Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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"Wheat Refuses to be Downed and Closed
Higher Ttan the Day Previous.
Oat Down nnil Cp With n Flnnl Ir- )
clini ; Little Simp or Vlijor About
l'ro l lon < i Caillo
nncl Hog * ,
OlirAOo. Ansu t It ti > oclal "Mrsrnm to
Tin : { ici-1 The vbent market will n < it do n ,
nt Ica't tliat 1 the wny It loakwi up to 1
o'dnrk today. A * tat l abuvr. the market
Maru-d lower. There wa a general ftelllns
out of UmpMutT early and not n little Miort
wllinp by ( ( KMT who thotiflit the bull caw-
jialpn at aiirnd. The drprtmlira In wlioat
laMed li * tbtm owe benr and tic bottom
jirk'i-s touched HI an early break wtre from
If to l' e under the elM ( last nlsht. Ileeov-
rry wasera'laul. but before 1 o'clock prices
oi'tf up 1'to to I'tcrtnn / the bottom
and ruled < over the last prices jes-
urday. Tiito wai noor Miooes-t for
Mimslicrs of the market. The action wa a * .
followi : s-cpU-inb T beat < > pen l all the wav
1 rtitu V.i to ic'ie. M > W do * it tn tft. nit lo 1WS. Htid
iff toW'4Ci December opened tl. < i2i4 toJI.'H. '
enlil iiptu j | . 3mnl closed at ! 1.0.1 : Maydropii I
to S ! . early and rw < nertd to 11.07' t. Bullish
features of the day were. Llverr-oil fable *
quoting SH-pt uiber wliewt and lulur- * 'id
nearer. Another was the Hi-uine i of Sew
li.rkHiid nt her seaboard markets when iBis
market broke early. Later .New \ ork rv-
ported 10 boat load * , of f if li exinirt business ;
New York ami I'lillndelptilu elt-HM-,1 iK.thlu-
lint dribs , while Hull Injure cletiml 14I.MU
buslielt * . Iniin the day tlieie na norm *
talk ufa quiet corner bdni : in operation In
ifeuU'hibfr xheat. s. V. AVliIteA fo. bad un-
u ually laire iiuyliiz order * for that month.
On t lie break there wa no doubt much renltz-
Itis. Lut the s-tuiie lmiiMs were peed buyers
Inter , Irvine to cet their wheat back. .lu-t
alK > ut 1 o'clock there was an bulce In
tirlce * . and .septetiil > erwenl to Jl.Oi and Dweni-
IKT to 31.01. Wheat was very seare when
( hens millions' , uhohtul icallied , atti'initfd |
to buy bffort' tlie el < io. . September went flv-
Ine toJl'i. ( . Dwembcr toS1.0414 und May to
. Tlieve were theclosliiff prices , with Aug-
T lie rorn market showed more weakne < * than
anything fl-e on the floor IbKnicirntnj ; . There
was good leu son for It wont her inutihowid
pretty general rains over Kansas. Nebraska
ami low.-i , with threatenlnir weather over
other liortlons. of the. corn belt : first priefi
wervalHMit "jo under the * close vesiterdsv and
early IradMg resulted In n further decline of
Htx > utc all around. This put urlet-s oft to
4i'tc for September. 4t'ic ' for October and
Wcfor May. These prou-d to be the lowest
fiirurcscif the luornini : and there was a terv
general Improvement up to mK > n , when Sep-
ternber returned to 49'c , 4 ! > ' , c for October and
MHcforilay. The In eorn was at a re
covery of 'ic from bottom fisures. Aucu t ,
4 ° c , JM'pteiiilior 4' v October -Vte , May .Vt'.c.
The taupe In August was 41t'-cto 4 Sc. Sep
tember fiO'iC to 4t * " c and Slay Me tn.'i3'lic.
lliitchlnkoii-was the principal t-elltr of local
Tlio out market was down nnd up with
other cereals , but on the whole .shotted a de-
cllmt from yesterday of loiitor more for all
months. Aucii-t sjld at : ei'4eto.c , closing
at UsSc ; 'epteuiber U-\c to irTHe tci-Js e at
the "lose ; October closed ut > ' e ; Dc-ceml'er
nt 2t < ic : May snid at 41V nnd 41'te. closing at
41iC. 1'atton Hi-other * * were prominent sell
ers eatly.
1'rovJsions had little snap to them ttxlnv.
Trade followed grain mnrketsearlv tosllghtiv
lower price * , but fulled to make any material
neory. . Lower ] irlce for corn was the bear
influence. .Innuiiry park closed 2 > c lower ut , wiOi September at ! 11.15 ; lard and rib *
I'1- . ' ' ' " ' * ' lower all aiound : last sales for Jan
uary ribUKi ( ; lard flt2't. '
OniC < nn. Auzu-t 12. [ Special Telegram to
TUB ir. ] fATTLE-Huslness more active
and general market In better shape thnu yes-
tenlay. 1'ritiie cornfed steer * were again
rat her scarce , with a turn ratlior ihurper If
not higher , than yc-terday , but common stock
remains In the same unsatisfactory condition
as bcrL'tofore , wltli all sarts that sell from
FLMdown to M. > 3 fully ai low as at any tlrno.
Tcias trade was In better Mmpe than ycster-
dnv as th ere at * a fairdemand and that was
m.ire than could bo said concerning yes-
day's buslnt > i. We.stt-rn cattle consisted
of 217 head of Meers that averaged ] ,100 and
upwaixl. nnd sold for KUK ) . A few loads of
Mo.'Kers und feeders ehangtxl band * from day
to day. but in this line OU-IIH--S Is slow for t he
K-CMin. Choice to extra beeves , 54.OiiM.w ;
im dill in to pwd tteers , IT.o to l.VKJ Ibs. § 4.Ptl (
f3. ; i5i.i.W : stookers and feeders R.lTi.M ;
cows , bulls and iul\e < l. fl.tKiit2.SU ; bulk. J2.30
* ii2,40 ; Texas Mi > : - * . } . ! . > > . . ; ir > ; rows $ I.aii.i2 J ;
wintered Tt-xaiis. KuKK dO.
lions Business actl\ewltb another up-turn
of Scon prime und corn-fed hogs , either lizht
or heavy , but tbtxt * is yet a very wide. diu"cr-
enc , * between ccnninon iind grassv lots and
tirhnp corn-fed lots of ccniinion sold today as
Io > v us frurO and PLt" ( , . roiuetlilns little U-ttcr
than t < oininonnt&J.6 < &iri.V. and bc < t corn-fed
mixed at KLKVfW.rt'r ; with prime lieavy and
butcner welrhts at < t4M 8A IV : llcht grassy
Block at M.45&X.V ) , and prime corn-fod light at
S , .0'3 4.0V
fJXA xcr.i / .
r YOKK , August 12. { .Special Telegram to
TIIK UCE. ] STOCKS. There was a different
t.nne to stocks today. Early tranoirtlons Indl-
cnted that some force wn * . under the market.
Very much of the early strength was due to
the more favorable attltudoof foreign houses.
London figures were almost all higher and
opening prices htue were peiierally f rein ? to
percent better than la t ovenlnc's figuics ,
nhlle Lake Shore was up 1 per cent , Canada
Southern V Cleveland , Columbus Cincinnati
& Si. Louis nncl Huilinston i Qnlnoy each ii.
Tliero was n wodcratelv actlvo and
well distributed busine.- " * andudviim.'e seored
nero unlfoim and niiiterlal In most nil lead-
Ins stocks. Ini'ludlnc Atehlmn H'K-k IslanO ,
I.ciidingund CUnelsiiid , Cliielnnntl , Chicago
and s < t. Louis. lx/uiivlllo & Xashvllle and
HI. I'ji ul show eel gains of upuardof 1 per cent
oxer la1- ! night's figures at tlie highest points.
The best Uriires were not In all cast" , fully
maintained , the deiimnd Blacking on" materi
ally in the latter portion of the hour , but con
cessions were small and at II o'clock tlio mar
ket was quiet but fairly hteflQy nt
fiactioiiHl udvnncc-s over ojenlnp iirlees.
There was no further if action durlnp tlie Hist
P rt nf the. cworid hour aud towards noon
very ecneral tmdlu ? set In ancj the nnirVet
huii { ho most bullish look for many weeks.
Trusts'i'lHlllcs were neileeto'd for the
rlHiuliutl rallioad stocks. Lake . -bore ro--e to 1't over the close ot yesterday. New
I.iigl nd rose to * > . against 47' * last nlcht.
Atchlson was up IS to41 < i , lluillngtoii 1 > 4 to
HU'j. : H , to 10 : S. lUwk Island
J' ! lo lSS-fhl > . "ullsu > TO' 'M1' > MlriI > al > lfl !
J'i to 091. . I'nlou '
1'aclttc IS , Lackn-
Mnnna If. to 144't and Kcadin ; 14 to CU-
At iiojii tliero was no rcnution from K-st
prices all tbrouch thcllst. The stock market
was not active during the closing- hours but
menxlli rrmalnt > ti to the surpilsuof those
who wired their customers to sell all t-ttx-ks
for a breiik or 1 per cent on tbe midday bulge ,
ptiiae of the more prominent sUvks showed
net gains , for the dcy us follows : Transcon
tinental ' S-k per cent ; I iulsvlllc. E-t. 1'aul.
I'nloii Pacific and Keadlng encbS iier cent ;
Atchlson nnd tlie grangers 1-4 to4 til around.
S-ales .rel77txxisliares.
The foUo-.vhii , ' wore the closinff quotations.
I' N 4 > CUUIK > n 1MH ( . .
_ LK 4 rcsuliir lsni doprefrrrea
Ps. 4s > < recular lirji , C. .1 X tV "
I' , t * . ( SJIX-UIKIII ia , 'l dupreffrnMi..U4 .
I'aelfic ( if " * * U7t , N . . w VorkC < nlral..lOiiVi
Ct utr l riw.flc. . . . . . WIJ I' . II. * E "U
LailcavoA Alton. . . . .12s jKork IrlaDd M ik Uurllncton 1C. . M. i St 1'uul W > k
D.lZ A'W' . . . . . " . . . .UHISt. 1'aul .V Omi.Ua 11
I'linolir ' ntral. . . . . .111 I ilnpralrrrtHl 112
i ti. A W t'nkin I'urtdc. U. < } {
. . . . ls > 4 W. . SL 1 * A. I' . llli
. . .K'7'i1 < 1oiTpfcrnxl SMs
'nloa tnSi
per e nt.
