had u brother and sNtcr living In the southern patt of Sweden iu u llttlo hamlet called Korom. Among his possessions was. n Knights of Pythlaa sword , but ono of the friends of thu dead man said Hubert' had told him that ho bought tbo sword ns un ornament , Tb Jury returned a verdict to thQ that the deceased had come to his death by hit own hand by hanging himself While In A stnto of temporary Insanity caused by disap pointment In love. i The body win burled immediately after being discovered. Nerve and Liver I'lllq. An Important discovery. They act oa the liver , stomach nnd bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speedily cure bllllousncss , had taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women nnd children. Smallest , mildest , suiest. 80 doses for 2. " > cents. Samples frco ntlCuhn &Co.'s IMhnnd Douglas , * mm TWO josi-UMis. Joseph I lie Second Storms tlio Cawtlo ol' Mrs. Joseph the Kh.st. There was trouble-Monday nlghtnround the classic precincts that surround the Oastellar public school. A man whoso front nnmo Is Joseph and who travels for n hide Hun , to gether wltli his wife and flvo children .live immediately across the road from that Insti tution. Ills wlfo is a comely woman nnd des pite the fact of tlio growing family around her. is yet young enough to bo attractive. Joseph the second , a caipenter , llvoj with his wlfo nnd family two blocks nwa and as nolghbois the tvyo families became ) in timate. They hid , Christmas trees together f < jr the children and called upon each other frequently. Hut the inevitable cloud no bigger than a man's hand appeared upon the hori/oii and gtcw larger nnd larger. Joseph II , fell in love with lovely Mrs. Joseph I. Ho was very much In love , mid tlio neighbors say that his affections were not entirely unreciprocated , To attend to his duties and maintain Ids family , Joseph I , was , and is , compelled to bo away from homo much of his time , mid ills snld that the caipenter and Mrs , Joseph I. made the most of tils absence. Of late , however , Mrs. , Toseph I. has soured on Joseph II. nnd told him not to see her again. Monday night she and her okiest daughter came down town. When they got on the car Joseph was there and fol lowed them throughout tho'r ' shopping tour , but did not offer to speak to them. Soon after they reached homo Joseph inppcd on the door and dcmaiidol iidmittanco. MM. Joseph told him that ho could not como In , whereupon the carpenter smashed tbo door In and cnteied. Mrs. Joseph t. attempted to bar his entrance , and was struck for her piins. She then sent her oldest child to the residence of OIHcer Kjsor , who live.s a tow doors from her , to summon that ofliccr. HlCysorappearAl and succeeded in quieting Joseph , but not before ho declared that ho lo lohi uu mis. uu&il'u x * uuu \ > uuiu vtuiiu UVL ua ils wife. hiw The man Is madly infatuated with the .vormin nnd fora time she was iu love with : ilin , tbo neighbors say , and their conduct scandalized that portion of thu city. A 3iotnlJlu Uopnrt. "For disordeiod mcnsturation , nnarmla nnd sterility , It may properly bo termed a specific. " Extract from Dr. W. P. Mason's ' report on the waters of Lxcelslor Springs , Missouri. a ins tVLiat of the Visltinjr Tcachcra in At tendance Upon It. The Douglas cornty teachers' Institute has entered upon Its routine wont , and a icgular piogrammo has