MM"1B H'I > W ff * " * k. K I -v * w * % r 1 . sr A w * " " . Ifc "iP i A * w > - m * - * -M * IHE OMAHA DAILY TWENTIETH * YEAR. . OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORMTG , AUGUST M , 1800 , K so , TIIE GRAND AMIYSCREiT DAY f A Hundred Thousand Visitors in Jostou "Witness the Qraad Parade , VEATIIFR THE FINEST POSSIBLE , The I'rniOHfiloii Two Miles In and I'lvc HOIITH and rXlilrt ) Kite IMIntilus In I'nHHliiK tlio Stand. Bom > v , Miss. , August 12.-IInd the Mcathcr been madolo eider for the veterans the conditions could hnrdly have been moro fivoiablofor the Drand Array oftho Itopub- llc demonstration today than thcv are now. The Influx of vlsitois continued during tlio entire night , nnd this morning thostrcets and ildcvalksof the pilnelpil streets nro packed with hunmiltj , Ills estimated that 100,000 visitors \\lll belli tha city todiy. Before 8 o'clock the of cinnon from the fleet in thohnrbor announced that thoDis- patch with Sociotary liaey , Vlco Picsldent Moiton and General Shcimiili onboard hid airiuel in the hnrhor The distinguished gentlemen worn escorted to the Vciidonie.and fcitbscijueiitly they took senta on the grand stand President Harrison brcikfastcd at the Vendonioeailv Shortly after 9 o'clock to recoiled Iho governor and itato delegation mil the pirty took rat rlagc ; and rode over u poitlon of tlio route of the p.mdo to view the deeoi ition ? After the drive the piesl- dent took Ids place on the icvieiv Ing stand and was soon suirourded by man ) other notable gentlemen During the time the picsldentiecclvedmaii ) expressions of good will fiomthe eiowds along the wiy. After considotablo doliy in the formation of the column , ( Joimnandor-in-Cblef Algcr , at U : ! ) . vlth his full stiff of tiOO mouitcd moil , escorted by the lliith Mnssichmutts cavalry nnd headed byacoipsof mounted polieolodoto the of the Illinois dopntnient , and the ( 'ioatost military street pigcant over Mlt- nessed in Boston Irganltsinaioli All along the route vast crowds of people viewed the pioccssion from windowsstands and sldo- Aseaily nsOa. ra. thespnco In the vicinity of Coplo ) Square was densely clouded and the fortunate possessor of tickets of ndinis- sionto the guild stmd at that point vuio carl ) in tlK'irsoatSi The heats loscuedfor thc-jieslilentiil pmtv vieioto theloft At 10 o clock a eminjo diove up and Gen eral Shcrmun alighted i'iid ' took a soitlii tlio fioiit row. At 10 .JO thcstrilns of "Hull to theChief" nndiouslng cheers announced the coming of the ptesldent nnel a fovi minute's later a nr- nagc diaivn by four borsos dioio up with Governor Brickctt aijd President Ilurison. ThoSocnnd carriage contained Vlco Picsident Morton and Major Hurt , followed bv the earilaucs containing Sccictarlcs Noble , Proctor , Trn < y , llush , 1'ilvnto Sociotaucs llnlford , Admiral ( Jhci.iidl , William McKin- lev , lion Caleb Lodge , CJcuoral Siekles and other piominont icople , Seared v had the applause which greeted " thepicsleloiitlal pnty subsided when thoio was a flutter of Oicitoment which biokc Into hc.irty ( heoi as the famlliiir fiees of irs. .lolin A. Login appeared above the sea of up- tuined fae-es Airs TjO anwasneconpanled by Mrs.Algeraiid Mrs MdCco Mrs Alclveo was the center of attraction , ciulto oier- bhadovvlng her Illustrious f ither in her fieah boauty. y 'Jlio appcai.mce of General\AIgcr , lode n spliile'd bay , was the _ , for the lislng or the prc > ieleiit and cabinet As eich dopaitmcnt ciine in frontof thostnnel the colors wcro dipped , nats lalied and in Instanees rousing cheers given for the piesidciit , "Uncle JVny" coming in foi the lion's shaio of attention When \\lscousiii pisscd hi review. M 1 : IO p. in. a sqiind of mounted police , Immediately followed b ) Coimnimloi In- Chief Al or and staff , mudo its ntipu.iranco In Adams square Ulio coinmindei In-chief and stiff vvoio received on the ic- viewing stand bj General Butler and others ( leiicml liutler had been on tbo stand since 1 0'oloc.k. 'Hardly taken his position on the rev lowing bt ind when tlio held of the pi occasion cumo Into sif-'ht. Generals Algcr and Uutler stood side by side saluting column after column a tlioy pnssed. After the long nmrdivliieh the veterans had undcrgcno they buieed tliem- faelics for n good nppcuranco as they passed tbc-ir coimnandor , and did flrely. I'oit 5 of Chicago gave the llrst cheers at the call , "Ilnrrili lei Our Next Piesl < ieiit"nnd they w cio given hem illy. No\t c.iino nenll vjtor "Thrco OhecM forOomrul Hutler , " fiom tv'Wlsconsin post , and ttioywoio glien with n villl. In fact , honois weio well divided bo- t\vcen the tuo throughout the ? pissinij of the pioeesblon. On the appear nice of the I'eim sjlvauh posts \vlth their tutond battle ( lugs lousingehccrs vent up. Iho entire pando v\as asorlcs of ovations for all the departments along the line from thousands of patilotlociti7ens. The piiido was ilio hours and thirty-flio minutes in Viewed from Pranldin squnio the pnrado was a nuigiiillcont spectacle , 'llio prrind arch at the head of the squire M us llnoly decorated ami wns the i enter of ntti-iction , espojlally to the cjcs of tlio icteiaus , bearing1 , as it did , a tlnily cicoulcd npicseritatlon of the luittlo of ( lOttjshiui , ' . As thu pmidc ap- poitudln sluht of tha urind stnnil at the bquarothonlr icsounded with ohecr upon cheer , and iilivuCioncral .Vigor cainu in sight ho was \\tthdeafuihiKapnluiso \ 'J'ho pincessioii was n iniifnifliont spoctiu-lofioni this point , the line otmuuli roiehing nearlj two tnllcb hi a itiatyht lino. riieirnjoi-t'oiui ) u iiKfist. BOSTON' , Mass. , .August 12. The Mnyors' ' club o ( lloston tenitcied nbaiiiiiet ) tonight to 1'ivsldent Harrison and other distinguished visitors Iho jiroslilenthl pJity i\as ovei- duo nt the ivlulmulu's hall icccption , and niter a brief coremoiir at tlie tables Mayoi lustier Introduced tbo pix'sidcnt , who slid : "Mr Chiirnmi : I wish to thank jou for this cordial welcome. In this mag- iilllcent unmdonhiih wo huMisotn todiv of the survivors oUhoMassaehiisetlsreglnonts o ( t lieu iir for tlio union and in this mignitl tent pnadeof Sons of Vototnns , coming on \nw \ to tali ) their fathers1 pl.iees In ci\ll llfn niiiTtDstiinil ab they ivero in their day us the bulwark of the nation's defense , \\a Invo soon niifrnitkont evidence of what JIassnchusctts hns done In defense of the union and flatf. and in thesojouiiff nun woseo n pronflso of what 110 would do a iln if the evlironclos