Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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" "
nVI UTI8EMiNTH : forthcwoltunni will
In Inkrn until 19in ) j > in. , fur llio - . -
od I on und iiiitll8inp. : : m. , for the morning „
edition nnd bt'Ntuv HKK.
rpKHMS Cash In advance ,
T > ATFP-Advertisement son this PIIRC will bo
I JUhnrBcd for nt the rate of lucent per word.
f < ir the IIrst Insertion and I cent per word for
each Milmcquenl Insertion , und fl.W ! per line
licrtnimth , NoaiUcrllficnirntfltnkcn for Icsa
than 21 cents for the tlist Insertion.
"TNITIAI.8 , figure-symbols , do , , counteach
J us one vord.
rplll'Sl" nrtverllserrcnti must run ron'ocn-
J. Utely find under no clrcnmstiinres will
they bo tiikun ordlicnntlnut-d by telephone.
"pAin'in.i > niUcrtlsoIns In these ooliimtn nnd
J havlnir tholr nnswcrtt mlrttc sscd to ti "num
bered letter" In cnro of TUB \lrv \ will ren-l\
nnumLcrdl chcok to en able them to pet tholr
letter" . Answers will be delivered only on
rropetitntliin of this check. I nrloso ainwers
In einclopes propotly riddrcsscd.
A Id ; ii(1vrtl < cments under tbo head of
" peclnl Notices" nro published In holhtho
tnornlnK and oxcnlns editions nf TUB lu.i' . Ibo
rlrculal oHof Mhlcli nccre ntus more than
SO.tto papers dally , and Rives tlio advertiser
1ho 1 cni'Htnotonly nf theInrpocirculation of
lilt : lln : In Omaha , InitnUo In Council lIltilTo ,
I Incoln nnd other cities nnd ton us In the nest.
> VKI TIHKMINT. : I for situations or for
male or fenuilo help , not exceedInz 'Jl
ilRiiK ! Insetteil InTimPtrNnAY lln : at half
laleidurhiR thn months nf .Hily and Ausnst.
Tin' re-'iil-ir fates will le clnred for each
nddlt'onal ' word above 21 worda as ell as for
reuse till to In crtlons
A < hoH1soltK for tliPRotnliitnnt wlllliolnUnn
on tiip iilnvo condition , nt tlio follow In *
-s liotmrs mo iiiitliot-l/cil to talco
fpi' notices lit llio siiinu can be
imd lit tlin tnnln olllcc.
> 5 SfiSl N fcircut , I.Istor Illok. .
TfOIlN W.IIKM , , I'liarinauiHt.K.'O fcouth Toiith
J Ktrrct.
IIA I * ( c nilDV. Mat'onon ' utid 1'rlntors ,
IIISouth KHli Stioet.
\\T .1. jllTqiIiS : I'liiirinnclst , UI North ICtli
bl root.
KTvTrAltl ( , l'huriuuclft , 1713 heaven-
X vortli Sliool.
ri UUllLb' l'IIAU.MAUV4th and 1'arnam.
1'orrutce , itc , , iff t < > i > nf jurt column on this iM
/ / illnittH n .Silni/a/ | . _
WANTI',1) t'oslilon by a rollaolo younir
i.itin to ih > chores and drive cnrrlncn for
private family or light work In a slon1 or
olllee , AVnjea no object. Address 1/28 I lee.
\\7ANTni > .Situation bv onoot the best dry
r > goods mildmcn In MlchUan. uiidursltind
cvmy branch nt thotriidni am conslilutid ono
of tlio ut t advertlhL-rs In tlio Ktate , ( an lu-
cronse aw mnit'H triidui leasoti , "want to go
west. " Addiess Ij sc cine Hec. 4011) ) *
SITUATION In groceiy o dry goods. Can
furnUh ( lAperlonee ami if in ) . Omaha or Ho.
Omaha. Address IjL'l llio olllee. for two days.
AWl)0\V lady , American , deslies r , plaro
asworUlnifiind man.iglnn liouwkei-per In a pttl > ll < itOtprlvato housi- . where best
nervlces will bogm'ti for best wages. Addiu s
j : . A. llassott , Oolmnlnis , Neb , : M ' > U *
WA NTnn Sitiuit Ion bj drunitM as second
clurk. Aildiessbo\ , North I'latlo.Ncb.
2HI 10 *
I'oi inlea , itc. , KC tnjtnf flisl column on thli p
Half iiitc * on
SIlOi ; iliiuii mer wAiiteil on commission , 01-
iMjilinced ipadhhocsnlesnrin to carry a
full line of nudlliin prlcid bhoes for an cstnb-
llsht'd reliable shoo niamifaeturor , None Inn
ovporlt'iiied men of abllltv need apuly. Ad-
diess. st ntliiK uvpiiilciui1 , terrltorv coxeied ,
nnd lefnonccs , Hoot and bhoo Mnnf'gCo ,
llostou , Mass. Ifi-ll *
$ T."i COIo $153.00 a month can bo made work
Ing for us. I'eisons profoiiod who can fur
nish a hoi so mid ? * their whole lime to the
business. Spare moments may bo piolltably
employed also. A few vacancies In towns and
cities II r. Johnson & Co. , 10W Main bt. , Ulclt-
innnd Vn.
SIIOI3 salesman wanted. Only rtist-clnss
men need apply. 0. T. Van AUen. N
Bt. . t-oiith Omaha. 417-10
"IXf AN'THD Oa hanl/cd Iron cornice woik-
ii crs ; also sheet Iron Job workman. Good
wattes and Hie uly work , .1. ( ) . Mcrarlnnd. 21 ! )
and - ' 'IV. . Lake Ht. , Olilc.i o. Illi 418-1.- ) *
\\7 AN ri'.l ) Canvassers for Installment
* h Jiiso to work on hilary and com nils don.
721 N Hit h si. 421-11 *
W ANI'KD Atr.nellnmcnt : totakeelinico
business In Nebraska. Kof-
rrenees leinilied. Inqitlie 0. li. li. , roomSJ ,
Bt. Clalr hotel. 421-10 *
/"COMMISSION and jnaniifnctuierh'
Vwauteil toacci-pt state neiiuy and tepio-
BOMt our iiocou ills of Ucrman casslmeles ; rx-
porli-iiee and icfeionce leiiulted. AddieisH.
T. iloi'k & Co , Milwaukee.Ms. . 418-11 *
" \\rANTnD-JI an as iiRent ot our patent
Tl safi"i ! 8liObxlhxlS Inches ; . lot-ill. All
nlzes as hiuNowstyle ? ; now palloins ; new
lock ; now factory. Not governed bv , ifo
pool , i\ory : wifij wair.mteil. Ilnro ihancn.
I'erinHnent liuslncss. Our tcnm undiatn-
lo ii ( ) will romlnee you Aui-nts elear f.VIO to
If-VW no r month. Write foroxcliiblvo territory.
Alpine bate Co. . Cincinnati , O. _
"V\TANTI'n ror country tnwn , an all around
T I baker , one who will make a stood citizen.
' Wnires tfll ) a week , board and room ; faio paid.
Mis. llrnra.nmiHl.HhM. 4HJ-S'
A man to Hell Roods on ro.ul.
ii Address with stamp Lock liox ( 11 Coluin-
1ms , Neb. : i. " > 7-S *
BAICl'll wanted ntUiissi-ll liioa. , Pawnee
City , Neb ; please Mate ivnges. 33.1 11 *
WANTHD-Men t itr.tvitl for our Canadian
nuisarlcs.mone& elllngtoiiMadKou.Wls
OITV canvassers on Kalary nnd commission ,
experienced aKOuls profortoil ; must give
security or elty iiferenro. Aphlr fliUI to U u.
m. , Omaha \\alcli Ulub Co. , Ibll Capitol avc ,
as.1 a )
) A Rood harbor. Addiess Xln-
* i neekor Urea. , Columbus , Neb. 4U1 8 *
'VV'ANIT.n-Twonly-llve waKou tennis and
ii tlft > mcnoii woiks at ( Jut OIT luKu to
morrow , w uses M y > and * 1,73 j > er day. Two
months mirk. Kd I'liolan. conlrnctor. USO 8J
/10HNIOU WorkatB. tlnnon and Job workers ,
V-/stiaily / ! work , peed uaBes. JainoH A. Jlll-
lcr& . Uro. , I'.M and Ul S. Cliiiloii bt. , Olilenco.
A ( IK NTS SO outfit nn : days' tlmo. Jin 00
Vppollt In 4UH > KS or no pay. Add , with
Btanip , JjirIs A. Company , UaclnoVIs. .
TttrANTini-K. U. laborers for Iho U. l > . oT-
> ' tension In Utah and Novudii. WIIKVS 12
to fiSo pi > r day. Albrlghl'a Labor Agency. 1120
rarnam Ht. Waill
" \\7"l' winit llrst-clnssimontsin o > ery toi\n In
vt Ntlir.inka to sell thu metal back album.
\Vo can uU o hot tor terms thin any other house
tollrst-clnss nii'it. The met d back Is the only
album that Is satisfactory In e\urr respect ;
can be lucriMi'-ed to any td/e ; a iliiinaei'd leaf
replaced , and leaxes iihsorttul to suit e > cry
iinrclmsur. Art Album Co. , llattlo Creek ,
h. 131 ii :
\V AXTI'D 40 men for Colorado , WIIROD K
and K.2.1 perday. Albright labori
HJO I'ariiam si.
"VVrAN" ! KI ) Sali > * mcn ut IIS per month sal-
i > uiyiititl rvpenses to sell a line of sllvvr-
plated wnie , watches , etc. , by eample only ;
liort-e ami tt-.ini fiirnbhed fieo ; write at once
for full put tlcnltlrs anil sample case of goods
fric. standard bllvcrnntc to. , Huston. Jlass.
rAM'KIl 2W ) lal ) rersi for extra road
' KUIIKS. Apply to I' . II , Johnson , H. A. M.
pafcsenser depot , llinuli.i. m-j
'VV'AM'lll ) Salosinim In esory locality lo
11 niiinufactuiuaiid wholesale our now iiro-
rc.--s elder , made without npplos. I'.xcollcnt
WIIRON , noe.ipltal roiiuhedi pittluulars free.
Mlu > ouil Cldur Jtfi. Collo\5.VJ , hu Jov-1- * '
" \ \ rANTKDOnlvnnlzod Iron cornlcn work-
it ers : ste uly work ; peed wagiM JumesA.