. .
rnni.i.vo lut
ilxiyday bllK H. wuuker :
NEW VOIIK. Auiusx 1J. [ ? | K * lal Telojram to
THE HEE. } The following arc tbo mining stock
quot tluiu :
Alisct. , 3JJ
LVllo Me. . . HJU Iren Mltw ITS
roam lui N. dimmomrrallb.
filelcmln 11.11 In ) Ootarki illM
rrewnl'o nt S * ftK nlx. Arlt 110
PureliUm < ) '
( ionlJA Ctirrr J.sU > oilcr Ci 1U5
lit e \urrn t > . . . . tli
The C * nreoMarket. .
NEW VOIIK. Auiu.t ll.-U-ptxsJal Tel < > sram
to THE Itw.l Coffee Optkin * CIJHHH-J steady
at & i lm& up to 10 jKi'nt * duwn , ch > s-
inc ftuudy ut 6 jiolnu don to
& ixjints up ; fair ilciuaiKj. Sili s. * \ -
4V-iO liags InHuUInc Aucu U fh r.Ali-.W ;
hcptcmUr. llT..V ) , iW ; OcloN-r. tld * lC.76j
Nuvrrut > DeWiatHT. tltt-l. &ie.-A ) ; Jttuu-
uiiry. tixn * ; r'ebruary. fli-iiiLXUi ; March ,
ll.V.veiJi MI May. tixi tua. Spot UloHrm
And "Uvei lalrcurioes , WHcj No. 7 flat beau ,
< ; .T/.ittKKT.y. I
Cll < Afi'i.tnru t IS1 l" > ; . hi i-Jiree H"hat
M-irl > < t flrn ca u , .H-ii.u1 , . . . * cr > Umber ,
II M , ; May. tins ,
4Sc ;
. . ,
; Mar * 41 SC.
s Porkl Miy ; r b , ! ! . : 5eptc lr , I
Jll.W ! : Oanuai-j' . ! . > . ,
L. rd . uadea. : . h. ML1T4 : September ,
. ; Jauunrv. . .
? ! , ort RIlH M < lv ; c * * . J JCH ? September.
lire Xo. I Me. dy ut Me
II TfVNo. \ . 2. * t v at CTc ,
lpf \ flcadr ; Xo 1 JUI
I'rlm * Tlmoihy Basy
lrter tlun ? at t-
Any. Winter wliwut. f lM9AJ > j ; & | irlnc wh ut ,
. . . . . .
Hulk -n't-sboc | < l T < . SS.T'ia'LW ; bhort
clear. f.'t.n A.s'i ; liort ribs. { VKn VtO.
lluttci * rira ! cienmcry , l * Hc ; dnlrr.
Chw e-Qulet ; fntl cream ebvitdars , 76
* < ! tiunp Atnerli'n * , . HtftyUjc.
Kscs rirtu and lilrhcr ; Irth. . 1491T p.
Tallow rtHinnged ; Xo. 1 , solid packed. < c ;
No. ; . ' , ( : cuke. 4' § .
IlWfrinii T ; limrf and llclit s
He : salted bull bldos. s > \c ; green
suited calf. Svffe0 * ! nry flint. > at c ; drv salted
bides , 7ci dry calf , b3P8c : deacons , each. We.
_ . Itooclptfhlptaen. . .
rioor , bbls if-flM T. ( JJ
Wheat , ou f.-.UOB
Corn , bu ' . .mma
Oats bu 98X0(13 (
XEW VOHK. Auittst IS. Wheat -necolpti : Uu-hvh ; exports , 3BO bushel * . ; spot linn ,
- ' " higher ; Xo. tit-ti , ! : < 'i 1.Ql1 < t Ineleva *
tor ; I. j' l.lft li ; tlJM\6 > lM\ . o. b. :
ojitlou . .iii.t'd l' ( rH" c Llghu : No. 5 nid. Au-
eld-la zut
oxr > ort .
No. l.
nDoat ; unzmdt * < l lulled. . ? ' * ; ; op-
s rlox-d "U-naybut lo r ; s plutntici1 ck -
Inz at M'tp.
Oat t Ilccolpts. 12.003 luisbols ; fi-iorts | ,
iwit wcnk t ; No. 'J wlillo , 4s'7H [ > * : la
' whit * we tirn. 43.Vc ; oj > -
tlnni weaker , September clo lnp at 42iC.
Coffee Opiums elos l steady ; % point * down
to . * > iKilnts up. ales 42.2V ) tms ; Ancust ,
Jl-v5 : 1.40 ; .suptember. fl7.'AsS.17 ; ; M > ot lilo
uiHr-lM ! t * tirmer ; fair refining. llS-ldo ;
eeiitrlfugnls. ! 0 tcs , | , : i a-ir.oKT. 7-ire ; refined
tlrni , on" "A. . ' ' ( iJ' e ; yellow , 4S4c , extra
"C."M-15V *
Petroleum t'nllcd closed fur September at
Ii c.
Lrgs Htndy ; wo'tfrn. lO'iftlOc.
I'otk Knsier nnd dull ; tnes , jl2 v > 413i. > .
Lar < l l jwtr. closexl steady ; vrifteru steam.
liuttcr Plnii ; wpstern dairy.
i-aini'iy. lltrllKr.iKln. ; . no.c eCho
Cho Ve rirni ; pirt skims : ?
T. Locts AUEU t 11 Wheat , lower ,
; uptloiK. lover :
Corn Ixiwcrs cash. 4i'4c ; cpU. Ulb r ,
Oats LOWIT ; Cash. s- > , c ; optttubcr , 3s ?
I'ork-Weak at MAtf
Liird Notnlnul ut i-V
Whisky Mi-uUyat 11.13.
Ausu't 12 , Wheat Receipts ,
.37cars ; shipment * , r-0 cars ; offering snniples
small ; fairdemand hlsherduriug tuemo > t of
tliedny notwithstanding futures were a = iir :
Closing ; Xo. 1 hard. August , 8I.K1 ; on
track. 11.04. Xo. 1 Xorthern. AiiCiist , I'.i' e :
September , $ ' \v on track , 11.01. Xo.
Xonhern. August. 1C : ; on track.
MiL-WAUKEnAugust 12. Who at
* Corn Easier ; No. : t'riOc.
Outs Kasler ; No. -rhitc , 403IIC
llye rirruer ; No. l.GlVic ,
llnrley yulct : No. 2 , ( Hie
1'rovlsloiis rirm ; pork , Aucust , Sll.OO.
CINCINNATI. Aucust 12. Wheat Easier ; Xo.
2 red. 97't < § ! i-c
Corn Kasler ; No. 2 mixed. _ _
Oats Steadv ; No. 2tnlxod.
AVhi > Ky Jl.ta.
KANSAS CITV. An east 17. Wheat Easier ;
August , sBg ; i4c : Xo. 2 ixasli. ! Uc bid.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash 4T'tS ' i e.
Oats Lower ; No. 2. cash , 33c bid ; August ,
n c.
Livrui'OOL , August 11. Wheat Finn , de
mand poor ; holders offer moderately. Califor
nia Xo. 1. 7 * > . > id7srKl.percental ; rod western ,
sprln,7s4'icl . " 3 CJ ; rtd e = t-t'ru > winter , 7s
a'iOfJ7-i ' ( 4d.
Corn-rirm : ilcmand fair new mixed , west-
cm , 4bCd per cental.
CHICAGO. Auz t U. Hois Receipts 1C.OOO.
markct strong , ttrni siul lilclior ; mixed. * : i.4V3
4wi - ; heavy , * X40aJ.10 : lls-it , iUOai.OJ : skip
. .
Cattle Receipts. S.COO ; market ,
neeves , ; ! .tifrs. fl. : ai.4l ( ; stackers
and fcedurs. * 2.10la.2l ; coivs. nulls and inhed
Jl.diV6J.Wi ; Texas cuttle , 51.2JitJ.ajj western
Tex a us St-tuS-VA.
.sht'i'p Itecelnls , J1.0T3 : market steadv ;
tlvc's , fUM&ZM ; western. Si.sjjji , a
IXdu.Q't.'O ' : iambi. i\.mfi > so.
The Drover * ' Jnurnal.peclal cablegram re
ports coed to choice American steers innklnc
ll'il6IJJ c IH.T Ib. i-Miniated dead welplit , at
ixindon. .supply HlH-i il aud demand weak.
ST. Loris , August 11 Cattle-Kecelptv.
2'XKi : tbipments , l.ltrt ; market steady ; fair to
fancy native steers. $ > 5J4.25j stocker > and
feedci * . SIMGVLW.
Hoc.S lec ! ipts 3 , . " V ) ; thipments > . COO ; mar-
kit itronper ; bcavy , KUSiiua.
KA\FAS Cixr , August 12 , Cattle necelpts.
7,100 ; shipments.iO'iO ; imirket stronK !
steers St.2 : : > ft4.a'Jj cows. Jl.oa33.OJ ; stackers and
feeders , ? iroit..riU. !
\lof \ ItecelpK. l.VJOO : cbiprncnt-s , 1,700 ; mar-
ketsteadyto higher ; all graueN ta.ooa.a..u.
Piorx Cliv. la. . Auirust 12. [ Special Tele-
pram to THE Itur. ] HoGfs Heci-Iptis , 4.KOj :
mai ket opened . " c higher , telling at SJ.Ui.i.75i
bulk at Ki.05.
Several bunches of fat steers sold at
Tuesday. August 12.
Estimated receipts of cattle liJj.c : tupared
wlltit--Eyesterday ' aud L. > 7aTuesdav of lsi t
veek. The marueiopened active and lU
hlciier on the bst ( trades of soer- ( ,
everj thing ( , ! > just holdlns Its own.
Estimated rcreiptsof ho : * * 17.WJ , compared
with s. < Syest < 'i-d a vand 10s r'fues-lay of last
week. The receipts weie about .VTO larcer
than ever heforo in one day. Tlie. market
opvnpd active and a sh : > deto jcontf hiclier on
the be-t lieavy ho s and ntxiut steady on mix
ed and litlit hoz-i.
