Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The bank clearings yesterday
Bmowited to8llfi l.80.
Ro. l C'licrlornml 1'hlHp Ncura were
arrested yesterday for petit larceny.
J. A.Vliito , charged with petit lar
ceny. waa discharged yesterday by Judge
L. 0. Scerc t , who wis thrown from iv
Merchant ! * ' hotel window , Is able to UHO
ono of his limb * .
Butty Illckcy , u no rcss , was arrested
for receiving stolen iirojKjrty. Uott.v
docslnislnefcH on North Thirteenth street.
John MrKUmtton on a clmrgo of liav-
Ing assaulted Mru DrllTcorn with intent
to commit murdor.wasKnntto the county
jail In default of bail by Judge Hart.
Berry & Wonmck hnvo tflvon Lui'lndu
I' . Hurry n bill of milo covering on their
drtif , ' 8 tore at KOt iN'orlh Twenty-fourth
street , tlio fonsldoratlon bjlng 11,000.
Paul .Stein , jr. . wants Sophia Sclmlpp
nrrcstod and dealt with ut-coi-dlng to law
for tlio inalluiouH destruction of prop
erty. Ho nlloirus that ohe toro up a
proinif Hory note for $ . ' ) " .
Fred Krau o is Incorrigible and can
not bo controlled by his parent * . Yes
terday ho was locked in the county jail
tuid Saturday morning Judge Clnrkhoii
will ( k't'ldo whether or not tlio lad shall
go to tlio reform school.
1 { . C. and C. A. Cloury have com
menced tlio erection of a three-story
block of stores and lints at the corner of
Seventeenth and Chicago streets. When
completed the ulruuturu will have- cost
between t0 : ! , < X)0 ) and $10,000.
John Moore , the 1) ) . & M. , brakeman ,
who was arrested at Lincoln on the
charge of Inking a paokngo from u mail
bay , WIIH tried before United States Com
missioner Andunton yoHterday morning
and discharged for lack of evidence.
St. riillltn'ri chapter of St. Andrew's
brotherhood will give a musical and lit
erary cnterl'iinmunt at St. Barnabas'
guild rooms , corner Nineteenth and Cal
ifornia htrooty , next Tuesday evening ,
for tlio benefit of Henry Soroggina , who
lias been confined to hU lioiibe by sickness -
ness for over a year.
On the 1'ltli day of last August tlio
Chicago lumber company furnished ,
Charles P. Lindquist with the matorlal
to build a hoiiBo on his lots in Elmwood
nark. Ho paid for part of the material ,
but there remains a balance of $114 duo
and unpaid , and to recover this amount
the lumber company lias brought suit.
In the suit of the Nebraska Savings
nnd Exchange bank vn Hannah J. Kil-
born and Thomas T. Duproia , Deputy
Sheritr Grubo completed his labors of
serving attachments last evening. The
bank has a claim of $ loOO , and to satisfy
this they have levied upon ninety-four
lots owned by the defendants in the city
of Florence ,
Red stone claws , talons or foot of the
huge bird or beast of mythology which
is to ornament the main entrance of the
now city hall , nmilo their appearance
I i'Cbtorday. Soon after they wore nut
n place ono of the hod carriers asued
( mother what the queer-looking things
were , and the reply was : "Thorn's to
represent the combine's grab. "
Anton Vanetto was in Judge Morri
son's court yesterday aftoraoon with u
suit ngalr.Ht Van Cott , the jeweler.
Anton hud bought a gold headed um
brella of Van Cott , paying $10 for the
fame. Ho predicted rain , but as it did
not come , ho yesterday commenced suit
for the return of his money , alleging
that the him shade was not what he had
bargained for.
Motor Mull.
Tbo Interelungo or mail matter between
Omr.lm and Council IlulTsvIa ! the motor line ,
Is working to the satisfaction of nil con-
corned. Although the arrangement is , tlieo-
roticnlly , but temporary , It is moro than prob
able that the contract between the pnstodlco
department und tlio motor company will soon
bo completed and the service made poruui-
The only complexion powder in the world
that is without vulgarity , without injury to
the user , nnd without doubt a bcautillcr , is
Kloventli Street Improvements.
Since the travel to the depot has boon sent
nroumt by tlio Eleventh street viaduct , that
thoroughfare In the vicinity of Mason street
has become awakened. The two-story brick
buililliiKnt the corner of Mimon and Elov-
streak , is now occupied us the Grand hotel
nnd Ernest Stuht is erecting a two-stow
hotel on the opposite corner , mid other build
ings are being put up in the vicinity.
Miles' Nui-vo nml Ijivcr 1'llls.
An Important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach anil bowels through the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
eint ) bllllousncss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles nnd coast ! nation. Splendid lor men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
suies.t. SO doses for "Scouts. Samples free
atlvuhn is Co.'s 15th and Douglas.
Personal KltrlilH iicn ue.
The Germans of the Fourth ward will hold
a meeting next Friday evening at S o'clock at
Germanla hall for the purujso of forming a
ward branch of the league. All Gorman
speaking residents of this ward are cordially
invited to intend.
nrrii wutn.
A meeting of the citizens of the Fifth ward
will bo held at 8 o'clock this even
ing at Rrfllntf'H hull , .Sherman avcnuo be
tween Ohio and Corby streets to organize n
brunch of the pcnonul rights le.iguo.
