Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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rv\rAT-TA nrrwmA'V A TTrjTTQrp 11 icon
Romantic Version oftho Origin of the Ball
Players' ' Brotherhood.
BJic AVts Hntililicil Houlnlly by Mrs.
and 'J'ook a 'J'oll-
1VI1.H tliu
: w YoitK. August 0. [ Sprrlnl to Tnc
Ui ] Ho wns a who old Caliph who , on
being In formed that onu of lilt courtier * had
been killed by u full from the roof of bis
pahico asked , "Who wns the woman i" for In
vestigation developed the fuel thut the
couitlcr In question had liud his attention
nttractod by u beautiful honri In an adjoin
ing court yard und whllu abstractedly con
templating her charms hud Inadvertently
Btfpped off his edifice into tlie embrace of tlio
gri//ly old reaper , death. The potenl.ilo
know that woman was inexplicably mixed up
In all thunlTalrs of man licnco thoMftcnuncy ] )
of his riuory. I was very forcibly struck by < it thin not long bluco when I was
told that the formation of the base ball
brotherhood was largely duo to the Inllucnco
of a very charming woman jnd actress ,
jlolou Dauvray , the wifoof Captain Johnny
Ward. The story us told mo by my Inform
ant , who Is Intimately acquainted with nil
the parties , is n very long one , too long to bo
told In all Its details In a single newspaper
article , consequently I shall conlliio myself to
Us salient features ,
It appears thut Ward , Kelly , Ewlng and
otbcr leading bull players who were the sfcirs
of the "Icngue" had been restive for several
seasons and elm fed under the rules imposed
on them uy tlio Jo-culled 'iiiiignntcs" or pro
prietors ol the clubs constituting ttio league.
Ono of tbo most objectionable of the rules
was tlioono which permitted a club to "re
serve" a player from scuson to season butf-tlll
tnoro objectionable was the right the clubs had
to "bcdl' him to another irrespective of Ills
wishes or Ills profereiuos. Ono of the lead
ers among tbu magnates , Spaldiiig , had been
a bull player himself , and n good one. too , but
partly through tliu prollts ho bad gained
through his slock In tlio Chicago club , but
moro so from thu revenue ho derived from
the Mile of sporting goods , ho had become a
millionaire , or was rapidly becoming such.
Ho plays ball no move , und many of the men
who do claim Unit bis interests lisa "mag
nate" have made him lese nearly all sympa
thy for his former conform. Ills wllo is a
very estimable lady , but like many other es
timable ladies , she is not insensible to the
fiat that wealth nowadays is power , and that
the possessor of it can aspire to social recog
nition that salaried people can seldom bopo
to attain. She would not bo a true daughter
of Kvo If sliu did not desire to shluo in
family circles whose heads were of equal lin-
aucial standing with her husband.
About three or four years ago Helen Dauv-
rny , the netiess , huirnu to take great intciost
in li.iseball. She was a popular manageress
in New York at tbo time , Iho theatrical pet
of the " 40(1 ( , " and the papers almost daily
contained notices of her ultondnnca at the
games In which "tbo Giants" participated ,
and of her satisfaction ut tlieir victories and
of her sorrows when they were defeated. By
and by she began to take n warm interest in
the players , and later on Mio evinced an es
pecial attachment for tlio club's famous short
stop. It wab not long until she became his
She was to have accompanied him when ho
became onu of Spalding's famous aggregation
which went to Australia and around tlio
world. She did not do so , however , but , as
liudyuid Kipling would say , "That is another
story. "
When the dashing shortstop first espoused
the charming actress , she was presented ,
among otheis , to Mr. Spuldlng mid his wife.
The hitter , It is said , was fairly gracious , but
nevertheless she contrived to impress Mrs.
AVuwllth the fact she considered that
the spouse of a magnate was at a grade
or two higher in the social sculo than the
bride of a salaried ball tossor. This was not
done obtrusively or offensively. Had it been it
would have been instantly resented , for Mrs.
AVurd is us high-spirited and mettlesome ns
n thoroughbred nicer , but ladles have a way
of doing these things that cuts to the bone ,
nyc , to tlio core of tlio heuit and yet gives tlio
wounded onu no chance of Iminedhito re pi isul
except at the risk of being considered rude
and ill-bred. Mrs. Ward with her husband
was even asked to "Como niul see us some
time when you nro in Chicago. " Speaking of
this Indefinite invitation to u friend alter-
vnrds , Mrs. Wnrd said : "I was naturally
nnxious to further Mr. Ward's interests all I
could and to make him all the friends possi
ble , bull never Intended to accept this invi
tation unless it was repeated In Chicago and
made formal as to date. " The exigencies of
ball playing called Mr. Ward to Chicago.
Mrs. Ward accompanied him. Then occurred
an incident Unit made Mrs. Ward fool that
she Inul a grievance indeed nnd that her
position as the wife of a salaried
Lull player hud not advanced her
socially. Air. Spuldlng waited upon her hus
band , und lu ii very abashed an apologetic
manner said , in substance , "John , my wife
invited your wife to call with you on us when
yon came to Chicago , mid she intended the
invitation , too , when she nxtended It , but the
fact of the matter is Unit she has just made
a complete change of Bcivants , and it is ut
terly Impossible for her to entertain you now ,
and so she has sent mo to nsk you if you
won't kindly accept her explanations mid ex
cuse us old boy. She's really verv sorry , but
it's ouo of UiOhO things that can't be helped ,
you know , niul she's really very sorry , and seam
am 1. " Of course Mr. Waul accepted tlio
excuse. Ho couldn't help himself if ho
wanted tobut Mr.s. Ward wns not in an nngellc
framoof mind when she heard of the affair.