- The heavy receipts ur-
tivlns late , caused tlu > market on heavy hois
to stow up , tlanlly closin ? with allttie lieavy
hozs sold wltli the advance lot. . The ranre of
prices wakfUjitlU l > lhU JUr.Sa. . " . ; mixed.
< * lienrv. J-s7. > i < a 0. Tlio average of
tlie prices paid for liuz as f L70'j , > > mpared
wljhflCl yesterday and J53J5)i ) Tut-sday of
Estimated receipts of sheep T > 2. comparc'd
with VU yestvrdaj- and 491 Tuesday of last
neck. The market remains unchanged.
Prevailing Prices.
Tiic following is a table of prices pile In this
muiket for the grade of sto-'k muntlonel :
rrline sters. MW tolMDJn Sl.n :
Good steers. rr.3Lo I4VJ ft ? I.Q3
1 air , KKUto ll.'O n > s
Coiuniou , bflj lo 123. ) As ; ii' ! >
Common c rumors . i.oj
Ortlinary to . 2K )
I'ulr to CIKX ! cows
hoice cow < .
Choice to fancy oows . t.15
Fair to KIXK ! uull- , . 1.75
Cho'ce ' to fancy biill-i . S3
I.iht tockur > i > iid feeder * . I _ " > 3
uilllia&s. . 2.23
Pa Ir to choice llcht hoes . iur >
Tnlr to clK > k < c heavy IMIJS. . 3.T5
Pair to choice mixed hns . & 5
Comparative Table.
The following table shaw * tbe range in
prkes ouhogsoTuriu ; ; tnls and la > :
Monday MO l gJVv M 40 ( j
Tuesday J 15 M < u 4Sl , * JI n
Wt > dnei > II o * Jl a
Thunctujr S Jti < 7U
KrM.r S 40 M K )
> 49 X 7S
Averajjo Coit of IIo ; < .
The following table clvas the nvurajo co t
of hogs on the dat < * > mention ! * ] , Inulu Jiit ; the
cost today , as based ujtauttles repjrt'"J :
July2rf rS4 i Anust5. 3 K
July 23 370 August fl. 3 .YHj
July.10 3.V ; Auu t 7. 3 Mi
July.ll SU24 Auiusti 3 f.4
Aucustl . . .3M AuustJ ( a.VH
August i 3 ! s Aujust II 3 Cl
1. S H August U 3 7Uj !
and Loxvtst Sile or
Today. V > i
niihott , _ II OJ Highest.
l > we.U a 4LOWCV.U . ' . . . 3 49
Stock Itcoelpts.
Omolal Y ter-4ay. Estimated Today.
Cattle. . HScsirs . ( Cattle. . n9 eur * . l.'HO
shitp. . . . I ' lie ' " " ' '
car. ShtH'p'J"2 ! ar , 53
Avernse I'riue of Hoes.
Showing tUfavfrijepriM p ld forh iof
' > on tue dsy ludlat d in ISiT , bss , Isil
I. A Of. 'bS ue-
M * rv , M n rund r
i 4 w WU3
V * M'-l 4 W lei 6111
10 Sundijr I 4 OT coi &U
11. . . j t 61 i gundi 4 hi
11 t TSH | 4 IH ilO
DUposltton of Sto'k.
.eh'.wrp , tit na-iritr i'f ' att IP JinJ ! *
U ; , < ist t > ti e patkcn uud kaa.uc tuyirs > . < u
today i n utket ,
Tbe O. II. llummond cowMny 10 i
Tt * Armcrar-CadaJiy p cWl g eowjwny. . . * *
J Uf Hotli-chlKd 99
; Ham Ultra A Stephen 41
! ll.Mit.uB A : t'nderwood
HocVtrA : I > fen
" " " " "
IV. U. Variant . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . - 1
Other buyers. 1 > 1
iiofls * .
The Arrnonr-Cudahy pK'klB ? eOMpny. . ' .W
> maba parking company MB
The 0.11. llanVmmMJ cotaiMtiy. ! MO
.1. I' . -quirt" . Jt Uo 1.011
Klnran A l' < i
I' nnd 1' company m
Stiles . . IT ]
C. 11. North . * 1
Hfirrsciitnthc Salop.
No. < Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Ar. Pr.
7. . 1W i ! 3 H. ir.SW4J 44..f 4 WSO
4. . Sill M..1II8 37) ) IS. IftM 8SO
i.54. . - iw ado . MS * : a IB..WS
54. . VT4 X li 16 711 3V. 4(1. ( . 1 I
t . 3 li 41. ! > HUP > . iio 405
. . 1 .IJI7 4W
1 l9 a li 29 .11 ! * ) 875 . . 4 IS
4D..i3ii AND cxroiiT raccus
30..1XV 33)
COvr.e ,
19 . ye 1 70 676m ! M S. . PIC 210
. 1 70 n. . msi - 210 17. . 1010 215
i Ml 1 .1J II . -si S 10 14. M J 215
is. ; 75)n. ) . sim 2 10 1. .HJ7V 225
n . 973 1 * : . 7119 : 10oj 7. . me
75) 2 (0 ( 10 4. .1--G6
21X1 15. . 7 < 51 ! ]
1S5 1..1H08 1 M 1 . . 730 177
. 730 140 2..1JIO 1 ( u 1. .1420 1 7a
, TflO 149 1. 491 1 75 1. .i : > io 215
li'JJ J M 1. . 755 175 1. .14(10
t-TOCKtlMS rnncnns.
. S72 1(10 ( 2..10 % 230 0. . ! > W 240
. 7U > SOU 4..M7 2 ; 3 sa. . f-40 2 fiS
. ( HO S 20 0 . 045 UK ' 14. . 741 2 .V
223 2. 593 : .a s. 200
2. . ( K iri Is. . 770 I Si 1..1010 145
G. . ffi I 25 17..7sj 1 5 1..11UO 1 M
8. . 70J 1 23 14. .761 1 40 4. . t'lj 1 00
12. . GC3 125 1..1030 1 49
10. 2. . 2Ti3 209 i. . ine 3 = 5
2. . 2HI 175 1. . 31 I 21 * 2. . ( IS 323
Ill Sa 1 73 2. . 245 2 09 1. . 210 353
1. . 300 2. . Cs 00
1. . 23 W
20. . C 175 57. . 7Ci 2M
1..1HO 250
Xo. Av. Pr.
UJsteers , Tesas corn-fed. . . .iiio 12 a
201 feeders , , . . .1008 250
Xo. Av. Pr.
si , < M 13 W
MS 1 a !
100 3 IK )
1100 ?
No. Av. Sh. Pr. Xo. Av. Sh. Pr.
: .B ltl ! 120 3 4.- ra 2fiO 240 3 7i' {
4 Ml 200 a 47'i ' 70K 279 H ) 373
70Kt 2J1 120 3 M 70ra 230 100 373
Kt SJs IM 3 M ra 241 40 375
73 170 ino 3 f > 2' { 51 : , 100 375
7u 231 : eo 3 ajij C3 205 60 375
iv > ira 3 r.2'i ' C4.V 25s bO
riTO 23 100 2 r-s .V 2T/1 3
TO 210 K * 8 .Vi .VOS 251 40 373
ta 2 > K ) 3 .v , 00 212 KKl 373
T . . S3 JIW c 53 120 73
i-0 2.4 120 3 .Vi 03 209 371
70 1 * 120 3 .Yi 04 270 a 73
2114 : wm 3 r.i 273 375
11C 2flD 8 .IS 250 375
r-o 2.4 ' ; ino 3 M 27il 373
221 1OT 3 ; " > 7(1 ( . . . , .270 ttfl a 75
214 (4 3 .Yi 0s .IK . 120 375
( is 3 .V > 73 . . . . ? 12040 373
TO : INI iuo 3 : & " '
05 2iT 210 3 V "sr'i - a 73
02 210 44 3 ! u -27b - 21J 373
4l.u 219 440 3 M r.7 . . . . .275 100 875
l.-u 212 240 3 574 55 .2 > S 12J t 7i
71 214 240 3 liU CO .2711 200 373
5J 2U : HI 3 fill 53 . . . . . .TO 40 .173
80 2l 120 3 m Cl -.117 sO 3 75
02 217 2iKI 3 ftl 07 .me ire a 73
04 2J1 40 3 r.j -2s2 KM 3 73
214 1-JO 8 OJ ' " .2-7 40 373
TOa 2J1 T 0 OJG3 01' ! ! .245 120 a 73
aCS 2:0o : 3 ( 57 .2 K ) a . .t
CS 2Ti ICO 3T.J 71 .237 tO 375
C2 2C. 2W 3 ( U " 243 103 373
II 252 2sO 3 f.3 Va. : ! .2s5 240 375
21C K'O 3 GJ 07 .2U 240 875
i.i 120 a ( a 07w" ' ' , .270 aO 375
22 130 3 C ) w" . . . . "O 12) 37i
' 4 1'.C 109 3 CJ . .2J7 - a 73
03 ITi1) 2110 3 63 S3. . .27. ) 101 375
4C" 22J 2)0 3 (10 ( 53 . .247 M 373
C" , 2tl M 3 CO CO . . . . ' . .iO 373
144 221 2sO 3 CO Cl . . . .2t2 40 375
244 120 3 OS Kl . . . IW 3
2111 300 3 CO 59. . . . 120 3a
T5 .UIH 2VJ 3 CO CO. . . . .27B 120S3 3774
SO W 3 ' C2. . . . .2711 123 JJ
220 120 3 C8 i 57. . . . , .2(3 ( l'\l 3
si to 3 cij Cl . . . .251
24s 2fl ! 3 ( A 70 . . . SM 3 77'j
O 2IU 120 S C5 377 * *
04 2J2 201 8(3 ( 03 .2.VJ J i.'i
73 2iJ 2,0 805 03 .207 a M
Cl 3 ICO 305 01. . . . . ' 4(5 ( 3K >
02 .lls 3(10 ( 3 0" C3M , .270 100 3M
255 ISO 3(15 ( M . . . . .20 1(10 ( 3(0 (
1G3 202 4s3 3G > no. . . . .214 140 3X0
220 1W 2 G > 53. . . . . .3J3 a aw
Uld 242 243 X65 . .Itb 100 3\l !
