GUST 11. 18fl ( ) . JACK LEVCRISCTOVS CHOICE. Boston Olobo : It wa sunrise on tlio Ringing beach nlMnnchcster-by-tlio-Scn. 'Jho lido was high and a glorious surf wm rolling in over tlio musical sands. The locks at the eastern end of the liearlnvcro still dark with shadows , bub til the western end they wercbriyht with the colors of morning. As the sun cnmo above the distant FOinbio wnvos , a young' girl , wearing a vhlto Bergo gown , nnd with n wlilto sailor hat on her blonde head , cnmo climbing brlsldy down the rocks lo the sandy bunk above the row ol bath IIOUHCS , She bri lied pmt tlio Inst clump of flimlcd oaks , nnd hesitated for a mo ment ubo\o the bank \vhitosand. \ . She looked at Iho Incline before her , tlfomip nnd down the bench. No ono was In tight ul this sunribohour. She hesitated for n moment only , then , gathering lier skirts about lier , tossnd hoi1 lint to the bcacli below , diopjictl to the ground and rolled oicr mill 01 or Ilko a child down the sandy bank. It wim u short , nbrupt descent , but she m.uuiged It ai well us u child might hmo done , hpringlnfr lo her foot ns she I'eached Iho hard bunch. "Good for jou , Kathiirinol" cried a Hum's voice. Miiude Gesslev looked about her In her surprise and snw a lull , dark younpr niiiti moving toward her from onoof Iho most distant batfi houses. Ills sun burned arms wiucd applause ns ho umlud foiward. In a moment , ho hail ( omo near enough to discover that this blartled bliHhlng ylrl > MIS no ono he hud won. und ho stopped , enlllngout ; "I liog jour pardon ! I thought Ittis \ \ Miss IHiumroHijuo. " Thin ho tinned , inn down the shore nncl plunged into the surf. Maud had often scon Katlinrino Du- iimrtsqupon the stngo und hud heard Unit fdioas \ fctnying for the bunmior at Mamhoslcr. This was probablj one of her fellow lie-lots. ITo must beery strong , she thought ; ho wiw fivliiiming so far to sea. Hho all < cd up to Dimus bench , cnjojlngthe * Giinrlbo ns \oll ns a girl might ho could not forgot a lidicjulousiloscont of a fciindbanlibefoio Jiu unguctsud specta tor. < , Jack Loveilngton came out of the uuturvhllo | | SH Cesslcv vis ftlll far distant on thobonch. When ho ilisip- pearcd into hid bath liouso ho walked close by tlio water's m nnt lo wsilt until she had been the granger K up to tlio hotel , llionsho would g-otiiietly | homo to breakfast tit " 'L'ho Ledge , "iiiid say notliln ahouttho loncontro to her friends , the Earlos , \vhoso \ guest shu had been since the day bo f 010. She had stolen juutf from the houssoat daybieaU , mo\cd by tlio wish to sue the fiimous "nhifrlng1 beioh"for Ibo lltsttline at siinribo. The charm tint she had hoped to find now suddenly took IIOSMJS- fclon of her tiiid bho walked along the shore. She quite forgot the man in the bath hou-io IIM nho looked out upon thoseannd listened to the singing of the \\aventis \ \ thoyhroko upon the minds nt hci Teet. Tno Miikonltig 8\veclnc&sof \ tlio early day gave her exquisite delight. She stood still , } iichcntly , and looked for a longtime at "tha &urf and at thodiatant sails plowing with light. Her pure jountf fuco lodectcd the light thsitvti80ii sea and hind. 4M bog your pardon , "said a voice , and 6ho turned with the sjmp.ithy of her communion with the iiiorniuy atlll shin ing In her eyes. "I beg j our pardon , " snid Jack Lovor- Inglon , his hat In his hand , his face brightening -with lively admiration. "I couldn't help coming down to you to know if I am excused for calling out to jou. " "Certiilnly'BaIu ' Mnu < lovltli dignity , but blushing a < > she mot his gaze. "You lovely girll" cried Jack Lo\or- \ Ington , as if ho could not help it , JVlimtlo'u lanlios foil. "I I supposed yon had gone up to the hott'l , " bho ftiltortd. " 1 don't live at the hotol. My name is LoveriiiL'ton. Wo have tlio Islsuid Vlow cottage. " Ho kept on looking at her , mid bis fervent gaze dio\v lior ykmcoup n train to moot his. "I never in all my life saw aiijone like you ! " ho exclaimed. "Thank you , " g.ild Maude , dimpling nnd demure. "Y"ou ha > c theartof f ranlc- nn unuUittldogieo. " „ ( " 1 don't know what jouniciiii by tint , " * VnidLo\crington , ' 'but If you think I'm ( inlyeoiiipliinanting you , why I'm not. I ineim it. Why shouldn't ' IV' "You mo very liind"said Mmido. "Do I look like MlssDunnrowiuoV" "Not uiiartlclo. llutflbo's alw.iyB say ing thntsno will < oinodownto the bench some and nobody else IH cvoi here. I have a notion for early dipsmy- BOlf , " Ho hnd boon funiUlng IH his poikot nnd nnw brought out nlottei'-hend. "Inovcr hiuo actii'd , but will you lake this for mi intiodnotion ? " JVlnudo took it nnd lend the nanio o ! onoof the gioatncstcin rail roads , nnc boluv it "ollli'o of John Lovcringtoii , porintendont. " "Why , I tjiouglit , of course , jouoro \ \ nn.nctor ? " "Hec'iiuso I know Miss DimiaresqueV No , I'm not , Slio'h a verjuice , elovoi f woman. My mother and sister ilko hei X vcsrj 111 tick. I wlbh you'd toll mo join " * . " * mi ino. "Doesn't the loach sing1 veil this Uiorningr' ' OMided Maude. "A line crunch. M < ht beaches do , " "IfB HKo mnsip , " snld Claude , \\nllc- \ ingiilcjng. "It's lilco 11 great oigan , " "Jb it ? Does it strike you that \vayj" FiiidJaokVomln < bofc.Idc her. "Now to nic'Il hounils about lilco the sort of niiisio \ibcil 1 to mnkollh ncoinb and n piece of paper when I vtih ulioy. " kI iihcd to thtiil ; when I was it llttl pirlthata Hinging beach iiieaiita beech -ihsi tree , you Icnovv , and there vns j beech by myliiclov \ \ Jilinygraiidfatlmr'b hoii o , and always when wovero tlioro nnd I hoard It rattling