Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    rnnw. r TAl-TA T&ATT/V RlflTIV A V ATTfnTTRT1 15 ? 1SOO.
She ] ) rh oi a Villkn Irom tbaHowu With
n Loaded Ecvilvcr.
It. Vlll be TIclil in TliH Cltjr Next
TliiirAilnj nnd Jumc * K. Uoycl ,
It ! { .aid , AMU bo .Vonil-
rinlcd for Governor.
M.iry Sulllvin , aservant Rlrl employed In
th rwliicnce of E , E. Itausle , the contractor ,
who i\j liles at Thirty-eighth andCuralng
Hrwta , a sUpdniiRhtcr of Police Ofllcer
1'oole , hivl a thrilling experience Monday ,
find one that the will long remember.
Lmt Wednesday a iret-lt ag-o an attempt
wmstnarto by burglars to enter Mr. Kaugle's
bouse , but they were scare < l axxay , not , how
ever , before they had cut the front screen
Lost Riturln.r morning , Mr. and Jlrs.
KauRio drove dovn town tofjetner , lemlnp
MarjSullivnn alono. Soon after they left a
prlxilod man appeared and suld that he hud
boon sent there by Mr. Naugleto i-epalr the
front door sciwii .
Tlie stflry seemed plausible , butJlaryhad
lived in a policeman's farnllv : wd had br.ird .
the itorj of Loins Colomar , wbo , pretending
to bo a pas inspector , fnhioJ liresi to
Bercnd linuscs and stolen disttnonds. She
told the f > 'llOH' to fo and threutcued to call
inifulniirr assistants.
Tlio otirglar wont.
Motidsijjnornlng Mrs , s'auslo ojrain
droo lur Inisbaud down toxMi and ai-ain
Murj * Sullivan was left nlone. Sto didn't
fcelun'jtnybutivcntnicrrily about her hou o-
hold ilutifs and singing to herself as she
bent over heir broom.
She hail clt'itiodthc chrtmbowon the upper
RtoiyandstHrted ilo\vustaira. The light was
dim , but she beheld m object that appalled
her. A nmn.witna nusk on Us lace , was
cravlinpup the stairway-oil his hands and
knees. Murjtoldhimtostop and asked him
\vh at ht > was doing there , lu response , the
uwnspi'nng nt bcr and seized her by the
The lir.ivo Rlrl man affix ! to escape his
clutches and mailing for a window told tbo
mavraudii * tint she would axil "the men at
theliani" >
"Ha ! hn ' " inuehccl the rran. "There" re no
mon in the barn. I've beoii vatcLlnfr this
plate fora xvcolc. There iiro no men here. I
have you , 1ill take all tbojewila mid all the
silver in spite of } ou. "
TLc fellow ad vancedtoxvards her. No help
soeraed to be near , until it suildrnly llaihcid
ncr < R tlic g-irl's mind thnt a revolver lay
in TUr. r\iuple's bureau drawer. She v/as at
the doorway and to reach it she bad 1o step
button feeu AVith a bound slio secured the
weapon , nnd ieveliinc it strnipht atthe fiend.
who bfsiotrsd her , told Him to po.
' Gof'lio ' laughed , "RO for that 7 Whv , I
oatthose thites for lirculifast every rnorn-
inf ? .
"Do you J" and now the revolver was right
under bU noso. _ "Do you I I don1t xvant to
lull you. I don't want to kill any man. But
I'mherfl alone , and unless you leave this
hotuo now , so help mo heiveti I'll Mil you ! "
CTlic mm tunica white and lied down the
stairs , out of the door und into sheltering
Wary Sulllran. had triumphed.
"Yi-st onlay she found a j.ote . on the door
step addressed to her. In icd ink it was
written : "You'll bo in the graveyard In
txvcnty-four houn. "
( Vsscmlilo in Omaha Next
The state ilcmocratlo convention will be
heli in Boyd's opera house in this city next
Thursday tMcnlni : commecchifiat 7 o'clock ,
3t has been called to place in nomination
candidates lor the lolloping ; state offices :
Goremor , lieutenant povcrnor , secretary ol
state , auditor ol public accounts , treasurer ,
attorney general , ecmmissioncr of publio
lands anil buildings , These officers shall
h g bo voted for nt tlio next general
election to be held Tuesday , November 4. .
In this cotivomion Douglas county will been
en titled to fifty-six : delegates , and the repre
sentation of the surrounding counties will be
ns follows. Sarpy 10 , Washington 7 , Cuss T ,
Lancaster 20 , Otoo la , Satiudcrs 11 , 15urt T ,
Cuminj. , DoJgc , 10.
The deleg-ates from Douglas county are as
follows i
. Tirs > t ward Cliarle ! Cono.vcr , George E.
* Bcrtraiul , .rohn \ \ \ Zerzan , WilliarnSepellte.
Second ward J. llnlvlWll , . V. Hlues ,
AVilliimi Hay , lt.B. O'Donuell ,
Third wiutl Julius Mour , j33. \ . MeAn-
drvivs , Jrnics Douplas , Thomas Rnano.
Tout-In \ \ - ardJl. \ . Pnvton , J. J. O'Con '
nor , AV S. SUooraakcr , C. II. lirown.
Tifth Ward Idwia Divls , Thomas Bir-
ntingbuni . li. O'Shaugnessy , Ed O'Con '
nor.Slfctli Ward Georro V. Tierney , John.
H d , Jacob Coder , John lno\\les. {
Seventh Vnrd-P. W. Birkhatiscr , VI. R.
VnuRhmi , T. A. ileg-cath , ( I. Mack.
liplith AVard P. H. McCowan , George
BtornsilorlT.U' . B. Hughes , C.M. Primeau
'intli Ward 0. S. Montgomery , Euclid
MartinT. J , Mahoney , C. GarJner ,
SoutliOnMhn D. J , Bloom.llobcrt Parker ,
A. A. Uunley , .1" . H. Tleming , V. J. King.
JlillurJ 1'rccinct 31. Tex.
JelTcison Juiiie" ? Snydcr.
Union Henry Ludingtcn.
Taller A. IS. A.CCC ,
" \\'estOmaha \ \ William Hoctiaiao.
JIcAiillo - E. .1. Cullely
" \\'ntrloo \ \ Aflain Stcnglein.
Qileapo A. Bicrbnch.
TloixiiioV. . 0. Lcstor.
The convention will bo called to order by
5M" iron. .Tolm A McSlmne , cnnirruan of thTidem-
1 / ocraticsttito ofitral coramittoo. The gen-
tlcnnu hab just landol in Now Vork after in
ntwnceof several montlis in Kuropo. Ho
will return to this city this evening or tomor
row.TM ! ; srcatest Interest is displayed in the
nomination of fravornor. thouph itlsgener-
ally understood thnt lion. Jamc's E. Boyd
will be noiulualod. Clurlos Brown , it is
Bald , hus not been an aspirantand John Sher-
\-inof I'mnont lias declined to run ,
Tbu Douglas county delegation will meet in
the music room of the Pattou this af toruoon
nt3 o'clock.