should tall upon her toglvo her blood in dofcnco of the union. Let mo again eorillallj thank yon for your Interest and fi lindlluess mid to bid jon Kood. night , " AfUr tlie addioss the pi-esldcnt anil mom- .rs of the cabinet ulth Admiral Gheinrdl nnd stuff retired and pi oiccdul to the recop. tlon lit the Mediaiilis building. At least Jlftccn thousand people rivalled theinselvos of the oppoittinlty to sco and hear the distinguished persons \ \ liovoro an- nonnced to bo present at the Joint retention of the Uramt Army amivoiirm's \ Itolicf Corps in Jlechtmlenlhall Ujioti the plitform MOIO Airs. AniiloVlttoaniejer , na tional pie&ldcnt of the Woman's lie- lief Corps , AlKs Cliru llnrton , piesldont of the Ued Cwss association , and mum others. Shortly uftoi II o'c-Ioik ( lencml Algerurihed , followed soon nfter by ( luiural Shorman. Gcnond Shermnn was amoni ; tliollrbt siunkers. Just as Genuiil .ShcTiiiui rondutled his remarks the presi dential poity ivaehcd the hall. MIII AVulttomt'lr then spoke In belialfof J ho U'onilii'b Hollcf Corps , faho outlined the jXw of the oriranlntlon - i GtnoralAlfnr was next called upon. Ho thanked the city and ltd oftlfcrsor tlncou ) tcsles extondo.1. Following General Alger the president was liHx-oductil as 'Comrade ' Hairlson , pixsldent of the United htatcs , " und \\a-s erected with tniiuciidotti applauto. 1 ho president said : ' Mr , Chairman imd counuds ( of the Qraiiil Army of the Hcpubllo : I htv1 , imi < rc3 lous both ploaaurablg ana painful ns I looked upon this procession of \ctcr.iiis which swept through ( ho streets of this historical cipltal todiy pleasurable in the contemplation of so nnuy faces of those Mho shared together the per'ilsarid glories of the great stiutrglo for the union , sensations ofn mournful soil as I thought how seldom MO should moot npnln As I have stood In the great national ccmptoiy nt Arlington and seen those silent battalions of the dead Ihavo thought how swiftly the reipcr Is doing his work nnd hoiv son In th'i cattcred ceme teries of the land the ashes of nil the solllors of the great war shnll bo gathcieel to honored piaves , And jet I could not help but foi > l that In thcstuidy of those iHttnllons lheioivnse't ) sttc'ngth ofhonitandllinh and llvvould not be withheld if present pcill should confiont the n ition that ion lev o. I thought It altogether pioper that I should take a brief furlough from ofllelnl duties to mingle , with you here today us a com- rndo because every president must rcnli 70 the strength of the government and Its strength in war The iirni ) which Is to muster under its banner when oui nation it assailed Is to bo found hcie In the mass of our peoplo" On closing the president left nt enc and took Iho midnight tinln for Wellington There wore * loud e.ills for Vlco 1'rosldcnt Morton and after eonsidci.iblo persuasion ho was Induced to say n few words. 'Ihls closed the speechmaking and the hall was quickly cleared. A Chicago J\ew4mner \ | IMaii ICills Ills \ \ ii'o'H J.ovci , CniCAno , August U. ( Special Tdegram to Tm : Hii : : , ] A veritable leader ofCbicago's four hundred h dying tonightfroin ; thocffect of a bullet 111 cd by a wronged husband , The social leader Is Dr UdwardU' . Sawyer , an old nnd vicl' ' known phjslelan , wno was shot In tbo neck and fat illy wounded this lit tor- noon by J. Dalton ranecr ) of the Chicago horseman The greatest excitement prevails In exelusiio society circles , where the doctoi Is well known , and the causa of the shooting neldsto tlio inteiestof tlie sensation. IT.inohcr has been traiallnj foi his paper for Iho list few ) ears and his viifo his ie-t inaincel in Chicago This morning launcher retumcd homofionm trip thioufr.Ii Wisconsin 1'or sometime , It Is siml , hu has susjectcd Mrs Fancher of hilldclity. Todiy ho oh talncd n confession fiom her She admitted that for more than three v ears sbo had been criminal ! ) intimate with Dr. Sivvjcr of No , )7-'JVinecnnos ) avenue. Fimchcr left his homo at o : t10J Cottugo Giwo avenue nnd went direct to the home of tlio doctor. Ileio he demanded a confession fiom thooldphjs icinn , who admitted his guilt Tlio wioaged hiisliind Insisted on having the confession in writing , hut the Uoetoi Is said to hive re fused. AVhat followe'd no ono except Fan- chei knows , but a moment Inter the report of a icuilvir was he.ud and Snwer's wlfo lushed into the ollleo to find her husband moitallyivounded and imcon'cloni Dr iMlivard Saw j or It a physician withn largo piMettcc , a man pioluibly lift ) ye-ars old andtho fithci of a largo family His wlfo was In the house when tlio shooiing ocetirrcd andian up atihs seieainlng whensho henid tbo sharp rcpoit of the revolver. On the stain she mot Panther with the weapon still In his band. He nil put hci and out Into thostre < tandvvas\vulklng on tlio opposite side of the stte-ot Mhentwo oftlccis anestcd him At the tltno they did not know of the shooihi } . ' , buttheh suspicions wcro aroused by his cMltcdapnciuniiio At tin station ho ted the story of his wlfo's and the doetoi's c'onfe'ssion and declared that ho did not shoot until after the doctor attempted to assault him with a cane. / > -EWO < . .trSJ.V THE IfttJtK. A Vorj Pooiillju'l't'lolc ' I'lnypd on Gar- Hold Count ) Itoiii'lKniH. UiKvvni. , Ji'ob , August 11 , [ Spechl Tel- egrun toTici llnu ] Tlio demociatic county eoinentlonvhlch was to have boon held heie ye&terdnv wns not called to eider o'.vlng to tlienctiou of the chalinidii of 1 he committee , L. W. Untlcy. 33 irtlcy was nominated by the nlllnneo convention the week hoforo for couaty attorney , and it seems tint he foi reel the democrats would endorse or nominate anothori.mdldate Consequent ! ! ho would not cull his convention to order. This leaves Gailleldcountv without loprosentitioii In the st'Ue. congressional , ropic cntutiro 01 scna- toiial conventions The democrats are on the warp ith and sivasu1 they will haio the chairman's scalp. ' An Indiana Phenomenon , . Ind , August 12. Tea acres of the firm of Thomas Ilabon , Into rcpre on- tatlvo in thokgrlslituie , thioo miles north of Waldorn , lime been destroed for farming purpose ? and gii'-at holes b.nev been b'own ' in tlioeirth . 