/ illI'M TA TTT.T7 TTVrmTV rl A mrTTlTV i THE CITY , TTio "bank clearings ycatorthyxrero I822.C03.C7 . , Acom | > lfiint hn ? been Died ngnlnst Mn.k'1 und Viola Klngcn , clmrglnj ; thorn with incorrlglblllty. "Workmen iiro engaged In exravntln ; ; iloni ? tliyioilh blilo oiJulIcrsonHqinfo , prop.irJitffrStolajftig the stoiio Bldouulk recently ordered. .AcitBoItJuitmLcIfrnra for Mm Meyer , th rco cnwy of < 1 ry pools from Ghtsjfow ( orMono 'uul twocascn ol tyooks from Copenhagen for Shonflcld were ruuuivcd at the custom house1. .Anotlicr information ha ? been filocl ng-nlust N. KlMwimlsfor ( llBturllni ) the pence nntl fiL'htlnjf with his wlioimtl nulk'hboiB. llo HUH dlsclinrRcil n few ( luj HJJU nrnl ns boon us ho returned homo ro novcil 111 ? warlike preicoedlnjfa. The CUF-O brought n/jalnst / Dr. Ji .T. Blomiinln * tlio Omiihii Medical nasocia- lion forullcgcil qituc'lory Hl 1)0 ) argued bo/ore-Jutl / I lohloy next Monday aft ernoon lit G o'clock. The C.ISQ hiiH boon Buljinitltd bj both sides on an agiood Btnlo of facts , and tlio aiguineutsonly remain , John Conwny lins olmrL'O of Jeff I'cd- foul's co.il yards In North Oimihn nnd Tliur.sdiy ho put a young-boy out of the yaiilrf vho viiHHtiipoctcd o ( stealing , The latter luil John uri-c&lod for assault and wlion the ciiciinntiincoswo explained to Judtfo Hulsloy , Jolin Conway went homo smiling. A par.ig niph appeared In Tin : T3KU of July 21) ) criticising- Bale of the Ken tucky liquor houio liy Pioyhim & ICtihn to Mown 3teln of Bind ford , I'n. ' Upon iniestijation It Is learned that Messrs. ITioyhnn it Kulin settled with Iholrcrcd- iturn foi lOOconlsonlliQ dollar with the pioceetri realised from said salo. 1'ret-lileiilMaitin ofIhoBoaidof Trade Blio'.vs hv Bind : Illlls tin will not bo smelted 'in Omiilui In lodaj'a Excel sior. The lending illiistiiition will ho n fine portrait of 1'rinco Gcortroof "Wnles , vvlth tlio reasons why his visit to Now- pott thin week has been suddenly for bidden by his fntlicr , the Prince of " \Valoa A cibo ofcruclly toanimals that called for the attention of the Authorities was wlliiesicd nt the corner of Sovonleonlli und C'lmitolavcnuo jcstculny afternoon. AHloknorto wnslcii up nntl down tlio street , whllo an able-bodied man vigor- ounly plied a blaclcbnuko to kton tlio anl- mil moving. The blows that woio eliowoiod upon the MifFoilng brute could bo heard for two blocks. / / J'MtAH JiAfJIS. Victor Rowwnlcr returned from tlio Su- jicrior reunion lust evonitiB. Hon.J. . 13 Lnmnstcr anil son Hugh of Johnson county were callers upon 1'tic BSE yesterday. Master Charles N Ilino is spending the remainder ofh is vacation fiom I.uko Forest collepfo with Ills mother nt her homo In Kountz Pliico. , Mr. Frank .A P.iJdoclt , son of Senator ] 'iieltloic ! , airtvcd In the city but iiijjlit mill i\lll remain several uevks with bis sister , Mrs. 0. .1. Colhmii , nt 2 Iii3Dod0u Captain T , II. Kusscll , Urn veteran journal ist o the Blade Hills , was In the city yester day cnroutoto Sioux City. The captain left tlmt city inI8T4\\lth the flrst prospecting pirty for tlio folil regions ol D.ikota. Vice President Uec ? of the boird ofeduca- tlou left last evening for Nlvpxnv Falls for ft month's ' vac.vtion. 1'rcsUout GooJtnun Is expected liomo li time to preside at the next mectini ; of the bourdon the 18th hist. Srvoiith AYurdljcngiic. The Seventh ward personal rights league will , meet on Monday evening , August 11 , on Twenty-sixth nnd "Walnut streets. II. RAIMA * , Vico-Presldcnt. ts 1'till DOM n I lie Blind * , Quick. It is claimed that some of the youns men who patronize the Young Men's Christian association butti rooms are not as arof ul us necessary about guarding ntjalnst exposure by tlio windows In that department. , Tlio sensibilities ofscvciul people liave Iccn shocked Viy the sights wlilch nm said to lave beenuiailo , knowingly or otlunvlse , by the young men who frequent the rooms , lloyd , Work on the foundation , of Boyd's now theater is progressing1 rapidly. Mr. .Tames E. Uoyd 1ms iccoheil n telegram ( lennNew York stntlng1 tlwt the complete plans for the liouso were on the way hoi-o. Mr. lloyd snya the contxMct for the completion of the entire structure ) will bo let v/ithoutilcltiy nnd that OUOJL'.Uhcnco Omaha will liavo mi opera liouso i > < iual to the llncst In tbo country. ITcIcl for Oranil Joe Sc-lnvnitz has put his foot hi it. A ehoit time ago ho bougbt a lialf Interest in Morris Lovick's ' prooory store oa South Tenth street , and bid nothing with \yblih to pay for It. This illil not deter him from iiiorlgaKlnR