d "tl 240 365 C4. . . . . .2(3 ( 40
241 243 205 04 . . . ' JJM
.13 2.H ! 1B ( 3T ( > ! ! ! 'jra - 360
70CO 237 120 8 C5 01 . . . . .vsa 33 3t0
CO 2J8 1JO 305 ' , . . .207 12) 350
siOC 22.1 2U ! 3 05 Cl' ! 30S 43 3 9
OC .Vrj 240 3 CTiJ 51. . . . . .2SI7 200 3sO
f.05 ; 247 IK ) 3074 01. . . . . : ! JO 240 aw
05 . . 3C7H 50 . . . . .2.11 120
1S 220 W 73. . , . .204 - aki
S 2.V.I 2(10 ( aftti 0(1. ( 40 asa
4Os 2.V5 2JO 37J 40WJ
Os 24s 3 a 70 01 . . .1)04 TM 3sO
00a .242 (0 ( ao CJ. . 2jl TMM 3.SO
00,7 . .244 K ) a 73 CO . to ; ij
,7Oi. 24s a 70 62 . . .311 ICO ate
Oi. . TC1 1GD a 70 4s . . .2J7 128
Cl 214 2. a 70 " . 274 1'JO
4 2.M 4(0 ( JI70 50" . .310 249 30
00Cl 278 210 a 70 . . .247 lOU 3S )
ClM 2 l 1W a 70 07. . . . . ' . ' 40 3sO
M ISO tsl a 70 47 . . . .311 40
037s 271 2SO 370 .13. . . . .2 > 4 40 3bO
7sa 212 a 70 01. . . . .2U 3sO
a 2i : See HTO CO. . . . 2Ci ! 120 3 > 4
243 tO 370 47. . : . .SO
ISO ra 370 03 . . . . ' - 0 120 3u" ( ,
273 120 370 110 . .3.O . IfiO 385
240 123 370 . .tC.7 ft 3Ki
MT ' . ' 40 370 . .2s3 K ) 3 ! > 5
i'4s ; NO 370 (2 . .210 tO 3 t.i
2.VJ H ) 370 51 3
2W : 40 370 51C7 ! ! 2-'J 40 33S5
243 X-0 370 . 315 3S5
15 > 0 370
.SO 40 370 . .275 31-5
140 370 . .ae 40 aw
0 SO 370 . .rjl 120 3h5
252 120 3 72H Kl. . . ,
272 . ' 40 372'i 45 . . . ! ! Il 120 315
27T 120 372H Cl . . . . . ' . " .y 3-3 .lO
. . . .1M IfiO 22' 17. . . . 145 100 .100
. . . . AE ! 1 ( 2 73 10. . . . .I'M 310
. . . .IM SO 300 77. . . . . .1119 2sO 310
. . . .144 300 C. . . . .145 310
. . . .120 300.
Market Mention.
Stt-crs hlrlitir.
William Bell of Stiung markttcd a car o ;
bos * * .
C. 11. Judy brought In two ours of hojrt from
A kin.
Larcest run of bogt In tlio history o < the
j. 11. ? ; uicitcr brought in a ear of borsfrom
C. 0. Lee came In from Arttp&hoe wlty a car
of eatilo
Oollln * t Kutoh of Grunt had three cars of
boss hero.
Peterson Hrothers font over two cars oilioss
froin Wttston. la.
W. T. KloUley oiitneln from Columbus with
tocars of bu s.
MeKcoRan .t MeMnnus tent down & car of
boss from llancroft ,
A. H. Glover KIIS on tbe wlti * a ear
6f boss from Pwipht ,
Fririiian . * c llotli hud two cars of hos ou
tlio market from Usctulu.
Fuller. Smith k Fuller marketed hozs from
Uonrad Schneider liad tire cars of hojs on
tbe market from Snyder.
i hennnn Wllleson oatno In from Eudleott
with three cars of cattle.
Theweilebur : : H-vator company bad two
carsol hos on ttio market.
I > odje A Weatberbec of Oakdale ere on tbt *
niurkei with t oeai > of boss.
.1. T. Kvans ofouth llend wuson the market
ulth two fais. ef huy > .
Goorpoll. Loucks , tbe well known Hanson
shipper , was in tritb two carof hog * .
J. 1' . Herryinan. of the finu of lierryman A
l.ittiiT , Conlora , was ber with a car /ff I
fa it If.
The fnlon stooVyard * of Ivool.nk.Ia. . vlll l > c
formally npaiixl f. < rbus'iuMonday. < . Aurusi
IK , IhliQ. The uperuuir > ii the iuartt t will lie
( Xey k Cu. , lliiiit.-d , uf Holfast. Loudun nnd
Liverpool , Keppel-lJJrk proi isluii oiiiu ) > un , und
many eastern uarken > and live s.Ki-k broken. ,
Tbeyurdase clanm will be 2. > e IKT bead ou
cattle , 6cou liogs. 5oon ibecp and calve lOci ; i
Lay U per 100 vouudi and core II i > er bailtl. I
. . . ,
c .lcf mixed. J5.X JlOt TxK , t < .r .
prlnehlek n . tlAM-tt * f"t vtiiilli
for m Jlam : ftfi * J. ' .
ItrTrn-Cmitiwry. funcr NU , print. Wft
liMe : cre frr. I H J.M IW packed. lilSltc ;
prenuery. clwlctItMltr : < 1 iry. faitcy neil *
and print * . l&Kto ; dairy , fxncy. colM ] cki U.
lw l * . ; . ( lulry , rbulee. * ' 1 * : country toll ,
fmi'-y. ' sQu.- ; riiiiicc- < fri niU-r'u . . .
ra3We \ lot i-trletlv fre hi t le not
. . t , h vy. W * No. j ,
7ci No , ! llcht , * * C'tr ' : dry Hint
, 7-3WC. DiBiftff.'l hldo > Jc
s ? twits , creen , oueh , i , Sl.a. . ; ' brip p Its
jv. jH-rlb. flttllc.
/EI / | : < - \ X1'tr l
white. 344c ; yt-llow. S-iQ-'lc : stpurlitf. B' < > .
IlONK < ( } uouitkm are fordellvpry In CM-
< MIJO. lirv buflHlo , per ton. Hlii ( iai.o , : dry
fount bleached . f f-W&H'Ki ' ; dry country
, hefl. U'.lfte : mcxjlum uu-
J CLUES .V per Ib.
Iliiu.sJLP Twir-Cl oitc iridluni , 8tt7c ; Hjlit ,
Tt-'iSc ; heniy. tt'Ci
I.INSMII Onflaw. . 0V ; b'led. . ' ttV
lloNtv Mralned flO-H > runs. ; new
Jione-v , UftK ? . h nd-
plcktxl HH vv mtwluin. { ii hand-picked < :
cunutry. tl'.r < W.O > ; cwp rt > i. . * l. ) ttlv .
Picil-l'i-rlu reiTh.Tc ! huCaloTc : ptefcercl.
S'ie ; iilke te ; trout. IN" whltt. HC : cropnle , I9c ;
catlisb , lie ; et d steak , ! : , . ttouuflerite : ; black busa , i : > e ; lob-tirs
SOe.E'VAPOHATED Arrt.B5-r n y iiiai3c pur Ib.
llLfEiir.Kinns I'er sqt. KiJI.'IM. .
I'KAtnns Arkansas. * liu. box , 75jSi.OO ;
California , per bn. * l.502ni >
GKAi'Es CiiltfiirnU , IM.T crate , tlG Mi
IWiiotj per 10 Ib bnsktl , 40e.
1'i.r.vs Purple Dunns. UilnmbiB , etc. . per
box , tt.5T.a2.iliwild ( joose plums , 'i Im boi , 75
XECTAJUSIS--I\T orate , tl 7\t.oo.
I.EMOM IVr Iwx Kodl Miiori. funcy , 511.00
© I2.W : choice Messinas * ! > . ' ' -11.50.
1'BAttS llartlett , Callforu.a , pt-r box , SSSitfo
I'IICNES German , per box. J2.00 ; 1'roucb.
TO.MATOI : per bu. . Sl.OOf11.2.V
ONION : Xew fOutblTii. IK r bbl. , M.352.S.M.
UAHCAOC-rer crate. H J K,5 uu.
Protlsion * . .
I'ORK 1'resili bams. 20 Ibs. avsr. . * Vc ;
lClb ave. . so ; 15 Ibs avp. fbonldurs,5c , ;
pork loins. 7Hcporlc lcnUitli > insteli-af ; lard ,
not reniU-red. O'lC1 ; spare ri'iv ' + c.
SAurMnATf * Ubli Mrstptrk. , new. ? 117T : clear
pork backsheavy. ilJ.i'i ; ncaium.Sll.75 ; short
cut clrnr pork. SIO--O : faniiiy jnirk. sld.j'i ; butt
pork. plK j rkv IIB.M ; tie * extra mess beef ,
M.5H ; new extra nl le l > f. &M : new plate
beef , tun : new rolled boneless beef. } 7. : 0 ; new
rumpN tS.r > 0 ; now Ivoiielesa rumps , I.X'
OILS llbl Extra lard , iiterttraltn' 3.47c :
eMrnXo. 1. inrd , .iGoXo. I lard. : < lc ; No. U ,
lard..IK : extra rent .foot , 4:10 : : tulloiv oil.41c ;
pure neatstoot oil. 50c ; A 1 tallow. 5c ; slear-
liie. . ( c.
LAPP Tierces Compound , D c ; pure leaf ,
CHe ; kettle rendered , dUc.
SMCIKCIJ MEATS Sutar cured barns , 1SIO14
Ibavp , ll > 4c : infdlym 15 to 1C Ib avp , lie ;
lieavy , 2Jo 2J Ibavc , Ilf ; Klnneti to
20Ib avc , IlUc : California liains. 74cLoul ;
dcrs 7-40 ; thoulders. skinned. d'lC : shoulaers.