its branches a night I thought It was singing to ino And It vast It n ed to sing the mos beautiful eongit. " "Thoic , " wild Jiiel ; , "tint proves it HoncHtly , I nevorln tnylifo sawn girl { bit Ilko you. Ton nro dllTeieut fion uvoiybody. IHKo you bottoi ' g'irll hn\o ever t-oon.1 lloppokolth convinoingslniority. "lam in oiirnobt , " ho nikl , und his tones and looks uould have won tlio coUlcbt heart to umoinout'i kindness a' leuM. Inudo wnlkod betldo him as In ik-t'nni , leinomboiliig distinctly that bho wuhii young woman from a woild of HO I'inl foi'iimhero \ \ Hiioatnnooiij c'onll deiues nnd instant lildngs were wholl unapproied , jot fooling ns if itoro \ quito the most naturiil thing tlio vnrlt for her to lionr this man's Mieo enjing " 1 not only likoj on , I'm la Invo you , You aiopo dllToient. You stiucl inons dttlorent whoa lllrst saw you , up by the t-iuul kink , 1 just liad toconio to vthoshoro to speak to jou again. And * whcn you tuinod nrouml , you had a look In jour cjes Unit made mo think of an dHioy stoppcil and lie looked full Into her eyes , ' Tlio morel look at you , " edd Jack , "thomoro I know vounrelho girl always boon looking for , Iain thirty yonii > old and I have never seen nnyono else IJo you suiipose. " ho concluded , with serious etnplui.'is , ' 'do jou think you could learn to Ilko me ? " ' "Why , I Ijlon't know , " murmured Mamie , looking down , Then he glanced up and laughed. "Itonlly , ilr. Lpverlnglon , this li the most absurd thiti ) ? I o\or \ heard of 1 You don't oven hnowmy . , " "That's ' so , " ho ndinittcd , "but you are going to lull me. " "Indeed I'm not , " ( ho flilipd back. Then moved by nsudilon sympivthj with bis will , ahosaid , slyly nsii child : "It's Maude Maude Ocssley. " "Maude , " roiieated Lcvorlngton , re- llcctlvoly , " , I like that jrelty veil , I had a kind of notion for ho nanio Is.ihel , though. " " \Vhy \ , that's my second name."erf ol iMGcssley "How quecrl" She liitighcd againthough , there weio ems in her eyes from sympathy with hosubtle emotion tint moved hint , "I'm dreadful Imngiy"sho declared. This is too absurd. I'm going to the louse for mj bro.ikffist. " "Lot mo go with you. " "Of course not , " j\loud call , a prolonged "Iloo , hoe , " ounded from the th icket , "There's I'rcdtly Earlo looking for me. aMimdcranaw.'u upthcbeaeh , answer- ngtho boy's call nnd joining him bo- ore ho hud had tinio to come vlthlii ight of the shore , und of Jiich Lo\er5n- ( , on striding awaj towirds hiscottago. " 1'roddy lirle ! , oighV That means lisit slio is Binin ) at 'Tho Ledge1 hen , " ho thought. "It's hard luck thnt v'ogotlo liurr.\ back to Domcr. Con- ounil those strikers ! But I'diutlicr 10- lent thnt night's exporinco with , them n the inountimstlmiif-cohor again he- ore thnt bhnrp Gorttudo Carlo. They lust have been school fiionds , for Maude has the s-outheni accent. She's ot a Yankee , Mmdol lilcss her ! shu's ' tlio gib I'MJ been \\alting to litid. .Jlcss hir , " ho repeated. " ii t wpndor where Miss Duinnresqno si" said Gcitrudo llarlo as she and rlaudo worodriMtig In lier ctut on tlio iloucchlor load , They had ustmet Jack LiOiorinjjton iria vietoria vitli hismoflior and slater. "Who tire thej'i" ' naked Maude , with ip parent indllTeieroiK'o. "ThcLeveriufe'totisof Denver. It U .heir . liist siuunioi' hero. Tlioy luuo al < on the Ihlatid View. The son has > een sitting at the feet of Catherine DuimiivMiuo for u month. It Is tlio first ,11110 , have him without her. Dick Htcheoek told ino last night that ho Is .foing a\uiy \ tomorrov. " "Going awivV'1 "Yes ; ho superintends the ralroads out west , " aimveied ( lortrudo vjiguelj ; 'and Dick siys that ho is obliged to n order to settle tome stilkes , lie ilvays lets the stiikeis have their wuj1. Ic says It's rightl And ho's tiled "of Iwadling heio. Dick says , though I'm Biiro ho boomed enough interested la I'ntliorino Dumarcsqiio tokeep himhcio ndcliiiiloly , "You ought to see them. riioy aio btiperbtpgothor , both so dark ind handboino. You ought to have been icio all thiough J uly. Tlio idea of truing In jour pnkySti-uniinh ! " "Walt until you como to Georgia , ' ' in- : orruptcd Maude , with enthusiasm. "Eat , Gertiudu , If Mr , Lovorington has been bitting tit the feet of MLss Dumar- osquo all this time , why doca ho doboit lier now ? " ' ' 0 , lie isn't dc'ortlng hor. Evoiybody an js ho is goiny to many her , but ho is obliged to go homo and superintend the railroads a ivhilo llrst. " " \\rill sheloa tlio staire ? " "Of coui o. She loves tbo ait , but hates the work. She is perfectly lovelj' . She is coiniiijr todiiio tonight , " "You know herthOiV" "Vc s , indcoil. lamina , adores her. She is always trotting about after Katherine - orino like a darling llttlo slave. " "Do the Luvcriiigtoiis coino to your > us > o , too1' ' "A very little. Dick Hitchcock seems to dovibo hcheines to get Mr. Le\cring- ton away tlio minut'jho sets foot on our pinz/a. " "Dick is a wise fitinco , flerty. " 'I'm ' not K > suio ho is. Yes , dis tance lends enchantment , And P\o only been onablcd to admire tlio wild west erner from nftir. " Gortiudo suddenly turned her horse , ' 'I have an Idea , " she exclaimed. ' The Levcrin lens ahsill bo asked to dine tonight ! I do hope they can coino at such short notleo. For mjsolf I would \oiituro iiotliing. For jou " "For mo 1" "Yes , t want you to ECO Katherine and Mr , Loiington together. They sue peifcctly superb , Dick is going touring Mr , Valentino down from Boston this evening , and maniiin dotes on a dinner patty impromptu. " Mrs. Kailo diovoovor alone to the Island View directly her daughter asked her to do so , Slio came bnek radiant. The Loioringtons had ac cepted. Miss DunmrfsniiG was going in from the piiussi with Air , Lo\oi'inlon when Mimdocamo down to dinner that ovcn- in , andsathonctiess \ for tlio llrst time oil the singe. Mnudo vas late coming down. She had overdressed to begin , then , declar ing to herself she did notcaro wlut Mr. Lovorlnjrton thought of her looks , had changeil licrgaj gown for a sombro little ono of brown. She wentin vlth DickEitthcockwho wiis wuitiiijf foi her , and found horaell at table ne.