Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlir II , A M , Vft ' ( IIC MILWAUKCC ,
TIH | I'ni'lllfll' Ulfillll * Tlllll ll Hrii III
Vn .MdliMur Igoiiili'il ' IJii
I'MHM * I'riiHi I lid lull *
'I III ) 0 , A. 11'llrtlll ,
'IVif U rWi lili fiiblH ilUmiMlmi nlioul
town In r tifil to irirMiipririlcl1iiK , titular
Ml ? MHilHU'l. Air , (1 ( II. ffcMliiM | whim 'iiion- '
Umif'l INI ih 4iilf ) ( * l until i
" V' M itrw ilmihtlf * * Mwm llml Iliow h n
0lu * < In i Im I'tntrtor which provlilm roc I tin
nffctrciU mul wwwwilriK tli cwl
> iii Dm ownnrnnf iirotfrtjr nlMillliij < on
tlMi ini Th Hfltiw rwulx iw follow * t
HM-IMIM 111. IMIMM ftprlnlillri * , ( in wrllltMi
Mj nr in i ) | i lliun nun-hull I he owiit-ri
ift html nt I M J In.iiMnt nit Hhj ulrcrl. or
( i r ! ' lAwl purl llM'ri'or. th ninj'iir ' Mm ) ' 'Hy
. , f i.t tut litliiMril wllliftitlir mitli'li
or H iM n lltii'iiiiii' II limy ilMini liinpcr
I li fiHiikllnff Minll I HI ilnii" Ijy t'liiilriifl
* iiMi < l tu Mm | i w ' l hldilnr In pudi < 'ii o nr
fiir tin niiiirn city or nix-i'lllcU iJMrlrl lln'irof.
TO | t III' ! f | M'll ' llf HIII'll Ulll-lllklltU till )
ai"lli > ii r mnhn | K"'lnl'iil * on tin *
* nlxHlliiK "ii * U''li ' niiM'i tir | H'cllli-il | > iift
tlt r "if. i-lllirr fit tlin \nlifilloii | lliiitfiif m-
lt U l fur iiniilliifi , or by fiont fi il , surli m-
nMmfnto ulinll IMI Ilr > m mi HinliiriiN rlinrKi'il
fWn liMit * lo Ilinn. lh I'imni'll ili'tcrinliiliiif
Hiiifit w " < iM'il Muiiliml Piicli ll'irrcl of
, mill linll Im Millci'li'il nvfttxv'lfil Imui
tii r i In ft timvi'inmii on foot tolmvn ilni
ou mrrli'il out mill iwitliloiirt nra now
I'ln'iilnlnl wlili'h will l > | ir aiit < * < l to
UM In dun 1 1 mo. Vou win lie iimui'inl
Uint lbi > l < iiymi jn'oK | > itv OWIIPPS for utrcot
nklliitf will IMI niluroii at l < mat 75 jirr
In rtuio llwifmiiirll net on Ilia ninttrr. It
Will Iw Ihril nil iinoraipkM pnipprty
fid m hori'tofiiro no' ' dlfijiiHol to iui lnt
in for HprliihlliiK wilt In ) coinpollcd to
it < ' < 'nrllii ( ( { U tlii'li'iro | | orly ( rout *
iinil UIH i' < mt lo tlioiu now tiuy-
I K IHI niiit'TlHlly riiluucd. J'ho
| ilun ) Mitii tliu rntlfu timttur of
| irinl ( lliif under uotitrtil of lliubonril of pub-
Id < vn H mill llio | Mllrn ) , ( ho prnpcr iiuthoil-
ili' in i uiilHtdtlm innllci' . tju loul < , St.
mill Hull l < nku luivo adopted tliU
of * tr iit iHnl ) < ] lnif mill uro highly
il wllh It , IM iniilnr llill y tiil ; nil
utrwu IP' iirliiUliil. II In about tlmo for
OinHlni lu lull Into linn. "
' S
r : IH'-.I OT IONS.
Jln\v I ( in llnlli'iuitl < 'oiiiiinlu | < 4 11 ro
AM | II | fn J'ny fur 'J'linlii.
A nrl 'IIH ' milt ili'iilnl'i ' win to hu tlio order
In union ili < | KJt L'lri'lns. Ono company
imotlmr In tryliiK to frcivo It out. The other
iliwlHrm Unit the M.tcrlloii In n fubrlcntlou.
" \Vlioii ilia Mlhviiutti'D.T'Ciiio ! ) in of bcliijj
hibllrnry , " nu'.d it Hiirlln ton oniclal , "It
u ivi'klttiui rrKtinl for llio factfl. I know
Hint Unit-nil MaiiHKi'i' Holdrcdgu and
Vliw I'lviildont I lull onil ) offcrud tlio
toiiipnrnry ( lujiot prlv-
on tcrniH Hint were fair niul
. Tim lliirtliixloii mid Union
mndo tin iiKn'cincnt liiucd upon
1 , or rntlirr , HiU number df tr.ilns In
' mill nut "f llio depot , so that tlio cxponiu
, . 1
wiHilil In * htm'd
tipon UIH liusliii'Hs. Tliu
HiirlliiKlo'i't ' | 'r irnt , tlii'K'fofo Is liii'Kcr
tlinii tlic Cnloti I'nclllf i , tioounso It lias ihe
llrtmlviintUK < i niul innru triilim , 'J'lioolTcr
to tlic Mlhvuiikru iiroposi-il n rurtiiln per cent
on tlio viilim of tlio | irniL'ry | ( , and Uint | > er
rent.vitM contldonilily lowur tlmn the ap-
liniUci-n | iut on ndJolnitiK jiropurty taken for
ilopot ptirpimiH , 1 tlilnlt tlitxt at tliu tlmo this
wiw iniili'r connldowtlon our HKMIVH .showed
Hint tin * MlUvnulci'O would linvu to pay about
VffM n iiiinitli. TlilH amount of courau would
l iiMiiili/i'il liclwt't'tl tin * utlirr two lines nnd
rut tlii'lr cxpi'imi" ! down nifonlltiQly , The
rlinrxiibal wnhiivo put tip prohibitory pro-
vlnlnin | inriinncly to Icrep tlio Mlhvnukeo out
U alxoliitcly Kioniulloss , bilch u thing wus
vi'r Hi in lit of. "
Mr 'I'liyloru'crelnry nnd treasurer of tlio
fil fiiiipuiiviny tlintlf tlrniiiorovurliaa
I nnv Irnulila of tltochnractor 'portod ho
ly luiinvM notlntitf about It. ' !
l tlio , contract's nnd
i'iilt , " lie coiitiiiu'il , "but nothlii } , '
n'fnroiu'i' to tlio Mllwaukuo coining In
Imri ever piWMoJ UuniiKli my bands. "
ItVitn ii Daliy.
