II A I I. V THE SPECULATIVE MARKET , A Decided RoActtoa Must Coins Before Built Hue Another Whirl. GENERAL SENTIMENT IS AGAINST CORN. O.iii Marknt Doniliinlnil liy Iliiichln * on Tins I'rovlnlon Trndii Pulln to itfjcp ii ; > rm Mole Cntllfl nuit lings. Cltirtno , Amust S , [ Spoedtl TeleRram lo -TiiK llKK.1-r.very < l y now llnd.i a MB market on the floor. HUS'IHHB of today was active and the -volume linger , hut thu llrst hnlf of tlio session win not up to thu nvoraxa In amount of trading. There nppunrncl to ho a good deal of evening IIP In expectation of government figures , which trndo confidently 1ullMM will hoiiiaclo public lotnorrowaftiM'- noon. Hulls have talked a great deal iilinuta ImllMi report and itn Idea that the totnl y lold may bo estimated ut loss than 103,000,0.10 htiHli- ( U has bcoji fully circulate * ! . Anything butter tliiin thjs will for a ino- nient or a dny ho'coiuo considered bearish. Ii"lort Is entirely In doubtIHMICO tlioonn.- tlnii. < i trailing. The market itai-lcd n. little lii''ivy tixlny with lower cables and seine lontf wlioat pressing on th < i iiiurKet. In llftoen iiilnnliiH llwnsdllTeront-thu linn-Let w.vUiaio nf olTvrluiM anil a iiumhcrof po.id houses 'vuru trying to buy. Tlilnuarrlo I tctttinihiir ! | from We tn Uk * loforci 11111 a. llfT-nibi'i' wi nt from ( Wo toff)1. ) ! ' ! iiMdMiivfnitiiil.fi ! ! tn ? l.lim : nt thu ftamo tine. At tills p.oi'it ' Ilntihlnsin and others who hud led Ilio lnylnj turau 1 HILou. Considerable Inn ; ; \i\\o \ \ itojim out on realU- Inir iile.s and September wont oil' to ire , December to ! ) iio ! und May to 11.0 J. Thrio \\asa Iltllo rally tibout I2-lp. : ; ) in. to UV'io for Heptoinber , O V for Deccnihor and then the wuuU'st ' spot uf Ilidilnvuas foiiml , Sejiteiiiher wont oil'ipdulily tollliicanJ Deeumhur to u-c , the low points for Die dny. mi to 1 o'clock. Thcro weic HOIIIU inlliicncos nt work on liolli hldi'i , hut news ivm KDner'.illy bullish. Ni'W ' Vork elear ' < l lii-'OX ) IjinhuN , Now cprlnrf wheat receiveat ! Mlniic-ipulli xvas KMdedas iiofihernhecnusu sliruiiLcn. and leporlsatiiii the Nortlicrn I'adlle ' rnllioad finld that wheat Is not yet past ilutitrr. Tliuio wi'ro ten boat loitili woikod Into yo-tenlay at IIHV Yurie fur export. Ovorhalf of Ijlvorpxu rjeulpU were Aiiiorlcnn wheat. On tlio oilier liancl Liver pool cabli's \u-ro low or unil the bo Hi : I IIHJ vailed that u ileeldud reaction must coino 1)0 ) fore hulls could have another turn ut tin ) market. There was no wheat taken from the storu hero und reeelpts were lal ems. Wheat closed heavy at bottom jirlers of Iho day , AuKUstIi' ) c.sopteinber Ui.'iC , Dcceiubci UT ounOMiiyJl.'M'i. ' ' Tlio Keneriilsoiilliiient Inn tnrnod aKiili porn during past two days , hut the market doesnutKo topleces or prices ut away to any ularminR extent. 'J'hu popular estimate on the total crop doc ? not lookneaily somucli Hlce fandno as many of tlio sensatlonaIronorts Indlealcd. lull then ) aroyoLnuod ri'iiwins for not raiding pi Ices very tersely : first , the Knvorimiunl report niny upset nil ealc'datlons ' ; second , small re ceipts for these piieos and this time of year show th.it fnrincrs avuln no hurry tojn.'ii-t with tliclr llboriil supply uf ohl eoin ; third , tlio prrat drouth In thu southwest la not yet liroki'ii to tlint oxtentlhat warrants any Kieat Improvement ; fointlu thooutwaid movement kci'ps brlsh and duninnd ooil. Mvorpool enhleH wealieneda little today , but this was olfsut by ndeuieasi ) In avalhihlo slouUs of 71)I,0'J ) ( ) liiiKhds for the work. Trade on the onrl ) had tii'ptemuur HiirUt'd up over I lie JUc mailc. hut. tlio uvular tradu on the floor stiirted that iiionth ut Wio. ! Tlicreran a wild marlcol for allttlo wlillu nnd fceptiiinber sold ut4llronncl nil' to 400 In shorl urdev. Then Kood luiylnK set In and put prices up to iiVo at neon , with u second dcellno to 4t ) | o a third budget to J'J. ' ' o and u third deelIno hcforo 1 o'cloil < to 40c , or ' /ia under tlio uln o ycstcnlny May sold at Kl ? o to5'IKo to Mie ! to51o to . " > 'Jio ! to . > ? . { nnd oirto.M'ic , or-Ue under lust nlcht. l.nto In thoduy thoio worn reportsof ticnltorliiK rahiH In Kansas , N'ohrnsUa und threulonlnz for Illi nois. Althouili there was nothing dollnlto In this , It cnuscuealiiiess und prlees went oil * Rliarply tlio last half hour. August was quoted nomlitid IIH low us 47jc , olnslnit at IfC ! bop- temht'r sold olT to IS'-iecloslni nl IJi o , or 3 is iniilor last nlnlit ; Oetobor elnsed at 4 Uo nnd ilay sulil to 5'o ( and closed ntf)2J c , or l ? o lower for the dny. Thouats marltet wiia dondnnted lo a great extent by lliitehliHon today. Ho was helped ly country orders anil the lojnl Inido iiulelcly yloldcil to Ihemitwo Inlliienci's. The market opened uvun and a t > ) rule bettor thiin the eloso lust nliiht ntll'O ! ' for b'opteniber and 4 o for May. OH'orlnitshejinn atoneo and i-opteinlior vunt lliilit oil" to ; i7o. with heavy Helling nroundiwoiJluy wentolV as ( inlelcly to J07 c. 'I'herowaH afalrrally later In tliu forenoon , but ucforu Ilio close pilcenavruln yielded with othuriiraln and KoplemlK'r closed at 37ie , Oetolicr IlT c. Dccuinuor 48o and May 40Hc. Aiiuust w s nominal at itSJt'o ut the closo. Tlieprovision tmdo illil not Uccp tip the lively Interest of previous days and the mar ket was iianow , Thoccorn market was thu principal Inlluoiiee und that broku materially lowor. 1'rlees of pruduets won ) on a doullnlni ; icnlu , January jiork sold at if I2..17 ! } and oir to I1S.40 , closlnji tit Jl'-MSi lard wild nlf 7 o for September and lOo for.lanuary and rouovorcd kllshtlv , cloilnjf at * ! . ' /J for September and ll,77iiir.liinuary. ! Hlhs were but 21-Su lower for theleaillnvinoiilhs. There was some llttlo ! illlir , ' pren-inro from pnokcrs , and scalpora lold out nil products early. C'lll C.I B tl Ij r t'll HTVCIC. OIIIOAOO , August B. [ Special Toloitram to Tun HBK. ] OATTr.E The run was largely mi : < lcup of Toxan.s at luist : : iV ) > of n total of 7,000 wore Ihu liittor. Atlasttho fnlllngorr hi Ilio .supply Is bpilniilii to toll on prices anil a BliortuRo uf 'J.ttfl , uscuiiiiiruil | : with last week , ho\vc'l ' plnlnly the conclltloii of the market , rspccl'illy , however , on prime corn-foil native etoors , that : ir not at alt iilcntlful at any thin-sonio , sollliis substantially higher ( linn yo.sttinlayj umlcommon Rtook , : ilthuii''h not buttvrtlian yt'stonlay ' , moved inoro freely , Texans were quoted dull and hanl to sell unlt'sH at innturlnl concessions and buyers BCO inert lo linvo nmttciH nratt.y innc'h their own wny In tills brunch nf tiia trailo. Native lmtihurn'stock contliiucs ti > soil nt a very low prlco , D von best cout aii'l hclfor.s barely t'P uy liiS out uilu-s linuiit ) i-l li't lu Ilia ununtry , t'holi'U tocxt.ra bocvos , Jl.VXiJl.S.'i ; medium lo L-oodstoors. iaMtol.Wiis. ) : * .llia ) .W ! lL0)t ) UM ) fbs , $ l.7.vaiH ( ) : ( BO to 12i)0 Ibs. fM)0i.COj : stoolc- I-I-8 nnil iffcilcis Jl.tO'ni'l.UO : CO\VH , hulls nnd nilM'd , HlloiiKiT at , ( l.tii'Lbulk : , U.GKii1. ! . ! ) ; To.Misuatllo innrliot vury dull unil lOo lower : Moors , UVIlo KW ll)4.J. ) : iW.OIj 7iO to ! XW Ilia , , isO\ o Huns llnycrs of prime lieavy IIORS went Intothu market under the belief that such were source , nnd In their anxiety to Illlordora ad vaneod prices Oo to lOu. In some oases on thomsulves. On the other hand buyers for