\t to Jack LoAeriiifiton , Mrs. Knrlo Introduced them , anil Fieddy Eaile e.\elaimed : "Why , i lnudo , whoro'a ' that stunning suit J faav you in half an hour ayo'i1 \Vliat iimdo\ouclmngo our dress ? " "Freddy , " linighiu Mavido , but she colored , ' * vour imajjination vlll got jov jnto trouble bonietiino. " " 1 didn't Inuigino lt'T said Freddy , In- dijiiaiitly. ; "You looked pretty In that white lace thing , and ou look liorild in this. " "Freddy ! " cried Gertuide , "MaudeIs loioly In nnythlny , Isn't bho , Diimaicfcque'f1 Miss Oowloy V" Maude and "If Ihadn lad ) dic-s like Mls ington'1) ) , * " bald .Maudo piesoully , looking aeiorsthe table at Jack's dark-hailed sister in her Spanish gown , "I should always wear It. , "Maudo looks bettor In that whlto llanneUliowoais on the beach , " mul- teiinl IVoddy ICnrlo. "Tliat't. true , " bald Jack in a very low voice to Mnude. " "You are an angul In white. " She Unshod hut did not look at him. Slio tulU-eilonlj with Dick Hitchcock duilng dinner. The moon was shining over the ocean i and over tliot-eiiof green boughson the hill slope below the piazza of ' 'Tho Lctlge" when dlnnor was done , and they all went out of doors. High above the i tires ohholtttlovallov vhich is pierced I by tlio rails of thu filoticoster branch , they could look IICIOHS to the bll or Blilnlnc lights 011 liakor's Island , itnd tlio i tvlnklmg from the dl&timt windows of f Mrrblcliead , Mr. llarlo ht rolled awaj do\vn tlio d rlvo with his eicar , followed by ficddy. .Mrs * . Karlo a nil Mrs. Lovorliigtonwcnt Uthopiuzza | ) to ot her. Mit > 8luinarOMiio ] held a llttlo court t with Dick Hitchcock , Valentino und I Loforington grouped before her chair , Fontilo Lovetln tou walked up und I down the plazw with Gortrudo. I'urle. Maude wintnway alone a llttlo way down the magnolia path under the oaks. Loverincton followed lier in a llttlo while , but the people on the piazza sup- rosed lie had gene for n clffur with Mr. Kiirle. 3lo went slrui ght down the mag- nolin patli under the dark brunches. Miiiulo hoard him coming and hurried on down the hill with a viguothought At tlio low slono wall bounding "Tho I.cdgo" giounds liocaino up with her. "You might hmo united forme , " ho eiid. "The moonlight Beuicely ( jots 111 rough those brunches , " slio returned iircle- uintly. "It must bo lovely iloun on the beuoh. " beuoh.Vo " " \Vo vlll go. " ITo sprang over the wall , tinned and 'held out his hands. "Come , let mo help you over. " "Nonsense. I'm not coming. If I do , ( hero's astlloa litllo uny on. " "Flctiso como. Wo luuo no time to waste looking for the stile. " "llmo to waste ? ' ' "Yes. I'm obliged lo leuvo for Don- \er \ toinoiiowinoiuing , And I wt.nt to talk with you , " "You might talk if I don't como ever Iho wall. " laughed Maudo. But she scrambled upon the low will and stood there. lIoolTorcd her lib liands eagerly , but she did not take them. "Go a\uiyl I'll not come If I have any help , " Ho stopped hack and folded his ninis. " .Any v.iy 3011 like. I don't care what jou do if jou'll only come , Don't roll 'down , though , as jou did clown the kind kink , " ho added mischievously. She jumped down , flushing nnd laughing. IIo took her hand and put ituponhis arm. At the touch they stopped laugh ing , and \uilked \ on slowly in silence. They say iioiv that it was nil arranged loUuon thorn during the next ten minutes , when neither spoke a word , as they walked doMii through the pine grove find tlio Held of "niangueritcs to the pluco on the be.ieh whcro they had parted in the morning. "lam going back'rsaid Maude ; "Mrs. Turlc will woi.der whcro Inm. " "Is'o , jon'io not going back , " said Jack "until you tell ino if there isan.y clianco for inc. 1 can't ' \\nsto the only time I hmo had tobcojou. " "Business is business and till * life is a railroad time table , "ictorted Maude. "You do nothing but laughiit me , " ho said , icpioaclifully. " 1) ) you want mo to 'blush with do- light1 when you gi'vo 1110 a smile and 'treinblo ' with fearat jour frown ? ' " "Can't j ou bo borioiwwith mo for a moment ? Yea wcro ccrious a little this morning , Looking at mo again. You'ro face is still lonely In the moon light , " Slio stepped away from him and walked slowly up the shore. IIo euuio bcsido hor. hor."You "You see how it is"ho , said , "I can't lot thla clianco slip away from me. I must know if there Is any hopi ) forme. I should n't have gene without knowing If I hid boon obliged to eomo to the Harks unasked and beg to see you alone. " "Miybo .jou think I made this ihaiicoV" "I\'o , indeed , but " "I hud nothing1 to do with the invita tion for dinner. Gortiudo Curio wanted rae to see Low superb jou and Misn Uuinarobquo nro together. She said overjbody sajs you are going to marry Miss Dumarcbque. " "I shall new marry anjonohutyou. I noior Twforo wanted any woman for my wife. You " "You must not tall ? so. " "I must speak now. Y"ou see how it Is. I am obliged to go away in the morning. I nm sure