'I'lio oflk'lut trtiln sent out of Omaha Fdilny
t'll'H'tod ' i ; cri'dlt upon tlio Bur-
tii.iiiiiKOinontainl . xvni In ovary wny
Jbi * , nn uiiiii. illllwl HUCCCS4 , ItUis composed of
* ' * V llvu ol' ' , 'iiiit Piilltnnni , tivo chair cnrs
nml n lHKi ) , ' Ku cl > 1' . ' ' ' ' 'o run
to ( 'lilfinto was iniulo In
! tliix' After nrrivlna Ihuro , nbout U
H.ittiriluv , tlui train \viw quickly
'd nroiind to tlio MIohlKiin Central
ilnpnt , niul Innni'dliitoly dcparlod on its long
Journey ton-unit tlio hub. A. H. Smith , ns-
nUtiiiitKi'iii'ral piiMseim'er nirent of the II. fc
M. , iircoinpaiut'il the vtlrraim to ChiciiKO nnd
im\V tlit'in Mtfely startcil from thoro. ilo was
bluIn hUolToi'tstoliiivocvury
ii3 conifortiiolo lu posslblu.
mul 1'orsoimN.
11 H. .liij not wont tn U'lvynp , Nub. , to meet
tlioilli ti't-Hof lhuNolraakn&NorthwMt ) ( < > rn
twul which In to bo Inillt. lM < tiveon Uaiuu ' | ili ,
Nell. unil l''ort ' Knmlall , S , I ) . , n lUituiii ; o'
itliout fnity miles. Tlili nuil will ranni'ut
wltli llu > Mil\viiiilico unil Oinalni oyMom itt
Kiiinl < > Iih | , which will L-IVO n illroet route
Imin Onmliii lo I'd ft Hiiinliill. The latter
mint N illivi'lly northxvii-.t from Oiimliu nn > l
In on it line with tlio Uatn City nnd I'lunx- .
] ) . , ( nwlili-li | Klnt ) the iir iKiHi > il rotHovill
UndonliUilly bu oxtcnitctl In thu imitr future.
llol Wi'iitliur nml At.'rltloiin.
'I'lilit' iKirhniicosonhP.lilnclios orsuiiitrolto
Thtiliiitwciithur It fearfulbut if you wlllt.'ilco
nfou'nf ICmuso's Hcntliii'liu Capsulc.i uacli
iluy > nu ulll Hint tli tnmpcrntiiTO will lo ro
duowl anil the Ilkollhooil of sunstroke or
) ntHlmtloii nlisolutuly couiitor.ictod. For
mile liy nil ' ' '
1l\a \ Hnllil
iinlld on tliu Kro it "Herman ttcmwly. "
mul letters nro rucolviil ovcry nay
during this heated term for ICr.iuso'a Head-
nolin lu ! | nlos. 't'ho people from Hint section
hey riilueo llio ttimiioratiira imil prevent
tniKos nnd hcadaenoa. I'or sale by all
Now U the IHIIO , tin ) noooptod time , to preVent -
Vent siunln > li ( , lin.ulnclics , etc. Ily roduclntr
the liniiH | > nituro till thono lUstroasliiG ; evils
will IM ) provctiliHl. Knmso's llcadncho Cup-
tuliniiru the thine.
Ono orlwo ICmii oM Hpitiliicho Capsules
tukrn itiiilnu the d.iy will pruvunt nny hcad-
nuliti , HUe nttaukHOi suimtroUo. All ilrufnl"3 (
DlHlrlot Cinii't.
" " lii llioilUtrlct court yiNtonluy the Omnha
iixin mul tnmt oomimnsoommonrod suit tu
fnrtviiMH'ii inorttrngo ItlioMsngnlnst Flurctico
O. 1'PM'tnr.
liihiilo flynnt In foiwlonlnn n mortKOKO she
lrtH < U nirnlnst pniiiarty owiiixl by James II.
MUullii k t ill.
Tlio Kucreil Huurt ucndomy ( or dny
jiuiillw. ultimti'il on Ht , Mnry'd nvonuo
unil ytlh t. , In an instlluUoii iluvotod to
tlioiiiorul and Ititulluotiittl oduoatlon of
VQUIIK jflrla Thu ooutvo inoluclee ovury-
llilliK from an olumontary ( lopartmont to
II lIlllttlllHl ( 'lllltwIl'Ul IMllll'lltlOll. HuHlllcS
tlita orilhuiry lu'iiiloiiiioal rourrio , music ,
' , , ilruwiiiL' mul thu IniiKiuigod nro
Fnnioh IM liu'ludiid in thu onU-
nurv i-iiir-i' . DttToroiu'uot roll Ion la no
nlwUrlx tu tlio rootilviiiL' ol pupils , pro-
vlilwl tlioy rmiforni lo tlio { jonornl ropu-
' " or lb w.'liool. The Hoholiibtlo
t nn o'jjj fft tlio Hwt Tuooiluy In
' rln nt 0 ii. in. ,
unil iHBi r' ilionlwHHl at HUO : p. in.
. it tin following ninr-
. . > ttA
flam * , ti . ) > l < tr M.
. I ihnl liBI , OiiMlMI. . . . . 88
j A Mi k.v I'.iml'H . i
I Jufcn llr Mii.i4d , O HO
I 27
IWtt WxUwntU mm fHrnmn slroeti { a
( ti H w lUn < l ( ( tlnnd lu-kot oHlce Tlelc-
| U .0 uii ( Xiuil * nan at low-y . r.\w < .
lid Ii MiiMnu n Ijnruo nml Varied Col *
ll't'llOH OfHItoll'IOICI.