Baseball was in the zenith of Its prosperity
In Ibb'J. ' U is said that the prollt of the
"magnates" amounted to * ( ; 00,000. Tlio play
ers though paid well , grow more nnd moio
restive. They ushcd for a confcrenco with
their employes with a view to the settlement
of grievances , but they WITH airly put olt
until the end of the season. In other words
the magnates were too but } to attend to
them , or tlieir troubles just then. Mean
while u number of capitalists learning of the
big prollts in the Bport began to intimate
to the players thut they were foolish
to permit tlio aforesaid magnates to gro\v \
, rich olt them ns they wcro doing , mid urged
them to set up for themselves , offering them
llnanciiil aid and popular encouragement to
assist thorn in so doing.
A number of tlio players had occupations
mid business beside * ball playing whkli they
practiced nnd looked after in tlio interims
between their duties on tlio Held. It trans
pired that the magnates intended to pass a
itilofoi bidding their employes from engag
ing In any other business but ball playing ,
nndhen Captain \Vard \ told his wifoof this
she urged him at once to throw on" the j eke
of the longuo mid with the pick of thu best
player * of the day to form an association of
their own. Indeed , the organization now
known ns "Tho Brotherhood" was then in
existence in embryo , for Ward , who Is a very
clover lawyer nnd organizer , had worked ut
It under the promptings of his wife , Inces
santly. Ho needed but capital to make it
effective and when It was forthcoming the
Players' organization , ' 'Tho Brotherhood , "
spiling into existence almost ut a bound.
Thu bvil laid pluns of mlco and men gang
nftagleo , nnd It is often oven so with the
piinm of lovely woman. There Is little doubt
that Helen U.mvruy expected that the forma
tion of the The Hrolherhood would bo a
creat Jlnaucutl as well as n popular stroke.
When she heard the plaudits that iwimled
n brilliant play by her husband , Duck Uwlng
or of Keloy | , "tho ? 10,0K ( ) beauty , " and saw
the amount of bpaco uud attention given them
in Iho leading papers of the land she natur
ally compared tlieir popularity with that of
members of her own profession and she nat
urally reasoned that if n star actor could
with his company command tlio major portion
of the receipts of a theater why should
, iot the star players of baseball , merely
salaried men , and their manager "magnates,1 *
But ubovo all tiling : ) the wife of n star actor
was equally high in the social sculo with tlio
the wife of his manager. "Why bo
otherwise In baseball i "It should not" Mio
reasoned nnd it should not she resolved.
The result up to date has not been exactly
what any of the patties In question expected.
The brotherhood has certainly crippled the
league , how bndly lust now no ono eiu * ny
but It has not wholly supplanted It us it
fondly expected it would aud the future of
Drcfessloual.baso lull Is very dark Indeed. Tbo
feeling between the old nnd tlio new magnates
is as bitter as ever , and instead of Rotting to
gether and forming a new organization in
which all should benefit , each seems llko
Kilkenny cats on annihilating each other and
the public- , the colden goo o which furnished
the ovarian fnut on which all thrived Is daily
becoming more and moro apathetic. Even
now wo are told thut tbo supply of admission
eggs U not at all equal U ) requirements let
alone the expectations of the coiiiliclants , and
there nro those pessimistic enough to to do-
cl.iro that the geese li shriveling up and soon
will cease lavliiR altogether. Forbid it all ye
host of cranks who used to make the grand
stands and blenching boards populous nnd vo
cal with ye/ur presence and your shouts uud
Meanwhile the demand for baseball uni
forms , bats , balls , and other phnraphcrnalia
of the game Is dally diminishing , ' ' 'he big
wholesale dealers will deny this , but inmilry
among dorcns of the retail stores convinces
mo that the sales of the goods mentioned , this
year will bo fully'Jo per cent less than they
n ere year ,
Perhaps If Mrs , Kpaultllns hud made moro
of Mrs. Helen D.iuvmy Ward ( ill this inlpUt
have been averted. Whoknowsl M.KO.V.
Miles' Ni-rvo and Ij\or | PUN.
An important discovery. They act on tlio
liver , stomach and bowels through tlio
iinrvps. A new principle. They speedily
euro billlousness , had taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constitution. . Splendid . _ for men ,
f\ * . _ . . . _ _
< t ' i t .11 .1 .ii.t i
women nnd children. Smallest , nilldebt ,
surest. : ; odosas for ' . ' . " > rents , Samples free
at Kuhn ft Co.'s 1 Mh ami Douglas.
A GlnirinliiK Colorado Resort ns Vet
IJut Ijlllie ICnown.
Gnr.nx MOUNTAIN FALLS , Colo. , August S.
[ Special to Tun Bnc. | Nestled down In the
hlstoric-Uto p.iw , nbout flftooa milo.s from
Colorado Springs , and ton miles from the
world-renowned Manttou , is the beautiful resort -
sort , Grrea Mountain Falls , ns yet in Its in
fancy. Nowhere can tlicro ho found moro de
lightful drives , mow charming views of lofty
peaks , moro desirable society than at this lit
tle gem of the Kockics. Tlio air , heavy with
tlio life-giving breath of pines , awakens ono
to a now sense of life , and slojp , "tired na
ture's sweat restorer , " comes unsought to
the most weary , and bids him forgot for the
time all the ills that so wear the life , The
trip from Munltou to Given Mountain Palls ,
on thoscnio Colorado Midland road , Is full of
bcvUldeilng surprises. 'Winding , serpent-
like , along the almost perpendicular sldesof
ttie mountains , to disappear suddenly in ono
of the many tunnels ; darting
across the picturesque Fountain creek ,
then around some precipitous cliff ,
to reach what to our unaccustomed eyes
seems u point inaccessiblewo gradually over
came tlio tremendous grade of nearly twelve
hundred feet between Munltou uud Grcou
Mountain Falls , and ucforo wo can regain
our breath , Ibid ourselves in the midst of
the crowd that is uhvays to be found at the
station of n popu'ar ' resort.