that llovoyou and for my vifo as if I waited a dozen jours to tell you so. Tonight is my only chance to tell you so. " " .Arn'tj'ou coming ttowiito the beach to see thosunrlsongaln tomoriow mornIng - Ing ? " "You darling girll' ' " 0 , I nm not coining. Of coursoyou will. Piomiso mo that you will. " "Indeed , I'll ' not. Tills is all too ro mantic and ridiculous. You tire tiying to act like someone you've road about in 601T10 nOMll. " "J no\er icud but two novels in my life , and those when I was a lioy. I've no thuo to tend novels. This isn't ro mance. I mean it ; vou know I do. " "Jiut It's to sudden , so ridiculously liuriled , " urged Claude. "I am soiry If I scom ridiculous to you. If I could bo hero another month 1 could court your favor in a foruyil wny. I'd bo willing to servo for seven years to see jou look at mo again as you did for an instant this morning , Aly dailitig girl , don't ' jou roall/o that weworo made for each otlier. Wo " She escaped from his arms at once. "Don't btiy such things to mol" They wallad fclowly onward , a llttlo apart. " "Wb must go back. " She turned and took his arm , and wont back to the stile as quickly as they had coino. ilnlfway up tlio nngnolia path they motlJprttudoKailo. Maude vent up to the piayfli with her without a Mord. LovcrinsUm wont along the drive anil joined M1. ISarle , who was still strolling about smoking. "Who ti the Sin nor guests wo"o going , Gertrude Earlo said to Miss Dumar csqno : "Mr. Hitchcock and I are going to ilriM ) clown to the hotel vith you , Katharine. " There was no opportunity for the walk Ml-s Dumarosquo had expected ttith.Tiick Leiorington. Her heaitwas sorongiiinst Ciortrudo Eailo for cutting oil'a talk which might have meant i good deal , Katharine didnot sloop thai night. She sat by the window for1 a long time buforo eho put awi y her dinner gown and In her diessing crown lay downupot her sofa , moionihappy than she iiai been for years. She thought of hci' llto as she laj thoio ; the mlsersiblo llttlo western liomo tlie girlish ambition which had growi with her giowtb , the cheap thoatricii eompaiij with wlileh bho had first trie * grand roles , the man who had tatigh' nor , who had managed hei work , Mhosi wife she hud boon for a few dreary , love less yonib , the liorriblo months of the divorce trial , her return to strength nnd courngo ami ambition then o Elver North , They had worked together for two years ; successes had boon the wiino , She Iiucl loved him , and hohadgono wllhou knowing It ; without showing one sign o love for her. Valentino bad been tell I uglier of North's successes in London "And now Jack'b going , " she thought Slio did not imngino that she lovct Le\erington , butslio hud hoped fonfroe hoii.i o from him , Hutter men than ho huclotfeied lior inarrlago , Slio had an Idea that she might have accepted Jack At dtt lirenk slio rose utterly wretched drew on n long rain cloiiUand wont ouf of doors and do\ui \ towauls tlio viiter She was Intensely unliappj ; she wls-hei thathhomight godoua under the wave former. Valoiitlao hud told icr that Illvc North was to remain for another ycnr ii London. III. An Katherine , looking very palo am woiai after her Mid night , walked hlowl , tlovni the beach road , slio saw JMuud Oos oy In u white serge gown thiougl the Hold of Marguerites. Maude did no see ICutlioritio until she ctune to the ont of tlio beach readjust ubo\o the sands "Oh , good morning , Mlsi Dumm- e qiio. " she said , bltislilnfr xlolently. "Good morning. This is Iho a'dvonl of tlio Inrkjaro ou always so matutinal ? " "Oh. no that Is I niciin yew , sometimes - times , " staminored Muudo. "It Is a trst , I POO plnlnly , " pnjd Katlicrlne , smiling. " 1uis \ twenty once iiijsolf , mydcar. " She turned as If to go. "No , It's not a trjst not with inol" ilod Maude. It Hashed upon her that Jack Lover- ngton was nmuslng him elf In n cruel ashion that lie had foiced this meet- iif. | iif."I'm going back. Mu. Earlo wants ne. " She turned and ran avny up the field. In tlio pine RIOVO she thiow herself down and withherhcad ngnlnstn trco trunk sobbed out lior anger and her ilof. Kutlierino went on down the bench. She was not surprised to see Juck Lev- , oilngton comiii ) ; lowird her. " 1 Imvo frightened her away , " she said at once. "She Inn. Rene , hut I don't think she will go nil tlioay. . 1 vlll flml her this side of 'The Loclgo' ns suiolyns she's n woman. " Then , to her own surpilso no los ? than Jack's , she began sobbing suddenly. " \Vliy , my jioor girl , " said Jtiuk , tak- .11 ? her hand. She looked at him , In her oycs , brll- itintlth the passion of her pain and icr longing , ho read a vorj dilleront Katherine , ' ' he said , "don't look nt mo so. You don't euro for me ! " She f.uv that ho felt ngiiin tbo power vhlch had kept him busido her for weeks. She smiled faintly as she gazed "nlo his eyes. It was the gao which had nlwajs nought men to her feet half scornful , vholly louder. She had used it on the stage with wonderful foieo as well us In ifo. She hated heisolf as she used It low. Jack held her hands fast. "Do as ou please with me , " ho fiti id ; 'I know it's true. Shall I say It , ICath- 011110 : * Do you want mo to bay itV "Yes , \\nntjou \ to say it,1' ' she said nti very low voice. "I lovu you ! Ilovoyoul" ho declared , ils arms mound her. All : it once Katherine was stiongcr herself. "No , nol" slio said. "I must not let you say It , for it is not true. You love a young girl who loves you. I won't take you avuy f loin hor. " Slio stopped away. "Guo mo your arm , Jack , dear , off cso bands , " she said in a different tone , "and I'll spare you scenes. Heroics don't Income you. They make you boom ilM-rd , " "Abbiird ! " echoed Jack , chilled. "Yes. "Willou give mo your aim ? " "But Katherine " At. the beginning of tbo beach road slio stopped fora moment. "Good-bjo , Juclc , denr. I wish you ots of happiness. Go up thiough that daisy Hold. " "Mnj I l\lss jou good-bjo ? " "Yes. " When Jack came up out of the sun- lilny Hold Into the shadows of tlio pine cjiovo , and found Maude sobbing , with tier ftno hid , ho stood rniito Btill until ho looked up. "I hope jou tiion't going to cry veiy long , " be fciiid , "because , my dear , I haven't the faintest idea what I ought tostiy to you. " I'm not crying , " she declared , jump ing up. 