packers were In no hurry , "roosted" high on fences and waited until anxious ones wore out uf tlio way. und then only went In slowly at about yesterday's prices , namely * , I.C.1.V ( ) ( > fovcouunon nnil J.L70(11.75 for tilr to good mixed. During thu boom lu the morning prime heavy und Vmtoher weights sold at * l.t > 3 ittiJlu , but later closed about a nleUle lower. I.lulit ciirn-fi'd , iiU'ruglng to 1GO Ibs.hold at KLNX&'l.lOi grassy nnd groun pljrs. averaging 170 to 100 Ibs IIIKI tliorenbouts , W.SJ to U.GO. The CoflVo Ularkct. NKVT Yonit , August 8. ISpeclal . „ . . „ , „ . „ to TiiKllKK.l Coffee Options opened steady on near , anil barely steady on late months Jufv , ' "j'u.tn. " "Sniit" Hlo inoru iictlvo ; I" fair cargoes , 3 No. 7 Hut fl.V.t\CJ.i i. NEW YOUR , August 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB HKB.I STOCKS. There was soiiiocncour- iiKi'n.ontln ' stocks again tb Is morning from buy Iniiof St. I'uul and Atvliloon by London. On the whole tradoidiowcd less animation than yes terday , but there was a llrm opening with llrst prices | [ enerdly from > { to ? ; per cent better than lust ovenliin's llRnri's. In the regular list there were further slight , fractional ad- vnuceslaoaily doalliitts. NI\V , En liind being most conspicuous In thu rltu , hut Sugar Ito- Dnerlcs soon developed weakness and retired nearly 1 per cent to WJ ! after a small ad- viini'o. The nlroiilnr IM later weaUenod Hlliihtly , anil while Misar reeoverod a portion of Its loss tlio rot of the nntrket penerally vcntbauk toalxmt llrst piicn.H. New England AtehUou , Mlhsouil 1'uvlile , Orezou Tmnwim- tlaonliil. Hlcliinei.d A \ \ est Point. Hmk Uiand and SI. I'anl bhowed codslilerji bio activity. It \VIIH iliirln. iho second hour , as on ifstenlity , thut the inarkut became do- cldedly ilrmer and honiulnvgiilaradvance ! ) Mcro inadolromll o'clock prlccA. Hugar rose tubUiand New England to40 * ( , Ainongwost- crn Mocks AtehUon led up lo 41' , , llurllngton ovi-n iH'ttor , Ruining H to lulS , Uu k Island to HO , BU I'aul lo 73.U. whllo Missouri 1'aelHo llrst dropped to 7U and then recovered to 70'i. Amonic Coal stocks , Colorado Coal advanced nearly 3 point * to &IU. Lackawannu held vtoady nnillEeaillng rose from ! ; " toii'i ; , The list was Irregular and Iiiislni'ss llaht at mid. day. The re"It of the dny In , Moi/ls wu ills nppolntliiK , .Many elostxl its they did yester * day. A majority of tbo active Blocks closed lower , whllo very few vlcim ! idlghlly hUher , faleuwurobut K\uUO liuni. . Hllvor was up to 113 buforu thn close , Hock Iilaud , Bt. 1'uul tud illsiourl 1'acltlo wore the weakest amuug S Atfli' ' on nndSiiaur were each a jnut sli'iidrhllu crop ml v Ices vrcriilin- inivod.llio IicutJsli HCtit incut controlled tlio MIlMvCt. Tlio foil whtf.voro thf lo ln ? quotations : . . . . _ . * * .Vmliern I'ocltlc . . . < * < 1) ) * I" nuiita * . , . U.'i , iloprpferreil. . , , . , . . H u a. r.j < ie.-JMr . , .iMiC. ( AN w. . . , no U.i * 14 wiii.iti .I'UW1 iVprnfi'troi,114 ] I'arinrMijf 'Hi l.tw .Sew YorkCentnl..107 Conlriil I'.i'-IHf ; ! 4 1' . . II. X K 3UU C.'lilc.iinjV Allnn. . . . , I.K < 'ItocV ' Miami KIR Chlcifiro. llurllnston C. . M. A. St I'nul Jlhi AMulrcr. 10 'd ( luprererfil IIJ 11,1 , , vV tl.vdst. I'nnl A Ocmlia . . . St iVntrnl iloiiiorurcil VI I. ,11.x Onion I'ticlUc. . . . . , row Knr. n. < Alcxai . t'J'i ' \V. . St. 1..V I" . 12 Vu ? li , r ) ilo I'rercrrcil ' 2" > ' / . { Mi"hUni IVnti.il . . . l't4 NVe'loru t.'nlon. , U Sllnjonrl l iiolllo . _ 7Uj | 1 ! ( > KKV-CI04P(1 nt fijM pnr cent. I'liiMr. .MF.iii'.tNtn.Kl'Ai'Kii " ' . . ' . Al'i iior cent. SrmiMNfi Ktciuxni : dull , weak ! lxty-duy bill N'r.YDIIK , Aurii tS.--Speial ! ! Trlcprntn to Til ) : HKITho : following are the mining stock quol ullniisi Alfea -rr , IMiilinil. , . , . . . ll.l v\ilii-M dm HI N'nrlli Hello t ! o IU3 Hello lilo 100 Ontario (100 ( II. II . .Mjrniniiili < I'hounlx , Ar/ ) Ill ) Sarnuc * K'-l llnrn hllvi-r . .Id .Sierra Nvvtiila ! * ) Iron Mlvir . 17'p SvlliT ( ri'i'k , 11J.i 1'inntvci : .itMt sir.v. . Oil ir.vno , August. S. 1:4" , p. t > i , close Wliuut Muikut tiisy ; cuih , UJ'ici Soptejiibor , lM , ' uj Sluy.il.ien. ( Hirn-SttMiiy ; 'vnh , 45 'Jl3'C'i Si'ptcsmbor , lS > , ( iilS'ci Mny..v/i't : , : > iHo. ( J.-its-IJiHy ; uiisn. laB Jsliu ; SL'iituniboriHi ! l . , Ui o--No. " . sturdy : it V)5nno. lluiluyu. . ' - . ' , noiiilnal utU'iO. I'rinioTiiiiothy-Quiot ; Xo. 1,61.11. KlaxHnv : : XO. l.JI.Uy. AVhliUy-ll.l. ! . .Mess f'orkUlrms cnsli . -Ulrms , SI1.51 ; September , } ll.70 | Jiiiiiiury. JI.H"I. : liiiiil Stuiitlyi c.i h. M.12 ! i Kcptoniber , ' . ' - ' , , , 0'V'.7. ) Short , Kilnfc'tividyi i-iuli , JWJ ; Soi'tenibor , r .t2'H Jnnuary 'SVJ rffcU-JfJ. Kloiir-lJiiehniinoili winter wlioat , ! l.iwa".03 | sprlni ; w heal.'H \ < TM . llullc Monts-Sliouldorj , fti.Si'j''UX ' ' ) : shoit libs. f.-i. ' AHO : short flour , K > MV > M. lluttur I'lrnii eroiuaury , n&.Mo ; dairy , ID OlTc. OhcMO Tunioi full crpitn chcddan. 1 ® T'irHiit. . . ' ' - ; .T'J'tMi1 ; YounaAiaurluas , SUW o. KJZS I'lrin : tresli. iitiiic. : nidusI'nt'haiiKul ' : heavy ami ll ht green Ml I t'd , 7T'1 ' < ' ! Salloil hull JildiH. 5Voj n'cn Halted ciilf , 4ci cirv Hint. lit&To ; drvs.ilted hides , Cii'o ; dry calf. 50o ! deacons ; uiivh , 'Ma. > Tallow Uiici.in0'lj ! No. 1 , solid puela'd , in ; No. ! , : i"jCi cuke , ! ! ( . Kucelpts. SliipuiciiK riour , bbls . ii , uoo iiiw : ) Wheat , nil . IOI)00 ' ) IH.OW I'orn , bu . L"r > .ioo ) ; i ! i'H ( ) ) OutK , bu . -Mflm ttl.lJO ! ) Nmv VOHIC , AuguitS. Wheat ItccolplsKi.TOO bushels ; exports. l 'i.SJO busl.uNj iput wunk ; No. a red , livantlj In elUTtitorj Wtt < &lMio alltit : ; OSUuftf.fl.OO'i ' f. o. I ) . ; nptlmis lower ; Ni . Ured. August , clo-iluj at UT e. Cum UeCL'Ipts , SI,5H ) Imshelsi ( txports , Sl.'fflO bushels ; spot heavy j No. li , APftQiViVio ' " L lli vatori 5'lU5Tu ulloat ; ungraded mixed , 51-W6 7e s options cloii.'d heavy ; Soytoinbor closing 1'jC. Olds loeoliiti ! , 43.100 bitshrlsi oxjiorts , nonoj polheurv ; No. S while , I'Sir'/.o ' ; mixed west ern , IJ'd-iTu ; wlilto western , 4.V3.V.'o : oitloiiB ) o er , hciivy ; Septeinbor closing att 1'jc. CnlTeo Optliiiis closed ( Inn : S/i ! 't points itoliur : dull , "alos , l'l.7. ' " > lbugi ; Auittiit , fl.1 ! ® 7.Hj ) Heploinber. tM.tiri917.l3 ; KDot Klo llrnii'i ; air earjioiu.if.U : . ' . " ! . linn ; contrlfiisulsOO twt. 3'jc ' ; riMlneil llrm mid fairly netlvo ; confeo- loners "A. " rilll-lOej powdcioJ. C7-lGo : Bi-.ui- llnled , Ol-lOtf. I'etroleuni United closeil Scptcinbor at . KICKSWoali wostcrn , I'urk ' Oiilet. llrm. lard KiiHlerandiiulet ; western ateaui. 'K.S > ; ) | ) tliniM , Auuiisl. til.lt'J naked. llutter-t'liolce , fit in : wuhtcrn ilntry.Tli'QIIc ' ; creamery , llld ? ; Klijlii , li 5Utie. ! CheesuWeak ; hklus , 'Hi ia. ST. f.onts , August Sr-YVhoat-Cnih , 92Jc ! ; Seplenilicr. Ul'ii. ' . Corn Lower ; ensliITlSe ; September , 471 c. < ) ats-ash.l'.i'.Jii ( ) .Soplenibor , : to ! u. PorkDull at m.wrttHM. lurdI'oinlnirl at ilY > i7i. ! Whisky SU'iidy at M.W. llutter UncbaiijuU icrouiuorylSQQie ; dairy , KQIIKc. MiNNr.Aioris , Aiieust 8. Wheat 1'ccelpts. "Oears ; slilpini'iiHti.l ears ; cash wheat ruthor dull ; iloiuaiid early for choice ; saninlcs icor stiill' and hard to soil , ( 'losing : > ' . 