"Will .Not lie Canoolloil.
It seems that Mr. Conner was piomature in
Introducing that resolution into tlio council
concerning the grading of Hamilton , Uoulo-
vard and Nelson st roots in Walnut
Hill. The resolution Instructed the
board to can.-ol the contract and uixvo the
bond forfeited.
Thocontraetprls Ed. Gilliiunn nnd ho IS
until Xovouibur 15 to do the work. lie IS
been getting at the work Just as fast as the
board expected bun to , and will 'possibly .
commence It todnv.
The contract will not bo cancelled ,
Pound n IVrmnnont iToli ,
J. P. Kckers , the young man who so sud
denly disappeared from the county drug store ,
bus been found , In fact ho was not lost. Ho
jumped his Job In o tiler to take a position la a
South Sixteenth street drug store.
Ei'kors has a grievance , and It Is of Icng
standing ,
Karly la the aprlnjr when ho took the
county position , vacated by I-1 , P. Zlmmcr ' ,
because ha was to hnvo luid Xhnmcr's salary ,
f&i.Hi from thu county nnd ? ' 5 per month
from the city. Ho got the money from the
countv , but huclalnis that Ziinmer put the < Ji5
Into his own ixicket.
This helped to mnlto Eclcers feel sad , nnd lost
Saturday when the county commissioners ro-
fcrivd Ills hill to the committee en finance , oho
left the county building bohlud him ,
Tlio Kvuutlvo Comnilt'oo.
The republican state central committee- has
selected the followlngoxccutlve committee :
\V. A. Dllworth , Adams ; A. , T , Wnght ,
Johnson ; T. 0. Calllhan , Saline ; J. C. Duseh ,
Gagoj 13 , It. Slsor , Lancaster ; M. U. Jlalloy ,
Ilrown ; J. T. Alullllluu , Buffalo.
The executive coaimltteo uiut with the can-
( Dilates for stfito olllco and talked over ho
tninpalgn. Gaudy , candlduto for suporin- i
( Cnileut of nubile instruction , bolng out of the
* tate , was the only absent ono. No assess-
incuts were inatlo , nnd accordingly the talk
rvns very Interesting.
The next meeting will bo held at the Capi
tel hotel , Lincoln , next Tuesday nt 4 p. m.
A llimuco committee will ho upppohitcd nt
that tlnio , anil work will bo started in
earnest ,
Use 1'lntt's Clilorlili'H ( o llnlnfeot
the house drabs , water closets , stables , etc ,
3 l'U < LiIO IjIDHAIlY.
llilrtecntli Itepnrt of the
Hoard of Directors.
The thirteenth annual report of the board
of directors of tlio Omaha public library for
the year ending May III , 1SIK ) , hits Just been
distributed mid the showing made Is most
oredltnlilo ,
iurlrig ) the year there were books
milled by purchase and twenty now period-
lealt hnvo bwn wcoivcd in the reading room.
Of the boolti lri)5 , ( ) wcro duplicates. The
department of UnglMi prose llctlon now
constitutes clirhtean per cent of the library ,
and a constant effort has been made and Is
being made to thop from the catalogue the
poorer ( letln'i as It becomes worn out , As In
all public institutions of this kind , the llctlon
re.ideis tire In the majority , the percentage
In the Onmhn library being seventy-eight.
Tlio addition of UharliM Kendall Adams'
"Manual of Historical Literature" has made
the homo library one of the strongest for Its
ago of any In the country In Its historical do-
The financial report shows $ " ,041.00 paid
out on book account ; &J,5ii. ; 15 on building ao-
count ; 411,57 J.GO for the salaries of thu libra
rlan and lour assistants nnd on supply ac
count making a total of $ l. > ,3'i.V.7. !
The accession of books during the year
were 4t ; < > 8 , of which 'IJtS'i wcro added by
purchase , 'JIO by gifts , ( Ci by binding periodi
cals ami 10 brought forward from previous
During the year the circulating department
has been open 80. ) days , H.l.flul books hnvo
boon issued for liomo use , malting an average
daily clrculntion of IT" . The largest day's
circulation was March ! i'J , Ib'JO , when 1,1111 ,
hooks were issued.
The reference room has been open to the
public 357 days nnil 10f.iO books have been
issued from the circulating depnrtinent for
use In this room , In addition to the 800
strictly reference books.
The reading room bus been very largely
patronized during the year , in It uro now lil ! ;
periodicals , consisting of IB dally , IU weekly ,
: i fortnightly , 7 quarterly and Innnuul.
The receipts from lines , sales of books ,
etc. , during the year amount to
81,7UO. Four boolt racks , having
n capacity of 0,500 books , nave been
erected dining the year , and the present
rooms are rapidly growing too sumll for
proper accommodation.
Great credit Is duo the directors for their
attention to the library , and especially to the
librarian , Miss.Tessio Allan , ami her assist
ants , the Misses Margaret A. O'Brien , Edith
Tobbitt , Ulnncho A. Allan nnd Theodore M.
Hartstall , for faithful work in caring for the
Interests of the public and the patrons of the
AVIiat Does It Menu ?