All is bustle unil confusion for a few mo
ments , but wo have time to catch glimpses of
a lovely little lake Just back of the station ,
and see , nestling in the midst , n small
pavilion-crowned Islam ! of emerald huo.
What is called the town is. composed of u
largo modern hotel , a number of boarding
houses , some twenty or more houses occupied
by the permanent population , from forty to
Illty lovely cottages , mostly owned ana in
habited by tlio families of wealthy railroad
men. and last , but by no means least , there
are some three hundred louts , so popular
with the inajoiity of tourists. No
pains nro spared by. tbo man
agement to malio Clrecn Mountain
Fulls popular , und the outpouring
of crowds from the frequented trains tcsti-
lles to the successor their endeavors. Back
of the hotel , which is always full to over
flowing , is a commodious bath house and
laundry where attention is given to all.
' The Terrace , " a desirable boarding house
under the same management as the hotel , is
decidedly popular among the tenters , and at
all times has us many boarders as it can pos
sibly accommodate. The natural advantages
of "Tho Falls" in the way of grand scenery
cannot be excelled. I have visited the most
famous nnd popular resorts of our United
StatO3 , and can say truthfully that no ono of
them can in the least degree bo com pared
with this place. With judicious manage
ment and an earnest endeavor to place
mother nature's varied gifts in the best pos
sible light , tlicro is no reason-why this may
not become the most popular resoi t of tlio
west. North of us Is the historic "Ute 1'ass
trail" along which General Fremont
passed , and along which our fatlu-rs hurried
to the far off "Ijjnd of Gold. " East of us
lofty peaks rear thoiv heads far up into the
wondrous blue , und to tlio south und south
west Alt. Esther and Mt. Ktichol. standing
side by side , look down upon us in all their
solemn grandeur , Can there bo found any
where M > beautiful and romantic a "trail" as
the ono up Alt. IMherl Who that has tra
versed thut path will ever forgot thodashlnpr ,
foaming waterfalls , tbo rippling , crystal-
clear mountain stream , seemingly playing at
hldo and seek with the hugo boulders , the
soothing stillness , unbroken save by the stl-
verv llnklo of those same waterfalls , and the
half-scared note of aoino woodland songster J
Kustlo bridges span the sparkling stream ,
and inviting seats call to the passer by "tnko
a rest. " Seated on home rocky eminence , far
above the world .below , and look
ing down in tlio lite that nnl-
mates it , the wonder grows that
ono could over do or bo anything that was
not lofty , pure nnd true.
It Is quito an interesting ns well as curious
study to look into nnd compare , the varied
maladies that aflliet the frequenters of this
much favored spot. Troubled with insom
nia here is found sleep sweet and refresh
ing. Have you weak lungs ! The altitude
mid the spicy , life-giving breath oftho pines
will invigorate and tone you up , and force
into your veins the bright , clear blood of
health. Come you for iclief from business
worries or for quiet rostlulncssf You will
Und hero nil that you seek. If you lava tlio
mountains , you have thoni In nil their massive
grandeur. To the student of human nature
are offered facilities far beyond the average.
Hero are domiciled the .shrewd Yankee , the
pleasure-loving southerner , the "rustling"
westerner the uggrci-iivo Inhabitant of the
midiilo states From east nnd west , from
north and bouth they coma to llml health ,
pleasure nnd all that tends to make Hfo
endurable. Siuelv these grand old Hookies
are "Tlio Klorntd Hills of Cod ! ! " Steadfast
In their inassivcnejs ; glorious In tlieir up
ward tendency ; solemnuwo.somo , undeniably
grand ; sublime past all conception ; who that
has dwelt In tlieir slndows lucked in their
sunset glory--can help exclaiming : "I haio
the crowded town !
"I cannot bioatho shut iii | within Its gutesl
Mr , I want alr.anit siin-liliii < , mill Imio sky ,
Thu feeling uf the lm'0/.oiirt'Jii ' my fn'-o ' ,
ThufrolliiKof thotiirf iKMiiMith my foot ,
And no walls but lliu fa'r-olV mtmnuiiii tups. "
lll.ivm II , iNauiiiOLi. .
Mrs , WInslow's soothing syrup for children
teething softens tlio gunu und allays all pain.
' . ' 5 cents u bottlo.
The now olliu"i : of tlio ( jreat Roc ! : Is
land routu , lOUli , Sixteenth anil Fanuim
street , Oumhn , uro the tlncst in the city.
Call uiul t > oo thum. Tlelcots to all points
east ut lowot > t rates
A Ijlterary I'Vlltnv'.s Summer Drink.
George Ptirsoiis Lnthron tolls of a de
licious summer drlnlc which may seem
now to many neoplo , but Is rcallyjnoro
of a revival of something in vojjtio sov- yours nfr ° . It is the Suutorno cim
und IB ns satisfying to Iho thirnt us null ;
and water or oatmeal water , and wlthnl ,
moro onleurean , bays the Now York
Sun. \ on tnko equal parts of Suutorono
and Apolllnaris water and put thorn in a
clear crystal pilehor , swootoiilng with
three lumps of sugar to ti quart , and ad
ding n sllco or two of pineapple und a
long paring of ououiubor rind. Lot.thin
tilled pitehur staml for a few minutes In
a vessel of ice. or wrap wound tlio pitcher
n towel of cracked ice und Milt. Under
no chvumslaiico put Ice in the drink , for
that would injures tlio line lluvor. Jus > t
bi'foro the nip \a \ served throw Homo bits
There are many accidents nnd diseases
which affect stock and cause serious Incon ,
venience and loss to the farmer in his work ,
which may bo quickly remedied by the use of
.Dr. J. H.MeLuuo'a volcanic Oil Liniment.
Dr. Sussdorft troms successfully all I
diseases of the kidneys , bladder , and
rectum. 1601 Faruam at.
Do You AVnnt Itcttcr Proof that 1'ro-
lilbttkm Isn I'aUnro ?