'llio courauof tlat rock crook has been turned up sticam Blids , snakes anel rabbits ind lisa me elead , while HMi weie thoioiihly ( eookcil in the heated vvatcis Without wanting a tcirinio o\ploston took place. Ore it trees weio hulled skyward and all the waters of Plat Kock cicok converted to foun and stenm A vast yockct of natural gas burst forth nnd the scene wns hcautiful to behold Tlio gas took fire and Wn/edllere'cly npabove the lives and continued all )03teidayand ) hst night. Onoof the maivollous not a drop ot Plat Heck's ' flood his run below thccavein slnco the upheaval The caicrns bavo Ukuu In the cm rent and a wide , foaming Nligaia Is created , rtcvlsln ; ; Jlisslsslpprs Constitution. JVCMOV , Miss , August 12. The eoiistltu- tional convention assembled piomptly nt 1 to lay. The convention was cillecl to oide r b ) Secretai ) of State W Goinn and S S. Cdnouso was elected pmldentof the con vention on the llrt ballot. Aftoi electing Jud o Cnlhoun pic'-ldcnt the convention ciiiii- lkted Its oinanintioii and adjourned till to- moirow. llio suffra0'o question is the main ibsuo to bo dealt ivith It Is believed that It will boelfeetnall ) hotllod and the Australian sistoui modllled or amended and eiiKiafted in the constitution as the most acceptable me int. of regulating the gieat question Texiin Ji ) > m urals. S w Av TON 10 , Tex , August U ' 1 ho state democratic convention met tills morning I a,0K , ( ) delegates piosent. The dcleyiitlon as a whole has adecldedl ) rural nivcnmiec , the fnrmei c'loiiicnt piedommntliig Thcdayiviis spent In choosing toinporaiy and jx > rmiinent ofllecn To platform Is a strong document , denouncingtnocxorbltnnt tariff , llio federal election bill and the meat course of the United btates court. A paiil ! > was inserted demanding sopirato railway e-oaelica for vihitcs and blacks. The uppoitoisof ( Jen- oral Hogg for governor are In the majority. Call Tom I u Itoiul | > licnits , ScnMhro , Cal. , August 11 The repub lican state convention mot at the state capital today J. C , Campbell was elcctoA tempunry chairman nnd Fran * llym teinponiry seci'c- taiy. Chalimnn Canipholt appointed the usual committees , after which the convention nljouined until to o'clock tomorrow. The four leiiiling candlditos for govcinor nio Colonel S. MarWiam , Co U'lV-siinnu Moirlll , General Chlpman and Hon. IN bhlpiHC , 'i ho Veiitlier I'orcoast , Tor Onnha and VicinityShoiiors fol lowed by fair ; slight ! ) wanner. Tor Nebraska Loi-al uiliu ; viurmer In eistom , slightly cooler In western poillon , varlnblo winds. I'oi low.a Light showers ; sllichtli wnnnei except In e\trcmo southeast poitlon ; f > tn- tionary tcmnomiuio , southoily winds , bo- coining \utluble KorSouth Dakotn-Ijlght local showers in cistern portion ; varlibloniuiU. , rsiillcMiul Ciipilitl .Notes , _ _ August 12. Senator IlliTlr , In behalf of thomnjotity of the members Oj ( he woinnn's buffingo commltlce , today reIn - | iort il fa\orubly tlio prqwed constitutional j iiniendmciit to give women the light of suf- It ago. f.3d The sccrctarj of the Intcriortodny received a telegram fi-oni the governor of Nciv Mexico asking foi troops to suppress white cuji out rages , TV Till ? C1IT7YT C\YPTI1\IV ) Ii illfc ) , bJLfcuU aAflUlUAlli. Amid Cloud ? of Inceiso the Remains of Car dinal Newman Lie in State , SORROWFUL SCENES IN THE ORATORY. Snrplloeil Kntliois , Chul In Boinhro Iuuit , iii lournliil Tones the Solemn \\ords \ ol' * the 7)nnett\ \ Biitvivoiu-M , August 12. [ Nuv Yorlf Herald Cable Speelil to TUB Bm.1 1 bet out b"tlmoj tills morning , In spite ot Iho dismal weather , to visit tlio oratory -where Cardinal New mm lies dead. His situated In Jilgbatton , a charming suburb about one inllo and a half from liirininghani X made iiuiulilea of persons about the hotel the llrst gcntlotnin had not heard of the cirdliml's death , aiiothcrunderstood he Ind died in London and a third sharp eyed youth had ncvorheaul of either 11100111x111111 ! or the or.itory. Musing on the vanity of Kieatness I hurried along through the riln 'Jhoro is nothing app.iicnt In this busy metropolis to Indicate that in Its midst ono of the giants of this century had Just breathed his last , Thooratory Is an unpretentious building of red bilek directly on tbo street rJho church shads next door , but on ipproiching uclthci cr.tponor any other sien of mourning was Uaible , now was thcio any ciowd or bustle A handsome joung father leeched mo and fuinishcd tbo foi lowing inform ition. "Uho cardinal's death has so tiUon us by surpiiso tliat no jlau of arrangements hasot been perfected 'Iho funeral will tnko phco hero ono week from toelti ) and the body vlll bo bulled at Kcdnal , a little \HUifcO sc\cti miles distant , Mhero wo have our or.itory retreat. The cardinal vili bo , by his own Misli , laid beside Father Anibiose. St , John , vho ho loved so dearl ) and Mhoniho addressed In these touching lines : "And to j on especially , dear Ambrose bt. John , whom God g.ivo mo when ho took cier ono clso nu.iy who are the liijhs bet - t eon my old life and mj new ; who ha\o now for tiveiity-ono jeirs been so devoted to me , so piticnt , so zcilous , so tender ; who IKIVO let mo lean so hard upon ) ou : M ho h iva w atched mo so narrowlj ! who liivo never thought of yourself if I vaa in question.1 Yeso , \ were all piesent when the caidlnal passcl awa ) , but theio were no dctth bed seencs , ho belnj In a comatose state almost fiom the commencement of his attack. "The body Is being this moment arranged to bo cnnled Into tbo chinch , \\heio \ It Mill bo on view tomoirow nnd for bovcrnl das ) ; If ) ou will come this afternoon I Mill airango fur ) ou to sco it" Leaving the or.itoi ) I called on Dr. Blunt , uho has been the cardinal's attendant for many ) cars Dr. Hlnnt , with de.ui shaien face and seiercly cut Kirments , pi events himself. ' i'heiovai not the slightest hope , " s.vidhe , "from the beginning ot his attack Theiols nothing more terribio In \s \ effect upon the Ingod than seuumonla. I have Jhovn such persons stiicken doivn when secinln ly In o > cellcnt health and die within Inlf an 'Iho Inflammation spieael In tlio cardinal's ' right lung , rapidly advancing su Inches la less than that iiiiay houu Ho had no \ itahty left to resist It. No Indeed , tno body will not bo finbihncd and no sunrcon's ' knife shall o\cr dUllgmo those sacred w- mains. As soon as death was evident the re mains weio dressed in the cardinal's grand robes of state. You will see thorn when ex posed in church tomorrow. " Regarding that I was moio foitunato tlnn the doctor sup posed , foron calling at the outoryat lo'cloelc I \vas allowed to witness the ceremonies connected with carrying the lomnlns Into the sanctum- ) . Down the silent corildor came the fathers of the