hli tiowly aequiiecl property , or from going through his puttier's trousonaml obstructing 817,00. For the latter perform ance ho WH nrivstcd. anil Is now lalu to an- BWcrto the cliuygo of grand larceny. II ftohing inn Hurry. The boys at No. Bongho house nro contin ually uutho iilort for business in their line , nndAssUUiitChlof Chirlcs Suiter has got tbeboysdou'iito a very line thin ? . Every clay during the week except Wednoscltiy anil Baturtliiy , the boys ( it jSo. U Invo n drill , ' ' .To show how expert they Dro. jestcnluy a little - tlo coutostvtu imulo in the matter of hitching , William ( lornnii ami 'i'oin Cowling worn tUo coiitostnnts. The eontcstas \ in liitehini ; UvohoraO1' to n truelc. Uowllng ivou , doing hisworkhi six seconds. Uln-ow I lijTHlotu tlioD > iH. County I'oor Master Jliihonoy Ins leinicil tbnt the county commissioners are debiting thoquesUoii of dibponslng with a lountydrug clerk until tlio now county poor bouse or hos pital is completed , when it Is proposed to mo\o \ tlio drug department out thcro anil dis- pcnso all mcilleincs from that huilJhi . In thomcantlmoMr. Miihunoy isliuvhiK' tlio perscrijitiona put up at Gooelimu's pliut- iiiaoy. During tlio four da.vs that the wuiily hns been without a phnrniist about fourteen porscriiitloiialiivvebocnllllcildovu ten \ , but whether nt n discount frutn the usual retail pilco TMr , Muhouey says ho doosu't knotv. SI > ov < < 1 Spurious Coin. The naiuo of Kd Roberts appears on tlio polldo ieRl3cr and thoehurifo is violating a atato law. ItoherUvent into tlie fannorj1 Homo on Noitli Sixteenth street yestorelay ofternooa nnd willed foi-adriiik llo ten dered a counterfeit silver tlollurla payniont , but It A\ILS \ ri'fusej anil he lift thopluro.n hour later he roturneel and denundeJ another drink , tbli tlnio offeriiif ? a dollir that \vw oven a ranker rounterfilt than the other. Olllcor ICoy os \ 'iiiciillfil , and ho succeeded in JliidliiKtho fellown fowblocki t\\\\y. llolxiits la an old offender , nnd It is claimed that he has boon In trouble before for paisiin- spurious colu , _ ( V IlooinliiK' < lty. Generally ' 'hooins" in city lifo are supposed to come Iroin the western side of the couutir , but it secma that tha south is liking a very l > n\ctie'ul \ bnml Iiilhe nuUcrtliesodajj , Mr. Andrew nosowat'er li.u just rvlfirntil from Jpplln , Mo. , 180 allies south of JCaiisis City , whither Uvua called by Dr , Tyler , mayor of the city , ouel the ebimnon council to nrmtiKO plans for sewerage , llo says that Joplln U bound to bo a thriving iilaoo , cs- ixvlully on account of Its zlno and loud mines , j\ccor\Ilng toMr.Hosoivater's ' statomcnt thcro nro but few if any , jilaooa In the country that cfjunl Joplln lu this respect , It tlio mines i\ero \ uioi-e extensively worked. Already croxvdi of miners have been uttractevl to the cliy , nnd the Tvllssouil 1'uollio Miiiuul , the only line i-cucliliig thcro uovr \ > lll llnil three lively oouipotitors iii a short tluio. uuioae thowtbo ' ' SantaFo. " TI1IJ CHOV'DKI ) _ I"a c > rltl ; iii" lloscd to Hive llccn Slioxvnlu a XCMV Dlrcotluii. Bcnllcmmi who Is IntcrcsteU in hliij ? pertaining to the schools of the e-lty , i-cul his mlniloii matters of Intei-est concern- the doings of the board Of cduea- ion. "Tho hv t moveof the boiril. In trjlng to ncreaso the seating c.ipncity of the high iCiiool , makes mo disgusted"ho cxclalmeel. "They arc going to puck thopuplls into .hoso rooms like sardines In n l x , making thcroofMUnle.ilthy and incicasing tlio dun- orln caio of flro. Inste.iet of doing this \vliy don't ' they oi-dor tlio pupils cllUribated nmoiiir the other biilUliiun In tlio iielRlibcrhoodl Tlicro ui-otwopood school buildings vlthinn short distance of the lilsh school in which thfiocrt ) vacant room1" lust ycir , nnd the chinroinro that tkcsa same rooms \vlll be va cant this year. ' The I'leawnt school Is within six blocks of the lilt , ' ! ' siliool , mid the Masna school Is not fur from the Pleasant noliool. In the building tliero vcro four cnintyiocims lint your , andthcru 'ero t vo vacant rooms in the 1'leiisnnt ' sdiopl. 'J'lio M.uou school Is one of the Illicit buildings In tonn , nnd the Pleasant school consists of a subslnntlil biiclc Ijuildliiff nnd n geol , stionn frame annex , so that there is no pound for excuse on the score of Insetuiity of the building. Thcro MUI-O children in the lower prades at- tciKlitigthc Center school In thohlphse'liool building last year who livoulmost alontstdo tlioPle'is.mtscliool. 