Prohibition debates nro announced in vari
ous places throughout the stnto. The ono nt
Shickloy is attracting some attention , 0. L.
Lemmon takes the sldo of high license
nlk to the people through the Slilckloy Hor-
ld , the enterprising nilmoro county weekly ,
n the Issue of July 13 Mr. Lemmon fires the
ollowing broadside nt his opponent :
From the tlmo when they tried to fit the
alue of money down toour own day , when
hey have Just abandoned all attempts to llx
ho price of corn , statesmen have been under *
nklng nil sorts of things , fioin regulating
ho cut of top boots and trousers up to pro-
> ai Ing people for heaven , nnil have been con-
tantly failing , or producing widely different
esults from those intended. It is exactly
his way with our prohibition rrlenits
n this campaign. They march up and down
his great state exhorting umlcnticatiiigtho
icoploto lloo from the mnnifold liorrorsi ( ) of
ilgh license , to the millcnhmi paradise of
irohiultluii : they t ll you ( and It is a remark-
" iblo thing tlint you have never found It out
joforo ) that you tire going to the donmltion
jow-uowsnt u most frightful rate , nnd that
l is tlieir mission to Inform jou 01 the fact ,
nnd to point out n road to salvation that you
nust follow , ov bo eternally dimmed. No
natter how honest you may bo in your con
viction that prohibition is wrong in principle
and ns a political expedient , you must full in
vlth their Ideas , talk ns they do , howl ns
they do and bellovo as they do or you mo put
down Instatitcr ns a whisky-soaked and dis
sipated old toper.
Whenever , in thlscountry. personal liberty
is intruded upon , except. In the presence of a
great and Immediate dunircr , the Intruder , if
i person , is sure to receive rough treatment ;
f a law , It Is sure to bo dodged and defied ,
riiero are men who think they tverc born to
control other men. They ask , what ought
'oiiicbody clso to do , and If ho will not do it ,
! iow can wo Miake him ? They go at it in thU
ivay ;
Resolved. That the almighty has clvon tbo
government of the world to 1m sal tils.
Itc&ulved. Thut wo me his saints ,
Tbcso "saints" assure you that prohibition
Iocs prohibit ; that it does decrease drunk-
icss , not altogether poilmps , butnsscit that
t Is "ns inucn obeyed us any other law. " A
imminent prohibitionist , in a recent address
at Boston , said :
"We do not iiroteml that ( lie law ngalnst
Irlnk Is enforced In oveiy on e , but this Is the
fate of ullluus. The l.iw against t lief I Is
not always obeyed , und even tlio law
iiguhigt , inliixU't' onu'UiiiPS falls. This law Is
: is well enforced as other laws , "
The sale by retail of intoxicating drinks
vns tlie offense under consideration. In
3o3ton nlono the law was violated yDO,000
times a day more than 2,000,000 times a
week. The average punishment for the of
fense was not more than ono u week , ono
.mnlshmcnt for every i,000XIO ! , ( violations of
ho law. And yet wo nro told that tlio law Is
is well enforced as tlio law against theft or
Away with such nonscnco. There is not a
prohibitionist advocating legislative prohibl-
.lon today who does not know that wherever
irohibitivo laws have been enacted It has
noant simply a reiga of free whisky and of
nwlcssness , to correct which the most in-
? fnious laws and devices of state legislatures
luvo proved powerless. Tlicro is not ouo of
them who does not know that it drhcs out
capital by destroying fulth in the stability of
> tuto legislation , and they all know , too , that
n western states llko Nebraska and Kansas
t retards emigration to an alarming degree ,
ind thus strikes a blow nt the prosperity ot
the commonwealth.
Don't you bellovo this ) If you wilMoolc up
.ho emigration records you will find that In
1SS3 Kansas , prohibition Kansas , received
only 2,000 emigrants ; high license Nebraska
102,000 , nnd Texas , which administered such
x stinging rebuke to prohibition not
eng ago , received 121,000 emigrants.
Thus it will bo seen that Nebras
ka , with no better soil than Kan
sas , no moro desirable climate than ICnnsa * ,
received , during the last completed year , U'J- '
400 moro emigrants than did that state. Isn't
there n reason for this I Isn't the reason ob
vious ! Do-you want nay better proof that
prohibition retards and checks the How of
emigration f Facts uro stubborn tilings.
Another grout point that our pohib ( friends
love to dwell upon and upon which they lay
grrat stress. Is the assertion that prohibitr , o
laws will empty our penitentiaries and jails ,
lessen the per cent of piupcrlsmand insanity
and reduce the expense of arresting unil
prosecuting offenders against municipal nnd
state laws , Do you suppose that is true ?
Let us look at the city of Topokn for a minute.
In that city 7.VJ arrests were made by the
police in 1830. The prohibition law was
passed in 1SSI , nnd the number of arrests
grew to " ( i'J in that year and to 000 in 1S3- ,
ami further increased to 1,014 in 1SS. > . The
records for 18Si ( are mutilated , but for about
three-fourths of the year 93ii arrests were
Adolf Lnlloz , carriage manufacturer , 110
Carroll street , Buffalo , N. Y. , states : 1 was
troubled with nausea of tlio .stomach , sick
headache and general debility. IJurdock Blood
Bitters cured me.
PIIOH A sisrisii STA.TH.