1 : iimlVUia ! ; on ttaulc. ttl ; No. 1 nurtliurn , An- Kust , retie ; tJeptoiubor , Ulo ; on track. ! ) Jo ; No. 2 1101 them , August , STc ; on track , HTQ'J.'c. MIMVAUICEE. August 8. Wliuiit-Eiisy ; Ko. 2 , spring , cash , H'liD'JJo ' ; SciitombuivOlKc. Corn I'Mrm ; Xo. II , filo. OnlH Klrni ; No.3 while , 40o. Hye Quiet : No. t , Wo. Hurley Quiet ; No. ' . ' , Clc. Provisions Firmer ; pork , August. 111.7.1. OINCINNATI , Augusts. AYhcat-Stcady ; No. 2 red , uvff.lKic. Oorn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 54c. g uiul Irregular ; No. 2 mixed , VVhlslcy JI.15. KANSAS CJTV , August 8. Wheat Enslor No. U hard , cash , 87o ; August , no bids ; No. ' . red , cash. Wi. Corn Weaker ! No. 2 , cash , 4TQI8C : August , 4Su hid. Oats-I.or.'ori No. 2. cash and August , 3So. LiVEiiPOOU August 8. Wheat Quloti de mand poor ! holders olTor tnodoiatoly ; Califor nia , No. 1 , 7syvjdro7s l5d ! per cental ; red west crn , spring. 7s : id ; red western , winter , 7s2V d Corn Quiet ; demnnd poor ; new mixed west ern , 4a M per cental. STOCK , CHICAGO , Aus'Ht ' 8. Cattle no-elpts. 7.500 ; market qulut nnd steady ; beeves , ti.5oai.H5 : steers , $ i'joai.k ; : ) ; DtoukuM and foodors. fl.so ® 3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.3JQfj.S3 ; Texans , l.iKa'.co. : . lloss llecolnta , 19 , . * > 0il | market wenkor mixed , V.CiV&Utt } ; heavy , * J.10S'Jo ) ; light , ' I3..UO | ; skips , fc.M2 ( > : t..V ) . Sheep liecolpts , ; " ) ,030 ; market steady ; au lives , KI.4RiV .4U ; wcstorn , iKJ tsKilM ; Texans , W 0 < if4.70 ; liiinhs , lUXxa.VT. ) . ST. Louis , AuuustS. Cut tlo Hecelpts 2.200 ; slilpiuontH3.U < lOi htronR. Tulr to fancy natlvo strers , If3.00iil.70l stoolcen and feeders , ( , ' ,0354 3.10. Iloas Itccolpff. 2,500 : shipments. 'WOO ; stiong : heavy , * : i.7XB.bO ( : ) ; packing. tt.GOay.70 ; llKht , RTixa l.tsO. If-ANSAS OITV , Aujrust 8. Oattlo Uecelpts , O.bOO ; shipments , 8.10 ; ninrUet steady ; steers , $ I.2.VJI [ , ' 5 ; cow , il.'Ju'J.TS ' ; stocbun und feed ers. fc'.Mia'l..1.1) . Hoxs HerelpK 13,003 ; shipments a.noO ; mar ket steady to strong ; ungraded , ) . : SH.J. Sioux ( JiTV. la. . Auijust S.-LSpeuIal Tolc- Brain to TIIK HIM : . ] lions Ueeelpts , S.iKX ) ; market opened lOu hlghor , selling attJ.OOQ 11.70 ; bulk at J'IIB3i.G7iS. : Outtlo One bunch of nrhnu feeders sold at ft.7. : > . Tliern was fair doiuand fur butchors' stult at uiicliiiiigcd prluca. V31A U.I hll'ii STO CK. Cattle. Friday. Augusts. Kstlmatod receipts of cattle 1. 1 00. eonipar cl with l.UNl yesterday and 2,4.v > frhlay 'of last week. On account of lluht receipts , hardly siilllulent to make u market , tlio bust grades of steeH were stronger-with oecaslonal sales reported as muoh as ftSlOo higher , und the commoner grades steady to btroni ; . The receipts of iowb were liberal , the bulk boliijl poor lu ijuullty. The market on bntchois stull ruinalnsstoadv. The receipts of stock- orsand feeders \\uta lighter than for some days und priced remain iinelmnged , Estimated rocolpts of lioss. 9.50J , compared with 11.1CI7 yeateiday and 11,127 Friday of week , 'iho market opened 5lOo hltiher on thobestiriide.s of very heavy boss , t-oon liu- eanio weak und ulmostlost thu Advance , hate shlpilnjorders | caused the market to advance again to thu highest point of thu inornliiK elo-lnir llrm with nil sold. Tlio very Unlit , or light-light lie s , wore slow and neglected , with lariro receipts. Mixed nnd mediums sym pathized with Hid market changes at they np- a.SU. The aveiageof tlio primus jnld was * l.m fompari'd wllli S.5"14 yestuidiiy and &I.50 1'rl- Uay of last vrculc. rrovallini ; Priuos. The following Is a table of prices pals In this innrketfor tlio grade of stock mentioned : I'rlmo sleors. nioto UWDibs * | . : f , CJi.co ( lood steers , livj to It.VlRis 4.03 ( ftl.u : Hood steei-s. Utt ) to ILXWtos : tM ( ioi.U Fair , 1WJJ to 11.VJ toi 3.5) ) ( fJI.OO Common , 800 to 12JJ B > s . -1 ( D'l.UO Common caimei-rt 1.0-1 Ortllnary to fair cows 2.OJ Fair tOKoodeows .M . tiwxl toeholeo cows 2.73 W-'l.OO Olioleo lo faney cons i.O : { > 'I.'R Fnlr to RoiMl hulls 1.73 ( Jt-Mfl Choice to fancy bulls ' . ' . .V ) C'oinpiiratlvo Tallin. The following table shows the range hi prices on hogs during this und ln t week : Pajri. This Wuck. Lilt Week. Monday . . . M 411 HI la 3 mj-a ID H li a 4u IA..I ii a so < < j a 3 40 tt.H 70 a i KruUr. S W < * 3 bO 3 10 M ) CO nnil Ic-nvjH HnliM of , . Today. Yesterday , IllaliPst. . . . . . . . .tlM tltshou t70 ! I.ouest : iirj hiwost a 41 I Stock UccrlpH. Ofllolnl Vc tenlav. KtllmntPil To.lay. Cattle. . . . Wears. J.INI Ciittlu. . . Moiif. 1.100 llojfs tflli cars , Hii7 : ! llogi HOcars , W.JOO Sheep. . . . 1 car , I'.M ; < ist > l' The followliiR table Klvos the nverno cost of IIOKS mi the dates mentioned , lir'lu line ; the ) cost today , 119 based upon naltu reporti-d : July 23 . ! ) &ly AuBiistl . M < July 211 . 370 AiiunstJ U . .IlllylKl . 3 .VI AUffllstli. 3 WV4 .lulyni . arj'5 ; August 7. . 'if't August I . II.VI Augusts . U CI I'rlco of IIozs. .Showing the avrmso prleo paid for loads of ojis on thu days Indicated In 1837 , Is-SJ , 18S3 and IM'JO : Day , AUK. to. Aug. ' 89. : \\g. ] ' 83 Aug. ' 87. Ktimlar. IJ tlj ! .1 41 fiOl a M 4 607 a SJK 4I UU 6 15 4 IS a M' ( 4 12 iu ; 3 III 4 07 out DlHposllion oT Stock , tbo nuinbcr of cattle nnil boss liy Hie packers anil loadlni ; buyers on today's market. CATTM : . Swift * Co 241 The U. II. lliuiini'iiiil ' coinn.'iny 1 T 1'lie ArmnnH'udaliy pacKlnit compuny. . . I'l'il llainlllon .tSteiihen. . 71.1 llvul < i > r& DIMUII 15 l.ubni.'inii iVTr.iucriniuin Ut M. II.'un \ Nant 4 Other buyers 4'J Jacob Ijobmann ' " ' I.i-o Itothscblld fri UmahupnekliiK eonipany 1U IIOOS , The Armonr-Cndahy picking company . . S.HI7 Oiuah.i paekhiK eonipany 1..M7 Krtlftit Oo ! , J. I * . 8ililii | < 4A : Co hlli Oudahy Itrotherd l.t l Annoiirpaokln ; company 1,251 Snlos. DI1LSSKU lIKIir STBKIIH. Av. IV. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1130 I ( . . 7n : I 00 21..1100 ; i oa 8..K1U : ino 40..1010 3 75 i m : i. . svj SJ..10I1 385 MCI I 10 15..1010 is. ins : 400 isa i u 17..1017 1U..W74 400 AND KXI-OHT STKnitS. 43. . OT8 3 55 cows. 000Wl i r ' 2 10 7..1057 220 Wl I 75 21. 210- 1. . MM 225 IV ) ) 1 75 " * , ' l''M 2 10 II. . f < 50 2 " 5 7X1 I 80 J2. 1017 2 10 10. . 1KU 2IM i"-i ) tJCO 1 . ! ) . 2 10 . . 1155 2M ) VIS a w 0.1 ' IBS 2 15 1..1070 250 010 a oo 15' 112U 2 13 1..11UO 275 1005 S 10 . .1021 215 CANNEII.i. 1 15 8. . 020 i : r 7..1020 150 1 U 2. . 7 , " . 1 40 2. . 4IiO 1M ) 811 1 110 000 1 40 r . .ioio 150 810 1:10 : 4 ! ! 80.- 1 40 7. . 781 155 KM i : io SO. . 62 ! ) 1 45 0. . h8'l IM J.I.VJ no 1 ! ) . . IKK 1 4.- 8. . 1150 155 OM ai. , 800 1 W ) 10 , . KM 100 771 15. . two 150 17..11)25 ) ICO BTOCKKHS AND 570 2 00 70. . 811 225 : , . 740 240 r.u 2 IS 0. . tOH 2 110 2. . 1155 2 45 2 2.1 W ) . . ci7 SB : 7. . Ml 2 .V 1. . S 2.- M. . 2U5 62. . KJO 200 4. . 223 nur.i.s. 1.o . .iino IM " 2. . 1003 200 1.l' .r tt 15S U 1570 1 70 1. 11)00 240 l' .uoo CAr.vr.s. 4. . " 1i ° 1 TtO 2. . 2r. : 3 ro 150 350 C. . 273 275 2. . 110 350 210 350 IIEUTUS. 4. . J" > 2 1 73 1. . 350 1 75 CO. . 718 225 STKKllS AND IIEirtllS , VEAHLIXOS. 27. . KO 300 cow , ) . . SOOO COW AND CALC. I. . 2000 WCSIEIIN CATTLK. No. Av. Pr. Thompson IJros. IMSfeodCM 1023 $225 ! I8 feeders 1M7 .22,1 i i foodcrs K.OS 225 ICfuedcrs U07 2 25 No. Av. Sh. Pr. IIOQSNo. . Av. Sh. Pr. 31. . . . . .IM 12D Ht 45 OS. . . . .SJ8 320 $3 (15 ( "I. . . . . .107 40 3 40 07. . . . .213 200 IIM . . 