'In ' order to avoid overcrowding the high sehool building the empty rooms In the fthsoii school should bo filled with the pupils living between tint Iwild'nR nnd the Pleasant school , wlillo these childiou llv- iiii ; botivcon the latter buildlnt ; and the high school should bo compelled to ijoto tlicPleas- nut school. This would ob\lnto tlio necessity ot p.ickliifr Hie looms nt tlio hich school nnd would do away with the erection of an ua- sightly frnmo bulletins tiaclc of tie high school. " "What is tlio tcason the rooms at the Mnson find Pleasant schools weroalloveil toroimln cnpty last year , when it was claimed the hlijh school mid the Leuvcnvtortli sshools vcre ciowdcd to suffocation I" was asked. "Ah , now you have struck it ! " cAclnlmccl this gentleman , who has kept n cloao watch oer ( iho doings of the bonnl "There is method in all this. In the illst plico , 3011 must know tbut the Hilary of tlwprinelpalof huilding Is iveulutccl by the number of ttichcrs under her control. Certain inein- bers of the hoard , who arcs favorably disposed towai'd some of the principals , insist on. crowding moro classes. and consequently quently moro teuthcrs , into a building thereby incieaslnR tlio sahrv of the prlncl- jial , regardless of the health or comfort of the pupils , "Tlion apiln , thoronro some people li\lnp within thrcexiunrtcrs of n uillo of the high scliool " \\lio \ nro insine on the Idea of sending their child ren to that building , rcpuiJless of the fact that thcro are other buildings much nearer where the facilities : ire really better. A * a result of this practice tlio building hns been literally packed , nnd now the board proposes to encourio thw practice bv erecting temporary ary balluings Instoador striking nt the root of thoeivilntid compcllingtho childieu logo where they holonj ? . "I suppose tlio iiejit thins the board will do , " ho concluded , " \\lll \ ba to submit npro- nobitlon to Issue bonds toputupa bilekbuild- Infr on the high school grounds nnel then they \vlll \ nbindon tlio Pleasnntschool altogether , as has already been suggested. " The peculiar enervating ; oJIect of summer wholhcr isdri\en ollhy Hooel's ' SarsapiirUlaJ which "makes the c ik stron Uiistieccssfill Attempt lit Suleido in tlio Count ) iJixll. There -was n mild attempt at suicide by himghip : ul the county Jail yesterday morning ahoutT o'cloclc Tlio woulu-uo talter 01 his own life was a gray-bearded brother of Policeman Cullen , whoU registered on the prison hooks as John Doe , No. 1 , and was sent up \VctliiOjday to servo atwclvo Jay sentence for intoxica tion , Ills mind has been wiuularing nioro or le'ss over since his Incarceration and lie has seemed " very low spirited. "Yesterday at the hour meutloied Jnilor Miller's attention was nttrnctoil to what is known nstholnsauo ward by calls from an other unfortunnto who is known about tbo Jail its .to Jo , Eutorlug this dcpurtncut Jail or Jllllei found Ciillon haiiBhitf by the neck with a handkerchief noose. Thei poor fellow hue ! just commenced to strangle ) whoa Miller appeared nnel instantly cut him down. Ho declined to say anything whatever on the subject. _ Everything Cops \V rimjj In the bodily mechanism when the liver gets outof oidct . Constipation , dyspepsia , con tamination of the blood , imperfect assimila tion nro certain tocimie , But it Is easy to prevent these consequences , and remove their cause , by a course of Hootcttei's Swinacli Bitters , which btlmilatos the u'llaryorsui ' and regulates its action , Tlio direct result li a disappearance of the pains bencith the ribj and through the shoulder blaJo. the nausea , headaches , yellowness of theskin , furred look of the tongue , and sour o.lor of the bionth. which characterize liver complaint. Sovincl digestion and a regular habit ol body uro blessings iilsoBOCurccl by thoiisoof this cele brated rcstoratlvoof health , which is its best guarantee of safety from mnliirial epidemics. Neivo weakness nud overtensloii nro re- llc\ct \ ( by It , and it inipiovcs both appetite und sleep. _ _ _ WHO S lOIjll JT ? AYoimjj JIanrrest ( UCliurgedVllh , Piirliiliiliig iiTyiiewrilur. J. II. Goodman , n young nnu nbouttivetity- live years old , who has been doiiiR oflleo work for PeiklnSjOatch iS ; Iaunuii , VMS locked up at the county jail Tlmrt-eliy night about ( J o'clock on n wiriant sn-ornout by Joseph P. JvIcRsutli charging him with grand larceny It seems that during the early part of July , ISM ) , Wegenth who Is agent for typewriting nnciiincs , hid a uue-hlnc stolen from him , it being 010 ofn slilpinoit riwived while ho bail bis rooms over the store of Perkins , Catch fc