THE O1IAHA DAILY BEK , AUGUST 1800. 'V ' lllL InJUutllUui Woodmen Decide not to Oo Into Session as a Head Oatnp in Iowa. THEY HOLD A CONFERENCE INSTEAD , IlllimlH DrlojjnlCH Denounce Oin Oitll fortho 1'iTHiMit Moi.'tlnKtifiiiii II- nnilVliolly UliAvar- rantud 1'rotii ' > m' , la. , August 12. fSpschlTolo- gram to Tun IRK , ] Uclcgntos to the num ber of more than n thousand assembled In this city this morning to attend the special ucsfloii of this head camp of Ilio Modern Wood men of America. There was n 1itti'hlioivuvcr. In tin1 proceeding , mid no Hpocinl session of lhahuailuiuii : | was held. When tlio hour of meeting arrived I lead Consul .T. U. Hoot , of Lyons , In. , imnmmccil llyt It hud been lliuUKlit boil , In vlovv ofUiolwianeo of the Injunction by the Chicago court ? , not to sound the navel to call of order us the head camp. It hnfl benu Icftln the hands of the oxecnllvo committee , % v lui referred the matter to the attorneys for tlio state ciunpf , nml this coumul had inaili' a report from which tlio ojccrntivo com mittees had ilcjldud us niinouucoJ. Ilir-flXT. . proved the liopo that the UelcHiltns pro-sent would do nothing to the Injury of llio onlur , hut , on thu other hand , tnlo ; such ( ictloii at would redound to their crad It , whether the Injunction held need or was withdrawn. Attorney Irclund of Illinois ex pressed tliosamo vio\v to the dcU'pitcs , suit ! mi'iri'Hloil ( t hut the meet I UK bo resolved into n eonferetico for thu good uiul the wel- funs of tlio order , and It wa so ilvcluVil. The Kansas delcputcs proposed tin ! iiutiio of I'j. S , Dortr.ini of Council Urovo , ICan , for chairman of the conference , tint ! hn was si-leeled , and adjournment tnUun until nitenumn , wiieii an uxcvodliiRly lively session wns held. The HlinuH delegation bctfin the fun by si'lct'ting Mr. Trcvmi as their leader , vvlui ma-li ; a speech deuounc- Intf the enll for this special session as nn Illegal anil wholly unwarranted proceeding , besides Iteini ? nn unnecessary expense. Ilosntd that the Illinois men were oppo-ed to tlio Woodmen liolillngulicailcimip oiitsUlo of tlio stnto vvliuru the law preserihc. * , tliatgthu session now being hold was not legally u head cuinp , and no VVoorlinan who h loyal to the order can accept any action of this session us the ofllclal action of thu hand o imp. 1 lo .said that the in- ilnnotion docs not restrain ineinlicrs from pay- Inj , ' assessments , nor did itnecossltnto the ex pulsion of inumbcrsvho do not pay. All it did wn3 to roitrain the removing of the rec ords from Siirinpfluld. A red hot discussion followed ns various sneakers tried to mate thomsclvm hcant. Cries of "Put them out , " ratif ? throiiqh the room , and hisses anil groans v.-cro heard on cvtiry side. The Injunction referred to was granted by .Judso Tuthlll at CliK'ntjo , vcstrnin- Inj ? the head camp of Modern "Woodmen from removing the records of the order from SprlnunVUI , 111. , to a meeting at Dos lollies. This injunction was served oil ono member of tlio. executive board , and the consul thouirht to ciivuinvcnt this by culling n special session of llio head cainii hi les Hollies. Tholllhiols members clalmrMtlmtthis jnccttiiR could not legislate for tlicm , and that nn chuiiKO can be mndo In the hnvs of thoordon.'xeent at the next , meeting of llio liciul ( Minpat SprhiRllcld. On the other band , tlck'Kate.s from other states hold that an injunction - junction issued In Illinois can have no force in Iowa , and that a camp can bo held in Des They argue further that the present ineetliij ; can ivorpnntzu the order nnd Incorporate under the laws of iowa. . XitiiHM nnil NoljmsUanroln favor of state jurisdiction over thu liisiinini-o mat tern of the Woodmen , and obcdlenoa to the hoail c.nnp only in mutters of a ircneral nature. The outcome of the matter Is looked to with much interest. Oritrliml Paulciijic MRII Organize. ' Dis : Moixr.s , la. , .August 12. [ Special Tole- grain toTm : BIE. ) An evening paper says : " 1'ho original puckiga nion had a secret meethiR last night nnil formulated pinna to continue their business In this city. It was decided to apparently close up all the places of business except the Ahorn house Joint. An assessment , was mndo to defray the necessary expenses of the asso ciation , and also to meet the costs of the triul of ICuvnnmiKli and Johnson , It was decided also to carry the cases against these men to the supreme court if necessary. In the meantime they will continue ns ns money can bo made of any avail. The movement has the support of all the liquor men , and the meeting last uiiht was violent in its demonstrations toward the volleo , seardioi-s and ofllcinls attempting to enforce the law , " A licvlinentiil M.aviiux , In. , August I'J. ' [ Special to Tin : Dm.I : The reunion of the Twenty-ninth Iowa infantry comumnced hero toilny ntid will contlnuo tomorrow. Uidn bewail falling early In the day and continued until nliout 0 o'clockvhcn the clouds hcirau to hreak and llio day bce.imo more pleasant. Kncit train on thu Uiirlhigton and \Vnbash roads brought In Its quote of old vets , so that hy noon the town presented qulto a lively appearance. The reunion Is being held on tlic fair { 'rounds A number of tents have been pitched under the spreading ; branches of beautiful forest lives , nnd with an nbunil nnco of the "fat of the 1 mil" anil plenty of n.uslc , martial and brass band , the tlnu Is being moit pleasantly AudriNon .Voniiltalcll. DCS Moisns , la. , August 12. [ Special to Tin ; HnTho ] deinocratie convention for the KlBhth congri'ssional district win ln'Ul nt Osccola today. Notwithstanding the op position of four counties , Major A , It. 0. Andm-bOii was nominated by acclamation. The Informal ballot resulted 5S for AiuU/v / on to iO lor S. L. lies tow of Chnrlton. Andoi'son has altX3idy received the noinlaatioa by the farmers' alliance. , Tlio I'nu'llo Sliuri lilne Undue. Siot'X CITV , la , , August 12. [ Spool nl Tele- BTiun to Tin : Her ] -Work was begun today on the railroad brldno , 'which the Pacific Short line will build ncro s the Missouri river hero. Material for the bridge has been nrrlvlnn for a week. The contract , was let In Chicago some time ago to the I'hooulx brld o company. The bridge will bo low and will have two draws , At tlio Jtiihli I'arlc Track. Ixi > ii'Exi : ixci : : , la. , August 12. [ .Special Toli'gmm to Tun UKK.J I'onslunments of stock wcro received today from McDonalds , St. Joe , Mo. , and from Bowman Brothers , Waverly , makliift.MO horses In all now being worked on the Kuth Park tr.iek. Halnbo , uy Nutwood , dam by Mamhrino lloy , trotted a half mile today In 1:14. : 1'ook a DIINO : Kitndaiiuni , lu.v Giioru , In. , August 12. [ Special Telegram gram to Tun Um.J Stephen Perelvail tiled to kill ulmsolf hy taking lauajnuin last nlfht , * Alnttiow Armstrong of Crofton , ICy. , now In Ids boventeunth year , snys ho 1ms been troubled wit h diarrhoea every summer as far back as ho can recollect. Ho luu In his tlmo used ninny medicines , but none equal to Chamberlain's colic. , cholera and diarrhoea remedy. This remedy is prompt in iU effects , can always bo deiwiuled upon and whoa re duced with water , U pleasant to take , UUIl drcn do not object to taking It , A Uattlo With I'.Kuniied ConvlotM. SAN Qucxmx , Cal. , August I',1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : lliiJ : Tliq convicts who escaped lwt ; cvonliiK Tuivott , IltUilou and Manning -after reaching u Krovo uei r Lau grove , thix-o miles distant , throw up n breast * work of It nibs , stuinpi and soil around a clump of trees nnd Secured aeommandliiK billon. They stood a slego of about eighteen hours , flrliitfat their VcMcgers every once In u whlio. Guard 15owen of AIoiulocliio had the. stock of Ida gun shattered by a bhot from n rltlo , and the bonca of his rieht foreum were brcbeu \ > y the bullet. After holding cvera with tlio sheriffs , nnd probably scctirinu Hotno coiu-essloas , they surrondoi-td their Winchesters to Sheriffs Standley of .Mendoclnoand Healy of Mnrln. They wore then conducted lo Han Qucntln prlion. It Is surnil 'd that a cousin of Mnniiing was the party who cached the wcapont on the prison grounds , imd ofllccniiro after him , William Gordon of jjiirtiHltlc , III. , Vltilstho Condi-nine : ! Murderer. Wllllnm M. Gordon of Uurnslilo , 111. , tlio man whom Kd Xeal , the murderer , sup posed to lie , arrived In Omaha .voHtcrdny , nml In company with two of the Messrs. Uohr- uho were once fellow townsmen , willed ul the court housu yesterday nfternoon nnd mlted to see Keal. To SherilT Uoyd Mr. Cordon statuil tlmt ho tvns the only "William Gordon" In Hutu- Ido , and ho had never been known by ho nluknamo of "C'hnrllo. " He haid that . .hero wcro four of the Gordon boys , ono of1 ivhoni died several years ago. The oldest boy \m < \ H. II. or "Van , " who lived In Kan- .ias City , where hu was In the stock hutlnoM. The next oldest was A. 11. Uordon , who lived it Kurnslde. William M. Wivs the youngest , md ho also lived at Jlurnslde , whom tht A'holo Itiinlly had been born nnd raised. There laid never been any girls In the fr.uilly. Mr. ( lordon stated fni-tlier that be stories which had been printed u the iiiiior * about having teen Idotitllied as "Ch-irllo" or Wllllnm Gor don , had linen copied ! by the Illinois papers nd had caused Iho family eonsldcrjblo inor- Ilicatioii ; iliprcforo ho had como to Omaha it his own expense to see Ncal and see for ilmsclf I f there ) was any resemblance between and himself. llMt demurred , but finally oiist'iited , nnd tluTpt 4v , nccoinp.mlcd by a : ! ic : reporter , uTTOconUiTrUtiLjo the cell In vhlch Meal is conllned. Tlutt-ijidlvlilual ivas found Kitting nonchalantly in the only hair thu cell contained , while his Keeper sat ntslde. N'eal glanced ii us thu party en- : ered the room nnd HdKCttcd about uneasily. Mr. ( iorilou stepped uji close to the cell and looked over carefully for n couplu of inuLiites while thu rest of the party remained ' .u the background. Finally Mr. ( iordon said , "Oo you know moi" IIo stnil ht- ii''d ' up nnd rose to bis full height. jSVt until tlifn did the entire lack of even the 'aln test resemblance between the two men be come ftarlllngly apparent , " Xcal stood head" and shoulders above the rue William ( Jocdon , while his broad chest md shoulders , thick neck nnil peculiarshaped liead eontr.isted strongly with the slight build , small features , llijbt hair and mous tache of his supposed double. Both men were about tliosamo a e. After looking Mr. Gordon over carefully , Neal answered carelessly , "No I don't ' know you ; did you think you know niol" To this Mr. Gordon merely answered , "No. " IJurhi ) , ' the stirvoilanco to which ho was subjected Neal'8 Up- * twitched nervously and suspicious looklujr drops of moisture gathered 'n Ids eyes. Ho looked considerably thinner , han dining- his trial and luullost considurablo of his conlldcnt bearing. Tlio party loft the cell and Mr. Gordon said 10 had not the slightest recollection of ever Hiving seen Neal. IIo left , for homo on the evening train. 1110 ( JOT TIIH CM IK .1C CASH 12 1) . Hut Pi'ooi'eded to Convert thu .Money to Ills Own Use. John Koch has boeu putting in Ids tlmo this summer as time keeper for Edward T. Calla- linn , a m'.idlu contractor. .Slouiliiy after noon Callaban gave him a check for S d , .vhlch . hoviis to get cashed and pay off the : nen. Hock had the check cashed accorillnd to programme and then proceeded to aeeumu- , ate a Jng find take in the town. He met with very iooil success in blowing in the money , but in the meantime Callahan's employes became clamorous for their pay. Itock had taken the time book with him and Cullalmn was very considerably up a stump , as the men were claiming two or Ihreo times as much as was.actually duo them. As the best wtiy out of the dilemma be started an officer sifter Itoclc , That Individual was found , and the time booli likewise , but the most .sub stantial part of the fciiil had evaporated. Thus it hnppens that Koch now reposes be hind the bars to await a trial for larceny as bailee. _ _ WIMKIJl'S EJIlltl ItfJO. Walter Illaclciiiivn of the City of nrcxloo ( live * flls Opinion of It. CmcuRo , August 13. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BcB.l Tli'U the untimnto condition of Mexico will bo greatly improved through the embargo Wiudoni put upon the American Imiortatlon | of Mexican silver ore. Is the opinion of Walter Blackmail , wlfo for the past six months has been living in the city of .Mexico , "When thu tuinouuccnient of the embargo was made the news fell with trush - ini ; effect upon the Moxleans , who hail been doing nn iinmenso bxisinusa in exporting ore , " he sail this nioniing at the Lelunil hotel , "butitwas notion } ? before a number of en terprising Americans proposed lo erect cmihcrs and smelters in Mexico , so that the pure silver could bu shipped to Europe with out luivhiK' lli-st to go to tlio United States to be put through the mill. And so coal mines have been discovered not far from tlio silver mines the scheme was deemed feaslhlo , so that several mills nre now nearly completed. When lluishcd U'indom may let do rn his burs vvitlioiit of hiu'inhuf