'M 200 ; i 40 KJ. ' ' . . . .837 240 3d. ) 20' ! ! . . .IM 40 J 40 & ! ) . . . . .2.- * 200 ties ; n . . . . .144 4 40 12. . . . . .2..2SO ' 3C.- ) 01. . . . . .IM 300 It 40 01. . . . .2V ) 80 30. ) * § , . . .KB 100 ; i 43 70. . . . .211 80 3G3 : : : . . .17rt I ! 45 71. . . . 1GO 3fi3 74. . . . . .157 240bO 3 45 7H. . . . .215 180 2(15 ( 78. . . ' ' ' bO 3 45 C2. . . . .231 240 3(15 ( 0. > . . ( , . . .m IfiO 3 15 50. . . . . ' . ' 48 320 3 05 HI. . , . . .213 240 3 45 .210 80 363 78 , , , . . . KM 3 , * > 0 Kl. . . . .278 200 3C7i ! 07. . , . . .215 : u'iO 3 iiO M. . . . .230 200 3C7K 00. , . . . .SIM 3 SO 57 , . . , .212 1GO aiT'/3 ( 82. . . . . . .201 So 3 M r,7. . . , .24 ! ) 180 : ii7'/j ( 151. , . . .20 ! ) 000RO 3 SO ( I ! ) . . . . .avi FO 3(17'/J ( 47. . . . . 2V : RO 3 53 01. . . . 243 80 307W HS. . JOO 3 SO " .237 120 3I17& 83. . ! ! "i"8 JGO 3 SO 70 ; ; ; ; 120 370 84. . 200 350 TO. . . , .15 ! ) 40 370 81. . ! ! ! ! ii7 ; 80 3 50 CO. . . 180 370 70. . " 100 3 631S H7 . . . 2X ) 370 85 , . ! ! . ! SuS 120 3 M4 ! 74. . . , . 180 370 81 . . . . .217 120 3 Mf4 r.1. . . , . .2.17 SO 370 SI. . . . . .501 II ! ) * ( W. . . , .877 200 370 73 , . . . . .210 ' 3 r/ li" ) . . . , ,2ti < l 40 370 81. . 'to 70. ' , . . 845 370 70. . . .SI5 ff.'O 3 55 83. . . . .215 840 3 SO 71. . ICO * 1 T.rl 01. . . 271 1(10 ( 370 01 , . , a 3 55 ( iO. . . , .274 230 3703 82. . ,2112 240 3 5. ) 178 . . . . .230 1(10 ( 370 85. . . .201.ai 120 3 55 70. . . . .841 180 370 (10. ( . .ai 410 : ' ? i' ' ? no. . . . .378 800 3 70 bO C3. . . 8)0 ) 370 2.-0 ire 357'f . .235 240 370 .201 200 3 07 ! i C ) . . . , . .872 200 370 71 . . , . .247 SO 370 .242 liio 3 GO (2. . . . .258 200 370 wo 3 GO 58. . . , . .255 40 370 120 3fiO 7(1 ( . . . . .KB 840 370 2N1 3 CO ta. . . , 120 370 30) 05. . . 180 370 120 3 GO M. . . 370 . ,201 SO 3BO 57. . . 60 370 .218 3 GO 40. . . , bO 370 . .OT ira 3 K 12 ! ) . . . . .SHI 411) ) 310 7D. . , . .217 121) 3 ray 130. . . . .278 2UO 370 01. . . 'iSO 3 caii 01. . . . . .2115 Rfl 370 IM. . .214 1UO ' * 65. . . . .3tXi 180 370 HI. . . . ' . 25 b ia' ( . . . . .273 120 370 75. . , 200 : i Gr 58 . . . .255 40 370 53. . 120 ; io- 79. . . . .2.V1 20. ) 370 07. . . 400 365 G8. . . , .801 120 370 IB. . u w 00. . . . .2W 40 372 ' . . . ,2:11 : H 113 57. . . . .21)1 M > 372 J SH. . . . . .215 3 111 Kl . . . .SCO 2,10 375 irj. . . . .214 ; KO 61. . . . .312 1(10 ( 375 U ) . . . . . .24(1 ( 303 & 5. . . . .21)7 ) ICO 375 w ) . . . . .228 3 ir GO. . . .257 100 375 50. . . . . .1W2 3 U5 to. . . . .231 BO 375 CO. . . . . .220 3C. ) 50. . . . . : .oa 375 01. . . . . .liiO 3 ( i.1 113 . . . .270 375 O-'l. . . . . .21(1 ( 3G.T M. . . .28-.1 120 3753 B'J. ta. . . . .van 3iO " 3 r > 5 51. . . 60 380 . . . .243 ffl. . . 380 M. . . . . .2n 3UT 60. . . .327 bO 380 07. . . . . ,2i- ) 3U5 PlflS AND SKIPS , 2 ! ) . . . . . .15 40 250 63. . . , . .144 200 310 15. . . . . .m 2 tO 2-J. . . , . .iiO : ' 40 325 8. . . . . .no 300 18. . . , . .213 1(10 ( 325 18. . . . . .120 310 15. . . , . .200 120 325 Market Muution. Cattle stronger ; \V. II. l.ohr markutcd lie s from llernn , l j. W. IJeuton of Waterloo scat In u ear of llORS. \VllUt 1'olloy sent In a car of boga from Nanoncu. Albert Tanner brought In a car of hogs from Hoax , The SwedobuiK elevator company sent In a car uf hogs. O. D. Stieutcrof Raymond marketed u car of ho3. ; J. A. Oua came In from Whtteinan with a car of cattlo. 0. 1'onnliaila car of cattle on tbo market froiuNulUh. W. II. Turwllllgur sent In a car of hogs from J. I1. Taylor eamoln from Ashton with two curs of ! ii s. . Joe Dl.xim wus on the marUot with cattle from Memphis. Tlieodoro Sliuniakor was up from Anslcy with a car of in > s . N. K. llcillon of North I.oup was up with a car of hojs. J. II , llutlor was over from Crescent , la. , with a caret bo s. The Nebraska City packinghouses have shut down for Kuut of Ice. The ItostonVool 'Market. HOSTON , .Maw , August 8. [ SpoJlal Telegram gram to Tun 1IKK.1 Thuro lias been a Rood trade In wool and tliu Rules of the week iik'Kro- Kato3xy,000 : pmtndi. Simio lar o sales of tt-r- rltory wool aru reportt-d , ununintliiK hi all to 20,000 pounds , with fine helling at .W&G clean duo nu-illuniat , V/25Si ! and incdluin at .V133lc. Sprlnj ; Texas has huen hold qultu frei-ly. InoluilliiK vbulcoat 23c anil other HUOS | at l < J 20o. A nale of 50,000 pinnnU nf full Texas waiinailout H ! > o , In uustern Or.cjmi wool theru bus been a KIXM ! biislia-ks. with sales In thuraiiKuor loaioe. Mprlni ; Uullfornla uouU have net'iiniilet with hiuall sales at 17ft2ltu. ! Ohio and I'cnimylvaula tlueeus Imvo been In uioUcratti deuiaud at 31ii31Jio for X and 33&340 for XX unil ulMivo. MHiliraii XM \ been sold In small Ipls.ut i'M-'S'ie. ' Nc . 1 coinblint wnnU wenidiillat .MiJI'io. Ohlullnu ill lultio at i'il ' I'- and Mlelilunil Hue dcltilnn nt Vli'MV' I'ltlled wo < iN have Inn In fair do- miinil ut : rJ' < { IUc for xiipor. I-orelin woolihavo bL-eniiilct. | .7/l/M WHtHiKNATiM M.tltKKTH , I'roduuc. Cons .18. 14 Oc. tIATrt ICO 150. HAV J7.uow.oo. M I t.t.sTl' ' f r f I2..V ) . ( 'iii-i'in ( ) : lY.Rn-JU.OO. l'"i n 1't-r lh-1'ercli , TciniilTalo , Te ; pickerel , i'lOl lilke.Oc ! troul.Pc : vlille.lV ; crnpple , 10c | PlttlUll. lie ! coil Mi'liK. Ui , ' ! lloillulon , 120 ! Oregon salmon , 15c | blnck ba - ( , 13oj lobsterJ , ltinn'4 , I'KI.M ASP T.U.t.ow Orecn salted ide * . No. I. 0'iWl ( ! eNo. : , S. .vpic'l dry Halted hide" , 5c | dry Hint lilili'S &Wc ; enlr lildis , 5S ! < 8"'te. Danniffeil hldi's , a less. Sheep pelt" , creeii , each , : r > c < i&tl.'J5 | sheep pelts , dry , per U1 , ( VBUIo. HKKSWAX IVr Ib , 20c. TAM.ow-A No. I. 3fMi ! { ci No. 2 , S'iTWci ' cruaou , white , 3i ! < alC ! yellow , 8'ilWO ' ! stearlne , OjAt' , 'llosK3-QiHtatloii9 ( ) are fonlollrrry In Cbl- cn oi. Drv buirahi. nor ton , IKJ.oOiaiS.ooi dry country bleached. JlO.W'413.00 ( ; Ury cuuntiy , damn and meaty , | S.OOIU.OO. " I'lCKi.KS-.Medlum , porbbl , t5.'Kj ) small , $0.50 ; iiv 1'er diiron. choice hon , M.OOfol.85 ; oliolco mixed , t.V > ff 'l.liO | roosters. J2..WW.75 ; sprhiKlilckons , I.K > a2.00 for Hinallj jr..VIW.M foriiiedluin : 8.50'ii2.74 fiirlar c. Hu'iTHU Cieamory , fancy roll , print , 1616 10'tC ! cie.imery. fancy. solid iiat'ked , waili- ; crt'ainery ' , cliulue. lOftl'M dairy , faney rolls nml lirluls , \'A\'Mr \ \ dairy , fancy , solid packed , lO'iftlie : dairy , cholee , woliiei country roll , fnney. NR'te : cholei' . 7ffWo ! Inferior. 2 ® . " > . iills-Ui2)10o : ( forstrli-tly fre-h ; stale not sil- : llo.vijv Strained (10-lb ctuif. pc b. Ooj no\v \ comb honey , HMlfio. IIKANS-Iland-nlckednavy.l.7.V32.00i hnnd- jilckcd navy medium , } 1. 00(5.1.75 ( ; htiiid-plcked country , JI.40f6l.iOi KOIX ! clean , $ I.101.25. KvAi'OiiATnnAiTi.KS-l'ani'y. I2i13oporlb. ! lli.UKiiEiiniES 1'er ' bu. ft.5lXifil.oo. COCOANUTS-Pcr 100. tiM. WATKKMRMNs-l'er ) ll \ KO.OXtM7.50. ( DCANTKI.OUrH 1'er do ? . JI.2.V.M.73. I'KACIIKS Arkansas.S \ btnliol box , 73ct 1.00 ; California , per bov. # 2.00't2.5 ( , UtiAi'KS Oallforniii , per crate. W.OO : Arknn- sai. 81 it | ease , J2.51 ! UeorKln , ID 11) ) basket. 