Ejauiiiaii Mcgoalli has been on the lookout for his propoity over since It dioiip- penredhaving nu'cord of the , niniufacturcrs number oC the machine. Thuudiiyho siitcouJed iiicettlacr on trick of the missing inachii.c. It was In ttio ] ws- scssloiiof Vouufr Goodman. Mc oath iiuno- illatel'sworo out a vat-rant for Goodman's uircst , 'vith thoresxiltas noted above. Goodman claims tint ho ho.i0'ht the ma- chluo of a man for S'rt whoso niimo ho now llnds itlnuiossibluto ice-all. Thollrni of PcikinsGatch , & Lauman say thit ( Joodinm Ins always proven nivUnblo and com potent joun man , and are amazed nt tlio disclosure , Tlio prisoner is married and resides at 1514 Humey street. Insist on gottlug Cook's Extra Dry Clnin- iiapnoif you want a pure uitlclc ; there arono liedcluthus | u It. Th't Florence AfTiir. Osumugust \ 7. To the IMltor of Tim Biu : : The coniiiiuuic.ition from I'lorence , puhlishocl In today's Issue of Tin : IUIK , over tbo signature of " " "Johnny , deserves no further notice from no than to denounce It us n malicious libel upou tlio good citizens of 1'lorcnco , tbo rcjiortcrs of tbo Omaha papers and myself. ' "Johnny" is a dastard nnd nfruldtn m'ako uu tittacknpoii upon im.iono exeept from ambush. lie \t \ too detestublo to closeuo a pa sinp notlco. Hovover , I deslro la inalco public a simple statement of tlio prosecution of the riorenco eulooji mou. I was employed to prosecute thorn for n violation of thoSundiy luv. Com plaints wcro filed ngntnst thorn nnd the po llco judge Issued warrants , but before I coula get to the court on tlw day the caseja were set for trial , the city attorney ot 1'lorenco , who lives it Blair , came down mid entered into an illegal agreement with Mr , Elberts. the pros ecuting witness , The records of tlio justice court loeito that "it U agreed by the city at torney an j Mr. iiucrU ; that the cnso ngulnst llrovu shall be ) dismissed upon the prosecut ing witness anel the defcndmit each piiyinif InU the cost of the prosecution. " Tlio join nil I recites that each paid half the Costa nud rase dismissed. HI tots conscntcel to the ubovo ngrcemont bcx'auso tie was ihreatcntid with a cilmiiul prosecution for slander if ho did not do so AJ teen as I loaned -\Uiut liail taken place I iunucdiatcly drew up another Information nitatnstthetnloon men , and they were svorn to t hy acltijen of thlscounty , but the c'ity nt- torney 1 entcrcel his protest against war rants beiiiK issued under the smnc , and tlio police Jadgo refused tolssuothownrr.mt. 'J'bcii I nt > plled to Judpo Wnkclcv for a rlt of mnndunius to compel the i > olicoudgo ] to , issue j Iho warrants , and nftcr tlio writ had Iwen Kmnted , the travesty upon the judicial [ crmiiio ( Issued the wiirnnits , nnd I the cases wen then set for J tilal on Monday last nt ii ( o'clock. ' Five nitnrsscs were present nnd st ' Hod to the court that the state -\us rca 'y ' [ for trill. Iho attorney for the defendant an | nounced tint the defendant wm also rcneiy for tilul , hut iir. ISllor , the city attorney , to my amusement , snlil that the state wns not ready , Kbo witnesses wcw present bywhom I the guilt ot the defendant could hii\o been es- ttbliihcil , but tlio court refused to proceed ultli tlio trial of the case because filler ob jected The forwoltnr arcthc facts intliocaso : I.lttlo " .To'miiy' ' ' rollects upon the chuvacter of three men who nro above1 reproach. I nlluOo to Alilcrnicn 12dVnlkor. . l rank Koyiiolds nud the cx-iniyor of Florence , iiciiiyllnll. The three last nninc.1 gentle men nro well hnownin Oiiuuiiuuil It would boa rollectlon upon ( hotn for mo to say moro about thorn than that they fmor the enforces- inc-ntof the huv. "Johnny. " why did your city attorney siy to the ] iollcojudgoof nor- cnco last Monday nt'J o'clock Unit the state was not w.itly for trial in the cases of the Btutors Diowuet all IIonorbrlKht , noiv OLOKOC JI < > ( Weather anil Acolclonts. Tnko no chances 01 headaches or sunstroke Thisliotcather Is fearful , hutlf you will take nfenvoC Kniuso's llcuil.iuha Oajwile-i each day jou vlll lind the temperatiirowlll bo re duced and the likelihood of sunstroke or prostration absolutely counteracted. For sale by ullclrnrgi.su. OThe Solid South Is solid on tlio gwit "G.einmn Uenicdy. " Tclcpramsandlettera are received every day ilurinjr this heated term for ICr.inso's llonel- nuhe Capsules. Thepeoplo from that section say tlioy reduce the temperature and pievent sunstrokes and headaches for sale by all druggists. Sun Stroke. N"o\v \ is the time , the accepted time , to pro- voiitsunstrokts , heidnches , etc. By reducing the toiiipiTatnro all these illstrcising evils will bo piwcntod. ICrjuso's Headncho Caji- sules are the thing. Ono or two ICraaso's IIc.ilacho Capmlo taken during the day will piuvont any head ache , ul&o attacks of sunstroke. All druggists NO KICK. COMIX O. Conductors Oeolnro They Jlif\c no iiricraiiics lliiil Notes. Coneluctors ICiscr , Hopkins and Cahlll of the Union Pacific all say there is no founda tion for the repoits recently circulated of additional gilovnnces oa the Nebraska and Kansas Pacific divisions. They also deny the accusation of "favciltlsra'1 made against Trainmaster Foley , and declare that"tho par ties maltlag it not only do him au injustice , hut must have some personal spite ngalust the man. It also nuts the conductors in a bad Unlit by throwing upon them suspicions that they do not desoivc.Vo hope , " said thcso gentlemen , "that TIIR Bnr will kindly set this mutter ii0'ht for \is , for we have on kieks coming. Evciythlug Is running smoothly and sntisiactoiily , Mr. Foloyisa good trainmaster , and the conductors with probably oneor two exceptions like him. The statement tliat hovlolate's -what Is known as ourchtiin pang rule , ihst iiiQrstout , by pick ing special conductors every tlrno for the two fast Irclght trains , Co3. 19 and 28 , must bo the mouthing * of some-chronic kicker , True , picked men run tlioso trains , but they elo so on the ordcis of higher oBlcials than Mr. FViley. Inasmuch us the t\\o \ oldest conduct ors hi the scrvico , Messrs. Cahlil nnd Long , have tlicjo runs , there is 110 ground for com plaint from any biotherhood conductor. JScing fnst through trains it is absolutely nn'nssnrv tn ha\a mm In cbairro of them \vhoso experience Is such that they can qulclcly utiliro every advantaijo for malting time nud safe movements. The question of Over time was agreeably set tled loit Juno and \vohavo ao Knowledge of its having been \iolatod. Neither has Chief Conductor Clark been asked by the griev ance eomrnlttco to visit Omaha. Whoever gave your reporter information as to what \\ns done In the conductor's meeting last Sunday mu t hnve beta laboring under some strange , willly Imaginative influence. It wns nothing moio nor loss than a icgular busi ness meeting. Oiiovauco were neither taken up or h any manner discussed. The conduc- tois of division U ( > nn well satisfied n-ltli the \\ay tlunps are rnov ing and o regict that nny member of the eider should malra au ut- tatk on Mr. Foley. " Getting tnthoRprlngfi. Th o Fremont , Elhhorn & Missouri Vulloy people expect to ha-\o their new line from Buffalo Gap to Hot Springs , Kale. , completed , nnd ready for operatloa by the 1st of Sep tember. The grading and brielgo laying is nil done , track laying Ins commenced anel will bo pushed tlnougli Just as rapidly as all the men that can beutil cel In that part of the work can do it. The company has lost a sreat deal of tourist business this summer that would have gone to the Hot Springs but for that tiresome , slow-j0ing { stageiideof thirty miles , The spiings ai-o as much of a winter as n summer resort on account of their health rcstoiinc Qualities. and more is c\ cry reason to Dcnevo tnu as soon as the road is icady business in that di- icctiou will greatly Incrciso. Trouble at Lincoln. The Hock Island Is having trouble ngnin aboutgetting into Lincoln. Tlio nc\v linohns been located as far as Hm clock , where the 13. & M. shops are being built , but between that point and the ci ty much dinieulty of n very annojingchuiMctcrls being encountered. In order to make a connection with the Union Pucillc for Beatrice it Is necessary to cross the U. & M. track , consequently 'in the negotiations for such piivileges as the one corporation must have and the other is ashed to giant , all soits'of complications and dis puted points uriso Vice President Parker , who has charge of this matter , is la the t > ! ist , but will probably bo hick tomoiiuw or Monday , G lading between Sojth Omaln nnd the Platte river , through Douglas anel Sarpj counties , Is going nlioad at a UTJ- rapid rate Seven hundred teams nnd 1 ,000 men aw now employed Another troublesome feature against mnlc- Ing moro mpld headway nt Lincoln is the fact that owners of property through which the nvael wants its right-of-way are holding out for enormous prices. nnel IVrscmnlN. E Dickinson , superintendent of the Balti more it Ohio , arrhed from Chicago yesterday nioinlugln his private car. llo his come to mo\o ills family from Omaha to Chicago Superintendent J , M. Burr of the Union Paclllo returned