An town Temperance "Man Gives His
Views on Prohibition. -
COUNCIL Bi.urrs , la. , August 1. To the
Editor of THU Bins : It might seem that
Iowa citizens tire , in the pailunco of the
sporting fraternity , "not in It , " but I can
scarcely refrain from the desire to inform the
good people of our sister state across the Big
Muddy of the state of affairs lu our "prohi
bition lowu. " ,
I um , nnd always liavo been , n temperance
man , nnd ut the time the question was sub-
milted to n vote I voted In favor of the
amendment , thinking to advance the causa of
temperance , but , although wo were victo
rious in the election contest , I must say the
desired effect was not produced. To bo sura
the open saloons were exterminated through
out the state , with the exception of these in
some of , tlio largest cities , but the cause
of temperance was not promoted to anv
great degree. In fact , I verily bellovo Unit
drunkenness win Increased from the fact that
thodring elasa or "whisltv ring , " us it is
called , was determined to have liquor nnU to
accomplish their purpose Its member ? \\ould
form miniature stock coininmiesconsisting of
two to n dozen or lllteen of tbo aforesaid
ring , und would select ono of their number ,
whoseiluty it was to send ton neighboring
state and secure a quantity of liquor gen
erally from two to live gallons of liquor or a
keg of beer. When the liquor arrived the
members .of the "ring" would bo notified and
would immediately congregate , and owing to
tliu amount of liquor on hand the result is a
general drunken spree , spiced with nn
occasional light and in some eases bloodshed.
When the saloon was In full blast , al
though there was undoubtedly more liquor
drank , the drunkenness was loss , from the
fact that the liquor was used moro economi
cally nnd with less glnttiny. Generally speak
ing thu drinker would stop Into tlio saloon
at any tlmo ho wished , and us elton as he
wished , drink a glass of boor ortwo'und
walk out and In meeting ninetyninecases
out of ono hundred would not feel the blight-
cst intoxication , while if tlio "ring'1 would
congregate to dlsiomo with a keg of beer
dire results would follow ,
Today the "original pnckasroshop'1 is flour
ishing In every villain iii _ the state and the
result is still worse from the fact that Iho
consumer must buy his liquor in larger quan
tities than he would at tbo ojwii saloon. The
result Is that although perhaps less liquor is
drank , it causes moro drunkcncss.
As 1 stated above I am a temperance man ,
but I long for the dny when a high license
amendment shall bo substituted tor our pro-
lilhitnry law , for I bollovo It will cause less
intoxication , low.vx.
For oarncho. , swelled
neck , and the results ot colds and inlUnui-
lion , iuso Dr. Thomas' Blectrical Oil the
great pain destroyer.
Was Originally Itnti-ms.
In 1722-3 tlio commander of the tor *
rltory in whleh was included what U
now Kansas , claimed by Franco , oructud
a fort near the mouth of tlio 0 n"o , in
hope of provcntlnif an.v further incur-
slona by the Spaniards fnto the region of
beyond the Mlbsourl , hays the Kunsa *
City Star. It was called Fort Orleans
and was built after the annihilation of a
colony of Spaniards from Santa Fu , ( by
tlio Kansas Indians , ) who had attempted
n settlement In some portion of what is
now the utato of MlBsouriiicnr the mouth
of tbo OsnifQ , probably. 01 the fjOO thu (
eft Snntn Vo with ! hopeful hearts not
ono \vn3 loft to tell Iho story of the inaa-
ncro. The terni.tnry now called KHH-
w , or at least that portion of It that
uordors on JCiuvvns occupied by the
Kaunas Indians , nijd "Cnnuus" is a cor-
: 'iipHon of that primitive niitno , happily ,
LOO , for the orifrltuU Is harsh and lacks
ho aunhony of the modern form. It Is
ogc'd that tlio mi mo vns diverted from
the original through the mistake of a
roofreudor , who , revising tlio very
early work of some missionary , mLstook
tlio "u" for tin Inverted "n"aiul so "cor-
ccted" It. and to that blunder wo are
ndobtcd for the nnino of Kansas. The
Aimsm Indians uro called the Ifa\\s , a
Lllmintitivoof Kansas orlfauzus. I have
ccn tlio word spoiled in old books
\ati/.n tu id ICuiKi , but the z IB probably
ho correct letter.
The only complexion powder In the world
lint is without vulgnrltv , without injury to
ho user , and without doubt a buautlller , is
ozzonl's. '
Ill Iron.
An Invention by which writing cnn be
ransferrod from paper to iron Is the
viirk of fi Hoston nmn , who has invented
i hard inl < with wliieh ho writes ( baok-
vard ) upon ordinary piper , says Iho
Manufacturers' Gazette , That pancr is
iltiued In a inotikl , molted iron Is poured
n , niul when the linnloneil iron is ro-
novod it is found Unit , wlillo the hont
lUi'iictl nwiiy tlio paper , it did not tiffed
tlio ink , but left the impression of Iho
vrlting moulded into Ino iron. Thi.s
liscovcry was made by noticing ono day
hut the printing on an ordinary lintul-
bill tlmt by lu-cidont had fallen into the
nould was faintly transferred in this
Hi nperlorcxcellonccproyi > a In mllllnns of homes
for moro tlnna qunrtcrof n century. Itl tuod lijr
Hie United Htntci ( jcto-ntncnt. Knilnncil by the
hon a of the uioit nn'.vor.slIlM the Htronaoit ,
Purentond Most lleilthful. Dr. I'llco'i Cronm link-
lnn' 1'omlcrdo.M not contain ammonia , llmo ornluin
Sold only Inrniu ,
1'HicniiAKiNe ; roivnKii co. ,
Now York. . CUIcaBO. Snn Frunclaco. Bt Ix > ul
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialist.
The mmt widely and favorably known spec
ialists In tlio Untied States. Their Jens ot-
porlciice , roinnrluililo skill uml suc
cess In the troatmi'iit nnd euro of Nervous ,
Ohronlo und Surgical Dlsoasus , cntlt/lo thcso
unilnunt pliyslclum to tlio full conQdonuooC
thoallllciod uvorywhurc. Tlioy Kiiarsinteo :
the awful oll'octs of early vlco and tlio mimer-
OUR ovlli that follow In its train.
sp 'Plllveoninlntolv ( mill iormaiicnllycured.