Miller & Uro. , UMund ill South 'JII lit on street ,
_ _ | _
" \\TANTnil-Several praxl t-lly eanvas-iors.
' Tor purtleulitra audrevi Box 207 , Umnlm ,
Neb. _ _ _ _ gruaj ) _ |
" \\rA.NTI'U Three llrHtolas-jinoa to represent -
> ' sent t ho Omaha Heo In and nut of the elty ,
Cull at the upeclal otllco of Omaha Uee , eotner
17th and rarnam .eround llixir. 07 ?
, etc. , MO top of fi t column an il\U \ jniu .
Iltilf i\itei un
SWIUi pay liiUlesn salary of 110 per week
to veik fume In tholr localltvnt homo ,
light Mork.goodimy for pnrt tlmortewlth 1. riitrliiBton. box TOJUhlcitgo.
\\7ANTKD-Yoiiiwc laily to do spottlnpi
must l i rapldt wanes JIO nor week. Apply
to Helm & Molt t , jiuoUuruplier * . W13 lanmiu.
Jib 8
VVANTTO Girt for freneral homework :
i I must IKJ steady and good cook ; highest
waxes ptld. 2 S- Hurt kt , ; > > t-a
' \\fA Jjf Kii-PtcSd V iSlrrrnrst CMSS ! cook nnd
T | laundress. Mimtbo thorotiKliIy comtio-
tent.Vnses { " > per week. Address \V. 1 , . Sol ,
1st nnt'l bank blMj ; . 873.8 *
" "
" \\r"ANTiiT-Snrogirl ut ouco. Apply SBST
V > California st. ' 5oo
" \ \7ANTnO-Olrl forwncrnt houseworks two
V > In family. 1K1S beward M. 4J5-1I *
/"or tiiT , tic , , kee titfiof firxt column on thlt
i'VOU wifih to rent a house or.storo HCO H.
IE Cole , ( . ' ( intliitntal block. Vi\
TjlOU 10-niomhousc,2107 ! : Douglas , fi
J-1 ( liilro 211 1 nouoltis. _ VH
° " KKNT-A Iiouso of nil conveniences ,
centrally located. Ilujulro 713 N luth Bt
KU- & '
HUNT . " -room house , city water and
} hcrccns , nt a bargain to reapoiislble tmi tics ,
7 I'arkor st. Aptily filU , ration block. Wl
fPO ItfiS'T llotibo of 8 rooms , east ami
J north fiont , corner 2Mb and \\oolwoitli
fin- . , all modern ciiiiM-ntenccs , (10 ( per month.
U.r.lliirrlhuii.lillN. Y.LUoL git
"THINKresidence , modern Impnnoments. S408
J. bt. Jlary'savo. * ! ' . " > per month , Inquire at
premlscioral A. Hollcra , 1114 rarnam , ICe
IJIOU UKNT-0-room house , 231.'Caldw ell St. .
J-i-lty water , cl-itorn and well. Apply i'dl
C'ladwell st. Ji.-.s'
"irOH Kr.NT llotisp. 10 rooms , all modernIm-
JL1 piouMiient * : , lar o yanl , * .B per inoiiUi.
Commi-sloii to u 'oiit.s. Dexter Thomns ,
] " rtJinulNT 5-room house , irood ienlr. | nlco
yard , ci lern water , rent f'J2. Apply to 1401
South 7tb mo , orto Jno.V , Hell , diiiKKlst , 10th
UHNT Ilouspten rooms SO.'ICiillfor-
nla Iiiniilioati.HU ! . : : t 8'
"TjiritNlSIlKU house on rarnam Ht. for rent ,
J Inqulio Ucrintin-Amerlc.m fcavlngs bank.
U1.1 ?
WAXTI'tl for rout , a 0 orS-room house ,
with model n Improvement * and barn , lo
cated boittb of 1'uriuun st , Addiess L " . " > . Dec.
: i'J4 h *
"IflOH KHXT Onort 10 room noiiso , sowOr ,
* 'water ' , mis , bath , barn , ( urnn.'o. : In elegant
oliupe.chetii ) . D.V , tholes Co.-lIl3t ! Nat'l b ink.
T 7 roomllat. f rt S 1 it S.JO
per month. Apply at Tim Fair , o . llr.ui-
dels & from L"JO
"TjAOK Iir.XT 7-room roltage with barn , 22nd
-1 and I.enu mrnrtli , C.1) per month to coed
party. C. ] ' . llairlson , Oil X. Y. Mfe. ax )
"TjlOKUnNT-i-'ept. 1 , cnttngn vllli all monern
luirivtiiient.s | ) ; J.r > 21 tihuiman ave , 771
Nr Doslrablodwelllncs In Coimell
J lllutrtiiit i educed rents , ranging fiom&l to
$70 jicr inontb. I ) . 11. t-lic'ifi ) & Co. , luitul
iioeiits , ltioad ny and Main sts , roiuicll
HhilVs. 8.1-ASU
ITlOIt Jinyi110room dvielllnjf , No
J' iiev st , , suited for rooming and lioiudltij ; ;
rent cheap , rieo Dr. Xovlllc , UWloti.M ( st.
1TIOH KHNT 7-rooin house near notti st. Or-
V chnid Illll. $10 pet month MuraMun hlouk ,
Nub. Jlortgigo loan companv. ITU
fjlOU UHNT At 0209 rnrniitn St. . n nine-room
J-1 linuso M Itli model n conrcn lencus and am plo
void loom. Apply toV. . U. Doano , mr . V
Life bills. 408-10
( KOOM llatsT SHU and I.eavunworth.
TTlon I STINT or sile Ouo two-story busi-
L ness lioui-u la town of I'lukotull , Gage Co. ,
Ni'li. , on Union 1'aultlu railroad. Stcond
story well litlid for liousekcepliiK 1'ossns.
slon alien Auuitst 15. Address Jlrs. A. K. Ld-
muds.71.r iV Kltlh St llcatrluo. Nub. : U3-10'
171011 KENT House of ton rorms , N.I. SOU
J.1 Douglas St. ; luuidy to business , nUo to
cabkniml motor cars ; modem conveiilenees
Also rottmtu of seven rooms fto. UIJii llarnoy
si , rnnulioot 1) . T. Slount , Ullfe. llth st. G7J
FOU UHXT 23-room now houses at 2G.2 and
Ltv'4 Caldwellst. all inndotu comonlcnees
with barn.J.iU to good paitles. fill ) I'axtoublK.
1J1OH HKXT To responsible patties only ,
- those flue new lirlok nnd stone houses on
Georgia tiM'iiue ; fifteen rooms anil alcoves ;
mom couM'uk'iices and better llnlshcd than
any bouse for nut hi tlio city. 11. II , llcndor-
bon , 400 1'aMpn block , eltv. 4CO
/ IIOO.M hoiiho IpOCI.X 21th St.
4 loom hoii uUll A\oolworth avenue.
3 5-room houses COS N llltli ht. 400 11 *
rr-TSOOM hoiiso with birn ; ; nominal rent. 0.
11llarrSon , Oil N. V. Life. 833
IT1OH ICNT-Ioslrallo ( ) 8-room house , nil
JL' modem Improvement ! ! ! excellent location ,
melded ynnl fiont and rear. Convenient to
uholi'Falodlstilct nml new union depot. C.ood
loeatltn for pli > slelan. Apply 111S lutli st.
8-IEOOM IIOIIHO. "M and Cum Ing. j.L" nor
mouth , l' . F. Harrison , Oil N. V. Ufo. 6sj
/'or rut , etc. , tee tap of flat column on Ihti
T71OH KKNT Ulonn. ftlrnlslicd loom , 1010
JJ Capitol ave , IW4 8 *
IT1OH Hl'NT-r-Two rooms , fuinlshed ; prlvato
-L1 family , i'Ol.'i Cuss st. U.IS-1 ! ! *
"iriUIlNfsTTlTlTrsOOMS-Oiio lar o fiont and
J. 0110 uniall loom , 107 Ninth 1'jth , I'.xtil block.
42.1-11 *
Gr.LnGANT furnished rooms , single or cu-
sulte.wlth Hist class bo ird , modeiato ptleus ,
111 H. 17th st. Airs. 11. L. Itandill. : uti ! Kl *
rpMO desirable looms , slnsluor en sitlte.wlth
-U board In prli ate family with pleasant home ,
located in modern residence. 2l.iO Hat ney sL.
uW 10 *
T.AUOE cast front room. C0 ! > N 17th st.
JU ; rr410 *
Ftl . . ) collage , 5 rooms , S. IGth st.
Im illllreWK. ll'J-17 *
FUUMSIIEI ) fiont loom , 1711 Loavenworth ,
aM-10 *
> EAUTiruU.Y furiiMiod rooms with board
attliofeliolton , 101 S. i. > th st. 37o n *
ROOMS fuinlhhcd , or unfurnished , 1900
Capital uve. .
TTIOH ItllXT fcouth room , suitable foi ono
J- pet son , with board , private family , 2AI7
ratnam s-t , 2jOJ ( !
KD rooms Ibll Caiillol a\oniio.
"ITllSOXTroorn In prlvato family , all niodoin
-U conveniences. 0)M ) Hurt. lUM-ll *
"JjlOH TII'XT 3 nlooly furnished looms ; mod-
-L pm con\culuiivubi bo.ud nuxt ( loot. L'015
_ U17 10 *
ST , O AIU European hotel , with dlnln ? rooia ,
Kith- Dodge. Bpeolal latch bycolc or mo.
"IT1011 Itr.XT rurulahed looms , 1009 Douglas
FOH llKNT-Nlccly furnished rooms with
bo ird , llrstulabs accommodations1. ' ! Davenport -
onport st.
T7iOIS UI'.NT rnraklicd i-ooms ; gaa.batb and
-L : fctcnin , 15111 llownid. nil
TT10U ItKXT-ruralsbed room with board.
-t ? 1011 Ijouglas st. Stt *
rptVO nleuly fiirnUhcd front rooms for BOII-
-L tli-nien only , 415 per month. 2103 1'nrnaui ,
ISKNl'-Twobouth looms IOU iTirTuTuT.
7t a a'.T > *
_ _
HLOM&-JJ , K ? , * io. iK. W7 N. isth bt.
8 u *
_ _ _
IJlTTAS.V Troonis ; iiUobo.uillns , 02SH7T7th" .