fiom an extended trip over his division Thursday night. K B. Sturues , contracting freight agent of the Xorthweslcrii , anel F. K , McMnllcn , chief clerk to General .Manager Curt , left for Den- verjesterdnyoii a pleasure tilp. 111 inv'rlor itcolltneo r'Ovon In rallllon * ot homo foraoruthuniqiiiirtor o ( a w-anturr. ItUuioJfr lh United tjutji iltnfnnionl , Kndor e < t \ > f the linls ol Hie ( ru.it iin'vfrn.ttci us the htroilKOit , 1'uto.t unj M it lleililifiiL I > r rilcoi Croitu Hik- Injl'owJor do nutcoaUla aiuiuonUlliueor alum , boll onlr In cam 1'JUCIC BAK1NO rOWDKIICa , , NewYoit Clilcnjg. baa Itaucliw. U Lculi Both the mcllipcl nnd results \vlicn Syrup of Fig ? is taken ; it Is pleasant and refreshing to the ( astfl , ami nets ceutl ) ' yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nml Bowels , cleanses the sje- Icin cflectiuill ) ' , dispela colds , head aches nnil fevers nnd curis habitual constipation. Syrup of _ Tigs is the only remedy of its Itind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd ao ccptnblo to tlio stomnch , promnt iii its action and truly kmelicinl in ite efFects , prepared only from the most henltliy nnd ngreeiihlo sulataiiccs , its many esccllciit qiialilica commend it to all nnd Imvo nindo it the mosft popular remedy fenown. S rup of Figs is for falo in BOc and 81 bottles hy all lending drug gists. Any reliahlo druggist "who may not Imvo it on Land "will pro- euro it promptly for any ono vbo ? wislcs to try it. Do not accept any euhstitute. CALIFORNIA FIS SYRUP CO , SAti FKAHCISCO , CAi , UOllSVHLEt Kf. N lVYOflK , N.Y. Liejig Goinpanii's ' EXTRACT OF BEEF , For Improved and economic cookery , use it for Jsimps ( Saiicos nnd Muilo Dlsho-i. In llwvor m- conipurabfc , and ellssolvoa perfectly clear in wntor. Makes delicious Beef Tea and kaps in all climates for any loiigth of time , 1 Ih equal to 40 Ibs of loan beef. Only sort guaranteed gcnuino by Justus von Lie- biff and boars Ills in blue , . GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE THB OIIEAT I'sen is tt UEM- liiv. An tin fill 1- InKcuroforSoin- Innl Weakness , Spenmtorrn 01 , Impolcncy , nnel nil Uisensol that folloir na a e < - qiienfa of Solf- nbu o ! nt Ion . , Pnln In Die Hack , Diinnoss ot Vision , Prcmnturo Old Ak'e , nnel ninny ether dlscn ci tliit londtu limnlty or ronminiiillon nnl a iroraiilitioKnvo. tZTVuM pirtlculnri In oeir pimphlot. nlilrhvo rto- lro toocnilfrco bi mnllto orcry ona. ! f"Tlw 8po- clllo no < llrlnu " latalilat tl | > or pnckiKe.or slxmck- nucHfur J" > , or wlllho Hont frto by mull on tlio receipt nf t lin In.lnrtv tiv nfl.l p l.l nv THB GOODMAN DEUG CO. , 1510 P iiN' M SniEGT , OMAHA , Nin. Onaccount of coiinlcrfolti wo linro adopted tin yclUjir wrapper , Iho only u'unulno. Pfiysidans , Surgcons.and Specialists. The most widely nnel favorably known spec ialists In tlio Uiiltcel States Their lon-i ex perience , remarkable fcklll and universal sue- ci'HS In tlio treatment nel ciuoof Norvou ? , Clironloiinel Surgical Plseasci , entitle thtso eminent plijslolatis to the full cunddcncoof tlie aHllcteu everywhere. They cimrnntoo : A Ol.UTAIN AND I'OSITIVE OUHE for the awful ellootH of early vlco mid tlio numer ous evil * that follow In its tr.iln , PKIVATi ; 1JKOOD ANUaKIN DISEASFS siii-pellly , comjile'lcly nnd permanently cured. .VRUVOU8 IH21IIMTV AM ) SKXUAL DIs'- OHDCK9 yield readily to tlielr Bklllf ul trcat- tnont. PILES. FISTULA A\D nECTAIj DLOEU9 Biiiirniite'eUcureel witliout p.iln or elctcutlou fiom business. I1VDKOUELE AND VAItlCOCRLK pornm- nintlyanel iiicccssfeilly enrcel In eivcry nuse. BYPlllIjIS , GOXOHIHICA , OI.ECT , Spcr- mntorihon , Somiiml Weakness Lost Manhood , rslglit KrnlssloiiK , Decayed Facilities , 1'oimlo \\L-.ilcness \ und nil dullcato disorders peculiar toelther sex positively eurail. in well uu nil functional dlsorelera tliat result from youtU- ful folllns orthooxcesiof in iteiroycara. * * t\i \ Ifrillv'KOuarantccel prrmnno n tly ol 1V1U 1 UlVLianrC ( | , remo % nl coaittcto , \tlthout cuttlnfT. caustla or dllutitlon nlTiieted ixt homo by patient without a 1110- Jiiemt'spalnor annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A UKL1 fniJl ? The awful otTocts of O UUKli cariy vice which brings orpaiilo weakness , tlostroylux uoth mind and liody. with all Its Ureaded ills , porwaiionty cured , Dk1 Hnvl"9 Address these who linvoltn- Wl\vj. MLjL l * J paired tlioiui e > lvos by Im- IiroporlnelnlKencu nnd solitary hiblli , wliloh ruin liotlt inliul ana body. uufitthiK thorn for business. Rtiitlv or rnurrluKi' . MAIIUIK1) MIIN or the > o