oiator ) , some in surplices , some In sombio coasacks , chin ting In mournful tones the solemn Latin wouls of the mlsorero. All momoers of tlio coiiimuinty fouiteen In number , weio present except t\io \ brothcis. Dii ally after them came the pui plo sluouded bier rourontly borne by members of the household. Ciosslng the court jard , fresh with green and the bright sun now shining. the proccaston entered the ihuich , and pass ing up the center alslo laid the reveied bur- ilen 011 n catafalque icady In tbo fiont Silently the mouinlngfathcrs moved about each doing his appointed woik ono lighting foui monster candles vihich gumdcd thu ic mams on either corner , cno bringing a ifiltro \voiidiously wrought In nhito satin and littlng it tenderly on tlio hold oftho gieatdc- paited , another iilte-lng at tbo feet a snnll table , on which tvio candles threiv down their light upon a silver howl tilled with holy water , nnd still another l.ilnga ) blight ted caidinal's lint upon the body. Then short praters vvoio said nnel a few psalms read , while ono oftho hiothers waved clouds of hi- cense and a tiled conn ulo sprinkled the 10- mninsvltb drops from a sliver bowl Then , having knelt in silent prier ) , the biothcis signing themselves dcvoutedly ono by ono , withdrew. Never have I looked on n moro Impiesslvo sight. I ventured to nppronch the catafalqu i and look upon the cm tidy pirt of the great oiator nnd'tlieolot'iun , placed iiith his fico standing out In sharp relief against a ma aitlecnt bickground of pur ple and gold eheelts nnd mouth .sunken , nose hooked and , vciy proininent. He Is in full pontifical dress Ills breast is IIUIIKlth jei\elled chains nncl crosses , the bunds ni'e ' gloved In puiplonnd the feet shod > with sllppirs ilchlj embroldeicd Kow all haioilthdrawn sa\o \ n few kneelIng . - Ing pilests , and Caidinal Neuniati lies alone In the silent snnctuaiy hero his * bllier tongue will ho lieardno moio. lleq.uljm miuslll bo said toinorron at 10 a m. and toetiry Cer ) evening at h. A Sliipwi-c'uUcd Oiew. [ Cojii ; fy/il / JSlHbu Jimes Hoiilun lltnnctt. } PUSH , August 12 fcw'ork Herald Idm Cable -Special to Tin : ln5l-A ! tolegiani fi-om Fecamp to Temps icporta the airival at tint pott of the crew of the Chilstophor Coluiube , which was recentlyluu'dawuand idm sunk b ) the Netheilind'8 Amorcm s > team nmignllon company'sstounor Obvaii | on the banks of Newfoundland. The crew ro tint the captain of the Obdaii - d , although asked to do so bv the captain oftho UhrlMophci Columbe , to lower a t > oit to aid Inplcldntr up thocroiv of the Trench vessel , four of whom wcro diovvacd. Passengers of the Christopher Columbo hive also signed ofa statement attesting thn s.iino fact. CliaiMitey Depeiv's U j\ugu t -Spei-lalUablOrfi-aii [ to TiiK"BiT.-Cbauiiccy ] M. Dejuw , prosldcnt of the Now York Central ic * Hudson Hlver . rallroal company. Mas at OLcranmierijau Sunda ) . llwajuU latcntloH toyo thence"to Hamburg. liidloiilloiis Seem ID Show That a Con- Illot Is .Inevitable , i tal& tSMbit Mtnc.1 Uonlnn Iteimctt. ] Snvu > oit , ( via LaI.lbertad ) , August 12-New York Ilerild Cablo-Speolal to TUB 13tn. ] War with Honduras now np- penrs to bo Inevitable. Thonctlons of PiMl- clcut Kogranof tint countiy Invo not been satisfactory to I'rovts'onnl ' President K/eta of Sim Salvador , and ho is Irri tated bojond mrasuii } . taetn Is untcliliig the situation closely and inly tnko sunnniry action at an ) time. In thtlineantimo Bogiati 4n kept busy -Matching artain In his own tcnitory. Sovonl rorOlutlOas are sild tobo in progtess In Honduras , although Boriii , claims that ha Ins routed nil mnlcontcntannd tint hh country Is at peace. Actho hoitilltles between Guatemala and Sin Salvadorhu\o \ no\v \ been suspciiaed for iKirlythreowceks , but the mimes of the conn tiles aw camped within sight of each other rendj to niitldppta am movements looking to aiencnal of Jho waif.iro In tbo meantime the minister of OostaUtcannd Nl- caiagua haio not ceased tliolr effoits in bo- InlC of peico. They have beeu liird at work and ha\o had the neti\o co-operntlon of the entlro diplomatic coi3. | Minister Mlzner , United States minister resident in Guatemala , c.imo ashore at La Mbcitad Siturchy nnd on Sunday m rived heie. Pro visional Pivsldent Enta entertained Minis ter Mlznernt a banquet today and the host feeling proullcd Minister Mlrncr appeared deposed to act in the Interest of a settlement of the dlfllcultlcs botwccn Ousitcnalannd Salvador , and \\heii hti anIvcd here brought a copy of I'reslelent Barilllas1 formal deelnratioli of var agilnst the public. This was the llrst infornutlon in the matter rceohed. nttho capital of this countiy and the flist oflicial inform ition that the goiernment of Salvador had had on the subject. As Ouata- nnla fli-st invaded SaUador without anj foi mal declaration of her intention , the atti tude of Bnilllas , nfter hi foi s vcro iihip ped , lu issuing his decree , is considered ro- dleulous. Iho interior of Sahaelor is quiet nnel tlicio nronoindicitiotis " of nnymoroout- brcaks ngalnst Kzoto "Xr. AJbcit Mona has been iippoiutcd minister of public instruction Atecuitismii * wseitro.iA * . His "U'lll Slioitly Ueavo the FVcncli for IIo inc. TimnrU ] IJAIII , August 12. [ SpccialCableffr.ini to Inn nii : . ] Archbishop Conlgnn of New York arrived hero today with Ids secretary , Dr. C. E. McDonnell. The nichbishoiiis on his way homo , Ids intention being to leave the Fiench capital towards the end of the vieok for England , wlicro ho will imko a very shoit stay , taking an Atlmticlliicr elthei 011 the closing diy of this or 01 the Jhst of next week , Mgr. Corrigw is well satisfied atthoprospDctsof a specily icturn to his archdiocese. Ills sUy In Europe has not been one of unalloyed pleasure lie has , of course , experienced tbo dollghts of a tour through the holy hud ; his visited the but led cities , Ilcrculnncuni and Porapcilj peered Into the crater of Vesuvius nnd still moro iccontly ga/odon tho- mysteries of the passion play as enacted lit Oocramihcagau. Duilnglds rcsldonco inljomo , however , be has had upon Ills mind aaxlcUes necessaril ) attending the progiQss " , - 1lo 'projiogandi nnd deliberations relative to the eabc of Dr Buttsell , which virtually meant the settle ment of grave troubles in the chuich la America raised bv the rebellion of Dr McGlnnlntensHlod ) by his attitude subse quent to his condemnation by Koine , A gentleman -who called at the hotel Do Latheo this evening In