" 100 Doses Ono Dollar" means simply that
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most economical
medicine to bay , bi'c.iuso it gives moro for
the money than any other preparation. Each
bottle contain * 10(1 ( doses and will average to
last a month , while other preparations talccu
according to directions , nro tone In n week.
Therefore , bo sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla.
the best blood purlllcr.
He Kxporlcnecs a Kuna\vay with a
Narrow lOsonpo 1'roin Death.
D Yesterday afternoon one of the short
est and liveliest runaways on record occurred
on Seventeenth struct in front of Tin : Biu :
ofllco , in which P , W. Birkhnuscr , chairman
of the board of public worlcsc.iuionojr losing
his life.
Ills horse and buggy had been .standing
near the alley back of Tun Bui : olllcc , and ho
nnd his son-in-law , Hobort II. Ohnstcad , took
their scats in the vehicle to. ride to dinner.
Tlio horse wa < turned around to head south
when suddenly the front wheel dropped off
the buggy mid the spirited equine made iv
desperate dash and ran across Farnam street.
Mr. Olmstead succeeded in getting out of
the rear of the vehicle Injuring his hand in
doing HO.
Mr. BirMinuser strenuously endeavored I
to hold tlio infuriated animal and
would probably have succeeded had not the
buggy upset , and , being drugged along , became -
came a total wreck. Mr. Birkhausor was
thrown Into the top and with it fell to tlio
pavement. Upon being picked np ho was i
found to have received : i serious eat in the )
middle of the forehead , and the ( lowing blood i
made the excited crowd assembled think he
had been killed. Ho was taken to Schrotor's
i drug store , corner of Sixteenth and Famatu
streets , where his wound was dressed.
It was also discovered that his right arm
was badly bruised. No serioas results are
anticipated , although for a moment It looked
as If n fAtallty would have to sadden the his
tory of the day. The her o continued on his
way and was captured in the vicinity of St.
Mary's ' avenue.
A Sensible Precaution.
Though disease cannot always bo con
quered , its llrat approach can bo checked.
Cut not only is the use of a medicinal safe
guard to bo recommended on the first appear
ance of a malady , but a wise discrimination
should bo exorcised in the choice of a remedy.
For thirty years or moro Hosteller's Stomach
ach Bitters has been the reigning spcclllo for
dyspepsia , fever and ague , n loss of physical
stamina , liver complaint and other disorders ,
and has been most emphatically endorsed by
medical men ns a health and -.treiiKtli restor
ative. It Is Indeed a wise precaution to use
this sovereign fortifying agent nnd alterative
In the early stages of disease , forit effectually
counteracts It If the malady belongs to that
largo class to which this sterling medicine is
adapted. Not only is it efllcacious , but pure
and harmless.
The HUVCGIS ( > ( ' a Venn ; * Omaha Ijiuly
in tlioOfiPratlc Ilnsincss.
Miss Bertha Stelnlmuser , daughter of Mr ,
F. M. Stelnlmuser , the well-known orchestra
leader nnd composer of this city , Is spending
her vacation with her parents. Two years
ago Miss IJartha made her debut oa the ama-
tenr concert boards of this < : ityand displayed
n sweet nnil powerful voice which gave
promise of line development under propel
The young lady went to Now York , under
went some study , nml Anally secured an en
gagement in tlio Gaiety , and later In Msvcral
other opera companies of ability and
reputation. Pho aisumes the scconi
character in a reneitolro , of more than
a dozen operas. Miss Stclnhauser's
nnmo Is Miss Bertha I.av-oy , a mime be
queathed to her by an esteemed friend who
recently retired Irom the stage. Slio has
met many old friends slnuo her return , am
will raraaln her'1 until t'jo end of this month
When slio rejoins her company In the cast. I
is quite liknly that the young lady will b <
heard in concurt before she returns east.
Dr. Siu > * doriY makes tl bpeclnlty of. . . .
oases peculiar to womon. IdO 1 Farnam st.
Sndtlen Death of a l-'orni > r Omalian
In Salt Ijtiko City.
New * has been received to the effect that
M , I1' . SturgU , a former resident of Omaha ,
hud died suddenly at Salt I.a\o city.
Mr. Sturals lived la thU city about two
years ago , having been in the coal business
for yo.u-3 , llownsuUo a civil engi
neer. About two ye.irs ngi ho removed to
Salt Lake , when ho has been In business
since. Hu vas also western roprojciituilvo
of the Railway Xuws-lteportor , nnd a news
letter was rcoelvod fiitn him yesterday ,
which was followed almost imine-llntely by
a telegram fron : hU friends td Air. Dan
Ilonln , propiletor of the Nou-s , ai.nounclna
the sad event.
Mrs , Stuwls was absent on a visit to her
parents In Mount Vernon , In. , and ii.wsed
through this city toJay on her way to Salt
Mr. Sturgls' pn-onts voaldo nt tins foincs ,
and it U prohablo the remains will bo taken
tbcro for Interment.
.v WOMAN AND A uousmvmi' ,
They Mnka ThiiiKs Idvoly on Xnrtli
Twonty-Mii th Street.