UM-alU *
KD j-ooms. 1003 OapltoUvo.
t > 57 all *
roon.s , modern liuurovemcntsi
' 'l I'aiiinm htri'et. : M
I > OOM for binglo geutlciuan , " 12
t ittlalO *
, fc. . tec ( ojiof first commit on
KiXT : JlunfurnUied room37 X. lath
t. ; W month. IliS b *
ltKNT.-1'urnished front room for l o
Bunts , tt each per moiitli , 1'JOU ruriiam st.
407-10 *
"J710H 11KNT-5 tinfurnUhcd looms , 181S Cnss ,
U77 lu *
ITOH ItHNT-l unfurnished rooms sullablo
O. for hoimcLvopliiK. .modern Improvements ,
to family without ehlldn'm no objection to
children under three yetus old , Northwest
corner 17th anil Wcbsler sta. 7jt ;
ilOO"Ms unfiirnMicd nnd loonm fiuiilshod
for rout lu luci > &n block , cor. JJt.h and I'a-
clflc. ' ras
Forratei , , rtc.ut toy of fnt tclunin on tliitjxw.
STOlirai at7WSii 18th.20x00eTcTi.Inunshow
windows , steam heat furnished. Thoj. r.
Hall , Oil 1'ujctou block. UO
"vITirrs for rent-AI o nlnrcc teem 40\flO
\Jon second lloor Haniir's building. lSvV
I foil ItKNT-llrlek warehou e , two torlci
nnd basement , 27.CKK ) ntiaro feet , with 1W
eel of ( loublotraok oil U. I' , railway ,
Xltli and fierce s ti tots. Address 0. Dikanip.
Uiiinlin. Neb. UB
[ T'Olt ' UHNT-Tlio 1-story brick bttlldlnit.willi
Ju1 or without iHiwor , formerly occupied by the
Ice I'ublMilm ; Co , Ht ( ! I ariiniu st. The build'
na has a lire-proof cement basement. compli-to
loam liLatliixuxtiires. nnter on nil tlio Hoots
no , etc. Apply at llio ufllco of The Hee. l > 15
OH Ur.NT-miTillliiKMxl34 ft. . 4 stories and
baseniiml , nn Jones t. . bet noon 10th ami
Ith , with IE. It. track In alleyibest location In
ho city for wholesale. Impure 310 a. Illh nt.
i. A. Iiiuliil9t. | 1W
_ _
JV10IJ Itl.NT-l'Inoslorcroom In Norfolk. Neb.
L' gholMil silliablu for clolhlmr business ;
rlrctrlc lights , steam heat , etc. Address U , A.
' 'orratrn , etc. . KC < oj > of fnt colinn n on tliti
Pt KCol
J.'IUHV , rental agent , 3W N. Y. Life.
Bl\ COO K , roil till aceney ; loani , morlsraRcs
bought , t new paid and collections lioom
ftllN. V , L , ! ! ? . 777 ft'JS *
Gr.O. .1 , I'AtL. 1MJ rarnam , nouses , stores
and Hats for lent , rents collected , reliable
flroliiiiirniiue. Monev to loan. 217
I'nr rate * , etc. , Mftnp of fift column nn tlit *
. A > u.i' .NleopiNipliTt'o room "and board
U. at I'ulliiiHi house , IMa nnd 1.110 Umlun st.
43) ) II ) *
I'n\V more day boarders wanted at IJ11
lodROst. a' M *
K ( rmc < , etc. , KC tup oftut column nn
S Trudc-iniitKs.dcslKiii , Inliols and
co | > i rlsliti , ri'Nsiu'i niul lojpctcil ensi-i
jiroiiipll } scciiiuil. InfrliiecmuitU vlsoniusly
twicoiiti'd. DnniJKo mill niynliy collcutcu ;
iisiilliitlon fioo Oiuiihn rntcnt Ascnty ,
( Jiounsu bloult , cot. 10th and Uupltol avi > .
A UA [ 'in- : ! ( . 'iiMillii.i\laiH to nttond inoht-
T * bltlon iiiin'iidiiu'iil club nivrtliiK liid.iy
livening , Ausr. S , at umciKlincnt
IWJUoiiRlusst. i79 8 *
COMKiill and talio a mjisssiso trcitmciit ;
snnirlliliv now. I'oiloiblXJr south Illhst. ,
noU Hurkor liotol , : ilii-li ( *
\VAN'Tii---TO : IUV.
For tatel , etc. , KC tnp of Jlitt culuiiiii on tht *
llJICO.OOO roiilcstulc wnntod for cish. I wniit.
Pfor n cllonl , stilctly llrst-cliiss.liisldoronlal
properly , frco of Inciiiiihranoo nnd IjrlncliiK
In au' of not less tlmli 1SU poruonton
tlio liiM'Minpnt. Parties lmvln'4 jimnorty
ftii'wuiliiB ' tlieso rniulrGinout * * who ilcslro to
sell may llnd n ntilck buyer hv nildrossln mo
within oiiorc1c. . with full dcsorlptlon of tlio
propci tyolliied mid llio lowest c.isli prlco for
same. No oiitslilu Diopurty uonaldotud ; no
( . qitltlcs wanted ; will nssuino nn inortKiiRos ;
wllllmost from Iio.ono to Sir.O.ow ) siot | cish.
Tlio buyer will bo In Oiniilm \ \ Ithlii ton days
lo declilo 011 Imi'stniPiits. Address mo at
once by loiter. Mention tills p.ipor. ( ) . J.
Colby. 007 I'axton blU. D71 13
"WANTI'D to buy blnclc innre , ilyc.irs ol < l ,
l. ) S hntuls , nolelit J,150 : will way cash ;
must no good tr.i\cler. A. P. Tukey , o\v
Ynrlc I.lfu. ' _ 1" )
\\f ANTED (7ond cnininriclal paper. N'o-
> T Uruslca Hortgago Loan Co. , Gll'u\ton ! ) blk
l-.n. houscliold goodsetc. Ulclicst
? cash pi Ice. 1111 1'ariiani. 1 > 50
1'vr nilct , etc. , tee ( op uf fral cnluinn on ihti ptge.
T. l"AToii77\oluslM ) pciisna | & "clalinat-
tornuy ; over IS yu.irs' cxpoilonco ; all tlio
latest l.iws A. decisions. Ollleo lemovod fioin
Vrunzerblk to UliambL rConiiuciccH . "il.Oiiiiha
" \TE\V 1'ciislon La % All dKiblcd soldiers nnd
X > di'ponilcnt Idovs , minors under 111 , and
pircnUot dcceau'd soldiers arc now entitled
to pensions. Call on mound Illc jour elalniHiit
onco. C.W. White loomAContliiLMitnl block.
IW.iill *
" \rn\V law ; ponilons for almoit
JL > fatheis , motliers , wldons and minor chll-
dion of holdlors. Olalins pushed by K. N.
ClIiiRiiun. lOiiiidilFrcnrprbllc. 13 yours expo-
iluiicp. Qnly pension o 111 mi la Oinalia , ICil
IEN&IONi > New pension law ; over 10 yo.irs'
experience In tlio piosecutioii of pensions
and Kotornmoiit claims ; liavoscoured over
11,000 jienslons for soldiers In Nebr.iska nnd
Iowa , tliolr widows anil liulrs ; latest deulslons :
latest laws ; no advance fee ; now blaalcs nnd
elreitlnn frco ; consultation always free.
IllramA. feltirsps , % Vi Orolghton block , next
south of P. O. Onmhii. LVJ.ilU *
r rates , cU. , fee top of flixt column on IMs
STOltAGn Sco us before storing goods of
any description. Omaha , fatovo licpulr
Works , 1207 DotiKlas. Tul.OW. L'll
T UAOICAGl' stornso at lowest rates. W. BI.
IlusliriKin. _ llltl Ijiiivon\\ortli. tXI
t TOltAGli-Uianch .V Oo , r.'ll Howard.
STOItAOr Kor merchandise nnil furniture ,
cold stoiacn and fieu/lng ; truukagu Divld
Cole , 8IV817 llowald St. 2Tii
. etc. , * c ( o | ) nf flint fodinui on tilts pa'i
IOST At or near Syndicate pai'.c ' asold pin
J In form of a " 7. " Heturn to Hooolllcoand
gotrowaid. 411-U' '
LOST A set tor bitch pup four months old ,
all blnt-K. about 10 Inclios hlxh , nnmo Not a ,
blaclccyes , lonnsllky uais , thin In llosh ; Wro-
wnrd forhcriccovory , G. W. fahlolds.Jftitr
STHAVKD Daik bay main nnile , shod In
front , weight about 1,100 , olu\on years old.
Liberal toward If loturnud to H.C. cor. nth and
llorc'as. or for Information leading to the
\vlionmbout3 of siino. : il ( ID *
, ctt. , ere ( op of first column on this
FOUND A dark biy inulo about 15 binds
high. Inqtili01014 No. I'Hh St. IW5 10 *
For iiilcietc , xcc. ( | i of flist column on thtt
1 ) ir : ONAIj Wanted iicqualntanconf lady
L not undir twenty nor otor thirty , dlscreot ,
fond of company , bv eustera man maUnu
short Bttiy heio , Aduruss Thotmis James , 4w
. Ibtli si. , city. 8&S-S *
For tttlcs , ct : , ece lop uf jiivt column onflits ) iue.
Foil &ALK 1'cifcetly broken and safe sur-
roy lior e , and solid tunin of work horses
yo Jnobtmunt Co.U , \ Douglas block.
m u
HOKSES-I.lslit drlvori , barpilm. The late
Qio bus made them chu ip. II. 12. Oulo , Con-
IT OUSALH 1 platform spring loithor ton
J1 ciirrlnpoiilinoit new , 1 bucUbourd now , ]
doubio tmssy ; : oroairlntfo harnois. Apply til
? , ' 15 'Wnbstu t..Omali.i , ftVS
1J OKSCS J50 and up. H. K. Oolo.
' , tcnm mules. $ J
One tuna mule ! , -
Onu team mules i\v \ > .
Onutetun mules , { t-i.
Ono odd mule , 47r > .
Ono odd horse , (130 , weluht 1GOO.
Hoom 13 , Hoard Trade ,
b'll '
ITIOUSAIiK Otsh or tlmo , coed work team
-1'liiil ness niul miKon. CIS I'nMon blk. hx"J
i : ruKMTimiUTC. .