'Well , then , arc jou coming clown to the beach V "Is Miss Dimwrcsquo there ? " "Thank you for that ! No. And ivo haven't got time to talk about lior. { didn't know bbo vas coming , and she didn't know I there. Please ( .omo , " The happiness of the half hour that .followed was only partial , though it was still happiness. The evening and the morning of tlio fiist dny are ne\or repeated for any pnlr. Maude was lalo at the breakfast table. She had lingered alone in thopincgrovo after Jack had hurried away to his train. Air. llarlo bad gene to Boston , and Freddy was about his business of tennis. Mrs. Earlo and Gertrude wore still at the tablo. "You're a lo\oly color , Maude , " said Gertrude. "Do you mean to go to walk e\erv morning befoio breakfast ? " "No. " "Did you meet Mr. Le\orington ? " Maude started. "Now , I suppose jou think none of us have breathed the 'inolTablo something in the air. ' "Why even papa knew you wore rambling with him last night , and papa never sees anything ! " "I didn't dream of tolling- you , but I will , " said Maude , putting down her cogeo-cnp. "Mr. Loveringlon Is en gaged to ino. " "Engaged , my child ! Why , whcro did you over meet him ? " cried Mis. Karlo. Gortrudojlev around tbo Hblo and clasped her friend in her arms. "Stop , " Biildo Maudo. "Inm not en gaged to him. Hut ho says ho is going tomtury me , add 1 Imvo told him that if ho doesn't change his mind within three months that ho may como to Sa vannah when I go homo and face pnp.i and mammi. " Theio was a great deal of delightful excitement , of course , and in tbo middle of it Rlaudo suddenly wiilled : "O , he's gone he's gene ! " and ran up to her o\\n room \\horo \ she remained locncd in until lunch time , deaf to Gcr- tiudo'skiiockings. "You dear , droll thing , " said Ger- tuulo lute In tbo afternoon , as she and Islaudo woio talking it all over as they \vnlljcilontho singing beach , "I think it's tbo most lomantic thing I I over heard of. Think of Jack Lev- eilngton falling in lo\o vlth you at Hint night and proposing , right hero on this very Ijcnoh. I think It's junt too lovely. You must bo perfectly hippy. " "It isn't all happiness , Gorty , " 10- turned Maude with iv laugh. "No ; I suppose you can't ' bo qulto sure ol your own feelings BO suddenly , but " - j "Oh , yes , I can. No. I don't know that I do , oitlior. Hut , Gerty , some thing dreadful has happened. IIo went nuiy , ho left mo obi how can I toll " * you : "What Is It , doailo ? " asked Gertrude , with iniiobhyinp.itby. ' Maude turned awuy hi r f.ico. "IIo no\or \ once asKed to to Oh , Gorty , bo didn't kiss mogood-byl" "Why , that's tbo sweetest thing I beard of a man , " exclaimed Geitrudo , with the superior wisdom of hur six month's botrothnl. "Vou know jou wouldn't ically piomiso him anything for tluco n.onths. " "I don't toe how that makes it sweet , ' said ! Maiido , respectfully , "You will some diy. Jack Lo\orlng- ton isii hero. " Jack lii tnsolf had other Ideas on the subject. When his many telegrams to Miss Gessley ceased hirf letters cnmo every day. Mrs , \orington and her daugh ter called upon.Mnudo , and nskodhorto dine , and she vas jiroaontly very inti mate at the Inland View , She wrote him ono dny that Kl\cr Is'orth had suddenly appealed at the 3Iubconnmo , and that ho was always dri ving with Katherine Duinnresquo. A few days later Jack lead Is his morning1 paper of the unexpected innr- rlngoof tills actor and nuticss. Miss -Dumarefaquo was to go to London with bcr husband for the uoxt soasou. Maude wrote him an enthusiastic nc- coimt of the wedding party Mr ? . Knrlo mtulo tit The U-dgo. " Geitrudo Enrlo was brlde'inald. Jack ortlercd a rat her splendid bridal gift to sent for him to JIlss Duniaresquc. IIo iipjionrcd on the piazza at the Island view at sun ot vltlun the week. "You might us well have stayed in Denser , my dear bw. " said his slater. "Kivtharlno it wooed and wedded nnd gone. " "IIo has como for .Maudo , " said his mother , KUcituj him. "Good , nuulro inhil Hut 1'vo como for jou. " "Maude is going homo to-morrow , " paid i'tuiiiv. "Theto's n pood-by dance for her at 'The Lodge ' to-night. We're Invited. Votiaro not. "Good again , " said Jack. "I'll go nud put myself at Mrs. Carlo's me rev. " " .Muudowas at the piano , dressed in her irnycst gown , when tbo Lovorlng- tons onteied "Tbo Ledge" parlors. She was plajlngn waltz for a looinful of young people , and did not too Jnck until ho vas beside her , Slio turned , lose In confusion nnd hold out her hand. ( tartnulo Earlo had slipped Into her plnco at the piano. The dancers had scarcely lost a flop. Without \\ord Jack's arm wninromul his sweetheart , and in the music of the \valtx they vhlrled out through the open door upon the phi//.a , wheio thieo or four happy young pnlrsoro \ \ dancing la