Our Inn ii' h oflli" Nullotinl MUM < urn h
I'XcltKlVi'lj' ( li'Vll"d ( to Ilia lll'ltlllflK'tUfD '
( if * koidoM | , wt > n the Htwfoii
Mollilntf ronlil well bo moro
lliiih llilo vc-ry oxlrnovtlltini'v
Tliiro IIPP In vnrloii * jmi'lH ( if llio world
tf rmtl onlnlillnhmpMlA ( Miifii od uUogcthuV
III Ihn IninlnnnK tit rolloctltifCvlint iii-is
( ll ' ( l "tmiurnl lilntury opeclinans. "
l il'tfniil ( if nil llifiHj coiiuofiiH Is 0110 at
It/itTicKtHt' , N. V. . the proprietor of
wlili'h IINM mvoml immottso warohott os
Illlcd wltli duiid nnd prcHurvoU nnlmalM
tit oviiry Imnjifjiialilo sort. Illsoccupii-
lion In mo IB to gitlliot * for unlo llio car-
iiw ( of bt'itnlH and Mfds from ovcry
purl of Ihn oiiflli , nnd lie Hpundx most ot
his litno in travolltitf all ever tlio world
nf Ills stock In Irndo. Thoob
jiicl if his journfy In not to procure the
dcnd cnrcimnHH lumwlf. but tohlrooth *
oift to oblnln thc-m. lie will contract
wllh nn Austrulhm Inuilur , for in-
Hlnnco , l ntiiiply no many samples of
tlio lUtck-blllcd ornltliorynchub ; or
lie will iniiko a Blinilar nrrungomont
In Houth Africa for tlio dulivury
of a K'VOII ' iiunibor of dried ostriches nt a
Htiili'il price. In the Niino way ho will
iniilcoiin arrangement for a butch of
from tlio Ganges , or foi1 an
iiMortni'Mit of pythons and anacondas
from South America. Lie has corre-
Mnondnntrtiill ever tlio surface of Iho
. and through them or from othr-r
' flrniM like Ilia own in London , Paris ,
Ilu'rlin mid other eitlos of Europe , ho
buys whatever ho wants in this way.
Tlio slock ho hoops on linnd is simply
cnurinoiiM , rind inuluilcn suuh things as
Hkolotoim of extinct mid even imtedelu-
vlnn cr < > n lures , very rare and worth up
In the thousands of dollars. Ho pub
lishes regular annual catalogues ofvliat
lie has lo bell , and ono has only to Fund
to him an order for anything of the kind
that inav bo desired.
it is through this concern and others-
llko it abroad that an institution like the
National inus-oum secures its skeletons ,
Such of them ns are not secured in this
way are procured by cxchungo with oth
er niu.soumH , all of them having among
themselves a regular system of barter.
The i-ntiro collar of u building' close
by the Smithsonian is given up to the
storage of skeletons in the rough. Hun
dreds of big drawers in huge cabinets
tire tilled with the bony parts of birds
and small mammals. Ono drawer , for
instance , will bo bluffed with skeletons
of parrots , another with these of owls ,
another with these of cormorants and
frigalo birds , ami soon. Still other
drawora will contain the osseous frame
works of monkeys , wildcats , foxes , etc.
Front the rafters overhead , and the
water pipes that run across between
beam ? , nniig similar remains of larger
creatures , surh as alligators and cliitn-
pun/cos. Good-felled boxes are Illlcd
with snakes , perfectly dried , among
them boa-constrictors liftncn foot or moro
in length. A little room shut oil' is
cluttered with the skulls of bulT.vloes ,
and long tables and shelves are covered
with jars of alcohol , in which are the
bodies of birds and little utiiinalri moat
conveniently kept in that way. It is a
gruesome place altogether ,
\Vhon the National museum exports
are ready to prepare n skeleton for
mounting , supposing that It is tliat of a
small creature , they simply let it soak
In water for n while and then ecrapo the
hones , which are subsequently bleached
in the sun. Nothing more need bo done
propnratoryjto putting them together
with wires. But In tlio case of n big
animal tlio process is much more elabo
rate. Suppose that it is a girafTo sent
in tbo rough from Africa. The hunter
who shot it has taken oil' all the llesh bo
conveniently could , and has packed the
remainder of the dried boast as com
pletely as possible , poisoning it with
arsenic or arsenical boap to prevent it
from decay. So oiroctivo is arsenic in
thin wuv , that the sunkes sent in , oven
the big ones , are simply killed
and dried whole , with an arsenic
application for delivery. . The
first thing ncosary is to put the skele
ton of the giraffe in u vat of water and
permit it to stay there for days , until
what remains of the flush is entirely
rotted. It is then taken out , and after
being steeped fora while in hot washing
soda , ls hcrubbed with brushes. Kpxt it
is put into n weak solution of chloride of
lime , which bleaches aud deodorizes the
bones. After this they are spread out
in the sun to whiten , and this linnl ouor-
ation makes them ready for putting to
gether wllh the wires. To do this prop
erly renuircs great mechanical skill and ,
more particularly a knowledge of ostool-
ogicnl science. The export in this
branch of learning will have no tlifll-
culty in poking among a barrel full of
bones , including the osseous remains of
100 animals , and reconstructing every
one of them without a single hesitation.
ACIioIco Ijist. < > ! 'Summer Ucsorts.
In the lake regions of Wisconsin , Min
nesota , Iowa and Iho two Dakotas , there
are hundreds of charming localities pre
eminently lilted for summer homes.
Among tlio following selected list are
mimes familiar to many of our readers
as the perfection of northern summer re
sorts. Nearly all of the "Wisconsin points
of intoreat-aro within a short distance
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none
of them nro bo far away from Iho "busy
marts of civilization" that they cannot
bo reached in n few hours of travel ,
by frequent trains , over the finest road
in the northwest the Chicago ,
Milwaukee fa St. Paul railway :
Oconomowoc. Wla. Clear Lake , Iowa.
Mlnociimi , Wli. Lake Okohoji , Iowa ,
WnukcslmVls. . Spirit Lalto , Iowa.
PolmyrnVli. . Frontcnae , Minn.
Tniimhawlc Lukw , Luke Mitinetonlm ,
\Vls. Minn.
Lakeside , Wls. Ortonvillo , Minn.
Kilbourn City , Wls. , Prior Luke , Minn.
( Delia or the \Vis- White Hear Lake ,
consni. ) Minn.
Honvcr , Wls , Blp Stone Lake , Da-
MiiiUsoti , Wis. kota.
For detailed information , apply at ticket
ofllcc , 1601 Fariuini street , Darker Block.
lA. . N.vsti , Gen. Agent.