Tor rates , cte , , c loj ) of flitt column vn Hill
FOU PALR or toi t-rmnIsliliiKs lit a ten-
room hoiihc. Host locution In tbcclty All
modi in coin ciilciicci. Iniiulroat 1XH ! Capitol
\ \ 4U'-14
'I UIl t-ALi : t'heaprfurnlfuro of a 7-Tootn
J-1 honse.1021 liodito si. 3S7-'J
J"jlOIt J" SALi ; \ a liurK'du and easy"te'fmsT
fnrnllure ( now ) of a ten room house , ecu-
t'ally located und lilted with roomers. ,1. 1) ) ,
Kittle , 09 *
l\ir ititet , etc. , fee top uf jint column on thttiitui
SCOWS with ( .lives by tlu-lr side for sale at
my residence In Bedford 1'lacu UrulO
Illll dopot. C. S. Oil ) or. I1IOS'
II r cow and U veal calves for sale at m
> place ncur Druid Hill depot. N. 1" . liussoll
itll-s *
SAIE--rirst-class metropolitan dally
iiiornln ; nt > nspnpi > r In Rronlni ; wmtoin
cliy of near 20 VJ ) liihubl lants. Uood reason
for solllnz. 11 us li-loKiapb franchise. xi > oii
i-lroiilalliin mid iut\orll-liif pitronice , ( Ir.un !
opportunity for any enturprldnscnpltiilUt
Aadrosi IE , , tV. . , SlUJacLkOii st. , Chluaito.iu
n > -iu *
jlOlfSA I.P. - An Order of jlu ? ,
1 piano forftUciiHlt Address liU l
HALU-.Sew inllcli Jersey cowi OH N. V ,
L\to. \ 2-J3 1U *
$ ? 00 will buy a cle.ujfstrfck of nroic-ri ( i itnl
llxtuieHlf taken ! > ) 'plMW1"-M.ijm s hotel.
Council IIIUIM , lu. jjj 422-ll )
1J7O1I SAM ! -Now'Pt'ilww ly A Son plnttabclit
JLT make , pirty lentliK ilty ; part cash , hnl-
nnco tlme.lf dtwln-d. luuulruatois I'axton blk.
.lall IM
lilOU SAI.K One of the best milk timid In
J-'thncltyof Omalii. , l.or Informttlon rail
on P.T Io\v. TOJNVliy ' ' IM'j ' >
/ iiMlli ehar lake unf'fiMlie in Inue nintitl-
VI tics. ' 1 lie Nebraska ice Co , Kearney , Ne
braska. . .Wall
For rate * , ( If. , ttf top" } ' f' 1 coFiiinn on ( ftto | vtjf ,
l iVllAPOLS nnd itinursll is coven d"Tuiifro-
I H. H ilnr. 114 N t. > th st. , LM door from
1' . U. Only man In lomu n-,7
UJIIIHllLLAH ami ptirasols repilre.l and
covered. Key lltllnn nml rep-ilrlng
at llt'llln'a K"H sliop. HDN inth fxso.i'l
I'or rate * , t > c tct toi > ot K tut c < ilm n on Hits page.
Bni'OltK bujliiR a piano examine the new
bcaloKlmball piano. A.llo-pclJU Uoiulas ,
_ _ _ tns _ _
/"l laT7onLlTKNrntcRtoaehurof ! ! the banjo ,
Ul \ > lib 1 lospo , 1 31U Hoiiqlis. i'l'i '
Nin' TO IiOAN.
For t lf.rtc. . , t < e toyofjlrrt column on l/id
MOSEY to loan hy H. 1' 'MastoM In any
amount fmm JIO to Mo.WW , and for any
lln.o fiom one to six nionths
I.oins made on household cooiK pianos ,
oriniti , hoi e3 , mules , honscc. leasca , ware-
hous.0 receipts , etc , at Hie lowest possible
rat d , without pit Ijllclty or lemoval of property
Loins so arranged that j ou can inuko a pay-
mental anytime nml reduce both principal
and Interest. Vou pay Inteium only for the
tlmo y on u o the money. If joitowoa balance
on your pioperty or have a loan you wish
chaimud , I will pay It elf und carry It for you.
1 do not niUeitlsn to loan you money nt
Dniik rates , but continently el-urn , to Klvo you
lower rates and easier terms than can bo ob-
tulnul el o w licic In Ihe city.
Money iihvnjson hand , Nodolay. Nopub-
llclly J.ow edt ralc < . .
II T. Maslcru ,
Room 4 , Wltlinull blk.,15tb and llaruoy sts.
/ 1OMSTrlOIAL ! and Kcncral shortllmopaper
Whmiglit ; also regular ftje.irloanson Inipro.
\ed property. lleo.l'.HlustS-Co , ' ,
SKCON1) ) mortKiiRO loans. Second mortgages
bought. J.o.ins on Micant lots. Hied A ,
Selby , room ia , lloiril Tnde. 1)08 )
KKYSTONKMottpiRo Co.-Loan ? of $10 to
5lOtK ) ) cot our rates bofoio boi rowlni ? and
save money ; loans on horses , fiirnitnre.orany
approved security without publicity : notes
boiiRht , for new loan , renew al of old and low
est rates , call H 20Jbheoly ) blK.lHh k Howard ,
MONEY loaned nl lowest ratesIOIIK tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , tin "extras , "
no delay. Globe Loan & TuistCo.w7 : S luth.
flllATTEfc Itank.aiO a. ISth st. , lo-ms nionoy
V-'onchutlelsor reasonable rales.
ov >
MONKi . ' .0I J orWdnjiton furnlture.planos ,
hoi-si-4 , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson. 013
BUlIjDINO lonnt , li w 7 percent ; nonddl-
oual charccs for commission or altornoy'3
fees. W. H. alclklc , 1'lrst National bank bldg
MONEY lonncd at low rates on furniture ,
horses , A.C , without , publlelty. llnuUojo
Investment Co. , U3 Douglas bllIth ( and Dodge.
"IT ASTKKN money to ; lowest rates ; no
li'delay larhro loins a'Sni'i'laltyj short tune
paper bought. Omaha Mortgage Co. , ground
lloorChambcrof Cummoric. 415
LOANS Olty and farm loins , mmtgago
paper bought. JlcCako Iniebtnient Oo , IXT >
/"IHATTETj loans at loivust rates ; business
V coullUontlal. 3161'axtonblk. J.ll. Einlngur.
T71IKST& second mortgages nit vacant , v 1m-
J- proved city prop. County \uiri.mts Imnglit ,
Money on hand. F.M.ttlehaidson , 813N.V.Ufe.
iTmoiteiiKeloansat low rites and no
delay. U. Y. Wholes Co. 10 1st Nut'l bank.
) . t > 70
TTNUSUALLV low lutes
l-JOf Inteieslon llrst murtRiget of Improved
real estate forthonoxtDildajs by the luuisis
dltv Imcstment Co. Hgqm Jii Hoard of Trade.
J. It. 1'easc , manager. ' U72
MONKV to loan on 'iny security
for short time nt low
iute . Lowest rates
on personal property.
Tbo Henderson Mortgage lin estmcnt Com
pany , room 400 , 1'axton blk , 9TJ
WANTKD-Flrst-class Inside loins. lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co , 1501 farnam. U74
eastern money
I'hlladelphla Mortpago and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan itmlpity ptomptly ; first
inortKagcs wanted. George . i' . C'ontvs , i cp-
lescntutlvo , room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 1175
EASTEUN money to loan on city nroporly ;
mortgage paper bought. H.U.lruyN\ \ ( > .
TJIUVATE money lo loan cheap , 0.1llar -
JL rlson.Ull N. Y. Life. 078
BUILDING loans mnrto at lowest rates. W.
M. Harris , room 20,1'leuzer blk. , opo. P. O.
> EAL rSTATi ; loans. S'ery lowest rates.
10. J. Cnsvvell. 810 N. V. Lilfo. 6J-al8 (
ErAL nSTATE LoaiiOash on hand. Globe
Loan .t Trust , Co U07 S. IGth p.t No delay
No oxtia charges. Houses , for rent ; good list.
Foriata , etc. , tee top or fist column on t/n / jmye.
SnCOKD-lIAND Callprajjhs , Hammond nnd
ItemliiKtons. John H. Cornea Co. Leltcr
Illeii and ( illlco specialties. Itam obldg ; . 07'J '
"VTOT10K The special sutnnier session of the
-L classes In penmanship and shorthand will
commence Monday , July 34. Classes will ho
held In tbo niornfnn , afternoon and oionln ? .
Call on or address for Information , Standard
Shot timid lluslnoss College , Now York Mfe
liullillinr. Onmlin. Neb _ t'sH
Forratea , etc. , cc loj ) of fli'st ' coin nia on tlila
D ww
medical and business medium , rent lie dis
eases a specialty. ll'J N , loth si. , roomd2 nnd * > I ,
"TjlOUTUNK Teller The wonderful caul read-
JU' or ilndamo hto\er of St. Louis , on account
of the good huccesssbehasiiiot with will rp-
imln In the city until tlio rah , Como ono and
nllandhesatlsllrd as to the fiitutc. I10S N.
IGth &t. , loom 2. I.uilks , 500. Ucntleinen. tl.
; iiv-10J )
ARItlVKU-I'iof. Koriost , the people's relia
ble clairvoyant , trance , card and palm
icador. Charges low. till ) b. 13th bt , second
lloor. 211-9'
_ _ _
. WOOD Clairvoyant , trance nnd Independent -
pendent slatowrltliiKmcdluin.Clrclos Mon
day , Wednesday and 1'rlday ovcnlnRs. Itoonm
IDa dll.irj2N.lbth. m U *
T\fASSAGE , Madam Dolzlcr. ovcrOlOS. lIJtn.
1 > 1 ] 2j7B. 2 *
_ _
MKS. IHJ , KDDV The distinguished trnnco
clairvoyant , late 'Of Boston. Has
removed to POO Douglas st.Vhllo entranced -
trancodI11 io\eal ovi > iy < hidden mystery In
llfo. 1'ropurcs Egynllui sallsm-m which will
o\ercomo your uiicinlps , remove family
troubles restore lot attrctlons , unites tlio
Depurated , helps all In' 11)111)10 , etc. l-'oo , $1
and upwards. N. ! ! . I 'erf eot satUfactlon
Riritantoed by mall , fiend stamp for Illus
trated circular. Mrs. lh-Jiild.v. , 1020 Donpl.ia
si. Umalm. , , 810- ! ) '
ri > rrcitc > , etc. , tee tiiji of Jll-it'coluinn on thli ) noc.