73e. I'l.ti.MS ' I'urplo Duiim'i Columbia , olc. , p r bov. f2.00&3.S5 ; wild sooso plums , H bu box , llo ) CMLO'J. .IKI.I.IKS 3JiC ) per 11) . Dnr.ssKi ) YiAit'hulco : tiu'dlnni , 07t ; light , 5 < n.'jC ' ! lioavy,4JJ.C. I.I.NSKIMI On , Haw , GOC ! bulled , 0.1c. Ctnnil-rer bbl , lelhied K.V ) ; half libl. . W.RO ; hard elder , pure , pur hbl , ij < l.Hj ( ) oranco elder , half bbl , Jd.W ; pear elder , half bbl , JO.M. Wool , I'Mno ' unwashed , 14liio ; rnedliini un- wnshcd , IHQSlc ; coarse nnwiished , lS20c. l'OTATOis-l'or : liu. Jl.WV7iii.TO. Iii.MoNS : 1'er box , Hod I Malorl , fancy , ID.OO ® 10.W ; choice Jle > 9lnas. 7.0 ; US..r > ' ) . TO.MATOK-I Per Ini-box , HMGWM. O.NIO.SS Now southern , per bbl , Jl.nO5.00. ViJAits llartlett , California , per box. JJ.OO ® T'itu.NKS Oornian , per box , $2.00 ; French , $2.00 ; gros , $2.75. _ Provisions. I'nKSil MEATS Packcrn' prlccs-Prcsli hams , 20 Ibs averaso , 7io ? : fresh hams.lrt Ibs avoraixo , So ; fresh hams , I'Jlbsaveraitc , Do ; fresh shoul ders. 6e ! pork loins , 7Uc ; pork tenderloins , Do : leaf lard , not lonrtcred.O ci spare rlbs,4c. 1'OHK AND lltEK : Ilarrels Mess pork , now. 112.75 ; clear pork backs , heavy , 812.35 ; clear porlc backs , medium , $11.75 ; short cut clear pork , $10.50 ; family pork , lean , * 10.5'l ; butt pork , bean pork , pis pork. $13.50. Half barrels Now extra mess beef , I2.2.VJ45.50 ; now extra plate beef , tl.5ftA.50 : now pinto beef , $3.3o ® (1.00 ( ; now rolled boneless beef , W.OOO7.50 ; new rumps , $3.25(35.50 ( ! new boneless rumps , $1.50 © 8.50. 8.50.SAUCAon SAUCAon llolosna , per Ib , smoked , Ions round lii : > 'o bans. 3Ve ; frank furls , ce ; : tonpuc , 7'/ic ; hlood. 41-ici liver , 4'/a ; head cheese , 44c ! ; Polish , 7o. TAI.I.OW A No. 1 , 4 ! c ; Moarlno , 0 ! < c. I'ICKI.VII HniiFToNnuKS-llalf haricls , $9.00 ; quarter barrels , t5.50i elKht barrels , $ .1.00. JjAim Tierces Uellnedhird compound , 5Wc ; pure leaf. fi'/Jc ; kettle , G p. Add 140 to 7 o per Ib forsmaller packages. Leaf lard not ren dered , 0ic. ! I'lCKi.iuiTnn-K Half barrels , J2.50 ; quarter b.irrels. * I.13 ; : i-Mitli barrels. SOu : kits. 13 Ibs each , 50c. SAUSAcjKOASlsns Cattle Tlorces and bar rels , middle peril ) . ( HSo ; roundII'.Sc ' ; liinKs4l ) e ; ling casing 1 ISeperlb ; IIOK IIIIIIRS , No. I,4Ko each ; rounds , pursul , 100 feet , 12K o ; middles , per sct , feet,3Go ; ; weasands , less than 1.000- deco lot.s,3'/jo ' each ; amnll hlnddors sthan WO-din ! lots , ISc per doz ; largo bladders , less than suo-doz lots , UOo per do * . HI-ICED Pins' TONOUBS Half barrels , tll.OO ; lard oil , 31 ; puio ncatsfoot oil , Mo ; 5galcuu , 53u nl ; extra iicntsfoot oil , 43o ; No. 1 ncats foot oil , 3o ; tallow oil , 41c. HONBVCOMII TIIIPK llulf barrels , $375 ; niiar- ter barrels , $2 10 ; eighth barrels , $1.15 ; kits , 15 Ibs each. W . I'ontc TONOUES Uneoqkcd Mild cured Half bands , 100 Ibs , { 7.53 ; quarter barrels , 50 Ibs , (1.00. Luv ) RAI/T SlBATS-T.can backs , te ; extra short clears. 5He ; bellies , 1(5 ( to 20 Ib average , Go ; short ribs , 54c ! ; short clears , 5ic ; long clears , 5Ho ; shoulders , 5c. } } S-MOicun JlKATS Canvassed , unless other wise ordered Hams. 12 to 14 Ib average , llo ; 1(1-11) ( average. lOUc ; 20 to22 Ib average , lO o ; skinned sllclnc , 18 to 20 Ilia average , Ho ; Oull- fornla hams , 7Mc ; hhoulders , 7 ! c : shoulders , skinned , CJ.i'c ; iiioiililcr.sfl to 8 Iba avcr.iKe , 7i4c ; boneless ham , 8iio ; breakfast bacon ( clear ) , 5 to 7 Ib strips , 7o ! $ ; breakfast bacon ( rib ) , 8Jio ; dried beef hams ( sets ) , lOJio ; regu lar. 8io ! ; clods , 7 c. Uiiy SALT OUIIKII Bacon , Ions clears. Gc ! ; short clears , GJc ) ; extra fbort clears , OMo : ool- lies , clear strips , OWe ; short ribs , OUc ; shoul ders , OVic. t-Kii nKEf-Sloors,500 to 000 Ibs average , native , O'i@lio ( ; steers , 400 to 000 Ibs avorace , native , ( Xiit c : cows and heifers , 400 to 500 Ibs average , ejic ; hindquarters , steers , 10o ; hind- uuarteis , cows , 7c ; foreiiunrters , steers , 4Jiej foreiinartors , cows , 3t- : crossed IIOKS , 4 ? e. IitKssiD : Murros Oliolco dressed mutton , 04c ! ; rucks of mutton. 14e ; saddles of mutton , lUe ; breasts of mutton. Do ; legs of mutton , lOu. Groceries. SUOAII Per Ib. Out loaf 7o ! : Cubes , , null [ il Hil , u.tu , .iliitjl.1. J.4\ ; , v.uiiitiu w , , ; 4t. JlAPt.K HUOAn 1'cr Ib. 5o cakes. 30 Ib boxes , 13uj 10 cakes , ; ; o-lb boxes , 13J5o ; 1-lb bricks , 30 Ibs tb box , pure , 14c. COFFKI : Koastcd Arlosn , 25'So ' | minola , Ki u ; Mor.nuBhlln XXXX , SftHos German , 25 > io ; Dlhvorth's. 25 ? ci Lion. 25i o ; Mall- pouch , 23Ko ; Mocha , 3Ic ; O. OJ Java , 30e. CorrKK Green Fancy Golden Hlo , 22l/e { ; fancy old penborry.24Uo ; Hlo , nliolco to fancy , 22ie ! ; Hlo , pi hue , 880 ; Illo'ood ( , 81Sje ; Hunlos nml common Hlo , 1'"t'-'lu ' ; Moclin , 2Uo ; Java , cenulno O. 0. , 2 o ; Java , good Interior , 23c ; Aloxlcau , 2c. ; ) Svnui-s Amber Fymp Inbbls , No. 70grade Me ; half bbls , No. 70 grade , : i3o ; 4-ual kegs , No 70 grade. $1.332-gal ; kltts , No. 70 grudu , 78c ; Knl cans , 10 hi case , per ease. J3.DO ; H-pnl cans 10 In case , per case , $4.10 ; white clover drips , bi bbls , 32o ; half hbl < ! , 34o ; 4-gal kens each. 11.45 ; 2-Ral palls , each , 8. > e ; rook candy drips , In bbls 35o ; hulf bbls , 37c4-jnl ; kegs , each , $1.0'J ' ; 2-cai ) > : dls , each , > 65 < ) ; cCallforiila lionoy , bbls , 37c ; Iialf bblsRe ; ) ; 4-pul koss , tl.itt ; s-gul kltts , U3o ; 1-Kiil , 10 la case. $ I.H ) ; 1-gal , 10 In case , $4.25. Ciiocor.ATii 12-lb boxes , a' . ' < 333o ! Gorman sweet. 2224e ; I'arlslnn , 35o. COCOA-I'er Ib , 30 ® too. IIIIOMA I'crlb.IBo. t'ocoANUTS-1'cr Ib , In pkgs , 2Mi27o ( ; bulk , 22 @ 23o. SKEDS Mixed bird , 1-lb pkgs , 6oj canary , Bo hemp , 4'c ' ; anise , ISc ; poppy. lOc. SPICES 1'cpiior-SInKiiporo sifted , 1810o shot , 28o. Allspice , lOe. Cloves 1'enaiifT. to- lccted,80o. C'assla China , 4-lb mats , Do. Nut megs No. l,75o ; fancy , large , 83o. I'AitiNACROtra GOODS llarloy , 3 < io ; farina 5c ; iieas , 3o ; oatmeal , 1'iiJWiio ; macaroni , 10 ® lie ; vermlcilll , 101 lc ; ricechoice , 5i' ; fancy Oc ; head , fivio ; sago arid tapioca , ( > < 37e ! lima beansGo ; split noas. 3c ; splglttl , lie. Aloi.ARsns llbls , N O fancy per gal , 5557c choice , 4.vji47fl ; gixwl. : KVS32o ; Cuba baking,8btt 30o ; blaok strap , 20ii28 < ; . WitAi-i'iNO I'Ai-KK ftraw. per Ib , l'/iG2io ' ! rag , : i'ic ; Muillln ; II. 5'30 ; ; No. I.fc. OILS 150 prime whllo , 14o ; 15Q water wlilto 13o ; 173 heudllKht , 14 > iCi 7) guKoIInc , J3o. BAi.souA-llbls , IKo ; gr.iuulatod , 2o | In bbls l io. HODA Pkgs , COlbsi to box , 5i5Hoi ! kegs 4'40. ' 4'40.OiiHEsn Wisconsin l-O. , twin flats , per Ib. fl'/ic ' ; Wisconsin r. 0. . young Amcilea , lOu brlek , l2'/ic ; domestic Swiss , I4uj ICdam In foil caoh , { l.oo. DIIIKII l 'nuiT8 Turkish prunes , loss thai Iduls , ISs'J. "tie ; oil lnal hlids , 140 less ; llixnla prunes , 00 11) boxes , IOQ , to 110 , 811 ; nppli-s ovajioratcd , now ring choice , lie ; ov poralo < nnw , rlnt , ' , lirlnie , lOe ; apricots , fancy , In 17u ; blackuoi rles , now , 5 i i ito box , raspborrlcs , 25 Ibs to box , ! ! 