the hope of seeing Archbishop Corrlpm was recciied by Di , McDonnell , his secretary , who acknowledged the truth of the sweet imputation that ho had been raised to the innkof monslgnour. "Dr. Coirigan will only remain a few diys In Paris , " said Mgr. Mc Donnell , 'hoviai much aftectcd by thoObei- ammorgau play , as Is ever ) Catholic who sees the peiformnnce , uvjurdlnglt a picsen- tationus faithful nsls poislbleof tlio ister- les of passion. IIo did not notice any of that mercmtilo spirit which Is often alleged as nn irgumcntagainst It Viewed with the ojo of faith , ills u wonderful performance" "AVhatls Aichbishop Corilgaii'h ' opinion of Cardinal Nqwrnan 1" "Kierjono viho knows his llfo nnd work feels that the church of Unghnd loses In him a personality vihosu charm and Influence hnio heena mlghtj-power , " " .And vlth reference tcthe / case of Dr. Buitsell ? " asled the visitor. "llio ciso was decided by a college of the propiganda liiArchblshop Corrlgan's fiver , " ( repllcd Dr. JIcDonnoll , ' 'and Dr. Eurtsell submitted to the dcelblonos a Catholic priest deshlng to remain hi the communion of the church. IIo could not do othor\viso , for the verdict Aias final. " , "Is It likely that Dr. Jlnrtscll miy bo rein stated inhls pnishat epiphany } " thovlsltor asked , but Dr McDonnell declined to m.iko oven those sybillino ropllns that Invo man ) a tlmoniidoftendrlicn aJfoAV Yoik icpoitei to the vcrgo of desperation. Kinds anil VfiiieiilniH Pi ht. CovsTismoi'i.r , August U. [ Secia [ : Cable-grain to Tur Biaj I'urther conlllets luu e occurred botii eon Iho Kurds and Ar menians In tlio Alashgujd dlstiict. Itisio- ported tint n b.uul of Armenian volunteers , mounted and well armed , has appeirodat Erzeroum and is fastreciulting ndhcronts. The report has caused a panic among the Turkish authorities. jTho covoinor of Uneroum hasordeicd the expulsion of fifty Armenianb suspected of hailng piomoted the recent dKtuibanco , Ilie KmIHTOI'lit tlio Heml , Eritiav , August 12- [ Special Cnblognm to Tnunii : : . | The uutiUpn pnrado of the guards lias held today on the Tcmplcliof com mon , Tha oinporor nnd empress and the piin- ccs of the Imperial family were present. The emperor rode back at tlm ithloss at the head of the c-olor conipniy and received an ovation i from the thousands of spectators along the i oute. Attaekccl by Yaps. i , August -Kutlvcs of Yap , cno of the Caroline Islands , , recent ! ) atUcked an unaimed detachment /ram the Spinish gnrrl- SOH cutting viood In a forest. Of the Spm- ards one lieutenant anil iwtiitv-scven soldlci-s wrro killed and the rcit.oscipcd Mivo lends of tioons weio af ten-wards sent toattack the until es , but met With bucli resistance that theyw'ero compellcJ torothe. CclllHlll'H ItOBllU'IlC'll Attlioki-ll. Ilin > os ATIII : , August U. A inch today attacked the residence of cx-Prcaldcnt Cel- i.1. man and tbuMteiied to burn It to ground. ' 1'tio goiiTiiincnt has filicoducordon 3f tivops aioundtho house for lts < ] > iotectlon. IMaiiltoha'n C. nips All Kl hJ. MOSTKKM , August U I'l-csldeiit Allen of the Manitoba If. Ji'orthiv > stcrii roll way bus a dispatch stating that the n nt frost In the valley of Miunedoju dltl no damage to the crops Victims ol" llio Cholera , Augajt 13. Ono hundred and seventeen persons died from cholera In JK'c- caeaterday ) , InJcUJati agveutr-nino dial. PILFERISC FROM UNCLE Sill u Steal $500 Vorth of Stamps From the PostofEco at Blue Springs ! HEARING IN THE TRAIN ROBBERY CASE. Tlie OlilliUonH * Uotuhivo Opoiis at , I'lalNniiiut h 'fcri'llile Voulilunt ill Clia jiiiiuii The i.lopu- iiient AtanUi. WVMOIIR , N'eb , Auitustl'i ' [ Special Telo- to I'm Hii ] buvlarj occurred at BlnoSpilngslustnlKht. An catunoevns oblilned to the posto.llce , Iho safe was blown opnn and i-I3J A\ovth of stunps nnel aboit ? rt In inoncj taken. Thohurglirs hailiislted CortiMiH'S bhiksinlth shop and helped Iheiimelvcs to such tods as thev iieulcel , which thuy loft scittercd around on Iho floor after the jou was done. Iho mini cr in which the work \viw clone sbo\v- > they ncrocxpoilciucd hands attho business. 1'hoi loftno cle.v. C.i e. I\'eb. , Ausimt 12. [ Special to Tin Ili.i.l-Tho pnll : lnut ln-'uinglu the IlPirqn brothers train robherj ease \vns begun this afternoon hoforo County .Txulgo Wnlcott. I Irs. Watson nncl Mr Cleveland , pisbenifcii , ami Conductor Ke.i Ion all sivoiote > the Ulcntltj of the pilsoncrs , but the iii\estU'itlon w.n bOlhciiouKhtliat tbejue the only ones oviimned today , l'i.\rr--Moini , Xob , August lU.-Spcoinl | Telegrun to Tnr DM : 1-Tbo Oddfellows' ' conelavo wis welcomed hero by a splendid rain , and whllo this Interfered with ulans somewhat not an Oddfellow or .iKohcknh inado acomilaint. ) 'llioy are is much Intoi estcd In good crops asln Invinga { 'land out door dlsphy at their leunlon. If the rain Is over now the people tomonow will enjoy themselves the bottet for having it , as theio villl bo no dust and the atmosphere will bcpurcr Uoda ) has boon given up al most excluslvolj to viclcoinliiBVlsitors fiom the lodges of the four greit stiles and social intercourse and committee work. Tonight at Uioopcia house the IJobekahs rclidoied anndinlrablo piogrammc The ad dress of welcome \VM mido by illssMnry liovd cud It was excellent in nnttcr nnd de livery. Deputy Grand \lnst r Evain ot Omaha icspondcd on behalf of the visitors in a speech mixed vuth Oddfellow liistor ) nnd .Amcilciui humor. Ho pdcl n gloivltig tilbutoto the women of the order and the work accomplished , and predicted that in the neir future tint Oddfellows would go to their lodge meetings with their 11 ivu and daughters on their arms , equils with them in everything The stitoincnt was enthusiasticallj applauded GiiuidSoctctar ) lilts. Albeit i uttely folloiied on beh ilf of the Msltin , ; sisters and gave a brlof history ol the Kcbok.ihs nnd their alms. In the musical pat of theprogiammo the Kobekihs vvtuc twisted bj the young Wen's Christian abso clition uholr , Mis Merges , the little .Mlbbi s I'lo and Aimio Dibljandotlicis. Tomnrroii , however , is to ho the l > ly daj and following is the programme : The pro cession , under comnnnd of Grand MUHhal It 1 ? Mjers , will foi m at 10 o clock on Sixth street and mniih north to Tine , east to rpurth , south to Main , cast to Second , countermarch on Mnln and theiieo out Ghlcapo a'vetmq to Fitzgerald prove There the exercises , under the super vision of Past Giand J W , Humphreys ot bhena-uloah , Ta , vice preside ! t of the asso- diton ! , will bo as follows : Music ; pniycr by Grind Chnplitu O'JSTell ; music ; nldross of welcomoby 1'nstOr.ind S M.Chapman ; response lip Past Giand Hun phrejs ; music , address liy Diother Funk W. Uvms of DesMoines ; music : ; meeting of uonilicrs of nssoci ition to .select place of meeting for thu icuuion of Ib'Jl , A Horrible Accident , Cnu'MA\Nc : > , Aiiju9tl3. ( [ Special to THE Dm : . ] A hoirlblo nceidoiit occurred hcic hst night. 