171OU SAUJ The funiiltnro and KOO ! will ol
J. the Kuropcan Hotel , \\tst 1'olnt , Nub..ullh
team , 'bus , cto. llilshotc Usell loctted anil
enjoys a Rood transient JritromtKC , I las 11
i I'u'itlar boarders. Keasou'ior selllmr. hloknos .
NMI1 sell cheap for cash'.1 .Joseph l-'all. piop. ,
Mcst 1'olnt. Neb. "U Jis II
_ _
ijlOU SA WI Onu of tJiSicst p.iylnK saloons
-L In Snub Omaha . Jocnllon
- ; ROOO. , Hatlsfae-
factorv leusou ilvcn for tullliij. Addiossh
151 , Hue. , M 14'
"l ioUirnNT TnDo Witt. .Neb. , to ros > onsih7o
J piulles.a eood Mason , ind paint Hhoii , 2 > Jx >
A bU-ain engine In comim-Uoii ulth slioji foi
iiinninK muclilnery Inshop. Shop IsnulUIi-
iini'd. 1'or fin thor Inforinntlon Inipilre of or
i William bperlln . Do Witt , Neb.
. S\M : Meat muiliKt. with all attach
ments ; good location. Address L 21. lieu
TflOU fcALK The furniture. iKturo * tuiil
J lease of a 40 room hoiul In 11 vi
Ion n of i.vik ) pDiiulatlon , Cool ro.isun for
selltii4 , Addresi tlio o ner , L l\ , care of
Oninha Hec. 'JiJ-'J'
"I TOTlIlj forsiiK Two-story liri-'lct - Is ono"ol
-I lUiolK'nl hotels , doliu un incuullcnt K'li'U '
business , on otin of iho hiHt.coniurs In tlio elty ,
Addruks llotul , llrokun ll.nv. Nub
_ _ _ _ _ _ "
171UK s M.F i'iK-ir. con'riii'tloniii y nnd "frul1
J bland , \\ltliUtiinil5hi-d rooms -JO H. r.'thst
_ _ _ _
jh'Olt SAI.lf-l-'eud store. A3drc-T , K 01. If-
171011 s\t F Oiixl pitlntt urocery More In
MI rthcriipnrtof illy Mckncss iciison for
BcllItiKi Iiniilre''l7H.llth. | an 10 *
M , Dairy on Ainei avo. open for
JL i enter trade. J. I' , llucli. MnalT *
ron KXl'HA\oT : .
l\irnitt < , rte. , ret Inji o/ Knit Mdimii OH Wlh
: -lrnvVf ic'ii r lot's for jti ui
resldcnel will iiHsunte some riiotiiiihrance.
IIUIilv IhipioM-d . 2J acre fiirin Hi llullalo
oniity , for nice house ) Ihlsplnee niiHiirpaH ed
'or a stock farm ! Rood bulldlniM. HooiulT ,
ward of Undo. .t < tMl
f ilu .Xt'HANtjK A prolltiihle
L opiMlln/t / , reiintivd. Oall
uid IinLMtlKiite. Uoom ill ) lice bulldlnit-
' 17 fl *
TOT In Heilfonl IMuce on State RWHil " > t. , to
I'oxcli'inirofor ml In Curthairu or Llneoln
Vlace.USelliv. _ . MlloaiJotTrnile , _ W [
i\CII : ANIITill uetes of Innil for jien-
. ofal moich'indlse , clolhln ; . or hoots nnd
shoes , ( loo. H , McLhetney , I'lillerton , Neh ,
4W-11 *
rPO r.XrilANOH 2 clear lols , corner nnd
J-onene.M to It. worth * 2,7)0 ) , InMeC'nrmlek's
"dnddltl.iifor bonsoand lot ne.iroiIn , Mill
nisuinooi n ty tliodlilerenco. C. V. Harrison ,
l1A-li ! ! L'lki _ _ -v < l
01 , HAH propci tv and i"ish for nierehandnn.
ti\cftill ; paillcular , Ueo. II , lloivrlnt ; ,
gliiart. Nell. _ in h *
A GOOD business block In Dm Molnrs. In. ,
to cxoliunxo for ettetn land Add. V.15.
llaker. bo > t Oca Mollies , la. 405-11 *
" \\rANTIill A hot > mid hiiKUV or span of
ii horses In exchange for lot. Ifooin IM'hniu-
bcr of Commerce. ! B9 U
"l\7"ANTni ) A itooK of inorchindtso which
will Invoice from ! I..IXU to fJOJJ In ev-
elnnKO fora brick residence and onu-turu lot
InOsccoltt , la. This house cost ! l.u.W and Is
complete nnd mo lent lit every iiartlcuhr ,
living water supply , steam bent , hath room ,
etc. , and Is clear ut IniMimbranoo , wltltiiurfcot
title , can nrike up any dltrcicneo with pxyl
llrst inortKitxn paper. Apply at o. ll.'l ) N. Will
si. , fiom I ) to I2dilly : .1. JOt. _ T.8 _
iriOUUtfrirANlK ( I > od farlns.elty property
JH and wild lands In Nebriska and Imva for
peed sca'l miloot proerl | ) j- clear ; title pel fcot.
Addrets , Lock Hot 1 > > . riemout , Nob. ! > S2
1J10HKXC11ANOK 000-tTekof | hardwaro.
J. ' from llrst hands , at wholesale prlcon ; f.lriOO
cash icrptlrid Jan. 1 , IH9I ; will take for bil-
nnce of equity good clear Nebraska or Iowa
fu ; in 1'iiul or Omaha piopcrtv with small lu-
ctimhMnce ; full llnoof .simple4 : can bo srou
In Onrili.'i. Adiltcss Kill , lieu olllee. 7.M
, etc. fccti > i > of Jiial column on IM *
AC1I11S , half acres , f > nnd 10 ttcro tracts , easy
terms , nnd at lowest prices , from $150 to
tn 000 per acrolots ; In South Omaha on the most
llborjd terms ; houses and lots on monthly
payments or otherwise ; business property
Improved and unimproved , Kl\o us a call ,
loom OL'hamberof Commerce. 331 10
ASM Alib payment ( low n and tt. > petiniiiilh
will buy a4-riioiu hotiMHuid lot on Kith , i !
blocks from motor ; first-class clmnco to ne-
ntilro a homo on c-isy leiius , Apply to ILK.
Cole. Continental block ] 0-4
l'.homos Inmost any addition for
wsalo at from } looo up on easy monthly niy-
inonts. P. K. D.irlliin. n H irUcrlilU ; ON ,
040 acre stock and uraln farm In Nebraska.
\vlthstoclc , fin sale or oxclia 1120 fur Hlouk of
haidvaru and city property in oastoinNo-
liraslca or low.i. AdiliuM 11. 11. II. box-II ,
fetuait. la. IH7-IO *
WAICH upanilbn.v.i homo otinionlhly piy-
inunts. C'hulcu of 7dliri'rentlionH's , Houth
fronts on I'tunam st. Kvoty convunlt'tieo , In
cluding fiuiiaeomil gas. 1'liini eanbu sten
.itinyontuc , C'.illlu. U. faholos Co. , lllst
Kotlomiljniilc. ' . 'SI '
FOU SAlTn Iot on North IMh st.tiil70 : ,
ninnliiK through to l.'ith u\enuo , TliU Is
the best bargain In ? tuitli Omaha ana orth
investigating at $1,50J. Ames , 1507 I'.irnam Ht.
THOU SAlii : Mco 7-tooin hoti'-o icady to
J' inovi > Into , with full lntJMO ! , ilKWcash O.
1' . Harrison .911 N. Y , l.lfo. IW7
LV YOU liivo anytbliiB to s > ell or
cull at OIH I'axton Uoolr.
FOHSALn anil Tiadc Two No. 1 farms ;
will talif hoiiacs und lots or ncrbonnl niop-
orty.j i HI N. jmiij , t. ; uji >
L'lKCOIiNlMai-o lotsl,2J ) . Uoxter UThomas 7K1
$1,700. 5-room house and IntjM.OOO , C-iooin
bous.0 nnil lot , until Hli of August , P. R. cor.
llth and Ylnton. Jlri. ICuhlmnn. ! is 'X
AOIIOIt'i ; .slloon 1'ariuuii. opi > oslto Jlr. R.
Jj.Stono'w Uno resilience , 10'J\1S7 foot , that
wo will soil very cheap If t.ikon before AMU. 1.
Oinnha Heal Rstato and Trust company , ' . " 'O a.
17th St. , HcobtilUllne. 7 ( . ;
ITIOK SAhE bouth front lot with Rood 8-
JU room Iiouso , barn nnd cltv water. If you
wantaoholco jiloeo uf propoityat inuuhlcss
than vnltio lot us show you this at * J,7JO.
Amos , l.r > 07 Ka mam st. . ' " 8
/iKKATbarcnlns KiOJOwlll buy a llnoroal-
VjTdcnco.&OUdown , balance on time.
Also a line rcsldcnti ) lot cheap for cash.
Also a line residence lu Kotmt/o I'l.ioo.
For particulars apply at the Nub. Steam
lanniliy , 8-0 cor.lllthX lloiviirilats. C'll
T\OH \ SAM ! The cliDlco rosldcnco at No ,
J 1051 Geotsla ave. , .CK1IO ft. II front , ! ' , lar o
rooms , bath , sas , sowcr , hot and cold water ,
closet and all ( on\oiilonces. owner Rolng to
leave elty. D V. Sholes Co , S1J 1st Nat. h ink.
$ l"iO for Lincoln Place nnd ( ' 'irthiiRo lots ;
easy terms. W. U Solby , 13 lloai d Trade.
FOU SAM ; t-outli and cast fiont Suxsu ft.
( Diner"8th and llurdcttu sts. Onu ot the
tlncst resilience lot ) la iho city. Amos , 1507
rarnam st. i.tH 8
A1IA1JOA1N Tonnv ono want In.'a doslru-
aliln boiuo. Wohavou nine loniu house ,
Inigo batn and carriage house , one block from
tlio motor line , but tuelvo minutes from
1'arn'ini st , , tint wo can sell cheap , and will
t.ikoa lolor a small house and lot , In pirt
payment , and ulvo oisv terms on tin b.Uimoo.