0c ; currants , net G to ; original casks , > 40 loss ; VostUza cur runt * , extra , In boxes , O c , HATCH 1'erslan , 00 Ib bos , 7o. HAISINS Lonilon layers , California stand mil. per box , $2.35 ; "homo shoe , " * , ' , GO ; loob muscatels , California staudanl , $2.i)0 ) ; "hor.s sluie , " * 2.i5 : ; "star. " loose muscatels , Sl.fiO ; seed K-is Cnllfornla , II.M : California hcedlesssiil tunas , In sacks , pur ) h. , He ; c'ullfornln miisca lids , hi sucks , H'i new Valencia , Uc ; vulcnclus old , C > c ; ondiira layerold , 7c. llAi > KiTii 1'er doz. 1 bushel , narrow bane stuve , elin , * | .N ) ; 1J ! buihel , imrroiv hum fitiivr. elm. tJ.50 ; 1 bushel , utavo broad bant elm. fi'ilj I'i ' bushel , stave , broad band , eln ( ' . ' .75 ; I bu hi'l. ' elm stave , bale bundle , * I.H > : ( Minuet. oaktita\o. JJ.OJ : Ibusliol , HrlUKX..75 } 5d w , JJ.W ; I'i hushe ! , ilrl- s. w/r , : 1 hushul , n.ilc .sillnM. ] | . > 0 ; li ! lni-liel. oak splint , M..VJ ; : 1 liihhol , bainhoo. $ .1.0J ; Hi hu hol , hamlioo , K.0.1 ; laundry , willow , larKe. fT.Vi ; htundrv. I < vllo\v. ! \ inedlnin. to.50 ; laundry willow , sinitll , ( V50 ; uiurlait , elm , Hpllt,43u ; market , | me rivet liaiidlo. We ; marlcct , elm covered , 1 | neuk , J-.UO ; willow , nmrkel , large , ( J.fH > ! wll- j Juw , market , 2 lu ucst ( I siuuil , 1 medium ) , [ per nc t , fkV ) n h , alche11) ) : sl < rt , cnrcred.fi liuiesl. pt iMiest , } l lOiMiiiillbaiulKK ) delivery , Jl.-'i ; niedlnm bamboo delivery , M.7A : largo Immboodillvury , KUiO ) wastu paper baskt-u. " ' "i'o'wiior : Manilla rope All sfc ! from 7 > 1(1 ( n tin , I.X'i sisal ropo. all xtzes from 7 ID to 1 n. 11'iCI ' . - " nowpro.x-ss , atMltes from 7-10 to II. S C. COTTON HOIP.U In.lCo. , T\VINR.S col ton twine , "Illbb , " very nne,5 i bales 22c < ; cotton twine"Hnl < y" briind , 5 b lmlv , tfoi hemii twine. M Ib bales , Uc 5 sail wine , 80o ; caiullo wjck , 22oj 40-f ( cotton -lot lies line * , 85c | noft col Ion clothes lines. l.n.- . ; Gl-foot cotton lines. J | ,40 ; ( W-ft sNnl lines , 1.75 ; cfl.fl Jute. JI.W ) ; wool twine. C\c. .Ni'TS Almonds , 15ci llrnr.lU , I4e ; Olbcrts , i'1 ' ! ! ' ; peonn . lies walnuts , I24e ! ; peiinnt wks,0icj ! roasted , 12'ic ' ! Tennessee peanuts , ilnooMS 5-tle , parlor , jn.OO ; 4-tlc.f2.73i IMlo. 8.85 : B-tlo , plain , II.Mi warehouse , J3.W ; toy , l.2. > ; whisk , { l.Hiil.2A ( OI.IVKS Quarts , pnrdoJI.OO ; pints , per doz , 2..VJ ; bulk , per Kill. We. OAjisnu .MKATS-Corned beef , 1 Ib , JI.80 : eorneil beef , 2 lb . $2.IOi lunch tonsue , 1 Ib. .MKl ; | unehtinuiu\2 ) Ibs. } IT5 ; brawn. 1 Ib , 120 ; bra n , 2 Ibs , $ . ' .00 ; ox timcitc * . IM Ib , 5.lXjox toiiues,21bs ! ( , } 1.0v ) | chipped beef , U4 b , round cans. Jl.'Atj roast beef , 2 Ib , round caiiM.O ) ; potted hum , 'i Ib , round cans. H5o ; lotted ham , ij Ib , round canti.ani dovllou mm , 'lib , loundcans , H5e ; deviled bam , \t \ Ib , round cans , $1.20 ; iiottcd ov tonuue , ! j Ib. nuiiidcans , JI.20 ; eompresecd ham. 1 Ib , square nns ll.2j ( coiiiprossi-il ham. 5 Ib , aiinnre i-nns , 8.75 ; trlpi',8 11) . round ciin < . tl.SI ; inlnecd eol- ips , 2 I b , nmiul cans. $2.20 ; boneless pigs' feet , .Mb , square cans. $2.23. VDOCTAiir.Ks Tcnuatocs 3-lli extra , $1,00 ; 1-lb standard western brands. DOoi inll ns , .Irletly stiindanl , J2.U. ! Corn-Finest Krown , l.UKlIt ( ) ! rdgt-d su nr coin.vry line , } lvi ; 'bolcu 8-1 bsiiaur corn , J1.10 ; 2-llip.\tra weslrrn iranils , 83eOfl.W ) | 2-lb standurd western irunds , ( V.Vii''iu. Mushrooms 1-lb 1'rench , cv- ' ra line , 2''Cit25c ; 1-lb I'rencb , line. 18'iV.Vi 'I-lb 'rencb , oidlnary. l 61Se. I'eas Tres , line. ) erciiu,25c ; doinl-llne , perean , Ilk ; ; 8-lb sifted , I.iMi 2-ib early .In 111 % il.258-lbmurnnv. ! slaud- trd , brnnils , 41,10 ; 2-lb soaked , ( ' < : tlilu louns--ll ) lilfih urade , Itefiiiet1 , Me ; 8-lb ioUh'ii wax beans , 7001 2-lb string beans , Gfle. Lima Iwiiiis 2-11) soaked , 75c ; Itoslon baKed IPHIIH 3-lb Lewis , $1.3.5 ; CIDWII brands , fl.35 , iweet potaloes-3-Ib New Jersey , tl.K ( ) . I'nmo- klns-i-lb ; , JI.10. Ukra. and tomatoes-Jl.O'J ; okru , ! MW | succotash , * l.20. Kisn Cudllsli , extra lleore ( , now , RHe ; rniiil bank , ne\v.4'ii' \ ; silver , 2-lb hlooks.lUio ; snow while. 2-lb bricks , new , sjie ; Turkey cod , . bilcks , I'e ' ; snow white , rrntv , 12- i-lb boxes , 8ic ; medium sealed hcrrlne , 25i'j so. 1 scaled herring , 20c ; domestic Holland lerrbiK , 40c : Hamburg spiced herring , IDo ; ilUN btn sardines , spiced , (15ci ( Htlislan sar- 1 Inert , plain. ' .Oci Imported llnllund heirlni ; . crown brand , sou ; do faney milkers. OJe ; tuaek- erel , No. 1 shore , half bids , J12.00 ! biontors , talf bbls. $ IKIK | ; wblteflsb. half bbln , } 7.0 ( ) ; trout , half bbls , $5.00 ; family whltellsh , W.50j snliiiiiii , SS.i < i. CANNIII : Fisii-1-lb maekurel ( horrlng ) . ! l.0t ) ; 1-lb HNIKIII huddles. JI.IM ; l-lli lobslers , t.M.Y.j ) . ' .25 ; l-ib Alnsl.a balmon , Aleut , tl.33i 2-lboys- tor.s.iooSI.II3 ; 1-lb oystor.s,5oJI.15 ; 2-lb .elects , 12-oz , J2.35) ) l-ll ) clatns , little nosUs , $1.25 ; 2-lb clams , little nucks.Jl.75 : 'J-lb sar- llncs. Imported , per ease. lOO.s , JI.VOOTfc''O.OJ ! m- b Imporlo'l hiinulesi sardines , kov. fil. mi ; ? jIb - Ib sardine" . American , per ease. 'KHJs. 1'roneli style , (4..WU.OO4lb ; ! snidlnes. American , per ease , 100s , 1'reiieh style , J7..r > 0i3. < . ( l ) i VJ-lb sar dines , mustard , per case. Mta , Vl.T.VtJ.oo ; 1-lb crabs 9231 ; 2-lb crabs. J3..V ) ; 1' . & W. 1-lb fin nan huddles , JI.M ; Molr'a Imported 1-lb kip- l > erel hcrrlnt ; , f5. ( . OANMI : > 1'iuiiTS 2-lb Roosoberrlcs , $1.10 ; 2-lb strawberries , $1.15 : 8-lb raspberries , $1.13 ; 2-lb blifuberrlcs , iwci 2-lb blackberries , tl.OJ ; 2-lb strawberries , } 1.80 ; 2-lb raspberries , JI.Mi 2-lb blackberries. $1.23. I'luuapples liabuma chopped , $2.00 ; Italmma sliced. $1.S5 ; Hahama sliced , oliolco. Jl.OO ; 8-lb Uuhntnn grated , W.iH ; J-lb llahama sliced , 12.10 ; 8-lbst-indar < l slU.'ed , $1.251.50. Ohcrrles-2-lb red. M.10 ; 2-lb wlilto. ! . ) . I'oar.s 2-lb , SI.30. Poaches 3-II ) eastern standards , $1.8,5 ; 3-lb eastern seconds. Jl.l.Vfc 1.05 ; 3-lb pie , $1.40 : Plerra Madre , ! i5 ( ! ; aprl- cots$1.0" > | pears. $2.05 ; plums , ( > ; rr , fl&'i ; plums green wages. 81.55 ; cherries , white. $1.55. ViNEOAii ; tr. elder. lOo ; Kood , 12o ; white wine , ifiu : fniiev. fruit , 8c. STOVIJ POLISH J2.03it5 ( 87 jierKros'i , llos Am , per 10J. $17.75 : howlslon , per 100 , $17.75. Union Fuuaro , 3-n ( ) per cent olT list. SALT Ialrv.2SJ ) His In bbl , bulk , $2.10 ; best grade , fiOS , fc. ! ) ; best Rrado. 103 3s. $2 40 ; best Krade , 1810s. fJ.VO ; rock salt , crushed , J1.8J ! common , bbl , $1.25 , frui > Ciistlhi. mottled , per Ib , OffilOe : do white , per Ib , lie. HI.OCK TiN-Small pig , Mc ) per Ib ; bar. 30o per Ib. Coi'i'Eit I'lanlsliod bollor sizes. 35c per Ib ; cold rolled. Slo per Il > ; shouting , 31c perlb ; pit anil Hats , 3Ic per Ib. OALVANty.iiSiiKiTlnoN' : ) : Discount 50-10 per cnnt ; pat. plan. Iron , Wos. 24 and 27 , A , lOJ-Je ; 11 ( H.o. TIN 1'J.AtE-I. 0. , 10.\24 , J3.75 ; I. X. , 10x11 , $8.8.5. $8.8.5.TIN 1'f.ATE-Coke , 14xi , 112 , ! fl.23. HOOKINO Charcoal , 1. O. , 14x2) , 112 , $3.50 ; I. X. . W.75. SiiKKTliiON No.20 , 83.50 ; No. 27 , fl.GO. foi.unn Strictly half and half , lOc. STUirNAit.s-Ilasc , $2.20. STKCI , WIIIE KAILS llaso , J2.G5. Willis-Jap , barb$3.23 ; calv. , 43.63. QUININE Perez , P. & W. , 46a ; German , 33c ; Indigo , per Ih , 73os Innect powder , 21c ; nnltnn , $4.00 ; morphine , per oz , $3.i.V ( hops , peril ) , 30c ; glycerine , 200 ; dextrine , JOoj outtlohono , : i5a ; cream tartar pure , X'o ; commercial. 18c ; cam phor. Me ; am , earb , 14o ; blue vltrolT'/io , Actn-Oarbolie. ! Hl2o ; cltrle , 45ISo ; tar- tarlo , itnTsMlo ; sulphuric , per II ) , 2c. Oii.s-Sperin olf.JI.IO ! turpentine. 