thn Amnrlcan iniao owners , Tor the Mexicans will now ship the pure silver nhroid und ii > celvou miieh greater prollt because of being nblo to do their own purifying. " Headache , neuralgia , oizdnc.s i , nervous ness , sp.isms , sleeplessness , cured by li : Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'s , Ifith and Violation of the Allen Contract. CnicAdo , August 12. fHp3cid : Telegram to Tuts BUB. ] Special Treasury A ent A. .1. Lester , who secured evidence ngairvtt the violators lators of the alien contract labor laws during the carpenter strike , was in conference with Collector Clark tbs morning. "I have com pleted my formal report to Secretary Win- domofthu evidoneo gleanuJI in Chicago , , ' said the special agent , "und now everything is in readiness for the inauguration of the suits. Wo hope to secure conviction In every case. It was , evident to many labor leaders that the violations were becoming altogether too frequent. " Mr. Luster left for Canada tonight la connection with these same mat ters. " The Sale of : i llailrond. Ixui.iXAroi.iii , Ind. , August 12.- The sale of the Chicago .t Atlantic railroad occurred this morning in the United States court build ing. Charles H. Coster of New York , repre senting Drcxcl & Morgan , was the only bid der. nd his offer of $ . ° > , O.W,0'JO was ac'eopted , The sale means Iho termination of all litiga tion for thu Chicago & Atlantic nnd an en trance Into Chicago for tlio Krio railroad , In whoso Interest the Chicago it Atlautlowas bought. The system will bo reorganized and operated by the Kriu and John IClng , Jr. , will bo president , This sale completes the Kilo syMom , trh'lu It u trunk line froui New Verb to Chicago. Pears' islhopureat and best soap over made ( irooly Center \Vlun the riht. | Giuii.v : : CESTUU , Neb. , August 12 , [ Special Telegram to TUB BKU , ] Grecly Center has been for fifteen years trying to relocate her county seat from Scotia to a more central point In the county. The election was held today and ttio oftlclal returns show that ( Irevly.Ccnter has secured the location by 100 majority. ( Jreely Center is the host town In tlio county and has u population of 700 In- babitanlH , Located In the center of the county , it is destined to have 1,500 population In six months and bus u great future , Mrs. AVlnslow's soothing syrui ) for children teething softens the gunw and allays all 'J5 evnU u bottle. Ail Accident Averted. Auuxv , N. V. , August 12. A terrible ac cident was averted on the Now , York Ccnlral. A "lighter" engine ran wild up the passen ger track towards the city. The superintendent fortunately heard of Its coming nnd hud the engine switched on n steep grade leading towards the bridge , where an engineer was enabled to lump aboard as the speed &lackcnud , A Kovr York train was at the station ready to pro ceed whcu the cagluo wiu THE FARM i\T \ CONGRESS i Status W Fending Bil s for the Benefit of I Lnnd Tillers. SOME ARE ADVOCATED FOR BUNCOMBE , Conulsc A.naly. < ds of Proposed latlon with na Ivsllnmlc of ICv- pcuted lU'stiHs S , in 5 Ail- Selniiiie.M. A-ugnst 11. [ Special to TUB IKI : . ] Greater anomalies and contradictions exist nowhere Hum In the laills of the na- lonal legislature. Let It be sug ostt'il that ii'lven ( bill under considetMtlon smticlts of class legislation , nnd enthusiastic members tumble over o.ich other to nmlio their way into the Ilccord la opposition to it. Sag- gcst thai another may , even In a remote wny , bo of bcncllt to the farmer , nnd the same in dividual will in equal earnestness hasten to champion It , In blissful forjetfulnMS of their ; nvectlvoiijai ( Hit spochil legislation. The Kifty-lirst hiii been a great COII I-MS 'or the fanner. 1 lo Inw been landed and coin- scrated In turn ; now pictured as ivclglied ilowu by n burden of inovtifapcs upon the farms ; with crops for wlitcii there was no sale save at such ruinous that ho pre ferred to burn his corn , nml la turn held up 'nr contemplation as prosperous and con- cnted , with no eiicmlus save the frosts , mid lail , the ( IroUKhLs and Hoods.Vhcn thu .arllT hill was under deb.ito the farmer full s much as Iho manufacturer or laborer , af- 'orded n therne for oloijueiiLiidvocnuy or du- nunciation. Was hlndiiiK twine to bo sub- iccte.l to a heavy duty , the funnel * of the lorthwest became a sorely oppressed tiiill- L'idual , but a taic of U cents a head on cab bages was that ho ml ht rise to even a more prosperous station , The farmer Is represented upon the floors of congress by ninny a bio members , who tire grateful to him nlilto for favors past mid fa vors prospective on the day of election. It is , therefore , to bo expected Hint the legislative mill will uo full of prlst for the farmer's bcno- lit , In which there should bo found mueli of jiitu-llcal value mid bcncllt tothUclass of citi zens. The committee on ngriculturo under the head of the herculean member from Kan sas , Mr. Funston , lias had no derth of propo * ilttons before It , alttiougU n few relating .iosely to the subject have strayed into * the [ muds of other committees , For seine weeks , lee , It has been zrolng the rounds that pros- > iirowa.s being brought to bear on the com- inittco on rules Hint tlio iiniiorttint tncasiires ' reported from tlio iigrictilture counnitteo should be brought before the house , la this [ ihnsc it Is ontcrtjiliiiiitf to see the weighty measures which have found sufficient merit in the eyes of HID members of tlio committee to have reached mplncc on the calendar , nnd are , therefore , likely to bo brought to the at tention of the house. The number Is not iipuilhi ! ; , nor their nature BO complex as to liiako thorn dinicmlt of comprehension , und accordingly > i brief outline of them can bo ? ! ven from which imrv bo fratheivd the vast aid about to bo legislatively ncstowed Uioii this class and the momentous propositions for their benefit which Hie solons hiivo ticca able to evolve. l'liov are seven In number , thouirh to at tain this , 0110 measure is practically on the calendar twice , the second bill having but a few sUlRht verbalchaiittcs from the bill as originally reported. This h what is com monly Unown as the Conger Innl bill , and ifter devoting 0110 section to the defining of the subject , in u measure that would inaUo a Webster or Worcester squirm , it provided la substance that any lard made from a dif ferent material from that mentioned in the dcilnliiKsection shall pay mi interim ! revenue tax by llio means of neat little coupon stumps nnd bo labeled before ; the world us "compound Inrd , " to bo followed by u list of the