Tlu OniKt'101"1' ' ' Committee.
Tlio following arc Ilio ncmbers oftbodctn-
ocratJc congreusioual sub-coinmlttco ap-
polntetlby Messrs. Georpo J. Sternsdorff and
1'ranlc R. Morrissey for the ] > uriwso of effect
ing a tliorouirU orj.rarizatlon in all the ivurds
of tUo city and precincts of the county :
First AVard Charles Counoycr , George
Bcrtruiid , ndyfritk.
o'clock.'O. Mai-
Vihill , ( J. V. lliues.
'J'hiP-1 Viird-Charlos ScWank , Julius
Clever , Iliolinnl Durdlsb.
TourlH"urd \ \ W. S. Shocninier , J. J.
O'ConnorndjMojnihan. .
HftliAVanl Henijr Oitbofl , Tiomaa Bir-
uxlnpluin , 1M OX'outor.
Sixtli AVanl OcorpjV. . TU'rooy , Ed Paul-
ton , V , II. .li'roiiie.
Seventh AVard-P. . Dirl-nauscr , T. A.
Mriroath , ail. Mack.
Elphth Vard-L. . II. McCowin , 'O. A.
Loary.V. V. Wolff.
NluttlViwdO. . S. Mont Mucrj- , Euclid
Mirtln.C. J.SnytU.
.Douslus I'rt-cynct Henry Uuscr.
. McArJlo-JiraMoArdlc.
U'ct-t Oinabu Willlata Hackman.
ValleyK.Agoc. .
MlllnrU - > 1. 'Sex.
Chicago A. lilertoacb.
Union Henry LudlnR-ton.
\\ratrloo-Aclain \ \ SUmpluitu "
JoftersouJanios Snydcr.
Hortnoe W. U. Ixsster.
South Oniiha-Jarees Jx > wcry , I1 , J. King ,
A. A. Honnely. 1) . J. Bloom.
A nift'tiupol' the dciiKKratio coiiffressional
commillco , toarelliop with the two sub-coni.
mlltces , will bo holdat M'ushinpton litilluest
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock , whoa the
deinociatio rundldato for conyrosj , Hon.V ,
J. Uryan , will uddrosj tUo luettiug ,
rrohlbltion Count)1 ) Convention.
Prohibitionists of Douglus Co. * nra
heroin noUlijxho meet tit Amendment
hall , I\'o. 1809 Doujjhis straot , on Saturday -
day , August IClh , nt 4 p. ui. , to elect
ace ! rutt 8 to tbo state convention ana
transaction of anv other builness.
J , Pimu'5 ilOK , Ch'in. Co. Com.
\Vlint It ? lpan toOutalia nnd Other
The adnncc In live itoclt and ilr ? ed-mcat
rates from Missouri rircr point ? to Chicago
nn < l St. Louis , orJoreJ sotro Umo upo by the
\ \ * tem freight association , gee * into effect
nail Mondn.r. It u-ill not effect Oraaba ,
o pactally in the live stock rate * ,
nearly so much as SU .loo , Lfeaven-
worth nnd Kansas City.Vhllo
the red notion from thee points to Chicago
on cattle , ranched n bmis of 13S' cents ( the
ol < r cents ) 21 cents in the lowest
figure Riven to Omnhc. Therefore , uhilo the
nil vnnco here is only 4 con is , tliere the rate
potsupiaitf oeuts. The advance on the
packing home products to Chicago will be
from 12cents , the present rate , to 13 cents
per iX ( ) pounds , and to St. Louis from 7 to 18
i and iM-lMM'ikn Unto * .
Ooorgo H. Crosov , peneral f wight agent of
the B. & M. road says tlmt N'etraska hai had
the benefit , for two years , of a distance tariff
Just as low and ia many instances lower than
thconeproroulg-atod last iveek in Kansas by
the railway commissioners of that state. Ho
compared the two rate sheets and compiled n
few figures bhou-iripj Nebraska rates with
those of Ktinsa * as proof of his assertions.
Said ho : "Tho Kansas rates over -which
somuchtalltis beinR made by newspapers ,
nro Just the lain pas we have had sincolbST
nad isa'J. ' Iot me show you. Take merchan
dise from clas ono to B for a distance of lift ) '
miles and sec boiv the rates compare
1 | 2 ill 41 5 > A1I | C II ! K
Nrbranhnrnto.'iz'ti ' in in 11 sii : 414
Kfinpus rnto. . . - wiftxii , isjti
TorllW mile * t
NcbrnnkM-Hto . ra 4. . 10 US Will I 14 10
r t it,44 3S . { 1 KS1 , lli.U IU '
X brn V.rato w'nr.'to ' ' fl'4l' ' ' 4 5ii'M ' ! If. 10
Knn iM miff ill ua V lli 41 in 8U XI IB lt _
The .TOO anil bT > 1 milo rate ? nro Just the same
in bothstatos except on the E class in vhiuh
ICansasis 2 cent ? hhrhcr tnan Nebraska.
"Thero is a big difference , " continued Mr.
Cro by , "in favor of Nebraska in our conl
rates. Coin lure the pricea and hero they are :
Nebraska fiO inllos J . 'Oa ton
Kansas ) miles 1.13 a ton
Nebraska 103 miles l.'JOti ton
ICinsas 10) ) jnllea 1.50 a ton
Ni'oru&ku ' ! ! uo miles l. aton
Kansas 2Hi inllus i.l.Ta ton
N'lbr.'uska . '
'IO inllos S.Maton
Kansas 'MO inllos S.'riaton
"Vou sco wo mnko tlio tisttor showing
there. Stock rates are virtually the same ,
though they conio under us a small percent
on Rruin rates. Taken as a wliolc , however ,
nnj on the most important trallic , I fall to
t > ei ) wherein Ncbraslca shtppei-s have nny oc
casion to extol Kansas' a.3vant.i < es. On the
other baud , ICnusas shippers bave every rea
son to congratulate themselves on being
placed upon an equal footing with Ncbras-
leans. "
' 1 IIP Ivlnj ; ot'tlic Scab's.
JohnG. Roberts , an engineer on the B. &
M. road , fell off his cnpino while oiling it ,
ahout two miles east of .Ashland , yesterday
morning and was badly injured. Mr. Roberts
is Irnoivn to the brotherhood of engineers as
"Hup of thcscala. " JJec.iuso of his recognised
standing as an engineer ho was
piven this exalted title two
y ars ape when the Durlington
strikn was in progress , at which tiino ho of-
fcred Ills services to the company. At that
time the latter knew nothing about Mr.