J. E. PitiM'Oif , Pass. Agent.
A Counterfoil S3.
It is Bald that the now counterfeit $2
treasury note which is causing so much
trouble In commercial circles is -\\o\\ \
executed , but it is a quarter of nn inch
shorter than the genuine bill. Strange
that Bklllful counterfeiters should
blunder in such a simple matter ns the
size of u bill. _
It Is All IJtit I'prfcct.
Pleasure seekers are pay-ing n goncr-
ous Bharo of attention to Uuluth this
summer as a principal point in the far
north where a low particularly delight
ful days or weoka may bo spent. And in
this connection ono hears a great many
complimentary words for the St. Paul iS :
Dululh railroad whoso ncrvlco in unex
celled by any other road uny where in
the country.
"Tho most modern , " "tho easiest nnd
haiulhomost cars , " "tho bhorteat line , "
' 'the bent time , " iltho most thoroughly
agreeable employes , " are bomo of the expressions
pressions whlch'aro henrd from these
who trnvol over the St. Paul & Duluth
line and none of them do the road any
more than plain , shnplu justice , from the
fact that It is as near a perfect line of
railroad as there Is In the United States.
The only railroad train out of Omnha
run uxpru dly for thu accommodation of
Oinuhn , Council Illutls , Don Moines mid
Chicago butdnoroi Is tlio Hook Island
vilihule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. m. dally. TickotolUcu I Sixteenth
and Farnam uts. , Omuho.
Tlio Ordinance- Regard to Tire Escapes
Not Being Enforced.
A Sad Hcrao WltursNcd nt the II. S
AT. Depot The Ilinlii | lon Komi
KIckH on 1'aylmr Dam-
LINCOLN , Nob. , AuRiist 11. [ SpeclAI to
Tim UEE. ] A few montlnago an orillniinco
\ , vfti passed by the city council requiring all
e wticn of buildings of over two stoiies to
1fi irovldo the same witli 11 ro escapes. It
fi nnouticed with n grertt nourish of
fit .hat the council ami mayor would see that
t .hi * new ordinance was compiled with. ' But
r n inspection of the various hotels , brick
I ilocks , nnd public building from three toslx
E tori en high show that the ordinance has
iccn honored only In the breach mid not in
t .ho observance. Some night Lincoln will
mvo a great flro In ono of the hotels or other
oworlng blocks anil after tbrco or four
do/en jwrsons nro burned allvo the council-
* iica and mayor will awaken to the fact Uint
j .he ordinance concerning lire escapes h not
being ' obeyed.
Lust evening Mlsi I'.iullno GcssforJ , n
roung woman of eighteen Just from Wuttem-
borg , Germany , arrived in Lincoln on her
> voy from the fatherland to Seward , Neb.
3ho liiul no hat to wear nnd her distressed
and poverty stricken appearance excited con
siderable attention from the other jicoplo
.vuiting . in the I ) . & M. depot. She flnnlly
Happened to overhear two young ladles talk-
ng German and approaching them she told
them her condition. She had barely enough
nt Chicago to purchase a ticket lo Scwnrd.
For two days she had been without a morsel
of food , and she was so faint that she could
senrcely talk. The German glrh immedi
ately bought her somctbhiK to cat and she
dcvomed Itso ravenously that It brought
tears to their o\oa. A kind-hearted traveling
man , representing the Klehardson sllic coin-
piny of Chicago , w.ts apprised of the condi
tion of the poor ( 'irl ana ho was so touched
that liu fjavo all his spare cbnnRO to the girl.
The Mirprfeo and gratitude that illuminated
llio poor gill's face were sulllcicnt to mnko
the tiMvcllng man feel that ho bad clone his
duty , and she blessed him for his kindness.
A nor riricrocKnT.
As .Mr. M. K. Springer dud wlfo were sit
ting in tholJ. & M. depot last evening they
were surprised l > y a young thief not a day
over ten years of ngn attempting to pick a
lady's pocket. The lad went about it in the
porMsti'ntand stealthy manner that showed
nova > old at the business , lie first gradu
ally drew the lady's dross into position mid
llnully pot the pocket so that ho could slip
his li.uul into it. .lust as ho got his Index
finger into the pocket the liuly arose sud
denly to po out on tlio platform. The p"r-
distent young thief followed her , whereupon
Mr. Springer mose aud told tbo iistoulsucd
l.uly what had been going on. Theyounir
tliiof heard him , and before an oftlccr eoulcl
bo'callcd 11111 off , the darkness aiding his cs-
c.ipo. Tlio lady was bound for Denver and
acknowledged thutsho Imd SJOO in her purse.
S The Chicago , Builington & Qulncy rail-
roait company asks the supreme court to save
it from paying the ffi')0 ' ) awarded Stanislaus
( irablln by a jury in Hall county for the vie
lent death of his son , Samuel Grablin , who
was run over and killed by n Chicago , liur-
llngton & Qulncy train February tt , Mr.
Urublln had s > ued for 85,000 , giving as his
reason the fact that the tr.iln nn extra ,
that it cnmo suddenly f ram nround a bend
and without cither ringing the bell or blowIng -
Ing the whistle run over and killed Grablin's
son. The accident happened on a public
irossing where the law requires tbo com
pany to sco that the engineers make some
signal on approaching1. It Is asserted that
the engineer who so wantonly neglected his
duty in this case is s > till employed by the
A HOT imowjcnn.
Yesterday Freddie Spann tlio
, nine-year-
old boa of n farmer named William Spann ,
wus drowned whllo bathing in a pond a few
miles south of Lincoln. The lad was nccom-
nnaicd by u number of his playmates at llio
time and they were so scared by his shrieks
for help when ho got beyond bis depth that
they lied through fear instead of rendering
him any hell ) . When the body of the boy
was recovered ho was found to bo dead.
Some of the boys with him were fourteen or
fifteen years old anil of sufllclcnt ao to
render some assistance to thu drowning" buy ,
but failed to do so.
A delegation of Lincoln Modern Wood
men leave this evening on the 7:35 : train for
Des Moiiics to attend the special session of
the head camp of that organization held in
that city tomorrow.V , J. Bryan wus the
leader of the delegation.
'IIAS rou.xn nna sisrnu.