OHDKK3yield readily lothulr skillful troat-
RunrauUud cured without jmla or dctcntloa
from business.
nuntly nnil anccu&sdilly uiiretl In uvery ouae.
tnnlorrlica , Hoir.lii.ilVcaknoss , Lost Miiiihuoil ,
Night Emissions , Dooujcil I'neullli.3 , I'einnlu
WtMlciiess und all dullcato disorders peculiar
to either sox positively cured , as well a nil
functional dlsordm tfiat result from youth
ful folllcsor the oxcusiof mature years.
'sTk' ir'PI Ilv'I ? Ouar.iiitced permano n tly
O 1 Ixlvyl UlxUi onrod , removal co-jitucti ) ,
without cut tins , caustlo or dilatation. Cures
titTi'oted at homo by patluiit without a lua-
incnt'H pain or iiiinoyani'O.
AQTH'K ' flTTJl ? The awful ofroctR of
oUMl 1-UlU. only vluo whichOrinits
orcanlo weakness , di > str , > yIMS , both mind anil
body , with all Its clrcadoU ills , noriuanenty
? RPTI'Q AilrttfSi tlioso-who Involni-
Vij. 1)1 1 1O paired tlicnisolvu.i by 1m-
proper Iniliilseuoo and solitary hibltn , wliloh
ruin both mind nnil body , uutlttlnx thoni for
business , studv or rnarrhiKO ,
.MAltHIEU MEN or Ihoso cntorlnson that
happy llfo , awaroof physicalilobllity.qulclily
Is haseil upon facts. 1'lrst 1'ractloal experi
ence. Second Every caio Jshpochillystnillecl ,
thus RtartliiK right. Third Jloillulnoa are
prepared In our laboratory o.Mintly to suit
each ease , Urns affocttiiguincs without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Belts ,
Tlio Purest and Dent Drlnlc in the World.
Appetizizlng , Delicious , Spirlillm ; a
the Best Blood Turitler and Tonic.
A I'aclciigo tllulU1 ( | > o. inokcsS Kalloiu
EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed.
No Trouble , K.islly Made , Try It
Ask your DniRKlst or firocor for It ami take
nuulliiT. Scu'tliat you got Illltl'.S' .
Mudo by 0. E. IIIUK. i'lilliulcluhlii , I'enn ,
" Here is a corset that
veil ; wear it three weeks and
bring it back and get your
money again if it isn't exactly
what you want in every par
ticular. "
That is what you will hear
at the store about one corset
no other Ball's.
It means that Ball's ' corset
is right for nine women in
The store has a primer on
Corsets for you.
CniciOO CORSET Co. , cuicago MI Ken York.
Have you used
ilii'V ' i 'Uj ' JI'iULW ' > inr
Instantly slnpslbe. . mostcxcruclnting pilnssnovcrfnlts tonlvocaso to tlio sutlercri few
ppllentlonsaotllko iiiagK'ea , nlngtlii ) jMln lolnslimllvstop.
tornally taken In do'-us ' of from 1 lilrt.v ostNly ( lies | In liulf tt tuinhliM- witor will euro
SpelK THOLERA MOUJ3US. "DIA.riliricEA.'DYSEV'TK'VY ' , s'ldt nciuladic ? ' Nnusen"
initlni ; , crvouinos4. SIcrplowni'M , Mnlarla , niiilall Internal pilns ailsliu from ch.iugo o (
t ornatvror olhorciuisca. 60 Cents aUottlo. Bold by rriif"lsts. !
Protect and Improve Your Sight by Using n Pelf ofOur "Porfection"
or Eyeglasses
- > vi - vi
They are The BEST in the WORLD
We rnnkcn specialty of high grade goods , using tlie regulnr OCLI-
llst's Prescription Frame , nnd only first quality crystal lenses , which
are scientifically ground to correct -variousdelects or vision.
Every pair is fitted by a Fraction ! Optician of many years' experi
FOR Thirty Days We Will Sell SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES at
Worth $5 to $10 ; now $3 to $5
Forl and $1.50xvorth ; $2to$3
, shading the eyas , ( roinBOcUP
Bev/are of using common Spectacles , which are sure to Injure your
eyes , but take aclvnntnqoof our reduced prices and buy the best and
ha-ye tliom properly adjusted to your eyes.
Established 186(3. ( 16th AND RARNA.M STREETS , Omaha , Neb
The Omaha Medical arid Surgcail Institute
rorlho tioatmcntofnil CHItONIC AX1) StlliRlOUj IISI5.\Si:3. ) : Hra i. 4\pitlAn5oi | ( or doforinltlOH m < \
TruKi's. licit tucllltliM , .AMiirnliiH nn'l Itpiimilles .
| : ' rorsiiRCiifiillro.itiiH'iitor uvcry fcirni nt illMinHPtu-
nulrlnc iimllriilornnrkMe.illro.itiucnt. ONI ! II UNDIl ii : > AND TVVHNn'-KIVB UDO.Mj l-'Olt PAIIKNI. "
lluiiMnnil.\ttvndnncg , lleit uocDinimiiliitlons IntliBVMt. Wrltofor ilfonlnis onDufunnllliH iimlllrme'i. '
TriiMOH. Club IVot. Cnrviiturcs of tin ) Spine , I'llo ) . Tumora , ( ! inner , Until rh , llron'liltk Inlmliitlnii , Klou-
trlcllr , rnrnlysh , ICplk'imy , KIdni'y. liliildor.Kvu.Knr , fckln ami lllonil.iiiiil nil turulcil oiicrntlnni ll iAsiS ; :
( \\OJlKNntperlalty. \ \ . Hook of DliMiioior Woinon Trcii' . \\'u Imru lat > ly nclcloil n I.rlnln ilc > | > ntIntnl.