13ttt , diughtor of U Cougcr , eighteen jcirsolel , vias shot In the niik'o ' Ii ) her brother whllo loidlnga shotgun. Ampj- tition was icndered neccssai ) . The Dlopcnirnt Jllanln. Aiiioiii ) , Kcb. , August 12 [ Spochl toliin lJi'B.J Tbo elopement mmla scorns to haio struck Banner county. Sumliy Mr ICellj , a halfbieed Indian , eloped with MiasXortou , cnu oftho brightest and prct- tiostjoung ladles in the county. Mr , Kelly has lieen attontlvo for nnay months , but air. Noiton suld "no , " nnd fora while thooung mail has hold aloof. Mr. Norton reeoiitlv left en a business tilpaiiestand , on Sunday morning Mi1. Kelly s teun appealed at the door. Miss Norton , assisted by him , hopan loading her trunk , vihcti the mother fainted and his been in a bed over slnco. The Hying couple , tarried but n fewmoincnts , , biit dfoio to .Klmbill , and that U the last known of them Mr. ICdly isthosoii of Mil" Kcly | , one of the wealthiest men of Ohocnnc. ) TFifl r eng I'liic Clinntnuniin , Lo\o 1'iVB , Xob , August 12. [ Special to Tun Bii 1 There weio tlneo sermons do- livoud ontho ( JhautaiKjua grounds on Sun day. Itov II. \Varrcn , president of Gates' eollcgo of Nolla'h , in the forenoon , Kcv , J. T. MoFurland , iircsldent of the Wesloyaa uni- vorslty of Mt Pleasant , Ii , in the after noon , and Dr. J T Uuriea of Oinihu In tlio evening. About two tnousind people wcu on the giounds tint da ) , and tlio vieathei vvnsadmlrablo Such strong men as these jtibtspokcn ofalwnis biing a good audience mid last butidiv was nooxception Kcv .FT HloPailand yestordiy delivered I a verv instructlvo and cntoitaining' lectuio on 'Dolhus and Sense" IIo htld his au- dieiieo spell bound for cno hour aiiet thirty minutes Prof J3 H. Oeoi gave a conn-it with about ono liundied voltes la tlio class i. It Is astonishing hoiv cjuiekly these chsscshi 1 musle cm msuino such prolleioneymel bo able to render sue1 ! line music > with only a fowdajs prqrnratlon A fiieat Jeal of credit is duo Prof Gieor for thohnrdivoikho has done lor this class ; the class being holarpe and so vicll nttoiidcd MILS a gieat incentive to work , both foi the In- structor and also for the pupils. On Thursday , August 1-4 , will bo O rind Armj clav , and that will bo the daj when the lii'KCSt number of people will bo on the grounds Allthoolel holdiers Infouiorllvo counties will bo present. Of couiso the main object of thotruo Chaiituuqim Is not to simply Invo a largo iftuhorin , ? ofpeoiilo , hut there must bo one or t\\a diys of each assunbl ) nllottod to the entertainment of the people who donotattcnd reiulaily. ; lion. J J. Nesbltt of North I'lntto Neb , nnd Conrad Hani } , A. M. , of ICmknkcc , 111 , will ho the oratorsof tint day. On hituidiiy gold medal tcst idln tlio afternoon the giaduatlng ex- orcUus. DnMondiy and Tuesday of next week will occur a gran I amendment rally I'lovldetiilnl llains ntVoilc. YOIIKNob , , August 12. [ Special to THIS Bui ] Hover d rains In the last tno days have proved of git it benefit to the coin crop. Thli is the first jilneo Juno , and Mhllo too latoto save all the crop , itlnsuroH a larger poreeiitojto tlian Aim frenorslly cxpeitetl. The bouthorn part ol the county u 111 not bohclpcu veiy miich , M tboeropls too farKoro , Iiint > eoi't < coin inQiiotcd ntMJ cents.xvith nosioin thomaiket , a ) farmers are holding it with thooxpcctatlon ofa fvrtherlnciease < V I'coiillar ItunaMiy. / TLKIIOIIV , Neb , August 12. | Bpeclid Telo- - toTiiBllm ] About 3W ! this after noon a ruuavmy team , ivlth nothing but the front wheels of a Imiryy attacheel to them , caino tearlngdown Fiont strcotnt breakneck speed nnd ran in at the opcti door f 1'iy'a livery stable , Mhcre they wcro caught , I.-lierMnan Frv nnd G. II. ( looelh uxl took thoruniwais' ineMitiliiK tnil and followed it south t\\o \ miles , \vherei they met the cnuioi oflho-teiinMr.lohnArir of Ml Hard Mr Arff fortuiintelyeseaiioel with nothing moio seilousthatiii briitsel lou The tcnn , which Is a liny one , took fright nt thonoUoof a threshing machine noit the roilsldo and nnidi ) a biidclon Jump. uhirh Hiiippol the .Wnp bolt in twain. Thi ) noildont oepimvd nliaut four and u hdf ralloesouthr'asior heix1 , ivhoie tbeivar \\lie-ols ami bcijv eif tlie' bti'gyIMI \ ) loft stineling in the roud llio lean ) es aped Without II MMt ill Stf < iii .liiii-/ ; It i-inc. SntoMsmi.n , Nob. , August 11 [ Spechl tfl Tut "Hri'.J-l'olk county has stiff tied from tlioeliMiith ( or n longtime , but last week good r.iliis fill , { { lentil iuiiovlrir | ) tlwoulloolt The coin cioplll yet bung cimsld'rable returns 1 ho l'ell < county noun il Institute Is now insesslon ut thotollojic' building * uul Is well attended. 1'iof M. It famiU'iass , ofthoOsccula schools , Out it ) Superintend out of Schools J O. Uotueilcr , .1 J llrvuut and II U. Iluiitof thost.ito Jutnvtwlty being tlieiiistnictois. Johiil1illinntinn elirhte enj ear-old u nisti nail In his hnnd hituuliv mid ( ilooil poisoning set in nialdiiK' H neeossiiy to inn putatobolveeii the tlbow and shoulder Hi1 \ \ \ \ \ reiovei JauiMViitts , a fanner 1U iiisin the ewtoia poitionof lliu eoitih , neir Shelby , nNil 1,0U ! hushels of prinio fill iihoat oil slxti miet , of groind this season. Ihofiuiurs' alliance plenlo hold at lo leit's tiovoGrldiy , mis agroit iiffitr. ] listings N"ehUii iut V [ bpoclU to Tun llhn. ] .Too Hanson , the pioneer ddr.'i nnu and \veilthj lana owner living neir the eitr , recolveel a scriojs , ifnotfitil , fr.wturj ofthoslfiilllastcvonliiB' , tlio losultof a kick b ) a fiietious inulo. II. C MinniK.ivhovasallowod nt the re cent republican county convention the eotir twy of scleeting His delegation contention to boholdat Uluo Hill ScuU'in ba'S. his decide I not tobo auuullduto , and will insist on the Ad.uns county iloltjMtion voting for the Ve biter countl eandidnto Colonel 0 IKO of Vi inklln county , chalinrin ofthocoiifjicssloimlcciitiil coinniltte'o of this district , will open hcidquirtcis in Hastings next vcolc friends of the T-niid monument funl uw MOattcrni ' ivh it has baoma of tlio sevoril solii'lthij ? coinuilttcos The connillti'o slioult Invo ivpoitud at tlio lecout convention at Denver DcAVm Uiicwixo , Is'eb. , August 12.