Tuesday nlpht James Leonard , a painter ,
ivsidlns nt-1131 Noith Twonty-nlnth it ,
stood la ftxiut of his residence converging
with a cat pouter niuiicd James Bronnun , ifu
Norta Twenty-ninth street. The latter Is
the owner of heveral houses in the vicinity ,
ono of which , -HOJ North Twenty-ninth , is
pimpled by a party to whom It scorns Leon
ard takoa exceptions. Tbo party In question
nro Mr. and MM. Edward Uro . ( Jross Is a
Tbo remarks of Looinird reached thcso
people and , about an hour after they had
been made , Leonard still stood la front of
his residence.
Ho was rushed upon by Mrs. Gross , who ,
with a long whip , dealt him several blows
about the shoulders. The blows wi-ru not
very severe , however , becatMO Leonard Is a
tall , powerful man and easily warded them
oil before they could reach his face , At the
satuo tlmo ho undertook to defend him
self , anil then Mrs. Gross' hus
band took a hand In tlio nlTalr.
hitting Leonard a hard blow with n board
above the left totnnlo. The forehead nnd
side of the head were bully bruized and tils-
colored although no serious injury was done.
The assaulting party then retired and Leon
ard was induced to cntor his house.
The fmcas continued for some minutes nnd
attracted pedestrians , tinvelcrs in vehicles ,
also passengers on the Amos nvenuo motor line
seine of thu trains of which stopped during
progress of the encounter , Hard feeling has
existetl between the famlles In question for
some tltno and threats of arrest anil exposure
till the ulr.
Hot Went her nml Auuidctitq.
Take no chances on headaches or sunstroke
'hUhotweatlicr Is foarful.butifyou will take
, few of Krnuso's Headache Capsules each
lay you will find the tumperatnru will bo ro-
luced mid tlio likelihood of sunstroke or
H'ostration absolutely couuloractud. For
ale by all druggists.
Tlio Solid South
s solid on the gro t "German Remedy. "
'elegrams and letters nro received every clay
luring this heated term for Krauso's Head-
icho Uupmlcs. The people from Unit section
ay they reduce the temperature mid prevent
unstrokes nud headaches. For sale by all
[ ruggists.
Sun Stroke.
Now Is the time , the accepted time , to pro-
cnt sunstrokes , headaches , etc. By reducing
ho temperature all these distressing evils
vlll bo prevented. Krauso's ' Hcadticho Cap-
ules are the thing.
Ono or two Krauso's ' Heailacho Capsule
taken during the day will prevent any head
ache , also attacks of sunstroke. All druggists
1002. Sixteenth and Farnmn streets ia
the now Ilock Island ticket olllco. Tiok-
ots to all points east at lowest rates.
L'ronilnont Citizens Charged with Ie-
rruiKiing , Cheating , 10to.
On January 15 , 1SS9 , thcro was organised
In this city what is known as the United
States loan and Investment company. Tlio
onlcors were , and so far ns Is known are now
Max Meyer , president ; T. II. Taylor , vlco
Eresident ; Morris II. Sloman , secretary ; F.
. Johnson , treasurer , and Charles Omitt ,
Yesterday this company or moro probably
certain of the stockholders whose names do not
appear Instituted two suits , tlio petitions in
which contain sensational-statements.
Ono makes Morris II. Sloman and his wife
Cora H. Sloman defendants. After citing
the facts concerning the organization of the
company , the petitioner states that Morris
II. Sloman took $ : ) ,421.10 of the company
funds without any authority whatever and
gave it to his wife.
The other makes Max Meyer , Morris II.
Sloman , F. B. Johnson and Charles Oftut de
fendants and says that as n majority of the
executive committee Meyer and Oftut did not
require any bond of Sloman but carelessly
and negligently and In utter disregard of
their duties as members of such committee
permitted him to hold and oxerclso the
Inactions of his ofllce , including the
signing of checks , etc. , without having given
a bond , to the damage of the company in the
sum of $ " ,90y. Between January 15 , 188'J ,
und January Ifi , 1S1IO , IfiO persons became
shareholders. On January 15 , 1890 , said
shareholders elected a now sot of onlcors.
The sum of $ llt,7i > 3 was received ns deposits ,
and $ i,7"iO ) was loaned out. The outgoing
treasurer , Johnson , reported and turned over
" ,11.S ( ) , leaving $11,003 unaccounted for.
After making thcso statements the peti
tioners add that the officers of the coaeorn
have unlawfully appropriated a Innro portion
of thu loan fund to the running expenses of
the company when the latter the running
expenses-hud been fully provided for ; and
that the oMccrs have openly violated their
trust and obligations.
The amount sued for is § 7,003.
The Sacred Heart academy for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
and " 7th St. , is an institution devoted to
the moral and intellectual education of
young girls. The course Includes every
thing from nn oloraontary department tea
n finished chiissical education. Besides
the ordinary academical course , music ,
painting' , drawing and the languages are
taught. French is included in tlio ordi
nary course. Difference of religion is no
obstacle to tlio receiving of pupils , pro
vided they conform to the general regu
lations of tlio echool. The scholastic
term t commences the first Tuesday in
September. Classes begin at 9 n. m. ,
and pupils are dismissed at 3:30 : p. m.
Who "Wants $ ; J5OOO.