Roberts' ability , but soon discovered his skill
anil placed him in charpo of the new men. Ho
was later ivcn tbo "llycr" between Platts-
mouth. Omaha and McCoolr. Ho" is well
liked bv tlio cWeials. When informed of
bis accidenttho latter expressed profound re-
erret and hope his injuries might not prove s > c-
It seems that the accident was occasioned
b.r his slipping off the foot-board.
When the "iirer" reached AsMand , two
mm went back and picked Roberts up. Ho
was token to Lincoln , where ho Is being well
Tlic New Jload.
II. S. Jnyijca , superintendent of the Ne
braska division of the Chicago , St. Paul , ,
Minneapolis , & Omaha railway , has returned
from AVayne , where ho was in consultation
with the oQleers of tbo new Randolph &
North MS tern Xcbraskr. road. This road will
bo constructed at once , the roiidbod being nl-
rcidy gnidod , and - ill lie operated by the
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis , fc Omaha ,
\vith headquarters at "Wayne. Jlr. Jnynei
will he geiicral sup-srlntcndent of the road ia
addition to ais tiroi-ent duties.
Ooi" to J > cnvcr.
J ; S.Tebbetts , general manager of the coal
department of tao Union Prciflc , is going to
rnovo his ofilco to Denver , Ho brought forth
an official circular yesterday ordering this
chanR-e. and savs itwill talcis place Aucrust 1 S.
Mr. Tcbbetts thinks tbfl business can he
handltxi to butler advantage at tliut point be
cause of the fact that it is much nearer the
nines ,
The strike Kmlctl.
The passenger department of the Union
Pacific recdved a telegram yesterday from
Cco. ! U. Daniels , general passenger agent of
tlo 2 ew "Vorlt Central road , in which he
says : ' 'The strike has ended in a complete
victory for the companv. All passenger
trains are Tunuing oil schedule time , with no
interruption to tr.iQJo. "
In Nervous Debilitated 3Icn
if you will send us vour address wo will
> cnd you Dr. Dye's CclcliraU > d Vftltaio Belt
und Appliance on trial. They will quickly
restore yoj to vigor , manhood and health.
P.unpjilet free. VOLTAIC BUM Co. , Marshall ,
InTlicir Zeal toPhtelcnrotlicr Brands
i"I tliu
"I idsh there would never be another
Chinooo Sunday-school picnic , " Baldn
voinnn. ol considerable i prominence in
ono ol tlio Now York Episcopal churches
to a Sun reporter. "It is ridiculous thnt
the -women net ns they do now over the
Chinamen , and I dislike to have any
thing hiiiipoa to direct the attention of
the newspapers tothoir doinprs. Many
of tlio teachers seem to bo perfectly daft.
Xu&t fall a married woman of fifty years
called an old Chinaman out
in tlio church vestibule 1o
Itiss him before ho returned to China.
"A little luforo tliat I saw her call
lilm aside on Sunday and jnnko him bite
poach she wis eating , 'It will tnsle to
jnucli Bwcotor after you , \Vtih Siny'bho
slid to him. Then there is u constant
row ia the Sunday school about LI Si
Young , a young Chinaman , with n
round , innocent face. Ho is the dude
: md favorite. I don't know : how many
wouK n in the church are Tjy the ears > lyn
account of him to they won't speak to
tiach other. Tbey nil wlbh to teach him ,
and , of oours , th re is only one at J n
time- who can got the privilege. West of
the other teacher's ' uro jealous of this :
one , and hence tlio trouble. Not long ' {
afro a Ch ino o pupil had a wife come over
"His teacher ba fred him to lot his
lirido puss u few dnyt > at her house. The
Chintmian consented reluctantly , on tlio
condition thut no men bhould bo allowed
to see hor. So the teacher drove down
to his laundry , took the Chlnoso ivomun
liomo with her and pnvo her nn olubo-
rate afternoon reception. Nutunilly , tout
this attention makes tlio Chinamen
rather exacting. Tlioy refuse to bean
laujrht hiehu-ies. If another phinaman
is plnced under his toucher ho turns his
lack on lihn .ind Loth of them sit us btill
and stubborn a * uiulod until they are sep
arated. The \vholo tiling : is ridiculous. "
I llko my wife to use J'ozzonl's comi > lexion
jowdiT bei'auso It iinjirovos tier ICKDD ! > and U
u violeu.
fragraut us 4
Dr. Siuwlorff makes a spwlnlty of dis
eases peculinr toxvomen. . 1504 Furnumbt.
Tickotant lowest rates and. superior
accommodations via tlio great Rock Is [
land route- Ticket oltlco , 1002-Six-
eeiitb anj Paraain streets , Omaha.
Arrival of the Editors of the Wolverine Statevis
. . .
b Omaba.
The l.atlicsr nnd Gctitlcnien Compos-
UK the 1'arty How They Hate Un-
Jnyctl Tlicnuclrca and the
Close of Their Journey.
The Michigan oditorlal excursion arrived in
this city utS o'clock ycsterJoymornlnR. They
\voro to lave reached here Monday , but
\vero detninod several hours by delayed
trains nt Kearney. The Union Paclflo llnally
sent an extra in from Chejenno , to which the
cars of the excursionists were attached about
midnight and thus brought through to
Because of several conflicting reports nj
nlso l > wnuw of the inability of train dis
patchers to obtain definite information re-
gardliiB the touiistsparties who had been di
rected to moot them at the depot with oar-
rioRCM nnd convey them to the Pnxton hotel
did not reach the e > ccne for some time after
their arrival. Jt was consequently 10 o'clock
when the cdltoiial party came up town.
Secretary Xtison of the board of trade had
n special motor train lilndiy placed at his
service by the Omaha street railway com
pany In waltint' , and nt once took those of
the excursionists who so dcsircil to South
Omaha , \vhero they were shown by a com
mittee from the board of trade of that city
through the paekinp houses and stockyards.
The editors left Saginaw. Mich. . July 19 ,
for Chcboygun and Sault Stc Marie , where
they sojourned Saturday nnd Sunday.
Thence they traveled over the "rioo" road to
St. Paul. They then took the Northern Pa-
cltic and went west to Yellowstone park.
The principal points of intercut en route
were visited nnd receptions , with ban
quets , \vcro experienced almost ev
ery day. Five days were devoted to
btiiginp , slht-sceinp , hunting nnd fishing ,
.Tulyai , the party reached Helena where
Clarence I3ro\vn , newspaper representative
of the passenper department of the Union
Pacific , met them und became their puidc.
The trip homeward has included Butte.
.Anaconda , Ojdcn , Salt LaUc City. Garflclu
Uench , Cheyenne , Deliver and flnnlly Omaha.