- fSpocnl to 'run Ili.n. ] Tlio ivanollcil ; troubles tit thli point uro not settled yet Ilio slieiiflof Sewail county has soiled an injunction on Kov. J. I1 Ash , the roielcnt minister , nnd a part of the trustees who favor the JSbhor and Down in fiction. 1'ho church isabojt evenly divided nt thisplaeo In taking sides with llio Iabb ) and Dihoi and Boil- mm fictions , Thclatoi.iiiisnroilolng the corn ciopon - sldor.iblo j-ood , and the f anne rath ink the ) villl nibo enough to feed them tlnoutli the winter. Mr and Mis J ? M Dinner ) will loaio b.tuidiy for a few months sojourn In Luropo. Troiiltlo Oic'ifwo irori-es , VOIIK , Is'eb. , August 12. Harvey 1'icUrel ' , a f armor sout Invest of this city , loaned two of hlsiuniiiag1 borsei tea mantotakoto tlio Stroinsburg races , cntor thorn and di\ldo the winning- } . The follow piwneel thomfor & > nfter arriving in that burg , and when 1'ickiel arrived on the scene and claimed Ms liorscs the livery man refused toglvo them up. Iteploviii papers -wcio procured , but the sliorlff refused to break Iho lockjif thostablo door. Mi Pickiol drove tiioU to York to consult with hli attorncs. They Immediately sent , a young lawyer named DeBoId utter Iho horses with instructions to smash all loelcs , which he didand , was promptly ancsted. An nppoaramo bond was given and the houblo la not over ) et. V Ilorsol'liiel1 Him to 12irth , GEM-VJ , Neb , August 13 [ bpechl Tclc- grainto Inn BIB. ] A young man named Gilbert Ijashello stele a horse some weeks ago of George Wairou of Ginftcn. Notices iv ore sent out of the theft anel a few dis since the sheriff got vvoid fiom a town In Ar kansas tint buch n horio .is disoi'ibed ucldeii into tonii and liad dlcl tlicro nnd tint llio mm gwo his name as Lusholle 'llio thief been no suspielousof the n lions of the clti/eiis and left lei parts unknown ted ly ThokhoLiflt was wlwd fiornDcmar that La- shollo wis iinlor .irrefatniid to co'iiomd get him Thosliciilt armed vvitli the proper pi pers look the lirst train for Denver. Li- shcllois aicsUi-iitof Grafton , 1'ncapo cil'a Reckless Piisoner. FJICMONT , Is'cb. , August 12 [ Spochl TJo- granite TUB llnc.l- Last evening the deputy shoiiff of Butler county vuis on his ii.iy homo from Omaha with a prisoner ehaiyod ivltlihona stoiling As the Xlknorn pis- senger twin AIUS n fo\v miles cist of Lin- ivood the prisoner made a sucecssful buak for llboity. On the pretext of going to the other end of the car ho dashed Ihroimh the dooi nnd loaned f win the train while it was running ( it tlio rate of fortj miles an hour. I'liotiain wasstoppodas soon nspos lbloaiu ! when It bickcd up the h.ind-culted piisonui disiippearcii ovcsr the blulfs The oflleur pur sued butlt isnofc known n holder ho cap tured the fugitive , . nt Wjilioo. \Yxnoo , Nell , August U [ Spoelil Telo - gram to Tau liu ! ) The tciehcM' Institutej opened licio list night and was lectuicd toby Piof Bcattioof Lincoln. The Institute wil lastfo- two vecks , with the following corps of instructors Piof. J A. U'atsoii of Ian nosseo , ilisM Hritcliott of Valpiruiso , 1'rof llealtio of Lincoln , biipsiinUndont L II Ur.llbui ) anilB. T i ! ooel \Vnhoo All la under the management of County Superln tendent U'atson. Ihoio promises to bo n very lnrjo number of tiacluis in attendance. Th etiiblhncut ahead ) execeds 150 , The Prodigal Dnnuhtcr Itotnriifl riu.Mosr , Kcb. , August \ [ Special Tula gram to Tin BII ] Umim Mnrsha , younj , lad ) whomjJtorlously disippcired about week aj/o from hti homo ntTckamnh , was ii Fremont last niffht on her way homo. He father bad offcieda rcivaidof ? 10O for knowl edgoof her iihoroibouts and OlllcciIIerro thisclt dibcoveied lui Iiitho employ of hi brother at Hooper. The roiurd has beei tuiued over to him. An A. 0. U , W.lMonle. STIU.TI , Neb , August 1'J [ Spechl toTu Bnr , ] flio moiubers of the Ancient Order o United Workman of htolh will- hold thel fouith annual picnic on Thinsdiy , August 1 The programme will consist of music , HiKcchus , trotting laces , a baseball gamenn shooting matehis Kxcurslon r.itos Imv been seemed from all.Mlssourll'acllic point aiida largo number ol visitors are expcitot to bo piesent. Plroi t Vf > rillKie < Vr.itDinitPNob , , August lti.-SpeclalTo [ egrain to Tur. B CB J Plro broke out at 3n in In llio one-story frame hiilldlng uscel by W Clnppell as a giocory stmo nnd postoflico , destroying the building anil contents and a < s thotxvoadjolnliigbuilding , ounodby 1'ran Ojiecaiisky , u t\vo-story fume , used as aliul below ancf bit oping rooms aboio , 'Jlio loss o Opecomky la * iOUOlth , no Insurance Chappcll't. loss isVOO , fully insured 1 on IjJltn to Hiu < 9 Corn , Feb. , K , ] t ulto ft hcivyihoMcr pisse- over htro thli afleriioou tjoh/igiouthea-st Ir dlcations wcro that the storm nas ery bcav ) south cl us Yesterday HO had allghtialn , but fears arocntcituineu by the farmers that I It Is too law to save tliQ corn crop , V 5 \SIIODLD \ HE FIIRSISI1ED , Desired Regarding tlio Batik opjsits of Hcbrnska limners. NG IMPRESSION IN THE EAST , Ulu Mislead Im ; Sliiti inoiils uulateit 'liirouglKiiit That See * tion Dili n y Mu < Slutu a Gieat. Injustice. \VAsni\flTo\Bvnr\vTiirOMViu Ilir , 1 nit : IVtMin i > tn Hrui rr , > \V\tn \ i NHTOV 1) ) ( J , Atigust 11 ) Somtor 1'addoelx deslroivorj niiuli to ob tain fiuin the picsldtnti or iishiin of thd bulks throjirhoiit Xcbr.i < k 1 1 ho anioun t of elc < IHHltsof fiii'mow in such binks IIo say3 tint tlio sennto b uoing diily ivgalidlth st.itoiik'ntstliatN'obnshi faunord - 111-0 pau < pei-s , that a ficiltuwlun p oie-n nfiiluw in his own state mil the , ueMililnliivq built up the proipjiih of Nobrisk i ir. piac- tle.ul ) dopenelont iiHn | ) otnor uvoi iti.ius for suppoit. Ho Is nn\loui toliiivothofacta fllth iihichto refeitothowstntoin > nu.vlileli aio diimiglin ? in thoe\tileniij to Nebraska in the eist , uul i\hie'i. ' through their \ildo- spread oiiMiliitlon , ho feeU will result In in- cilciilihlolnjui ) to the jwoplo of tlio coin muiilt ) iniihieh hehvcs A coMi'uoiiiM : in : v ( urn. The confcroneo coinniltteo on the Indian apprupiiiillon bill hm reached a I'oiupniiijiso nu'icfinciit upon the contio\ersy lii\nl\liig the cniolliiiunt of the .Murphy faiill.