the stnillght. After n lltllo they went down the magnolia path and on down to the beach together. When Jack Lovcrlngton and his wlfo poiit their honeymoon , twoyeais later , at Mnnehester-by-tho-Scn , they said to each other twenty times that this was the most happy of all their iwilks to gether during llie days and the evenings of their courtship. Itms \ starlight and the tide vns high on the singing bench. _ Tlio de-dining powers of old a-jo mavbe wonderfully recuperated and sustained by tbo daily use of Hood's ' S.usap.u Ilia , Tlio tfojs t" Africa. Wo may mention the "jigger , " ' which deposited its eggs under the tocnails of the inoit active men , but which attacked the body of a "gooegoco" nnd niiitlo him a muss of living corruption , writes Stan ley in Darkest Afilcu ; the little beetle that dived undeinciith tbo bkln and pricked ono as with a needle ; the melli- ponabce , that tioublcd the eyes and made ono almost frantic some days ; the binall and lingo ticks that imluiously sucked one's small store of blood ; the wisps , which stung 0110 into a rug- Ing fever if faomo careless Idiot touched the tico or shouted near their haunts ; the wild honey-bees , which 0110 day scattered two canoe crows and jninishcd them so that wo had to scud u detach ment of men to rescue them ; the tiger- slug , that dropped from the branches and left Ills poisonous fur in tbo pores of the body until one raved fiom tlio piln ; the red ants that Invaded the camp by night and disturbed our sloop , and at tacked the euiavan half a score ot Union on the march , and made tbo men urn faster than If pursued by so many pigmies ; the bhiclc tints , which infested the trumpet tree and dropped on us when parsing un- dorm.ith nncl gave uu nil a foretasio of the inferno ; the small ants that Invaded evorj piutlolo of food , which required great euro Icbt wo might swallow half a dozen inadvertantly and \\i\\o \ the stomach ach membranes peif orated or blistered small as they wore , they were tbo most troulle&ome , for in every tunnel made through the bush thou&unds of them boused themselves upon us , and BO bit and stung ue , that I hn\o teen the pioneers coveied 'with blisters as from nettles , and , of course , there wore our old filonos the mosquitoes in numbois in the creator clearings. _ Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Miles' Ncrrlno Simples free at ICuhu fc Co. 's , 18th and Douglas. Honesty In tlio Dark. A Dotroitey who was down In Ken tucky on business a fo-w dajs ago put up at a hotel which vas very much crowd ed , and found himself obliged to occupy a room with n stranger , who claimed to bo from "Wisconsin , sa s the Detroit Free Press. The pair sut and convolved for a while to feUo each other up , and then each retired to hib own bed. They might hiuo left their money and watches with the landlord , but each &ceined to feel that the Milunblcs would bo no Nifor down stalls than up. After the light was turned out pioper disposition as made of personal pioperty , and no doubt each man lay awake for an hour or two to watch the other. Both awoke about the same time in the morning , and as they got up the Wisconsin man ob served : "Isn't that jour wallet there by the "Good lands but it is ! It must have worked out f.'om under the mattress ! What's that under the foot of jour bedV" Bless mo , but it's my $100watch. . I must have kicked around a good deal. What's that under 1ho bead of jour bertV" 'Hang mo if it isn't my watch ! It must have worked loose and dropped through. Is that anything1 belonging to jou there on thu Hour ? " "I should rcmiukl That's my wallet ! * ' Thus , debplto of all the precautions taken , the property of each had been ox- poned to the taking , and next , night , as they tumbled into bed , everything was left to hang \\lih their clothing , A I'uro and Holiublo MerUdno. A com pound fluid extinct of roots , loaves , Ini'Us und berries ts Iluntoilc Blood Illttcis. Tliov euro all diseases of the blood , liver and lud- noys. _ _ < ; Into llie Water. A toboggan slide ending In the water furnishes about us exciting spoil ns the average man wants , und it Is us interestIng - Ing to watcli as a football match. Ono of tlio i-umiiier icsorts on still water , near Now York lias such a slldo sn vs the Now York Times. The slide is filled with Biimllooden wheelnndovoi thcs-o an ordinary toboggan glides. The slide is very hteop , and when the lido is low there is Uhpuco of tlirto or four foot botveon it und the "water. Those u-ing the Plido put on bathing suits , Thrcoor four persons will got on a toboggan , the lust otio usually standIng - Ing up with lilb hands on tbo fchoulders of tlio man infrontof him. The descent is very swift , dangerously bo , it would nppear to tlio observer , though no acci dents ha\o occurred.Vhcntlio tobog gan strikes the wntor It sshoots ever the surface 150 or 200 feet before It stops. Then it slnkH with its load and there is great plunging and kickingin the wntor. Tho'.o . who uro used to the slide are ab olutoly foollmrdi in their spoil , oontin uing it into the night c\en when the moon und fattus urn hidden. . It Is very important in this opo of vast ma terlnl progress that n remedy bo pleasing to the taste and txithoi'yo , easily taken , aucpt- able lo the atom , loli and U'althy in 1U nature anct ciTc' < Ls. Possessing tlie'io Qualities By nip of rigi l the ono porfut huatlvo anc mobtieutlo | diuretic known. Nowhboys in different par Is of Now York dilfor as much as do tbo citrons tbonisobes. The down town newsboy Is a dirty , Hide and a good deal of