Ingredi ents of the compasitions. That is all there is to It , except verbosity , in which lines and forfeitures , pains and penalties , abound for Its Infraction , and the usual machinery for Iho collection of an Internal rovcnuo tax. It Is little more than a re-enactment for larci and the various articles sold under that iiamo of the supposed restrictive features of the oleomargarine bill passed by n previous con gress. Yet for this Iho committee have made elaborate majority and minority re- reports nKgrcgiUhiH forty-three closely printed pag'cs , und abounding in tables show ing the number of hogs slain in each year for < iulto a series of yeara , with HIQ number of llama extracted from them , the prices of wheat mid corn , beef nnil } Xrk in various forms , and numerous other en tertaining things. though by some oversight , probably , tlio tabulated elec tion returns of the various member * of the committee seem to have been omitted. The law , however , aims t < > bo exact , anil provides that "compound luril" shall bo branded on "tierros , barrels , half-barrels , llrklns , tubs or tin paili , " nnd says nothing about tlio hos himself , so that while under this bill the dweller In the towns or cities -who is wont to get his compound from one of the various re- coptnclcs mentioned Is guarded against nil al teration , the farmer , who bus been in the habit of relying-upon the inmates of the fain- ilVi must take his chances , ns heretofore , The bill will , of course , encounter opposition , and an eloquent debate should follow , when Iho American hog is involved , mid if It be comes a case of hog versus farmer , the ) issue may well bu doubtful. Moro Important oven tlmn this In its possi ble effects is what Is known us the Butter- worth option bill. This has called out since it was ropurtctt a storm of protest from ono end of the country to the other. Starting with to : ; iilcaof bronldnj L'uitiWin iii futures and options , it proposes to make illegal all sales foi1 future uellvi'ries. No , not cmito all ; the farmer , and ho alone , Is allowed to sell his crop still uncrown , but the man who thus advances him money on It tuny not In turn dispose of his nebulous property. This is , of course , Intended directly for tlio benefit of tlio farmer , since it twtrlcbi lo him the right to gamble in futtiiosales , and with thnfieldthus narrowed ho ought to have a Jlao timo. Of course Iho doughty Oliloan who Introduced thu bill will expatiate , when it Is reached Lii the house , upon the ilemoralizhig effects of this gambling in futures , but ho comes from nu urban district , and before the fall cam paign is over some of the committecmen who reported the bill will lincl they h .vo n prob lem to face lnoxiihilnliif * how with so great nn evil to bo suppressed they should have loft the poor fanner. The hill has been so often discussed In the various papers that Its mention hero is safllclont to recall it to the public. It is n little hard to understand how bill II. K.-IIW ; ! , was ever sent to the committee on agriculture , instead of that on public build- infe and grounds , providing us it d es merely for the erection of u now labratory building for the use of the department , of agriculture , at a cost of a quarter of a million of dollars , It is unanimously recommended nnd : ui urgency set forth which Is absolutely infiig. nllicimt when compared with any ono of a dozen building bills also on tliocalendar. This , however , may ( jo through fortho henollt of the farmer , but it is well to boar in miiul that this is a bad season for publio buildings. Totally different in scopxs is the bill to transter the weather bureau from the wur department to the care of ' 'Undo Jerry" Husk , Military men have boon turning out soir.o pretty tough weather of Into for the agriculturist , and lie has been sclzod with a deslro to bounce the military gentlemen , niakosonioplaccs for civilians , und run the weather to liis own taste. The farmer snouhl 1x3 notilied of approaching storms ami early frosts. No oao will question that this ought to be done , und of course If done for the farmer must bo accomplished llimuuh liis own esiwcial department , It mutters nothing that It is not until his day'a labor Is ended , or often that of the week , that ho irets mi opportunity to plcl < up bin paper nml discover how wide of the mark somebody jruessod that Ihoweather ho has just been tliroufjli was going to be , It Is llio weather that imilios tuo crops grow or retards and Impairs them , and so it Is to bo assigned to the ngrleulturJl department. The ivgulntlons In regard to diseased cattle are sought to uo mm-h furtlior umjili- lled Hum herclojoro by lllll Tits I , which under the guise of being nmcndntory of the net creating n buivau of nalinul industry , undertakes lo vest In department of itKi'lcul- lure powers which muy not bo altogether agreeable lo thu farmer. With Iho end sought lo bo iillnln'xl by the bill tbcro will bo nn al most universal H.vnipatliy. It alma nt the eradication of pletiro-pneumonia and other coiitagioui dUcasea of cattle , In order that unwholesome meals shall not bo placed upon the market , cr uwouuU cutUo exported to foreign mnrkirtaandthorehv lend to diminish the iirlces of AniurlCit i catlla In Oil" hist It taciitcrlnKUpoti ! n 1) ) id more fully covered hy a hill rccoiitly reported fwm llio comrjlt- tee t on commerce r tiljiotlccd | In lids cotro- Hnoiidcncc. To ronch this end the bill pro vide * not merely for an Inspection of all cati tie offered for shipment or lor sale , but In the herds themselves and briuidlnijof the aid- inalsmul the Inhibition of their inovcnicnt from place to place e.