OmiiliaHeal Kstntoand Tiust comp iny.a-.fl S.
17th bt. . lice building. 7US
$10 GASH antl $3 per month for house nnd
full lot at from $ S5) to tl.MO each. W
.1. Paul. Ktfl 1'arnam. 411
P OH HALE Four peed lots in Walnut Illll ,
fiflvl.r > 0 each , on grado. I'rlco two o.voh ,
worth douhlo tlio nionoy. Stringer & I'cnny ,
DoiiKlas bloulc. IGth and Dod r. 40G
Id Contrntor ! < .
Scaled proposals will berocelvoa hy thoolty
council otOmaha , Nelnaska , until 12 o'elook ,
noon , AiiL'iisLIJOth , b'Kl. ' fur all material , libor ,
etc. , to llnlsh and complete tbo carpenter and
lourr work , ornamental Iron work , piaster-
hi , Btoam bealliiK , and plumbing iind RHS lit-
tint , ' , In the city liall bulnfc oroctoil at the coi-
ncr of ISth and 1'iirii im htieots , Intliurltyof
Umaha , Nobiaska , ajreeiiblv to phins anil
speculations to bofipon at thnofllco of I'ow-
lor A. Ilelndorir , architects , IHIUPanuin htroot ,
andundi'rtlielrdlri'utlons. lllilstobo nc'oin-
panlcil by a eortlllcd check equal to ( ho per
cent of t li o amount of proposal , Saltl check to
ho forfeited tooltvof Oiniiliiiln vine proposal
Is uccopud and the falluio of tlio bidder to
slRii contract and furnish such bonds aa shall
bo icqiilrrd by tlio city council.
Bi'iiariito bids will bo iccelvcdwhlcli may bo
combined ! alwi lump bids. No convict labor
Hill ho allowid , The envelope enclosing bid
to loniarki'il "Proposal for work
of City Hall. " and addicted to E. P. DavlH ,
Chairman of 1'ubllu ' Pioporty and liulldliiR
Committee , care O. S. fJoodrlch , Coin nt roll nr.
AiiI'lJ' ' to nrehltooU , Kowlur it llolnilorir , for
all further Information. The council reserve *
thorlRhtto rujout any or all bids , to aoupt or
( locllno toelosu a contract as In tholr discre
tion thev Bhall dueni best for the elty.
Hy order of the Conimltteo
[ Signed ] JOHN GIIONES. City C'lerk.
AugustCtb , 1SCO. a'dllt
Nollcc loContracloi'S.
City nnslnoer'rt Oflk-e , I
South Omaha. Nob. AUK. 1 , 1810 |
Soiled propiiinls Mill ho loctlvodhy the un
deidl ned at Ibis Dillon until hrolvo Hi )
o'clock noon of August illh ls' D. foi fiiniKli-
ln ail IhematoilaN and doln { all the nork
iteue 'iiy to complete the following City Ini-
Grading Iho Alley between twenty-fourth
anil twenty-fifth street from "L" to " .M"
Plans and specllleatlonsmny be seen nnd all
Information relative lo IhovorU. . obt.tlnod tit
Hi ( suture ,
NopioposaN from any Contr.ictor In default
with the City , on any ptovlotu uontiaet will
bo considered.
Nojioosal | ) wlllhuconslileroil unless nrcom-
tianlud by a eirlilltd check for tin on huii'lied
dollars If.iUJ ) p.tyahlo to Iho city of S null
Omaha ; to bo lulurned on all bids not nc'-upt- '
The. right Is reserved torolect any or all bids ,
\Yorlc to bo eomilk-led within fotty diijs.
ApproMmatrtestlniiito."iiiiJcubic vai.U ox-
oavatlon lo coil ifllOOJ i : . coS'J/i\ : ' .
Uhalrman biieel and Alley C'uinnilltce ,
Scaled lilds will ho locelvcil until ,
forhniitliis school bullnln ? In llolilu-Rt- . N'li ,
with sto.un or hot watur , Per pnrtli'ul.irs ad-
dio- . W , M. UAl II ,
Pecretai yllotud of IMuoallon ,
I ?
T.ii toi .ITTf vie , lltmi.lMiruN A Arrlrc *
Onmlii Po | " > oi IHih nml M von | P < U U > nnliiv _
. -o < Im s ( Hi n m
li 4& urn
I" " . ! " P ml I'lilcnpo Kx | > re P.V ) R 111
8. Wp m ( li I , Mao i 01 it
JIO IllVtall Artl e
Poi > oi toil ij > K | Minn slrcol | Uimht.
1015 i m .Dcurpr iMy Miri- . . . . i 11 } p in
0 15 n in , llonvor ! T | > nv . . , 1. 11 p in
bill pm . I > nrAr Mcht 'iuiron. ' . . . , U.t\u m
Kl'inml . , Lincoln . . . .
1-onvi'J ' i iT c. , 31 .I.Ai. 1 I Arn o
Oinnlii Popotlltli mil Mniyn MniU ) . I Ounlix
V < am i Knn ; nf7tr D-i } KxVron' . .71 tCll ) p in
IKS pm K C NWit Km via I' ' I * Train I II It n in
LuitTi'i f VSIOSl'AtOlC. lAirlres
Onmlii I Ijopol Will nml .Mnriy utrretv I Oiinliii ,
1I I p m ! lircrliinif
7.r,0 f m rncltlc"
IQ'JU ami Denver . > , . , u-- , . . .
Sun ra . . .Kim nsl'ltjr iipro ; <
1015 a in ( . . tnlrlk-M K < P ( except sun. )
liunrin" T"'Htl'\tlO.1l ( ' f. Al'.M It'll' I ArrlriM
Omnhn IMP UfHil | , lOlli mil Mnrcy N ! Uniihi.
OlOpmiT .T NliililKin | * . . . . It ) li'i n ni
PUS n tu [ . . . . Atlantic ) I.iprix * l.lil ! | i m
4Ojim | . .Vc tlMilo Limited . . . . III l.1 m
i . \rrl V
Oiunlii III otlijtnl M ircy * < U I Oi.nl11.
715 n mi < jtr
6 15 p m' u | Kxpri-i. t _ . . . . llO.ft'i n m
1/uniOJ | Cl'n A l'Al.lrlT % i Arrives
Otniili-t - I \\ol > . _ I Oinnhiv
jawj m | , , M ijjiul Untlio I 7 . . I V J ! niii
l-onvci ifMiru. Arriroj
tlinatit 'I7l'iloiit. ' _ _ IJli nnl M irer li i > m'l n
P IT , a m I ( hlesiM l Yrp4 | * . . . . nin
fW lilil Voitlliulo Iilmttol. . . . li M .1 in
C 15 p m | Iowa .Acciimni i lull in ( IJxc Sun 7 til p m
0 10 pin I . . . iJnuK-rn Uri'r 1 It p in
1 Llpini . . .V'nt lln'lorn I iire . , H.OJ It 111
IoiiTi < i .CllKAliU , Mil , , A * ' ! * 1'Al li I Airirna
[ Oliltll I.
000 p in . . IhlciiS'i ' I'lM' . . ,1 n 4 , a m
1 .4 % p ni . . ( hlcniti ) mnnxs . . . . ' < > li | ' m
l.snve l oM.\l ! ltt't ! > \rrivui
Oinnlm. I UJ . ilc ol. loth mi.l Mmcy Sti
I " 1 v m I. . . .St l llh Cniinon linll . . 1C. Wp ui
l.l'llTPI I h , U .V MO V Vl.t.SV ArrUui
Uimiln. I ( O ni'iv
lHXn inf T..7lTiclc HUH KipTo < i . . " " f < 20 | >
I ) no n in lliiilni | ; iip. : ( l.v Sunliy ) 5 10 | >
6.10 p m \Vtilioo , c llncoln Ta-iH-nKer
6 10 | > in \nrkA Norfolk tfi JsiunHy ) IlOi ) n m
l.rtivn I I , Tl' . . M \ 0 I Arrlrot
OnijiliR J J opot l tlijriil ob < tor SM. I ( innlii.
" . ( M R m Slum rttjr Aeuoiiiinoil illon I'.US P m
100 pm hlouxClly lipro ! ( K\ Sun ) 1 W p m
OUI p m St. t'siil IJinlteil U2JII in
f 13 ft ni
Iemiu 1 .MIssoUllI I'Ai ' ll'll. I Arrlioi"
Omnlin. | lloputlMlniiiil tnr sti _ | Omvhi.
10 : ini | . .hl.lxiila"\Ic.liTixi'rt - . . | 4 SI p in
I ) 15 pin' SJ 1/iul K. C Kxiifess I II U ni
iMMtt I t'lllC.HlO. U l.I'ALlilt AttlTOl
Tinmrurl Union liopjl , Council llliiir < Trnn-'fer
Mulit i : l fi n in
Atlnntlc 5 K p in
. . . . Vuitllinl't 10 ) n in
Union Duiwt , Council HlulM iTrnnitor
ClilLntio Kxpro s 0 10 p
. . . . VcMlHilo I.linlUvl . . . . ii 41 n in
H ) r. -Ml ) p 111
. . . AtlnntloMnll. . . . " kl IX 111
\rpoiiimoiliitlon ( llxe viin > _ (140 ( p in
tiirr'sr.o , "Mir A sT I-Aifi , Amvos
T nii fer
D' p m . . . rhU-nii'J ' ICxpre-- * . . I ti 15 u in
l.'M p m ( ilU | i III
r.onves T If r : , ST.JOI : * o if T i jArrivP , * "
Trnnilcrl Unloo IHipiit , ounrll ln IT i iTrniisfur
rTtr Tnr K-vprnss Ts n p in
lu.25jim ! ICnivn * Ctljr Nluht Ktjim s . .I lUJn m
JIITOS I ItMAllAJi Sr l.OtlK. " l rnvot
Trnnnfor jltiliin leiH > l , Council HlutTs I'l'mnsfor
i . ' _ . _ . t l.diiK _ ( nnim Hill.t . I la IV p in
I. IITCS iCHIt UU ) . llUlth'N & QIIINCVT Arrives
Tr nifi r | Union Depiit , Council llluoi ITrnnsfer
. . . . .
lUIWpni . I'liltnBO Kiiro- |
n J _ . frl lrc''l"l ! I'1" '
nica i
'lriu fO jUnlon Dupot. Council Illiiffi
T.4tn nT7.Sloux ! Oltj AoronTmoJatlon
O.Wpinl . . . iit.riiu
'MlSBOUTll bUHUllllVN 'PKAIhi.