i vagabond , eays the Now Yoik TlmcB IIo is ragged and generally altogether llsrepulablo In npponrnnco. The ninvs- > oy up town Is yencM-ally nout nnd tidy n nppoarnnce , mm-li nioro gontlomunlj , mil Dooms Ilko a boy who hus a mother > r somebody to look after him ttnd keep lini in trim , lie usually goes toK'hool mil has a home. Many of the bo\s uro OIH of people In comfortable i-lroum- tuiiccs who wuut to make u llttlo noiul- iifi money. .An uuolcan llttlo uriib vould bo shunned bv the * p town us milc'kly tin up town boy would bo , , d and perhaps iilidtreatodor robbed by the boys down town should ho fall In holr way. This Interesting dllToronoo villbo leadlly noliccd by anybody who ides on a Uroadwuy cur , suv from the wstolllo to the Cuslno , and keeps his "es open. K\ n tbo bodily inceliantsni when the liver pels utof order. Constipation , ilvspcpsla , eon- iiinlnntioii of the blood , Imperfect awlmlln- Ion tire certain to ensue. Hut It Is wisy to nwcnt these consequences , niul icinoictbelr IUKC , by n coin-to of Hosteller's Stomach Jitters , wbiih sttmliatos tbo lilllary orRiiu .tut . republics Its action. Tlio dlicvt i-csnlt Is ( llsapicaranco of the p.iins lionentli tlio ribs ind through the sboulilor lilado. tlio nnusr.t , icnilncbes , yellowness of tliosUIn , furicil look f tap tongue , iind sour odor of tbo bivnth , vhlch ehiiniiterl/o liver complaint. Sound Cstlon and n regular habit ol body me sshiKsnlsosccuioil by tbo use of tills celo- bnitcd rcstoiMtlvo of health , which is Its best Kjitinintcoof safotj from nmlnrlnl opuleiiilcs. Neivo vo.ikncMs mill ovoi-tunslon tuo HI- Io\cd by It , and it improves both uppotlto mid sleep. 10 ItcliI'M Own Itomaticf. Reid was thirty years of ago vhcn , visiting at the hbuso of a Mr * . lljdo ndctccndnutof the famous Etui ) f Clarendon ho met n girl of thirteen mil , as ho afterward wild , fell in love at irst sight. The ch lid , of course , took 10 notice of him , but ho lent her his 10- nance , "Tho Scalp Hunters , " us olToct- von manner of courting in this nino- eonth century as over \ms Othello's In in earl lor one. Two veins afterward , low over , the young lady was at a public iicotingin a provincial town and Cap- ain Mayno Held was speaking on behalf ) f tbo I'ollsh refugees. "An olei'- .rie . thrill bceincd lo pats through no as be entered t.lio room , " she iftorwnid Bald , and when the meeting vim ever hho wont up to shako hands vith him. "I leave London by tbo next - , " lie S'lid , hurriedly ; "bond mo your iidilrets. " "Speech seemed to have oft me , " said Mrs. Hold ; but It Hashed ipon mo that I vas in ignorance of his , ind managed to stammer out , "I do not { now whore. " IIo instantly handed ino lis card and was gone. A formal little loto followed : "Dear Captain Reid : Au you asked mo last night to end you my iddrcss , I do so. " By return of post : aino tbo answer ; "Only say that you eve mound 1 will bo with you at once1' ; indthcn the reply , "I think I do lo\o you. " NoodlohS to saj that there IM lothing as good na this in the lovoi'b io\ols. Dr. SiMdorir makes a specialty of dis- eabcs peculiar to women. loOl Farnain st. A 1'rciiclior'H Iteoelpt. The llhraiian of Colby university , after mich olforl , succeeded in obtniijing the aulogriiphs of all tbo IJnntist ministers , vho preached in Maine during tbo last century except that of Klder Job Ma- comhor , &nys tbo Brunswick , Me. , Tclo- . rapb. Tlis sig nature wiis found a few years since nniong tbo papers of the Into lohn Merrill , osq. , of Tonsbam , attached .o a queer reeoipt , of which the follow- ng is a copy : Toi'SHASt , o. , Mnreb21 , 1701. "Received of John Morilll , osq. , 1'ole- ian Ilnlloy , son. , Actor Patten and , To- oph llailoy in full to my satisfaction for [ iroaohing from time to time for them selves and their families. Jo D M.vcoMiinu. Elder Mncomber's reeoipt is now In- clo cd in : i fraiint and adorns the wallsof the llbuiry at Colby univcr&ity. (3. A. 1C. Excursion to Boston via the Wnhash Lino. Everybody invited to join the Wabash excursion for Boston , leaving Omaha August 0-7-8-9 and 10 , gives choice of routes. Rates as low us the lowest. Ho- clining chair and Pullman bullet sleep ing oars on all trains. All agents In the west sell tickets ever the Wabash a St. Louis or Chicago. For tickets , sleeping-car berths and folders giving routes , limits , time-tables with a correct map of Boston , shoeing locations of depots - pots , etc. , call at tboVaba - > li ticket olllco , 1502 Farmim st. , or write ( t. N. CLAYTON , Northwestern Pass , and Ticket Agent. o A Mtllo Fin-Hi In Ills Hoot. It is not often that gain is found to grow in a man's hoot , but such it ease ih reported. A faimor brought a pair of boots to a Gticlph cobbler to bo repaired , ha.vs thoOuclph Ontario ) Iloiald. When tlio shoonmkor commenced oiiorallonson them ho found grain growing to the length of boyoral inches. Such Is cer tainly u curiosity Tim Ilnnton'a Cocoa -Luigcst sale In tbo woild. SlorcnnI > nrkncnr'hlp.ntoUonrillnci ( ) Sohoolfor Glrln nml YOIIIIB I.illoa. rort catalOBun address ( J. TIIAYKR , I.U U. lorHaul'urtlll.or'.7iladlooihtrc'L't ! ! , Cblca I1LINQIS MILIT/iRY / ACADEMY , H'Vffs , " " Clrculurof IIKNHV J. S'l KVKNS , A. 11. , Prln $100.Modi * I'a Military Arrd'inr IOM . lliuuKu Hull ( .Iris Clrrnliiin free. . . , //-Jl' / ' " ' CJtltQt nd CCH5ERVATOR . 10 „ | i J2 ! MScooj.l ; ] loicltr.