Oto ibavp , 7' c ; bonelfs , . Lain. breakfast
bacon , clear. 5 to 7 Ib. strips. > r ; brenkfast
biieon , rib. Hc : dried beef bums sets , 10'jc ;
recxilar , t-ic : clods , sc.
DKY-SAJ.TMEATS U in huoVs , c c ; extra
short clear- > 5c : bellies. Id to 20 Ibavc.C' e ;
( hort rl' ' > s 5J c ; short clears. 5c ; Ion ? clear- .
Sic ; shoulders,55ie ; foster litt-'k * . rC.
riiEfii llrtr Steert,500i < - < WO His average ,
native. OVStC ic ; 40oto. CMH-s artrase native.
CS-C'iC : cow und heifcT > ,4i , tji.VfJ lbavirape ,
natiie.Ssc ! bludrjuaiters. steers. lOc1 : hind-
rjunrtcrs ; , cow i,7o ; forequartns , stit'i- * * , 4'5ej
lorequarttrs. cow.s , Ik ; : OiTsst.d Logs , 4i.c ;
choice clre'sed nintion , l ljc. .
ritE = il Ilccr t'LTri Kolls. s'ic ; beef tender
loins. ] se ; sirloin butts , 7cl ; > "ueiess s-trlp.s,7Hc ;
rounds frump nlTj Oc : rcnmus irutnp on ) 5c ;
iTinnds ( shank oil * 5'ic ; k'neless rumps , 4o ;
( bucks , ay : plates , 2St ; l > ack halves 4c :
'boulacrcloiK.4" c ; beef ltnNo. - ! . 1. < stcer3
( Tl4ebecf ( : liilns.No. IKKailc ; beef loins Xo. A
PC : iHTf ribs , GMJ.SC ; beef rl > s , Xo. 1 , lo&llc ;
sweet brejias tpcr doziiOc ; kidneys ( oacli ) 3c ;
ox lullleacli ) aci livers ( ca.-b lV ; U-ef hearts
lea eh ) 4c ; beef tongues ( aach i 4Jc ; stilp loins
PcnAn rcr Ib. Cut loaf 7Vc : Cube' , 7c ;
Standard , jiowdcred. 7Hc ; X XX , powdei-ed ,
Granulated.standardise : ConleeticneiV
A , C , c ; White Extra C , Climax. Oc : Citra C ,
Xetiraska..f > ' c.
MAPLE SCQAH Perlb. tc cakes , .tl Ib boxes
13o ; JOe : boxes , 12He ; l-ti5brcks ] ! , 3J
lb * > In IK > X , pure , 14 .
t'orrcB KosMed Arioso. 25'4c : Bunola ,
25'ic ; McLm = hlln XXA.X , 23'jc : German ,
25 c : Dilworth's , 2T. , e ; Uon. 25Hc : Mallpouch ,
25'/.c : Mocha. : KICJ G.O. Java. .Vte.
ConxE Gn-cn 1 aucy Golden Hio. 4c ;
fnncy old peaborry. 24'so'IIio.choice ; to fancy.
22c : l.Io. priiui' . c ; HSo. pood. l ! 'ie ; Santos
and common lilo , ISi'iSlc : Morba. i9e : Java ,
cunulnu O. ( . . ; ? c ; Javu , good Interior , " ) C :
Mexican , -lc.
CANNKII FKCIT 1'cacbcs. p rdoz. , H.OOM.OO.
llerries I-Ib gooseberries. Si 30 ; 2-lb st rawber-
ries , 11.15 ; S-lb raspberries. t7.-JO ; 2-lb liluel-er-
ries , tl.Wi ; 2-lbblackn.rrief , fl.10. I'lneupplo :
llahama chopped. K.J ! : llahainn sliced , fJ.10 :
Iluhama prated , 8i.TMandard ( ; p-llrod. fl.2. >
$ l. . " > a Cbeirles 2-lti rd , llaltiinore , 61.10 :
wbitcelierrl < 'sl.r ! . " > . IVars S-1U. 8I..IO.
CiiEE-K-Wisc-onsln F. C _ twin flats , per IK ,
( i < S10c ; Wisconsin P. C..ypun : America. 1t > ®
llcrtirick. 12SC : doincbtJc Swiss. 14817c ; Euum
in foil , each il.OO.
DniED I'ltriii : Turkish prunes , le s than
hhd * . lriK ! 7 > c : orlzlnul lilids , ! , c les-i ; Itosnla
prunes , C3 Ib. luixes. KKl to 110. 7ic ; apples ,
evuporutod. new rin ? cboiec , Jilc ; cvaporatt-d ,
new fine prime , lie ; api icots. fancy. In sacks ,
JOc : blackberries , new. C'I i7Hc ; raspberries.
25 lln. jo box. VAc : currants , new , ( P c ; orlclnal ; , iic ItsVoblizra : currants , extra. In
boxeb , 0"4c.
It * iEt < Persian. COlb. Iwx 7c.
luu5 London laj-ers , California stand
ard. per ! KIfJ.r : > : "hor e shoe , " K.VO ; loose
inuscateK California standard. KM : "horse
shoe. " fciii : "stnr" louse ; s.oed-
le-s California , ll.fii : California Btedle < sul
tanas , in sacks , per Ib . sc ; Callfoiuia mii > * > ca-
tels , In hacks < - ; new Valencia , be , * vulenclas ,
old. Ce : ondura layer , old. 7c
CANNUU MEAT ? < .Vrncd liecf. 1 Ib , fl.20 ;
corned beef , i IDs HHs lunch tonpues , 1 IK
t2.CO ; lunch tonpue , - UN H."i ; brawn. 1 Ib ,
M.20 ; bri.wn. 2 Ibi. 82 ( : ox toncues. 1 ib ,
fcVtti : oxtongues. 2 Ibs. WOO : chipped beef. P.
Ib. round cans , fl.sii ; iti > t beef. 2 Ib , round
cans. Af.X ( ) ; potted haiu. 't ' lo , round cans TOe ;
potted bam , 4 Ib , niund cans. lU'O ; deviled
ham. ; 4 Ib. round cans. ( i' > . ; deviled hum , 'i 11" " ,
round cans , Jl. : * ; putted or tonsue , H Ib ,
round cans J1.1W ; c-nnipres-ed iiain , 1 Ib ,
square cans , fl.M ; < * < iinpre ed liaui , 5 His ,
t-quare cans. 2.7T > ; trlpe.ilb. round cans. tl.sO ;
minced eolops - Ib. rcmnd cans , tiJM ; bont-
less plc ' feet. . Ib , square cans , JiS. !
COIUIAOE Manilla roim All sizes from 7-1C
to 1 in. . 15c ; hl al rope , all slr s from 7-1C to 1
In. , ll'ic ; "new process. " all size- , from 7-10 tel
in. , MJ.
Corroxllorrln. . . loc.
TWINES Cotton twine , "lllhb. " very fine ,
Ib bales. c : cotton twine "Ial y" brand ,
Ib baie.lte : hemp twine. H IbbaHs , ISc ; sail
twine fHf : cnndlewlek.'Jc ; 40-ft cotton clotlics
lines , sVCa-ft : cotton clothes lines. H.U5 ; ra
ft cotton lint * J1.4D : ( W-ft sisal lints , 11.75 ; tW-ft
jute , f l.U ( ; wool twine. M c.
> -Aliuoudfi. . l.V ; llrazlls He ; Clbertf ,
12'ie ; pecans' lie ; walnuts , 12'je ; peanut
cocks , SSc ; roasted , IS'.jc ; Tennessee ] fauui. %
Sc. ,
Itnoo ! . ' 5-tIe , parlor , C.OO : 4-tie , J2.75 : ; t-tle ,
t2.rij 3-tle plain. Jl - -arebouM' , KS.W ; toy ,
Sl.Si ; wliUk , ll.UOQl.St.
Ouviw Quarts. lr l dtfz , * 4.W ) ; pints , per doz
8iM ; bulk , per p L' c.
VEGETAIILI > Tomatoes 3-lbcitra , 11.10 5-lb
standard western lirandi. ! K : ciillon-- . strictly
i-tflndurd , 83.00. Com Finest FI-OMII , Sl.Oti ;
cilt ecped ! suzar cornvpry nne J1.54J ! cbolee
2-lb sucar eorn. Sl.lK 2-ln eitra western brand
Sl.OO ; s-lb standard wefu-rn1iranJs ( , i > . Slush-
rooms 1-lb Krvneb. extra , fine. "JSiic ; 1-lb
French fine , IsjpJc : 1-lbl'uneli. ordlnarv , 16
ilv. l' jas Tres , fine , pur can. Sic ; deini-fine ,
per can. IGc ; S-ibtiftMl , H.i ; i-lb early June , ; r-lbiuiurow , stantiurd brands , tl.10 ; Mb
Mjakeid , COc. Strlnff be nv-2-lh hisli prade ,
Itefupoe , tC-ci 2-lbOoldii wax brans , 7 ( > c : Mb
Mrlnp beans , Ut > c Liin.i beans i'-lb soaked.
TT > c ; Hwlon baked lx > anlb : : Lewis. * ! . ;
Crown brands. HJft Hn-t-et potatoes 3-lb New
Jersey , I'uinTikiiH 3-lu.Sl.R and
Krmtots. Jl.ft1 ; ol.r.1. 11.93 ; sutx-otasli , tl.l .
flMi-Codfish. ixtra tJiorces n w. S c ;
praud . - ; illvcr. 2-lb blocks. C'te ' ;
snow vhlto.-ib brieksnow , = turkey cud.
lur u middle bricks. \ > c ; snur wlilte , crates. IS
Mb boies. f ve ; medium s iied herrlnc. Cc :
No. 1 salts : | herrlnzs. 'Jk > : dome-tie Holland
berrin ; , 4Dc ; llai.ibutt ; spleed hcrrln ? , ! 0c ;
Itusslsn sardines , splw-d. f.V ; lti ! * , l n sar
dines. plain , .V-c ; iiupnrtod Holland lierilni ,
crown brand. His ; do ftney milkir-uit.ic ; iaack-
fn'l. No. 1 < .r ' , half bills , * iiO ( ; bloMter- * ,
naif bblf , fh.oy ; white ( isli. bttlf bbls. jM i ;
trout , half bbls. i > .0' ; fwiully wlilte Mi. fi..i ; i
hnliuon. Iv5j ; per doz. I.Jb 'iuwkcrfl. ( liernniri , i
il.lU : Mb mackerel. l.hi ; Mb maeken-l. l : . i ;
2-lb bmilexl inaeker. 1 , ( ! ; a-lo In mustard ,
tfiW ; 3-lb In toiutttu vmce. > Mavo
im > niackerei. fn.iw : i-lb brook trviit. Jl.fe :
a-llibnuil ; trout , c ; 00 ; 1-ib snlnon. ! l. ' & : Mb
Mhltffi h. ? JS ; l-lb hlt lls , . HuBsMUlob- !