Postmaster Gallagher has received a letter
from A. Herbel of Jacksonvllls , 111 , , asking
for Information concerning the whereabouts
of John Swalne who Is supposed to losido la
or near Omaha. Ho states that thcro is u
small trlllo of $ > T . ( > 00 In Jacksonville which
was bequeathed to Swalne and his son and Is
awaiting a claimant.
Nervous debility , poor memory , diffidence ,
sexual weakness , piinples.cared by Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Samples free at Kuhu & Co.'s loth
and Douglas. _
niilldfnt ; Permits.
Permits were Issued as follows by Super
intendent 'Wlntloek yesterday :
It.C. mid O. A. Cloury , thron-story brlclc
stoics and Hats , Koventucnth und Chicago
cage stti'i'ls SoO.COO
Ilniisi'ii.t Nulson , ruunlra to biore , SOW
\oith Twenty-fourth htrout 500
SaruhUuiinoo , unc-story fratnoeottase ,
Twenty-third and Jlundursonstreets. . 1,000
Totnl $3l.roo
Both tlio method ami results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , nnd act3
Rently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Rowels , cleanses the sys
tem cflbctunlly , dispels cold3 , head
aches and favors : inil cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy ot Its Icind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto and ac
ceptably to the stomach , piomiit in
its action and truly beneficial in its
fllbcts , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
ninny excellent qualities commend il
to all and hnvo nmdo it thu mosl
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOo
nnd 81 bottles by nil leading drug
gists. Any reliubto druggist \vho
rony not have it on' hand will pro
cure it promptly for nny ono who
wishes to try it. Do not uccept any
tOMVlUE , Kt. _ , NEW YORK , H.V.
ItBenperloroxccllcncpproToaln millionof hnmoj
for ninrc thiin n iinrtcr | of n tcntitrr. ltl < lined by
tliu United Htfitcs ( iUTC.-ninont. Dntlorioil br the
hcndii ot tlio iti-pit un'fi't ' lllei ni the Stroneou ,
rurontnnd Most Hcnltliful. Dr. 1'rlow'a Cream link-
Init I'owilcr dojs notcout.iln ammonia. Hint ) ornlutu.
Sold only Inr.iin.
New York. Chlcuuo. San Frniiclsco. Bt. I.ouli
ts Betts
Physicians , Surgeons anil Specialists.
Tlio most wlilnly and favorably known spec
ialists In the Utiltea Status , Their loin ex
perience , remarkable skill nnil iinlvuntil suc
cess In the treatment nnd euro of Norvoui ,
Ulmmloanil Surslen.1 niscasci. entitle thcso
cniliiPiit iibyslelain to the full condilencoof
the aflllctca evoryvvhore. They gunrantna :
the awful ollects of early vlco anil the numer
ous ovlln that follow in Its train ,
snoedllv , completely and pormniicntly otircil.
OHDUItS yluld roudlty to tholr skillful trcat-
Ruaruntcuu cured \vlthout pain or dctentloa
from business.
nently nnil successfully cured ) n ovcry cttiC.
nitttorrhoii , Soir.liruVo.iknoia , Lost Mnnhnod ,
NlBht Kuilssloim. Docnyed Faculties , Font.ilu
Wcukncss tind ull dollcnto ( ll orders peculiar
to either sox positively cured , ns well as nil
fmiotlonnl disorders tfmt result from youth
ful follies or the e < cos3 of iimtiiroyonis.
Tl ? IPTIIJ ? P Uuuranteed perinnno ntly
Ol 1\1V-/ UIVu cured , removal complete ,
without cuttlns. caustlo or dllnt'iUon. Cures
nffectcd nt homo by patleutvlthout r. mo
ment's pain or nnnoyanco.
A QTIP17 riTlT7 Tbo awful effects of
/V OUlVLi L.Ul\Li oariy vlco wblch brlim'a
orpanlo weakness , dostroybiB both mind mid
body , with all Its dicadcd ills , porumncnty
Addipss those who liavolm-
< J paired " themselves
by Improper -
proper liululKOnco und solitary b'lblts , wlilcli
ruin both mind und body , unlltting thoni for
buslno'ii , study or innrrltiso.
MAltltlKU MEN or those onterlnjon that
bappy llfc.awuroof physical debility , quickly
Isbasorlupnn facts. First 1'raetlonl experi
ence. Second Every cnso ISHpcclally Btiidlcct.
thus stnrtliiR right. Third Medicines are
prcpaied in our laboratory etuutly to suit
eacn case , thus effecting euros without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
The Purest and Best Drink In the "World.
Appetizlzlng , Delicious , Sparkling and
the Best Blood Purifier and Tonic.
A 1'uckago [ liquid ! 25c , mokes 5 gallons.
EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed.
_ No Trouble. Kaslly Made. Try It
Ask your Druggist or Grocer for It nnd taUo
no other. Sec that you get 1IIKKS' .
Slnclo by O. K. HIKES. Ptillndoliililn. Ponn.
nut. Inn.v. . TlIK ( tllEAT . . .nu >
KDV , An mi fall-
ItiKCiiro for Sera-
liml Weakness ,
HiiormntorrtHD.i ,
Impotency , nnrt
nil dhoasei tlmt
follow ns a so-
qncnco of Self.
nbiuc : ns Loss
" " " '
I'nln la the Hack , bliuiiein of Vision , Premature ) OM
AK , unit nmny other dliuaica tint lead to Insanity
or cnnhumptlunami npruniaturour.ivo.