Mr.V. . P. Nesbit , president of the associa
tion , nlso editor of the Big Hapids Dally Bul
letin , said that he could not imagine nn ex
cursion trip having more romance , enjoyment
and real interest than that which they were
about concluding. Trod Slocuuib , the secre
tary , not only endorsed Mr. Kesbitt's senti
ments but referred with pleasure to the hear
ty treatment they had everywhere exper
ienced and the pleasure which the trip af
forded all the excursionists.
He described their live day's travel in
stages through the Yellowstone Park , In
plowing terms. They left Mammoth Hot
bprinps , tlio startiup point through the park ,
nt noon July -ti , and camped in a fine notcl
thnt night in Lower Geyser basin , a delight
ful place. Trout creek in the Hnyden valley ,
Gr.inu canon , Morris Geyser basin , and many
other notable noints were designated us stop
ping places. The park , ho said , was full of
From Denver , where tlioy arrived last Fri
day sliort excursions were made to Graystono
up'tho "Loop , " also to Colorado Lprings and
Mauitou. They expect to reach Chicago to
morrow and there disband.
The ladies nnd pcutlemen composing the
party uro as follows ; P. C. Smith and wife ,
Lansiug ; H. C. Brcarley , Detroit : P. C.
Martin and wife , Paw Paw ; A. H. Finn and
wife , I'ort Huron ; It. I. Lowrey and wife ,
Howard City ; L. E. Shusses and wife ,
Mancclong ; J. J. Sltnpson nnd wife. Bes
semer ; E. S. Andrews nndwife , Williams-
ton ; Mat D. Blosser and wife. Manchester ;
O. A. Leonard , Cairo : John Swetnae , Ed-
wnrclsburK ; William P. Ncsbitt and wife ,
lilt ; Knpids ; P. H. Leavcrnvorth and wife ,
Detroit ; C. E. Bird , SaupatuckLouls ; Smith
ami William C. Held , Sagiuaw ; Tnomas J.
Peach , Bin Hapids ; Harry Mercer ; Detroit ;
P. W. AVeller and wife , Muskcgan ; J. E.
Beal and wife , Ann Arbor ; Fred Slocum ,
The visitors inado a call between " and 3
o'clock at Tun Bnn building nnd wcro shown
how a great afternoon paper is prepared.
Kot one of them had ever scon o complete
\vell-equippod newspaper office and were
consequently surprised us well as preatls' in
terested. The editorial , repartoriul , tele
graphic departments , the news room nnd
business otllco wcro all minutely inspected
and elicited heirty praise.
After leaving THE BEE building they were
escorted to the Paiton hotel , where Jim
Stcplienson's tally-ho , coaches and a carrv-all
were in waiting. Embarking in these vehicles
the visitors were driven to Hanscom park and
over the principle business strectsof the city.
They returned to the hotel nt 5 : SO , where a
few moments were devoted to saying good
byes , after which the Michigan writers and
their wives wcro driven to the depot , accom
panied by Secretary Nason nnl n number of
other members of the board of trade. At C :15
the special train , consisting of three Pullman
coaches , was pulled to the other side of the
river , where it was attached to the regular
through train on the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul.
In speaking of the sojourn in this city Fred
Slocum , tlio secretary of the association , said :
"Our visit to Omaha has been ono of sur
prises. Of course vo expected to sco some
thing of a city , but we did not expect to find
a metropolis of Mich proportions. The cuergv
and enterprise of the people of Omaha are
soraethine remnrlcable. Your people may
not realize the fact , but loDldnp at it from an
unbiased standpoint , I can truthfully say yon
have ono of the linest cities I ever saw , and
one thnt v ill compare favorably with nuy in
the cast. We can but thank thq people of
Omaha for their hospitality and can nssuro
them that they will always have the kind re j-
membrances of the members of the Michigan
Editorial association.
Just previous to their departure last even
ing the Michigan editors held an informal
meeting and adopted the following :
Ii : olved Tlmt wo are specially Indebted to
tlio Union 1'acllio fur Hiivolul courtesies cv
tcnilri ) liytlietu tlnouEli tliolr
ndvortlsliu acent. Clan-nco E. Itrovrn , wbo ac
companied us on ourontlro western trip from
Gurrlion to his homo In Omaha , thereby ad-
dins no Jittlo to ourcnjoynienf
Summer Complaint.
A druggist at Britt , Hancock county , Iowa ,
relates his experience with this disease as
follows : Dui-fng the summer of 1SS2 , my little -
tlo girl , two years of age , v as taken seriously
ill with summer complaint , so common to
children of that age , and after being treated
by a physician und getting no better , I took
from my shelve * a bottle of Chamberlain's
colic , cholera and diarrhoea remedy. She
felt relieved after the first dose , and in thrco
days was entirely well.
A Choice List of Summer Kesorts.
In the lake regions of Wisconsin , Min
nesota , Iowa and the two Dakotns , there Ia
are hundreds of clmrralng localities pre
eminently fitted for fcummcr homes.
Among the following selected list
name's familiar to ninny of our renders
ns the perfection of northern summer rso
sorts. Nearly all of the "Wisconsin points
of interest uro within n short distance
from Chicago or Milwaukee , nnd none
of them nro E.O fur away from the "busy
marts of civilization" that they cannot
be reached In a few hours of travel ) ,
by frequent trains , over the finest road
in the northwest the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & ; St. Paul railway :
Oconoinowoc Wis. Clear Lake , loxva.
Minocqua , Wis. Lake Okolx > Ji , Iowa.
Waukesha , Wis. Spirit Lake , Iowa.
Polmyra , Wis. Frontenac , Minn.
Tamahawl : Lakes , Lake Minnetonka ,
Wis. Minn.
Lakeside , Wis , Ortonrille , Minn.
Kllboum City , Wis. , Prior Lake , Minn.
( Dolls of tha Wis- White Bear Lake ,
cunsin. ) Minn.
Beavur Dam , Wis. Big Stone Lake , Da- )
Madison , Wis. koto.
For detailed information , apply a.t ticket
ofllce , 1501 l'\irnom street. Barker Block.
rA. . NASH , Gon. Agent.
J. E. PKKSTOK , Pa&s. Agent.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run oxnrossly for the accommodation ol
Omaha , Council UluiTs , Dos Molnos nnd
Chicago business la the Rook Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. m. dally. TIclcot oSico 100 : . ' , Sixteenth
and Farnain bts. , Omaha.
SOVTll 031.1 It. 1 XKtVU.
ThoMlclilcan I lltorV Excursion ,
The Michigan editsrsvith their rvivw ,
visited the city yrtterJay. The deleftiim
tion was nccotupan d by W. N. Isason , II.