Mer * H.15 ; ! ! etfct2.1.Va42Si:3-lbovHTS. : I
Hat. M.U } ; l-lb-.y-tert 5 oz. ll.l.V Mo oy.-
tvrs lOoz. fl.'u ; Mt > tiy > tTK. 5 w * 1. J : : -lb ' i
selwt , ISotfJ.if' ' ; J-lti liuratarii. J ot Jl.M J ;
' ; i
I'airuiiuit. k ta. Jl.Ni ; ' Lib clauiv , little ]
neckv Il.a5 ; J-ll , rlt tut. little lurks. J1.7Slb :
clKiwdi-r. 1-00 ; 1'lti triil'i. l..Ii ; I'-JU ,
cm Us. I
SrKfiuibor ? \TUP In l > 'iK N < . .7 ( ) jrraUf. ,
Mi' btlf WIK | No 7-J dtI12 . -
! trt I124s l ki-Rs. NI- .
70 erode. I1.J5pul klttfc , Nu. 7t ) craJfc. TV ;
calc-ac * . join case , ptrcase. Ks9' ' . * * , -al i s,1
It In case , per cue , Si-M1 ; wtlvc clover An pb , in
. J1
- i pa. . . I i- ' V > . * if Jf s. ti
U'i . > t.j.'ii.s . ; < 4-i.n.kif--s.ij. , i- , .
1-fa.i pa ! ! * , t ch s.K | i . . ,1 : . .fn.i iiin < v 1 > W .
' , Ci ; naf bii- ! . . . - > , ( . ; S-eal
kltt . iV ; l aal , 1' in iasc.(4 51pal. ; . l ln
I , f4. .
cmict > uTn p-lb b < . USOBt ; C crtn n
llHoMA-IVrlb. 33r. ,
COIOAMT l > r Ib , In 1 > K , 'Jt iJtc ; bulk. 9 t
82V. ' ;
* cn MiMidbtrd. J-lTipktsftc ; canary , fc ; ! I
hemp. 4'i < ' ; utiKe. ! : j * > ppy , Wr. I I
Si'lClb repper Hntrnporr sifted. Isgi j !
fhot.29r. All'plr - , KT. clove * IVnaiif. M" i
Ir < rti4 , 5ft' . Vn lii-Chn : . 4-lli
- - tnts tfe Nut-
. . . . . , _ s,0 _ ; j , , . tui.ry. lnrtp. So. I I
Utwiiis , 3 > * r ; faiijna. I
f-c : i > pa . V ; o trt ; > l.
lie : urmMlll. ( KK&Hc ; rlct' . cMoo.i' ifnury. ; .
fce : lieiid . . * > ' , : am and t ploo i. OftTr ; UMU
titun $ . ( Vc : split IH > S. : tc : M'lirltU. He.
M < iLA fE lllijv. X l > f nevj > er pal.
choice. 4Ml47i ; < H 1..iiiia fe : Cuba bakln ? ,
; c : black 'Imp. 'JOftiJc.
WK\i'pisu ru-iH---tr w. * * er Ib ,
ManlllH II. ftgif * ' : Xa. 1. > c.
1L 1.Wpri'ne \ > hlt i.l4e : 159 staler "shlto ,
. ; 175 ItracllldiU 1l'i < > ; 74 cnsollne. 1K.
, UUls J'lc : granulated. 2c ; lu bbls.
OPA 1'kesflO Ibs to box , Ma&5ic ; kefs ,
ViNBqjW .Bgr. elder. lo ( ; good , IScj while ,
wlnt'.l. " > c ; tancy. fruit. Jr.
> TOVE roi.iMi tJ doa.V'7 JUT crow.
lUfliAm. . per li ' . S17.J5. 1/ewlMon , per 10 ? .
H7.7.'i. Vnli'ii uunre. * VA.Vi iwr etnt ol'list.
SALT Halrv.Jsoibs l in M > 1. bulk. SS.IO : ln"-t
pri do. Ss. J2.n : ; t < " < t
prude , 1" UK. ; iofk * * it , crushud , iifl ! :
Cii > iilia < ti. bbl. H.iV
s-oAl' I'nstilc. mottled , per Iti , & 310e ; do.
whit * . . .
Mt-dltun. j cr bbli.r ! > Pi
crn . 'Mi.
ClliKH-l'er tibl. reflueO. Sfl-W ; half bbl. KISO ;
fan rdeioor , pure , per bbl. M.OJ : O'tuito elder ,
half bbl. M.r < > ; pear clrtir. htilf bbl , iiJiJ.
DrjJitoUs. .
Ilu\T Hnnws Urnos : Atlantic n. T'ic :
AtlauUcll. Tc ; Atlantic D. f > < * f ; Atlantic 1' .
( k * ; Aunira t' , rci Iturk'f * Mead. OVf ! l' lt > t
W. CHc : liHrllurton. f.\c ; Fanner * . ' No. 1. 4v ®
4Sc ; HiKislt-r LL. fi ic ; Indian Head , 7lje ;
Ln ren > LL.5 ic : Henrietta L.I. . . " > * 4c.
} lnow.MX T > N ) ! Atlantic LI. . ( V- : Au
rora B.C' c ; Aurora lUO e ; AtlusO > ' H. 7'c ' :
eltwf cK'th. ' 4p ; Clinton 1-T , 5 } i' ; IVjipcrell
ll.f.S < e ; Lttiicdi.ii G li. ! < .
1ILEACUEO COTTON' Merle-ley camliilc No.
i. ' . c : llcst Vet , CSe ; llutieivloth XI' . 44c ;
CHbot , T'jc : Tlrst Call.C4e : I'ruliof the L < < xim ,
SS1 : Hill SiMiipi-r Idem , MS ilouspki'tper , H c :
IClus I'lilllipcanilirle , 10cI.tuirdon U It. ' , ; ;
xinsae. s4c ; lxmdale caiubrlc , lOc ;
Ytttk MIIK He : Oak LHWii,7p.
AXI 1'it.txiw CA ixnp llrown
Xt't I'cpperpll. 4.Vin. 10c :
1'emiervll. H-l. 0-1 , io ; IVppercll. 10-4. .Sc :
I'tlca , 4ln. . J.V ; Ftica.ln. . 17lc : V'tlra ,
72-ln. 2k" L'tlCR , M-ln. SCcst'tica. Wl-ln. 2
clre'S. SUc ; llatessCjtVurwiil ; ; ' , dress. 7'V- !
Lancaster. O' c ; Olenalre. CHc ; Wliltleiiton.
. -T ? Indltro blur Net Martha \Vasli-
Incton.f-c : American , d c ; Arnold. C' e : Ar
nold H , long cloth. 20c ; stifel A. lie : -Mcrrl-
uiack. \ , lOci Oojd Leaf. s'i' : lliiniillon. S' '
Allen I'lnlrsC'rc ; Allen Chiimbray , Ccj Olou-
ce ter ,
! Fanclf Eddystonc. CHf ; Steel
Klver. Cc ; Kaniiipo. 4He--t. : LedriT.r.'iC. Slilrt-
liijs Mnrtha ashlnjton. 4Sc ; Alrrrliaack.
4 > , c. Turkey rt > d Fountain. GC ! ! Garner. 7c ;
Cwnflfld. S'icj Itrrlin.CHc.
WIOA.N.S Set , Thistle , 0 > Hc ; Red Cro'-ss , 7c.
COI.OUEU CAMiiciC : ( 'jonn , 4'to ; le ! < l tar.
4'ic ; llollcdCluvir.&c ; Slnttr , Cc : hlfh colors.
Jc extra.
CHAPII Ptcvpn1. . ' n. IMn , .VJc ; 55teven ' D.
35-ln. Oc ; Stevens' A. lfln. . 7c ; t vells 1' , ! ; > -
in , 75sc ! ; Stevens' M , If-In , f' c ; Moveri * * ' S , 2O-
in. ( ' -ic ; Steven' ' XX. "Vin. 94e ; tt < ; > eu ! . '
: ? HT. ain. > . 11' ' , c ; blenched , le extra.
IIEXIM # Set Ainokkenc. O-of 104e ; Vork
camlet , l-'c ; Everett , " .tundurcl. 32'c ' ; Hay-
maker's , 7Sc ; Old Y jrk. XX. 10sc ; La n'nec.
± AMa-ic ; Lawrence , VKIZ , IJijC ! fancy Mrlpos
aud clu > ck * , ll' c.
COTTOSAIIE Yoik Xatikln. 10'Jc ; Kvorett.
SorISP ; I t-MNton. 10-O7- \VorkIugiuau's \
OriMNn Per OIL , l' . . < c W. , tic : Gciman , 2.e ! ;
iiidico. p < T ib. Tr > . - : In-e't powder. 21e ; ojiluin
W.15 ; morplilne. per or , J3.10 ; hops , per Ib. IKk- ;
plycerlue , 20c : dextrine , 19c ; cuttlebunc , * r.e ;
cream tartar , pure. Uc ! ; commercial. Ihc ; cam
phor. Me ; m. carb , l c ; bintltrul , 7'tc.
Acin-rarbollc. a.'tS4''c ; citric , 453 4sc ; tar-
tarlc , 'jnGi&H.ulphurlc. ; . per Ib , "c.