48e ; Tonca lieuns , t2.2.'C12,35 ; balsam touln , 4ll.r > ; eahnnel. i , a ) ® 22o : chloroform , 40h''o ; urgo'tr 4752u ; Kiim arable,53l'5c ' ; lyeopodluni , 4C@llle ; mercury , 85C. Dry Goods. IIHAW Thiowji COTTONS Atlantic It , 7l'o ; Atlantlo II,7e ; Atlantic 1) ) , ( i'c ; Atlantlol' , ( icj Aurora O , fie ; Iluck'H llead,0fe | Uabot W. O Jo ; Durllnpton , d'4'o ; Farmers' No , 1 , 4 ? © 4e ! } ; Hoos-ler M ; , r ie ; Indian Head , 7iie ; Law-reneu Ltj , .r)34'c ! llciirlelta lAiWc. KINK HHOW.N COTTONS Atlantlu IAi. Go ; Au rora Il,0o ! ; Aurora lt.ic ( ! ! AtlasO N li.7 > 4o : fhcuso elolh , 4c ; Ulliiton I'F.SUc ; I'opperoll 1 ! , O cj hniiKdoii O 11,8c. Ui.uAt'iiKD COTTONS ' llorknloy cainhrlc N'o. GO , Uc ; Hest Yet , t > \e ( ; Umloreloth XX. 4c ! { ; Cahot , 7'/5e [ rirstCall , GJ4c ; 1'rtill of the Loom , SUe ; Hill Semper Idem , Co ; Housekeeper , SKic ; King I'lillllpuainhrle , lOc ; haim'don u II , ) " : ; Lonsdiilo , fclio ; Lonsdalo cninlirlc , lOc ; Now Vorlc Mills , lie ; Oak Lawn , 7i % . SlIEKTINO AND 1'IM.OW t'ASINOS-ltrOWll ' Net l'eincroll,45-in , lOe ; ) 'cppcrollB-4 , 4Sc ; IVnpcrelf. t-4. ) G-l. 20o ; Teimerell , 1022o ; Utlca , 48-lu. 1.V ; ntlca. 58-In. 17'/c ' ! Utlca , I2-ln,24c ; Utlca. fc4-hi , 2iki ! Utlca , HO-ln , , ! jii. llloaehod Not I'oppcrcl ) , 42-ln , lOc ; 1'ep- percll,4l-ln ( , lie ; 1'epperell , 0-1 , J4'o ' { ; 1'ei- ncrall.b-4.20u ; I'oppercll. 0-4 , 22e ; I'epperell , 10-4 , S2c ; Utloa , 8-4 , 21o ; Utlcii , 0-4. 2Goi Utlea. 10-4 , 2i iC. GlNdiiAHS Amoskeiig , C5 c ; Amoslieag , firc.ss , 6'ioi Hates , OVio ; Warwick , dress , 7'/ie ' ; CliMiRlvi. nvtiiVlilttnntnn. . dress , bSc. ! PIIISTS Indigo blue Is'ct .Martha Wash- liiKton , Oo ; American , OUe : Arnold. CMn ; Ar nold II. loiisolotli , 20e ; fcllfcl A , 12o ; Mcrrl- nmck , ? , lUc ; Gold leaf , 8e ! ; llainlllon , fi'Jo ' ; Allen 1'lnks , OJiei Allen Chambray , Oo ; Glou cester , 5ic. } I'lUNTH Fancies Eddystonc , fl c ; Steel Ulvcr.fio ; ItamaiioHie ; St. Ledger , ! i'io. ' Slilrt- Inps Martha Uashlnston , 4Ue ; Morrlmnok , 4'4e. ' Turkov reds I'liuiilaln , C'/jC1 : Oarner,7u ; Uriinlield.S'ic ; llorlln , ti'Ac. WIOANS Nut , ThUtlu. 7Uo ; Hod Cross , 7c. Coi.itKiOAMnnicn-Crown. 4'4c ' : Hed Htar , 4'/ic ' ; rolled ( Jloror , 60 ; Slater , lie ; lil h colors , lu u.xlra. CiiAfiii Stevens' 1) ) , 10-In. 5Hc ; Stevuns * B , 18-ln , Go ; Stevens' A , 1'J-In. ' 7o ; Slovens' I1 , 1S- In , 7Kc ; Stevens' M. Ift-lii.SViUi Stevens' N. 2U- ln , Kic ! ; Kloven3'NN,25-ln , Hi Jo ; Stevens' HltT. 20-ln , ll'.jci bleached lc extra. UIINIMS Not Amoskeag , 11-07 , 10'ie ' ; Vork camlet , 12o ; Kvorctt , slandanl , iS'io ' ; Hay maker's , 7ic ! ; Old York , \X , IOJo ! ; 1/awiciiee , 820 , ] : i'ie ' ; l.awiencc , 0-oz , 15Ci ! fancy stripes and checks , llljc. OOTTONAPIS Vorlc Nunkln , lO'-jc ; F.vorctt , 8-oz , Iso ; I.cwlslon , 10o.Wta ' ; W 13ic ! ; Corkscrew cashmere , 22ic. ! 1 ho nioo Crop and I't-Iuo * . In view of the advent of tlio domestic now crop rice , Messrs. Dan Talmngo'a Sons Issue a circular giving "points" on tlio situation tlio Immediate future and possible course of the market throughout tlio year. They state that It lias been a phenomenal year in rico ; thcro is practically none of the old crop loft at nny point , anil 50,000 barrels to 75,000 bar rels of the new crop will bo required to bring individual stocks up to normal average quan tity , In years succeeding 1S70-77 1SSO-S1 , when conditions were somewhat similar , prices ivem even higher than ut present ami so continued until November. As to the course of tbo innrkcUat a Inter purioil they call attention to several features which may materially influence prices. 1. Tbo enhanced values of rlcotbrougliout.tho world. 2. The scarcity and high w-lous In fruits and many of tlio cereals. ; t. Tliu Inilnting results \\hicn innny think will bo the outcome of silver log- iBl'itlon , Foreign crops are less than for several years past unil of qualities suitable for the United Stutca : not one-third of any year in past decade. The nt of Dasscln , U.inpoon and 1'atna li quoted nt V.j-'i. : Jupan nnil Java-flK-ii. ' . . Only tbo latter , It is H.ilil , uro coinparahlu with and can success fully compete with domcdtlu sorts of equal Ki-'iJes. From the foregoing the oullook Is most uufOurueinK for tlio "lio.uio proJucts , " and the proiuiso is that it will bo inarUutcd ut a considerably higher average pricu than f or seine years past. The oulv complexion powder. In the world that is without vulgarity , without injury to the user , und without doubt a bcuutlllor , is Pozzonl'a , un IN TUOUSUUS. Atnlo Clothing Worn by n Cllrl n > i- Vrni-H In Order lo Ilrlp llor I'nnilly. For about twenty yours n family . rmmeil lloynolds llvoil In this neighbor hood ntid hvtor nt Fiilffax , about nl.x miles from hero , Buys a San Uufaol special to the Chicago Herald. About two years ago the father of tlio family tiled tiniUhc mother nml vhlltlrcn moved Into town. , A youiif ? mnn wns nlinost constantly soon on the streets niul wns known by all the townspeople iw Dolbort Hoynolil.i. K"intirls wore oftoii niiulo of his \voniniily \ voioo and ajjiioaranoo , and It wns oflon notlred that Ito illd not take uptly to boyish Hnorlsuml ninudoinonts. niul nlthou h full of fun U was notleoil thai ho on joyed himself inoro In the company - pany of ohildrcn nnd gM * than amoii } , ' hoys. Shortly nflor urrlvlnK1 hero ho onturod the sorvlco of WollH , Fai'L'o ft Co. as an oxm-os * ilflvot * . Ho coiitiiiuini In that sorvu'o for sontovookc. . After that ho di'ovo a sprinlfltn curt on the public streo'a. ' Thoti ho wns a oniTlujro urlror nntl continued as Miu-h for sonio months. Lust simmun * it was roninrkod by port-oils who bud occasion to visit Ilio Hoynolds roshloiu'o Hint Dellwrt. was al ways ilrcsgcd as u girl nml attonilud to household duties whuii at homo. About two months ujjo Dolbcu-t wont to Oloinn , pivsuinably to worlc on a , ranch. Noth- in ; , ' was heard of him until about a week nye , wlmn oX'Shoi'llTOeoi'Ke ' Mnson came to town with the now thut Uolboi't wi > s it gii'l and liiul just boon mun'iod to Shot-brook Hai'tman , and thai Ihoy wow enjoyiiiR' tboir honeymoon ninoti ! , ' I ho hills oiOlemn. The report was found to bo true. At iv ] arty ( 'lven last ni lit nt Olcma Dulboi't Koynolds , Mrs. llartnmn , was the belle of tlio ball. Many of Sail H-ifuol's youiiK' men were present , but she duelincd to rocoj'nho those who liud known hot' in nitilo at- tiro. She had worn moil's clothea in order to earn inoro nionoy to Jiolji hU- ) port her mother's family. Mrs. Winslow'ssootlilnir syrup for children teething solicits tlio i-jum.s and iillays nil i > nln. "j cents u bottlo. Thi'oujjh coaches 1'iilliniin palace slcopcrs , dining cfir.s , free redlining chair ears toOhiouijo and intorventny points vln the fjfoat Hook Island route. Tielcot ollluo 1UO ± Sixteenth and Furnam , A Clioluu IjiNt < > ! 