\c | I'n-fti'noii - A tinoo toASAfl l n tnltitJliiili-l'ul | | ri , o fronn Ii &buildmei.tlctlrlcUihtl.bltatnlltuterictc. NEIICO.MO FEMALE ACADEMY _ . , j nml collftfUlo coin n * , literature , hnurttngfB. uiusic , iirt. K.K Utn.Kl > , ] 'ilin.iul | , JarkM.iun.o . Jll ' > 'fOR YOUHC LADIES. "SWMutlcal I Art Ie. tiatlim lit * liujhcit oril r ! i Aincrlran ] irctiranTra 1 ert ; [ > ullful cruunli new I ulMtiic * litttrt I v Ii t u IIT , AJJicii Kev 1 W UAwei r r OOl.Ut/IDIA , MO. I > Col. U. Jrlwht \ , U S A M < 'urn % val 1 N V SIIROEDER" & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks , BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 308 South 13th Street , - Omnhn. WANTED ISSUED DV CITIES , | COUNTIES , SCHOOL „ , . DISTRICTS. WATEB CorrespondenceMllcitcd. COMPANIES , ETC. 8W HARRIS COMPANY , , & , Bankers , IO3-I03 Denrborn Street , CHICAGO. rOBtatuOtrsot. UOBTOH. ' FOR MEN ONLY. MUMP flMll' I'orLOSP or PAIMNO MAN JIAlilV ; l/LI\U / \ illlUDi ( Ii-ninil mill NKlt VOU8 llEIHIilTi'vVnkmss nf IKxIy nm Mlnil ; lillci'tsof Errors or I'vc.stfs In ( Mil u Vdtliitr. Uolniht , Nolln MANHOOD ( iillvrn HtmuJ. Wi > RiittrunU'ci every cii'n ) or mono' ' ri'dindcil , Siitnnlu COIIIHC , ll\o ( lays' trout mint , Jli full uuiiinctJ. . . ' - ciiiuly malc.d fion uLicrvatlon. Ccuk Heniody Co. , Uinalia , Noli 'Omaha ' Manufacturers. Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes llo tonHiilit-or StiooCo ,1I.7 ( . , 1101 nnJUW llnrno ; Stii'Lt , Omnhn.Nol' STOKZ to 1LEH , Lager llcer Brewers , 153 ! Ncrth IStliStrool , OinnliA. Nrb. Cornice. KAOL.K COUNICK WORKS , lanufacturcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornice VIndoT cnt > * nmlniMnllciikjrlliilit * Jnlin Kppnvlpr. proprietor lOSniiil UUSontti loili Mri'ol * MutcrlnlH. A. HOSPK , JrT , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1511 PuiiRlns Street , Umnlin Neb Conl , Coke , Ktc , OMAHA COAL , C01CE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hani and Soft Coal. 8. K Cor lull mul Douulnx Street ) , Oiuithn , Nob. NKUKASKA , FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Colic , 211 South IHtli Btrcot , Oninha , Neb. DEAN , AUMs. THONG fc CO. , Yllblcsale Cigars , 401 N KtliMriot ' Hello" HSU Dry ( iooilH and Notions. ' M. E. SMITH tcCO. , ) ry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Xotions Corner IHli ninl Ilonnrd Slroet KILPATUICK-KOCH DIIY GOODS CO. , mportcrs and Jobbers in Dry Goods , ionts'l'urnlshliiio ( ! < ) cl 1'iirnor lltli niitl llnruoy Streetn , Omnlin , Neb I'urnitiirc. DE\VEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Fnrnnni Street , Oinnlm , Nebraska. CUAHLES SIIIVEUICK , Furniture. Onmliit , Nobrmkn Grouorlrn. McCOHD , BRADY Se CO , Wholesale Cioccrs , Uthand Lonvt-imnrtli Htroeti , Unmbn , Ncbrnskn. Lumber , Kto. O. VT. DOUCJLAS 4 = CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , \ardl3ION It th bt. , Oiiuliru JOHN A. WAKEFIKLD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Ktc. mporled nml Amorlrin 1' CoinonU Btrvto geulfur Mllwuiku ) lUdniullo Cutuont , and cjulneyiiltolliiiu CIIAS. II. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Voodcari > ut < nnd pirqiicttluorlnn I'tli ' niulDoilglM blroUs , Omnli I , Nclinnk.i. FRED W. OHKY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc , , , . , , Corner CHli nml IMuulm Ftri-etn , Oniilin. Milliner ] 1111(1 XotlOMH. I. OBERFELDKR & CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 203 , 210 nml 312 South lllhctrcut Notions ; J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , iVliolcsale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1124 Harncy ulrod , Onnlio. OllH. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ajcle gronse , etc , Omnlm. A , II. llliliop , Miumgcr. Fnper. CARPENTER PAPEIl CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. ' rry nlco aleck of | > rlntliiff , wrnnilni ; mid wilting popor , Special attuntluu given to card paper , Safi-s , Kto. A. L. DEANE & CO. , ( AitonlJ for Halls' ' Safes , 31 imrtSM South lOlli St. . Oniihn. ToyH , Ktc. H. HARDY k CO , Jobbers of Dolls Albums Goods Toys , , , Fancy , House I'urnlslilni : Goods , C1ilMren > rnrrlnncs 1209 Inriuia Htrcet , Omnlm , Nob. U. S. WIND ENOINH & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hnllltluy n Inil mills 018 nnd 020 Jones nt , OmahN. ( J b % HUBS , Aclln. MiuinKur. Iron WorkH. PAXTON & VIEllLINQ IRON WOKKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building \York \ , iKlnci , brntn notk , Rcnornl fotimlrjr ninclilnoaml blui kunltli work Olltrc mill works , U. 1 * . ItV anil ITtli ntli'U , Oinahn. OMAHA. SAFK As WON WORKS , Hand's e Firc and Burglar Proof Safes , Vuultii , Jail work , Iron nhnttur oml tire uicnpca. ( j Atitlrt'oii.i'iop'r ' Cur lltli nml Inchnoii bis , DlXM-N , KtO. M. A. DIS11UOW & CO. , WliuleHuluninnudicliircn of Sash Doors Blinds and , , Mouldings. Branch offlce , 12tli nn < l Unrd itrccts , Omnlia , Kcb. South O mati a. UNION STOCK YAUDS CO. , Of South Omalia , Limited , National Bank Capital , - $ 'iOOOOO Surplus , - 44OOO OffliTrn nnd Ulrertnri H M , Mdr-ciTmn , 0 M. IlltrlKork , Jimoph Onrno'in , Ir. . A Henry , K. .M , Ariilcr on , William ( i .Maul. Thn-pruxlilvnt. Ii II. Williams. A I > . llonkltn. | irrnlili > iit ! A , MlllnrJ catlilur ; bII. . Hrrmit , assistant cn < blfr NEORASFCA National Bank U. S. DErOSITOUY , OMAHA , NED. Capital. - - - - $40OOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - 87.BOO Onicornnnil Olrnctnrn Hrnry W VnK'H I'n-tldenti I , ! M | H. llruil , McU'l'ieJlitunl ; .l mci\V favniri'V. . V .Mornu. lului M , Collliu , U O. Cusllln. , J , M. It I'atllckV. . II. H. lliiubK , caihlur. THUilllON BANK. Corner I2lh nnd r'urnniii SU , AOcncrul IIuokliiK llusluoisTruusuuttd.