CtrKulliinrtlculnrgJn our pamphlet , whlrhwo do-
elro to send frooliy mall to every ono. 3tf The 8po-
elllc nicillclno Issuldnt H per jincknuc , or six pnck-
inrei fur fi , or will lie sent free by mull on tlio rcculpt
ol tlio money , by nddrcBsIn ;
1110 PAUXAJI Sriir.KT , OMAUA , Nun.
On nccount ot counterfoils wo luivo adopted the
yellow wrapper , tlio only
! * 13O2 Farna'n Stroot.
City Paaao ipror and Ticket A on1" .
B7 |
13AD I DELIVERED I * hfcl :
to tay I1 * * " ' " t' ' " fitunt MIH * lo , Htty
Juia | ri , lnrcl i , MrthrtanildftU' Trlcyo-
) * . 0.10 f r i" < > ' * l wJirtlw lf prln mil
I O. I * , ilirtti from L O tpf fr' * mc *
Ml W. * Ad ( * > u Bu Chri > f3 to
Di Urtiiii.V > r ] It th worlJ
AXIor ! , > ClTOit3
llct UulUlUk' , tUuiitha Nell
We had the crowds among the odd suit Pants and they almost cleaned the tables only very
few of these pants arc IcfL This week \vc propose to have just as many customers in our Shoo
department. AVe nro rlnsfnrr uiusmy nut nil our summer snocs and 1.-.I must IT. DC nci fif\ \ of uiem in ney flnvrs. aciyt .
We will make it worth your while to visit our shoe department this week will show you bar
gains you ' have never seen before in the shoe line , All shoes adapted for summer wear must go.
Men's Russet Goat Oxford Tics , $1.40.
Men's Russet Goat Lace Shoes. $1.75.
Men's CofTee Brown Goat Lace Shoes , Goodyear welt , $2,25.
Of the last lot there is only a small . These
quantity. shoes arc not of the common trashy
colored stuff of which , nowadays , so many are in the market. Ours come from reputable
makers , are of good , honest stock , well made andve
, \ve can recommend them. The shoes ara
extraordinary bargains , and you should avail yourself of this opportunity. Shoes of color pos
sess many decided advantages over black shoes for summer wear. They arc much cooler , re
quire less care , arc less expensive and more comfortable.
In black summer shoes we offer a lot of very fine Kangaroo hand welt Southern Tics , which
were delayed by the manufacturer and only received last week , too late in the season to sell
witha profit. It is a shoe which we would ordinarily mark $ . ( ,75 , but for above reason we of.
er them at $3.90.
We still have a small quantity of the Patent Leather
at 52.50. AYc shall not get
in any more of them this season , so if you want a pair better come soon.
We have again a full line of our celebrated all solid leather $ [ .25 shoe. This is by all odds
the best low priced shoe ever offered.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets
Our store closes at 6SO : P. M. : : : Saturday at 10 P. M. Y
Drs. Merill & Morill
riirontc.Nprvoii" , lllooil nml Suriiicnl l > lspa > < i and
( licensed of tlio Kyc. Jlnr , Nixe , Trout ntul ClioU.
Special Attention tit DiHfn us ul'Vo -
ini'ii nut ! Children.
Thetloctorn hnvo Imtl yotra of experience In the
ifpltulH of llruofclynnml New 1t > rk , mid nrcnimmtf
the most uccusstui nnd wldoly known upecliilltaU la
thin country.
'Jo Youiic mill Mlildlr-Ancil illrii.
Lout MiinhooO. XurrmiH Debility , porinitcirrlii' ,
Jumlnnl J.OSNI-H. 1'hyslai Uocnyurhliu flora Inilh-
crctlon , proiliicliiR nlmpluvtnciiH , ili'siunloncr | , pliu-
| ilcs on the fnco , uvernlon to society , enslty ilNcoiir-
l. lurk of conllclcMK" ' . ( lull.lltitltfiir ktmlyor Iniil-
" , and llmli llfu utuiduuBiiiely , peniiainiitly nnJ
Illootl a till Skin DlBcngcs.
Bphlll9 n ( ll < en < < o moat drc'inlfiil In Ita rojults ,
completely crnillcntLMl.
( } tiilt-Uriiiany Hurirory.
Gcnorrlia1 , Gloi't. SrphllK ITjdroccle , Vnrlcocolo
and Strlctnro rmllcnlly nml ttnfcly cured wttliuut
pnln or dctuntlun frtun butlncetM. AllHcriuil lufir *
Millies nnJ luii'villiiiculs toumrrlngUHiKcvH9fully ro-
\ll ItcctJil ( Ufen os eafcly nnd pcrninncntlr cured.
JIoillB.Un. in. till 8 p. in. Siindnyp , 10 till 13.
K. II. Pcrjoniunnlilo td visit UK innr bo trentolnt
tlidr homes by correspond nee. Mcillclnos nod In
structions sent by oxproin. Coniultatlun free.
Homl 4 cents In otiu.ips tolnsuro roplf.
U1H Fll'iooiitli St. , Oioslto | | Hoytl'a
Oporn lloii- , Oinnlin , Nub.