\coiit under regulations laid do\\ni by the department , antl finally such M are believed to ba infectoil may bo "con- Jen.tied und slauphtergid. " As already said ho ohjcftU u worthy one , but the jxnvor of . oiiHix's's ' to so oxtutui feJcml control of HcK'lw : unl herds may bo fairly ( juu-tlorjcJ a * U ilono In tlio minority ronort. If Itsohjoct Is the [ inunction of health , It U la the natura ot po- .leu regulation , and so a mutter for the jurisdiction of the scvoral states , 't Is , of coui'io , extremely ilo ill-able Unit there should ho n uniformity in such restriction * , nnd Hint ninUes the jiiilty | oltho bill. If | > vised nnil the several states eo-opferato It will ni-eonipllsli much good , but If tlio.v tintairontzu tholuw , Its cu > 'orcementiniiv ho nullltlcd. The rmimttiniK ineasurovhlch the commit- eo on iiRrlculturo luw on the i-jlendiu' l u ionatii bill. Jlprovldun for nn Inspection of uiltoil pork nml iiaeou Intendetl for export ; iroldlnts the linportntlon of adulterated teed , druf , " or lliiuoi's , or ulMJ.VKsdor infected rattle , uutborbes the | ircsldcnt to cxcludo llio prou lifts of Midi i-otin tries Train our own w finproierly | dlserlinltuito iifeMlust the iVnicrlcitn hov ; to suspend the Iinportalion of rattla from countries \vhcw i-oiitujflous - ills- lirovutctit , .unl piwlde.s tor an In- ipcctlou of nil catil ( < Importeil or exported. Tlio mcnsuro la cou.'lsy hi lanpimgc , yet ap pears to bo us effective and far reaching ns iomoof the more pretentious bills having in low portions of the same leclslutlon. . Such are llio ineasuics now on Ihu house calendar from Iho agricultural committee. the farmer who studies lliciu will bo forced to the conclusion that there ) are tame things beyond the control of even congressional leg islation , and that the details of his [ tally concerns are ninoag them , You inny [ Hit the weather bureau iiiulv his con trol , but you do not thereby- change the kvcutlior ; you may rMorvo to him the oxelu- ilvo viglitto Rumble in futures , but that only linlts thogamo und makes itveary \ , stale tic ! um rolltubo"you ! may exact that com- . 'ouiul ' Inrd shall bo put up like si patent tncdl- clne , but you do not alter the character of thu articles which hi.s thrifty wife concocts ivhen the plus are killed ; you innv inspect DVcry anlnial unon the continent , bub if ho Islet lot in thostocK raisiny business hois not irolltcd thereby ; und you mav itiar a lubra- ory costing a < martoi' of a million dollars or aaay millions , and no will look louir and pa- ; ieiitly before ho will discover how ho has been bonelltted thcrebv. Other schemes hiivo been proposed , but ' .re not before the house , sueli in the sub- .roasury advocated by the farmers' ' alliance , ivhlclioula undoubtedly put money in his Dockets , but would at the same time transfer Jio government from a popular to a paternal one. Schemes me offered whoso authors must have concocted them while in a , retreat for the feeble-minded , or when under lha Influence of corn-juice , hut when congress s through , and when it shall have dona all It can the fact will remain that crops cannot bo raised by law , or their sale made subject to 'ej-nl ttiiactincat , and the farmer will find .iltnsulC obliged to labor m before , to plow , nnd hat-vest and trust to laws higher than those ot human enactment to bring him to Utopia. TciinvS. HUATII. A Good Itcasou. 3)r. A. T. Doll , who has been in the practice of medicine atrs'orHi English , In. , since 1S03 , siy.sho often prescribes Chamlicrluin's colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy , because ho mows it is reliable. Delaware Democrats. DOVIJII , Del. , August 1JJ. The democratic convention hero was called to order at 1 p. in , The usual committees were appointed , lion. T. l'Ilaynrd beiap : made chairman of the committee on plutlorin. Ex-Governor Charles T. Stocldey was' chosen permanent chairman. At S p. in. tlio nkitfoftnwas read and adopted amiJ great applause. It reaffirms iklolity to the principle * of. civil liberty contained in the charier of thu na tional government ; arraigns the republican administration and congress for reckless und wanton expenditure , which has con- I'crted the treasury surplus in ton dellclt ; do- iiouaccs the ; speaker of thei house for hU arbi trary ruling , protests against llio passage of llioforco bill , which , it dvclnnu , would de- piivo a state of local self-govcmincnL ; do- nouaces and protests ngainst the passage of Ihu McKinlcy tariff bill ; condcnius the pros pective tux on tin pinto ; denounces the use of Mnonoy at thu polls , and urgently recommends the enactment of Iho Australian , orsomo other equivalent ballot sy.stem. IJobcrt .T. Reynolds was nominated for gov- rnor en the llrst ballot. Anti-Lottery lllll l''avo"rally ISep irtod , ASIIINCJTON' , August , 12. The house anti- lottery hill was favorably reported to the senate today with nn amendment providing that newspapers published in foreign coun tries .shall not bo excluded' from the malls under the provisions of the bill unless , in the oyiiilon of the postmaster , they nro being circulated for the purpose of advertis ing lottery schemes In violation ol the law. Accompanying the bill is a letler from the attorney general giving his opinion upon eitliorof tlio anti-lottery bills bo. fora the com- iniltse. Legislation of this character , that is designed to cxcludu newspapers contalniiiK lottery advertisements from the mails , says the attorney general , has been upheld by Hie courts , and itsooins to bosetllcd tha it. is competent for congress to authorial lha post master general to refuse the tiso of the mails to any persons engaged in the lottery busi ness. It Is generally balievecl on the republican sldo of thohoiihu that a special order will bo niudo setting apart Satnnlay next Tor con- slilcrutloii of the anti-lottery bill. "Meet at Ij.irsiinlc , : , U'yo. , August 12. [ Special Tele- prum. to Tin : BIT. J Tlio democrats opened thli state campaign with a convention which win held here today for tho'pitrposo of form ing n state orgniilziitloii of dcniocralic clubs. lilost of the delegates \vtio lind attended the iioinliiating convention nt Cheyenne were in attendance , An organl/atlon was effected and INellisCortncll of Laraniio elected president. Amass meeting was held tonight , which was addressed liy O. ( J. Wrljrht of Casper j Q. T. Bcelcof Sheridan , cuadldato for congress ; George \V. liaxtor of ( Jliovciine , caudidato for governor ; A. C. Campbell of Cheyenne ; Judges Corn of Evaiiscon , Sanlley of Lara- mlu und C , P. Arnold of Laramie. A. Halt I nltciion Alialthas been callea on the paving of T\veiity-iilnth \ street , from Pacillo to ilason , and the work is liable to bo delayed for some. dnys. When the contract was lot for an us- phaltmn pavement \lui \ specllicatloas called for broken rock , slug or gravel. At a nuent meeting- thu board of public works that much of the contract roferiing to slug ; and gravel for tho. . niiuier course -was re scinded. Yesterday the chairman of tlio hoard discovered that gravel wa , being used , and promptly ordered all work discontinued until the contractor coududcs to use broicen roelc. Hillrd in a Itaumvay. L AIU M IKVyo. . , August 12-Spoclal [ Tele gram to THE I3r.i : . ] William Armstrong , young man. met wilh n , horlhlo doalh near Wood's landing yoiUuxlny. Ho was driving to the sawmill near there , when the horses took frlRht nml ran down asleep hill , Ho was tin-own from tlio wagon and killed la- inst-.intly. The , romalns wcro brought here today , Tlio relatives of the unfortunate young man are supposed to Ilvo In Michigan. Convention of ICaiihiis F Tornic.i , Ivan. , August I'J. The citizens' ' nlllunce , supplementary to the .farmers' alll naco , and couijiosed of men In other pursuits than fanning , but who hold the same polltl. cal U'llofs ns farmcM , met in s > tate conven tion today imd formed n st-ito organization. This now organization now numbers 10,000 uionlbor * , ( dunly n , Web. , August 12. [ Special to Tin : Bun.