Kosa Topping , a young gill of seventeen ,
has discovered her sister after being separ
ated from her for nearly ten years. 'I'lio
relative is now nt Culbortson , IS'eb. , nnd is
married to a railroad man named Kiclinrd
Mitchell. Tlio mothorof the two girls
associated with Mrs. Hitchcock in dressmak
ing a decade ago. lioforo dying Mrs. Top
ping surrendered her .young daughter , IJosa ,
to a friend. Since that time Kosa hm never
seen her sister and lias been looking1 In vain
for her for several months. Today she hoard ,
that her sister from whom she lias been so
long separated wus at Uulbcrtson and tele
graphed to her. For the past three months
Uosahas been stopping with Mrs. Hitchcock
at T22 W street.
Mrs. A. W. Field , nt iiiVJ North Twenty-
seventh street , allowed her gasoline steve to
run too much oil last night , and when she
caino to light It such a blaze ensued that the
house was set on lire. Finally tbo llamos
wcro subdued , but Mr. Field , who is sick
with typhoid fever , was so badly frightened
that his llfo is despaired of.
Tom Meyers , tbo son of Charles Meyers ,
the saloonkeeper , who had * agreed to marry
Miss Anna Schor , but was shipped to Kansas
City on the evening that the wedding was to
occur , returned to Lincoln today , but says
nothing about consummating the partner
cninr xr.wnonr IMHOXAXT.
Chief Nowbury of the Hro department Is
indignant over the sensational charges made
ngnlnst him by the main stockholders of tbo
woolen mills concerning tiis conduct nt tbo
lire of August , nnd has m-ido arrangements
to coinmcnco suit ngalnst them for ? oO,000
damages for defamation of character. Tbo
ponous ho will hue are S. Sollgsobn. D. L.
Brace , T. J. llickey , J. H. O'Neill and C. T.
Drown , they being tbo ones whoso names ap
peared nt the bottom of tlio startling docu
ment piesoutoil to the city council. Tho'varo
also tlio olltoers nnd main stockholders of the
company. Tno chief will sue each for ? 10,000
damages. Saturday , Mr , Seligslion , tlio
president of the company , cnmo to the chief
and Informed linn that ho had noUnvcstlgatoJ
tlio charges to which ho was asked tosign bis
name until after the complaint had been pre
sented to tlio council. Mr. Scllgshontold the
chief that bo had found that thochargcs wcro
not true and ho would therefore- retract nil us
fur as ho was personally concerned.
The document presented to the council was
somewhat lengthy , It wus alleged In it that
on August' ' , through the criminal negHgcneo
or willful neglect of the lira department of
tbo city , tbo Lincoln knitting mills wcro
burned down. That tlio department was an
hour and a quarter In reaching the lire or the
main building \\ould otbcrwlso have Ueen
saved with Its vnluablo machinery. It fur
ther alleges that after Chief Nowbury arrived
on the seen a ho refused to malto any effort
for the saving of the west building , although
It had not Ignited. That the chief stated ho
wns forbidden by the mayor to take the
steam flro engine to fires at such adlstnnco
from the central portion of the city. That
there was abundant water available for the
steam engine within -IUO feet of tno
iug that the destruction of the woolen mills
building was intensely inexcusable. That
the chief was ren.uesU'd by a member of the
woolen mills company to permit bis men to
bring llielr hose lo pluy upon Iho comico of
of thu main building , which was smoking ,
but the chief Insolently answered "Iboy
uilght send their uion themselves. " That tbo
flro wns not hot and Iho place was not lunc-
cess I bio.
The chief declares that every ono of these
charges nro false nnd snys that tbov have not
even an lotn of truth for their fou mint ion nml
when the suits for dainujfcs oc .ur bo will
easily disprove all of the statements mndo ,
The chief 8 yft further that the members of
the company are therinolves to blume for tbo
delay If the flro was burning nn hour mid a
quarter before the flrn rompnnv arrived , ns
the department reHponuoilpiompMy when the
nUrm wns turned in nnd the long run was
made In between seven mul eight minutes ,
n regard to taking , the atcmner the chief
. .aysTlio : steamer would nncrssltnlo the
.liking of the rcmainintr two hose carta two
nlles from the businefls portion of the city
nd Lincoln would have IH CII loft without
adequate flro protection. Tbo chief answers
ill the other charges la an equally strong
nanucr , but prefers to wait until tbo suit
: omcs Into court before ho says much moro
i bout thorn.
is sun A nioviusr !
Two or three nights niro a young woman
giving the tmtno of Kiln Slierldnn was mnr-
rlcd ton typo named George O. MeCnslan ,
The event created no unusual stir until an *
> thor young mnn happened to remember thnt
.hree jcnrs ago Ittln Shctidan was married nt
Ashton , Dnk. , to a young man named Albert
Uroomthal. The union proved a most un-
mnpy one , and several inouins npo the couple
.ciniratcd . , Mrs. Hroomtlml coming to Lin-
oln. Hho was somewhat on the cldilvoi
mil fond of maltlnp mastirs , but Oils "is not
known to Imva had anything to do with bur
separation from her husbaml. After coming
jcro It Is snld she anuounrod her Intention of
jetting n divorce from Bvnomtlml , nnd after
meeting Caslnn nnd becoming Infatuated w Ith
iilin she went ton well-known attorney In this
ity aud engaged him to secure n , divorce for
Tlio attorney made nil the necessary prepar
ations to draw up the petition , but before lie
illcd it in the district court waited for the
customary retainer. Ho 1ms been holding
the petition back for some time expecting
dally that hi.s fair client uould show up iiiiu
; uy lilm bis fcoso Ihat he could get her case
illcd nnd have Itcomoupe.iviv in the Sop-
: embcr term of court. The u'ltonlshmcnt of
: no attorney is better imagined than de
scribed when ho learti l tint Mrs. Ilroont-
that hud Invented llio cheaper method of
dropping In r married .siinimne nnd donning
licr maiden name \vlthont any npn ireut lorjal
: tnursonnd was again inin ricd Without trou
bling the district court for a dlvono from her
llrst love.
WII.T. sun ron < IHVOUCE.
M rs. A. M. Qoldsbcrry , who was so basely
deserted by her liusband n few weeks ago ,
will llio a potion in the district court asking
for a divorce. In tlio jn-tition sbo states tliat
she was married to toldliorry ! seven years
neo when she was only nu'irl of sixteen years.