O. Clark and J. Kuenriy of Omaha. A dele
gation of cltliana and a committee of the
bourd of trade met tV > visitors and O'corteil
tut ra in carriages from the motor train
through the city to the various packing
nouses ' and through the union stockyards.
Proeredlnss of the City Council.
Mayor Sloaue nnd all members were pres
ent at the council mwting Monday evening.
Approved bllU asrsrogntingS3. . 0 wcro
reported nnd cialm fllcA wcro authorized.
The complaint about stock running at
large was referred to the city attorney to
look up the ordinance relating thereto.
The petition to grade and straighten Thir
teenth street to conform with Thirteenth
feta-ct In Omaha , was referred.
Special ordinance No. 20 , Itrvylng nn as
sessment for grading K street , was refurrcd.
The finance oommitto will net on Mayor
Sloano's recommendation to put in nn electric
alarm , nt a cost not excluding f I'-M , to notify
the American waterworks company of fires.
An ordinance will bo drawn for the grading
of the alloy cast of the high school building
between M nnd L stivi ts ,
Bids were opened for the L street sewer as
follows : li. B. Stanley ; 24-inch pipe 51.10 ,
12-inch pipe .15 cents ; manholes und catch
basins each $3.03 per vertical foot , concrete
fin and cast iron 4 hents per pound.
Hnmanon.t McDomiM , 21-luch pipe S1.20 ,
12-inch pipo50 cents ; cntcli basins nnd man
hole * , per vertical foot each $1.50 , concrete
5 1 nnd cast iron S1 cents per pound.
The contract was awarded to Mr , Stanley.
An ordinance will tie drawn to compel
transient merchants to pay $10 per day
The council adjourned to continue the In
vestigation of the charges against Couucil-
inen Dougherty and How ley , but owing to tlio
absence of witnesses for tnc prosecution the
council adjourned till Tuesday evening , the
St. ABIIPS Plonicniid Ljnwn Party.
The committee on amusements for the third
nnuunl picnic and lawn party to bo given in
Syndicate park next Saturday afternoon nnd
evening lu aid of St. Agne ' church has made
arrangements for contests and oiTcred
pnzca as follows : Tug ' of war ,
u box of line cigara , potato
race , first prize ? 3. second priro $2 ; sack
race , a valuable hook ; wheelbarrow race , a
select smoking set ; boys' nice , llrst prize W ,
second prize ? 1 ; best dancers , to tlio lady a
valuable fan , to the gout lemon a gold-headed
cane. Various other contests will take place ,
for which suitable prircs will bo offered. The
pirty will bo held both during1 the day and at
night until about 11 o'clnck.
Rirtlulay Party.
Seventy-five friends < ifMr. . and Mrs. Ben
jamin Alexander , Armour avenue , gathered
at their pleasant homo to celebrate the fif
teenth birthday of Mr und Mrs. Alexander's
daughter , Miss Esfllu. Among the very
nice presents received by Miss Alexander
was n fine gold watch. Dancing and refresh
ments added greatly to the pleasures of the
Tlio Largest Hug Ilccclpts.
The hog receipts were 233 cars , eitimatod
at 18,000. the largest in the history of the
yards. Before this the largest receipts wcro
on Thursday , July SO , when W.890 were re
ceived. Tbo next biggest receipts wcro on
Juno S , ISbS , when the receipts reached
1--GGS- :
A Hole Tliroueli His Iliiiid.
Lafayette M. Thurlow , an employe at the
Union stock yards , while helping nt the chutes
was thrown by a bridge nirnmst the side of a
car , the iron staple tearing a gash an inch
nnd u half long through tbo palmof the hand.
Foil Out of u Window.
An infant son of Mr. and MM. C. 0. Johns
ton , who have rooms in the Grand Union
hotel building , got on n bed and crawline to
an open window , . fell out , receiving bruises
about the head.
John Caspy had a runaway lust evening on
Twenty-fourth street and received a slight in
jury on the beau.
II. JIcGoldrick's hone , in a noclc-and-neclc
race , beat John H. White's lleet-Iootod ani
Sheriff D. B. Armngust of David City , ar
rived in the city Monday afternoon and took
John W , Bouphuor , the alleged horse thief ,
J. L. Smith's team back to Butler county.
The Sisters of Providence will arrive from
St , Mary's-in-tho-Woods , Ind. , next week
and occupy the wsidenc-o of David Anderson ,
Twenty-second and P streets.
Mrs. John A. Nelson , who ha ? boon so dan
gerously ill , is recovering.
The remains of W. W. McCormick. of San
ta Barbara , Cal. , on-in-lnw of J. W. Van
Buskins of this city , who died at Flag Stone ,
Ariz. , August S , arrived in this city yesterday
and wcro buried in Laurel Hill ceme
tery at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Mc
Cormick was thirty-two years of aye and was
a man of many fnpncs.
Dr. John M. Glasgow has Just received a
copy of congratulatory resolutions passed by
Auburn post , G. A. R. , on the doctor's ap
pointment as > postmaster of this city.
The Clerio" , the Medical 'Faculty and the
Pi-oplo all endorse Burdock Blood Bitters us
the best system renovating , blooi purifying
tonic in the world. Send for testimonials.
Itcmarlcablo Accident anil Escape
That Could Not Happen Twice.
A youn < * man of Lawrence met with n
remarkable and dnncerous experience
recently while boating on the river just
below tire dam. lie was paddling along
parallel with the fulls , nearer the foot of
the falls ) than mo = t careful persons would
have been , when his boat was caught in
an eddy and whirled suddenly around
facing the falls , says the Boston Globe.
At this point ono of the flash boards
on the top ot the dam had become bro
ken , nnd so made a slight opening in the
water near the top , and merged into ono
volume nt the bottom.
The bow of his boat shot like a flash
under the falls , and the force with which
the volume of water fatruck her brought
her into a perpendicular position in the
twinkling of nn eye , and the young1 man
elUina near the stern of the boat was
actually hurled headforemost through
this opening , nnd landed on a network of
logs and stumps wedged there when the
water was higher than at present.
Stunned for a uioinont , the boy could
hardly realize his position , but ho boon
saw that ho was between the dam nnd
the water flowing1 over the dam. an open
space of about five foot on n not work of
logs about tlirco feet from or above the
water ; and ho realized that to got out of
there ho must get to the end of the dam.
He worked his way along through the
sprny or continual shower bath , as ho
called it , until ho could see a glimmer of
the eky , nnd just there his temporary
bridge cnmo to an end , and left a space
of open water of nbopt ton feet between
the logs ami the abutment where ho
looked for safety.
Remembering a three-inch plank ho
had passed wliilo working his way along ,
ho rnnclo his way bade , and dragged the
stick to the edge of the water. To got
It into position , ho ran it out over the
water until It nearly balanced , then
shoving' the end under n Ipg in the rear
made a regular spring board of it.