-The ] doinocrottc \viw hold hero today and u delega tion to the Httito convention named , headed by William Neville. A delegation was also selected to attend the congressional convcii- t on , Lincoln county dcmocroU do not favor the endorsement of Kent. int :'KNux t'.ticit .sir/ ; . iiKluccr Olnmtciid Dculnro.i It Ifn- Miltnhlo for it Id vi1Stuck lOvlilhlt , Ciiic.vno , August 12. Tim world's ' fair ill- i rectory tonight ivcolved the report of L'red crlclt < Law Olinstcad , the engineer broiutht from | Iloston to ascortulu to a nicety ' what , ] iic-i could bo made nvailublu ; , for the exposition buildings at .hick-ton park ' , without InturferrliiK with p.irk purixuu.i. Ohmled reiiorteJ that the ground examined ' by him would ho adapted for only such buildIngs - Ings IM coultl bo removed ultei. ' thoexiKisitlon. Furthermore ) , the pjflc , ho ilei'lari'd , would he unsultablu for u live stock ! . exhibit or for Miuwlmt agricultural Impli- incuts In one t'atloti. Oliiisto.icl cxidains that the Jncksons p.irk silo is swampy and to 1 utilize moro than ll'J acres o f lloor space for | 1 even lomjwrary biilldtng.i woulil serl- 1 ously Interfere with the plans of the i park ' cointnisslon for a iic > riiKiiieiit levee and bayou systenyvltli which to resist the encroachments of LnUi ) Michigan. The pirlc , however , would give satisfactory sites for halls for imifldnery. for railroad , electric mid inlnliiK- exhibits und for such olijectt as are Incluilcd in what Is generally railed tlio main exhibition building- . They would bo stiitnblu for tm agricultural hall. After the directors adjourned ono of tluni , ex-Congress- limn CJeorgo It. IDavIs , said Oltmtoad's ' report 'iad given .lackson pirk : i sclentlllc knock- ut. It Is aiinouiiced that tlio fainllroctors villvithlu \ u few days hold a spjclnl mccliny o consider the situation. Rlvo Ijlttli ; HI > JH I'roin Kuhuol. KI.M Cur.BK , Nob. , August 12. f Special Telegram to Tin : 15iu.l Tlio live boys who isouied | from the re form school at Kearney esterdiiy vero tweed to this city this morn- ng. Ono , n mulatto a'i\l eislitcen , was seen \v a citizen , lint upon attempting to capture inn l > drew a r.uor , Ihi-eateniiiK to c.irvo niy ono who IntorferreJ with him. Author- ! iosiirrivcd from ICearnoy and cup lit rod four f them thia overling' , .lohn Lee ii still at I'll to lla\o neon Ijynulied. ViCKsiiruo , Miss. , August 1Wllllnm loatie , colored , residing on the Lulra plauta- , lon , called his wife to the door of the cabin ncl shot her through the heart , The xvonino aid a baby In her arms mid It was shot through tlio body. The murderer csc.ipod , jut was captured later and started under 'imrd to the nearest magistrate. As ho has ot been hcnrd of since it is believed thu on. raged neighbors lynched hlin. Ilitniu Gi > e.-4 up the Illume. LOUISVIM.K , Ky. , August 12. A report cached hero today from Chicago to the effect .lint W. Hume , a young lumber merchant of Tliaver , ICy. , had mysteriously disappeared. Tonight a report come * from Paris , Ky. . to ho effect that several protested notes had .urnud . up. It is said that young Hume forged honnmoof his graadf.ithor for m.uiy thou sand dollars. It Is also said that the total iimountof his shortage may reach $100,000 , Drlnlt Excelsior Springs Missouri waters. Cheeky Indium. airN-VEVi' , Minn. , August 12. A tele gram from Hut Portage , Out. , says Canadian mil American Indians have taken possession of Garden Island , In Lake of ? the "Woods , Und IIAVO ordered the fishing co-.nimnies to retreat. The governor has been appealed to for troops , which will probably bo sent tomorrow. The cause of the uprising Is not yetknowu. AVholcHitlo Dlsoliirse ol' Conductors. Sr. Louis' , August 13. Every passenger conductor on the Louisville , fc > t , Louis & Texas road has been dismissed and the places of the discharged men filled by promoting meting freight conductors. It is generally believed that economy was the motive for the ihuago. Peace Negotiations CITV or JInxico , August 12. A dispatch from La LIberlad says the negotiations la favor of peace are progressing and an honor able solution of tno problem for Salvador Is expected. The Salvmlorm troops are holding their positions ready to march oa UuatauiaU nt 11 moment's notice , S. B. Durfey , mate of steamer Arizona , hail his foot adly jammed. Thomas' Eclec- trie Oil cured It , Nothing equal to It for a quick palu reliever. Contract for a Court House. FAiinifitr , 2 ? b. , August I'J. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : BII : . ] The contract for build ing the Jefferson county court house was awarded todav to J. C. Holland of Topclia. The building is to bo of stone and is 00x100 feet. It Is to cost SM.OOO. Farmers' a nil laborers' Convention. N.VSHVII.LR , Tcnn. , August 12. The state convention of the f armors' and laborers' union of Tennessee met in an mini session hero tonny , but behind closed doors. Nothing definite can bo learned concerning their de liberations. _ 1G02. Sixteenth and Farua/m ntroots Is the now Itoclc Island ticket ollico. Tick ets to all points east at lowest Will Tukn 1'laco Oclolicr-1. KASSAS CmMo. , . , August 12. The Chicago cage & St. Paul road Is to glvo the headqnnr- ters of its frolght department to Kansas City. Tlio L-hungu bus ueen ofllclnlly announced nnil will take place October 1. Ono Theater in 3iniicnpnlls MiNXi.