"S Ci
Westward. gn B.a
n ni n.m ! p
< tcr St . . . . .50 r > li .
Cliiitlniu. . sua JO. ! ft.W K IJ 12.57
Urulil 1UII . . . . f.5.7.IKI , 8 111 I0' > 8 4i 1 (10
I.nko .Strut. . . . fi.W 07 t IM c oi 8 1.01
Wnlnut Hill . li H ) 0' . 1.10 Illli 8 V i.irt
Utiiulcu I'lucu. . IIIU7 UJ9.1I I 11 KAI i.m
\\-eiit falilo . . . . 11 : > n 10 S V , 1.1(1 (
H 16 i is s.r.i . 1.11
Miucot . i . $ ) H.O. ' l.u
hojiuour 1'ark 8.21 I 21 0 W , 1.21
1'ortil . i.M I.V , U 11 1..U
m pill ii. m "
Portil , 8. < tr. ( .1- , P.SO "i1.1. ! ,
Sojraour 1'ark . 8.41 151 usa 1.41
Miucot , s. ni I 5J us. 1.17
. . S.4',1 I M tl 35 I.M
\Von HUln .15 8.W , : , 115 (115 II. t J l.K
IHimloo I'lico 8.&T ' .or . ( .17 II.I. 1.57
Wiilnut Illll 020 9.00 ' . .10 aw 0.15 2.00
l.ako Stri-i't 227 . " , 'J.Ol 5.H 03.1 SUJ 2.IU
Drukl Illll 2S 0 O. 1125 11.50 . B.IB
OikClnUhim a.i u.os 5 ll''j 1I.J3 2.0S
\Votistor Stri'Ot. . 45 U.2U 5 ij 1005 2.20
\VnnnrAs. A joint resolution was adopted
by the loRlslnturonf thestatnof Nebraska , at
tlio twonty-Uriit session thoicof , arid appioved
Kouruary 13th , A. 1) ) . 18s < ) , proposing an ainond-
ment to the constltutlnu of said state , and
that said anicndzncnt shall read us follows ,
to-wlt :
Sectlonlt That it the general election to
bo hold on the Tueidny succeed IIIK the llrst
Monday of Nutombcr. A. I.18JOthero shall by
sumlttedto the olcctots of this stuto for ap
proval or rejection im nmcndinontto t In con-
xtltutlon of this Btnt la words as follows !
"Tho manufacture , sale and keeping fur Halo
of Intoxicating liquors as a bovuiaso nru forever -
ever prohibited In this state , and thu IcglHln-
tare Hindi provide hy law for the enforcement
of this provision. " And thcio shall also at
Biildoloctlon ho separately Huhiultted to the
ileclora of this stale for tholr approval or re
jection an amendment to tlio constitution of
tin ) blato In voids us follow * ; "Tlio miuiufuo-
tuie , bale andkcopliiR for mile of Intoxicating
llquois as u hcvorago bhall be lloonstd and
reKidated by law. "
free. 'J : AL such olectlon , on the ballot of
ouch elector voting for the proposed anirniN
incntH tothoconatllutlon uhull bo written or
printed the ords : 'Tor proposed atiiond-
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
nianufactnio , Hiilo and Uccplni ; for bale
of Intoxleatlng llqiiori as u beverage , " or
"Against the pronimod aincndinont lo the
constitution prohibiting the inanufactiire ,
sale and keeping for lulu of in I nt'
llquorH as a "
liiill iilnobe written or printed on tba
ballot of each ulootnr vothiK for the proposed
amendment to the constitution , tlio words :
Tor pioposecl amendment to the constitution
tint the manufacture , fcalo and kuopuig for
Halo of Intoxicating llquorsns u Imveragn In
tills ntiite shall be licensed and regulated
bylaw , " or "Against "Id proposed aniDiid-
ment thumanufao *
tnru , nuloandkecpliiK for Halo of Intoxicating
llquorH as a buvera o shall be licensed and
regulating bylaw , "
bcc. 3 , If either of the Raid proposed
amendments shall lie nppro\ed by a minority
of the uleutoiB MilliiK at thu wild ulcutlou ,
then 11 shall tonsltutti section twoiity-suven
t-7 ] ot article ono [ lof ] the constitution of this
'Ihorcfore , I , .Tolin M , Thaycr , Oovornor of
the state of iMibmiltn , do imroliy Klro notice
In ai-cordaiKU wltliscettm no [ I ] article [ 15 ]
of the constitution and thu provlslonsot tlio
actonlltled 'an net Lo provide thomaniiorof
propcalns all anicndinrnts to the constitution
anil HubnilttlnK thoHiiinu to the ( 'Retort of thu
stito. " Approved relmmry lllth , A.I ) 1S17 ,
tint said proposid amendment will ho Hub-
milted to tlioqualltiedotersof this ntato for
approval or rejection at Iho election
txi bo hi'lU on thu 4th day of November , A. U.
Ib'JO. '
In witness whereof I hereunto set myliind ,
amlcanao to bo ntllxoil thu Kreat senlof the
fatiito otNobiablca Done at Idncoln tills L'
day of July , A. 13 , H'to. unil thoaitli ycnrof the
state , and of tbo Indeni-iidcnui ) of the United
HtiitPH the one hundreil lit teeiitn.
lly tlioOoicrnor. JOHN M.THAYER ,
[ HKAl , . ] Scorot.iry of Stato.
Autruit I'llm
1'ROl lj.A. > lfV il ( > > .
WnnitEtB , A Joint res ilntlon was adopted
by tlio legislature of the state of Nebr.iilca , at
the twrnly-llibt ic.iblonllioieor , and iiUOM | ) | > d
Mircb Mill , A. I ) . IsSl ) , projuilns an amend-
inunt to lection Thh icon ( tJ ) of Artlclo blxH ( >
o ( the lonstllutlon of tiilil Ntute ; that uild
Hcctlonas ainundcd alnll toul as follows , to-
ult :
bent Ion 1 : That section thirteen ( I3)of ) aril-
cl hlxWof ( thoi-rn-tltiitloiiof t bi-Ktatoof Nu-
brask.i ho aniiiudt-d t > o m ton * id as follows
bietlcn 1,1 , The Judcsof tlm snpreiuu court
shall euli rci l\ iljry of thlrty-ll\o hrn-
drcd ( hilar-titl..Vipiriinniini | ) iin.l tholudgun
of iho ills-rid com l , .slrill receive u salary of
tlirc-u tlioiiMind ( hillars jOJO ) per unuuiii , and
the aiilary ofo ich shall bo piiv.ihu | qiiiul < rly.
j-i-ctliiii U : Kao'i ' puma otlnn In favor of
tlilt ainiuidineiit kliu II have written orprlntcil
upon IIIbillot the following ;
Tor tlio
tntlon.ii'liitins to llio salary o Jiulgrjof the
biinienui ami district unurt "
Theic-fore , l , .ioliu M. Thayer , io\crnorof
tlio ht ito of No' ) link u , do hurel > 5 sU o not ten ,
In accnriliinio with Hcctlon ono (1) ( ) article ( If-
tcc'ii II5 | cif the loiihlltutlon , and llio provl-
Blcnih of an act entitledAn ait to piovldo
iho ni.iiiitoi' ' of piopciln , ; nil amundiuontiito
thn oonstlt ulliii null iiiliiiilttliig ; thomimnto
thnuleit r. of thnntale , " AppioM'd i'obi uary
Mill. A 1 > . K7 , thut Hild iiioposeil umi-iiil >
incut whl bgiiibmlltnl lo the iiu-dlflrd voters
of th Is stut u ( or unptoi il or rejection , al thn
Kflicril oledlou to l.o held on the Mini ay of
Novunibor. A. H. IWii.
In wltns-si whereof I have hereunto sot my
hand und caused to bo atllxed the grant neal
of the utatv of NobruiUa Donn at Lincoln.
this .nth clay of July. A. D.hW , , mil thn twrn-
ty.fourth yearot llio state , and of tliolirlo-
jun'lnee ot thu Uultol HI ito * the nnu hun-
dre J flfunth. .
lly tlii > aoornor. JOHN il.TIIAVKIl.
btercluryof Slat .
A Joint resolution win ndoploA
by tlio Irjtlsliiturn of thu Unto of Mpliranhn.Mt
thotwemy-fiMt session tlnmiuf , ivnd uppro ecl
March wilt. A. I ) . l n. trope ltiK nn amend *
ment to ci t tun two I''l fonr4 ] unit live. ( M of
Article six liilottluH-i'tulltutloit ' of mill stiitn
und Hint "nulicotlou as uiitended ihitll tend
an follow * , to-wll :
Section ! Ilittt section twotfi of article Ms
(0) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska
be niniMutiil = 10 us to read as followo
heetloirJ : 1'ho mipmniii eonrt shall con-
dlstof HtAA ) JuilKi'9 , a iniloriiy of whiiuMiill
boneces ary ( o foi tun , < uii > riiii > orjftiiu ) > iiouttca
a decision , ltslmllli.i omt > ilii.ir3imsttlitlim
In * relating lo revenue , civil cases In
which thustaleislinll bo a party , iniuuliiiims.
q uoi a nan to , h.iiu-ns eorpus , iml siieh .ippel-
liitourl ) illctlou astpay bo piovldeil by hiwr.