It took him but a short tlrao to work
himself out on the end of the plank and
from his perch could see persons passing.
Ho tried to attract attention by halloo
ing , but the roar of the falls made this
useless. IJo then took from his neck n
bright handkerchief and by wav
ing It attracted the attention of
some small children , who called the
attention of grown persons nnd soon
there was quite a crowd and among
them ho saw the well known fooo nrd
tonn of Mr. Dukolin , the boss of the
Locks and Canal company , with ropes
nnd grapling hooks In Ills hands. It
was the work of hut a few moments to
swing him ono of the ronos , nnd fabten-
Ingit around his waist ho was quickly
drawn from Ills perilous position to
The young man says It was over an
liour from the tlrao howas so suddenly
.tuprisoned until ho was rescued.
A Description or It liiJonqtiln Milter's
- Most Picturesque Stjlc.
As lone as God. and white as a winter
moon , Mount Sansta starts up sudden
nnd solitary from the heart of tlio great
black forests of northern California ,
writes Joaquln Miller In "My Own
Story.1' ,
You would hardly call Mount Shasta
a part of the Sierras ; you would say
rotlier that It is the prent white tower
of some ancient and otcrnnl wall , with
nearly nil of the white walls overthrown.
It has no rival ! There is not oven a
snow-crowned subject in sight of Its do
minion. A shining pyramid In mall of
everlasting fronts and Ice , the snilor
sometimes. In n day of singular clear
ness , catches glimpses of It from the sen ,
a hundred miles away to the west ; nnd
it may bo feon from tlio dome of the
capital , 340 miles distant. The immi
grant coming from the east beholds the
snowy , solltiirv pillnr from afnr out on
the arid sage-brush plains , and lifts hia
hands in silence ns in answer to a feign.
Column upon column of storm-stained
tamarack , strong , tossing pines and
wnrllkc-lookliifj llrs have rallied hero.
They stand with their backs against this
mountain , frowning down dark-browed
nnd confronting the face of the Sixon. ;
Tlioy defy the advance of civilization
Into their"ranks. "What if these dark
nnd splendid columns , a hundred miles
in depth , should bo the hist to go down
in America ! AVhat If it should bo the
old guard gathered here , marshaled
around their emperor In plumes and
armor that may die hut not surrender !
Ascend this mountain , stand against
the snow above the upper belt of pines
and take n planco l olow. Toward the
s = cn nothing but the black nnd unbroken
forest. Mountains , It is true , dip and
divide nnd break the monotony as the
waves break up the sea ; yet it Is still the
sen , still the unbroken lurcst , black and
magnificent. To the botith the landscape
bhiKs nnd declines gradually , but still
maintains Its column of dark-plumed
grenadiers , till the Sacramento
valley is reached , nearly a
hundred miles away. Silver rivers
run here , the sweetest in the world.
They wind and wind among the rocks
and mossy roots , with California lilies ,
and the yew with scarlet berrica dipping
in the water , and trout idling in the ed
dies nnd cool places by the basketful
On the cast tlio forest still keeps up un
broken rank till the Pitt river valley is
reached , and oven there it surrounds the
valley and locks it up tight in its black
embrace. To the north , it is true ,
Shastti valley makes quite a dimple in
tbo sable sea , and men plow there and
Mexicans drive their mules or herd
their mustang ponied on the open plain.
But the valley is limited , surrounded by
the forest , confined and imprisoned.
Look intently down among the black
and rolling hills , fortv miles away to the
we t , and hero and there you will see a
haze ol cloud or smoke hung up above
the trees ; or , driven by the wind that is
coming from the sea , it may drag and
creep along as if tangled in the tops.
The e nro raining camps. IMen are
there , down in these dreadful canyons ,
out of the sight of the sun. swallowed
up , buried in the impenetrable loom of
the forest toiling for gold. Each ono of
these camps is a world itself. History ,
romance , tragedy , poetry , in every one
of them. They are connected together ,
and reach the outer world only by n nar
row little pack trail , stretching through
the timber , stringing round the moun
tains , , barely wide enough to admit of
footmen and little Mexican mules with
their apparajos , to pass In single file.
But now the natives of these forests. I
lived with them for years. You do not
see the smoke of their wigwams through
the trees. They do not stnito the moun
tain rocks for gold , nor fell the pines ,
nor roil up the waters and ruin them for
the fishermen. All magnificent for-
ebtis their estate. The Great Spirit
made this mountain first of all , and gave
it to them , tho.v say , and they have pos
sessed it ever binco. They preserve the
forest , keep out the fires , for It is the
park of their deer.
Of Intrri st to Motliprs.
The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam of Mc-
ICeesport , Penn. , in the treatment of diar
rhoea in her children will undoubtedly bo of
interest : to many mothers. She says : "I
spent several weeks in Johnstown. l'a. , after
tbo great ilooil , on nocount of my husband
being employed there. Wo had several chil
dren with us.two of whom took the diarrhoea
very bndly. I pot some of Chamberlain's
colic , cholera nnd diarrhoea remedy from
Rev. Jir. Chapman. It cured both of them.
1 know of several other cases where it was
equally successful. I think it can not bo ex
celled and cheerfully recommend it. " 2o and
50 ecu1 ; bottles for sale by druggists.
The Sacred Heart academy for day
pupils , situated . '
on St.-Mary's avenue
and 27th st , is an inhtllutioirdovotcd to
the moral nnd intellectual education of
young girls. The course includes every
thing- from nn elementary department tea
a finished claistical education. Besides
the ordinary academical course , music ,
painting , drawing and the languages are
taught. French is included In the ordi
nary course. Difference of religion is no
obstacle to the receiving of pupils , pro
vided tncy conform to the general regu
lations of the school. The scholastic
term commences the first Tuesday in
September. Classes begin at 9 a. in. ,
and pupils are dismissed at 3:30 : p. in.
i *
How the Rci'iimns Take a Census.
They have a different way of taking
the census In Germany than tlio ono In
vogue in the United States , says the
Pittsburg Dispatch. They take the
census every five years there , and cover
Aho whole etnph'o in ono day , but only
questions in reference ! to domicile , name ,
sex and f-ocinl position are asked. Sev
eral days before December 1 the enum
erator go'es around in his district and
finds out how many person Hvo in each
liouso. Per ouch i > orson lie loaves
fvcard , containing the questions , nnd on
ench card is written the number ol the
houjo nnd district. A duplicate of each
card so filled out Is kept In the cetitrnl
ptntion. On December 1 the enumerator
pool around nnd collects the curds , the
. honds of the fuuiUles , ngents or owners
beinjr under pennlty to fill out the cards
or have them filled out and return them.