That ho concealed the tact that ho was a
Hebrew until after ho married to her for
three weeks. That he h is nvido her life mis-
cm bio by his duplicity und by the prodigal
expenditure of his money for vicious pur
poses , ana that she has l.ail to live almost liv
perpetual want. That Inlias on several oc
casions been untrue to her nmjifreiiueiitcd
colored dens of Iniquity. 'Hut ho wns pro
prietor of the Little Uold Dust birbcr shop
und did a thriving buslm ss.but sold tlio saino
and left for unUnowii parti with the jro-
ceeds , leaving her and IHT infant child la nh-
solute want. After soomg that the petition
stated the true condition of nUiiirs Mrs.
Cioldsborry left today to remain with rela
tives near Walton until the September term
of court commences , Mrs. Goldsbcrry has
won many friends by her ladylike demeanor
during all of her trouble
A. O. Wbeclock has been nrrcstcd for
using Dr. Hart's horsb without permission.
Carl Kger , n bad boy oT seventeen is held In
$ . " > 00 bonds to answer for the paternity of
Hose Kesly's ccild. Rose is 111.
Tlio following item appears In tlio Evening
NewsV. : . Morton Smith , formerly manag
ing editor of the Omnha Republican , will
hero iftcr act as society editor of the Capital
City Courier.
Silk from paper pulp is made smooth
nnd brilliant , has about the same elas
ticity ns ordinary failk , and is about two-
thirds aa str onjj.
A FMne Opening r .Dentists.
An American nils-iionary from India ,
says there is a chance in Madras and
Bombay for a number of bright , skilled
American dentists. .Madras is a city of
l00,000 ! population , a id has not n single
American dentist. People sometimes
travel from there to Bombay , nearly a
1,000 miles , in order to have a tooth
filled. There is only ono ( , 'ood dentist in
Bombay , and ho rofuies to fill teeth with
pold , usiiiK' n sort of cement that is not
lasting- . lie charges 67.oO for pulling a
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Pigs is taken ; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , suul acts
ccntly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Dowels , cleanses the sys
tem cdectually , dispels colds , head
aches nnd fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste nnd ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial m ita
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , ita
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have niado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in OOc
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable- druggist -who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do , not accept any
"Ilr A thorouirli knowlC'liro ' ot llio natural Intrs
which KuviTM tlioopeniUoni of illponllan and nutri
tion , niul lir a enrol ill ii | > lilUa lon ( if tlio line proportion
tion of wtll selected Cocwi , Mr , Kni > n Inn proTldoU
ourlTCMikrnst tabloawltlKulv.llcatnlyilavoruil bovcr-
n o wlilcluimj-fUTO uaiiinfil IU > HTV Uoclor'iblllii. It
Is lijrtlio judicious un of lui-ltrirtlclci of diet tliat n
comtltullun may buiirmluallr built up until Strom , '
onungli toroslil every Icintenoy to Ulnon o. llun-
droili of iuhtlonialnillP3 nrollo tlniiir ( > unjiiH rcmlr
lo attack wlnTuvor tlioro M n vcuk iioltit , Wo mnr
eacnpu tuinr nfnlnlilmft by kuonlnjourselvoi wi'll
forlltloil wlili IIIITU lilooil. nml a i > roporlr nourlsbud
Inimo. " ClvllbiTVlcoaiutto. !
Mndo nlmiily w Itli boiling waller or milk , Hold only
In liolf iioiind tliu , lijTRroovrb , labeled Him !
TAMPS FITS K ( ! CO . , lloiiinronnthloC'Jiornlsls Lgndon. Knjflund. ,
LATE5/ / "
\ \ 111 bo paid lo any competent clicmUt wlio wU |
tied , on nmljstf , a p.ittlclo of rilsrcary , Tctiiti ,
or olhcr polrone In Shift's Specific (3. ( S. 8. )
Ilcndciwn , TCI. , Ang. 23 , 1530. 'Tor clgh-
tccn months I hul an rating sere on mj ton f j.
I \vai treated bf tbo beat lx l phf gtdona , bet
obtained r.o relief , tlio eoro grajaull ; prow IE *
worco. I conclujcd Hualljr to trjr 8. 8. 8. , and
was cntlnl ; ctrcd after usln ; ; a fcvr botllca.
Vou liavo my cliccrful t > crniUlon to publish Ilia
ibovo ( tatcmcnt for tlio benefit of lhct < ymllArr ! !
BflUctcd. " C. B. McLsiioitz , IIcaJcrsua.Tci.
Trcitlfc on IHoodandSkin Dljcn < c ? rnMlcd fito.
THR HW'IKT KI'KOIVIP ro. . Atlwtn On.
fY All llllfllll-
InarurorurS < tn-
Inal Wo.ikiiL' .
Spormn'ri MIK.I.
linpoli'iicv n n il
nil < tlci o < ( lint
follow n > ito -
Qtionfo of Splt-
. . . olmic , ns l/ > s
lEFDHETAKWO u.r il'luVtmo ' ! ' " " '
I'nln In Ilin Il.ifk , lilmiic of VlKlnn. I'rcmntiiro Old
/no , nnd runny oilier cil'cm i ) < lint loml lo linnnltr
orrnn < itniillnn nnd n proiun'.uro urnvo.
{ W l'ull jinrni'iilirs inourpiniiihlpt , Mlil liwp ilc-
slro to fen'lfrto br mnlllo on-ry om1. Iff TlioHin1-
clilo'InoN olJ nt H l > or pncknuo , ur lx luivk-
lines rrfi , or will lie sent Irt'oby m.ilt oil receipt of
tlio monoy. by mlitri'tMnK
On ncroiint of oounltrfpiu wo Imvo ndoptfll the
jcllow wrniM'Cr , tlio only ( , " nulno.
Knrlf 1V BT RH'l ' Atmc , Irnpot n
, U.t \ U"r , nnd liodlili full ;
. ,
lUtne TualUo ( tout frroauilccalid IN Irlio J
jJJre.i LECUXCIILUS/JTtl V , HO Alls VIIILitu b ! . , .N.Y.
Merill & Merill
Clirnnif N'rrtom. Illoodniul HitrclfM DI P M nnd
illion-nor tlio Kjo. Knr.Xixr , Troatnndlliosl ,
Spcclnl AlH'iuloii lo IllNi'nsos of XVo <
men nml Olilltlri'ii.