CUl.--- : ? ' ] oil. S1.IO ; turpentine. 4c ! ; Ton
ka beans , * i2VQd.ri : : balsam toulu. 41S45c ; cal
omel , WS-Wc ; caiithaiifle' , Sl-T aWi ; casMa
huds , 'MtSf clilortifonn. 4i&T > 2e : trpot. 47 ®
r > 2c ; pum urabic , 5.r > 3'Jji ; lycopodlum ,
znvrvury. N.C. _
HtXCK Tis Small pig. 30c per Ib ; bar , 30c
CopnnPlanl lie < l boiler size * * . tTe ! per Ib ;
cold rolled , aoc per Ib ; sheeting 2c per Ib : pit
und Ilinvsic per Jb.
GALVAM7.EII 5'IIUCTlrtON HUCOUnt . " > 0-10 per
cent : pat , plan. Iron , NOB. 24 and 27 , A , lO'/ic ;
II , . 'He. '
TIN I'LAIE I. C. , 10xJ4 , S0.75 : I. X. , 10x11 ,
TIN PLATE Coke. 14x20 , 112. $ tCT .
HooriXG-Chalcoal , 1. C , 1412U , 112 , So.M ; I.
X. , l'"i.
fcnnw I nnx Xo. 2C , ifacd ; Xo. 27. 1.70.
? OLIIEII Mrlctly halt and half , 16c.
STKEL " VIHC XAH.--Iu-e , J2.M.
\Vjuc-Jap. barb. $1.2. . ; palv. , S3.S3.
He Is Stirring Up the Animals anil Is
Warmly Opposed.
As bus teen previously announced , Mr.
Peter E. Her left bis home In Omulm two
mouths ago for California. He stated here
that he would be grone all summer looking
alter his interests on the Pacific coast , Trom
newspapers published there it is learneJ that
le is engineering a stock yards enterprise
of some considerable maimjtade. Iii
this he has apparently stirred up the animals
for competitors in the satce line ol business
have induced trade paj > rs of the coast to
hammer ilr. Her and to throw cold water oa
his schemes , -whatever they may be. People
in this neck o' woods ar not vitally inter- .
estodin this matter , nnd those who know Mr.
Iler's business sarscity say they arc content ,
for that pcatlemau , in their opinion is abund
antly able to take care of himself in any Icgit-
Umate competition.
The Butchers' and Live Stock Review , it
appears has taken tip the cause of ller's com
petitors. In n rcoout issue that paper prints
the following article :
In another column we publish a telegram
presumably from Chicuro , dated July iii re.
ferring extraordinary lanruae ; to the
Baden Stockyard Enterprise , but which , as
we understand , did not cotne over the wires ,
but was written in this city.
We have priven much time and labor In try-
inc to find out n-hat the Baden land enter
prise really means , and today wo are at ns
much loss aoout its time inwardness as six
mouths aro.Vo do not know tliat the rt [ > -
reseaUitiTes of the estate of the late Charles
Luv have sold or tip reed to sell a portion of
the Baden estate ; that the Peltret estate an J
others have eilner been sold or contracted forte
to Mr. Her us the representative of unkuomi
The question , however , is , whether this is
a real stock yard and packing bouse tr.ovc-
went or a competing railroad or townsite
si eculation , sailing under false colors ,
\Ve do not believe that capitalists would
really invest their money in large amounts in
rival stockyards. The cattle , sbeep and heR
business , including nil nossible eijiortatlon of
packed meats , or indeoj of production of raw
material , dcxis not \varrant such arivalspwu-
lation. We do know beyouil all j-easouable
foutrovei'sy that the Pinoie enterprise is a.l
it claims to be ; about Baden we know noth
ing except that moat of the assertions pub
lished , iu the dailies of San Francisco , at so
much u line like the Chlcatro telegram , are
false statements and ridiculously untrue.
In the first notice , s-oine weeks npo , it was
boldly stated that Colonel Fred Cnxier and
Messrs. Towne A Stnbb * of the S. P. Co.
were stockholders In tie Baden enterprise.
This his since been deuiod by the .e gecuo-
uten und admitted to be without truth. This
weckwehaveugrain that Iilessis. Armour it
Co. of Chicaro are int re V l. Mr. Webster ,
jiaiiiicr of Mr. Armour , cleniti that Mr. Ar
mour has taken any interest in any packing in California 2
It apjwirs the proiootora of a compaay have
advertised tbe names of ixople ivho huvc not
authorii ( < d their use. Mr. Henry Miller ls >
lin rttsud , we believe , and because he was
desirous of selltii ? tie pro | > ert.v of his l&te
nanner for the benefit of tbe widow , but it is
jmixissible unless bis tharscUir. hns rnan'rt-
ously chaapel , and for tbe worse , in tlie lust
Jew months , that he should be a party to the
jrtiblieatitn of the matter that has been ruu-
uii ! through tbo columns of the dailies of
ibis 'it r during tie l ul wtwk.
Mr filler , und wo have knon him for
twuty-Sve vears , i n'ri-tKijut tiwn ; he never
br-airt , , iic SBT& ot-ly what Le mtuns. his word
is lab lx..nd. ] fbet luuk that Armour was
iuuresttxi in tbe Baaen scbcme , even if
Armour denied it , we would take Henrr
Miller'hword asn-lni-t Armour' or tie world , i
JJBtMr. Miller is x.ot runninif tb ' lioden ,
M-heme , it is osan-wJ Omauab < itilcer. dis- I
tuler and stookyari r.uer. . Mr Her who f- '
tiie head , Iroat anil body ot it'ha. . \ , Mr. j
Iitr r U-A vrc d no ? know i
1 , is ufj < bv * J no h4l
fH . . > \ \ \ .I.IK an ritarn wl
that ( 'hii'Hi. . . t-'iefTai.-i al > x'i ' > t " 4.1KW Ineu
Imncemplo.irtV at Bit'en ' "in the stock
yards and packing establishment * ! ' '
GnuitUiK that with pniMn < eoUiMMimcnU
and our ei | ort trade wo could < hiu rhter , in
on pirn- * , without cimii'titlon.'Ji-A ( MtUcw
month. imtead of lo.O v a now in liutcterr-
town ' , S.OW calvr * instead of 1 , V > ; SIMMJ
fhflep intc4d of ! to.W.i ( , and iO.tXKiof nop * . or
SO.OtK ) Instead of 8.AW or 4 , M , bow
could tut * basintws employ 4iMo men
in tbe Maupliter and 'MOKinc licraw.
and yet , W more economical
thitn our present system. .An-ln , Ui tcl-
gmoisars tout l.WJ mono ux trill lie om-
tiloirwl by th rallrond In trmi'ivctinf tbe
UonHVhv this * t more limn nrs fwploycxl
lit Fourth and Town eod atiils in tr n * < ' , -
iutr the frd < tit l > u in < -s of tbo zreat city of
San rraflciseo. We cu not di tlntrut h l > f-
txveen the bum mbe ivortions in the fabri-
mteil telpgmm nail in tlie iwid 1'utli in the
duillcx atii ] tbe actual facts , und Ihsrvfure
clls < x > unt < ii ii < f the whole.
j\Jl we can say at thit moment to our sib-
M-ril-ers who are intoro Ud in stock yard and
paoklnp . hpusr enterprises It thnt tue I'iitolv
j > e < oile ) now every jvmible manifestntiun
that , . they mean business , and tlint Umlon by
its : mnnueeaient , or rather raisinimnironK-ut ,
tboupU pn > bably Swift t Co. aad Nelson
Morris six intenp tod. sbows every indica
tion that the stoc-k yard nnd j > rkiiie houses
are u stnlkiuj : horse , b.'hinj which a trans-
etnitinenal M-licme iconcvulod. . If
the Atlantic and Pacific or the Siwitn
le railroad arc the- real c-\niers of the
Baden property , nnd Mrl Her with some Cliii
csgo batvtincis their confidential ntrent , wu
can understand wliv b sHid iu that t/elesnun / ,
liresumed to pome from Cbicairo , that HaOen
stockjmrdsvoul < t employ ' , n.M wen. bosldes
1KU i-nilrxwJ hands. Of course U'corootlve
nnd car buildtutr and tvtmlr shojis fern pmat
ti-RDS ( > ontineiit4il railraid mlcbl oiu4oy ] this
number , and Uaden is nn excellent location
for the purpose for a railroad ciiterinir this
city from the south , nd lx > sick's it avoids the
hunvy taxiition of the iuutiH'iwlliy of Sail
By tel rraph5c dis | > atob frjui Cliicairo ,
under date , .luly HI , we learn fivrn an iutt'r-
vic'.v bv un Associtited Press ivjxirtcr with
Mr. Wclister , of Armour k Co. , tint that
RtMitleuian jxi iUvcly dcnioJ Mr. Armour was
in any way connected with the Baden piu'kC
inihouses. "There is no Mich < i il on foot , ' '
suys Mr. Webster , "vritlx vvhich Armour js
connwtcd. "
fiub" :
"TSSTHUME.ST.S pla-ad 0:1 : rocjrd
JL yest'iTdnv :
Hvnrv Amblrr et al to U J Iliihn , lot ] ,
I > lk 0. Ambler IMai-i * . (41D (
Maria llurscsi to ! J Karr , w 44 feet lots
1" and R blkN Kendall's uda .