By the duplicate a chock Is kept , so tint
the enumerators cannot , skip n hou o. In
thnt way the exact number ot persons
living In the Germnn empire Is secured
on the first day of December.
C. B. Moore & . Co. have been appointed
wholesale ntr > nt for the celebrated water * of
Excelsior Springs , Missouri.
Dr. SussdorlT treats successfully nil
diseases of the kidneys , bladder , and
rectum. 1501 Farnnm bt.
now office of the preat nock is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Karnnm
street , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call and t-eo thorn. Tickets to all points
cabt at lowest nitos
n K K on the PnvemcnU
Two clerks In the treasury department
recently decided a novel hot. They were
looking out of a window on the north
front of the building , upon the smooth
pavement that , unprotected from the
sun , becomes hot enough to almost blis
ter your feel through the soles of your
shoe ? .
"That pavement is hot enough to fry
egg ? , " snld ono clerk.
liosh , " said the other.
"I'll bet vou a beer that it Is. "
A few minutes later , when lunch hour
arrived , the two men stood out on the
pavement , where the temperature over
head was nbout lOo degrees , savs the
Washington 1'ost. One of them hail an
egg in his hnnd. Holding it close to the
pavement ho clipped it open with a
knife and let the contents fall upon the
heated flagstone. There -was n llttlo
sizzle and then the albumen began to
grow white nnd hnrd.
"What did I tell you. " said the tri
umphant clerk , and then the two men
went and cooled themselves with a re-
freihing drink.
BL. Mnru's > School. Knoivlllo , 11. , ( ISM )
A Church School for Girls.
St. . AllJfin's School. lCno\vlllc , 111. ftSDO
A Church School for Hoys.
Newhulldlncs. new furniture , now niipnrn
tus. The latest nirthods of mental uiul phys
leu I culture. Kicrvthln ? up to the tltiiu
lioino comfort ? niidlininoonre furovory iiupl
licv.o w.Lirrixuwii.u : n. u
Itcetoruuil Pounder
Pall Term opens Sept , 17
Course" ! In I/inuasc. : Llloi-iitmo. Tllitorr ,
Selciu-e. Asrleulturi ) ai.d Knelnocrlnir. I.ab-
oratories In C'lictnbtry. 1'hji.lcs. llotunj- . Zool
ogy , oiitoinoloiy. Ocdlns.v , Acjrlrultuio nnd
Civil KiiKliu'prlnff. Library ol 15.000 volumes
und ( MO periodicals.
Tuition absolutely free. Tlicnewpyinnaslnin
is iiartliilly oquliiocil anil xvlll bo o | un lo btu
doiits. For catalogue add retboctewanl. .
J. S. BALE ? , Lincoln ,
homo school. Kqnlpnipnti perfect ; piepiirffor ntn-
collcto or for bu liics . backward Uoyi recclvoit : Mil
rear opens Sept. 8 ri-Wlk ) Address Her 8. L ,
STivrit , , \ M . llunkcr Hill , 111. .
. . . . ,
Wl M AAUrUlllI * * tfc\Jui v UIVH UUUMI w..p y-
PLpSchool lor Glrle ancl Vonro ladlri VrKS3
> * - ' caulocnn nddrcin 1. TI1AYKII,1 > U. I ) . .
Mcrc n l'nrklll. . or'J Madlsonbtrcet , Chicago. 111.
. , . . . .
Sshools.iV .
A. loli4ifiES.L.trlrl JJtt .lili > m lltlt.r.ltc. MtllCO.HO
> AllilbljrewiLLeACADEMY
mmlc , ui U k. F. UCLLXIUI , I'r.ncij'al. Jac.ronv'llle I U.
STFPHFM'S B iiU ( LiEat 51l&
pinfPL\ ! ? c rnHfA ; , , , . .SIT't1V"Ti ' , t ;
S ' .rtl .A OoLuMBIA.MO ;
ClrcularoIBEMUV J. STEVENS , A. B ITIn ,
Media , Pa , MlllUrjAcndcmy , her .
Brooke Hall , vlrli. Circulars freo.
INfol. U. J. Wright , 11.S A.M-Corn\vall.N.V
LIEBIG I * cc ° -
noinlc cooltorv. Use
it for Soups , Sauces ,
' Made Dishes , ( Gnmc ,
Company's Fish , etc. ) Aspic or
Meat Jcllv. Keeps
perfectly in nil dl-
m.nos fur any Iciifith
EXTRACT of time , and is cheap
er and of finer flavor
than any other stock.
Ono pound cqunl to
OFBEEF forty pounds of letm
beef of the value of
about e7.50.
. . . _ Genuine only with
Justus mi Liublg's
signature as shown.
JOJ ) 'OUlOlt 50 p.VUO.11 f > q
- niptl jottn a-o oq .131011 u itu3qu-qo '
eqj ujnij uo ijjii | Bitiajtuin " \ \ tt-p n o > ot
Almlgtilrr lULle , iwfitlr 1 * ,111014 imwrrfulfrtiiil *
r riUat rlo n rercrfmr tiul > - i t
kjiiucut , JiOJn LMN 'mi ' ( I tl' ' iUitTahi , N Y.
huU byOOOHMA * Mil U CO.
IiiF-taiitlyitoi > the iao tcioruc'I/itn& ! lulnsj never fills t
? : to tlio suffcrtr. few
applications uct like tnaulc , causing the pain to instantly stop ,
Internally taVcn In doses nf from thirty to
sixty drops In half
In n TowmlmitesCraniDs. f > ni.sin < . Sourritomaeh , ' . ' n tumbler of water will euro
| C'olle. I'latulcn"e. '
art Jinn Ianour I'au.t- ,
* -our t-
ing Sjolls , CHOLERA ' -
MORBUS. DIARRHffiA. DYSENTEi iY. . liift'l ch'e Ntt-jiia.
VomitlnR , crvousnos5 , Slccplc'ssnrss ' , Mnlnria , niidHll Internal pilns arlslus a.of
diet or water or other causes. 60 Cents a Bottle. Bold by Lrocsists. from clianso of
L A Mil I.10N 1 > I&TU1III Till ) .
Louisiana Stale Lottery 0
' . - tMpJ t r tlip li- . t it r f .r c.'intUnil
nil ii iluili ruip , r. . , I mn ° nptttol
Ilif pwn-nt itttn isimiiluti 1.1 Is .1 , tr nn r rTe
To continue until
JcuiUEu'y 1st , 189D.
Soml-Ainiunlly 'Juno ' Mul Decemb r , iul Ui
OraiU Slngls Nninher Drawings tn't | ilac
in each of the other ten mouths jf tluveaf
anil are all ilr.nvn inpuhiic , at t..oA .Joiny
ofllusic. . New Orlems , Li.