A'ennui Dellllty ,
Voulhful InJNrrctloni ,
Io t MnniiooJ.
Be Your Own Physician I
. y men , from the effects of youthful
f Imprudence ) , havu LIOUKM at > oul n atnte of
I weaklier tluthna n'duct'il the k't-ncrnlij-fl-
5 tern > much ati lo Induie almost tiery
5 other disease , And thu rial caug of the |
\ trouHoscnrLsly ever bclmf 8Uwtixlthey |
ire dictorrd for irerythint * but the right
one. Notwltfiatandl.ip thu many raliuibln
remedies thatinedicalsclrrcu hmi produced
for the relief of tbiiclnsi of patlcntH , i.onu
of tliconlldftrj iiioj f * of trtntii.cnt oificta
cure. DuringuurettetiMlTOcolltycamiIIOK-
jiitnl practice wo have ci [ > crinimtuU wltli
hnd < lWor red now and concentrated n m -
ferud at a certain anupppfjy curf , ne
hundredj of cuses In our practice hnve teen
restored to perfect health by in u o after
all other renicdlcsfattofl , IVrfectlj pure In-
BTetllents niu t bo uiod in the prtparatloaof
iMa prescription.
1C Erythroiylon coca , 12 tlrachm.
JerubcUn. 11 draclau.
HclcnKi Dloica , l2dracnra.
( Ul&cmln. 8 praln .
Ext , f Knattn * amArn > ( alcoholIc,3 ) grains
Fit. lTtandr < i , 2 scruples.
Olyrerlne , n i Mix.
Mftko 00 rilli. Take 1 r > lll At 3p , m. . and an
other on Kotnif to I til. lisoinocaueilt ' "
ho nccc > rary for thuimtltnt to t&ko two Pilii
tit Indtlme.fnAlcltiKthonuraberthrft'aday.
Ihlvrt'tnedrtindaiiteil toprcrjcuntlitlon of i
nervous df Wllty and weakness In ettherscT ,
and f snecJ.ilty in tlioso raseu rciultlnirfioin
Imprudence. The rccii | > eratlTO powers of J
use continual foranliort tlmechanirii the '
i Innffulil , tlelfllltMtod , nrrvcicpflconditlou to ;
) onoof renewed llfonnd vi or , (
[ Asnoaieronatantlvlnrfcelptof letters of t
Inquiry jelatlvo to thl remedy , wo would j
C R-iy tnthosttwhovouldrrfffrtuolitalnltof )
I UN , tr inlttln $1 a securely Healed rack. '
t aprt coiitflntn * f > 0 i > llle ( carefully corn *
! pounUdi ( > ll ! be Fcnt triclurn mail front i
; ourprl\nto lnl orMoryor wo will furnUh 0 ;
i , which wilt euro montcatoe , fur C"
j or call on
Hew Engl&iid filadical Insliliite ,
21 Trcniont Ken , llinliin. Mnns
e 1' > jil-ht IBM , h ? F. 31. 11 "m
Snrclfio for Hysteria. IlszlneuFStfiurfllffiA.\Vak& ) !
filling , Mcntnl lieprwiloii , Unftcnintfof tliu Ifrnln , re-
mltlntf in tnvnnlty leaning to inisery dtn narJ
cieath. Pr.maturo Oltt Atcc , JHrrennesj , J8i of 1'owcr
Inctttior hex , Imoluntiry Loinna , mid Hptrmatorrhuja
can mv t liy ov ; M iriin of ( hn train. Klf-rl-iibo or
over-indiift'nco. ! hacJj box contalmononinntL'i treat
ment. $ iabox , or frit for 6) . tint l > vmallprii > ald.
With each ordur for tlx boson , will t-cml purchaaor
fniar < mtu tu rtfund mom-v if tlio truntmuit/a.114 to
cui . UuarantJt li > fcUL4 unu '
1110 Karmun Struct , - Oinului , Neb
IIMIIMTntl ) Chton.l. l\ .
U3H.3a IrlliUMw
ilUMI , Kile for thU .iitlde ( .ur
poie , Canal ( irirtatlftWakiMi , ltloc ( nrlt. IIJ , boMh.
Ini , r nllnuou > lupr nli of Flr'trlellr t rourh ill U'klK
FiKTH.nH.irlrlh.mlollKlLIII ltll | l lll HHIIKM.1H ,
Klirlrle liirr nl till l u | . or toTl l J .U ) ID ttih
HKLT and tiJipf iwry tuidtil lt fa. and up. Wor lfmci I'er.
nibrntlr larr.l ID thr moclhi. t Hlra r
BASDKJI ELrOTKIOCO.l l'i'i' l ' i.i
Buffering f roni Iho i ltt > cui > t youthful i rror , { 'arlr
decay. OfclliW onkne * * , lw.t ii.Aiibuul , 1 1 < " . . I Ijl
< n < l n in'usWo triatlH ) ( n niMl ) cfntaliilnu full
pnrtlculani for homo cure. I'IM , ' ' < "f F'J'1 ' ! < % . A
| ilcmlMii ' llfalwrrkjihoii > ill.o jrul lifcifTJ
man who In Ufmrn * nml iliMlltatiil.liin" ; . %
l'r r. r. L' . FO WLiiiU. Noudui'
QVDUM IQ Cu-i lot'iircd
OI r n I 1 , lsj days by Ubu or llwiniir-
vi'lousMu IoU * nu'dvi * , VHW ) for ueasu \ull
notciiii * * i'Al'TI > N to IM t Ilif j'iiuint ; ii'iti *
ody. Wrllour - * ! < n I' t * . Jo-iJyu. JjU liar-
r mil Abnw > , Impulro *
" , nillif ltiifully
. rartacnlnrvitl ( itifnifiluiird
> , Iliuj , TroilM cent I reoauU wtluJ 1 fr\a \ Urdilt.