-.U'Oi.ii" , Minn. , August 11. [ Special Telegram to Tin : ltir. : . | The Harris theater In this city has been sold to the owners of the Grand opera house and will bo closed. This will Icuvo but 0:10 : first-class theater In this city. Fatally Iturncd l > y Million Metal CIIIOAOO , August I'J. A spscial froni Jollot , 111. , says that the breastwork of n blast fur nace in the Illinois steel and Iron company's mills there blew out early this morning. The molten metal burned two men , ono of whom died soon nflenvard. ' Touchers' Institute at York. YOIIIC , Nob. , August 12. [ Special to Tun Dii.J The to.iutiers' Institute now iiiBOsslon has nn enrollment of ISO. This Is tlio largest nuinhor that has over attended in this county niul the outlook is vet-y promising for n moiit successful term. Heavy Haiti In lloil < ; o County. , PjiEMo.NT , Nob. , AuRiist 12. [ .Special to Biu. ] The heaviest rain which has fallen hare in months fell last night. It in sures a good crop of every kind and eonuu at an opportune time for corn and potatoes. gtrnulc by Ijlilnlii . FIIKMOXT , Neb. , August IU. [ Spoclnl lo Tin : HKI ; , ] The residence and barn of J. I-1 , Shovellck , a fanner living between ljlatto river Junction and Lin wood , were both struck by lightning hist night nnd destroyed. An Illinois Cmck.00 , August IU. Last night burglars forced their way Into tlio Gerard , III. , post ofllco and everything * was carried away. It U supposed that about 5 IUO worth of property was secured. OJiivernor I-'ll'cr TjkoH a Vacation. SrniMinKU ) , Jll. , Auyust I'J. Oovcrnor and Mrs , Flfer left today for Staunton , Va. , nnd Worm Sulphur Springs , W. Va. , lo bo absent two weeks , l''ariiici'H In H SKILIMA , Alo. , August 13. Thu slulo con vention of the fanner. ! and laborers' stnto union convened hero loday. 'Hie couvontioa was in secret session nil day. Tins Klro tlnunril. Oi.H , Inil. , August I'J , C. B. Gel9endorff < t Co.'s ' wojlon mill burned to- niyht. I.ods , ? 1UO,0.J. , ) K.v-l'rc.l'luat < Jrovy 111. I'J.Kxl'rosldcut ( Jrovy is PAHIS , August I'J.-- - seriously 111. ctnrxvitj it JAW * A/JI ' .Y , Th Kurinors * C'ongress , The action of the Fruit Growers' nnd Oar- donors' association of yesterday iu to nbinulon | t part of the undertaking in eon > ncctlon with the entertainment of the Na tional [ ' 'armors' congress , croiiled consider- nblo comment among business man , It was | ' hoped | that this fentiiro of theprogramme would bo developed no in to become one of i vail Importance In connection with the moot ing | of the eougreis , vhlch will bo a g.ithor- ' Ing j . of slgultlruuco to this city and to . the ontlro west. The fact that | the 1'Vult Grower1 association will ! not i complete Its plain doe.i notar ue that the unturtaliiincntofhuiiilrciUof strangers who I nm cxiwctoil to cntorour gates will nolmoet j with tiiut ivceptloii which thi'y m.iv IT.ISOII- | I ably i oxpec.'and ha continued In the cnjor- I i iiu'iit i ot most welcome hospitalities during ] ! their stay In thh city , All that has tioen sub- i : scribed la iji'incy to the support of the plan for j arrangements and entertainment h still ' nledgeil and back of . j thesoplo.lifoi and efforts i | i in { general uro the live , liberal bthinots I i men , who always have been found ut 1 | the t front In such matters of enterprise. Tlio hoard of tr.ido lias lioeu condenuu-il , and without a just regard for the Individual rights and true biulnon and par.umnl characters of Its ) members. The tnio workers among Us iiiumhcrshlp of the Imrdof tr.ido are the men xvho ahvays have bornr the greatest pirt of the burden of c.xpenso In the lulvani'i'ineat of all enterprises. They have paid their mom- b"shlp ( fee. ' , wlilch contributloas were nec essary to the support of that body alone , and they , too , in addition to this , have been Iho most liberal contributors to all other public enterprises. Those whoso name. ; have own subscribed to the roll of member ship In the board of tr.ido , but whoso piongos of membership foes have not. fullllled have boon the tni'ii and still are the ones who contribute nothing at a time llkuthis , when earnest llnauclul support of a grand and worthy nblivt is so necessary. . One gentleman , a member of the bo.ird . of trade ) who opposed u contribution hv tlio board. suDicrlbed Sill to the fund being raided in the Interest of the congress and declared that ho should , If necc > s.iry , Ive f 100. There hn ; been no failure of any attempt thus fur made In the direction ot supplying excellent cntert.iiainont for these wboiniy como lo the city. There has been no viola tion of the plcdgo-s made by the board of trade , as it made none. The real I'stnto ex change , while la life , didgivo an expression favoring a contribution by itself as n body , but with that promise thu bo.ird of trade had no connection. There has been no failure mid In fact no sot back In the course of progiess by the committees , only a necessary change made hi tlio manner of proceed u re nnd l'i tlio plans for the llnal manner of entertainment. What mon cy bus been subscribed it. the Intcicst of the congress will bo used with what yet will bo secured in Jilting up in grander style ono building , in tlio mutter of decorations and other needed attractions Instead of carry ing out the original plan of separating the concern by furnishing two halls , 0110 for the assembly and.tlio . other as an exhibition room of horticultural products. Through coaches Pullman palnco bleojurs , dining cars ) , irooroolliiinj , ' chair cars to Chicago nnd intervening points via the j'reat Uock Ilnml route. Ticket ollico Kilt' , Sixteenth and Fumum Mandelit Klein are ollcring great , bargains In every department.Vo show the best line of coolc stoves and ranges iu the city , from $10 to $ 0. In tinware we carry the best only and sold at bottom prices. Carpets , "Oh , my ! ' ' wo Just beat the world , former price of carpets ( ) . " ) cts , , no\v 10 cts. , and so on through the entire lino.Ve show a largo line In novelties in our parlor goods depart ment , I n bedroom suits wo pride ourselves of carrying the most complete assortment , choice of ! ! l ) styles. Book cases , roeiters and ( lining chairs of every description , Side boards , wardrobes and center t.-.iblos go along with this unloading sale. Get prices else where and compare JMaadel A Klein' * 3'0 1 } road war. - Commercial men , Mow Pacific. Council Bluffs , Is under management of W.-foneswith now sample rooms. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Ur. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn & Uo.'s , 13th and Douglas. Nt tloe to Contractors. Sealed proposals will bo received at the of fice of the architects , rooms i It and 'JI5 Merriam - riam block , Council lllulls , In. , until p. in , on the Ulth day of August , WO , for the erection and completion of the new First Methodist Episcopal church at Council Bluffs , according to thu re vised plans and speclliwtions. Each bidder will state the amount ho will allow for the present building. Each bid shall bo accom panied by a certified check for S. ' > ( K ) , as a guaranty that the party receiving the award will enter into a contract and give satisfac tory bond. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the committee. K M. EI.I.IS & Oo. , Architects. AV. S. MA.YNI : , Chairman. C. W. Bitowx , Secrotuiy. Bathe at Mannua beach , near hotel , en larged , moro sand , nlco bottom , clean rooms. I' . ' C. Miller , the painter and decorator , nt mo to his frluuds , SIS South Sixth street. \Vo have customers for insldo Improved property , terms nil cosh. If you have u Bar gain to olfor call ou B. II. Shcufo&Co. nt on co. co.Dr. Dr. Dowers' otllco moved to 20 N. Main. " \Vall paper at 'J' ' < cents per roll ; not rem nants , ntJ. It. ( Jlllettc's ' , JS I'uurl St. ST. FiUlClS ACADEMY Boarding nnd Dny School , Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street. Can bo reached from any of the depots on motor. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity B. V. JI. TERMS l''or board and luitlon om- braelnj'all branches of a llnlshwl educa tion foryoimtf ladies $75 f < > i' Bcssiitm of live months , commencing brut Monday in September and I/Vln-uary respectively. For further iiurtiuuliirH mldross SISTKIl .SUl'UttlOR , St , Fi'aucis Aiiitdorny , f.'oimoil lUulTs. lown. S. i : . MIIYOII. L. J. 11. IlomnuoU , 11.0. Cuuko , MAXON , BOURGEOIS & COOKB , Architects and Superintendents. ItoounfiOT und COS JJ Kooins 10 and 250 Y. | . | fo llidK. . Omiiha , Mori-lain Hlk. . t'oun- Neb. Telejiliuuell. ) . " ) . c-ll lllullH. la. Tula- I pliiinuT' ' . 21 AIAIN STHKKT. OterO. II. Jao iiumlii it L'O'H Jewelry Store. COUNCIL OLUFFS , IftnllHAtrcor Irinlc--SmiiU stock of tovw. i lliiwnii' ' nml Hi-tof ilnnor'i ' tixiN. liKinlni nt It-urn .n * . McrrlniiililwU. Oniiiell lllnllM. la , inoll S AI.KOr will t'iTlor" Ti Keel mut J team. Million No. . inVi ri Uti ri > d InVnl - lnei . lly Dr. , Mvlillut < l , dam liy * Kentucky t'liiy.Jyoir- : . Apply to lir. .Mm'run jnoilitKN'TTwonmil ' -Twonmil tnoJurn House * \V. \ .1' . ' . W.UIicor. aU'onrl rlr.0t. , \\r.\XTii-lnil : ( ( ! girl for Imu'c- 11 work. Mrs. A. P , Uanchott , No , Ji'J roiiilh Mtrcot. rANTIII ) Sltiiiillon by an ' MIMIIII Illli'r. Aildicss A II , Itoo ollltfo , I'ouiu'll lllll iri. SAI.K or HtMiL-darilon liiiul , with" IHIIISUJ , by J. H. Itlcu , 1UJ Main 81. , Council lilutri. \\7AN 'I'ilTr I'lil co I'otafei1 iiir-iT nt t InI'liun - > > ell lllnlNKalvanl iil li-na n colnlcc wotl , ! * , I0i : > unit ml ? In" IT llroailu ay. UtliiT lirli-ivl hciiiii" * iintlio mniiluriiH. Thn nbnve iiiiinthlr payinculliicliulu princlpil ni > ( llnt'M ( ' < t. Fin-full iin-t Ionian onll nn of Bilclrc-ss llm , f ulil & Wi-lN Co. . OUO 11 IM.Uwiy ! , , Ccuinrll lllulTs In. IjAolt ISHXT-TliiMHircriMvn , Nn is , ( mntiiic 1" nil IV-irl M. W. f. .Inline \\7"ANTin-v'ltiintli : > ii n u sliitliiiru-y en- t i Clni'iT. Itcft'ii'iico Riven. Aldii"-s ( box 4" . t'liiUMWiidd , In. Wi : 1IAV i ; iii-rril hi'.uitlliil HID lor i hen. ) tliiilnv \ > lll t r.idn . fir I'li-tirnliT < I vain lots In Oiniihaor ( ' .iinu'll 'iloir.s. The JuiM S& \VellsCo.Coimelt \ llliilK la , RBELN GER'S IJW Mi u-It.'ltevsMH5Cs- ! Surgical Institute - .ANn - PriuatB Hospital. Cor. Broadway and liOtli Street. Council lllulH , InTer Tor tliotroiitiiiunt of nil snrslcnl iiinloliionlo dNu.iKesiiiid iltsi-ii'os nt iliv hlooil. 1'rh ' ale dlscai'iwnf tlio iiilnary anil smual or : ms , us sjiilitlN , Hlrict lire , rystltu. > .pcr- iiiatiirrolioi ; > , lost ma < iim ] > ( lM'\iul lniiijii | > nuu anil wciikui'Ns ireated successfully. 1'ai'tlLMilariittiMitloiipalillodlsua i" ) of the linu's. as Aslluna , ( ' ( insninnt hin. Hi.iiK-liltla Ciitnrrli.Hte. Paralysis. Kliluvy illMnisim na Dlahutcs llrlk'ht'sDIsiyiuo. liliciiniat l < in , 1'lli'H. ' C'lincor. VnrlocKlr , llydrticnlo , Drulisy , Tu- incr. IiUi'tisosof Iho rye und 1'iir. t'lnli ( cut. Spliiul ciirvaliiroiind nlldlvrnMHof llii < Uniu > .s , We linvca ( icparlmt'iit dcvoti'il oxcluslvuly to the nentmect ( if I'ti'rlnuillM'iiios Medicine sent .sceurcly parked and tree from ( ibscrvittloii. Corrt'-p indeneoconfliloiitlal. Address : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute anil 1'riv.ttc ' . liospital. Cur. Ilrnndway nnd 2Utli st. CimiHll ll ! t < . In. J. U , I'n.M N , I'ros. II. UM'll'dAllT , Vlcu-i > roi 11ASNAV. rnOilur CITIZENS ST ATE BANK Of Oounoil muffs. Paid up Capital. . . . . $1E > OOOO Surplus and Profits . 6OOOO Liability to DoposiLors. . 88O.OOO luminous- : . Jllllor. I' . O.(5Ioi ( : < .on.K.lA Sliii''iirt ' , 1C. j ; . Unit. .1. I ) . ftliiiiiii- ) , Cliiirlus U. lliiiin.'in. Transact ' ( iiicial banking bnsl- iK > si. I.urKost ( iipltul itml uuriiliis of any bank In Southwestern Io\va. INTEREST ON TIMti DEPOSITS. THE J. A , MURPHY OO. , Utvcnuo inn ! l\al \ St. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand and Scroll Sawlns. l'e-Sa > vln nnil I'hinlnp , Savluunf nlllclii'ls. 1'oivh llracltcts. Klnilllnj woml k'V ) JUT lo l'i ' dollvero : ! . Cluna Knvilnstby tlio li.iriT'l. l ! > . ' . All work to na lirst class. TolviihonurJ , ) . "YOUUl'ATUONAliRPOLIOrTKD. " _ ' WORK WARRANTED DR. J. D. J.\CiC-30.V , Don til Silicon. AH kinds of work dmin Yoncon nw ouo bnlf ( inyour irolil iin lsilver Illlhi'by culUiU utrouiuM'Jiloriiiiin ' lil i.l > . Couuell llliU'.s. ' ' OFFICEli & PUSEY BANKERS. Ci'iiiurMalno iiiulllronJn'iiy. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Haulers lii fon'Un nnd iloinustlc iilliH'tKirihiii.iilu nnil iiilereat ualil on lima IPfS * § S8 iS f Sli jT m Electric Trusses , Bolts , Chest Protectors , Etc ARonts 'Wanted. Dr. 0. O. Jiuld. 60o Hroaihvay. Cuinicil IllufK I A HbTEL BARGAlN" Iliitcl .Iiiui'-nn. ; Cuinicil Illuirs li. : . fdrictit. Viirnifchoit , iiul III tfo'i ' I r Mi IIIH Ilisl licilel Iu Ilicc'llr. ( VulMlly lee tin I. [ ) ilni K llrHt- fliis > < Iiusluxs4. Tllh Is : i bitrtlil | ! fur sojilj' K ( > (1 liulul limn. Ajiply lo JAMESON DROS , Props , Coun" " ' ! ! 1-lulli Iowa. F. M. Ellis &Co. , ARCHITECTS And BnlUinR Ruporintendimls. lEooiim t : nnil n ; lu ) Hullillii. , Omaha Noli. , unit lloonu ! i and''I'i ' Murrliini Illoi'lc Council HIulVn , hi. Corrinpoii'lmieo solicited C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY , \UiuHnloand Ilot.ill . Duuliirw Iu FURNITURE. Iartist Stuck und Ixnvcst I'rlccs , Dfiilcrn , send for OutnlOKiio , Nos. _ 05 nndM7Uroiilwtiy _ ! _ : , and Ml und 2JJ I'lorco Street , Counc.ll BlulTa , I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. _ Hydruullo and Kauitiiry Kii 'lnoor. I'lanB , Katiiiiataa rfpoullloutiotiH , nml Huporvlalon ofl'utliu U'orU. iirowa HuUdliiR , Council HTulTn , la. ! llio t'oaco , Ollloo over Amorlotin Express , o.121 uroadway , Uouncil Ululls , Iowa. Pr OiTYin Attornovs at Law , IVaotico in the .Stato nnd I'mlor * Ot jjlllla ( Jourt8t lloom7uiid ! ' b Sliugurt-Itoiio Ulock , Counol