for vuiiieniliirliucoiHiioniont ( olrlctlr lirlrntu ) Only llt'lUbtu Mi'dloil Instltnto iinklnir u i > cclultjol
I'UIVATI ! DISKASIIS M hlociil illKni a juccosidillytroiilod Sjplilllllo pohdii rJinovi'd fioin tha sysloin
wltliout iiicroiur. Nc Ilutlorntlto Treituicnt forlossot vllal pinor. I'urtles nii.iblo to \l ll uiniuybu
Ironti'il iitlioniouy corrc-jpiiniUirae. Allaomiuiinlr.itlani conllUonllnl. Muillclnu or liinniiii.Mitmrit liy
miillor oi | > it'ss M'iirfly pnokc' mirks tuliiitlcntu ciintontH orjcnilur Ono | iOMOn'illntorKlu\v iiri'Torioil
Cntlniiil ointiilttiH urfoinllilatiiry of)0iirnso. ) unit wo will aoinlln ( ilalit wraiMHir uur IIODIC TO S1K.V
rilii : : uiion I'rlTiito bpoclnlor Kcrroui Illso-iim , luiiioloiicy , Syplilll * ( ilout , onJ VnrlLOwio , nlth quoitlun
lint. AitdrcsH
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Comer Otli nnd Uarnoj Streets , Omahn , Nobrnsltu.
Grddiute Dentist.
A Hull Set of Teeth , on Rubber
For Five Dollars.
Appifeot 111 Kiiariiiili-ucl , Tcflli oxlradod
wltloutiiiiln or dniwfr. unil yltl out itimos-
ihcllcH. Oolil iiii-l - sllM > r tiling lit l | . -t
riilei. Hi ldpi < find Urown WorU. 'IVelh vllh-
oiitplates. All vork wiirrantod.
Tutrnnco. Kth Kroct oloator. Ojion oven-
lnis ; uiilllb u'ulo < .k.
Inu I.UIIKS ONlV"Dr. l.edur H I'orlodlvul PillI
tlieKrnmli rumvily , act on Hi" mniiilruul ijriti'in uncl
cure nu | > nroHilon Ironi hutcror taiuu I'rumolu
tucnilruttlon , Tliuto plllitliuulil inHb takun itur-
Ini prevnuno ; , Am.I'lll Co. , Itoynllr 1'roin . Spen-
c r. CluyUo.Ja. ( icnulneby blionuin A. Mct'onnoll ,
KO ( . , uu rl > . C.Unulm ; U. A. .Mullher. hoHU
I'.EUiji.CguacU . UluQa.
Specialist ,
liunBiirpmirrt Inlho ttont-
moiit of nil furiiii '
of I'll I-
VATKlllhHAt-KS l.o llinn
liood. bTUllTt ; UK , or | mIn
In rc > liMrlnif tlio lilinlilor.
bYl'UII.IU cur ' l liUWIoM'
< li ) . Mn lilneusciCnlirrli
Illll fill 1JIIIVIK.M lit lllU
Illuoil Ilimilniul I.IYLT Ko-
imlo IiUc'.i ceuti'.l without
Initruini'iitiiir "local Irwit-
inoiit. " Liullift from V tu 4
only Wilti fur clrcii-
| jr ilTlnu 1'iirllcular ' nliuut
( IK II 111 ( Illl IlljdVO lltHI'MUH ,
mill ihOHrliii ; niiiiiy < > ( HID
oust ri'iimrlmblvcurui Ot-
lire , K. K Cor. 11 Hi nnd Kiiriiam feu. , notriinw on
oltlicmtreut , Umalm , Neb ,
C V D LJ II I C f un 1" ' curc-tl In 'JO to 03
OT r nil l .J iliiynby usu olthunmr-
J.VXI.WJ for u ease llwlll
notoiiic- . CAUTION to Bullliugciiijliio rpiu-
ctly. Wrltoor call tin I' . U Jonlyu. M-i llur-
u y Street , Oujulu ,
I'nilrr tlic M unnirvmotit f ' '
P1i\icmiliitrn ( iojnlljnkiifo.foiicisloiiarlc3 ! ! ; ( ,
Incorporated Gylho Slaloo ! Chihuahua , MexIco -
Ice , lor Clmrilnblo Purpose ] ,
lll takn plnon In mibllrnt tlidcltyof Juirua ( for
mtrly 1'imu del JSuttoj Jloxleo ,
Wcilnc > ilay
nlor tl ) < * i trioniil KiipcrviHinn or
. M Slfk , lllxl MiC.V VII.O.V 1MJU Kl.
JUKM , Dulll Kintluiu'ii '
CAPITAL . $80.000. $ .
QnlyBO OOTicIictsI
( Prize ofSfO.OOO . $60.000
H'rin'of 10.1MO . ' . . „ HUKX1
ll'rl/c-of f > , ( M ) . IWK )
. 'll'rlzcsof l.WOeiicli . WH1O
101'rlzi'fl < f WOeiuli . 20OO
Ml'i-iiosof 1(1) ) cadi . 6,000
] ( Wrrt7Hol M cuvli . WHIO
of IW ciuli . . . I.OOO .
lOOTrlrotof S fllwuli * fi.OOO
KMI't-lnsof iMoadi ! UHK >
lUOI'riwaof Koach
WJTi-vmltnilj to dW.OOOl'i Uvof SWuacli. 6.TOO
191 + Prlies amounting to . $125,970
Wo , tlio iiiHlurileneil , linn-bv mil fy Hint ( ho
Iliuco Niiclcinal i.Mi'-Mfilnlilliii ( ( ( liiinliun oiulo-
t'n'lt frnin tie Mi'lieuii lluorniUloinl Itnnklnu Co. .
the iioiciiirrninclitn rnnriiutnp Ilio | iiviut > nt of
jillprUw ilrnwn litllii ) 41i'nn l.imi In , | IIIIIIE.
\\o \ \ fnrtlicTCvrtlfr thni i hl miinTTlfO nil tlio
Mrriiiiucnu'iiK , iinilln iirrnun n.nmim mil control
ulltlio ilriiv-lntH iilllilHlxittcrr , itniltliullhu finio
nrccuiiiliiftiil with iKiinHy. Inlrnc-tf , mill In ( uocl
lallU tuiMiriK nil inrtltx
JOMH S , N10SBY. Coiniiilwloncr.