been arranged. la the morn- ng there will 1)0 ) classes in nilthmctic , physiology elegy and hygiene , civil government and his tory , and In the afternoon lessons lu drawing , grammar , bookkeeping1 , penmanship and di- iLiclhs. The corps of teachers comprises Prof , Lon- g.m , who Is principal of the Humboldt school , Kansas City , who will have charge of the classes in Arithmetic , grammar , civil government and didactics ; Miss Illloy of Lincoln will aivo instructions In physiology , hlstoiy uud drawing , nnd Profs. Ilohrbough will have classes in penmanship and book keeping. County Superintendent Matthews has general supervision. A low of those in attendance nro from places outside of the county and thcro are several of the pupils from the high school nnd the various commcicial colleges. Sessions will bo held dully during this week and next week from Sitfu a. in. until noon nnd from- until .1 p. m. The following nro those in attendance : Kate A , Gardner , Kate McDuun , Mary Loncignn , Jessie King , Mnmlo Wcasa , Bertha Xicfcr , Kate L. Johnson , Mngglo 1'ollunil , Mrs. W. C. Allen , Annie B. Leach , Mamie B. Bruncr , Minnie M. Swnrtzlandor , Uortha L. Merman , .Mrs. Minnie - nio Hills , I'ersls E. Stuart , ifattie L. Brows- tor , Juslo Hithnrds , Laura G. Crnlchcad ; , Nora A. Cox , Louise McMonics , Jennctto McKay , Lydia C. Brtio- clinit. Carrie Jensen , Mary D. Knight , Helen Plcrcy , L. W. Hind , Mary Van Scoye , Emma Nicholson , Luoy M. Weir , Mrs. Jennie Walker , Katie Kccfo , Laura , Thomas , Jessie Novcs. Marion B. Nojes , Penrl Avrcs ' , 1'A Pollard , Webb L. Branson , B. F. 'Williams , Chailoy Hart , F. W. Buchanan , George M. Mnllins. Edwin J. Uodwell , T. E. Dubols , F. Compton , C. S. Lowe , Fred Robinson , C. II. Koonz , A. B. Agco , Charles B. Spates , James Ellis , jr. , W. C. Allen , S. G. Mimson , K Giffard , A. L. Itelce , J. C. Kay , II , J. Hess. For Burns , Scalds , Bruises and all pain and soreness of tlio flesh , the grand household remedy is Dr. Thomas' ' Eclectrio Oil. Bo sure jou get the genuine. THE MIGHT OF How It Will lie Displayed in September. The members of the central labor union are doing all in their power to mike the Labor day celebration an event long to bo re membered. At the last meeting of tbo union W. B. Musscr , Julius Meyer , II. II. Klrby , George L. Wlllard and W.S. Sabring wcro niipuintoil a committee to arrange the details for the grand public demonstration. Since -that time the gentlemen have been busy , nnd now announce that among the featuius of day , in addition to tlio sticct parade , tlioro will bo a barbuouc , several horse mid foot races , day m-eworicb and uthlotio sports of various kinds. The attendance of Prof. Tenhroeckof Lon don has boon seemed. The professor is an aeronaut of world-uido reputation and upon that day will miiko his famous leap from the clouds. Ho will ascend to the height of 5,000 feet and , aided only by a parachute , drop to the ground. The paiado will bo parctldpatcd In by all the labor societies In the city und the mem bers of the farmers' ' alliances iu Douglas county. To make the event a success will require n fund of $1,000 , which will bo expended for decorations , navlnc nrlzes. eto. Tills amount will bo raised uv subscription nnu committees are now nt work canvassing to secure the amount and aio licing liberally treated by citizens. The