Forlntegrity of ItsDrnwinascmd
Prompt Payment of Prizca.
Alt tHl < f > ilKm
pht nrcifir ( lint o i c"l h * r.
for tl : thn in mlM * ni 1 > c innual
t > f the li < iiil ! lntiii M lo I t . '
in > i'rii'n nn-m i' * < i < 1 r. t TI
- . and tlml the mi % IIH > < i WHU
liMnu ir fiilriii * * ntt 1 tn hood ti ill t fl r l par-
lit" . , nml ncnutho to tn ! * ootiipn r l u u i r cr *
litli nip with ftir iiluiili i of our * Uliitt.
in crU ciui'iit. . "
We. thrtnrt ( T' < lv'np I hinl. < unil h.inkrr
nil i'tlic' drawn In 'lie ' I oui- nn'M. . ) j u .101
nhlrh nmr le | n i'iit ii t i.ui > on i. '
K. M.W.M.M r.KV.i'ri-s.IniU. ( , , | . t\jit Ulank.
I'irilUK lANAl'Xl'r. " < .Mfitt'N..t(0 ( i t Hank.
A AK1 > \ Mrroi. . Now ot UMIIS Net i Hank.
CA.UL KOI1N. l'rc" . I'ulon Xiiuutiu. linnlc
At the Academy of MIMIC * , New Orleans ,
TiiPbUir. Sept. Oth , 1SOO.
CAPITAL mill , $ 00,000.
100,000 Ticket * nt Twenty Dolluri P.icli.
IIal\rs. flOj Quarters. W , Tontljs IS. l iu-
ii Cirii IUTCS or imr rurlhorinr.irmftlnn
vrtto loplblv lo thu mutant Kticcl ilojrlr
Mntlnc f ourreslileiu o. with ruto ( JLIHIT nt PLI mid
ninulicT Moro r | ilt1 roturti mull itcllu"nl I bu
a uictl I'J' rour uielotliiB uii ciucli JID luMrinit your
lull uJdrc.'s
> uw Orleans , I.a.
\\uslilnRlon. D C
llrordlnirr Ict'ur. < Miitiiii < lnc .MicNirOiiorn , la
med I' ) ' nil ox | > rci < cumpniiUs , .S'cvr Yurk Kiciuno ) ,
drultor i > Oftil nuto.
Address Registered Letters Containing Cur-
KIUIKMIIRR , that t'm ' imymcnl of pflroi l
AS'THI > 11V I'Ont XAT10.VAI IMMOior Sf Of-
l -i n anil lh tickets ntt" xlsnt'il l > f thiMirciiliti'tit of
on Institiitluii ho o c'linrlcrcrt rlchtn nro ri-fOirnl'itl
In tliohlflicat c'iurl ( , t icrc'loru , bonuruul ullliultu *
tlnrnor nnttns nio.n p > c-h ( iuiit *
HKMliMllKU. ( lint tliu iirocntrlnrlprof Tljo Toif
l > ljm Malclottfrr Omjtti | : ; . whi h UicMI'llI Ml !
rotirr UKTHU r. s lum jd 3 to DO c > N-
TItAt r irlth the Mftte ol IxjitlMnnii nn < t n piirt of
Iliti fniilllnllon"f tlioBtuto IM1K * NOTviiiIra IN-
Tl I. Tllli I HIST OK .1 \ > I'.MIV. ! > > .
The LrcMfitniv of Louisiana , li" li iljouraf < 1nn
111 o loth of JulyiiJ IlilH jonf liu inli' ' i > J n A SI K Nit-
JU'.NTIo lliu Cvnut'tuil'i ' i of tic tilc f > li snli-
mltlcil to tlio p'Oiilt' ntttnrlivlliinln \ , nlilrli itlll
rarrrllKMlmrtirofTJIE Ufl > l.A TATK I-.OT-
Tl UV CO.Ml'A VV up tn the ; onr N1NKTJZUK UL'N-
DUKI ) AM ) Nl.Mfl'KCy.
Capital Prize - $7,500.
Address B. P. RIIODUS ,
DR. BilLEY ,
Graduate Dentist ,
A Full Set ol Teeth , on Rubber
FOP Five Dollars.
A pTfpot fit punranlootl. Toclb
\rlt limit inln or tliuicc-r. nnd wltloi < t uiiacs-
tluMlcs. C. ld mid sll rt-r lllllnp ul lovi'-t
rules. Hililpoiiutl On n A\ork. Tt-itliwltli-
outplates. All \vorlk wurruntcd.
Knlranop IGtli Mroet clcator Ujiun CTLMI-
inri until b o'cluck.
Rroctflc for Hrrtcrljt.nizftlnNv.ntv. 2 ; ur IpU , WaV
tulHrkfi , > Uiln.l luitiftjnti , hnrirnlnK t lh 1 > -
bull ) MIC in Irwanllv nai J & 'llnir to sn ry dt uv rj
cleMh iTrmxturo Old /tfe Jlarreiin"Ml * < j f cf l * wer
Incitlittr w . Involuntary LOM X , ami fytrmMontcw
cauiM IIT over-cs'irtloA of the I'm In , MJf-dtu 3 or
mr Uid Vo co t-ivch Mit ccm tain * one montl's. tfiu
ninnt. tl a box , nr klx lor $ i. rent lj nin.iue | | paid.
"Wltli racb order for fix hoxc * , will ifnd jiurrlj < wr
Snibrantrn to tefntid tunncr if the tmtmi ntfnJlJla
cuit , uuariLntettk i cueU unj irt-'UUlno wld ouij tv
1110 Pamaiu Street. Oiimlia , N'eb.
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fK fl
/or WaterTAILDdJi.AW OD |
fclrMi-UruVitUfc , ! XHxnUfH'III.l : ( ; S HUTtiyH01IT. u > r4ii g iiosi. 'jfiUTam luwai. 10 . . n. ; !
l .lllj from UM 1M .oil lc.rrI ( CUMrt . . I'rIK tlta.
rlillt Noob. iiJa Ua k d | trK.r. ibkljrd ; raU6 | i * .
CVDU1II IQ fan liucuml InlOtoW
* -3 I rnil IO du/H by use of llm mar-
icdy. J-VXCOfurarasn it will
Ii 'tcuic. I'At'TioN lagnl UIH ecu II lit tcm
wly Wrlt < > < ir full tin 1' O. Jo > iu. JjU liar-
Omali-i , NodiUu. .
| ltt * iblh * tin
Jjn > | wrk , H ryUcw S
0 D .rfri fnm * U krnr
| l in If ! ) V MAJIMII St C > - , ft *
fffiii S-i fl . * rj f 'l i
LAWIKUH ANII St I , 111 ) K1
PATENT liV hi 1.1 \ t i
IlCO IlUhJillJ ,