Tlioiloetor lriM < lind joirn or otperlpnro In tlin
1in pllnl4 of llrooklrn mill NVMV York , nn < l nro nniiirii :
tlio ino < t Mine > jul | nnd viuuly knonn spoclnlllstj In
this cuuntry
' 1 ( i Vinitit ; nnit > llilIUAuoil ( Men.
txi t Mnnlioiiil. NVrvmi * lieblliir. Spi'nnntnrrlin1 ,
Snnlnnl l.nvi'v I'll ) I > ocny nrl'llii ; ( ruin linllv
rrplloii , iiriiiliirlMii'li'oiih. ' 'tiCK. ( tcsinniloiip ) plni-
l > li < on llio f.iu * . UTt rl l , M lo noi loljf. on ily lil ioiir-
nti'it. luk of ii'iitlili'iicodull.unillfor , t-lirly tirbii l-
IH' " , nnd Mini' llf uii burden , afolyl'orini , > tiuiilly un > l
; i < eodlly cured.
ntooil nnd Skin IMsrmncH.
Pyplillu n ill o.i < o most iltriulful In Its ronilt' ,
completely eriulliMti'il.
l i'ii i to-Urlii nny Stircnry.
fJonorrluv. dlopt. Hyrlilllst , Itydrncple. Vnrloopclfl
nnd Mrlrtiiio rnil < "illy nnd ritfelr ruioil nllliout
inln ordolcnllnn Iriim liiinliiC" . All Sutunl Dofor-
inlllpiniul tnii'CillniL'iitsto niurliifosticcosal'ully ro-
All llectnldl on'ci snfoly nnd pcrmniipnlly enrol
nouns DM. in tills p. in. Mindnrs. 10till IS.
N. II. IVt'oin tinnulo lo vUll us itiiiv bo li-oitod nt
their liomos by correspond mo. Motllclnot and la-
MrnrtloiM sent byoxprosi. Oon ull.illon troo.
yonil4 ii'nl In ftniiii'Sto ' liuiiro reply.
Ultl I' iaocnili St. , Upiiostlo
Opurii llotiHO , Oinnlin , NX ) .
Look. riUnRllon and proof.
lddrt CHIE MtDICA1- . . fJUFrALO.M. V.
Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even
leave an injurious effect upon theneivous system. Indeed
there is no beverage like
It stimulates and nourishes as none other , leaves no bad
effects and is a flesh-former of the most Approved type. f
BTir > VA.Y IIOUrrn\.S COCOA , ( "onco ltloil , lnnynu'cil" ) . TlicMinnirnmy tnlto
It vllli iilcauuru anil tlicvvnU nltli lini > unlly. Tiiccxi'lltni ; vfl'utli f ten
anil cofl'eo nroiili tutvil liy U ftii'inly imo.itmt nerroi ; illm > rilui' uro ft * *
HOY etl mul i * re vented I ) * llcloti to tliu tmtc. "Lai-go. * ! Milu In lliv tvorlil. ' *
ASIC rcm v.vv iiouTix : < sA , > DrrAKr.NooTiiiic. : ci
xy bebrue wh8.bsome men say ,
o m en s
jf Sa polio.
is ec solid c eopfecourinj § soap
* CO Y ( * ' * HT # -
For many years SAPOLIO lias stood as the finest and
best article of this kind in the world. It knows "no equal ,
and , although it costs a trifle more its durability makes it
outlast t\vo cakes of cheap makes. It is therefore the
cheapest in the end. Any grocer -will supply it at a
reasonable price.
the way , orders are being taken for this great work.
This Encyclopedia cannot be purchased except in connection
Ten large volumes , nearly 7,000 pages , over 8,500,000 words.
Our Proposition !
-THE OMAHA DAILY BEE offers a year's subscription
of the paper , delivered at your address , and a complete set of
the Americanized Encyclopaedia Britannica for $2.5o a month.
The first five volumes delivered on payment of $2.5o ; the bal
ance payable at the rate of $2.50 a month until the full amount
of $30.00 is paid , the other five volumes to be delivered within
four months.
All our present subscribers are entitled to participate in the
above proposition.
Call at our special office where the work can be seen , or
drop us a postal card and a representative will'call.
PaisajMlA nnd fern Great Britain ind ntl
p rts of Europe. Montreal LUcrpsol ronlo.bythe
watoriol St. LavtMnco. shortest elflll. Oln ijow to
UoMon , toI'Miflilolptiii. Uvorpol to and ( ron
llAltlmorc. ' * hlrly Stonnorn. ( In s itxirUior.
Ac onuivUM ii ninriuvptut Weekly sailing * ,
AM'tX * OOM fliiC U A/lP.
C.J.SunfUH ut | t- i * t i -t tMi -no , 111.
t.riiirAssiA. .MIC m i KTIIIOINA AII so ,
ANl'IIOIIIA. Mm ' 'J | Kl UNI Sl\ n > l tt
New York , Quooiistowti mul Ulxi pwl.
The Ci'li'liralcil I AXJK ' .Mil. Si > t COtli.
ni'Y w ituiti : . | oct I tn
rnlm oiil vs t'tttn nuto nn-l - fiimi th * i > rt * ipil
l.\ > Min > tontUkiU n < liK't .1. nm'tn ' n nUiilil t r Mnn
I' } ltin r tin | iu-iun.'Mtii | i * viv UmrAJcnfy Noilli t r
Nuitliorlr lnn l Nipli mi * * i'i > tt u
nt lovi' t inrri nk r.itt Aii > lt to nn > of t ir la nl
iffonti , or lu HENDERSON BROS. , Chicago.
Local njiotilM nt Omiihi llnrrv ! ' M mr
llintlos MuresV. . 1' \ lll , 11 1 > ' 1101101 , C III-
sten'u Iliuili , Utlo \ \ ol ( .
Cabin f'atiano $3f. to $50 , nccordlni ) In location o |
tlateroom. Excursion $05 to $95.
frfiKiitoniiillrnmllurfpo iitUnvrH Itutf.
AUSTIN OALD\VIH &CO. general Agcnli.
G3 Oronlwa ) , NV \ YORK.
, Tnn. , floiiornlVosl < rnt t. KM
Ittinilnl i Mri-ci , I'liU-ago. Many 1 . Alouia
Jos. I'iniiii1.
VoulliTuI lnJlnrrclloni ,
Lint Alaliliooil.