E A Kensoii and wife to J li l"lulir.tru :
tec. lot -M. Mk G. lots 1C and 17. bRO ,
lots ) > . 12. is toN blk 12 , lot 1 , bili i ; : ,
llil a.rinoo . J3.2JO
J \ \ IH-dford and wife to M T ilurply , '
lut la. blk 7. Itedfurai'lHec . 300
H f llroine nnd wife to 11 li Corvell. vr 53
feet of hlilot (1. blk 5 , ( Irrhard . 2,003
S ? I'urlls umi wife to W J Kuo\ , lot S ,
bll:4. Itelvlrtoro . ' 425
Dennis Ciiiinlnirliain iintl vlfu to M T
Murphy , lot JS , blk T. llwltord 1'laee. . . SW
Prank Clir.vs.ler iindVT KiibltiMm toll
T Cltirke. 11 nei es w est of Union 1'a.olflo
railway insw uv JP-I1-J3 . 05,090
Prank Chrysler to suite , ID 18-10U afres
in se no. -U-ii : . 40OX >
linils ruiniliicliiiui and vlfu to E T
Duke trustve , lot 1 , blk 0 , Uodford
I'lsee . . OKI
J 11 Contain and wife toAVllllain Met ' 011-
lev. lots 1(1 iind 11 , blk 2. Klcliiiiuirl add E-75
G J 1\ , x midwife to A J llollbnuch etal ,
lotsTand s , blki Valley 1' . 1,000
M' A Hnye- and wife to S > Hell , w S lot
l.V blk 1. Oareudon ndd . 1
CM llilfbeocl ; and wife to S C llcc- !
witb.lot 1 ! ( . tilkl , HitobcoL'k'sl-t add. . CTO
llEHosleMG W Marrow , lot 19. blk
IK. : South umalia . J.CkK )
CA Hiuvevund wife to JK KnslKn. lot
r..blka. Mavue' adil . 1,453
11 T : ind H A.IobnsMij toll I' Itnimu. w.'O
ft * -jlnt C. blk 5 , Oivliar.1 lltll . 2,000
.loscph KUMIII utifl wlfo to Miiry Me-
II Idc.e 'ilot 2i Kon-liiclim add. . . . . . . . : , : <
G A Llndquest suid wife jo K s McKln-
nev. lot 14 hlnd.juuM's sub ill blk 2 , Al-
brlshtV Clioli't- . . 450
arne lo A TslK artlot 0 , s
V 11 Moreliouse and wife to Edwin Jeu-
inu- ! , lot : . blkl. Hyde r.-irk . 1003
J 1 , McCiicue und wlfi' to J g Oax , et ill ,
lot nblk .spilncclnli * Add . 7 * > 0
FDMulrnn.1 wife in U Ktiaylurd , uud4 !
of w-i , lotT. lillt. : Heixl's 1. 1 . 14.-.0
IT Powell and wife lo J O ? eefusu4 !
nwM SiM5-10 . 2000
O II lioblnson mid wife toV \ N Allen , lot
li blkSI.Cartuazi'Add . 400J
II A ttobimon to IVitter it George Co ,
lot ablK'J. Kllby place . 2avi
Buinupl and 1 . seliesiugertiK ! : C Morgan ,
lots 15 lo " 4. blk 1" , lotsIS , II niiJ lo , blk
11 , CloverJale Add . 14000
South Oiiiulm Lund company to U 12
lloele. lotio. blkiK : , > > ouih Omuba. . . . MO
unieto A 1' I'okorny. lot s , ufe 01 , lot
1. blk 00. same . TOO
C L VanCamji t Anna Hoys-en , It T , blk
2. Cot ( acre purl ; . 633
AV J and \V Wasoni-r to C 0 K Ulieelmer ,
It . " , blkl ? , . lxtcent list iidd . 1,100
11 W aud V Vatei Ui Juiucs Honiiollj-
Mftof s'tlotlblkO. I'nrk Place . 2,0 (
A M and W Collftt to William London.
corn e line lot : i. CuplUil nad. and n line
Farnam st w V ft n IX e 07 f t s I./- f t. . . 7S'.W
J Q Oak * t ill to J L , MeL'uguu. It 0 , btk 2 ,
sprliijdale add . 1
Total amount of transfers . ! btl,442
Building 1'erinits.
The following p3rinits wore issued ycstcr-
daj- ;
M. Sleycr A Co. . alterations on storefront
l.'il" riirnam street 700
C. 11. Collii-r , out and one-quarter story
frame-dwllin : . uilftonllul 1.M3
Scolielci. Shunner A Tn > ; le , onetorv
cooper sliop , Klrhthund ( Jraru streets. 2,000
Three minor penuiti IS5
Provisions and Stocks ,
SOS South 13th Street , -Omaha.
J I fc.L >
H.W.H ARRIS &GoffiPAKYBi9iers : ,
163-185 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO.
ro StotoStr&el. BOSTON.
" It E V I T * - * ' rri Tiiiu ntJr
It i i t Li e i W I We ciiuln ' ' sl > ( if " > all M ) .
fi uinthctciii } 11 Hint tht rt < - j ni-ier I * a ittuiTi ( f
the tUc - ' ' . . '
a-fin fi'3' f.-nr. 1'artiffl can l-e UfMid tt
Lnicksvi .a * hi if 'fiTtlic tiino jirif Mid undir
the tutue ( rnt-rtrT f i but tilth rtiost' > ho jretcrto
' " meter. ? , vc vm . outran tjcure Uxincr rth-nd 'l '
munrjr uid per cit. O ] < IIM > i/l conili.g , rulrvid
[ are anil J.oU-1 bills.
to cure the nuxt c-lwllutc - * C M-B. IVo < liatnfe tl.e
world forac&K e f..n ti"trutY > ffltutthc liiiitoo'C'f
int-d ( me ft true rpt'ciiir t
r SMilulu IIAI IHS ) Ktupbt
for Mut jiftrr found until ocr Xatrlc Hrn.cily vra dit-
rovrrrd. Non.otberycrulnR. . \Tilc lor lefrrt ! * .
Acoounti C'f ll&otK , Itanter * < u < d Cor | > ur.tlloiiiM > -
Our furtllt'fi- for OOLI.urTlO.V arc excellent-
we re-dlMOUiit lor l > nt l < n laUuxcs * > rrunt It.
IloiUia I" u RK t tr Cllj- , and U.IIIMWI wltii ui
irom tMiutt tuot Itwalod lu oUitr IIUMM-TC Oltlw )
ruUDt n t reocrre.
M > dm * our own pjciine- Lan4on ao4tli <
OocUueMit , and make oabie Irumten tnd i-Uw toou 7
tij ielvini < li tbruucliout tbe Unltud slMvt uud Cka-
BjsrVctor } IBI frtl-cUn Intftn > t
. tu < lluTl < ) , roiK l > from tUitw , Oma-
Cllte wbau iMUUr ttundi
Vfdo tfreiMtnltMuklui.- > uIUN . tatt lovK M > r-
JOS. \ \YOUK ,
Omaha ManiJFacti/rera /
ami Shoo * .
Wholesale Mannfacltmrs ol Boots & Shoes
Ji (1(4,1104 ( (
Slitft. ( 'ni h - Nr h
t 1LKR ,
; la cr Beer Brews ,
1541 XtMh IMh Mwt Owfih * . Nri *
' Cornlco.
Mannfaclnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
iroprlMor Ids und lioN-uth IMli ttv. I
Artl t ' MnlcrlaN.
' A. HOSPE , Jr. ; ' "
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
J.M1 Ortml.n. b.
Coal , Coke , ICte.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
' S. K. IVt 1Mb und IK L i i-trwt . ) m li.i. Nrlx
' , Shippers of Coal and Colic ,
Cltinrt * .
. Wholesale Cigirs.
1Mb Miwt. "
i l > ry GiKiils mill Notions.
" "
M. K SMITH iT66. ,
Dry ) Goods , Fnrnisliiiij Goods and liolions
C Tiicr Mill and lliitranl ? tr < vtj
' "
' Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
. GcnU l'urclthlr.rG < HKl Corner lltti nnd lluro(7
I UrifU. Oni&bn , Neb.
' =
I l-'uriiiliirc.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
I'urnna S
Omtha. Xcbrntkiv.
Wholesale Grocers ,
L.thaattLpttTC-nwurth Streets , Omnb , Netrn k .
Lumber , Hlc.
G. YT. DOUGLAS i : CO. ,
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
Ytrd 1S10 .V irth St. OmabL
Wholesale Lumber , Ltc. , Etc.
ed unJ Aiurrlrxn IVrtlan * ! OrmpnU 8tal9
ntur Jlll niii' llrJruullc Ctmenl , and
( , 'ulncyMiltc IJIDC.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wooicarpctc r.Tid Tisrnuotfloi'rlr.c. (1h
Blroctc Uiualia. Nebr
FH.EDr. . OHEY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner Plli anil Uouplas Slrwti , On jh& ,
Slilllriory and .Votlons.
Importcrs and Jobbers in Millinery ,
SOS. ! 10 anil US fouth HUi rtrwv
Notions ;
J7T. nbSlNSON KOTioN'cOM "
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
114 lltrncy ttrcrt , Om.iU .
_ _
Wholesale Refined aud Lubricating Oils ,
Axle . . Omaha. A. U. Blihop , Honker.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
B nice Flock ot printing. wrai'flnB ana writing
| .u ; r. fcj'CdaJ uttcutlon clrtn to card ji&pcr.
Safes , Btc.
Grncrol Apcnu fur
Halls' Safes ,
III ana 3 SontU IWli St. . Ornaht
TOJS , Ktc.
Ji'lherf c (
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Ilou eFurnl'blnK Goods. Chl4rca' ! . VO&
lurniu : tucot , Oaialiu , Neb.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
ulna mill : . flS and 890 Jones H , Otniha.
Q 1 llyf . Actln ;
Iron Works.
' "
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Kc tries , bra * * wort crncral foundrr
UkCLtnilth work. era < * and work * , L V.
llr and Ktli > irc-i-t , OamUu. '
- 4
ilani'rs ' of Fire anil Burglar Proof Safes ,
ulti , Jn.ll it ork , Iron cliutlom and lire f cai > ej.
U. Andrcen . j > rop'r. Cor lltti aodJivcksou M .
Snt-li , Doors , Ctc.
Wbolnaleninudoturcrj ot
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Brcncb cEce. lUi anil Itnra ttrrru , OnahaNeb.
So u tli , O m a.In a
Of South Omaha , Limited.
National Bank
Capital , - S-OOOOO
Surplus ,
ni na Plrectfirs E. M. Mr.rtc- in M.
Illtrhoitrk , Joseph Oarnoaa. Jr. , A. llr r X M.
Andwwin. William li MMil. rlnirCM : < K II.
Wllllumii. A. i * . Jl lUn . | > rc k1cnt A. Wi.iCId
cwbler. V. 11. Urrimt. b > Hltlant uthici
National Bank
Capital. . . . - $ /c > 0OOO
Surplus Jt\n. 1st , 180 - E7.GOO
Iln Pl ri"Ufnrx W Vafu J'f Sent )
. . VIl'l' - Wnt ; Jiui W Fa'erV. .
V ilur.w.JotioB Oolllun , U. C. Cu Ui"i j .N. &
. W. li. 6. HiiclMW. ouihUr.
Corner Klb uut rarnuu Sti.
A General Banians