ontorlngon that JiappyUfo.awureoflphysIcaleloWlity.iiuleklr "ss'btei1- ' DUE aacoBHS Ii based upon fnct-j. I'lrst-l'rnctlcnl oxpcrl- tnce. hcconel Kvory case Ishpoclallystitellcel , thus starting right. Third .Medicines are lircnarod In our laboratory exactly to cult each case , thus tfTuctlngceiros without Injury. Drs , Betts & Betts , 1109 DOUCLAS STREET , - OMAHA. NEB. NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment PEED , Strength. Sold Under a POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H , SMITH & CO. . Qencral Agent * Nebraska and lawn. 01OS. 16th St. , - - Omolm We had the crowds among the odd suit Pants and they almost cleaned the tables only . .very few of these left. This pants arc weekwe -we to have propose just as many customers in our Sho6 department.Vc arc closing out all our summer shoes and be We will must rid of them in a few days. make it vo tli while your to visit shoe our department this week will show you bar gains you ' have never seen before in tlie shoe line. All shoes adapted for summer wear must go. Men's Russet Goat Oxford Tics , $1.40. Men's Russet Goat Lace Shoes. $1.75. $ Men's Coffee Brown Goat Lace Shoes , Goodyear welt , $2.25. Of the last lot there is only a small quantity. These shoes arc not of the common trashy colored stuff of which , nowadays , so many are in the market. Ours come from reputable makers , are of good , honest stock , well made , and we can "lecotnniend them , The shoes are extraordinary bargains , and yon should avail yourself of this opportunity. Shoes of color pos sess many decided advantages over black shoes for summer . wear. They are much cooler , re- quiie less care , arc less expensive and more comfortable. In black summer shoes we offer lot of fine a very Kangaioo hand welt Southern Ties , which were delayed by the manufacturer and only received last week , too late in the season to sell witha profit. It is a shoe which we would ordinarily mark $4.75 , but fqr above reason we of- er them at $3,90 , \Ye still have a sm.ill quantity of the Patent Leather Shoes at $2,50. We shall not get in any more of them this season , so if you want a pair better come soon. TO MECHANICS AND LABORERS. We have again a full line of our celebrated all solid leather $1.25 shoe. This is by all odda the best low priced shoe ever offered. Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. Our store closes at 6:3O : P. M. : : : Saturday nt 1O P. M. THE DUEBER. FACTOR IC3 HAMPDEN LARGEST WATCHES IN THE THE BEST. WORLD. THE TIME BEST KEEPER. SEND FOR THE DUEBER OUR BOOK , WATCH CASE "FRAUDS NFG.JO. , IN WATCHEU. ' CANTONTOHIO. Specialist , T uiiHtitiusaoil In Iho trcmtjuc.'it of oil formu of I'JllVA'fh UlSnAMCa. I.oitMnnhooil bTIUUTUKU , orpnlii In rolluvlnxlliu Madder. SYPHILIS cured l > lMMo iluy Skin IHscises.Cnturrh , nnel nil DIs- Hrncsoftho lilontl. Heart nml J.lve'r. Fnmtilo Dlscna- escuruO without Instrument * * or "locil treatment. " ladles from 2to 4 only , tend itnmp for clrcuhra Klvln pnrtlciihrH nbout each of the ubovo ill cmc H , anil phoirlnti iimnyof the moJt raimrifiilih aurei. Olllcc , y K. Cor.14Hi imd Fiirnun SU , autrancuon cllhur mrcct. Ouiulu , Xob , PARKER HOUSE , BOSTON. J , REED WHIFFLE fc CO. , Proprietors YOUNG'S HOTEL , BOSTON. J , REED WHIFFLE & : CO. , Proprietors. HXUKOPH1AM Cool.liiK nnlSorvIco excoileel by iiono. dimjlcto In nil npputnliuoiiti Io t lucatlun In tin * city. Tno lloston 'IrnnserliJt snyt , "Air.Vlilpplu Is a prlneo of lumllo.di , anil IIIUMIIS of riirKurs * rony nntlclinto n return to tlio ni'Od ' olj tinea of Its louniUr , Hnroy 1) I'iirkr. Mr. VVHII'PJ.H vlll contiuuo the mnnngoiucntor 1ounj { aa hcrctoioro. IHUN STEEL For Most Improved and Reliable Stjlosi PATENT EDGE CORRUGATED , V CRIMP , STANDING SEAM , ROLL AND CAP , ETC. , WRITE THB PIQUA , OHIO 5B.BGAREIffES ? ! 1'uy Sptclnl Attention to tLo , , aiiniilicttiio ofFer For ilonteor Store. AVchnvothe FIHEST im OF STRIPES | M la thl cllr. - < * 202 to 208 South Water Street , CHICAGO. GR ATEFU L-COM FORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREA.KFAST. "Ilr n tliorounh knowlorteo of Iho nntiirnl In.w ( whlihKeivtrn tlioupunitlmiHor ilUontleiniiml nutri tion nud lir it rnrcfiil npplli'illeiii vt tliullnu iropor. tics of well auli'ilul e'otcii. Mr KPPH tan provlilo'l ' our bronkfntt tnblua lth H ilcHcntt'lr HuTored bovur. IIKU irlilclimn ) ' MIM ) liininrijliciivr itoctor'H I > II1. | H In li ) Hut Jmllclou * ill-out KlhUinrtklu * uf illot Hint I contlllittlon iiinr bu urnihuilly tMillt up until ttrori ; cnexiuli teire'iilHt cvorr