\uith tlio Sw and Pot Iitdl ins The compromise was luuposod by Son \liindor-ioa and Is ft inodifle'.ition of Ben itor Padlock's oilclnnl miionlinont It pre'series the light and equities of the Murp'iys ' pending the luusti- gition , % > lilch Is to bo in ide bi a .poeial agent taken outside of Ivaiuas ind Mc-bi nkn , uheiothosoinlciosts ate loeiteel It pro- \ldosthiitllioso\vhoha\o been omolUvlsmca Januriy 1 hst shall not paillciinto in the piesent annnitles , nnd pending the sio itl In- ic-.tigatlon thi < piovision slmll In no way liojudlcoUiQ cl.ilimof thosonho have beou enrolled slnco Januniy eivlio maj heijafttr beoniollod It pliees the chiinib of'thobO persons ics ndjuillcat without projtulica niiatcvor UIOIT Anovoiilnpr pipei doiotes a column and a liitf under laigo dlshj houdlliies to ft duii'go ayilnstlndlin Cominlsslonei Morgan to thocftiet tint heh is appointed Ids \iifo M eoiiinlcntlil secrotau at * > lUOUa jiar and in sisted on becrctary Noble peiniittliig him to tukoher .iiound the country Mltli him iiscon * fldontlal seerotiiy nttho expense of the gov ernment , nnd with ha\lirg emploiod at his lesidinco \volnd I m gills fiom the ) t'ailislo lialiflng school An inter\lew with Coin- inlsblonoi Moigan nnd a tillc with Mrs Morjjm are published in connection with the charges , which mo inulospcUllu and in detail , and thoubolo mutter la itoolf a vindication of the commis sioner It is shown that it luu for 1111113) can boon the custom attho Curlislo school to hiio out pupils to vork In pilv.ito families , whom they maj lecelionopui training in house- keoiilng unit domestio lifo ueintiuUy The Indiin glih omplojed attho honw of Com- misilonoi Moigan leeeno ttio usual tninlng and custonraiy cninponsntloii , Thuro mo huiidiedsof federal otllcers vho have tholr wives or slstci-s employed as their pilvato secretaries. Senator ot Texas ha ? had his vlfo emplovod as Ids private secro- tar , } ut $0 a day , pile ! by the government , for two * or three yuara , nml nnhoil ) ovc" thought that It was a nnttoi for Just criti cism Senator Iteigaii Is 11 demon at and tlio politics of thopaperwhlin prefer : ) tlio charges against Commissioner Morgan isdomocratlc. ANOTIIHI piioi > oirinx ro inuriiciiATii. Senator Quay Into this iifteinoon submitted the fourth piopositlun uhichls now pe'iuliiiff looWng townid the limiting of debate upon meaiurcs which must bo passed at this ses sion of congtc'ss. It wont ovei under the in Ics for a < hy and itls liltely to como up witbtho kliidied pioposition submitted by Senator IMuiunds jesteiday Senator Quay wants to roach u nn.dvote upon thu tnrlll bill 011 August , ' ! U by the adoption or a ii > solutlou llinlllngtho nma.inlng'djvs ot tlio present sos-iloii toeoiisldontionoi the tiullY , nppio- priatloii , rmr and haibor and ub- lic building bills 'llio prevailing Impiesslon among icmibllcaim ' is tint something will bodonot'o stop the ineessimt nncl unneccbsnrv discussion of mcisuros. e tpeciallj the Urlft bill Senator .Maiulcrson saidthlsafteinoon "J'ho mlesiuay not bo amended , but some stop will bo taken wbeietn the pievlous quesstlon can bo leaolied upon a bill after reasonable debate. It may bo by the adoption of a resolution which \\lfl enable the scmito totulioa vote Mheiiovcr the majorltj wishes. This must bo done or wa will ho kept hero until December intisolosa talk withoutioachlng adondnsion ' upon any- thing. I think the tailff , river and lurbor , fcdcial elections and congrcsslond rcax > por- tionmont bills will bo pissed bofoio wo adjourn , and to do this some stop mustnctes- Hailly bo taken whle Ii iilll cut oI : thisiiselesa debate. " This apiJf.ui to bo the prevailing inii5slon. | Juullio\v this Is tobes done will nrob ibly bo determined proientl ) at a repub lican caucus. MISCI.I.MVUOll ) . rriio commissioner of pensions todaynoti/led / Ml Dorsoy that the ilopiitmuit coulel neb apwlntlr. | JosoiALcoa pension examiner at Unnily kcauso tbo doctor MIS not a j'iieluato of any leirulur nn dle-al eollegei. Dr Leo's ap pointmentas prae'tie.illy made , but iiai wltlidiMnn for this rcison Coiniiilssioner Itaum stitos that the poiition would not aniouiitto Jiiueh in iinj event , as thu eoiintlea adjoining CJ.inely on the south and cast nro oiiilnnee-d in u pension boaid districtjnd that butfo\\ any apiilicantH Mimld bo oielciecl befoio the examiner atCinndy , the rule being that all applle mta must appear bofoio a full bond foi oxamiii uion unless thorols some ciieumstancos making it impruoticablo to do so. ' 1 lie ro was a sharp llttlo "spaV'ln ' thohoiiso till ? afteinoon o\n nncll'orlto take uptho bill opening to .settlement the Tort Randall mllltai ) icsei vatlomin South TJalcota , whlcji was intioeluccd by Itcpresontbtlvo Ulfford. Tim house bill was anunded in the senate BO as to donate p.irtot the lands of Koit Slsso- lon tcscivatlon tothostatoof South Daliottl lisa niutof Its ollo\\nnce of the omnibus Htatohood bill Jh .Ilolman of Indiana anil Spiingerot Illinois ( jbootod ] to llio eonalder- atiim of the measure nnd U wont over. Mr. Plikloi madoa sttoiiK stand for consideiu- tlon of the senate amendment to the bill. Senator Wnndti son said this afternoon ( hat hodidnot Iwlievotho Infantry or artillery would bo taken up for consideration at thfa session hut heas confident that they would como up and bo pissed immediately upon the reissoniblingof congiesa next winter , lie has had n confeicneo wlthdoneinl Kchollclcl , and the latter believes that the Infantry and aitllleiy brmrhf s of Ihu ouny should ho leg- islitod upon mid ( hut Iho tlueo b.ittnllon and other bills should i onto no for consideration attho simotlmo.lf . indeed they should not bo linked together. Daniel Jioono of fovavn today appointed. special agt'nt of tbo eemus oflluo to collect HtutlHtlcs of iiiaiiufiicliiiors I' IJ Homo ofOiniha isat tlio JSbbltt. IlrlyacliorlleiKial llrookediasiirefcaeel ad- dltioiinU halves , ign\wt \ C'oloncf ' IC.iutz. Ilo clurKO I'lin with rmulatliiK and publishing tlio iliifKoi wnle-h the former proforroel nplnst tbo latter , und ulikh In the luulu vcio leciudln Tin Hi it dHpakhc's AssHtaiit Seent'iry f'lnndler today nf- flnnod ( yOinniisMonei GrolfH decision , in \\hlch ho holds for cancellation the pre emption dtelntory statdincnt of ( JcorgoV. . Ilutbofor the iinith } ( of the noitbcist ' ( ot uectionil and tlio noilliucU of tbo north- Most > | of section 1 , tou'mlilp II noith , raiuro 1vo t , Nlobrnia , Kub , land district. It wean that one C'nllnhm ' bud picccdul lieobb In making entry for the him and thorcfora Uv > tt ) ei.trya * caucellpd. ruuiYS.HuA.Tii.