Central labor union will hold n meet ing this evening to make further arrange ments for the great occasion. IK inpertor eiecllcnro proroi In mlllloni of homB * forrnoretlmn iciunrlercr n century. lll u < ll 7 the Unllfil Slatui Covo-ninouU Kmlorieil by tha tica4. o ( the urpixt un.n > rltloi as the Mtronzau , PuredanlMoit llenUhful. Ir 1'rlce'n Crnam Mak ing I'owilitr doi't nulcuuulu aiatucola , lloi or alum. B'WonljIne.M. With your name and address , mailed to the Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Go. , la' necessary to obtain an Interesting treat- ' ko on the blood nad tLo difcascs Incident Colt , Slciii Eruption Clurod. Ore -if my cwtonicre , n hlghlf rctpcctcd and Influential citizen , lit \Oo la now nUcut from the city , hat ) used Swift's Specific Ith cxccUcat remit. Uo p.ip It cured him of a ekln eiupllon Ibiit ho lind ban tormenUil with for thirty ycart. aniHiadrielelidlliocaratlto qnnllUct of uinj olhcrnuJIcltuj. CLEOO , Drva s' , ? fU * Cfy , Ilcb. A great many women have given up expecting to find a comfortable corset. Mistake ! There is one that fits nine women in ten. For them it is comfortable it is more than comfortable , a positive luxury. Any merchant that has it will tell you ' , 'Wear it three weeks , if you like , and I'll give you every cent of your money back , if the corset doesn't ' suit you. " Ball's is the one. Your merchant has a primer on Corsets for you. CHICAGO Cousin1 Co. , Cutcagoanil New York. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 14 OO DOUGLiAS STR1S13/T ' OMAHA , NEI1. Tlio most wldoly and f.ivorablv known spec ialists In the United States. Tlu-lr Ion. ; ox- porlcncu , rcmnrkablo hKlll unit unlveri.il suc cess In the treatment nnd euro of Nervous L'hnmlo nnu fcurKlcal Discuses , entitle thcso eminent physicians to thn full cnnOilcnuoot tlio alllletod overywlioro , Tlioy Kimruntpo : A OEllTAIJJ AIsD I'OSITtVK OUKK fur the awful eirocts of early vlcouud the numer ous evils that follow In Us train , 1'HIVATB , IILOOD AND SKIN DISEASES Bpi'pcllly , coiniilotoly nnd nnrmanontly cured. NHIIVOUS IIKHIUTY AND SHXUAh DIs- OUUiUS : yluld roailityto tholr bUlllful treat- 111 Milt , 1'ii/ns. / FISTULA AND KEOTAII ULORUS Riinnintccil cured without pain or dotoutlon from tiuslnoss. HVUKOOULB AND VAIUCOOELE pornn- nontly nnd auccos fully ourctl In every case. SYlMUIjIS. GONOUltlICA , GLEET , Spei- matorrhca , Bemlnnl Wonkn M , Lost.Mnnhood , NtRlit Emissions. JJcoiiyeil Faeultlcs , I'omalo Weakness unil nil dollu.ito Ulsorilcra peculiar to either BOX positively cured , us well n i nil functional disurtlors tliat icsult from youth ful follies or the excess of iii.iluri ) yeiui , CTUirrillji ; Onir.intecd pornuinontly O 1 JViv _ i UUL/ UULcured , rotnnval couinlcto , wltliout cutting , ciuibtluor ( liliititlon. OIITOJ alluctud nt homo by lutlout without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A QTTPR niTTJ The nwful ofToeti of /V OUIXU UU1\11 early vlco which brings ornnulo weakness , ilestmylns both inlncl nnd boilith all its drcuiled Ills , puruiaiienty cured. JQ TT7Tr ? A < llrp3i ( these who have 1m- \J. DLi 1 10 paired thomsolvei by Im proper Indulcenca ; und solitary hibltfi , which ruin both mind nnd body , unfitting thorn for business , study or marriage. J1AUKIED HKN or those onrorlntjon that hnppy ll/uu\\uroof / physlcaldobllity , qulolcljr iibalsted. OUR