Section.1 ! 'Hint section foitrtl ) of nrtlulOHlt
fOl.of UiueiinMllutlonofHie sttitoof.Nobiusktv ,
bo nnionded so us to rend us follows )
t-ectlonl : Ilio JuiUi-sof tbo supreme court
ihnll biM'leeted bj the elcotor-iof thestntn at
atise , nnil tholr terms of ullleo , \oept as
irrelnafler jnovhlcil , shall bo for a peilud ot
| veM ( ycals. "
M-cllon-l : That wtloa flvolM of nrllclnstx
0) ) of thoi'omtltullon ot tho'tatoof Notras-
in.lin nmcnded sons to rend in follows :
beuttonftt "Attliotlrsl Kononil elect Ion to
> ehelil In thejrar 1OI , anil nftur the adop-
Ioil of tills iinienilnient lo Iho ronslltutlon ,
lure Hhall ho elected tlueo ( I ) jndues of the
Miiuointicoiirt onoiif vthont shall bn elected
for the term of one ( I ) jear , one for the term
of tincot'Hyears andoiu1 for the term of flvo
.M yi ars , and at each xi'iu-rul eli otlon tin re-
tftertheroMhill bn eiocti-d unu linUnoftho
iiiproniocouit for Iho term of tlvotl ) ) e M ,
'roildud , Unil tbo linlKes of tlio Mtpromn
-onrl whoHo terms have not expired at Iho
line of holding the ohn thin of ISI ) ,
ih illeonllnueto hold >
iiulnderof thcterin forvvlihh tlioy vvcru r *
bpiotlvcly cleited uiulir thu pioscul const I-
iitlcui "
j-ei-lloii 4 : That eieli person votlnx In fav or
of this aniendment Hb.ill liivo written or
uln ed upon his billet the follow tnzi
Tor the proposed amendment to the const | .
.iillon relating to Iho number ut supicma
tlilfes "
'Ihetefore. I. .John M Th iyer. Oovornorof
.licstutDof Nchi itikii , do hutoby give notlea
n nci'oiihiiuo w Ith MV-lloii ( ino ( Dnitleln lif *
OiMi'Ll ) of t IIP constitution , the provisions of
lioaot enlithil "An nit to pmv hie the man-
u-rof proposing till aint'iidtneiils to thnunti.
tllullon and suliiilttlun' the ' into t > , t lico'.ou-
torsof the stile" Approved IVbrtntry 1-llb ,
\.l ) . 1ST7. that said pmpn-od aiiieiidiuent will
tic presented to thu iiualltleil voti-is of the
stain forapproviilor injivt Ion at the coneral
elicitonto b'hrld on the 4th day of Ntniiiu-
ber , A. H. 1M)0. )
In witness Hhereof I liivo lioreunto het my
.mud and canst d toboalllMil lliCKreatseal
of the state of Neliruikii. Mono at Lincoln
his Siltli day of July , A.I ) . IW. unil tbelwen-
ty-fiiurlh j ciirof the sttte. mid of the Inilu-
leiidencn of thu United Slated thu one linn.
Urivlt"heHVVnor. ? ; ; , JOHN M. TIIAYIIU.
,1 fc' crctnry ot Stato.
Importer )
IVntrlit's , Jcnelry , Cullory
Xolltnts , Novelties , Albums ,
font-Collar Springs ,
Kaiicy ( Jootls , A-c.
LniTot nssi'itmuit fur
IliftAirli'tyof 6cH'o nml 2tc tinnier
( rooils. llnr IIIKII mil lullr Illumnitt-J
mlolotriK-mu"111 iVn-lnileilriHonly.
JffSSSS 1' ' 'I1H N.Koiirlli St ,
. .tnsszzt5 Lotiij , , f/io.
" " "
. . _ pTaeeJ on tuuorJ iliulna
. veslordav ,
llw C'lnyton and wlfo to N 0 llrown. n
41ft lot7 , hlL 15,1'at rli-k's i'd ' add , ( jedflO.CO )
Tineo plats hliUuIitt : e\tcnslons of
A ,1 llolllini''h ! and wlfeto OJ Po\ , lot
S , bll < 4 , Uniidin Mow. vr il 1.BOO
AJ ilollliiiiRh and wlfoto G J IMI\ , lot
3IHIi.l. Walnut Illll. w d
Clnulcs Cot h'.H ' nnd wlfo to l.iiulsl'rniii-
| ) ! L- . lot ( I. hllv t. lot SI , lilk II , I'litvu
1'ark , lot : i , hllc : i Itelvcdere , und y ( ot
7. llk ) 40. titandvlow. lot It , bolbv
Heights , liiur , mid T , Idle 1 , lots 1 , 4 , V ,
8 and 10 , blkll , Tlpton Place , lot II. Idle
77 , South Oniah.i , lot tri. bll-l , Jcirotltt'
rciilntof AlbriKhl's Choice , vv d , . . . 10.000
i Untidy , Jr. nnil vv Ifoto Louis Cioni-
hlS le. lot : i. I.H Ditmly , jr'n sub , vv d. . 2
hlbi. ! Dundy.Jr , and wlfeto Louis I'lont *
bi. lot I. HH Dundy jr's suh , vv d. . 2,510 ,
KS Diiinlv , lr , and Ifuto I , mils Crom *
ble. lot 4 , < : s Diuidy.jrh sub , wd 2rM
t b llascall to i : < l .u < l Alnscow , iindlv M
of u nil ! v Vi of 40aeruiln s yt no li-14-1. ' ,
n o (1 .
Jolin IMcXooaud wlfo to. ) V 1'ostcr , lot
S.hllcl. Itolvldoii' . w d .
HO Kcniso and wlfo to jMmy Andtcss ,
lot l , Wkl , HonmnnlTori.ico , wd. . . 400
An Kmftt ctel to Ang 1'a.ust , w'.jof lot
Id , blk4115.Urnnil Vlevr , w d.
South Omaha Land Cole U T Mi\woll : ,
lots TiiiidS , hllc 1C , South Oninli.i , w ( I l.'JO
HrlilKtlIounn toM UyanvJ4 of nw 2(1 ( ,
anil t-nnu 7-15-11 , w d -1,000
b N Hell and wife to VJ A lliycs. w Ji of
lot 15 , bile 1 , tUnrondnn. vv d 1
.III .Murphy ot : il to J 11 Mcllclo , lot J ,
riaok'ssub , w d ! ) , G30
J M llcnileoand htisbaml to J O Wins-
lauloy , lot A , blk 10 , Maiihallan add ,
wd MO
Oinalinieal eslnto and trust company
to llonrv Ihuihi'iis , ni ( of lot H ; bile li ,
I ! V S-iiilth'sadd.w d 2,000
JennlelSlioaand hnsbanil tollonry llau-
Iot4.1uslon'fa ! add lol'lahtvlow , w d. , G.OOO
* iu liountro and wlfo to Ho lid ot
chiiuh c.\l of nvangallcal Ijiithernn
church , lot5 , blk : iT > , ICounl u 1'lacc ,
wd 1
KSHondnnil vvlfuto HT Chirlc , lot 1 ,
hlk I'l , AlbilRlit'aaiinov.vil 8V )
KhKood nnd wlfoto HT Olnrk , lot 2 ,
hlk II , AlbrlKhl'sannex.vd. . . . . . .i.-- 8V )
OT Tnlor nnd wlfo toll T Ularlclot 17 ,
blk II , Albright's annex , vvd . . . , 8W !
Twenty-fix o transfers . $10,371) )
I'ormltsero Issued as follows by Super
intendent AVlutloclc yoitcrday :
Jlrs. llrlgRS , two-story frame burn ,
Tnuiitlntli nnd Mat-on strci-ts , $700
1'iod Jlathern , oni'-stoty bilolc entlago , ,
Klithteontliand Ilaigrovobtrouts , 1,000
Duo minor penult . M
Total . U.COO
Dr. SiiMilnrff msilfcn a Hpccinlty of till-
ciibosncuulliirtowoinun. 15011'urmuii st.
u. A. j ; ,
Excursion to Uodton
vln tlio
\Vftbtisli Lino.
Kvcrybodv invited to join the Wubiish
o.\uursfoii for Boslon , Icavlnjf Onuili.v
Aiifjust (178unil ( ! ) 10 , t ivos oltolco of
routes. Ifcites us low as the loweat. llo-
clinlnt ; clialr and I'ulliimn ImlTot filoo- ] )
ing cars on till train ? . All ngonta in tlio
wost. soil tioKots over the WiUxnhla
St. Louis or Chicago. For tlclccts , liorth ) unil foltlorHtlvIii ; { ;
lotitcs. limits , tlinq-ttiblcs with n corroot
map of Botilon , showing locations of do-
pota , etc. , call at the Wnliiiah tlolcot
ollluo , 1502 Ftiruiiui t. , or wrlto
G. N. Ol-AVTON ,
Nortliwcstorn Pass , tinu Ticket
In a note in the American Natural 1st ,
Mr. P. 1 < \ Ilayno of Toionto , reconlH nil
Intorestinfj fact , whlcli often came under
) IH ! notice during a piolongud btay at
IltulbOii strait. "Jloro , " ho Bays , "tho
INlcimo inlfjlitofton bo pot'iilyiiifftit full
length at the cdgo of nn ice lloi- , and
although no peals could bo BOOH they
poi'f'lstoiitly lil8tlcd in 11 low note wliu-
lintto thitt oftoii tiKcd in ciillinj ; tame
plgcoiiH , or , If wotdH can uxproa.s my
meanlnsr , llkoa ] ) lalntivu fow-mv , fcw-ow ,
the llrot notoboliiff prolonged nt least
tlii'OObC't'ondH. If Uiuiovviu any hoala
within henriiij * dlHtanvu they worn in-
variabljittlnictod lo thohpot , and it was
uinnnliiff to HCO them llfliiiK Ihom-iohcH
ns hlj'h " 8 i > osslbl out of the water aa
though highly dollffhtcd with the nuisle.
Iluro they would roinnhi for ROHIO tlmo ,
until ono , porlmpsmoro vontufioino tlitui
the tcHt , would como \vlthin fctilkln
dlHtunuo of tlio Eskimo , who , Htiirlliiff to
his fuet.uith friiii or haipoon would
oftonohnn < ro the hoiil'slunoof joj to one
of sorrow , tlio othurri inuUiii } , ' oil aa fast
us po-niblo. Tlio whistliiiK luul to bo
contlnuoiH , and wis inoro olTcctlvo if
piji-foniieil byiuuillior KHlchno u Hliort
illhtiiiico hitclc from tlio ono \\i\t \ \ ; mo *
tlonlud.H nt the od o of the ice , 1 may
mid that the oxpoilmont wits often tried
by inj'tiolf with the saino roult. "
Piti , spaiins , Ht. Vllus aancc. norvousnos *
nnd hysteria nro soon ( uruilbylr ) Miles'
Noinluo. Free siiinnleas utKuliu it Co. , 15tti
and Uoutflas. _
Tickets nt lowest ratua und auporlor
accommodation * via the grout Hook IB *
land route- Ticket oim-c , 1G02 Six-
eonth und Farnurn Btioctu , Omuhu.