Protect and Improve Your Sight by Using n Pair of Our "Pcrrection"
SpectaclBs or Eyeglasses
- > vl + 1
They are The BEST in the WORLD v
We rrmko a specialty of high grade goods , using tlio regular ocu- -
list's Prescription Frame , nnd only First quality crystal lenses , which
are scientifically ground to correct the various defects of vision.
Every pair is fitted by a Practical Optician of many years' ' experi
FOR Thirty Days We Will Sell SPECTACLES and liYliGUSSIiS at
Worth $5 to $10 ; now $3 to $5
For $1 and $4.50 ; worth $2 to $3
BLUE OR LONDOiN SWED GLASSES , for shading tlis eyes , froni 50cUP . -
Beware of using common Spectacles , which are sure to injure your
eyes , but take advantage of our1 reduced prices and buy the best and.
have them properly adjusted to your eyes ,
Established 1866. 10th AND FARNAM STREETS , Omnhn , Neb
The Omaria * Medical and Surgical Institute
KorUietrontmpntornllCIUtOKIf . ANDSl IKlICAMlISIURrg Urnocn , Appllnncn for DoformllUs , or,4
Trum-i" ! Hint riicllltltp , AiiiinrntiiiiandKt'rmillQ ! * fnrHiirrcioful trcitiiicnl ofnvpr ; firm of dut'iuca ro-
uulrlnnModlcnl or 8urslrnl lront icnt MX I/IT KOO3IS 1'ult IMl'lH.NTa Honrl of iitto'iilniu-c Hell
Accoiumodntlona \ Wrllc for circular * on Iinrnnnltli' ami Jlriicc . Trmmm , Clnli I'ict , Ciirvnlnra of
hiilno , I'llL-i , TuiuorB. Cnnpi-r , , , , , .
C aiili llronchllln Inlinlntlon lIliTtrli'lty l' r ilv ls Kyli'f | jr. Milner
lllnddcr , Kye , inrhktniinil lllooil.uiid . allmiK cjlop < 'riillina. I1I-K\S1M ! OI'WOMKN n | .oolully noolt _ _ .
( f ll ( iiio of Women hoo. Wo Inru lut'ly iirlp | , < lnJyliiH.ln lioinrlinont riirlVonion diirlnv OonllnuwsulP "
( Silrlctlir I'rlTHtc ) Only lUllablo .McillcjMnstltulnniililnBiitiiiiclullr of I'ltlVATB HIHHAHI'S.
All Illood DUen'Pn niccc'.Mnfiilly trcatdl Syiililllllc pol * ii removed from the ) > tom without neroury
Now llotoratlvoTrentii-fnt ( or f.o i ft Vltnl Cnwi-r. TiirtloH mmljlolo vlilt inn oylio lieitcd nt liumu If
Onialia Medidal and Surgical Institute ,
Corner Oth and HorneySls. , Omnha. Mob.
Denver , Colo. ,
Capital Prize $7,500. ,
TicKF/rs .10 rij.vrs IA ; < JU.
$2f,3/0 $ ) PAID li/VCII MONTH
Address , ILK IUIODUS ,
ll C U C 0
UVTHI utiortHi INVIcimc
. .
! e to'i.tlnrJ.
' I'
Specialist ,
In umiiryn rwl In tlio troitmnnt of nil fornn of
WUVATI ! lllhKAHKH I.oMMiir.liO'ifl.UTKK I'UIIH.
iirimln In rolluvliu lliu lilnldur , MTIUUd cured
liiU t'iKrtiir ' > ' . Hkln lilnfixn. lllnrrh , iimln I lil
icc of tli Illimil , lli'iirliinil MILT li > muliili' > ciii-
ociiri'il Mllliuutliilniiiii > nli or "Incil trcjiniL'iK. "
I.ic1io froni2li > 4 cinlf. ( * oinl > tiiiui [ fur fir ulir
ch Ifiupiirtlciitiirii Jiliont uacli of tlio < il nv < ? d > > cafe * (
unit Kliuwliiinmiydf tliu moit itTinrrulilu cuiei.
Otlh-f.N. KVir ( lull nnil 1'iiiiiam Sl . , unlruuco ua
ellliuiDticct , Uuialm , Nub ,
Ll CM < lbriiMVA2 I SlirfM PUItJmiiKIAfifTflU/JlOJr
Jil < 2lrir U'fctllnir KOIC IIIUTKIM OietlK U A 4i [ ,
Dtilrlhll * * tiM > ! § t ipl l' ' l " ' pni rBiiiklU4 ( flUilff ) #
UOTM cms MiioioAL co , . uurrAuvt N , v.