Stirorvhor for thiilo\erpiiic'nt. (
If nnrll''l < ot < lrivlni | ; t > rt7Dl Kent tollin tinilor-
p'lCHMl.Itt ' r < u \ Mill" lll tin c illi'rloil iili'l ' ruiuilloi ]
tollio owiiuilliuriufi fiw < > f rliiirw.
I IK ; All II Illiovsnv ,
1'rcs ii 1'aso itiunallliink , lill'uoo.Tcx
Ais J\TS : wt > 'rii : ,
Kor club rule orany olhcr Infornmtlon , wrllo to
ilia undiTHlcniMl , tlntliu ) iiurnillren plwirly.wltn
M t < ) , Coiinif , Strift iiiij NumliHr. Jl irc miiliMo-
litcry nlll bcniKiircit br niiiroiit'losliiK n" nvel-
010 honrliit ; ynnr Mil u.Mrcm.
TIONtr > IllNKIN J CO. ,
Cilj'of Juarez , AIoilco.
ivorti ! .
Sondroinlllancofur ( Icki'li by onllmrr lollor ,
nmtiiln'iii ' ; .Mon 'y < > r < ! 'Msiiiul livall oxproBanitn.
innloniNViTViirUKict'lnnKo.liiiikdriirt IT | > o tnl
noli ! . Add rim nllrculnifroil Icili-rilo
lit JiKirr ; , MuMco. Ma 13 1 1'iiso , To JC.
Drs. Meril ]
riirnnli-Ni'iinnx Illiioilnnil Surnlfi1 ! I nni
( llieiiMi of Ilio I5)P , KM , Note , Trmt nnJ l'lic > l ,
.Spi'c'lnt All eniinii I < DiHiiiAoi ofVo
TIM'll It III ! OIliKllTII.
Thoilcctor , , limn lunl ) n.ii < nf cxiicrloiico In flu
lioitplliiN of Muiulitn nn l Ntiv Ytirk , itnj nrtininoiif
Hit iiio t Hitciua.slui and lilvty knun u fpi'Ulalllgtei In
this eounlrj ,
I.OHlMunliooil , N'L r > o < iH Iviilllli , "icniiiilorrlm ,
Fein I ml IAIIIUM , l'li > ' I < il Dudijr , iul lnu fldiu liulli-
( rutlun , pr liicliis lL'0ilessiicin | , ih"iiijiiili > iiu , plm >
plus on the f.ifu , avt'raluM tcixorifir , otnllIhconr *
iifutl , lick uf c HllUm < 'oiluluntliror ! , . [ inly or liunl *
ni'si , m l Ilinls IKou bunion , mfulr.iujriiiillli-'iitly unl
i'Ctt | ' < ll ! ) cutfil.
IlliMKl niicl .slcni ltlsn ; pH
Syiillll : a ills i'n. ) inojt ilaitclful Intt \ letulii ,
cuiniikiuly inKlliBti'tl.
O in ti.-U mi any Snr 'ry.
Oiiiinrrlia' Oleit , S- ! ! ! ) ! ! llyiltorolo , Vnrto < iccl
nnil flrlcturo tndlcullr i > i"l Kiiftljr cured wltlioul
1'iiln ' ( irilutinllonfriiiiiliUNliii'H . All bmuil Dot'ut-
inltU'iiinU luii > idluiCMitllo luarrlMtuaiiccotsfully ril-
fcllltcctnldlKuaiuH nafely nnil I'mnnnently ' curcl
Tliiurii , Un ill. tills luu. Miiitlif8..IOIIII !
N. II I'lTiDiiKiiiiiiblutd > Wl mniiiyliu IreiRili
Ult'lrliimiulby roriuniniuil 1110. Muilltlnui mil la *
iliuUlciMs iciit bjoKpni- ) . CoiiMiilt.itlim free
Huml J ct'iiH lniluiiin | to limtirvrcil | )
Opcrii Ihniip , Oinalia. > rl .
1302 Fnrr > nm Slroot.
Pity Passenger and Tlofcot Affont ,
MN./U1\0 , " Ibl
\Voinl.-rful I ,
Itmirilj In Mi'lilUllU ' - -
tf t emu ullNcrv *
\Viak 21111101 ; , I.ait
. ° tAX lie1 isSc""uSft K
ull ( ! tin mil 1" " utpmvirol HID Cliimrtllvu Or ,
L'liiii.ln i'iilnr ftx , c uHidly ) ovir-cxnUc/nyouth
ful liiiiletretloiK , orllio oitc-Hflvo lite ( if tonacco ,
opltiri. m HtlnmlniitK , uhlch nlliniiti'lv K'ud to
liiflrniityCon > iimlloii anil Infinity. I'-lnpIn
conu-ni'-ntforratx inrry lutlnncDt | mikil I'rlCH.
81 tpacliizo , orli Inr85Wltlicvci ; g.1 wil r
Vl\tnifrltlanu > " > miilni t > i tine tiri'fHMl
f/ iii iii'i/ . bcnlky null to > ny tildriri. < -'it-
culir frtc , MintlonlhUiinper. Aililr"t
MAORIDCHFHICAL CO. JiratuljOtllic iy-i ; S.A.
417)1Bih.rn ) Mr.I I Cllll A < i ( ) ( III' .
- tt > \ ' . r-u.r r ' " " < ' '
ICiili'i , % rn. , Oir. IHh mil niiicli
.1. A , KnlliT Al' i , ( ' < > r lltliniiil liiiii.'la'i
A. U , roster A Co. , Council lllulK Iowa.
. .
ii to n J y money ref
fnJlymullP. . ifc-uttly .iiled from
lilYUtbn. OOJI ItlKW C'O.