BUOOB3S Is Insod upon facts. ii'Jrst 1'raotloal ' experi ence , tiocond Kvery case lst.peclalty . studied , thus starting right. Third Medicines are prepared In our labontory exactly to suit each case , thin ctTuctiiiKCUics without Injury. Drs. Belts & Belts , ' 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA. NEB. MANHOOD RESTORED. "iANATIAO " , the ' ] Mnuilyla . „ . „ . , , , „ n IVi Kli'ii flimrnu- lee lo CD 10 allNvtv < ua li auiffencli 03 \Vealc Memory , Losa j ofUrnlnPuwerHuad > - . . . , , - , , , Bcbc. WakofolDMi , Deforo & After Uso. to"t .Mnniiooii , , icn. fliologriipfiea Iiuin Lliu , oimiecs , I.nssltudo , alldritlin undines of power ol thu Ooncratlvu Or paneIn either Bijx.caiiscilby over-oicrtlon , youtn- hilluUlecretlonB , or the csceeelvo nee oHooacco , opium , or etlmnlants , vhlch ultimately lend to lufiriultjr. Cnndimptlon mil Inpiuilly. Tut up In convenient form tn carry In the vent pocket. Price SI a nackaco , or 0 fur S Wltli every $5 order we Clvoii itr'tltcn t/iiartiiitre to euro or rrfiuitl the inuncif. buntby null to any nrldnes. Cli- cnlar fue. Jlcntlon thl pnpcr. Aridn-kj MADRID CHEMICAL CO , Wr,1"ft } tfV.S.A 4 T IJ-mliorn htii-it. C IlirAJiO , If.U TOIJ PAI.K IV DM MIA Mil in ICiihn AOo. , Cor. Htli nnd DoiiftlniStrcoti. J. A. I'ullor CO.COT. Htb mill DoiiKlas Sts , A. 1) ) . roilcr i Co. , Council HlulRIowa. ! RUUF. NiSS LIQU01C IN ALL THE WOHLD THERE IS BUT ONE CURE nniHEfJ SPERIFIR. II can tto al < cn In * up r rulfto ur ( CM. or In or- tick * orruuii , without t38 knowledge of the patient. If necessary. It U abjolutely harruleos and will eflect * perraaaaut and nptertr euro , whether tno patient u ninodoratedrlnkororaualcoholio wrco * . 11 > I. > Lit VAIL * . It operatci o qutotlr and with luoh cer tainty that tin patient unclergoti uo Inconvenience , and ore. ha u uwaro.i liu coupletn rclormatlon ! elfectod 48 pace boon of pirltouUrafre . Tobohadof KUUN c CO. , 16th ucm l a , & . lflb < : Cumiueau. CT'l'rada nuppllcd by ul < AiE , IJUUCi : & CO. , and DKUa CO. . Otralin. ' ' . on FAIRHAVEN ( ! t bOUIllt. 1'UCIIIO C 99C Terminus ! ( Ircat or- lliorti Kr. Vast resource * , Coat , Iron ana 'llinbtr. nlrcudr nlllliInK tliouiiiiui of nifiiiiwlnilllloim of dollars. Malclllcs * hiirbor.iioiircHllienpun icii.VailBMIiiiilnwIiiterciii. Ihroo rillrnails. build urn * thin ono yfBrlroiunoili. Initto poiuilullon of4H lU. | S. I'enmislnnilHMUMed vuluiillon of MIU , ( J. KlectrlollKliU , electric utreec nulwiiyi.Kuswiiior worki. Unuquiillcil oiiporlnnl * tlos fet prolluiblo Invi'tiraiMili. hiwlal inrtnrp. L.X.MI CO. , TulrliuVcu , 'Hinlilugtuu , _ , " SCROFULA.KINQ'S-EVIL.COnSIITUTIONAL WEAKNESS.CONSUMPTION ( IH ITS LAHLY STAGES ) : POORNESS OF THE BLOOD , and for rcsulntlne Hi periodic rniirii None Kcnnlno unloM Jjn'M BIon3parUl'arlii. " HOLD 11Y A Von l..UMi:4 ONI.V-Dr Inline < I'crlodlcil Till the Kriuicli roraodjr , act un llio inumtnml ejunn urn euro nupjiroailon Irutu hatuver came , I'rumulo mcintruallon. Theu nUl tiuiil > l not lo taken Our- Ingprwnancjr. Am. I'lll Co. , Hojalty l'rui , tipon- cer , CUy Co. , la Uenulnuby Bhonuan.tMcConnull Uudae > t. near I' UUtualia , : 0 A. Molclior , hou Uiuiiiu , U. r. llu , CouucU UluXl. t-'i or 4 ( or U IF FRA-HOR AMERICANIZED ENCYC'LOP/EDIA BRITANNICA VOL. v REVISED AND AMENDED : .BEif ODD CLARKE a : IF DRS. MERILL & MERILL- SI KTIAUSTS IN Clironlp , Nervous , Blood nnd Snrulcnl ni on'P nnJ IJUoiui's of tlio Kjo , Uur , Nose , Throat unit Cliost. Special Attention to UisunHos of Wo men ixntl Clillilrcn. The doctors linvo lind ycnrs of experience In the lioipltils of llrooltlyn nnd New Vurk.mul iironmoiiK lliu must Biiccojslui and n Ideljr Known gpcclullat ! ) la ( ho country. Tn Voiinc nntl SliUcllc-Accil AIcn. Lost Innlioocl , N'orvont Debility. Spernmtorrlicvn , Bcmliml l.oi'cs , 1'liynlc.il Uicny , nrlslni ; from ln < Us- cretton , proiluclnn slccplossncsH , despondency , plm- plus on tno faio , aversion tonocloty , onilly dlsioui- aKL'UjlncU of conllilcniu , dull , unlit for study or Uui- | iiuss , and llniU Ufa a burden , safuly , pcrniaucutly and eiiuodlly cuied. lilooil null Skin DiHPiiflc'fl. * Syphilis , n dl eaio most dreadful In Its results , completely crudlcatod Gciiito-Urliinrj * Stirccry. Gonorrliit , Gleet , Syplillls , Hydrocclc , Vnrlrocolc , and Stricture , radio.illy nnd snfeiy cured trlthuut pnln or dutentlon fiom bnslncMJ. All sexual Do- fcrmltlos und Impedimenta to luurrlncoaucu'sbfully ruintncil. Alllteotnldlacmes nfoly nnd permnnently cured. Hiram , Un in. till 8 p. in bimdayH , 10 till II N II 1'ciBoiu unnlilo to vlilt us HUD bo treated at Iliolrlioinci by rorrvpundenco XIu llelncsaiid In itruct'imsnoiit ' by p > prc 8 Consult itlon Sna HeiiJ I cents Inatauiia to Insure reply. 21S Flftcentli St. , Oppoillo Opera Ilous" , Oiniilin , Neb. -ron Illir.lTMATISM. nYM'KPSU , Hir.iwsNKVs. ' KIIIMIV COMI-LALNTS , LUM ) UISI.ASC3 , IMI'UIIIS 1IWOIJ. ILKR & COMPANY. IUUTOIIS A > SOLE MAMJFACTUHUUS , OMAHA NEB. Specialist , la unsnrpiMPdln tlio trnnt- iiiont ( itiill formy of I'lll- VATB l l > l-Ml'KS.I < ntiliin lioud , Mlllt I I'll I.1 , or pain In rululvliu lliu blnddor , SVI'llll.ls curi'd ln ; < JtoW < l.iy bkln DUcisos , Cnturrli nnd nil IllsiiiMOii of lliu Illiiud , lle.irtand I.lver lo- mule Dljc.uei cured H Ithout lriiniout'i ir "loc.i | ( ront- iit. " Lndlci fro.n 3 to 4 only Write for ilrcii- litrielvlni , ' pnrtleulnrHabout ciu lie film nboro dlsi'ann , mil BhoiTinK inanv of tlio must rc'iunrkablo caret Uf- flco , N Vt jr Htli 'ind turiiuu bta. , ctitunco u eltliiTmru't , OnmliA , .Nub FOR MEN ONLY. MUMP f'l'lH' I'orl.OM orl'AIUJfU MAN- .UAlilL uLrUu IKJOI ) , In MCIU und M.It- \ OI'S PEIIflilTV'Val iim i'f liocl > nix ! JIlnili ' ' I lUitsot Jlrmrs or ixccsacs In O'U or Vi'i'i" liobiist , Ni.Ulo.MA.NIIUUl * tullvii- MiiifiT \ \ BU Hitntoi' c\orjr i aiu or inniicy it'funiluil r-niiii'u eoiiisr , IH o days' tri-iit- ini'iil tli full MM II-P , * ' > . SC'-iirili nalpil 11 inn . ' \ Cookitomc'lyt * Otnuliu , Nib BurTcrlnit from Hi" ' " cn of i uuthful trron , oarlr 5ec r. tt"tii.zicaknesn , lokt manhood , elc.,1 will Moil n valuiblo IrcntUe ( w lr < l > conlalnlnK full nrtleuUn for liomo curf. I'I Kit of chart o. A { pIcmlMrueillciilwiirkllhouia l wad firvin mao who U ii r nut anil ileMlltAlrd. Iddrcu , EVERYONE -SEEMS TO 13 n C3ATOHINQ ON TO THE ML'tUTS OF TUB OMAHA DAILY B HAND AND- KMERIGHNIZED BRITSNNIGfl By the way , orders arc being taken for ( life great work. This Encyclopaedia cannot be jiurcliased except in connection with THE OM/VHA DAILY BEE. Ten large volumes , nearly 7,000 pages , over 8,500,000 , words. Our Proposition. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE o/Ters / a year's subscription of the paper , delivered at your address , and a complete set of the Americanized Encyclopaedia Britannica for $2.5o a month. The first five volumqs delivered on payment of $2.5o ; the bal ance payable at the rate of $2.50 a month until the full amount of $30.00 is paid , the other five volumes to be delivered within four months. All our present subscribers are entitled to participate in thfl above proposition. Call at our special office where the work can be seen , oU | drop us a postal card and a representative will call. The Omalia Medical and Surgcail Instituto" " " " " " " " I'or the treatment of nllCIIHONIC AND SUnOICAIj niSBASKS. Brnccn , ApsllnnfOi for dorormllles nnij Trusjcs. Host I'licllltloi , Alipirntii ) ninl Hpine > llea fur aucciiful Irn itincnt of morjr form uf illaoano ro tlillrlriKnicillcal oraiirglcul trcitincnt. 0X1 ] I1UNWH3U AND TNVUNTV-l'lVH UOIIMS I OK PATlUN'ia , lloanlinil Attonilincc , Host nacoininod itlom In tlio west Wrlto for circulars on lnformttlt ) aii < l llrncej. 'Jrui-sos. Club reel , Curniturcs of Ihu Splno. I'lloi. YIIIUDM , C.inour , Ciiturrli , lirondillH , IiiliiintUin Klooj trlcltr , I'nrnlyiild , Kpllcpar. Kliltioj.llliulde Kro.l.nr , Hkln nnd lilood nnd nil siiruk'Ml operations DlriKABKS OKOMlINn Hin'clnlty. Hook ofDlseiuoH of Women free Wo Inn n Intily mlili-il n I yUnt-lnilup.irtmonf , forvromon ( Inrln-rcoiitlnoincmt ( strlitly iirlvnto. ) Only Knlliiblo Sledleiil Institute nirikliiu aapcclilly at ' I'ltl VATIC IHSlIASIItJ. AH blood ilhen < cs Hiicccssfuliy tieatccl Sjphllltlc poison roinovtil from tlio .tyatoia viithaut mercury. Now HvslorattvoTrt * itinont for loss of rltnl power. 1'nrtlei nnnlilu to > lslt uamnr trentcil nt lioino Lj torrciponili'nco. Allooinuiiinlcatloiii coiillduiitlil. .Mwllclin or Initriiinoiitt ont mull or oppress Hccurcljimrki'd ' , no murk ) to Imllcnin content i or Honrtor Onoior onal liitervlovprvfcrrea , Cull nnd coinult us orncnd lilttory of > onr cine , arid KO wll | lend In plnln wrapper our 1JOOIC TO MBJC list. 1UKIJ upon I'rlvuto bimetal orNorvuua Dlsoasca , Impotoney , Mrplillls Uloot , and Vnrlcocelo , wllb ( juMtloa Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Corner Otb nnd Ilnrnoy Streets , Oinulia , Ncbrjisku. Protect and Improve Your Sight by Using n PnlrofOur "Perrection" Spectacles o They are The BEST in the WORLD Wo mak of grade goods , the n apeclnlty high using regular ocu- f list's Prescription Frame , and only first quality crystal lenses , whl h are sciontlflcnlly ground to correct the various defects of vision. Every pair is fitted by n Practical Optician of many years' experl- once , and weGUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN J2VEHY CASE. FORTlm-ty Days \\'c \ \ Will Sell Sl'liCTACUiS and HYIiGUSSKS at RliUUCIil ) PRICBS. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , ANY STYLE , Worth $5 to $10 ; now $3 to $5 FINEST STEEL SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , For $1 and $1.50 ; worth $2 to $3 BLUE OR LONDON SMOKED GLASSES , for shading the eyes , from 50c UP Beware of using common Spoctnclei , which uro ( > uro to injure your eyes , but take actvuntoge of our reduced pnjcea arjcl buy the bust nnu v Imve them properly adjusted to your eyes. V , OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. MAX MEYER & BRO - JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. 1800 , 16th AMD FARNAM STREETS , Omoho ,