Uruiytncn , from tlio cTfct ( \oulliful
I in I ni.limco . , liavu liroiiKlit nluiul n t .tto of
j MiakncifJthnthiB nJurtiilttin tncrnliji
> tvci to much at to ituluio ulttioat irury
t other tlljt.iie , nml the ml rauw of thu
rouf > luKtnrcilr uvcr luititrrBUMH | < rtts1tlirj
! nro doctorcNiror i' rr > thln r hut llio i rlirht
| OIP , NtitulttiNUinilli't ? the mnny Tnltifiulit
rfnifitffiitlifitnifdlc'iiDi'Unci' ' hito | > n ducfil
fur tlturcUff uf tlilirli * * it iwttlints % itutiu
c eft ho ordinary of ( nnttnont * tr < rtn
-iM't. [ iit-t , u'-.i MI.I.-- . IVrfntl.T ptiruln-
> Krftlt'iilnMnii tljo HwJ UL tlmprt | > artitliuoC
; tlittprrvrtiitton
Jt-KrythnujJon coon , 11 drachm.
' * " -in , 1 4 ( | rruliin
Kxtfnallat ! ninnrmnro !
K\t , It'iitnailrn , gitc rui lei
ciT vrlnpn n , > lli.
! MnkoCQt llU TaUrlplllfttnp.m , MiJtn-
> ntlirr oii t > lnito Iml InintnH ju.ra it UI
I ljotio'Mary firthni'iUunttotnUtWoHIl ' *
nt lu'tUlmo.nnkl n ( hnriitml )
_ , 'ln thow cawHrcsCltlnif fioin
J Iinpni4iunco. Tin * rirtn > emtlv powiTH < > f !
Ihli reititnxtlvB arw truly nitonfslitii , tiid ) ita ;
> mo pontlnuiMlfnr n short llino clinn * s lli '
I li'til < l > iUltillttrMlliirrrt > le cooillUoa tu
' cnoof nnowt'il lirttAtnl liror.
An woftrorotintnntlr fiiifrrlptof lettrnior ;
In'i'iirjr ' ' irluUro to ihii innrily , o would
> MJT toihc at nhf > woutil pitrt'ptuolitnlnttof
* ty rnnlttlnjf SlaKMMiiuty ctttUxl jnclc- ;
contnlnlnff CO pilla , carifully com- i
, nl l , will ho fniit by leluriMiiall from {
tmr private Inltorainrv , orw Mlllfurnlkh 0
ivrtilcli wlllcuromo < tcwoafoi " "
s or call on
lsw ! England Koilical Institute ,
21 Trcniont llotv , llnxlon , r'
Cmyrl'iht , IRSt. lir V. H. llit-tKit.
TIIK 1'iaVRis "it. "
The flRurc 0 lu our ilutci will makmi long otvy.
No man or Momun now living ; ulll over dab ) a
.lociiincnt wltlioul using tlin fVui-a ; 0. H t.t inOi
In tlio third piico In iBOQwliurolt vlll remain Ion
yours nnJ tlicn movu up to Mwind plivos lu 1000 ,
wlicro Itwlll test foroniihuniln-il jiirs.
Tlicro baiiolliur "B" w lilch lint uloocomo to stay.
It U unllko tlio n [ > iiru 0 In our Jatosln tlio resect
that It lias ulrcady niovtj tip to Tmt place , wlicre
It will ] icrmancntly rciniiln. It Is called tlio "No.
B'MIlGh Arm \Vhovler \ , & Wilson SowltiK Uaolilnc.
The "No. 0" wns endorsed ( or flrst plnco by Ihij
experts ot Kutopn at lliu Pnrli I'.xiwsltlon of 1&9 ,
wlicre , nflcr nBcvcrooonlcst with the l ndlnc machines -
chines of the world , Uviis nwnidtid Iho only
Grind 1'rlzc fh'tin to finally sew Ing machine's , nil
others on cxjilhlt liavinn rucclvvd lower nwar < l.i
of Bolil mcdiiit , do. The French QoM'rnincnt
alsarocoRiii'/oJltstuporlorltyliy tlindecoriitlonnt
Mr. NnilnuknVlKcler , l'rt'i > ldcntoltUu couiiiuiiy ,
wllh the Cross of tliu Legion of Honor.
The "No. 0" l not nn old mncMtic Improved
upon , bit is in entirely now irmcluuo , anil lliu
Grand 1'rlzc nt Tarn wiuiuvarJ 'cl Una tliugnnil1
rKtadviincoinruuIni ; machine inuiliiiuisin of Ilia
npo. These ho luy it onn rent assured , there
fore , olhaviuc tbo very latest und
vo. , Chicaga
! ! 20 North Si.\tccnth Htrcot.
l < iinturiiiiMnil In tlic lroit- :
munt nf all forum of I'KI-
VATi : DIhHAHm.lo lMiin
huuil.STItllTl Illi , nr | mln
In ii'litlvlni ; tin ) lilii'Mor. '
.SVI'llll.Iri c'urtvl In . ' .DHI \
ilnyn , Skin lUxuiuna , Oilun Ii
unil nil Ulimoniii ut lliu
Illociil. Ili-nrt unil l.lvcr l''u-
miiloDlMoiiNOH oiiri'fl without
liiHtruinnnti or "local Iri'iit-
iiinnt , " I.iidlr frum 2 to 4
only. Willu lor ilrou-
Itim RlvlnuinirtUiiliirniilMiut
rnuhiif llio iilioin illri'iinoi ,
nnd iliowlni ; innny < il lliu
moat ruuinrkiiljlo enrol. Of.
flro , N.I ! , Cor. Hill nml Karniim Sta. , rntranta on
ftllher atroot , Oinalu , Nub ,
ffiiaa-1 ii iiiiii Tniikr tiii'i
foie , ( tin ol drnrrnllo M > tr i , Klvlnllrrrll , ) iMSoi | > ll <
liit , C.ll..o , ( iirrmU ii Klivtilrllr Ihruuih I UK4K ll.iin tu IIULt II ml * II.IIKOIBHI llthllllt
tl.flrlt lnrrr.l K.ll U.I.MI ) . 01 we I r'c ' t t' - ' In c ch
fcKLT il I4t pf ri Uf > m.lt1r | tt , mii lib. Went * m l' r
nm nllf i urvil In tlr * ntnnltx. H * IM | > huijlil | l Ym.
J\ . flOODItlCMI , Lawyer. ' 1111 Oi nrh irn St. ,
lunmtiy status.