'Hiiiiiinci' In tbo lake regions of Wisconsin , Min nesota , Iowa and the two Dakolas , them nro luindi-ods of ehai'iniiitf locnlitlos ji'o- eminently fitted for summer homes. Amoiif ; the following selected list are names familiar to many of our readers as the perfection of noftliorn summer re sorts. Nearly all of the Wisconsin points of interest uro within a short distance from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none of them uro so far away from the "busy Dinrtsof civilization" that they cannot bo rcaohed in n few lionw of travel , by frequent trains , over tlio finest road in the northwest tlio Chleiigo , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway : Oconomowoe. AVIs. Clear Laid' , Iowa. Mlnocu.uaVis. . . Lalto Olcolioji , Iowa. WauUcslin , Wis. Spirit Lake , Iowa. I'olmyru , AVls. Frontcnnc , Minn. Tnninhawk Lakes , Lake Minnctonka. Wis. , Winn. vis. uriouvnio , i\iinn. Kllboiim City , Wis. . Prior Lake , Minn. ( Dolls of the Wis- White Boar Lake , consm. ) Minn. Heaver Warn , Wis. Big Stone Lake , Ua- Mudison , Wis. kota. For detailed information , apply nt ticket ofllce , 1501 Fnrnani street , Barker Dloclr. F. A. NASH , Gon. Agent. J. E. PliKSTOif , P.iss. Apent "Original PnokJigo" liotlcry Tlelccts. The "original paekiifje" decision of the supreme court hits lot. loose a Hood of lottery business in this city. Bays an Indianapolis dispatch to the 'Chicago Tribune. Packages of tickets from Loui siana are received hero almost daily by several ngcnts , and the police Hud that they hnvo no authority to Interfere , except - copt when they detect iifrents in offering them for sale , and this they think they cannot do when the tickets uro sold in original packages. - Hundreds have caught on to a new lease of life by drinking freely or bathing In the min eral water of the famous "Old M. C. " spring at Hotel Uolfnx , Itv. Dr. SussdorlT treats successfully nil diseases of the kidneys , bhulderj and reetuin. 1501 ITnrnnm st. TIic now ofilc s of the great . Ilock Is land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Purnam street , Omaha , are tlio finest in the city. Call and see them. Tickets to all points east at lowest rates SIIROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks , BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; 8OB South 13tli Street , - Orrmhn. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH AT 1302 Farnnm Strosfc. HARRY P. DEUEL , Oity PaKseriKor and Tlclcot Agont. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $4OOOOO SURPLUS 6OOOOO Accounts of liunki , llanicra and Curporntluni to- lloltcd. Our fncllltlcs forfOr.r.lX'TIONH nrervcollont.nm ! noro-rtheount forlaiiki when linlnncoi nnrrnnt It. IloMon Is a ItoriTvo City , nnd bnlnncci with us from tanks ( not locate ! In oilier Uuncrro Clilus ) count ii n rcicrvc. Wo draw our own oxohinvo on London nnd the Conttix'nt , nml niako cnblo trumfiTH nnd pinto money 1 < 7 telejr.i | > U tlirounhouttlio L'nluU ijlntotimii Can- n'ln. Wohnvo amnrkit for | > rlmo tlrnt-clan < Inrcntmcnt Hocurllli' " , nnd Invlla iirnpoiali from Hluttn , toun- tlen nnd Cltlc * wlicn Ifaulni ; bondn. Wuduit general bankluu Uiiilueii , and Invite ror- reipomlenre , ASA I' . POTTEIl , P JOS. W.VO1UC , CA-siiucit. C V D U I I I C dm to cured In 20 lo 00 VJII Illll\ _ ) ( luys by ii u of thomiir- Vfloin.Miiiilo HDiiuidy , wu.wtar uunno It will notouro. UAUTloKtu x t thuiriiiiulno roin- oily. WrltuoruullonK. 0. Jo.lyu. 1WW llar- uoy fatrcct , Omaha , j Omaha Manufacturers , ' | Iloom mid , \Yholcsalc \ Manufacturers of Aconttfor Ito'lonlluhhcrfhooro. , 1I.J ( . , 1101 and ItOt , llnrm-j Hired , Omitlin. N'pli. Hl'l'MITM. BTOUzit ILKU , Lager Hccr Brewers , 1MI Ncrlli llh ? Street , Ornnlin , Sefc Cornier. Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlci iT rap * niul inrliitlctkyUilit * . John Kpencloa prnprlrlor. llNniulllU Moulli Wtli nlrei'1 _ Artl tH MutrrlaN. " ' A , llbsi'E , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , IMS Houfflin Sirret omnlin. Neb , Conl , Ciiko , l-Jlo. Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 0. 13. Cor. Kill niiillKnielas Slrooti , Ontnlm , Neb. NEDHASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and CoKc , SliBniitlil.llhHlrvct , Ontnlii. Ni'ti. Clpi vs. DEAN , AUMsjl'HONG ft CO. , Wholesale Cigars , 403 N. li'lli StriTt "llell.i ! " U33. Dry ( iiiods und Notion * . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner Illh nnil llownrtl Street' . DHY OOODS CO. , Iraporlcrs and Jobbers in Dry Goods' , Gouts'l''urul ulnRfooit ! < Corner lltli unit Iturnoy Btieels , Umalm , Neb. M. . . ! . . . ] DK\VKY fe STONE , ' Wholesalc'Dcalcrs In Furniture , IVnnm Street , Omulm , Nobrankit. CUAltLISS SrilVKUICK , Fiirnittirc. Onmlifi , Nvlirnnkn. Grooerli'H. McCOHD , 15UADY te CO , \Yliolesalc \ Grocers , l thnncl Iicnvonirorth Htrorl-i , Omnlin , Ncbrnikn. a. w. DouaLAs & co. , Dealers In Hardwood Lumber , Yuril 1.110 N. liltli .St. , Omalin. JOHN A. WAKEFIEI..D , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc. Imported nml Amrrlc.in rorltiind Cement StnU agent for .MlU.uik llyilriitillu Comcnt , uud ( Jiitnry Wlilto I.lino. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. VooJcari'Cts ' nml parquet llnnrlng. nth nnd Douglal Slri'Cls , Unmlin , N'obriuka. isD w. a HEY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner Otli nml l > ouila Streets , Oinnh.i. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDEn & CO. , ' Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 203 , 210 anil 212 South 1 HUB trout. . Notions : J. T. HOBINSON NOTION CO , , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1121 Ilnrncr itrcnt , Omnlia. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle ercnso , etc. , Omaha. A. II. lllslioji , MannKCr. 1'fi per. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , larrr n nice Block of printing , wnipplnu mid writing paper. ti | > eclal attention tlven to cnrtl iiapcr. Safes , Rto. A. L. DEANE to CO. , ticneralconn for Halls' ' Safes , E7I find S3 Soulli lOtli St. . Omahn. Toy * , II. HARDY & CO. , Jobber * of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , House PurnlMiliiK Oouds , CMldii'n'x Cnrrlniics. I2Q rnriiainstruc't , Uinnlin , Neb. Water Supplies. U. 9. WIND ENGINE te PUMP CO. , i Steam and Water Supplies , , liut inllli. IU8 unit ! iaJonoi ) st. , Oinalia. . U. P. Itnaa , Actllii ; liiuiinor. I Iron Works. PAXTON & VIEHLINQ IHON and Cast Iron Jiuildlng Worlr , Knulnci , tirnm work , Ki'iicral foundry , mncliln LIui'tMiiUli work. Olllcnanil works , U. I * . Hy. nml ITth liuet , Omahii. OMAHA 8AFK fc IRON WORKS , Manl'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , ' Vaults , lull work , Iron ftliultor * nnrt Uro o > cnpe U. Androon.iirop'r. Cor. lull unclJucknon tjlJ. , DoorH , Kio. M. A. DISUKOW Ac CO. , Wholonlu nmnnfnctiircrii of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , . Ilrnncli office , 12tli nnil linrd struck , Onmliit , Neb UHION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Sooth Omaha , Limited , National Bank Capital , $4ooooa Surplus , Ollloorn nnrt Director * E , .M. Monoimn , O , K Illtrliciick , JoKt'iih ( Jarnonu , Jr. . A. Henry. K. AI Andi'rton , Wlllbni ( I. Mnul , vlco-rciil | | < > iiii I. . II \Vllllnini , A. I * , lluiiklni. prr lilMit : A. Mlllurj ciisliler ; 1MI. Drrant , asil tant caiUlcr NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEU. Capitol. - . . . $ / OOOOd Surplus Jan. 1st , 18OO - O7,8OQ OflU'ernand Ilrnctiir.Hpnry ) W. ynlp , I'luldcnU l.owl H. Kiwi , Vlro-I'miliMit ; .lanKnW furau , \\j V , .Murnu.JolillK. Ollliu , It. C. CudUlns , J , .N. II 1'utrlck , W. 11. 3 , UuKbol , cuililur. TI-IIilRON JJA-Nlv. Corner I2lb und Kitruum Hti. A General Iluaklne llusloctt Truuaactcd.