tuinlcnoy lu illrci u. I lull- ilrrilxif Militlo nmliullct arotti ( lln > { nround iiirnmlr to ntliicU Klu'rinc'r eluro IN n wuiik point \\e innr ooiiiei iiiiiny n fatnl nlmft t > rkuuulniotiri > olvc < nell fnrllUCMl ltli pure liliHiil , mil a ptupurlf notirldiul IrnmoCivil M > rvlraliiixfllo. Mido Hlmply vltli boiling unttnrorniHI * PolJ onlr In linirpouml tlnn , bycn > r < > r > i InlKlitl tlnu : IA1IK FPPS * ni Hejiiin-oimtlileCli-mlsts , JaJlLO l.l 1 OCX tV , , l.i.iiiioii. Iiuluuel. DR. ELEQTRID BELT "SSfrSj" - - WMfY."MVu . . . . . pell , Curt l ( ir rnlf n hnM i rlvltf Irvrl ; , HIM , booth lot , r < .nll oui ( unrnll nf Klirlrltll ; Ih > [ .h ml KAl. PJUTH r.iloriullitmnllkAITH . .IUI.OIlllsS-iM.TII. ) | ( : rltrlrle e rrml Irll ln.lii.lly , or K ( orlc It OOUlo call llflT > nd ai [ > . < lor. C iil l IJ. n < p. < r.t rlltl l' r < - - 1 | B tiret BtoQtti. , Httira p nriil t rtt. Protectand Improve Your Sight by Using a Pnirof Our"Perroction" Spectacles OP Eueglasses - J- They are The BEST in the WORLD We ' make a specialty of high grade goods , using irje regular ecu * list's Prescription Frame , nnd only Hrst , quality crystal lenses , -which are scientifically ground to correct the various delects of vision. Every pair is fitted by a Practical Optician of rnnny years' expcrl * ence , end weGUARANTEE SATISFACTION JN EVERY CASE. FOR Thirty Days We Will Sell SPECTACLES nnd EYEGLASSES at REDUCED PRICES. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , MY STYLE , Worth $5 to $ IO ; now $3 to $5 FINEST STEEL SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , For $1 and $1.50 ; worth $2 to $3 BLUE OR LONDON SMOKED GLASSES , for shading Ids eyes , from 50c UP Beware of using rommon Spectacles , which are sure to injure your eyes , but tnke advantage of our reduced prices and buy the best and haye them properly adjusted to your eyes. OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. MAX MEYER & BR JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Established 1806. 16th AND FAR NAM STREETS , Omahn , Neb The Onialia Medical and Surgeail Institute Knrtlio treatment ofnll CIIHOMO AVI ) HIIKniOVL DISBASM. Brnrci , Apjillnncoi for ( lor < irmtllojana Ttuua Host Knrllltle-f Apii-irntim nml Kemuillcj furiiirctiful Ire itrnnit of cvury form of illKniiHorii * iiulrlnKtiicilloiliir iiiritlcil Iroatraotit. ONK IIIIADItlSI ) AND TSVKNTY-KI VI ! IUHIMS 1011 IMI'IKNl'S. llounl nnl Atli'iulmicu. Ilo t itccDiiiiiiilatluni In . tin wjitVrltu for clrculnra nu DufurinlilUH nml llraioa. Trusses ClutiKcnt. CiirvaturiiH of tli jS.iliio I'lloi Tuinori Cinour , Ciitnirti , IlnmcliltN , Inhiiliillon ' , Kloo- - trlcltr. I'nrnlyiH , KiHciny | [ , ICIilndy.lllKldO'.IIyii.Cnr . , hkln nnillllntul unit nil Hiirideul UIKTMIIOIIH llSi\Hl:3 | OF WOMK.V nupocliiUy. llnolcof HI cumofV"ii n fr o'o \ IIIIVD liit.'ly inhloil al.yliu-ln dipnrtniont. f or woiiii'ii ilurlnoiilliiomiint utrlotlr irl ' ' | itii ) Ollv llullnlilu Mc'illu.il liinlltiiUi iimkliiK unicrlallror 1'ltIVA'li : DbKA KS. .Ml blooilillmiiius > ucru fiillylrciitil ( h > p'lllltlo ' pol-ioii ntiniivi-il from Iliu * without trcntrdnt inorrut hanio ) . ew Kutorntltu Trcitiuont forlo-n of vl till p > wer. I'artlis ' * iiiuililii tolnl \ im iuir | bo by lorruHpiiniluncc. All u immunlcitloiii uoiilliluntlnl .Mnllolni or liiHtriiiniinti mint by mull Uull orc\ii | ( i xocuiily ( iirkuil no mnrk i to Ind lento cuiituntiur Hcmlor. Ono | > raunil liitinrli > wirofirroj. | nnilcoiiHiilt ' UHiir HcnllilHlury of ) o-ir rjio , nn > l wo will lend In plain wropimr utir IIUUK'IU JIMrf Hit. FllliW Aildruss iipuii 1'rlrntoSpuclal or .Norvuus Ulaciiu , liupolonoy , SyplillN ( iloet , mil Vurlcouoie , wltli ijuuslloa Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Corner 9th nnel Ilurnoy Streets , Qmalm , Nobrnslcu. FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE Rudncrmicent CURE for ill ilieotoi of the URINARYORCAN8. Oorca whereothortreatraent fiile , Pulldtrectlouiwltheach iottld. Pri'e , oca dollar. Bco e cnataro of Ii L- DTAJL. For Sale By All Druggists , n T PM "T AND BOI.ICITOU3 lAI LIN 1 Neb li t FTTT I r VI'V Mttre-rlnB fnini ulrcot * I \ AV / A A 1" " ' " ' I"1" Miuiliooel , lVii//\lv / VoiHlifiil Mneirs , Imnev Iln , yBlli | i | , < iniHOf ! Mon . run lornrvli ormnniMitlr mil prhiiluly lijr our ovfi imli.ctitic ! Hunt by mull Curll | lui > ic lent ( unlvd I for Hump , Ilimiiui .Mnllciil ConipuD * Ul tun tiruutM'i > tcni , .Mm > AnoODUKUI. Inwvu ll.'l C lilc.iK" , 'M yens' uais ful pniulo * Atlvlcei I > ILU ! nujjublicU/ , bpoulul ( uollltlai lu many ttettct ,